diff options
4 files changed, 152 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/frontends/ast/simplify.cc b/frontends/ast/simplify.cc
index d4242f1e7..fc2976c83 100644
--- a/frontends/ast/simplify.cc
+++ b/frontends/ast/simplify.cc
@@ -1330,6 +1330,9 @@ bool AstNode::simplify(bool const_fold, bool at_zero, bool in_lvalue, int stage,
if (template_node->type == AST_STRUCT || template_node->type == AST_UNION) {
// replace with wire representing the packed structure
newNode = make_packed_struct(template_node, str);
+ // add original input/output attribute to resolved wire
+ newNode->is_input = this->is_input;
+ newNode->is_output = this->is_output;
current_scope[str] = this;
goto apply_newNode;
diff --git a/frontends/verilog/verilog_parser.y b/frontends/verilog/verilog_parser.y
index 6c4b06d7f..0f7f2a57a 100644
--- a/frontends/verilog/verilog_parser.y
+++ b/frontends/verilog/verilog_parser.y
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ static void rewriteAsMemoryNode(AstNode *node, AstNode *rangeNode)
%type <ast> range range_or_multirange non_opt_range non_opt_multirange range_or_signed_int
-%type <ast> wire_type expr basic_expr concat_list rvalue lvalue lvalue_concat_list
+%type <ast> wire_type expr basic_expr concat_list rvalue lvalue lvalue_concat_list non_io_wire_type io_wire_type
%type <string> opt_label opt_sva_label tok_prim_wrapper hierarchical_id hierarchical_type_id integral_number
%type <string> type_name
%type <ast> opt_enum_init enum_type struct_type non_wire_data_type
@@ -619,26 +619,19 @@ non_opt_delay:
non_opt_delay | %empty;
- {
- astbuf3 = new AstNode(AST_WIRE);
- current_wire_rand = false;
- current_wire_const = false;
- } wire_type_token_list {
- $$ = astbuf3;
- SET_RULE_LOC(@$, @2, @$);
- };
+ { astbuf3 = new AstNode(AST_WIRE); current_wire_rand = false; current_wire_const = false; }
+ wire_type_token_io wire_type_const_rand opt_wire_type_token wire_type_signedness
+ { $$ = astbuf3; SET_RULE_LOC(@$, @2, @$); };
- wire_type_token |
- wire_type_token_list wire_type_token |
- wire_type_token_io |
- hierarchical_type_id {
- astbuf3->is_custom_type = true;
- astbuf3->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_WIRETYPE));
- astbuf3->children.back()->str = *$1;
- delete $1;
- };
+ { astbuf3 = new AstNode(AST_WIRE); current_wire_rand = false; current_wire_const = false; }
+ wire_type_const_rand wire_type_token wire_type_signedness
+ { $$ = astbuf3; SET_RULE_LOC(@$, @2, @$); };
+ io_wire_type |
+ non_io_wire_type;
@@ -652,7 +645,25 @@ wire_type_token_io:
astbuf3->is_output = true;
+ TOK_SIGNED { astbuf3->is_signed = true; } |
+ TOK_UNSIGNED { astbuf3->is_signed = false; } |
+ %empty;
+ TOK_CONST { current_wire_const = true; } |
+ TOK_RAND { current_wire_rand = true; } |
+ %empty;
+ wire_type_token | %empty;
+ hierarchical_type_id {
+ astbuf3->is_custom_type = true;
+ astbuf3->children.push_back(new AstNode(AST_WIRETYPE));
+ astbuf3->children.back()->str = *$1;
+ } |
} |
@@ -682,15 +693,6 @@ wire_type_token:
astbuf3->is_signed = true;
astbuf3->range_left = 31;
astbuf3->range_right = 0;
- } |
- astbuf3->is_signed = true;
- } |
- current_wire_rand = true;
- } |
- current_wire_const = true;
@@ -1803,7 +1805,7 @@ type_name: TOK_ID // first time seen
- TOK_TYPEDEF wire_type range type_name range_or_multirange ';' {
