path: root/examples
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples')
4 files changed, 54 insertions, 478 deletions
diff --git a/examples/python-api/netlist_graph.py b/examples/python-api/netlist_graph.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c8da76e3d..000000000
--- a/examples/python-api/netlist_graph.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
-from libyosys import *
-from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
-from numpy import savetxt
-from enum import Enum
-class NodeType(Enum):
- GRAPH_PI = 1
- GRAPH_PO = 2
-class NetlistElement:
- def __init__(self, design, module, name):
- self.design = design
- self.module = module
- self.name = name
-class Bit(NetlistElement):
- def __init__(self, bit, design, module, node, port, pos):
- super().__init__(design, module, IdString("\\__BIT__"))
- self.bit = bit
- self.node = node
- self.port = port
- self.pos = pos
-class Port(NetlistElement):
- def __init__(self, name):
- super().__init__(None, None, name)
- self.input = False
- self.output = False
- self.bits = []
-class Node(NetlistElement):
- def __init__(self, design, module, name, nodeType):
- super().__init__(design, module, name)
- self.nodeType = nodeType
- self.ports = []
- def __lt__(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, self.__class):
- if self.type == other.type:
- return self.name.str() < other.name.str()
- return self.type < other.type
- return False
-class PyCell(Node):
- def __init__(self, design, module, name, cell):
- super().__init__(design, module, name, NodeType.GRAPH_CELL)
- self.cell = cell
-class PyWire(Node):
- def __init__(self, design, module, name):
- super().__init__(design, module, name, NodeType.GRAPH_WIRE)
-class NetlistGraph:
- def __init__(self, design, module = None):
- self.design = design
- if module != None:
- self.module = module
- else:
- self.module = list(design.modules_.values())[0]
- self.cells = []
- self.wires = []
- self.nodes = []
- self.node_bits = []
- self.wire_bits = []
- self.node_index = {}
- self.node_bit_index = {}
- self.wire_bit_index = {}
- self.incoming = None
- self.outgoing = None
- self.create()
- def create(self):
- log_header(self.design, "Creating abstract graph representation of "
- + "module " + self.module.name.str() + "\n")
- log_push()
- sigmap = SigMap(self.module)
- log(" Creating const node\n")
- const_node = Node(self.design, self.module, IdString("\\__CONST__"), NodeType.GRAPH_CONST)
- const_port = Port(IdString("\\__CONST__"))
- const_port.input = False
- const_port.output = True
- cb = SigBit(State.Sx)
- const_bit = Bit(cb, self.design, self.module, const_node, const_port, 0)
- const_node.ports.append(const_port)
- const_port.bits.append(const_bit)
- self.nodes.append(const_node)
- self.wires.append(const_node)
- log(" Creating cell nodes\n")
- for cell in self.module.selected_cells():
- c = PyCell(self.design, self.module, cell.name, cell)
- for first, second in cell.connections_.items():
- p = Port(first)
- p.input = cell.input(p.name)
- p.output = cell.output(p.name)
- for bit in sigmap(second).to_sigbit_vector():
- b = Bit(bit, self.design, self.module, c, p, len(p.bits))
- p.bits.append(b)
- c.ports.append(p)
- self.cells.append(c)
- log(" Creating wire nodes\n")
- for wire in self.module.selected_wires():
- node = PyWire(self.design, self.module, wire.name)
- p = Port(IdString(""))
- if wire.port_input:
- node.nodeType = NodeType.GRAPH_PI
- p.name = IdString("\\PI")
- p.input = False
- p.output = True
- elif wire.port_output:
- node.nodeType = NodeType.GRAPH_PO
- p.name = IdString("\\PO")
- p.input = True
- p.output = False
- for bit in sigmap(wire).to_sigbit_set():
- b = Bit(bit, self.design, self.module, node, p, len(p.bits))
- p.bits.append(b)
- node.ports.append(p)
- self.wires.append(node)
- self.nodes.extend(self.cells)
- self.nodes.extend(wire for wire in self.wires if wire.nodeType in [NodeType.GRAPH_PI, NodeType.GRAPH_PO])
- log(" Creating node index for fast lookup\n")
- idx = 0
- for node in self.nodes:
- self.node_index[node.name] = idx
- idx += 1
