path: root/tests
diff options
authorClifford Wolf <clifford@clifford.at>2013-07-05 14:21:24 +0200
committerClifford Wolf <clifford@clifford.at>2013-07-05 14:46:06 +0200
commit45105faf25150a56c6396cc8221be6a9b9c6870e (patch)
treee5b01a80630ef61899a239b63cd1be8decdf7268 /tests
parentcd33db25d174727b4c2ccb0d6b455238a81a32e3 (diff)
Added xsthammer report generator
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
4 files changed, 170 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/tests/xsthammer/.gitignore b/tests/xsthammer/.gitignore
index e90be0c8c..10d0b1658 100644
--- a/tests/xsthammer/.gitignore
+++ b/tests/xsthammer/.gitignore
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ vivado
diff --git a/tests/xsthammer/Makefile b/tests/xsthammer/Makefile
index 792dce9e1..63b489dd3 100644
--- a/tests/xsthammer/Makefile
+++ b/tests/xsthammer/Makefile
@@ -7,6 +7,12 @@ vivado: $(addprefix check_vivado/,$(notdir $(TARGETS)))
quartus: $(addprefix check_quartus/,$(notdir $(TARGETS)))
+ ls check check_quartus/ check_vivado | grep '\.err$$' | sort -u | cut -f1 -d. | gawk '{ print "report/" $$0 ".html"; }' | xargs -r $(MAKE)
+ bash report.sh $(notdir $(basename $@))
check/%.log: rtl/%.v xst/%.v
bash run-check.sh $(notdir $(basename $<))
@@ -50,6 +56,6 @@ restore:
tar xvzf ~/.yosys/xhammer/vivado_files.tar.gz
tar xvzf ~/.yosys/xhammer/quartus_files.tar.gz
-.PHONY: test vivado quartus check_xl_cells clean mrproper backup restore
+.PHONY: test vivado quartus report check_xl_cells clean mrproper backup restore
.PRECIOUS: check/%.log xst/%.v vivado/%.v quartus/%.v rtl/%.v generate.lst
diff --git a/tests/xsthammer/report.sh b/tests/xsthammer/report.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a39ed49c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/xsthammer/report.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "Usage: $0 <job_id>" >&2
+ exit 1
+set --
+set -ex
+rm -rf report_tmp/$job
+mkdir -p report report_temp/$job
+cd report_temp/$job
+cp ../../vivado/$job.v syn_vivado.v
+cp ../../quartus/$job.v syn_quartus.v
+cp ../../xst/$job.v syn_xst.v
+cp ../../rtl/$job.v rtl.v
+yosys -p 'hierarchy; proc; opt; techmap; abc; opt' -b 'verilog -noattr' -o syn_yosys.v ../../rtl/$job.v
+cat ../../xl_cells.v ../../cy_cells.v > cells.v
+ echo "module ${job}_test(a, b, y1, y2);"
+ sed -r '/^(input|output) / !d; /output/ { s/ y;/ y1;/; p; }; s/ y1;/ y2;/;' rtl.v
+ echo "${job}_1 uut1 (.a(a), .b(b), .y(y1));"
+ echo "${job}_2 uut2 (.a(a), .b(b), .y(y2));"
+ echo "endmodule"
+} > test.v
+rm -f fail_patterns.txt
+for p in syn_vivado syn_quartus syn_xst syn_yosys rtl; do
+for q in syn_vivado syn_quartus syn_xst syn_yosys rtl; do
+ {
+ echo "read_verilog -DGLBL $p.v"
+ echo "rename $job ${job}_1"
+ echo "read_verilog -DGLBL $q.v"
+ echo "rename $job ${job}_2"
+ echo "read_verilog cells.v test.v"
+ echo "hierarchy -top ${job}_test"
+ echo "proc; opt; flatten ${job}_test"
+ echo "hierarchy -check -top ${job}_test"
+ echo "! touch test.$p.$q.input_ok"
+ echo "sat -timeout 60 -verify-no-timeout -show a,b,y1,y2 -prove y1 y2 ${job}_test"
+ } > test.$p.$q.ys
+ if yosys -l test.$p.$q.log test.$p.$q.ys; then
+ echo PASS > result.${p}.${q}.txt
+ else
+ echo $( grep '^ *\\[ab] ' test.$p.$q.log | gawk '{ print $4; }' | tr -d '\n' ) >> fail_patterns.txt
+ echo FAIL > result.${p}.${q}.txt
+ fi
+ # this fails if an error was encountered before the 'sat' command
+ rm test.$p.$q.input_ok
+done; done
+ echo "module testbench;"
+ sed -r '/^input / !d; s/^input/reg/;' rtl.v
+ for p in syn_vivado syn_quartus syn_xst syn_yosys rtl; do
+ sed -r "/^output / !d; s/^output/wire/; s/ y;/ ${p}_y;/;" rtl.v
+ echo "${job}_${p} uut_${p} (.a(a), .b(b), .y(${p}_y));"
+ done
+ echo "initial begin"
+ for pattern in $( cat fail_patterns.txt ); do
+ echo " { a, b } <= 'b $pattern; #1;"
+ for p in syn_vivado syn_quartus syn_xst syn_yosys rtl; do
+ echo " \$display(\"++RPT++ %b $p\", ${p}_y);"
+ done
+ echo " \$display(\"++RPT++ ----\");"
+ done
+ echo "end"
+ echo "endmodule"
+ for p in syn_vivado syn_quartus syn_xst syn_yosys rtl; do
+ sed "s/^module ${job}/module ${job}_${p}/; /^\`timescale/ d;" < $p.v
+ done
