path: root/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src')
15 files changed, 8616 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/components.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/components.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3be522de7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/components.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+-- EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+-- vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+-- kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Authors: Patrick Lehmann
+-- Package: Common primitives described as a function
+-- Description:
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- This packages describes common primitives like flip flops and multiplexers
+-- as a function to use them as one-liners.
+-- The parameter 'constant INIT' of some functions is actually the reset
+-- value, not the initial value after device programming (e.g. for FPGAs),
+-- this value MUST be set via signal declaration!
+-- License:
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
+-- Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- =============================================================================
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
+library PoC;
+use PoC.utils.all;
+package components is
+ -- implement an optional register stage
+ function registered(signal Clock : std_logic; constant IsRegistered : boolean) return boolean;
+ -- FlipFlop functions
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- RS-FlipFlops
+ function ffrs(q : std_logic; rst : std_logic := '0'; set : std_logic := '0') return std_logic; -- RS-FlipFlop with dominant rst
+ function ffsr(q : std_logic; rst : std_logic := '0'; set : std_logic := '0') return std_logic; -- RS-FlipFlop with dominant set
+ -- D-FlipFlops (Delay)
+ function ffdre(q : std_logic; d : std_logic; rst : std_logic := '0'; en : std_logic := '1'; constant INIT : std_logic := '0') return std_logic; -- D-FlipFlop with reset and enable
+ function ffdre(q : std_logic_vector; d : std_logic_vector; rst : std_logic := '0'; en : std_logic := '1'; constant INIT : std_logic_vector := (0 to 0 => '0')) return std_logic_vector; -- D-FlipFlop with reset and enable
+ function ffdse(q : std_logic; d : std_logic; set : std_logic := '0'; en : std_logic := '1') return std_logic; -- D-FlipFlop with set and enable
+ -- T-FlipFlops (Toggle)
+ function fftre(q : std_logic; t : std_logic; rst : std_logic := '0'; en : std_logic := '1'; constant INIT : std_logic := '0') return std_logic; -- T-FlipFlop with reset and enable
+ function fftse(q : std_logic; t : std_logic; set : std_logic := '0'; en : std_logic := '1') return std_logic; -- T-FlipFlop with set and enable
+ -- counter
+ function upcounter_next(cnt : unsigned; rst : std_logic := '0'; en : std_logic := '1'; constant INIT : natural := 0) return unsigned;
+ function upcounter_equal(cnt : unsigned; value : natural) return std_logic;
+ function downcounter_next(cnt : signed; rst : std_logic := '0'; en : std_logic := '1'; constant INIT : integer := 0) return signed;
+ function downcounter_equal(cnt : signed; value : integer) return std_logic;
+ function downcounter_neg(cnt : signed) return std_logic;
+ -- shiftregisters
+ function shreg_left(q : std_logic_vector; i : std_logic; en : std_logic := '1') return std_logic_vector;
+ function shreg_right(q : std_logic_vector; i : std_logic; en : std_logic := '1') return std_logic_vector;
+ -- rotate registers
+ function rreg_left(q : std_logic_vector; en : std_logic := '1') return std_logic_vector;
+ function rreg_right(q : std_logic_vector; en : std_logic := '1') return std_logic_vector;
+ -- compare
+ function comp(value1 : std_logic_vector; value2 : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
+ function comp(value1 : unsigned; value2 : unsigned) return unsigned;
+ function comp(value1 : signed; value2 : signed) return signed;
+ function comp_allzero(value : std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
+ function comp_allzero(value : unsigned) return std_logic;
+ function comp_allzero(value : signed) return std_logic;
+ function comp_allone(value : std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
+ function comp_allone(value : unsigned) return std_logic;
+ function comp_allone(value : signed) return std_logic;
+ -- multiplexing
+ function mux(sel : std_logic; sl0 : std_logic; sl1 : std_logic) return std_logic;
+ function mux(sel : std_logic; slv0 : std_logic_vector; slv1 : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
+ function mux(sel : std_logic; us0 : unsigned; us1 : unsigned) return unsigned;
+ function mux(sel : std_logic; s0 : signed; s1 : signed) return signed;
+end package;
+package body components is
+ -- implement an optional register stage
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function registered(signal Clock : std_logic; constant IsRegistered : boolean) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return ite(IsRegistered, rising_edge(Clock), TRUE);
+ end function;
+ -- FlipFlops
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- D-flipflop with reset and enable
+ function ffdre(q : std_logic; d : std_logic; rst : std_logic := '0'; en : std_logic := '1'; constant INIT : std_logic := '0') return std_logic is
+ begin
+ if not SIMULATION then
+ if (INIT = '0') then
+ return ((d and en) or (q and not en)) and not rst;
+ elsif (INIT = '1') then
+ return ((d and en) or (q and not en)) or rst;
+ else
+ report "Unsupported INIT value for synthesis." severity FAILURE;
+ return 'X';
+ end if;
+ elsif (rst = '1') then
+ return INIT;
+ else
+ return ((d and en) or (q and not en));
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function ffdre(q : std_logic_vector; d : std_logic_vector; rst : std_logic := '0'; en : std_logic := '1'; constant INIT : std_logic_vector := (0 to 0 => '0')) return std_logic_vector is
+ constant INIT_I : std_logic_vector(q'range) := resize(INIT, q'length);
+ variable Result : std_logic_vector(q'range);
+ begin
+ for i in q'range loop
+ Result(i) := ffdre(q => q(i), d => d(i), rst => rst, en => en, INIT => INIT_I(i));
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- D-flipflop with set and enable
+ function ffdse(q : std_logic; d : std_logic; set : std_logic := '0'; en : std_logic := '1') return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return ffdre(q => q, d => d, rst => set, en => en, INIT => '1');
+ end function;
+ -- T-flipflop with reset and enable
+ function fftre(q : std_logic; t : std_logic; rst : std_logic := '0'; en : std_logic := '1'; constant INIT : std_logic := '0') return std_logic is
+ begin
+ if not SIMULATION then
+ if (INIT = '0') then
+ return ((not q and (t and en)) or (q and not (t and en))) and not rst;
+ elsif (INIT = '1') then
+ return ((not q and (t and en)) or (q and not (t and en))) or rst;
+ else
+ report "Unsupported INIT value for synthesis." severity FAILURE;
+ return 'X';
+ end if;
+ elsif (rst = '1') then
+ return INIT;
+ else
+ return ((not q and (t and en)) or (q and not (t and en)));
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ -- T-flipflop with set and enable
+ function fftse(q : std_logic; t : std_logic; set : std_logic := '0'; en : std_logic := '1') return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return fftre(q => q, t => t, rst => set, en => en, INIT => '1');
+ end function;
+ -- RS-flipflop with dominant rst
+ function ffrs(q : std_logic; rst : std_logic := '0'; set : std_logic := '0') return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return (q or set) and not rst;
+ end function;
+ -- RS-flipflop with dominant set
+ function ffsr(q : std_logic; rst : std_logic := '0'; set : std_logic := '0') return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return (q and not rst) or set;
+ end function;
+ -- Counters
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- up-counter
+ function upcounter_next(cnt : unsigned; rst : std_logic := '0'; en : std_logic := '1'; constant INIT : natural := 0) return unsigned is
+ begin
+ if (rst = '1') then
+ return to_unsigned(INIT, cnt'length);
+ elsif (en = '1') then
+ return cnt + 1;
+ else
+ return cnt;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function upcounter_equal(cnt : unsigned; value : natural) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ -- optimized comparison for only up counting values
+ return to_sl((cnt and to_unsigned(value, cnt'length)) = value);
+ end function;
+ -- down-counter
+ function downcounter_next(cnt : signed; rst : std_logic := '0'; en : std_logic := '1'; constant INIT : integer := 0) return signed is
+ begin
+ if (rst = '1') then
+ return to_signed(INIT, cnt'length);
+ elsif (en = '1') then
+ return cnt - 1;
+ else
+ return cnt;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function downcounter_equal(cnt : signed; value : integer) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ -- optimized comparison for only down counting values
+ return to_sl((cnt nor to_signed(value, cnt'length)) /= value);
+ end function;
+ function downcounter_neg(cnt : signed) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return cnt(cnt'high);
+ end function;
+ -- Shift/Rotate Registers
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function shreg_left(q : std_logic_vector; i : std_logic; en : std_logic := '1') return std_logic_vector is
+ begin
+ return mux(en, q, q(q'left - 1 downto q'right) & i);
+ end function;
+ function shreg_right(q : std_logic_vector; i : std_logic; en : std_logic := '1') return std_logic_vector is
+ begin
+ return mux(en, q, i & q(q'left downto q'right - 1));
+ end function;
+ function rreg_left(q : std_logic_vector; en : std_logic := '1') return std_logic_vector is
+ begin
+ return mux(en, q, q(q'left - 1 downto q'right) & q(q'left));
+ end function;
+ function rreg_right(q : std_logic_vector; en : std_logic := '1') return std_logic_vector is
+ begin
+ return mux(en, q, q(q'right) & q(q'left downto q'right - 1));
+ end function;
+ -- compare functions
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- Returns, when
+ -- 1- => value1 < value2 (difference is negative)
+ -- 00 => value1 = value2 (difference is zero)
+ -- -1 => value1 > value2 (difference is positive)
+ function comp(value1 : std_logic_vector; value2 : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
+ begin
+ report "Comparing two STD_LOGIC_VECTORs - implicit conversion to UNSIGNED" severity WARNING;
+ return std_logic_vector(comp(unsigned(value1), unsigned(value2)));
+ end function;
+ function comp(value1 : unsigned; value2 : unsigned) return unsigned is
+ begin
+ if value1 < value2 then
+ return "10";
+ elsif value1 = value2 then
+ return "00";
+ else
+ return "01";
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function comp(value1 : signed; value2 : signed) return signed is
+ begin
+ if value1 < value2 then
+ return "10";
+ elsif value1 = value2 then
+ return "00";
+ else
+ return "01";
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function comp_allzero(value : std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return comp_allzero(unsigned(value));
+ end function;
+ function comp_allzero(value : unsigned) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return to_sl(value = (value'range => '0'));
+ end function;
+ function comp_allzero(value : signed) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return to_sl(value = (value'range => '0'));
+ end function;
+ function comp_allone(value : std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return comp_allone(unsigned(value));
+ end function;
+ function comp_allone(value : unsigned) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return to_sl(value = (value'range => '1'));
+ end function;
+ function comp_allone(value : signed) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return to_sl(value = (value'range => '1'));
+ end function;
+ -- multiplexers
+ function mux(sel : std_logic; sl0 : std_logic; sl1 : std_logic) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return (sl0 and not sel) or (sl1 and sel);
+ end function;
+ function mux(sel : std_logic; slv0 : std_logic_vector; slv1 : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
+ begin
+ return (slv0 and not (slv0'range => sel)) or (slv1 and (slv1'range => sel));
+ end function;
+ function mux(sel : std_logic; us0 : unsigned; us1 : unsigned) return unsigned is
+ begin
+ return (us0 and not (us0'range => sel)) or (us1 and (us1'range => sel));
+ end function;
+ function mux(sel : std_logic; s0 : signed; s1 : signed) return signed is
+ begin
+ return (s0 and not (s0'range => sel)) or (s1 and (s1'range => sel));
+ end function;
+end package body;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/config.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/config.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..854ec5a44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/config.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,1173 @@
+-- EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+-- vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+-- kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Authors: Thomas B. Preusser
+-- Martin Zabel
+-- Patrick Lehmann
+-- Package: Global configuration settings.
+-- Description:
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- This file evaluates the settings declared in the project specific package my_config.
+-- See also template file my_config.vhdl.template.
+-- License:
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany,
+-- Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- =============================================================================
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
+library PoC;
+use PoC.utils.all;
+package config_private is
+ -- TODO:
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ subtype T_BOARD_STRING is string(1 to 16);
+ subtype T_BOARD_CONFIG_STRING is string(1 to 64);
+ subtype T_DEVICE_STRING is string(1 to 32);
+ -- Data structures to describe UART / RS232
+ type T_BOARD_UART_DESC is record
+ IsDTE : boolean; -- Data terminal Equipment (e.g. PC, Printer)
+ BaudRate : T_BOARD_CONFIG_STRING; -- e.g. "115.2 kBd"
+ end record;
+ -- Data structures to describe Ethernet
+ type T_BOARD_ETHERNET_DESC is record
+ PHY_DeviceAddress : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ PHY_ManagementInterface : T_BOARD_CONFIG_STRING;
+ end record;
+ subtype T_BOARD_ETHERNET_DESC_INDEX is natural range 0 to 7;
+ type T_BOARD_ETHERNET_DESC_VECTOR is array(natural range <>) of T_BOARD_ETHERNET_DESC;
+ -- Data structures to describe a board layout
+ type T_BOARD_INFO is record
+ end record;
+ type T_BOARD_INFO_VECTOR is array (natural range <>) of T_BOARD_INFO;
+ constant C_POC_NUL : character;
+ function conf(str : string) return T_BOARD_CONFIG_STRING;
+end package;
+package body config_private is
+ constant C_POC_NUL : character := '~';
+ constant C_BOARD_STRING_EMPTY : T_BOARD_STRING := (others => C_POC_NUL);
+ constant C_DEVICE_STRING_EMPTY : T_DEVICE_STRING := (others => C_POC_NUL);
+ function conf(str : string) return T_BOARD_CONFIG_STRING is
+ constant ConstNUL : string(1 to 1) := (others => C_POC_NUL);
+ variable Result : string(1 to T_BOARD_CONFIG_STRING'length);
+ begin
+ Result := (others => C_POC_NUL);
+ if (str'length > 0) then
+ Result(1 to bound(T_BOARD_CONFIG_STRING'length, 1, str'length)) := ite((str'length > 0), str(1 to imin(T_BOARD_CONFIG_STRING'length, str'length)), ConstNUL);
+ end if;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ PHY_DeviceAddress => x"00",
+ PHY_ManagementInterface => C_BOARD_CONFIG_STRING_EMPTY
+ );
+ -- predefined UART descriptions
+ function brd_CreateUART(IsDTE : boolean; FlowControl : string; BaudRate : string; BaudRate_Max : string := "") return T_BOARD_UART_DESC is
+ variable Result : T_BOARD_UART_DESC;
+ begin
+ Result.IsDTE := IsDTE;
+ Result.FlowControl := conf(FlowControl);
+ Result.BaudRate := conf(BaudRate);
+ Result.BaudRate_Max := ite((BaudRate_Max = ""), conf(BaudRate), conf(BaudRate_Max));
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- IsDTE FlowControl BaudRate
+ constant C_BOARD_UART_EMPTY : T_BOARD_UART_DESC := brd_CreateUART(TRUE, "NONE", "0 Bd");
+ constant C_BOARD_UART_DTE_115200_NONE : T_BOARD_UART_DESC := brd_CreateUART(TRUE, "NONE", "115.2 kBd");
+ constant C_BOARD_UART_DCE_115200_NONE : T_BOARD_UART_DESC := brd_CreateUART(FALSE, "NONE", "115.2 kBd");
+ constant C_BOARD_UART_DCE_115200_HWCTS : T_BOARD_UART_DESC := brd_CreateUART(FALSE, "HW_CTS_RTS", "115.2 kBd");
+ constant C_BOARD_UART_DCE_460800_NONE : T_BOARD_UART_DESC := brd_CreateUART(FALSE, "NONE", "460.8 kBd");
+ constant C_BOARD_UART_DTE_921600_NONE : T_BOARD_UART_DESC := brd_CreateUART(FALSE, "NONE", "921.6 kBd");
+ function brd_CreateEthernet(IPStyle : string; RS_DataInt : string; PHY_Device : string; PHY_DevAddress : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); PHY_DataInt : string; PHY_MgntInt : string) return T_BOARD_ETHERNET_DESC is
+ variable Result : T_BOARD_ETHERNET_DESC;
+ begin
+ Result.IPStyle := conf(IPStyle);
+ Result.RS_DataInterface := conf(RS_DataInt);
+ Result.PHY_Device := conf(PHY_Device);
+ Result.PHY_DeviceAddress := PHY_DevAddress;
+ Result.PHY_DataInterface := conf(PHY_DataInt);
+ Result.PHY_ManagementInterface := conf(PHY_MgntInt);
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ constant C_BOARD_ETH_EMPTY : T_BOARD_ETHERNET_DESC := brd_CreateEthernet("", "", "", x"00", "", "");
+ constant C_BOARD_ETH_SOFT_GMII_88E1111 : T_BOARD_ETHERNET_DESC := brd_CreateEthernet("SOFT", "GMII", "MARVEL_88E1111", x"07", "GMII", "MDIO");
+ constant C_BOARD_ETH_HARD_GMII_88E1111 : T_BOARD_ETHERNET_DESC := brd_CreateEthernet("HARD", "GMII", "MARVEL_88E1111", x"07", "GMII", "MDIO");
+ constant C_BOARD_ETH_SOFT_SGMII_88E1111 : T_BOARD_ETHERNET_DESC := brd_CreateEthernet("SOFT", "GMII", "MARVEL_88E1111", x"07", "SGMII", "MDIO_OVER_IIC");
+ -- Board Descriptions
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ (
+ BoardName => conf("GENERIC"),
+ FPGADevice => conf("GENERIC"), -- GENERIC
+ Ethernet => (
+ 0 => C_BOARD_ETH_HARD_GMII_88E1111,
+ others => C_BOARD_ETH_EMPTY
+ ),
+ EthernetCount => 1
+ ),
+ -- Altera boards
+ -- =========================================================================
+ (
+ BoardName => conf("DE0"),
+ FPGADevice => conf("EP3C16F484"), -- EP3C16F484
+ Ethernet => C_BOARD_ETH_NONE,
+ EthernetCount => 0
+ ),(
+ BoardName => conf("S2GXAV"),
+ FPGADevice => conf("EP2SGX90FF1508C3"), -- EP2SGX90FF1508C3
+ Ethernet => C_BOARD_ETH_NONE,
+ EthernetCount => 0
+ ),(
+ BoardName => conf("DE4"),
+ FPGADevice => conf("EP4SGX230KF40C2"), -- EP4SGX230KF40C2
+ Ethernet => (
+ 0 => brd_CreateEthernet("SOFT", "GMII", "MARVEL_88E1111", x"00", "RGMII", "MDIO"),
+ 1 => brd_CreateEthernet("SOFT", "GMII", "MARVEL_88E1111", x"01", "RGMII", "MDIO"),
+ 2 => brd_CreateEthernet("SOFT", "GMII", "MARVEL_88E1111", x"02", "RGMII", "MDIO"),
+ 3 => brd_CreateEthernet("SOFT", "GMII", "MARVEL_88E1111", x"03", "RGMII", "MDIO"),
+ others => C_BOARD_ETH_EMPTY
+ ),
+ EthernetCount => 4
+ ),(
+ BoardName => conf("DE5"),
+ FPGADevice => conf("EP5SGXEA7N2F45C2"), -- EP5SGXEA7N2F45C2
+ Ethernet => C_BOARD_ETH_NONE,
+ EthernetCount => 0
+ ),
+ -- Lattice boards
+ -- =========================================================================
+ (
+ BoardName => conf("ECP5 Versa"),
+ FPGADevice => conf("LFE5UM-45F-6BG381C"), -- LFE5UM-45F-6BG381C
+ Ethernet => C_BOARD_ETH_NONE,
+ EthernetCount => 0
+ ),
+ -- Xilinx boards
+ -- =========================================================================
+ (
+ BoardName => conf("S3SK200"),
+ FPGADevice => conf("XC3S200-4FT256"), -- XC3S200-4FT256
+ Ethernet => C_BOARD_ETH_NONE,
+ EthernetCount => 0
+ ),(
+ BoardName => conf("S3SK1000"),
+ FPGADevice => conf("XC3S1000-4FT256"), -- XC2S1000-4FT256
+ Ethernet => C_BOARD_ETH_NONE,
+ EthernetCount => 0
+ ),(
+ BoardName => conf("S3ESK500"),
+ FPGADevice => conf("XC3S500E-4FG320"), -- XC3S500E-4FG320
+ Ethernet => C_BOARD_ETH_NONE,
+ EthernetCount => 0
+ ),(
+ BoardName => conf("S3ESK1600"),
+ FPGADevice => conf("XC3S1600E-4FG320"), -- XC3S1600E-4FG320
+ Ethernet => C_BOARD_ETH_NONE,
+ EthernetCount => 0
+ ),(
+ BoardName => conf("ATLYS"),
+ FPGADevice => conf("XC6SLX45-3CSG324"), -- XC6SLX45-3CSG324
+ Ethernet => (
+ 0 => C_BOARD_ETH_HARD_GMII_88E1111,
+ others => C_BOARD_ETH_EMPTY),
+ EthernetCount => 1
+ ),(
+ BoardName => conf("ZC706"),
+ FPGADevice => conf("XC7Z045-2FFG900"), -- XC7Z045-2FFG900C
+ Ethernet => C_BOARD_ETH_NONE,
+ EthernetCount => 0
+ ),(
+ BoardName => conf("ZedBoard"),
+ FPGADevice => conf("XC7Z020-1CLG484"), -- XC7Z020-1CLG484
+ Ethernet => C_BOARD_ETH_NONE,
+ EthernetCount => 0
+ ),(
+ BoardName => conf("AC701"),
+ FPGADevice => conf("XC7A200T-2FBG676C"), -- XC7A200T-2FBG676C
+ Ethernet => (
+ 0 => C_BOARD_ETH_SOFT_GMII_88E1111,
+ others => C_BOARD_ETH_EMPTY),
+ EthernetCount => 1
+ ),(
+ BoardName => conf("KC705"),
+ FPGADevice => conf("XC7K325T-2FFG900C"), -- XC7K325T-2FFG900C
+ Ethernet => (
+ 0 => C_BOARD_ETH_SOFT_GMII_88E1111,
+ others => C_BOARD_ETH_EMPTY),
+ EthernetCount => 1
+ ),(
+ BoardName => conf("ML505"),
+ FPGADevice => conf("XC5VLX50T-1FF1136"), -- XC5VLX50T-1FF1136
+ Ethernet => (
+ 0 => C_BOARD_ETH_HARD_GMII_88E1111,
+ others => C_BOARD_ETH_EMPTY),
+ EthernetCount => 1
+ ),(
+ BoardName => conf("ML506"),
+ FPGADevice => conf("XC5VSX50T-1FFG1136"), -- XC5VSX50T-1FFG1136
+ Ethernet => (
+ 0 => C_BOARD_ETH_HARD_GMII_88E1111,
+ others => C_BOARD_ETH_EMPTY),
+ EthernetCount => 1
+ ),(
+ BoardName => conf("ML507"),
+ FPGADevice => conf("XC5VFX70T-1FFG1136"), -- XC5VFX70T-1FFG1136
+ Ethernet => (
+ 0 => C_BOARD_ETH_HARD_GMII_88E1111,
+ others => C_BOARD_ETH_EMPTY),
+ EthernetCount => 1
+ ),(
+ BoardName => conf("XUPV5"),
+ FPGADevice => conf("XC5VLX110T-1FF1136"), -- XC5VLX110T-1FF1136
+ Ethernet => (
+ 0 => C_BOARD_ETH_HARD_GMII_88E1111,
+ others => C_BOARD_ETH_EMPTY),
+ EthernetCount => 1
+ ),(
+ BoardName => conf("ML605"),
+ FPGADevice => conf("XC6VLX240T-1FF1156"), -- XC6VLX240T-1FF1156
+ Ethernet => (
+ 0 => C_BOARD_ETH_HARD_GMII_88E1111,
+ others => C_BOARD_ETH_EMPTY),
+ EthernetCount => 1
+ ),(
+ BoardName => conf("VC707"),
+ FPGADevice => conf("XC7VX485T-2FFG1761C"), -- XC7VX485T-2FFG1761C
+ Ethernet => (
+ 0 => C_BOARD_ETH_SOFT_SGMII_88E1111,
+ others => C_BOARD_ETH_EMPTY),
+ EthernetCount => 1
+ ),(
+ BoardName => conf("VC709"),
+ FPGADevice => conf("XC7VX690T-2FFG1761C"), -- XC7VX690T-2FFG1761C
+ Ethernet => C_BOARD_ETH_NONE,
+ EthernetCount => 0
+ ),
+ -- Custom Board (MUST BE LAST ONE)
+ -- =========================================================================
+ (
+ BoardName => conf("Custom"),
+ FPGADevice => conf("Device is unknown for a custom board"),
+ Ethernet => C_BOARD_ETH_NONE,
+ EthernetCount => 0
+ )
+ );
+end package body;
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
+library PoC;
+use PoC.my_config.all;
+use PoC.my_project.all;
+use PoC.config_private.all;
+use PoC.utils.all;
+package config is
+ constant PROJECT_DIR : string := MY_PROJECT_DIR;
+ constant POC_VERBOSE : boolean := MY_VERBOSE;
+ -- List of known FPGA / Chip vendors
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ type T_VENDOR is (
+ );
+ -- List of known synthesis tool chains
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ type T_SYNTHESIS_TOOL is (
+ );
+ -- List of known device families
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ type T_DEVICE_FAMILY is (
+ -- Altera
+ -- Lattice
+ -- Xilinx
+ );
+ type T_DEVICE_SERIES is (
+ -- Xilinx FPGA series
+ );
+ -- List of known devices
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ type T_DEVICE is (
+ -- Altera
+ DEVICE_MAX2, DEVICE_MAX10, -- Altera.Max
+ -- Lattice
+ -- Xilinx
+ DEVICE_ARTIX7, -- Xilinx.Artix
+ );
+ -- List of known device subtypes
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ type T_DEVICE_SUBTYPE is (
+ -- Altera
+ -- Lattice
+ -- Xilinx
+ );
+ -- List of known transceiver (sub-)types
+ -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ type T_TRANSCEIVER is (
+ -- TODO: add more? Altera transceivers
+ -- Altera transceivers
+ TRANSCEIVER_GXB, -- Altera GXB transceiver
+ --Lattice transceivers
+ TRANSCEIVER_MGT, -- Lattice transceiver
+ -- Xilinx transceivers
+ TRANSCEIVER_GTZ, -- Xilinx GTZ transceivers
+ TRANSCEIVER_GTY -- Xilinx GTY transceivers
+ );
+ -- Properties of an FPGA architecture
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ type T_DEVICE_INFO is record
+ Vendor : T_VENDOR;
+ Device : T_DEVICE;
+ DevFamily : T_DEVICE_FAMILY;
+ DevGeneration : natural;
+ DevNumber : natural;
+ DevSeries : T_DEVICE_SERIES;
+ TransceiverType : T_TRANSCEIVER;
+ LUT_FanIn : positive;
+ end record;
+ -- Functions extracting board and PCB properties from "MY_BOARD"
+ -- which is declared in package "my_config".
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function BOARD(BoardConfig : string := C_BOARD_STRING_EMPTY) return natural;
+ function BOARD_INFO(BoardConfig : string := C_BOARD_STRING_EMPTY) return T_BOARD_INFO;
+ function BOARD_NAME(BoardConfig : string := C_BOARD_STRING_EMPTY) return string;
+ function BOARD_DEVICE(BoardConfig : string := C_BOARD_STRING_EMPTY) return string;
+ function BOARD_UART_BAUDRATE(BoardConfig : string := C_BOARD_STRING_EMPTY) return string;
+ -- Functions extracting device and architecture properties from "MY_DEVICE"
+ -- which is declared in package "my_config".
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function VENDOR(DeviceString : string := C_DEVICE_STRING_EMPTY) return T_VENDOR;
+ function SYNTHESIS_TOOL(DeviceString : string := C_DEVICE_STRING_EMPTY) return T_SYNTHESIS_TOOL;
+ function DEVICE(DeviceString : string := C_DEVICE_STRING_EMPTY) return T_DEVICE;
+ function DEVICE_FAMILY(DeviceString : string := C_DEVICE_STRING_EMPTY) return T_DEVICE_FAMILY;
+ function DEVICE_SUBTYPE(DeviceString : string := C_DEVICE_STRING_EMPTY) return T_DEVICE_SUBTYPE;
+ function DEVICE_SERIES(DeviceString : string := C_DEVICE_STRING_EMPTY) return T_DEVICE_SERIES;
+ function DEVICE_GENERATION(DeviceString : string := C_DEVICE_STRING_EMPTY) return natural;
+ function DEVICE_NUMBER(DeviceString : string := C_DEVICE_STRING_EMPTY) return natural;
+ function TRANSCEIVER_TYPE(DeviceString : string := C_DEVICE_STRING_EMPTY) return T_TRANSCEIVER;
+ function LUT_FANIN(DeviceString : string := C_DEVICE_STRING_EMPTY) return positive;
+ function DEVICE_INFO(DeviceString : string := C_DEVICE_STRING_EMPTY) return T_DEVICE_INFO;
+ -- Convert T_DEVICE to string representation as required by "altera_mf" library
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function getAlteraDeviceName (device : T_DEVICE) return string;
+ -- force FSM to predefined encoding in debug mode
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function getFSMEncoding_gray(debug : boolean) return string;
+end package;
+package body config is
+ -- inlined function from PoC.utils, to break dependency
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : string; value2 : string) return string is begin
+ if cond then return value1; else return value2; end if;
+ end function;
+ -- chr_is* function
+ function chr_isDigit(chr : character) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return ((character'pos('0') <= CHARACTER'pos(chr)) and (character'pos(chr) <= CHARACTER'pos('9')));
+ end function;
+ function chr_isAlpha(chr : character) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (((character'pos('a') <= CHARACTER'pos(chr)) and (character'pos(chr) <= CHARACTER'pos('z'))) or
+ ((character'pos('A') <= CHARACTER'pos(chr)) and (character'pos(chr) <= CHARACTER'pos('Z'))));
+ end function;
+ function str_length(str : string) return natural is
+ begin
+ for i in str'range loop
+ if str(i) = C_POC_NUL then
+ return i - str'low;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return str'length;
+ end function;
+ function str_trim(str : string) return string is
+ begin
+ for i in str'range loop
+ if str(i) = C_POC_NUL then
+ return str(str'low to i-1);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return str;
+ end function;
+ function str_imatch(str1 : string; str2 : string) return boolean is
+ constant len : natural := imin(str1'length, str2'length);
+ variable chr1 : character;
+ variable chr2 : character;
+ begin
+ -- if both strings are empty
+ if ((str1'length = 0 ) and (str2'length = 0)) then return TRUE; end if;
+ -- compare char by char
+ for i in 0 to len-1 loop
+ chr1 := str1(str1'low + i);
+ chr2 := str2(str2'low + i);
+ if (character'pos('A') <= CHARACTER'pos(chr1)) and (character'pos(chr1) <= CHARACTER'pos('Z')) then
+ chr1 := character'val(CHARACTER'pos(chr1) - character'pos('A') + CHARACTER'pos('a'));
+ end if;
+ if (character'pos('A') <= CHARACTER'pos(chr2)) and (character'pos(chr2) <= CHARACTER'pos('Z')) then
+ chr2 := character'val(CHARACTER'pos(chr2) - character'pos('A') + CHARACTER'pos('a'));
+ end if;
+ if chr1 /= chr2 then
+ return FALSE;
+ elsif (chr1 = C_POC_NUL) xor (chr2 = C_POC_NUL) then
+ return FALSE;
+ elsif (chr1 = C_POC_NUL) and (chr2 = C_POC_NUL) then
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- check special cases,
+ if ((str1'length = len) and (str2'length = len)) then -- both strings are fully consumed and equal
+ return TRUE;
+ elsif (str1'length > len) then
+ return (str1(str1'low + len) = C_POC_NUL); -- str1 is longer, but str_length equals len
+ else
+ return (str2(str2'low + len) = C_POC_NUL); -- str2 is longer, but str_length equals len
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function str_find(str : string; pattern : string; start : natural := 0) return boolean is
+ begin
+ for i in imax(str'low, start) to (str'high - pattern'length + 1) loop
+ exit when (str(i) = C_POC_NUL);
+ if (str(i to i + pattern'length - 1) = pattern) then
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return FALSE;
+ end function;
+ -- private functions required by board description
+ -- ModelSim requires that this functions is defined before it is used below.
