path: root/manual/literature.bib
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+ title={Example-driven interconnect synthesis for heterogeneous coarse-grain reconfigurable logic},
+ author={Clifford Wolf and Johann Glaser and Florian Schupfer and Jan Haase and Christoph Grimm},
+ booktitle={FDL Proceeding of the 2012 Forum on Specification and Design Languages},
+ pages={194--201},
+ year={2012}
+ title={Methodology and Example-Driven Interconnect Synthesis for Designing Heterogeneous Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Architectures},
+ author={Johann Glaser and Clifford Wolf},
+ booktitle={Advances in Models, Methods, and Tools for Complex Chip Design --- Selected contributions from FDL'12},
+ editor={Jan Haase},
+ publisher={Springer},
+ year={2013},
+ note={to appear}
+ author = {Clifford Wolf},
+ title = {Design and Implementation of the Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite},
+ note = {Bachelor Thesis, Vienna University of Technology},
+ year = {2013}
+ author = {Clifford Wolf},
+ title = {Evaluation of Open Source Verilog Synthesis Tools for Feature-Completeness and Extensibility},
+ note = {Unpublished Student Research Paper, Vienna University of Technology},
+ year = {2012}
+ title={A High-Level Design Language for Programmable Logic Devices},
+ author={Kyu Y. Lee and Michael Holley and Mary Bailey and Walter Bright},
+ journal={VLSI Design (Manhasset NY: CPM Publications)},
+ year={June 1985},
+ pages={50-62}
+ author = {S-T Cheng and G York and R K Brayton},
+ title = {VL2MV: A Compiler from Verilog to BLIF-MV},
+ year = {1993}
+ author = {Peter Jamieson and Jonathan Rose},
+ year = {2005}
+ title={The VTR Project: Architecture and CAD for FPGAs from Verilog to Routing},
+ author={Jonathan Rose and Jason Luu and Chi Wai Yu and Opal Densmore and Jeff Goeders and Andrew Somerville and Kenneth B. Kent and Peter Jamieson and Jason Anderson},
+ booktitle={Proceedings of the 20th ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays},
+ pages={77--86},
+ year={2012},
+ organization={ACM}
+ author = {G D Hachtel and F Somenzi},
+ title = {Logic Synthesis and Verification Algorithms},
+ year = {1996}
+ journal={IEEE Std 1364-2005 (Revision of IEEE Std 1364-2001)},
+ title={IEEE Standard for Verilog Hardware Description Language},
+ year={2006},
+ doi={10.1109/IEEESTD.2006.99495}
+ journal={IEEE Std 1364.1-2002},
+ title={IEEE Standard for Verilog Register Transfer Level Synthesis},
+ year={2002},
+ doi={10.1109/IEEESTD.2002.94220}
+ journal={IEEE Std 1076-2008 (Revision of IEEE Std 1076-2002)}, title={IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual},
+ year={2009},
+ month={26},
+ doi={10.1109/IEEESTD.2009.4772740}
+ journal={IEEE Std 1076.6-2004 (Revision of IEEE Std 1076.6-1999)}, title={IEEE Standard for VHDL Register Transfer Level (RTL) Synthesis},
+ year={2004},
+ doi={10.1109/IEEESTD.2004.94802}
+journal={IEEE Std 1685-2009}, title={IEEE Standard for IP-XACT, Standard Structure for Packaging, Integrating, and Reusing IP within Tools Flows},
+keywords={abstraction definitions, address space specification, bus definitions, design environment, EDA, electronic design automation, electronic system level, ESL, implementation constraints, IP-XACT, register transfer level, RTL, SCRs, semantic consistency rules, TGI, tight generator interface, tool and data interoperability, use models, XML design meta-data, XML schema},
+author = {Aho, Alfred V. and Sethi, Ravi and Ullman, Jeffrey D.},
+title = {Compilers: principles, techniques, and tools},
+year = {1986},
+isbn = {0-201-10088-6},
+publisher = {Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.},
+address = {Boston, MA, USA},
+author = {Clifford E. Cummings and Sunburst Design Inc},
+title = {Nonblocking Assignments in Verilog Synthesis, Coding Styles That Kill},
+booktitle = {SNUG (Synopsys Users Group) 2000 User Papers, section-MC1 (1 st paper},
+year = {2000}
+ author={D. L. Klipstein},
+ journal={Cahners Publishing Co., EEE Magazine, Vol. 15, No. 8},
+ title={The Contributions of Edsel Murphy to the Understanding of the Behavior of Inanimate Objects},
+ year={August 1967}
+author={Yiqiong Shi and Chan Wai Ting and Bah-Hwee Gwee and Ye Ren},
+booktitle={Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Symposium on},
+title={A highly efficient method for extracting FSMs from flattened gate-level netlist},
+keywords={circuit CAD;finite state machines;microcontrollers;FSM;control-intensive circuits;finite state machines;flattened gate-level netlist;state register elimination technique;Automata;Circuit synthesis;Continuous wavelet transforms;Design automation;Digital circuits;Hardware design languages;Logic;Microcontrollers;Registers;Signal processing},
+author={Brayton, R.K. and Hachtel, G.D. and Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, A.L.},
+journal={Proceedings of the IEEE},
+title={Multilevel logic synthesis},
+keywords={circuit layout CAD;integrated logic circuits;logic CAD;capsule summaries;definitions;detailed analysis;in-depth background;logic decomposition;logic minimisation;logic synthesis;logic synthesis techniques;multilevel combinational logic;multilevel logic synthesis;notation;perspective;survey;synthesis methods;technology mapping;testing;Application specific integrated circuits;Design automation;Integrated circuit synthesis;Logic design;Logic devices;Logic testing;Network synthesis;Programmable logic arrays;Signal synthesis;Silicon},
+ author = {Ullmann, J. R.},
+ title = {An Algorithm for Subgraph Isomorphism},
+ journal = {J. ACM},
+ issue_date = {Jan. 1976},
+ volume = {23},
+ number = {1},
+ month = jan,
+ year = {1976},
+ issn = {0004-5411},
+ pages = {31--42},
+ numpages = {12},
+ doi = {10.1145/321921.321925},
+ acmid = {321925},
+ publisher = {ACM},
+ address = {New York, NY, USA},