diff options
authorReuben Thomas <rrt@sc3d.org>2007-11-20 21:49:20 +0000
committerReuben Thomas <rrt@sc3d.org>2007-11-20 21:49:20 +0000
commit193ad4a91211551924a12da98acaa64c957b59a9 (patch)
parent6cdc0e296f250fb86af27ebb533d38442df39902 (diff)
Remove file only used for KDE building.
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1841 deletions
diff --git a/conf/am_edit b/conf/am_edit
deleted file mode 100644
index 07387a0..0000000
--- a/conf/am_edit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1841 +0,0 @@
-# Expands the specilised KDE tags in Makefile.in to (hopefully) valid
-# make syntax.
-# When called without file parameters, we work recursively on all Makefile.in
-# in and below the current subdirectory. When called with file parameters,
-# only those Makefile.in are changed.
-# The currently supported tags are
-# {program}_METASOURCES
-# where you have a choice of two styles
-# {program}_METASOURCES = name1.moc name2.moc ... [\]
-# {program}_METASOURCES = AUTO
-# The second style requires other tags as well.
-# To install icons :
-# KDE_ICON = iconname iconname2 ...
-# For documentation :
-# ...
-# and more new tags TBD!
-# The concept (and base code) for this program came from automoc,
-# supplied by the following
-# Matthias Ettrich <ettrich\@kde.org> (The originator)
-# Kalle Dalheimer <kalle\@kde.org> (The original implementator)
-# Harri Porten <porten@tu-harburg.de>
-# Alex Zepeda <garbanzo@hooked.net>
-# David Faure <faure@kde.org>
-# Stephan Kulow <coolo@kde.org>
-# I've puddled around with automoc and produced something different
-# 1999-02-01 John Birch <jb.nz@writeme.com>
-# * Rewritten automoc to cater for more than just moc file expansion
-# Version 0.01 does the same as automoc at this stage.
-# 1999-02-18 jb
-# * We must always write a Makefile.in file out even if we fail
-# because we need the "perl autokmake" in the AUTOMAKE so that a
-# "make" will regenerate the Makefile.in correctly.
-# Reworked moc file checking so that missing includes in cpp
-# will work and includes in cpp when using use_automoc will also
-# work.
-# 1999-02-23 jb
-# * Added POFILE processing and changed the USE_AUTOMOC tag to
-# AUTO instead.
-# ... See ChangeLog for more logs
-use Cwd;
-use File::Find;
-use File::Basename;
-# Prototype the functions
-sub initialise ();
-sub processMakefile ($);
-sub updateMakefile ();
-sub restoreMakefile ();
-sub removeLine ($$);
-sub appendLines ($);
-sub substituteLine ($$);
-sub findMocCandidates ();
-sub pruneMocCandidates ($);
-sub checkMocCandidates ();
-sub addMocRules ();
-sub tag_AUTOMAKE ();
-sub tag_META_INCLUDES ();
-sub tag_METASOURCES ();
-sub tag_POFILES ();
-sub tag_DOCFILES ();
-sub tag_LOCALINSTALL();
-sub tag_IDLFILES();
-sub tag_UIFILES();
-sub tag_TOPLEVEL();
-sub tag_SUBDIRS();
-sub tag_ICON();
-sub tag_CLOSURE();
-# Some global globals...
-$verbose = 0; # a debug flag
-$thisProg = "$0"; # This programs name
-$topdir = cwd(); # The current directory
-@makefiles = (); # Contains all the files we'll process
-@foreignfiles = ();
-$start = (times)[0]; # some stats for testing - comment out for release
-$version = "v0.2";
-$errorflag = 0;
-$cppExt = "*.cpp *.cc *.cxx *.C *.c++"; # used by grep
-$hExt = "*.h *.H *.hh *.hxx *.h++"; # used by grep
-$progId = "KDE tags expanded automatically by " . basename($thisProg);
-$automkCall = "\n";
-$printname = ""; # used to display the directory the Makefile is in
-$use_final = 1; # create code for --enable-final
-$cleantarget = "clean";
-$dryrun = 0;
-$pathoption = 0;
-$iskde3 = 0;
-while (defined ($ARGV[0]))
- $_ = shift;
- if (/^--version$/)
- {
- print STDOUT "\n";
- print STDOUT basename($thisProg), " $version\n",
- "This is really free software, unencumbered by the GPL.\n",
- "You can do anything you like with it except sueing me.\n",
- "Copyright 1998 Kalle Dalheimer <kalle\@kde.org>\n",
- "Concept, design and unnecessary questions about perl\n",
- " by Matthias Ettrich <ettrich\@kde.org>\n\n",
- "Making it useful by Stephan Kulow <coolo\@kde.org> and\n",
- "Harri Porten <porten\@kde.org>\n",
- "Updated (Feb-1999), John Birch <jb.nz\@writeme.com>\n",
- "Current Maintainer Stephan Kulow\n\n";
- exit 0;
- }
- elsif (/^--verbose$|^-v$/)
- {
- $verbose = 1; # Oh is there a problem...?
- }
- elsif (/^-p(.+)$|^--path=(.+)$/)
- {
- $thisProg = "$1/".basename($thisProg) if($1);
- $thisProg = "$2/".basename($thisProg) if($2);
- warn ("$thisProg doesn't exist\n") if (!(-f $thisProg));
- $pathoption=1;
- }
- elsif (/^-t\s*(.+)$|^--topdir=(.+)$/)
- {
- $KDEtopdir = $1 if($1);
- $KDEtopdir = $2 if($2);
- }
- elsif (/^--help$|^-h$/)
- {
- print STDOUT "Usage $thisProg [OPTION] ... [dir/Makefile.in]...\n",
- "\n",
- "Patches dir/Makefile.in generated from automake\n",
- "(where dir can be a full or relative directory name)",
- "\n",
- " -v, --verbose verbosely list files processed\n",
- " -h, --help print this help, then exit\n",
- " --version print version number, then exit\n",
- " -p, --path= use the path to am_edit if the path\n",
- " --no-final don't patch for --enable-final\n",
- " called from is not the one to be used\n";
- exit 0;
- }
- elsif (/^--no-final$/)
- {
- $use_final = 0;
- $thisProg .= " --no-final";
- }
- elsif (/^-n$/)
- {
- $dryrun = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- # user selects what input files to check
- # add full path if relative path is given
- $_ = cwd()."/".$_ if (! /^\//);
- print "User wants $_\n" if ($verbose);
- push (@makefiles, $_);
- }
-if ($thisProg =~ /^\// && !$pathoption )
- print STDERR "Illegal full pathname call performed...\n",
- "The call to \"$thisProg\"\nwould be inserted in some Makefile.in.\n",
- "Please use option --path.\n";
- exit 1;
-# Only scan for files when the user hasn't entered data
-if (!@makefiles)
- print STDOUT "Scanning for Makefile.in\n" if ($verbose);
- find (\&add_makefile, cwd());
- #chdir('$topdir');
-} else {
- print STDOUT "Using user enter input files\n" if ($verbose);
-foreach $makefile (sort(@makefiles))
- processMakefile ($makefile);
- last if ($errorflag);
-# Just some debug statistics - comment out for release as it uses printf.
-printf STDOUT "Time %.2f CPU sec\n", (times)[0] - $start if ($verbose);
-exit $errorflag; # causes make to fail if erroflag is set
-# In conjunction with the "find" call, this builds the list of input files
-sub add_makefile ()
- push (@makefiles, $File::Find::name) if (/Makefile.in$/);
-# Processes a single make file
-# The parameter contains the full path name of the Makefile.in to use
-sub processMakefile ($)
- # some useful globals for the subroutines called here
- local ($makefile) = @_;
- local @headerdirs = ('.');
- local $haveAutomocTag = 0;
- local $MakefileData = "";
- local $cxxsuffix = "KKK";
- local @programs = (); # lists the names of programs and libraries
- local $program = "";
- local %realObjs = (); # lists the objects compiled into $program
- local %sources = (); # lists the sources used for $program
- local %finalObjs = (); # lists the objects compiled when final
- local %realname = (); # the binary name of program variable
- local %idlfiles = (); # lists the idl files used for $program
- local %globalmocs = ();# list of all mocfiles (in %mocFiles format)
- local $allidls = "";
- local $alluis = "";
- local $idl_output = "";# lists all idl generated files for cleantarget
- local $ui_output = "";# lists all uic generated files for cleantarget
- local $ui_mocs = "";# lists all moc files associated with generated uic files
- local %depedmocs = ();
- local $metasourceTags = 0;
- local $dep_files = "";
- local $dep_finals = "";
- local %target_adds = (); # the targets to add
- local $kdelang = "";
- $makefileDir = dirname($makefile);
- chdir ($makefileDir);
- $printname = $makefile;
- $printname =~ s/^\Q$topdir\E\///;
- $makefile = basename($makefile);
- print STDOUT "Processing makefile $printname\n" if ($verbose);
- # Setup and see if we need to do this.
