path: root/a2k.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'a2k.c')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/a2k.c b/a2k.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43685f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/a2k.c
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+/*** valid sym. character */
+int readline(file,dest)
+FILE *file;
+char *dest;
+ char *run=dest;
+ int zeichen='a';
+ while ((!feof(file))&&(zeichen!=EOF)&&(zeichen!='\n'))
+ {
+ zeichen=fgetc(file);
+ if ((zeichen!=EOF)&&(zeichen!='\n')) *(run++)=zeichen;
+ }
+ *run='\0';
+ return 0;
+int isblankline(line)
+char *line;
+ for (; *line!='\0'; line++) if (!isspace(*line)) return 0;
+ return 1;
+int linestartswidth(line,needle)
+char *line;
+char *needle;
+ while (isspace(*line)) line++;
+ return (strncmp(line,needle,strlen(needle))==0);
+#define BUFFERSIZE 10
+int main(argc, argv)
+int argc;
+char **argv;
+ FILE *inpfile,*outfile;
+ char lines[BUFFERSIZE][500],*p;
+ char orig[1000],dest[1000],params[1000],single[1000],save;
+ int BufferFill,start,z,flag;
+ if (argc!=3)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s <input file> <output file>\n",argv[0]);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (strcmp(argv[1],"-")==0) inpfile=stdin;
+ else inpfile=fopen(argv[1],"r");
+ if (inpfile==NULL)
+ {
+ perror(argv[1]); return 2;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(argv[2],"-")==0) outfile=stdout;
+ else outfile=fopen(argv[2],"w");
+ if (outfile==NULL)
+ {
+ perror(argv[2]); return 2;
+ }
+ BufferFill=0;
+ while (!feof(inpfile))
+ {
+ if (BUFFERSIZE==BufferFill)
+ {
+ fprintf(outfile,"%s\n",lines[0]);
+ for (z=0; z<BufferFill; z++) strcpy(lines[z],lines[z+1]);
+ BufferFill--;
+ }
+ readline(inpfile,lines[BufferFill++]);
+ /* condition for a function header:
+ 1. body begins with '{' or 'BEGIN' in first column
+ 2. header searched backward until blank, comment, or preprocessor
+ line detected */
+ if ((strcmp(lines[BufferFill-1],"BEGIN")==0)||(strcmp(lines[BufferFill-1],"{")==0))
+ {
+ for (start=BufferFill-1; start>=0; start--)
+ if (isblankline(lines[start])) break;
+ else if (*lines[start]=='#') break;
+ else if (strncmp(lines[start],"/*",2)==0) break;
+ else if (strcmp(lines[start]+strlen(lines[start])-2,"*/")==0) break;
+ start++;
+ /* found: assemble source lines into a single line */
+ for (z=start,*orig='\0'; z<=BufferFill-2; z++)
+ {
+ p=lines[z]; while (isspace(*p)) p++; strcat(orig,p);
+ if (z!=BufferFill-2) strcat(orig," ");
+ }
+ /* cut function name+prefixes: parameter list starts at first '(' */
+ p=strchr(orig,'('); *p='\0';
+ sprintf(dest,"\t%s",orig); strcat(dest,"("); strcpy(orig,p+1);
+ /* cut trailing ')' */
+ for (p=orig+strlen(orig)-1; *p!=')'; p--); *p='\0';
+ /* loop through parameters: discard 'void' entries */
+ *params=0; flag=0;
+ while (*orig!='\0')
+ {
+ p=strchr(orig,',');
+ if (p==NULL)
+ {
+ strcpy(single,orig); *orig='\0';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *p='\0'; strcpy(single,orig); strcpy(orig,p+1);
+ }
+ for (p=single; isspace(*p); p++); strcpy(single,p);
+ for (p=single+strlen(single)-1; isspace(*p); p--); p[1]='\0';
+ if (strncmp(single,"const ",6)==0) strcpy(single,single+6);
+ if (strcmp(single,"void")!=0)
+ {
+ strcat(params,single); strcat(params,";\n");
+ for (p=single+strlen(single)-1; (isalnum(*p))||(*p=='_'); p--);
+ if (flag) strcat(dest,","); strcat(dest,p+1); flag=1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* close function head */
+ strcat(dest,")");
+ /* flush contents berore header from buffer */
+ for (z=0; z<start; fprintf(outfile,"%s\n",lines[z++]));
+ /* print K&R header; don't forget opening of function body! */
+ fprintf(outfile,"%s\n%sBEGIN\n",dest,params);
+ /* flush buffer */
+ BufferFill=0;
+ }
+ /* Detect 'extern' definitions in header files */
+ else if (linestartswidth(lines[BufferFill-1],"extern "))
+ {
+ /* find opening parenthesis. if none, it's a variable definition */
+ p=strchr(lines[BufferFill-1],'(');
+ if (p!=NULL)
+ {
+ /* if next character is a '*', we have an external definition of
+ a function pointer and have to find the next '(' */
+ if (p[1]=='*') p=strchr(p+1,'(');
+ /* copy out first part, extend by ');' and write the 'prototype'.
+ flush line buffer before. */
+ save=p[1];
+ p[1]='\0'; strcpy(dest,lines[BufferFill-1]); strcat(dest,");");
+ p[1]=save;
+ for (z=0; z<BufferFill-1; fprintf(outfile,"%s\n",lines[z++]));
+ fprintf(outfile,"%s\n",dest);
+ /* discard lines until end of prototype */
+ strcpy(dest,lines[BufferFill-1]); BufferFill=0;
+ while (strcmp(dest+strlen(dest)-2,");")!=0)
+ {
+ readline(inpfile,dest);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (z=0; z<BufferFill; fprintf(outfile,"%s\n",lines[z++]));
+ fclose(inpfile); fclose(outfile);
+ return 0;
+} \ No newline at end of file