path: root/src/grt/grt-fst.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/grt/grt-fst.adb')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/grt/grt-fst.adb b/src/grt/grt-fst.adb
index a44a2630d..a290dd4f6 100644
--- a/src/grt/grt-fst.adb
+++ b/src/grt/grt-fst.adb
@@ -288,6 +288,21 @@ package body Grt.Fst is
end if;
+ -- Source (for instances ?)
+ if Boolean'(False) then
+ declare
+ Filename : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Line : VhpiIntT;
+ begin
+ Vhpi_Get_Str (VhpiFileNameP, Sig, Filename);
+ Vhpi_Get (VhpiLineNoP, Sig, Line, Err);
+ if Filename /= null and then Err = AvhpiErrorOk then
+ fstWriterSetSourceStem
+ (Context, Filename, Interfaces.C.unsigned (Line), 0);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
-- Extract type name.
Vhpi_Handle (VhpiSubtype, Sig, Sig_Type, Err);
if Err /= AvhpiErrorOk then
@@ -382,7 +397,43 @@ package body Grt.Fst is
Name : String (1 .. 128);
Name_Len : Integer;
+ Err : AvhpiErrorT;
+ -- Source file and line.
+ declare
+ Filename : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Line : VhpiIntT;
+ Arch : VhpiHandleT;
+ begin
+ Vhpi_Get_Str (VhpiFileNameP, Decl, Filename);
+ Vhpi_Get (VhpiLineNoP, Decl, Line, Err);
+ if Filename /= null and then Err = AvhpiErrorOk then
+ if Vhpi_Get_Kind (Decl) /= VhpiCompInstStmtK then
+ -- For a block, a generate block: source location.
+ fstWriterSetSourceStem
+ (Context, Filename, Interfaces.C.unsigned (Line), 0);
+ else
+ -- For a component instantiation: instance location
+ fstWriterSetSourceInstantiationStem
+ (Context, Filename, Interfaces.C.unsigned (Line), 0);
+ -- Request DesignUnit => arch
+ Vhpi_Handle (VhpiDesignUnit, Decl, Arch, Err);
+ if Err /= AvhpiErrorOk then
+ Avhpi_Error (Err);
+ elsif Arch /= Null_Handle then
+ -- Request filename and line.
+ Vhpi_Get_Str (VhpiFileNameP, Arch, Filename);
+ Vhpi_Get (VhpiLineNoP, Arch, Line, Err);
+ if Filename /= null and then Err = AvhpiErrorOk then
+ -- And source location.
+ fstWriterSetSourceStem
+ (Context, Filename, Interfaces.C.unsigned (Line), 0);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end;
Vhpi_Get_Str (VhpiNameP, Decl, Name, Name_Len);
if Name_Len < Name'Last then
Name (Name_Len + 1) := NUL;