path: root/scripts/windows
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/windows')
25 files changed, 4400 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/windows/InstallerTemplate.ps1 b/scripts/windows/InstallerTemplate.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f04a89ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/InstallerTemplate.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+# EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+# vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+# kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+# ==============================================================================
+# Authors: Patrick Lehmann
+# PowerShell Script: Self-extracting (ZIP) installer for GHDL for Windows
+# Description:
+# ------------------------------------
+# This is a PowerShell script (executable) which:
+# - writes a ZIP file form an internal BLOB variable (base64 encoded)
+# - extract the ZIP file's content to a destination directory
+# ==============================================================================
+# Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Patrick Lehmann
+# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+# ==============================================================================
+# GHDL for Windows - GHDL installer script
+# Use 'install.ps1 -Help' to see the integrated help page
+# #
+# # Normal flow
+# PS> .\install.ps1 -Install
+# # Advanced flow
+# PS> .\compile.ps1 -AddToPath Machine -Install "C:\Tools\GHDL"
+ # install all files into a directory (xcopy deployment)
+ [switch]$Install = $false,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)]
+ [String]$InstallDir = "",
+ # update files
+ [switch]$Update,
+ # register GHDL in PATH
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]
+ [ValidateSet("Machine", "User", "Session", "Remove", "Pass")]
+ [String]$AddToPath = "",
+ # display this help"
+ [switch]$Help
+# save parameters and current working directory
+$Script_ScriptDir = $PSScriptRoot
+$Script_WorkingDir = Get-Location
+$GHDLRootDir = Convert-Path (Resolve-Path ($PSScriptRoot + "\" + $RelPathToRoot))
+# set default values
+$EnableVerbose = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"]
+$EnableDebug = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
+if ($EnableVerbose -eq $null) { $EnableVerbose = $false }
+if ($EnableDebug -eq $null) { $EnableDebug = $false }
+if ($EnableDebug -eq $true) { $EnableVerbose = $true }
+# Display help if no command was selected
+$Help = $Help -or (-not ($Install -or $Update))
+# configure some variables: paths, executables, directory names, ...
+$GHDLVersion = "0.34-dev"
+$GHDLBackend = "mcode"
+$DefaultInstallPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\GHDL" # This is the default path for 32-bit applications (x86-32)
+Write-Host "================================================================================" -ForegroundColor Magenta
+Write-Host "GHDL for Windows - GHDL install script" -ForegroundColor Magenta
+Write-Host "================================================================================" -ForegroundColor Magenta
+function Exit-Script
+{ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ [int]$ExitCode = 0
+ )
+ cd $Script_WorkingDir
+ exit $ExitCode
+if ($Help)
+{ Get-Help $MYINVOCATION.InvocationName -Detailed
+ Exit-Script
+$EnvPath_ContainerMapping = @{
+ Machine = [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine
+ User = [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User
+# GitHub user: https://github.com/mkropat
+# Gist account at GitHub: https://gist.github.com/mkropat
+# Gist snippet URL: https://gist.github.com/mkropat/c1226e0cc2ca941b23a9
+function Add-EnvPath
+{ param(
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
+ [string] $Path,
+ [ValidateSet("Machine", "User", "Session")]
+ [string] $Container = "Session"
+ )
+ if ($Container -ne "Session")
+ { $containerType = $EnvPath_ContainerMapping[$Container]
+ $persistedPaths = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $containerType) -split ";"
+ if ($persistedPaths -notcontains $Path)
+ { $persistedPaths = $persistedPaths + $Path | where { $_ }
+ [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $persistedPaths -join ";", $containerType)
+ }
+ }
+ $envPaths = $env:Path -split ";"
+ if ($envPaths -notcontains $Path)
+ { $envPaths = $envPaths + $Path | where { $_ }
+ $env:Path = $envPaths -join ";"
+ }
+# GitHub user: https://github.com/mkropat
+# Gist account at GitHub: https://gist.github.com/mkropat
+# Gist snippet URL: https://gist.github.com/mkropat/c1226e0cc2ca941b23a9
+function Remove-EnvPath
+{ param (
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
+ [string] $Path,
+ [ValidateSet("Machine", "User", "Session")]
+ [string] $Container = "Session"
+ )
+ if ($Container -ne "Session")
+ { $containerType = $EnvPath_ContainerMapping[$Container]
+ $persistedPaths = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $containerType) -split ";"
+ if ($persistedPaths -contains $Path)
+ { $persistedPaths = $persistedPaths | where { $_ -and $_ -ne $Path }
+ [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $persistedPaths -join ";", $containerType)
+ }
+ }
+ $envPaths = $env:Path -split ";"
+ if ($envPaths -contains $Path)
+ { $envPaths = $envPaths | where { $_ -and $_ -ne $Path }
+ $env:Path = $envPaths -join ";"
+ }
+# GitHub user: https://github.com/mkropat
+# Gist account at GitHub: https://gist.github.com/mkropat
+# Gist snippet URL: https://gist.github.com/mkropat/c1226e0cc2ca941b23a9
+function Get-EnvPath
+{ param (
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
+ [ValidateSet("Machine", "User")]
+ [string] $Container
+ )
+ $containerType = $EnvPath_ContainerMapping[$Container]
+ [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', $containerType) -split ";" | where { $_ }
+# ============================================================================
+# Base64 encoded zip file content
+# ============================================================================
+# ============================================================================
+# ============================================================================
+# Install tasks
+# ============================================================================
+if ($Install)
+{ Write-Host "Installing GHDL $GHDLVersion for Windows..."
+ if ($InstallDir -eq "")
+ { $InstallPath = $DefaultInstallPath
+ }
+ else
+ { $InstallPath = $InstallDir }
+ $InstallPath = $InstallPath.TrimEnd("\")
+ if (Test-Path -Path $InstallPath)
+ { Write-Host "[ERROR]: Directory '$InstallPath' already exists." -ForegroundColor Red
+ Exit-Script -1
+ }
+ Write-Host " Install directory: $InstallPath"
+ Write-Host " Creating directory '$InstallPath' and sub-directories..."
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$InstallPath" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
+ # writing ZIP file to disk
+ $TempFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName().TrimEnd("tmp") + "zip"
+ Write-Host " Writing temporary ZIP file: $TempFilePath"
+ $CompressedFileContentAsBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($CompressedFileContentInBase64)
+ [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes("$TempFilePath", $CompressedFileContentAsBytes)
+ Write-Host " Extracting ZIP file to: $InstallPath"
+ Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive\Expand-Archive "$TempFilePath" -DestinationPath $InstallPath -Force
+ Remove-Item $TempFilePath
+ if ($AddToPath -eq "")
+ { while($true)
+ { Write-Host " Install GHDL in PATH at machine level? [" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "M" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
+ Write-Host "achine/" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "u" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
+ Write-Host "ser/" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "s" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
+ Write-Host "ession]: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ $InstallInPath = (Read-Host).ToLower()
+ if ($InstallInPath -in "m","u","s")
+ { break }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "[ERROR]: Unsupported choice: '$InstallInPath'." -ForegroundColor Red }
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ($AddToPath -eq "Machine")
+ { $InstallInPath = "m" }
+ elseif ($AddToPath -eq "User")
+ { $InstallInPath = "u" }
+ elseif ($AddToPath -eq "Session")
+ { $InstallInPath = "s" }
+ if (($InstallInPath -eq "") -or ($InstallInPath -eq "m"))
+ { Write-Host " Adding GHDL to PATH at machine level."
+ Add-EnvPath -Path "$InstallPath\bin" -Container "Machine"
+ Add-EnvPath -Path "$InstallPath\bin" -Container "Session"
+ }
+ elseif ($InstallInPath -eq "u")
+ { Write-Host " Adding GHDL to PATH at user level."
+ Add-EnvPath -Path "$InstallPath\bin" -Container "User"
+ Add-EnvPath -Path "$InstallPath\bin" -Container "Session"
+ }
+ elseif ($InstallInPath -eq "s")
+ { Write-Host " Adding GHDL to PATH at session level."
+ Add-EnvPath -Path "$InstallPath\bin" -Container "Session"
+ }
+ Write-Host
+ Write-Host "Installing files " -NoNewline
+ Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green
+ Write-Host
+ Exit-Script
+} # Install
+elseif ($Update)
+{ Write-Host "Updating GHDL $GHDLVersion for Windows..."
+ if ($InstallDir -eq "")
+ { $InstallPath = $DefaultInstallPath
+ }
+ else
+ { $InstallPath = $InstallDir }
+ $InstallPath = $InstallPath.TrimEnd("\")
+ Write-Host " Install directory: $InstallPath"
+ if (Test-Path -Path $InstallPath)
+ { Write-Host " Cleaning up installation directory '$InstallPath'." -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ Get-ChildItem -Path $InstallPath -Depth 0 | foreach { Remove-Item $_.FullName -Recurse -Force }
+ }
+ Write-Host " Creating directory sub-directories in '$InstallPath' ..."
+ # writing ZIP file to disk
+ $TempFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
+ Write-Host " Writing temporary ZIP file: $TempFilePath"
+ $CompressedFileContentAsBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($CompressedFileContentInBase64)
+ [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes("$TempFilePath", $CompressedFileContentAsBytes)
+ Write-Host " Extracting ZIP file to: $InstallPath"
+ Expand-Archive "$TempFilePath" -OutputPath $InstallPath -ShowProgress
+ Remove-Item $TempFilePath
+ if ($AddToPath -eq "")
+ { while($true)
+ { Write-Host " Install GHDL in PATH at machine level? [" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "M" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
+ Write-Host "achine/" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "u" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
+ Write-Host "ser/" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "s" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
+ Write-Host "ession/" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "r" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
+ Write-Host "emove/" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "p" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
+ Write-Host "ass]: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ $InstallInPath = (Read-Host).ToLower()
+ if ($InstallInPath -in "m","u","s","r","p")
+ { break }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "[ERROR]: Unsupported choice: '$InstallInPath'." -ForegroundColor Red }
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ($AddToPath -eq "Machine")
+ { $InstallInPath = "m" }
+ elseif ($AddToPath -eq "User")
+ { $InstallInPath = "u" }
+ elseif ($AddToPath -eq "Session")
+ { $InstallInPath = "s" }
+ elseif ($AddToPath -eq "Remove")
+ { $InstallInPath = "r" }
+ elseif ($AddToPath -eq "Pass")
+ { $InstallInPath = "p" }
+ if ($InstallInPath -ne "p")
+ { Write-Host " Removing GHDL from PATH variables in Machine, User, Session ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ foreach ($container in @("Machine", "User"))
+ { foreach ($entry in (Get-EnvPath -Container $container))
+ { if ($entry.ToLower().Contains("ghdl"))
+ { Write-Host " Removing '$entry' from $container level."
+ Remove-EnvPath -Path $entry -Container $container
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Remove-EnvPath -Path $entry -Container "Session"
+ if (($InstallInPath -eq "") -or ($InstallInPath -eq "m"))
+ { Write-Host " Adding GHDL to PATH at machine level."
+ Add-EnvPath -Path "$InstallPath\bin" -Container "Machine"
+ Add-EnvPath -Path "$InstallPath\bin" -Container "Session"
+ }
+ elseif ($InstallInPath -eq "u")
+ { Write-Host " Adding GHDL to PATH at user level."
+ Add-EnvPath -Path "$InstallPath\bin" -Container "User"
+ Add-EnvPath -Path "$InstallPath\bin" -Container "Session"
+ }
+ elseif ($InstallInPath -eq "s")
+ { Write-Host " Adding GHDL to PATH at session level."
+ Add-EnvPath -Path "$InstallPath\bin" -Container "Session"
+ }
+ }
+ Write-Host
+ Write-Host "Updating files " -NoNewline
+ Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green
+ Write-Host
+ Exit-Script
+} # Update
diff --git a/scripts/windows/appveyor/build.ps1 b/scripts/windows/appveyor/build.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..359fb4da7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/appveyor/build.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+function Restore-NativeCommandStream
+{ <#
+ This CmdLet gathers multiple ErrorRecord objects and reconstructs outputs
+ as a single line.
+ This CmdLet collects multiple ErrorRecord objects and emits one String
+ object per line.
+ .PARAMETER InputObject
+ A object stream is required as an input.