- log(" Creating node bits (= const + cell + PI + PO)\n")
- for node in self.nodes:
- for port in node.ports:
- for bit in port.bits:
- self.node_bits.append(bit)
- log(" Creating wire bits\n")
- for wire in self.wires:
- for port in wire.ports:
- for bit in port.bits:
- self.wire_bits.append(bit)
- log(" Creating node bit index for fast lookup\n")
- idx = 0
- for bit in self.node_bits:
- self.node_bit_index[bit] = idx
- idx += 1
- log(" Creating wire bit index for fast lookup\n")
- idx = 0
- for bit in self.wire_bits:
- self.wire_bit_index[bit] = idx
- idx += 1
- log(" Mapping port.wire connections to wire bit index\n")
- idx = 0
- wbitmap = {}
- for wbit in self.wire_bits:
- wbitmap[wbit.bit] = idx
- idx += 1
- inputTriplets = []
- outputTriplets = [(0,0,1)]
- log(" Mapping node bits to wire bits\n")
- idx = 0
- for nbit in self.node_bits:
- row = idx
- idx += 1
- col = 0
- val = 1
- def check_wire():
- nonlocal nbit
- try:
- wire = nbit.bit.wire
- return True
- except:
- return False
- if check_wire() and not self.design.selected_member(self.module.name, self.module.wire(nbit.bit.wire.name).name):
- continue
- if check_wire():
- col = wbitmap[nbit.bit]
- triplet = (row, col, val)
- if col == 0 and row != 0:
- inputTriplets.append(triplet)
- continue
- if nbit.node.nodeType == NodeType.GRAPH_CELL:
- cell = nbit.node
- if check_wire() and self.design.selected_member(self.module.name, self.module.wire(nbit.bit.wire.name).name):
- if cell.cell.input(nbit.port.name):
- inputTriplets.append(triplet)
- if cell.cell.output(nbit.port.name):
- outputTriplets.append(triplet)
- continue
- if nbit.node.nodeType == NodeType.GRAPH_PI and self.design.selected_member(self.module.name, self.module.wire(nbit.bit.wire.name).name):
- outputTriplets.append(triplet)
- continue
- if nbit.node.nodeType == NodeType.GRAPH_PO and self.design.selected_member(self.module.name, self.module.wire(nbit.bit.wire.name).name):
- inputTriplets.append(triplet)
- continue
- log(" Creating port-to-wire incidence matrices\n")
- sizeX = len(self.node_bits)
- sizeY= len(self.wire_bits)
- inputRows = [i[0] for i in inputTriplets]
- inputCols = [i[1] for i in inputTriplets]
- inputVals = [i[2] for i in inputTriplets]
- self.incoming = coo_matrix((inputVals, (inputRows, inputCols)), shape=(sizeX, sizeY), dtype='int32')
- outputRows = [i[0] for i in outputTriplets]
- outputCols = [i[1] for i in outputTriplets]
- outputVals = [i[2] for i in outputTriplets]
- self.outgoing = coo_matrix((outputVals, (outputRows, outputCols)), shape=(sizeX, sizeY), dtype='int32')
- def dot(self):
- log_header(self.design, "Creating 'dot' bipartite module graph representation of module " + self.module.name.str() + "\n")
- log_push()
- bitmap = {}
- ss = "digraph g{\n"
- ss += " rankdir = LR\n"
- nidx = 0
- pidx = 0
- bidx = 0
- cells_wires = []
- cells_wires.extend(self.cells)
- cells_wires.extend(self.wires)
- idx = 0
- for node in cells_wires:
- for port in node.ports:
- for bit in port.bits:
- bitmap[bit] = idx
- idx += 1
- for node in cells_wires:
- ss += " subgraph cluster" + str(nidx) + " {\n"
- ss += " style = \"setlinewidth(2)\";\n"
- ss += " margin = .2;\n"
- ss += " n" + str(node.name.index_)
- def s_cell():
- nonlocal ss
- ss += "[shape=ellipse,label=\"" + str(nidx) + ":"
- ss += unescape_id(node.cell.type) + "\""
- def s_pi():
- nonlocal ss
- ss += "[shape = box, label=\"" + str(nidx) + ":"
- ss += unescape_id(node.name.str()) + "\""
- def s_po():
- nonlocal ss
- ss += "[shape = diamond, label=\"" + str(nidx) + ":"
- ss += unescape_id(node.name.str()) + "\""
- def s_const():
- nonlocal ss
- ss += "[shape = octagon, label=\"" + str(nidx) + ":CO\""
- def s_wire():
- nonlocal ss
- ss += "[shape = plaintext, label=\"" + str(nidx - len(self.cells)) + ":"
- ss += unescape_id(node.name.str()) + "\""
- switch = {
- NodeType.GRAPH_CELL : s_cell,
- NodeType.GRAPH_PI : s_pi,
- NodeType.GRAPH_PO : s_po,
- NodeType.GRAPH_CONST : s_const,
- NodeType.GRAPH_WIRE : s_wire
- }
- switch[node.nodeType]()
- ss += "];\n"
- pidx = 0
- for port in node.ports:
- ss += " port_" + str(node.name.index_) + "_" + str(port.name.index_)
