path: root/package/network/services/dnsmasq
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'package/network/services/dnsmasq')
8 files changed, 1071 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/package/network/services/dnsmasq/Makefile b/package/network/services/dnsmasq/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cddde5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/services/dnsmasq/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2015 OpenWrt.org
+# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
+# See /LICENSE for more information.
+include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+ CONFIG_PACKAGE_dnsmasq_$(BUILD_VARIANT)_dnssec \
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
+define Package/dnsmasq/Default
+ SECTION:=net
+ CATEGORY:=Base system
+ TITLE:=DNS and DHCP server
+ URL:=http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/
+define Package/dnsmasq
+$(call Package/dnsmasq/Default)
+ VARIANT:=nodhcpv6
+define Package/dnsmasq-dhcpv6
+$(call Package/dnsmasq/Default)
+ TITLE += (with DHCPv6 support)
+ VARIANT:=dhcpv6
+define Package/dnsmasq-full
+$(call Package/dnsmasq/Default)
+ TITLE += (with DNSSEC, DHCPv6, Auth DNS, IPset enabled by default)
+ DEPENDS:=+PACKAGE_dnsmasq_full_dnssec:libnettle \
+ +PACKAGE_dnsmasq_full_ipset:kmod-ipt-ipset
+ VARIANT:=full
+define Package/dnsmasq/description
+ It is intended to provide coupled DNS and DHCP service to a LAN.
+define Package/dnsmasq-dhcpv6/description
+$(call Package/dnsmasq/description)
+This is a variant with DHCPv6 support
+define Package/dnsmasq-full/description
+$(call Package/dnsmasq/description)
+This is a fully configurable variant with DHCPv6, DNSSEC, Authroitative DNS and
+IPset support enabled by default.
+define Package/dnsmasq/conffiles
+define Package/dnsmasq-full/config
+ if PACKAGE_dnsmasq-full
+ config PACKAGE_dnsmasq_full_dhcpv6
+ bool "Build with DHCPv6 support."
+ depends on IPV6
+ default y
+ config PACKAGE_dnsmasq_full_dnssec
+ bool "Build with DNSSEC support."
+ default y
+ config PACKAGE_dnsmasq_full_auth
+ bool "Build with the facility to act as an authoritative DNS server."
+ default y
+ config PACKAGE_dnsmasq_full_ipset
+ bool "Build with IPset support."
+ default y
+ endif
+Package/dnsmasq-dhcpv6/conffiles = $(Package/dnsmasq/conffiles)
+Package/dnsmasq-full/conffiles = $(Package/dnsmasq/conffiles)
+TARGET_CFLAGS += -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections
+TARGET_LDFLAGS += -Wl,--gc-sections
+COPTS = $(if $(CONFIG_IPV6),,-DNO_IPV6)
+ifeq ($(BUILD_VARIANT),nodhcpv6)
+ifeq ($(BUILD_VARIANT),full)
+ COPTS += $(if $(CONFIG_PACKAGE_dnsmasq_$(BUILD_VARIANT)_dhcpv6),,-DNO_DHCP6) \
+ $(if $(CONFIG_PACKAGE_dnsmasq_$(BUILD_VARIANT)_dnssec),-DHAVE_DNSSEC) \
+ $(if $(CONFIG_PACKAGE_dnsmasq_$(BUILD_VARIANT)_auth),,-DNO_AUTH) \
+ $(if $(CONFIG_PACKAGE_dnsmasq_$(BUILD_VARIANT)_ipset),,-DNO_IPSET)
+ COPTS="$(COPTS)" \
+ PREFIX="/usr"
+define Package/dnsmasq/install
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/sbin
+ $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/sbin/dnsmasq $(1)/usr/sbin/
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/dhcp.conf $(1)/etc/config/dhcp
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/dnsmasq.conf $(1)/etc/dnsmasq.conf
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/init.d
+ $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files/dnsmasq.init $(1)/etc/init.d/dnsmasq
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/iface
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/dnsmasq.hotplug $(1)/etc/hotplug.d/iface/25-dnsmasq
+Package/dnsmasq-dhcpv6/install = $(Package/dnsmasq/install)
+define Package/dnsmasq-full/install
+$(call Package/dnsmasq/install,$(1))
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_dnsmasq_full_dnssec),)
+ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/share/dnsmasq
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/trust-anchors.conf $(1)/usr/share/dnsmasq
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,dnsmasq))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,dnsmasq-dhcpv6))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,dnsmasq-full))