+ Indentation string.
+ #>
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
+ $InputObject
+ )
+ begin
+ { $LineRemainer = "" }
+ process
+ { if ($InputObject -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord])
+ { if ($InputObject.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "NativeCommandError")
+ { Write-Output $InputObject.ToString() }
+ elseif ($InputObject.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "NativeCommandErrorMessage")
+ { $NewLine = $LineRemainer + $InputObject.ToString()
+ while (($NewLinePos = $NewLine.IndexOf("`n")) -ne -1)
+ { Write-Output $NewLine.Substring(0, $NewLinePos)
+ $NewLine = $NewLine.Substring($NewLinePos + 1)
+ }
+ $LineRemainer = $NewLine
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ($InputObject -is [String])
+ { Write-Output $InputObject }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "Unsupported object in pipeline stream" }
+ }
+ end
+ { if ($LineRemainer -ne "")
+ { Write-Output $LineRemainer }
+ }
+#### Environment
+if ($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG -eq "true")
+ # There is a tag. Remove the leading v.
+ $BUILD_VERSION = $($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME) -creplace "^v", ""
+$ZipFile = "ghdl-$PREFIX_DIRNAME.zip"
+#### Build
+mkdir $GHDL_BUILD_DIR | cd
+if ($env:BUILD_BACKEND -eq "mcode")
+{ Write-Host "Configuring GHDL for $($env:BUILD_MINGW), mcode..." -Foreground Yellow
+ c:\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe -c "../../configure --prefix=$GHDL_PREFIX_DIR LDFLAGS=-static" 2>&1 | Restore-NativeCommandStream | %{ "$_" }
+elseif ($env:BUILD_BACKEND -eq "llvm")
+{ Write-Host "Configuring GHDL for $($env:BUILD_MINGW), LLVM..." -Foreground Yellow
+ c:\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe -c "../../configure --prefix=$GHDL_PREFIX_DIR --with-llvm-config='llvm-config --link-static' LDFLAGS='-static' --enable-libghdl --enable-synth CXX=clang++" 2>&1 | Restore-NativeCommandStream | %{ "$_" }
+Write-Host "Building GHDL and libraries..." -Foreground Yellow
+c:\msys64\usr\bin\make.exe 2>&1 | Restore-NativeCommandStream | %{ "$_" }
+$Err = $LastExitCode
+if ($Err -eq 0)
+ Write-Host "Installing GHDL and libraries..." -Foreground Yellow
+ c:\msys64\usr\bin\make.exe install 2>&1 | Restore-NativeCommandStream | %{ "$_" }
+ $Err = $LastExitCode
+#### Binaries
+if ($Err -eq 0)
+ Write-Host "Building binary archives..." -Foreground Yellow
+ cd c:\Tools
+ Push-AppveyorArtifact $ZipFile
+exit $Err
diff --git a/scripts/windows/appveyor/info.ps1 b/scripts/windows/appveyor/info.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..675bbe77e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/appveyor/info.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+function Restore-NativeCommandStream
+{ <#
+ This CmdLet gathers multiple ErrorRecord objects and reconstructs outputs
+ as a single line.
+ This CmdLet collects multiple ErrorRecord objects and emits one String
+ object per line.
+ .PARAMETER InputObject
+ A object stream is required as an input.
+ Indentation string.
+ #>
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
+ $InputObject
+ )
+ begin
+ { $LineRemainer = "" }
+ process
+ { if ($InputObject -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord])
+ { if ($InputObject.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "NativeCommandError")
+ { Write-Output $InputObject.ToString() }
+ elseif ($InputObject.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "NativeCommandErrorMessage")
+ { $NewLine = $LineRemainer + $InputObject.ToString()
+ while (($NewLinePos = $NewLine.IndexOf("`n")) -ne -1)
+ { Write-Output $NewLine.Substring(0, $NewLinePos)
+ $NewLine = $NewLine.Substring($NewLinePos + 1)
+ }
+ $LineRemainer = $NewLine
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ($InputObject -is [String])
+ { Write-Output $InputObject }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "Unsupported object in pipeline stream" }
+ }
+ end
+ { if ($LineRemainer -ne "")
+ { Write-Output $LineRemainer }
+ }
+Write-Host ("ExecutionPolicy = {0}" -f (Get-ExecutionPolicy)) -Foreground Yellow
+Write-Host "List env:..." -Foreground Yellow
+dir env: | foreach { Write-Host (" {0}={1}" -f $_.Name,$_.Value) }
+Write-Host "Print env:PATH..." -Foreground Yellow
+$env:PATH.Split(";") | foreach { Write-Host " $_" }
+Write-Host "Print GCC setup..." -Foreground Yellow
+gcc.exe -v 2>&1 | Restore-NativeCommandStream | %{ "$_" }
+Write-Host "Print GCC search directories..." -Foreground Yellow
+gcc.exe -print-search-dirs 2>&1 | Restore-NativeCommandStream | %{ "$_" }
+if ($env:BUILD_BACKEND -eq "llvm")
+{ Write-Host "Print CLang setup..." -Foreground Yellow
+ clang.exe -v 2>&1 | Restore-NativeCommandStream | %{ "$_" }
+ Write-Host "Print CLang search directories..." -Foreground Yellow
+ clang.exe -print-search-dirs 2>&1 | Restore-NativeCommandStream | %{ "$_" }
+Write-Host "Print gnatls setup..." -Foreground Yellow
+gnatls.exe -v 2>&1 | Restore-NativeCommandStream | %{ "$_" }
diff --git a/scripts/windows/appveyor/install.ps1 b/scripts/windows/appveyor/install.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf780fa19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/appveyor/install.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+Write-Host "Installing dependencies ..." -Foreground Yellow
+Write-Host "----------------------------------------" -Foreground Yellow
+Write-Host "Installing MinGW64 packages ..." -Foreground Yellow
+C:\msys64\usr\bin\pacman -V
+# list installed packages and versions
+# C:\msys64\usr\bin\pacman -Q
+if ($env:BUILD_MINGW -eq "mingw32")
+{ Write-Host "Installing MinGW32 packages ..." -Foreground Yellow
+ if ($env:BUILD_BACKEND -eq "mcode")
+ {
+ }
+ elseif ($env:BUILD_BACKEND -eq "llvm")
+ { C:\msys64\usr\bin\pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-llvm mingw-w64-i686-clang --noconfirm
+ }
+elseif ($env:BUILD_MINGW -eq "mingw64")
+{ Write-Host "Installing MinGW64 packages ..." -Foreground Yellow
+ if ($env:BUILD_BACKEND -eq "mcode")
+ {
+ }
+ elseif ($env:BUILD_BACKEND -eq "llvm")
+ { C:\msys64\usr\bin\pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-llvm mingw-w64-x86_64-clang --noconfirm
+ }
+Write-Host "Installing NuGet as PackageProvider ..." -Foreground Yellow
+Install-PackageProvider NuGet -Force
+Import-PackageProvider NuGet -Force
+Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted
+Write-Host "Installing PowerShell modules ..." -Foreground Yellow
+Install-Module Pscx -AllowClobber
+#Write-Host "Check all Write-* CmdLets ..." -Foreground Yellow
+#Get-Command -Verb Write | Format-Table
+exit $LastExitCode
diff --git a/scripts/windows/appveyor/shared.psm1 b/scripts/windows/appveyor/shared.psm1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3335182ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/appveyor/shared.psm1
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+function Restore-NativeCommandStream
+{ <#
+ This CmdLet gathers multiple ErrorRecord objects and reconstructs outputs
+ as a single line.
+ This CmdLet collects multiple ErrorRecord objects and emits one String
+ object per line.
+ .PARAMETER InputObject
+ A object stream is required as an input.
+ Indentation string.
+ #>
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
+ $InputObject
+ )
+ begin
+ { $LineRemainer = "" }
+ process
+ { if ($InputObject -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord])
+ { if ($InputObject.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "NativeCommandError")
+ { Write-Output $InputObject.ToString() }
+ elseif ($InputObject.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "NativeCommandErrorMessage")
+ { $NewLine = $LineRemainer + $InputObject.ToString()
+ while (($NewLinePos = $NewLine.IndexOf("`n")) -ne -1)
+ { Write-Output $NewLine.Substring(0, $NewLinePos)
+ $NewLine = $NewLine.Substring($NewLinePos + 1)
+ }
+ $LineRemainer = $NewLine
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ($InputObject -is [String])
+ { Write-Output $InputObject }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "Unsupported object in pipeline stream" }
+ }
+ end
+ { if ($LineRemainer -ne "")
+ { Write-Output $LineRemainer }
+ }
+Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Restore-NativeCommandStream'
diff --git a/scripts/windows/appveyor/test.ps1 b/scripts/windows/appveyor/test.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65045f889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/appveyor/test.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+function Restore-NativeCommandStream
+{ <#
+ This CmdLet gathers multiple ErrorRecord objects and reconstructs outputs
+ as a single line.
+ This CmdLet collects multiple ErrorRecord objects and emits one String
+ object per line.
+ .PARAMETER InputObject
+ A object stream is required as an input.
+ Indentation string.
+ #>
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
+ $InputObject
+ )
+ begin
+ { $LineRemainer = "" }
+ process
+ { if ($InputObject -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord])
+ { if ($InputObject.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "NativeCommandError")
+ { Write-Output $InputObject.ToString() }
+ elseif ($InputObject.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "NativeCommandErrorMessage")
+ { $NewLine = $LineRemainer + $InputObject.ToString()
+ while (($NewLinePos = $NewLine.IndexOf("`n")) -ne -1)
+ { Write-Output $NewLine.Substring(0, $NewLinePos)
+ $NewLine = $NewLine.Substring($NewLinePos + 1)
+ }
+ $LineRemainer = $NewLine
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ($InputObject -is [String])
+ { Write-Output $InputObject }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "Unsupported object in pipeline stream" }
+ }
+ end
+ { if ($LineRemainer -ne "")
+ { Write-Output $LineRemainer }
+ }
+Write-Host "Run testsuites..." -Foreground Yellow
+cd "$($env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER)\testsuite"
+# Use a MinGW compatible path
+# Exit status
+$Err = 0
+# =============================================================================
+$TestFramework = "GNA"
+Write-Host "Running GNA tests..." -Foreground Yellow
+cd gna
+$Directories = dir -Directory *
+foreach ($Directory in $Directories)
+{ $TestName = "GNA test: {0}" -f $Directory.Name
+ $FileName = $Directory.Name
+ Write-Host $TestName -Foreground Yellow
+ cd $Directory
+ Add-AppveyorTest -Name $TestName -Framework $TestFramework -FileName $FileName -Outcome Running
+ $start = Get-Date
+ c:\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe -c "./testsuite.sh" 2>&1 | Restore-NativeCommandStream | %{ "$_" }
+ $end = Get-Date
+ $TotalMilliseconds = ($end - $start).TotalMilliseconds
+ if ($LastExitCode -eq 0)
+ { Write-Host "PASSED" -Foreground Green
+ Update-AppveyorTest -Name $TestName -Framework $TestFramework -FileName $FileName -Outcome Passed -Duration $TotalMilliseconds
+ }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "FAILED" -Foreground Red
+ Update-AppveyorTest -Name $TestName -Framework $TestFramework -FileName $FileName -Outcome Failed -Duration $TotalMilliseconds
+ $Err = 1
+ }
+cd ..\..
+# =============================================================================
+$TestFramework = "VESTS"
+Write-Host "Running VESTS tests..." -Foreground Yellow
+cd vests
+$TestName = "VESTS test:" # {0}" -f $Directory
+$FileName = "VESTS" #$Directory
+Write-Host $TestName -Foreground Yellow
+# Disable vests. It works but takes ~20 min
+if ($true)
+{ Add-AppveyorTest -Name $TestName -Framework $TestFramework -FileName $FileName -Outcome Skipped
+ $start = Get-Date
+{ Add-AppveyorTest -Name $TestName -Framework $TestFramework -FileName $FileName -Outcome Running
+ $start = Get-Date
+ c:\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe -c "./testsuite.sh" 2>&1 | Restore-NativeCommandStream | %{ "$_" }
+ $end = Get-Date
+ $TotalMilliseconds = ($end - $start).TotalMilliseconds
+ if ($LastExitCode -eq 0)
+ { Write-Host "PASSED" -Foreground Green
+ Update-AppveyorTest -Name $TestName -Framework $TestFramework -FileName $FileName -Outcome Passed -Duration $TotalMilliseconds
+ }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "FAILED" -Foreground Red
+ Update-AppveyorTest -Name $TestName -Framework $TestFramework -FileName $FileName -Outcome Failed -Duration $TotalMilliseconds
+ $Err = 1
+ }
+ cd ..
