path: root/testsuite/gna/bug061/datastructure.vhdl
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Diffstat (limited to 'testsuite/gna/bug061/datastructure.vhdl')
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/gna/bug061/datastructure.vhdl b/testsuite/gna/bug061/datastructure.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..005211229
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/gna/bug061/datastructure.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+package DataStructures is
+ -- Simple hashing functions
+ function Modulo_Int (d : integer; size : positive) return natural;
+ function Modulo (d : string; size : positive) return natural;
+ -- Dictionaries
+ package Integer_Integer_Dict_Pkg is new work.corelib_Dict
+ generic map (KEY_TYPE => integer,
+ VALUE_TYPE => integer,
+ to_hash => Modulo_Int);
+ package Integer_StdLogicVector_Dict_Pkg is new work.corelib_Dict
+ generic map (KEY_TYPE => integer,
+ VALUE_TYPE => std_logic_vector,
+ to_hash => Modulo_Int);
+ package String_String_Dict_Pkg is new work.corelib_Dict
+ generic map (KEY_TYPE => string,
+ VALUE_TYPE => string,
+ to_hash => Modulo);
+ package String_StdLogicVector_Dict_Pkg is new work.corelib_Dict
+ generic map (KEY_TYPE => string,
+ VALUE_TYPE => std_logic_vector,
+ to_hash => Modulo);
+ -- Aliases for convenience reasons
+ alias Integer_Integer_Dict is Integer_Integer_Dict_Pkg.PT_DICT;
+ alias Integer_Slv_Dict is Integer_StdLogicVector_Dict_Pkg.PT_DICT;
+ alias String_String_Dict is String_String_Dict_Pkg.PT_DICT;
+ alias String_Slv_Dict is String_StdLogicVector_Dict_Pkg.PT_DICT;
+end package;
+package body DataStructures is
+ -- Simple modulo function for integers
+ function Modulo_int (d : integer; size : positive) return natural is
+ begin
+ return d mod size;
+ end function Modulo_Int;
+ -- Simple modulo function for ISO 8859 Latin-1 8-bit strings
+ -- of arbitrary length (>= VHDL 93)
+ function Modulo (d : string; size : positive) return natural is
+ variable hash : natural := 0;
+ begin
+ assert size <= ((natural'high - 255) / 256 + 1)
+ report Modulo[string, natural return natural]'instance_name & ": size parameter too large, possible overflow"
+ severity failure;
+ for i in d'range loop
+ hash := (hash * 256 + Character'Pos (d(i))) mod size;
+ end loop;
+ return hash;
+ end function Modulo;
+end package body DataStructures;