diff options
authorroot <>2016-11-23 17:50:35 +0000
committerroot <>2016-11-23 17:50:35 +0000
commitea33a46e3df260aec187a032171c6ffa9ab253aa (patch)
-rw-r--r--pic16f917.libbin0 -> 16982 bytes
4 files changed, 3992 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62c9f57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+CFLAGS=-p16f917 -mpic14 -Wl,-m
+default:${PROG} ${DIS}
+ gpdasm -p${TYPE} $< > $@ || /bin/rm -f $@
+ ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o $@ ${OBJS}
+ ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c $<
+ /bin/rm -f ${PROG} ${OBJS} *% *~ *.sym *.lst *.cod *.asm *.dis *.map
+prog: ${PROG}
+ ${OD} ${TYPE} erase
+ ${OD} ${TYPE} check
+ ${OD} ${TYPE} write ${PROG}
+ ${OD} ${TYPE} verify ${PROG}
diff --git a/main.c b/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d77d118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#undef TESTING
+#include "pic16f917.h"
+#define __16f917
+typedef unsigned int config;
+config __at 0x2007 __CONFIG = _CPD_OFF & _CP_OFF & _MCLRE_ON & _PWRTE_ON & _WDT_OFF & _HS_OSC ;
+msleep (int n)
+ int j;
+ while (n--)
+ {
+ for (j = 0; j < 255; ++j)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+sleep (int n)
+ while (n--)
+ {
+ msleep (255);
+ }
+void thing(__sfr *t,__sfr *d)
+int i;
+for (i=0;i<8;++i) {
+int c=1<<i;
+main (void)
+ //ANSEL = 0x00;
+ WPU = 0xff;
+for (;;) {
diff --git a/pic16f917.h b/pic16f917.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..048341c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pic16f917.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3886 @@
+ * This declarations of the PIC16F917 MCU.
+ *
+ * This file is part of the GNU PIC library for SDCC, originally
+ * created by Molnar Karoly <> 2012.
+ *
+ * This file is generated automatically by the, 2012-11-01 17:30:16 UTC.
+ *
+ * SDCC is licensed under the GNU Public license (GPL) v2. Note that
+ * this license covers the code to the compiler and other executables,
+ * but explicitly does not cover any code or objects generated by sdcc.
+ *
+ * For pic device libraries and header files which are derived from
+ * Microchip header (.inc) and linker script (.lkr) files Microchip
+ * requires that "The header files should state that they are only to be
+ * used with authentic Microchip devices" which makes them incompatible
+ * with the GPL. Pic device libraries and header files are located at
+ * non-free/lib and non-free/include directories respectively.
+ * Sdcc should be run with the --use-non-free command line option in
+ * order to include non-free header files and libraries.
+ *
+ * See for the latest information on sdcc.
+ */
+#ifndef __PIC16F917_H__
+#define __PIC16F917_H__
+// Register Addresses
+#define INDF_ADDR 0x0000
+#define TMR0_ADDR 0x0001
+#define PCL_ADDR 0x0002
+#define STATUS_ADDR 0x0003
+#define FSR_ADDR 0x0004
+#define PORTA_ADDR 0x0005
+#define PORTB_ADDR 0x0006
+#define PORTC_ADDR 0x0007
+#define PORTD_ADDR 0x0008
+#define PORTE_ADDR 0x0009
+#define PCLATH_ADDR 0x000A
+#define INTCON_ADDR 0x000B
+#define PIR1_ADDR 0x000C
+#define PIR2_ADDR 0x000D
+#define TMR1_ADDR 0x000E
+#define TMR1L_ADDR 0x000E
+#define TMR1H_ADDR 0x000F
+#define T1CON_ADDR 0x0010
+#define TMR2_ADDR 0x0011
+#define T2CON_ADDR 0x0012
+#define SSPBUF_ADDR 0x0013
+#define SSPCON_ADDR 0x0014
+#define CCPR1_ADDR 0x0015
+#define CCPR1L_ADDR 0x0015
+#define CCPR1H_ADDR 0x0016
+#define CCP1CON_ADDR 0x0017
+#define RCSTA_ADDR 0x0018
+#define TXREG_ADDR 0x0019
+#define RCREG_ADDR 0x001A
+#define CCPR2_ADDR 0x001B
+#define CCPR2L_ADDR 0x001B
+#define CCPR2H_ADDR 0x001C
+#define CCP2CON_ADDR 0x001D
+#define ADRESH_ADDR 0x001E
+#define ADCON0_ADDR 0x001F
+#define OPTION_REG_ADDR 0x0081
+#define TRISA_ADDR 0x0085
+#define TRISB_ADDR 0x0086
+#define TRISC_ADDR 0x0087
+#define TRISD_ADDR 0x0088
+#define TRISE_ADDR 0x0089
+#define PIE1_ADDR 0x008C
+#define PIE2_ADDR 0x008D
+#define PCON_ADDR 0x008E
+#define OSCCON_ADDR 0x008F
+#define OSCTUNE_ADDR 0x0090
+#define ANSEL_ADDR 0x0091
+#define PR2_ADDR 0x0092
+#define SSPADD_ADDR 0x0093
+#define SSPSTAT_ADDR 0x0094
+#define WPU_ADDR 0x0095
+#define WPUB_ADDR 0x0095
+#define IOC_ADDR 0x0096
+#define IOCB_ADDR 0x0096
+#define CMCON1_ADDR 0x0097
+#define TXSTA_ADDR 0x0098
+#define SPBRG_ADDR 0x0099
+#define CMCON0_ADDR 0x009C
+#define VRCON_ADDR 0x009D
+#define ADRESL_ADDR 0x009E
+#define ADCON1_ADDR 0x009F
+#define WDTCON_ADDR 0x0105
+#define LCDCON_ADDR 0x0107
+#define LCDPS_ADDR 0x0108
+#define LVDCON_ADDR 0x0109
+#define EEDATA_ADDR 0x010C
+#define EEDATL_ADDR 0x010C
+#define EEADR_ADDR 0x010D
+#define EEADRL_ADDR 0x010D
+#define EEDATH_ADDR 0x010E
+#define EEADRH_ADDR 0x010F
+#define LCDDATA0_ADDR 0x0110
+#define LCDDATA1_ADDR 0x0111
+#define LCDDATA2_ADDR 0x0112
+#define LCDDATA3_ADDR 0x0113
+#define LCDDATA4_ADDR 0x0114
+#define LCDDATA5_ADDR 0x0115
+#define LCDDATA6_ADDR 0x0116
+#define LCDDATA7_ADDR 0x0117
+#define LCDDATA8_ADDR 0x0118
+#define LCDDATA9_ADDR 0x0119
+#define LCDDATA10_ADDR 0x011A
+#define LCDDATA11_ADDR 0x011B
+#define LCDSE0_ADDR 0x011C
+#define LCDSE1_ADDR 0x011D
+#define LCDSE2_ADDR 0x011E
+#define EECON1_ADDR 0x018C
+#define EECON2_ADDR 0x018D
+#endif // #ifndef NO_ADDR_DEFINES
+// Register Definitions
+extern __at(0x0000) __sfr INDF;
+extern __at(0x0001) __sfr TMR0;
+extern __at(0x0002) __sfr PCL;
+// STATUS Bits
+extern __at(0x0003) __sfr STATUS;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned C : 1;
+ unsigned DC : 1;
+ unsigned Z : 1;
+ unsigned NOT_PD : 1;
+ unsigned NOT_TO : 1;
+ unsigned RP0 : 1;
+ unsigned RP1 : 1;
+ unsigned IRP : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 5;
+ unsigned RP : 2;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ } __STATUSbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0003) volatile __STATUSbits_t STATUSbits;
+#define _C 0x01
+#define _DC 0x02
+#define _Z 0x04
+#define _NOT_PD 0x08
+#define _NOT_TO 0x10
+#define _RP0 0x20
+#define _RP1 0x40
+#define _IRP 0x80
+extern __at(0x0004) __sfr FSR;
+// PORTA Bits
+extern __at(0x0005) __sfr PORTA;
+typedef struct
+ {
+ unsigned RA0 : 1;
+ unsigned RA1 : 1;
+ unsigned RA2 : 1;
+ unsigned RA3 : 1;
+ unsigned RA4 : 1;
+ unsigned RA5 : 1;
+ unsigned RA6 : 1;
+ unsigned RA7 : 1;
+ } __PORTAbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0005) volatile __PORTAbits_t PORTAbits;
+#define _RA0 0x01
+#define _RA1 0x02
+#define _RA2 0x04
+#define _RA3 0x08
+#define _RA4 0x10
+#define _RA5 0x20
+#define _RA6 0x40
+#define _RA7 0x80
+// PORTB Bits
+extern __at(0x0006) __sfr PORTB;
+typedef struct
+ {
+ unsigned RB0 : 1;
+ unsigned RB1 : 1;
+ unsigned RB2 : 1;
+ unsigned RB3 : 1;
+ unsigned RB4 : 1;
+ unsigned RB5 : 1;
+ unsigned RB6 : 1;
+ unsigned RB7 : 1;
+ } __PORTBbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0006) volatile __PORTBbits_t PORTBbits;
+#define _RB0 0x01
+#define _RB1 0x02
+#define _RB2 0x04
+#define _RB3 0x08
+#define _RB4 0x10
+#define _RB5 0x20
+#define _RB6 0x40
+#define _RB7 0x80
+// PORTC Bits
+extern __at(0x0007) __sfr PORTC;
+typedef struct
+ {
+ unsigned RC0 : 1;
+ unsigned RC1 : 1;
+ unsigned RC2 : 1;
+ unsigned RC3 : 1;
+ unsigned RC4 : 1;
+ unsigned RC5 : 1;
+ unsigned RC6 : 1;
+ unsigned RC7 : 1;
+ } __PORTCbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0007) volatile __PORTCbits_t PORTCbits;
+#define _RC0 0x01
+#define _RC1 0x02
+#define _RC2 0x04
+#define _RC3 0x08
+#define _RC4 0x10
+#define _RC5 0x20
+#define _RC6 0x40
+#define _RC7 0x80
+// PORTD Bits
+extern __at(0x0008) __sfr PORTD;
+typedef struct
+ {
+ unsigned RD0 : 1;
+ unsigned RD1 : 1;
+ unsigned RD2 : 1;
+ unsigned RD3 : 1;
+ unsigned RD4 : 1;
+ unsigned RD5 : 1;
+ unsigned RD6 : 1;
+ unsigned RD7 : 1;
+ } __PORTDbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0008) volatile __PORTDbits_t PORTDbits;
+#define _RD0 0x01
+#define _RD1 0x02
+#define _RD2 0x04
+#define _RD3 0x08
+#define _RD4 0x10
+#define _RD5 0x20
+#define _RD6 0x40
+#define _RD7 0x80
+// PORTE Bits
+extern __at(0x0009) __sfr PORTE;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned RE0 : 1;
+ unsigned RE1 : 1;
+ unsigned RE2 : 1;
+ unsigned RE3 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned RE : 4;
+ unsigned : 4;
+ };
+ } __PORTEbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0009) volatile __PORTEbits_t PORTEbits;
+#define _RE0 0x01
+#define _RE1 0x02
+#define _RE2 0x04
+#define _RE3 0x08
+extern __at(0x000A) __sfr PCLATH;
+// INTCON Bits
+extern __at(0x000B) __sfr INTCON;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned RBIF : 1;
+ unsigned INTF : 1;
+ unsigned TMR0IF : 1;
+ unsigned RBIE : 1;
+ unsigned INTE : 1;
+ unsigned TMR0IE : 1;
+ unsigned PEIE : 1;
+ unsigned GIE : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned T0IF : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned T0IE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ } __INTCONbits_t;
+extern __at(0x000B) volatile __INTCONbits_t INTCONbits;
+#define _RBIF 0x01
+#define _INTF 0x02
+#define _TMR0IF 0x04
+#define _T0IF 0x04
+#define _RBIE 0x08
+#define _INTE 0x10
+#define _TMR0IE 0x20
+#define _T0IE 0x20
+#define _PEIE 0x40
+#define _GIE 0x80
+// PIR1 Bits
+extern __at(0x000C) __sfr PIR1;
+typedef struct
+ {
+ unsigned TMR1IF : 1;
+ unsigned TMR2IF : 1;
+ unsigned CCP1IF : 1;
+ unsigned SSPIF : 1;
+ unsigned TXIF : 1;
+ unsigned RCIF : 1;
+ unsigned ADIF : 1;
+ unsigned EEIF : 1;
+ } __PIR1bits_t;
+extern __at(0x000C) volatile __PIR1bits_t PIR1bits;
+#define _TMR1IF 0x01
+#define _TMR2IF 0x02
+#define _CCP1IF 0x04
+#define _SSPIF 0x08
+#define _TXIF 0x10
+#define _RCIF 0x20
+#define _ADIF 0x40
+#define _EEIF 0x80
+// PIR2 Bits
+extern __at(0x000D) __sfr PIR2;
+typedef struct
+ {
+ unsigned CCP2IF : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned LVDIF : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned LCDIF : 1;
+ unsigned C1IF : 1;
+ unsigned C2IF : 1;
+ unsigned OSFIF : 1;
+ } __PIR2bits_t;
+extern __at(0x000D) volatile __PIR2bits_t PIR2bits;
+#define _CCP2IF 0x01
+#define _LVDIF 0x04
+#define _LCDIF 0x10
+#define _C1IF 0x20
+#define _C2IF 0x40
+#define _OSFIF 0x80
+extern __at(0x000E) __sfr TMR1;
+extern __at(0x000E) __sfr TMR1L;
+extern __at(0x000F) __sfr TMR1H;
+// T1CON Bits
+extern __at(0x0010) __sfr T1CON;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned TMR1ON : 1;
+ unsigned TMR1CS : 1;
+ unsigned NOT_T1SYNC : 1;
+ unsigned T1OSCEN : 1;
+ unsigned T1CKPS0 : 1;
+ unsigned T1CKPS1 : 1;
+ unsigned TMR1GE : 1;
+ unsigned T1GINV : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned T1SYNC : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned T1GE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned T1INSYNC : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 4;
+ unsigned T1CKPS : 2;
+ unsigned : 2;
+ };
+ } __T1CONbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0010) volatile __T1CONbits_t T1CONbits;
+#define _TMR1ON 0x01
+#define _TMR1CS 0x02
+#define _NOT_T1SYNC 0x04
+#define _T1SYNC 0x04
+#define _T1INSYNC 0x04
+#define _T1OSCEN 0x08
+#define _T1CKPS0 0x10
+#define _T1CKPS1 0x20
+#define _TMR1GE 0x40
+#define _T1GE 0x40
+#define _T1GINV 0x80
+extern __at(0x0011) __sfr TMR2;
+// T2CON Bits
+extern __at(0x0012) __sfr T2CON;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned T2CKPS0 : 1;
+ unsigned T2CKPS1 : 1;
+ unsigned TMR2ON : 1;
+ unsigned TOUTPS0 : 1;
+ unsigned TOUTPS1 : 1;
+ unsigned TOUTPS2 : 1;
+ unsigned TOUTPS3 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned T2CKPS : 2;
+ unsigned : 6;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 3;
+ unsigned TOUTPS : 4;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ } __T2CONbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0012) volatile __T2CONbits_t T2CONbits;
+#define _T2CKPS0 0x01
+#define _T2CKPS1 0x02
+#define _TMR2ON 0x04
+#define _TOUTPS0 0x08
+#define _TOUTPS1 0x10
+#define _TOUTPS2 0x20
+#define _TOUTPS3 0x40
+extern __at(0x0013) __sfr SSPBUF;
+// SSPCON Bits
+extern __at(0x0014) __sfr SSPCON;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SSPM0 : 1;
+ unsigned SSPM1 : 1;
+ unsigned SSPM2 : 1;
+ unsigned SSPM3 : 1;
+ unsigned CKP : 1;
+ unsigned SSPEN : 1;
+ unsigned SSPOV : 1;
+ unsigned WCOL : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SSPM : 4;
+ unsigned : 4;
+ };
+ } __SSPCONbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0014) volatile __SSPCONbits_t SSPCONbits;
+#define _SSPM0 0x01
+#define _SSPM1 0x02
+#define _SSPM2 0x04
+#define _SSPM3 0x08
+#define _CKP 0x10
+#define _SSPEN 0x20
+#define _SSPOV 0x40
+#define _WCOL 0x80
+extern __at(0x0015) __sfr CCPR1;
+extern __at(0x0015) __sfr CCPR1L;
+extern __at(0x0016) __sfr CCPR1H;
+// CCP1CON Bits
+extern __at(0x0017) __sfr CCP1CON;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned CCP1M0 : 1;
+ unsigned CCP1M1 : 1;
+ unsigned CCP1M2 : 1;
+ unsigned CCP1M3 : 1;
+ unsigned CCP1Y : 1;
+ unsigned CCP1X : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned CCP1M : 4;
+ unsigned : 4;
+ };
+ } __CCP1CONbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0017) volatile __CCP1CONbits_t CCP1CONbits;
+#define _CCP1M0 0x01
+#define _CCP1M1 0x02
+#define _CCP1M2 0x04
+#define _CCP1M3 0x08
+#define _CCP1Y 0x10
+#define _CCP1X 0x20
+// RCSTA Bits
+extern __at(0x0018) __sfr RCSTA;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned RX9D : 1;
+ unsigned OERR : 1;
+ unsigned FERR : 1;
+ unsigned ADDEN : 1;
+ unsigned CREN : 1;
+ unsigned SREN : 1;
+ unsigned RX9 : 1;
+ unsigned SPEN : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned RCD8 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned RC9 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned NOT_RC8 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned RC8_9 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ } __RCSTAbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0018) volatile __RCSTAbits_t RCSTAbits;
+#define _RX9D 0x01
+#define _RCD8 0x01
+#define _OERR 0x02
+#define _FERR 0x04
+#define _ADDEN 0x08
+#define _CREN 0x10
+#define _SREN 0x20
+#define _RX9 0x40
+#define _RC9 0x40
+#define _NOT_RC8 0x40
+#define _RC8_9 0x40
+#define _SPEN 0x80
+extern __at(0x0019) __sfr TXREG;
+extern __at(0x001A) __sfr RCREG;