+# =============================================================================
+exit $Err
diff --git a/scripts/windows/compile-ghdl.ps1 b/scripts/windows/compile-ghdl.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f126e846
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/compile-ghdl.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+# EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+# vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+# kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+# ==============================================================================
+# Authors: Patrick Lehmann (ported batch file to PowerShell)
+# Brian Davis (contributions to the batch file)
+# Tristan Gingold (initial batch file for compilations on Windows)
+# PowerShell Script: Script to compile GHDL for Windows
+# Description:
+# ------------------------------------
+# This is a PowerShell script (executable) which:
+# - sets up a compilation environment
+# - test all dependencies
+# - compiles GHDL with GNAT
+# ==============================================================================
+# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+# Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Patrick Lehmann
+# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+# ==============================================================================
+# GHDL for Windows - GHDL compile script
+# Use 'compile-ghdl.ps1 -Help' to see the integrated help page
+# C:\PS> .\compile-ghdl.ps1 -Clean -Compile
+ # Display this help"
+ [switch]$Help = $false,
+ # Slean up all files and directories
+ [switch]$Clean = $false,
+ [switch]$Clean_GHDL = $false,
+ # Compile all targets
+ [switch]$All = $false,
+ # Compile main targets
+ [switch]$Compile = $false,
+ # Compile GHDL (simulator)
+ [switch]$Compile_GHDL = $false,
+ # Undocumented
+ [switch]$Test = $false,
+ # Undocumented
+ [switch]$Test_GHDL = $false,
+ # Build options
+ # Build a release version
+ [switch]$Release = $false,
+ # Set the back-end
+ [string]$Backend = "mcode",
+ # Reduced messages
+ [switch]$Quiet = $false,
+ # Skip warning messages. (Show errors only.)
+ [switch]$SuppressWarnings = $false,
+ # Halt on errors
+ [switch]$HaltOnError = $false,
+ # Undocumented
+ [switch]$Hosted = $false
+# configure script here
+$RelPathToRoot = "..\.."
+# ---------------------------------------------
+# save parameters and working directory
+$Script_ScriptDir = $PSScriptRoot
+$Script_WorkingDir = Get-Location
+$GHDLRootDir = Convert-Path (Resolve-Path ($PSScriptRoot + "\" + $RelPathToRoot))
+# set default values
+$EnableDebug = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
+$EnableVerbose = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"] -or $EnableDebug
+# load modules from GHDL's 'libraries' directory
+Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\shared.psm1 -Verbose:$false -Debug:$false -ArgumentList "$Script_WorkingDir", $Hosted
+Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\targets.psm1 -Verbose:$false -Debug:$false
+# Display help if no command was selected
+$Help = $Help -or (-not (
+ $All -or
+ $Clean -or $Clean_GHDL -or
+ $Compile -or $Compile_GHDL -or
+ $Test -or $Test_GHDL
+ ))
+if (-not $Hosted)
+{ Write-Host "================================================================================" -ForegroundColor Magenta
+ Write-Host "GHDL for Windows - GHDL compile script" -ForegroundColor Magenta
+ Write-Host "================================================================================" -ForegroundColor Magenta
+if ($Help)
+{ Get-Help $MYINVOCATION.InvocationName -Detailed
+ Exit-CompileScript
+if ($Clean)
+{ $Clean_GHDL = $true
+if ($All)
+{ $Compile = $true
+if ($Compile)
+{ $Compile_GHDL = $true
+if ($Test)
+{ $Test_GHDL = $true
+# configure some variables: paths, executables, directory names, ...
+$BuildDirectoryName = "build"
+# Parameter checks
+if ($Backend -ne "mcode")
+{ Write-Host "[ERROR]: Back-end '$Backend' is not supported on Windows." -ForegroundColor Red
+ Exit-CompileScript -1
+# construct directories
+$BinaryDestinationDirectory = "$GHDLRootDir\$BuildDirectoryName\$Backend"
+# construct executables
+$GHDLNewExecutable = "$GHDLRootDir\$BuildDirectoryName\$Backend\bin\ghdl.exe"
+# grep GHDL version string from Ada source file
+$GHDLVersion = Get-GHDLVersion $GHDLRootDir
+# compute some variables
+$BuildRelease = if ($Release) { "Release" } else { "Development" }
+if (-not $Hosted)
+{ Write-Host " Version: $GHDLVersion"
+ Write-Host " Release: $BuildRelease"
+$Git_IsGitRepo = Test-GitRepository
+# gather git information
+if ($Git_IsGitRepo)
+{ $Git_Branch_Name = & git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
+ $Git_Commit_DateString = & git log -1 --format=%cd --date=short
+ $Git_Commit_ShortHash = & git rev-parse --short HEAD
+ if (-not $Hosted)
+ { Write-Host " Git branch: $Git_Branch_Name"
+ Write-Host " Git commit: $Git_Commit_DataString ($Git_Commit_ShortHash)"
+ }
+if (-not $Hosted)
+{ Write-Host "" }
+if ($Release)
+{ $BuildDirectory = $BinaryDestinationDirectory }
+{ $BuildDirectory = $BinaryDestinationDirectory }
+# ==============================================================================
+# Main Target: Clean
+# ==============================================================================
+if ($Clean_GHDL)
+{ $error = Invoke-Clean $BuildDirectory -Quiet:$Quiet -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ if ($error -eq $true)
+ { Write-Host " [FAILED]" -ForegroundColor Red
+ Exit-CompileScript -1
+ }
+} # Clean
+# ==============================================================================
+# Main Target: GHDL
+# ==============================================================================
+if ($Compile_GHDL)
+{ # create a build directory
+ $error = New-BuildDirectory $BuildDirectory
+ if ($error -eq $true)
+ { Write-Host " [FAILED]" -ForegroundColor Red
+ Exit-CompileScript -1
+ }
+ # patch the version file if it's no release build
+ if (-not $Release -and $Git_IsGitRepo)
+ { $error = Invoke-PatchVersionFile $GHDLRootDir $Git_Branch_Name $Git_Commit_DateString $Git_Commit_ShortHash
+ if ($error -eq $true)
+ { Write-Host " [FAILED]" -ForegroundColor Red
+ Exit-CompileScript -1
+ }
+ }
+ # build C source files
+ $error = Invoke-CompileCFiles $GHDLRootDir $BinaryDestinationDirectory
+ if ($error -eq $true)
+ { Write-Host " [FAILED]" -ForegroundColor Red
+ Exit-CompileScript -1
+ }
+ # build Ada source files
+ $error = Invoke-CompileGHDLAdaFiles $GHDLRootDir $BinaryDestinationDirectory
+ if ($error -eq $true)
+ { Write-Host " [FAILED]" -ForegroundColor Red
+ Exit-CompileScript -1
+ }
+ # strip result
+ $error = Invoke-StripGHDLExecutable $BinaryDestinationDirectory
+ if ($error -eq $true)
+ { Write-Host " [FAILED]" -ForegroundColor Red
+ Exit-CompileScript -1
+ }
+# ==============================================================================
+# Main Target: GHDL
+# ==============================================================================
+if ($Test_GHDL)
+{ # running ghdl
+ $error = Test-GHDLVersion $BuildDir
+ if ($error -eq $true)
+ { Write-Host " [FAILED]" -ForegroundColor Red
+ Exit-CompileScript -1
+ }
+} # Test
+Exit-CompileScript 0
diff --git a/scripts/windows/compile-libraries.ps1 b/scripts/windows/compile-libraries.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a37b78618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/compile-libraries.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,862 @@
+# EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+# vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+# kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+# ==============================================================================
+# Authors: Patrick Lehmann (ported batch file to PowerShell)
+# Brian Davis (contributions to the batch file)
+# Tristan Gingold (initial batch file for compilations on Windows)
+# PowerShell Script: Script to compile VHDL libraries for GHDL
+# Description:
+# ------------------------------------
+# This is a PowerShell script (executable) which:
+# - sets up a compilation environment
+# - test all dependencies
+# - pre processes VHDL files with GHDLFilter
+# - analyses VHDL files with GHDL
+# ==============================================================================
+# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+# Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Patrick Lehmann
+# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+# ==============================================================================
+# GHDL for Windows - Library compile script
+# Use 'compile-libraries.ps1 -Help' to see the integrated help page
+# C:\PS> .\compile-libraries.ps1 -Clean
+# C:\PS> .\compile-libraries.ps1 -Compile -Verbose
+# C:\PS> .\compile-libraries.ps1 -VHDL2008 -SuppressWarnings
+ # Display this help"
+ [switch]$Help = $false,
+ # Clean up all files and directories
+ [switch]$Clean = $false,
+ # Compile all library files
+ [switch]$Compile = $false,
+ # Set VHDL Standard to '87
+ [switch]$VHDL87 = $false,
+ # Set VHDL Standard to '93
+ [switch]$VHDL93 = $false,
+ # Set VHDL Standard to '08
+ [switch]$VHDL2008 = $false,
+ # Skip warning messages. (Show errors only.)
+ [switch]$SuppressWarnings = $false,
+ # Halt on errors
+ [switch]$HaltOnError = $false,
+ # Set GHDL executable
+ [string]$GHDL = "",
+ # Undocumented
+ [switch]$Hosted = $false
+# configure script here
+$RelPathToRoot = "..\.."
+# ---------------------------------------------
+# save parameters and working directory
+$Script_ScriptDir = $PSScriptRoot
+$Script_WorkingDir = Get-Location
+$GHDLRootDir = Convert-Path (Resolve-Path ($PSScriptRoot + "\" + $RelPathToRoot))
+# set default values
+$EnableDebug = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
+$EnableVerbose = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"] -or $EnableDebug
+# load modules from GHDL's 'libraries' directory
+Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\shared.psm1 -Verbose:$false -Debug:$false -ArgumentList "$Script_WorkingDir", $Hosted
+# Display help if no command was selected
+$Help = $Help -or (-not ($Compile -or $VHDL87 -or $VHDL93 -or $VHDL2008 -or $Clean))
+if ($Help)
+{ Get-Help $MYINVOCATION.InvocationName -Detailed
+ Exit-CompileScript
+if ($Compile)
+{ $VHDL87 = $true
+ $VHDL93 = $true
+ $VHDL2008 = $true
+# configure some variables: paths, executables, directory names, ...
