path: root/tools/python/xen
diff options
authorIan Campbell <ian.campbell@citrix.com>2013-07-31 16:15:52 +0100
committerIan Campbell <ian.campbell@citrix.com>2013-08-20 15:34:15 +0100
commit4b07ff449a08de04ccebd680516a262148f177b9 (patch)
tree0d41598ace3a407883b423051db25273fe63606d /tools/python/xen
parent3d4678108a2157db6ae8c290897f67aaed14cdfa (diff)
tools: delete xsview
This was apparently a Qt xenstore viewer. It hasn't been touched since it was first committed in 2007 and I can't beleive anyone is actually using even if it still happens to work. Signed-off-by: Ian Campbell <ian.campbell@citrix.com> Reviewed-by: Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@citrix.com> Acked-by: Matt Wilson <msw@amazon.com> Acked-by: Ian Jackson <ian.jackson@eu.citrix.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/python/xen')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 178 deletions
diff --git a/tools/python/xen/xsview/__init__.py b/tools/python/xen/xsview/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
--- a/tools/python/xen/xsview/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/tools/python/xen/xsview/main.py b/tools/python/xen/xsview/main.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b8d3b411cf..0000000000
--- a/tools/python/xen/xsview/main.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-from xsviewer import *
-from qt import *
-def main(args):
- app = QApplication(args)
- mainwin = XSViewer(app)
- mainwin.show()
- app.connect(app, SIGNAL("lastWindowClosed()"),
- app, SLOT("quit()"))
- app.exec_loop()
diff --git a/tools/python/xen/xsview/xsviewer.py b/tools/python/xen/xsview/xsviewer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dbaf9813c..0000000000
--- a/tools/python/xen/xsview/xsviewer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-from qt import *
-import xen.lowlevel.xs
-class XSViewer(QMainWindow):
- def __init__(self, app):
- apply(QMainWindow.__init__, (self,))
- self.setCaption('XenStore Viewer')
- self.new_node = QAction(self, 'New Node')
- self.new_node.setText('New Node...')
- self.connect(self.new_node, SIGNAL('activated()'),
- self.do_new_node)
- self.rm_node = QAction(self, 'Remove Node')
- self.rm_node.setText('Remove Node')
- self.connect(self.rm_node, SIGNAL('activated()'),
- self.do_rm_node)
- self.refresh = QAction(self, 'Refresh')
- self.refresh.setText('Refresh')
- self.connect(self.refresh, SIGNAL('activated()'),
- self.do_refresh)
- self.file_menu = QPopupMenu(self)
- self.new_node.addTo(self.file_menu)
- self.rm_node.addTo(self.file_menu)
- self.refresh.addTo(self.file_menu)
- self.about = QAction(self, 'About')
- self.about.setText('About...')
- self.connect(self.about, SIGNAL('activated()'),
- self.do_about)
- self.help_menu = QPopupMenu(self)
- self.about.addTo(self.help_menu)
- self.menubar = QMenuBar(self)
- self.menubar.insertItem('&File', self.file_menu)
- self.menubar.insertItem('&Help', self.help_menu)
- self.vbox = QVBox(self)
- self.setCentralWidget(self.vbox)
- self.xs_tree = QListView(self.vbox)
- self.xs_tree.addColumn('Key')
- self.xs_tree.setRootIsDecorated(1)
- self.xs_tree.connect(self.xs_tree, SIGNAL('selectionChanged(QListViewItem*)'), self.showValue)
- self.info_box = QHBox(self.vbox)
- self.info_box.setMargin(2)
- self.info_box.setSpacing(2)
- self.info_label = QLabel(self.info_box)
- self.info_label.setText('Value')
- self.info = QLineEdit(self.info_box)
- self.setval = QPushButton(self.info_box)
- self.setval.setText('Set')
- self.setval.connect(self.setval, SIGNAL('clicked()'), self.setValue)
- self.xs_handle = xen.lowlevel.xs.xs()
- self.showtree()
- def showtree(self):
- xstransact = self.xs_handle.transaction_start()
- self.walktree(xstransact, '/', '/', self.xs_tree)
- self.xs_handle.transaction_end(xstransact)
- def walktree(self, trans, node, subdir_prepend, parent_widget):
- ents = self.xs_handle.ls(trans, node)
- if ents == None:
- return
- for e in ents:
- i = QListViewItem(parent_widget, e)
- i.full_path = subdir_prepend + e
- self.walktree(trans, i.full_path, i.full_path + '/', i)
- def showValue(self, item):
- trans = self.xs_handle.transaction_start()
- val = self.xs_handle.read(trans, item.full_path)
- self.info.setText(val)
- self.xs_handle.transaction_end(trans)
- def setValue(self):
- trans = self.xs_handle.transaction_start()
- item = self.xs_tree.currentItem()
- newval = str(self.info.text())
- self.xs_handle.write(trans, item.full_path, newval)
- self.xs_handle.transaction_end(trans)
- def do_refresh(self):
- self.xs_tree.clear()
- self.info.clear()
- self.showtree()
- def do_new_node(self):
- dia = QDialog(self)
- dia.setCaption('Create new node')
- vbox = QVBox(dia)
- setting_hbox = QHBox(vbox)
- path_label = QLabel(setting_hbox)
- path_label.setText('Node path')
- path = QLineEdit(setting_hbox)
- value_label = QLabel(setting_hbox)
- value_label.setText('Node value')
- val = QLineEdit(setting_hbox)
- button_hbox = QHBox(vbox)
- set = QPushButton(button_hbox)
- set.setText('Set')
- self.connect(set, SIGNAL('clicked()'), dia, SLOT('accept()'))
- cancel = QPushButton(button_hbox)
- cancel.setText('Cancel')
- self.connect(cancel, SIGNAL('clicked()'), dia, SLOT('reject()'))
- setting_hbox.adjustSize()
- button_hbox.adjustSize()
- vbox.adjustSize()
- if dia.exec_loop() == QDialog.Accepted:
- trans = self.xs_handle.transaction_start()
- self.xs_handle.write(trans, str(path.text()), str(val.text()))
- self.xs_handle.transaction_end(trans)
- self.do_refresh()
- # nothing to set.
- def do_rm_node(self):
- trans = self.xs_handle.transaction_start()
- item = self.xs_tree.currentItem()
- newval = str(self.info.text())
- self.xs_handle.rm(trans, item.full_path)
- self.xs_handle.transaction_end(trans)
- self.do_refresh()
- def do_about(self):
- about_dia = QMessageBox(self)
- about_dia.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information)
- about_dia.setCaption('About XenStore Viewer')
- about_dia.setText('XenStore Viewer\n'
- 'by Mark Williamson <mark.williamson@cl.cam.ac.uk>')
- about_dia.exec_loop()