diff --git a/package/network/services/dnsmasq/files/dhcp.conf b/package/network/services/dnsmasq/files/dhcp.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..362b90a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/services/dnsmasq/files/dhcp.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+config dnsmasq
+ option domainneeded 1
+ option boguspriv 1
+ option filterwin2k 0 # enable for dial on demand
+ option localise_queries 1
+ option rebind_protection 1 # disable if upstream must serve RFC1918 addresses
+ option rebind_localhost 1 # enable for RBL checking and similar services
+ #list rebind_domain example.lan # whitelist RFC1918 responses for domains
+ option local '/lan/'
+ option domain 'lan'
+ option expandhosts 1
+ option nonegcache 0
+ option authoritative 1
+ option readethers 1
+ option leasefile '/tmp/dhcp.leases'
+ option resolvfile '/tmp/resolv.conf.auto'
+ #list server '/mycompany.local/'
+ #option nonwildcard 1
+ #list interface br-lan
+ #list notinterface lo
+ #list bogusnxdomain ''
+ option localservice 1 # disable to allow DNS requests from non-local subnets
+config dhcp lan
+ option interface lan
+ option start 100
+ option limit 150
+ option leasetime 12h
+config dhcp wan
+ option interface wan
+ option ignore 1
diff --git a/package/network/services/dnsmasq/files/dnsmasq.conf b/package/network/services/dnsmasq/files/dnsmasq.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf5816b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/services/dnsmasq/files/dnsmasq.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Change the following lines if you want dnsmasq to serve SRV
+# records.
+# You may add multiple srv-host lines.
+# The fields are <name>,<target>,<port>,<priority>,<weight>
+# A SRV record sending LDAP for the example.com domain to
+# ldapserver.example.com port 289
+# Two SRV records for LDAP, each with different priorities
+# A SRV record indicating that there is no LDAP server for the domain
+# example.com
+# The following line shows how to make dnsmasq serve an arbitrary PTR
+# record. This is useful for DNS-SD.
+# The fields are <name>,<target>
+#ptr-record=_http._tcp.dns-sd-services,"New Employee Page._http._tcp.dns-sd-services"
+# Change the following lines to enable dnsmasq to serve TXT records.
+# These are used for things like SPF and zeroconf.
+# The fields are <name>,<text>,<text>...
+#Example SPF.
+#txt-record=example.com,"v=spf1 a -all"
+#Example zeroconf
+# Provide an alias for a "local" DNS name. Note that this _only_ works
+# for targets which are names from DHCP or /etc/hosts. Give host
+# "bert" another name, bertrand
+# The fields are <cname>,<target>
diff --git a/package/network/services/dnsmasq/files/dnsmasq.hotplug b/package/network/services/dnsmasq/files/dnsmasq.hotplug
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca5d10c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/services/dnsmasq/files/dnsmasq.hotplug
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+[ "$ACTION" = ifup ] || exit 0
+/etc/init.d/dnsmasq enabled && /etc/init.d/dnsmasq start
diff --git a/package/network/services/dnsmasq/files/dnsmasq.init b/package/network/services/dnsmasq/files/dnsmasq.init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b42cff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/services/dnsmasq/files/dnsmasq.init
@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
+#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2012 OpenWrt.org
+xappend() {
+ local value="$1"
+ echo "${value#--}" >> $CONFIGFILE
+dhcp_calc() {
+ local ip="$1"
+ local res=0
+ while [ -n "$ip" ]; do
+ part="${ip%%.*}"
+ res="$(($res * 256))"
+ res="$(($res + $part))"
+ [ "${ip%.*}" != "$ip" ] && ip="${ip#*.}" || ip=
+ done
+ echo "$res"
+dhcp_check() {
+ local ifname="$1"
+ local stamp="/var/run/dnsmasq.$ifname.dhcp"
+ local rv=0
+ [ -s "$stamp" ] && return $(cat "$stamp")
+ udhcpc -n -q -s /bin/true -t 1 -i "$ifname" >&- && rv=1 || rv=0
+ [ $rv -eq 1 ] && \
+ logger -t dnsmasq \
+ "found already running DHCP-server on interface '$ifname'" \
