path: root/passes
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1 files changed, 32 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/passes/techmap/techmap.cc b/passes/techmap/techmap.cc
index c22ae8ef0..e8085595b 100644
--- a/passes/techmap/techmap.cc
+++ b/passes/techmap/techmap.cc
@@ -1007,7 +1007,9 @@ struct TechmapPass : public Pass {
log("When a module in the map file has the 'techmap_celltype' attribute set, it will\n");
log("match cells with a type that match the text value of this attribute. Otherwise\n");
- log("the module name will be used to match the cell.\n");
+ log("the module name will be used to match the cell. Multiple space-separated cell\n");
+ log("types can be listed, and wildcards using [] will be expanded (ie. \"$_DFF_[PN]_\"\n");
+ log("is the same as \"$_DFF_P_ $_DFF_N_\").\n");
log("When a module in the map file has the 'techmap_simplemap' attribute set, techmap\n");
log("will use 'simplemap' (see 'help simplemap') to map cells matching the module.\n");
@@ -1199,8 +1201,27 @@ struct TechmapPass : public Pass {
for (auto module : map->modules()) {
if (module->attributes.count(ID::techmap_celltype) && !module->attributes.at(ID::techmap_celltype).bits.empty()) {
char *p = strdup(module->attributes.at(ID::techmap_celltype).decode_string().c_str());
- for (char *q = strtok(p, " \t\r\n"); q; q = strtok(nullptr, " \t\r\n"))
- celltypeMap[RTLIL::escape_id(q)].insert(module->name);
+ for (char *q = strtok(p, " \t\r\n"); q; q = strtok(nullptr, " \t\r\n")) {
+ std::vector<std::string> queue;
+ queue.push_back(q);
+ while (!queue.empty()) {
+ std::string name = queue.back();
+ queue.pop_back();
+ auto pos = name.find('[');
+ if (pos == std::string::npos) {
+ // No further expansion.
+ celltypeMap[RTLIL::escape_id(name)].insert(module->name);
+ } else {
+ // Expand [] in this name.
+ auto epos = name.find(']', pos);
+ if (epos == std::string::npos)
+ log_error("Malformed techmap_celltype pattern %s\n", q);
+ for (size_t i = pos + 1; i < epos; i++) {
+ queue.push_back(name.substr(0, pos) + name[i] + name.substr(epos + 1, std::string::npos));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
} else {
IdString module_name = module->name.begins_with("\\$") ?
@@ -1208,8 +1229,15 @@ struct TechmapPass : public Pass {
- for (auto &i : celltypeMap)
+ log_debug("Cell type mappings to use:\n");
+ for (auto &i : celltypeMap) {
+ std::string maps = "";
+ for (auto &map : i.second)
+ maps += stringf(" %s", log_id(map));
+ log_debug(" %s:%s\n", log_id(i.first), maps.c_str());
+ }
+ log_debug("\n");
for (auto module : design->modules())