path: root/manual/CHAPTER_Approach.tex
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+Yosys is a tool for synthesising (behavioural) Verilog HDL code to target architecture netlists. Yosys aims at a wide
+range of application domains and thus must be flexible and easy to adapt to new tasks. This chapter covers the general
+approach followed in the effort to implement this tool.
+\section{Data- and Control-Flow}
+The data- and control-flow of a typical synthesis-tool is very similar to the data- and control-flow of a typical
+compiler: different subsystems are called in a predetermined order, each consuming the data generated by the
+last subsystem and generating the data for the next subsystem (see Fig.~\ref{fig:approach_flow}).
+ \hfil
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \path (-1.5,3) coordinate (cursor);
+ \draw[-latex] ($ (cursor) + (0,-1.5) $) -- ++(1,0);
+ \draw[fill=orange!10] ($ (cursor) + (1,-3) $) rectangle node[rotate=90] {Frontend} ++(1,3) coordinate (cursor);
+ \draw[-latex] ($ (cursor) + (0,-1.5) $) -- ++(1,0);
+ \draw[fill=green!10] ($ (cursor) + (1,-3) $) rectangle node[rotate=90] {Pass} ++(1,3) coordinate (cursor);
+ \draw[-latex] ($ (cursor) + (0,-1.5) $) -- ++(1,0);
+ \draw[fill=green!10] ($ (cursor) + (1,-3) $) rectangle node[rotate=90] {Pass} ++(1,3) coordinate (cursor);
+ \draw[-latex] ($ (cursor) + (0,-1.5) $) -- ++(1,0);
+ \draw[fill=green!10] ($ (cursor) + (1,-3) $) rectangle node[rotate=90] {Pass} ++(1,3) coordinate (cursor);
+ \draw[-latex] ($ (cursor) + (0,-1.5) $) -- ++(1,0);
+ \draw[fill=orange!10] ($ (cursor) + (1,-3) $) rectangle node[rotate=90] {Backend} ++(1,3) coordinate (cursor);
+ \draw[-latex] ($ (cursor) + (0,-1.5) $) -- ++(1,0);
+ \path (-3,-0.5) coordinate (cursor);
+ \draw (cursor) -- node[below] {HDL} ++(3,0) coordinate (cursor);
+ \draw[|-|] (cursor) -- node[below] {Internal Format(s)} ++(8,0) coordinate (cursor);
+ \draw (cursor) -- node[below] {Netlist} ++(3,0);
+ \path (-3,3.5) coordinate (cursor);
+ \draw[-] (cursor) -- node[above] {High-Level} ++(3,0) coordinate (cursor);
+ \draw[-] (cursor) -- ++(8,0) coordinate (cursor);
+ \draw[->] (cursor) -- node[above] {Low-Level} ++(3,0);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \caption{General data- and control-flow of a synthesis tool}
+ \label{fig:approach_flow}
+The first subsystem to be called is usually called a {\it frontend}. It does not process the data generated by
+another subsystem but instead reads the user input; in the case of a HDL synthesis tool the behavioural
+HDL code.
+The subsystems that consume data from previous subsystems and produces data for the next subsystems (usually in the
+same or a similar format) are called {\it passes}.
+The last subsystem that is executed transforms the data generated by the last pass into a suitable output
+format and writes it to a disk file. This subsystem is usually called the {\it backend}.
+In Yosys all frontends, passes and backends are directly available as commands in the synthesis script. Thus
+the user can easily create a custom synthesis flow just by calling passes in the right order in a synthesis
+\section{Internal Formats in Yosys}
+Yosys uses two different internal formats. The first is used to store an abstract syntax tree (AST) of a verilog
+input file. This format is simply called {\it AST} and is generated by the Verilog Frontend. This data structure
+is then consumed by a subsystem called {\it AST Frontend}\footnote{In Yosys the term {\it pass} is only used to
+refer to commands that operate on the RTLIL data structure.}. This AST Frontend then generates a design in Yosys'
+main internal format, the Register-Transfer-Level-Intermediate-Language (RTLIL) representation. It does that
+by first performing a number of simplifications within the AST representation and then generating RTLIL from
+the simplified AST data structure.
+The RTLIL representation is used by all passes as input and outputs. This has the following advantages over
+using different representational formats between different passes:
+\item The passes can be re-arranged in a different order and passes can be removed or inserted.
+\item Passes can simply pass-thru the parts of the design they don't change without the need
+ to convert between formats. In fact Yosys passes output the same data structure they received
+ as input and perform all changes in place.
+\item All passes use the same interface, thus reducing the effort required to understand a pass
+ when reading the Yosys source code, e.g.~when adding additional features.
+The RTLIL representation is basically a netlist representation with the following additional features:
+\item An internal cell library with fixed-function cells to represent RTL datapath and register cells as well
+as logical gate-level cells (single-bit gates and registers).
+\item Support for multi-bit values that can use individual bits from wires as well as constant bits to
+represent coarse-grain netlists.
+\item Support for basic behavioural constructs (if-then-else structures and multi-case switches with
+a sensitivity list for updating the outputs).
+\item Support for multi-port memories.
+The use of RTLIL also has the disadvantage of having a very powerful format
+between all passes, even when doing gate-level synthesis where the more
+advanced features are not needed. In order to reduce complexity for passes that
+operate on a low-level representation, these passes check the features used in
+the input RTLIL and fail to run when non-supported high-level constructs are
+used. In such cases a pass that transforms the higher-level constructs to
+lower-level constructs must be called from the synthesis script first.
+\section{Typical Use Case}
+The following example script may be used in a synthesis flow to convert the behavioural Verilog code
+from the input file {\tt design.v} to a gate-level netlist {\tt synth.v} using the cell library
+described by the Liberty file \citeweblink{LibertyFormat} {\tt cells.lib}:
+# read input file tpo internal representation
+read_verilog design.v
+# convert high-level behavioral parts ("processes") to d-type flip-flops and muxes
+# perform some simple optimizations
+# convert high-level memory constructs to d-type flip-flops and multiplexers
+# perform some simple optimizations
+# convert design to (logical) gate-level netlists
+# perform some simple optimizations
+# map internal register types to the ones from the cell library
+dfflibmap -liberty cells.lib
+# use ABC to map remaining logic to cells from the cell library
+abc -liberty cells.lib
+# cleanup
+# write results to output file
+write_verilog synth.v
+A detailed description of the commands available in Yosys can be found in App.~\ref{commandref}.