path: root/translate/grt/grt-waves.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'translate/grt/grt-waves.adb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1632 deletions
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-waves.adb b/translate/grt/grt-waves.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 63bdb9a54..000000000
--- a/translate/grt/grt-waves.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1632 +0,0 @@
--- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - wave dumper (GHW) module.
--- Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this
--- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable,
--- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be
--- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not
--- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be
--- covered by the GNU Public License.
-with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with System.Storage_Elements; -- Work around GNAT bug.
-pragma Unreferenced (System.Storage_Elements);
-with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
-with Grt.Avhpi; use Grt.Avhpi;
-with Grt.Stdio; use Grt.Stdio;
-with Grt.C; use Grt.C;
-with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
-with Grt.Astdio; use Grt.Astdio;
-with Grt.Hooks; use Grt.Hooks;
-with Grt.Table;
-with Grt.Avls; use Grt.Avls;
-with Grt.Rtis; use Grt.Rtis;
-with Grt.Rtis_Addr; use Grt.Rtis_Addr;
-with Grt.Rtis_Utils;
-with Grt.Rtis_Types;
-with Grt.Signals; use Grt.Signals;
-with System; use System;
-with Grt.Vstrings; use Grt.Vstrings;
-pragma Elaborate_All (Grt.Rtis_Utils);
-pragma Elaborate_All (Grt.Table);
-package body Grt.Waves is
- -- Waves filename.
- Wave_Filename : String_Access := null;
- -- Stream corresponding to the GHW filename.
- Wave_Stream : FILEs;
- Ghw_Hie_Design : constant Unsigned_8 := 1;
- Ghw_Hie_Block : constant Unsigned_8 := 3;
- Ghw_Hie_Generate_If : constant Unsigned_8 := 4;
- Ghw_Hie_Generate_For : constant Unsigned_8 := 5;
- Ghw_Hie_Instance : constant Unsigned_8 := 6;
- Ghw_Hie_Package : constant Unsigned_8 := 7;
- Ghw_Hie_Process : constant Unsigned_8 := 13;
- Ghw_Hie_Generic : constant Unsigned_8 := 14;
- Ghw_Hie_Eos : constant Unsigned_8 := 15; -- End of scope.
- Ghw_Hie_Signal : constant Unsigned_8 := 16; -- Signal.
- Ghw_Hie_Port_In : constant Unsigned_8 := 17; -- Port
- Ghw_Hie_Port_Out : constant Unsigned_8 := 18; -- Port
- Ghw_Hie_Port_Inout : constant Unsigned_8 := 19; -- Port
- Ghw_Hie_Port_Buffer : constant Unsigned_8 := 20; -- Port
- Ghw_Hie_Port_Linkage : constant Unsigned_8 := 21; -- Port
- pragma Unreferenced (Ghw_Hie_Design);
- pragma Unreferenced (Ghw_Hie_Generic);
- -- Return TRUE if OPT is an option for wave.
- function Wave_Option (Opt : String) return Boolean
- is
- F : constant Natural := Opt'First;
- begin
- if Opt'Length < 6 or else Opt (F .. F + 5) /= "--wave" then
- return False;
- end if;
- if Opt'Length > 6 and then Opt (F + 6) = '=' then
- -- Add an extra NUL character.
- Wave_Filename := new String (1 .. Opt'Length - 7 + 1);
- Wave_Filename (1 .. Opt'Length - 7) := Opt (F + 7 .. Opt'Last);
- Wave_Filename (Wave_Filename'Last) := NUL;
- return True;
- else
- return False;
- end if;
- end Wave_Option;
- procedure Wave_Help is
- begin
- Put_Line (" --wave=FILENAME dump signal values into a wave file");
- end Wave_Help;
- procedure Wave_Put (Str : String)
- is
- R : size_t;
- pragma Unreferenced (R);
- begin
- R := fwrite (Str'Address, Str'Length, 1, Wave_Stream);
- end Wave_Put;
- procedure Wave_Putc (C : Character)
- is
- R : int;
- pragma Unreferenced (R);
- begin
- R := fputc (Character'Pos (C), Wave_Stream);
- end Wave_Putc;
- procedure Wave_Newline is
- begin
- Wave_Putc (Nl);
- end Wave_Newline;
- procedure Wave_Put_Byte (B : Unsigned_8)
- is
- V : Unsigned_8 := B;
- R : size_t;
- pragma Unreferenced (R);
- begin
- R := fwrite (V'Address, 1, 1, Wave_Stream);
- end Wave_Put_Byte;
- procedure Wave_Put_ULEB128 (Val : Ghdl_E32)
- is
- V : Ghdl_E32;
- R : Ghdl_E32;
- begin
- V := Val;
- loop
- R := V mod 128;
- V := V / 128;
- if V = 0 then
- Wave_Put_Byte (Unsigned_8 (R));
- exit;
- else
- Wave_Put_Byte (Unsigned_8 (128 + R));
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Wave_Put_ULEB128;
- procedure Wave_Put_SLEB128 (Val : Ghdl_I32)
- is
- function To_Ghdl_U32 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Ghdl_I32, Ghdl_U32);
- V : Ghdl_U32 := To_Ghdl_U32 (Val);
--- function Shift_Right_Arithmetic (Value : Ghdl_U32; Amount : Natural)
--- return Ghdl_U32;
--- pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Right_Arithmetic);
- R : Unsigned_8;
- begin
- loop
- R := Unsigned_8 (V mod 128);
- V := Shift_Right_Arithmetic (V, 7);
- if (V = 0 and (R and 16#40#) = 0) or (V = -1 and (R and 16#40#) /= 0)
- then
- Wave_Put_Byte (R);
- exit;
- else
- Wave_Put_Byte (R or 16#80#);
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Wave_Put_SLEB128;
- procedure Wave_Put_LSLEB128 (Val : Ghdl_I64)
- is
- function To_Ghdl_U64 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Ghdl_I64, Ghdl_U64);
- V : Ghdl_U64 := To_Ghdl_U64 (Val);
- R : Unsigned_8;
- begin
- loop
- R := Unsigned_8 (V mod 128);
- V := Shift_Right_Arithmetic (V, 7);
- if (V = 0 and (R and 16#40#) = 0) or (V = -1 and (R and 16#40#) /= 0)
- then
- Wave_Put_Byte (R);
- exit;
- else
- Wave_Put_Byte (R or 16#80#);
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Wave_Put_LSLEB128;
- procedure Wave_Put_I32 (Val : Ghdl_I32)
- is
- V : Ghdl_I32 := Val;
- R : size_t;
- pragma Unreferenced (R);
- begin
- R := fwrite (V'Address, 4, 1, Wave_Stream);
- end Wave_Put_I32;
- procedure Wave_Put_I64 (Val : Ghdl_I64)
- is
- V : Ghdl_I64 := Val;
- R : size_t;
- pragma Unreferenced (R);
- begin
- R := fwrite (V'Address, 8, 1, Wave_Stream);
- end Wave_Put_I64;
- procedure Wave_Put_F64 (F64 : Ghdl_F64)
- is
- V : Ghdl_F64 := F64;
- R : size_t;
- pragma Unreferenced (R);
- begin
- R := fwrite (V'Address, Ghdl_F64'Size / Storage_Unit, 1, Wave_Stream);
- end Wave_Put_F64;
- procedure Wave_Puts (Str : Ghdl_C_String) is
- begin
- Put (Wave_Stream, Str);
- end Wave_Puts;
- procedure Write_Value (Value : Value_Union; Mode : Mode_Type) is
- begin
- case Mode is
- when Mode_B1 =>
- Wave_Put_Byte (Ghdl_B1'Pos (Value.B1));
- when Mode_E8 =>
- Wave_Put_Byte (Ghdl_E8'Pos (Value.E8));
- when Mode_E32 =>
- Wave_Put_ULEB128 (Value.E32);
- when Mode_I32 =>
- Wave_Put_SLEB128 (Value.I32);
- when Mode_I64 =>
- Wave_Put_LSLEB128 (Value.I64);
- when Mode_F64 =>
- Wave_Put_F64 (Value.F64);
- end case;
- end Write_Value;
- subtype Section_Name is String (1 .. 4);
- type Header_Type is record
- Name : Section_Name;
- Pos : long;
- end record;
- package Section_Table is new Grt.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Header_Type,
- Table_Index_Type => Natural,
- Table_Low_Bound => 1,
- Table_Initial => 16);
- -- Create a new section.