+extern __at(0x001B) __sfr CCPR2;
+extern __at(0x001B) __sfr CCPR2L;
+extern __at(0x001C) __sfr CCPR2H;
+// CCP2CON Bits
+extern __at(0x001D) __sfr CCP2CON;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned CCP2M0 : 1;
+ unsigned CCP2M1 : 1;
+ unsigned CCP2M2 : 1;
+ unsigned CCP2M3 : 1;
+ unsigned CCP2Y : 1;
+ unsigned CCP2X : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned CCP2M : 4;
+ unsigned : 4;
+ };
+ } __CCP2CONbits_t;
+extern __at(0x001D) volatile __CCP2CONbits_t CCP2CONbits;
+#define _CCP2M0 0x01
+#define _CCP2M1 0x02
+#define _CCP2M2 0x04
+#define _CCP2M3 0x08
+#define _CCP2Y 0x10
+#define _CCP2X 0x20
+extern __at(0x001E) __sfr ADRESH;
+// ADCON0 Bits
+extern __at(0x001F) __sfr ADCON0;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned ADON : 1;
+ unsigned GO_NOT_DONE : 1;
+ unsigned CHS0 : 1;
+ unsigned CHS1 : 1;
+ unsigned CHS2 : 1;
+ unsigned VCFG0 : 1;
+ unsigned VCFG1 : 1;
+ unsigned ADFM : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned NOT_DONE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned GO_DONE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned GO : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 2;
+ unsigned CHS : 3;
+ unsigned : 3;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 5;
+ unsigned VCFG : 2;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ } __ADCON0bits_t;
+extern __at(0x001F) volatile __ADCON0bits_t ADCON0bits;
+#define _ADON 0x01
+#define _GO_NOT_DONE 0x02
+#define _NOT_DONE 0x02
+#define _GO_DONE 0x02
+#define _GO 0x02
+#define _CHS0 0x04
+#define _CHS1 0x08
+#define _CHS2 0x10
+#define _VCFG0 0x20
+#define _VCFG1 0x40
+#define _ADFM 0x80
+extern __at(0x0081) __sfr OPTION_REG;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned PS0 : 1;
+ unsigned PS1 : 1;
+ unsigned PS2 : 1;
+ unsigned PSA : 1;
+ unsigned T0SE : 1;
+ unsigned T0CS : 1;
+ unsigned INTEDG : 1;
+ unsigned NOT_RBPU : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned PS : 3;
+ unsigned : 5;
+ };
+ } __OPTION_REGbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0081) volatile __OPTION_REGbits_t OPTION_REGbits;
+#define _PS0 0x01
+#define _PS1 0x02
+#define _PS2 0x04
+#define _PSA 0x08
+#define _T0SE 0x10
+#define _T0CS 0x20
+#define _INTEDG 0x40
+#define _NOT_RBPU 0x80
+// TRISA Bits
+extern __at(0x0085) __sfr TRISA;
+typedef struct
+ {
+ unsigned TRISA0 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA1 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA2 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA3 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA4 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA5 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA6 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISA7 : 1;
+ } __TRISAbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0085) volatile __TRISAbits_t TRISAbits;
+#define _TRISA0 0x01
+#define _TRISA1 0x02
+#define _TRISA2 0x04
+#define _TRISA3 0x08
+#define _TRISA4 0x10
+#define _TRISA5 0x20
+#define _TRISA6 0x40
+#define _TRISA7 0x80
+// TRISB Bits
+extern __at(0x0086) __sfr TRISB;
+typedef struct
+ {
+ unsigned TRISB0 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB1 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB2 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB3 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB4 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB5 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB6 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISB7 : 1;
+ } __TRISBbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0086) volatile __TRISBbits_t TRISBbits;
+#define _TRISB0 0x01
+#define _TRISB1 0x02
+#define _TRISB2 0x04
+#define _TRISB3 0x08
+#define _TRISB4 0x10
+#define _TRISB5 0x20
+#define _TRISB6 0x40
+#define _TRISB7 0x80
+// TRISC Bits
+extern __at(0x0087) __sfr TRISC;
+typedef struct
+ {
+ unsigned TRISC0 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC1 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC2 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC3 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC4 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC5 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC6 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISC7 : 1;
+ } __TRISCbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0087) volatile __TRISCbits_t TRISCbits;
+#define _TRISC0 0x01
+#define _TRISC1 0x02
+#define _TRISC2 0x04
+#define _TRISC3 0x08
+#define _TRISC4 0x10
+#define _TRISC5 0x20
+#define _TRISC6 0x40
+#define _TRISC7 0x80
+// TRISD Bits
+extern __at(0x0088) __sfr TRISD;
+typedef struct
+ {
+ unsigned TRISD0 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD1 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD2 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD3 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD4 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD5 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD6 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISD7 : 1;
+ } __TRISDbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0088) volatile __TRISDbits_t TRISDbits;
+#define _TRISD0 0x01
+#define _TRISD1 0x02
+#define _TRISD2 0x04
+#define _TRISD3 0x08
+#define _TRISD4 0x10
+#define _TRISD5 0x20
+#define _TRISD6 0x40
+#define _TRISD7 0x80
+// TRISE Bits
+extern __at(0x0089) __sfr TRISE;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned TRISE0 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISE1 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISE2 : 1;
+ unsigned TRISE3 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned TRISE : 4;
+ unsigned : 4;
+ };
+ } __TRISEbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0089) volatile __TRISEbits_t TRISEbits;
+#define _TRISE0 0x01
+#define _TRISE1 0x02
+#define _TRISE2 0x04
+#define _TRISE3 0x08
+// PIE1 Bits
+extern __at(0x008C) __sfr PIE1;
+typedef struct
+ {
+ unsigned TMR1IE : 1;
+ unsigned TMR2IE : 1;
+ unsigned CCP1IE : 1;
+ unsigned SSPIE : 1;
+ unsigned TXIE : 1;
+ unsigned RCIE : 1;
+ unsigned ADIE : 1;
+ unsigned EEIE : 1;
+ } __PIE1bits_t;
+extern __at(0x008C) volatile __PIE1bits_t PIE1bits;
+#define _TMR1IE 0x01
+#define _TMR2IE 0x02
+#define _CCP1IE 0x04
+#define _SSPIE 0x08
+#define _TXIE 0x10
+#define _RCIE 0x20
+#define _ADIE 0x40
+#define _EEIE 0x80
+// PIE2 Bits
+extern __at(0x008D) __sfr PIE2;
+typedef struct
+ {
+ unsigned CCP2IE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned LVDIE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned LCDIE : 1;
+ unsigned C1IE : 1;
+ unsigned C2IE : 1;
+ unsigned OSFIE : 1;
+ } __PIE2bits_t;
+extern __at(0x008D) volatile __PIE2bits_t PIE2bits;
+#define _CCP2IE 0x01
+#define _LVDIE 0x04
+#define _LCDIE 0x10
+#define _C1IE 0x20
+#define _C2IE 0x40
+#define _OSFIE 0x80
+// PCON Bits
+extern __at(0x008E) __sfr PCON;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned NOT_BOR : 1;
+ unsigned NOT_POR : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned SBOREN : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned NOT_BO : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ } __PCONbits_t;
+extern __at(0x008E) volatile __PCONbits_t PCONbits;
+#define _NOT_BOR 0x01
+#define _NOT_BO 0x01
+#define _NOT_POR 0x02
+#define _SBOREN 0x10
+// OSCCON Bits
+extern __at(0x008F) __sfr OSCCON;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SCS : 1;
+ unsigned LTS : 1;
+ unsigned HTS : 1;
+ unsigned OSTS : 1;
+ unsigned IRCF0 : 1;
+ unsigned IRCF1 : 1;
+ unsigned IRCF2 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 4;
+ unsigned IRCF : 3;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ } __OSCCONbits_t;
+extern __at(0x008F) volatile __OSCCONbits_t OSCCONbits;
+#define _SCS 0x01
+#define _LTS 0x02
+#define _HTS 0x04
+#define _OSTS 0x08
+#define _IRCF0 0x10
+#define _IRCF1 0x20
+#define _IRCF2 0x40
+// OSCTUNE Bits
+extern __at(0x0090) __sfr OSCTUNE;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned TUN0 : 1;
+ unsigned TUN1 : 1;
+ unsigned TUN2 : 1;
+ unsigned TUN3 : 1;
+ unsigned TUN4 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned TUN : 5;
+ unsigned : 3;
+ };
+ } __OSCTUNEbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0090) volatile __OSCTUNEbits_t OSCTUNEbits;
+#define _TUN0 0x01
+#define _TUN1 0x02
+#define _TUN2 0x04
+#define _TUN3 0x08
+#define _TUN4 0x10
+// ANSEL Bits
+extern __at(0x0091) __sfr ANSEL;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned ANS0 : 1;
+ unsigned ANS1 : 1;
+ unsigned ANS2 : 1;
+ unsigned ANS3 : 1;
+ unsigned ANS4 : 1;
+ unsigned ANS5 : 1;
+ unsigned ANS6 : 1;
+ unsigned ANS7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned AN0 : 1;
+ unsigned AN1 : 1;
+ unsigned AN2 : 1;
+ unsigned AN3 : 1;
+ unsigned AN4 : 1;
+ unsigned AN5 : 1;
+ unsigned AN6 : 1;
+ unsigned AN7 : 1;
+ };
+ } __ANSELbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0091) volatile __ANSELbits_t ANSELbits;
+#define _ANS0 0x01
+#define _AN0 0x01
+#define _ANS1 0x02
+#define _AN1 0x02
+#define _ANS2 0x04
+#define _AN2 0x04
+#define _ANS3 0x08
+#define _AN3 0x08
+#define _ANS4 0x10
+#define _AN4 0x10
+#define _ANS5 0x20
+#define _AN5 0x20
+#define _ANS6 0x40
+#define _AN6 0x40
+#define _ANS7 0x80
+#define _AN7 0x80
+extern __at(0x0092) __sfr PR2;
+extern __at(0x0093) __sfr SSPADD;
+// SSPSTAT Bits
+extern __at(0x0094) __sfr SSPSTAT;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned BF : 1;
+ unsigned UA : 1;
+ unsigned R_NOT_W : 1;
+ unsigned S : 1;
+ unsigned P : 1;
+ unsigned D_NOT_A : 1;
+ unsigned CKE : 1;
+ unsigned SMP : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned R : 1;
+ unsigned I2C_START : 1;
+ unsigned I2C_STOP : 1;
+ unsigned D : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned I2C_READ : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned I2C_DATA : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned NOT_W : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned NOT_A : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned NOT_WRITE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned NOT_ADDRESS : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned R_W : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned D_A : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned READ_WRITE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned DATA_ADDRESS : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ } __SSPSTATbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0094) volatile __SSPSTATbits_t SSPSTATbits;
+#define _BF 0x01
+#define _UA 0x02
+#define _R_NOT_W 0x04
+#define _R 0x04
+#define _I2C_READ 0x04
+#define _NOT_W 0x04
+#define _NOT_WRITE 0x04
+#define _R_W 0x04
+#define _READ_WRITE 0x04
+#define _S 0x08
+#define _I2C_START 0x08
+#define _P 0x10
+#define _I2C_STOP 0x10
+#define _D_NOT_A 0x20
+#define _D 0x20
+#define _I2C_DATA 0x20
+#define _NOT_A 0x20
+#define _NOT_ADDRESS 0x20
+#define _D_A 0x20
+#define _DATA_ADDRESS 0x20
+#define _CKE 0x40
+#define _SMP 0x80
+// WPU Bits
+extern __at(0x0095) __sfr WPU;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned WPUB0 : 1;
+ unsigned WPUB1 : 1;
+ unsigned WPUB2 : 1;
+ unsigned WPUB3 : 1;
+ unsigned WPUB4 : 1;
+ unsigned WPUB5 : 1;
+ unsigned WPUB6 : 1;
+ unsigned WPUB7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned WPU0 : 1;
+ unsigned WPU1 : 1;
+ unsigned WPU2 : 1;
+ unsigned WPU3 : 1;
+ unsigned WPU4 : 1;
+ unsigned WPU5 : 1;
+ unsigned WPU6 : 1;
+ unsigned WPU7 : 1;
+ };
+ } __WPUbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0095) volatile __WPUbits_t WPUbits;
+#define _WPUB0 0x01
+#define _WPU0 0x01
+#define _WPUB1 0x02
+#define _WPU1 0x02
+#define _WPUB2 0x04
+#define _WPU2 0x04
+#define _WPUB3 0x08
+#define _WPU3 0x08
+#define _WPUB4 0x10
+#define _WPU4 0x10
+#define _WPUB5 0x20
+#define _WPU5 0x20
+#define _WPUB6 0x40
+#define _WPU6 0x40
+#define _WPUB7 0x80
+#define _WPU7 0x80
+// WPUB Bits
+extern __at(0x0095) __sfr WPUB;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned WPUB0 : 1;
+ unsigned WPUB1 : 1;
+ unsigned WPUB2 : 1;
+ unsigned WPUB3 : 1;
+ unsigned WPUB4 : 1;
+ unsigned WPUB5 : 1;
+ unsigned WPUB6 : 1;
+ unsigned WPUB7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned WPU0 : 1;
+ unsigned WPU1 : 1;
+ unsigned WPU2 : 1;
+ unsigned WPU3 : 1;
+ unsigned WPU4 : 1;
+ unsigned WPU5 : 1;
+ unsigned WPU6 : 1;
+ unsigned WPU7 : 1;
+ };
+ } __WPUBbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0095) volatile __WPUBbits_t WPUBbits;
+#define _WPUB_WPUB0 0x01
+#define _WPUB_WPU0 0x01
+#define _WPUB_WPUB1 0x02
+#define _WPUB_WPU1 0x02
+#define _WPUB_WPUB2 0x04
+#define _WPUB_WPU2 0x04
+#define _WPUB_WPUB3 0x08
+#define _WPUB_WPU3 0x08
+#define _WPUB_WPUB4 0x10
+#define _WPUB_WPU4 0x10
+#define _WPUB_WPUB5 0x20
+#define _WPUB_WPU5 0x20
+#define _WPUB_WPUB6 0x40
+#define _WPUB_WPU6 0x40
+#define _WPUB_WPUB7 0x80
+#define _WPUB_WPU7 0x80
+// IOC Bits
+extern __at(0x0096) __sfr IOC;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned IOCB4 : 1;
+ unsigned IOCB5 : 1;
+ unsigned IOCB6 : 1;
+ unsigned IOCB7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned IOC4 : 1;
+ unsigned IOC5 : 1;
+ unsigned IOC6 : 1;
+ unsigned IOC7 : 1;
+ };
+ } __IOCbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0096) volatile __IOCbits_t IOCbits;
+#define _IOCB4 0x10
+#define _IOC4 0x10
+#define _IOCB5 0x20
+#define _IOC5 0x20
+#define _IOCB6 0x40
+#define _IOC6 0x40
+#define _IOCB7 0x80
+#define _IOC7 0x80
+// IOCB Bits
+extern __at(0x0096) __sfr IOCB;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned IOCB4 : 1;
+ unsigned IOCB5 : 1;
+ unsigned IOCB6 : 1;
+ unsigned IOCB7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned IOC4 : 1;
+ unsigned IOC5 : 1;
+ unsigned IOC6 : 1;
+ unsigned IOC7 : 1;
+ };
+ } __IOCBbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0096) volatile __IOCBbits_t IOCBbits;
+#define _IOCB_IOCB4 0x10
+#define _IOCB_IOC4 0x10
+#define _IOCB_IOCB5 0x20
+#define _IOCB_IOC5 0x20
+#define _IOCB_IOCB6 0x40
+#define _IOCB_IOC6 0x40
+#define _IOCB_IOCB7 0x80
+#define _IOCB_IOC7 0x80
+// CMCON1 Bits
+extern __at(0x0097) __sfr CMCON1;
+typedef struct
+ {
