path: root/scripts/flashing/.svn/text-base/jungo-image.py.svn-base
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/flashing/.svn/text-base/jungo-image.py.svn-base')
1 files changed, 283 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/flashing/.svn/text-base/jungo-image.py.svn-base b/scripts/flashing/.svn/text-base/jungo-image.py.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9947e7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/flashing/.svn/text-base/jungo-image.py.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2008, 2009 (C) Jose Vasconcellos <jvasco@verizon.net>
+# A script that can communicate with jungo-based routers
+# (such as MI424-WR, USR8200 and WRV54G) to backup the installed
+# firmware and replace the boot loader.
+# Tested with Python 2.5 on Linux and Windows
+"""Usage: %s [options] <IP_address> [image.bin | url]
+Valid options:
+\t-h | --help: usage statement
+\t-d | --dump: create a flash dump
+\t-f | --file: use <filename> to store dump contents
+\t-u | --user: provide username (default admin)
+\t-p | --pass: provide password (default password1)
+\t --port: set port for http (default 8080)
+\t-q | --quiet: don't display unnecessary information
+\t-r | --reboot: reboot target on successful transfer
+\t-V | --version: display version information
+If no image (or url) is given, a flash dump is created.
+A built-in http server is used when an image file is provided.
+import os
+import sys
+import getopt
+import getpass
+import telnetlib
+import string
+import binascii
+import socket
+import thread
+import SocketServer
+import SimpleHTTPServer
+reboot = 0
+HOST = ""
+PORT = 8080
+user = "admin"
+#password = getpass.getpass()
+password = "password1"
+proto = "http"
+url = ""
+imagefile = ""
+dumpfile = ""
+verbose = 1
+do_dump = 0
+dumplen = 0x10000
+def start_server(server):
+ httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer((server,PORT),SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler)
+ thread.start_new_thread(httpd.serve_forever,())
+def get_flash_size():
+ # make sure we don't have an A0 stepping
+ tn.write("cat /proc/cpuinfo\n")
+ buf = tn.read_until("Returned 0", 3)
+ if not buf:
+ print "Unable to obtain CPU information; make sure to not use A0 stepping!"
+ elif buf.find('rev 0') > 0:
+ print "Warning: IXP42x stepping A0 detected!"
+ if imagefile or url:
+ print "Error: No linux support for A0 stepping!"
+ sys.exit(2)
+ # now get flash size
+ tn.write("cat /proc/mtd\n")
+ buf = tn.read_until("Returned 0", 3)
+ if buf:
+ i = buf.find('mtd0:')
+ if i > 0:
+ return int(buf[i+6:].split()[0],16)
+ # use different command
+ tn.write("flash_layout\n")
+ buf = tn.read_until("Returned 0", 3)
+ i = buf.rfind('Range ')
+ if i > 0:
+ return int(buf[i+17:].split()[0],16)
+ print "Can't determine flash size!"
+ else:
+ print "Unable to obtain flash size!"
+ sys.exit(2)
+def image_dump(tn, dumpfile):
+ if not dumpfile:
+ tn.write("ver\n");
+ buf = tn.read_until("Returned 0",2)
+ i = buf.find("Platform:")
+ if i < 0:
+ platform="jungo"
+ else:
+ line=buf[i+9:]
+ i=line.find('\n')
+ platform=line[:i].split()[-1]
+ tn.write("rg_conf_print /dev/%s/mac\n" % device);
+ buf = tn.read_until("Returned 0",3)
+ i = buf.find("mac(")
+ if i > 0:
+ i += 4
+ else:
+ print "No MAC address found! (use -f option)"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ dumpfile = "%s-%s.bin" % (platform, buf[i:i+17].replace(':',''))
+ else:
+ tn.write("\n")
+ print "Dumping flash contents (%dMB) to %s" % (flashsize/1048576, dumpfile)
+ f = open(dumpfile, "wb")
+ t=flashsize/dumplen
+ for addr in range(t):
+ if verbose:
+ sys.stdout.write('\r%d%%'%(100*addr/t))
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ tn.write("flash_dump -r 0x%x -l %d -4\n" % (addr*dumplen, dumplen))
+ tn.read_until("\n")
+ count = addr*dumplen
+ while 1:
+ buf = tn.read_until("\n")
+ if buf.strip() == "Returned 0":
+ break
+ s = buf.split()
+ if s and s[0][-1] == ':':
+ a=int(s[0][:-1],16)
+ if a != count:
+ print "Format error: %x != %x"%(a,count)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ count += 16
+ f.write(binascii.a2b_hex(string.join(s[1:],'')))
+ tn.read_until(">",1)
+ f.close()
+ if verbose:
+ print ""
+def telnet_option(sock,cmd,option):
+ #print "Option: %d %d" % (ord(cmd), ord(option))
+ if cmd == telnetlib.DO:
+ c=telnetlib.WILL
+ elif cmd == telnetlib.WILL:
+ c=telnetlib.DO
+ sock.sendall(telnetlib.IAC + c + option)
+def telnet_timeout():
+ print "Fatal error: telnet timeout!"