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function getLocalDeviceString(DeviceString : string) return string is
+ constant ConstNUL : string(1 to 1) := (others => C_POC_NUL);
+ constant MY_DEVICE_STR : string := BOARD_DEVICE;
+ variable Result : string(1 to T_DEVICE_STRING'length);
+ begin
+ Result := (others => C_POC_NUL);
+ -- report DeviceString for debugging
+ if POC_VERBOSE then
+ report "getLocalDeviceString: DeviceString='" & str_trim(DeviceString) & "' MY_DEVICE='" & str_trim(MY_DEVICE) & "' MY_DEVICE_STR='" & str_trim(MY_DEVICE_STR) & "'" severity NOTE;
+ end if;
+ -- if DeviceString is populated
+ if (str_length(DeviceString) /= 0) and not str_imatch(DeviceString, "None") then
+ Result(1 to bound(T_DEVICE_STRING'length, 1, DeviceString'length)) := ite((DeviceString'length > 0), DeviceString(1 to imin(T_DEVICE_STRING'length, DeviceString'length)), ConstNUL);
+ -- if MY_DEVICE is set, prefer it
+ elsif (str_length(MY_DEVICE) /= 0) and not str_imatch(MY_DEVICE, "None") then
+ Result(1 to bound(T_DEVICE_STRING'length, 1, MY_DEVICE'length)) := ite((MY_DEVICE'length > 0), MY_DEVICE(1 to imin(T_DEVICE_STRING'length, MY_DEVICE'length)), ConstNUL);
+ -- otherwise use MY_BOARD
+ else
+ Result(1 to bound(T_DEVICE_STRING'length, 1, MY_DEVICE_STR'length)) := ite((MY_DEVICE_STR'length > 0), MY_DEVICE_STR(1 to imin(T_DEVICE_STRING'length, MY_DEVICE_STR'length)), ConstNUL);
+ end if;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function extractFirstNumber(str : string) return natural is
+ variable low : integer;
+ variable high : integer;
+ variable Result : natural;
+ variable Digit : integer;
+ begin
+ low := -1;
+ high := -1;
+ for i in str'low to str'high loop
+ if chr_isDigit(str(i)) then
+ low := i;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- abort if no digit can be found
+ if low = -1 then return 0; end if;
+ for i in (low + 1) to str'high loop
+ if chr_isAlpha(str(i)) then
+ high := i - 1;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if high = -1 then return 0; end if;
+ -- return INTEGER'value(str(low to high)); -- 'value(...) is not supported by Vivado Synth 2014.1
+ -- convert substring to a number
+ for i in low to high loop
+ if not chr_isDigit(str(i)) then
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ Result := (Result * 10) + (character'pos(str(i)) - character'pos('0'));
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- Public functions
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- TODO: comment
+ function BOARD(BoardConfig : string := C_BOARD_STRING_EMPTY) return natural is
+ constant MY_BRD : T_BOARD_CONFIG_STRING := ite((BoardConfig /= C_BOARD_STRING_EMPTY), conf(BoardConfig), conf(MY_BOARD));
+ constant BOARD_NAME : string := str_trim(MY_BRD);
+ begin
+ if POC_VERBOSE then report "PoC configuration: Used board is '" & BOARD_NAME & "'" severity NOTE; end if;
+ for i in C_BOARD_INFO_LIST'range loop
+ if str_imatch(BOARD_NAME, C_BOARD_INFO_LIST(i).BoardName) then
+ return i;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ report "Unknown board name in MY_BOARD = " & MY_BRD & "." severity failure;
+ return C_BOARD_INFO_LIST'high;
+ end function;
+ function BOARD_INFO(BoardConfig : string := C_BOARD_STRING_EMPTY) return T_BOARD_INFO is
+ constant BRD : natural := BOARD(BoardConfig);
+ begin
+ end function;
+ -- TODO: comment
+ function BOARD_NAME(BoardConfig : string := C_BOARD_STRING_EMPTY) return string is
+ constant BRD : natural := BOARD(BoardConfig);
+ begin
+ return str_trim(C_BOARD_INFO_LIST(BRD).BoardName);
+ end function;
+ -- TODO: comment
+ function BOARD_DEVICE(BoardConfig : string := C_BOARD_STRING_EMPTY) return string is
+ constant BRD : natural := BOARD(BoardConfig);
+ begin
+ return str_trim(C_BOARD_INFO_LIST(BRD).FPGADevice);
+ end function;
+ function BOARD_UART_BAUDRATE(BoardConfig : string := C_BOARD_STRING_EMPTY) return string is
+ constant BRD : natural := BOARD(BoardConfig);
+ begin
+ return str_trim(C_BOARD_INFO_LIST(BRD).UART.BaudRate);
+ end function;
+ -- purpose: extract vendor from MY_DEVICE
+ function VENDOR(DeviceString : string := C_DEVICE_STRING_EMPTY) return T_VENDOR is
+ constant MY_DEV : string(1 to 32) := getLocalDeviceString(DeviceString);
+ constant VEN_STR2 : string(1 to 2) := MY_DEV(1 to 2); -- TODO: test if alias declarations also work out on all platforms
+ constant VEN_STR3 : string(1 to 3) := MY_DEV(1 to 3); -- TODO: test if alias declarations also work out on all platforms
+ begin
+ case VEN_STR2 is
+ when "GE" => return VENDOR_GENERIC;
+ when "EP" => return VENDOR_ALTERA;
+ when "XC" => return VENDOR_XILINX;
+ when others => null;
+ end case;
+ case VEN_STR3 is
+ when "iCE" => return VENDOR_LATTICE; -- iCE devices
+ when "LCM" => return VENDOR_LATTICE; -- MachXO device
+ when "LFE" => return VENDOR_LATTICE; -- ECP devices
+ when others => report "Unknown vendor in MY_DEVICE = '" & MY_DEV & "'" severity failure;
+ end case;
+ end function;
+ function SYNTHESIS_TOOL(DeviceString : string := C_DEVICE_STRING_EMPTY) return T_SYNTHESIS_TOOL is
+ constant VEN : T_VENDOR := VENDOR(DeviceString);
+ begin
+ case VEN is
+ if (1 fs /= 1 us) then
+ else
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ end case;
+ end function;
+ -- purpose: extract device from MY_DEVICE
+ function DEVICE(DeviceString : string := C_DEVICE_STRING_EMPTY) return T_DEVICE is
+ constant MY_DEV : string(1 to 32) := getLocalDeviceString(DeviceString);
+ constant VEN : T_VENDOR := VENDOR(DeviceString);
+ constant DEV_STR : string(3 to 4) := MY_DEV(3 to 4); -- TODO: test if alias declarations also work out on all platforms
+ begin
+ case VEN is
+ if (MY_DEV(1 to 7) = "GENERIC") then return DEVICE_GENERIC;
+ else report "Unknown Generic device in MY_DEVICE = '" & MY_DEV & "'" severity failure;
+ end if;
+ case DEV_STR is
+ when "1C" => return DEVICE_CYCLONE1;
+ when "2C" => return DEVICE_CYCLONE2;
+ when "3C" => return DEVICE_CYCLONE3;
+ when "1S" => return DEVICE_STRATIX1;
+ when "2S" => return DEVICE_STRATIX2;
+ when "4S" => return DEVICE_STRATIX4;
+ when "5S" => return DEVICE_STRATIX5;
+ when others => report "Unknown Altera device in MY_DEVICE = '" & MY_DEV & "'" severity failure;
+ end case;
+ if (MY_DEV(1 to 6) = "LCMX02") then return DEVICE_MACHXO2;
+ elsif (MY_DEV(1 to 5) = "LCMX0") then return DEVICE_MACHXO;
+ elsif (MY_DEV(1 to 5) = "iCE40") then return DEVICE_ICE40;
+ elsif (MY_DEV(1 to 5) = "iCE65") then return DEVICE_ICE65;
+ elsif (MY_DEV(1 to 4) = "iCE5") then return DEVICE_ICE5;
+ elsif (MY_DEV(1 to 4) = "LFE3") then return DEVICE_ECP3;
+ elsif (MY_DEV(1 to 4) = "LFE4") then return DEVICE_ECP4;
+ elsif (MY_DEV(1 to 4) = "LFE5") then return DEVICE_ECP5;
+ else report "Unknown Lattice device in MY_DEVICE = '" & MY_DEV & "'" severity failure;
+ end if;
+ case DEV_STR is
+ when "7A" => return DEVICE_ARTIX7;
+ when "7K" => return DEVICE_KINTEX7;
+ when "KU" => return DEVICE_KINTEX_ULTRA;
+ when "3S" => return DEVICE_SPARTAN3;
+ when "6S" => return DEVICE_SPARTAN6;
+ when "4V" => return DEVICE_VIRTEX4;
+ when "5V" => return DEVICE_VIRTEX5;
+ when "6V" => return DEVICE_VIRTEX6;
+ when "7V" => return DEVICE_VIRTEX7;
+ when "VU" => return DEVICE_VIRTEX_ULTRA;
+ when "7Z" => return DEVICE_ZYNQ7;
+ when others => report "Unknown Xilinx device in MY_DEVICE = '" & MY_DEV & "'" severity failure;
+ end case;
+ when others => report "Unknown vendor in MY_DEVICE = " & MY_DEV & "." severity failure;
+ end case;
+ end function;
+ -- purpose: extract device from MY_DEVICE
+ function DEVICE_FAMILY(DeviceString : string := C_DEVICE_STRING_EMPTY) return T_DEVICE_FAMILY is
+ constant MY_DEV : string(1 to 32) := getLocalDeviceString(DeviceString);
+ constant VEN : T_VENDOR := VENDOR(DeviceString);
+ constant FAM_CHAR : character := MY_DEV(4);
+ begin
+ case VEN is
+ case FAM_CHAR is
+ when 'C' => return DEVICE_FAMILY_CYCLONE;
+ when 'S' => return DEVICE_FAMILY_STRATIX;
+ when others => report "Unknown Altera device family in MY_DEVICE = '" & MY_DEV & "'" severity failure;
+ end case;
+ case FAM_CHAR is
+ --when 'M' => return DEVICE_FAMILY_MACHXO;
+ when 'E' => return DEVICE_FAMILY_ECP;
+ when others => report "Unknown Lattice device family in MY_DEVICE = '" & MY_DEV & "'" severity failure;
+ end case;
+ case FAM_CHAR is
+ when 'A' => return DEVICE_FAMILY_ARTIX;
+ when 'K' => return DEVICE_FAMILY_KINTEX;
+ when 'S' => return DEVICE_FAMILY_SPARTAN;
+ when 'V' => return DEVICE_FAMILY_VIRTEX;
+ when 'Z' => return DEVICE_FAMILY_ZYNQ;
+ when others => report "Unknown Xilinx device family in MY_DEVICE = '" & MY_DEV & "'" severity failure;
+ end case;
+ when others => report "Unknown vendor in MY_DEVICE = '" & MY_DEV & "'" severity failure;
+ end case;
+ end function;
+ -- some devices share some common features: e.g. XADC, BlockRAM, ...
+ function DEVICE_SERIES(DeviceString : string := C_DEVICE_STRING_EMPTY) return T_DEVICE_SERIES is
+ constant MY_DEV : string(1 to 32) := getLocalDeviceString(DeviceString);
+ constant DEV : T_DEVICE := DEVICE(DeviceString);
+ begin
+ case DEV is
+ -- all Xilinx ****7 devices
+ -- all Xilinx ****UltraScale devices
+ -- all Xilinx ****UltraScale+ devices
+ when others =>
+ end case;
+ end function;
+ function DEVICE_GENERATION(DeviceString : string := C_DEVICE_STRING_EMPTY) return natural is
+ constant SERIES : T_DEVICE_SERIES := DEVICE_SERIES(DeviceString);
+ begin
+ return 7;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function DEVICE_NUMBER(DeviceString : string := C_DEVICE_STRING_EMPTY) return natural is
+ constant MY_DEV : string(1 to 32) := getLocalDeviceString(DeviceString);
+ constant VEN : T_VENDOR := VENDOR(DeviceString);
+ begin
+ case VEN is
+ when VENDOR_GENERIC => return 0;
+ when VENDOR_ALTERA => return extractFirstNumber(MY_DEV(5 to MY_DEV'high));
+ when VENDOR_LATTICE => return extractFirstNumber(MY_DEV(6 to MY_DEV'high));
+ when VENDOR_XILINX => return extractFirstNumber(MY_DEV(5 to MY_DEV'high));
+ when others => report "Unknown vendor in MY_DEVICE = '" & MY_DEV & "'" severity failure;
+ return 0;
+ end case;
+ end function;
+ function DEVICE_SUBTYPE(DeviceString : string := C_DEVICE_STRING_EMPTY) return T_DEVICE_SUBTYPE is
+ constant MY_DEV : string(1 to 32) := getLocalDeviceString(DeviceString);
+ constant DEV : T_DEVICE := DEVICE(MY_DEV);
+ constant DEV_SUB_STR : string(1 to 2) := MY_DEV(5 to 6); -- WORKAROUND: for GHDL
+ begin
+ case DEV is
+ -- TODO: extract Arria GX subtype
+ when DEVICE_ARRIA1 =>
+ report "TODO: parse Arria device subtype." severity failure;
+ -- TODO: extract ArriaII GX,GZ subtype
+ when DEVICE_ARRIA2 =>
+ report "TODO: parse ArriaII device subtype." severity failure;
+ -- TODO: extract ArriaV GX, GT, SX, GZ subtype
+ when DEVICE_ARRIA5 =>
+ report "TODO: parse ArriaV device subtype." severity failure;
+ -- TODO: extract Arria10 GX, GT, SX subtype
+ when DEVICE_ARRIA10 =>
+ report "TODO: parse Arria10 device subtype." severity failure;
+ -- Altera Cyclon I, II, III, IV, V devices have no subtype
+ if chr_isDigit(DEV_SUB_STR(1)) then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_NONE;
+ elsif DEV_SUB_STR = "GX" then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_GX;
+ else report "Unknown Stratix II subtype: MY_DEVICE = '" & MY_DEV & "'" severity failure;
+ end if;
+ if (DEV_SUB_STR(1) = 'E') then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_E;
+ elsif DEV_SUB_STR = "GX" then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_GX;
+-- elsif (DEV_SUB_STR = "GT") then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_GT;
+ else report "Unknown Stratix IV subtype: MY_DEVICE = '" & MY_DEV & "'" severity failure;
+ end if;
+ -- TODO: extract StratixV subtype
+ report "TODO: parse Stratix V device subtype." severity failure;
+ when DEVICE_ECP5 =>
+ if (DEV_SUB_STR(1) = 'U') then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_U;
+ elsif DEV_SUB_STR = "UM" then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_UM;
+ else report "Unknown Lattice ECP5 subtype: MY_DEVICE = '" & MY_DEV & "'" severity failure;
+ end if;
+ report "TODO: parse Spartan3 / Spartan3E / Spartan3AN device subtype." severity failure;
+ if ((DEV_SUB_STR = "LX") and (not str_find(MY_DEV(7 to MY_DEV'high), "T"))) then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_LX;
+ elsif ((DEV_SUB_STR = "LX") and ( str_find(MY_DEV(7 to MY_DEV'high), "T"))) then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_LXT;
+ else report "Unknown Virtex-5 subtype: MY_DEVICE = '" & MY_DEV & "'" severity failure;
+ end if;
+ when DEVICE_VIRTEX4 =>
+ report "Unkown Virtex 4" severity failure;
+ when DEVICE_VIRTEX5 =>
+ if ((DEV_SUB_STR = "LX") and (not str_find(MY_DEV(7 to MY_DEV'high), "T"))) then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_LX;
+ elsif ((DEV_SUB_STR = "LX") and ( str_find(MY_DEV(7 to MY_DEV'high), "T"))) then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_LXT;
+ elsif ((DEV_SUB_STR = "SX") and ( str_find(MY_DEV(7 to MY_DEV'high), "T"))) then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_SXT;
+ elsif ((DEV_SUB_STR = "TX") and ( str_find(MY_DEV(7 to MY_DEV'high), "T"))) then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_TXT;
+ elsif ((DEV_SUB_STR = "FX") and ( str_find(MY_DEV(7 to MY_DEV'high), "T"))) then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_FXT;
+ else report "Unknown Virtex-5 subtype: MY_DEVICE = '" & MY_DEV & "'" severity failure;
+ end if;
+ when DEVICE_VIRTEX6 =>
+ if ((DEV_SUB_STR = "LX") and (not str_find(MY_DEV(7 to MY_DEV'high), "T"))) then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_LX;
+ elsif ((DEV_SUB_STR = "LX") and ( str_find(MY_DEV(7 to MY_DEV'high), "T"))) then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_LXT;
+ elsif ((DEV_SUB_STR = "SX") and ( str_find(MY_DEV(7 to MY_DEV'high), "T"))) then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_SXT;
+ elsif ((DEV_SUB_STR = "CX") and ( str_find(MY_DEV(7 to MY_DEV'high), "T"))) then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_CXT;
+ elsif ((DEV_SUB_STR = "HX") and ( str_find(MY_DEV(7 to MY_DEV'high), "T"))) then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_HXT;
+ else report "Unknown Virtex-6 subtype: MY_DEVICE = '" & MY_DEV & "'" severity failure;
+ end if;
+ when DEVICE_ARTIX7 =>
+ if ( ( str_find(MY_DEV(5 to MY_DEV'high), "T"))) then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_T;
+ else report "Unknown Artix-7 subtype: MY_DEVICE = '" & MY_DEV & "'" severity failure;
+ end if;
+ when DEVICE_KINTEX7 =>
+ if ( ( str_find(MY_DEV(5 to MY_DEV'high), "T"))) then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_T;
+ else report "Unknown Kintex-7 subtype: MY_DEVICE = '" & MY_DEV & "'" severity failure;
+ end if;
+ when DEVICE_VIRTEX7 =>
+ if ( ( str_find(MY_DEV(5 to MY_DEV'high), "T"))) then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_T;
+ elsif ((DEV_SUB_STR(1) = 'X') and ( str_find(MY_DEV(6 to MY_DEV'high), "T"))) then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_XT;
+ elsif ((DEV_SUB_STR(1) = 'H') and ( str_find(MY_DEV(6 to MY_DEV'high), "T"))) then return DEVICE_SUBTYPE_HT;
+ else report "Unknown Virtex-7 subtype: MY_DEVICE = '" & MY_DEV & "'" severity failure;
+ end if;
+ when others => report "Device sub-type is unknown for the given device." severity failure;
+ end case;
+ end function;
+ function LUT_FANIN(DeviceString : string := C_DEVICE_STRING_EMPTY) return positive is
+ constant MY_DEV : string(1 to 32) := getLocalDeviceString(DeviceString);
+ constant DEV : T_DEVICE := DEVICE(DeviceString);
+ constant SERIES : T_DEVICE_SERIES := DEVICE_SERIES(DeviceString);
+ begin
+ case SERIES is
+ when DEVICE_SERIES_GENERIC => return 6;
+ when others => null;
+ end case;
+ case DEV is
+ when DEVICE_STRATIX1 | DEVICE_STRATIX2 => return 4;
+ when DEVICE_STRATIX4 | DEVICE_STRATIX5 => return 6;
+ when DEVICE_ECP5 => return 4;
+ when DEVICE_SPARTAN3 => return 4;
+ when DEVICE_SPARTAN6 => return 6;
+ when others => report "LUT fan-in is unknown for the given device, using default (4)." severity failure;
+ return 4;
+ end case;
+ end function;
+ function TRANSCEIVER_TYPE(DeviceString : string := C_DEVICE_STRING_EMPTY) return T_TRANSCEIVER is
+ constant MY_DEV : string(1 to 32) := getLocalDeviceString(DeviceString);
+ constant DEV : T_DEVICE := DEVICE(DeviceString);
+ constant DEV_NUM : natural := DEVICE_NUMBER(DeviceString);
+ constant DEV_SUB : T_DEVICE_SUBTYPE := DEVICE_SUBTYPE(DeviceString);
+ begin
+ case DEV is
+ when DEVICE_MAX2 | DEVICE_MAX10 => return TRANSCEIVER_NONE; -- Altera MAX II, 10 devices have no transceivers
+ when DEVICE_CYCLONE1 | DEVICE_CYCLONE2 | DEVICE_CYCLONE3 => return TRANSCEIVER_NONE; -- Altera Cyclon I, II, III devices have no transceivers
+ when DEVICE_SPARTAN3 => return TRANSCEIVER_NONE; -- Xilinx Spartan3 devices have no transceivers
+ case DEV_SUB is
+ when others => report "Unknown Spartan-6 subtype: " & T_DEVICE_SUBTYPE'image(DEV_SUB) severity failure;
+ end case;
+ when DEVICE_VIRTEX4 =>
+ report "Unknown Virtex-4" severity failure;
+ when DEVICE_VIRTEX5 =>
+ case DEV_SUB is
+ when others => report "Unknown Virtex-5 subtype: " & T_DEVICE_SUBTYPE'image(DEV_SUB) severity failure;
+ end case;
+ when DEVICE_VIRTEX6 =>
+ case DEV_SUB is
+ when others => report "Unknown Virtex-6 subtype: " & T_DEVICE_SUBTYPE'image(DEV_SUB) severity failure;
+ end case;
+ when DEVICE_VIRTEX7 =>
+ case DEV_SUB is
+ if DEV_NUM = 485 then return TRANSCEIVER_GTXE2;
+ else return TRANSCEIVER_GTHE2;
+ end if;
+ when others => report "Unknown Virtex-7 subtype: " & T_DEVICE_SUBTYPE'image(DEV_SUB) severity failure;
+ end case;
+ when DEVICE_ZYNQ7 =>
+ case DEV_NUM is
+ when 10 | 20 => return TRANSCEIVER_NONE;
+ when 15 => return TRANSCEIVER_GTPE2;
+ when others => return TRANSCEIVER_GTXE2;
+ end case;
+ when others => report "Unknown device." severity failure;
+ end case;
+ end function;
+ -- purpose: extract architecture properties from DEVICE
+ function DEVICE_INFO(DeviceString : string := C_DEVICE_STRING_EMPTY) return T_DEVICE_INFO is
+ variable Result : T_DEVICE_INFO;
+ begin
+ Result.Vendor := VENDOR(DeviceString);
+ Result.Device := DEVICE(DeviceString);
+ Result.DevFamily := DEVICE_FAMILY(DeviceString);
+ Result.DevSubType := DEVICE_SUBTYPE(DeviceString);
+ Result.DevSeries := DEVICE_SERIES(DeviceString);
+ Result.DevGeneration := DEVICE_GENERATION(DeviceString);
+ Result.DevNumber := DEVICE_NUMBER(DeviceString);
+ Result.TransceiverType := TRANSCEIVER_TYPE(DeviceString);
+ Result.LUT_FanIn := LUT_FANIN(DeviceString);
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- Convert T_DEVICE to string representation as required by "altera_mf" library
+ function getAlteraDeviceName (device : T_DEVICE) return string is
+ begin
+ case device is
+ when DEVICE_ARRIA1 => return "Arria";
+ when DEVICE_ARRIA2 => return "Arria II";
+ when DEVICE_ARRIA5 => return "Arria V";
+ when DEVICE_ARRIA10 => return "Arria 10";
+ when DEVICE_CYCLONE1 => return "Cyclone";
+ when DEVICE_CYCLONE2 => return "Cyclone II";
+ when DEVICE_CYCLONE3 => return "Cyclone III";
+ when DEVICE_CYCLONE4 => return "Cyclone IV";
+ when DEVICE_CYCLONE5 => return "Cyclone V";
+ when DEVICE_STRATIX1 => return "Stratix";
+ when DEVICE_STRATIX2 => return "Stratix II";
+ when DEVICE_STRATIX3 => return "Stratix III";
+ when DEVICE_STRATIX4 => return "Stratix IV";
+ when DEVICE_STRATIX5 => return "Stratix V";
+ when DEVICE_STRATIX10 => return "Stratix 10";
+ when others =>
+ report "Unknown Altera device." severity failure;
+ return "";
+ end case;
+ end function;
+ -- force FSM to predefined encoding in debug mode
+ function getFSMEncoding_gray(debug : boolean) return string is
+ begin
+ if debug then
+ return "gray";
+ else
+ case VENDOR is
+ when VENDOR_ALTERA => return "default";
+ --when VENDOR_LATTICE => return "default";
+ when VENDOR_XILINX => return "auto";
+ when others => report "Unknown vendor." severity failure;
+ return "";
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+end package body;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/fileio.v08.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/fileio.v08.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..999d73da5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/fileio.v08.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+-- EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+-- vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+-- kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Authors: Patrick Lehmann
+-- Package: File I/O-related Functions.
+-- Description:
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- .. TODO:: No documentation available.
+-- License:
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany,
+-- Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- =============================================================================
+use STD.TextIO.all;
+library PoC;
+use PoC.my_project.all;
+use PoC.utils.all;
+use PoC.strings.all;
+use PoC.ProtectedTypes.all;
+package FileIO is
+ -- Constant declarations
+ constant C_LINEBREAK : string;
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ type T_LOGFILE is protected
+ procedure OpenFile(FileName : string; OpenKind : T_LOGFILE_OPEN_KIND := WRITE_MODE);
+ impure function OpenFile(FileName : string; OpenKind : T_LOGFILE_OPEN_KIND := WRITE_MODE) return FILE_OPEN_STATUS;
+ procedure OpenFile(Status : out FILE_OPEN_STATUS; FileName : string; OpenKind : T_LOGFILE_OPEN_KIND := WRITE_MODE);
+ impure function IsOpen return boolean;
+ procedure CloseFile;
+ procedure Print(str : string);
+ procedure PrintLine(str : string := "");
+ procedure Flush;
+ -- procedure WriteLine(LineBuffer : inout LINE);
+ end protected;
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ type T_FILE is protected
+ procedure OpenFile(FileName : string; OpenKind : FILE_OPEN_KIND := WRITE_MODE);
+ impure function OpenFile(FileName : string; OpenKind : FILE_OPEN_KIND := WRITE_MODE) return FILE_OPEN_STATUS;
+ procedure OpenFile(Status : out FILE_OPEN_STATUS; FileName : string; OpenKind : FILE_OPEN_KIND := WRITE_MODE);
+ impure function IsOpen return boolean;
+ procedure CloseFile;
+ procedure Print(str : string);
+ procedure PrintLine(str : string := "");
+ procedure Flush;
+ -- procedure WriteLine(LineBuffer : inout LINE);
+ end protected;
+ type T_STDOUT is protected
+ procedure Print(str : string);
+ procedure PrintLine(str : string := "");
+ procedure Flush;
+ end protected;
+end package;
+package body FileIO is
+ constant C_LINEBREAK : string := ite(str_equal(MY_OPERATING_SYSTEM, "WINDOWS"), (CR & LF), (1 => LF));
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ file Global_LogFile : TEXT;
+ -- shared variable LogFile_IsOpen : P_BOOLEAN;
+ -- shared variable LogFile : T_LOGFILE;
+ -- shared variable StdOut : T_STDOUT;
+ -- shared variable LogFile_IsMirrored : P_BOOLEAN;
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ type T_LOGFILE is protected body
+ variable LineBuffer : LINE;
+ variable Local_IsOpen : boolean;
+ variable Local_FileName : string(1 to 256);
+ procedure OpenFile(FileName : string; OpenKind : T_LOGFILE_OPEN_KIND := WRITE_MODE) is
+ variable Status : FILE_OPEN_STATUS;
+ begin
+ OpenFile(Status, FileName, OpenKind);
+ end procedure;
+ impure function OpenFile(FileName : string; OpenKind : T_LOGFILE_OPEN_KIND := WRITE_MODE) return FILE_OPEN_STATUS is
+ variable Status : FILE_OPEN_STATUS;
+ begin
+ OpenFile(Status, FileName, OpenKind);
+ return Status;
+ end function;
+ procedure OpenFile(Status : out FILE_OPEN_STATUS; FileName : string; OpenKind : T_LOGFILE_OPEN_KIND := WRITE_MODE) is
+ variable Status_i : FILE_OPEN_STATUS;
+ begin
+ if not Local_IsOpen then
+ file_open(Status_i, Global_LogFile, FileName, OpenKind);
+ Local_IsOpen := Status_i = OPEN_OK;
+ Local_FileName := resize(FileName, Local_FileName'length);
+ Status := Status_i;
+ else
+ report "Global log file '" & str_trim(Local_FileName) & "' is already open." severity ERROR;
+ end if;
+ end procedure;
+ impure function IsOpen return boolean is
+ begin
+ return Local_IsOpen;
+ end function;
+ procedure CloseFile is
+ begin
+ if Local_IsOpen then
+ file_close(Global_LogFile);
+ Local_IsOpen := FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure WriteLine(LineBuffer : inout LINE) is
+ begin
+ if not Local_IsOpen then
+ writeline(OUTPUT, LineBuffer);
+ -- elsif (LogFile_IsMirrored.Get = TRUE) then
+ -- tee(Global_LogFile, LineBuffer);
+ else
+ writeline(Global_LogFile, LineBuffer);
+ end if ;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure Print(str : string) is
+ begin
+ write(LineBuffer, str);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure PrintLine(str : string := "") is
+ begin
+ write(LineBuffer, str);
+ WriteLine(LineBuffer);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure Flush is
+ begin
+ WriteLine(LineBuffer);
+ end procedure;
+ end protected body;
+ type T_FILE is protected body
+ file LocalFile : TEXT;
+ variable LineBuffer : LINE;
+ variable Local_IsOpen : boolean;
+ variable Local_FileName : string(1 to 256);
+ procedure OpenFile(FileName : string; OpenKind : FILE_OPEN_KIND := WRITE_MODE) is
+ variable Status : FILE_OPEN_STATUS;
+ begin
+ OpenFile(Status, FileName, OpenKind);
+ end procedure;
+ impure function OpenFile(FileName : string; OpenKind : FILE_OPEN_KIND := WRITE_MODE) return FILE_OPEN_STATUS is
+ variable Status : FILE_OPEN_STATUS;
+ begin
+ OpenFile(Status, FileName, OpenKind);
+ return Status;
+ end function;
+ impure function IsOpen return boolean is
+ begin
+ return Local_IsOpen;
+ end function;
+ procedure OpenFile(Status : out FILE_OPEN_STATUS; FileName : string; OpenKind : FILE_OPEN_KIND := WRITE_MODE) is
+ variable Status_i : FILE_OPEN_STATUS;
+ begin
+ if not Local_IsOpen then
+ file_open(Status_i, LocalFile, FileName, OpenKind);
+ Local_IsOpen := Status_i = OPEN_OK;
+ Local_FileName := resize(FileName, Local_FileName'length);
+ Status := Status_i;
+ else
+ report "File '" & str_trim(Local_FileName) & "' is already open." severity ERROR;
+ end if;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure CloseFile is
+ begin
+ if Local_IsOpen then
+ file_close(LocalFile);
+ Local_IsOpen := FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure WriteLine(LineBuffer : inout LINE) is
+ begin
+ if not Local_IsOpen then
+ report "File is not open." severity ERROR;
+ else
+ writeline(LocalFile, LineBuffer);
+ end if ;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure Print(str : string) is
+ begin
+ write(LineBuffer, str);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure PrintLine(str : string := "") is
+ begin
+ write(LineBuffer, str);
+ WriteLine(LineBuffer);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure Flush is
+ begin
+ WriteLine(LineBuffer);
+ end procedure;
+ end protected body;
+ type T_STDOUT is protected body
+ variable LineBuffer : LINE;
+ procedure Print(str : string) is
+ begin
+ write(LineBuffer, str);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure PrintLine(str : string := "") is
+ begin
+ write(LineBuffer, str);
+ writeline(OUTPUT, LineBuffer);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure Flush is
+ begin
+ writeline(OUTPUT, LineBuffer);
+ end procedure;
+ end protected body;
+end package body;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/math.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/math.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b366418e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/math.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+-- EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+-- vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+-- kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Authors: Patrick Lehmann
+-- Package: Math extension package.
+-- Description:
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- This package provides additional math functions.
+-- License:
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Copyright 2007-2015 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany,
+-- Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- =============================================================================
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
+library PoC;
+use PoC.utils.all;
+package math is
+ -- figurate numbers
+ function squareNumber(N : natural) return natural;
+ function cubicNumber(N : natural) return natural;
+ function triangularNumber(N : natural) return natural;
+ -- coefficients
+ -- binomial coefficient (N choose K)
+ function binomialCoefficient(N : positive; K : positive) return positive;
+ -- greatest common divisor (gcd)
+ function greatestCommonDivisor(N1 : positive; N2 : positive) return positive;
+ -- least common multiple (lcm)
+ function leastCommonMultiple(N1 : positive; N2 : positive) return positive;
+end package;
+package body math is
+ -- figurate numbers
+ function squareNumber(N : natural) return natural is
+ begin
+ return N*N;
+ end function;
+ function cubicNumber(N : natural) return natural is
+ begin
+ return N*N*N;
+ end function;
+ function triangularNumber(N : natural) return natural is
+ variable T : natural;
+ begin
+ return (N * (N + 1) / 2);
+ end function;
+ -- coefficients
+ function binomialCoefficient(N : positive; K : positive) return positive is
+ variable Result : positive;
+ begin
+ Result := 1;
+ for i in 1 to K loop
+ Result := Result * (((N + 1) - i) / i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- greatest common divisor (gcd)
+ function greatestCommonDivisor(N1 : positive; N2 : positive) return positive is
+ variable M1 : positive;
+ variable M2 : natural;
+ variable Remainer : natural;
+ begin
+ M1 := imax(N1, N2);
+ M2 := imin(N1, N2);
+ while M2 /= 0 loop
+ Remainer := M1 mod M2;
+ M1 := M2;
+ M2 := Remainer;
+ end loop;
+ return M1;
+ end function;
+ -- least common multiple (lcm)
+ function leastCommonMultiple(N1 : positive; N2 : positive) return positive is
+ begin
+ return ((N1 * N2) / greatestCommonDivisor(N1, N2));
+ end function;
+end package body;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/physical.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/physical.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b8b07d7e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/physical.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,1039 @@
+-- EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+-- vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+-- kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Authors: Patrick Lehmann
+-- Martin Zabel
+-- Thomas B. Preusser
+-- Package: This VHDL package declares new physical types and their
+-- conversion functions.
+-- Description:
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- For detailed documentation see below.
+-- t - time
+-- p - period
+-- d - delay
+-- f - frequency
+-- br - baud rate
+-- vec - vector
+-- This package is not supported by Xilinx Synthese Tools prior to 14.7!
+-- It was successfully tested with:
+-- - Xilinx Synthesis Tool (XST) 14.7 and Xilinx ISE Simulator (iSim) 14.7
+-- - Quartus II 13.1
+-- - QuestaSim 10.0d
+-- - GHDL 0.31
+-- Tool chains with known issues:
+-- - Xilinx Vivado Synthesis 2014.4
+-- Untested tool chains
+-- - Xilinx Vivado Simulator (xSim) 2014.4
+-- License:
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Copyright 2007-2015 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany,
+-- Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- =============================================================================
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.math_real.all;
+library PoC;
+use PoC.config.all;
+use PoC.utils.all;
+use PoC.strings.all;
+package physical is
+ type FREQ is range 0 to integer'high units
+ Hz;
+ kHz = 1000 Hz;
+ MHz = 1000 kHz;
+ GHz = 1000 MHz;
+ end units;
+ type BAUD is range 0 to integer'high units
+ Bd;
+ kBd = 1000 Bd;
+ MBd = 1000 kBd;
+ GBd = 1000 MBd;
+ end units;
+ type MEMORY is range 0 to integer'high units
+ Byte;
+ KiB = 1024 Byte;
+ MiB = 1024 KiB;
+ GiB = 1024 MiB;
+ end units;
+ -- vector data types
+ type T_TIMEVEC is array(natural range <>) of time;
+ type T_FREQVEC is array(natural range <>) of FREQ;
+ type T_BAUDVEC is array(natural range <>) of BAUD;
+ type T_MEMVEC is array(natural range <>) of MEMORY;
+ -- if true: TimingToCycles reports difference between expected and actual result
+ -- conversion functions
+ function to_time(f : FREQ) return time;
+ function to_freq(p : time) return FREQ;
+ function to_freq(br : BAUD) return FREQ;
+ function to_baud(str : string) return BAUD;
+ -- inter-type arithmetic
+ function div(a : time; b : time) return real;
+ function div(a : FREQ; b : FREQ) return real;
+ function "/"(x : real; t : time) return FREQ;
+ function "/"(x : real; f : FREQ) return time;
+ function "*"(t : time; f : FREQ) return real;
+ function "*"(f : FREQ; t : time) return real;
+ -- if-then-else
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : time; value2 : time) return time;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : FREQ; value2 : FREQ) return FREQ;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : BAUD; value2 : BAUD) return BAUD;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : MEMORY; value2 : MEMORY) return MEMORY;
+ -- min/ max for 2 arguments
+ function tmin(arg1 : time; arg2 : time) return time; -- Calculates: min(arg1, arg2) for times
+ function fmin(arg1 : FREQ; arg2 : FREQ) return FREQ; -- Calculates: min(arg1, arg2) for frequencies
+ function bmin(arg1 : BAUD; arg2 : BAUD) return BAUD; -- Calculates: min(arg1, arg2) for symbols per second
+ function mmin(arg1 : MEMORY; arg2 : MEMORY) return MEMORY; -- Calculates: min(arg1, arg2) for memory
+ function tmax(arg1 : time; arg2 : time) return time; -- Calculates: max(arg1, arg2) for times
+ function fmax(arg1 : FREQ; arg2 : FREQ) return FREQ; -- Calculates: max(arg1, arg2) for frequencies
+ function bmax(arg1 : BAUD; arg2 : BAUD) return BAUD; -- Calculates: max(arg1, arg2) for symbols per second
+ function mmax(arg1 : MEMORY; arg2 : MEMORY) return MEMORY; -- Calculates: max(arg1, arg2) for memory
+ -- min/max/sum as vector aggregation
+ function tmin(vec : T_TIMEVEC) return time; -- Calculates: min(vec) for a time vector
+ function fmin(vec : T_FREQVEC) return FREQ; -- Calculates: min(vec) for a frequency vector
+ function bmin(vec : T_BAUDVEC) return BAUD; -- Calculates: min(vec) for a baud vector
+ function mmin(vec : T_MEMVEC) return MEMORY; -- Calculates: min(vec) for a memory vector
+ function tmax(vec : T_TIMEVEC) return time; -- Calculates: max(vec) for a time vector
+ function fmax(vec : T_FREQVEC) return FREQ; -- Calculates: max(vec) for a frequency vector
+ function bmax(vec : T_BAUDVEC) return BAUD; -- Calculates: max(vec) for a baud vector
+ function mmax(vec : T_MEMVEC) return MEMORY; -- Calculates: max(vec) for a memory vector
+ function tsum(vec : T_TIMEVEC) return time; -- Calculates: sum(vec) for a time vector
+ function fsum(vec : T_FREQVEC) return FREQ; -- Calculates: sum(vec) for a frequency vector
+ function bsum(vec : T_BAUDVEC) return BAUD; -- Calculates: sum(vec) for a baud vector
+ function msum(vec : T_MEMVEC) return MEMORY; -- Calculates: sum(vec) for a memory vector
+ -- convert standard types (NATURAL, REAL) to time (TIME)
+ function fs2Time(t_fs : integer) return time;
+ function ps2Time(t_ps : integer) return time;
+ function ns2Time(t_ns : integer) return time;
+ function us2Time(t_us : integer) return time;
+ function ms2Time(t_ms : integer) return time;
+ function sec2Time(t_sec : integer) return time;
+ function fs2Time(t_fs : REAL) return time;
+ function ps2Time(t_ps : REAL) return time;
+ function ns2Time(t_ns : REAL) return time;
+ function us2Time(t_us : REAL) return time;
+ function ms2Time(t_ms : REAL) return time;
+ function sec2Time(t_sec : REAL) return time;
+ -- convert standard types (NATURAL, REAL) to period (TIME)
+ function Hz2Time(f_Hz : natural) return time;
+ function kHz2Time(f_kHz : natural) return time;
+ function MHz2Time(f_MHz : natural) return time;
+ function GHz2Time(f_GHz : natural) return time;
+ function Hz2Time(f_Hz : REAL) return time;
+ function kHz2Time(f_kHz : REAL) return time;
+ function MHz2Time(f_MHz : REAL) return time;
+ function GHz2Time(f_GHz : REAL) return time;
+ -- convert standard types (NATURAL, REAL) to frequency (FREQ)
+ function Hz2Freq(f_Hz : natural) return FREQ;
+ function kHz2Freq(f_kHz : natural) return FREQ;
+ function MHz2Freq(f_MHz : natural) return FREQ;
+ function GHz2Freq(f_GHz : natural) return FREQ;
+ function Hz2Freq(f_Hz : REAL) return FREQ;
+ function kHz2Freq(f_kHz : REAL) return FREQ;
+ function MHz2Freq(f_MHz : REAL) return FREQ;
+ function GHz2Freq(f_GHz : REAL) return FREQ;
+ -- convert physical types to standard type (REAL)
+ function to_real(t : time; scale : time) return REAL;
+ function to_real(f : FREQ; scale : FREQ) return REAL;
+ function to_real(br : BAUD; scale : BAUD) return REAL;
+ function to_real(mem : MEMORY; scale : MEMORY) return REAL;
+ -- convert physical types to standard type (INTEGER)
+ function to_int(t : time; scale : time; RoundingStyle : T_ROUNDING_STYLE := ROUND_TO_NEAREST) return integer;
+ function to_int(f : FREQ; scale : FREQ; RoundingStyle : T_ROUNDING_STYLE := ROUND_TO_NEAREST) return integer;
+ function to_int(br : BAUD; scale : BAUD; RoundingStyle : T_ROUNDING_STYLE := ROUND_TO_NEAREST) return integer;
+ function to_int(mem : MEMORY; scale : MEMORY; RoundingStyle : T_ROUNDING_STYLE := ROUND_UP) return integer;
+ -- calculate needed counter cycles to achieve a given 1. timing/delay and 2. frequency/period
+ function TimingToCycles(Timing : time; Clock_Period : time; RoundingStyle : T_ROUNDING_STYLE := ROUND_UP) return natural;
+ function TimingToCycles(Timing : time; Clock_Frequency : FREQ; RoundingStyle : T_ROUNDING_STYLE := ROUND_UP) return natural;
+ function CyclesToDelay(Cycles : natural; Clock_Period : time) return time;
+ function CyclesToDelay(Cycles : natural; Clock_Frequency : FREQ) return time;
+ -- convert and format physical types to STRING
+ function to_string(t : time; precision : natural) return string;
+ function to_string(f : FREQ; precision : natural) return string;
+ function to_string(br : BAUD; precision : natural) return string;
+ function to_string(mem : MEMORY; precision : natural) return string;
+end package;
+package body physical is
+ -- WORKAROUND: for simulators with a "Minimal Time Resolution" > 1 fs
+ -- Version: all
+ -- Vendors: all
+ -- Issue:
+ -- Some simulators use a lower minimal time resolution (MTR) than the VHDL
+ -- standard (LRM) defines (1 fs). Usually, the MTR is set to 1 ps or 1 ns.