+ unsigned C2SYNC : 1;
+ unsigned T1GSS : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ } __CMCON1bits_t;
+extern __at(0x0097) volatile __CMCON1bits_t CMCON1bits;
+#define _C2SYNC 0x01
+#define _T1GSS 0x02
+// TXSTA Bits
+extern __at(0x0098) __sfr TXSTA;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned TX9D : 1;
+ unsigned TRMT : 1;
+ unsigned BRGH : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned SYNC : 1;
+ unsigned TXEN : 1;
+ unsigned TX9 : 1;
+ unsigned CSRC : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned TXD8 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned NOT_TX8 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned TX8_9 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ } __TXSTAbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0098) volatile __TXSTAbits_t TXSTAbits;
+#define _TX9D 0x01
+#define _TXD8 0x01
+#define _TRMT 0x02
+#define _BRGH 0x04
+#define _SYNC 0x10
+#define _TXEN 0x20
+#define _TX9 0x40
+#define _NOT_TX8 0x40
+#define _TX8_9 0x40
+#define _CSRC 0x80
+extern __at(0x0099) __sfr SPBRG;
+// CMCON0 Bits
+extern __at(0x009C) __sfr CMCON0;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned CM0 : 1;
+ unsigned CM1 : 1;
+ unsigned CM2 : 1;
+ unsigned CIS : 1;
+ unsigned C1INV : 1;
+ unsigned C2INV : 1;
+ unsigned C1OUT : 1;
+ unsigned C2OUT : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned CM : 3;
+ unsigned : 5;
+ };
+ } __CMCON0bits_t;
+extern __at(0x009C) volatile __CMCON0bits_t CMCON0bits;
+#define _CM0 0x01
+#define _CM1 0x02
+#define _CM2 0x04
+#define _CIS 0x08
+#define _C1INV 0x10
+#define _C2INV 0x20
+#define _C1OUT 0x40
+#define _C2OUT 0x80
+// VRCON Bits
+extern __at(0x009D) __sfr VRCON;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned VR0 : 1;
+ unsigned VR1 : 1;
+ unsigned VR2 : 1;
+ unsigned VR3 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned VRR : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned VREN : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned VR : 4;
+ unsigned : 4;
+ };
+ } __VRCONbits_t;
+extern __at(0x009D) volatile __VRCONbits_t VRCONbits;
+#define _VR0 0x01
+#define _VR1 0x02
+#define _VR2 0x04
+#define _VR3 0x08
+#define _VRR 0x20
+#define _VREN 0x80
+extern __at(0x009E) __sfr ADRESL;
+// ADCON1 Bits
+extern __at(0x009F) __sfr ADCON1;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned ADCS0 : 1;
+ unsigned ADCS1 : 1;
+ unsigned ADCS2 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 4;
+ unsigned ADCS : 3;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ } __ADCON1bits_t;
+extern __at(0x009F) volatile __ADCON1bits_t ADCON1bits;
+#define _ADCS0 0x10
+#define _ADCS1 0x20
+#define _ADCS2 0x40
+// WDTCON Bits
+extern __at(0x0105) __sfr WDTCON;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SWDTEN : 1;
+ unsigned WDTPS0 : 1;
+ unsigned WDTPS1 : 1;
+ unsigned WDTPS2 : 1;
+ unsigned WDTPS3 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SWDTE : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned WDTPS : 4;
+ unsigned : 3;
+ };
+ } __WDTCONbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0105) volatile __WDTCONbits_t WDTCONbits;
+#define _SWDTEN 0x01
+#define _SWDTE 0x01
+#define _WDTPS0 0x02
+#define _WDTPS1 0x04
+#define _WDTPS2 0x08
+#define _WDTPS3 0x10
+// LCDCON Bits
+extern __at(0x0107) __sfr LCDCON;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned LMUX0 : 1;
+ unsigned LMUX1 : 1;
+ unsigned CS0 : 1;
+ unsigned CS1 : 1;
+ unsigned VLCDEN : 1;
+ unsigned WERR : 1;
+ unsigned SLPEN : 1;
+ unsigned LCDEN : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned LMUX : 2;
+ unsigned : 6;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned : 2;
+ unsigned CS : 2;
+ unsigned : 4;
+ };
+ } __LCDCONbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0107) volatile __LCDCONbits_t LCDCONbits;
+#define _LMUX0 0x01
+#define _LMUX1 0x02
+#define _CS0 0x04
+#define _CS1 0x08
+#define _VLCDEN 0x10
+#define _WERR 0x20
+#define _SLPEN 0x40
+#define _LCDEN 0x80
+// LCDPS Bits
+extern __at(0x0108) __sfr LCDPS;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned LP0 : 1;
+ unsigned LP1 : 1;
+ unsigned LP2 : 1;
+ unsigned LP3 : 1;
+ unsigned WA : 1;
+ unsigned LCDA : 1;
+ unsigned BIASMD : 1;
+ unsigned WFT : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned LP : 4;
+ unsigned : 4;
+ };
+ } __LCDPSbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0108) volatile __LCDPSbits_t LCDPSbits;
+#define _LP0 0x01
+#define _LP1 0x02
+#define _LP2 0x04
+#define _LP3 0x08
+#define _WA 0x10
+#define _LCDA 0x20
+#define _BIASMD 0x40
+#define _WFT 0x80
+// LVDCON Bits
+extern __at(0x0109) __sfr LVDCON;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned LVDL0 : 1;
+ unsigned LVDL1 : 1;
+ unsigned LVDL2 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned LVDEN : 1;
+ unsigned IRVST : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned LVDL : 3;
+ unsigned : 5;
+ };
+ } __LVDCONbits_t;
+extern __at(0x0109) volatile __LVDCONbits_t LVDCONbits;
+#define _LVDL0 0x01
+#define _LVDL1 0x02
+#define _LVDL2 0x04
+#define _LVDEN 0x10
+#define _IRVST 0x20
+// EEDATA Bits
+extern __at(0x010C) __sfr EEDATA;
+typedef struct
+ {
+ unsigned EEDATL0 : 1;
+ unsigned EEDATL1 : 1;
+ unsigned EEDATL2 : 1;
+ unsigned EEDATL3 : 1;
+ unsigned EEDATL4 : 1;
+ unsigned EEDATL5 : 1;
+ unsigned EEDATL6 : 1;
+ unsigned EEDATL7 : 1;
+ } __EEDATAbits_t;
+extern __at(0x010C) volatile __EEDATAbits_t EEDATAbits;
+#define _EEDATL0 0x01
+#define _EEDATL1 0x02
+#define _EEDATL2 0x04
+#define _EEDATL3 0x08
+#define _EEDATL4 0x10
+#define _EEDATL5 0x20
+#define _EEDATL6 0x40
+#define _EEDATL7 0x80
+// EEDATL Bits
+extern __at(0x010C) __sfr EEDATL;
+typedef struct
+ {
+ unsigned EEDATL0 : 1;
+ unsigned EEDATL1 : 1;
+ unsigned EEDATL2 : 1;
+ unsigned EEDATL3 : 1;
+ unsigned EEDATL4 : 1;
+ unsigned EEDATL5 : 1;
+ unsigned EEDATL6 : 1;
+ unsigned EEDATL7 : 1;
+ } __EEDATLbits_t;
+extern __at(0x010C) volatile __EEDATLbits_t EEDATLbits;
+#define _EEDATL_EEDATL0 0x01
+#define _EEDATL_EEDATL1 0x02
+#define _EEDATL_EEDATL2 0x04
+#define _EEDATL_EEDATL3 0x08
+#define _EEDATL_EEDATL4 0x10
+#define _EEDATL_EEDATL5 0x20
+#define _EEDATL_EEDATL6 0x40
+#define _EEDATL_EEDATL7 0x80
+// EEADR Bits
+extern __at(0x010D) __sfr EEADR;
+typedef struct
+ {
+ unsigned EEADRL0 : 1;
+ unsigned EEADRL1 : 1;
+ unsigned EEADRL2 : 1;
+ unsigned EEADRL3 : 1;
+ unsigned EEADRL4 : 1;
+ unsigned EEADRL5 : 1;
+ unsigned EEADRL6 : 1;
+ unsigned EEADRL7 : 1;
+ } __EEADRbits_t;
+extern __at(0x010D) volatile __EEADRbits_t EEADRbits;
+#define _EEADRL0 0x01
+#define _EEADRL1 0x02
+#define _EEADRL2 0x04
+#define _EEADRL3 0x08
+#define _EEADRL4 0x10
+#define _EEADRL5 0x20
+#define _EEADRL6 0x40
+#define _EEADRL7 0x80
+// EEADRL Bits
+extern __at(0x010D) __sfr EEADRL;
+typedef struct
+ {
+ unsigned EEADRL0 : 1;
+ unsigned EEADRL1 : 1;
+ unsigned EEADRL2 : 1;
+ unsigned EEADRL3 : 1;
+ unsigned EEADRL4 : 1;
+ unsigned EEADRL5 : 1;
+ unsigned EEADRL6 : 1;
+ unsigned EEADRL7 : 1;
+ } __EEADRLbits_t;
+extern __at(0x010D) volatile __EEADRLbits_t EEADRLbits;
+#define _EEADRL_EEADRL0 0x01
+#define _EEADRL_EEADRL1 0x02
+#define _EEADRL_EEADRL2 0x04
+#define _EEADRL_EEADRL3 0x08
+#define _EEADRL_EEADRL4 0x10
+#define _EEADRL_EEADRL5 0x20
+#define _EEADRL_EEADRL6 0x40
+#define _EEADRL_EEADRL7 0x80
+// EEDATH Bits
+extern __at(0x010E) __sfr EEDATH;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned EEDATH0 : 1;
+ unsigned EEDATH1 : 1;
+ unsigned EEDATH2 : 1;
+ unsigned EEDATH3 : 1;
+ unsigned EEDATH4 : 1;
+ unsigned EEDATH5 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned EEDATH : 6;
+ unsigned : 2;
+ };
+ } __EEDATHbits_t;
+extern __at(0x010E) volatile __EEDATHbits_t EEDATHbits;
+#define _EEDATH0 0x01
+#define _EEDATH1 0x02
+#define _EEDATH2 0x04
+#define _EEDATH3 0x08
+#define _EEDATH4 0x10
+#define _EEDATH5 0x20
+// EEADRH Bits
+extern __at(0x010F) __sfr EEADRH;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned EEADRH0 : 1;
+ unsigned EEADRH1 : 1;
+ unsigned EEADRH2 : 1;
+ unsigned EEADRH3 : 1;
+ unsigned EEADRH4 : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned EEADRH : 5;
+ unsigned : 3;
+ };
+ } __EEADRHbits_t;
+extern __at(0x010F) volatile __EEADRHbits_t EEADRHbits;
+#define _EEADRH0 0x01
+#define _EEADRH1 0x02
+#define _EEADRH2 0x04
+#define _EEADRH3 0x08
+#define _EEADRH4 0x10
+// LCDDATA0 Bits
+extern __at(0x0110) __sfr LCDDATA0;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG4 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG5 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG6 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG0COM0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG1COM0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG2COM0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG3COM0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG4COM0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG5COM0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG6COM0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG7COM0 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned S0C0 : 1;
+ unsigned S1C0 : 1;
+ unsigned S2C0 : 1;
+ unsigned S3C0 : 1;
+ unsigned S4C0 : 1;
+ unsigned S5C0 : 1;
+ unsigned S6C0 : 1;
+ unsigned S7C0 : 1;
+ };
+ } __LCDDATA0bits_t;
+extern __at(0x0110) volatile __LCDDATA0bits_t LCDDATA0bits;
+#define _SEG0 0x01
+#define _SEG0COM0 0x01
+#define _S0C0 0x01
+#define _SEG1 0x02
+#define _SEG1COM0 0x02
+#define _S1C0 0x02
+#define _SEG2 0x04
+#define _SEG2COM0 0x04
+#define _S2C0 0x04
+#define _SEG3 0x08
+#define _SEG3COM0 0x08
+#define _S3C0 0x08
+#define _SEG4 0x10
+#define _SEG4COM0 0x10
+#define _S4C0 0x10
+#define _SEG5 0x20
+#define _SEG5COM0 0x20
+#define _S5C0 0x20
+#define _SEG6 0x40
+#define _SEG6COM0 0x40
+#define _S6C0 0x40
+#define _SEG7 0x80
+#define _SEG7COM0 0x80
+#define _S7C0 0x80
+// LCDDATA1 Bits
+extern __at(0x0111) __sfr LCDDATA1;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG8 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG9 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG10 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG11 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG12 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG13 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG14 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG15 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG8COM0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG9COM0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG10COM0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG11COM0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG12COM0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG13COM0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG14COM0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG15COM0 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned S8C0 : 1;
+ unsigned S9C0 : 1;
+ unsigned S10C0 : 1;
+ unsigned S11C0 : 1;
+ unsigned S12C0 : 1;
+ unsigned S13C0 : 1;
+ unsigned S14C0 : 1;
+ unsigned S15C0 : 1;
+ };
+ } __LCDDATA1bits_t;
+extern __at(0x0111) volatile __LCDDATA1bits_t LCDDATA1bits;
+#define _SEG8 0x01
+#define _SEG8COM0 0x01
+#define _S8C0 0x01
+#define _SEG9 0x02
+#define _SEG9COM0 0x02
+#define _S9C0 0x02
+#define _SEG10 0x04
+#define _SEG10COM0 0x04
+#define _S10C0 0x04
+#define _SEG11 0x08
+#define _SEG11COM0 0x08
+#define _S11C0 0x08
+#define _SEG12 0x10
+#define _SEG12COM0 0x10
+#define _S12C0 0x10
+#define _SEG13 0x20
+#define _SEG13COM0 0x20
+#define _S13C0 0x20
+#define _SEG14 0x40
+#define _SEG14COM0 0x40
+#define _S14C0 0x40
+#define _SEG15 0x80
+#define _SEG15COM0 0x80
+#define _S15C0 0x80
+// LCDDATA2 Bits
+extern __at(0x0112) __sfr LCDDATA2;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG16 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG17 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG18 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG19 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG20 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG21 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG22 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG23 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG16COM0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG17COM0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG18COM0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG19COM0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG20COM0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG21COM0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG22COM0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG23COM0 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned S16C0 : 1;
+ unsigned S17C0 : 1;
+ unsigned S18C0 : 1;
+ unsigned S19C0 : 1;
+ unsigned S20C0 : 1;
+ unsigned S21C0 : 1;
+ unsigned S22C0 : 1;
+ unsigned S23C0 : 1;
+ };
+ } __LCDDATA2bits_t;
+extern __at(0x0112) volatile __LCDDATA2bits_t LCDDATA2bits;
+#define _SEG16 0x01
+#define _SEG16COM0 0x01
+#define _S16C0 0x01
+#define _SEG17 0x02
+#define _SEG17COM0 0x02
+#define _S17C0 0x02
+#define _SEG18 0x04
+#define _SEG18COM0 0x04
+#define _S18C0 0x04
+#define _SEG19 0x08
+#define _SEG19COM0 0x08
+#define _S19C0 0x08
+#define _SEG20 0x10
+#define _SEG20COM0 0x10
+#define _S20C0 0x10
+#define _SEG21 0x20
+#define _SEG21COM0 0x20
+#define _S21C0 0x20
+#define _SEG22 0x40
+#define _SEG22COM0 0x40
+#define _S22C0 0x40
+#define _SEG23 0x80
+#define _SEG23COM0 0x80
+#define _S23C0 0x80
+// LCDDATA3 Bits
+extern __at(0x0113) __sfr LCDDATA3;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG4 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG5 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG6 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG0COM1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG1COM1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG2COM1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG3COM1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG4COM1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG5COM1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG6COM1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG7COM1 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned S0C1 : 1;
