path: root/techlibs/greenpak4/cells_sim.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'techlibs/greenpak4/cells_sim.v')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 504 deletions
diff --git a/techlibs/greenpak4/cells_sim.v b/techlibs/greenpak4/cells_sim.v
index 57f27b44e..2d7bed5cd 100644
--- a/techlibs/greenpak4/cells_sim.v
+++ b/techlibs/greenpak4/cells_sim.v
@@ -1,141 +1,9 @@
`timescale 1ns/1ps
-module GP_2LUT(input IN0, IN1, output OUT);
- parameter [3:0] INIT = 0;
- assign OUT = INIT[{IN1, IN0}];
-module GP_3LUT(input IN0, IN1, IN2, output OUT);
- parameter [7:0] INIT = 0;
- assign OUT = INIT[{IN2, IN1, IN0}];
-module GP_4LUT(input IN0, IN1, IN2, IN3, output OUT);
- parameter [15:0] INIT = 0;
- assign OUT = INIT[{IN3, IN2, IN1, IN0}];
-module GP_ABUF(input wire IN, output wire OUT);
- assign OUT = IN;
- //must be 1, 5, 20, 50
- //values >1 only available with Vdd > 2.7V
- parameter BANDWIDTH_KHZ = 1;
- //cannot simulate mixed signal IP
-module GP_ACMP(input wire PWREN, input wire VIN, input wire VREF, output reg OUT);
- parameter BANDWIDTH = "HIGH";
- parameter VIN_ATTEN = 1;
- parameter VIN_ISRC_EN = 0;
- parameter HYSTERESIS = 0;
- initial OUT = 0;
- //cannot simulate mixed signal IP
-module GP_BANDGAP(output reg OK);
- parameter AUTO_PWRDN = 1;
- parameter CHOPPER_EN = 1;
- parameter OUT_DELAY = 100;
- //cannot simulate mixed signal IP
-module GP_CLKBUF(input wire IN, output wire OUT);
- assign OUT = IN;
-module GP_COUNT8(input CLK, input wire RST, output reg OUT, output reg[7:0] POUT);
- parameter RESET_MODE = "RISING";
- parameter COUNT_TO = 8'h1;
- parameter CLKIN_DIVIDE = 1;
- //more complex hard IP blocks are not supported for simulation yet
- reg[7:0] count = COUNT_TO;
- //Combinatorially output whenever we wrap low
- always @(*) begin
- OUT <= (count == 8'h0);
- OUT <= count;
- end
- //POR or SYSRST reset value is COUNT_TO. Datasheet is unclear but conversations w/ Silego confirm.
- //Runtime reset value is clearly 0 except in count/FSM cells where it's configurable but we leave at 0 for now.
- //Datasheet seems to indicate that reset is asynchronous, but for now we model as sync due to Yosys issues...
- always @(posedge CLK) begin
- count <= count - 1'd1;
- if(count == 0)
- count <= COUNT_TO;
- /*
- if((RESET_MODE == "RISING") && RST)
- count <= 0;
- if((RESET_MODE == "FALLING") && !RST)
- count <= 0;
- if((RESET_MODE == "BOTH") && RST)
- count <= 0;
- */
- end
-module GP_COUNT14(input CLK, input wire RST, output reg OUT);
- parameter RESET_MODE = "RISING";
- parameter COUNT_TO = 14'h1;
- parameter CLKIN_DIVIDE = 1;
- //more complex hard IP blocks are not supported for simulation yet
-module GP_COUNT8_ADV(input CLK, input RST, output reg OUT,
- input UP, input KEEP, output reg[7:0] POUT);
- parameter RESET_MODE = "RISING";
- parameter RESET_VALUE = "ZERO";
- parameter COUNT_TO = 8'h1;
- parameter CLKIN_DIVIDE = 1;
- //more complex hard IP blocks are not supported for simulation yet
-module GP_COUNT14_ADV(input CLK, input RST, output reg OUT,
- input UP, input KEEP, output reg[7:0] POUT);
- parameter RESET_MODE = "RISING";
- parameter RESET_VALUE = "ZERO";
- parameter COUNT_TO = 14'h1;
- parameter CLKIN_DIVIDE = 1;
+`include "cells_sim_ams.v"
+`include "cells_sim_digital.v"
- //more complex hard IP blocks are not supported for simulation yet
-module GP_DAC(input[7:0] DIN, input wire VREF, output reg VOUT);
- initial VOUT = 0;
- //analog hard IP is not supported for simulation
+//Cells still in this file have INCOMPLETE simulation models, need to finish them
module GP_DCMP(input[7:0] INP, input[7:0] INN, input CLK, input PWRDN, output reg GREATER, output reg EQUAL);
parameter PWRDN_SYNC = 1'b0;
@@ -159,237 +27,6 @@ module GP_DCMP(input[7:0] INP, input[7:0] INN, input CLK, input PWRDN, output re
-module GP_DCMPREF(output reg[7:0]OUT);
- parameter[7:0] REF_VAL = 8'h00;
- initial OUT = REF_VAL;
-module GP_DCMPMUX(input[1:0] SEL, input[7:0] IN0, input[7:0] IN1, input[7:0] IN2, input[7:0] IN3, output reg[7:0] OUTA, output reg[7:0] OUTB);
- always @(*) begin
- case(SEL)
- 2'd00: begin
- OUTA <= IN0;
- OUTB <= IN3;
- end
- 2'd01: begin
- OUTA <= IN1;
- OUTB <= IN2;
- end
- 2'd02: begin
- OUTA <= IN2;
- OUTB <= IN1;
- end
- 2'd03: begin
- OUTA <= IN3;
- OUTB <= IN0;
- end
- endcase
- end
-module GP_DELAY(input IN, output reg OUT);
- parameter DELAY_STEPS = 1;
- parameter GLITCH_FILTER = 0;
- initial OUT = 0;
- generate
- //TODO: These delays are PTV dependent! For now, hard code 3v3 timing
- //Change simulation-mode delay depending on global Vdd range (how to specify this?)
