path: root/target/linux/mvebu/image
diff options
authorJames <>2015-11-04 11:49:21 +0000
committerJames <>2015-11-04 11:49:21 +0000
commit716ca530e1c4515d8683c9d5be3d56b301758b66 (patch)
tree700eb5bcc1a462a5f21dcec15ce7c97ecfefa772 /target/linux/mvebu/image
Diffstat (limited to 'target/linux/mvebu/image')
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/target/linux/mvebu/image/Makefile b/target/linux/mvebu/image/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20a7ac1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/linux/mvebu/image/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2015 OpenWrt.org
+# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
+# See /LICENSE for more information.
+include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/image.mk
+define Image/Build/DTB
+ cp $(KDIR)/zImage$(2) $(KDIR)/zImage$(2)-$(1);
+ cat $(DTS_DIR)/$(1).dtb >> $(KDIR)/zImage$(2)-$(1);
+ $(call Image/BuildKernel/MkuImage, \
+ none, $(LOADADDR), $(LOADADDR), \
+ $(KDIR)/zImage$(2)-$(1), $(KDIR)/uImage$(2)-$(1))
+# $(1): Profile Name
+# $(2): DTB Name
+# $(3): Erase Block Size
+# $(4): Page Size
+# $(5): Sub-Page Size (optional)
+# $(6): VID offset (optional)
+define NANDProfile
+ define Image/BuildKernel/Profile/$(1)
+ $(call Image/Build/DTB,$(2))
+ $(call Image/Build/Profile,$(1)/Initramfs)
+ endif
+ endef
+ define Image/Build/Profile/$(1)/BuildSysupgrade
+ $(call Image/Build/SysupgradeNAND,$(2),$$(1),$(KDIR)/uImage-$(2))
+ endef
+ define Image/Build/Profile/$(1)/Initramfs
+ $(call Image/Build/DTB,$(2),-initramfs)
+ cp $(KDIR)/uImage-initramfs-$(2) $(BIN_DIR)/$(IMG_PREFIX)-$(2)-initramfs
+ endef
+ define Image/Build/Profile/$(1)/squashfs
+ $(call Image/Build/UbinizeImage,$(2),,squashfs, -p $(3) -m $(4) $(if $(5),-s $(5)) $(if $(6),-O $(6)))
+ endef
+# $(1): Profile Name
+# $(2): DTB Name
+# $(3): Erase Block Size
+define UBINORProfile
+ define Image/BuildKernel/Profile/$(1)
+ $(call Image/Build/DTB,$(2))
+ $(call Image/Build/Profile,$(1)/Initramfs)
+ endif
+ endef
+ define Image/Build/Profile/$(1)/Initramfs
+ $(call Image/Build/DTB,$(2),-initramfs)
+ endef
+ define Image/Build/Profile/$(1)/squashfs
+ $(call Image/Build/UbinizeImage,$(2),,squashfs, -p $(3) -m 1)
+ endef
+# $(1): Profile Name
+# $(2): DTB Name
+# $(3): Erase Block Size
+define NORProfile
+ define Image/BuildKernel/Profile/$(1)
+ $(call Image/Build/DTB,$(2))
+ $(call Image/Build/Profile,$(1)/Initramfs)
+ endif
+ endef
+ define Image/Build/Profile/$(1)/Initramfs
+ $(call Image/Build/DTB,$(2),-initramfs)
+ endef
+ define Image/Build/Profile/$(1)/squashfs
+ ( \
+ dd if=$(KDIR)/uImage-$(2) bs=$(3) conv=sync; \
+ dd if=$(KDIR)/root.squashfs bs=$(3) conv=sync; \
+ ) > $$(BIN_DIR)/$$(IMG_PREFIX)-$(2)-squashfs-firmware.bin
+ endef
+# $(1): Profile Name
+# $(2): Sub Profiles list
+define MultiProfile
+ define Image/BuildKernel/Profile/$(1)
+ $(foreach profile, $(2),
+ $(call Image/BuildKernel/Profile/$(profile)))
+ endef
+ define Image/Build/Profile/$(1)/BuildSysupgrade
+ $(foreach profile, $(2),
+ $(call Image/Build/Profile/$(profile)/BuildSysupgrade,$$(1)))
+ endef
+ define Image/Build/Profile/$(1)/Initramfs
+ $(foreach profile, $(2),
+ $(call Image/Build/Profile/$(profile)/Initramfs))
+ endef
+ define Image/Build/Profile/$(1)/squashfs
+ $(foreach profile, $(2),
+ $(call Image/Build/Profile/$(profile)/squashfs))
+ endef
+# Boards with NAND, without subpages
+$(eval $(call NANDProfile,370-DB,armada-370-db,512KiB,4096))
+$(eval $(call NANDProfile,370-RD,armada-370-rd,512KiB,4096))
+$(eval $(call NANDProfile,385-DB-AP,armada-385-db-ap,256KiB,4096))