+ -- Most simulators allow the user to specify a higher MTR -> check the
+ -- simulator documentation.
+ -- Solution:
+ -- The currently set MTR can be calculated in VHDL. Using the correct MTR
+ -- can prevent cleared intermediate values and division by zero errors.
+ -- Examples:
+ -- Mentor Graphics QuestaSim/ModelSim (vSim): default MTR = ? ??
+ -- Xilinx ISE Simulator (iSim): default MTR = 1 ps
+ -- Xilinx Vivado Simulator (xSim): default MTR = 1 ps
+ function MinimalTimeResolutionInSimulation return time is
+ begin
+ if (1 fs > 0 sec) then return 1 fs;
+ elsif (1 ps > 0 sec) then return 1 ps;
+ elsif (1 ns > 0 sec) then return 1 ns;
+ elsif (1 us > 0 sec) then return 1 us;
+ elsif (1 ms > 0 sec) then return 1 ms;
+ else return 1 sec;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ -- real division for physical types
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function div(a : time; b : time) return REAL is
+ constant MTRIS : time := MinimalTimeResolutionInSimulation;
+ variable a_real : real;
+ variable b_real : real;
+ begin
+ -- WORKAROUND: for Altera Quartus
+ -- Version: all
+ -- Issue:
+ -- Results of TIME arithmetic must be in 32-bit integer range, because
+ -- the internally used 64-bit integer for type TIME can not be
+ -- represented in VHDL.
+ -- Solution:
+ -- Pre- and post-scale all values to stay in the integer range.
+ if a < 1 us then
+ a_real := real(a / MTRIS);
+ elsif a < 1 ms then
+ a_real := real(a / (1000 * MTRIS)) * 1000.0;
+ elsif a < 1 sec then
+ a_real := real(a / (1000000 * MTRIS)) * 1000000.0;
+ else
+ a_real := real(a / (1000000000 * MTRIS)) * 1000000000.0;
+ end if;
+ if b < 1 us then
+ b_real := real(b / MTRIS);
+ elsif b < 1 ms then
+ b_real := real(b / (1000 * MTRIS)) * 1000.0;
+ elsif b < 1 sec then
+ b_real := real(b / (1000000 * MTRIS)) * 1000000.0;
+ else
+ b_real := real(b / (1000000000 * MTRIS)) * 1000000000.0;
+ end if;
+ return a_real / b_real;
+ end function;
+ function div(a : FREQ; b : FREQ) return REAL is
+ begin
+ return real(a / 1 Hz) / real(b / 1 Hz);
+ end function;
+ function div(a : BAUD; b : BAUD) return REAL is
+ begin
+ return real(a / 1 Bd) / real(b / 1 Bd);
+ end function;
+ function div(a : MEMORY; b : MEMORY) return REAL is
+ begin
+ return real(a / 1 Byte) / real(b / 1 Byte);
+ end function;
+ -- conversion functions
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function to_time(f : FREQ) return time is
+ variable res : time;
+ begin
+ res := div(1000 MHz, f) * 1 ns;
+ if POC_VERBOSE then
+ report "to_time: f= " & to_string(f, 3) & " return " & to_string(res, 3) severity note;
+ end if;
+ return res;
+ end function;
+ function to_freq(p : time) return FREQ is
+ variable res : FREQ;
+ begin
+ if (p <= 1 sec) then res := div(1 sec, p) * 1 Hz;
+ else report "to_freq: input period exceeds output frequency scale." severity failure;
+ end if;
+ if POC_VERBOSE then
+ report "to_freq: p= " & to_string(p, 3) & " return " & to_string(res, 3) severity note;
+ end if;
+ return res;
+ end function;
+ function to_freq(br : BAUD) return FREQ is
+ variable res : FREQ;
+ begin
+ res := (br / 1 Bd) * 1 Hz;
+ if POC_VERBOSE then
+ report "to_freq: br= " & to_string(br, 3) & " return " & to_string(res, 3) severity note;
+ end if;
+ return res;
+ end function;
+ function to_baud(str : string) return BAUD is
+ variable pos : integer;
+ variable int : natural;
+ variable base : positive;
+ variable frac : natural;
+ variable digits : natural;
+ begin
+ pos := str'low;
+ int := 0;
+ frac := 0;
+ digits := 0;
+ -- read integer part
+ for i in pos to str'high loop
+ if chr_isDigit(str(i)) then int := int * 10 + to_digit_dec(str(i));
+ elsif (str(i) = '.') then pos := -i; exit;
+ elsif (str(i) = ' ') then pos := i; exit;
+ else pos := 0; exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- read fractional part
+ if ((pos < 0) and (-pos < str'high)) then
+ for i in -pos+1 to str'high loop
+ if ((frac = 0) and (str(i) = '0')) then next;
+ elsif chr_isDigit(str(i)) then frac := frac * 10 + to_digit_dec(str(i));
+ elsif (str(i) = ' ') then digits := i + pos - 1; pos := i; exit;
+ else pos := 0; exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ -- abort if format is unknown
+ if pos = 0 then report "to_baud: Unknown format" severity FAILURE; end if;
+ -- parse unit
+ pos := pos + 1;
+ if ((pos + 1 = str'high) and (str(pos to pos + 1) = "Bd")) then
+ return int * 1 Bd;
+ elsif (pos + 2 = str'high) then
+ if (str(pos to pos + 2) = "kBd") then
+ if frac = 0 then return (int * 1 kBd);
+ elsif (digits <= 3) then return (int * 1 kBd) + (frac * 10**(3 - digits) * 1 Bd);
+ else return (int * 1 kBd) + (frac / 10**(digits - 3) * 100 Bd);
+ end if;
+ elsif (str(pos to pos + 2) = "MBd") then
+ if frac = 0 then return (int * 1 kBd);
+ elsif (digits <= 3) then return (int * 1 MBd) + (frac * 10**(3 - digits) * 1 kBd);
+ elsif (digits <= 6) then return (int * 1 MBd) + (frac * 10**(6 - digits) * 1 Bd);
+ else return (int * 1 MBd) + (frac / 10**(digits - 6) * 100000 Bd);
+ end if;
+ elsif (str(pos to pos + 2) = "GBd") then
+ if frac = 0 then return (int * 1 kBd);
+ elsif (digits <= 3) then return (int * 1 GBd) + (frac * 10**(3 - digits) * 1 MBd);
+ elsif (digits <= 6) then return (int * 1 GBd) + (frac * 10**(6 - digits) * 1 kBd);
+ elsif (digits <= 9) then return (int * 1 GBd) + (frac * 10**(9 - digits) * 1 Bd);
+ else return (int * 1 GBd) + (frac / 10**(digits - 9) * 100000000 Bd);
+ end if;
+ else
+ report "to_baud: Unknown unit." severity FAILURE;
+ end if;
+ else
+ report "to_baud: Unknown format" severity FAILURE;
+ end if;
+ return 0 Bd;
+ end function;
+ -- inter-type arithmetic
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function "/"(x : real; t : time) return FREQ is
+ begin
+ return x*div(1 ms, t) * 1 kHz;
+ end function;
+ function "/"(x : real; f : FREQ) return time is
+ begin
+ return x*div(1 kHz, f) * 1 ms;
+ end function;
+ function "*"(t : time; f : FREQ) return real is
+ begin
+ return div(t, 1.0/f);
+ end function;
+ function "*"(f : FREQ; t : time) return real is
+ begin
+ return div(f, 1.0/t);
+ end function;
+ -- if-then-else
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : time; value2 : time) return time is
+ begin
+ if cond then
+ return value1;
+ else
+ return value2;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : FREQ; value2 : FREQ) return FREQ is
+ begin
+ if cond then
+ return value1;
+ else
+ return value2;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : BAUD; value2 : BAUD) return BAUD is
+ begin
+ if cond then
+ return value1;
+ else
+ return value2;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : MEMORY; value2 : MEMORY) return MEMORY is
+ begin
+ if cond then
+ return value1;
+ else
+ return value2;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ -- min/ max for 2 arguments
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- Calculates: min(arg1, arg2) for times
+ function tmin(arg1 : time; arg2 : time) return time is
+ begin
+ if arg1 < arg2 then return arg1; end if;
+ return arg2;
+ end function;
+ -- Calculates: min(arg1, arg2) for frequencies
+ function fmin(arg1 : FREQ; arg2 : FREQ) return FREQ is
+ begin
+ if arg1 < arg2 then return arg1; end if;
+ return arg2;
+ end function;
+ -- Calculates: min(arg1, arg2) for symbols per second
+ function bmin(arg1 : BAUD; arg2 : BAUD) return BAUD is
+ begin
+ if arg1 < arg2 then return arg1; end if;
+ return arg2;
+ end function;
+ -- Calculates: min(arg1, arg2) for memory
+ function mmin(arg1 : MEMORY; arg2 : MEMORY) return MEMORY is
+ begin
+ if arg1 < arg2 then return arg1; end if;
+ return arg2;
+ end function;
+ -- Calculates: max(arg1, arg2) for times
+ function tmax(arg1 : time; arg2 : time) return time is
+ begin
+ if arg1 > arg2 then return arg1; end if;
+ return arg2;
+ end function;
+ -- Calculates: max(arg1, arg2) for frequencies
+ function fmax(arg1 : FREQ; arg2 : FREQ) return FREQ is
+ begin
+ if arg1 > arg2 then return arg1; end if;
+ return arg2;
+ end function;
+ -- Calculates: max(arg1, arg2) for symbols per second
+ function bmax(arg1 : BAUD; arg2 : BAUD) return BAUD is
+ begin
+ if arg1 > arg2 then return arg1; end if;
+ return arg2;
+ end function;
+ -- Calculates: max(arg1, arg2) for memory
+ function mmax(arg1 : MEMORY; arg2 : MEMORY) return MEMORY is
+ begin
+ if arg1 > arg2 then return arg1; end if;
+ return arg2;
+ end function;
+ -- min/max/sum as vector aggregation
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- Calculates: min(vec) for a time vector
+ function tmin(vec : T_TIMEVEC) return time is
+ variable res : time := time'high;
+ begin
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ if vec(i) < res then
+ res := vec(i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return res;
+ end;
+ -- Calculates: min(vec) for a frequency vector
+ function fmin(vec : T_FREQVEC) return FREQ is
+ variable res : FREQ := FREQ'high;
+ begin
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ if (integer(FREQ'pos(vec(i))) < integer(FREQ'pos(res))) then -- Quartus workaround
+ res := vec(i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return res;
+ end;
+ -- Calculates: min(vec) for a baud vector
+ function bmin(vec : T_BAUDVEC) return BAUD is
+ variable res : BAUD := BAUD'high;
+ begin
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ if (integer(BAUD'pos(vec(i))) < integer(BAUD'pos(res))) then -- Quartus workaround
+ res := vec(i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return res;
+ end;
+ -- Calculates: min(vec) for a memory vector
+ function mmin(vec : T_MEMVEC) return MEMORY is
+ variable res : MEMORY := MEMORY'high;
+ begin
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ if (integer(MEMORY'pos(vec(i))) < integer(MEMORY'pos(res))) then -- Quartus workaround
+ res := vec(i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return res;
+ end;
+ -- Calculates: max(vec) for a time vector
+ function tmax(vec : T_TIMEVEC) return time is
+ variable res : time := time'low;
+ begin
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ if vec(i) > res then
+ res := vec(i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return res;
+ end;
+ -- Calculates: max(vec) for a frequency vector
+ function fmax(vec : T_FREQVEC) return FREQ is
+ variable res : FREQ := FREQ'low;
+ begin
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ if (integer(FREQ'pos(vec(i))) > integer(FREQ'pos(res))) then -- Quartus workaround
+ res := vec(i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return res;
+ end;
+ -- Calculates: max(vec) for a baud vector
+ function bmax(vec : T_BAUDVEC) return BAUD is
+ variable res : BAUD := BAUD'low;
+ begin
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ if (integer(BAUD'pos(vec(i))) > integer(BAUD'pos(res))) then -- Quartus workaround
+ res := vec(i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return res;
+ end;
+ -- Calculates: max(vec) for a memory vector
+ function mmax(vec : T_MEMVEC) return MEMORY is
+ variable res : MEMORY := MEMORY'low;
+ begin
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ if (integer(MEMORY'pos(vec(i))) > integer(MEMORY'pos(res))) then -- Quartus workaround
+ res := vec(i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return res;
+ end;
+ -- Calculates: sum(vec) for a time vector
+ function tsum(vec : T_TIMEVEC) return time is
+ variable res : time := 0 fs;
+ begin
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ res := res + vec(i);
+ end loop;
+ return res;
+ end;
+ -- Calculates: sum(vec) for a frequency vector
+ function fsum(vec : T_FREQVEC) return FREQ is
+ variable res : FREQ := 0 Hz;
+ begin
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ res := res + vec(i);
+ end loop;
+ return res;
+ end;
+ -- Calculates: sum(vec) for a baud vector
+ function bsum(vec : T_BAUDVEC) return BAUD is
+ variable res : BAUD := 0 Bd;
+ begin
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ res := res + vec(i);
+ end loop;
+ return res;
+ end;
+ -- Calculates: sum(vec) for a memory vector
+ function msum(vec : T_MEMVEC) return MEMORY is
+ variable res : MEMORY := 0 Byte;
+ begin
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ res := res + vec(i);
+ end loop;
+ return res;
+ end;
+ -- convert standard types (NATURAL, REAL) to time (TIME)
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function fs2Time(t_fs : integer) return time is
+ begin
+ return t_fs * 1 fs;
+ end function;
+ function ps2Time(t_ps : integer) return time is
+ begin
+ return t_ps * 1 ps;
+ end function;
+ function ns2Time(t_ns : integer) return time is
+ begin
+ return t_ns * 1 ns;
+ end function;
+ function us2Time(t_us : integer) return time is
+ begin
+ return t_us * 1 us;
+ end function;
+ function ms2Time(t_ms : integer) return time is
+ begin
+ return t_ms * 1 ms;
+ end function;
+ function sec2Time(t_sec : integer) return time is
+ begin
+ return t_sec * 1 sec;
+ end function;
+ function fs2Time(t_fs : REAL) return time is
+ begin
+ return t_fs * 1 fs;
+ end function;
+ function ps2Time(t_ps : REAL) return time is
+ begin
+ return t_ps * 1 ps;
+ end function;
+ function ns2Time(t_ns : REAL) return time is
+ begin
+ return t_ns * 1 ns;
+ end function;
+ function us2Time(t_us : REAL) return time is
+ begin
+ return t_us * 1 us;
+ end function;
+ function ms2Time(t_ms : REAL) return time is
+ begin
+ return t_ms * 1 ms;
+ end function;
+ function sec2Time(t_sec : REAL) return time is
+ begin
+ return t_sec * 1 sec;
+ end function;
+ -- convert standard types (NATURAL, REAL) to period (TIME)
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function Hz2Time(f_Hz : natural) return time is
+ begin
+ return 1 sec / f_Hz;
+ end function;
+ function kHz2Time(f_kHz : natural) return time is
+ begin
+ return 1 ms / f_kHz;
+ end function;
+ function MHz2Time(f_MHz : natural) return time
+ is
+ begin
+ return 1 us / f_MHz;
+ end function;
+ function GHz2Time(f_GHz : natural) return time is
+ begin
+ return 1 ns / f_GHz;
+ end function;
+ function Hz2Time(f_Hz : REAL) return time is
+ begin
+ return 1 sec / f_Hz;
+ end function;
+ function kHz2Time(f_kHz : REAL) return time is
+ begin
+ return 1 ms / f_kHz;
+ end function;
+ function MHz2Time(f_MHz : REAL) return time is
+ begin
+ return 1 us / f_MHz;
+ end function;
+ function GHz2Time(f_GHz : REAL) return time is
+ begin
+ return 1 ns / f_GHz;
+ end function;
+ -- convert standard types (NATURAL, REAL) to frequency (FREQ)
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function Hz2Freq(f_Hz : natural) return FREQ is
+ begin
+ return f_Hz * 1 Hz;
+ end function;
+ function kHz2Freq(f_kHz : natural) return FREQ is
+ begin
+ return f_kHz * 1 kHz;
+ end function;
+ function MHz2Freq(f_MHz : natural) return FREQ is
+ begin
+ return f_MHz * 1 MHz;
+ end function;
+ function GHz2Freq(f_GHz : natural) return FREQ is
+ begin
+ return f_GHz * 1 GHz;
+ end function;
+ function Hz2Freq(f_Hz : REAL) return FREQ is
+ begin
+ return f_Hz * 1 Hz;
+ end function;
+ function kHz2Freq(f_kHz : REAL )return FREQ is
+ begin
+ return f_kHz * 1 kHz;
+ end function;
+ function MHz2Freq(f_MHz : REAL )return FREQ is
+ begin
+ return f_MHz * 1 MHz;
+ end function;
+ function GHz2Freq(f_GHz : REAL )return FREQ is
+ begin
+ return f_GHz * 1 GHz;
+ end function;
+ -- convert physical types to standard type (REAL)
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function to_real(t : time; scale : time) return REAL is
+ begin
+ if (scale = 1 fs) then return div(t, 1 fs);
+ elsif (scale = 1 ps) then return div(t, 1 ps);
+ elsif (scale = 1 ns) then return div(t, 1 ns);
+ elsif (scale = 1 us) then return div(t, 1 us);
+ elsif (scale = 1 ms) then return div(t, 1 ms);
+ elsif (scale = 1 sec) then return div(t, 1 sec);
+ else report "to_real: scale must have a value of '1 <unit>'" severity failure;
+ return 0.0;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ function to_real(f : FREQ; scale : FREQ) return REAL is
+ begin
+ if (scale = 1 Hz) then return div(f, 1 Hz);
+ elsif (scale = 1 kHz) then return div(f, 1 kHz);
+ elsif (scale = 1 MHz) then return div(f, 1 MHz);
+ elsif (scale = 1 GHz) then return div(f, 1 GHz);
+-- elsif (scale = 1 THz) then return div(f, 1 THz);
+ else report "to_real: scale must have a value of '1 <unit>'" severity failure;
+ end if;
+ return 0.0;
+ end;
+ function to_real(br : BAUD; scale : BAUD) return REAL is
+ begin
+ if (scale = 1 Bd) then return div(br, 1 Bd);
+ elsif (scale = 1 kBd) then return div(br, 1 kBd);
+ elsif (scale = 1 MBd) then return div(br, 1 MBd);
+ elsif (scale = 1 GBd) then return div(br, 1 GBd);
+ else report "to_real: scale must have a value of '1 <unit>'" severity failure;
+ end if;
+ return 0.0;
+ end;
+ function to_real(mem : MEMORY; scale : MEMORY) return REAL is
+ begin
+ if (scale = 1 Byte) then return div(mem, 1 Byte);
+ elsif (scale = 1 KiB) then return div(mem, 1 KiB);
+ elsif (scale = 1 MiB) then return div(mem, 1 MiB);
+ elsif (scale = 1 GiB) then return div(mem, 1 GiB);
+ else report "to_real: scale must have a value of '1 <unit>'" severity failure;
+ end if;
+ return 0.0;
+ end;
+ -- convert physical types to standard type (INTEGER)
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function to_int(t : time; scale : time; RoundingStyle : T_ROUNDING_STYLE := ROUND_TO_NEAREST) return integer is
+ begin
+ case RoundingStyle is
+ when ROUND_UP => return integer(ceil(to_real(t, scale)));
+ when ROUND_DOWN => return integer(floor(to_real(t, scale)));
+ when ROUND_TO_NEAREST => return integer(round(to_real(t, scale)));
+ when others => null;
+ end case;
+ report "to_int: unsupported RoundingStyle: " & T_ROUNDING_STYLE'image(RoundingStyle) severity failure;
+ return 0;
+ end;
+ function to_int(f : FREQ; scale : FREQ; RoundingStyle : T_ROUNDING_STYLE := ROUND_TO_NEAREST) return integer is
+ begin
+ case RoundingStyle is
+ when ROUND_UP => return integer(ceil(to_real(f, scale)));
+ when ROUND_DOWN => return integer(floor(to_real(f, scale)));
+ when ROUND_TO_NEAREST => return integer(round(to_real(f, scale)));
+ when others => null;
+ end case;
+ report "to_int: unsupported RoundingStyle: " & T_ROUNDING_STYLE'image(RoundingStyle) severity failure;
+ return 0;
+ end;
+ function to_int(br : BAUD; scale : BAUD; RoundingStyle : T_ROUNDING_STYLE := ROUND_TO_NEAREST) return integer is
+ begin
+ case RoundingStyle is
+ when ROUND_UP => return integer(ceil(to_real(br, scale)));
+ when ROUND_DOWN => return integer(floor(to_real(br, scale)));
+ when ROUND_TO_NEAREST => return integer(round(to_real(br, scale)));
+ when others => null;
+ end case;
+ report "to_int: unsupported RoundingStyle: " & T_ROUNDING_STYLE'image(RoundingStyle) severity failure;
+ return 0;
+ end;
+ function to_int(mem : MEMORY; scale : MEMORY; RoundingStyle : T_ROUNDING_STYLE := ROUND_UP) return integer is
+ begin
+ case RoundingStyle is
+ when ROUND_UP => return integer(ceil(to_real(mem, scale)));
+ when ROUND_DOWN => return integer(floor(to_real(mem, scale)));
+ when ROUND_TO_NEAREST => return integer(round(to_real(mem, scale)));
+ when others => null;
+ end case;
+ report "to_int: unsupported RoundingStyle: " & T_ROUNDING_STYLE'image(RoundingStyle) severity failure;
+ return 0;
+ end;
+ -- calculate needed counter cycles to achieve a given 1. timing/delay and 2. frequency/period
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- @param Timing A given timing or delay, which should be achieved
+ -- @param Clock_Period The period of the circuits clock
+ -- @RoundingStyle Default = ROUND_UP; other choises: ROUND_UP, ROUND_DOWN, ROUND_TO_NEAREST
+ function TimingToCycles(Timing : time; Clock_Period : time; RoundingStyle : T_ROUNDING_STYLE := ROUND_UP) return natural is
+ variable res_real : REAL;
+ variable res_nat : natural;
+ variable res_time : time;
+ variable res_dev : REAL;
+ begin
+ res_real := div(Timing, Clock_Period);
+ case RoundingStyle is
+ when ROUND_TO_NEAREST => res_nat := natural(round(res_real));
+ when ROUND_UP => res_nat := natural(ceil(res_real));
+ when ROUND_DOWN => res_nat := natural(floor(res_real));
+ when others => report "RoundingStyle '" & T_ROUNDING_STYLE'image(RoundingStyle) & "' not supported." severity failure;
+ end case;
+ res_time := CyclesToDelay(res_nat, Clock_Period);
+ res_dev := (div(res_time, Timing) - 1.0) * 100.0;
+ if POC_VERBOSE then
+ report "TimingToCycles: " & LF &
+ " Timing: " & to_string(Timing, 3) & LF &
+ " Clock_Period: " & to_string(Clock_Period, 3) & LF &
+ " RoundingStyle: " & str_substr(T_ROUNDING_STYLE'image(RoundingStyle), 7) & LF &
+ " res_real = " & str_format(res_real, 3) & LF &
+ " => " & integer'image(res_nat)
+ severity note;
+ end if;
+ report "TimingToCycles (timing deviation report): " & LF &
+ " timing to achieve: " & to_string(Timing, 3) & LF &
+ " calculated cycles: " & integer'image(res_nat) & " cy" & LF &
+ " resulting timing: " & to_string(res_time, 3) & LF &
+ " deviation: " & to_string(res_time - Timing, 3) & " (" & str_format(res_dev, 2) & "%)"
+ severity note;
+ end if;
+ return res_nat;
+ end;
+ function TimingToCycles(Timing : time; Clock_Frequency : FREQ; RoundingStyle : T_ROUNDING_STYLE := ROUND_UP) return natural is
+ begin
+ return TimingToCycles(Timing, to_time(Clock_Frequency), RoundingStyle);
+ end function;
+ function CyclesToDelay(Cycles : natural; Clock_Period : time) return time is
+ begin
+ return Clock_Period * Cycles;
+ end function;
+ function CyclesToDelay(Cycles : natural; Clock_Frequency : FREQ) return time is
+ begin
+ return CyclesToDelay(Cycles, to_time(Clock_Frequency));
+ end function;
+ -- convert and format physical types to STRING
+ function to_string(t : time; precision : natural) return string is
+ variable tt : time;
+ variable unit : string(1 to 3) := (others => C_POC_NUL);
+ variable value : REAL;
+ begin
+ tt := abs t;
+ if (tt < 1 ps) then
+ unit(1 to 2) := "fs";
+ value := to_real(tt, 1 fs);
+ elsif (tt < 1 ns) then
+ unit(1 to 2) := "ps";
+ value := to_real(tt, 1 ps);
+ elsif (tt < 1 us) then
+ unit(1 to 2) := "ns";
+ value := to_real(tt, 1 ns);
+ elsif (tt < 1 ms) then
+ unit(1 to 2) := "us";
+ value := to_real(tt, 1 us);
+ elsif (tt < 1 sec) then
+ unit(1 to 2) := "ms";
+ value := to_real(tt, 1 ms);
+ else
+ unit := "sec";
+ value := to_real(tt, 1 sec);
+ end if;
+ return ite(t >= 0 fs, str_format(value, precision) & " " & str_trim(unit),
+ '-' & str_format(value, precision) & " " & str_trim(unit));
+ end function;
+ function to_string(f : FREQ; precision : natural) return string is
+ variable unit : string(1 to 3) := (others => C_POC_NUL);
+ variable value : REAL;
+ begin
+ if (f < 1 kHz) then
+ unit(1 to 2) := "Hz";
+ value := to_real(f, 1 Hz);
+ elsif (f < 1 MHz) then
+ unit := "kHz";
+ value := to_real(f, 1 kHz);
+ elsif (f < 1 GHz) then
+ unit := "MHz";
+ value := to_real(f, 1 MHz);
+ else
+ unit := "GHz";
+ value := to_real(f, 1 GHz);
+ end if;
+ return str_format(value, precision) & " " & str_trim(unit);
+ end function;
+ function to_string(br : BAUD; precision : natural) return string is
+ variable unit : string(1 to 3) := (others => C_POC_NUL);
+ variable value : REAL;
+ begin
+ if (br < 1 kBd) then
+ unit(1 to 2) := "Bd";
+ value := to_real(br, 1 Bd);
+ elsif (br < 1 MBd) then
+ unit := "kBd";
+ value := to_real(br, 1 kBd);
+ elsif (br < 1 GBd) then
+ unit := "MBd";
+ value := to_real(br, 1 MBd);
+ else
+ unit := "GBd";
+ value := to_real(br, 1 GBd);
+ end if;
+ return str_format(value, precision) & " " & str_trim(unit);
+ end function;
+ function to_string(mem : MEMORY; precision : natural) return string is
+ variable unit : string(1 to 3) := (others => C_POC_NUL);
+ variable value : REAL;
+ begin
+ if (mem < 1 KiB) then
+ unit(1) := 'B';
+ value := to_real(mem, 1 Byte);
+ elsif (mem < 1 MiB) then
+ unit := "KiB";
+ value := to_real(mem, 1 KiB);
+ elsif (mem < 1 GiB) then
+ unit := "MiB";
+ value := to_real(mem, 1 MiB);
+ else
+ unit := "GiB";
+ value := to_real(mem, 1 GiB);
+ end if;
+ return str_format(value, precision) & " " & str_trim(unit);
+ end function;
+end package body;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/protected.v08.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/protected.v08.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9888f27ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/protected.v08.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+-- EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2;indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+-- vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+-- kate: tab-width 2;replace-tabs off;indent-width 2;
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Authors: Patrick Lehmann
+-- Package: Protected type implementations.
+-- Description:
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- .. TODO:: No documentation available.
+-- License:
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany,
+-- Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- =============================================================================
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.math_real.all;
+library PoC;
+-- use PoC.my_project.all;
+-- use PoC.utils.all;
+package ProtectedTypes is
+ -- protected BOOLEAN implementation
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ type P_BOOLEAN is protected
+ procedure Clear;
+ procedure Set(Value : boolean := TRUE);
+ impure function Get return boolean;
+ impure function Toggle return boolean;
+ end protected;
+ -- protected INTEGER implementation
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- TODO: Mult, Div, Pow, Mod, Rem
+ type P_INTEGER is protected
+ procedure Clear;
+ procedure Set(Value : integer);
+ impure function Get return integer;
+ procedure Add(Value : integer);
+ impure function Add(Value : integer) return integer;
+ procedure Sub(Value : integer);
+ impure function Sub(Value : integer) return integer;
+ end protected;
+ -- protected NATURAL implementation
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- TODO: Mult, Div, Pow, Mod, Rem
+ type P_NATURAL is protected
+ procedure Clear;
+ procedure Set(Value : natural);
+ impure function Get return natural;
+ procedure Add(Value : natural);
+ impure function Add(Value : natural) return natural;
+ procedure Sub(Value : natural);
+ impure function Sub(Value : natural) return natural;
+ end protected;
+ -- protected POSITIVE implementation
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- TODO: Mult, Div, Pow, Mod, Rem
+ type P_POSITIVE is protected
+ procedure Clear;
+ procedure Set(Value : positive);
+ impure function Get return positive;
+ procedure Add(Value : positive);
+ impure function Add(Value : positive) return positive;
+ procedure Sub(Value : positive);
+ impure function Sub(Value : positive) return positive;
+ end protected;
+ -- protected REAL implementation
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- TODO: Round, Mult, Div, Pow, Mod
+ type P_REAL is protected
+ procedure Clear;
+ procedure Set(Value : REAL);
+ impure function Get return REAL;
+ procedure Add(Value : REAL);
+ impure function Add(Value : REAL) return REAL;
+ procedure Sub(Value : REAL);
+ impure function Sub(Value : REAL) return REAL;
+ end protected;
+end package;
+package body ProtectedTypes is
+ -- protected BOOLEAN implementation
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ type P_BOOLEAN is protected body
+ variable InnerValue : boolean := FALSE;
+ procedure Clear is
+ begin
+ InnerValue := FALSE;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure Set(Value : boolean := TRUE) is
+ begin
+ InnerValue := Value;
+ end procedure;
+ impure function Get return boolean is
+ begin
+ return InnerValue;
+ end function;
+ impure function Toggle return boolean is
+ begin
+ InnerValue := not InnerValue;
+ return InnerValue;
+ end function;
+ end protected body;
+ -- protected INTEGER implementation
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ type P_INTEGER is protected body
+ variable InnerValue : integer := 0;
+ procedure Clear is
+ begin
+ InnerValue := 0;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure Set(Value : integer) is
+ begin
+ InnerValue := Value;
+ end procedure;
+ impure function Get return integer is
+ begin
+ return InnerValue;
+ end function;
+ procedure Add(Value : integer) is
+ begin
+ InnerValue := InnerValue + Value;
+ end procedure;
+ impure function Add(Value : integer) return integer is
+ begin
+ Add(Value);
+ return InnerValue;
+ end function;
+ procedure Sub(Value : integer) is
+ begin
+ InnerValue := InnerValue - Value;
+ end procedure;
+ impure function Sub(Value : integer) return integer is
+ begin
+ Sub(Value);
+ return InnerValue;
+ end function;
+ end protected body;
+ -- protected NATURAL implementation
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ type P_NATURAL is protected body
+ variable InnerValue : natural := 0;
+ procedure Clear is
+ begin
+ InnerValue := 0;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure Set(Value : natural) is
+ begin
+ InnerValue := Value;
+ end procedure;
+ impure function Get return natural is
+ begin
+ return InnerValue;
+ end function;
+ procedure Add(Value : natural) is
+ begin
+ InnerValue := InnerValue + Value;
+ end procedure;
+ impure function Add(Value : natural) return natural is
+ begin
+ Add(Value);
+ return InnerValue;
+ end function;
+ procedure Sub(Value : natural) is
+ begin
+ InnerValue := InnerValue - Value;
+ end procedure;
+ impure function Sub(Value : natural) return natural is
+ begin
+ Sub(Value);
+ return InnerValue;
+ end function;
+ end protected body;
+ -- protected POSITIVE implementation
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ type P_POSITIVE is protected body
+ variable InnerValue : positive := 1;
+ procedure Clear is
+ begin
+ InnerValue := 1;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure Set(Value : positive) is
+ begin
+ InnerValue := Value;
+ end procedure;
+ impure function Get return positive is
+ begin
+ return InnerValue;
+ end function;
+ procedure Add(Value : positive) is
+ begin
+ InnerValue := InnerValue + Value;
+ end procedure;
+ impure function Add(Value : positive) return positive is
+ begin
+ Add(Value);
+ return InnerValue;
+ end function;
+ procedure Sub(Value : positive) is
+ begin
+ InnerValue := InnerValue - Value;
+ end procedure;
+ impure function Sub(Value : positive) return positive is
+ begin
+ Sub(Value);
+ return InnerValue;
+ end function;
+ end protected body;
+ -- protected REAL implementation
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ type P_REAL is protected body
+ variable InnerValue : REAL := 0.0;
+ procedure Clear is
+ begin
+ InnerValue := 0.0;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure Set(Value : REAL) is
+ begin
+ InnerValue := Value;
+ end procedure;
+ impure function Get return REAL is
+ begin
+ return InnerValue;
+ end function;
+ procedure Add(Value : REAL) is
+ begin
+ InnerValue := InnerValue + Value;
+ end procedure;
+ impure function Add(Value : REAL) return REAL is
+ begin
+ Add(Value);
+ return InnerValue;
+ end function;
+ procedure Sub(Value : REAL) is
+ begin
+ InnerValue := InnerValue - Value;
+ end procedure;
+ impure function Sub(Value : REAL) return REAL is
+ begin
+ Sub(Value);
+ return InnerValue;
+ end function;
+ end protected body;
+end package body;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/strings.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/strings.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..258eb28b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/strings.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,997 @@
+-- EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+-- vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+-- kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Authors: Thomas B. Preusser
+-- Martin Zabel
+-- Patrick Lehmann
+-- Package: String related functions and types
+-- Description:
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- For detailed documentation see below.
