diff options
authorDavid Shah <dave@ds0.me>2019-10-09 14:23:35 +0100
committerDavid Shah <dave@ds0.me>2019-10-09 14:23:35 +0100
commitc6401413a4511de7faf56254ea27a85b5dc55ca0 (patch)
parenta14555c8d1c989a56fdd7bdd9c2a401d7d24a6bd (diff)
ecp5: Add support for IO registers
Signed-off-by: David Shah <dave@ds0.me>
3 files changed, 113 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/common/util.h b/common/util.h
index 81d7e47d..2ccfe5d2 100644
--- a/common/util.h
+++ b/common/util.h
@@ -119,7 +119,16 @@ inline const NetInfo *get_net_or_empty(const CellInfo *cell, const IdString port
return found->second.net;
return nullptr;
+inline NetInfo *get_net_or_empty(CellInfo *cell, const IdString port)
+ auto found = cell->ports.find(port);
+ if (found != cell->ports.end())
+ return found->second.net;
+ else
+ return nullptr;
diff --git a/ecp5/bitstream.cc b/ecp5/bitstream.cc
index 1d153720..acab95dd 100644
--- a/ecp5/bitstream.cc
+++ b/ecp5/bitstream.cc
@@ -888,9 +888,15 @@ void write_bitstream(Context *ctx, std::string base_config_file, std::string tex
std::string datamux_oddr = str_or_default(ci->params, ctx->id("DATAMUX_ODDR"), "PADDO");
if (datamux_oddr != "PADDO")
cc.tiles[pic_tile].add_enum(pio + ".DATAMUX_ODDR", datamux_oddr);
+ std::string datamux_oreg = str_or_default(ci->params, ctx->id("DATAMUX_OREG"), "PADDO");
+ if (datamux_oreg != "PADDO")
+ cc.tiles[pic_tile].add_enum(pio + ".DATAMUX_OREG", datamux_oreg);
std::string datamux_mddr = str_or_default(ci->params, ctx->id("DATAMUX_MDDR"), "PADDO");
if (datamux_mddr != "PADDO")
cc.tiles[pic_tile].add_enum(pio + ".DATAMUX_MDDR", datamux_mddr);
+ std::string trimux_tsreg = str_or_default(ci->params, ctx->id("TRIMUX_TSREG"), "PADDT");
+ if (trimux_tsreg != "PADDT")
+ cc.tiles[pic_tile].add_enum(pio + ".TRIMUX_TSREG", trimux_tsreg);
} else if (ci->type == ctx->id("DCCA")) {
const NetInfo *cen = get_net_or_empty(ci, ctx->id("CE"));
if (cen != nullptr) {
diff --git a/ecp5/pack.cc b/ecp5/pack.cc
index 15c02e86..0aa69952 100644
--- a/ecp5/pack.cc
+++ b/ecp5/pack.cc
@@ -1844,6 +1844,8 @@ class Ecp5Packer
auto set_iologic_mode = [&](CellInfo *iol, std::string mode) {
auto &curr_mode = iol->params[ctx->id("MODE")].str;
+ if (curr_mode != "NONE" && mode == "IREG_OREG")
+ return;
if (curr_mode != "NONE" && curr_mode != "IREG_OREG" && curr_mode != mode)
log_error("IOLOGIC '%s' has conflicting modes '%s' and '%s'\n", iol->name.c_str(ctx), curr_mode.c_str(),
@@ -2240,6 +2242,101 @@ class Ecp5Packer
std::string(ci->type == ctx->id("TSHX2DQSA") ? "DQSW" : "DQSW270");
iol->params[ctx->id("IOLTOMUX")] = std::string("TDDR");
+ } else if (ci->type == ctx->id("TRELLIS_FF") && bool_or_default(ci->attrs, ctx->id("syn_useioff"))) {
+ // Pack IO flipflop into IOLOGIC
+ std::string mode = str_or_default(ci->attrs, ctx->id("ioff_dir"), "");
+ if (mode != "output") {
+ // See if it can be packed as an input ff
+ NetInfo *d = get_net_or_empty(ci, ctx->id("DI"));
+ CellInfo *pio = net_driven_by(ctx, d, is_trellis_io, id_O);
+ if (pio != nullptr && d->users.size() == 1) {
+ // Input FF
+ CellInfo *iol;
+ if (pio_iologic.count(pio->name))
+ iol = pio_iologic.at(pio->name);
+ else
+ iol = create_pio_iologic(pio, ci);
+ set_iologic_mode(iol, "IREG_OREG");
+ set_iologic_sclk(iol, ci, ctx->id("CLK"), true);
+ set_iologic_lsr(iol, ci, ctx->id("LSR"), true);
