path: root/fpga_interchange
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Diffstat (limited to 'fpga_interchange')
5 files changed, 174 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/fpga_interchange/arch.cc b/fpga_interchange/arch.cc
index ceb023d4..e6e784f7 100644
--- a/fpga_interchange/arch.cc
+++ b/fpga_interchange/arch.cc
@@ -794,89 +794,11 @@ static void prepare_sites_for_routing(Context *ctx)
-bool Arch::route()
- getCtx()->check();
- prepare_sites_for_routing(getCtx());
- getCtx()->check();
- prepare_sites_for_routing(getCtx());
- getCtx()->check();
- std::string router = str_or_default(settings, id("router"), defaultRouter);
- bool result;
- if (router == "router1") {
- result = router1(getCtx(), Router1Cfg(getCtx()));
- } else if (router == "router2") {
- router2(getCtx(), Router2Cfg(getCtx()));
- result = true;
- } else {
- log_error("FPGA interchange architecture does not support router '%s'\n", router.c_str());
- }
- if (result) {
- result = route_vcc_to_unused_lut_pins();
- }
- getCtx()->attrs[getCtx()->id("step")] = std::string("route");
- archInfoToAttributes();
- getCtx()->check();
- // Now that routing is complete, unmask BEL pins.
- unmask_bel_pins();
- getCtx()->check();
- return result;
-bool Arch::route_vcc_to_unused_lut_pins()
- std::string router = str_or_default(settings, id("router"), defaultRouter);
- HashTables::HashMap<WireId, const NetInfo *> bound_wires;
- for (auto &net_pair : nets) {
- const NetInfo *net = net_pair.second.get();
- for (auto &wire_pair : net->wires) {
- auto result = bound_wires.emplace(wire_pair.first, net);
- NPNR_ASSERT(result.first->second == net);
- PipId pip = wire_pair.second.pip;
- if (pip == PipId()) {
- continue;
- }
- const PipInfoPOD &pip_data = pip_info(chip_info, pip);
- if (getCtx()->verbose) {
- log_info("Pip %s in use, has %zu pseudo wires!\n", nameOfPip(pip), pip_data.pseudo_cell_wires.size());
- }
- WireId wire;
- wire.tile = pip.tile;
- for (int32_t wire_index : pip_data.pseudo_cell_wires) {
- wire.index = wire_index;
- if (getCtx()->verbose) {
- log_info("Marking wire %s as in use due to pseudo pip\n", nameOfWire(wire));
- }
- auto result = bound_wires.emplace(wire, net);
- NPNR_ASSERT(result.first->second == net);
- }
- }
- }
// Fixup LUT vcc pins.
- IdString vcc_net_name(chip_info->constants->vcc_net_name);
- for (BelId bel : getBels()) {
- CellInfo *cell = getBoundBelCell(bel);
+ IdString vcc_net_name(ctx->chip_info->constants->vcc_net_name);
+ for (BelId bel : ctx->getBels()) {
+ CellInfo *cell = ctx->getBoundBelCell(bel);
if (cell == nullptr) {
@@ -891,45 +813,60 @@ bool Arch::route_vcc_to_unused_lut_pins()
port_info.type = PORT_IN;
port_info.net = nullptr;
- WireId lut_pin_wire = getBelPinWire(bel, bel_pin);
- auto iter = bound_wires.find(lut_pin_wire);
- if (iter != bound_wires.end()) {
- if (getCtx()->verbose) {
- log_info("%s is now used as a LUT route-through, not tying to VCC\n", nameOfWire(lut_pin_wire));
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (getCtx()->verbose) {
- log_info("%s is an unused LUT pin, tying to VCC\n", nameOfWire(lut_pin_wire));
+ if (ctx->verbose) {
+ log_info("%s must be tied to VCC, tying now\n", ctx->nameOfWire(lut_pin_wire));
auto result = cell->ports.emplace(bel_pin, port_info);
if (result.second) {
- connectPort(vcc_net_name, cell->name, bel_pin);
+ ctx->connectPort(vcc_net_name, cell->name, bel_pin);
} else {
- NPNR_ASSERT(result.first->second.net == getNetByAlias(vcc_net_name));
+ NPNR_ASSERT(result.first->second.net == ctx->getNetByAlias(vcc_net_name));
auto result2 = cell->cell_bel_pins.emplace(bel_pin, std::vector<IdString>({bel_pin}));
NPNR_ASSERT(result2.first->second.at(0) == bel_pin);
NPNR_ASSERT(result2.first->second.size() == 1);
+bool Arch::route()
+ getCtx()->check();
+ prepare_sites_for_routing(getCtx());
+ getCtx()->check();
+ prepare_sites_for_routing(getCtx());
+ getCtx()->check();
+ std::string router = str_or_default(settings, id("router"), defaultRouter);
+ bool result;
if (router == "router1") {
- return router1(getCtx(), Router1Cfg(getCtx()));
+ result = router1(getCtx(), Router1Cfg(getCtx()));
} else if (router == "router2") {
router2(getCtx(), Router2Cfg(getCtx()));
- return true;
+ result = true;
} else {
log_error("FPGA interchange architecture does not support router '%s'\n", router.c_str());
+ getCtx()->attrs[getCtx()->id("step")] = std::string("route");
+ archInfoToAttributes();
+ getCtx()->check();
+ // Now that routing is complete, unmask BEL pins.