+$VHDLLibrariesSourceDirectoryName = "libraries"
+$VHDLLibrariesDestinationDirectoryName = "lib"
+$BuildDirectoryName = "build"
+$Backend = "mcode"
+# construct directories
+$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory = "$GHDLRootDir\$VHDLLibrariesSourceDirectoryName"
+$VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory = "$GHDLRootDir\$BuildDirectoryName\$Backend\$VHDLLibrariesDestinationDirectoryName"
+# construct executables
+$GHDLNewExecutable = "$GHDLRootDir\$BuildDirectoryName\$Backend\bin\ghdl.exe"
+# Library sources
+$SourceFiles = @{
+ "std" = @(
+ "textio", "textio-body"
+ );
+ "ieee" = @(
+ "std_logic_1164", "std_logic_1164-body",
+ "numeric_std", "numeric_std-body",
+ "numeric_bit", "numeric_bit-body"
+ );
+ "math" = @(
+ "math_real", "math_real-body",
+ "math_complex", "math_complex-body"
+ );
+ "std08" = @(
+ "textio", "textio-body",
+ "env", "env-body"
+ );
+ "ieee2008" = @(
+ "std_logic_1164", "std_logic_1164-body",
+ "std_logic_textio",
+ "math_real", "math_real-body",
+ "math_complex", "math_complex-body",
+ "numeric_bit", "numeric_bit-body",
+ "numeric_bit_unsigned", "numeric_bit_unsigned-body",
+ "numeric_std", "numeric_std-body",
+ "numeric_std_unsigned", "numeric_std_unsigned-body",
+ "fixed_float_types",
+ "fixed_generic_pkg", "fixed_generic_pkg-body",
+ "fixed_pkg",
+ "float_generic_pkg", "float_generic_pkg-body",
+ "float_pkg",
+ "ieee_std_context",
+ "ieee_bit_context"
+ );
+ "vital95" = @(
+ "vital_timing", "vital_timing-body",
+ "vital_primitives", "vital_primitives-body"
+ );
+ "vital2000" = @(
+ "timing_p", "timing_b",
+ "prmtvs_p", "prmtvs_b",
+ "memory_p", "memory_b"
+ );
+ "synopsys" = @(
+ "std_logic_arith",
+ "std_logic_unsigned",
+ "std_logic_signed"
+ );
+ "synopsys8793" = @(
+ "std_logic_textio",
+ "std_logic_misc", "std_logic_misc-body"
+ );
+ "mentor" = @(
+ "std_logic_arith", "std_logic_arith-body"
+ )
+if (-not $Hosted)
+{ Write-Host "================================================================================" -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ Write-Host "GHDL ($Backend) for Windows - Library compile script" -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ Write-Host "================================================================================" -ForegroundColor Yellow
+if ($Clean)
+{ Write-Host "Removing all created files and directories..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ if (Test-Path -Path $VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory)
+ { $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " rmdir $VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory") | Out-Null
+ Remove-Item $VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ if ($? -eq $false)
+ { Write-Host "[ERROR]: Cannot remove '$VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory'." -ForegroundColor Red
+ Exit-CompileScript -1
+ }
+ }
+ if (-not ($VHDL87 -or $VHDL93 -or $VHDL2008))
+ { Exit-CompileScript }
+# get GHDL executable
+if ($GHDL -ne "")
+{ $GHDLExecutable = $GHDL }
+elseif (Test-Path env:GHDL)
+{ $GHDLExecutable = $env:GHDL }
+elseif (Test-Path $GHDLNewExecutable -PathType Leaf)
+{ $GHDLExecutable = $GHDLNewExecutable }
+{ $GHDLExecutable = "ghdl.exe" }
+if (-not (Test-Path $GHDLExecutable -PathType Leaf))
+{ Write-Host "GHDL executable 'ghdl.exe' not found." -ForegroundColor Red
+ Write-Host "Use adv. options '-GHDL' to set the GHDL executable." -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ Exit-CompileScript -1
+$ErrorCount = 0
+if ($VHDL87 -or $VHDL93 -or $VHDL2008)
+{ Write-Host "Compiling VHDL Libraries..."
+ Write-Host "Preparing..."
+ # create lib directory if it does not exist
+ if (Test-Path -Path $VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory)
+ { $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Directory '$VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory' already exists.") | Out-Null
+ # change working directory to VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " cd $VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory") | Out-Null
+ Set-Location $VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Cleaning up directory...") | Out-Null
+ Remove-Item ./* -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ }
+ else
+ { $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Creating directory '$VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory'.") | Out-Null
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
+ if (-not $?)
+ { Write-Host "[ERROR]: Cannot create destination directory '$VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory'." -ForegroundColor Red
+ Exit-CompileScript -1
+ }
+ # change working directory to VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Change working directory to $VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory") | Out-Null
+ Set-Location $VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory
+ }
+ Write-Host
+ Write-Host "Start compilation..."
+# ============================================================================
+# v87
+# ============================================================================
+if ($VHDL87)
+{ $VHDLVersion = "87"
+ Write-Host "Compiling libraries for VHDL-$VHDLVersion" -ForegroundColor Cyan
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # v87\std
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $VHDLLibrary = "std"
+ Write-Host " Compiling library '$VHDLLibrary'..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ $LibraryDirectory = "$VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory\$VHDLLibrary\v$VHDLVersion"
+ New-LibraryDirectory $LibraryDirectory # $EnableVerbose
+ Set-Location $LibraryDirectory
+ $VHDLSourcesIndex = "std"
+ foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles[$VHDLSourcesIndex])
+ { Write-Host " file: v$VHDLVersion\$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Patching file for VHDL-$VHDLVersion" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Get-Content `"$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl`" -Encoding Ascii ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version `"$VHDLVersion`" ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Out-File `"$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion`" -Encoding Ascii" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ # Patch file
+ Get-Content "$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl" -Encoding Ascii `
+ | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version "$VHDLVersion" `
+ | Out-File "$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion" -Encoding Ascii
+ # Analyze file
+ $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLExecutable -a -C --bootstrap --std=$VHDLVersion --work=$VHDLLibrary $SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion 2>&1"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Analyzing file '$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion'" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings " "
+ if (($LastExitCode -ne 0) -or -not $?)
+ { $ErrorCount += 1
+ if ($HaltOnError)
+ { Exit-CompileScript -1 }
+ }
+ }
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # v87\ieee
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $VHDLLibrary = "ieee"
+ $VHDLFlavor = "ieee"
+ Write-Host " Compiling library '$VHDLLibrary'..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ $LibraryDirectory = "$VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory\$VHDLFlavor\v$VHDLVersion"
+ New-LibraryDirectory $LibraryDirectory # $EnableVerbose
+ Set-Location $LibraryDirectory
+ $VHDLSourcesIndex = "ieee"
+ foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles[$VHDLSourcesIndex])
+ { Write-Host " file: v$VHDLVersion\$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Patching file for VHDL-$VHDLVersion" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Get-Content `"$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl`" -Encoding Ascii ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version `"$VHDLVersion`" ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Out-File `"$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion`" -Encoding Ascii" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ # Patch file
+ Get-Content "$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl" -Encoding Ascii `
+ | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version "$VHDLVersion" `
+ | Out-File "$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion" -Encoding Ascii
+ # Analyze file
+ $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLExecutable -a -C `"-P../std`" --std=$VHDLVersion --work=$VHDLLibrary $SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion 2>&1"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Analyzing file '$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion'" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings " "
+ if (($LastExitCode -ne 0) -or -not $?)
+ { $ErrorCount += 1
+ if ($HaltOnError)
+ { Exit-CompileScript -1 }
+ }
+ }
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # v87\synopsys
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $VHDLLibrary = "ieee"
+ $VHDLFlavor = "synopsys"
+ Write-Host " Compiling library '$VHDLLibrary' ($VHDLFlavor)..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ $LibraryDirectory = "$VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory\$VHDLFlavor\v$VHDLVersion"
+ New-LibraryDirectory $LibraryDirectory # $EnableVerbose
+ Set-Location $LibraryDirectory
+ $VHDLSourcesIndex = "ieee"
+ foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles[$VHDLSourcesIndex])
+ { Write-Host " file: v$VHDLVersion\$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Patching file for VHDL-$VHDLVersion" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Get-Content `"$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl`" -Encoding Ascii ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version `"$VHDLVersion`" ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Out-File `"$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion`" -Encoding Ascii" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ # Patch file
+ Get-Content "$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl" -Encoding Ascii `
+ | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version "$VHDLVersion" `
+ | Out-File "$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion" -Encoding Ascii
+ # Analyze file
+ $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLExecutable -a -C `"-P../std`" --std=$VHDLVersion --work=$VHDLLibrary $SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion 2>&1"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Analyzing file '$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion'" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings " "
+ if (($LastExitCode -ne 0) -or -not $?)
+ { $ErrorCount += 1
+ if ($HaltOnError)
+ { Exit-CompileScript -1 }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles[$VHDLFlavor] + $SourceFiles["synopsys8793"])
+ { Write-Host " file: v$VHDLVersion\$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Patching file for VHDL-$VHDLVersion" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Get-Content `"$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl`" -Encoding Ascii ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version `"$VHDLVersion`" ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Out-File `"$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion`" -Encoding Ascii" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ Get-Content "$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLFlavor\$SourceFile.vhdl" -Encoding Ascii `
+ | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version "$VHDLVersion" `
+ | Out-File "$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion" -Encoding Ascii
+ # Analyze file
+ $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLExecutable -a -C `"-P../std`" --std=$VHDLVersion --work=$VHDLLibrary $SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion 2>&1"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Analyzing file '$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion'" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings " "
+ if (($LastExitCode -ne 0) -or -not $?)
+ { $ErrorCount += 1
+ if ($HaltOnError)
+ { Exit-CompileScript -1 }
+ }
+ }
+ $VHDLSourcesIndex = "vital95"
+ foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles[$VHDLSourcesIndex])
+ { Write-Host " file: v$VHDLVersion\$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Patching file for VHDL-$VHDLVersion" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Get-Content `"$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl`" -Encoding Ascii ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version `"$VHDLVersion`" ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Out-File `"$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion`" -Encoding Ascii" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ # Patch file
+ Get-Content "$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl" -Encoding Ascii `
+ | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version "$VHDLVersion" `
+ | Out-File "$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion" -Encoding Ascii
+ # Analyze file
+ $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLExecutable -a -C `"-P../std`" --std=$VHDLVersion --work=$VHDLLibrary $SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion 2>&1"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Analyzing file '$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion'" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings " "
+ if (($LastExitCode -ne 0) -or -not $?)
+ { $ErrorCount += 1
+ if ($HaltOnError)
+ { Exit-CompileScript -1 }
+ }
+ }
+# ============================================================================
+# v93
+# ============================================================================
+if ($VHDL93)
+{ $VHDLVersion = "93"
+ Write-Host "Compiling libraries for VHDL-$VHDLVersion" -ForegroundColor Cyan
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # v93\std
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $VHDLLibrary = "std"
+ Write-Host " Compiling library '$VHDLLibrary'..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ $LibraryDirectory = "$VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory\$VHDLLibrary\v$VHDLVersion"
+ New-LibraryDirectory $LibraryDirectory # $EnableVerbose
+ Set-Location $LibraryDirectory
+ $VHDLSourcesIndex = "std"
+ foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles[$VHDLSourcesIndex])
+ { Write-Host " file: v$VHDLVersion\$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Patching file for VHDL-$VHDLVersion" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Get-Content `"$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl`" -Encoding Ascii ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version `"$VHDLVersion`" ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Out-File `"$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion`" -Encoding Ascii" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ # Patch file
+ Get-Content "$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl" -Encoding Ascii `
+ | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version "$VHDLVersion" `
+ | Out-File "$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion" -Encoding Ascii
+ # Analyze file
+ $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLExecutable -a -C --bootstrap --std=$VHDLVersion --work=$VHDLLibrary $SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion 2>&1"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Analyzing file '$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion'" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings " "
+ if (($LastExitCode -ne 0) -or -not $?)
+ { $ErrorCount += 1
+ if ($HaltOnError)
+ { Exit-CompileScript -1 }
+ }
+ }
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # v93\ieee
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $VHDLLibrary = "ieee"
+ $VHDLFlavor = "ieee"
+ Write-Host " Compiling library '$VHDLLibrary'..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ $LibraryDirectory = "$VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory\$VHDLFlavor\v$VHDLVersion"
+ New-LibraryDirectory $LibraryDirectory # $EnableVerbose
+ Set-Location $LibraryDirectory
+ $VHDLSourcesIndex = "ieee"
+ foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles[$VHDLSourcesIndex] + $SourceFiles["math"])
+ { Write-Host " file: v$VHDLVersion\$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Patching file for VHDL-$VHDLVersion" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Get-Content `"$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl`" -Encoding Ascii ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version `"$VHDLVersion`" ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Out-File `"$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion`" -Encoding Ascii" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ # Patch file
+ Get-Content "$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl" -Encoding Ascii `
+ | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version "$VHDLVersion" `
+ | Out-File "$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion" -Encoding Ascii
+ # Analyze file
+ $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLExecutable -a -C `"-P../std`" --std=$VHDLVersion --work=$VHDLLibrary $SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion 2>&1"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Analyzing file '$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion'" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings " "
+ if (($LastExitCode -ne 0) -or -not $?)