- -- Write the header in the file.
- -- Save the location for the directory.
- procedure Wave_Section (Name : Section_Name) is
- begin
- Section_Table.Append (Header_Type'(Name => Name,
- Pos => ftell (Wave_Stream)));
- Wave_Put (Name);
- end Wave_Section;
- procedure Wave_Write_Size_Order is
- begin
- -- Byte order, 1 byte.
- -- 0: bad, 1 : little-endian, 2 : big endian.
- declare
- type Byte_Arr is array (0 .. 3) of Unsigned_8;
- function To_Byte_Arr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Unsigned_32, Target => Byte_Arr);
- B4 : constant Byte_Arr := To_Byte_Arr (16#11_22_33_44#);
- V : Unsigned_8;
- begin
- if B4 (0) = 16#11# then
- -- Big endian.
- V := 2;
- elsif B4 (0) = 16#44# then
- -- Little endian.
- V := 1;
- else
- -- Unknown endian.
- V := 0;
- end if;
- Wave_Put_Byte (V);
- end;
- -- Word size, 1 byte.
- Wave_Put_Byte (Integer'Size / 8);
- -- File offset size, 1 byte
- Wave_Put_Byte (1);
- -- Unused, must be zero (MBZ).
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- end Wave_Write_Size_Order;
- procedure Wave_Write_Directory
- is
- Pos : long;
- begin
- Pos := ftell (Wave_Stream);
- Wave_Section ("DIR" & NUL);
- Wave_Write_Size_Order;
- Wave_Put_I32 (Ghdl_I32 (Section_Table.Last));
- for I in Section_Table.First .. Section_Table.Last loop
- Wave_Put (Section_Table.Table (I).Name);
- Wave_Put_I32 (Ghdl_I32 (Section_Table.Table (I).Pos));
- end loop;
- Wave_Put ("EOD" & NUL);
- Wave_Section ("TAI" & NUL);
- Wave_Write_Size_Order;
- Wave_Put_I32 (Ghdl_I32 (Pos));
- end Wave_Write_Directory;
- -- Called before elaboration.
- procedure Wave_Init
- is
- Mode : constant String := "wb" & NUL;
- begin
- if Wave_Filename = null then
- Wave_Stream := NULL_Stream;
- return;
- end if;
- if Wave_Filename.all = "-" & NUL then
- Wave_Stream := stdout;
- else
- Wave_Stream := fopen (Wave_Filename.all'Address, Mode'Address);
- if Wave_Stream = NULL_Stream then
- Error_C ("cannot open ");
- Error_E (Wave_Filename (Wave_Filename'First
- .. Wave_Filename'Last - 1));
- return;
- end if;
- end if;
- end Wave_Init;
- procedure Write_File_Header
- is
- begin
- -- Magic, 9 bytes.
- Wave_Put ("GHDLwave" & Nl);
- -- Header length.
- Wave_Put_Byte (16);
- -- Version-major, 1 byte.
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- -- Version-minor, 1 byte.