+ unsigned S1C1 : 1;
+ unsigned S2C1 : 1;
+ unsigned S3C1 : 1;
+ unsigned S4C1 : 1;
+ unsigned S5C1 : 1;
+ unsigned S6C1 : 1;
+ unsigned S7C1 : 1;
+ };
+ } __LCDDATA3bits_t;
+extern __at(0x0113) volatile __LCDDATA3bits_t LCDDATA3bits;
+#define _LCDDATA3_SEG0 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA3_SEG0COM1 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA3_S0C1 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA3_SEG1 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA3_SEG1COM1 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA3_S1C1 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA3_SEG2 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA3_SEG2COM1 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA3_S2C1 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA3_SEG3 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA3_SEG3COM1 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA3_S3C1 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA3_SEG4 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA3_SEG4COM1 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA3_S4C1 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA3_SEG5 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA3_SEG5COM1 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA3_S5C1 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA3_SEG6 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA3_SEG6COM1 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA3_S6C1 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA3_SEG7 0x80
+#define _LCDDATA3_SEG7COM1 0x80
+#define _LCDDATA3_S7C1 0x80
+// LCDDATA4 Bits
+extern __at(0x0114) __sfr LCDDATA4;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG8 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG9 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG10 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG11 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG12 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG13 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG14 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG15 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG8COM1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG9COM1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG10COM1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG11COM1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG12COM1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG13COM1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG14COM1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG15COM1 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned S8C1 : 1;
+ unsigned S9C1 : 1;
+ unsigned S10C1 : 1;
+ unsigned S11C1 : 1;
+ unsigned S12C1 : 1;
+ unsigned S13C1 : 1;
+ unsigned S14C1 : 1;
+ unsigned S15C1 : 1;
+ };
+ } __LCDDATA4bits_t;
+extern __at(0x0114) volatile __LCDDATA4bits_t LCDDATA4bits;
+#define _LCDDATA4_SEG8 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA4_SEG8COM1 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA4_S8C1 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA4_SEG9 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA4_SEG9COM1 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA4_S9C1 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA4_SEG10 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA4_SEG10COM1 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA4_S10C1 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA4_SEG11 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA4_SEG11COM1 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA4_S11C1 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA4_SEG12 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA4_SEG12COM1 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA4_S12C1 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA4_SEG13 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA4_SEG13COM1 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA4_S13C1 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA4_SEG14 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA4_SEG14COM1 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA4_S14C1 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA4_SEG15 0x80
+#define _LCDDATA4_SEG15COM1 0x80
+#define _LCDDATA4_S15C1 0x80
+// LCDDATA5 Bits
+extern __at(0x0115) __sfr LCDDATA5;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG16 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG17 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG18 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG19 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG20 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG21 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG22 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG23 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG16COM1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG17COM1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG18COM1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG19COM1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG20COM1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG21COM1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG22COM1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG23COM1 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned S16C1 : 1;
+ unsigned S17C1 : 1;
+ unsigned S18C1 : 1;
+ unsigned S19C1 : 1;
+ unsigned S20C1 : 1;
+ unsigned S21C1 : 1;
+ unsigned S22C1 : 1;
+ unsigned S23C1 : 1;
+ };
+ } __LCDDATA5bits_t;
+extern __at(0x0115) volatile __LCDDATA5bits_t LCDDATA5bits;
+#define _LCDDATA5_SEG16 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA5_SEG16COM1 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA5_S16C1 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA5_SEG17 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA5_SEG17COM1 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA5_S17C1 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA5_SEG18 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA5_SEG18COM1 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA5_S18C1 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA5_SEG19 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA5_SEG19COM1 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA5_S19C1 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA5_SEG20 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA5_SEG20COM1 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA5_S20C1 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA5_SEG21 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA5_SEG21COM1 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA5_S21C1 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA5_SEG22 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA5_SEG22COM1 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA5_S22C1 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA5_SEG23 0x80
+#define _LCDDATA5_SEG23COM1 0x80
+#define _LCDDATA5_S23C1 0x80
+// LCDDATA6 Bits
+extern __at(0x0116) __sfr LCDDATA6;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG4 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG5 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG6 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG0COM2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG1COM2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG2COM2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG3COM2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG4COM2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG5COM2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG6COM2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG7COM2 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned S0C2 : 1;
+ unsigned S1C2 : 1;
+ unsigned S2C2 : 1;
+ unsigned S3C2 : 1;
+ unsigned S4C2 : 1;
+ unsigned S5C2 : 1;
+ unsigned S6C2 : 1;
+ unsigned S7C2 : 1;
+ };
+ } __LCDDATA6bits_t;
+extern __at(0x0116) volatile __LCDDATA6bits_t LCDDATA6bits;
+#define _LCDDATA6_SEG0 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA6_SEG0COM2 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA6_S0C2 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA6_SEG1 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA6_SEG1COM2 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA6_S1C2 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA6_SEG2 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA6_SEG2COM2 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA6_S2C2 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA6_SEG3 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA6_SEG3COM2 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA6_S3C2 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA6_SEG4 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA6_SEG4COM2 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA6_S4C2 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA6_SEG5 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA6_SEG5COM2 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA6_S5C2 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA6_SEG6 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA6_SEG6COM2 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA6_S6C2 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA6_SEG7 0x80
+#define _LCDDATA6_SEG7COM2 0x80
+#define _LCDDATA6_S7C2 0x80
+// LCDDATA7 Bits
+extern __at(0x0117) __sfr LCDDATA7;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG8 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG9 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG10 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG11 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG12 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG13 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG14 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG15 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG8COM2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG9COM2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG10COM2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG11COM2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG12COM2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG13COM2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG14COM2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG15COM2 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned S8C2 : 1;
+ unsigned S9C2 : 1;
+ unsigned S10C2 : 1;
+ unsigned S11C2 : 1;
+ unsigned S12C2 : 1;
+ unsigned S13C2 : 1;
+ unsigned S14C2 : 1;
+ unsigned S15C2 : 1;
+ };
+ } __LCDDATA7bits_t;
+extern __at(0x0117) volatile __LCDDATA7bits_t LCDDATA7bits;
+#define _LCDDATA7_SEG8 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA7_SEG8COM2 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA7_S8C2 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA7_SEG9 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA7_SEG9COM2 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA7_S9C2 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA7_SEG10 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA7_SEG10COM2 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA7_S10C2 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA7_SEG11 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA7_SEG11COM2 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA7_S11C2 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA7_SEG12 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA7_SEG12COM2 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA7_S12C2 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA7_SEG13 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA7_SEG13COM2 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA7_S13C2 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA7_SEG14 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA7_SEG14COM2 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA7_S14C2 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA7_SEG15 0x80
+#define _LCDDATA7_SEG15COM2 0x80
+#define _LCDDATA7_S15C2 0x80
+// LCDDATA8 Bits
+extern __at(0x0118) __sfr LCDDATA8;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG16 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG17 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG18 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG19 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG20 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG21 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG22 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG23 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG16COM2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG17COM2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG18COM2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG19COM2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG20COM2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG21COM2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG22COM2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG23COM2 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned S16C2 : 1;
+ unsigned S17C2 : 1;
+ unsigned S18C2 : 1;
+ unsigned S19C2 : 1;
+ unsigned S20C2 : 1;
+ unsigned S21C2 : 1;
+ unsigned S22C2 : 1;
+ unsigned S23C2 : 1;
+ };
+ } __LCDDATA8bits_t;
+extern __at(0x0118) volatile __LCDDATA8bits_t LCDDATA8bits;