+ { $ErrorCount += 1
+ if ($HaltOnError)
+ { Exit-CompileScript -1 }
+ }
+ }
+ $VHDLSourcesIndex = "vital2000"
+ foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles[$VHDLSourcesIndex])
+ { Write-Host " file: v$VHDLVersion\$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Patching file for VHDL-$VHDLVersion" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Get-Content `"$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl`" -Encoding Ascii ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version `"$VHDLVersion`" ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Out-File `"$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion`" -Encoding Ascii" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ # Patch file
+ Get-Content "$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl" -Encoding Ascii `
+ | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version "$VHDLVersion" `
+ | Out-File "$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion" -Encoding Ascii
+ # Analyze file
+ $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLExecutable -a -C `"-P../std`" --std=$VHDLVersion --work=$VHDLLibrary $SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion 2>&1"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Analyzing file '$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion'" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings " "
+ if (($LastExitCode -ne 0) -or -not $?)
+ { $ErrorCount += 1
+ if ($HaltOnError)
+ { Exit-CompileScript -1 }
+ }
+ }
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # v93\synopsys
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $VHDLLibrary = "ieee"
+ $VHDLFlavor = "synopsys"
+ Write-Host " Compiling library '$VHDLLibrary' ($VHDLFlavor)..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ $LibraryDirectory = "$VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory\$VHDLFlavor\v$VHDLVersion"
+ New-LibraryDirectory $LibraryDirectory # $EnableVerbose
+ Set-Location $LibraryDirectory
+ $VHDLSourcesIndex = "ieee"
+ foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles[$VHDLSourcesIndex] + $SourceFiles["math"])
+ { Write-Host " file: v$VHDLVersion\$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Patching file for VHDL-$VHDLVersion" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Get-Content `"$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl`" -Encoding Ascii ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version `"$VHDLVersion`" ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Out-File `"$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion`" -Encoding Ascii" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ # Patch file
+ Get-Content "$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl" -Encoding Ascii `
+ | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version "$VHDLVersion" `
+ | Out-File "$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion" -Encoding Ascii
+ # Analyze file
+ $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLExecutable -a -C `"-P../std`" --std=$VHDLVersion --work=$VHDLLibrary $SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion 2>&1"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Analyzing file '$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion'" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings " "
+ if (($LastExitCode -ne 0) -or -not $?)
+ { $ErrorCount += 1
+ if ($HaltOnError)
+ { Exit-CompileScript -1 }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles[$VHDLFlavor] + $SourceFiles["synopsys8793"])
+ { Write-Host " file: v$VHDLVersion\$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Patching file for VHDL-$VHDLVersion" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Get-Content `"$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl`" -Encoding Ascii ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version `"$VHDLVersion`" ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Out-File `"$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion`" -Encoding Ascii" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ # Patch file
+ Get-Content "$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLFlavor\$SourceFile.vhdl" -Encoding Ascii `
+ | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version "$VHDLVersion" `
+ | Out-File "$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion" -Encoding Ascii
+ # Analyze file
+ $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLExecutable -a -C `"-P../std`" --std=$VHDLVersion --work=$VHDLLibrary $SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion 2>&1"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Analyzing file '$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion'" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings " "
+ if (($LastExitCode -ne 0) -or -not $?)
+ { $ErrorCount += 1
+ if ($HaltOnError)
+ { Exit-CompileScript -1 }
+ }
+ }
+ $VHDLSourcesIndex = "vital2000"
+ foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles[$VHDLSourcesIndex])
+ { Write-Host " file: v$VHDLVersion\$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Patching file for VHDL-$VHDLVersion" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Get-Content `"$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl`" -Encoding Ascii ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version `"$VHDLVersion`" ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Out-File `"$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion`" -Encoding Ascii" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ # Patch file
+ Get-Content "$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl" -Encoding Ascii `
+ | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version "$VHDLVersion" `
+ | Out-File "$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion" -Encoding Ascii
+ # Analyze file
+ $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLExecutable -a -C `"-P../std`" --std=$VHDLVersion --work=$VHDLLibrary $SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion 2>&1"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Analyzing file '$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion'" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings " "
+ if (($LastExitCode -ne 0) -or -not $?)
+ { $ErrorCount += 1
+ if ($HaltOnError)
+ { Exit-CompileScript -1 }
+ }
+ }
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # v93\mentor
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $VHDLLibrary = "ieee"
+ $VHDLFlavor = "mentor"
+ Write-Host " Compiling library '$VHDLLibrary' ($VHDLFlavor)..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ $LibraryDirectory = "$VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory\$VHDLFlavor\v$VHDLVersion"
+ New-LibraryDirectory $LibraryDirectory # $EnableVerbose
+ Set-Location $LibraryDirectory
+ $VHDLSourcesIndex = "ieee"
+ foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles[$VHDLSourcesIndex] + $SourceFiles["math"])
+ { Write-Host " file: v$VHDLVersion\$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Patching file for VHDL-$VHDLVersion" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Get-Content `"$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl`" -Encoding Ascii ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version `"$VHDLVersion`" ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Out-File `"$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion`" -Encoding Ascii" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ # Patch file
+ Get-Content "$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl" -Encoding Ascii `
+ | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version "$VHDLVersion" `
+ | Out-File "$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion" -Encoding Ascii
+ # Analyze file
+ $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLExecutable -a -C `"-P../std`" --std=$VHDLVersion --work=$VHDLLibrary $SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion 2>&1"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Analyzing file '$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion'" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings " "
+ if (($LastExitCode -ne 0) -or -not $?)
+ { $ErrorCount += 1
+ if ($HaltOnError)
+ { Exit-CompileScript -1 }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles[$VHDLFlavor])
+ { Write-Host " file: v$VHDLVersion\$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Patching file for VHDL-$VHDLVersion" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Get-Content `"$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl`" -Encoding Ascii ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version `"$VHDLVersion`" ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Out-File `"$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion`" -Encoding Ascii" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ # Patch file
+ Get-Content "$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLFlavor\$SourceFile.vhdl" -Encoding Ascii `
+ | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version "$VHDLVersion" `
+ | Out-File "$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion" -Encoding Ascii
+ # Analyze file
+ $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLExecutable -a -C `"-P../std`" --std=$VHDLVersion --work=$VHDLLibrary $SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion 2>&1"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Analyzing file '$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion'" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings " "
+ if (($LastExitCode -ne 0) -or -not $?)
+ { $ErrorCount += 1
+ if ($HaltOnError)
+ { Exit-CompileScript -1 }
+ }
+ }
+ $VHDLSourcesIndex = "vital2000"
+ foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles[$VHDLSourcesIndex])
+ { Write-Host " file: v$VHDLVersion\$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Patching file for VHDL-$VHDLVersion" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Get-Content `"$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl`" -Encoding Ascii ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version `"$VHDLVersion`" ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Out-File `"$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion`" -Encoding Ascii" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ # Patch file
+ Get-Content "$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl" -Encoding Ascii `
+ | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version "$VHDLVersion" `
+ | Out-File "$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion" -Encoding Ascii
+ # Analyze file
+ $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLExecutable -a -C `"-P../std`" --std=$VHDLVersion --work=$VHDLLibrary $SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion 2>&1"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Analyzing file '$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion'" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings " "
+ if (($LastExitCode -ne 0) -or -not $?)
+ { $ErrorCount += 1
+ if ($HaltOnError)
+ { Exit-CompileScript -1 }
+ }
+ }
+# ==============================================================================
+# v08
+# ==============================================================================
+if ($VHDL2008)
+{ $VHDLVersion = "08"
+ Write-Host "Compiling libraries for VHDL-$VHDLVersion" -ForegroundColor Cyan
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # v08\std
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $VHDLLibrary = "std"
+ Write-Host " Compiling library '$VHDLLibrary'..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ $LibraryDirectory = "$VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory\$VHDLLibrary\v$VHDLVersion"
+ New-LibraryDirectory $LibraryDirectory # $EnableVerbose
+ Set-Location $LibraryDirectory
+ $VHDLSourcesIndex = "std08"
+ foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles[$VHDLSourcesIndex])
+ { Write-Host " file: v$VHDLVersion\$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Patching file for VHDL-$VHDLVersion" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Get-Content `"$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl`" -Encoding Ascii ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version `"$VHDLVersion`" ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Out-File `"$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion`" -Encoding Ascii" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ # Patch file
+ Get-Content "$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLLibrary\$SourceFile.vhdl" -Encoding Ascii `
+ | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version "$VHDLVersion" `
+ | Out-File "$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion" -Encoding Ascii
+ # Analyze file
+ $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLExecutable -a -C --bootstrap --std=$VHDLVersion --work=$VHDLLibrary $SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion 2>&1"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Analyzing file '$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion'" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings " "
+ if (($LastExitCode -ne 0) -or -not $?)
+ { $ErrorCount += 1
+ if ($HaltOnError)
+ { Exit-CompileScript -1 }
+ }
+ }
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # v08\ieee
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $VHDLLibrary = "ieee"
+ $VHDLFlavor = "ieee"
+ Write-Host " Compiling library '$VHDLLibrary'..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ $LibraryDirectory = "$VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory\$VHDLFlavor\v$VHDLVersion"
+ New-LibraryDirectory $LibraryDirectory # $EnableVerbose
+ Set-Location $LibraryDirectory
+ $VHDLSourcesIndex = "ieee2008"
+ foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles[$VHDLSourcesIndex])
+ { Write-Host " file: v$VHDLVersion\$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Patching file for VHDL-$VHDLVersion" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Get-Content `"$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl`" -Encoding Ascii ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version `"$VHDLVersion`" ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Out-File `"$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion`" -Encoding Ascii" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ # Patch file
+ Get-Content "$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl" -Encoding Ascii `
+ | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version "$VHDLVersion" `
+ | Out-File "$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion" -Encoding Ascii
+ # Analyze file
+ $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLExecutable -a -C `"-P../std`" --std=$VHDLVersion --work=$VHDLLibrary $SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion 2>&1"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Analyzing file '$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion'" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings " "
+ if (($LastExitCode -ne 0) -or -not $?)
+ { $ErrorCount += 1
+ if ($HaltOnError)
+ { Exit-CompileScript -1 }
+ }
+ }
+ $VHDLSourcesIndex = "vital2000"
+ foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles[$VHDLSourcesIndex])
+ { Write-Host " file: v$VHDLVersion\$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Patching file for VHDL-$VHDLVersion" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Get-Content `"$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl`" -Encoding Ascii ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version `"$VHDLVersion`" ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Out-File `"$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion`" -Encoding Ascii" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ # Patch file
+ Get-Content "$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl" -Encoding Ascii `
+ | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version "$VHDLVersion" `
+ | Out-File "$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion" -Encoding Ascii
+ # Analyze file
+ $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLExecutable -a -C `"-P../std`" -frelaxed-rules --std=$VHDLVersion --work=$VHDLLibrary $SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion 2>&1"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Analyzing file '$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion'" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings " "
+ if (($LastExitCode -ne 0) -or -not $?)
+ { $ErrorCount += 1
+ if ($HaltOnError)
+ { Exit-CompileScript -1 }
+ }
+ }
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # v08\synopsys
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $VHDLLibrary = "ieee"
+ $VHDLFlavor = "synopsys"
+ Write-Host " Compiling library '$VHDLLibrary' ($VHDLFlavor)..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ $LibraryDirectory = "$VHDLDestinationLibraryDirectory\$VHDLFlavor\v$VHDLVersion"
+ New-LibraryDirectory $LibraryDirectory # $EnableVerbose
+ Set-Location $LibraryDirectory
+ $VHDLSourcesIndex = "ieee2008"
+ foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles[$VHDLSourcesIndex])
+ { Write-Host " file: v$VHDLVersion\$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Patching file for VHDL-$VHDLVersion" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Get-Content `"$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl`" -Encoding Ascii ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version `"$VHDLVersion`" ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Out-File `"$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion`" -Encoding Ascii" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ # Patch file
+ Get-Content "$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl" -Encoding Ascii `
+ | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version "$VHDLVersion" `
+ | Out-File "$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion" -Encoding Ascii
+ # Analyze file
+ $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLExecutable -a -C `"-P../std`" --std=$VHDLVersion --work=$VHDLLibrary $SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion 2>&1"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Analyzing file '$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion'" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings " "
+ if (($LastExitCode -ne 0) -or -not $?)