+ unmask_bel_pins();
+ getCtx()->check();
+ return result;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/fpga_interchange/arch.h b/fpga_interchange/arch.h
index 23aed6bc..f6a8f0eb 100644
--- a/fpga_interchange/arch.h
+++ b/fpga_interchange/arch.h
@@ -1064,7 +1064,6 @@ struct Arch : ArchAPI<ArchRanges>
std::regex verilog_bin_constant;
std::regex verilog_hex_constant;
void read_lut_equation(DynamicBitarray<> *equation, const Property &equation_parameter) const;
- bool route_vcc_to_unused_lut_pins();
IdString id_GND;
IdString id_VCC;
diff --git a/fpga_interchange/luts.cc b/fpga_interchange/luts.cc
index bdf728fd..75459393 100644
--- a/fpga_interchange/luts.cc
+++ b/fpga_interchange/luts.cc
@@ -124,6 +124,81 @@ struct LutPin
+uint32_t LutMapper::check_wires(const std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> &bel_to_cell_pin_remaps,
+ const std::vector<const LutBel *> &lut_bels, uint32_t used_pins) const
+ std::vector<const LutBel *> unused_luts;
+ for (auto &lut_bel_pair : element.lut_bels) {
+ if (std::find(lut_bels.begin(), lut_bels.end(), &lut_bel_pair.second) == lut_bels.end()) {
+ unused_luts.push_back(&lut_bel_pair.second);
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t vcc_mask = 0;
+ DynamicBitarray<> wire_equation;
+ wire_equation.resize(2);
+ wire_equation.set(0, false);
+ wire_equation.set(1, true);
+ std::vector<int32_t> wire_bel_to_cell_pin_map;
+ std::vector<LogicLevel> equation_result;
+ for (int32_t pin_idx = 0; pin_idx < (int32_t)element.pins.size(); ++pin_idx) {
+ if (used_pins & (1 << pin_idx)) {
+ // This pin is already used, so it cannot be used for a wire.
+ continue;
+ }
+ bool valid_pin_for_wire = false;
+ bool invalid_pin_for_wire = false;
+ for (const LutBel *lut_bel : unused_luts) {
+ if (pin_idx < lut_bel->min_pin) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pin_idx > lut_bel->max_pin) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ wire_bel_to_cell_pin_map.clear();
+ wire_bel_to_cell_pin_map.resize(lut_bel->pins.size(), -1);
+ wire_bel_to_cell_pin_map[lut_bel->pin_to_index.at(element.pins[pin_idx])] = 0;
+ equation_result.clear();
+ equation_result.resize(element.width, LL_DontCare);
+ uint32_t used_pins_with_wire = used_pins | (1 << pin_idx);
+ for (size_t cell_idx = 0; cell_idx < cells.size(); ++cell_idx) {
+ const CellInfo *cell = cells[cell_idx];
+ auto &lut_bel_for_cell = *lut_bels[cell_idx];
+ if (!rotate_and_merge_lut_equation(&equation_result, lut_bel_for_cell, cell->lut_cell.equation,
+ bel_to_cell_pin_remaps[cell_idx], used_pins_with_wire)) {
+ invalid_pin_for_wire = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (invalid_pin_for_wire) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (rotate_and_merge_lut_equation(&equation_result, *lut_bel, wire_equation, wire_bel_to_cell_pin_map,
+ used_pins_with_wire)) {
+ valid_pin_for_wire = true;
+ }
+ }
+ bool good_for_wire = valid_pin_for_wire && !invalid_pin_for_wire;
+ if (!good_for_wire) {
+ vcc_mask |= (1 << pin_idx);
+ }
+ }
+ return vcc_mask;
bool LutMapper::remap_luts(const Context *ctx)
std::unordered_map<NetInfo *, LutPin> lut_pin_map;
@@ -259,12 +334,43 @@ bool LutMapper::remap_luts(const Context *ctx)
+ }
- cell->lut_cell.vcc_pins.clear();
- for (size_t bel_pin_idx = 0; bel_pin_idx < lut_bel.pins.size(); ++bel_pin_idx) {
- if ((used_pins & (1 << bel_pin_idx)) == 0) {
- NPNR_ASSERT(bel_to_cell_pin_remaps[cell_idx][bel_pin_idx] == -1);
- cell->lut_cell.vcc_pins.emplace(lut_bel.pins.at(bel_pin_idx));
+ if (cells.size() == element.lut_bels.size()) {
+ for (size_t cell_idx = 0; cell_idx < cells.size(); ++cell_idx) {
+ CellInfo *cell = cells[cell_idx];
+ auto &lut_bel = *lut_bels[cell_idx];
+ cell->lut_cell.vcc_pins.clear();
+ for (size_t bel_pin_idx = 0; bel_pin_idx < lut_bel.pins.size(); ++bel_pin_idx) {
+ if ((used_pins & (1 << bel_pin_idx)) == 0) {
+ NPNR_ASSERT(bel_to_cell_pin_remaps[cell_idx][bel_pin_idx] == -1);
+ cell->lut_cell.vcc_pins.emplace(lut_bel.pins.at(bel_pin_idx));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Look to see if wires can be run from element inputs to unused
+ // outputs. If not, block the BEL pin by tying to VCC.