- return if (!initialise());
- tag_AUTOMAKE (); # Allows a "make" to redo the Makefile.in
- tag_META_INCLUDES (); # Supplies directories for src locations
- foreach $program (@programs) {
- tag_METASOURCES (); # Sorts out the moc rules
- tag_IDLFILES(); # Sorts out idl rules
- tag_UIFILES(); # Sorts out ui rules
- tag_CLOSURE();
- }
- if ($idl_output) {
- appendLines ("$cleantarget-idl:\n\t-rm -f $idl_output\n");
- $target_adds{"$cleantarget-am"} .= "$cleantarget-idl ";
- }
- if ($ui_output) {
- appendLines ("$cleantarget-ui:\n\t-rm -f $ui_output\n");
- $target_adds{"$cleantarget-am"} .= "$cleantarget-ui ";
- }
- if ($MakefileData =~ /\nKDE_LANG\s*=\s*(\S*)\n/) {
- $kdelang = '$(KDE_LANG)'
- } else {
- $kdelang = '';
- }
- tag_POFILES (); # language rules for po directory
- tag_DOCFILES (); # language rules for doc directories
- tag_TOPLEVEL (); # language rules for po toplevel
- tag_LOCALINSTALL(); # add $(DESTDIR) before all kde_ dirs
- tag_ICON();
- my $tmp = "force-reedit:\n";
- $tmp .= "\t$automkCall\n\tcd \$(top_srcdir)/$KDEtopdir && perl $thisProg $printname\n\n";
- appendLines($tmp);
- make_meta_classes();
- tag_FINAL() if ($use_final);
- my $final_lines = "final:\n\t\$(MAKE) ";
- my $nofinal_lines = "no-final:\n\t\$(MAKE) ";
- foreach $program (@programs) {
- my $lookup = "$program\_OBJECTS.*=[^\n]*";
- my $new = "";
- my @list = split(/[\034\s]+/, $realObjs{$program});
- if ($use_final && @list > 1 && $finalObjs{$program}) {
- $new = "\@KDE_USE_FINAL_FALSE\@$program\_OBJECTS = " . $realObjs{$program};
- $new .= "\n\@KDE_USE_FINAL_TRUE\@$program\_OBJECTS = " . $finalObjs{$program};
- $new .= "\n$program\_final\_OBJECTS = " . $finalObjs{$program};
- $new .= "\n$program\_nofinal\_OBJECTS = " . $realObjs{$program};
- $final_lines .= "$program\_OBJECTS=\"\$($program\_final_OBJECTS)\" ";
- $nofinal_lines .= "$program\_OBJECTS=\"\$($program\_nofinal\_OBJECTS)\" ";
- } else {
- $new = "$program\_OBJECTS = " . $realObjs{$program};
- }
- substituteLine ($lookup, $new);
- }
- appendLines($final_lines . "all-am");
- appendLines($nofinal_lines . "all-am");
- my $lookup = 'DEP_FILES\s*=([^\n]*)';
- if ($MakefileData =~ /\n$lookup\n/) {
- $depfiles = $1;
- if ($dep_finals) {
- $lines = "\@KDE_USE_FINAL_TRUE\@DEP_FILES = $dep_files $dep_finals \034\t$depfiles\n";
- $lines .= "\@KDE_USE_FINAL_FALSE\@DEP_FILES = $dep_files $depfiles\n";
- } else {
- $lines = "DEP_FILES = $dep_files $depfiles\n";
- }
- substituteLine($lookup, $lines);
- }
- my $cvs_lines = "cvs-clean:\n";
- $cvs_lines .= "\t\$(MAKE) -f \$(top_srcdir)/admin/Makefile.common cvs-clean\n";
- appendLines($cvs_lines);
- $cvs_lines = "kde-rpo-clean:\n";
- $cvs_lines .= "\t-rm -f *.rpo\n";
- appendLines($cvs_lines);
- $target_adds{"clean"} .= "kde-rpo-clean ";
- # some strange people like to do a install-exec, and expect that also
- # all modules are installed. automake doesn't know this, so we need to move
- # this here from install-data to install-exec.
- if ($MakefileData =~ m/\nkdemodule_LTLIBRARIES\s*=/) {
- $target_adds{"install-exec-am"} .= "install-kdemoduleLTLIBRARIES";
- my $lookup = 'install-data-am:\s*(.*)';
- if ($MakefileData =~ /\n$lookup\n/) {
- my $newdeps = $1;
- $newdeps =~ s/\s*install-kdemoduleLTLIBRARIES\s*/ /g;
- substituteLine($lookup, "install-data-am: " . $newdeps);
- }
- }
- my $lines = "";
- foreach $add (keys %target_adds) {
- my $lookup = quotemeta($add) . ':([^\n]*)';
- if ($MakefileData =~ /\n$lookup\n/) {
- substituteLine($lookup, "$add: " . $target_adds{$add} . $1);
- } else {
- $lines .= "$add: " . $target_adds{$add} . "\n";
- }
- }
- if ($lines) {
- appendLines($lines);
- }
- my $found = 1;
- while ($found) {
- if ($MakefileData =~ m/\n(.*)\$\(CXXFLAGS\)(.*)\n/) {
- my $vor = $1; # "vor" means before in German
- my $nach = $2; # "nach" means after in German
- my $lookup = quotemeta("$1\$(CXXFLAGS)$2");
- my $replacement = "$1\$(KCXXFLAGS)$2";
- $MakefileData =~ s/$lookup/$replacement/;
- $lookup =~ s/\\\$\\\(CXXFLAGS\\\)/\\\$\\\(KCXXFLAGS\\\)/;
- $replacement = "$vor\$(KCXXFLAGS) \$(KDE_CXXFLAGS)$nach";
- substituteLine($lookup, $replacement);
- } else {
- $found = 0;
- }
- }
-# $lookup = '(\n[^#].*\$\(LIBTOOL\) --mode=link) (\$\(CXXLD\).*\$\(KCXXFLAGS\))';
-# if ($MakefileData =~ m/$lookup/ ) {
-# $MakefileData =~ s/$lookup/$1 --tag=CXX $2/;
-# }
-# $lookup = '(\n[^#].*\$\(LIBTOOL\) --mode=compile) (\$\(CXX\).*\$\(KCXXFLAGS\))';
-# if ($MakefileData =~ m/$lookup/ ) {
-# $MakefileData =~ s/$lookup/$1 --tag=CXX $2/;
-# }
- $MakefileData =~ s/\$\(KCXXFLAGS\)/\$\(CXXFLAGS\)/g;
- $lookup = '(.*)cp -pr \$\$/\$\$file \$\(distdir\)/\$\$file(.*)';
- if ($MakefileData =~ m/\n$lookup\n/) {
- substituteLine($lookup, "$1cp -pr \$\$d/\$\$file \$(distdir)/\$\$file$2");
- }
- # Always update the Makefile.in
- updateMakefile ();
- return;
-# Check to see whether we should process this make file.
-# This is where we look for tags that we need to process.
-# A small amount of initialising on the tags is also done here.
-# And of course we open and/or create the needed make files.
-sub initialise ()
- if (! -r "Makefile.am") {
- print STDOUT "found Makefile.in without Makefile.am\n" if ($verbose);
- return 0;
- }
- # Checking for files to process...
- open (FILEIN, $makefile)
- || die "Could not open $makefileDir/$makefile: $!\n";
- # Read the file
- while ( <FILEIN> )
- {
- $MakefileData .= $_;
- }
- close FILEIN;
- # Remove the line continuations, but keep them marked
- # Note: we lose the trailing spaces but that's ok.
- $MakefileData =~ s/\\\s*\n/\034/g;
- # If we've processed the file before...
- restoreMakefile () if ($MakefileData =~ /$progId/);
- foreach $dir (@foreignfiles) {
- if (substr($makefileDir,0,length($dir)) eq $dir) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- if ($MakefileData =~ /\nKDE_OPTIONS\s*=\s*([^\n]*)\n/) {
- my @kde_options = split(/[\s\034]/, $1);
- push(@foreignfiles, $makefileDir . "/");
- return 0 if (grep(/^foreign$/, @kde_options)); # don't touch me
- }
- # Look for the tags that mean we should process this file.