+$(eval $(call NANDProfile,Mirabox,armada-370-mirabox,512KiB,4096))
+$(eval $(call NANDProfile,XP-DB,armada-xp-db,512KiB,4096))
+$(eval $(call NANDProfile,XP-GP,armada-xp-gp,512KiB,4096))
+# Boards with NAND, with subpages
+$(eval $(call NANDProfile,Mamba,armada-xp-linksys-mamba,128KiB,2048,512,2048))
+$(eval $(call NANDProfile,Caiman,armada-385-linksys-caiman,128KiB,2048,512,2048))
+$(eval $(call NANDProfile,Cobra,armada-385-linksys-cobra,128KiB,2048,512,2048))
+$(eval $(call NANDProfile,Shelby,armada-385-linksys-shelby,128KiB,2048,512,2048))
+# Boards with large NOR, where we want to use UBI
+$(eval $(call UBINORProfile,OpenBlocks-AX-3-4,armada-xp-openblocks-ax3-4,128KiB))
+# Boards with small NOR, where UBI doesn't make sense
+$(eval $(call NORProfile,385-RD,armada-385-rd,256KiB))
+### Linksys
+# Caiman: Linksys WRT1200AC
+define Image/Build/Profile/Caiman/squashfs
+ $(call Image/Build/UbinizeImage,armada-385-linksys-caiman,,squashfs, -p 128KiB -m 2048 -s 512 -O 2048)
+ ( \
+ dd if=$(KDIR)/uImage-armada-385-linksys-caiman bs=6M conv=sync; \
+ dd if=$(KDIR)/$(IMG_PREFIX)-armada-385-linksys-caiman-squashfs-ubinized.bin \
+ bs=2048 conv=sync; \
+ ) > $(BIN_DIR)/$(IMG_PREFIX)-armada-385-linksys-caiman-squashfs-factory.img
+# Cobra: Linksys WRT1900ACv2
+define Image/Build/Profile/Cobra/squashfs
+ $(call Image/Build/UbinizeImage,armada-385-linksys-cobra,,squashfs, -p 128KiB -m 2048 -s 512 -O 2048)
+ ( \
+ dd if=$(KDIR)/uImage-armada-385-linksys-cobra bs=6M conv=sync; \
+ dd if=$(KDIR)/$(IMG_PREFIX)-armada-385-linksys-cobra-squashfs-ubinized.bin \
+ bs=2048 conv=sync; \
+ ) > $(BIN_DIR)/$(IMG_PREFIX)-armada-385-linksys-cobra-squashfs-factory.img
+# Mamba: Linksys WRT1900AC
+define Image/Build/Profile/Mamba/squashfs
+ $(call Image/Build/UbinizeImage,armada-xp-linksys-mamba,,squashfs, -p 128KiB -m 2048 -s 512 -O 2048)
+ ( \
+ dd if=$(KDIR)/uImage-armada-xp-linksys-mamba bs=3072k conv=sync; \
+ dd if=$(KDIR)/$(IMG_PREFIX)-armada-xp-linksys-mamba-squashfs-ubinized.bin \
+ bs=2048 conv=sync; \
+ ) > $(BIN_DIR)/$(IMG_PREFIX)-armada-xp-linksys-mamba-squashfs-factory.img
+# Shelby: Linksys WRT1900ACS
+define Image/Build/Profile/Shelby/squashfs
+ $(call Image/Build/UbinizeImage,armada-385-linksys-shelby,,squashfs, -p 128KiB -m 2048 -s 512 -O 2048)
+ ( \
+ dd if=$(KDIR)/uImage-armada-385-linksys-shelby bs=6M conv=sync; \
+ dd if=$(KDIR)/$(IMG_PREFIX)-armada-385-linksys-shelby-squashfs-ubinized.bin \
+ bs=2048 conv=sync; \
+ ) > $(BIN_DIR)/$(IMG_PREFIX)-armada-385-linksys-shelby-squashfs-factory.img
+### Marvell
+# Marvell Armada 385 Access Point Development board (DB-88F6820-AP)
+define Image/Build/Profile/385-DB-AP/squashfs
+ $(call Image/Build/UbinizeImage,armada-385-db-ap,,squashfs, -p 256KiB -m 4096)
+ ( \
+ dd if=$(KDIR)/uImage-armada-385-db-ap bs=8M conv=sync; \
+ dd if=$(KDIR)/$(IMG_PREFIX)-armada-385-db-ap-squashfs-ubinized.bin \
+ bs=4096 conv=sync; \
+ ) > $(BIN_DIR)/$(IMG_PREFIX)-armada-385-db-ap-squashfs-factory.img
+# The Default profile should build everything
+$(eval $(call MultiProfile,Default,$(PROFILES_LIST)))
+define Image/BuildKernel
+ $(call Image/BuildKernel/Profile/$(PROFILE))
+define Image/Build/squashfs
+ # Align the squashfs image size before calling the profiles,
+ # otherwise the size would keep growing
+ $(call prepare_generic_squashfs,$(KDIR)/root.squashfs)
+ $(call Image/Build/Profile/$(PROFILE)/squashfs)
+define Image/Build
+ $(call Image/Build/$(1))
+ $(call Image/Build/Profile/$(PROFILE)/BuildSysupgrade,$(1))
+ $(call Image/Build/Profile/$(PROFILE)/Initramfs)
+$(eval $(call BuildImage))