+ "refusing to start, use 'option force 1' to override"
+ echo $rv > "$stamp"
+ return $rv
+log_once() {
+ pidof dnsmasq >/dev/null || \
+ logger -t dnsmasq "$@"
+append_bool() {
+ local section="$1"
+ local option="$2"
+ local value="$3"
+ local _loctmp
+ config_get_bool _loctmp "$section" "$option" 0
+ [ $_loctmp -gt 0 ] && xappend "$value"
+append_parm() {
+ local section="$1"
+ local option="$2"
+ local switch="$3"
+ local _loctmp
+ config_get _loctmp "$section" "$option"
+ [ -z "$_loctmp" ] && return 0
+ xappend "$switch=$_loctmp"
+append_server() {
+ xappend "--server=$1"
+append_address() {
+ xappend "--address=$1"
+append_ipset() {
+ xappend "--ipset=$1"
+append_interface() {
+ local ifname=$(uci_get_state network "$1" ifname "$1")
+ xappend "--interface=$ifname"
+append_notinterface() {
+ local ifname=$(uci_get_state network "$1" ifname "$1")
+ xappend "--except-interface=$ifname"
+append_addnhosts() {
+ xappend "--addn-hosts=$1"
+append_bogusnxdomain() {
+ xappend "--bogus-nxdomain=$1"
+append_pxe_service() {
+ xappend "--pxe-service=$1"
+dnsmasq() {
+ local cfg="$1"
+ append_bool "$cfg" authoritative "--dhcp-authoritative"
+ append_bool "$cfg" nodaemon "--no-daemon"
+ append_bool "$cfg" domainneeded "--domain-needed"
+ append_bool "$cfg" filterwin2k "--filterwin2k"
+ append_bool "$cfg" nohosts "--no-hosts"
+ append_bool "$cfg" nonegcache "--no-negcache"
+ append_bool "$cfg" strictorder "--strict-order"
+ append_bool "$cfg" logqueries "--log-queries=extra"
+ append_bool "$cfg" noresolv "--no-resolv"
+ append_bool "$cfg" localise_queries "--localise-queries"
+ append_bool "$cfg" readethers "--read-ethers"
+ append_bool "$cfg" dbus "--enable-dbus"
+ append_bool "$cfg" boguspriv "--bogus-priv"
+ append_bool "$cfg" expandhosts "--expand-hosts"
+ append_bool "$cfg" enable_tftp "--enable-tftp"
+ append_bool "$cfg" tftp_no_fail "--tftp-no-fail"
+ append_bool "$cfg" nonwildcard "--bind-interfaces"
+ append_bool "$cfg" fqdn "--dhcp-fqdn"
+ append_bool "$cfg" proxydnssec "--proxy-dnssec"
+ append_bool "$cfg" localservice "--local-service"
+ append_bool "$cfg" quietdhcp "--quiet-dhcp"
+ append_bool "$cfg" sequential_ip "--dhcp-sequential-ip"
+ append_parm "$cfg" dhcpscript "--dhcp-script"
+ append_parm "$cfg" cachesize "--cache-size"
+ append_parm "$cfg" dnsforwardmax "--dns-forward-max"
+ append_parm "$cfg" port "--port"
+ append_parm "$cfg" ednspacket_max "--edns-packet-max"
+ append_parm "$cfg" dhcpleasemax "--dhcp-lease-max"
+ append_parm "$cfg" "queryport" "--query-port"
+ append_parm "$cfg" "domain" "--domain"
+ append_parm "$cfg" "local" "--server"
+ config_list_foreach "$cfg" "server" append_server
+ config_list_foreach "$cfg" "address" append_address
+ config_list_foreach "$cfg" "ipset" append_ipset
+ config_list_foreach "$cfg" "interface" append_interface
+ config_list_foreach "$cfg" "notinterface" append_notinterface
+ config_list_foreach "$cfg" "addnhosts" append_addnhosts
+ config_list_foreach "$cfg" "bogusnxdomain" append_bogusnxdomain
+ append_parm "$cfg" "leasefile" "--dhcp-leasefile"
+ append_parm "$cfg" "resolvfile" "--resolv-file"
+ append_parm "$cfg" "serversfile" "--servers-file"
+ append_parm "$cfg" "tftp_root" "--tftp-root"
+ append_parm "$cfg" "dhcp_boot" "--dhcp-boot"
+ append_parm "$cfg" "local_ttl" "--local-ttl"
+ append_parm "$cfg" "pxe_prompt" "--pxe-prompt"
+ config_list_foreach "$cfg" "pxe_service" append_pxe_service
+ config_get DOMAIN "$cfg" domain
+ config_get_bool ADD_LOCAL_DOMAIN "$cfg" add_local_domain 1
+ config_get_bool ADD_LOCAL_HOSTNAME "$cfg" add_local_hostname 1
+ config_get_bool readethers "$cfg" readethers
+ [ "$readethers" = "1" -a \! -e "/etc/ethers" ] && touch /etc/ethers
+ config_get leasefile $cfg leasefile
+ [ -n "$leasefile" -a \! -e "$leasefile" ] && touch "$leasefile"
+ config_get_bool cachelocal "$cfg" cachelocal 1
+ config_get hostsfile "$cfg" dhcphostsfile
+ [ -e "$hostsfile" ] && xappend "--dhcp-hostsfile=$hostsfile"
+ local rebind
+ config_get_bool rebind "$cfg" rebind_protection 1
+ [ $rebind -gt 0 ] && {
+ log_once \
+ "DNS rebinding protection is active," \
+ "will discard upstream RFC1918 responses!"