- $metasourceTags = 0;
- $metasourceTags++ while ($MakefileData =~ /\n[^=#]*METASOURCES\s*=/g);
- my $pofileTag = 0;
- $pofileTag++ while ($MakefileData =~ /\nPOFILES\s*=/g);
- if ($pofileTag > 1)
- {
- print STDERR "Error: Only one POFILES tag allowed\n";
- $errorflag = 1;
- }
- while ($MakefileData =~ /\n\.SUFFIXES:([^\n]+)\n/g) {
- my @list=split(' ', $1);
- my $extions = " " . $cppExt . " ";
- foreach $ext (@list) {
- if ($extions =~ / \*\Q$ext\E /) {
- $cxxsuffix = $ext;
- $cxxsuffix =~ s/\.//g;
- print STDOUT "will use suffix $cxxsuffix\n" if ($verbose);
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- while ($MakefileData =~ /\n(\S*)_OBJECTS\s*=\s*([^\n]*)\n/g) {
- my $program = $1;
- my $objs = $2; # safe them
- my $ocv = 0;
- my @objlist = split(/[\s\034]+/, $objs);
- foreach $obj (@objlist) {
- if ($obj =~ /\$\((\S+)\)/ ) {
- my $variable = $1;
- if ($variable !~ 'OBJEXT') {
- $ocv = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- next if ($ocv);
- $program =~ s/^am_// if ($program =~ /^am_/);
- print STDOUT "found program $program\n" if ($verbose);
- push(@programs, $program);
- $realObjs{$program} = $objs;
- if ($MakefileData =~ /\n$program\_SOURCES\s*=\s*(.*)\n/) {
- $sources{$program} = $1;
- } else {
- $sources{$program} = "";
- print STDERR "found program with no _SOURCES: $program\n";
- }
- my $realprogram = $program;
- $realprogram =~ s/_/./g; # unmask to regexp
- if ($MakefileData =~ /\n($realprogram)(\$\(EXEEXT\)?)?:.*\$\($program\_OBJECTS\)/) {
- $realname{$program} = $1;
- } else {
- # not standard Makefile - nothing to worry about
- $realname{$program} = "";
- }
- }
- my $lookup = '\nDEPDIR\s*=.*';
- if ($MakefileData !~ /($lookup)\n/) {
- $lookup = '\nbindir\s*=.*';
- if ($MakefileData =~ /($lookup)\n/) {
- substituteLine ($lookup, "DEPDIR = .deps\n$1");
- }
- }
- my $localTag = 0;
- $localTag++ if ($MakefileData =~ /\ninstall-\S+-local:/);
- return (!$errorflag);
-# Gets the list of user defined directories - relative to $srcdir - where
-# header files could be located.
-sub tag_META_INCLUDES ()
- my $lookup = '[^=\n]*META_INCLUDES\s*=\s*(.*)';
- return 1 if ($MakefileData !~ /($lookup)\n/);
- print STDOUT "META_INCLUDE processing <$1>\n" if ($verbose);
- my $headerStr = $2;
- removeLine ($lookup, $1);
- $headerStr =~ tr/\034/ /;
- my @headerlist = split(' ', $headerStr);
- foreach $dir (@headerlist)
- {
- $dir =~ s#\$\(srcdir\)#.#;
- if (! -d $dir)
- {
- print STDERR "Warning: $dir can't be found. ",
- "Must be a relative path to \$(srcdir)\n";
- }
- else
- {
- push (@headerdirs, $dir);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-sub tag_FINAL()
- my @final_names = ();
- foreach $program (@programs) {
- if ($sources{$program} =~ /\(/) {
- print STDERR "found ( in $program\_SOURCES. skipping\n" if ($verbose);
- next;
- }
- my $mocsources = "";
- my @progsources = split(/[\s\034]+/, $sources{$program});
- my %sourcelist = ();
- foreach $source (@progsources) {
- my $suffix = $source;
- $suffix =~ s/^.*\.([^\.]+)$/$1/;
- if (defined($sourcelist{$suffix})) {
- $sourcelist{$suffix} .= " " . $source;
- } else {
- $sourcelist{$suffix} .= $source;
- }
- }
- foreach $suffix (keys %sourcelist) {
- # See if this file contains c++ code. (ie Just check the files suffix against
- my $suffix_is_cxx = 0;
- foreach $cxx_suffix (split(' ', $cppExt)) {
- $cxx_suffix =~ s/^\*\.//;
- $cxx_suffix = quotemeta($cxx_suffix);
- if ($suffix =~ $cxx_suffix) {
- $suffix_is_cxx = 1;
- last; # $cxx_suffix
- }
- }
- my $mocfiles_in = ($suffix eq $cxxsuffix) &&
- defined($depedmocs{$program});
- my @sourcelist = split(/[\s\034]+/, $sourcelist{$suffix});
- if ((@sourcelist == 1 && !$mocfiles_in) || $suffix_is_cxx != 1 ) {
- # we support IDL on our own
- if ($suffix =~ /^skel$/ || $suffix =~ /^stub/ || $suffix =~ /^h$/
- || $suffix =~ /^ui$/ ) {
- next;
- }
- foreach $file (@sourcelist) {
- $file =~ s/\Q$suffix\E$//;
- $finalObjs{$program} .= $file;
- if ($program =~ /_la$/) {
- $finalObjs{$program} .= "lo ";
- } else {
- $finalObjs{$program} .= "o ";
- }
- }
- next; # suffix
- }
- my $source_deps = "";
- foreach $source (@sourcelist) {
- if (-f $source) {
- $source_deps .= "\$(srcdir)/$source ";
- } else {
- $source_deps .= "$source ";
- }
- }
- $handling = "$program.all_$suffix.$suffix: \$(srcdir)/Makefile.in " . $source_deps . " ";
- if ($mocfiles_in) {
- $handling .= $depedmocs{$program};
- foreach $mocfile (split(' ', $depedmocs{$program})) {
- if ($mocfile =~ m/\.$suffix$/) {
- $mocsources .= " " . $mocfile;
- }
- }
- }
- $handling .= "\n";
- $handling .= "\t\@echo 'creating $program.all_$suffix.$suffix ...'; \\\n";
- $handling .= "\trm -f $program.all_$suffix.files $program.all_$suffix.final; \\\n";
- $handling .= "\techo \"#define KDE_USE_FINAL 1\" >> $program.all_$suffix.final; \\\n";
- $handling .= "\tfor file in " . $sourcelist{$suffix} . " $mocsources; do \\\n";
- $handling .= "\t echo \"#include \\\"\$\$file\\\"\" >> $program.all_$suffix.files; \\\n";
- $handling .= "\t test ! -f \$\(srcdir\)/\$\$file || egrep '^#pragma +implementation' \$\(srcdir\)/\$\$file >> $program.all_$suffix.final; \\\n";
- $handling .= "\tdone; \\\n";
- $handling .= "\tcat $program.all_$suffix.final $program.all_$suffix.files > $program.all_$suffix.$suffix; \\\n";
- $handling .= "\trm -f $program.all_$suffix.final $program.all_$suffix.files\n";
- appendLines($handling);
- push(@final_names, "$program.all_$suffix.$suffix");
- $finalObjs{$program} .= "$program.all_$suffix.";
- if ($program =~ /_la$/) {
- $finalObjs{$program} .= "lo ";
- } else {
- $finalObjs{$program} .= "o ";
- }
- }
- }
- if ($use_final && @final_names >= 1) {
- # add clean-final target
- my $lines = "$cleantarget-final:\n";
- $lines .= "\t-rm -f " . join(' ', @final_names) . "\n" if (@final_names);
- appendLines($lines);
- $target_adds{"$cleantarget-am"} .= "$cleantarget-final ";
- foreach $finalfile (@final_names) {
- $finalfile =~ s/\.[^.]*$/.P/;
- $dep_finals .= " \$(DEPDIR)/$finalfile";
- }
- }
-# Organises the list of headers that we'll use to produce moc files
-# from.
-sub tag_METASOURCES ()
- local @newObs = (); # here we add to create object files
- local @deped = (); # here we add to create moc files
- local $mocExt = ".moc";
- local %mocFiles = ();
- my $line = "";
- my $postEqual = "";
- my $lookup;
- my $found = "";
- if ($metasourceTags > 1) {
- $lookup = $program . '_METASOURCES\s*=\s*(.*)';
- return 1 if ($MakefileData !~ /\n($lookup)\n/);
- $found = $1;
- } else {
- $lookup = $program . '_METASOURCES\s*=\s*(.*)';
- if ($MakefileData !~ /\n($lookup)\n/) {
- $lookup = 'METASOURCES\s*=\s*(.*)';
- return 1 if ($MakefileData !~ /\n($lookup)\n/);
- $found = $1;
- $metasourceTags = 0; # we can use the general target only once
- } else {
- $found = $1;
- }
- }
- print STDOUT "METASOURCE processing <$found>)\n" if ($verbose);
- $postEqual = $found;
- $postEqual =~ s/[^=]*=//;
- removeLine ($lookup, $found);
- # Always find the header files that could be used to "moc"
- return 1 if (findMocCandidates ());
- if ($postEqual =~ /AUTO\s*(\S*)|USE_AUTOMOC\s*(\S*)/)
- {
- print STDERR "$printname: the argument for AUTO|USE_AUTOMOC is obsolete" if ($+);
- $mocExt = ".moc.$cxxsuffix";
- $haveAutomocTag = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- # Not automoc so read the list of files supplied which
- # should be .moc files.