- ss += "[shape=none,label=<\n"
- ss += " <table border=\"0\" cellborder=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" >\n"
- ss += " <tr><td bgcolor=\"lightgray\" port=\"p" + str(node.name.index_) + "_"
- ss += str(port.name.index_) + "\"> "
- ss += unescape_id(port.name.str())
- ss += "</td></tr>\n"
- bidx = 0;
- for bit in port.bits:
- ss += " <tr><td bgcolor=\"white\" port=\"b" + str(node.name.index_) + "_" + str(port.name.index_) + "_" + str(bit.pos) + "\"> " + str(bitmap[bit]) + ":" + str(bidx) + "</td></tr>\n"
- bidx += 1
- ss += " </table>\n >];\n"
- if node.nodeType == NodeType.GRAPH_CELL:
- if node.cell.output(port.name):
- ss += " n" + str(node.name.index_) + " -> " + "port_" + str(node.name.index_) + "_" + str(port.name.index_) + ":p" + str(node.name.index_) + "_" + str(port.name.index_) + ";\n"
- else:
- ss += " port_" + str(node.name.index_) + "_" + str(port.name.index_) + ":p" + str(node.name.index_) + "_" + str(port.name.index_) + " -> " + "n" + str(node.name.index_) + ";\n"
- if node.nodeType == NodeType.GRAPH_PI or node.nodeType == NodeType.GRAPH_CONST:
- ss += " n" + str(node.name.index_) + " -> " + "port_" + str(node.name.index_) + "_" + str(port.name.index_) + ":p" + str(node.name.index_) + "_" + str(port.name.index_) + ";\n"
- if node.nodeType == NodeType.GRAPH_PO:
- ss += " port_" + str(node.name.index_) + "_" + str(port.name.index_) + ":p" + str(node.name.index_) + "_" + str(port.name.index_) + " -> " + "n" + str(node.name.index_) + ";\n"
- pidx += 1
- ss += " }\n"
- nidx += 1
- for i in range(len(self.incoming.nonzero()[0])):
- b1 = self.node_bits[self.incoming.nonzero()[0][i]]
- b2 = self.wire_bits[self.incoming.nonzero()[1][i]]
- if b1.node.nodeType == NodeType.GRAPH_PO or b1.node.nodeType == NodeType.GRAPH_CONST:
- continue
- ss += " "
- ss += "port_" + str(b2.node.name.index_) + "_" + str(b2.port.name.index_) + ":"
- ss += "b" + str(b2.node.name.index_) + "_" + str(b2.port.name.index_) + "_" + str(b2.pos)
- ss += " -> "
- ss += "port_" + str(b1.node.name.index_) + "_" + str(b1.port.name.index_) + ":"
- ss += "b" + str(b1.node.name.index_) + "_" + str(b1.port.name.index_) + "_" + str(b1.pos)
- ss += ";\n"
- for i in range(len(self.outgoing.nonzero()[0])):
- b1 = self.node_bits[self.outgoing.nonzero()[0][i]]
- b2 = self.wire_bits[self.outgoing.nonzero()[1][i]]
- if b1.node.nodeType == NodeType.GRAPH_PI:
- continue
- ss += " "
- ss += "port_" + str(b1.node.name.index_) + "_" + str(b1.port.name.index_) + ":"
- ss += "b" + str(b1.node.name.index_) + "_" + str(b1.port.name.index_) + "_" + str(b1.pos)
- ss += " -> "
- ss += "port_" + str(b2.node.name.index_) + "_" + str(b2.port.name.index_) + ":"
- ss += "b" + str(b2.node.name.index_) + "_" + str(b2.port.name.index_) + "_" + str(b2.pos)
- ss += ";\n"
- ss += "}\n"
- log_pop()
- return ss
- def save_dot(self, filename):
- savetxt(filename, [self.dot()], fmt="%s")
- def save_incoming(self, filename, delimiter = ","):
- savetxt(filename, self.incoming.todense(), "%d", delimiter=delimiter)
- def save_outgoing(self, filename, delimiter = ","):
- savetxt(filename, self.outgoing.todense(), "%d", delimiter=delimiter)
- def save_adjacency(self, filename, delimiter = ","):
- savetxt(filename, (self.outgoing*self.incoming.transpose()).todense(), "%d", delimiter=delimiter)
-p = None
-class NetlistGraphPass(Pass):
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__("netlist_graph", "Generates the Netlist-Graph of a module")
- import argparse
- self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- self.parser.add_argument("-mod", nargs=1, metavar="MOD", help="The Netlist-Graph of the module with the id-string <module> will be generated. If this argument is not given, the first module will be used")
- self.parser.add_argument("-dot", nargs=1, metavar="FILE", help="Write the Netlist-Graph to FILE in dot format")
- self.parser.add_argument("-i","-incoming", nargs=1, metavar="FILE", help="Write the incoming incidence matrix to FILE in csv format")
- self.parser.add_argument("-o","-outgoing", nargs=1, metavar="FILE", help="Write the outgoing incidence matrix to FILE in csv format")