- Wave_Put_Byte (1);
- Wave_Write_Size_Order;
- end Write_File_Header;
- procedure Avhpi_Error (Err : AvhpiErrorT)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Err);
- begin
- Put_Line ("Waves.Avhpi_Error!");
- null;
- end Avhpi_Error;
- package Str_Table is new Grt.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Ghdl_C_String,
- Table_Index_Type => AVL_Value,
- Table_Low_Bound => 1,
- Table_Initial => 16);
- package Str_AVL is new Grt.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => AVL_Node,
- Table_Index_Type => AVL_Nid,
- Table_Low_Bound => AVL_Root,
- Table_Initial => 16);
- Strings_Len : Natural := 0;
- function Str_Compare (L, R : AVL_Value) return Integer
- is
- Ls, Rs : Ghdl_C_String;
- begin
- Ls := Str_Table.Table (L);
- Rs := Str_Table.Table (R);
- if L = R then
- return 0;
- end if;
- return Strcmp (Ls, Rs);
- end Str_Compare;
- procedure Disp_Str_Avl (N : AVL_Nid) is
- begin
- Put (stdout, "node: ");
- Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (N));
- New_Line (stdout);
- Put (stdout, " left: ");
- Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Str_AVL.Table (N).Left));
- New_Line (stdout);
- Put (stdout, " right: ");
- Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (Str_AVL.Table (N).Right));
- New_Line (stdout);
- Put (stdout, " height: ");
- Put_I32 (stdout, Str_AVL.Table (N).Height);
- New_Line (stdout);
- Put (stdout, " str: ");
- --Put (stdout, Str_AVL.Table (N).Val);
- New_Line (stdout);
- end Disp_Str_Avl;
- pragma Unreferenced (Disp_Str_Avl);
- function Create_Str_Index (Str : Ghdl_C_String) return AVL_Value
- is
- Res : AVL_Nid;
- begin
- Str_Table.Append (Str);
- Str_AVL.Append (AVL_Node'(Val => Str_Table.Last,
- Left | Right => AVL_Nil,
- Height => 1));
- Get_Node (AVL_Tree (Str_AVL.Table (Str_AVL.First .. Str_AVL.Last)),
- Str_Compare'Access,
- Str_AVL.Last, Res);
- if Res /= Str_AVL.Last then
- Str_AVL.Decrement_Last;
- Str_Table.Decrement_Last;
- else
- Strings_Len := Strings_Len + strlen (Str);
- end if;
- return Str_AVL.Table (Res).Val;
- end Create_Str_Index;
- pragma Unreferenced (Create_Str_Index);
- procedure Create_String_Id (Str : Ghdl_C_String)
- is
- Res : AVL_Nid;
- begin
- if Str = null then
- return;
- end if;
- Str_Table.Append (Str);
- Str_AVL.Append (AVL_Node'(Val => Str_Table.Last,
- Left | Right => AVL_Nil,
- Height => 1));
- Get_Node (AVL_Tree (Str_AVL.Table (Str_AVL.First .. Str_AVL.Last)),
- Str_Compare'Access,
- Str_AVL.Last, Res);
- if Res /= Str_AVL.Last then
- Str_AVL.Decrement_Last;
- Str_Table.Decrement_Last;
- else
- Strings_Len := Strings_Len + strlen (Str);
- end if;
- end Create_String_Id;
- function Get_String (Str : Ghdl_C_String) return AVL_Value
- is
- H, L, M : AVL_Value;
- Diff : Integer;
- begin
- L := Str_Table.First;
- H := Str_Table.Last;
- loop
- M := (L + H) / 2;
- Diff := Strcmp (Str, Str_Table.Table (M));
- if Diff = 0 then
- return M;
- elsif Diff < 0 then
- H := M - 1;
- else
- L := M + 1;
- end if;
- exit when L > H;
- end loop;
- return 0;
- end Get_String;
- procedure Write_String_Id (Str : Ghdl_C_String) is
- begin
- if Str = null then
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- else
- Wave_Put_ULEB128 (Ghdl_E32 (Get_String (Str)));
- end if;
- end Write_String_Id;
- type Type_Node is record
- Type_Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
- Context : Rti_Context;
- end record;
- package Types_Table is new Grt.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Type_Node,
- Table_Index_Type => AVL_Value,
- Table_Low_Bound => 1,
- Table_Initial => 16);
- package Types_AVL is new Grt.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => AVL_Node,
- Table_Index_Type => AVL_Nid,
- Table_Low_Bound => AVL_Root,
- Table_Initial => 16);
- function Type_Compare (L, R : AVL_Value) return Integer
- is
- function To_Ia is new
- Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Ghdl_Rti_Access, Integer_Address);
- function "<" (L, R : Ghdl_Rti_Access) return Boolean is
- begin
- return To_Ia (L) < To_Ia (R);
- end "<";
- Ls : Type_Node renames Types_Table.Table (L);
- Rs : Type_Node renames Types_Table.Table (R);
- begin
- if Ls.Type_Rti /= Rs.Type_Rti then
- if Ls.Type_Rti < Rs.Type_Rti then
- return -1;
- else
- return 1;
- end if;
- end if;
- if Ls.Context.Block /= Rs.Context.Block then
- if Ls.Context.Block < Rs.Context.Block then
- return -1;
- else
- return +1;
- end if;
- end if;
- if Ls.Context.Base /= Rs.Context.Base then
- if Ls.Context.Base < Rs.Context.Base then
- return -1;
- else
- return +1;
- end if;
- end if;
- return 0;
- end Type_Compare;
- -- Try to find type (RTI, CTXT) in the types_AVL table.
- -- The first step is to canonicalize CTXT, so that it is the CTXT of
- -- the type (and not a sub-scope of it).
- procedure Find_Type (Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
- Ctxt : Rti_Context;
- N_Ctxt : out Rti_Context;
- Id : out AVL_Nid)
- is
- Depth : Ghdl_Rti_Depth;
- begin
- case Rti.Kind is
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B1
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8 =>
- N_Ctxt := Null_Context;
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Port
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Signal =>
- N_Ctxt := Ctxt;
- when others =>
- -- Compute the canonical context.
- if Rti.Max_Depth < Rti.Depth then
- Internal_Error ("grt.waves.find_type");
- end if;
- Depth := Rti.Max_Depth;
- if Depth = 0 or else Ctxt.Block = null then
- N_Ctxt := Null_Context;
- else
- N_Ctxt := Ctxt;
- while N_Ctxt.Block.Depth > Depth loop
- N_Ctxt := Get_Parent_Context (N_Ctxt);
- end loop;
- end if;
- end case;
- -- If the type is already known, return now.
- -- Otherwise, ID is set to AVL_Nil.
- Types_Table.Append (Type_Node'(Type_Rti => Rti, Context => N_Ctxt));
- Id := Find_Node
- (AVL_Tree (Types_AVL.Table (Types_AVL.First .. Types_AVL.Last)),
- Type_Compare'Access,
- Types_Table.Last);
- Types_Table.Decrement_Last;
- end Find_Type;
- procedure Write_Type_Id (Tid : AVL_Nid) is
- begin
- Wave_Put_ULEB128 (Ghdl_E32 (Types_AVL.Table (Tid).Val));
- end Write_Type_Id;
- procedure Write_Type_Id (Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access; Ctxt : Rti_Context)
- is
- N_Ctxt : Rti_Context;
- Res : AVL_Nid;
- begin
- Find_Type (Rti, Ctxt, N_Ctxt, Res);
- if Res = AVL_Nil then
- -- raise Program_Error;
- Internal_Error ("write_type_id");
- end if;
- Write_Type_Id (Res);
- end Write_Type_Id;
- procedure Add_Type (Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access; Ctxt : Rti_Context)
- is
- Res : AVL_Nid;
- begin
- -- Then, create the type.
- Types_Table.Append (Type_Node'(Type_Rti => Rti, Context => Ctxt));
- Types_AVL.Append (AVL_Node'(Val => Types_Table.Last,
- Left | Right => AVL_Nil,
- Height => 1));
- Get_Node
- (AVL_Tree (Types_AVL.Table (Types_AVL.First .. Types_AVL.Last)),
- Type_Compare'Access,
- Types_AVL.Last, Res);
- if Res /= Types_AVL.Last then
- --raise Program_Error;
- Internal_Error ("wave.create_type(2)");
- end if;
- end Add_Type;
- procedure Create_Type (Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access; Ctxt : Rti_Context)
- is
- N_Ctxt : Rti_Context;
- Res : AVL_Nid;
- begin
- Find_Type (Rti, Ctxt, N_Ctxt, Res);
- if Res /= AVL_Nil then
- return;
- end if;
- -- First, create all the types it depends on.