- $postEqual =~ tr/\034/ /;
- # prune out extra headers - This also checks to make sure that
- # the list is valid.
- pruneMocCandidates ($postEqual);
- }
- checkMocCandidates ();
- if (@newObs) {
- my $ext = ($program =~ /_la$/) ? ".moc.lo " : ".moc.o ";
- $realObjs{$program} .= "\034" . join ($ext, @newObs) . $ext;
- $depedmocs{$program} = join (".moc.$cxxsuffix " , @newObs) . ".moc.$cxxsuffix";
- foreach $file (@newObs) {
- $dep_files .= " \$(DEPDIR)/$file.moc.P";
- }
- }
- if (@deped) {
- $depedmocs{$program} .= " ";
- $depedmocs{$program} .= join('.moc ', @deped) . ".moc";
- $depedmocs{$program} .= " ";
- }
- addMocRules ();
- @globalmocs{keys %mocFiles}=values %mocFiles;
-# Returns 0 if the line was processed - 1 otherwise.
-# Errors are logged in the global $errorflags
-sub tag_AUTOMAKE ()
- my $lookup = '.*cd \$\(top_srcdir\)\s+&&\s+\$\(AUTOMAKE\)(.*)';
- return 1 if ($MakefileData !~ /($lookup)/);
- print STDOUT "AUTOMAKE processing <$1>\n" if ($verbose);
- my $newLine = $1."\n\tcd \$(top_srcdir)/$KDEtopdir && perl $thisProg $printname";
- substituteLine ($lookup, $newLine);
- $automkCall = $1;
- return 0;
-sub tag_TOPLEVEL()
- my $lookup = 'TOPLEVEL_LANG\s*=\s*(\S+)';
- return 1 if ($MakefileData !~ /\n$lookup\n/);
- my $lang = $1;
- if (tag_SUBDIRS()) {
- print STDERR "Error: TOPLEVEL_LANG without SUBDIRS = \$(AUTODIRS) in $printname\n";
- $errorflag = 1;
- return 1;
- }
- my $pofiles = "";
- my @restfiles = ();
- opendir (THISDIR, ".");
- foreach $entry (readdir(THISDIR)) {
- next if (-d $entry);
- next if ($entry eq "CVS" || $entry =~ /^\./ || $entry =~ /^Makefile/ || $entry =~ /~$/ || $entry =~ /^#.*#$/ || $entry =~ /.gmo$/);
- if ($entry =~ /\.po$/) {
- $pofiles .= "$entry ";
- next;
- }
- push(@restfiles, $entry);
- }
- closedir (THISDIR);
- print STDOUT "pofiles found = $pofiles\n" if ($verbose);
- handle_POFILES($pofiles, '$(TOPLEVEL_LANG)') if ($pofiles);
- if (@restfiles) {
- $target_adds{"install-data-am"} .= "install-nls-files ";
- $lines = "install-nls-files:\n";
- $lines .= "\t\$(mkinstalldirs) \$(DESTDIR)\$(kde_locale)/$lang\n";
- for $file (@restfiles) {
- $lines .= "\t\$(INSTALL_DATA) \$\(srcdir\)/$file \$(DESTDIR)\$(kde_locale)/$lang/$file\n";
- }
- appendLines($lines);
- }
- return 0;
-sub tag_SUBDIRS ()
- if ($MakefileData !~ /\nSUBDIRS\s*=\s*\$\(AUTODIRS\)\s*\n/) {
- return 1;
- }
- my $subdirs;
- opendir (THISDIR, ".");
- foreach $entry (readdir(THISDIR)) {
- next if ($entry eq "CVS" || $entry =~ /^\./);
- if (-d $entry && -f $entry . "/Makefile.am") {
- $subdirs .= " $entry";
- next;
- }
- }
- closedir (THISDIR);
- my $lines = "SUBDIRS =$subdirs\n";
- substituteLine('SUBDIRS\s*=.*', $lines);
- return 0;
-sub tag_IDLFILES ()
- my @psources = split(/[\034\s]+/, $sources{$program});
- my $dep_lines = "";
- my @cppFiles = ();
- foreach $source (@psources) {
- my $skel = ($source =~ m/\.skel$/);
- if ($source =~ m/\.stub$/ || $skel) {
- print STDERR "adding IDL file $source\n" if ($verbose);
- $source =~ s/\.(stub|skel)$//;
- my $sourcename;
- if ($skel) {
- $sourcename = "$source\_skel";
- } else {
- $sourcename = "$source\_stub";
- }
- my $sourcedir = '';
- if (-f "$makefileDir/$source.h") {
- $sourcedir = '$(srcdir)/';
- } else {
- if ($MakefileData =~ /\n$source\_DIR\s*=\s*(\S+)\n/) {#
- $sourcedir = $1;
- $sourcedir .= "/" if ($sourcedir !~ /\/$/);
- }
- }
- if ($allidls !~ /$source\_kidl/) {
- $dep_lines .= "$source.kidl: $sourcedir$source.h \$(DCOPIDL_DEPENDENCIES)\n";
- $dep_lines .= "\t\$(DCOPIDL) $sourcedir$source.h > $source.kidl || rm -f $source.kidl\n";
- $allidls .= $source . "_kidl ";
- }
- if ($allidls !~ /$sourcename/) {
- if ($skel) {
- $dep_lines .= "$sourcename.$cxxsuffix: $source.kidl\n";
- $dep_lines .= "\t\$(DCOPIDL2CPP) --c++-suffix $cxxsuffix --no-stub $source.kidl\n";
- } else {
- $dep_lines .= "$sourcename.$cxxsuffix: $sourcename.h\n";
- $dep_lines .= "$sourcename.h: $source.kidl\n";
- $dep_lines .= "\t\$(DCOPIDL2CPP) --c++-suffix $cxxsuffix --no-skel $source.kidl\n";
- }
- @cppFiles =
- `egrep -l "^[ ]*#include *.$sourcename\.h." $cppExt 2> /dev/null`;
- foreach $file (@cppFiles) {
- chomp ($file);
- $dep_lines .= "\$(srcdir)/$file: $sourcename.h\n";
- }
- $allidls .= $sourcename . " ";
- }
- $idlfiles{$program} .= $sourcename . " ";
- if ($program =~ /_la$/) {
- $realObjs{$program} .= " $sourcename.lo";
- } else {
- $realObjs{$program} .= " $sourcename.\$(OBJEXT)";
- }
- $sources{$program} .= " $sourcename.$cxxsuffix";
- $idl_output .= "\\\n\t$sourcename.$cxxsuffix $sourcename.h $source.kidl ";
- $dep_files .= " \$(DEPDIR)/$sourcename.P";
- }
- }
- if ($dep_lines) {
- appendLines($dep_lines);
- }
- if (0) {
- my $lookup = "($program)";
- $lookup .= '(|\$\(EXEEXT\))';
- $lookup =~ s/\_/./g;
- $lookup .= ":(.*..$program\_OBJECTS..*)";
-# $lookup = quotemeta($lookup);
- if ($MakefileData =~ /\n$lookup\n/) {
- my $line = "$1$2: ";
- foreach $file (split(' ', $idlfiles{$program})) {
- $line .= "$file.$cxxsuffix ";
- }
- $line .= $3;
- substituteLine($lookup, $line);
- } else {
- print STDERR "no built dependency found $lookup\n";
- }
- }
-sub tag_UIFILES ()
- my @psources = split(/[\034\s]+/, $sources{$program});
- my $dep_lines = "";
- my @depFiles = ();
- foreach $source (@psources) {
- if ($source =~ m/\.ui$/) {
- print STDERR "adding UI file $source\n" if ($verbose);
- $source =~ s/\.ui$//;
- my $sourcedir = '';
- if (-f "$makefileDir/$source.ui") {
- $sourcedir = '$(srcdir)/';
- }
- if ($alluis !~ /$source/) {
- $dep_lines .= "$source.$cxxsuffix: $sourcedir$source.ui $source.h $source.moc\n";
- $dep_lines .= "\trm -f $source.$cxxsuffix\n";
- $dep_lines .= "\techo '#include <klocale.h>' > $source.$cxxsuffix\n";
- $dep_lines .= "\t\$(UIC) -tr i18n -i $source.h $sourcedir$source.ui >> $source.$cxxsuffix || rm -f $source.$cxxsuffix\n";
- $dep_lines .= "\techo '#include \"$source.moc\"' >> $source.$cxxsuffix\n\n";
- $dep_lines .= "$source.h: $sourcedir$source.ui\n";
- $dep_lines .= "\t\$(UIC) -o $source.h $sourcedir$source.ui\n\n";
- $dep_lines .= "$source.moc: $source.h\n";
- $dep_lines .= "\t\$(MOC) $source.h -o $source.moc\n";
- @depFiles = `egrep -l "^[ ]*#include *.$source\.h." $cppExt $hExt 2> /dev/null`;
- foreach $file (@depFiles) {
- chomp ($file);
- next unless $file;
- $dep_lines .= "\$(srcdir)/$file: $source.h\n";
- }
- $alluis .= "$source ";
- $ui_mocs .= " $source.moc";
- $depedmocs{$program} .= " $source.moc";
- }
- if ($program =~ /_la$/) {
- $realObjs{$program} .= " $source.lo";
- } else {
- $realObjs{$program} .= " $source.\$(OBJEXT)";
- }
- $sources{$program} .= " $source.$cxxsuffix";