- self.parser.add_argument("-a","-adjacency", nargs=1, metavar="FILE", help="Write the adjacency matrix to FILE in csv format")
- def py_help(self):
- log("This pass generates the Netlist-Graph of a module\n")
- log(self.parser.format_help())
- def py_execute(self, args, des):
- args = self.parser.parse_args(args[1:])
- graph = None
- if args.mod:
- try:
- graph = NetlistGraph(des, des.modules_[IdString(args.mod[0])])
- except KeyError:
- log("Module \"" + args.mod[0] + "\" not found!\n")
- exit()
- else:
- graph = NetlistGraph(des, list(des.modules_.values())[0])
- if args.dot:
- graph.save_dot(args.dot[0])
- if args.i:
- graph.save_incoming(args.i[0])
- if args.o:
- graph.save_outgoing(args.o[0])
- if args.a:
- graph.save_adjacency(args.a[0])
- def py_clear_flags(self):
- log("Clear\n")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- designs = {}
- graphs = {}
- testdir = "../../tests/simple/"
- import os
- for testcase in os.listdir(testdir):
- if not testcase.endswith(".v"):
- continue
- designs[testcase] = Design()
- run_pass("read_verilog " + testdir + testcase, designs[testcase])
- run_pass("hierarchy -check -auto-top", designs[testcase])
- run_pass("proc", designs[testcase])
- run_pass("clean", designs[testcase])
- run_pass("memory", designs[testcase])
- run_pass("clean", designs[testcase])
- run_pass("opt -full", designs[testcase])
- run_pass("clean", designs[testcase])
- graphs[testcase] = NetlistGraph(designs[testcase])
- file_prefix = "out/" + testcase
- graphs[testcase].save_dot(file_prefix + ".dot")
- graphs[testcase].save_incoming(file_prefix + "_in.csv")
- graphs[testcase].save_outgoing(file_prefix + "_out.csv")
- graphs[testcase].save_adjacency(file_prefix + "_adjacency.csv")
- p = NetlistGraphPass()
diff --git a/examples/python-api/pass.py b/examples/python-api/pass.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d67cf4a23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/python-api/pass.py
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+from pyosys import libyosys as ys
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+class CellStatsPass(ys.Pass):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__("cell_stats", "Shows cell stats as plot")
+ def py_help(self):
+ ys.log("This pass uses the matplotlib library to display cell stats\n")
+ def py_execute(self, args, design):
+ ys.log_header(design, "Plotting cell stats\n")
+ cell_stats = {}
+ for module in design.selected_whole_modules_warn():
+ for cell in module.selected_cells():
+ if cell.type.str() in cell_stats:
+ cell_stats[cell.type.str()] += 1
+ else:
+ cell_stats[cell.type.str()] = 1
+ plt.bar(range(len(cell_stats)), height = list(cell_stats.values()),align='center')
+ plt.xticks(range(len(cell_stats)), list(cell_stats.keys()))
+ plt.show()
+ def py_clear_flags(self):
+ ys.log("Clear Flags - CellStatsPass\n")
+p = CellStatsPass()
diff --git a/examples/python-api/run.sh b/examples/python-api/run.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 5852ea9ac..000000000
--- a/examples/python-api/run.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-mkdir -p out
-if [ ! -f ../../libyosys.so ]; then
- make -C ../..
-python3.5 netlist_graph.py
diff --git a/examples/python-api/script.py b/examples/python-api/script.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f0fa5a0b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/python-api/script.py
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+from pyosys import libyosys as ys
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+design = ys.Design()
+ys.run_pass("read_verilog ../../tests/simple/fiedler-cooley.v", design);
+ys.run_pass("prep", design)
+ys.run_pass("opt -full", design)
+cell_stats = {}
+for module in design.selected_whole_modules_warn():
+ for cell in module.selected_cells():
+ if cell.type.str() in cell_stats:
+ cell_stats[cell.type.str()] += 1
+ else:
+ cell_stats[cell.type.str()] = 1
+plt.bar(range(len(cell_stats)), height = list(cell_stats.values()),align='center')
+plt.xticks(range(len(cell_stats)), list(cell_stats.keys()))