+-- License:
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Copyright 2007-2015 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany,
+-- Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- =============================================================================
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
+use IEEE.math_real.all;
+library PoC;
+use PoC.config.all;
+use PoC.utils.all;
+--use PoC.FileIO.all;
+package strings is
+ -- default fill and string termination character for fixed size strings
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- WORKAROUND: for Altera Quartus-II
+ -- Version: 15.0
+ -- Issue:
+ -- character 0 (NUL) causes Quartus-II to crash, if uses to pad STRINGs
+ -- characters < 32 (control characters) are not supported in Quartus-II
+ -- characters > 127 are not supported in VHDL files (strict ASCII files)
+ -- character 255 craches ISE log window (created by 'CHARACTER'val(255)')
+ -- Solution:
+ -- PoC uses backtick "`" as a fill and termination symbol, if a Quartus-II
+ -- synthesis environment is detected.
+ constant C_POC_NUL : character := ite((SYNTHESIS_TOOL /= SYNTHESIS_TOOL_ALTERA_QUARTUS2), NUL, '`');
+ -- Type declarations
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ subtype T_RAWCHAR is std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ type T_RAWSTRING is array (natural range <>) of T_RAWCHAR;
+ -- testing area:
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function to_IPStyle(str : string) return T_IPSTYLE;
+ -- to_char
+ function to_char(Value : std_logic) return character;
+ function to_char(rawchar : T_RAWCHAR) return character;
+ function to_HexChar(Value : natural) return character;
+ function to_HexChar(Value : unsigned) return character;
+ -- chr_is* function
+ function chr_isDigit(chr : character) return boolean;
+ function chr_isLowerHexDigit(chr : character) return boolean;
+ function chr_isUpperHexDigit(chr : character) return boolean;
+ function chr_isHexDigit(chr : character) return boolean;
+ function chr_isLower(chr : character) return boolean;
+ function chr_isLowerAlpha(chr : character) return boolean;
+ function chr_isUpper(chr : character) return boolean;
+ function chr_isUpperAlpha(chr : character) return boolean;
+ function chr_isAlpha(chr : character) return boolean;
+ -- raw_format_* functions
+ function raw_format_bool_bin(Value : boolean) return string;
+ function raw_format_bool_chr(Value : boolean) return string;
+ function raw_format_bool_str(Value : boolean) return string;
+ function raw_format_slv_bin(slv : std_logic_vector) return string;
+ function raw_format_slv_oct(slv : std_logic_vector) return string;
+ function raw_format_slv_dec(slv : std_logic_vector) return string;
+ function raw_format_slv_hex(slv : std_logic_vector) return string;
+ function raw_format_nat_bin(Value : natural) return string;
+ function raw_format_nat_oct(Value : natural) return string;
+ function raw_format_nat_dec(Value : natural) return string;
+ function raw_format_nat_hex(Value : natural) return string;
+ -- str_format_* functions
+ function str_format(Value : REAL; precision : natural := 3) return string;
+ -- to_string
+ function to_string(Value : boolean) return string;
+ function to_string(Value : integer; base : positive := 10) return string;
+ function to_string(slv : std_logic_vector; format : character; Length : natural := 0; fill : character := '0') return string;
+ function to_string(rawstring : T_RAWSTRING) return string;
+ function to_string(Value : T_BCD_VECTOR) return string;
+ -- to_slv
+ function to_slv(rawstring : T_RAWSTRING) return std_logic_vector;
+ -- digit subtypes incl. error Value (-1)
+ subtype T_DIGIT_BIN is integer range -1 to 1;
+ subtype T_DIGIT_OCT is integer range -1 to 7;
+ subtype T_DIGIT_DEC is integer range -1 to 9;
+ subtype T_DIGIT_HEX is integer range -1 to 15;
+ -- to_digit*
+ function to_digit_bin(chr : character) return T_DIGIT_BIN;
+ function to_digit_oct(chr : character) return T_DIGIT_OCT;
+ function to_digit_dec(chr : character) return T_DIGIT_DEC;
+ function to_digit_hex(chr : character) return T_DIGIT_HEX;
+ function to_digit(chr : character; base : character := 'd') return integer;
+ -- to_natural*
+ function to_natural_bin(str : string) return integer;
+ function to_natural_oct(str : string) return integer;
+ function to_natural_dec(str : string) return integer;
+ function to_natural_hex(str : string) return integer;
+ function to_natural(str : string; base : character := 'd') return integer;
+ -- to_raw*
+ function to_RawChar(char : character) return T_RAWCHAR;
+ function to_RawString(str : string) return T_RAWSTRING;
+ -- resize
+ function resize(str : string; size : positive; FillChar : character := C_POC_NUL) return string;
+-- function resize(rawstr : T_RAWSTRING; size : POSITIVE; FillChar : T_RAWCHAR := x"00") return T_RAWSTRING;
+ -- Character functions
+ function chr_toLower(chr : character) return character;
+ function chr_toUpper(chr : character) return character;
+ -- String functions
+ function str_length(str : string) return natural;
+ function str_equal(str1 : string; str2 : string) return boolean;
+ function str_match(str1 : string; str2 : string) return boolean;
+ function str_imatch(str1 : string; str2 : string) return boolean;
+ function str_pos(str : string; chr : character; start : natural := 0) return integer;
+ function str_pos(str : string; pattern : string; start : natural := 0) return integer;
+ function str_ipos(str : string; chr : character; start : natural := 0) return integer;
+ function str_ipos(str : string; pattern : string; start : natural := 0) return integer;
+ function str_find(str : string; chr : character) return boolean;
+ function str_find(str : string; pattern : string) return boolean;
+ function str_ifind(str : string; chr : character) return boolean;
+ function str_ifind(str : string; pattern : string) return boolean;
+ function str_replace(str : string; pattern : string; replace : string) return string;
+ function str_substr(str : string; start : integer := 0; Length : integer := 0) return string;
+ function str_ltrim(str : string; char : character := ' ') return string;
+ function str_rtrim(str : string; char : character := ' ') return string;
+ function str_trim(str : string) return string;
+ function str_calign(str : string; Length : natural; FillChar : character := ' ') return string;
+ function str_lalign(str : string; Length : natural; FillChar : character := ' ') return string;
+ function str_ralign(str : string; Length : natural; FillChar : character := ' ') return string;
+ function str_toLower(str : string) return string;
+ function str_toUpper(str : string) return string;
+end package;
+package body strings is
+ --
+ function to_IPStyle(str : string) return T_IPSTYLE is
+ begin
+ for i in T_IPSTYLE'pos(T_IPSTYLE'low) to T_IPSTYLE'pos(T_IPSTYLE'high) loop
+ if str_imatch(str, T_IPSTYLE'image(T_IPSTYLE'val(i))) then
+ return T_IPSTYLE'val(i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ report "Unknown IPStyle: '" & str & "'" severity FAILURE;
+ end function;
+ -- to_char
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function to_char(Value : std_logic) return character is
+ begin
+ case Value is
+ when 'U' => return 'U';
+ when 'X' => return 'X';
+ when '0' => return '0';
+ when '1' => return '1';
+ when 'Z' => return 'Z';
+ when 'W' => return 'W';
+ when 'L' => return 'L';
+ when 'H' => return 'H';
+ when '-' => return '-';
+ when others => return 'X';
+ end case;
+ end function;
+ function to_char(rawchar : T_RAWCHAR) return character is
+ begin
+ return character'val(to_integer(unsigned(rawchar)));
+ end function;
+ --
+ function to_HexChar(Value : natural) return character is
+ constant HEX : string := "0123456789ABCDEF";
+ begin
+ return ite(Value < 16, HEX(Value+1), 'X');
+ end function;
+ function to_HexChar(Value : unsigned) return character is
+ begin
+ return to_HexChar(to_integer(Value));
+ end function;
+ -- chr_is* function
+ function chr_isDigit(chr : character) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (character'pos('0') <= character'pos(chr)) and (character'pos(chr) <= character'pos('9'));
+ end function;
+ function chr_isLowerHexDigit(chr : character) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (character'pos('a') <= character'pos(chr)) and (character'pos(chr) <= character'pos('f'));
+ end function;
+ function chr_isUpperHexDigit(chr : character) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (character'pos('A') <= character'pos(chr)) and (character'pos(chr) <= character'pos('F'));
+ end function;
+ function chr_isHexDigit(chr : character) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return chr_isDigit(chr) or chr_isLowerHexDigit(chr) or chr_isUpperHexDigit(chr);
+ end function;
+ function chr_isLower(chr : character) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return chr_isLowerAlpha(chr);
+ end function;
+ function chr_isLowerAlpha(chr : character) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (character'pos('a') <= character'pos(chr)) and (character'pos(chr) <= character'pos('z'));
+ end function;
+ function chr_isUpper(chr : character) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return chr_isUpperAlpha(chr);
+ end function;
+ function chr_isUpperAlpha(chr : character) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (character'pos('A') <= character'pos(chr)) and (character'pos(chr) <= character'pos('Z'));
+ end function;
+ function chr_isAlpha(chr : character) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return chr_isLowerAlpha(chr) or chr_isUpperAlpha(chr);
+ end function;
+ -- raw_format_* functions
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function raw_format_bool_bin(Value : boolean) return string is
+ begin
+ return ite(Value, "1", "0");
+ end function;
+ function raw_format_bool_chr(Value : boolean) return string is
+ begin
+ return ite(Value, "T", "F");
+ end function;
+ function raw_format_bool_str(Value : boolean) return string is
+ begin
+ return str_toUpper(boolean'image(Value));
+ end function;
+ function raw_format_slv_bin(slv : std_logic_vector) return string is
+ variable Value : std_logic_vector(slv'length - 1 downto 0);
+ variable Result : string(1 to slv'length);
+ variable j : natural;
+ begin
+ -- convert input slv to a downto ranged vector and normalize range to slv'low = 0
+ Value := movez(ite(slv'ascending, descend(slv), slv));
+ -- convert each bit to a character
+ j := 0;
+ for i in Result'reverse_range loop
+ Result(i) := to_char(Value(j));
+ j := j + 1;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function raw_format_slv_oct(slv : std_logic_vector) return string is
+ variable Value : std_logic_vector(slv'length - 1 downto 0);
+ variable Digit : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+ variable Result : string(1 to div_ceil(slv'length, 3));
+ variable j : natural;
+ begin
+ -- convert input slv to a downto ranged vector; normalize range to slv'low = 0 and resize it to a multiple of 3
+ Value := resize(movez(ite(slv'ascending, descend(slv), slv)), (Result'length * 3));
+ -- convert 3 bit to a character
+ j := 0;
+ for i in Result'reverse_range loop
+ Digit := Value((j * 3) + 2 downto (j * 3));
+ Result(i) := to_HexChar(unsigned(Digit));
+ j := j + 1;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function raw_format_slv_dec(slv : std_logic_vector) return string is
+ variable Value : std_logic_vector(slv'length - 1 downto 0);
+ variable Result : string(1 to div_ceil(slv'length, 3));
+ subtype TT_BCD is integer range 0 to 31;
+ type TT_BCD_VECTOR is array(natural range <>) of TT_BCD;
+ variable Temp : TT_BCD_VECTOR(div_ceil(slv'length, 3) - 1 downto 0);
+ variable Carry : T_UINT_8;
+ variable Pos : natural;
+ begin
+ Temp := (others => 0);
+ Pos := 0;
+ -- convert input slv to a downto ranged vector
+ Value := ite(slv'ascending, descend(slv), slv);
+ for i in Value'range loop
+ Carry := to_int(Value(i));
+ for j in Temp'reverse_range loop
+ Temp(j) := Temp(j) * 2 + Carry;
+ Carry := to_int(Temp(j) > 9);
+ Temp(j) := Temp(j) - to_int((Temp(j) > 9), 0, 10);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ for i in Result'range loop
+ Result(i) := to_HexChar(Temp(Temp'high - i + 1));
+ if ((Result(i) /= '0') and (Pos = 0)) then
+ Pos := i;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- trim leading zeros, except the last
+ return Result(imin(Pos, Result'high) to Result'high);
+ end function;
+ function raw_format_slv_hex(slv : std_logic_vector) return string is
+ variable Value : std_logic_vector(4*div_ceil(slv'length, 4) - 1 downto 0);
+ variable Digit : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ variable Result : string(1 to div_ceil(slv'length, 4));
+ variable j : natural;
+ begin
+ Value := resize(slv, Value'length);
+ j := 0;
+ for i in Result'reverse_range loop
+ Digit := Value((j * 4) + 3 downto (j * 4));
+ Result(i) := to_HexChar(unsigned(Digit));
+ j := j + 1;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function raw_format_nat_bin(Value : natural) return string is
+ begin
+ return raw_format_slv_bin(to_slv(Value, log2ceilnz(Value+1)));
+ end function;
+ function raw_format_nat_oct(Value : natural) return string is
+ begin
+ return raw_format_slv_oct(to_slv(Value, log2ceilnz(Value+1)));
+ end function;
+ function raw_format_nat_dec(Value : natural) return string is
+ begin
+ return integer'image(Value);
+ end function;
+ function raw_format_nat_hex(Value : natural) return string is
+ begin
+ return raw_format_slv_hex(to_slv(Value, log2ceilnz(Value+1)));
+ end function;
+ -- str_format_* functions
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function str_format(Value : REAL; precision : natural := 3) return string is
+ constant s : REAL := sign(Value);
+ constant val : REAL := Value * s;
+ constant int : integer := integer(floor(val));
+ constant frac : integer := integer(round((val - real(int)) * 10.0**precision));
+ constant overflow : boolean := frac >= 10**precision;
+ constant int2 : integer := ite(overflow, int+1, int);
+ constant frac2 : integer := ite(overflow, frac-10**precision, frac);
+ constant frac_str : string := integer'image(frac2);
+ constant res : string := integer'image(int2) & "." & (2 to (precision - frac_str'length + 1) => '0') & frac_str;
+ begin
+ return ite ((s < 0.0), "-" & res, res);
+ end function;
+ -- to_string
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function to_string(Value : boolean) return string is
+ begin
+ return raw_format_bool_str(Value);
+ end function;
+ -- convert an integer Value to a STRING using an arbitrary base
+ function to_string(Value : integer; base : positive := 10) return string is
+ constant absValue : natural := abs Value;
+ constant len : positive := log10ceilnz(absValue);
+ variable power : positive;
+ variable Result : string(1 to len);
+ begin
+ power := 1;
+ if base = 10 then
+ return integer'image(Value);
+ else
+ for i in len downto 1 loop
+ Result(i) := to_HexChar(absValue / power mod base);
+ power := power * base;
+ end loop;
+ if Value < 0 then
+ return '-' & Result;
+ else
+ return Result;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ -- QUESTION: rename to slv_format(..) ?
+ function to_string(slv : std_logic_vector; format : character; Length : natural := 0; fill : character := '0') return string is
+ constant int : integer := ite((slv'length <= 31), to_integer(unsigned(resize(slv, 31))), 0);
+ constant str : string := integer'image(int);
+ constant bin_len : positive := slv'length;
+ constant dec_len : positive := str'length;--log10ceilnz(int);
+ constant hex_len : positive := ite(((bin_len mod 4) = 0), (bin_len / 4), (bin_len / 4) + 1);
+ constant len : natural := ite((format = 'b'), bin_len,
+ ite((format = 'd'), dec_len,
+ ite((format = 'h'), hex_len, 0)));
+ variable j : natural;
+ variable Result : string(1 to ite((Length = 0), len, imax(len, Length)));
+ begin
+ j := 0;
+ Result := (others => fill);
+ if (format = 'b') then
+ for i in Result'reverse_range loop
+ Result(i) := to_char(slv(j));
+ j := j + 1;
+ end loop;
+ elsif (format = 'd') then
+ -- TODO: enable big integer conversion
+-- if (slv'length < 32) then
+-- return INTEGER'image(int);
+-- else
+-- return raw_format_slv_dec(slv);
+-- end if;
+ Result(Result'length - str'length + 1 to Result'high) := str;
+ elsif (format = 'h') then
+ for i in Result'reverse_range loop
+ Result(i) := to_HexChar(unsigned(slv((j * 4) + 3 downto (j * 4))));
+ j := j + 1;
+ end loop;
+ else
+ report "Unknown format character: " & format & "." severity FAILURE;
+ end if;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function to_string(rawstring : T_RAWSTRING) return string is
+ variable Result : string(1 to rawstring'length);
+ begin
+ for i in rawstring'low to rawstring'high loop
+ Result(i - rawstring'low + 1) := to_char(rawstring(i));
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function to_string(Value : T_BCD_VECTOR) return string is
+ variable Result : string(1 to Value'length);
+ begin
+ for i in Value'range loop
+ Result(Result'high - (i - Value'low)) := to_HexChar(unsigned(Value(i)));
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- to_slv
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function to_slv(rawstring : T_RAWSTRING) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable Result : std_logic_vector((rawstring'length * 8) - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in rawstring'range loop
+ Result(((i - rawstring'low) * 8) + 7 downto (i - rawstring'low) * 8) := rawstring(i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- to_digit*
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- convert a binary digit given as CHARACTER to a digit returned as NATURAL; return -1 on error
+ function to_digit_bin(chr : character) return T_DIGIT_BIN is
+ begin
+ case chr is
+ when '0' => return 0;
+ when '1' => return 1;
+ when others => return -1;
+ end case;
+ end function;
+ -- convert an octal digit given as CHARACTER to a digit returned as NATURAL; return -1 on error
+ function to_digit_oct(chr : character) return T_DIGIT_OCT is
+ variable dec : integer;
+ begin
+ dec := to_digit_dec(chr);
+ return ite((dec < 8), dec, -1);
+ end function;
+ -- convert a adecimal digit given as CHARACTER to a digit returned as NATURAL; return -1 on error
+ function to_digit_dec(chr : character) return T_DIGIT_DEC is
+ begin
+ if chr_isDigit(chr) then
+ return character'pos(chr) - CHARACTER'pos('0');
+ else
+ return -1;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ -- convert a hexadecimal digit given as CHARACTER to a digit returned as NATURAL; return -1 on error
+ function to_digit_hex(chr : character) return T_DIGIT_HEX is
+ begin
+ if chr_isDigit(chr) then return character'pos(chr) - CHARACTER'pos('0');
+ elsif chr_isLowerHexDigit(chr) then return character'pos(chr) - CHARACTER'pos('a') + 10;
+ elsif chr_isUpperHexDigit(chr) then return character'pos(chr) - CHARACTER'pos('A') + 10;
+ else return -1;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ -- convert a digit given as CHARACTER to a digit returned as NATURAL; return -1 on error
+ function to_digit(chr : character; base : character := 'd') return integer is
+ begin
+ case base is
+ when 'b' => return to_digit_bin(chr);
+ when 'o' => return to_digit_oct(chr);
+ when 'd' => return to_digit_dec(chr);
+ when 'h' => return to_digit_hex(chr);
+ when others => report "Unknown base character: " & base & "." severity FAILURE;
+ return -1;
+ end case;
+ end function;
+ -- to_natural*
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- convert a binary number given as STRING to a NATURAL; return -1 on error
+ function to_natural_bin(str : string) return integer is
+ variable Result : natural;
+ variable Digit : integer;
+ begin
+ for i in str'range loop
+ Digit := to_digit_bin(str(i));
+ if Digit /= -1 then
+ Result := Result * 2 + Digit;
+ else
+ return -1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- convert an octal number given as STRING to a NATURAL; return -1 on error
+ function to_natural_oct(str : string) return integer is
+ variable Result : natural;
+ variable Digit : integer;
+ begin
+ for i in str'range loop
+ Digit := to_digit_oct(str(i));
+ if Digit /= -1 then
+ Result := Result * 8 + Digit;
+ else
+ return -1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- convert a decimal number given as STRING to a NATURAL; return -1 on error
+ function to_natural_dec(str : string) return integer is
+ variable Result : natural;
+ variable Digit : integer;
+ begin
+ -- WORKAROUND: Xilinx Vivado Synth
+ -- Version: 2014.1
+ -- Issue:
+ -- INTEGER'value(...) is not supported by Vivado Synth
+ -- Solution:
+ -- implement a manual conversion using shift and multiply
+ for i in str'range loop
+ Digit := to_digit_dec(str(i));
+ if Digit /= -1 then
+ Result := Result * 10 + Digit;
+ else
+ return -1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result; -- INTEGER'value(str);
+ end function;
+ -- convert a hexadecimal number given as STRING to a NATURAL; return -1 on error
+ function to_natural_hex(str : string) return integer is
+ variable Result : natural;
+ variable Digit : integer;
+ begin
+ for i in str'range loop
+ Digit := to_digit_hex(str(i));
+ if Digit /= -1 then
+ Result := Result * 16 + Digit;
+ else
+ return -1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- convert a number given as STRING to a NATURAL; return -1 on error
+ function to_natural(str : string; base : character := 'd') return integer is
+ begin
+ case base is
+ when 'b' => return to_natural_bin(str);
+ when 'o' => return to_natural_oct(str);
+ when 'd' => return to_natural_dec(str);
+ when 'h' => return to_natural_hex(str);
+ when others => report "Unknown base character: " & base & "." severity FAILURE;
+ return -1;
+ end case;
+ end function;
+ -- to_raw*
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- convert a CHARACTER to a RAWCHAR
+ function to_RawChar(char : character) return T_RAWCHAR is
+ begin
+ return std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos(char), T_RAWCHAR'length));
+ end function;
+ -- convert a STRING to a RAWSTRING
+ function to_RawString(str : string) return T_RAWSTRING is
+ variable Result : T_RAWSTRING(0 to str'length - 1);
+ begin
+ for i in str'low to str'high loop
+ Result(i - str'low) := to_RawChar(str(i));
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- resize
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function resize(str : string; Size : positive; FillChar : character := C_POC_NUL) return string is
+ constant ConstNUL : string(1 to 1) := (others => C_POC_NUL);
+ variable Result : string(1 to Size);
+ begin
+ Result := (others => FillChar);
+ if (str'length > 0) then
+ -- WORKAROUND: for Altera Quartus-II
+ -- Version: 15.0
+ -- Issue: array bounds are check regardless of the hierarchy and control flow
+ Result(1 to bound(Size, 1, str'length)) := ite((str'length > 0), str(1 to imin(Size, str'length)), ConstNUL);
+ end if;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+-- function resize(str : T_RAWSTRING; size : POSITIVE; FillChar : T_RAWCHAR := x"00") return T_RAWSTRING is
+-- constant ConstNUL : T_RAWSTRING(1 to 1) := (others => x"00");
+-- variable Result : T_RAWSTRING(1 to size);
+-- function ifthenelse(cond : BOOLEAN; value1 : T_RAWSTRING; value2 : T_RAWSTRING) return T_RAWSTRING is
+-- begin
+-- if cond then
+-- return value1;
+-- else
+-- return value2;
+-- end if;
+-- end function;
+-- begin
+-- Result := (others => FillChar);
+-- if (str'length > 0) then
+-- Result(1 to imin(size, imax(1, str'length))) := ifthenelse((str'length > 0), str(1 to imin(size, str'length)), ConstNUL);
+-- end if;
+-- return Result;
+-- end function;
+ -- Character functions
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- convert an upper case CHARACTER into a lower case CHARACTER
+ function chr_toLower(chr : character) return character is
+ begin
+ if chr_isUpperAlpha(chr) then
+ return character'val(character'pos(chr) - character'pos('A') + character'pos('a'));
+ else
+ return chr;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ -- convert a lower case CHARACTER into an upper case CHARACTER
+ function chr_toUpper(chr : character) return character is
+ begin
+ if chr_isLowerAlpha(chr) then
+ return character'val(character'pos(chr) - character'pos('a') + character'pos('A'));
+ else
+ return chr;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ -- String functions
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- count the length of a POC_NUL terminated STRING
+ function str_length(str : string) return natural is
+ begin
+ for i in str'range loop
+ if str(i) = C_POC_NUL then
+ return i - str'low;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return str'length;
+ end function;
+ -- compare two STRINGs for equality
+ -- pre-check the string lengthes to suppress warnings for unqual sized string comparisons.
+ -- QUESTION: overload "=" operator?
+ function str_equal(str1 : string; str2 : string) return boolean is
+ begin
+ if str1'length /= str2'length then
+ return FALSE;
+ else
+ return (str1 = str2);
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ -- compare two POC_NUL terminated STRINGs
+ function str_match(str1 : string; str2 : string) return boolean is
+ constant len : natural := imin(str1'length, str2'length);
+ begin
+ -- if both strings are empty
+ if ((str1'length = 0 ) and (str2'length = 0)) then return TRUE; end if;
+ -- compare char by char
+ for i in str1'low to str1'low + len - 1 loop
+ if (str1(i) /= str2(str2'low + (i - str1'low))) then
+ return FALSE;
+ elsif ((str1(i) = C_POC_NUL) xor (str2(str2'low + (i - str1'low)) = C_POC_NUL)) then
+ return FALSE;
+ elsif ((str1(i) = C_POC_NUL) and (str2(str2'low + (i - str1'low)) = C_POC_NUL)) then
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- check special cases,
+ return (((str1'length = len) and (str2'length = len)) or -- both strings are fully consumed and equal
+ ((str1'length > len) and (str1(str1'low + len) = C_POC_NUL)) or -- str1 is longer, but str_length equals len
+ ((str2'length > len) and (str2(str2'low + len) = C_POC_NUL))); -- str2 is longer, but str_length equals len
+ end function;
+ -- compare two POC_NUL terminated STRINGs; case insentitve
+ function str_imatch(str1 : string; str2 : string) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return str_match(str_toLower(str1), str_toLower(str2));
+ end function;
+ -- search for chr in a STRING and return the position; return -1 on error
+ function str_pos(str : string; chr : character; start : natural := 0) return integer is
+ begin
+ for i in imax(str'low, start) to str'high loop
+ exit when (str(i) = C_POC_NUL);
+ if str(i) = chr then
+ return i;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return -1;
+ end function;
+ -- search for pattern in a STRING and return the position; return -1 on error
+ -- QUESTION: implement KMP algorithm?
+ function str_pos(str : string; pattern : string; start : natural := 0) return integer is
+ begin
+ for i in imax(str'low, start) to (str'high - pattern'length + 1) loop
+ exit when (str(i) = C_POC_NUL);
+ if (str(i to i + pattern'length - 1) = pattern) then
+ return i;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return -1;
+ end function;
+ -- search for chr in a STRING and return the position; case insentitve; return -1 on error
+ function str_ipos(str : string; chr : character; start : natural := 0) return integer is
+ begin
+ return str_pos(str_toLower(str), chr_toLower(chr));
+ end function;
+ -- search for pattern in a STRING and return the position; case insentitve; return -1 on error
+ function str_ipos(str : string; pattern : string; start : natural := 0) return integer is
+ begin
+ return str_pos(str_toLower(str), str_toLower(pattern));
+ end function;
+-- function str_pos(str1 : STRING; str2 : STRING) return INTEGER is
+-- variable PrefixTable : T_INTVEC(0 to str2'length);
+-- variable j : INTEGER;
+-- begin
+-- -- construct prefix table for KMP algorithm
+-- j := -1;
+-- PrefixTable(0) := -1;
+-- for i in str2'range loop
+-- while ((j >= 0) and str2(j + 1) /= str2(i)) loop
+-- j := PrefixTable(j);
+-- end loop;
+-- j := j + 1;
+-- PrefixTable(i - 1) := j + 1;
+-- end loop;
+-- -- search pattern str2 in text str1
+-- j := 0;
+-- for i in str1'range loop
+-- while ((j >= 0) and str1(i) /= str2(j + 1)) loop
+-- j := PrefixTable(j);
+-- end loop;
+-- j := j + 1;
+-- if ((j + 1) = str2'high) then
+-- return i - str2'length + 1;
+-- end if;
+-- end loop;
+-- return -1;
+-- end function;
+ -- check if chr exists in STRING str
+ function str_find(str : string; chr : character) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (str_pos(str, chr) > 0);
+ end function;
+ -- check if pattern exists in STRING str
+ function str_find(str : string; pattern : string) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (str_pos(str, pattern) > 0);
+ end function;
+ -- check if chr exists in STRING str; case insentitve
+ function str_ifind(str : string; chr : character) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (str_ipos(str, chr) > 0);
+ end function;
+ -- check if pattern exists in STRING str; case insentitve
+ function str_ifind(str : string; pattern : string) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (str_ipos(str, pattern) > 0);
+ end function;
+ -- replace a pattern in a STRING str by the STRING replace
+ function str_replace(str : string; pattern : string; replace : string) return string is
+ variable pos : integer;
+ begin
+ pos := str_pos(str, pattern);
+ if pos > 0 then
+ if pos = 1 then
+ return replace & str(pattern'length + 1 to str'length);
+ elsif (pos = str'length - pattern'length + 1) then
+ return str(1 to str'length - pattern'length) & replace;
+ else
+ return str(1 to pos - 1) & replace & str(pos + pattern'length to str'length);
+ end if;
+ else
+ return str;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ -- return a sub-string of STRING str
+ -- 123456789ABC
+ -- input string: "Hello World."
+ -- low=1; high=12; length=12
+ --
+ -- str_substr("Hello World.", 0, 0) => "Hello World." - copy all
+ -- str_substr("Hello World.", 7, 0) => "World." - copy from pos 7 to end of string
+ -- str_substr("Hello World.", 7, 5) => "World" - copy from pos 7 for 5 characters
+ -- str_substr("Hello World.", 0, -7) => "Hello World." - copy all until character 8 from right boundary
+ function str_substr(str : string; start : integer := 0; Length : integer := 0) return string is
+ variable StartOfString : positive;
+ variable EndOfString : positive;
+ begin
+ if start < 0 then -- start is negative -> start substring at right string boundary
+ StartOfString := str'high + start + 1;
+ elsif start = 0 then -- start is zero -> start substring at left string boundary
+ StartOfString := str'low;
+ else -- start is positive -> start substring at left string boundary + offset
+ StartOfString := start;
+ end if;
+ if Length < 0 then -- Length is negative -> end substring at length'th character before right string boundary
+ EndOfString := str'high + Length;
+ elsif Length = 0 then -- Length is zero -> end substring at right string boundary
+ EndOfString := str'high;
+ else -- Length is positive -> end substring at StartOfString + Length
+ EndOfString := StartOfString + Length - 1;
+ end if;
+ if (StartOfString < str'low) then report "StartOfString is out of str's range. (str=" & str & ")" severity FAILURE; end if;
+ if (EndOfString < str'high) then report "EndOfString is out of str's range. (str=" & str & ")" severity FAILURE; end if;
+ return str(StartOfString to EndOfString);
+ end function;
+ -- left-trim the STRING str
+ function str_ltrim(str : string; char : character := ' ') return string is
+ begin
+ for i in str'range loop
+ if str(i) /= char then
+ return str(i to str'high);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return "";
+ end function;
+ -- right-trim the STRING str
+ function str_rtrim(str : string; char : character := ' ') return string is
+ begin
+ for i in str'reverse_range loop
+ if str(i) /= char then
+ return str(str'low to i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return "";
+ end function;
+ -- remove POC_NUL string termination characters
+ function str_trim(str : string) return string is
+ begin
+ return str(str'low to str'low + str_length(str) - 1);
+ end function;
+ -- center-align a STRING str in a FillChar filled STRING of length Length
+ function str_calign(str : string; Length : natural; FillChar : character := ' ') return string is
+ constant Start : positive := (Length - str'length) / 2;
+ variable Result : string(1 to Length);
+ begin
+ Result := (others => FillChar);
+ Result(Start to (Start + str'length)) := str;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- left-align a STRING str in a FillChar filled STRING of length Length
+ function str_lalign(str : string; Length : natural; FillChar : character := ' ') return string is
+ variable Result : string(1 to Length);
+ begin
+ Result := (others => FillChar);
+ Result(1 to str'length) := str;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- right-align a STRING str in a FillChar filled STRING of length Length
+ function str_ralign(str : string; Length : natural; FillChar : character := ' ') return string is
+ variable Result : string(1 to Length);
+ begin
+ Result := (others => FillChar);
+ Result((Length - str'length + 1) to Length) := str;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- convert an upper case STRING into a lower case STRING
+ function str_toLower(str : string) return string is
+ variable Result : string(str'range);
+ begin
+ for i in str'range loop
+ Result(i) := chr_toLower(str(i));
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- convert a lower case STRING into an upper case STRING
+ function str_toUpper(str : string) return string is
+ variable Result : string(str'range);
+ begin
+ for i in str'range loop
+ Result(i) := chr_toUpper(str(i));
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+end package body;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/utils.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/utils.vhdl
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+-- EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+-- vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+-- kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Authors: Thomas B. Preusser
+-- Martin Zabel
+-- Patrick Lehmann
+-- Paul Genssler
+-- Package: Common functions and types
+-- Description:
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- For detailed documentation see below.
+-- License:
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
+-- Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- =============================================================================
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
+use IEEE.math_real.all;
+package utils is
+ -- Environment
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ -- Distinguishes simulation from synthesis
+ constant SIMULATION : boolean; -- deferred constant declaration
+ -- Type declarations
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ --+ Vectors of primitive standard types +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ type T_BOOLVEC is array(natural range <>) of boolean;
+ type T_INTVEC is array(natural range <>) of integer;
+ type T_NATVEC is array(natural range <>) of natural;
+ type T_POSVEC is array(natural range <>) of positive;
+ type T_REALVEC is array(natural range <>) of REAL;
+ --+ Integer subranges sometimes useful for speeding up simulation ++++++++++
+ subtype T_INT_8 is integer range -128 to 127;
+ subtype T_INT_16 is integer range -32768 to 32767;
+ subtype T_UINT_8 is integer range 0 to 255;
+ subtype T_UINT_16 is integer range 0 to 65535;
+ --+ Enums ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ -- Intellectual Property (IP) type
+ -- Bit Order
+ -- Byte Order (Endian)
+ -- rounding style
+ -- define a new unrelated type T_BCD for arithmetic
+ -- QUESTION: extract to an own BCD package?