- case Rti.Kind is
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B1
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8 =>
- declare
- Enum : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc;
- begin
- Enum := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc (Rti);
- Create_String_Id (Enum.Name);
- for I in 1 .. Enum.Nbr loop
- Create_String_Id (Enum.Names (I - 1));
- end loop;
- end;
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array =>
- declare
- Arr : Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc;
- B_Ctxt : Rti_Context;
- begin
- Arr := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc (Rti);
- Create_String_Id (Arr.Name);
- if Rti_Complex_Type (Rti) then
- B_Ctxt := Ctxt;
- else
- B_Ctxt := N_Ctxt;
- end if;
- Create_Type (To_Ghdl_Rti_Access (Arr.Basetype), B_Ctxt);
- end;
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Array =>
- declare
- Arr : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc;
- begin
- Arr := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc (Rti);
- Create_String_Id (Arr.Name);
- Create_Type (Arr.Element, N_Ctxt);
- for I in 1 .. Arr.Nbr_Dim loop
- Create_Type (Arr.Indexes (I - 1), N_Ctxt);
- end loop;
- end;
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar =>
- declare
- Sub : Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc;
- begin
- Sub := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc (Rti);
- Create_String_Id (Sub.Name);
- Create_Type (Sub.Basetype, N_Ctxt);
- end;
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I64
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_F64 =>
- declare
- Base : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar_Acc;
- begin
- Base := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar_Acc (Rti);
- Create_String_Id (Base.Name);
- end;
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P32
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P64 =>
- declare
- Base : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc;
- Unit_Name : Ghdl_C_String;
- begin
- Base := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc (Rti);
- Create_String_Id (Base.Name);
- for I in 1 .. Base.Nbr loop
- Unit_Name :=
- Rtis_Utils.Get_Physical_Unit_Name (Base.Units (I - 1));
- Create_String_Id (Unit_Name);
- end loop;
- end;
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Record =>
- declare
- Rec : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Acc;
- El : Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Acc;
- begin
- Rec := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Acc (Rti);
- Create_String_Id (Rec.Name);
- for I in 1 .. Rec.Nbrel loop
- El := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Acc (Rec.Elements (I - 1));
- Create_String_Id (El.Name);
- Create_Type (El.Eltype, N_Ctxt);
- end loop;
- end;
- when others =>
- Internal_Error ("wave.create_type");
--- Internal_Error ("wave.create_type: does not handle " &
--- Ghdl_Rtik'Image (Rti.Kind));
- end case;
- -- Then, create the type.
- Add_Type (Rti, N_Ctxt);
- end Create_Type;
- procedure Create_Object_Type (Obj : VhpiHandleT)
- is
- Obj_Type : VhpiHandleT;
- Error : AvhpiErrorT;
- Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
- begin
- -- Extract type of the signal.
- Vhpi_Handle (VhpiSubtype, Obj, Obj_Type, Error);
- if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
- Avhpi_Error (Error);
- return;
- end if;
- Rti := Avhpi_Get_Rti (Obj_Type);
- Create_Type (Rti, Avhpi_Get_Context (Obj_Type));
- -- The the signal type is an unconstrained array, also put the object
- -- in the type AVL.
- -- The real type will be written to the file.
- if Rti.Kind = Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Array then
- Add_Type (Avhpi_Get_Rti (Obj), Avhpi_Get_Context (Obj));
- end if;
- end Create_Object_Type;
- procedure Write_Object_Type (Obj : VhpiHandleT)
- is
- Obj_Type : VhpiHandleT;
- Error : AvhpiErrorT;
- Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
- begin
- -- Extract type of the signal.
- Vhpi_Handle (VhpiSubtype, Obj, Obj_Type, Error);
- if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
- Avhpi_Error (Error);
- return;
- end if;
- Rti := Avhpi_Get_Rti (Obj_Type);
- if Rti.Kind = Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Array then
- Write_Type_Id (Avhpi_Get_Rti (Obj), Avhpi_Get_Context (Obj));
- else
- Write_Type_Id (Rti, Avhpi_Get_Context (Obj_Type));
- end if;
- end Write_Object_Type;
- procedure Create_Generate_Type (Gen : VhpiHandleT)
- is
- Iterator : VhpiHandleT;
- Error : AvhpiErrorT;
- begin
- -- Extract the iterator.
- Vhpi_Handle (VhpiIterScheme, Gen, Iterator, Error);
- if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
- Avhpi_Error (Error);
- return;
- end if;
- Create_Object_Type (Iterator);
- end Create_Generate_Type;
- procedure Write_Generate_Type_And_Value (Gen : VhpiHandleT)
- is
- Iter : VhpiHandleT;
- Iter_Type : VhpiHandleT;
- Error : AvhpiErrorT;
- Addr : Address;
- Mode : Mode_Type;
- Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
- begin
- -- Extract the iterator.
- Vhpi_Handle (VhpiIterScheme, Gen, Iter, Error);
- if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
- Avhpi_Error (Error);
- return;
- end if;
- Write_Object_Type (Iter);
- Vhpi_Handle (VhpiSubtype, Iter, Iter_Type, Error);
- if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
- Avhpi_Error (Error);
- return;
- end if;
- Rti := Avhpi_Get_Rti (Iter_Type);
- Addr := Avhpi_Get_Address (Iter);
- case Get_Base_Type (Rti).Kind is
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B1 =>
- Mode := Mode_B1;
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8 =>
- Mode := Mode_E8;
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E32 =>
- Mode := Mode_E32;
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32 =>
- Mode := Mode_I32;
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I64 =>
- Mode := Mode_I64;
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_F64 =>
- Mode := Mode_F64;
- when others =>
- Internal_Error ("bad iterator type");
- end case;
- Write_Value (To_Ghdl_Value_Ptr (Addr).all, Mode);
- end Write_Generate_Type_And_Value;
- type Step_Type is (Step_Name, Step_Hierarchy);
- Nbr_Scopes : Natural := 0;
- Nbr_Scope_Signals : Natural := 0;
- Nbr_Dumped_Signals : Natural := 0;
- -- This is only valid during write_hierarchy.