+ xappend "--stop-dns-rebind"
+ local rebind_localhost
+ config_get_bool rebind_localhost "$cfg" rebind_localhost 0
+ [ $rebind_localhost -gt 0 ] && {
+ log_once "Allowing responses"
+ xappend "--rebind-localhost-ok"
+ }
+ append_rebind_domain() {
+ log_once "Allowing RFC1918 responses for domain $1"
+ xappend "--rebind-domain-ok=$1"
+ }
+ config_list_foreach "$cfg" rebind_domain append_rebind_domain
+ }
+ config_get_bool dnssec "$cfg" dnssec 0
+ [ "$dnssec" -gt 0 ] && {
+ xappend "--conf-file=$TRUSTANCHORSFILE"
+ xappend "--dnssec"
+ xappend "--dnssec-timestamp=$TIMESTAMPFILE"
+ append_bool "$cfg" dnsseccheckunsigned "--dnssec-check-unsigned"
+ }
+ dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "" 0
+ xappend "--dhcp-broadcast=tag:needs-broadcast"
+ mkdir -p /tmp/hosts /tmp/dnsmasq.d
+ xappend "--addn-hosts=/tmp/hosts"
+ xappend "--conf-dir=/tmp/dnsmasq.d"
+ echo >> $CONFIGFILE
+dhcp_subscrid_add() {
+ local cfg="$1"
+ config_get networkid "$cfg" networkid
+ [ -n "$networkid" ] || return 0
+ config_get subscriberid "$cfg" subscriberid
+ [ -n "$subscriberid" ] || return 0
+ xappend "--dhcp-subscrid=$networkid,$subscriberid"
+ config_get_bool force "$cfg" force 0
+ dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$networkid" "$force"
+dhcp_remoteid_add() {
+ local cfg="$1"
+ config_get networkid "$cfg" networkid
+ [ -n "$networkid" ] || return 0
+ config_get remoteid "$cfg" remoteid
+ [ -n "$remoteid" ] || return 0
+ xappend "--dhcp-remoteid=$networkid,$remoteid"
+ config_get_bool force "$cfg" force 0
+ dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$networkid" "$force"
+dhcp_circuitid_add() {
+ local cfg="$1"
+ config_get networkid "$cfg" networkid
+ [ -n "$networkid" ] || return 0
+ config_get circuitid "$cfg" circuitid
+ [ -n "$circuitid" ] || return 0
+ xappend "--dhcp-circuitid=$networkid,$circuitid"
+ config_get_bool force "$cfg" force 0
+ dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$networkid" "$force"
+dhcp_userclass_add() {
+ local cfg="$1"
+ config_get networkid "$cfg" networkid
+ [ -n "$networkid" ] || return 0
+ config_get userclass "$cfg" userclass
+ [ -n "$userclass" ] || return 0
+ xappend "--dhcp-userclass=$networkid,$userclass"
+ config_get_bool force "$cfg" force 0
+ dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$networkid" "$force"
+dhcp_vendorclass_add() {
+ local cfg="$1"
+ config_get networkid "$cfg" networkid
+ [ -n "$networkid" ] || return 0
+ config_get vendorclass "$cfg" vendorclass
+ [ -n "$vendorclass" ] || return 0
+ xappend "--dhcp-vendorclass=$networkid,$vendorclass"
+ config_get_bool force "$cfg" force 0
+ dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$networkid" "$force"
+dhcp_host_add() {
+ local cfg="$1"
+ config_get_bool force "$cfg" force 0
+ config_get networkid "$cfg" networkid
+ [ -n "$networkid" ] && dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$networkid" "$force"
+ config_get name "$cfg" name
+ config_get ip "$cfg" ip
+ [ -n "$ip" -o -n "$name" ] || return 0
+ config_get_bool dns "$cfg" dns 0
+ [ "$dns" = "1" -a -n "$ip" -a -n "$name" ] && {
+ echo "$ip $name${DOMAIN:+.$DOMAIN}" >> $HOSTFILE
+ }
+ config_get mac "$cfg" mac
+ if [ -n "$mac" ]; then
+ # --dhcp-host=00:20:e0:3b:13:af,,lap
+ macs=""
+ for m in $mac; do append macs "$m" ","; done
+ else
+ # --dhcp-host=lap,
+ [ -n "$name" ] || return 0
+ macs="$name"
+ name=""
+ fi
+ config_get tag "$cfg" tag
+ config_get_bool broadcast "$cfg" broadcast 0
+ [ "$broadcast" = "0" ] && broadcast=
+ xappend "--dhcp-host=$macs${networkid:+,net:$networkid}${broadcast:+,set:needs-broadcast}${tag:+,set:$tag}${ip:+,$ip}${name:+,$name}"
+dhcp_tag_add() {
