path: root/manual
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authorRobert Baruch <robert.c.baruch@gmail.com>2020-11-22 12:56:29 -0800
committerRobert Baruch <robert.c.baruch@gmail.com>2020-11-22 12:56:29 -0800
commit1034422c58f8a10390eb3538c2dbe6d52931bf8a (patch)
tree6e1668cc512d69e8bda07c520b12a3d9c4574186 /manual
parent949eb95593aec0753010289612d018c21ae46c5e (diff)
Adds appendix on RTLIL text format
Diffstat (limited to 'manual')
3 files changed, 260 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/manual/CHAPTER_Overview.tex b/manual/CHAPTER_Overview.tex
index ed8b4cd49..83db5aac7 100644
--- a/manual/CHAPTER_Overview.tex
+++ b/manual/CHAPTER_Overview.tex
@@ -230,6 +230,7 @@ generated twice. For modules with only a few parameters, a name directly contain
is generated instead of a hash string.)
\subsection{RTLIL::Cell and RTLIL::Wire}
A module contains zero to many RTLIL::Cell and RTLIL::Wire objects. Objects of
these types are used to model netlists. Usually the goal of all synthesis efforts is to convert
@@ -275,6 +276,7 @@ The connections of ports to wires are coded by assigning an RTLIL::SigSpec
to each cell port. The RTLIL::SigSpec data type is described in the next section.
A ``signal'' is everything that can be applied to a cell port. I.e.
@@ -295,6 +297,7 @@ RTLIL::SigSpec objects. Such pairs are needed in different locations. Therefore
the type name RTLIL::SigSig was defined for such a pair.
When a high-level HDL frontend processes behavioural code it splits it up into
data path logic (e.g.~the expression {\tt a + b} is replaced by the output of an
@@ -444,6 +447,7 @@ pass calls a series of other passes that together perform this conversion in a w
for most synthesis tasks.
For every array (memory) in the HDL code an RTLIL::Memory object is created. A
memory object has the following properties:
diff --git a/manual/CHAPTER_TextRtlil.tex b/manual/CHAPTER_TextRtlil.tex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..662e5d751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manual/CHAPTER_TextRtlil.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+\chapter{RTLIL Text Representation}
+% Stolen from stackexchange: calculate indent based on given keyword,
+% with some nice hrules added in.
+ {\vspace{0.5cm}\hrule
+ \setlength{\myl}{\widthof{#1}+2em}
+ \grammarindent\the\myl
+ \begin{grammar}}
+ {\end{grammar}
+ \hrule}
+This appendix documents the text representation of RTLIL in extended Backus-Naur form (EBNF).
+The grammar is not meant to represent semantic limitations. For example, processes must contain exactly one switch statement, but the grammar allows zero or more than one. That is, the grammar is "permissive", and later stages of processing perform more rigorous checks.
+The grammar is also not meant to represent the exact grammar used in the RTLIL frontend, since that grammar is specific to processing by lex and yacc, and is somewhat less understandable than simple EBNF notation.
+\section{Lexical elements}
+There are three types of identifiers in RTLIL:
+ \item Publically visible identifiers
+ \item Auto-generated identifiers
+ \item Dotted numeric identifiers
+<id> ::= <public-id> | <autogen-id> | <dotted-id>
+<public-id> ::= "\textbackslash" <nonws>$+$
+<autogen-id> ::= "\textdollar" <nonws>$+$
+<dotted-id> ::= "." <decimal-digit>$+$
+A \textit{value} consists of a width in bits and a bit representation, most significant bit first. Bits may be any of:
+ \item \texttt{0}: A logic zero value
+ \item \texttt{1}: A logic one value
+ \item \texttt{x}: An unknown logic value
+ \item \texttt{z}: A high-impedance value
+ \item \texttt{m}: ?
+ \item \texttt{-}: A don't care value
+An \textit{integer} is simply a signed integer value in decimal format.
+<value> ::= <decimal-digit>$+$ \texttt{\textbf{'}} <binary-digit>$*$
+<binary-digit> ::= "0" | "1" | "x" | "z" | "m" | "-"
+<integer> ::= "-"$?$ <decimal-digit>$+$
+A string is a series of characters delimited by double-quote characters. Within a string, certain escapes can be used:
+ \item \texttt{\textbackslash n}: A newline
+ \item \texttt{\textbackslash t}: A tab
+ \item \texttt{\textbackslash \textit{ooo}}: A character specified as a one, two, or three digit octal value
+All other characters may be escaped by a backslash, and become the following character. Thus:
+ \item \texttt{\textbackslash \textbackslash}: A backslash
+ \item \texttt{\textbackslash \"}: A double-quote
+ \item \texttt{\textbackslash r}: An 'r' character
+A comment starts with a \texttt{\textbf{\#}} character and proceeds to the end of the line. All comments are ignored.
+A file consists of zero or more designs. A design may be a module, an attribute statement, or an autoindex statement.