- function Get_Signal_Number (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr) return Natural
- is
- function To_Integer_Address is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Ghdl_Signal_Ptr, Integer_Address);
- begin
- return Natural (To_Integer_Address (Sig.Alink));
- end Get_Signal_Number;
- procedure Write_Signal_Number (Val_Addr : Address;
- Val_Name : Vstring;
- Val_Type : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
- Param_Type : Natural)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Val_Name);
- pragma Unreferenced (Val_Type);
- pragma Unreferenced (Param_Type);
- Num : Natural;
- function To_Ghdl_Signal_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Integer_Address, Target => Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
- Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
- begin
- -- Convert to signal.
- Sig := To_Ghdl_Signal_Ptr (To_Addr_Acc (Val_Addr).all);
- -- Get signal number.
- Num := Get_Signal_Number (Sig);
- -- If the signal number is 0, then assign a valid signal number.
- if Num = 0 then
- Nbr_Dumped_Signals := Nbr_Dumped_Signals + 1;
- Sig.Alink := To_Ghdl_Signal_Ptr
- (Integer_Address (Nbr_Dumped_Signals));
- Num := Nbr_Dumped_Signals;
- end if;
- -- Do the real job: write the signal number.
- Wave_Put_ULEB128 (Ghdl_E32 (Num));
- end Write_Signal_Number;
- procedure Foreach_Scalar_Signal_Number is new
- Grt.Rtis_Utils.Foreach_Scalar (Param_Type => Natural,
- Process => Write_Signal_Number);
- procedure Write_Signal_Numbers (Decl : VhpiHandleT)
- is
- Ctxt : Rti_Context;
- Sig : Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc;
- begin
- Ctxt := Avhpi_Get_Context (Decl);
- Sig := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Avhpi_Get_Rti (Decl));
- Foreach_Scalar_Signal_Number
- (Ctxt, Sig.Obj_Type,
- Loc_To_Addr (Sig.Common.Depth, Sig.Loc, Ctxt), True, 0);
- end Write_Signal_Numbers;
- procedure Write_Hierarchy_El (Decl : VhpiHandleT)
- is
- Mode2hie : constant array (VhpiModeT) of Unsigned_8 :=
- (VhpiErrorMode => Ghw_Hie_Signal,
- VhpiInMode => Ghw_Hie_Port_In,
- VhpiOutMode => Ghw_Hie_Port_Out,
- VhpiInoutMode => Ghw_Hie_Port_Inout,
- VhpiBufferMode => Ghw_Hie_Port_Buffer,
- VhpiLinkageMode => Ghw_Hie_Port_Linkage);
- V : Unsigned_8;
- begin
- case Vhpi_Get_Kind (Decl) is
- when VhpiPortDeclK =>
- V := Mode2hie (Vhpi_Get_Mode (Decl));
- when VhpiSigDeclK =>
- V := Ghw_Hie_Signal;
- when VhpiForGenerateK =>
- V := Ghw_Hie_Generate_For;
- when VhpiIfGenerateK =>
- V := Ghw_Hie_Generate_If;
- when VhpiBlockStmtK =>
- V := Ghw_Hie_Block;
- when VhpiCompInstStmtK =>
- V := Ghw_Hie_Instance;
- when VhpiProcessStmtK =>
- V := Ghw_Hie_Process;
- when VhpiPackInstK =>
- V := Ghw_Hie_Package;
- when VhpiRootInstK =>
- V := Ghw_Hie_Instance;
- when others =>
- --raise Program_Error;
- Internal_Error ("write_hierarchy_el");
- end case;
- Wave_Put_Byte (V);
- Write_String_Id (Avhpi_Get_Base_Name (Decl));
- case Vhpi_Get_Kind (Decl) is
- when VhpiPortDeclK
- | VhpiSigDeclK =>
- Write_Object_Type (Decl);
- Write_Signal_Numbers (Decl);
- when VhpiForGenerateK =>
- Write_Generate_Type_And_Value (Decl);
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- end Write_Hierarchy_El;
- -- Create a hierarchy block.
- procedure Wave_Put_Hierarchy_Block (Inst : VhpiHandleT; Step : Step_Type);
- procedure Wave_Put_Hierarchy_1 (Inst : VhpiHandleT; Step : Step_Type)
- is
- Decl_It : VhpiHandleT;
- Decl : VhpiHandleT;
- Error : AvhpiErrorT;
- begin
- Vhpi_Iterator (VhpiDecls, Inst, Decl_It, Error);
- if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
- Avhpi_Error (Error);
- return;
- end if;
- -- Extract signals.
- loop
- Vhpi_Scan (Decl_It, Decl, Error);
- exit when Error = AvhpiErrorIteratorEnd;
- if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
- Avhpi_Error (Error);
- return;
- end if;
- case Vhpi_Get_Kind (Decl) is
- when VhpiPortDeclK
- | VhpiSigDeclK =>
- case Step is
- when Step_Name =>
- Create_String_Id (Avhpi_Get_Base_Name (Decl));
- Nbr_Scope_Signals := Nbr_Scope_Signals + 1;
- Create_Object_Type (Decl);
- when Step_Hierarchy =>
- Write_Hierarchy_El (Decl);
- end case;
- --Wave_Put_Name (Decl);
- --Wave_Newline;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- end loop;
- -- No sub-scopes for packages.
- if Vhpi_Get_Kind (Inst) = VhpiPackInstK then
- return;
- end if;
- -- Extract sub-scopes.
- Vhpi_Iterator (VhpiInternalRegions, Inst, Decl_It, Error);
- if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
- Avhpi_Error (Error);
- return;
- end if;
- loop
- Vhpi_Scan (Decl_It, Decl, Error);
- exit when Error = AvhpiErrorIteratorEnd;
- if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
- Avhpi_Error (Error);
- return;
- end if;
- Nbr_Scopes := Nbr_Scopes + 1;
- case Vhpi_Get_Kind (Decl) is
- when VhpiIfGenerateK
- | VhpiForGenerateK
- | VhpiBlockStmtK
- | VhpiCompInstStmtK =>
- Wave_Put_Hierarchy_Block (Decl, Step);
- when VhpiProcessStmtK =>
- case Step is
- when Step_Name =>
- Create_String_Id (Avhpi_Get_Base_Name (Decl));
- when Step_Hierarchy =>
- Write_Hierarchy_El (Decl);
- end case;
- when others =>
- Internal_Error ("wave_put_hierarchy_1");
--- Wave_Put ("unknown ");
--- Wave_Put (VhpiClassKindT'Image (Vhpi_Get_Kind (Decl)));
--- Wave_Newline;
- end case;
- end loop;
- end Wave_Put_Hierarchy_1;
- procedure Wave_Put_Hierarchy_Block (Inst : VhpiHandleT; Step : Step_Type)
- is
- begin
- case Step is
- when Step_Name =>
- Create_String_Id (Avhpi_Get_Base_Name (Inst));
- if Vhpi_Get_Kind (Inst) = VhpiForGenerateK then
- Create_Generate_Type (Inst);
- end if;
- when Step_Hierarchy =>
- Write_Hierarchy_El (Inst);
- end case;
- Wave_Put_Hierarchy_1 (Inst, Step);
- if Step = Step_Hierarchy then
- Wave_Put_Byte (Ghw_Hie_Eos);
- end if;
- end Wave_Put_Hierarchy_Block;
- procedure Wave_Put_Hierarchy (Root : VhpiHandleT; Step : Step_Type)
- is
- Pack_It : VhpiHandleT;
- Pack : VhpiHandleT;
- Error : AvhpiErrorT;
- begin
- -- First packages.