+ local cfg="$1"
+ tag="$cfg"
+ [ -n "$tag" ] || return 0
+ config_get_bool force "$cfg" force 0
+ [ "$force" = "0" ] && force=
+ config_get option "$cfg" dhcp_option
+ for o in $option; do
+ xappend "--dhcp-option${force:+-force}=tag:$tag,$o"
+ done
+dhcp_mac_add() {
+ local cfg="$1"
+ config_get networkid "$cfg" networkid
+ [ -n "$networkid" ] || return 0
+ config_get mac "$cfg" mac
+ [ -n "$mac" ] || return 0
+ xappend "--dhcp-mac=$networkid,$mac"
+ dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$networkid"
+dhcp_boot_add() {
+ local cfg="$1"
+ config_get networkid "$cfg" networkid
+ config_get filename "$cfg" filename
+ [ -n "$filename" ] || return 0
+ config_get servername "$cfg" servername
+ config_get serveraddress "$cfg" serveraddress
+ [ -n "$serveraddress" -a ! -n "$servername" ] && return 0
+ xappend "--dhcp-boot=${networkid:+net:$networkid,}${filename}${servername:+,$servername}${serveraddress:+,$serveraddress}"
+ config_get_bool force "$cfg" force 0
+ dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$networkid" "$force"
+dhcp_add() {
+ local cfg="$1"
+ config_get net "$cfg" interface
+ [ -n "$net" ] || return 0
+ config_get dhcpv4 "$cfg" dhcpv4
+ [ "$dhcpv4" != "disabled" ] || return 0
+ config_get networkid "$cfg" networkid
+ [ -n "$networkid" ] || networkid="$net"
+ network_get_subnet subnet "$net" || return 0
+ network_get_device ifname "$net" || return 0
+ network_get_protocol proto "$net" || return 0
+ [ "$cachelocal" = "0" ] && network_get_dnsserver dnsserver "$net" && {
+ }
+ append_bool "$cfg" ignore "--no-dhcp-interface=$ifname" && return 0
+ # Do not support non-static interfaces for now
+ [ static = "$proto" ] || return 0
+ # Override interface netmask with dhcp config if applicable
+ config_get netmask "$cfg" netmask "${subnet##*/}"
+ #check for an already active dhcp server on the interface, unless 'force' is set
+ config_get_bool force "$cfg" force 0
+ [ $force -gt 0 ] || dhcp_check "$ifname" || return 0
+ config_get start "$cfg" start
+ config_get limit "$cfg" limit
+ config_get leasetime "$cfg" leasetime
+ config_get options "$cfg" options
+ config_get_bool dynamicdhcp "$cfg" dynamicdhcp 1
+ leasetime="${leasetime:-12h}"
+ start="$(dhcp_calc "${start:-100}")"
+ limit="${limit:-150}"
+ [ "$limit" -gt 0 ] && limit=$((limit-1))
+ eval "$(ipcalc.sh "${subnet%%/*}" $netmask $start $limit)"
+ if [ "$dynamicdhcp" = "0" ]; then END="static"; fi
+ xappend "--dhcp-range=$networkid,$START,$END,$NETMASK,$leasetime${options:+ $options}"
+ dhcp_option_add "$cfg" "$networkid"
+dhcp_option_add() {
+ local cfg="$1"
+ local networkid="$2"
+ local force="$3"
+ [ "$force" = "0" ] && force=
+ config_get dhcp_option "$cfg" dhcp_option
+ for o in $dhcp_option; do
+ xappend "--dhcp-option${force:+-force}=${networkid:+$networkid,}$o"
+ done
+dhcp_domain_add() {
+ local cfg="$1"
+ local ip name names record
+ config_get names "$cfg" name "$2"
+ [ -n "$names" ] || return 0
+ config_get ip "$cfg" ip "$3"
+ [ -n "$ip" ] || return 0
+ for name in $names; do
+ record="${record:+$record }$name"
+ done
+ echo "$ip $record" >> $HOSTFILE
+dhcp_srv_add() {
+ local cfg="$1"
+ config_get srv "$cfg" srv
+ [ -n "$srv" ] || return 0
+ config_get target "$cfg" target
+ [ -n "$target" ] || return 0
+ config_get port "$cfg" port
+ [ -n "$port" ] || return 0
+ config_get class "$cfg" class
+ config_get weight "$cfg" weight
+ local service="$srv,$target,$port${class:+,$class${weight:+,$weight}}"
+ xappend "--srv-host=$service"
+dhcp_mx_add() {
+ local cfg="$1"
+ local domain relay pref
+ config_get domain "$cfg" domain
+ [ -n "$domain" ] || return 0
+ config_get relay "$cfg" relay