+#define _LCDDATA8_SEG16 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA8_SEG16COM2 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA8_S16C2 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA8_SEG17 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA8_SEG17COM2 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA8_S17C2 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA8_SEG18 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA8_SEG18COM2 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA8_S18C2 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA8_SEG19 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA8_SEG19COM2 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA8_S19C2 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA8_SEG20 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA8_SEG20COM2 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA8_S20C2 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA8_SEG21 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA8_SEG21COM2 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA8_S21C2 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA8_SEG22 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA8_SEG22COM2 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA8_S22C2 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA8_SEG23 0x80
+#define _LCDDATA8_SEG23COM2 0x80
+#define _LCDDATA8_S23C2 0x80
+// LCDDATA9 Bits
+extern __at(0x0119) __sfr LCDDATA9;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG4 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG5 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG6 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG0COM3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG1COM3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG2COM3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG3COM3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG4COM3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG5COM3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG6COM3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG7COM3 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned S0C3 : 1;
+ unsigned S1C3 : 1;
+ unsigned S2C3 : 1;
+ unsigned S3C3 : 1;
+ unsigned S4C3 : 1;
+ unsigned S5C3 : 1;
+ unsigned S6C3 : 1;
+ unsigned S7C3 : 1;
+ };
+ } __LCDDATA9bits_t;
+extern __at(0x0119) volatile __LCDDATA9bits_t LCDDATA9bits;
+#define _LCDDATA9_SEG0 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA9_SEG0COM3 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA9_S0C3 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA9_SEG1 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA9_SEG1COM3 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA9_S1C3 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA9_SEG2 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA9_SEG2COM3 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA9_S2C3 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA9_SEG3 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA9_SEG3COM3 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA9_S3C3 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA9_SEG4 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA9_SEG4COM3 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA9_S4C3 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA9_SEG5 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA9_SEG5COM3 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA9_S5C3 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA9_SEG6 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA9_SEG6COM3 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA9_S6C3 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA9_SEG7 0x80
+#define _LCDDATA9_SEG7COM3 0x80
+#define _LCDDATA9_S7C3 0x80
+// LCDDATA10 Bits
+extern __at(0x011A) __sfr LCDDATA10;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG8 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG9 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG10 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG11 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG12 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG13 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG14 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG15 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG8COM3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG9COM3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG10COM3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG11COM3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG12COM3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG13COM3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG14COM3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG15COM3 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned S8C3 : 1;
+ unsigned S9C3 : 1;
+ unsigned S10C3 : 1;
+ unsigned S11C3 : 1;
+ unsigned S12C3 : 1;
+ unsigned S13C3 : 1;
+ unsigned S14C3 : 1;
+ unsigned S15C3 : 1;
+ };
+ } __LCDDATA10bits_t;
+extern __at(0x011A) volatile __LCDDATA10bits_t LCDDATA10bits;
+#define _LCDDATA10_SEG8 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA10_SEG8COM3 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA10_S8C3 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA10_SEG9 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA10_SEG9COM3 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA10_S9C3 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA10_SEG10 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA10_SEG10COM3 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA10_S10C3 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA10_SEG11 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA10_SEG11COM3 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA10_S11C3 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA10_SEG12 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA10_SEG12COM3 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA10_S12C3 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA10_SEG13 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA10_SEG13COM3 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA10_S13C3 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA10_SEG14 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA10_SEG14COM3 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA10_S14C3 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA10_SEG15 0x80
+#define _LCDDATA10_SEG15COM3 0x80
+#define _LCDDATA10_S15C3 0x80
+// LCDDATA11 Bits
+extern __at(0x011B) __sfr LCDDATA11;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG16 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG17 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG18 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG19 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG20 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG21 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG22 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG23 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG16COM3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG17COM3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG18COM3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG19COM3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG20COM3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG21COM3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG22COM3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG23COM3 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned S16C3 : 1;
+ unsigned S17C3 : 1;
+ unsigned S18C3 : 1;
+ unsigned S19C3 : 1;
+ unsigned S20C3 : 1;
+ unsigned S21C3 : 1;
+ unsigned S22C3 : 1;
+ unsigned S23C3 : 1;
+ };
+ } __LCDDATA11bits_t;
+extern __at(0x011B) volatile __LCDDATA11bits_t LCDDATA11bits;
+#define _LCDDATA11_SEG16 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA11_SEG16COM3 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA11_S16C3 0x01
+#define _LCDDATA11_SEG17 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA11_SEG17COM3 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA11_S17C3 0x02
+#define _LCDDATA11_SEG18 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA11_SEG18COM3 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA11_S18C3 0x04
+#define _LCDDATA11_SEG19 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA11_SEG19COM3 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA11_S19C3 0x08
+#define _LCDDATA11_SEG20 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA11_SEG20COM3 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA11_S20C3 0x10
+#define _LCDDATA11_SEG21 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA11_SEG21COM3 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA11_S21C3 0x20
+#define _LCDDATA11_SEG22 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA11_SEG22COM3 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA11_S22C3 0x40
+#define _LCDDATA11_SEG23 0x80
+#define _LCDDATA11_SEG23COM3 0x80
+#define _LCDDATA11_S23C3 0x80
+// LCDSE0 Bits
+extern __at(0x011C) __sfr LCDSE0;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG4 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG5 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG6 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SE0 : 1;
+ unsigned SE1 : 1;
+ unsigned SE2 : 1;
+ unsigned SE3 : 1;
+ unsigned SE4 : 1;
+ unsigned SE5 : 1;
+ unsigned SE6 : 1;
+ unsigned SE7 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEGEN0 : 1;
+ unsigned SEGEN1 : 1;
+ unsigned SEGEN2 : 1;
+ unsigned SEGEN3 : 1;
+ unsigned SEGEN4 : 1;
+ unsigned SEGEN5 : 1;
+ unsigned SEGEN6 : 1;
+ unsigned SEGEN7 : 1;
+ };
+ } __LCDSE0bits_t;
+extern __at(0x011C) volatile __LCDSE0bits_t LCDSE0bits;
+#define _LCDSE0_SEG0 0x01
+#define _LCDSE0_SE0 0x01
+#define _LCDSE0_SEGEN0 0x01
+#define _LCDSE0_SEG1 0x02
+#define _LCDSE0_SE1 0x02
+#define _LCDSE0_SEGEN1 0x02
+#define _LCDSE0_SEG2 0x04
+#define _LCDSE0_SE2 0x04
+#define _LCDSE0_SEGEN2 0x04
+#define _LCDSE0_SEG3 0x08
+#define _LCDSE0_SE3 0x08
+#define _LCDSE0_SEGEN3 0x08
+#define _LCDSE0_SEG4 0x10
+#define _LCDSE0_SE4 0x10
+#define _LCDSE0_SEGEN4 0x10
+#define _LCDSE0_SEG5 0x20
+#define _LCDSE0_SE5 0x20
+#define _LCDSE0_SEGEN5 0x20
+#define _LCDSE0_SEG6 0x40
+#define _LCDSE0_SE6 0x40
+#define _LCDSE0_SEGEN6 0x40
+#define _LCDSE0_SEG7 0x80
+#define _LCDSE0_SE7 0x80
+#define _LCDSE0_SEGEN7 0x80
+// LCDSE1 Bits
+extern __at(0x011D) __sfr LCDSE1;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG8 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG9 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG10 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG11 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG12 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG13 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG14 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG15 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SE8 : 1;
+ unsigned SE9 : 1;
+ unsigned SE10 : 1;
+ unsigned SE11 : 1;
+ unsigned SE12 : 1;
+ unsigned SE13 : 1;
+ unsigned SE14 : 1;
+ unsigned SE15 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEGEN8 : 1;
+ unsigned SEGEN9 : 1;
+ unsigned SEGEN10 : 1;
+ unsigned SEGEN11 : 1;
+ unsigned SEGEN12 : 1;
+ unsigned SEGEN13 : 1;
+ unsigned SEGEN14 : 1;
+ unsigned SEGEN15 : 1;
+ };
+ } __LCDSE1bits_t;
+extern __at(0x011D) volatile __LCDSE1bits_t LCDSE1bits;
+#define _LCDSE1_SEG8 0x01
+#define _LCDSE1_SE8 0x01
+#define _LCDSE1_SEGEN8 0x01
+#define _LCDSE1_SEG9 0x02
+#define _LCDSE1_SE9 0x02
+#define _LCDSE1_SEGEN9 0x02
+#define _LCDSE1_SEG10 0x04
+#define _LCDSE1_SE10 0x04
+#define _LCDSE1_SEGEN10 0x04
+#define _LCDSE1_SEG11 0x08
+#define _LCDSE1_SE11 0x08
+#define _LCDSE1_SEGEN11 0x08
+#define _LCDSE1_SEG12 0x10
+#define _LCDSE1_SE12 0x10
+#define _LCDSE1_SEGEN12 0x10
+#define _LCDSE1_SEG13 0x20
+#define _LCDSE1_SE13 0x20
+#define _LCDSE1_SEGEN13 0x20
+#define _LCDSE1_SEG14 0x40
+#define _LCDSE1_SE14 0x40
+#define _LCDSE1_SEGEN14 0x40
+#define _LCDSE1_SEG15 0x80
+#define _LCDSE1_SE15 0x80
+#define _LCDSE1_SEGEN15 0x80
+// LCDSE2 Bits
+extern __at(0x011E) __sfr LCDSE2;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEG16 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG17 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG18 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG19 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG20 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG21 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG22 : 1;
+ unsigned SEG23 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SE16 : 1;
+ unsigned SE17 : 1;
+ unsigned SE18 : 1;
+ unsigned SE19 : 1;
+ unsigned SE20 : 1;
+ unsigned SE21 : 1;
+ unsigned SE22 : 1;
+ unsigned SE23 : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned SEGEN16 : 1;
+ unsigned SEGEN17 : 1;
+ unsigned SEGEN18 : 1;
+ unsigned SEGEN19 : 1;
+ unsigned SEGEN20 : 1;
+ unsigned SEGEN21 : 1;
+ unsigned SEGEN22 : 1;
+ unsigned SEGEN23 : 1;
+ };
+ } __LCDSE2bits_t;
+extern __at(0x011E) volatile __LCDSE2bits_t LCDSE2bits;
+#define _LCDSE2_SEG16 0x01
+#define _LCDSE2_SE16 0x01
+#define _LCDSE2_SEGEN16 0x01
+#define _LCDSE2_SEG17 0x02
+#define _LCDSE2_SE17 0x02
+#define _LCDSE2_SEGEN17 0x02
+#define _LCDSE2_SEG18 0x04
+#define _LCDSE2_SE18 0x04
+#define _LCDSE2_SEGEN18 0x04
+#define _LCDSE2_SEG19 0x08
+#define _LCDSE2_SE19 0x08
+#define _LCDSE2_SEGEN19 0x08
+#define _LCDSE2_SEG20 0x10
+#define _LCDSE2_SE20 0x10
+#define _LCDSE2_SEGEN20 0x10
+#define _LCDSE2_SEG21 0x20
+#define _LCDSE2_SE21 0x20
+#define _LCDSE2_SEGEN21 0x20
+#define _LCDSE2_SEG22 0x40
+#define _LCDSE2_SE22 0x40
+#define _LCDSE2_SEGEN22 0x40
+#define _LCDSE2_SEG23 0x80
+#define _LCDSE2_SE23 0x80
+#define _LCDSE2_SEGEN23 0x80
+// EECON1 Bits
+extern __at(0x018C) __sfr EECON1;
+typedef union
+ {
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned RD : 1;
+ unsigned WR : 1;
+ unsigned WREN : 1;
+ unsigned WRERR : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned EEPGD : 1;
+ };
+ struct
+ {
+ unsigned EERD : 1;
+ unsigned EEWR : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ unsigned : 1;
+ };
+ } __EECON1bits_t;
+extern __at(0x018C) volatile __EECON1bits_t EECON1bits;
+#define _RD 0x01
+#define _EERD 0x01
+#define _WR 0x02
+#define _EEWR 0x02
+#define _WREN 0x04
+#define _WRERR 0x08
+#define _EEPGD 0x80
+extern __at(0x018D) __sfr EECON2;
+// Configuration Bits
+#define _CONFIG 0x2007
+//----------------------------- CONFIG Options -------------------------------
+#define _FOSC_LP 0x3FF8 // LP oscillator: Low-power crystal on RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT/T1OSO and RA7/OSC1/CLKIN/T1OSI.