+ { $ErrorCount += 1
+ if ($HaltOnError)
+ { Exit-CompileScript -1 }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles[$VHDLFlavor])
+ { Write-Host " file: v$VHDLVersion\$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Patching file for VHDL-$VHDLVersion" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Get-Content `"$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl`" -Encoding Ascii ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version `"$VHDLVersion`" ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Out-File `"$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion`" -Encoding Ascii" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ # Patch file
+ Get-Content "$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLFlavor\$SourceFile.vhdl" -Encoding Ascii `
+ | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version "$VHDLVersion" `
+ | Out-File "$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion" -Encoding Ascii
+ # Analyze file
+ $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLExecutable -a -C `"-P../std`" --std=$VHDLVersion --work=$VHDLLibrary $SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion 2>&1"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Analyzing file '$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion'" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings " "
+ if (($LastExitCode -ne 0) -or -not $?)
+ { $ErrorCount += 1
+ if ($HaltOnError)
+ { Exit-CompileScript -1 }
+ }
+ }
+ $VHDLSourcesIndex = "vital2000"
+ foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles[$VHDLSourcesIndex])
+ { Write-Host " file: v$VHDLVersion\$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Patching file for VHDL-$VHDLVersion" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Get-Content `"$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl`" -Encoding Ascii ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version `"$VHDLVersion`" ``" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " | Out-File `"$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion`" -Encoding Ascii" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ # Patch file
+ Get-Content "$VHDLSourceLibraryDirectory\$VHDLSourcesIndex\$SourceFile.vhdl" -Encoding Ascii `
+ | Format-VHDLSourceFile -Version "$VHDLVersion" `
+ | Out-File "$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion" -Encoding Ascii
+ # Analyze file
+ $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLExecutable -a -C `"-P../std`" -frelaxed-rules --std=$VHDLVersion --work=$VHDLLibrary $SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion 2>&1"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Analyzing file '$SourceFile.v$VHDLVersion'" ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings " "
+ if (($LastExitCode -ne 0) -or -not $?)
+ { $ErrorCount += 1
+ if ($HaltOnError)
+ { Exit-CompileScript -1 }
+ }
+ }
+} # $VHDL2008
+Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+Write-Host "Compiling VHDL libraries " -NoNewline
+if ($ErrorCount -gt 0)
+{ Write-Host "[FAILED]" -ForegroundColor Red }
+{ Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green }
diff --git a/scripts/windows/compile.ps1 b/scripts/windows/compile.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da3c67731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/compile.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,765 @@
+# EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+# vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+# kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+# ==============================================================================
+# Authors: Patrick Lehmann (ported batch file to PowerShell)
+# Brian Davis (contributions to the batch file)
+# Tristan Gingold (initial batch file for compilations on Windows)
+# PowerShell Script: Script to compile GHDL for Windows
+# Description:
+# ------------------------------------
+# This is a PowerShell script (executable) which:
+# - compiles GHDL and GHDLFilter
+# - analyses VHDL libraries
+# - installs GHDL into a directory (xcopy deploiment)
+# ==============================================================================
+# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+# Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Patrick Lehmann
+# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+# ==============================================================================
+# GHDL for Windows - GHDL compile script
+# Use 'compile.ps1 -Help' to see the integrated help page
+# #
+# # Normal flow
+# PS> .\compile.ps1 -Clean
+# PS> .\compile.ps1 -Compile
+# PS> .\compile.ps1 -Install
+# # Combine all commands in a single call
+# PS>.\compile.ps1 -Clean -Compile -Install "C:\Tools\GHDL"
+# # Install to user defined dir
+# PS> .\compile.ps1 -Install "C:\Tools\GHDL"
+# # Update or Uninstall
+# PS> .\compile.ps1 -Update
+# PS> .\compile.ps1 -Uninstall
+# # Create a Zip-file
+# PS>.\compile.ps1 -Package -Zip
+ # Clean up all files and directories
+ [switch]$Clean,
+ [switch]$Clean_GHDL,
+ [switch]$Clean_Libraries,
+ # Compile GHDL
+ [switch]$Compile,
+ [switch]$Compile_GHDL,
+ [switch]$Compile_Libraries,
+ # Create an installer package
+ [switch]$Package,
+ # Creates a zip-file for xcopy deployment
+ [switch]$Zip,
+ # Creates a self-extracting ps1-file for xcopy deployment
+ [switch]$PS1,
+ # Install all files into a directory (xcopy deployment)
+ [switch]$Install = $false,
+ [parameter(mandatory=$false, ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)]
+ [string]$InstallDir = "",
+ # Update files
+ [switch]$Update,
+ # Uninstall all files from a directory
+ [switch]$Uninstall,
+ # register GHDL in PATH
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]
+ [ValidateSet("Machine", "User", "Session", "Remove", "Pass")]
+ [String]$AddToPath = "",
+ # Display this help"
+ [switch]$Help
+# configure script here
+$RelPathToRoot = "..\.."
+# save parameters and current working directory
+$Script_ScriptDir = $PSScriptRoot
+$Script_WorkingDir = Get-Location
+$GHDLRootDir = Convert-Path (Resolve-Path ($PSScriptRoot + "\" + $RelPathToRoot))
+# set default values
+$Hosting = $true
+$EnableDebug = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
+$EnableVerbose = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"] -or $EnableDebug
+# load modules from GHDL's 'libraries' directory
+Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\shared.psm1 -Verbose:$false -Debug:$false -ArgumentList "$Script_WorkingDir", $Hosting
+Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\targets.psm1 -Verbose:$false -Debug:$false
+# Display help if no command was selected
+$Help = $Help -or (-not (
+ $All -or
+ $Clean -or $Clean_GHDL -or $Clean_Libraries -or $Clean_Package_Zip -or
+ $Compile -or $Compile_GHDL -or $Compile_Libraries -or
+ $Package -or
+ $Install -or $Update -or $Uninstall
+ ))
+Write-Host "================================================================================" -ForegroundColor Magenta
+Write-Host "GHDL for Windows - GHDL compile and bundle script" -ForegroundColor Magenta
+Write-Host "================================================================================" -ForegroundColor Magenta
+if ($Help)
+{ Get-Help $MYINVOCATION.InvocationName -Detailed
+ Exit-CompileScript
+if ($All)
+{ $Clean = $true
+ $Compile = $true
+ $Package = $true
+if ($Clean)
+{ $Clean_GHDL = $true
+ $Clean_Libraries = $true
+ $Clean_Package_Zip = $true
+if ($Compile)
+{ $Compile_GHDL = $true
+ $Compile_Libraries = $true
+# configure some variables: paths, executables, directory names, ...
+$GHDLVersion = Get-GHDLVersion $GHDLRootDir
+$Backend = "mcode"
+$WindowsDirName = "dist\windows" #\$Backend"
+$BuildDirectoryName = "build"
+$BuildBackendDirectoryName = "$BuildDirectoryName\$Backend"
+$VHDLLibrariesDirectoryName = "lib"
+$PackageDirectoryName = "build\zip\$Backend"
+$ZipPackageFileName = "ghdl-$Backend-$GHDLVersion.zip"
+$PS1PackageFileName = "ghdl-$Backend-$GHDLVersion.installer.ps1"
+$InstallerTemplateFileName = "InstallerTemplate.ps1"
+$DefaultInstallPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\GHDL" # This is the default path for 32-bit applications (x86-32)
+# construct directories
+$GHDLWindowsDir = "$GHDLRootDir\$WindowsDirName"
+$GHDLBuildDir = "$GHDLRootDir\$BuildBackendDirectoryName"
+$GHDLVendorLibraryDir = "$GHDLRootDir\libraries\vendors"
+$GHDLCompiledLibraryDir = "$GHDLRootDir\$BuildBackendDirectoryName\$VHDLLibrariesDirectoryName"
+$GHDLZipPackageDir = "$GHDLRootDir\$PackageDirectoryName"
+$GHDLZipPackageFile = "$GHDLZipPackageDir\$ZipPackageFileName"
+$InstallerTemplateFile = "$GHDLWindowsDir\$InstallerTemplateFileName"
+$GHDLPS1PackageFile = "$GHDLZipPackageDir\$PS1PackageFileName"
+# construct files
+$InstallDirFile = "$BuildDirectoryName\InstallDir.conf"
+$EnvPath_ContainerMapping = @{
+ Machine = [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine
+ User = [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User
+function Exit-Script
+{ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ [int]$ExitCode = 0
+ )
+ cd $Script_WorkingDir
+ # unload modules
+ Remove-Module shared -Verbose:$false -Debug:$false
+ Remove-Module targets -Verbose:$false -Debug:$false
+ exit $ExitCode
+# GitHub user: https://github.com/mkropat
+# Gist account at GitHub: https://gist.github.com/mkropat
+# Gist snippet URL: https://gist.github.com/mkropat/c1226e0cc2ca941b23a9
+function Add-EnvPath
+{ param(
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
+ [string] $Path,
+ [ValidateSet("Machine", "User", "Session")]
+ [string] $Container = "Session"
+ )
+ if ($Container -ne "Session")
+ { $containerType = $EnvPath_ContainerMapping[$Container]
+ $persistedPaths = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $containerType) -split ";"
+ if ($persistedPaths -notcontains $Path)
+ { $persistedPaths = $persistedPaths + $Path | where { $_ }
+ [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $persistedPaths -join ";", $containerType)
+ }
+ }
+ $envPaths = $env:Path -split ";"
+ if ($envPaths -notcontains $Path)
+ { $envPaths = $envPaths + $Path | where { $_ }
+ $env:Path = $envPaths -join ";"
+ }
+# GitHub user: https://github.com/mkropat
+# Gist account at GitHub: https://gist.github.com/mkropat
+# Gist snippet URL: https://gist.github.com/mkropat/c1226e0cc2ca941b23a9
+function Remove-EnvPath
+{ param (
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
+ [string] $Path,
+ [ValidateSet("Machine", "User", "Session")]
+ [string] $Container = "Session"
+ )
+ if ($Container -ne "Session")
+ { $containerType = $EnvPath_ContainerMapping[$Container]
+ $persistedPaths = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $containerType) -split ";"
+ if ($persistedPaths -contains $Path)
+ { $persistedPaths = $persistedPaths | where { $_ -and $_ -ne $Path }
+ [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $persistedPaths -join ";", $containerType)
+ }
+ }
+ $envPaths = $env:Path -split ";"
+ if ($envPaths -contains $Path)
+ { $envPaths = $envPaths | where { $_ -and $_ -ne $Path }
+ $env:Path = $envPaths -join ";"
+ }
+# GitHub user: https://github.com/mkropat
+# Gist account at GitHub: https://gist.github.com/mkropat
+# Gist snippet URL: https://gist.github.com/mkropat/c1226e0cc2ca941b23a9
+function Get-EnvPath
+{ param (
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
+ [ValidateSet("Machine", "User")]
+ [string] $Container
+ )
+ $containerType = $EnvPath_ContainerMapping[$Container]
+ [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', $containerType) -split ";" | where { $_ }
+if ($false)
+{ # Write-Host "Uninstalling GHDL $GHDLVersion for Windows..."