- always @(*) begin
- 1: #166 OUT = IN;
- 2: #318 OUT = IN;
- 2: #471 OUT = IN;
- 3: #622 OUT = IN;
- default: begin
- $display("ERROR: GP_DELAY must have DELAY_STEPS in range [1,4]");
- $finish;
- end
- endcase
- end
- endgenerate
-module GP_DFF(input D, CLK, output reg Q);
- parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'bx;
- initial Q = INIT;
- always @(posedge CLK) begin
- Q <= D;
- end
-module GP_DFFI(input D, CLK, output reg nQ);
- parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'bx;
- initial nQ = INIT;
- always @(posedge CLK) begin
- nQ <= ~D;
- end
-module GP_DFFR(input D, CLK, nRST, output reg Q);
- parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'bx;
- initial Q = INIT;
- always @(posedge CLK, negedge nRST) begin
- if (!nRST)
- Q <= 1'b0;
- else
- Q <= D;
- end
-module GP_DFFRI(input D, CLK, nRST, output reg nQ);
- parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'bx;
- initial nQ = INIT;
- always @(posedge CLK, negedge nRST) begin
- if (!nRST)
- nQ <= 1'b1;
- else
- nQ <= ~D;
- end
-module GP_DFFS(input D, CLK, nSET, output reg Q);
- parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'bx;
- initial Q = INIT;
- always @(posedge CLK, negedge nSET) begin
- if (!nSET)
- Q <= 1'b1;
- else
- Q <= D;
- end
-module GP_DFFSI(input D, CLK, nSET, output reg nQ);
- parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'bx;
- initial nQ = INIT;
- always @(posedge CLK, negedge nSET) begin
- if (!nSET)
- nQ <= 1'b0;
- else
- nQ <= ~D;
- end
-module GP_DFFSR(input D, CLK, nSR, output reg Q);
- parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'bx;
- parameter [0:0] SRMODE = 1'bx;
- initial Q = INIT;
- always @(posedge CLK, negedge nSR) begin
- if (!nSR)
- Q <= SRMODE;
- else
- Q <= D;
- end
-module GP_DFFSRI(input D, CLK, nSR, output reg nQ);
- parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'bx;
- parameter [0:0] SRMODE = 1'bx;
- initial nQ = INIT;
- always @(posedge CLK, negedge nSR) begin
- if (!nSR)
- nQ <= ~SRMODE;
- else
- nQ <= ~D;
- end
-module GP_DLATCH(input D, input nCLK, output reg Q);
- parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'bx;
- initial Q = INIT;
- always @(*) begin
- if(!nCLK)
- Q <= D;
- end
-module GP_DLATCHI(input D, input nCLK, output reg nQ);
- parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'bx;
- initial nQ = INIT;
- always @(*) begin
- if(!nCLK)
- nQ <= ~D;
- end
-module GP_DLATCHR(input D, input nCLK, input nRST, output reg Q);
- parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'bx;
- initial Q = INIT;
- always @(*) begin
- if(!nRST)
- Q <= 1'b0;
- else if(!nCLK)
- Q <= D;
- end
-module GP_DLATCHRI(input D, input nCLK, input nRST, output reg nQ);
- parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'bx;
- initial nQ = INIT;
- always @(*) begin
- if(!nRST)
- nQ <= 1'b1;
- else if(!nCLK)
- nQ <= ~D;
- end
-module GP_DLATCHS(input D, input nCLK, input nSET, output reg Q);
- parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'bx;
- initial Q = INIT;
- always @(*) begin
- if(!nSET)
- Q <= 1'b1;
- else if(!nCLK)
- Q <= D;
- end
-module GP_DLATCHSI(input D, input nCLK, input nSET, output reg nQ);
- parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'bx;
- initial nQ = INIT;
- always @(*) begin