+ uint32_t vcc_pins = check_wires(bel_to_cell_pin_remaps, lut_bels, used_pins);
+#if defined(DEBUG_LUT_ROTATION)
+ log_info("vcc_pins = 0x%x", vcc_pins);
+ for (size_t cell_idx = 0; cell_idx < cells.size(); ++cell_idx) {
+ CellInfo *cell = cells[cell_idx];
+ log(", %s => %s", ctx->nameOfBel(cell->bel), cell->name.c_str(ctx));
+ }
+ log("\n");
+ for (size_t cell_idx = 0; cell_idx < cells.size(); ++cell_idx) {
+ CellInfo *cell = cells[cell_idx];
+ auto &lut_bel = *lut_bels[cell_idx];
+ cell->lut_cell.vcc_pins.clear();
+ for (size_t bel_pin_idx = 0; bel_pin_idx < lut_bel.pins.size(); ++bel_pin_idx) {
+ if ((vcc_pins & (1 << bel_pin_idx)) != 0) {
+ NPNR_ASSERT(bel_to_cell_pin_remaps[cell_idx][bel_pin_idx] == -1);
+ auto pin = lut_bel.pins.at(bel_pin_idx);
+ cell->lut_cell.vcc_pins.emplace(pin);
+ }
diff --git a/fpga_interchange/luts.h b/fpga_interchange/luts.h
index 3500c9d3..dec5a9d6 100644
--- a/fpga_interchange/luts.h
+++ b/fpga_interchange/luts.h
@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ struct LutMapper
std::vector<CellInfo *> cells;
bool remap_luts(const Context *ctx);
+ uint32_t check_wires(const std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> &bel_to_cell_pin_remaps,
+ const std::vector<const LutBel *> &lut_bels, uint32_t used_pins) const;
// Rotate and merge a LUT equation into an array of levels.
diff --git a/fpga_interchange/site_arch.cc b/fpga_interchange/site_arch.cc
index 43792eda..711bef44 100644
--- a/fpga_interchange/site_arch.cc
+++ b/fpga_interchange/site_arch.cc
@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ SiteArch::SiteArch(const SiteInformation *site_info) : ctx(site_info->ctx), site
// Create list of out of site sources and sinks.
+ bool have_vcc_pins = false;
for (CellInfo *cell : site_info->cells_in_site) {
for (const auto &pin_pair : cell->cell_bel_pins) {
const PortInfo &port = cell->ports.at(pin_pair.first);
@@ -132,6 +133,10 @@ SiteArch::SiteArch(const SiteInformation *site_info) : ctx(site_info->ctx), site
nets.emplace(port.net, SiteNetInfo{port.net});
+ if (!cell->lut_cell.vcc_pins.empty()) {
+ have_vcc_pins = true;
+ }
for (auto &net_pair : nets) {
@@ -222,6 +227,27 @@ SiteArch::SiteArch(const SiteInformation *site_info) : ctx(site_info->ctx), site
+ IdString vcc_net_name(ctx->chip_info->constants->vcc_net_name);
+ NetInfo *vcc_net = ctx->nets.at(vcc_net_name).get();
+ auto iter = nets.find(vcc_net);
+ if (iter == nets.end() && have_vcc_pins) {
+ // VCC net isn't present, add it.
+ SiteNetInfo net_info;
+ net_info.net = vcc_net;
+ net_info.driver.type = SiteWire::OUT_OF_SITE_SOURCE;
+ net_info.driver.net = vcc_net;
+ auto result = nets.emplace(vcc_net, net_info);
+ NPNR_ASSERT(result.second);
+ iter = result.first;
+ }
+ for (CellInfo *cell : site_info->cells_in_site) {
+ for (IdString vcc_pin : cell->lut_cell.vcc_pins) {
+ SiteWire wire = getBelPinWire(cell->bel, vcc_pin);
+ iter->second.users.emplace(wire);
+ }
+ }
for (auto &net_pair : nets) {
SiteNetInfo *net_info = &net_pair.second;
auto result = wire_to_nets.emplace(net_info->driver, SiteNetMap{net_info, 1});