+ sys.exit(1)
+def usage():
+ print __doc__ % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hdf:qp:P:rvV", \
+ ["help", "dump", "file=", "user=", "pass=", "port=",
+ "quiet=", "reboot", "verbose", "version"])
+except getopt.GetoptError:
+ # print help information and exit:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(1)
+for o, a in opts:
+ if o in ("-h", "--help"):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif o in ("-V", "--version"):
+ print "%s: 0.11" % sys.argv[0]
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif o in ("-d", "--no-dump"):
+ do_dump = 1
+ elif o in ("-f", "--file"):
+ dumpfile = a
+ elif o in ("-u", "--user"):
+ user = a
+ elif o in ("-p", "--pass"):
+ password = a
+ elif o == "--port":
+ PORT = int(a)
+ elif o in ("-q", "--quiet"):
+ verbose = 0
+ elif o in ("-r", "--reboot"):
+ reboot = 1
+ elif o in ("-v", "--verbose"):
+ verbose = 1
+# make sure we have enough arguments
+if len(args) > 0:
+ HOST = args[0]
+if len(args) == 2:
+ if args[1].split(':')[0] in ("tftp", "http", "ftp"):
+ url = args[1]
+ else:
+ imagefile = args[1]
+ do_dump = 1;
+# create a telnet session to the router
+ tn = telnetlib.Telnet(HOST)
+except socket.error, msg:
+ print "Unable to establish telnet session to %s: %s" % (HOST, msg)
+ sys.exit(1)
+buf = tn.read_until("Username: ", 3)
+if not buf:
+ telnet_timeout()
+if password:
+ buf = tn.read_until("Password: ", 3)
+ if not buf:
+ telnet_timeout()
+ tn.write(password+"\n")
+# wait for prompt
+buf = tn.read_until("> ", 3)
+if not buf:
+ telnet_timeout()
+flashsize = get_flash_size()
+if do_dump:
+ image_dump(tn, dumpfile)
+if imagefile or url:
+ splitpath = os.path.split(imagefile)
+ # create load command
+ if url:
+ cmd = "load -u %s -r 0\n" % (url)
+ else:
+ server = tn.get_socket().getsockname()[0]
+ cmd = "load -u http://%s:%d/%s -r 0\n" % (server, PORT, splitpath[1])
+ if not os.access(imagefile, os.R_OK):
+ print "File access error: %s" % (imagefile)
+ sys.exit(3)
+ # make sure we're in the directory where the image is located
+ if splitpath[0]:
+ os.chdir(splitpath[0])
+ start_server(server)
+ if verbose:
+ print "Unlocking flash..."
+ tn.write("unlock 0 0x%x\n" % flashsize)
+ buf = tn.read_until("Returned 0",5)
+ if verbose:
+ print "Writing new image..."
+ print cmd,
+ tn.write(cmd)
+ buf = tn.read_until("Returned 0",10)
+ # wait till the transfer completed
+ buf = tn.read_until("Download completed successfully",20)
+ if buf:
+ print "Flash update complete!"
+ if reboot:
+ tn.write("reboot\n")
+ print "Rebooting..."