- if(!nSET)
- nQ <= 1'b0;
- else if(!nCLK)
- nQ <= ~D;
- end
-module GP_DLATCHSR(input D, input nCLK, input nSR, output reg Q);
- parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'bx;
- parameter[0:0] SRMODE = 1'bx;
- initial Q = INIT;
- always @(*) begin
- if(!nSR)
- Q <= SRMODE;
- else if(!nCLK)
- Q <= D;
- end
-module GP_DLATCHSRI(input D, input nCLK, input nSR, output reg nQ);
- parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'bx;
- parameter[0:0] SRMODE = 1'bx;
- initial nQ = INIT;
- always @(*) begin
- if(!nSR)
- nQ <= ~SRMODE;
- else if(!nCLK)
- nQ <= ~D;
- end
module GP_EDGEDET(input IN, output reg OUT);
@@ -400,107 +37,6 @@ module GP_EDGEDET(input IN, output reg OUT);
-module GP_IBUF(input IN, output OUT);
- assign OUT = IN;
-module GP_IOBUF(input IN, input OE, output OUT, inout IO);
- assign OUT = IO;
- assign IO = OE ? IN : 1'bz;
-module GP_INV(input IN, output OUT);
- assign OUT = ~IN;
-module GP_LFOSC(input PWRDN, output reg CLKOUT);
- parameter PWRDN_EN = 0;
- parameter AUTO_PWRDN = 0;
- parameter OUT_DIV = 1;
- initial CLKOUT = 0;
- //auto powerdown not implemented for simulation
- //output dividers not implemented for simulation
- always begin
- if(PWRDN)
- CLKOUT = 0;
- else begin
- //half period of 1730 Hz
- #289017;
- end
- end
-module GP_OBUF(input IN, output OUT);
- assign OUT = IN;
-module GP_OBUFT(input IN, input OE, output OUT);
- assign OUT = OE ? IN : 1'bz;
-module GP_PGA(input wire VIN_P, input wire VIN_N, input wire VIN_SEL, output reg VOUT);
- parameter GAIN = 1;
- parameter INPUT_MODE = "SINGLE";
- initial VOUT = 0;
- //cannot simulate mixed signal IP
-module GP_PGEN(input wire nRST, input wire CLK, output reg OUT);
- initial OUT = 0;
- parameter PATTERN_DATA = 16'h0;
- parameter PATTERN_LEN = 5'd16;
- reg[3:0] count = 0;
- always @(posedge CLK) begin
- if(!nRST)
- else begin
- count <= count + 1;
- OUT <= PATTERN_DATA[count];
- if( (count + 1) == PATTERN_LEN)
- count <= 0;
- end
- end
-module GP_PWRDET(output reg VDD_LOW);
- initial VDD_LOW = 0;
-module GP_POR(output reg RST_DONE);
- parameter POR_TIME = 500;
- initial begin
- RST_DONE = 0;
- if(POR_TIME == 4)
- #4000;
- else if(POR_TIME == 500)
- #500000;
- else begin
- $display("ERROR: bad POR_TIME for GP_POR cell");
- $finish;
- end
- RST_DONE = 1;
- end
module GP_RCOSC(input PWRDN, output reg CLKOUT_HARDIP, output reg CLKOUT_FABRIC);
parameter PWRDN_EN = 0;
@@ -567,29 +103,6 @@ module GP_RINGOSC(input PWRDN, output reg CLKOUT_HARDIP, output reg CLKOUT_FABRI
-module GP_SHREG(input nRST, input CLK, input IN, output OUTA, output OUTB);
- parameter OUTA_TAP = 1;
- parameter OUTA_INVERT = 0;
- parameter OUTB_TAP = 1;
- reg[15:0] shreg = 0;
- always @(posedge CLK, negedge nRST) begin
- if(!nRST)
- shreg = 0;
- else
- shreg <= {shreg[14:0], IN};
- end
- assign OUTA = (OUTA_INVERT) ? ~shreg[OUTA_TAP - 1] : shreg[OUTA_TAP - 1];
- assign OUTB = shreg[OUTB_TAP - 1];
module GP_SPI(
input SCK,
inout SDAT,
@@ -625,17 +138,3 @@ module GP_SYSRESET(input RST);
//cannot simulate whole system reset
-module GP_VDD(output OUT);
- assign OUT = 1;
-module GP_VREF(input VIN, output reg VOUT);
- parameter VIN_DIV = 1;
- parameter VREF = 0;
- //cannot simulate mixed signal IP
-module GP_VSS(output OUT);
- assign OUT = 0;