path: root/tests
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/various/muxcover.ys b/tests/various/muxcover.ys
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ac460f13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/various/muxcover.ys
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+read_verilog -formal <<EOT
+ module gate (input [2:0] A, B, C, D, X, output reg [2:0] Y);
+ always @*
+ (* parallel_case *)
+ casez (X)
+ 3'b??1: Y = A;
+ 3'b?1?: Y = B;
+ 3'b1??: Y = C;
+ 3'b000: Y = D;
+ endcase
+ endmodule
+## Examle usage for "pmuxtree" and "muxcover"
+muxcover -mux4
+splitnets -ports
+# show
+## Equivalence checking
+read_verilog -formal <<EOT
+ module gold (input [2:0] A, B, C, D, X, output reg [2:0] Y);
+ always @*
+ casez (X)
+ 3'b001: Y = A;
+ 3'b010: Y = B;
+ 3'b100: Y = C;
+ 3'b000: Y = D;
+ default: Y = 'bx;
+ endcase
+ endmodule
+splitnets -ports
+techmap -map +/simcells.v t:$_MUX4_
+equiv_make gold gate equiv
+hierarchy -top equiv
+equiv_simple -undef
+equiv_status -assert