+Note that in general, statements are terminated by an end of line.
+<file> ::= <design>$*$
+<design> ::= <module> | <attr-stmt> | <autoidx-stmt>
+A module consists of zero or more module statements.
+<module> ::= "module" <id> <eol> <module-stmt>$*$
+<module-stmt> ::=
+ \alt <attr-stmt>
+ \alt <wire-stmt>
+ \alt <memory-stmt>
+ \alt <cell-stmt>
+ \alt <proc-stmt>
+ \alt <conn-stmt>
+\subsection{Signal specifications}
+A signal is anything that can be applied to a cell port, i.e. a constant value, all bits or a selection of bits from a wire, or concatenations of those.
+See Sec.~\ref{sec:rtlil_sigspec} for an overview of signal specifications.
+<sigspec> ::=
+ \alt <wire-id>
+ \alt <sigspec> "[" <integer> (":" <integer>)$?$ "]"
+ \alt "\{" <sigspec>$*$ "\}"
+\subsection{Connection statements}
+Declares a connection between the given signals.
+<conn-stmt> ::= "connect" <sigspec> <sigspec> <eol>
+\subsection{Attribute statements}
+Declares an attribute with the given identifier and value for the following non-attribute statement.
+<attr-stmt> ::= "attribute" <id> <constant> <eol>
+<constant> ::= <value> | <integer> | <string>
+\subsection{Autoindex statements}
+The function of this statement is currently undocumented.
+<autoidx-stmt> ::= "autoidx" <integer> <eol>
+\subsection{Parameter statements}
+Declares a parameter with the given identifier for the enclosing module, optionally with the given default value.
+<param-stmt> ::= "parameter" <id> <constant>$?$ <eol>
+\subsection{Wire statements}
+Declares a wire with the given identifier in the enclosing module, with options.
+See Sec.~\ref{sec:rtlil_cell_wire} for an overview of wires.
+<wire-stmt> ::= "wire" <wire-option>$*$ <wire-id> <eol>
+<wire-id> ::= <id>
+<wire-option> ::=
+"width" <integer>
+ \alt "offset" <integer>
+ \alt "input" <integer>
+ \alt "output" <integer>
+ \alt "inout" <integer>
+ \alt "upto"
+ \alt "signed"
+\subsection{Memory statements}
+Declares a memory with the given identifier in the enclosing module, with options.
+See Sec.~\ref{sec:rtlil_memory} for an overview of memory cells, and Sec.~\ref{sec:memcells} for details about memory cell types.
+<memory-stmt> ::= "memory" <memory-option>$*$ <id> <eol>
+<memory-option> ::=
+"width" <integer>
+ \alt "size" <integer>
+ \alt "offset" <integer>
+\subsection{Cell statements}
+Declares a cell with the given identifier in the enclosing module.
+See Chap.~\ref{chapter:celllib} for a detailed list of cell types.
+<cell-stmt> ::= "cell" <cell-id> <cell-type> <eol> <cell-body-stmt> "end" <eol>
+<cell-id> ::= <id>
+<cell-type> ::= <id>
+<cell-body-stmt> ::=
+"parameter" ("signed" | "real")$?$ <id> <constant> <eol>
+ \alt "connect" <id> <sigspec> <eol>
+\subsection{Process statements}
+Declares a process with the given identifier in the enclosing module.
+See Sec.~\ref{sec:rtlil_process} for an overview of processes.
+<proc-stmt> ::= "process" <id> <eol> <case-stmt>$*$ <sync-stmt>$*$ "end" <eol>
+<case-stmt> ::= <attr-stmt> | <switch-stmt> | <assign-stmt>
+<switch-stmt> ::= "switch" <sigspec> <eol> <attr-stmt>$*$ <switch-element>$*$ "end" <eol>
+<switch-element> ::= "case" <compare>$?$ <eol> <case-stmt>$*$
+<compare> ::= <sigspec> ("," <sigspec>)$*$
+<sync-stmt> ::=
+"sync" <sync-type> <sigspec> <eol> <update-stmt>$*$
+ \alt "sync" "always" <eol> <update-stmt>$*$
+ \alt "sync" "global" <eol> <update-stmt>$*$
+ \alt "sync" "init" <eol> <update-stmt>$*$
+<sync-type> ::= "low" | "high" | "posedge" | "negedge" | "edge"
+<assign-stmt> ::= "assign" <dest-sigspec> <src-sigspec> <eol>
+<update-stmt> ::= "update" <dest-sigspec> <src-sigspec> <eol>
+<dest-sigspec> ::= <sigspec>
+<src-sigspec> ::= <sigspec>
diff --git a/manual/manual.tex b/manual/manual.tex
index 75f087eca..dac8b1000 100644
--- a/manual/manual.tex
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@@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ bookmarksopen=false%
@@ -214,6 +217,7 @@ YOSYS & Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite \\
% \include{CHAPTER_StateOfTheArt}