+ TOK_TYPEDEF non_io_wire_type range type_name range_or_multirange ';' {
astbuf1 = $2;
astbuf2 = checkRange(astbuf1, $3);
if (astbuf2)
diff --git a/tests/svtypes/typedef_struct_port.sv b/tests/svtypes/typedef_struct_port.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ecc03bee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/svtypes/typedef_struct_port.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+package p;
+typedef struct packed {
+ byte a;
+ byte b;
+} p_t;
+typedef logic [31:0] l_t;
+module foo1(
+ input p::p_t p,
+ output p::p_t o
+ assign o = p;
+module foo2(p, o);
+ input p::p_t p;
+ output p::p_t o;
+ assign o = p;
+module foo3(input p::l_t p, input p::l_t o);
+ assign o = p;
+module foo4(input logic [15:0] p, input logic [15:0] o);
+ assign o = p;
+module test_parser(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i);
+input [7:0] a; // no explicit net declaration - net is unsigned
+input [7:0] b;
+input signed [7:0] c;
+input signed [7:0] d; // no explicit net declaration - net is signed
+output [7:0] e; // no explicit net declaration - net is unsigned
+output [7:0] f;
+output signed [7:0] g;
+output signed [7:0] h; // no explicit net declaration - net is signed
+output unsigned [7:0] i;
+wire signed [7:0] b; // port b inherits signed attribute from net decl.
+wire [7:0] c; // net c inherits signed attribute from port
+logic signed [7:0] f;// port f inherits signed attribute from logic decl.
+logic [7:0] g; // logic g inherits signed attribute from port
+ assign a = 8'b10001111;
+ assign b = 8'b10001111;
+ assign c = 8'b10001111;
+ assign d = 8'b10001111;
+ assign e = 8'b10001111;
+ assign f = 8'b10001111;
+ assign g = 8'b10001111;
+ assign h = 8'b10001111;
+ assign i = 8'b10001111;
+ always_comb begin
+ assert($unsigned(143) == a);
+ assert($signed(-113) == b);
+ assert($signed(-113) == c);
+ assert($signed(-113) == d);
+ assert($unsigned(143) == e);
+ assert($unsigned(143) == f);
+ assert($signed(-113) == g);
+ assert($signed(-113) == h);
+ assert($unsigned(143) == i);
+ end
+module top;
+ p::p_t ps;
+ assign ps.a = 8'hAA;
+ assign ps.b = 8'h55;
+ foo1 foo(.p(ps));
+ p::p_t body;
+ assign body.a = 8'hBB;
+ assign body.b = 8'h66;
+ foo2 foo_b(.p(body));
+ typedef p::l_t local_alias;
+ local_alias l_s;
+ assign l_s = 32'hAAAAAAAA;
+ foo3 foo_l(.p(l_s));
+ typedef logic [15:0] sl_t;
+ sl_t sl_s;
+ assign sl_s = 16'hBBBB;
+ foo4 foo_sl(.p(sl_s));
+ typedef sl_t local_alias_st;
+ local_alias_st lsl_s;
+ assign lsl_s = 16'hCCCC;
+ foo4 foo_lsl(.p(lsl_s));
+ const logic j = 1'b1;
+ always_comb begin
+ assert(8'hAA == ps.a);
+ assert(8'h55 == ps.b);
+ assert(8'hBB == body.a);
+ assert(8'h66 == body.b);
+ assert(32'hAAAAAAAA == l_s);
+ assert(16'hBBBB == sl_s);
+ assert(16'hCCCC == lsl_s);
+ assert(1'b1 == j);
+ end
diff --git a/tests/svtypes/typedef_struct_port.ys b/tests/svtypes/typedef_struct_port.ys
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b75c3105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/svtypes/typedef_struct_port.ys
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+read_verilog -sv typedef_struct_port.sv
+hierarchy; proc; opt
+select -module top
+sat -verify -seq 1 -tempinduct -prove-asserts -show-all
+select -module test_parser
+sat -verify -seq 1 -tempinduct -prove-asserts -show-all