+ # Write-Host "[ERROR]: This command is not implemented." -ForegroundColor Red
+ Exit-Script -1
+} # Uninstall
+{ # ============================================================================
+ # Clean tasks
+ # ============================================================================
+ if ($Clean)
+ { Write-Host "Removing all created files and directories..." }
+ if ($Clean_GHDL)
+ { $Script_Path = $GHDLWindowsDir + "\compile-ghdl.ps1"
+ $Script_Parameters = @(
+ '-Clean',
+ '-Hosted',
+ '-Verbose:$EnableVerbose',
+ '-Debug:$EnableDebug'
+ )
+ Write-Host "Running compile-ghdl.ps1 -Clean ..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ $InvokeExpr = "$Script_Path " + ($Script_Parameters -join " ")
+ Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr
+ if ($LastExitCode -ne 0)
+ { Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "[ERROR]: While executing '$InvokeExpr'." -ForegroundColor Red
+ Exit-Script -1
+ }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "Completed compile-ghdl.ps1 " -NoNewline
+ Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green
+ Write-Host
+ }
+ } # Clean_GHDL
+ if ($Clean_Libraries)
+ { if ($Clean_GHDL)
+ { Write-Host }
+ $Script_Path = $GHDLWindowsDir + "\compile-libraries.ps1"
+ $Script_Parameters = @(
+ '-Clean',
+ '-Hosted',
+ '-Verbose:$EnableVerbose',
+ '-Debug:$EnableDebug'
+ )
+ Write-Host "Running compile-libraries.ps1 -Clean ..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ $InvokeExpr = "$Script_Path " + ($Script_Parameters -join " ")
+ Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr
+ if ($LastExitCode -ne 0)
+ { Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "[ERROR]: While executing '$InvokeExpr'." -ForegroundColor Red
+ Exit-Script -1
+ }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "Completed compile-libraries.ps1 " -NoNewline
+ Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green
+ Write-Host
+ }
+ } # Clean_Libraries
+ if ($Clean_Package_Zip)
+ { if ($Clean_GHDL -or $Clean_Libraries)
+ { Write-Host }
+ Write-Host "Running more clean-up tasks..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "Removing installer packages and temporary directories..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ if (Test-Path -Path $GHDLZipPackageDir)
+ { Write-Host " rmdir $GHDLZipPackageDir"
+ Remove-Item $GHDLZipPackageDir -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ if ($? -eq $false)
+ { Write-Host "[ERROR]: While deleting '$GHDLZipPackageDir'." -ForegroundColor Red
+ Exit-Script -1
+ }
+ }
+ if (Test-Path -Path $GHDLZipPackageFile)
+ { Write-Host " rm $GHDLZipPackageFile"
+ Remove-Item $GHDLZipPackageFile -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ if ($? -eq $false)
+ { Write-Host "[ERROR]: While deleting '$GHDLZipPackageFile'." -ForegroundColor Red
+ Exit-Script -1
+ }
+ }
+ Write-Host
+ Write-Host "Clean " -NoNewline
+ Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green
+ Write-Host
+ } # Clean_Package_Zip
+ # ============================================================================
+ # Compile tasks
+ # ============================================================================
+ if ($Compile_GHDL)
+ { if ($Clean)
+ { Write-Host }
+ $Script_Path = $GHDLWindowsDir + "\compile-ghdl.ps1"
+ $Script_Parameters = @()
+ $Script_Parameters = @(
+ '-All',
+ '-Hosted',
+ '-Verbose:$EnableVerbose',
+ '-Debug:$EnableDebug'
+ )
+ # Write-Host "Compiling GHDL $GHDLVersion for Windows..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ # Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host
+ Write-Host "Running compile-ghdl.ps1 -All ..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ $InvokeExpr = "$Script_Path " + ($Script_Parameters -join " ")
+ Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr
+ if ($LastExitCode -ne 0)
+ { Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "[ERROR]: While executing '$InvokeExpr'." -ForegroundColor Red
+ Exit-Script -1
+ }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "Completed compile-ghdl.ps1 " -NoNewline
+ Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green
+ Write-Host
+ }
+ } # Compile_GHDL
+ if ($Compile_Libraries)
+ { if ($Compile_GHDL)
+ { Write-Host }
+ $Script_Path = $GHDLWindowsDir + "\compile-libraries.ps1"
+ $Script_Parameters = @()
+ $Script_Parameters = @(
+ '-Compile',
+ '-Hosted',
+ '-Verbose:$EnableVerbose',
+ '-Debug:$EnableDebug'
+ )
+ # Write-Host "Compiling GHDL's libraries ..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ # Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ $env:GHDL = "$GHDLBuildDir\ghdl.exe"
+ Write-Host ("Setting env:GHDL to '" + $env:GHDL + "'")
+ Write-Host
+ Write-Host "Running compile-libraries.ps1 -Compile ..." -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ $InvokeExpr = "$Script_Path " + ($Script_Parameters -join " ")
+ Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr
+ if ($LastExitCode -ne 0)
+ { Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "[ERROR]: While executing '$InvokeExpr'." -ForegroundColor Red
+ Exit-Script -1
+ }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "Completed compile-libraries.ps1 " -NoNewline
+ Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green
+ Write-Host
+ }
+ } # Compile_GHDL
+ # ============================================================================
+ # Package tasks
+ # ============================================================================
+ if ($Package)
+ { Write-Host "Creating an installation package for GHDL $GHDLVersion for Windows"
+ $Good = $false
+ if ($Zip)
+ { Write-Host "Loading PowerShell Community Extensions (PSCX) " -NoNewline
+ if ((Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where {$_.Name -like "PSCX"}).Version -ge "")
+ { Import-Module Pscx -Verbose:$false
+ Write-Host "[Done]" -ForegroundColor Green
+ }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "[FAILED]" -ForegroundColor RED
+ Exit-Script -1
+ }
+ Write-Host "Output format: zip-file"
+ Write-Host " Removing old directory '$GHDLZipPackageDir'."
+ if (Test-Path -Path $GHDLZipPackageDir)
+ { Remove-Item $GHDLZipPackageDir -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ if ($? -eq $false)
+ { Write-Host "[ERROR]: While deleting '$GHDLZipPackageDir'." -ForegroundColor Red
+ Exit-Script -1
+ }
+ }
+ if (Test-Path -Path $GHDLZipPackageFile)
+ { Remove-Item $GHDLZipPackageFile -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ if ($? -eq $false)
+ { Write-Host "[ERROR]: While deleting '$GHDLZipPackageFile'." -ForegroundColor Red
+ Exit-Script -1
+ }
+ }
+ Write-Host " Creating directory '$GHDLZipPackageDir' and sub-directories..."
+ New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$GHDLZipPackageDir" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
+ New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$GHDLZipPackageDir\bin" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
+ New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$GHDLZipPackageDir\include" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
+ New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$GHDLZipPackageDir\lib" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
+ Write-Host " Gathering files..."
+ # executables
+ Copy-Item "$GHDLBuildDir\ghdl.exe" "$GHDLZipPackageDir\bin\ghdl.exe" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ # include files
+ Copy-Item "$GHDLRootDir\src\grt\vpi_user.h" "$GHDLZipPackageDir\include" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ # pre-compile scripts
+ Copy-Item $GHDLVendorLibraryDir -Recurse "$GHDLZipPackageDir\lib\vendors" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ # pre-compiled libraries
+ Copy-Item $GHDLCompiledLibraryDir -Recurse "$GHDLZipPackageDir" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ Write-Host " Compressing all files into '$GHDLZipPackageFile'..."
+ $file = Get-ChildItem $GHDLZipPackageDir -Recurse | Write-Zip -IncludeEmptyDirectories -EntryPathRoot $GHDLZipPackageDir -OutputPath $GHDLZipPackageFile
+ Write-Host " $([math]::round(($file.Length / 1MB), 3)) MiB written to disk"
+ Write-Host
+ Write-Host "Creating package " -NoNewline
+ Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green
+ Write-Host
+ $Good = $true
+ }
+ if ($PS1)
+ { Write-Host "Creating a self-extracting PowerShell package for GHDL $GHDLVersion for Windows"
+ if (-not (Test-Path -Path $GHDLZipPackageFile))
+ { Write-Host "[ERROR]: ZIP file '$GHDLZipPackageFile' does not exist." -ForegroundColor Red
+ Exit-Script -1
+ }
+ # Read ZIP file and convert it to base64
+ $ResolvedPath = Resolve-Path "$GHDLZipPackageFile"
+ $CompressedFileContentAsBytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("$ResolvedPath")
+ $CompressedFileContentInBase64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($CompressedFileContentAsBytes)
+ # Read a Installer template and add the base64 content
+ $Installer = Get-Content $InstallerTemplateFile
+ $Installer = $Installer -replace "# DATASECTION", "`$CompressedFileContentInBase64 = `"$CompressedFileContentInBase64`""
+ $Installer | Out-File -FilePath $GHDLPS1PackageFile
+ Write-Host
+ Write-Host "Creating package " -NoNewline
+ Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green
+ Write-Host
+ $Good = $true
+ }
+ if (-not $Good)
+ { Write-Host "[ERROR]: No package format selected." -ForegroundColor Red
+ Write-Host "Possible formats:"
+ Write-Host " - Zip-file (-Zip)"
+ Write-Host
+ }
+ }
+ # ============================================================================
+ # Install tasks
+ # ============================================================================
+ if ($Install)
+ { Write-Host "Installing GHDL $GHDLVersion for Windows..."
+ if ($InstallDir -eq "")
+ { if (Test-Path $InstallDirFile -PathType Leaf)
+ { Write-Host " Reading installation path from '$InstallDirFile' ..."
+ $InstallPath = Get-Content $InstallDirFile -Encoding Ascii
+ }
+ else
+ { $InstallPath = $DefaultInstallPath }
+ }
+ else
+ { $InstallPath = $InstallDir }
+ $InstallPath = $InstallPath.TrimEnd("\")
+ if ($Zip)
+ { Write-Host "Loading PowerShell Community Extensions (PSCX) " -NoNewline
+ if ((Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where {$_.Name -like "PSCX"}).Version -ge "")
+ { Import-Module Pscx -Verbose:$false
+ Write-Host "[Done]" -ForegroundColor Green
+ }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "[FAILED]" -ForegroundColor RED
+ Exit-Script -1
+ }
+ Write-Host " Installing from Zip-file..."
+ Write-Host "[ERROR]: This command is not implemented." -ForegroundColor Red
+ }
+ else
+ { Write-Host " Writing installation path to '$InstallDirFile'..."
+ $InstallPath | Out-File -FilePath $InstallDirFile -Encoding Ascii
+ if (Test-Path -Path $InstallPath)
+ { Write-Host "[ERROR]: Directory '$InstallPath' already exists." -ForegroundColor Red
+ Exit-Script -1
+ }
+ Write-Host " Install directory: $InstallPath"
+ Write-Host " Creating directory '$InstallPath' and sub-directories..."
+ New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$InstallPath" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
+ New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$InstallPath\bin" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
+ New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$InstallPath\include" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
+ New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$InstallPath\lib" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
+ Write-Host " Copying files..."
+ # executables
+ Copy-Item "$GHDLBuildDir\ghdl.exe" "$InstallPath\bin\ghdl.exe" -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ # include files
+ Copy-Item "$GHDLRootDir\src\grt\vpi_user.h" "$InstallPath\include" -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ # pre-compile scripts
+ Copy-Item $GHDLVendorLibraryDir -Recurse "$InstallPath\lib" -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ # pre-compiled libraries
+ Copy-Item $GHDLCompiledLibraryDir -Recurse "$InstallPath" -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ while($true)
+ { Write-Host " Install GHDL in PATH at machine level? [" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "M" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
+ Write-Host "achine/" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "u" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
+ Write-Host "ser/" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "s" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
+ Write-Host "ession/" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "p" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
+ Write-Host "ass]: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ $InstallInPath = (Read-Host).ToLower()
+ if ($InstallInPath -in "m","u","s","p")
+ { break }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "[ERROR]: Unsupported choice: '$InstallInPath'." -ForegroundColor Red }
+ }
+ if (($InstallInPath -eq "") -or ($InstallInPath -eq "m"))
+ { Write-Host " Adding GHDL to PATH at machine level."
+ Add-EnvPath -Path "$InstallPath\bin" -Container "Machine"
+ Add-EnvPath -Path "$InstallPath\bin" -Container "Session"
+ }
+ elseif ($InstallInPath -eq "u")
+ { Write-Host " Adding GHDL to PATH at user level."
+ Add-EnvPath -Path "$InstallPath\bin" -Container "User"
+ Add-EnvPath -Path "$InstallPath\bin" -Container "Session"
+ }
+ elseif ($InstallInPath -eq "s")
+ { Write-Host " Adding GHDL to PATH at session level."
+ Add-EnvPath -Path "$InstallPath\bin" -Container "Session"
+ }
+ Write-Host
+ Write-Host "Installing files " -NoNewline
+ Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green
+ Write-Host
+ Exit-Script
+ } # Zip
+ } # Install
+ elseif ($Update)
+ { Write-Host "Updating GHDL $GHDLVersion for Windows..."