+ -- => overloaded operators for +/-/=/... and conversion functions
+ type T_BCD is array(3 downto 0) of std_logic;
+ type T_BCD_VECTOR is array(natural range <>) of T_BCD;
+ constant C_BCD_MINUS : T_BCD := "1010";
+ constant C_BCD_OFF : T_BCD := "1011";
+ -- Function declarations
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ --+ Division ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ -- Calculates: ceil(a / b)
+ function div_ceil(a : natural; b : positive) return natural;
+ --+ Power +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ -- is input a power of 2?
+ function is_pow2(int : natural) return boolean;
+ -- round to next power of 2
+ function ceil_pow2(int : natural) return positive;
+ -- round to previous power of 2
+ function floor_pow2(int : natural) return natural;
+ --+ Logarithm ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ -- Calculates: ceil(ld(arg))
+ function log2ceil(arg : positive) return natural;
+ -- Calculates: max(1, ceil(ld(arg)))
+ function log2ceilnz(arg : positive) return positive;
+ -- Calculates: ceil(lg(arg))
+ function log10ceil(arg : positive) return natural;
+ -- Calculates: max(1, ceil(lg(arg)))
+ function log10ceilnz(arg : positive) return positive;
+ --+ if-then-else (ite) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : boolean; value2 : boolean) return boolean;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : integer; value2 : integer) return integer;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : REAL; value2 : REAL) return REAL;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : std_logic; value2 : std_logic) return std_logic;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : std_logic_vector; value2 : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : bit_vector; value2 : bit_vector) return bit_vector;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : unsigned; value2 : unsigned) return unsigned;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : character; value2 : character) return character;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : string; value2 : string) return string;
+ -- conditional increment / decrement
+ function inc_if(cond : boolean; value : integer; increment : integer := 1) return integer;
+ function dec_if(cond : boolean; value : integer; decrement : integer := 1) return integer;
+ --+ Max / Min / Sum ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ function imin(arg1 : integer; arg2 : integer) return integer; -- Calculates: min(arg1, arg2) for integers
+ alias rmin is IEEE.math_real.realmin[real, real return real];
+ -- function rmin(arg1 : real; arg2 : real) return real; -- Calculates: min(arg1, arg2) for reals
+ function imin(vec : T_INTVEC) return integer; -- Calculates: min(vec) for a integer vector
+ function imin(vec : T_NATVEC) return natural; -- Calculates: min(vec) for a natural vector
+ function imin(vec : T_POSVEC) return positive; -- Calculates: min(vec) for a positive vector
+ function rmin(vec : T_REALVEC) return real; -- Calculates: min(vec) of real vector
+ function imax(arg1 : integer; arg2 : integer) return integer; -- Calculates: max(arg1, arg2) for integers
+ alias rmax is IEEE.math_real.realmax[real, real return real];
+ -- function rmax(arg1 : real; arg2 : real) return real; -- Calculates: max(arg1, arg2) for reals
+ function imax(vec : T_INTVEC) return integer; -- Calculates: max(vec) for a integer vector
+ function imax(vec : T_NATVEC) return natural; -- Calculates: max(vec) for a natural vector
+ function imax(vec : T_POSVEC) return positive; -- Calculates: max(vec) for a positive vector
+ function rmax(vec : T_REALVEC) return real; -- Calculates: max(vec) of real vector
+ function isum(vec : T_NATVEC) return natural; -- Calculates: sum(vec) for a natural vector
+ function isum(vec : T_POSVEC) return natural; -- Calculates: sum(vec) for a positive vector
+ function isum(vec : T_INTVEC) return integer; -- Calculates: sum(vec) of integer vector
+ function rsum(vec : T_REALVEC) return real; -- Calculates: sum(vec) of real vector
+ --+ Conversions ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ -- to integer: to_int
+ function to_int(bool : boolean; zero : integer := 0; one : integer := 1) return integer;
+ function to_int(sl : std_logic; zero : integer := 0; one : integer := 1) return integer;
+ -- to std_logic: to_sl
+ function to_sl(Value : boolean) return std_logic;
+ function to_sl(Value : character) return std_logic;
+ -- to std_logic_vector: to_slv
+ function to_slv(Value : natural; Size : positive) return std_logic_vector; -- short for std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(Value, Size))
+ function to_BCD(Digit : integer) return T_BCD;
+ function to_BCD(Digit : character) return T_BCD;
+ function to_BCD(Digit : unsigned) return T_BCD;
+ function to_BCD(Digit : std_logic_vector) return T_BCD;
+ function to_BCD_Vector(Value : integer; Size : natural := 0; Fill : T_BCD := x"0") return T_BCD_VECTOR;
+ function to_BCD_Vector(Value : string; Size : natural := 0; Fill : T_BCD := x"0") return T_BCD_VECTOR;
+ -- TODO: comment
+ function bound(index : integer; lowerBound : integer; upperBound : integer) return integer;
+ function to_index(slv : unsigned; max : natural := 0) return integer;
+ function to_index(slv : std_logic_vector; max : natural := 0) return integer;
+ -- is_*
+ function is_sl(c : character) return boolean;
+ --+ Basic Vector Utilities +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ -- Aggregate functions
+ function slv_or (vec : std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
+ function slv_nor (vec : std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
+ function slv_and (vec : std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
+ function slv_nand(vec : std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
+ function slv_xor (vec : std_logic_vector) return std_logic;
+ -- NO slv_xnor! This operation would not be well-defined as
+ -- not xor(vec) /= vec_{n-1} xnor ... xnor vec_1 xnor vec_0 iff n is odd.
+ -- Reverses the elements of the passed Vector.
+ --
+ -- @synthesis supported
+ --
+ function reverse(vec : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
+ function reverse(vec : bit_vector) return bit_vector;
+ function reverse(vec : unsigned) return unsigned;
+ -- scale a value into a range [Minimum, Maximum]
+ function scale(Value : integer; Minimum : integer; Maximum : integer; RoundingStyle : T_ROUNDING_STYLE := ROUND_TO_NEAREST) return integer;
+ function scale(Value : REAL; Minimum : integer; Maximum : integer; RoundingStyle : T_ROUNDING_STYLE := ROUND_TO_NEAREST) return integer;
+ function scale(Value : REAL; Minimum : REAL; Maximum : REAL) return REAL;
+ -- Resizes the vector to the specified length. The adjustment is make on
+ -- on the 'high end of the vector. The 'low index remains as in the argument.
+ -- If the result vector is larger, the extension uses the provided fill value
+ -- (default: '0').
+ -- Use the resize functions of the numeric_std package for value-preserving
+ -- resizes of the signed and unsigned data types.
+ --
+ -- @synthesis supported
+ --
+ function resize(vec : bit_vector; length : natural; fill : bit := '0')
+ return bit_vector;
+ function resize(vec : std_logic_vector; length : natural; fill : std_logic := '0')
+ return std_logic_vector;
+ -- Shift the index range of a vector by the specified offset.
+ function move(vec : std_logic_vector; ofs : integer) return std_logic_vector;
+ -- Shift the index range of a vector making vec'low = 0.
+ function movez(vec : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
+ function ascend(vec : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
+ function descend(vec : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
+ -- Least-Significant Set Bit (lssb):
+ -- Computes a vector of the same length as the argument with
+ -- at most one bit set at the rightmost '1' found in arg.
+ --
+ -- @synthesis supported
+ --
+ function lssb(arg : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
+ function lssb(arg : bit_vector) return bit_vector;
+ -- Returns the index of the least-significant set bit.
+ --
+ -- @synthesis supported
+ --
+ function lssb_idx(arg : std_logic_vector) return integer;
+ function lssb_idx(arg : bit_vector) return integer;
+ -- Most-Significant Set Bit (mssb): computes a vector of the same length
+ -- with at most one bit set at the leftmost '1' found in arg.
+ function mssb(arg : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
+ function mssb(arg : bit_vector) return bit_vector;
+ function mssb_idx(arg : std_logic_vector) return integer;
+ function mssb_idx(arg : bit_vector) return integer;
+ -- Swap sub vectors in vector (endian reversal)
+ function swap(slv : std_logic_vector; Size : positive) return std_logic_vector;
+ -- Swap the bits in a chunk
+ function bit_swap(slv : std_logic_vector; Chunksize : positive) return std_logic_vector;
+ -- generate bit masks
+ function genmask_high(Bits : natural; MaskLength : positive) return std_logic_vector;
+ function genmask_low(Bits : natural; MaskLength : positive) return std_logic_vector;
+ function genmask_alternate(len : positive; lsb : std_logic := '0') return std_logic_vector;
+ --+ Encodings ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ -- One-Hot-Code to Binary-Code.
+ -- If a non-negative value empty_val is specified, its unsigned
+ -- representation will be returned upon an all-zero input. As a consequence
+ -- of specifying this value, no simulation warnings will be issued upon empty
+ -- inputs. Alleged 1-hot-encoded inputs with more than one bit asserted
+ -- will always raise a simulation warning.
+ function onehot2bin(onehot : std_logic_vector; empty_val : integer := -1) return unsigned;
+ -- Converts Gray-Code into Binary-Code.
+ --
+ -- @synthesis supported
+ --
+ function gray2bin (gray_val : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
+ -- Binary-Code to One-Hot-Code
+ function bin2onehot(value : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
+ -- Binary-Code to Gray-Code
+ function bin2gray(value : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector;
+end package;
+package body utils is
+ -- Environment
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ function is_simulation return boolean is
+ variable ret : boolean;
+ begin
+ ret := false;
+ -- WORKAROUND: for Xilinx ISE
+ -- Version: all versions with enabled 'use_new_parser' option
+ -- Issue: Is_X('X') does not evaluate to FALSE in synthesis
+ -- Solution: Use '--synthesis translate_on/off' pragmas
+ --synthesis translate_off
+ if Is_X('X') then ret := true; end if;
+ --synthesis translate_on
+ return ret;
+ end function;
+ -- deferred constant assignment
+ constant SIMULATION : boolean := is_simulation;
+ -- Divisions: div_*
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- integer division; always round-up
+ function div_ceil(a : natural; b : positive) return natural is -- calculates: ceil(a / b)
+ begin
+ return (a + (b - 1)) / b;
+ end function;
+ -- Power functions: *_pow2
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ -- return TRUE, if input is a power of 2
+ function is_pow2(int : natural) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return ceil_pow2(int) = int;
+ end function;
+ -- round to next power of 2
+ function ceil_pow2(int : natural) return positive is
+ begin
+ return 2 ** log2ceil(int);
+ end function;
+ -- round to previous power of 2
+ function floor_pow2(int : natural) return natural is
+ variable temp : unsigned(30 downto 0);
+ begin
+ temp := to_unsigned(int, 31);
+ for i in temp'range loop
+ if (temp(i) = '1') then
+ return 2 ** i;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return 0;
+ end function;
+ -- Logarithms: log*ceil*
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ -- return log2; always rounded up
+ function log2ceil(arg : positive) return natural is
+ variable tmp : positive;
+ variable log : natural;
+ begin
+ if arg = 1 then return 0; end if;
+ tmp := 1;
+ log := 0;
+ while arg > tmp loop
+ tmp := tmp * 2;
+ log := log + 1;
+ end loop;
+ return log;
+ end function;
+ -- return log2; always rounded up; the return value is >= 1
+ function log2ceilnz(arg : positive) return positive is
+ begin
+ return imax(1, log2ceil(arg));
+ end function;
+ -- return log10; always rounded up
+ function log10ceil(arg : positive) return natural is
+ variable tmp : positive;
+ variable log : natural;
+ begin
+ if arg = 1 then return 0; end if;
+ tmp := 1;
+ log := 0;
+ while arg > tmp loop
+ tmp := tmp * 10;
+ log := log + 1;
+ end loop;
+ return log;
+ end function;
+ -- return log2; always rounded up; the return value is >= 1
+ function log10ceilnz(arg : positive) return positive is
+ begin
+ return imax(1, log10ceil(arg));
+ end function;
+ -- if-then-else (ite)
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : boolean; value2 : boolean) return boolean is
+ begin
+ if cond then
+ return value1;
+ else
+ return value2;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : integer; value2 : integer) return integer is
+ begin
+ if cond then
+ return value1;
+ else
+ return value2;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : REAL; value2 : REAL) return REAL is
+ begin
+ if cond then
+ return value1;
+ else
+ return value2;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : std_logic; value2 : std_logic) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ if cond then
+ return value1;
+ else
+ return value2;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : std_logic_vector; value2 : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
+ begin
+ if cond then
+ return value1;
+ else
+ return value2;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : bit_vector; value2 : bit_vector) return bit_vector is
+ begin
+ if cond then
+ return value1;
+ else
+ return value2;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : unsigned; value2 : unsigned) return unsigned is
+ begin
+ if cond then
+ return value1;
+ else
+ return value2;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : character; value2 : character) return character is
+ begin
+ if cond then
+ return value1;
+ else
+ return value2;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : string; value2 : string) return string is
+ begin
+ if cond then
+ return value1;
+ else
+ return value2;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ -- conditional increment / decrement
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- return the by increment incremented Value if cond is true else passthrough Value
+ function inc_if(cond : boolean; Value : integer; increment : integer := 1) return integer is
+ begin
+ if cond then
+ return Value + increment;
+ else
+ return Value;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ -- return the by decrement decremented Value if cond is true else passthrough Value
+ function dec_if(cond : boolean; Value : integer; decrement : integer := 1) return integer is
+ begin
+ if cond then
+ return Value - decrement;
+ else
+ return Value;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ -- *min / *max / *sum
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function imin(arg1 : integer; arg2 : integer) return integer is
+ begin
+ if arg1 < arg2 then return arg1; end if;
+ return arg2;
+ end function;
+ -- function rmin(arg1 : real; arg2 : real) return real is
+ -- begin
+ -- if arg1 < arg2 then return arg1; end if;
+ -- return arg2;
+ -- end function;
+ function imin(vec : T_INTVEC) return integer is
+ variable Result : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := integer'high;
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ if vec(i) < Result then
+ Result := vec(i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function imin(vec : T_NATVEC) return natural is
+ variable Result : natural;
+ begin
+ Result := natural'high;
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ if vec(i) < Result then
+ Result := vec(i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function imin(vec : T_POSVEC) return positive is
+ variable Result : positive;
+ begin
+ Result := positive'high;
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ if vec(i) < Result then
+ Result := vec(i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function rmin(vec : T_REALVEC) return REAL is
+ variable Result : REAL;
+ begin
+ Result := REAL'high;
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ if vec(i) < Result then
+ Result := vec(i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function imax(arg1 : integer; arg2 : integer) return integer is
+ begin
+ if arg1 > arg2 then return arg1; end if;
+ return arg2;
+ end function;
+ -- function rmax(arg1 : real; arg2 : real) return real is
+ -- begin
+ -- if arg1 > arg2 then return arg1; end if;
+ -- return arg2;
+ -- end function;
+ function imax(vec : T_INTVEC) return integer is
+ variable Result : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := integer'low;
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ if vec(i) > Result then
+ Result := vec(i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function imax(vec : T_NATVEC) return natural is
+ variable Result : natural;
+ begin
+ Result := natural'low;
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ if vec(i) > Result then
+ Result := vec(i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function imax(vec : T_POSVEC) return positive is
+ variable Result : positive;
+ begin
+ Result := positive'low;
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ if vec(i) > Result then
+ Result := vec(i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function rmax(vec : T_REALVEC) return REAL is
+ variable Result : REAL;
+ begin
+ Result := REAL'low;
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ if vec(i) > Result then
+ Result := vec(i);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function isum(vec : T_INTVEC) return integer is
+ variable Result : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ Result := Result + vec(i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function isum(vec : T_NATVEC) return natural is
+ variable Result : natural;
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ Result := Result + vec(i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function isum(vec : T_POSVEC) return natural is
+ variable Result : natural;
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ Result := Result + vec(i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function rsum(vec : T_REALVEC) return REAL is
+ variable Result : REAL;
+ begin
+ Result := 0.0;
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ Result := Result + vec(i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- Vector aggregate functions: slv_*
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ function slv_or(vec : std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
+ variable Result : std_logic;
+ begin
+ Result := '0';
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ Result := Result or vec(i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function slv_nor(vec : std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return not slv_or(vec);
+ end function;
+ function slv_and(vec : std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
+ variable Result : std_logic;
+ begin
+ Result := '1';
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ Result := Result and vec(i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function slv_nand(vec : std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return not slv_and(vec);
+ end function;
+ function slv_xor(vec : std_logic_vector) return std_logic is
+ variable res : std_logic;
+ begin
+ res := '0';
+ for i in vec'range loop
+ res := res xor vec(i);
+ end loop;
+ return res;
+ end function;
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- Type conversion
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- Convert to integer: to_int
+ function to_int(bool : boolean; zero : integer := 0; one : integer := 1) return integer is
+ begin
+ return ite(bool, one, zero);
+ end function;
+ function to_int(sl : std_logic; zero : integer := 0; one : integer := 1) return integer is
+ begin
+ if (sl = '1') then
+ return one;
+ end if;
+ return zero;
+ end function;
+ -- Convert to bit: to_sl
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function to_sl(Value : boolean) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ return ite(Value, '1', '0');
+ end function;
+ function to_sl(Value : character) return std_logic is
+ begin
+ case Value is
+ when 'U' => return 'U';
+ when '0' => return '0';
+ when '1' => return '1';
+ when 'Z' => return 'Z';
+ when 'W' => return 'W';
+ when 'L' => return 'L';
+ when 'H' => return 'H';
+ when '-' => return '-';
+ when others => return 'X';
+ end case;
+ end function;
+ -- Convert to vector: to_slv
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- short for std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(Value, Size))
+ -- the return value is guaranteed to have the range (Size-1 downto 0)
+ function to_slv(Value : natural; Size : positive) return std_logic_vector is
+ constant res : std_logic_vector(Size-1 downto 0) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(Value, Size));
+ begin
+ return res;
+ end function;
+ -- Convert to T_BCD or T_BCD_VECTOR: to_BCD*
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function to_BCD(Digit : integer) return T_BCD is
+ begin
+ return T_BCD(to_unsigned(Digit, T_BCD'length));
+ end function;
+ function to_BCD(Digit : character) return T_BCD is
+ begin
+ return T_BCD(to_unsigned((character'pos(Digit) - CHARACTER'pos('0')), T_BCD'length));
+ end function;
+ function to_BCD(Digit : unsigned) return T_BCD is
+ begin
+ return T_BCD(Digit);
+ end function;
+ function to_BCD(Digit : std_logic_vector) return T_BCD is
+ begin
+ return T_BCD(Digit);
+ end function;
+ function to_BCD_Vector(Value : integer; Size : natural := 0; Fill : T_BCD := x"0") return T_BCD_VECTOR is
+ begin
+ return to_BCD_Vector(integer'image(Value), Size, Fill);
+ end function;
+ function to_BCD_Vector(Value : string; Size : natural := 0; Fill : T_BCD := x"0") return T_BCD_VECTOR is
+ variable Result : T_BCD_VECTOR(Size - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ Result := (others => Fill);
+ for i in Value'range loop
+ Result(Value'length - (i - Value'low) - 1) := to_BCD(Value(i));
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- bound array indices for simulation, to prevent out of range errors
+ function bound(index : integer; lowerBound : integer; upperBound : integer) return integer is
+ begin
+ if index < lowerBound then
+ return lowerBound;
+ elsif upperBound < index then
+ return upperBound;
+ else
+ return index;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function to_index(slv : unsigned; max : natural := 0) return integer is
+ variable res : integer;
+ begin
+ if (slv'length = 0) then return 0; end if;
+ res := to_integer(slv);
+ if SIMULATION and max > 0 then
+ res := imin(res, max);
+ end if;
+ return res;
+ end function;
+ -- bound array indices for simulation, to prevent out of range errors
+ function to_index(slv : std_logic_vector; max : natural := 0) return integer is
+ begin
+ return to_index(unsigned(slv), max);
+ end function;
+ -- is_*
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ function is_sl(c : character) return boolean is
+ begin
+ case c is
+ when 'U'|'X'|'0'|'1'|'Z'|'W'|'L'|'H'|'-' => return true;
+ when others => return false;
+ end case;
+ end function;
+ -- Reverse vector elements
+ function reverse(vec : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable res : std_logic_vector(vec'range);
+ begin
+ for i in vec'low to vec'high loop
+ res(vec'low + (vec'high-i)) := vec(i);
+ end loop;
+ return res;
+ end function;
+ function reverse(vec : bit_vector) return bit_vector is
+ variable res : bit_vector(vec'range);
+ begin
+ res := to_bitvector(reverse(to_stdlogicvector(vec)));
+ return res;
+ end function;
+ function reverse(vec : unsigned) return unsigned is
+ begin
+ return unsigned(reverse(std_logic_vector(vec)));
+ end function;
+ -- Swap sub vectors in vector
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ function swap(slv : std_logic_vector; Size : positive) return std_logic_vector is
+ constant SegmentCount : natural := slv'length / Size;
+ variable FromH : natural;
+ variable FromL : natural;
+ variable ToH : natural;
+ variable ToL : natural;
+ variable Result : std_logic_vector(slv'length - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in 0 to SegmentCount - 1 loop
+ FromH := ((i + 1) * Size) - 1;
+ FromL := i * Size;
+ ToH := ((SegmentCount - i) * Size) - 1;
+ ToL := (SegmentCount - i - 1) * Size;
+ Result(ToH downto ToL) := slv(FromH downto FromL);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- Swap the bits in a chunk
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ function bit_swap(slv : std_logic_vector; Chunksize : positive) return std_logic_vector is
+ constant SegmentCount : natural := slv'length / Chunksize;
+ variable FromH : natural;
+ variable FromL : natural;
+ variable Result : std_logic_vector(slv'length - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in 0 to SegmentCount - 1 loop
+ FromH := ((i + 1) * Chunksize) - 1;
+ FromL := i * Chunksize;
+ Result(FromH downto FromL) := reverse(slv(FromH downto FromL));
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- generate bit masks
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ function genmask_high(Bits : natural; MaskLength : positive) return std_logic_vector is
+ begin
+ if Bits = 0 then
+ return (MaskLength - 1 downto 0 => '0');
+ else
+ return (MaskLength - 1 downto MaskLength - Bits + 1 => '1') & (MaskLength - Bits downto 0 => '0');
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function genmask_low(Bits : natural; MaskLength : positive) return std_logic_vector is
+ begin
+ if Bits = 0 then
+ return (MaskLength - 1 downto 0 => '0');
+ else
+ return (MaskLength - 1 downto Bits => '0') & (Bits - 1 downto 0 => '1');
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function genmask_alternate(len : positive; lsb : std_logic := '0') return std_logic_vector is
+ variable curr : std_logic;
+ variable res : std_logic_vector(len-1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ curr := lsb;
+ for i in res'reverse_range loop
+ res(i) := curr;
+ curr := not curr;
+ end loop;
+ return res;
+ end function;
+ -- binary encoding conversion functions
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ -- One-Hot-Code to Binary-Code
+ function onehot2bin(onehot : std_logic_vector; empty_val : integer := -1) return unsigned is
+ variable res : unsigned(log2ceilnz(imax(onehot'high, empty_val)+1)-1 downto 0);
+ variable chk : natural;
+ begin
+ -- Note: empty_val = 0 takes the regular path to reduce on synthesized hardware
+ if empty_val > 0 and onehot = (onehot'range => '0') then
+ res := to_unsigned(empty_val, res'length);
+ else
+ res := (others => '0');
+ chk := 0;
+ for i in onehot'range loop
+ if onehot(i) = '1' then
+ res := res or to_unsigned(i, res'length);
+ chk := chk + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if SIMULATION and chk /= 1 and (chk > 1 or empty_val < 0) then
+ report "Broken 1-Hot-Code with "&integer'image(chk)&" bits set."
+ severity warning;
+ res := (others => 'X'); -- computed result is implementation-dependant
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return res;
+ end function;
+ -- Gray-Code to Binary-Code
+ function gray2bin(gray_val : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable tmp : std_logic_vector(gray_val'length downto 0);
+ variable res : std_logic_vector(gray_val'range);
+ begin
+ tmp := '0' & gray_val;
+ for i in tmp'left-1 downto 0 loop
+ tmp(i) := tmp(i+1) xor tmp(i);
+ end loop;
+ res := tmp(tmp'left-1 downto 0);
+ return res;
+ end function;
+ -- Binary-Code to One-Hot-Code
+ function bin2onehot(Value : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable result : std_logic_vector(2**Value'length - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ result := (others => '0');
+ result(to_index(Value, 0)) := '1';
+ return result;
+ end function;
+ -- Binary-Code to Gray-Code
+ function bin2gray(Value : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable tmp : std_logic_vector(Value'length downto 0);
+ variable res : std_logic_vector(Value'range);
+ begin
+ tmp := ('0' & Value) xor (Value & '0');
+ res := tmp(Value'length downto 1);
+ return res;
+ end function;
+ -- bit searching / bit indices
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ -- Least-Significant Set Bit (lssb): computes a vector of the same length with at most one bit set at the rightmost '1' found in arg.
+ function lssb(arg : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable res : std_logic_vector(arg'range);
+ begin
+ res := arg and std_logic_vector(unsigned(not arg)+1);
+ return res;
+ end function;
+ function lssb(arg : bit_vector) return bit_vector is
+ variable res : bit_vector(arg'range);
+ begin
+ res := to_bitvector(lssb(to_stdlogicvector(arg)));
+ return res;
+ end function;
+ -- Most-Significant Set Bit (mssb): computes a vector of the same length with at most one bit set at the leftmost '1' found in arg.
+ function mssb(arg : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
+ begin
+ return reverse(lssb(reverse(arg)));
+ end function;
+ function mssb(arg : bit_vector) return bit_vector is
+ begin
+ return reverse(lssb(reverse(arg)));
+ end function;
+ -- Index of lssb
+ function lssb_idx(arg : std_logic_vector) return integer is
+ begin
+ return to_integer(onehot2bin(lssb(arg)));
+ end function;
+ function lssb_idx(arg : bit_vector) return integer is
+ variable slv : std_logic_vector(arg'range);
+ begin
+ slv := to_stdlogicvector(arg);
+ return lssb_idx(slv);
+ end function;
+ -- Index of mssb
+ function mssb_idx(arg : std_logic_vector) return integer is
+ begin
+ return to_integer(onehot2bin(mssb(arg)));
+ end function;
+ function mssb_idx(arg : bit_vector) return integer is
+ variable slv : std_logic_vector(arg'range);
+ begin
+ slv := to_stdlogicvector(arg);
+ return mssb_idx(slv);
+ end function;
+ -- scale a value into a given range
+ function scale(Value : integer; Minimum : integer; Maximum : integer; RoundingStyle : T_ROUNDING_STYLE := ROUND_TO_NEAREST) return integer is
+ begin
+ return scale(real(Value), Minimum, Maximum, RoundingStyle);
+ end function;
+ function scale(Value : REAL; Minimum : integer; Maximum : integer; RoundingStyle : T_ROUNDING_STYLE := ROUND_TO_NEAREST) return integer is
+ variable Result : REAL;
+ begin
+ if Maximum < Minimum then
+ return integer'low;
+ else
+ Result := real(Value) * ((real(Maximum) + 0.5) - (real(Minimum) - 0.5)) + (real(Minimum) - 0.5);
+ case RoundingStyle is
+ when ROUND_TO_NEAREST => return integer(round(Result));
+ when ROUND_TO_ZERO => report "scale: unsupported RoundingStyle." severity FAILURE;
+ when ROUND_TO_INF => report "scale: unsupported RoundingStyle." severity FAILURE;
+ when ROUND_UP => return integer(ceil(Result));
+ when ROUND_DOWN => return integer(floor(Result));
+ when others => report "scale: unsupported RoundingStyle." severity FAILURE;
+ end case;
+ return integer(Result);
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function scale(Value : REAL; Minimum : REAL; Maximum : REAL) return REAL is
+ begin
+ if Maximum < Minimum then
+ return REAL'low;
+ else
+ return Value * (Maximum - Minimum) + Minimum;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function resize(vec : bit_vector; length : natural; fill : bit := '0') return bit_vector is
+ constant high2b : natural := vec'low+length-1;
+ constant highcp : natural := imin(vec'high, high2b);
+ variable res_up : bit_vector(vec'low to high2b);
+ variable res_dn : bit_vector(high2b downto vec'low);
+ begin
+ if vec'ascending then
+ res_up := (others => fill);
+ res_up(vec'low to highcp) := vec(vec'low to highcp);
+ return res_up;
+ else
+ res_dn := (others => fill);
+ res_dn(highcp downto vec'low) := vec(highcp downto vec'low);
+ return res_dn;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function resize(vec : std_logic_vector; length : natural; fill : std_logic := '0') return std_logic_vector is
+ constant high2b : natural := vec'low+length-1;
+ constant highcp : natural := imin(vec'high, high2b);
+ variable res_up : std_logic_vector(vec'low to high2b);
+ variable res_dn : std_logic_vector(high2b downto vec'low);
+ begin
+ if vec'ascending then
+ res_up := (others => fill);
+ res_up(vec'low to highcp) := vec(vec'low to highcp);
+ return res_up;
+ else
+ res_dn := (others => fill);
+ res_dn(highcp downto vec'low) := vec(highcp downto vec'low);
+ return res_dn;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ -- Move vector boundaries
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ function move(vec : std_logic_vector; ofs : integer) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable res_up : std_logic_vector(vec'low +ofs to vec'high+ofs);
+ variable res_dn : std_logic_vector(vec'high+ofs downto vec'low +ofs);
+ begin
+ if vec'ascending then
+ res_up := vec;
+ return res_up;
+ else
+ res_dn := vec;
+ return res_dn;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ function movez(vec : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
+ begin
+ return move(vec, -vec'low);
+ end function;
+ function ascend(vec : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable res : std_logic_vector(vec'low to vec'high);
+ begin
+ res := vec;
+ return res;
+ end function;
+ function descend(vec : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable res : std_logic_vector(vec'high downto vec'low);
+ begin
+ res := vec;
+ return res;
+ end function;
+end package body;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/vectors.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/vectors.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74ed0e579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/common/vectors.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,1035 @@
+-- EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+-- vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+-- kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Authors: Thomas B. Preusser
+-- Martin Zabel
+-- Patrick Lehmann
+-- Package: Common functions and types
+-- Description:
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- For detailed documentation see below.
+-- License:
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
+-- Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- =============================================================================
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
+library PoC;
+use PoC.utils.all;
+use PoC.strings.all;
+package vectors is
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ -- Type declarations
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ subtype T_SLV_2 is std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
+ subtype T_SLV_3 is std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
+ subtype T_SLV_4 is std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
+ subtype T_SLV_8 is std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+ subtype T_SLV_12 is std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
+ subtype T_SLV_16 is std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
+ subtype T_SLV_24 is std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
+ subtype T_SLV_32 is std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
+ subtype T_SLV_48 is std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
+ subtype T_SLV_64 is std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
+ subtype T_SLV_96 is std_logic_vector(95 downto 0);
+ subtype T_SLV_128 is std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);
+ subtype T_SLV_256 is std_logic_vector(255 downto 0);
+ subtype T_SLV_512 is std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);
+ -- type T_SLVV is array(NATURAL range <>) of STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; -- VHDL 2008 syntax - not yet supported by Xilinx
+ type T_SLVV_2 is array(natural range <>) of T_SLV_2;
+ type T_SLVV_3 is array(natural range <>) of T_SLV_3;
+ type T_SLVV_4 is array(natural range <>) of T_SLV_4;
+ type T_SLVV_8 is array(natural range <>) of T_SLV_8;
+ type T_SLVV_12 is array(natural range <>) of T_SLV_12;
+ type T_SLVV_16 is array(natural range <>) of T_SLV_16;
+ type T_SLVV_24 is array(natural range <>) of T_SLV_24;
+ type T_SLVV_32 is array(natural range <>) of T_SLV_32;
+ type T_SLVV_48 is array(natural range <>) of T_SLV_48;
+ type T_SLVV_64 is array(natural range <>) of T_SLV_64;
+ type T_SLVV_128 is array(natural range <>) of T_SLV_128;
+ type T_SLVV_256 is array(natural range <>) of T_SLV_256;
+ type T_SLVV_512 is array(natural range <>) of T_SLV_512;
+ type T_SLM is array(natural range <>, natural range <>) of std_logic;
+ -- 1. you MUST initialize your matrix signal with 'Z' to get correct simulation results (iSIM, vSIM, ghdl/gtkwave)
+ -- Example: signal myMatrix : T_SLM(3 downto 0, 7 downto 0) := (others => (others => 'Z'));
+ -- 2. Xilinx iSIM bug: DON'T use myMatrix'range(n) for n >= 2
+ -- myMatrix'range(2) returns always myMatrix'range(1); see work-around notes below
+ --
+ -- dimension 1 => rows - e.g. Words
+ -- dimension 2 => columns - e.g. Bits/Bytes in a word
+ --
+ -- WORKAROUND: for Xilinx ISE/iSim
+ -- Version: 14.2
+ -- Issue: myMatrix'range(n) for n >= 2 returns always myMatrix'range(1)
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ -- Function declarations
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ -- slicing boundary calulations
+ function low (lenvec : T_POSVEC; index : natural) return natural;
+ function high(lenvec : T_POSVEC; index : natural) return natural;
+ -- Assign procedures: assign_*
+ procedure assign_row(signal slm : out T_SLM; slv : std_logic_vector; constant RowIndex : natural); -- assign vector to complete row
+ procedure assign_row(signal slm : out T_SLM; slv : std_logic_vector; constant RowIndex : natural; Position : natural); -- assign short vector to row starting at position
+ procedure assign_row(signal slm : out T_SLM; slv : std_logic_vector; constant RowIndex : natural; High : natural; Low : natural); -- assign short vector to row in range high:low
+ procedure assign_col(signal slm : out T_SLM; slv : std_logic_vector; constant ColIndex : natural); -- assign vector to complete column
+ -- ATTENTION: see T_SLM definition for further details and work-arounds
+ -- Matrix to matrix conversion: slm_slice*
+ function slm_slice(slm : T_SLM; RowIndex : natural; ColIndex : natural; Height : natural; Width : natural) return T_SLM; -- get submatrix in boundingbox RowIndex,ColIndex,Height,Width
+ function slm_slice_rows(slm : T_SLM; High : natural; Low : natural) return T_SLM; -- get submatrix / all rows in RowIndex range high:low
+ function slm_slice_cols(slm : T_SLM; High : natural; Low : natural) return T_SLM; -- get submatrix / all columns in ColIndex range high:low
+ -- Boolean Operators
+ function "not" (a : t_slm) return t_slm;
+ function "and" (a, b : t_slm) return t_slm;
+ function "or" (a, b : t_slm) return t_slm;
+ function "xor" (a, b : t_slm) return t_slm;
+ function "nand"(a, b : t_slm) return t_slm;
+ function "nor" (a, b : t_slm) return t_slm;
+ function "xnor"(a, b : t_slm) return t_slm;
+ -- Matrix concatenation: slm_merge_*
+ function slm_merge_rows(slm1 : T_SLM; slm2 : T_SLM) return T_SLM;
+ function slm_merge_cols(slm1 : T_SLM; slm2 : T_SLM) return T_SLM;
+ -- Matrix to vector conversion: get_*
+ function get_col(slm : T_SLM; ColIndex : natural) return std_logic_vector; -- get a matrix column
+ function get_row(slm : T_SLM; RowIndex : natural) return std_logic_vector; -- get a matrix row
+ function get_row(slm : T_SLM; RowIndex : natural; Length : positive) return std_logic_vector; -- get a matrix row of defined length [length - 1 downto 0]
+ function get_row(slm : T_SLM; RowIndex : natural; High : natural; Low : natural) return std_logic_vector; -- get a sub vector of a matrix row at high:low
+ -- Convert to vector: to_slv
+ function to_slv(slvv : T_SLVV_2) return std_logic_vector; -- convert vector-vector to flatten vector
+ function to_slv(slvv : T_SLVV_4) return std_logic_vector; -- ...