- $ui_output .= "\\\n\t$source.$cxxsuffix $source.h $source.moc ";
- $dep_files .= " \$(DEPDIR)/$source.P";
- }
- }
- if ($dep_lines) {
- appendLines($dep_lines);
- }
-sub tag_ICON()
- my $lookup = '([^\s]*)_ICON\s*=\s*([^\n]*)';
- my $install = "";
- my $uninstall = "";
- my $distfiles_icons = "";
- while ($MakefileData =~ /\n$lookup/g) {
- my $destdir;
- if ($1 eq "KDE") {
- $destdir = "kde_icondir";
- } else {
- $destdir = $1 . "dir";
- }
- my $iconauto = ($2 =~ /AUTO\s*$/);
- my @appnames = ();
- if ( ! $iconauto ) {
- my @_appnames = split(" ", $2);
- print STDOUT "KDE_ICON processing <@_appnames>\n" if ($verbose);
- foreach $appname (@_appnames) {
- push(@appnames, quotemeta($appname));
- }
- } else {
- print STDOUT "KDE_ICON processing <AUTO>\n" if ($verbose);
- }
- my @files = ();
- opendir (THISDIR, ".");
- foreach $entry (readdir(THISDIR)) {
- next if ($entry eq "CVS" || $entry =~ /^\./ || $entry =~ /^Makefile/ || $entry =~ /~$/ || $entry =~ /^\#.*\#$/);
- next if (! -f $entry);
- if ( $iconauto )
- {
- push(@files, $entry)
- if ($entry =~ /\.xpm/ || $entry =~ /\.png/);
- } else {
- foreach $appname (@appnames) {
- push(@files, $entry)
- if ($entry =~ /-$appname\.xpm/ || $entry =~ /-$appname\.png/);
- }
- }
- }
- closedir (THISDIR);
- my %directories = ();
- foreach $file (@files)
- {
- $distfiles_icons .= "\\\n\t$file ";
- my $newfile = $file;
- my $prefix = $file;
- $prefix =~ s/\.(png|xpm)$//;
- my $appname = $prefix;
- $appname =~ s/^[^-]+-// if ($appname =~ /-/) ;
- $appname =~ s/^[^-]+-// if ($appname =~ /-/) ;
- $appname = quotemeta($appname);
- $prefix =~ s/$appname$//;
- $prefix =~ s/-$//;
- $prefix = 'lo16-app' if ($prefix eq 'mini');
- $prefix = 'lo32-app' if ($prefix eq 'lo');
- $prefix = 'hi48-app' if ($prefix eq 'large');
- $prefix .= '-app' if ($prefix =~ m/^...$/);
- my $type = $prefix;
- $type =~ s/^.*-([^-]+)$/$1/;
- $prefix =~ s/^(.*)-[^-]+$/$1/;
- my %type_hash =
- (
- 'action' => 'actions',
- 'app' => 'apps',
- 'device' => 'devices',
- 'filesys' => 'filesystems',
- 'mime' => 'mimetypes'
- );
- if (! defined $type_hash{$type} ) {
- print STDERR "unknown icon type $type in $printname ($file)\n";
- next;
- }
- my %dir_hash =
- (
- 'los' => 'locolor/16x16',
- 'lom' => 'locolor/32x32',
- 'him' => 'hicolor/32x32',
- 'hil' => 'hicolor/48x48',
- 'lo16' => 'locolor/16x16',
- 'lo22' => 'locolor/22x22',
- 'lo32' => 'locolor/32x32',
- 'hi16' => 'hicolor/16x16',
- 'hi22' => 'hicolor/22x22',
- 'hi32' => 'hicolor/32x32',
- 'hi48' => 'hicolor/48x48',
- 'hi64' => 'hicolor/64x64',
- 'hisc' => 'hicolor/scalable'
- );
- $newfile =~ s@.*-($appname\.(png|xpm?))@$1@;
- if (! defined $dir_hash{$prefix}) {
- print STDERR "unknown icon prefix $prefix in $printname\n";
- next;
- }
- my $dir = $dir_hash{$prefix} . "/" . $type_hash{$type};
- if ($newfile =~ /-[^\.]/) {
- my $tmp = $newfile;
- $tmp =~ s/^([^-]+)-.*$/$1/;
- $dir = $dir . "/" . $tmp;
- $newfile =~ s/^[^-]+-//;
- }
- if (!defined $directories{$dir}) {
- $install .= "\t\$(mkinstalldirs) \$(DESTDIR)\$($destdir)/$dir\n";
- $directories{$dir} = 1;
- }
- $install .= "\t\$(INSTALL_DATA) \$(srcdir)/$file \$(DESTDIR)\$($destdir)/$dir/$newfile\n";
- $uninstall .= "\t-rm -f \$(DESTDIR)\$($destdir)/$dir/$newfile\n";
- }
- }
- if (length($distfiles_icons)) {
- $lookup = 'DISTFILES\s*=\s*(.*)';
- if ($MakefileData =~ /\n$lookup\n/) {
- $tmp = "DISTFILES = $1 $distfiles_icons";
- substituteLine ($lookup, $tmp);
- }
- }
- if (length($install)) {
- $target_adds{"install-data-am"} .= "install-kde-icons ";
- $target_adds{"uninstall-am"} .= "uninstall-kde-icons ";
- appendLines("install-kde-icons:\n" . $install . "\nuninstall-kde-icons:\n" . $uninstall);
- }
-sub handle_POFILES($$)
- my @pofiles = split(" ", $_[0]);
- my $lang = $_[1];
- # Build rules for creating the gmo files
- my $tmp = "";
- my $allgmofiles = "";
- my $pofileLine = "POFILES =";
- foreach $pofile (@pofiles)
- {
- $pofile =~ /(.*)\.[^\.]*$/; # Find name minus extension
- $tmp .= "$1.gmo: $pofile\n";
- $tmp .= "\trm -f $1.gmo; \$(GMSGFMT) -o $1.gmo \$(srcdir)/$pofile\n";
- $allgmofiles .= " $1.gmo";
- $pofileLine .= " $1.po";
- }
- appendLines ($tmp);
- my $lookup = 'POFILES\s*=([^\n]*)';
- if ($MakefileData !~ /\n$lookup/) {
- appendLines("$pofileLine\nGMOFILES =$allgmofiles");
- } else {
- substituteLine ($lookup, "$pofileLine\nGMOFILES =$allgmofiles");
- }
- if ($allgmofiles) {
- # Add the "clean" rule so that the maintainer-clean does something
- appendLines ("clean-nls:\n\t-rm -f $allgmofiles\n");
- $target_adds{"maintainer-clean"} .= "clean-nls ";
- $lookup = 'DISTFILES\s*=\s*(.*)';
- if ($MakefileData =~ /\n$lookup\n/) {
- $tmp = "DISTFILES = \$(GMOFILES) \$(POFILES) $1";
- substituteLine ($lookup, $tmp);
- }
- }
- $target_adds{"install-data-am"} .= "install-nls ";
- $tmp = "install-nls:\n";
- $tmp .= "install-nls:\n";
- if ($lang) {
- $tmp .= "\t\$(mkinstalldirs) \$(DESTDIR)\$(kde_locale)/$lang/LC_MESSAGES\n";
- }
- $tmp .= "\t\@for base in ";
- foreach $pofile (@pofiles)
- {
- $pofile =~ /(.*)\.[^\.]*$/; # Find name minus extension
- $tmp .= "$1 ";
- }
- $tmp .= "; do \\\n";
- if ($lang) {
- $tmp .= "\t echo \$(INSTALL_DATA) \$\$base.gmo \$(DESTDIR)\$(kde_locale)/$lang/LC_MESSAGES/\$\$base.mo ;\\\n";
- $tmp .= "\t test ! -f \$\$base.gmo || \$(INSTALL_DATA) \$\$base.gmo \$(DESTDIR)\$(kde_locale)/$lang/LC_MESSAGES/\$\$base.mo ;\\\n"
- } else {
- $tmp .= "\t echo \$(INSTALL_DATA) \$\$base.gmo \$(DESTDIR)\$(kde_locale)/\$\$base/LC_MESSAGES/\$(PACKAGE).mo ;\\\n";
- $tmp .= "\t \$(mkinstalldirs) \$(DESTDIR)\$(kde_locale)/\$\$base/LC_MESSAGES ; \\\n";
- $tmp .= "\t test ! -f \$\$base.gmo || \$(INSTALL_DATA) \$\$base.gmo \$(DESTDIR)\$(kde_locale)/\$\$base/LC_MESSAGES/\$(PACKAGE).mo ;\\\n";
- }
- $tmp .= "\tdone\n\n";
- appendLines ($tmp);
- $target_adds{"uninstall"} .= "uninstall-nls ";
- $tmp = "uninstall-nls:\n";
- foreach $pofile (@pofiles)
- {
- $pofile =~ /(.*)\.[^\.]*$/; # Find name minus extension
- if ($lang) {
- $tmp .= "\trm -f \$(DESTDIR)\$(kde_locale)/$lang/LC_MESSAGES/$1.mo\n";
- } else {
- $tmp .= "\trm -f \$(DESTDIR)\$(kde_locale)/$1/LC_MESSAGES/\$(PACKAGE).mo\n";
- }
- }
- appendLines($tmp);
- $target_adds{"all"} .= "all-nls ";
- $tmp = "all-nls: \$(GMOFILES)\n";
- appendLines($tmp);
- $target_adds{"distdir"} .= "distdir-nls ";
- $tmp = "distdir-nls:\$(GMOFILES)\n";
- $tmp .= "\tfor file in \$(POFILES); do \\\n";
- $tmp .= "\t cp \$(srcdir)/\$\$file \$(distdir); \\\n";
- $tmp .= "\tdone\n";
- $tmp .= "\ttest -z \"\$(GMOFILES)\" || cp \$(GMOFILES) \$(distdir)\n";
- appendLines ($tmp);
-# Returns 0 if the line was processed - 1 otherwise.