+ [ -n "$relay" ] || return 0
+ config_get pref "$cfg" pref 0
+ local service="$domain,$relay,$pref"
+ xappend "--mx-host=$service"
+dhcp_cname_add() {
+ local cfg="$1"
+ local cname target
+ config_get cname "$cfg" cname
+ [ -n "$cname" ] || return 0
+ config_get target "$cfg" target
+ [ -n "$target" ] || return 0
+ xappend "--cname=${cname},${target}"
+dhcp_hostrecord_add() {
+ local cfg="$1"
+ local names addresses record val
+ config_get names "$cfg" name "$2"
+ if [ -z "$names" ]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ config_get addresses "$cfg" ip "$3"
+ if [ -z "$addresses" ]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ for val in $names $addresses; do
+ record="${record:+$record,}$val"
+ done
+ xappend "--host-record=$record"
+ procd_add_reload_trigger "dhcp"
+boot() {
+ # Will be launched through hotplug
+ return 0
+start_service() {
+ include /lib/functions
+ config_load dhcp
+ procd_open_instance
+ procd_set_param command $PROG -C $CONFIGFILE -k -x /var/run/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.pid
+ procd_set_param file $CONFIGFILE
+ procd_set_param respawn
+ procd_add_jail dnsmasq ubus log
+ procd_add_jail_mount $CONFIGFILE $TRUSTANCHORSFILE $HOSTFILE /etc/passwd /etc/group /etc/TZ /dev/null /dev/urandom /etc/dnsmasq.conf /tmp/dnsmasq.d /tmp/resolv.conf.auto /etc/hosts /etc/ethers
+ procd_add_jail_mount_rw /var/run/dnsmasq/ /tmp/dhcp.leases $TIMESTAMPFILE
+ procd_close_instance
+ # before we can call xappend
+ mkdir -p /var/run/dnsmasq/
+ mkdir -p $(dirname $CONFIGFILE)
+ mkdir -p /var/lib/misc
+ touch /tmp/dhcp.leases
+ if [ ! -f "$TIMESTAMPFILE" ]; then
+ chown nobody.nogroup "$TIMESTAMPFILE"
+ fi
+ echo "# auto-generated config file from /etc/config/dhcp" > $CONFIGFILE
+ echo "# auto-generated config file from /etc/config/dhcp" > $HOSTFILE
+ # if we did this last, we could override auto-generated config
+ [ -f /etc/dnsmasq.conf ] && {
+ xappend "--conf-file=/etc/dnsmasq.conf"
+ }
+ args=""
+ config_foreach dnsmasq dnsmasq
+ config_foreach dhcp_host_add host
+ echo >> $CONFIGFILE
+ config_foreach dhcp_boot_add boot
+ config_foreach dhcp_mac_add mac
+ config_foreach dhcp_tag_add tag
+ config_foreach dhcp_vendorclass_add vendorclass
+ config_foreach dhcp_userclass_add userclass
+ config_foreach dhcp_circuitid_add circuitid
+ config_foreach dhcp_remoteid_add remoteid
+ config_foreach dhcp_subscrid_add subscrid
+ config_foreach dhcp_domain_add domain
+ config_foreach dhcp_hostrecord_add hostrecord
+ # add own hostname
+ local lanaddr
+ [ $ADD_LOCAL_HOSTNAME -eq 1 ] && network_get_ipaddr lanaddr "lan" && {
+ local hostname="$(uci_get system @system[0] hostname OpenWrt)"
+ dhcp_domain_add "" "$hostname" "$lanaddr"
+ }
+ echo >> $CONFIGFILE
+ config_foreach dhcp_srv_add srvhost
+ config_foreach dhcp_mx_add mxhost
+ echo >> $CONFIGFILE
+ config_get odhcpd_is_active odhcpd maindhcp
+ if [ "$odhcpd_is_active" != "1" ]; then
+ config_foreach dhcp_add dhcp
+ fi
+ echo >> $CONFIGFILE
+ config_foreach dhcp_cname_add cname
+ echo >> $CONFIGFILE
+ rm -f /tmp/resolv.conf
+ [ $ADD_LOCAL_DOMAIN -eq 1 ] && [ -n "$DOMAIN" ] && {
+ echo "search $DOMAIN" >> /tmp/resolv.conf
+ }
+ echo "nameserver $DNS_SERVER" >> /tmp/resolv.conf
+ done
+reload_service() {
+ rc_procd start_service "$@"
+ return 0
+stop_service() {
+ [ -f /tmp/resolv.conf ] && {
+ rm -f /tmp/resolv.conf
+ ln -s /tmp/resolv.conf.auto /tmp/resolv.conf
+ }
+ rm -f /var/run/dnsmasq.*.dhcp
diff --git a/package/network/services/dnsmasq/patches/100-fix-dhcp-no-address-warning.patch b/package/network/services/dnsmasq/patches/100-fix-dhcp-no-address-warning.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5b5ca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/services/dnsmasq/patches/100-fix-dhcp-no-address-warning.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+--- a/src/dhcp.c
