path: root/ecp5/pack.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'ecp5/pack.cc')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ecp5/pack.cc b/ecp5/pack.cc
index ca329530..6ae169c9 100644
--- a/ecp5/pack.cc
+++ b/ecp5/pack.cc
@@ -1377,10 +1377,144 @@ class Ecp5Packer
+ // Check if two nets have identical constant drivers
+ bool equal_constant(NetInfo *a, NetInfo *b)
+ {
+ if (a->driver.cell == nullptr || b->driver.cell == nullptr)
+ return (a->driver.cell == nullptr && b->driver.cell == nullptr);
+ if (a->driver.cell->type != ctx->id("GND") && a->driver.cell->type != ctx->id("VCC"))
+ return false;
+ return a->driver.cell->type == b->driver.cell->type;
+ }
+ // Pack IOLOGIC
+ void pack_iologic()
+ {
+ std::unordered_map<IdString, CellInfo *> pio_iologic;
+ auto set_iologic_sclk = [&](CellInfo *iol, CellInfo *prim, IdString port, bool input) {
+ NetInfo *sclk = nullptr;
+ if (prim->ports.count(port))
+ sclk = prim->ports[port].net;
+ if (sclk == nullptr) {
+ iol->params[input ? ctx->id("CLKIMUX") : ctx->id("CLKOMUX")] = "0";
+ } else {
+ iol->params[input ? ctx->id("CLKIMUX") : ctx->id("CLKOMUX")] = "CLK";
+ if (iol->ports[id_CLK].net != nullptr) {
+ if (iol->ports[id_CLK].net != sclk && !equal_constant(iol->ports[id_CLK].net, sclk))
+ log_error("IOLOGIC '%s' has conflicting clocks '%s' and '%s'\n", iol->name.c_str(ctx),
+ iol->ports[id_CLK].net->name.c_str(ctx), sclk->name.c_str(ctx));
+ } else {
+ connect_port(ctx, sclk, iol, id_CLK);
+ }
+ }
+ if (prim->ports.count(port))
+ disconnect_port(ctx, prim, port);
+ };
+ auto set_iologic_lsr = [&](CellInfo *iol, CellInfo *prim, IdString port, bool input) {
+ NetInfo *lsr = nullptr;
+ if (prim->ports.count(port))
+ lsr = prim->ports[port].net;
+ if (lsr == nullptr) {
+ iol->params[input ? ctx->id("LSRIMUX") : ctx->id("LSROMUX")] = "0";
+ } else {
+ iol->params[input ? ctx->id("LSRIMUX") : ctx->id("LSROMUX")] = "LSRMUX";
+ if (iol->ports[id_LSR].net != nullptr && !equal_constant(iol->ports[id_LSR].net, lsr)) {
+ if (iol->ports[id_LSR].net != lsr)
+ log_error("IOLOGIC '%s' has conflicting LSR signals '%s' and '%s'\n", iol->name.c_str(ctx),
+ iol->ports[id_LSR].net->name.c_str(ctx), lsr->name.c_str(ctx));
+ } else {
+ connect_port(ctx, lsr, iol, id_LSR);
+ }
+ }
+ if (prim->ports.count(port))
+ disconnect_port(ctx, prim, port);
+ };
+ auto set_iologic_mode = [&](CellInfo *iol, std::string mode) {
+ auto &curr_mode = iol->params[ctx->id("MODE")];
+ if (curr_mode != "NONE" && curr_mode != mode)
+ log_error("IOLOGIC '%s' has conflicting modes '%s' and '%s'\n", iol->name.c_str(ctx), curr_mode.c_str(),
+ mode.c_str());
+ curr_mode = mode;
+ };
+ auto create_pio_iologic = [&](CellInfo *pio, CellInfo *curr) {
+ if (!pio->attrs.count(ctx->id("BEL")))