-# Errors are logged in the global $errorflags
-sub tag_POFILES ()
- my $lookup = 'POFILES\s*=([^\n]*)';
- return 1 if ($MakefileData !~ /\n$lookup/);
- print STDOUT "POFILES processing <$1>\n" if ($verbose);
- my $tmp = $1;
- # make sure these are all gone.
- if ($MakefileData =~ /\n\.po\.gmo:\n/)
- {
- print STDERR "Warning: Found old .po.gmo rules in $printname. New po rules not added\n";
- return 1;
- }
- # Either find the pofiles in the directory (AUTO) or use
- # only the specified po files.
- my $pofiles = "";
- if ($tmp =~ /^\s*AUTO\s*$/)
- {
- opendir (THISDIR, ".");
- next if ($entry eq "CVS" || $entry =~ /^\./ || $entry =~ /^Makefile/ || $entry =~ /~$/ || $entry =~ /^#.*#$/);
- $pofiles = join(" ", grep(/\.po$/, readdir(THISDIR)));
- closedir (THISDIR);
- print STDOUT "pofiles found = $pofiles\n" if ($verbose);
- }
- else
- {
- $tmp =~ s/\034/ /g;
- $tmp =~ s/\@POFILES\@//g;
- $pofiles = $tmp;
- }
- return 1 if ($pofiles =~ /^[ \t]*$/); # Nothing to do
- handle_POFILES($pofiles, $kdelang);
- return 0;
-sub helper_LOCALINSTALL($)
- my $lookup = "\n" . $_[0] . ":";
- if ($MakefileData =~ /($lookup)/) {
- my $install = $MakefileData;
- $install =~ s/\n/\035/g;
- $install =~ s/.*\035$_[0]:[^\035]*\035//;
- my $emptyline = 0;
- while (! $emptyline) {
- if ($install =~ /([^\035]*)\035(.*)/) {
- local $line = $1;
- $install = $2;
- if ($line !~ /^\s*$/ && $line !~ /^(\@.*\@)*\t/) {
- $emptyline = 1;
- } else {
- replaceDestDir($line);
- }
- } else {
- $emptyline = 1;
- }
- }
- }
-sub tag_LOCALINSTALL ()
- helper_LOCALINSTALL('install-exec-local');
- helper_LOCALINSTALL('install-data-local');
- helper_LOCALINSTALL('uninstall-local');
- return 0;
-sub replaceDestDir($) {
- local $line = $_[0];
- if ( $line =~ /^\s*(\@.*\@)*\s*\$\(mkinstalldirs\)/
- || $line =~ /^\s*(\@.*\@)*\s*\$\(INSTALL\S*\)/
- || $line =~ /^\s*(\@.*\@)*\s*(-?rm.*) \S*$/)
- {
- $line =~ s/^(.*) ([^\s]*)\s*$/$1 \$(DESTDIR)$2/ if ($line !~ /\$\(DESTDIR\)/);
- }
- if ($line ne $_[0]) {
- $_[0] = quotemeta $_[0];
- substituteLine($_[0], $line);
- }
-sub tag_CLOSURE () {
- return if ($program !~ /_la$/);
- my $lookup = quotemeta($realname{$program}) . ":.*?\n\t.*?\\((.*?)\\) .*\n";
- $MakefileData =~ m/$lookup/;
- return if ($1 !~ /CXXLINK/);
- if ($MakefileData !~ /\n$program\_LDFLAGS\s*=.*-no-undefined/ &&
- $MakefileData !~ /\n$program\_LDFLAGS\s*=.*KDE_PLUGIN/ ) {
- print STDERR "Report: $program contains undefined in $printname\n" if ($program =~ /^lib/ && $dryrun);
- return;
- }
- my $closure = $realname{$program} . ".closure";
- my $lines = "$closure: \$($program\_OBJECTS) \$($program\_DEPENDENCIES)\n";
- $lines .= "\t\@echo \"int main() {return 0;}\" > $program\_closure.$cxxsuffix\n";
- $lines .= "\t\@\$\(LTCXXCOMPILE\) -c $program\_closure.$cxxsuffix\n";
- $lines .= "\t\@\$\(CXXLINK\) $program\_closure.lo \$($program\_LDFLAGS) \$($program\_OBJECTS) \$($program\_LIBADD) \$(LIBS)\n";
- $lines .= "\t\@rm -f $program\_closure.* $closure\n";
- $lines .= "\t\@echo \"timestamp\" > $closure\n";
- $lines .= "\n";
- appendLines($lines);
- $lookup = $realname{$program} . ": (.*)";
- if ($MakefileData =~ /\n$lookup\n/) {
- $lines = "\@KDE_USE_CLOSURE_TRUE@". $realname{$program} . ": $closure $1";
- $lines .= "\n\@KDE_USE_CLOSURE_FALSE@" . $realname{$program} . ": $1";
- substituteLine($lookup, $lines);
- }
-# Returns 0 if the line was processed - 1 otherwise.
-# Errors are logged in the global $errorflags
-sub tag_DOCFILES ()
-# if ($MakefileData =~ /\nSUBDIRS\s*=/) { # subdirs
-# $MakefileData =~ /\n(.*-recursive:\s*)\n/;
-# my $orig_rules = $1;
-# my $rules = $orig_rules;
-# $rules =~ s/:\s*$//;
-# substituteLine($orig_rules, "$rules docs-recursive:");
-# appendLines("docs: docs-recursive docs-am\n");
-# } else {
-# appendLines("docs: docs-am\n");
-# }
- $target_adds{"all"} .= "docs-am ";
- my $lookup = 'KDE_DOCS\s*=\s*([^\n]*)';
- goto nodocs if ($MakefileData !~ /\n$lookup/);
- print STDOUT "KDE_DOCS processing <$1>\n" if ($verbose);
- tag_SUBDIRS();
- my $tmp = $1;
- # Either find the files in the directory (AUTO) or use
- # only the specified po files.