- Get_Package_Inst (Pack_It);
- loop
- Vhpi_Scan (Pack_It, Pack, Error);
- exit when Error = AvhpiErrorIteratorEnd;
- if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
- Avhpi_Error (Error);
- return;
- end if;
- Wave_Put_Hierarchy_Block (Pack, Step);
- end loop;
- -- Then top entity.
- Wave_Put_Hierarchy_Block (Root, Step);
- end Wave_Put_Hierarchy;
- procedure Disp_Str_AVL (Str : AVL_Nid; Indent : Natural)
- is
- begin
- if Str = AVL_Nil then
- return;
- end if;
- Disp_Str_AVL (Str_AVL.Table (Str).Left, Indent + 1);
- for I in 1 .. Indent loop
- Wave_Putc (' ');
- end loop;
- Wave_Puts (Str_Table.Table (Str_AVL.Table (Str).Val));
--- Wave_Putc ('(');
--- Put_I32 (Wave_Stream, Ghdl_I32 (Str));
--- Wave_Putc (')');
--- Put_I32 (Wave_Stream, Get_Height (Str));
- Wave_Newline;
- Disp_Str_AVL (Str_AVL.Table (Str).Right, Indent + 1);
- end Disp_Str_AVL;
- procedure Write_Strings
- is
- begin
--- Wave_Put ("AVL height: ");
--- Put_I32 (Wave_Stream, Ghdl_I32 (Check_AVL (Str_Root)));
--- Wave_Newline;
- Wave_Put ("strings length: ");
- Put_I32 (Wave_Stream, Ghdl_I32 (Strings_Len));
- Wave_Newline;
- Disp_Str_AVL (AVL_Root, 0);
- fflush (Wave_Stream);
- end Write_Strings;
- pragma Unreferenced (Write_Strings);
- procedure Freeze_Strings
- is
- type Str_Table1_Type is array (1 .. Str_Table.Last) of Ghdl_C_String;
- type Str_Table1_Acc is access Str_Table1_Type;
- Idx : AVL_Value;
- Table1 : Str_Table1_Acc;
- procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (Str_Table1_Type, Str_Table1_Acc);
- procedure Store_Strings (N : AVL_Nid) is
- begin
- if N = AVL_Nil then
- return;
- end if;
- Store_Strings (Str_AVL.Table (N).Left);
- Table1 (Idx) := Str_Table.Table (Str_AVL.Table (N).Val);
- Idx := Idx + 1;
- Store_Strings (Str_AVL.Table (N).Right);
- end Store_Strings;
- begin
- Table1 := new Str_Table1_Type;
- Idx := 1;
- Store_Strings (AVL_Root);
- Str_Table.Release;
- Str_AVL.Free;
- for I in Table1.all'Range loop
- Str_Table.Table (I) := Table1 (I);
- end loop;
- Free (Table1);
- end Freeze_Strings;
- procedure Write_Strings_Compress
- is
- Last : Ghdl_C_String;
- V : Ghdl_C_String;
- L : Natural;
- L1 : Natural;
- begin
- Wave_Section ("STR" & NUL);
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- Wave_Put_I32 (Ghdl_I32 (Str_Table.Last));
- Wave_Put_I32 (Ghdl_I32 (Strings_Len));
- for I in Str_Table.First .. Str_Table.Last loop
- V := Str_Table.Table (I);
- if I = Str_Table.First then
- L := 1;
- else
- Last := Str_Table.Table (I - 1);
- for I in Positive loop
- if V (I) /= Last (I) then
- L := I;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- L1 := L - 1;
- loop
- if L1 >= 32 then
- Wave_Put_Byte (Unsigned_8 (L1 mod 32) + 16#80#);
- else
- Wave_Put_Byte (Unsigned_8 (L1 mod 32));
- end if;
- L1 := L1 / 32;
- exit when L1 = 0;
- end loop;
- end if;
- if Boolean'(False) then
- Put ("string ");
- Put_I32 (stdout, Ghdl_I32 (I));
- Put (": ");
- Put (V);
- New_Line;
- end if;
- loop
- exit when V (L) = NUL;
- Wave_Putc (V (L));
- L := L + 1;
- end loop;
- end loop;
- -- Last string length.
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- -- End marker.