++++ b/src/dhcp.c
+@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ void dhcp_packet(time_t now, int pxe_fd)
+ struct iovec iov;
+ ssize_t sz;
+ int iface_index = 0, unicast_dest = 0, is_inform = 0;
+- struct in_addr iface_addr;
++ struct in_addr iface_addr, *addrp = NULL;
+ struct iface_param parm;
+ struct arpreq arp_req;
+@@ -275,11 +275,9 @@ void dhcp_packet(time_t now, int pxe_fd)
+ {
+ ifr.ifr_addr.sa_family = AF_INET;
+ if (ioctl(daemon->dhcpfd, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr) != -1 )
+- iface_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in *) &ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr;
+- else
+ {
+- my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_WARNING, _("DHCP packet received on %s which has no address"), ifr.ifr_name);
+- return;
++ addrp = &iface_addr;
++ iface_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in *) &ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr;
+ }
+ for (tmp = daemon->dhcp_except; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
+@@ -298,7 +296,7 @@ void dhcp_packet(time_t now, int pxe_fd)
+ parm.relay_local.s_addr = 0;
+ parm.ind = iface_index;
+- if (!iface_check(AF_INET, (struct all_addr *)&iface_addr, ifr.ifr_name, NULL))
++ if (!iface_check(AF_INET, (struct all_addr *)addrp, ifr.ifr_name, NULL))
+ {
+ /* If we failed to match the primary address of the interface, see if we've got a --listen-address
+ for a secondary */
+@@ -318,6 +316,12 @@ void dhcp_packet(time_t now, int pxe_fd)
+ complete_context(match.addr, iface_index, NULL, match.netmask, match.broadcast, &parm);
+ }
++ if (!addrp)
++ {
++ my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_WARNING, _("DHCP packet received on %s which has no address"), ifr.ifr_name);
++ return;
++ }
+ if (!iface_enumerate(AF_INET, &parm, complete_context))
+ return;
diff --git a/package/network/services/dnsmasq/patches/110-ipset-remove-old-kernel-support.patch b/package/network/services/dnsmasq/patches/110-ipset-remove-old-kernel-support.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61b09d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/services/dnsmasq/patches/110-ipset-remove-old-kernel-support.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+--- a/src/ipset.c
++++ b/src/ipset.c
+@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/socket.h>
+-#include <sys/utsname.h>
+ #include <arpa/inet.h>
+ #include <linux/version.h>
+ #include <linux/netlink.h>
+@@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ struct my_nfgenmsg {
+ #define NL_ALIGN(len) (((len)+3) & ~(3))
+ static const struct sockaddr_nl snl = { .nl_family = AF_NETLINK };
+-static int ipset_sock, old_kernel;
++static int ipset_sock;
+ static char *buffer;
+ static inline void add_attr(struct nlmsghdr *nlh, uint16_t type, size_t len, const void *data)
+@@ -87,25 +86,7 @@ static inline void add_attr(struct nlmsg
+ void ipset_init(void)
+ {
+- struct utsname utsname;
+- int version;
+- char *split;
+- if (uname(&utsname) < 0)
+- die(_("failed to find kernel version: %s"), NULL, EC_MISC);
+- split = strtok(utsname.release, ".");
+- version = (split ? atoi(split) : 0);
+- split = strtok(NULL, ".");
+- version = version * 256 + (split ? atoi(split) : 0);
+- split = strtok(NULL, ".");
+- version = version * 256 + (split ? atoi(split) : 0);
+- old_kernel = (version < KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,32));
+- if (old_kernel && (ipset_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)) != -1)