- my $files = "";
- my $appname = $tmp;
- $appname =~ s/^(\S*)\s*.*$/$1/;
- if ($appname =~ /AUTO/) {
- $appname = basename($makefileDir);
- }
- if ($tmp !~ / - /)
- {
- opendir (THISDIR, ".");
- foreach $entry (readdir(THISDIR)) {
- next if ($entry eq "CVS" || $entry =~ /^\./ || $entry =~ /^Makefile/ || $entry =~ /~$/ || $entry =~ /^\#.*\#$/);
- next if (! -f $entry);
- $files .= "$entry ";
- }
- closedir (THISDIR);
- print STDOUT "docfiles found = $files\n" if ($verbose);
- }
- else
- {
- $tmp =~ s/\034/ /g;
- $tmp =~ s/^\S*\s*-\s*//;
- $files = $tmp;
- }
- goto nodocs if (!$files); # Nothing to do
- if ($files =~ /(^| )index\.docbook\.in($| )/) {
- $files =~ s/\.in//;
- }
- if ($files =~ /(^| )index\.docbook($| )/) {
- my $lines = "";
- my $lookup = 'MEINPROC\s*=';
- if ($MakefileData !~ /\n($lookup)/) {
- $lines = "MEINPROC=/\$(kde_bindir)/meinproc\n";
- }
- $lookup = 'KDE_XSL_STYLESHEET\s*=';
- if ($MakefileData !~ /\n($lookup)/) {
- $lines .= "KDE_XSL_STYLESHEET=/\$(kde_datadir)/ksgmltools2/customization/kde-chunk.xsl\n";
- }
- $lookup = '\nindex.cache.bz2:';
- if ($MakefileData !~ /\n($lookup)/) {
- $lines .= "index.cache.bz2: \$(srcdir)/index.docbook \$(KDE_XSL_STYLESHEET) $files\n";
- $lines .= "\t-\@if test -n \"\$(MEINPROC)\"; then echo \$(MEINPROC) --check --cache index.cache.bz2 \$(srcdir)/index.docbook; \$(MEINPROC) --check --cache index.cache.bz2 \$(srcdir)/index.docbook; fi\n";
- $lines .= "\n";
- }
- $lines .= "docs-am: index.cache.bz2\n";
- $lines .= "\n";
- $lines .= "install-docs: docs-am install-nls\n";
- $lines .= "\t\$(mkinstalldirs) \$(DESTDIR)\$(kde_htmldir)/$kdelang/$appname\n";
- $lines .= "\t\@if test -f index.cache.bz2; then \\\n";
- $lines .= "\techo \$(INSTALL_DATA) index.cache.bz2 \$(DESTDIR)\$(kde_htmldir)/$kdelang/$appname/; \\\n";
- $lines .= "\t\$(INSTALL_DATA) index.cache.bz2 \$(DESTDIR)\$(kde_htmldir)/$kdelang/$appname/; \\\n";
- $lines .= "\tfi\n";
- $lines .= "\t-rm -f \$(DESTDIR)\$(kde_htmldir)/$kdelang/$appname/common\n";
- $lines .= "\t\$(LN_S) \$(kde_libs_htmldir)/$kdelang/common \$(DESTDIR)\$(kde_htmldir)/$kdelang/$appname/common\n";
- $lines .= "\n";
- $lines .= "uninstall-docs:\n";
- $lines .= "\t-rm -rf \$(kde_htmldir)/$kdelang/$appname\n";
- $lines .= "\n";
- $lines .= "clean-docs:\n";
- $lines .= "\t-rm -f index.cache.bz2\n";
- $lines .= "\n";
- $target_adds{"install-data-am"} .= "install-docs ";
- $target_adds{"uninstall"} .= "uninstall-docs ";
- $target_adds{"clean-am"} .= "clean-docs ";
- appendLines ($lines);
- $docsadded = 1;
- } else {
- appendLines("docs-am:\n");
- }
- $target_adds{"install-data-am"} .= "install-nls";
- $target_adds{"uninstall"} .= "uninstall-nls ";
- $tmp = "install-nls:\n";
- $tmp .= "\t\$(mkinstalldirs) \$(DESTDIR)\$(kde_htmldir)/$kdelang/$appname\n";
- $tmp .= "\t\@for base in $files; do \\\n";
- $tmp .= "\t echo \$(INSTALL_DATA) \$\$base \$(DESTDIR)\$(kde_htmldir)/$kdelang/$appname/\$\$base ;\\\n";
- $tmp .= "\t \$(INSTALL_DATA) \$(srcdir)/\$\$base \$(DESTDIR)\$(kde_htmldir)/$kdelang/$appname/\$\$base ;\\\n";
- $tmp .= "\tdone\n";
- if ($appname eq 'common') {
- $tmp .= "\t\@echo \"merging common and language specific dir\" ;\\\n";
- $tmp .= "\tif test ! -e \$(kde_htmldir)/en/common/kde-common.css; then echo 'no english docs found in \$(kde_htmldir)/en/common/'; exit 1; fi \n";
- $tmp .= "\t\@com_files=`cd \$(kde_htmldir)/en/common && echo *` ;\\\n";
- $tmp .= "\tcd \$(DESTDIR)\$(kde_htmldir)/$kdelang/common ;\\\n";
- $tmp .= "\tif test -n \"\$\$com_files\"; then for p in \$\$com_files ; do \\\n";
- $tmp .= "\t case \" $files \" in \\\n";
- $tmp .= "\t *\" \$\$p \"*) ;; \\\n";
- $tmp .= "\t *) test ! -e \$\$p && echo \$(LN_S) ../../en/common/\$\$p \$(DESTDIR)\$(kde_htmldir)/$kdelang/common/\$\$p && \$(LN_S) ../../en/common/\$\$p \$\$p ;; \\\n";
- $tmp .= "\t esac ; \\\n";
- $tmp .= "\tdone ; fi ; true\n";
- }
- $tmp .= "\n";
- $tmp .= "uninstall-nls:\n";
- $tmp .= "\tfor base in $files; do \\\n";
- $tmp .= "\t rm -f \$(DESTDIR)\$(kde_htmldir)/$kdelang/$appname/\$\$base ;\\\n";
- $tmp .= "\tdone\n\n";
- appendLines ($tmp);
- $target_adds{"distdir"} .= "distdir-nls ";
- $tmp = "distdir-nls:\n";
- $tmp .= "\tfor file in $files; do \\\n";
- $tmp .= "\t cp \$(srcdir)/\$\$file \$(distdir); \\\n";
- $tmp .= "\tdone\n";
- appendLines ($tmp);
- return 0;
- nodocs:
- appendLines("docs-am:\n");
- return 1;
-# Find headers in any of the source directories specified previously, that
-# are candidates for "moc-ing".
-sub findMocCandidates ()
- my @list = ();
- foreach $dir (@headerdirs)
- {
- chdir ($dir);
- @list = `grep -l '^.*Q_OBJECT' $hExt 2> /dev/null`;
- chdir ($makefileDir);
- # The assoc array of root of headerfile and header filename
- foreach $hFile (@list)
- {
- chomp ($hFile);
- $hFile =~ /(.*)\.[^\.]*$/; # Find name minus extension
- if ($mocFiles{$1})
- {
- print STDERR "Warning: Multiple header files found for $1\n";
- next; # Use the first one
- }
- $mocFiles{$1} = "$dir\035$hFile"; # Add relative dir
- }
- }
- return 0;
-# The programmer has specified a moc list. Prune out the moc candidates
-# list that we found based on looking at the header files. This generates
-# a warning if the programmer gets the list wrong, but this doesn't have
-# to be fatal here.
-sub pruneMocCandidates ($)
- my %prunedMoc = ();
- local @mocList = split(' ', $_[0]);
- foreach $mocname (@mocList)
- {
- $mocname =~ s/\.moc$//;
- if ($mocFiles{$mocname})
- {
- $prunedMoc{$mocname} = $mocFiles{$mocname};
- }
- else
- {
- my $print = $makefileDir;
- $print =~ s/^\Q$topdir\E\\//;
- # They specified a moc file but we can't find a header that
- # will generate this moc file. That's possible fatal!
- print STDERR "Warning: No moc-able header file for $print/$mocname\n";
- }
- }
- undef %mocFiles;
- %mocFiles = %prunedMoc;
-# Finds the cpp files (If they exist).
-# The cpp files get appended to the header file separated by \035
-sub checkMocCandidates ()
- my @cppFiles = ();
- foreach $mocFile (keys (%mocFiles))
- {
- # Find corresponding c++ files that includes the moc file
- @cppFiles =
- `egrep -l "^[ ]*#include[ ]*.$mocFile\.moc." $cppExt 2> /dev/null`;
- if (@cppFiles == 1)
- {
- chomp $cppFiles[0];
- $mocFiles{$mocFile} .= "\035" . $cppFiles[0];
- push(@deped, $mocFile);
- next;
- }
- if (@cppFiles == 0)
- {
- push (@newObs, $mocFile); # Produce new object file
- next if ($haveAutomocTag); # This is expected...