+#define _LP_OSC 0x3FF8 // LP oscillator: Low-power crystal on RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT/T1OSO and RA7/OSC1/CLKIN/T1OSI.
+#define _FOSC_XT 0x3FF9 // XT oscillator: Crystal/resonator on RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT/T1OSO and RA7/OSC1/CLKIN/T1OSI.
+#define _XT_OSC 0x3FF9 // XT oscillator: Crystal/resonator on RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT/T1OSO and RA7/OSC1/CLKIN/T1OSI.
+#define _FOSC_HS 0x3FFA // HS oscillator: High-speed crystal/resonator on RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT/T1OSO and RA7/OSC1/CLKIN/T1OSI.
+#define _HS_OSC 0x3FFA // HS oscillator: High-speed crystal/resonator on RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT/T1OSO and RA7/OSC1/CLKIN/T1OSI.
+#define _FOSC_EC 0x3FFB // EC: I/O function on RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT/T1OSO pin, CLKIN on RA7/OSC1/CLKIN/T1OSI.
+#define _EC_OSC 0x3FFB // EC: I/O function on RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT/T1OSO pin, CLKIN on RA7/OSC1/CLKIN/T1OSI.
+#define _FOSC_INTOSCIO 0x3FFC // INTOSCIO oscillator: I/O function on RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT/T1OSO pin, I/O function on RA7/OSC1/CLKIN/T1OSI.
+#define _INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT 0x3FFC // INTOSCIO oscillator: I/O function on RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT/T1OSO pin, I/O function on RA7/OSC1/CLKIN/T1OSI.
+#define _INTOSCIO 0x3FFC // INTOSCIO oscillator: I/O function on RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT/T1OSO pin, I/O function on RA7/OSC1/CLKIN/T1OSI.
+#define _FOSC_INTOSCCLK 0x3FFD // INTOSC oscillator: CLKOUT function on RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT/T1OSO pin, I/O function on RA7/OSC1/CLKIN/T1OSI.
+#define _INTRC_OSC_CLKOUT 0x3FFD // INTOSC oscillator: CLKOUT function on RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT/T1OSO pin, I/O function on RA7/OSC1/CLKIN/T1OSI.
+#define _INTOSC 0x3FFD // INTOSC oscillator: CLKOUT function on RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT/T1OSO pin, I/O function on RA7/OSC1/CLKIN/T1OSI.
+#define _FOSC_EXTRCIO 0x3FFE // RCIO oscillator: I/O function on RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT/T1OSO pin, RC on RA7/OSC1/CLKIN/T1OSI.
+#define _EXTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT 0x3FFE // RCIO oscillator: I/O function on RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT/T1OSO pin, RC on RA7/OSC1/CLKIN/T1OSI.
+#define _EXTRCIO 0x3FFE // RCIO oscillator: I/O function on RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT/T1OSO pin, RC on RA7/OSC1/CLKIN/T1OSI.
+#define _FOSC_EXTRCCLK 0x3FFF // RC oscillator: CLKOUT function on RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT/T1OSO pin, RC on RA7/OSC1/CLKIN/T1OSI.
+#define _EXTRC_OSC_CLKOUT 0x3FFF // RC oscillator: CLKOUT function on RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT/T1OSO pin, RC on RA7/OSC1/CLKIN/T1OSI.
+#define _EXTRC 0x3FFF // RC oscillator: CLKOUT function on RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT/T1OSO pin, RC on RA7/OSC1/CLKIN/T1OSI.
+#define _WDTE_OFF 0x3FF7 // WDT disabled and can be enabled by SWDTEN bit of the WDTCON register.
+#define _WDT_OFF 0x3FF7 // WDT disabled and can be enabled by SWDTEN bit of the WDTCON register.
+#define _WDTE_ON 0x3FFF // WDT enabled.
+#define _WDT_ON 0x3FFF // WDT enabled.
+#define _PWRTE_ON 0x3FEF // PWRT enabled.
+#define _PWRTE_OFF 0x3FFF // PWRT disabled.
+#define _MCLRE_OFF 0x3FDF // RE3/MCLR pin function is digital input, MCLR internally tied to VDD.
+#define _MCLRE_ON 0x3FFF // RE3/MCLR pin function is MCLR.
+#define _CP_ON 0x3FBF // Program memory code protection is enabled.
+#define _CP_OFF 0x3FFF // Program memory code protection is disabled.
+#define _CPD_ON 0x3F7F // Data memory code protection is enabled.
+#define _CPD_OFF 0x3FFF // Data memory code protection is disabled.
+#define _BOREN_OFF 0x3CFF // BOR disabled.
+#define _BOD_OFF 0x3CFF // BOR disabled.
+#define _BOREN_SBODEN 0x3DFF // BOR controlled by SBOREN bit of the PCON register.
+#define _BOD_SBODEN 0x3DFF // BOR controlled by SBOREN bit of the PCON register.
+#define _BOREN_NSLEEP 0x3EFF // BOR enabled during operation and disabled in Sleep.
+#define _BOD_NSLEEP 0x3EFF // BOR enabled during operation and disabled in Sleep.
+#define _BOREN_ON 0x3FFF // BOR enabled.
+#define _BOD_ON 0x3FFF // BOR enabled.
+#define _IESO_OFF 0x3BFF // Internal/External Switchover mode is disabled.
+#define _IESO_ON 0x3FFF // Internal/External Switchover mode is enabled.
+#define _FCMEN_OFF 0x37FF // Fail-Safe Clock Monitor is disabled.
+#define _FCMEN_ON 0x3FFF // Fail-Safe Clock Monitor is enabled.
+#define _DEBUG_ON 0x2FFF // In-Circuit Debugger enabled, RB6/ICSPCLK and RB7/ICSPDAT are dedicated to the debugger.
+#define _DEBUG_OFF 0x3FFF // In-Circuit Debugger disabled, RB6/ISCPCLK and RB7/ICSPDAT are general purpose I/O pins.
+#define _DEVID1 0x2006
+#define _IDLOC0 0x2000
+#define _IDLOC1 0x2001
+#define _IDLOC2 0x2002
+#define _IDLOC3 0x2003
+#define ADON ADCON0bits.ADON // bit 0
+#define GO_NOT_DONE ADCON0bits.GO_NOT_DONE // bit 1, shadows bit in ADCON0bits
+#define NOT_DONE ADCON0bits.NOT_DONE // bit 1, shadows bit in ADCON0bits
+#define GO_DONE ADCON0bits.GO_DONE // bit 1, shadows bit in ADCON0bits
+#define GO ADCON0bits.GO // bit 1, shadows bit in ADCON0bits
+#define CHS0 ADCON0bits.CHS0 // bit 2
+#define CHS1 ADCON0bits.CHS1 // bit 3
+#define CHS2 ADCON0bits.CHS2 // bit 4
+#define VCFG0 ADCON0bits.VCFG0 // bit 5
+#define VCFG1 ADCON0bits.VCFG1 // bit 6
+#define ADFM ADCON0bits.ADFM // bit 7
+#define ADCS0 ADCON1bits.ADCS0 // bit 4
+#define ADCS1 ADCON1bits.ADCS1 // bit 5
+#define ADCS2 ADCON1bits.ADCS2 // bit 6
+#define ANS0 ANSELbits.ANS0 // bit 0, shadows bit in ANSELbits
+#define AN0 ANSELbits.AN0 // bit 0, shadows bit in ANSELbits
+#define ANS1 ANSELbits.ANS1 // bit 1, shadows bit in ANSELbits
+#define AN1 ANSELbits.AN1 // bit 1, shadows bit in ANSELbits
+#define ANS2 ANSELbits.ANS2 // bit 2, shadows bit in ANSELbits
+#define AN2 ANSELbits.AN2 // bit 2, shadows bit in ANSELbits
+#define ANS3 ANSELbits.ANS3 // bit 3, shadows bit in ANSELbits
+#define AN3 ANSELbits.AN3 // bit 3, shadows bit in ANSELbits
+#define ANS4 ANSELbits.ANS4 // bit 4, shadows bit in ANSELbits
+#define AN4 ANSELbits.AN4 // bit 4, shadows bit in ANSELbits
+#define ANS5 ANSELbits.ANS5 // bit 5, shadows bit in ANSELbits
+#define AN5 ANSELbits.AN5 // bit 5, shadows bit in ANSELbits
+#define ANS6 ANSELbits.ANS6 // bit 6, shadows bit in ANSELbits
+#define AN6 ANSELbits.AN6 // bit 6, shadows bit in ANSELbits
+#define ANS7 ANSELbits.ANS7 // bit 7, shadows bit in ANSELbits
+#define AN7 ANSELbits.AN7 // bit 7, shadows bit in ANSELbits
+#define CCP1M0 CCP1CONbits.CCP1M0 // bit 0
+#define CCP1M1 CCP1CONbits.CCP1M1 // bit 1
+#define CCP1M2 CCP1CONbits.CCP1M2 // bit 2
+#define CCP1M3 CCP1CONbits.CCP1M3 // bit 3
+#define CCP1Y CCP1CONbits.CCP1Y // bit 4
+#define CCP1X CCP1CONbits.CCP1X // bit 5
+#define CCP2M0 CCP2CONbits.CCP2M0 // bit 0
+#define CCP2M1 CCP2CONbits.CCP2M1 // bit 1
+#define CCP2M2 CCP2CONbits.CCP2M2 // bit 2
+#define CCP2M3 CCP2CONbits.CCP2M3 // bit 3
+#define CCP2Y CCP2CONbits.CCP2Y // bit 4
+#define CCP2X CCP2CONbits.CCP2X // bit 5
+#define CM0 CMCON0bits.CM0 // bit 0
+#define CM1 CMCON0bits.CM1 // bit 1
+#define CM2 CMCON0bits.CM2 // bit 2
+#define CIS CMCON0bits.CIS // bit 3
+#define C1INV CMCON0bits.C1INV // bit 4
+#define C2INV CMCON0bits.C2INV // bit 5
+#define C1OUT CMCON0bits.C1OUT // bit 6
+#define C2OUT CMCON0bits.C2OUT // bit 7
+#define C2SYNC CMCON1bits.C2SYNC // bit 0
+#define T1GSS CMCON1bits.T1GSS // bit 1
+#define EEADRL0 EEADRbits.EEADRL0 // bit 0
+#define EEADRL1 EEADRbits.EEADRL1 // bit 1
+#define EEADRL2 EEADRbits.EEADRL2 // bit 2
+#define EEADRL3 EEADRbits.EEADRL3 // bit 3
+#define EEADRL4 EEADRbits.EEADRL4 // bit 4
+#define EEADRL5 EEADRbits.EEADRL5 // bit 5
+#define EEADRL6 EEADRbits.EEADRL6 // bit 6
+#define EEADRL7 EEADRbits.EEADRL7 // bit 7
+#define EEADRH0 EEADRHbits.EEADRH0 // bit 0
+#define EEADRH1 EEADRHbits.EEADRH1 // bit 1
+#define EEADRH2 EEADRHbits.EEADRH2 // bit 2
+#define EEADRH3 EEADRHbits.EEADRH3 // bit 3
+#define EEADRH4 EEADRHbits.EEADRH4 // bit 4
+#define RD EECON1bits.RD // bit 0, shadows bit in EECON1bits
+#define EERD EECON1bits.EERD // bit 0, shadows bit in EECON1bits
+#define WR EECON1bits.WR // bit 1, shadows bit in EECON1bits
+#define EEWR EECON1bits.EEWR // bit 1, shadows bit in EECON1bits
+#define WREN EECON1bits.WREN // bit 2
+#define WRERR EECON1bits.WRERR // bit 3
+#define EEPGD EECON1bits.EEPGD // bit 7
+#define EEDATL0 EEDATAbits.EEDATL0 // bit 0
+#define EEDATL1 EEDATAbits.EEDATL1 // bit 1
+#define EEDATL2 EEDATAbits.EEDATL2 // bit 2
+#define EEDATL3 EEDATAbits.EEDATL3 // bit 3
+#define EEDATL4 EEDATAbits.EEDATL4 // bit 4
+#define EEDATL5 EEDATAbits.EEDATL5 // bit 5
+#define EEDATL6 EEDATAbits.EEDATL6 // bit 6
+#define EEDATL7 EEDATAbits.EEDATL7 // bit 7
+#define EEDATH0 EEDATHbits.EEDATH0 // bit 0
+#define EEDATH1 EEDATHbits.EEDATH1 // bit 1
+#define EEDATH2 EEDATHbits.EEDATH2 // bit 2
+#define EEDATH3 EEDATHbits.EEDATH3 // bit 3
+#define EEDATH4 EEDATHbits.EEDATH4 // bit 4
+#define EEDATH5 EEDATHbits.EEDATH5 // bit 5
+#define RBIF INTCONbits.RBIF // bit 0
+#define INTF INTCONbits.INTF // bit 1
+#define TMR0IF INTCONbits.TMR0IF // bit 2, shadows bit in INTCONbits
+#define T0IF INTCONbits.T0IF // bit 2, shadows bit in INTCONbits
+#define RBIE INTCONbits.RBIE // bit 3
+#define INTE INTCONbits.INTE // bit 4
