path: root/src/vhdl/simulate/iir_values.ads
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/vhdl/simulate/iir_values.ads')
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/vhdl/simulate/iir_values.ads b/src/vhdl/simulate/iir_values.ads
index a134df438..68b6d1326 100644
--- a/src/vhdl/simulate/iir_values.ads
+++ b/src/vhdl/simulate/iir_values.ads
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
-- 02111-1307, USA.
with Ada.Text_IO;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
with Types; use Types;
with Iirs; use Iirs;
with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
@@ -163,6 +164,11 @@ package Iir_Values is
type Value_Array_Acc is access Value_Array;
+ -- A block instance with its architecture/entity declaration is an
+ -- instancied entity.
+ type Block_Instance_Type;
+ type Block_Instance_Acc is access Block_Instance_Type;
type Iir_Value_Literal (Kind: Iir_Value_Kind) is record
case Kind is
when Iir_Value_B1 =>
@@ -204,8 +210,105 @@ package Iir_Values is
end case;
end record;
+ type Object_Slot_Type is new Natural;
+ subtype Parameter_Slot_Type is Object_Slot_Type range 0 .. 2**15;
+ type Pkg_Index_Type is new Natural;
+ -- Scope corresponding to an object.
+ type Scope_Kind_Type is
+ (
+ -- For a package, the depth is
+ Scope_Kind_Package,
+ Scope_Kind_Component,
+ Scope_Kind_Frame,
+ Scope_Kind_Pkg_Inst,
+ Scope_Kind_None
+ );
+ type Scope_Depth_Type is range 0 .. 2**15;
+ type Scope_Type (Kind : Scope_Kind_Type := Scope_Kind_None) is record
+ case Kind is
+ when Scope_Kind_Package =>
+ Pkg_Index : Pkg_Index_Type;
+ when Scope_Kind_Component =>
+ null;
+ when Scope_Kind_Frame =>
+ Depth : Scope_Depth_Type;
+ when Scope_Kind_Pkg_Inst =>
+ Pkg_Param : Parameter_Slot_Type;
+ -- Pkg_Parent : Sim_Info_Acc;
+ when Scope_Kind_None =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ type Block_Instance_Id is new Natural;
+ No_Block_Instance_Id : constant Block_Instance_Id := 0;
+ type Objects_Array is array (Object_Slot_Type range <>) of
+ Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
+ type Block_Instance_Type (Max_Objs : Object_Slot_Type) is record
+ -- Flag for wait statement: true if not yet executed.
+ In_Wait_Flag : Boolean;
+ -- Uniq number for a block instance.
+ Id : Block_Instance_Id;
+ -- Useful informations for a dynamic block (ie, a frame).
+ -- The scope level and an access to the block of upper scope level.
+ Block_Scope : Scope_Type;
+ Up_Block : Block_Instance_Acc;
+ -- Block, architecture, package, process, component instantiation for
+ -- this instance.
+ Label : Iir;
+ -- For blocks: corresponding block (different from label for direct
+ -- component instantiation statement and generate iterator).
+ -- For packages: Null_Iir
+ -- For subprograms and processes: statement being executed.
+ Stmt : Iir;
+ -- Instanciation tree.
+ -- Parent is always set (but null for top-level block and packages)
+ Parent: Block_Instance_Acc;
+ -- Chain of children. They are in declaration order after elaboration.
+ -- (in reverse order during elaboration).
+ -- Not null only for blocks and processes.
+ Children: Block_Instance_Acc;
+ Brother: Block_Instance_Acc;
+ -- Port association map for this block, if any.
+ Ports_Map : Iir;
+ -- Pool marker for the child (only for subprograms and processes).
+ Marker : Areapools.Mark_Type;
+ -- Reference to the actuals, for copy-out when returning from a
+ -- procedure.
+ Actuals_Ref : Value_Array_Acc;
+ -- Only for function frame; contains the result.
+ Result: Iir_Value_Literal_Acc;
+ -- Last object elaborated (or number of objects elaborated).
+ -- Note: this is generally the slot index of the next object to be
+ -- elaborated (this may be wrong for dynamic objects due to execution
+ -- branches).
+ Elab_Objects : Object_Slot_Type := 0;
+ -- Values of the objects in that frame.
+ Objects : Objects_Array (1 .. Max_Objs);
+ end record;
+ procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Object => Block_Instance_Type, Name => Block_Instance_Acc);
-- What is chosen for time.
- -- Currently only int32 is available, but time should use an int64.
subtype Iir_Value_Time is Ghdl_I64;
Global_Pool : aliased Areapool;