- Wave_Put ("EOS" & NUL);
- end Write_Strings_Compress;
- procedure Write_Range (Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access; Rng : Ghdl_Range_Ptr)
- is
- Kind : Ghdl_Rtik;
- begin
- Kind := Rti.Kind;
- if Kind = Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar then
- Kind := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc (Rti).Basetype.Kind;
- end if;
- case Kind is
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B1 =>
- Wave_Put_Byte (Ghdl_Rtik'Pos (Kind)
- + Ghdl_Dir_Type'Pos (Rng.B1.Dir) * 16#80#);
- Wave_Put_Byte (Ghdl_B1'Pos (Rng.B1.Left));
- Wave_Put_Byte (Ghdl_B1'Pos (Rng.B1.Right));
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8 =>
- Wave_Put_Byte (Ghdl_Rtik'Pos (Kind)
- + Ghdl_Dir_Type'Pos (Rng.E8.Dir) * 16#80#);
- Wave_Put_Byte (Unsigned_8 (Rng.E8.Left));
- Wave_Put_Byte (Unsigned_8 (Rng.E8.Right));
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P32 =>
- Wave_Put_Byte (Ghdl_Rtik'Pos (Kind)
- + Ghdl_Dir_Type'Pos (Rng.I32.Dir) * 16#80#);
- Wave_Put_SLEB128 (Rng.I32.Left);
- Wave_Put_SLEB128 (Rng.I32.Right);
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P64
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I64 =>
- Wave_Put_Byte (Ghdl_Rtik'Pos (Kind)
- + Ghdl_Dir_Type'Pos (Rng.P64.Dir) * 16#80#);
- Wave_Put_LSLEB128 (Rng.P64.Left);
- Wave_Put_LSLEB128 (Rng.P64.Right);
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_F64 =>
- Wave_Put_Byte (Ghdl_Rtik'Pos (Kind)
- + Ghdl_Dir_Type'Pos (Rng.F64.Dir) * 16#80#);
- Wave_Put_F64 (Rng.F64.Left);
- Wave_Put_F64 (Rng.F64.Right);
- when others =>
- Internal_Error ("waves.write_range: unhandled kind");
- --Internal_Error ("waves.write_range: unhandled kind "
- -- & Ghdl_Rtik'Image (Kind));
- end case;
- end Write_Range;
- procedure Write_Types
- is
- Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
- Ctxt : Rti_Context;
- begin
- Wave_Section ("TYP" & NUL);
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- Wave_Put_I32 (Ghdl_I32 (Types_Table.Last));
- for I in Types_Table.First .. Types_Table.Last loop
- Rti := Types_Table.Table (I).Type_Rti;
- Ctxt := Types_Table.Table (I).Context;
- if Rti.Kind = Ghdl_Rtik_Signal or Rti.Kind = Ghdl_Rtik_Port then
- declare
- Obj_Rti : constant Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc :=
- To_Ghdl_Rtin_Object_Acc (Rti);
- Arr : constant Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc :=
- To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc (Obj_Rti.Obj_Type);
- Addr : Ghdl_Uc_Array_Acc;
- begin
- Wave_Put_Byte (Ghdl_Rtik'Pos (Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array));
- Write_String_Id (null);
- Write_Type_Id (Obj_Rti.Obj_Type, Ctxt);
- Addr := To_Ghdl_Uc_Array_Acc
- (Loc_To_Addr (Rti.Depth, Obj_Rti.Loc, Ctxt));
- declare
- Rngs : Ghdl_Range_Array (0 .. Arr.Nbr_Dim - 1);
- begin
- Bound_To_Range (Addr.Bounds, Arr, Rngs);
- for I in Rngs'Range loop
- Write_Range (Arr.Indexes (I), Rngs (I));
- end loop;
- end;
- end;
- else
- -- Kind.
- Wave_Put_Byte (Ghdl_Rtik'Pos (Rti.Kind));
- case Rti.Kind is
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_B1
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_E8 =>
- declare
- Enum : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc;
- begin
- Enum := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Enum_Acc (Rti);
- Write_String_Id (Enum.Name);
- Wave_Put_ULEB128 (Ghdl_E32 (Enum.Nbr));
- for I in 1 .. Enum.Nbr loop
- Write_String_Id (Enum.Names (I - 1));
- end loop;
- end;
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array =>
- declare
- Arr : Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc;
- begin
- Arr := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc (Rti);
- Write_String_Id (Arr.Name);
- Write_Type_Id (To_Ghdl_Rti_Access (Arr.Basetype), Ctxt);
- declare
- Rngs : Ghdl_Range_Array
- (0 .. Arr.Basetype.Nbr_Dim - 1);
- begin
- Bound_To_Range
- (Loc_To_Addr (Rti.Depth, Arr.Bounds, Ctxt),
- Arr.Basetype, Rngs);
- for I in Rngs'Range loop
- Write_Range (Arr.Basetype.Indexes (I), Rngs (I));
- end loop;
- end;
- end;
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Array =>
- declare
- Arr : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc;
- begin
- Arr := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc (Rti);
- Write_String_Id (Arr.Name);
- Write_Type_Id (Arr.Element, Ctxt);
- Wave_Put_ULEB128 (Ghdl_E32 (Arr.Nbr_Dim));
- for I in 1 .. Arr.Nbr_Dim loop
- Write_Type_Id (Arr.Indexes (I - 1), Ctxt);
- end loop;
- end;
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Record =>
- declare
- Rec : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Acc;
- El : Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Acc;
- begin
- Rec := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Acc (Rti);
- Write_String_Id (Rec.Name);
- Wave_Put_ULEB128 (Ghdl_E32 (Rec.Nbrel));
- for I in 1 .. Rec.Nbrel loop
- El := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Acc (Rec.Elements (I - 1));
- Write_String_Id (El.Name);
- Write_Type_Id (El.Eltype, Ctxt);
- end loop;
- end;
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar =>
- declare
- Sub : Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc;
- begin
- Sub := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Scalar_Acc (Rti);
- Write_String_Id (Sub.Name);
- Write_Type_Id (Sub.Basetype, Ctxt);
- Write_Range
- (Sub.Basetype,
- To_Ghdl_Range_Ptr (Loc_To_Addr (Rti.Depth,
- Sub.Range_Loc,
- Ctxt)));
- end;
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I32
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_I64
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_F64 =>
- declare
- Base : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar_Acc;
- begin
- Base := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Scalar_Acc (Rti);
- Write_String_Id (Base.Name);
- end;
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P32
- | Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P64 =>
- declare
- Base : Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc;
- Unit : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
- begin
- Base := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc (Rti);
- Write_String_Id (Base.Name);
- Wave_Put_ULEB128 (Ghdl_U32 (Base.Nbr));
- for I in 1 .. Base.Nbr loop
- Unit := Base.Units (I - 1);
- Write_String_Id
- (Rtis_Utils.Get_Physical_Unit_Name (Unit));
- case Unit.Kind is
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Unit64 =>
- Wave_Put_LSLEB128
- (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Unit64_Acc (Unit).Value);
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Unitptr =>
- case Rti.Kind is
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P64 =>
- Wave_Put_LSLEB128
- (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Unitptr_Acc (Unit).
- Addr.I64);
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_P32 =>
- Wave_Put_SLEB128
- (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Unitptr_Acc (Unit).