+ function to_slv(slvv : T_SLVV_8) return std_logic_vector; -- ...
+ function to_slv(slvv : T_SLVV_12) return std_logic_vector; -- ...
+ function to_slv(slvv : T_SLVV_16) return std_logic_vector; -- ...
+ function to_slv(slvv : T_SLVV_24) return std_logic_vector; -- ...
+ function to_slv(slvv : T_SLVV_32) return std_logic_vector; -- ...
+ function to_slv(slvv : T_SLVV_64) return std_logic_vector; -- ...
+ function to_slv(slvv : T_SLVV_128) return std_logic_vector; -- ...
+ function to_slv(slm : T_SLM) return std_logic_vector; -- convert matrix to flatten vector
+ -- Convert flat vector to avector-vector: to_slvv_*
+ function to_slvv_4(slv : std_logic_vector) return T_SLVV_4; --
+ function to_slvv_8(slv : std_logic_vector) return T_SLVV_8; --
+ function to_slvv_12(slv : std_logic_vector) return T_SLVV_12; --
+ function to_slvv_16(slv : std_logic_vector) return T_SLVV_16; --
+ function to_slvv_32(slv : std_logic_vector) return T_SLVV_32; --
+ function to_slvv_64(slv : std_logic_vector) return T_SLVV_64; --
+ function to_slvv_128(slv : std_logic_vector) return T_SLVV_128; --
+ function to_slvv_256(slv : std_logic_vector) return T_SLVV_256; --
+ function to_slvv_512(slv : std_logic_vector) return T_SLVV_512; --
+ -- Convert matrix to avector-vector: to_slvv_*
+ function to_slvv_4(slm : T_SLM) return T_SLVV_4; --
+ function to_slvv_8(slm : T_SLM) return T_SLVV_8; --
+ function to_slvv_12(slm : T_SLM) return T_SLVV_12; --
+ function to_slvv_16(slm : T_SLM) return T_SLVV_16; --
+ function to_slvv_32(slm : T_SLM) return T_SLVV_32; --
+ function to_slvv_64(slm : T_SLM) return T_SLVV_64; --
+ function to_slvv_128(slm : T_SLM) return T_SLVV_128; --
+ function to_slvv_256(slm : T_SLM) return T_SLVV_256; --
+ function to_slvv_512(slm : T_SLM) return T_SLVV_512; --
+ -- Convert vector-vector to matrix: to_slm
+ function to_slm(slv : std_logic_vector; ROWS : positive; COLS : positive) return T_SLM; -- create matrix from vector
+ function to_slm(slvv : T_SLVV_4) return T_SLM; -- create matrix from vector-vector
+ function to_slm(slvv : T_SLVV_8) return T_SLM; -- create matrix from vector-vector
+ function to_slm(slvv : T_SLVV_12) return T_SLM; -- create matrix from vector-vector
+ function to_slm(slvv : T_SLVV_16) return T_SLM; -- create matrix from vector-vector
+ function to_slm(slvv : T_SLVV_32) return T_SLM; -- create matrix from vector-vector
+ function to_slm(slvv : T_SLVV_48) return T_SLM; -- create matrix from vector-vector
+ function to_slm(slvv : T_SLVV_64) return T_SLM; -- create matrix from vector-vector
+ function to_slm(slvv : T_SLVV_128) return T_SLM; -- create matrix from vector-vector
+ function to_slm(slvv : T_SLVV_256) return T_SLM; -- create matrix from vector-vector
+ function to_slm(slvv : T_SLVV_512) return T_SLM; -- create matrix from vector-vector
+ -- Change vector direction
+ function dir(slvv : T_SLVV_8) return T_SLVV_8;
+ -- Reverse vector elements
+ function rev(slvv : T_SLVV_4) return T_SLVV_4;
+ function rev(slvv : T_SLVV_8) return T_SLVV_8;
+ function rev(slvv : T_SLVV_12) return T_SLVV_12;
+ function rev(slvv : T_SLVV_16) return T_SLVV_16;
+ function rev(slvv : T_SLVV_32) return T_SLVV_32;
+ function rev(slvv : T_SLVV_64) return T_SLVV_64;
+ function rev(slvv : T_SLVV_128) return T_SLVV_128;
+ function rev(slvv : T_SLVV_256) return T_SLVV_256;
+ function rev(slvv : T_SLVV_512) return T_SLVV_512;
+ -- TODO:
+ function resize(slm : T_SLM; size : positive) return T_SLM;
+ -- to_string
+ function to_string(slvv : T_SLVV_8; sep : character := ':') return string;
+ function to_string(slm : T_SLM; groups : positive := 4; format : character := 'b') return string;
+end package vectors;
+package body vectors is
+ -- slicing boundary calulations
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ function low(lenvec : T_POSVEC; index : natural) return natural is
+ variable pos : natural := 0;
+ begin
+ for i in lenvec'low to index - 1 loop
+ pos := pos + lenvec(i);
+ end loop;
+ return pos;
+ end function;
+ function high(lenvec : T_POSVEC; index : natural) return natural is
+ variable pos : natural := 0;
+ begin
+ for i in lenvec'low to index loop
+ pos := pos + lenvec(i);
+ end loop;
+ return pos - 1;
+ end function;
+ -- Assign procedures: assign_*
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ procedure assign_row(signal slm : out T_SLM; slv : std_logic_vector; constant RowIndex : natural) is
+ variable temp : std_logic_vector(slm'high(2) downto slm'low(2)); -- WORKAROUND: Xilinx iSIM work-around, because 'range(2) evaluates to 'range(1); see work-around notes at T_SLM type declaration
+ begin
+ temp := slv;
+ for i in temp'range loop
+ slm(RowIndex, i) <= temp(i);
+ end loop;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure assign_row(signal slm : out T_SLM; slv : std_logic_vector; constant RowIndex : natural; Position : natural) is
+ variable temp : std_logic_vector(Position + slv'length - 1 downto Position);
+ begin
+ temp := slv;
+ for i in temp'range loop
+ slm(RowIndex, i) <= temp(i);
+ end loop;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure assign_row(signal slm : out T_SLM; slv : std_logic_vector; constant RowIndex : natural; High : natural; Low : natural) is
+ variable temp : std_logic_vector(High downto Low);
+ begin
+ temp := slv;
+ for i in temp'range loop
+ slm(RowIndex, i) <= temp(i);
+ end loop;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure assign_col(signal slm : out T_SLM; slv : std_logic_vector; constant ColIndex : natural) is
+ variable temp : std_logic_vector(slm'range(1));
+ begin
+ temp := slv;
+ for i in temp'range loop
+ slm(i, ColIndex) <= temp(i);
+ end loop;
+ end procedure;
+ -- Matrix to matrix conversion: slm_slice*
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ function slm_slice(slm : T_SLM; RowIndex : natural; ColIndex : natural; Height : natural; Width : natural) return T_SLM is
+ variable Result : T_SLM(Height - 1 downto 0, Width - 1 downto 0) := (others => (others => '0'));
+ begin
+ for i in 0 to Height - 1 loop
+ for j in 0 to Width - 1 loop
+ Result(i, j) := slm(RowIndex + i, ColIndex + j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function slm_slice_rows(slm : T_SLM; High : natural; Low : natural) return T_SLM is
+ variable Result : T_SLM(High - Low downto 0, slm'length(2) - 1 downto 0) := (others => (others => '0'));
+ begin
+ for i in 0 to High - Low loop
+ for j in 0 to slm'length(2) - 1 loop
+ Result(i, j) := slm(Low + i, slm'low(2) + j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function slm_slice_cols(slm : T_SLM; High : natural; Low : natural) return T_SLM is
+ variable Result : T_SLM(slm'length(1) - 1 downto 0, High - Low downto 0) := (others => (others => '0'));
+ begin
+ for i in 0 to slm'length(1) - 1 loop
+ for j in 0 to High - Low loop
+ Result(i, j) := slm(slm'low(1) + i, Low + j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- Boolean Operators
+ function "not"(a : t_slm) return t_slm is
+ variable res : t_slm(a'range(1), a'range(2));
+ begin
+ for i in res'range(1) loop
+ for j in res'range(2) loop
+ res(i, j) := not a(i, j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return res;
+ end function;
+ function "and"(a, b : t_slm) return t_slm is
+ variable bb, res : t_slm(a'range(1), a'range(2));
+ begin
+ bb := b;
+ for i in res'range(1) loop
+ for j in res'range(2) loop
+ res(i, j) := a(i, j) and bb(i, j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return res;
+ end function;
+ function "or"(a, b : t_slm) return t_slm is
+ variable bb, res : t_slm(a'range(1), a'range(2));
+ begin
+ bb := b;
+ for i in res'range(1) loop
+ for j in res'range(2) loop
+ res(i, j) := a(i, j) or bb(i, j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return res;
+ end function;
+ function "xor"(a, b : t_slm) return t_slm is
+ variable bb, res : t_slm(a'range(1), a'range(2));
+ begin
+ bb := b;
+ for i in res'range(1) loop
+ for j in res'range(2) loop
+ res(i, j) := a(i, j) xor bb(i, j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return res;
+ end function;
+ function "nand"(a, b : t_slm) return t_slm is
+ begin
+ return not(a and b);
+ end function;
+ function "nor"(a, b : t_slm) return t_slm is
+ begin
+ return not(a or b);
+ end function;
+ function "xnor"(a, b : t_slm) return t_slm is
+ begin
+ return not(a xor b);
+ end function;
+ -- Matrix concatenation: slm_merge_*
+ function slm_merge_rows(slm1 : T_SLM; slm2 : T_SLM) return T_SLM is
+ constant ROWS : positive := slm1'length(1) + slm2'length(1);
+ constant COLUMNS : positive := slm1'length(2);
+ variable slm : T_SLM(ROWS - 1 downto 0, COLUMNS - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in slm1'range(1) loop
+ for j in slm1'low(2) to slm1'high(2) loop -- WORKAROUND: Xilinx iSIM work-around, because 'range(2) evaluates to 'range(1); see work-around notes at T_SLM type declaration
+ slm(i, j) := slm1(i, j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ for i in slm2'range(1) loop
+ for j in slm2'low(2) to slm2'high(2) loop -- WORKAROUND: Xilinx iSIM work-around, because 'range(2) evaluates to 'range(1); see work-around notes at T_SLM type declaration
+ slm(slm1'length(1) + i, j) := slm2(i, j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return slm;
+ end function;
+ function slm_merge_cols(slm1 : T_SLM; slm2 : T_SLM) return T_SLM is
+ constant ROWS : positive := slm1'length(1);
+ constant COLUMNS : positive := slm1'length(2) + slm2'length(2);
+ variable slm : T_SLM(ROWS - 1 downto 0, COLUMNS - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in slm1'range(1) loop
+ for j in slm1'low(2) to slm1'high(2) loop -- WORKAROUND: Xilinx iSIM work-around, because 'range(2) evaluates to 'range(1); see work-around notes at T_SLM type declaration
+ slm(i, j) := slm1(i, j);
+ end loop;
+ for j in slm2'low(2) to slm2'high(2) loop -- WORKAROUND: Xilinx iSIM work-around, because 'range(2) evaluates to 'range(1); see work-around notes at T_SLM type declaration
+ slm(i, slm1'length(2) + j) := slm2(i, j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return slm;
+ end function;
+ -- Matrix to vector conversion: get_*
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ -- get a matrix column
+ function get_col(slm : T_SLM; ColIndex : natural) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable slv : std_logic_vector(slm'range(1));
+ begin
+ for i in slm'range(1) loop
+ slv(i) := slm(i, ColIndex);
+ end loop;
+ return slv;
+ end function;
+ -- get a matrix row
+ function get_row(slm : T_SLM; RowIndex : natural) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable slv : std_logic_vector(slm'high(2) downto slm'low(2)); -- WORKAROUND: Xilinx iSIM work-around, because 'range(2) evaluates to 'range(1); see work-around notes at T_SLM type declaration
+ begin
+ for i in slv'range loop
+ slv(i) := slm(RowIndex, i);
+ end loop;
+ return slv;
+ end function;
+ -- get a matrix row of defined length [length - 1 downto 0]
+ function get_row(slm : T_SLM; RowIndex : natural; Length : positive) return std_logic_vector is
+ begin
+ return get_row(slm, RowIndex, (Length - 1), 0);
+ end function;
+ -- get a sub vector of a matrix row at high:low
+ function get_row(slm : T_SLM; RowIndex : natural; High : natural; Low : natural) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable slv : std_logic_vector(High downto Low);
+ begin
+ for i in slv'range loop
+ slv(i) := slm(RowIndex, i);
+ end loop;
+ return slv;
+ end function;
+ -- Convert to vector: to_slv
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ -- convert vector-vector to flatten vector
+ function to_slv(slvv : T_SLVV_2) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable slv : std_logic_vector((slvv'length * 2) - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'range loop
+ slv((i * 2) + 1 downto (i * 2)) := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return slv;
+ end function;
+ function to_slv(slvv : T_SLVV_4) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable slv : std_logic_vector((slvv'length * 4) - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'range loop
+ slv((i * 4) + 3 downto (i * 4)) := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return slv;
+ end function;
+ function to_slv(slvv : T_SLVV_8) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable slv : std_logic_vector((slvv'length * 8) - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'range loop
+ slv((i * 8) + 7 downto (i * 8)) := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return slv;
+ end function;
+ function to_slv(slvv : T_SLVV_12) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable slv : std_logic_vector((slvv'length * 12) - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'range loop
+ slv((i * 12) + 11 downto (i * 12)) := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return slv;
+ end function;
+ function to_slv(slvv : T_SLVV_16) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable slv : std_logic_vector((slvv'length * 16) - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'range loop
+ slv((i * 16) + 15 downto (i * 16)) := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return slv;
+ end function;
+ function to_slv(slvv : T_SLVV_24) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable slv : std_logic_vector((slvv'length * 24) - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'range loop
+ slv((i * 24) + 23 downto (i * 24)) := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return slv;
+ end function;
+ function to_slv(slvv : T_SLVV_32) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable slv : std_logic_vector((slvv'length * 32) - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'range loop
+ slv((i * 32) + 31 downto (i * 32)) := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return slv;
+ end function;
+ function to_slv(slvv : T_SLVV_64) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable slv : std_logic_vector((slvv'length * 64) - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'range loop
+ slv((i * 64) + 63 downto (i * 64)) := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return slv;
+ end function;
+ function to_slv(slvv : T_SLVV_128) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable slv : std_logic_vector((slvv'length * 128) - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'range loop
+ slv((i * 128) + 127 downto (i * 128)) := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return slv;
+ end function;
+ -- convert matrix to flatten vector
+ function to_slv(slm : T_SLM) return std_logic_vector is
+ variable slv : std_logic_vector((slm'length(1) * slm'length(2)) - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in slm'range(1) loop
+ for j in slm'high(2) downto slm'low(2) loop -- WORKAROUND: Xilinx iSIM work-around, because 'range(2) evaluates to 'range(1); see work-around notes at T_SLM type declaration
+ slv((i * slm'length(2)) + j) := slm(i, j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return slv;
+ end function;
+ -- Convert flat vector to a vector-vector: to_slvv_*
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ -- create vector-vector from vector (4 bit)
+ function to_slvv_4(slv : std_logic_vector) return T_SLVV_4 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_4((slv'length / 4) - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((slv'length mod 4) /= 0) then report "to_slvv_4: width mismatch - slv'length is no multiple of 4 (slv'length=" & INTEGER'image(slv'length) & ")" severity FAILURE; end if;
+ for i in Result'range loop
+ Result(i) := slv((i * 4) + 3 downto (i * 4));
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- create vector-vector from vector (8 bit)
+ function to_slvv_8(slv : std_logic_vector) return T_SLVV_8 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_8((slv'length / 8) - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((slv'length mod 8) /= 0) then report "to_slvv_8: width mismatch - slv'length is no multiple of 8 (slv'length=" & INTEGER'image(slv'length) & ")" severity FAILURE; end if;
+ for i in Result'range loop
+ Result(i) := slv((i * 8) + 7 downto (i * 8));
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- create vector-vector from vector (12 bit)
+ function to_slvv_12(slv : std_logic_vector) return T_SLVV_12 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_12((slv'length / 12) - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((slv'length mod 12) /= 0) then report "to_slvv_12: width mismatch - slv'length is no multiple of 12 (slv'length=" & INTEGER'image(slv'length) & ")" severity FAILURE; end if;
+ for i in Result'range loop
+ Result(i) := slv((i * 12) + 11 downto (i * 12));
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- create vector-vector from vector (16 bit)
+ function to_slvv_16(slv : std_logic_vector) return T_SLVV_16 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_16((slv'length / 16) - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((slv'length mod 16) /= 0) then report "to_slvv_16: width mismatch - slv'length is no multiple of 16 (slv'length=" & INTEGER'image(slv'length) & ")" severity FAILURE; end if;
+ for i in Result'range loop
+ Result(i) := slv((i * 16) + 15 downto (i * 16));
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- create vector-vector from vector (32 bit)
+ function to_slvv_32(slv : std_logic_vector) return T_SLVV_32 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_32((slv'length / 32) - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((slv'length mod 32) /= 0) then report "to_slvv_32: width mismatch - slv'length is no multiple of 32 (slv'length=" & INTEGER'image(slv'length) & ")" severity FAILURE; end if;
+ for i in Result'range loop
+ Result(i) := slv((i * 32) + 31 downto (i * 32));
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- create vector-vector from vector (64 bit)
+ function to_slvv_64(slv : std_logic_vector) return T_SLVV_64 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_64((slv'length / 64) - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((slv'length mod 64) /= 0) then report "to_slvv_64: width mismatch - slv'length is no multiple of 64 (slv'length=" & INTEGER'image(slv'length) & ")" severity FAILURE; end if;
+ for i in Result'range loop
+ Result(i) := slv((i * 64) + 63 downto (i * 64));
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- create vector-vector from vector (128 bit)
+ function to_slvv_128(slv : std_logic_vector) return T_SLVV_128 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_128((slv'length / 128) - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((slv'length mod 128) /= 0) then report "to_slvv_128: width mismatch - slv'length is no multiple of 128 (slv'length=" & INTEGER'image(slv'length) & ")" severity FAILURE; end if;
+ for i in Result'range loop
+ Result(i) := slv((i * 128) + 127 downto (i * 128));
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- create vector-vector from vector (256 bit)
+ function to_slvv_256(slv : std_logic_vector) return T_SLVV_256 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_256((slv'length / 256) - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((slv'length mod 256) /= 0) then report "to_slvv_256: width mismatch - slv'length is no multiple of 256 (slv'length=" & INTEGER'image(slv'length) & ")" severity FAILURE; end if;
+ for i in Result'range loop
+ Result(i) := slv((i * 256) + 255 downto (i * 256));
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- create vector-vector from vector (512 bit)
+ function to_slvv_512(slv : std_logic_vector) return T_SLVV_512 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_512((slv'length / 512) - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ if ((slv'length mod 512) /= 0) then report "to_slvv_512: width mismatch - slv'length is no multiple of 512 (slv'length=" & INTEGER'image(slv'length) & ")" severity FAILURE; end if;
+ for i in Result'range loop
+ Result(i) := slv((i * 512) + 511 downto (i * 512));
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- Convert matrix to avector-vector: to_slvv_*
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ -- create vector-vector from matrix (4 bit)
+ function to_slvv_4(slm : T_SLM) return T_SLVV_4 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_4(slm'range(1));
+ begin
+ if (slm'length(2) /= 4) then report "to_slvv_4: type mismatch - slm'length(2)=" & integer'image(slm'length(2)) severity FAILURE; end if;
+ for i in slm'range(1) loop
+ Result(i) := get_row(slm, i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- create vector-vector from matrix (8 bit)
+ function to_slvv_8(slm : T_SLM) return T_SLVV_8 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_8(slm'range(1));
+ begin
+ if (slm'length(2) /= 8) then report "to_slvv_8: type mismatch - slm'length(2)=" & integer'image(slm'length(2)) severity FAILURE; end if;
+ for i in slm'range(1) loop
+ Result(i) := get_row(slm, i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- create vector-vector from matrix (12 bit)
+ function to_slvv_12(slm : T_SLM) return T_SLVV_12 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_12(slm'range(1));
+ begin
+ if (slm'length(2) /= 12) then report "to_slvv_12: type mismatch - slm'length(2)=" & integer'image(slm'length(2)) severity FAILURE; end if;
+ for i in slm'range(1) loop
+ Result(i) := get_row(slm, i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- create vector-vector from matrix (16 bit)
+ function to_slvv_16(slm : T_SLM) return T_SLVV_16 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_16(slm'range(1));
+ begin
+ if (slm'length(2) /= 16) then report "to_slvv_16: type mismatch - slm'length(2)=" & integer'image(slm'length(2)) severity FAILURE; end if;
+ for i in slm'range(1) loop
+ Result(i) := get_row(slm, i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- create vector-vector from matrix (32 bit)
+ function to_slvv_32(slm : T_SLM) return T_SLVV_32 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_32(slm'range(1));
+ begin
+ if (slm'length(2) /= 32) then report "to_slvv_32: type mismatch - slm'length(2)=" & integer'image(slm'length(2)) severity FAILURE; end if;
+ for i in slm'range(1) loop
+ Result(i) := get_row(slm, i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- create vector-vector from matrix (64 bit)
+ function to_slvv_64(slm : T_SLM) return T_SLVV_64 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_64(slm'range(1));
+ begin
+ if (slm'length(2) /= 64) then report "to_slvv_64: type mismatch - slm'length(2)=" & integer'image(slm'length(2)) severity FAILURE; end if;
+ for i in slm'range(1) loop
+ Result(i) := get_row(slm, i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- create vector-vector from matrix (128 bit)
+ function to_slvv_128(slm : T_SLM) return T_SLVV_128 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_128(slm'range(1));
+ begin
+ if (slm'length(2) /= 128) then report "to_slvv_128: type mismatch - slm'length(2)=" & integer'image(slm'length(2)) severity FAILURE; end if;
+ for i in slm'range(1) loop
+ Result(i) := get_row(slm, i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- create vector-vector from matrix (256 bit)
+ function to_slvv_256(slm : T_SLM) return T_SLVV_256 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_256(slm'range);
+ begin
+ if (slm'length(2) /= 256) then report "to_slvv_256: type mismatch - slm'length(2)=" & integer'image(slm'length(2)) severity FAILURE; end if;
+ for i in slm'range loop
+ Result(i) := get_row(slm, i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- create vector-vector from matrix (512 bit)
+ function to_slvv_512(slm : T_SLM) return T_SLVV_512 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_512(slm'range(1));
+ begin
+ if (slm'length(2) /= 512) then report "to_slvv_512: type mismatch - slm'length(2)=" & integer'image(slm'length(2)) severity FAILURE; end if;
+ for i in slm'range(1) loop
+ Result(i) := get_row(slm, i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- Convert vector-vector to matrix: to_slm
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ -- create matrix from vector
+ function to_slm(slv : std_logic_vector; ROWS : positive; COLS : positive) return T_SLM is
+ variable slm : T_SLM(ROWS - 1 downto 0, COLS - 1 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in 0 to ROWS - 1 loop
+ for j in 0 to COLS - 1 loop
+ slm(i, j) := slv((i * COLS) + j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return slm;
+ end function;
+ -- create matrix from vector-vector
+ function to_slm(slvv : T_SLVV_4) return T_SLM is
+ variable slm : T_SLM(slvv'range, 3 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'range loop
+ for j in T_SLV_4'range loop
+ slm(i, j) := slvv(i)(j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return slm;
+ end function;
+ function to_slm(slvv : T_SLVV_8) return T_SLM is
+-- variable test : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(T_SLV_8'range);
+-- variable slm : T_SLM(slvv'range, test'range); -- BUG: iSIM 14.5 cascaded 'range accesses let iSIM break down
+-- variable slm : T_SLM(slvv'range, T_SLV_8'range); -- BUG: iSIM 14.5 allocates 9 bits in dimension 2
+ variable slm : T_SLM(slvv'range, 7 downto 0); -- WORKAROUND: use constant range
+ begin
+-- report "slvv: slvv.length=" & INTEGER'image(slvv'length) & " slm.dim0.length=" & INTEGER'image(slm'length(1)) & " slm.dim1.length=" & INTEGER'image(slm'length(2)) severity NOTE;
+-- report "T_SLV_8: .length=" & INTEGER'image(T_SLV_8'length) & " .high=" & INTEGER'image(T_SLV_8'high) & " .low=" & INTEGER'image(T_SLV_8'low) severity NOTE;
+-- report "test: test.length=" & INTEGER'image(test'length) & " .high=" & INTEGER'image(test'high) & " .low=" & INTEGER'image(test'low) severity NOTE;
+ for i in slvv'range loop
+ for j in T_SLV_8'range loop
+ slm(i, j) := slvv(i)(j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return slm;
+ end function;
+ function to_slm(slvv : T_SLVV_12) return T_SLM is
+ variable slm : T_SLM(slvv'range, 11 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'range loop
+ for j in T_SLV_12'range loop
+ slm(i, j) := slvv(i)(j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return slm;
+ end function;
+ function to_slm(slvv : T_SLVV_16) return T_SLM is
+ variable slm : T_SLM(slvv'range, 15 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'range loop
+ for j in T_SLV_16'range loop
+ slm(i, j) := slvv(i)(j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return slm;
+ end function;
+ function to_slm(slvv : T_SLVV_32) return T_SLM is
+ variable slm : T_SLM(slvv'range, 31 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'range loop
+ for j in T_SLV_32'range loop
+ slm(i, j) := slvv(i)(j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return slm;
+ end function;
+ function to_slm(slvv : T_SLVV_48) return T_SLM is
+ variable slm : T_SLM(slvv'range, 47 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'range loop
+ for j in T_SLV_48'range loop
+ slm(i, j) := slvv(i)(j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return slm;
+ end function;
+ function to_slm(slvv : T_SLVV_64) return T_SLM is
+ variable slm : T_SLM(slvv'range, 63 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'range loop
+ for j in T_SLV_64'range loop
+ slm(i, j) := slvv(i)(j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return slm;
+ end function;
+ function to_slm(slvv : T_SLVV_128) return T_SLM is
+ variable slm : T_SLM(slvv'range, 127 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'range loop
+ for j in T_SLV_128'range loop
+ slm(i, j) := slvv(i)(j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return slm;
+ end function;
+ function to_slm(slvv : T_SLVV_256) return T_SLM is
+ variable slm : T_SLM(slvv'range, 255 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'range loop
+ for j in T_SLV_256'range loop
+ slm(i, j) := slvv(i)(j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return slm;
+ end function;
+ function to_slm(slvv : T_SLVV_512) return T_SLM is
+ variable slm : T_SLM(slvv'range, 511 downto 0);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'range loop
+ for j in T_SLV_512'range loop
+ slm(i, j) := slvv(i)(j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return slm;
+ end function;
+ -- Change vector direction
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ function dir(slvv : T_SLVV_8) return T_SLVV_8 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_8(slvv'reverse_range);
+ begin
+ Result := slvv;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- Reverse vector elements
+ function rev(slvv : T_SLVV_4) return T_SLVV_4 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_4(slvv'range);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'low to slvv'high loop
+ Result(slvv'high - i) := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function rev(slvv : T_SLVV_8) return T_SLVV_8 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_8(slvv'range);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'low to slvv'high loop
+ Result(slvv'high - i) := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function rev(slvv : T_SLVV_12) return T_SLVV_12 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_12(slvv'range);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'low to slvv'high loop
+ Result(slvv'high - i) := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function rev(slvv : T_SLVV_16) return T_SLVV_16 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_16(slvv'range);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'low to slvv'high loop
+ Result(slvv'high - i) := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function rev(slvv : T_SLVV_32) return T_SLVV_32 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_32(slvv'range);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'low to slvv'high loop
+ Result(slvv'high - i) := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function rev(slvv : T_SLVV_64) return T_SLVV_64 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_64(slvv'range);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'low to slvv'high loop
+ Result(slvv'high - i) := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function rev(slvv : T_SLVV_128) return T_SLVV_128 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_128(slvv'range);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'low to slvv'high loop
+ Result(slvv'high - i) := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function rev(slvv : T_SLVV_256) return T_SLVV_256 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_256(slvv'range);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'low to slvv'high loop
+ Result(slvv'high - i) := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function rev(slvv : T_SLVV_512) return T_SLVV_512 is
+ variable Result : T_SLVV_512(slvv'range);
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'low to slvv'high loop
+ Result(slvv'high - i) := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- Resize functions
+ -- ==========================================================================
+ -- Resizes the vector to the specified length. Input vectors larger than the specified size are truncated from the left side. Smaller input
+ -- vectors are extended on the left by the provided fill value (default: '0'). Use the resize functions of the numeric_std package for
+ -- value-preserving resizes of the signed and unsigned data types.
+ function resize(slm : T_SLM; size : positive) return T_SLM is
+ variable Result : T_SLM(size - 1 downto 0, slm'high(2) downto slm'low(2)) := (others => (others => '0')); -- WORKAROUND: Xilinx iSIM work-around, because 'range(2) evaluates to 'range(1); see work-around notes at T_SLM type declaration
+ begin
+ for i in slm'range(1) loop
+ for j in slm'high(2) downto slm'low(2) loop -- WORKAROUND: Xilinx iSIM work-around, because 'range(2) evaluates to 'range(1); see work-around notes at T_SLM type declaration
+ Result(i, j) := slm(i, j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function to_string(slvv : T_SLVV_8; sep : character := ':') return string is
+ constant hex_len : positive := ite((sep = C_POC_NUL), (slvv'length * 2), (slvv'length * 3) - 1);
+ variable Result : string(1 to hex_len) := (others => sep);
+ variable pos : positive := 1;
+ begin
+ for i in slvv'range loop
+ Result(pos to pos + 1) := to_string(slvv(i), 'h');
+ pos := pos + ite((sep = C_POC_NUL), 2, 3);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function to_string_bin(slm : T_SLM; groups : positive := 4; format : character := 'h') return string is
+ variable PerLineOverheader : positive := div_ceil(slm'length(2), groups);
+ variable Result : string(1 to (slm'length(1) * (slm'length(2) + PerLineOverheader)) + 10);
+ variable Writer : positive;
+ variable GroupCounter : natural;
+ begin
+ Result := (others => C_POC_NUL);
+ Result(1) := LF;
+ Writer := 2;
+ GroupCounter := 0;
+ for i in slm'low(1) to slm'high(1) loop
+ for j in slm'high(2) downto slm'low(2) loop -- WORKAROUND: Xilinx iSIM work-around, because 'range(2) evaluates to 'range(1); see work-around notes at T_SLM type declaration
+ Result(Writer) := to_char(slm(i, j));
+ Writer := Writer + 1;
+ GroupCounter := GroupCounter + 1;
+ if GroupCounter = groups then
+ Result(Writer) := ' ';
+ Writer := Writer + 1;
+ GroupCounter := 0;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Result(Writer - 1) := LF;
+ GroupCounter := 0;
+ end loop;
+ return str_trim(Result);
+ end function;
+ function to_string(slm : T_SLM; groups : positive := 4; format : character := 'b') return string is
+ begin
+ if (format = 'b') then
+ return to_string_bin(slm, groups);
+ else
+ return "Format not supported.";
+ end if;
+ end function;
+end package body;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/sim/sim_global.v08.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/sim/sim_global.v08.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..02ebe003e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/sim/sim_global.v08.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+-- EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+-- vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+-- kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Authors: Patrick Lehmann
+-- Package: Global simulation constants and shared varibales.
+-- Description:
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- .. TODO:: No documentation available.
+-- License:
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
+-- Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- =============================================================================
+library PoC;
+use PoC.FileIO.all;
+use PoC.sim_protected.all;
+package sim_global is
+ -- The default global status objects.
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ shared variable globalSimulationStatus : T_SIM_STATUS;
+ shared variable globalLogFile : T_LOGFILE;
+ shared variable globalStdOut : T_STDOUT;
+end package;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/sim/sim_protected.v08.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/sim/sim_protected.v08.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..64b9568bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/sim/sim_protected.v08.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+-- EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+-- vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+-- kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Authors: Patrick Lehmann
+-- Thomas B. Preusser
+-- Package: Simulation constants, functions and utilities.
+-- Description:
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- .. TODO:: No documentation available.
+-- License:
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
+-- Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- =============================================================================
+use STD.TextIO.all;
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
+library PoC;
+use PoC.utils.all;
+use PoC.strings.all;
+use PoC.vectors.all;
+use PoC.physical.all;
+use PoC.sim_types.all;
+package sim_protected is
+ -- Simulation Task and Status Management
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ type T_SIM_STATUS is protected
+ -- Initializer and Finalizer
+ procedure initialize(MaxAssertFailures : natural := natural'high; MaxSimulationRuntime : TIME := TIME'high);
+ procedure finalize;
+ -- Assertions
+ procedure fail(Message : string := "");
+ procedure assertion(Condition : boolean; Message : string := "");
+ procedure writeMessage(Message : string);
+ procedure writeReport;
+ -- Process Management
+ impure function registerProcess(Name : string; IsLowPriority : boolean := FALSE) return T_SIM_PROCESS_ID;
+ impure function registerProcess(TestID : T_SIM_TEST_ID; Name : string; IsLowPriority : boolean := FALSE) return T_SIM_PROCESS_ID;
+ procedure deactivateProcess(procID : T_SIM_PROCESS_ID; SkipLowPriority : boolean := FALSE);
+ procedure stopAllProcesses;
+ procedure stopProcesses(TestID : T_SIM_TEST_ID := C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID);
+ -- Test Management
+ procedure createDefaultTest;
+ impure function createTest(Name : string) return T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ procedure activateDefaultTest;
+ procedure finalizeTest;
+ procedure finalizeTest(TestID : T_SIM_TEST_ID);
+ -- Run Management
+ procedure stopAllClocks;
+ procedure stopClocks(TestID : T_SIM_TEST_ID := C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID);
+ impure function isStopped(TestID : T_SIM_TEST_ID := C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID) return boolean;
+ impure function isFinalized(TestID : T_SIM_TEST_ID := C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID) return boolean;
+ impure function isAllFinalized return boolean;
+ end protected;
+end package;
+package body sim_protected is
+ -- Simulation process and Status Management
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ type T_SIM_STATUS_STATE is record
+ IsInitialized : boolean;
+ IsFinalized : boolean;
+ end record;
+ type T_SIM_STATUS is protected body
+ -- status
+ variable State : T_SIM_STATUS_STATE := (FALSE, FALSE);
+ variable Max_AssertFailures : natural := natural'high;
+ variable Max_SimulationRuntime : time := time'high;
+ -- Internal state variable to log a failure condition for final reporting.
+ -- Once de-asserted, this variable will never return to a value of true.
