diff options
authorYour Name <>2019-07-15 03:25:18 +0100
committerYour Name <>2019-07-15 03:25:18 +0100
commit6a553cdca127c717bdc44e237c7d1abb92db29e3 (patch)
parent62266f08e5b456efd4ada643b65b2dd8f0e4efa1 (diff)
first cut at sha-1
1 files changed, 409 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sha1/msauth.asm b/sha1/msauth.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f16b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sha1/msauth.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+ org $100
+ jmp test
+idx EQU $60
+rot_cnt EQU $61
+k EQU $62
+src1 EQU $63
+src2 EQU $64
+dest EQU $65
+; BYTES 60-67 are persisent RAM for our use
+; BYTES 110-435 are copied in from the EEPROM when we run
+ org $110
+;0x110 The main entry point - WRIST_MAIN
+ jmp main
+;0x113 Called when we are suspended for any reason - WRIST_SUSPEND
+ rts
+ nop
+ nop
+;0x116 Called to handle any timers or time events - WRIST_DOTIC
+ rts
+ nop
+ nop
+;0x119 Called when the COMM app starts and we have timers pending - WRIST_INCOMM
+ rts
+ nop
+ nop
+;0x11c Called when the COMM app loads new data - WRIST_NEWDATA
+ rts
+ nop
+ nop
+;0x11f The state table get routine - WRIST_GETSTATE
+ lda state_table0,X
+ rts
+;0x123 The state handler for state 0
+ jmp handle_st0_event
+;0x126 Offset of state zero into the state table
+ db state_table0 - state_table0
+hello_string: timex6 "HELLO "
+; state table
+ db 0
+ db EVT_ENTER, TIM_ONCE, 0 ; Initial state
+ db EVT_RESUME, TIM_ONCE, 0 ; Resume from a nested app
+ db EVT_DNNEXT, TIM_ONCE, 0 ; Next button
+ db EVT_MODE, TIM_ONCE, $FF ; Mode button - quit
+ db EVT_END
+; (7) This is the main initialization routine which is called when we first get the app into memory
+ lda #$c0 ; We want button beeps and to indicate that we have been loaded
+ sta $96
+ rts
+ bset 1,$8f ; Indicate that we can be suspended
+; lda BTNSTATE ; Get the event
+ jsr CLEARALL ; Clear the screen
+ lda #hello_string-start
+ jsr PUT6TOP
+ lda #SYS8_MODE ; Get the system offset for the 'MODE' string
+ jsr PUTMSGBOT ; and put it on the bottom line
+ rts
+ jsr sha1
+ stop
+ ldx #0
+ lda H,x
+ sta VA,x
+ incx
+ cpx #20
+ bne sha1_copy_h_to_ae_loop
+ lda #0
+ sta idx
+ ; a contains idx
+ cmp #20
+ bhs sha1_k2
+ lda #(K1-base)
+ sta k
+ ; T1 = (B & C) | ((~B) & D)
+ lda #(T2-base)
+ sta dest
+ lda #(VB-base)
+ sta src1
+ lda #(FFFFFFFF-base)
+ jsr xor4 ;T2=~B
+ lda #(T2-base)
+ sta src1
+ lda #(VD-base)
+ jsr and4 ;T2=T2&D
+ bra sha1_t2_or_bandc ; T1=T2 | (B&C)
+ cmp #40
+ bhs sha1_k3
+ lda #(K2-base)
+ sta k
+ bra sha1_k24 ; T1 = B ^ C ^ D
+ cmp #60
+ bhs sha1_k4
+ ; T1 = (B & C) | (B & D) | (C & D)
+ lda #(K3-base)
