path: root/buildconfigs/Rules.mk
diff options
authorIan Campbell <ian.campbell@xensource.com>2007-05-25 11:03:40 +0100
committerIan Campbell <ian.campbell@xensource.com>2007-05-25 11:03:40 +0100
commit7a35a3f0b5f668c9b7cdb289293977543735829d (patch)
tree918cd9544da671d782901f595d5f3fc1b887815c /buildconfigs/Rules.mk
parent4117d5c1dbca483edcc2bb1b9430f87f122d9bc4 (diff)
Factor out sparse tree makefile fragments and introduce hg-clone and
tarball methods in preparation for migrating away from the sparse tree layout. This re-introduces 14883:6568c1882af5 and 14862:98efd2e410ae plus further fixes. Also add makefile fragments to support building the paravirt ops tree (make linux-2.6-paravirt-build). Signed-off-by: Ian Campbell <ian.campbell@xensource.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'buildconfigs/Rules.mk')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/buildconfigs/Rules.mk b/buildconfigs/Rules.mk
index ae61ea0095..49ef8fe21d 100644
--- a/buildconfigs/Rules.mk
+++ b/buildconfigs/Rules.mk
@@ -3,79 +3,9 @@ include Config.mk
export DESTDIR
-# Choose the best mirror to download linux kernel
-KERNEL_REPO = http://www.kernel.org
ALLKERNELS = $(patsubst buildconfigs/mk.%,%,$(wildcard buildconfigs/mk.*))
ALLSPARSETREES = $(patsubst %-xen-sparse,%,$(wildcard *-xen-sparse))
-# Setup pristine search path
-vpath pristine-% $(PRISTINE_SRC_PATH)
-# Let XEN_TARGET_ARCH override ARCH.
-ifeq ($(XEN_TARGET_ARCH),x86_32)
-LINUX_ARCH ?= i386
-# Expand Linux series to Linux version
-LINUX_VER ?= $(shell grep "^LINUX_VER " buildconfigs/mk.linux-2.6-xen | sed -e 's/.*=[ ]*//')
-# Setup Linux search path
-vpath linux-%.tar.bz2 $(LINUX_SRC_PATH)
-vpath patch-%.bz2 $(LINUX_SRC_PATH)
-# download a pristine Linux kernel tarball if there isn't one in LINUX_SRC_PATH
-linux-%.tar.bz2: override _LINUX_VDIR = $(word 1,$(subst ., ,$*)).$(word 2,$(subst ., ,$*))
- @echo "Cannot find $@ in path $(LINUX_SRC_PATH)"
- wget $(KERNEL_REPO)/pub/linux/kernel/v$(_LINUX_VDIR)/$@ -O./$@
-patch-%.bz2: override _LINUX_VDIR = $(word 1,$(subst ., ,$(*F))).$(word 2,$(subst ., ,$(*F)))
-patch-%.bz2: override _LINUX_XDIR = $(if $(word 3,$(subst -, ,$(*F))),snapshots,testing)
- @echo "Cannot find $(@F) in path $(LINUX_SRC_PATH)"
- wget $(KERNEL_REPO)/pub/linux/kernel/v$(_LINUX_VDIR)/$(_LINUX_XDIR)/$(@F) -O./$@
-pristine-%: pristine-%/.valid-pristine
- @true
-pristine-%/.valid-pristine: %.tar.bz2
- rm -rf tmp-pristine-$* $(@D)
- mkdir -p tmp-pristine-$*
- tar -C tmp-pristine-$* -jxf $<
- -@rm -f tmp-pristine-$*/pax_global_header
- mv tmp-pristine-$*/* $(@D)
- @rm -rf tmp-pristine-$*
- touch $(@D)/.hgskip
- touch $@ # update timestamp to avoid rebuild
-PATCHDIRS := $(wildcard patches/*-*)
-ifneq ($(PATCHDIRS),)
--include $(patsubst %,%/.makedep,$(PATCHDIRS))
-$(patsubst patches/%,patches/%/.makedep,$(PATCHDIRS)): patches/%/.makedep:
- @echo 'ref-$*/.valid-ref: $$(wildcard patches/$*/*.patch)' >$@
-ref-%/.valid-ref: pristine-%/.valid-pristine
- set -e
- rm -rf $(@D)
- cp -al $(<D) $(@D)
- if [ -d patches/$* ] ; then \
- echo Applying patches from patches/$*... ; \
- for i in $$(cat patches/$*/series) ; do \
- echo ... $$i ; \
- patch -d $(@D) -p1 --quiet <patches/$*/$$i || exit 1 ; \
- done ; \
- fi
- touch $@ # update timestamp to avoid rebuild
$(MAKE) -f buildconfigs/mk.$* build
@@ -101,32 +31,13 @@ endif
$(MAKE) -f buildconfigs/mk.$* clean
-linux-2.6-xen.patch: ref-linux-$(LINUX_VER)/.valid-ref
- rm -rf tmp-$@
- cp -al $(<D) tmp-$@
- ( cd linux-2.6-xen-sparse && bash ./mkbuildtree ../tmp-$@ )
- diff -Nurp $(patsubst ref%,pristine%,$(<D)) tmp-$@ > $@ || true
- rm -rf tmp-$@
-%-xen.patch: ref-%/.valid-ref
- rm -rf tmp-$@
- cp -al $(<D) tmp-$@
- ( cd $*-xen-sparse && bash ./mkbuildtree ../tmp-$@ )
- diff -Nurp $(patsubst ref%,pristine%,$(<D)) tmp-$@ > $@ || true
- rm -rf tmp-$@
+ $(MAKE) -f buildconfigs/mk.$* $@
- $(MAKE) -f buildconfigs/mk.$*-xen mrpropper
+ $(MAKE) -f buildconfigs/mk.$*-xen mrproper
rm -rf pristine-$(*)* ref-$(*)*
rm -rf $*-xen.patch
-.PHONY: config-update-pae
-ifeq ($(XEN_TARGET_X86_PAE),y)
- sed -e 's!^CONFIG_HIGHMEM4G=y$$!\# CONFIG_HIGHMEM4G is not set!;s!^\# CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G is not set$$!CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G=y!' $(CONFIG_FILE) > $(CONFIG_FILE)- && mv $(CONFIG_FILE)- $(CONFIG_FILE)
- grep '^CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G=y' $(CONFIG_FILE) >/dev/null && ( sed -e 's!^CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G=y$$!\# CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G is not set!;s!^\# CONFIG_HIGHMEM4G is not set$$!CONFIG_HIGHMEM4G=y!' $(CONFIG_FILE) > $(CONFIG_FILE)- && mv $(CONFIG_FILE)- $(CONFIG_FILE) ) || true
# never delete any intermediate files.