- Addr.I32);
- when others =>
- Internal_Error
- ("wave.write_types(P32/P64-1)");
- end case;
- when others =>
- Internal_Error
- ("wave.write_types(P32/P64-2)");
- end case;
- end loop;
- end;
- when others =>
- Internal_Error ("wave.write_types");
- -- Internal_Error ("wave.write_types: does not handle " &
- -- Ghdl_Rtik'Image (Rti.Kind));
- end case;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- end Write_Types;
- procedure Write_Known_Types
- is
- use Grt.Rtis_Types;
- Boolean_Type_Id : AVL_Nid;
- Bit_Type_Id : AVL_Nid;
- Std_Ulogic_Type_Id : AVL_Nid;
- function Search_Type_Id (Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access) return AVL_Nid
- is
- Ctxt : Rti_Context;
- Tid : AVL_Nid;
- begin
- Find_Type (Rti, Null_Context, Ctxt, Tid);
- return Tid;
- end Search_Type_Id;
- begin
- Search_Types_RTI;
- Boolean_Type_Id := Search_Type_Id (Std_Standard_Boolean_RTI_Ptr);
- Bit_Type_Id := Search_Type_Id (Std_Standard_Bit_RTI_Ptr);
- if Ieee_Std_Logic_1164_Std_Ulogic_RTI_Ptr /= null then
- Std_Ulogic_Type_Id := Search_Type_Id
- (Ieee_Std_Logic_1164_Std_Ulogic_RTI_Ptr);
- else
- Std_Ulogic_Type_Id := AVL_Nil;
- end if;
- Wave_Section ("WKT" & NUL);
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- if Boolean_Type_Id /= AVL_Nil then
- Wave_Put_Byte (1);
- Write_Type_Id (Boolean_Type_Id);
- end if;
- if Bit_Type_Id /= AVL_Nil then
- Wave_Put_Byte (2);
- Write_Type_Id (Bit_Type_Id);
- end if;
- if Std_Ulogic_Type_Id /= AVL_Nil then
- Wave_Put_Byte (3);
- Write_Type_Id (Std_Ulogic_Type_Id);
- end if;
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- end Write_Known_Types;
- -- Table of signals to be dumped.
- package Dump_Table is new Grt.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Ghdl_Signal_Ptr,
- Table_Index_Type => Natural,
- Table_Low_Bound => 1,
- Table_Initial => 32);
- function Get_Dump_Entry (N : Natural) return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr is
- begin
- return Dump_Table.Table (N);
- end Get_Dump_Entry;
- pragma Unreferenced (Get_Dump_Entry);
- procedure Write_Hierarchy (Root : VhpiHandleT)
- is
- N : Natural;
- begin
- -- Check Alink is 0.
- for I in Sig_Table.First .. Sig_Table.Last loop
- if Sig_Table.Table (I).Alink /= null then
- Internal_Error ("wave.write_hierarchy");
- end if;
- end loop;
- Wave_Section ("HIE" & NUL);
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- Wave_Put_I32 (Ghdl_I32 (Nbr_Scopes));
- Wave_Put_I32 (Ghdl_I32 (Nbr_Scope_Signals));
- Wave_Put_I32 (Ghdl_I32 (Sig_Table.Last - Sig_Table.First + 1));
- Wave_Put_Hierarchy (Root, Step_Hierarchy);
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- Dump_Table.Set_Last (Nbr_Dumped_Signals);
- for I in Dump_Table.First .. Dump_Table.Last loop
- Dump_Table.Table (I) := null;
- end loop;
- -- Save and clear.
- for I in Sig_Table.First .. Sig_Table.Last loop
- N := Get_Signal_Number (Sig_Table.Table (I));
- if N /= 0 then
- if Dump_Table.Table (N) /= null then
- Internal_Error ("wave.write_hierarchy(2)");
- end if;
- Dump_Table.Table (N) := Sig_Table.Table (I);
- Sig_Table.Table (I).Alink := null;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Write_Hierarchy;
- procedure Write_Signal_Value (Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr) is
- begin
- -- FIXME: for some signals, the significant value is the driving value!
- Write_Value (Sig.Value, Sig.Mode);
- end Write_Signal_Value;
- procedure Write_Snapshot is
- begin
- Wave_Section ("SNP" & NUL);
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- Wave_Put_I64 (Ghdl_I64 (Cycle_Time));
- for I in Dump_Table.First .. Dump_Table.Last loop
- Write_Signal_Value (Dump_Table.Table (I));
- end loop;
- Wave_Put ("ESN" & NUL);
- end Write_Snapshot;
- procedure Wave_Cycle;
- -- Called after elaboration.
- procedure Wave_Start
- is
- Root : VhpiHandleT;
- begin
- -- Do nothing if there is no VCD file to generate.
- if Wave_Stream = NULL_Stream then
- return;
- end if;
- Write_File_Header;
- -- FIXME: write infos
- -- * date
- -- * timescale
- -- * design name ?
- -- ...
- -- Put hierarchy.
- Get_Root_Inst (Root);
- -- Vcd_Search_Packages;
- Wave_Put_Hierarchy (Root, Step_Name);
- Freeze_Strings;
- -- Register_Cycle_Hook (Vcd_Cycle'Access);
- Write_Strings_Compress;
- Write_Types;
- Write_Known_Types;
- Write_Hierarchy (Root);
- -- End of header mark.
- Wave_Section ("EOH" & NUL);
- Write_Snapshot;
- Register_Cycle_Hook (Wave_Cycle'Access);
- fflush (Wave_Stream);
- end Wave_Start;
- Wave_Time : Std_Time := 0;
- In_Cyc : Boolean := False;
- procedure Wave_Close_Cyc
- is
- begin
- Wave_Put_LSLEB128 (-1);
- Wave_Put ("ECY" & NUL);
- In_Cyc := False;
- end Wave_Close_Cyc;
- procedure Wave_Cycle
- is
- Diff : Std_Time;
- Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
- Last : Natural;
- begin
- if not In_Cyc then
- Wave_Section ("CYC" & NUL);
- Wave_Put_I64 (Ghdl_I64 (Cycle_Time));
- In_Cyc := True;
- else
- Diff := Cycle_Time - Wave_Time;
- Wave_Put_LSLEB128 (Ghdl_I64 (Diff));
- end if;
- Wave_Time := Cycle_Time;
- -- Dump signals.
- Last := 0;
- for I in Dump_Table.First .. Dump_Table.Last loop
- Sig := Dump_Table.Table (I);
- if Sig.Flags.Cyc_Event then
- Wave_Put_ULEB128 (Ghdl_U32 (I - Last));
- Last := I;
- Write_Signal_Value (Sig);
- Sig.Flags.Cyc_Event := False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Wave_Put_Byte (0);
- end Wave_Cycle;
- -- Called at the end of the simulation.
- procedure Wave_End is
- begin
- if Wave_Stream = NULL_Stream then
- return;
- end if;
- if In_Cyc then
- Wave_Close_Cyc;
- end if;
- Wave_Write_Directory;
- fflush (Wave_Stream);
- end Wave_End;
- Wave_Hooks : aliased constant Hooks_Type :=
- (Option => Wave_Option'Access,
- Help => Wave_Help'Access,
- Init => Wave_Init'Access,
- Start => Wave_Start'Access,
- Finish => Wave_End'Access);
- procedure Register is
- begin
- Register_Hooks (Wave_Hooks'Access);
- end Register;
-end Grt.Waves;