+ // Handle CLK and CE muxes
+ if (str_or_default(ci->params, ctx->id("CLKMUX")) == "INV")
+ iol->params[ctx->id("CLKIMUX")] = std::string("INV");
+ if (str_or_default(ci->params, ctx->id("CEMUX"), "CE") == "CE") {
+ iol->params[ctx->id("CEIMUX")] = std::string("CEMUX");
+ iol->params[ctx->id("CEMUX")] = std::string("CE");
+ replace_port(ci, ctx->id("CE"), iol, ctx->id("CE"));
+ } else {
+ iol->params[ctx->id("CEIMUX")] = std::string("1");
+ }
+ // Set IOLOGIC params from FF params
+ iol->params[ctx->id("FF.INREGMODE")] = std::string("FF");
+ iol->params[ctx->id("FF.REGSET")] = str_or_default(ci->params, ctx->id("REGSET"), "RESET");
+ iol->params[ctx->id("SRMODE")] = str_or_default(ci->params, ctx->id("SRMODE"), "ASYNC");
+ iol->params[ctx->id("GSR")] = str_or_default(ci->params, ctx->id("GSR"), "DISABLED");
+ replace_port(ci, ctx->id("DI"), iol, id_PADDI);
+ replace_port(ci, ctx->id("Q"), iol, id_INFF);
+ packed_cells.insert(cell.first);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (mode != "input") {
+ CellInfo *pio_t = net_only_drives(ctx, ci->ports.at(ctx->id("Q")).net, is_trellis_io, id_T, true);
+ CellInfo *pio_i = net_only_drives(ctx, ci->ports.at(ctx->id("Q")).net, is_trellis_io, id_I, true);
+ if (pio_t != nullptr || pio_i != nullptr) {
+ // Output or tristate FF
+ bool tri = (pio_t != nullptr);
+ CellInfo *pio = tri ? pio_t : pio_i;
+ CellInfo *iol;
+ if (pio_iologic.count(pio->name))
+ iol = pio_iologic.at(pio->name);
+ else
+ iol = create_pio_iologic(pio, ci);
+ set_iologic_mode(iol, "IREG_OREG");
+ // Connection between FF and PIO
+ replace_port(ci, ctx->id("Q"), iol, tri ? id_IOLTO : id_IOLDO);
+ if (tri) {
+ if (!pio->ports.count(id_IOLTO)) {
+ pio->ports[id_IOLTO].name = id_IOLTO;
+ pio->ports[id_IOLTO].type = PORT_IN;
+ }
+ pio->params[ctx->id("TRIMUX_TSREG")] = std::string("IOLTO");
+ replace_port(pio, id_I, pio, id_IOLTO);
+ } else {
+ if (!pio->ports.count(id_IOLDO)) {
+ pio->ports[id_IOLDO].name = id_IOLDO;
+ pio->ports[id_IOLDO].type = PORT_IN;
+ }
+ pio->params[ctx->id("DATAMUX_OREG")] = std::string("IOLDO");
+ replace_port(pio, id_I, pio, id_IOLDO);
+ }
+ set_iologic_sclk(iol, ci, ctx->id("CLK"), false);
+ set_iologic_lsr(iol, ci, ctx->id("LSR"), false);
+ // Handle CLK and CE muxes
+ if (str_or_default(ci->params, ctx->id("CLKMUX")) == "INV")
+ iol->params[ctx->id("CLKOMUX")] = std::string("INV");
+ if (str_or_default(ci->params, ctx->id("CEMUX"), "CE") == "CE") {
+ iol->params[ctx->id("CEOMUX")] = std::string("CEMUX");
+ iol->params[ctx->id("CEMUX")] = std::string("CE");
+ replace_port(ci, ctx->id("CE"), iol, ctx->id("CE"));
+ } else {
+ iol->params[ctx->id("CEOMUX")] = std::string("1");
+ }
+ // FF params
+ iol->params[ctx->id(tri ? "TSREG.OUTREGMODE" : "OUTREG.OUTREGMODE")] = std::string("FF");
+ iol->params[ctx->id(tri ? "TSREG.REGSET" : "OUTREG.REGSET")] =
+ str_or_default(ci->params, ctx->id("REGSET"), "RESET");
+ iol->params[ctx->id("SRMODE")] = str_or_default(ci->params, ctx->id("SRMODE"), "ASYNC");
+ // Data input
+ replace_port(ci, ctx->id("DI"), iol, tri ? id_TSDATA0 : id_TXDATA0);
+ iol->params[ctx->id("GSR")] = str_or_default(ci->params, ctx->id("GSR"), "DISABLED");
+ packed_cells.insert(cell.first);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ log_error("Failed to pack flipflop '%s' with 'syn_useioff' set into IOLOGIC.\n", ci->name.c_str(ctx));