+ variable Passed : boolean := TRUE;
+ variable AssertCount : natural := 0;
+ variable FailedAssertCount : natural := 0;
+ -- Clock Management
+ variable MainProcessEnables : T_SIM_BOOLVEC(T_SIM_TEST_ID) := (others => TRUE);
+ variable MainClockEnables : T_SIM_BOOLVEC(T_SIM_TEST_ID) := (others => TRUE);
+ -- Process Management
+ variable ProcessCount : natural := 0;
+ variable ActiveProcessCount : natural := 0;
+ variable Processes : T_SIM_PROCESS_VECTOR(T_SIM_PROCESS_ID);
+ -- Test Management
+ variable TestCount : natural := 0;
+ variable ActiveTestCount : natural := 0;
+ variable Tests : T_SIM_TEST_VECTOR(T_SIM_TEST_ID);
+ -- Initializer
+ procedure init is
+ begin
+ if (State.IsInitialized = FALSE) then
+ if C_SIM_VERBOSE then report "init:" severity NOTE; end if;
+ State.IsInitialized := TRUE;
+ createDefaultTest;
+ end if;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure initialize(MaxAssertFailures : natural := natural'high; MaxSimulationRuntime : TIME := TIME'high) is
+ begin
+ if C_SIM_VERBOSE then report "initialize:" severity NOTE; end if;
+ init;
+ Max_AssertFailures := MaxAssertFailures;
+ Max_SimulationRuntime := MaxSimulationRuntime;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure finalize is
+ begin
+ if (State.IsFinalized = FALSE) then
+ if C_SIM_VERBOSE then report "finalize: " severity NOTE; end if;
+ State.IsFinalized := TRUE;
+ for i in C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID to TestCount - 1 loop
+ finalizeTest(i);
+ end loop;
+ writeReport;
+ end if;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure writeReport_Header is
+ variable LineBuffer : LINE;
+ begin
+ write(LineBuffer, ( string'("========================================")));
+ write(LineBuffer, (LF & string'("POC TESTBENCH REPORT")));
+ write(LineBuffer, (LF & string'("========================================")));
+ writeline(output, LineBuffer);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure writeReport_TestReport(Prefix : string := "") is
+ variable LineBuffer : LINE;
+ begin
+ write(LineBuffer, Prefix & "Tests " & integer'image(TestCount + 1));
+ write(LineBuffer, LF & Prefix & " " & str_ralign("-1", log10ceilnz(TestCount + 1) + 1) & ": " & C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_NAME);
+ else
+ write(LineBuffer, Prefix & "Tests " & integer'image(TestCount));
+ end if;
+ for i in 0 to TestCount - 1 loop
+ write(LineBuffer, LF & Prefix & " " & str_ralign(integer'image(i), log10ceilnz(TestCount)) & ": " & str_trim(Tests(i).Name));
+ end loop;
+ writeline(output, LineBuffer);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure writeReport_AssertReport(Prefix : string := "") is
+ variable LineBuffer : LINE;
+ begin
+ write(LineBuffer, Prefix & "Assertions " & integer'image(AssertCount));
+ write(LineBuffer, LF & Prefix & " failed " & integer'image(FailedAssertCount) & ite((FailedAssertCount >= Max_AssertFailures), " Too many failed asserts!", ""));
+ writeline(output, LineBuffer);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure writeReport_ProcessReport(Prefix : string := "") is
+ variable LineBuffer : LINE;
+ begin
+ write(LineBuffer, Prefix & "Processes " & integer'image(ProcessCount));
+ write(LineBuffer, LF & Prefix & " active " & integer'image(ActiveProcessCount));
+ -- report killed processes
+ for i in 0 to ProcessCount - 1 loop
+ if ((Processes(i).Status = SIM_PROCESS_STATUS_ACTIVE) and (Processes(i).IsLowPriority = FALSE)) then
+ write(LineBuffer, LF & Prefix & " " & str_ralign(integer'image(i), log10ceilnz(ProcessCount)) & ": " & str_trim(Processes(i).Name));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ writeline(output, LineBuffer);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure writeReport_RuntimeReport(Prefix : string := "") is
+ variable LineBuffer : LINE;
+ begin
+ write(LineBuffer, Prefix & "Runtime " & to_string(now, 1));
+ writeline(output, LineBuffer);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure writeReport_SimulationResult is
+ variable LineBuffer : LINE;
+ begin
+ write(LineBuffer, ( string'("========================================")));
+ if not Passed then write(LineBuffer, (LF & string'("SIMULATION RESULT = FAILED")));
+ elsif AssertCount = 0 then write(LineBuffer, (LF & string'("SIMULATION RESULT = NO ASSERTS")));
+ elsif Passed then write(LineBuffer, (LF & string'("SIMULATION RESULT = PASSED")));
+ end if;
+ write(LineBuffer, (LF & string'("========================================")));
+ writeline(output, LineBuffer);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure writeReport is
+ variable LineBuffer : LINE;
+ begin
+ writeReport_Header;
+ writeReport_TestReport("");
+ write(LineBuffer, LF & "Overall");
+ writeline(output, LineBuffer);
+ writeReport_AssertReport(" ");
+ writeReport_ProcessReport(" ");
+ writeReport_RuntimeReport(" ");
+ writeReport_SimulationResult;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure assertion(condition : boolean; Message : string := "") is
+ begin
+ AssertCount := AssertCount + 1;
+ if not condition then
+ fail(Message);
+ FailedAssertCount := FailedAssertCount + 1;
+ if (FailedAssertCount >= Max_AssertFailures) then
+ stopAllProcesses;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure fail(Message : string := "") is
+ begin
+ if (Message'length > 0) then
+ report Message severity ERROR;
+ end if;
+ Passed := FALSE;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure writeMessage(Message : string) is
+ variable LineBuffer : LINE;
+ begin
+ write(LineBuffer, Message);
+ writeline(output, LineBuffer);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure createDefaultTest is
+ variable Test : T_SIM_TEST;
+ begin
+ if (State.IsInitialized = FALSE) then
+ init;
+ end if;
+ if C_SIM_VERBOSE then report "createDefaultTest(" & C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_NAME & "):" severity NOTE; end if;
+ Test.Name := resize(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_NAME, T_SIM_TEST_NAME'length);
+ Test.ProcessIDs := (others => 0);
+ Test.ProcessCount := 0;
+ Test.ActiveProcessCount := 0;
+ -- add to the internal structure
+ Tests(Test.ID) := Test;
+ end procedure;
+ impure function createTest(Name : string) return T_SIM_TEST_ID is
+ variable Test : T_SIM_TEST;
+ begin
+ if (State.IsInitialized = FALSE) then
+ init;
+ end if;
+ if C_SIM_VERBOSE then report "createTest(" & Name & "): => " & T_SIM_TEST_ID'image(TestCount) severity NOTE; end if;
+ Test.ID := TestCount;
+ Test.Name := resize(Name, T_SIM_TEST_NAME'length);
+ Test.ProcessIDs := (others => 0);
+ Test.ProcessCount := 0;
+ Test.ActiveProcessCount := 0;
+ -- add to the internal structure
+ Tests(Test.ID) := Test;
+ TestCount := TestCount + 1;
+ ActiveTestCount := ActiveTestCount + 1;
+ -- return TestID for finalizeTest
+ return Test.ID;
+ end function;
+ procedure activateDefaultTest is
+ begin
+ ActiveTestCount := ActiveTestCount + 1;
+ end if;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure finalizeTest is
+ begin
+ finalizeTest(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure finalizeTest(TestID : T_SIM_TEST_ID) is
+ begin
+ if (TestID >= TestCount) then
+ report "TestID (" & T_SIM_TEST_ID'image(TestID) & ") is unknown." severity FAILURE;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if TestID = C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID then
+ if C_SIM_VERBOSE then report "finalizeTest(" & integer'image(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID) & "): inactive" severity NOTE; end if;
+ stopProcesses(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID);
+ return;
+ if ActiveTestCount > 1 then
+ for ProcIdx in 0 to Tests(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID).ProcessCount - 1 loop
+ deactivateProcess(Tests(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID).ProcessIDs(ProcIdx), TRUE);
+ end loop;
+ return;
+ else
+ if C_SIM_VERBOSE then report "finalizeTest(" & integer'image(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID) & "): active" severity NOTE; end if;
+ ActiveTestCount := ActiveTestCount - 1;
+ stopProcesses(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ elsif (Tests(TestID).Status /= SIM_TEST_STATUS_ENDED) then
+ if C_SIM_VERBOSE then report "finalizeTest(TestID=" & T_SIM_TEST_ID'image(TestID) & "): " severity NOTE; end if;
+ Tests(TestID).Status := SIM_TEST_STATUS_ENDED;
+ ActiveTestCount := ActiveTestCount - 1;
+ if (Tests(TestID).ActiveProcessCount > 0) then
+ fail("Test " & integer'image(TestID) & " '" & str_trim(Tests(TestID).Name) & "' has still active process while finalizing:");
+ for ProcIdx in 0 to Tests(TestID).ProcessCount - 1 loop
+ if (Processes(Tests(TestID).ProcessIDs(ProcIdx)).Status = SIM_PROCESS_STATUS_ACTIVE) then
+ report " " & Processes(Tests(TestID).ProcessIDs(ProcIdx)).Name severity WARNING;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ stopProcesses(TestID);
+ end if;
+ if ActiveTestCount = 0 then
+ finalize;
+ elsif ActiveTestCount = 1 then
+ finalizeTest(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID);
+ elsif (Tests(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID).Status = SIM_TEST_STATUS_ZOMBI) then
+ stopProcesses(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID);
+ else
+ return;
+ end if;
+ finalize;
+ end if;
+ end procedure;
+ impure function registerProcess(Name : string; IsLowPriority : boolean := FALSE) return T_SIM_PROCESS_ID is
+ begin
+ return registerProcess(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID, Name, IsLowPriority);
+ end function;
+ impure function registerProcess(TestID : T_SIM_TEST_ID; Name : string; IsLowPriority : boolean := FALSE) return T_SIM_PROCESS_ID is
+ variable Proc : T_SIM_PROCESS;
+ variable TestProcID : T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ begin
+ if (State.IsInitialized = FALSE) then
+ init;
+ end if;
+ if TestID = C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID then
+ activateDefaultTest;
+ end if;
+ if (TestID >= TestCount) then
+ report "TestID (" & T_SIM_TEST_ID'image(TestID) & ") is unknown." severity FAILURE;
+ return T_SIM_PROCESS_ID'high;
+ end if;
+ if C_SIM_VERBOSE then report "registerProcess(TestID=" & T_SIM_TEST_ID'image(TestID) & ", " & Name & "): => " & T_SIM_PROCESS_ID'image(ProcessCount) severity NOTE; end if;
+ Proc.ID := ProcessCount;
+ Proc.TestID := TestID;
+ Proc.Name := resize(Name, T_SIM_PROCESS_NAME'length);
+ Proc.IsLowPriority := IsLowPriority;
+ -- add process to list
+ Processes(Proc.ID) := Proc;
+ ProcessCount := ProcessCount + 1;
+ ActiveProcessCount := inc_if(not IsLowPriority, ActiveProcessCount);
+ -- add process to test
+ TestProcID := Tests(TestID).ProcessCount;
+ Tests(TestID).ProcessIDs(TestProcID) := Proc.ID;
+ Tests(TestID).ProcessCount := TestProcID + 1;
+ Tests(TestID).ActiveProcessCount := inc_if(not IsLowPriority, Tests(TestID).ActiveProcessCount);
+ -- return the process ID
+ return Proc.ID;
+ end function;
+ procedure deactivateProcess(ProcID : T_SIM_PROCESS_ID; SkipLowPriority : boolean := FALSE) is
+ variable TestID : T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ begin
+ if (ProcID >= ProcessCount) then
+ report "ProcID (" & T_SIM_PROCESS_ID'image(ProcID) & ") is unknown." severity FAILURE;
+ return;
+ elsif (Processes(ProcID).IsLowPriority and SkipLowPriority) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ TestID := Processes(ProcID).TestID;
+ -- deactivate process
+ if (Processes(ProcID).Status = SIM_PROCESS_STATUS_ACTIVE) then
+ if C_SIM_VERBOSE then report "deactivateProcess(ProcID=" & T_SIM_PROCESS_ID'image(ProcID) & "): TestID=" & T_SIM_TEST_ID'image(TestID) & " Name=" & str_trim(Processes(ProcID).Name) severity NOTE; end if;
+ Processes(ProcID).Status := SIM_PROCESS_STATUS_ENDED;
+ ActiveProcessCount := dec_if(not Processes(ProcID).IsLowPriority, ActiveProcessCount);
+ Tests(TestID).ActiveProcessCount := dec_if(not Processes(ProcID).IsLowPriority, Tests(TestID).ActiveProcessCount);
+ if (Tests(TestID).ActiveProcessCount = 0) then
+ finalizeTest(TestID);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure stopAllProcesses is
+ begin
+ if C_SIM_VERBOSE then report "stopAllProcesses:" severity NOTE; end if;
+ for i in C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID to TestCount - 1 loop
+ stopProcesses(i);
+ end loop;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure stopProcesses(TestID : T_SIM_TEST_ID := C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID) is
+ begin
+ if (TestID >= TestCount) then
+ report "TestID (" & T_SIM_TEST_ID'image(TestID) & ") is unknown." severity FAILURE;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if C_SIM_VERBOSE then report "stopProcesses(TestID=" & T_SIM_TEST_ID'image(TestID) & "): Name=" & str_trim(Tests(TestID).Name) severity NOTE; end if;
+ MainProcessEnables(TestID) := FALSE;
+ stopClocks(TestID);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure stopAllClocks is
+ begin
+ if C_SIM_VERBOSE then report "stopAllClocks:" severity NOTE; end if;
+ for i in C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID to TestCount - 1 loop
+ stopClocks(i);
+ end loop;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure stopClocks(TestID : T_SIM_TEST_ID := C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID) is
+ begin
+ if (TestID >= TestCount) then
+ report "TestID (" & T_SIM_TEST_ID'image(TestID) & ") is unknown." severity FAILURE;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if C_SIM_VERBOSE then report "stopClocks(TestID=" & T_SIM_TEST_ID'image(TestID) & "): Name=" & str_trim(Tests(TestID).Name) severity NOTE; end if;
+ MainClockEnables(TestID) := FALSE;
+ end procedure;
+ impure function isStopped(TestID : T_SIM_TEST_ID := C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return not MainClockEnables(TestID);
+ end function;
+ impure function isFinalized(TestID : T_SIM_TEST_ID := C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return (Tests(TestID).Status = SIM_TEST_STATUS_ENDED);
+ end function;
+ impure function isAllFinalized return boolean is
+ begin
+ if (State.IsFinalized = TRUE) then
+ if ActiveTestCount = 0 then
+ return TRUE;
+ end if;
+ report "isAllFinalized: " severity ERROR;
+ return FALSE;
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ end protected body;
+end package body;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/sim/sim_simulation.v08.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/sim/sim_simulation.v08.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..81a964b95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/sim/sim_simulation.v08.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+-- EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+-- vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+-- kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Authors: Patrick Lehmann
+-- Thomas B. Preusser
+-- Package: Simulation constants, functions and utilities.
+-- Description:
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- .. TODO:: No documentation available.
+-- License:
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
+-- Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- =============================================================================
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
+use IEEE.math_real.all;
+library PoC;
+use PoC.utils.all;
+-- use PoC.strings.all;
+use PoC.vectors.all;
+use PoC.physical.all;
+use PoC.sim_global.all;
+use PoC.sim_types.all;
+use PoC.sim_protected.all;
+package simulation is
+ -- Legacy interface for pre VHDL-2002
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- prepared aliases, if GHDL gets the aliases fixed. Reported on 08.02.2015 as Issue #38
+ -- alias simmInitialize is globalSimulationStatus.initialize[NATURAL, TIME];
+ -- alias simmFinalize is globalSimulationStatus.finalize[];
+ -- alias simmCreateTest is globalSimulationStatus.createTest[STRING return T_SIM_TEST_ID];
+ -- alias simmFinalizeTest is globalSimulationStatus.finalizeTest[T_SIM_TEST_ID];
+ -- alias simmRegisterProcess is globalSimulationStatus.registerProcess[T_SIM_TEST_ID, STRING, BOOLEAN return T_SIM_PROCESS_ID];
+ -- alias simmRegisterProcess is globalSimulationStatus.registerProcess[STRING, BOOLEAN return T_SIM_PROCESS_ID];
+ -- alias simmDeactivateProcess is globalSimulationStatus.deactivateProcess[T_SIM_PROCESS_ID];
+ -- alias simmIsStopped is globalSimulationStatus.isStopped[T_SIM_TEST_ID return BOOLEAN];
+ -- alias simmIsFinalized is globalSimulationStatus.isFinalized[T_SIM_TEST_ID return BOOLEAN];
+ -- alias simmIsAllFinalized is globalSimulationStatus.isAllFinalized [return BOOLEAN];
+ -- alias simmAssertion is globalSimulationStatus.assertion[BOOLEAN, STRING];
+ -- alias simmFail is globalSimulationStatus.fail[STRING];
+ -- alias simmWriteMessage is globalSimulationStatus.writeMessage[STRING];
+ procedure simInitialize(MaxAssertFailures : natural := natural'high; MaxSimulationRuntime : TIME := TIME'high);
+ procedure simFinalize;
+ impure function simCreateTest(Name : string) return T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ procedure simFinalizeTest(constant TestID : T_SIM_TEST_ID);
+ impure function simRegisterProcess(Name : string; constant IsLowPriority : boolean := FALSE) return T_SIM_PROCESS_ID;
+ impure function simRegisterProcess(constant TestID : T_SIM_TEST_ID; Name : string; constant IsLowPriority : boolean := FALSE) return T_SIM_PROCESS_ID;
+ procedure simDeactivateProcess(ProcID : T_SIM_PROCESS_ID);
+ impure function simIsStopped(constant TestID : T_SIM_TEST_ID := C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID) return boolean;
+ impure function simIsFinalized(constant TestID : T_SIM_TEST_ID := C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID) return boolean;
+ impure function simIsAllFinalized return boolean;
+ procedure simAssertion(cond : in boolean; Message : in string := "");
+ procedure simFail(Message : in string := "");
+ procedure simWriteMessage(Message : in string := "");
+ -- TODO: integrate VCD simulation functions and procedures from sim_value_change_dump.vhdl here
+ -- checksum functions
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- TODO: move checksum functions here
+end package;
+package body simulation is
+ -- legacy procedures
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- TODO: undocumented group
+ procedure simInitialize(MaxAssertFailures : natural := natural'high; MaxSimulationRuntime : TIME := TIME'high) is
+ begin
+ globalSimulationStatus.initialize(MaxAssertFailures, MaxSimulationRuntime);
+ if C_SIM_VERBOSE then report "simInitialize:" severity NOTE; end if;
+ if (MaxSimulationRuntime /= time'high) then
+ wait for MaxSimulationRuntime;
+ report "simInitialize: TIMEOUT" severity ERROR;
+ globalSimulationStatus.finalize;
+ end if;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simFinalize is
+ begin
+ globalSimulationStatus.finalize;
+ end procedure;
+ impure function simCreateTest(Name : string) return T_SIM_TEST_ID is
+ begin
+ return globalSimulationStatus.createTest(Name);
+ end function;
+ procedure simFinalizeTest(constant TestID : T_SIM_TEST_ID) is
+ begin
+ globalSimulationStatus.finalizeTest(TestID);
+ end procedure;
+ impure function simRegisterProcess(Name : string; constant IsLowPriority : boolean := FALSE) return T_SIM_PROCESS_ID is
+ begin
+ return globalSimulationStatus.registerProcess(Name, IsLowPriority);
+ end function;
+ impure function simRegisterProcess(constant TestID : T_SIM_TEST_ID; Name : string; constant IsLowPriority : boolean := FALSE) return T_SIM_PROCESS_ID is
+ begin
+ return globalSimulationStatus.registerProcess(TestID, Name, IsLowPriority);
+ end function;
+ procedure simDeactivateProcess(ProcID : T_SIM_PROCESS_ID) is
+ begin
+ globalSimulationStatus.deactivateProcess(ProcID);
+ end procedure;
+ impure function simIsStopped(constant TestID : T_SIM_TEST_ID := C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return globalSimulationStatus.isStopped(TestID);
+ end function;
+ impure function simIsFinalized(constant TestID : T_SIM_TEST_ID := C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID) return boolean is
+ begin
+ return globalSimulationStatus.isFinalized(TestID);
+ end function;
+ impure function simIsAllFinalized return boolean is
+ begin
+ return globalSimulationStatus.isAllFinalized;
+ end function;
+ -- TODO: undocumented group
+ procedure simWriteMessage(Message : in string := "") is
+ begin
+ globalSimulationStatus.writeMessage(Message);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simFail(Message : in string := "") is
+ begin
+ globalSimulationStatus.fail(Message);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simAssertion(cond : in boolean; Message : in string := "") is
+ begin
+ globalSimulationStatus.assertion(cond, Message);
+ end procedure;
+ -- checksum functions
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- TODO: move checksum functions here
+end package body;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/sim/sim_types.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/sim/sim_types.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..332cd4e16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/sim/sim_types.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+-- EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+-- vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+-- kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Authors: Patrick Lehmann
+-- Thomas B. Preusser
+-- Package: Simulation constants, functions and utilities.
+-- Description:
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- .. TODO:: No documentation available.
+-- License:
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
+-- Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- =============================================================================
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
+use IEEE.math_real.all;
+library PoC;
+use PoC.utils.all;
+-- use PoC.strings.all;
+use PoC.vectors.all;
+-- use PoC.physical.all;
+package sim_types is
+ constant C_SIM_VERBOSE : boolean := FALSE; -- POC_VERBOSE
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- Simulation Task and Status Management
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ type T_SIM_BOOLVEC is array(integer range <>) of boolean;
+ subtype T_SIM_TEST_ID is integer range -1 to 1023;
+ subtype T_SIM_TEST_NAME is string(1 to 256);
+ subtype T_SIM_PROCESS_ID is natural range 0 to 1023;
+ subtype T_SIM_PROCESS_NAME is string(1 to 64);
+ subtype T_SIM_PROCESS_INSTNAME is string(1 to 256);
+ type T_SIM_PROCESS_ID_VECTOR is array(natural range <>) of T_SIM_PROCESS_ID;
+ type T_SIM_TEST_STATUS is (
+ );
+ );
+ type T_SIM_TEST is record
+ ProcessCount : T_SIM_PROCESS_ID;
+ ActiveProcessCount : T_SIM_PROCESS_ID;
+ end record;
+ type T_SIM_TEST_VECTOR is array(integer range <>) of T_SIM_TEST;
+ type T_SIM_PROCESS is record
+ IsLowPriority : boolean;
+ end record;
+ type T_SIM_PROCESS_VECTOR is array(natural range <>) of T_SIM_PROCESS;
+ constant C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID : T_SIM_TEST_ID := -1;
+ constant C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_NAME : string := "Default test";
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- Random Numbers
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ type T_SIM_RAND_SEED is record
+ Seed1 : integer;
+ Seed2 : integer;
+ end record;
+ procedure randInitializeSeed(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED);
+ procedure randInitializeSeed(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; SeedValue : in T_SIM_RAND_SEED);
+ procedure randInitializeSeed(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; SeedVector : in T_INTVEC);
+ procedure randInitializeSeed(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; SeedVector : in string);
+ function randInitializeSeed return T_SIM_RAND_SEED;
+ function randInitializeSeed(SeedValue : T_SIM_RAND_SEED) return T_SIM_RAND_SEED;
+ function randInitializeSeed(SeedVector : T_INTVEC) return T_SIM_RAND_SEED;
+ function randInitializeSeed(SeedVector : string) return T_SIM_RAND_SEED;
+ -- Uniform distributed random values
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ procedure randUniformDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL);
+ procedure randUniformDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out integer; Minimum : integer; Maximum : integer);
+ procedure randUniformDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL; Minimum : REAL; Maximum : REAL);
+ -- Normal / Gaussian distributed random values
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ procedure randNormalDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL; StandardDeviation : REAL := 1.0; Mean : REAL := 0.0);
+ procedure randNormalDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out integer; StandardDeviation : in REAL; Mean : in REAL; Minimum : in integer; Maximum : in integer);
+ procedure randNormalDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL; StandardDeviation : in REAL; Mean : in REAL; Minimum : in REAL; Maximum : in REAL);
+ -- Poisson distributed random values
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ procedure randPoissonDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL; Mean : in REAL);
+ procedure randPoissonDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out integer; Mean : in REAL; Minimum : in integer; Maximum : in integer);
+ procedure randPoissonDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL; Mean : in REAL; Minimum : in REAL; Maximum : in REAL);
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- Clock Generation
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- type T_PERCENT is INTEGER'range units
+ type T_PERCENT is range integer'low to INTEGER'high units
+ ppb;
+ ppm = 1000 ppb;
+ permil = 1000 ppm;
+ percent = 10 permil;
+ one = 100 percent;
+ end units;
+ subtype T_WANDER is T_PERCENT range -1 one to 1 one;
+ subtype T_DUTYCYCLE is T_PERCENT range 0 ppb to 1 one;
+ type T_DEGREE is range integer'low to INTEGER'high units
+ second;
+ minute = 60 second;
+ deg = 60 minute;
+ end units;
+ subtype T_PHASE is T_DEGREE range -360 deg to 360 deg;
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : T_DEGREE; value2 : T_DEGREE) return T_DEGREE;
+end package;
+package body sim_types is
+ function ite(cond : boolean; value1 : T_DEGREE; value2 : T_DEGREE) return T_DEGREE is
+ begin
+ if cond then
+ return value1;
+ else
+ return value2;
+ end if;
+ end function;
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- Random Numbers
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ constant MAX_SEED1_VALUE : positive := 2147483562;
+ constant MAX_SEED2_VALUE : positive := 2147483398;
+ function randGenerateInitialSeed return T_SIM_RAND_SEED is
+ begin
+ return (
+ Seed1 => 5,
+ Seed2 => 3423
+ );
+ end function;
+ function randBoundSeed(SeedValue : in T_SIM_RAND_SEED) return T_SIM_RAND_SEED is
+ begin
+ return (
+ Seed1 => (SeedValue.Seed1 - 1 mod MAX_SEED1_VALUE) + 1,
+ Seed2 => (SeedValue.Seed2 - 1 mod MAX_SEED2_VALUE) + 1
+ );
+ end function;
+ procedure randInitializeSeed(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED) is
+ begin
+ Seed := randGenerateInitialSeed;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure randInitializeSeed(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; SeedValue : in T_SIM_RAND_SEED) is
+ begin
+ Seed := randBoundSeed(SeedValue);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure randInitializeSeed(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; SeedVector : in T_INTVEC) is
+ begin
+ if (SeedVector'length = 0) then
+ Seed := randGenerateInitialSeed;
+ elsif (SeedVector'length = 1) then
+ Seed := randBoundSeed(T_SIM_RAND_SEED'(
+ Seed1 => SeedVector(0),
+ Seed2 => 92346
+ ));
+ elsif (SeedVector'length = 2) then
+ Seed := randBoundSeed(T_SIM_RAND_SEED'(
+ Seed1 => SeedVector(0),
+ Seed2 => SeedVector(1)
+ ));
+ else
+ -- FIXME:
+ -- Seed.Seed1 := SeedVector(0);
+ -- Seed.Seed2 := SeedVector(1);
+ end if;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure randInitializeSeed(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; SeedVector : in string) is
+ begin
+ if (SeedVector'length = 0) then
+ Seed := randGenerateInitialSeed;
+ elsif (SeedVector'length = 1) then
+ Seed := T_SIM_RAND_SEED'(
+ Seed1 => character'pos(SeedVector(1)),
+ Seed2 => 39834
+ );
+ elsif (SeedVector'length = 2) then
+ Seed := T_SIM_RAND_SEED'(
+ Seed1 => character'pos(SeedVector(1)),
+ Seed2 => character'pos(SeedVector(2))
+ );
+ else
+ -- FIXME:
+ -- Seed.Seed1 := CHARACTER'pos(SeedVector(0));
+ -- Seed.Seed2 := CHARACTER'pos(SeedVector(1));
+ end if;
+ end procedure;
+ function randInitializeSeed return T_SIM_RAND_SEED is
+ begin
+ return randGenerateInitialSeed;
+ end function;
+ function randInitializeSeed(SeedValue : T_SIM_RAND_SEED) return T_SIM_RAND_SEED is
+ begin
+ return randBoundSeed(SeedValue);
+ end function;
+ function randInitializeSeed(SeedVector : T_INTVEC) return T_SIM_RAND_SEED is
+ variable Result : T_SIM_RAND_SEED;
+ begin
+ randInitializeSeed(Result, SeedVector);
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function randInitializeSeed(SeedVector : string) return T_SIM_RAND_SEED is
+ variable Result : T_SIM_RAND_SEED;
+ begin
+ randInitializeSeed(Result, SeedVector);
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- Uniform distributed random values
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ procedure randUniformDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL) is
+ begin
+ ieee.math_real.Uniform(Seed.Seed1, Seed.Seed2, Value);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure randUniformDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out integer; Minimum : integer; Maximum : integer) is
+ variable rand : REAL;
+ begin
+ if Maximum < Minimum then report "randUniformDistributedValue: Maximum must be greater than Minimum." severity FAILURE; end if;
+ ieee.math_real.Uniform(Seed.Seed1, Seed.Seed2, rand);
+ Value := scale(rand, Minimum, Maximum);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure randUniformDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL; Minimum : REAL; Maximum : REAL) is
+ variable rand : REAL;
+ begin
+ if Maximum < Minimum then report "randUniformDistributedValue: Maximum must be greater than Minimum." severity FAILURE; end if;
+ ieee.math_real.Uniform(Seed.Seed1, Seed.Seed2, rand);
+ Value := scale(rand, Minimum, Maximum);
+ end procedure;
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- Normal / Gaussian distributed random values
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ procedure randNormalDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL; StandardDeviation : REAL := 1.0; Mean : REAL := 0.0) is
+ variable rand1 : REAL;
+ variable rand2 : REAL;
+ begin
+ if StandardDeviation < 0.0 then report "randNormalDistributedValue: Standard deviation must be >= 0.0" severity FAILURE; end if;
+ -- Box Muller transformation
+ ieee.math_real.Uniform(Seed.Seed1, Seed.Seed2, rand1);
+ ieee.math_real.Uniform(Seed.Seed1, Seed.Seed2, rand2);
+ -- standard normal distribution: mean 0, variance 1
+ Value := StandardDeviation * (sqrt(-2.0 * log(rand1)) * cos(MATH_2_PI * rand2)) + Mean;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure randNormalDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out integer; StandardDeviation : in REAL; Mean : in REAL; Minimum : in integer; Maximum : in integer) is
+ variable rand_real : REAL;
+ variable rand_int : integer;
+ begin
+ if Maximum < Minimum then report "randNormalDistributedValue: Maximum must be greater than Minimum." severity FAILURE; end if;
+ if StandardDeviation < 0.0 then report "randNormalDistributedValue: Standard deviation must be >= 0.0" severity FAILURE; end if;
+ while TRUE loop
+ randNormalDistributedValue(Seed, rand_real, StandardDeviation, Mean);
+ rand_int := integer(round(rand_real));
+ exit when ((Minimum <= rand_int) and (rand_int <= Maximum));
+ end loop;
+ Value := rand_int;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure randNormalDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL; StandardDeviation : in REAL; Mean : in REAL; Minimum : in REAL; Maximum : in REAL) is
+ variable rand : REAL;
+ begin
+ if Maximum < Minimum then report "randNormalDistributedValue: Maximum must be greater than Minimum." severity FAILURE; end if;
+ if StandardDeviation < 0.0 then report "randNormalDistributedValue: Standard deviation must be >= 0.0" severity FAILURE; end if;
+ while TRUE loop
+ randNormalDistributedValue(Seed, rand, StandardDeviation, Mean);
+ exit when ((Minimum <= rand) and (rand <= Maximum));
+ end loop;
+ Value := rand;
+ end procedure;
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- Poisson distributed random values
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ procedure randPoissonDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL; Mean : in REAL) is
+ variable Product : Real;
+ variable Bound : Real;
+ variable rand : Real;
+ variable Result : Real;
+ begin
+ Product := 1.0;
+ Result := 0.0;
+ Bound := exp(-1.0 * Mean);
+ if ((Mean <= 0.0) or (Bound <= 0.0)) then
+ report "randPoissonDistributedValue: Mean must be greater than 0.0." severity FAILURE;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ while (Product >= Bound) loop
+ ieee.math_real.Uniform(Seed.Seed1, Seed.Seed2, rand);
+ Product := Product * rand;
+ Result := Result + 1.0;
+ end loop;
+ Value := Result;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure randPoissonDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out integer; Mean : in REAL; Minimum : in integer; Maximum : in integer) is
+ variable rand_real : REAL;
+ variable rand_int : integer;
+ begin
+ if Maximum < Minimum then report "randPoissonDistributedValue: Maximum must be greater than Minimum." severity FAILURE; end if;
+ while TRUE loop
+ randPoissonDistributedValue(Seed, rand_real, Mean);
+ rand_int := integer(round(rand_real));
+ exit when ((Minimum <= rand_int) and (rand_int <= Maximum));
+ end loop;
+ Value := rand_int;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure randPoissonDistributedValue(Seed : inout T_SIM_RAND_SEED; Value : out REAL; Mean : in REAL; Minimum : in REAL; Maximum : in REAL) is
+ variable rand : REAL;
+ begin
+ if Maximum < Minimum then report "randPoissonDistributedValue: Maximum must be greater than Minimum." severity FAILURE; end if;
+ while TRUE loop
+ randPoissonDistributedValue(Seed, rand, Mean);
+ exit when ((Minimum <= rand) and (rand <= Maximum));
+ end loop;
+ Value := rand;
+ end procedure;
+end package body;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/sim/sim_waveform.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/sim/sim_waveform.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c70eeac1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/sim/sim_waveform.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,981 @@
+-- EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+-- vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+-- kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Authors: Patrick Lehmann
+-- Martin Zabel
+-- Package: Simulation constants, functions and utilities.
+-- Description:
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- .. TODO:: No documentation available.
+-- License:
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
+-- Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- =============================================================================
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
+use IEEE.math_real.all;
+library PoC;
+use PoC.utils.all;
+-- use PoC.strings.all;
+use PoC.vectors.all;
+use PoC.physical.all;
+use PoC.sim_types.all;
+-- use PoC.sim_random.all;
+use PoC.simulation.all;
+package waveform is
+ -- clock generation
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ procedure simGenerateClock(
+ signal Clock : out std_logic;
+ constant Frequency : in FREQ;
+ constant Phase : in T_PHASE := 0 deg;
+ constant DutyCycle : in T_DUTYCYCLE := 50 percent;
+ constant Wander : in T_WANDER := 0 permil
+ );
+ procedure simGenerateClock(
+ constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ signal Clock : out std_logic;
+ constant Frequency : in FREQ;
+ constant Phase : in T_PHASE := 0 deg;
+ constant DutyCycle : in T_DUTYCYCLE := 50 percent;
+ constant Wander : in T_WANDER := 0 permil
+ );
+ procedure simGenerateClock(
+ signal Clock : out std_logic;
+ constant Period : in time;
+ constant Phase : in T_PHASE := 0 deg;
+ constant DutyCycle : in T_DUTYCYCLE := 50 percent;
+ constant Wander : in T_WANDER := 0 permil
+ );
+ procedure simGenerateClock(
+ constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ signal Clock : out std_logic;
+ constant Period : in time;
+ constant Phase : in T_PHASE := 0 deg;
+ constant DutyCycle : in T_DUTYCYCLE := 50 percent;
+ constant Wander : in T_WANDER := 0 permil
+ );
+ procedure simWaitUntilRisingEdge(signal Clock : in std_logic; constant Times : in positive);
+ procedure simWaitUntilRisingEdge(constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID; signal Clock : in std_logic; constant Times : in positive);
+ procedure simWaitUntilFallingEdge(signal Clock : in std_logic; constant Times : in positive);
+ procedure simWaitUntilFallingEdge(constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID; signal Clock : in std_logic; constant Times : in positive);
+ procedure simGenerateClock2(constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID; signal Clock : out std_logic; signal Debug : out REAL; constant Period : in time);
+ -- waveform description
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ type T_SIM_WAVEFORM_TUPLE_SL is record
+ Delay : time;
+ Value : std_logic;
+ end record;
+ type T_SIM_WAVEFORM_TUPLE_SLV_8 is record
+ Delay : time;
+ Value : T_SLV_8;
+ end record;
+ type T_SIM_WAVEFORM_TUPLE_SLV_16 is record
+ Delay : time;
+ Value : T_SLV_16;
+ end record;
+ type T_SIM_WAVEFORM_TUPLE_SLV_24 is record
+ Delay : time;
+ Value : T_SLV_24;
+ end record;
+ type T_SIM_WAVEFORM_TUPLE_SLV_32 is record
+ Delay : time;
+ Value : T_SLV_32;
+ end record;
+ type T_SIM_WAVEFORM_TUPLE_SLV_48 is record
+ Delay : time;
+ Value : T_SLV_48;
+ end record;
+ type T_SIM_WAVEFORM_TUPLE_SLV_64 is record
+ Delay : time;
+ Value : T_SLV_64;
+ end record;
+ subtype T_SIM_WAVEFORM is TIME_VECTOR; -- use predefined physical type TIME here
+ type T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SL is array(natural range <>) of T_SIM_WAVEFORM_TUPLE_SL;
+ type T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_8 is array(natural range <>) of T_SIM_WAVEFORM_TUPLE_SLV_8;
+ type T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_16 is array(natural range <>) of T_SIM_WAVEFORM_TUPLE_SLV_16;
+ type T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_24 is array(natural range <>) of T_SIM_WAVEFORM_TUPLE_SLV_24;
+ type T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_32 is array(natural range <>) of T_SIM_WAVEFORM_TUPLE_SLV_32;
+ type T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_48 is array(natural range <>) of T_SIM_WAVEFORM_TUPLE_SLV_48;
+ type T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_64 is array(natural range <>) of T_SIM_WAVEFORM_TUPLE_SLV_64;
+ -- waveform generation procedures
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ -- TODO: get initial value from Waveform(0) if .Delay = o fs, otherwise use (others => 'U') ?