- # But this is an error we can deal with - let them know
- print STDERR
- "Warning: No c++ file that includes $mocFile.moc\n";
- next;
- }
- else
- {
- # We can't decide which file to use, so it's fatal. Although as a
- # guess we could use the mocFile.cpp file if it's in the list???
- print STDERR
- "Error: Multiple c++ files that include $mocFile.moc\n";
- print STDERR "\t",join ("\t", @cppFiles),"\n";
- $errorflag = 1;
- delete $mocFiles{$mocFile};
- # Let's continue and see what happens - They have been told!
- }
- }
-# Add the rules for generating moc source from header files
-# For Automoc output *.moc.cpp but normally we'll output *.moc
-# (We must compile *.moc.cpp separately. *.moc files are included
-# in the appropriate *.cpp file by the programmer)
-sub addMocRules ()
- my $cppFile;
- my $hFile;
- my $cleanMoc = "";
- foreach $mocFile (keys (%mocFiles))
- {
- undef $cppFile;
- ($dir, $hFile, $cppFile) = split ("\035", $mocFiles{$mocFile}, 3);
- $dir =~ s#^\.#\$(srcdir)#;
- if (defined ($cppFile))
- {
- appendLines ("\$(srcdir)/$cppFile: $mocFile.moc\n$mocFile.moc: $dir/$hFile\n\t\$(MOC) $dir/$hFile -o $mocFile.moc\n");
- $cleanMoc .= " $mocFile.moc";
- }
- else
- {
- appendLines ("$mocFile$mocExt: $dir/$hFile\n\t\$(MOC) $dir/$hFile -o $mocFile$mocExt\n");
- $cleanMoc .= " $mocFile$mocExt";
- }
- }
- if ($cleanMoc) {
- # Always add dist clean tag
- # Add extra *.moc.cpp files created for USE_AUTOMOC because they
- # aren't included in the normal *.moc clean rules.
- appendLines ("$cleantarget-metasources:\n\t-rm -f $cleanMoc\n");
- $target_adds{"$cleantarget-am"} .= "$cleantarget-metasources ";
- }
-sub make_meta_classes ()
- my $cppFile;
- my $hFile;
- my $moc_class_headers = "";
- my @cppFiles =
- `grep -l "setMocClasses[ ]*(.*)[ ]*;" $cppExt 2> /dev/null`;
- chomp(@cppFiles);
- print STDOUT "C++ files with setMocClasses() = [".join(' ', @cppFiles)."]\n"
- if $verbose;
- foreach $program (@programs) {
- my $mocs = "";
- my @progsources = split(/[\s\034]+/, $sources{$program});
- my @depmocs = split(' ', $depedmocs{$program});
- my %shash = (), %mhash = ();
- @shash{@progsources} = 1; # we are only interested in the existence
- @mhash{@depmocs} = 1;
- print STDOUT "program=$program\n" if ($verbose);
- print STDOUT "psources=[".join(' ', keys %shash)."]\n" if ($verbose);
- print STDOUT "depmocs=[".join(' ', keys %mhash)."]\n" if ($verbose);
- print STDOUT "globalmocs=[".join(' ', keys(%globalmocs))."]\n" if ($verbose);
- foreach my $mocFile (keys (%globalmocs))
- {
- undef $cppFile;
- ($dir, $hFile, $cppFile) = split ("\035", $globalmocs{$mocFile}, 3);
- $dir =~ s#^\.#\$(srcdir)#;
- if (defined ($cppFile))
- {
- #print STDOUT "cpp=$cppFile\n";
- $mocs .= " $mocFile.moc" if exists $shash{$cppFile};
- }
- else
- {
- # Bah. This is the case, if no C++ file includes the .moc
- # file. We make a .moc.cpp file for that. Unfortunately this
- # is not included in the %sources hash, but rather is mentioned
- # in %depedmocs. If the user wants to use AUTO he can't just
- # use an unspecific METAINCLUDES. Instead he must use
- # program_METAINCLUDES. Anyway, it's not working real nicely.
- # E.g. Its not clear what happens if user specifies two
- # METAINCLUDES=AUTO in the same Makefile.am.
- $mocs .= " $mocFile.moc.$cxxsuffix"
- if exists $mhash{$mocFile.".moc.$cxxsuffix"};
- }
- }
- $mocs .= $ui_mocs;
- if ($mocs) {
- print STDOUT "==> mocs=[".$mocs."]\n" if ($verbose);
- my $sourcename = $program."_meta_unload";
- my $ext = ($program =~ /_la$/) ? ".lo" : ".o";
- my $srcfile = $sourcename.".$cxxsuffix";
- my $objfile = $sourcename.$ext;
- $moc_class_headers .= " $srcfile";
- my $appl;
- $appl = "$srcfile: $mocs\n";
- $appl .= "\t\@echo 'creating $srcfile'\n";
- $appl .= "\t-rm -f $srcfile\n";
- $appl .= "\t\@echo 'static const char * _metalist_$program\[\] = {' > $srcfile\n";
- $appl .= "\tcat $mocs | grep 'char.*className' | ";
- $appl .= "sed -e 's/.*[^A-Za-z0-9_:]\\([A-Za-z0-9_:]*\\)::className.*\$\$/\\\"\\1\\\",/' | sort | uniq >> $srcfile\n";
- $appl .= "\t\@echo '0};' >> $srcfile\n";
- $appl .= "\t\@echo '#include <kunload.h>' >> $srcfile\n";
- $appl .= "\t\@echo '_UNLOAD($program)' >> $srcfile\n";
- $appl .= "\n";
- $realObjs{$program} .= " \034" . $objfile . " ";
- $sources{$program} .= " $srcfile";
- # now also add a dependency for the C++ file which includes a
- # setMocClasses() call, and is part of this program (if any)
- #foreach $cppFile (@cppFiles) {
- #print STDOUT "testing $cppFile\n" if $verbose;
- #if (exists $shash{$cppFile}) {
- # $appl .= "\$(srcdir)/$cppFile: $header\n";
- #}
- #}
- appendLines ($appl);
- }
- print STDOUT "\n" if $verbose;
- }
- if ($moc_class_headers) {
- appendLines ("$cleantarget-moc-classes:\n\t-rm -f $moc_class_headers\n");
- $target_adds{"$cleantarget-am"} .= "$cleantarget-moc-classes ";
- }
-sub updateMakefile ()
- return if ($dryrun);
- open (FILEOUT, "> $makefile")
- || die "Could not create $makefile: $!\n";
- print FILEOUT "\# $progId - " . '$Revision: 1.1 $ ' . "\n";
- $MakefileData =~ s/\034/\\\n/g; # Restore continuation lines
- print FILEOUT $MakefileData;
- close FILEOUT;
-# The given line needs to be removed from the makefile
-# Do this by adding the special "removed line" comment at the line start.
-sub removeLine ($$)
- my ($lookup, $old) = @_;
- $old =~ s/\034/\\\n#>- /g; # Fix continuation lines
- $MakefileData =~ s/\n$lookup/\n#>\- $old/;
-# Replaces the old line with the new line
-# old line(s) are retained but tagged as removed. The new line(s) have the
-# "added" tag placed before it.
-sub substituteLine ($$)
- my ($lookup, $new) = @_;
- if ($MakefileData =~ /\n($lookup)/) {
- $old = $1;
- $old =~ s/\034/\\\n#>\- /g; # Fix continuation lines
- $new =~ s/\034/\\\n/g;
- my $newCount = 1;
- $newCount++ while ($new =~ /\n/g);
- $MakefileData =~ s/\n$lookup/\n#>- $old\n#>\+ $newCount\n$new/;
- } else {
- print STDERR "Warning: substitution of \"$lookup\" in $printname failed\n";
- }
-# Slap new lines on the back of the file.
-sub appendLines ($)
- my ($new) = @_;
- $new =~ s/\034/\\\n/g; # Fix continuation lines
- my $newCount = 1;
- $newCount++ while ($new =~ /\n/g);
- $MakefileData .= "\n#>\+ $newCount\n$new";
-# Restore the Makefile.in to the state it was before we fiddled with it
-sub restoreMakefile ()
- $MakefileData =~ s/# $progId[^\n\034]*[\n\034]*//g;
- # Restore removed lines
- $MakefileData =~ s/([\n\034])#>\- /$1/g;
- # Remove added lines
- while ($MakefileData =~ /[\n\034]#>\+ ([^\n\034]*)/)
- {
- my $newCount = $1;
- my $removeLines = "";
- while ($newCount--) {
- $removeLines .= "[^\n\034]*([\n\034]|)";
- }
- $MakefileData =~ s/[\n\034]#>\+.*[\n\034]$removeLines/\n/;
- }