+- return;
+- if (!old_kernel &&
++ if (
+ (buffer = safe_malloc(BUFF_SZ)) &&
+ (ipset_sock = socket(AF_NETLINK, SOCK_RAW, NETLINK_NETFILTER)) != -1 &&
+ (bind(ipset_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&snl, sizeof(snl)) != -1))
+@@ -168,62 +149,16 @@ static int new_add_to_ipset(const char *
+ }
+-static int old_add_to_ipset(const char *setname, const struct all_addr *ipaddr, int remove)
+- socklen_t size;
+- struct ip_set_req_adt_get {
+- unsigned op;
+- unsigned version;
+- union {
+- char name[IPSET_MAXNAMELEN];
+- uint16_t index;
+- } set;
+- char typename[IPSET_MAXNAMELEN];
+- } req_adt_get;
+- struct ip_set_req_adt {
+- unsigned op;
+- uint16_t index;
+- uint32_t ip;
+- } req_adt;
+- if (strlen(setname) >= sizeof(req_adt_get.set.name))
+- {
+- errno = ENAMETOOLONG;
+- return -1;
+- }
+- req_adt_get.op = 0x10;
+- req_adt_get.version = 3;
+- strcpy(req_adt_get.set.name, setname);
+- size = sizeof(req_adt_get);
+- if (getsockopt(ipset_sock, SOL_IP, 83, &req_adt_get, &size) < 0)
+- return -1;
+- req_adt.op = remove ? 0x102 : 0x101;
+- req_adt.index = req_adt_get.set.index;
+- req_adt.ip = ntohl(ipaddr->addr.addr4.s_addr);
+- if (setsockopt(ipset_sock, SOL_IP, 83, &req_adt, sizeof(req_adt)) < 0)
+- return -1;
+- return 0;
+ int add_to_ipset(const char *setname, const struct all_addr *ipaddr, int flags, int remove)
+ {
+ int af = AF_INET;
+ #ifdef HAVE_IPV6
+ if (flags & F_IPV6)
+- {
+ af = AF_INET6;
+- /* old method only supports IPv4 */
+- if (old_kernel)
+- return -1;
+- }
+ #endif
+- return old_kernel ? old_add_to_ipset(setname, ipaddr, remove) : new_add_to_ipset(setname, ipaddr, af, remove);
++ return new_add_to_ipset(setname, ipaddr, af, remove);
+ }
+ #endif
diff --git a/package/network/services/dnsmasq/patches/210-dnssec-improve-timestamp-heuristic.patch b/package/network/services/dnsmasq/patches/210-dnssec-improve-timestamp-heuristic.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81fbf18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/network/services/dnsmasq/patches/210-dnssec-improve-timestamp-heuristic.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+From 79e60e145f8a595bca5a784c00b437216d51de68 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org>
+Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2015 09:45:20 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] dnssec: improve timestamp heuristic
+Signed-off-by: Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org>
+ src/dnssec.c | 15 +++++++++++----
+ 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+--- a/src/dnssec.c
++++ b/src/dnssec.c
+@@ -429,17 +429,24 @@ static time_t timestamp_time;
+ int setup_timestamp(void)
+ {
+ struct stat statbuf;
++ time_t now;
++ time_t base = 1420070400; /* 1-1-2015 */
+ daemon->back_to_the_future = 0;
+ if (!daemon->timestamp_file)
+ return 0;
++ now = time(NULL);
++ if (!stat("/proc/self/exe", &statbuf) && difftime(statbuf.st_mtime, base) > 0)
++ base = statbuf.st_mtime;
+ if (stat(daemon->timestamp_file, &statbuf) != -1)
+ {
+ timestamp_time = statbuf.st_mtime;
+ check_and_exit:
+- if (difftime(timestamp_time, time(0)) <= 0)
++ if (difftime(now, base) >= 0 && difftime(timestamp_time, now) <= 0)
+ {
+ /* time already OK, update timestamp, and do key checking from the start. */
+ if (utime(daemon->timestamp_file, NULL) == -1)
+@@ -460,7 +467,7 @@ int setup_timestamp(void)
+ close(fd);
+- timestamp_time = timbuf.actime = timbuf.modtime = 1420070400; /* 1-1-2015 */
++ timestamp_time = timbuf.actime = timbuf.modtime = base;
+ if (utime(daemon->timestamp_file, &timbuf) == 0)
+ goto check_and_exit;
+ }