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ signal Wave : out boolean;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM;
+ constant InitialValue : in boolean := FALSE
+ );
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ signal Wave : out boolean;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM;
+ constant InitialValue : in boolean := FALSE
+ );
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ signal Wave : out std_logic;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM;
+ constant InitialValue : in std_logic := '0'
+ );
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ signal Wave : out std_logic;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM;
+ constant InitialValue : in std_logic := '0'
+ );
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ signal Wave : out std_logic;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SL;
+ constant InitialValue : in std_logic := '0'
+ );
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ signal Wave : out std_logic;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SL;
+ constant InitialValue : in std_logic := '0'
+ );
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_8;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_8;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_8 := (others => '0')
+ );
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_8;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_8;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_8 := (others => '0')
+ );
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_16;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_16;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_16 := (others => '0')
+ );
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_16;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_16;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_16 := (others => '0')
+ );
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_24;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_24;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_24 := (others => '0')
+ );
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_24;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_24;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_24 := (others => '0')
+ );
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_32;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_32;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_32 := (others => '0')
+ );
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_32;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_32;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_32 := (others => '0')
+ );
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_48;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_48;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_48 := (others => '0')
+ );
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_48;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_48;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_48 := (others => '0')
+ );
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_64;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_64;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_64 := (others => '0')
+ );
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_64;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_64;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_64 := (others => '0')
+ );
+ function "*" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM; Times : natural) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM;
+ function ">" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM; Offset : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM;
+ function "<" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM; Offset : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM;
+ function "*" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_8; Times : natural) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_8;
+ function ">" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_8; Offset : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_8;
+ -- function "<" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_8; Offset : TIME) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_8;
+ function "*" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_16; Times : natural) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_16;
+ function ">" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_16; Offset : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_16;
+ -- function "<" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_16; Offset : TIME) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_16;
+ function "*" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_24; Times : natural) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_24;
+ function ">" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_24; Offset : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_24;
+ -- function "<" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_24; Offset : TIME) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_24;
+ function "*" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_32; Times : natural) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_32;
+ function ">" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_32; Offset : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_32;
+ -- function "<" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_32; Offset : TIME) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_32;
+ function "*" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_48; Times : natural) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_48;
+ function ">" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_48; Offset : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_48;
+ -- function "<" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_48; Offset : TIME) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_48;
+ function "*" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_64; Times : natural) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_64;
+ function ">" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_64; Offset : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_64;
+ -- function "<" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_64; Offset : TIME) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_64;
+ -- convert arrays to waveforms
+ -- TODO: optimize waveform if input data doesn't change
+ -- TODO: write single bit variant
+ function to_waveform(bv : bit_vector; Delay : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM;
+ function to_waveform(slv : std_logic_vector; Delay : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SL;
+ function to_waveform(slvv : T_SLVV_8; Delay : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_8;
+ function to_waveform(slvv : T_SLVV_16; Delay : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_16;
+ function to_waveform(slvv : T_SLVV_24; Delay : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_24;
+ function to_waveform(slvv : T_SLVV_32; Delay : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_32;
+ function to_waveform(slvv : T_SLVV_48; Delay : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_48;
+ function to_waveform(slvv : T_SLVV_64; Delay : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_64;
+ -- predefined common waveforms
+ function simGenerateWaveform_Reset(constant Pause : time := 0 ns; ResetPulse : time := 10 ns) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM;
+ -- TODO: integrate VCD simulation functions and procedures from sim_value_change_dump.vhdl here
+ end package;
+package body waveform is
+ -- clock generation
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ procedure simGenerateClock(
+ signal Clock : out std_logic;
+ constant Frequency : in FREQ;
+ constant Phase : in T_PHASE := 0 deg;
+ constant DutyCycle : in T_DUTYCYCLE := 50 percent;
+ constant Wander : in T_WANDER := 0 permil
+ ) is
+ constant Period : time := to_time(Frequency);
+ begin
+ simGenerateClock(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID, Clock, Period, Phase, DutyCycle, Wander);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simGenerateClock(
+ constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ signal Clock : out std_logic;
+ constant Frequency : in FREQ;
+ constant Phase : in T_PHASE := 0 deg;
+ constant DutyCycle : in T_DUTYCYCLE := 50 percent;
+ constant Wander : in T_WANDER := 0 permil
+ ) is
+ constant Period : time := to_time(Frequency);
+ begin
+ simGenerateClock(TestID, Clock, Period, Phase, DutyCycle, Wander);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simGenerateClock(
+ signal Clock : out std_logic;
+ constant Period : in time;
+ constant Phase : in T_PHASE := 0 deg;
+ constant DutyCycle : in T_DUTYCYCLE := 50 percent;
+ constant Wander : in T_WANDER := 0 permil
+ ) is
+ begin
+ simGenerateClock(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID, Clock, Period, Phase, DutyCycle, Wander);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simGenerateClock(
+ constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ signal Clock : out std_logic;
+ constant Period : in time;
+ constant Phase : in T_PHASE := 0 deg;
+ constant DutyCycle : in T_DUTYCYCLE := 50 percent;
+ constant Wander : in T_WANDER := 0 permil
+ ) is
+ constant NormalizedPhase : T_PHASE := ite((Phase >= 0 deg), Phase, Phase + 360 deg); -- move Phase into the range of 0° to 360°
+ constant PhaseAsFactor : REAL := real(NormalizedPhase / 1 second) / 1296000.0; -- 1,296,000 = 3,600 seconds * 360 degree per cycle
+ constant WanderAsFactor : REAL := real(Wander / 1 ppb) / 1.0e9;
+ constant DutyCycleAsFactor : REAL := real(DutyCycle / 1 permil) / 1000.0;
+ constant Delay : time := Period * PhaseAsFactor;
+ constant TimeHigh : time := Period * DutyCycleAsFactor + (Period * (WanderAsFactor / 2.0)); -- add 50% wander to the high level
+ constant TimeLow : time := Period - TimeHigh + (Period * WanderAsFactor); -- and 50% to the low level
+ constant ClockAfterRun_cy : positive := 5;
+ constant PROCESS_ID : T_SIM_PROCESS_ID := simRegisterProcess(TestID, "simGenerateClock(period=" & to_string(Period, 2) & ")", IsLowPriority => TRUE);
+ begin
+ -- report "simGenerateClock: (Instance: '" & Clock'instance_name & "')" & LF &
+ -- "Period: " & TIME'image(Period) & LF &
+ -- "Phase: " & T_PHASE'image(Phase) & LF &
+ -- "DutyCycle: " & T_DUTYCYCLE'image(DutyCycle) & LF &
+ -- "PhaseAsFactor: " & REAL'image(PhaseAsFactor) & LF &
+ -- "WanderAsFactor: " & REAL'image(WanderAsFactor) & LF &
+ -- "DutyCycleAsFactor: " & REAL'image(DutyCycleAsFactor) & LF &
+ -- "Delay: " & TIME'image(Delay) & LF &
+ -- "TimeHigh: " & TIME'image(TimeHigh) & LF &
+ -- "TimeLow: " & TIME'image(TimeLow)
+ -- severity NOTE;
+ if (Delay = 0 ns) then
+ null;
+ elsif (Delay <= TimeLow) then
+ Clock <= '0';
+ wait for Delay;
+ else
+ Clock <= '1';
+ wait for Delay - TimeLow;
+ Clock <= '0';
+ wait for TimeLow;
+ end if;
+ Clock <= '1';
+ while not simIsStopped(TestID) loop
+ wait for TimeHigh;
+ Clock <= '0';
+ wait for TimeLow;
+ Clock <= '1';
+ end loop;
+ simDeactivateProcess(PROCESS_ID);
+ -- create N more cycles to allow other processes to recognize the stop condition (clock after run)
+ for i in 1 to ClockAfterRun_cy loop
+ wait for TimeHigh;
+ Clock <= '0';
+ wait for TimeLow;
+ Clock <= '1';
+ end loop;
+ Clock <= '0';
+ end procedure;
+ StandardDeviation : REAL;
+ Mean : REAL;
+ end record;
+ type T_JITTER_DISTRIBUTION is array (natural range <>) of T_SIM_NORMAL_DIST_PARAMETER;
+ procedure simGenerateClock2(
+ constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ signal Clock : out std_logic;
+ signal Debug : out REAL;
+ constant Period : in time
+ ) is
+ constant TimeHigh : time := Period * 0.5;
+ constant TimeLow : time := Period - TimeHigh;
+ constant JitterPeakPeak : REAL := 0.1; -- UI
+ constant JitterAsFactor : REAL := JitterPeakPeak / 4.0; -- Maximum jitter per edge
+ constant JitterDistribution : T_JITTER_DISTRIBUTION := (
+ -- 0 => (StandardDeviation => 0.2, Mean => -0.4),
+ -- 1 => (StandardDeviation => 0.2, Mean => 0.4)
+ -- 0 => (StandardDeviation => 0.2, Mean => -0.4),
+ -- 1 => (StandardDeviation => 0.3, Mean => -0.1),
+ -- 2 => (StandardDeviation => 0.5, Mean => 0.0),
+ -- 3 => (StandardDeviation => 0.3, Mean => 0.1),
+ -- 4 => (StandardDeviation => 0.2, Mean => 0.4)
+ 0 => (StandardDeviation => 0.15, Mean => -0.6),
+ 1 => (StandardDeviation => 0.2, Mean => -0.3),
+ 2 => (StandardDeviation => 0.25, Mean => -0.2),
+ 3 => (StandardDeviation => 0.3, Mean => 0.0),
+ 4 => (StandardDeviation => 0.25, Mean => 0.2),
+ 5 => (StandardDeviation => 0.2, Mean => 0.3),
+ 6 => (StandardDeviation => 0.15, Mean => 0.6)
+ );
+ variable Seed : T_SIM_RAND_SEED;
+ variable rand : REAL;
+ variable Jitter : REAL;
+ variable Index : natural;
+ constant ClockAfterRun_cy : positive := 5;
+ begin
+ Clock <= '1';
+ randInitializeSeed(Seed);
+ while not simIsStopped(TestID) loop
+ ieee.math_real.Uniform(Seed.Seed1, Seed.Seed2, rand);
+ Index := scale(rand, 0, JitterDistribution'length * 10) mod JitterDistribution'length;
+ randNormalDistributedValue(Seed, rand, JitterDistribution(Index).StandardDeviation, JitterDistribution(Index).Mean, -1.0, 1.0);
+ Jitter := JitterAsFactor * rand;
+ Debug <= rand;
+ -- Debug <= integer(rand * 256.0 + 256.0);
+ wait for TimeHigh + (Period * Jitter);
+ Clock <= '0';
+ wait for TimeLow + (Period * Jitter);
+ Clock <= '1';
+ end loop;
+ -- create N more cycles to allow other processes to recognize the stop condition (clock after run)
+ for i in 1 to ClockAfterRun_cy loop
+ wait for TimeHigh;
+ Clock <= '0';
+ wait for TimeLow;
+ Clock <= '1';
+ end loop;
+ Clock <= '0';
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simWaitUntilRisingEdge(signal Clock : in std_logic; constant Times : in positive) is
+ begin
+ simWaitUntilRisingEdge(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID, Clock, Times);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simWaitUntilRisingEdge(constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID; signal Clock : in std_logic; constant Times : in positive) is
+ begin
+ for i in 1 to Times loop
+ wait until rising_edge(Clock);
+ exit when simIsStopped(TestID);
+ end loop;
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simWaitUntilFallingEdge(signal Clock : in std_logic; constant Times : in positive) is
+ begin
+ simWaitUntilFallingEdge(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID, Clock, Times);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simWaitUntilFallingEdge(constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID; signal Clock : in std_logic; constant Times : in positive) is
+ begin
+ for i in 1 to Times loop
+ wait until falling_edge(Clock);
+ exit when simIsStopped(TestID);
+ end loop;
+ end procedure;
+ -- waveform generation
+ -- ===========================================================================
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ signal Wave : out boolean;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM;
+ constant InitialValue : in boolean := FALSE
+ ) is
+ begin
+ simGenerateWaveform(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID, Wave, Waveform, InitialValue);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ signal Wave : out boolean;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM;
+ constant InitialValue : in boolean := FALSE
+ ) is
+ constant PROCESS_ID : T_SIM_PROCESS_ID := simRegisterProcess(TestID, "simGenerateWaveform");
+ variable State : boolean;
+ begin
+ State := InitialValue;
+ Wave <= State;
+ for i in Waveform'range loop
+ wait for Waveform(i);
+ State := not State;
+ Wave <= State;
+ exit when simIsStopped(TestID);
+ end loop;
+ simDeactivateProcess(PROCESS_ID);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ signal Wave : out std_logic;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM;
+ constant InitialValue : in std_logic := '0'
+ ) is
+ begin
+ simGenerateWaveform(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID, Wave, Waveform, InitialValue);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ signal Wave : out std_logic;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM;
+ constant InitialValue : in std_logic := '0'
+ ) is
+ constant PROCESS_ID : T_SIM_PROCESS_ID := simRegisterProcess(TestID, "simGenerateWaveform");
+ variable State : std_logic;
+ begin
+ State := InitialValue;
+ Wave <= State;
+ for i in Waveform'range loop
+ wait for Waveform(i);
+ State := not State;
+ Wave <= State;
+ exit when simIsStopped(TestID);
+ end loop;
+ simDeactivateProcess(PROCESS_ID);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ signal Wave : out std_logic;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SL;
+ constant InitialValue : in std_logic := '0'
+ ) is
+ begin
+ simGenerateWaveform(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID, Wave, Waveform, InitialValue);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ signal Wave : out std_logic;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SL;
+ constant InitialValue : in std_logic := '0'
+ ) is
+ constant PROCESS_ID : T_SIM_PROCESS_ID := simRegisterProcess(TestID, "simGenerateWaveform");
+ begin
+ Wave <= InitialValue;
+ for i in Waveform'range loop
+ wait for Waveform(i).Delay;
+ Wave <= Waveform(i).Value;
+ exit when simIsStopped(TestID);
+ end loop;
+ simDeactivateProcess(PROCESS_ID);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_8;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_8;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_8 := (others => '0')
+ ) is
+ begin
+ simGenerateWaveform(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID, Wave, Waveform, InitialValue);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_8;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_8;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_8 := (others => '0')
+ ) is
+ constant PROCESS_ID : T_SIM_PROCESS_ID := simRegisterProcess(TestID, "simGenerateWaveform");
+ begin
+ Wave <= InitialValue;
+ for i in Waveform'range loop
+ wait for Waveform(i).Delay;
+ Wave <= Waveform(i).Value;
+ exit when simIsStopped(TestID);
+ end loop;
+ simDeactivateProcess(PROCESS_ID);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_16;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_16;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_16 := (others => '0')
+ ) is
+ begin
+ simGenerateWaveform(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID, Wave, Waveform, InitialValue);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_16;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_16;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_16 := (others => '0')
+ ) is
+ constant PROCESS_ID : T_SIM_PROCESS_ID := simRegisterProcess(TestID, "simGenerateWaveform");
+ begin
+ Wave <= InitialValue;
+ for i in Waveform'range loop
+ wait for Waveform(i).Delay;
+ Wave <= Waveform(i).Value;
+ exit when simIsStopped(TestID);
+ end loop;
+ simDeactivateProcess(PROCESS_ID);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_24;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_24;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_24 := (others => '0')
+ ) is
+ begin
+ simGenerateWaveform(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID, Wave, Waveform, InitialValue);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_24;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_24;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_24 := (others => '0')
+ ) is
+ constant PROCESS_ID : T_SIM_PROCESS_ID := simRegisterProcess(TestID, "simGenerateWaveform");
+ begin
+ Wave <= InitialValue;
+ for i in Waveform'range loop
+ wait for Waveform(i).Delay;
+ Wave <= Waveform(i).Value;
+ exit when simIsStopped(TestID);
+ end loop;
+ simDeactivateProcess(PROCESS_ID);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_32;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_32;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_32 := (others => '0')
+ ) is
+ begin
+ simGenerateWaveform(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID, Wave, Waveform, InitialValue);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_32;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_32;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_32 := (others => '0')
+ ) is
+ constant PROCESS_ID : T_SIM_PROCESS_ID := simRegisterProcess(TestID, "simGenerateWaveform");
+ begin
+ Wave <= InitialValue;
+ for i in Waveform'range loop
+ wait for Waveform(i).Delay;
+ Wave <= Waveform(i).Value;
+ exit when simIsStopped(TestID);
+ end loop;
+ simDeactivateProcess(PROCESS_ID);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_48;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_48;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_48 := (others => '0')
+ ) is
+ begin
+ simGenerateWaveform(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID, Wave, Waveform, InitialValue);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_48;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_48;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_48 := (others => '0')
+ ) is
+ constant PROCESS_ID : T_SIM_PROCESS_ID := simRegisterProcess(TestID, "simGenerateWaveform");
+ begin
+ Wave <= InitialValue;
+ for i in Waveform'range loop
+ wait for Waveform(i).Delay;
+ Wave <= Waveform(i).Value;
+ exit when simIsStopped(TestID);
+ end loop;
+ simDeactivateProcess(PROCESS_ID);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_64;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_64;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_64 := (others => '0')
+ ) is
+ begin
+ simGenerateWaveform(C_SIM_DEFAULT_TEST_ID, Wave, Waveform, InitialValue);
+ end procedure;
+ procedure simGenerateWaveform(
+ constant TestID : in T_SIM_TEST_ID;
+ signal Wave : out T_SLV_64;
+ constant Waveform : in T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_64;
+ constant InitialValue : in T_SLV_64 := (others => '0')
+ ) is
+ constant PROCESS_ID : T_SIM_PROCESS_ID := simRegisterProcess(TestID, "simGenerateWaveform");
+ begin
+ Wave <= InitialValue;
+ for i in Waveform'range loop
+ wait for Waveform(i).Delay;
+ Wave <= Waveform(i).Value;
+ exit when simIsStopped(TestID);
+ end loop;
+ simDeactivateProcess(PROCESS_ID);
+ end procedure;
+ -- Waveform arithmetic
+ function "*" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM; Times : natural) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM is
+ variable Result : T_SIM_WAVEFORM(0 to Wave'length * Times - 1);
+ begin
+ for i in 0 to Times - 1 loop
+ Result(i * Wave'length to (i + 1) * Wave'length - 1) := Wave;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function ">" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM; Offset : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM is
+ begin
+ return (Wave(Wave'low) + Offset) & Wave(Wave'low + 1 to Wave'high);
+ end function;
+ function "<" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM; Offset : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM is
+ variable Result : T_SIM_WAVEFORM(Wave'range);
+ variable TimePos : time;
+ begin
+ report "Has bugs" severity ERROR;
+ TimePos := 0 fs;
+ for i in Wave'range loop
+ TimePos := TimePos + Wave(i);
+ if TimePos > Offset then
+ return (TimePos - Offset) & Wave(i + 1 to Wave'high);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return (0 => 0 fs);
+ end function;
+ function "*" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_8; Times : natural) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_8 is
+ variable Result : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_8(0 to Wave'length * Times - 1);
+ begin
+ for i in 0 to Times - 1 loop
+ Result(i * Wave'length to (i + 1) * Wave'length - 1) := Wave;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function ">" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_8; Offset : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_8 is
+ begin
+ Delay => Wave(Wave'low).Delay + Offset,
+ Value => Wave(Wave'low).Value
+ ) & Wave(Wave'low + 1 to Wave'high);
+ end function;
+ -- function "<" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_8; Offset : TIME) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_8 is
+ -- begin
+ -- report "Not implemented" severity FAILURE;
+ -- end function;
+ function "*" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_16; Times : natural) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_16 is
+ variable Result : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_16(0 to Wave'length * Times - 1);
+ begin
+ for i in 0 to Times - 1 loop
+ Result(i * Wave'length to (i + 1) * Wave'length - 1) := Wave;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function ">" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_16; Offset : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_16 is
+ begin
+ Delay => Wave(Wave'low).Delay + Offset,
+ Value => Wave(Wave'low).Value
+ ) & Wave(Wave'low + 1 to Wave'high);
+ end function;
+ -- function "<" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_16; Offset : TIME) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_16 is
+ -- begin
+ -- report "Not implemented" severity FAILURE;
+ -- end function;
+ function "*" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_24; Times : natural) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_24 is
+ variable Result : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_24(0 to Wave'length * Times - 1);
+ begin
+ for i in 0 to Times - 1 loop
+ Result(i * Wave'length to (i + 1) * Wave'length - 1) := Wave;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function ">" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_24; Offset : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_24 is
+ begin
+ Delay => Wave(Wave'low).Delay + Offset,
+ Value => Wave(Wave'low).Value
+ ) & Wave(Wave'low + 1 to Wave'high);
+ end function;
+ -- function "<" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_24; Offset : TIME) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_24 is
+ -- begin
+ -- report "Not implemented" severity FAILURE;
+ -- end function;
+ function "*" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_32; Times : natural) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_32 is
+ variable Result : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_32(0 to Wave'length * Times - 1);
+ begin
+ for i in 0 to Times - 1 loop
+ Result(i * Wave'length to (i + 1) * Wave'length - 1) := Wave;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function ">" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_32; Offset : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_32 is
+ begin
+ Delay => Wave(Wave'low).Delay + Offset,
+ Value => Wave(Wave'low).Value
+ ) & Wave(Wave'low + 1 to Wave'high);
+ end function;
+ -- function "<" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_32; Offset : TIME) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_32 is
+ -- begin
+ -- report "Not implemented" severity FAILURE;
+ -- end function;
+ function "*" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_48; Times : natural) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_48 is
+ variable Result : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_48(0 to Wave'length * Times - 1);
+ begin
+ for i in 0 to Times - 1 loop
+ Result(i * Wave'length to (i + 1) * Wave'length - 1) := Wave;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function ">" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_48; Offset : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_48 is
+ begin
+ Delay => Wave(Wave'low).Delay + Offset,
+ Value => Wave(Wave'low).Value
+ ) & Wave(Wave'low + 1 to Wave'high);
+ end function;
+ -- function "<" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_48; Offset : TIME) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_48 is
+ -- begin
+ -- report "Not implemented" severity FAILURE;
+ -- end function;
+ function "*" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_64; Times : natural) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_64 is
+ variable Result : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_64(0 to Wave'length * Times - 1);
+ begin
+ for i in 0 to Times - 1 loop
+ Result(i * Wave'length to (i + 1) * Wave'length - 1) := Wave;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function ">" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_64; Offset : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_64 is
+ begin
+ Delay => Wave(Wave'low).Delay + Offset,
+ Value => Wave(Wave'low).Value
+ ) & Wave(Wave'low + 1 to Wave'high);
+ end function;
+ -- function "<" (Wave : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_64; Offset : TIME) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_64 is
+ -- begin
+ -- report "Not implemented" severity FAILURE;
+ -- end function;
+ function to_waveform(bv : bit_vector; Delay : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM is
+ variable Result : T_SIM_WAVEFORM(0 to bv'length - 1);
+ begin
+ report "Has bugs" severity ERROR;
+ for i in 0 to bv'length - 1 loop
+ Result(i) := Delay;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function to_waveform(slv : std_logic_vector; Delay : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SL is
+ variable Result : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SL(0 to slv'length - 1);
+ begin
+ for i in 0 to slv'length - 1 loop
+ Result(i).Delay := Delay;
+ Result(i).Value := slv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function to_waveform(slvv : T_SLVV_8; Delay : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_8 is
+ variable Result : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_8(0 to slvv'length - 1);
+ begin
+ for i in 0 to slvv'length - 1 loop
+ Result(i).Delay := Delay;
+ Result(i).Value := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function to_waveform(slvv : T_SLVV_16; Delay : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_16 is
+ variable Result : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_16(0 to slvv'length - 1);
+ begin
+ for i in 0 to slvv'length - 1 loop
+ Result(i).Delay := Delay;
+ Result(i).Value := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function to_waveform(slvv : T_SLVV_24; Delay : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_24 is
+ variable Result : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_24(0 to slvv'length - 1);
+ begin
+ for i in 0 to slvv'length - 1 loop
+ Result(i).Delay := Delay;
+ Result(i).Value := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function to_waveform(slvv : T_SLVV_32; Delay : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_32 is
+ variable Result : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_32(0 to slvv'length - 1);
+ begin
+ for i in 0 to slvv'length - 1 loop
+ Result(i).Delay := Delay;
+ Result(i).Value := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function to_waveform(slvv : T_SLVV_48; Delay : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_48 is
+ variable Result : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_48(0 to slvv'length - 1);
+ begin
+ for i in 0 to slvv'length - 1 loop
+ Result(i).Delay := Delay;
+ Result(i).Value := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function to_waveform(slvv : T_SLVV_64; Delay : time) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_64 is
+ variable Result : T_SIM_WAVEFORM_SLV_64(0 to slvv'length - 1);
+ begin
+ for i in 0 to slvv'length - 1 loop
+ Result(i).Delay := Delay;
+ Result(i).Value := slvv(i);
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ -- predefined common waveforms
+ function simGenerateWaveform_Reset(constant Pause : time := 0 ns; ResetPulse : time := 10 ns) return T_SIM_WAVEFORM is
+ variable p : time;
+ variable rp : time;
+ begin
+ -- WORKAROUND: for Mentor QuestaSim/ModelSim
+ -- Version: 10.4c
+ -- Issue:
+ -- return (0 => Pause, 1 => ResetPulse); always evaluates to (0 ns, 10 ns),
+ -- regardless of the passed function parameters
+ -- Bugfix:
+ -- The bugfix will be included in 10.5a, but this workaround must be
+ -- present until Altera updates the embedded ModelSim Altera Edition.
+ p := Pause;
+ rp := ResetPulse;
+ return (0 => p, 1 => rp);
+ end function;
+end package body;
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/sort/sortnet/sortnet_BitonicSort.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/sort/sortnet/sortnet_BitonicSort.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..49e0dd908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/issue317/PoC/src/sort/sortnet/sortnet_BitonicSort.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+-- EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+-- vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+-- kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Authors: Patrick Lehmann
+-- Entity: Sorting network: bitonic sort
+-- Description:
+-- -------------------------------------
+-- This sorting network uses the *bitonic sort* algorithm.
+-- .. image:: /_static/sort/sortnet/sortnet_BitonicSort.*
+-- :target: ../../../_static/sort/sortnet/sortnet_BitonicSort.svg
+-- License:
+-- =============================================================================
+-- Copyright 2007-2016 Technische Universitaet Dresden - Germany
+-- Chair of VLSI-Design, Diagnostics and Architecture
+-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
+-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+-- WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+-- limitations under the License.
+-- =============================================================================
+library IEEE;
+use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
+use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
+library PoC;
+use PoC.config.all;
+use PoC.utils.all;
+use PoC.math.all;
+use PoC.vectors.all;
+use PoC.components.all;
+entity sortnet_BitonicSort is
+ generic (
+ INPUTS : positive := 32; -- input count
+ KEY_BITS : positive := 32; -- the first KEY_BITS of In_Data are used as a sorting critera (key)
+ DATA_BITS : positive := 64; -- inclusive KEY_BITS
+ META_BITS : natural := 2; -- additional bits, not sorted but delayed as long as In_Data
+ PIPELINE_STAGE_AFTER : natural := 2; -- add a pipline stage after n sorting stages
+ ADD_INPUT_REGISTERS : boolean := FALSE; --
+ );
+ port (
+ Clock : in std_logic;
+ Reset : in std_logic;
+ Inverse : in std_logic := '0';
+ In_Valid : in std_logic;
+ In_IsKey : in std_logic;
+ In_Data : in T_SLM(INPUTS - 1 downto 0, DATA_BITS - 1 downto 0);
+ In_Meta : in std_logic_vector(META_BITS - 1 downto 0);
+ Out_Valid : out std_logic;
+ Out_IsKey : out std_logic;
+ Out_Data : out T_SLM(INPUTS - 1 downto 0, DATA_BITS - 1 downto 0);
+ Out_Meta : out std_logic_vector(META_BITS - 1 downto 0)
+ );
+end entity;
+architecture rtl of sortnet_BitonicSort is
+ constant C_VERBOSE : boolean := POC_VERBOSE;
+ constant BLOCKS : positive := log2ceil(INPUTS);
+ constant STAGES : positive := triangularNumber(BLOCKS);
+ constant COMPARATORS : positive := STAGES * (INPUTS / 2);
+ constant META_VALID_BIT : natural := 0;
+ constant META_ISKEY_BIT : natural := 1;
+ constant META_VECTOR_BITS : positive := META_BITS + 2;
+ subtype T_META is std_logic_vector(META_VECTOR_BITS - 1 downto 0);
+ type T_META_VECTOR is array(natural range <>) of T_META;
+ subtype T_DATA is std_logic_vector(DATA_BITS - 1 downto 0);
+ type T_DATA_VECTOR is array(natural range <>) of T_DATA;
+ type T_DATA_MATRIX is array(natural range <>) of T_DATA_VECTOR(INPUTS - 1 downto 0);
+ function to_dv(slm : T_SLM) return T_DATA_VECTOR is
+ variable Result : T_DATA_VECTOR(slm'range(1));
+ begin
+ for i in slm'range(1) loop
+ for j in slm'high(2) downto slm'low(2) loop
+ Result(i)(j) := slm(i, j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ function to_slm(dv : T_DATA_VECTOR) return T_SLM is
+ variable Result : T_SLM(dv'range, T_DATA'range);
+ begin
+ for i in dv'range loop
+ for j in T_DATA'range loop
+ Result(i, j) := dv(i)(j);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return Result;
+ end function;
+ signal In_Valid_d : std_logic := '0';
+ signal In_IsKey_d : std_logic := '0';
+ signal In_Data_d : T_SLM(INPUTS - 1 downto 0, DATA_BITS - 1 downto 0) := (others => (others => '0'));
+ signal In_Meta_d : std_logic_vector(META_BITS - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
+ signal MetaVector : T_META_VECTOR(STAGES downto 0) := (others => (others => '0'));
+ signal DataMatrix : T_DATA_MATRIX(STAGES downto 0) := (others => (others => (others => '0')));
+ signal MetaOutputs_d : T_META := (others => '0');
+ signal DataOutputs_d : T_SLM(INPUTS - 1 downto 0, DATA_BITS - 1 downto 0) := (others => (others => '0'));
+ assert (not C_VERBOSE)
+ report "sortnet_BitonicSort:" & LF &
+ " DATA_BITS=" & integer'image(DATA_BITS) &
+ " KEY_BITS=" & integer'image(KEY_BITS) &
+ " META_BITS=" & integer'image(META_BITS)
+ severity NOTE;
+ In_Valid_d <= In_Valid when registered(Clock, ADD_INPUT_REGISTERS);
+ In_IsKey_d <= In_IsKey when registered(Clock, ADD_INPUT_REGISTERS);
+ In_Data_d <= In_Data when registered(Clock, ADD_INPUT_REGISTERS);
+ In_Meta_d <= In_Meta when registered(Clock, ADD_INPUT_REGISTERS);
+ DataMatrix(0) <= to_dv(In_Data_d);
+ MetaVector(0)(META_VALID_BIT) <= In_Valid_d;
+ MetaVector(0)(META_ISKEY_BIT) <= In_IsKey_d;
+ MetaVector(0)(META_VECTOR_BITS - 1 downto META_VECTOR_BITS - META_BITS) <= In_Meta_d;
+ genBlocks : for b in 0 to BLOCKS - 1 generate
+ constant START_DISTANCE : positive := 2**b;
+ begin
+ genStage : for s in 0 to b generate
+ constant STAGE_INDEX : natural := triangularNumber(b) + s;
+ constant DISTANCE : positive := 2**(b - s);
+ constant GROUPS : positive := INPUTS / (DISTANCE * 2);
+ begin
+ MetaVector(STAGE_INDEX + 1) <= MetaVector(STAGE_INDEX) when registered(Clock, INSERT_PIPELINE_REGISTER);
+ genGroups : for g in 0 to GROUPS - 1 generate
+ constant INV : std_logic := to_sl((g / (2 ** s) mod 2 = 1));
+ begin
+ genLoop : for l in 0 to DISTANCE - 1 generate
+ constant SRC0 : natural := g * (DISTANCE * 2) + l;
+ constant SRC1 : natural := SRC0 + DISTANCE;
+ signal Greater : std_logic;
+ signal Switch_d : std_logic;
+ signal Switch_en : std_logic;
+ signal Switch_r : std_logic := '0';
+ signal Switch : std_logic;
+ signal NewData0 : T_DATA;
+ signal NewData1 : T_DATA;
+ begin
+ Greater <= to_sl(unsigned(DataMatrix(STAGE_INDEX)(SRC0)(KEY_BITS - 1 downto 0)) > unsigned(DataMatrix(STAGE_INDEX)(SRC1)(KEY_BITS - 1 downto 0)));
+ Switch_d <= Greater xor Inverse xor INV;
+ Switch_en <= MetaVector(STAGE_INDEX)(META_ISKEY_BIT) and MetaVector(STAGE_INDEX)(META_VALID_BIT);
+ Switch_r <= ffdre(q => Switch_r, d => Switch_d, en => Switch_en) when rising_edge(Clock);
+ Switch <= mux(Switch_en, Switch_r, Switch_d);
+ NewData0 <= mux(Switch, DataMatrix(STAGE_INDEX)(SRC0), DataMatrix(STAGE_INDEX)(SRC1));
+ NewData1 <= mux(Switch, DataMatrix(STAGE_INDEX)(SRC1), DataMatrix(STAGE_INDEX)(SRC0));
+ DataMatrix(STAGE_INDEX + 1)(SRC0) <= NewData0 when registered(Clock, INSERT_PIPELINE_REGISTER);
+ DataMatrix(STAGE_INDEX + 1)(SRC1) <= NewData1 when registered(Clock, INSERT_PIPELINE_REGISTER);
+ end generate;
+ end generate;
+ end generate;
+ end generate;
+ MetaOutputs_d <= MetaVector(STAGES) when registered(Clock, ADD_OUTPUT_REGISTERS);
+ DataOutputs_d <= to_slm(DataMatrix(STAGES)) when registered(Clock, ADD_OUTPUT_REGISTERS);
+ Out_Valid <= MetaOutputs_d(META_VALID_BIT);
+ Out_IsKey <= MetaOutputs_d(META_ISKEY_BIT);
+ Out_Data <= DataOutputs_d;
+ Out_Meta <= MetaOutputs_d(META_VECTOR_BITS - 1 downto META_VECTOR_BITS - META_BITS);
+end architecture;