+ log_error("IOLOGIC functionality (DDR, DELAY, DQS, etc) can only be used with pin-constrained PIO "
+ "(while processing '%s').\n",
+ curr->name.c_str(ctx));
+ BelId bel = ctx->getBelByName(ctx->id(pio->attrs.at(ctx->id("BEL"))));
+ NPNR_ASSERT(bel != BelId());
+ log_info("IOLOGIC component %s connected to PIO Bel %s\n", curr->name.c_str(ctx),
+ ctx->getBelName(bel).c_str(ctx));
+ Loc loc = ctx->getBelLocation(bel);
+ bool s = false;
+ if (loc.y == 0 || loc.y == (ctx->chip_info->height - 1))
+ s = true;
+ std::unique_ptr<CellInfo> iol =
+ create_ecp5_cell(ctx, s ? id_SIOLOGIC : id_IOLOGIC, pio->name.str(ctx) + "$IOL");
+ loc.z += s ? 2 : 4;
+ iol->attrs[ctx->id("BEL")] = ctx->getBelName(ctx->getBelByLocation(loc)).str(ctx);
+ CellInfo *iol_ptr = iol.get();
+ pio_iologic[pio->name] = iol_ptr;
+ new_cells.push_back(std::move(iol));
+ return iol_ptr;
+ };
+ for (auto cell : sorted(ctx->cells)) {
+ CellInfo *ci = cell.second;
+ if (ci->type == ctx->id("IDDRX1F")) {
+ CellInfo *pio = net_driven_by(ctx, ci->ports.at(ctx->id("D")).net, is_trellis_io, id_O);
+ if (pio == nullptr || ci->ports.at(ctx->id("D")).net->users.size() > 1)
+ log_error("IDDRX1F '%s' D input must be connected only to a top level input\n",
+ ci->name.c_str(ctx));
+ CellInfo *iol;
+ if (pio_iologic.count(pio->name))
+ iol = pio_iologic.at(pio->name);
+ else
+ iol = create_pio_iologic(pio, ci);
+ set_iologic_mode(iol, "IDDRX1_ODDRX1");
+ replace_port(ci, ctx->id("D"), iol, id_PADDI);
+ set_iologic_sclk(iol, ci, ctx->id("SCLK"), true);
+ set_iologic_lsr(iol, ci, ctx->id("RST"), true);
+ replace_port(ci, ctx->id("Q0"), iol, id_RXDATA0);
+ replace_port(ci, ctx->id("Q1"), iol, id_RXDATA1);
+ iol->params[ctx->id("GSR")] = str_or_default(ci->params, ctx->id("GSR"), "DISABLED");
+ packed_cells.insert(cell.first);
+ } else if (ci->type == ctx->id("ODDRX1F")) {
+ CellInfo *pio = net_only_drives(ctx, ci->ports.at(ctx->id("Q")).net, is_trellis_io, id_I, true);
+ if (pio == nullptr)
+ log_error("ODDRX1F '%s' Q output must be connected only to a top level output\n",
+ ci->name.c_str(ctx));
+ CellInfo *iol;
+ if (pio_iologic.count(pio->name))
+ iol = pio_iologic.at(pio->name);
+ else
+ iol = create_pio_iologic(pio, ci);
+ set_iologic_mode(iol, "IDDRX1_ODDRX1");
+ replace_port(ci, ctx->id("Q"), iol, id_IOLDO);
+ replace_port(pio, id_I, pio, id_IOLDO);
+ pio->params[ctx->id("DATAMUX_ODDR")] = "IOLDO";
+ set_iologic_sclk(iol, ci, ctx->id("SCLK"), false);
+ set_iologic_lsr(iol, ci, ctx->id("RST"), false);
+ replace_port(ci, ctx->id("D0"), iol, id_TXDATA0);
+ replace_port(ci, ctx->id("D1"), iol, id_TXDATA1);
+ iol->params[ctx->id("GSR")] = str_or_default(ci->params, ctx->id("GSR"), "DISABLED");
+ packed_cells.insert(cell.first);
+ }
+ }
+ flush_cells();
+ };
void pack()
+ pack_iologic();