+#define TMR0IE INTCONbits.TMR0IE // bit 5, shadows bit in INTCONbits
+#define T0IE INTCONbits.T0IE // bit 5, shadows bit in INTCONbits
+#define PEIE INTCONbits.PEIE // bit 6
+#define GIE INTCONbits.GIE // bit 7
+#define IOCB4 IOCbits.IOCB4 // bit 4, shadows bit in IOCbits
+#define IOC4 IOCbits.IOC4 // bit 4, shadows bit in IOCbits
+#define IOCB5 IOCbits.IOCB5 // bit 5, shadows bit in IOCbits
+#define IOC5 IOCbits.IOC5 // bit 5, shadows bit in IOCbits
+#define IOCB6 IOCbits.IOCB6 // bit 6, shadows bit in IOCbits
+#define IOC6 IOCbits.IOC6 // bit 6, shadows bit in IOCbits
+#define IOCB7 IOCbits.IOCB7 // bit 7, shadows bit in IOCbits
+#define IOC7 IOCbits.IOC7 // bit 7, shadows bit in IOCbits
+#define LMUX0 LCDCONbits.LMUX0 // bit 0
+#define LMUX1 LCDCONbits.LMUX1 // bit 1
+#define CS0 LCDCONbits.CS0 // bit 2
+#define CS1 LCDCONbits.CS1 // bit 3
+#define VLCDEN LCDCONbits.VLCDEN // bit 4
+#define WERR LCDCONbits.WERR // bit 5
+#define SLPEN LCDCONbits.SLPEN // bit 6
+#define LCDEN LCDCONbits.LCDEN // bit 7
+#define SEG0 LCDDATA0bits.SEG0 // bit 0, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define SEG0COM0 LCDDATA0bits.SEG0COM0 // bit 0, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define S0C0 LCDDATA0bits.S0C0 // bit 0, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define SEG1 LCDDATA0bits.SEG1 // bit 1, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define SEG1COM0 LCDDATA0bits.SEG1COM0 // bit 1, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define S1C0 LCDDATA0bits.S1C0 // bit 1, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define SEG2 LCDDATA0bits.SEG2 // bit 2, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define SEG2COM0 LCDDATA0bits.SEG2COM0 // bit 2, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define S2C0 LCDDATA0bits.S2C0 // bit 2, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define SEG3 LCDDATA0bits.SEG3 // bit 3, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define SEG3COM0 LCDDATA0bits.SEG3COM0 // bit 3, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define S3C0 LCDDATA0bits.S3C0 // bit 3, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define SEG4 LCDDATA0bits.SEG4 // bit 4, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define SEG4COM0 LCDDATA0bits.SEG4COM0 // bit 4, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define S4C0 LCDDATA0bits.S4C0 // bit 4, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define SEG5 LCDDATA0bits.SEG5 // bit 5, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define SEG5COM0 LCDDATA0bits.SEG5COM0 // bit 5, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define S5C0 LCDDATA0bits.S5C0 // bit 5, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define SEG6 LCDDATA0bits.SEG6 // bit 6, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define SEG6COM0 LCDDATA0bits.SEG6COM0 // bit 6, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define S6C0 LCDDATA0bits.S6C0 // bit 6, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define SEG7 LCDDATA0bits.SEG7 // bit 7, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define SEG7COM0 LCDDATA0bits.SEG7COM0 // bit 7, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define S7C0 LCDDATA0bits.S7C0 // bit 7, shadows bit in LCDDATA0bits
+#define SEG8 LCDDATA1bits.SEG8 // bit 0, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define SEG8COM0 LCDDATA1bits.SEG8COM0 // bit 0, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define S8C0 LCDDATA1bits.S8C0 // bit 0, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define SEG9 LCDDATA1bits.SEG9 // bit 1, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define SEG9COM0 LCDDATA1bits.SEG9COM0 // bit 1, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define S9C0 LCDDATA1bits.S9C0 // bit 1, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define SEG10 LCDDATA1bits.SEG10 // bit 2, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define SEG10COM0 LCDDATA1bits.SEG10COM0 // bit 2, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define S10C0 LCDDATA1bits.S10C0 // bit 2, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define SEG11 LCDDATA1bits.SEG11 // bit 3, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define SEG11COM0 LCDDATA1bits.SEG11COM0 // bit 3, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define S11C0 LCDDATA1bits.S11C0 // bit 3, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define SEG12 LCDDATA1bits.SEG12 // bit 4, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define SEG12COM0 LCDDATA1bits.SEG12COM0 // bit 4, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define S12C0 LCDDATA1bits.S12C0 // bit 4, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define SEG13 LCDDATA1bits.SEG13 // bit 5, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define SEG13COM0 LCDDATA1bits.SEG13COM0 // bit 5, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define S13C0 LCDDATA1bits.S13C0 // bit 5, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define SEG14 LCDDATA1bits.SEG14 // bit 6, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define SEG14COM0 LCDDATA1bits.SEG14COM0 // bit 6, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define S14C0 LCDDATA1bits.S14C0 // bit 6, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define SEG15 LCDDATA1bits.SEG15 // bit 7, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define SEG15COM0 LCDDATA1bits.SEG15COM0 // bit 7, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define S15C0 LCDDATA1bits.S15C0 // bit 7, shadows bit in LCDDATA1bits
+#define SEG16 LCDDATA2bits.SEG16 // bit 0, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define SEG16COM0 LCDDATA2bits.SEG16COM0 // bit 0, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define S16C0 LCDDATA2bits.S16C0 // bit 0, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define SEG17 LCDDATA2bits.SEG17 // bit 1, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define SEG17COM0 LCDDATA2bits.SEG17COM0 // bit 1, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define S17C0 LCDDATA2bits.S17C0 // bit 1, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define SEG18 LCDDATA2bits.SEG18 // bit 2, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define SEG18COM0 LCDDATA2bits.SEG18COM0 // bit 2, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define S18C0 LCDDATA2bits.S18C0 // bit 2, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define SEG19 LCDDATA2bits.SEG19 // bit 3, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define SEG19COM0 LCDDATA2bits.SEG19COM0 // bit 3, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define S19C0 LCDDATA2bits.S19C0 // bit 3, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define SEG20 LCDDATA2bits.SEG20 // bit 4, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define SEG20COM0 LCDDATA2bits.SEG20COM0 // bit 4, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define S20C0 LCDDATA2bits.S20C0 // bit 4, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define SEG21 LCDDATA2bits.SEG21 // bit 5, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define SEG21COM0 LCDDATA2bits.SEG21COM0 // bit 5, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define S21C0 LCDDATA2bits.S21C0 // bit 5, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define SEG22 LCDDATA2bits.SEG22 // bit 6, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define SEG22COM0 LCDDATA2bits.SEG22COM0 // bit 6, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define S22C0 LCDDATA2bits.S22C0 // bit 6, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define SEG23 LCDDATA2bits.SEG23 // bit 7, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define SEG23COM0 LCDDATA2bits.SEG23COM0 // bit 7, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define S23C0 LCDDATA2bits.S23C0 // bit 7, shadows bit in LCDDATA2bits
+#define LP0 LCDPSbits.LP0 // bit 0
+#define LP1 LCDPSbits.LP1 // bit 1
+#define LP2 LCDPSbits.LP2 // bit 2
+#define LP3 LCDPSbits.LP3 // bit 3
+#define WA LCDPSbits.WA // bit 4
+#define LCDA LCDPSbits.LCDA // bit 5
+#define BIASMD LCDPSbits.BIASMD // bit 6
+#define WFT LCDPSbits.WFT // bit 7
+#define LVDL0 LVDCONbits.LVDL0 // bit 0
+#define LVDL1 LVDCONbits.LVDL1 // bit 1
+#define LVDL2 LVDCONbits.LVDL2 // bit 2
+#define LVDEN LVDCONbits.LVDEN // bit 4
+#define IRVST LVDCONbits.IRVST // bit 5
+#define PS0 OPTION_REGbits.PS0 // bit 0
+#define PS1 OPTION_REGbits.PS1 // bit 1
+#define PS2 OPTION_REGbits.PS2 // bit 2
+#define PSA OPTION_REGbits.PSA // bit 3
+#define T0SE OPTION_REGbits.T0SE // bit 4
+#define T0CS OPTION_REGbits.T0CS // bit 5
+#define INTEDG OPTION_REGbits.INTEDG // bit 6
+#define NOT_RBPU OPTION_REGbits.NOT_RBPU // bit 7
+#define SCS OSCCONbits.SCS // bit 0
+#define LTS OSCCONbits.LTS // bit 1
+#define HTS OSCCONbits.HTS // bit 2
+#define OSTS OSCCONbits.OSTS // bit 3
+#define IRCF0 OSCCONbits.IRCF0 // bit 4
+#define IRCF1 OSCCONbits.IRCF1 // bit 5
+#define IRCF2 OSCCONbits.IRCF2 // bit 6
+#define TUN0 OSCTUNEbits.TUN0 // bit 0
+#define TUN1 OSCTUNEbits.TUN1 // bit 1
+#define TUN2 OSCTUNEbits.TUN2 // bit 2
+#define TUN3 OSCTUNEbits.TUN3 // bit 3
+#define TUN4 OSCTUNEbits.TUN4 // bit 4
+#define NOT_BOR PCONbits.NOT_BOR // bit 0, shadows bit in PCONbits
+#define NOT_BO PCONbits.NOT_BO // bit 0, shadows bit in PCONbits
+#define NOT_POR PCONbits.NOT_POR // bit 1
+#define SBOREN PCONbits.SBOREN // bit 4
+#define TMR1IE PIE1bits.TMR1IE // bit 0
+#define TMR2IE PIE1bits.TMR2IE // bit 1
+#define CCP1IE PIE1bits.CCP1IE // bit 2
+#define SSPIE PIE1bits.SSPIE // bit 3