+ sta k
+ lda #(T1-base)
+ sta dest
+ lda #(VD-base)
+ sta src1
+ lda #(VB-base)
+ jsr and4 ; T1=B&D
+ lda #(T2-base)
+ sta dest
+ lda #(VC-base)
+ jsr and4 ; T2=C&D
+ lda #(T2-base)
+ sta src1
+ lda #(T1-base)
+ jsr or4 ; T2=T1|T2
+ lda #(T1-base)
+ sta dest
+ lda #(VB-base)
+ sta src1
+ lda #(VC-base)
+ jsr and4 ; T1 = B&C
+ lda #(T1-base)
+ sta src1
+ lda #(T2-base)
+ jsr or4 ; T1= T1|T2
+ bra sha1_shuffle
+ lda #(K4-base)
+ sta k
+ ; T1 = B ^ C ^ D
+ lda #(T1-base)
+ sta dest
+ lda #(VB-base)
+ sta src1
+ lda #(VC-base)
+ jsr xor4
+ lda #(T1-base)
+ sta src1
+ lda #(VD-base)
+ jsr xor4
+ ; T1 is src1 and dest here
+ lda #(VE-base)
+ jsr add4 ; T1=T1+E
+ lda k
+ jsr add4 ; T1=T1+k
+ ; get data here
+ lda #(ZERO-base)
+ jsr add4 ; T1=T1+data
+ lda #(VD-base)
+ jsr copy_down ; E=D
+ lda #(VC-base)
+ jsr copy_down ; D=C
+ lda #(VB-base)
+ jsr copy_down ; C=B
+ lda #30
+ jsr rot_left ; C=ROTLEFT(C,30)
+ lda #(VA-base)
+ jsr copy_down ; B=A
+ lda #(VA-base)
+ sta dest
+ sta src1
+ lda #5
+ jsr rot_left ; A=ROTLEFT(A,5)
+ lda #(T1-base)
+ jsr add4 ; A=A+T1
+ ldx #0
+ clc
+ lda VA,x
+ adc H,x
+ sta VA,x
+ incx
+ txa
+ and #3
+ bne sha1_add1
+ cpx #20
+ bne sha1_add0
+ lda idx
+ add #1
+ cmp #80
+ bhs sha1_done
+ jmp sha1_loop
+ rts
+ sta src1
+ add #4
+ sta dest
+ lda #(ZERO-base)
+ sta src2
+ lda #$d9 ; adc $ffff,a
+ sta op4_src2
+ bra op4_binary
+ sta src2
+ lda #$d4 ; and $ffff,a
+ sta op4_src2
+ bra op4_binary
+ sta src2
+ lda #$d8 ; eor $ffff,a
+ sta op4_src2
+ bra op4_binary
+ sta src2
+ lda #$da ; or $ffff,a
+ sta op4_src2
+ ldx #0
+ lda #base & $ff
+ add src2
+ sta op4_src2+2
+ txa
+ adc #base>>8
+ sta op4_src2+1
+ lda #base & $ff
+ add src1
+ sta op4_src1+2
+ txa
+ adc #base>>8
+ sta op4_src1+1
+ lda #base & $ff
+ add dest
+ sta op4_dst+2
+ txa
+ adc #base>>8
+ sta op4_dst+1
+ clc
+ lda $fffe,x
+ adc $fffe,x
+ sta $fffe,x
+ incx
+ txa
+ and #3
+ bne op4_1
+ rts
+ ldx dest
+ sta rot_cnt
+ lda base,x
+ rola
+ lda base+1,x
+ rola
+ sta base+1,x
+ lda base+2,x
+ rola
+ sta base+2,x
+ lda base+3,x
+ rola
+ sta base+3,x
+ lda base,x
+ rola
+ sta base,x
+ dec rot_cnt
+ bne rot_loop
+ rts
+H: DB $01
+ DB $23
+ DB $45
+ DB $67
+ DB $89
+ DB $AB
+ DB $CD
+ DB $EF
+ DB $FE
+ DB $DC
+ DB $BA
+ DB $98
+ DB $76
+ DB $54
+ DB $32
+ DB $10
+ DB $F0
+ DB $E1
+ DB $D2
+ DB $C3
+ DB $99
+ DB $79
+ DB $82
+ DB $5A
+ DB $A1
+ DB $EB
+ DB $D9
+ DB $6E
+ DB $DC
+ DB $BC
+ DB $1B
+ DB $8F
+ DB $D6
+ DB $C1
+ DB $62
+ DB $CA
+ DB $D0
+ DB $83
+ DB $8C
+ DB $46
+ DB $FF
+ DB $FF
+ DB $FF
+ DB $FF
+VA: DW 0
+ DW 0
+VB: DW 0
+ DW 0
+VC: DW 0
+ DW 0
+VD: DW 0
+ DW 0
+VE: DW 0
+ DW 0
+T1: DW 0
+ DW 0
+T2: DW 0
+ DW 0
+ DW 0