+ cat cells.v
+} > testbench.v
+/opt/altera/13.0/modelsim_ase/bin/vlib work
+/opt/altera/13.0/modelsim_ase/bin/vlog testbench.v
+/opt/altera/13.0/modelsim_ase/bin/vsim -c -do "run; exit" work.testbench | tee sim_modelsim.log
+. /opt/Xilinx/14.5/ISE_DS/settings64.sh
+vlogcomp testbench.v
+fuse -o testbench testbench
+{ echo "run all"; echo "exit"; } > run-all.tcl
+./testbench -tclbatch run-all.tcl | tee sim_isim.log
+for p in syn_vivado syn_quartus syn_xst syn_yosys rtl; do
+for q in isim modelsim; do
+ echo $( grep '++RPT++' sim_$q.log | sed 's,.*++RPT++ ,,' | grep " $p\$" | gawk '{ print $1; }' | md5sum | gawk '{ print $1; }' ) > result.${p}.${q}.txt
+done; done
+echo "#00ff00" > color_PASS.txt
+echo "#ff0000" > color_FAIL.txt
+ echo "<h3>Hammer Report: $job</h3>"
+ echo "<table border>"
+ echo "<tr><th width=\"100\"></th>"
+ for q in syn_vivado syn_quartus syn_xst syn_yosys rtl isim modelsim; do
+ echo "<th width=\"100\">$q</th>"
+ done
+ echo "</tr>"
+ for p in syn_vivado syn_quartus syn_xst syn_yosys rtl; do
+ echo "<tr><th>$p</th>"
+ for q in syn_vivado syn_quartus syn_xst syn_yosys rtl isim modelsim; do
+ read result < result.${p}.${q}.txt
+ if ! test -f color_$result.txt; then
+ case $( ls color_*.txt | wc -l ) in
+ 2) echo "#ffff00" > color_$result.txt ;;
+ 3) echo "#ff00ff" > color_$result.txt ;;
+ 4) echo "#00ffff" > color_$result.txt ;;
+ *) echo "#888888" > color_$result.txt ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ echo "<td align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"$( cat color_$result.txt )\">$( echo $result | cut -c1-8 )</td>"
+ done
+ echo "</tr>"
+ done
+ echo "<tr><td colspan=\"8\"><pre>$( perl -pe 's/([<>&])/"&#".ord($1).";"/eg;' rtl.v |
+ perl -pe 's!([^\w#]|^)(\w+)\b!$x = $1; $y = $2; sprintf("%s<span style=\"color: %s;\">%s</span>", $x, $y =~ /module|input|wire|output|assign|signed|endmodule/ ? "#008800;" : "#000088;", $y)!eg' )</pre></td></tr>"
+ #perl -pe 's,\b(module|input|wire|output|assign|signed|endmodule)\b,<span style="color: #008800;">$1</span>,g' )</pre></td></tr>"
+ echo "</table>"
+} > ../../report/$job.html
diff --git a/tests/xsthammer/xl_cells.v b/tests/xsthammer/xl_cells.v
index d2badcfff..638053fe7 100644
--- a/tests/xsthammer/xl_cells.v
+++ b/tests/xsthammer/xl_cells.v
@@ -12,12 +12,14 @@ assign O = I;
module GND(G);
-output G = 0;
+output G;
+assign G = 0;
module INV(O, I);
input I;
-output O = !I;
+output O;
+assign O = !I;
module LUT1(O, I0);
@@ -25,7 +27,8 @@ parameter INIT = 0;
input I0;
wire [1:0] lutdata = INIT;
wire [0:0] idx = { I0 };
-output O = lutdata[idx];
+output O;
+assign O = lutdata[idx];
module LUT2(O, I0, I1);
@@ -33,7 +36,8 @@ parameter INIT = 0;
input I0, I1;
wire [3:0] lutdata = INIT;
wire [1:0] idx = { I1, I0 };
-output O = lutdata[idx];
+output O;
+assign O = lutdata[idx];
module LUT3(O, I0, I1, I2);
@@ -41,7 +45,8 @@ parameter INIT = 0;
input I0, I1, I2;
wire [7:0] lutdata = INIT;
wire [2:0] idx = { I2, I1, I0 };
-output O = lutdata[idx];
+output O;
+assign O = lutdata[idx];
module LUT4(O, I0, I1, I2, I3);
@@ -49,7 +54,8 @@ parameter INIT = 0;
input I0, I1, I2, I3;
wire [15:0] lutdata = INIT;
wire [3:0] idx = { I3, I2, I1, I0 };
-output O = lutdata[idx];
+output O;
+assign O = lutdata[idx];
module LUT5(O, I0, I1, I2, I3, I4);
@@ -57,7 +63,8 @@ parameter INIT = 0;
input I0, I1, I2, I3, I4;
wire [31:0] lutdata = INIT;
wire [4:0] idx = { I4, I3, I2, I1, I0 };
-output O = lutdata[idx];
+output O;
+assign O = lutdata[idx];
module LUT6(O, I0, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5);
@@ -65,25 +72,30 @@ parameter INIT = 0;
input I0, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5;
wire [63:0] lutdata = INIT;
wire [5:0] idx = { I5, I4, I3, I2, I1, I0 };
-output O = lutdata[idx];
+output O;
+assign O = lutdata[idx];
module MUXCY(O, CI, DI, S);
input CI, DI, S;
-output O = S ? CI : DI;
+output O;
+assign O = S ? CI : DI;
module MUXF7(O, I0, I1, S);
input I0, I1, S;
-output O = S ? I1 : I0;
+output O;
+assign O = S ? I1 : I0;
module VCC(P);
-output P = 1;
+output P;
+assign P = 1;
module XORCY(O, CI, LI);
input CI, LI;
-output O = CI ^ LI;
+output O;
+assign O = CI ^ LI;