+#define TXIE PIE1bits.TXIE // bit 4
+#define RCIE PIE1bits.RCIE // bit 5
+#define ADIE PIE1bits.ADIE // bit 6
+#define EEIE PIE1bits.EEIE // bit 7
+#define CCP2IE PIE2bits.CCP2IE // bit 0
+#define LVDIE PIE2bits.LVDIE // bit 2
+#define LCDIE PIE2bits.LCDIE // bit 4
+#define C1IE PIE2bits.C1IE // bit 5
+#define C2IE PIE2bits.C2IE // bit 6
+#define OSFIE PIE2bits.OSFIE // bit 7
+#define TMR1IF PIR1bits.TMR1IF // bit 0
+#define TMR2IF PIR1bits.TMR2IF // bit 1
+#define CCP1IF PIR1bits.CCP1IF // bit 2
+#define SSPIF PIR1bits.SSPIF // bit 3
+#define TXIF PIR1bits.TXIF // bit 4
+#define RCIF PIR1bits.RCIF // bit 5
+#define ADIF PIR1bits.ADIF // bit 6
+#define EEIF PIR1bits.EEIF // bit 7
+#define CCP2IF PIR2bits.CCP2IF // bit 0
+#define LVDIF PIR2bits.LVDIF // bit 2
+#define LCDIF PIR2bits.LCDIF // bit 4
+#define C1IF PIR2bits.C1IF // bit 5
+#define C2IF PIR2bits.C2IF // bit 6
+#define OSFIF PIR2bits.OSFIF // bit 7
+#define RA0 PORTAbits.RA0 // bit 0
+#define RA1 PORTAbits.RA1 // bit 1
+#define RA2 PORTAbits.RA2 // bit 2
+#define RA3 PORTAbits.RA3 // bit 3
+#define RA4 PORTAbits.RA4 // bit 4
+#define RA5 PORTAbits.RA5 // bit 5
+#define RA6 PORTAbits.RA6 // bit 6
+#define RA7 PORTAbits.RA7 // bit 7
+#define RB0 PORTBbits.RB0 // bit 0
+#define RB1 PORTBbits.RB1 // bit 1
+#define RB2 PORTBbits.RB2 // bit 2
+#define RB3 PORTBbits.RB3 // bit 3
+#define RB4 PORTBbits.RB4 // bit 4
+#define RB5 PORTBbits.RB5 // bit 5
+#define RB6 PORTBbits.RB6 // bit 6
+#define RB7 PORTBbits.RB7 // bit 7
+#define RC0 PORTCbits.RC0 // bit 0
+#define RC1 PORTCbits.RC1 // bit 1
+#define RC2 PORTCbits.RC2 // bit 2
+#define RC3 PORTCbits.RC3 // bit 3
+#define RC4 PORTCbits.RC4 // bit 4
+#define RC5 PORTCbits.RC5 // bit 5
+#define RC6 PORTCbits.RC6 // bit 6
+#define RC7 PORTCbits.RC7 // bit 7
+#define RD0 PORTDbits.RD0 // bit 0
+#define RD1 PORTDbits.RD1 // bit 1
+#define RD2 PORTDbits.RD2 // bit 2
+#define RD3 PORTDbits.RD3 // bit 3
+#define RD4 PORTDbits.RD4 // bit 4
+#define RD5 PORTDbits.RD5 // bit 5
+#define RD6 PORTDbits.RD6 // bit 6
+#define RD7 PORTDbits.RD7 // bit 7
+#define RE0 PORTEbits.RE0 // bit 0
+#define RE1 PORTEbits.RE1 // bit 1
+#define RE2 PORTEbits.RE2 // bit 2
+#define RE3 PORTEbits.RE3 // bit 3
+#define RX9D RCSTAbits.RX9D // bit 0, shadows bit in RCSTAbits
+#define RCD8 RCSTAbits.RCD8 // bit 0, shadows bit in RCSTAbits
+#define OERR RCSTAbits.OERR // bit 1
+#define FERR RCSTAbits.FERR // bit 2
+#define ADDEN RCSTAbits.ADDEN // bit 3
+#define CREN RCSTAbits.CREN // bit 4
+#define SREN RCSTAbits.SREN // bit 5
+#define RX9 RCSTAbits.RX9 // bit 6, shadows bit in RCSTAbits
+#define RC9 RCSTAbits.RC9 // bit 6, shadows bit in RCSTAbits
+#define NOT_RC8 RCSTAbits.NOT_RC8 // bit 6, shadows bit in RCSTAbits
+#define RC8_9 RCSTAbits.RC8_9 // bit 6, shadows bit in RCSTAbits
+#define SPEN RCSTAbits.SPEN // bit 7
+#define SSPM0 SSPCONbits.SSPM0 // bit 0
+#define SSPM1 SSPCONbits.SSPM1 // bit 1
+#define SSPM2 SSPCONbits.SSPM2 // bit 2
+#define SSPM3 SSPCONbits.SSPM3 // bit 3
+#define CKP SSPCONbits.CKP // bit 4
+#define SSPEN SSPCONbits.SSPEN // bit 5
+#define SSPOV SSPCONbits.SSPOV // bit 6
+#define WCOL SSPCONbits.WCOL // bit 7
+#define BF SSPSTATbits.BF // bit 0
+#define UA SSPSTATbits.UA // bit 1
+#define R_NOT_W SSPSTATbits.R_NOT_W // bit 2, shadows bit in SSPSTATbits
+#define R SSPSTATbits.R // bit 2, shadows bit in SSPSTATbits
+#define I2C_READ SSPSTATbits.I2C_READ // bit 2, shadows bit in SSPSTATbits
+#define NOT_W SSPSTATbits.NOT_W // bit 2, shadows bit in SSPSTATbits
+#define NOT_WRITE SSPSTATbits.NOT_WRITE // bit 2, shadows bit in SSPSTATbits
+#define R_W SSPSTATbits.R_W // bit 2, shadows bit in SSPSTATbits
+#define READ_WRITE SSPSTATbits.READ_WRITE // bit 2, shadows bit in SSPSTATbits
+#define S SSPSTATbits.S // bit 3, shadows bit in SSPSTATbits
+#define I2C_START SSPSTATbits.I2C_START // bit 3, shadows bit in SSPSTATbits
+#define P SSPSTATbits.P // bit 4, shadows bit in SSPSTATbits
+#define I2C_STOP SSPSTATbits.I2C_STOP // bit 4, shadows bit in SSPSTATbits
+#define D_NOT_A SSPSTATbits.D_NOT_A // bit 5, shadows bit in SSPSTATbits
+#define D SSPSTATbits.D // bit 5, shadows bit in SSPSTATbits
+#define I2C_DATA SSPSTATbits.I2C_DATA // bit 5, shadows bit in SSPSTATbits
+#define NOT_A SSPSTATbits.NOT_A // bit 5, shadows bit in SSPSTATbits
+#define NOT_ADDRESS SSPSTATbits.NOT_ADDRESS // bit 5, shadows bit in SSPSTATbits
+#define D_A SSPSTATbits.D_A // bit 5, shadows bit in SSPSTATbits
+#define DATA_ADDRESS SSPSTATbits.DATA_ADDRESS // bit 5, shadows bit in SSPSTATbits
+#define CKE SSPSTATbits.CKE // bit 6
+#define SMP SSPSTATbits.SMP // bit 7
+#define C STATUSbits.C // bit 0
+#define DC STATUSbits.DC // bit 1
+#define Z STATUSbits.Z // bit 2
+#define NOT_PD STATUSbits.NOT_PD // bit 3
+#define NOT_TO STATUSbits.NOT_TO // bit 4
+#define RP0 STATUSbits.RP0 // bit 5
+#define RP1 STATUSbits.RP1 // bit 6
+#define IRP STATUSbits.IRP // bit 7
+#define TMR1ON T1CONbits.TMR1ON // bit 0
+#define TMR1CS T1CONbits.TMR1CS // bit 1
+#define NOT_T1SYNC T1CONbits.NOT_T1SYNC // bit 2, shadows bit in T1CONbits
+#define T1SYNC T1CONbits.T1SYNC // bit 2, shadows bit in T1CONbits
+#define T1INSYNC T1CONbits.T1INSYNC // bit 2, shadows bit in T1CONbits
+#define T1OSCEN T1CONbits.T1OSCEN // bit 3
+#define T1CKPS0 T1CONbits.T1CKPS0 // bit 4
+#define T1CKPS1 T1CONbits.T1CKPS1 // bit 5
+#define TMR1GE T1CONbits.TMR1GE // bit 6, shadows bit in T1CONbits
+#define T1GE T1CONbits.T1GE // bit 6, shadows bit in T1CONbits
+#define T1GINV T1CONbits.T1GINV // bit 7
+#define T2CKPS0 T2CONbits.T2CKPS0 // bit 0
+#define T2CKPS1 T2CONbits.T2CKPS1 // bit 1
+#define TMR2ON T2CONbits.TMR2ON // bit 2
+#define TOUTPS0 T2CONbits.TOUTPS0 // bit 3
+#define TOUTPS1 T2CONbits.TOUTPS1 // bit 4
+#define TOUTPS2 T2CONbits.TOUTPS2 // bit 5
+#define TOUTPS3 T2CONbits.TOUTPS3 // bit 6
+#define TRISA0 TRISAbits.TRISA0 // bit 0
+#define TRISA1 TRISAbits.TRISA1 // bit 1
+#define TRISA2 TRISAbits.TRISA2 // bit 2
+#define TRISA3 TRISAbits.TRISA3 // bit 3
+#define TRISA4 TRISAbits.TRISA4 // bit 4
+#define TRISA5 TRISAbits.TRISA5 // bit 5
+#define TRISA6 TRISAbits.TRISA6 // bit 6
+#define TRISA7 TRISAbits.TRISA7 // bit 7
+#define TRISB0 TRISBbits.TRISB0 // bit 0
+#define TRISB1 TRISBbits.TRISB1 // bit 1
+#define TRISB2 TRISBbits.TRISB2 // bit 2
+#define TRISB3 TRISBbits.TRISB3 // bit 3
+#define TRISB4 TRISBbits.TRISB4 // bit 4
+#define TRISB5 TRISBbits.TRISB5 // bit 5
+#define TRISB6 TRISBbits.TRISB6 // bit 6
+#define TRISB7 TRISBbits.TRISB7 // bit 7
+#define TRISC0 TRISCbits.TRISC0 // bit 0
+#define TRISC1 TRISCbits.TRISC1 // bit 1
+#define TRISC2 TRISCbits.TRISC2 // bit 2
+#define TRISC3 TRISCbits.TRISC3 // bit 3
+#define TRISC4 TRISCbits.TRISC4 // bit 4
+#define TRISC5 TRISCbits.TRISC5 // bit 5
+#define TRISC6 TRISCbits.TRISC6 // bit 6
+#define TRISC7 TRISCbits.TRISC7 // bit 7
+#define TRISD0 TRISDbits.TRISD0 // bit 0
+#define TRISD1 TRISDbits.TRISD1 // bit 1
+#define TRISD2 TRISDbits.TRISD2 // bit 2
+#define TRISD3 TRISDbits.TRISD3 // bit 3
+#define TRISD4 TRISDbits.TRISD4 // bit 4
+#define TRISD5 TRISDbits.TRISD5 // bit 5
+#define TRISD6 TRISDbits.TRISD6 // bit 6
+#define TRISD7 TRISDbits.TRISD7 // bit 7
+#define TRISE0 TRISEbits.TRISE0 // bit 0
+#define TRISE1 TRISEbits.TRISE1 // bit 1
+#define TRISE2 TRISEbits.TRISE2 // bit 2
+#define TRISE3 TRISEbits.TRISE3 // bit 3
+#define TX9D TXSTAbits.TX9D // bit 0, shadows bit in TXSTAbits
+#define TXD8 TXSTAbits.TXD8 // bit 0, shadows bit in TXSTAbits
+#define TRMT TXSTAbits.TRMT // bit 1
+#define BRGH TXSTAbits.BRGH // bit 2
+#define SYNC TXSTAbits.SYNC // bit 4
+#define TXEN TXSTAbits.TXEN // bit 5
+#define TX9 TXSTAbits.TX9 // bit 6, shadows bit in TXSTAbits
+#define NOT_TX8 TXSTAbits.NOT_TX8 // bit 6, shadows bit in TXSTAbits
+#define TX8_9 TXSTAbits.TX8_9 // bit 6, shadows bit in TXSTAbits
+#define CSRC TXSTAbits.CSRC // bit 7
+#define VR0 VRCONbits.VR0 // bit 0
+#define VR1 VRCONbits.VR1 // bit 1
+#define VR2 VRCONbits.VR2 // bit 2
+#define VR3 VRCONbits.VR3 // bit 3
+#define VRR VRCONbits.VRR // bit 5
+#define VREN VRCONbits.VREN // bit 7
+#define SWDTEN WDTCONbits.SWDTEN // bit 0, shadows bit in WDTCONbits
+#define SWDTE WDTCONbits.SWDTE // bit 0, shadows bit in WDTCONbits
+#define WDTPS0 WDTCONbits.WDTPS0 // bit 1
+#define WDTPS1 WDTCONbits.WDTPS1 // bit 2
+#define WDTPS2 WDTCONbits.WDTPS2 // bit 3
+#define WDTPS3 WDTCONbits.WDTPS3 // bit 4
+#define WPUB0 WPUbits.WPUB0 // bit 0, shadows bit in WPUbits
+#define WPU0 WPUbits.WPU0 // bit 0, shadows bit in WPUbits
+#define WPUB1 WPUbits.WPUB1 // bit 1, shadows bit in WPUbits
+#define WPU1 WPUbits.WPU1 // bit 1, shadows bit in WPUbits
+#define WPUB2 WPUbits.WPUB2 // bit 2, shadows bit in WPUbits
+#define WPU2 WPUbits.WPU2 // bit 2, shadows bit in WPUbits
+#define WPUB3 WPUbits.WPUB3 // bit 3, shadows bit in WPUbits
+#define WPU3 WPUbits.WPU3 // bit 3, shadows bit in WPUbits
+#define WPUB4 WPUbits.WPUB4 // bit 4, shadows bit in WPUbits
+#define WPU4 WPUbits.WPU4 // bit 4, shadows bit in WPUbits
+#define WPUB5 WPUbits.WPUB5 // bit 5, shadows bit in WPUbits
+#define WPU5 WPUbits.WPU5 // bit 5, shadows bit in WPUbits
+#define WPUB6 WPUbits.WPUB6 // bit 6, shadows bit in WPUbits
+#define WPU6 WPUbits.WPU6 // bit 6, shadows bit in WPUbits
+#define WPUB7 WPUbits.WPUB7 // bit 7, shadows bit in WPUbits
+#define WPU7 WPUbits.WPU7 // bit 7, shadows bit in WPUbits
+#endif // #ifndef NO_BIT_DEFINES
+#endif // #ifndef __PIC16F917_H__
diff --git a/pic16f917.lib b/pic16f917.lib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7c0fed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pic16f917.lib
Binary files differ