+ if (Test-Path $InstallDirFile -PathType Leaf)
+ { Write-Host " Reading installation path from '$InstallDirFile' ..."
+ $InstallPath = Get-Content $InstallDirFile -Encoding Ascii
+ }
+ else
+ { if ($InstallDir -eq "")
+ { }
+ else
+ { $InstallPath = $InstallDir }
+ }
+ $InstallPath = $InstallPath.TrimEnd("\")
+ Write-Host " Install directory: $InstallPath"
+ if (Test-Path -Path $InstallPath)
+ { Write-Host " Cleaning up installation directory '$InstallPath'." -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ Get-ChildItem -Path $InstallPath -Depth 0 | foreach { Remove-Item $_.FullName -Recurse -Force }
+ }
+ Write-Host " Creating directory sub-directories in '$InstallPath' ..."
+ New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$InstallPath\bin" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
+ New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$InstallPath\include" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
+ New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "$InstallPath\lib" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
+ Write-Host " Copying files..."
+ # executables
+ Copy-Item "$GHDLBuildDir\ghdl.exe" "$InstallPath\bin\ghdl.exe" -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ # include files
+ Copy-Item "$GHDLRootDir\src\grt\vpi_user.h" "$InstallPath\include" -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ # pre-compile scripts
+ Copy-Item $GHDLVendorLibraryDir -Recurse "$InstallPath\lib" -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ # pre-compiled libraries
+ Copy-Item $GHDLCompiledLibraryDir -Recurse "$InstallPath" -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ if ($AddToPath -eq "")
+ { while($true)
+ { Write-Host " Install GHDL in PATH at machine level? [" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "M" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
+ Write-Host "achine/" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "u" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
+ Write-Host "ser/" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "s" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
+ Write-Host "ession/" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "r" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
+ Write-Host "emove/" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ Write-Host "p" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan
+ Write-Host "ass]: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ $InstallInPath = (Read-Host).ToLower()
+ if ($InstallInPath -in "m","u","s","r","p")
+ { break }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "[ERROR]: Unsupported choice: '$InstallInPath'." -ForegroundColor Red }
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ($AddToPath -eq "Machine")
+ { $InstallInPath = "m" }
+ elseif ($AddToPath -eq "User")
+ { $InstallInPath = "u" }
+ elseif ($AddToPath -eq "Session")
+ { $InstallInPath = "s" }
+ elseif ($AddToPath -eq "Remove")
+ { $InstallInPath = "r" }
+ elseif ($AddToPath -eq "Pass")
+ { $InstallInPath = "p" }
+ if ($InstallInPath -ne "p")
+ { Write-Host " Removing GHDL from PATH variables in Machine, User, Session ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ foreach ($container in @("Machine", "User"))
+ { foreach ($entry in (Get-EnvPath -Container $container))
+ { if ($entry.ToLower().Contains("ghdl"))
+ { Write-Host " Removing '$entry' from $container level."
+ Remove-EnvPath -Path $entry -Container $container
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Remove-EnvPath -Path $entry -Container "Session"
+ if (($InstallInPath -eq "") -or ($InstallInPath -eq "m"))
+ { Write-Host " Adding GHDL to PATH at machine level."
+ Add-EnvPath -Path "$InstallPath\bin" -Container "Machine"
+ Add-EnvPath -Path "$InstallPath\bin" -Container "Session"
+ }
+ elseif ($InstallInPath -eq "u")
+ { Write-Host " Adding GHDL to PATH at user level."
+ Add-EnvPath -Path "$InstallPath\bin" -Container "User"
+ Add-EnvPath -Path "$InstallPath\bin" -Container "Session"
+ }
+ elseif ($InstallInPath -eq "s")
+ { Write-Host " Adding GHDL to PATH at session level."
+ Add-EnvPath -Path "$InstallPath\bin" -Container "Session"
+ }
+ }
+ Write-Host
+ Write-Host "Updating files " -NoNewline
+ Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green
+ Write-Host
+ Exit-Script
+ } # Update
+ elseif ($Uninstall)
+ { Write-Host "Uninstalling GHDL $GHDLVersion for Windows..."
+ if (Test-Path $InstallDirFile -PathType Leaf)
+ { Write-Host " Reading installation path from '$InstallDirFile' ..."
+ $InstallPath = Get-Content $InstallDirFile -Encoding Ascii
+ }
+ else
+ { $InstallPath = $DefaultInstallPath }
+ Write-Host " Install directory: $InstallPath"
+ if (Test-Path -Path $InstallPath)
+ { Write-Host " Removing installation directory '$InstallPath'." -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ Remove-Item $InstallPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ }
+ Write-Host " Removing GHDL from PATH variables in Machine, User, Session ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ foreach ($container in @("Machine", "User"))
+ { foreach ($entry in (Get-EnvPath -Container $container))
+ { if ($entry.ToLower().Contains("ghdl"))
+ { Write-Host " Removing '$entry' from $container level."
+ Remove-EnvPath -Path $entry -Container $container
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Remove-EnvPath -Path $entry -Container "Session"
+ Write-Host
+ Write-Host "Uninstalling files " -NoNewline
+ Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green
+ Write-Host
+ Exit-Script
+ } # Uninstall
+} # Clean
diff --git a/scripts/windows/mcode/Makefile.in b/scripts/windows/mcode/Makefile.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be1f11516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/mcode/Makefile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+all: ghdl_mcode std.v93 std.v87 ieee.v93 ieee.v87 synopsys.v93 synopsys.v87 mentor.v93
+####grt Makefile.inc
+ghdl_mcode: default_paths.ads $(GRT_ADD_OBJS) mmap_binding.o force
+ gnatmake -aIghdldrv -aIghdl -aIortho -aIgrt $(GNATFLAGS) ghdl_mcode $(GNAT_BARGS) -largs mmap_binding.o $(GNAT_LARGS) $(GRT_ADD_OBJS) $(GRT_EXTRA_LIB) -Wl,--version-script=$(GRTSRCDIR)/grt.ver -Wl,--export-dynamic
+mmap_binding.o: ortho/mmap_binding.c
+ $(CC) -c -g -o $@ $<
+default_paths.ads: Makefile
+ echo "-- DO NOT EDIT" > tmp-dpaths.ads
+ echo "-- This file is created by Makefile" >> tmp-dpaths.ads
+ echo "package Default_Paths is" >> tmp-dpaths.ads
+ echo " Prefix : constant String :=">> tmp-dpaths.ads
+ echo " \"$(PREFIX)/lib/ghdl/\";" >> tmp-dpaths.ads
+ echo "end Default_Paths;" >> tmp-dpaths.ads
+ if test -r $@ && cmp tmp-dpaths.ads $@; then \
+ echo "$@ unchanged"; \
+ else \
+ mv tmp-dpaths.ads $@; \
+ fi
+ $(RM) tmp-dpaths.ads
+ANALYZE=../../../ghdl_mcode -a --ieee=none
+LN=ln -s
+ mkdir $@
+$(LIB93_DIR) $(LIB87_DIR): ./lib
+ mkdir $@
+####libraries Makefile.inc
diff --git a/scripts/windows/mcode/binary_file-format.ads b/scripts/windows/mcode/binary_file-format.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..daf2afe2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/mcode/binary_file-format.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+with Binary_File.Coff;
+package Binary_File.Format renames Binary_File.Coff;
diff --git a/scripts/windows/mcode/compile.bat b/scripts/windows/mcode/compile.bat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a1825e46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/mcode/compile.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+mkdir build
+cd build
+rem Do the compilation
+set CFLAGS= -O -Wall
+gcc -c %CFLAGS% ../../../src/grt/grt-cstdio.c
+if errorlevel 1 goto failed
+gcc -c %CFLAGS% ../../../src/grt/grt-cvpi.c
+if errorlevel 1 goto failed
+gcc -c %CFLAGS% ../../../src/grt/config/clock.c
+if errorlevel 1 goto failed
+gcc -c %CFLAGS% ../../../src/ortho/mcode/memsegs_c.c
+if errorlevel 1 goto failed
+gcc -c %CFLAGS% -DWITH_GNAT_RUN_TIME ../../../src/grt/config/win32.c
+if errorlevel 1 goto failed
+gnatmake %CFLAGS% -gnatn -aI../windows -aI../../../src -aI../../../src/ghdldrv -aI../../../src/psl -aI../../../src/grt -aI../../../src/ortho/mcode -aI../../../src/vhdl -aI../../../src/vhdl/translate ghdl_jit -aI../../../src/ortho -o ghdl.exe -largs grt-cstdio.o clock.o grt-cvpi.o memsegs_c.o win32.o -ldbghelp -Wl,--stack,8404992
+if errorlevel 1 goto failed
+cd ..
+exit /b 0
+echo "Compilation failed"
+cd ..
+exit /b 1
diff --git a/scripts/windows/mcode/complib.bat b/scripts/windows/mcode/complib.bat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7291ad03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/mcode/complib.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+set GHDL=ghdl
+cd build
+gnatmake -aI..\windows ghdlfilter
+cd ..
+set REL=..\..\..
+set LIBSRC=%REL%\..\..\libraries
+:: library sources
+set STD_SRCS= textio textio-body
+set IEEE_SRCS= std_logic_1164 std_logic_1164-body numeric_std numeric_std-body numeric_bit numeric_bit-body
+set MATH_SRCS= math_real math_real-body math_complex math_complex-body
+set STD08_SRCS= textio textio-body env env-body
+set IEEE08_SRCS= std_logic_1164 std_logic_1164-body std_logic_textio math_real math_real-body math_complex math_complex-body numeric_bit numeric_bit-body numeric_bit_unsigned numeric_bit_unsigned-body numeric_std numeric_std-body numeric_std_unsigned numeric_std_unsigned-body fixed_float_types fixed_generic_pkg fixed_generic_pkg-body fixed_pkg float_generic_pkg float_generic_pkg-body float_pkg ieee_bit_context ieee_std_context
+set VITAL95_SRCS= vital_timing vital_timing-body vital_primitives vital_primitives-body
+set VITAL2000_SRCS= timing_p timing_b prmtvs_p prmtvs_b memory_p memory_b
+set SYNOPSYS_SRCS= std_logic_arith std_logic_textio std_logic_unsigned std_logic_signed std_logic_misc std_logic_misc-body
+set MENTOR_SRCS= std_logic_arith std_logic_arith-body
+mkdir lib
+cd lib
+echo v87 libraries...
+mkdir v87
+cd v87
+echo std
+mkdir std
+cd std
+for %%F in (%STD_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\ghdlfilter -v87 < %LIBSRC%\std\%%F.vhdl > %%F.v87 && %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=87 --bootstrap --work=std %%F.v87
+cd ..
+echo ieee
+mkdir ieee
+cd ieee
+for %%F in (%IEEE_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\ghdlfilter -v87 < %LIBSRC%\ieee\%%F.vhdl > %%F.v87 && %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=87 -P..\std --work=ieee %%F.v87
+for %%F in (%VITAL95_SRCS%) do copy %LIBSRC%\vital95\%%F.vhdl %%F.vhd && %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=87 -P..\std --work=ieee %%F.vhd
+cd ..
+echo synopsys
+mkdir synopsys
+cd synopsys
+for %%F in (%IEEE_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=87 -P..\std --work=ieee ..\ieee\%%F.v87
+for %%F in (%VITAL95_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=87 -P..\std --work=ieee ..\ieee\%%F.vhd
+for %%F in (%SYNOPSYS_SRCS%) do copy %LIBSRC%\synopsys\%%F.vhdl %%F.vhd && %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=87 -P..\std --work=ieee %%F.vhd
+cd ..
+cd ..
+echo v93 libraries...
+mkdir v93
+cd v93
+echo std
+mkdir std
+cd std
+for %%F in (%STD_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\ghdlfilter -v93 < %LIBSRC%\std\%%F.vhdl > %%F.v93 && %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=93 --bootstrap --work=std %%F.v93
+cd ..
+echo ieee
+mkdir ieee
+cd ieee
+for %%F in (%IEEE_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\ghdlfilter -v93 < %LIBSRC%\ieee\%%F.vhdl > %%F.v93 && %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=93 -P..\std --work=ieee %%F.v93
+for %%F in (%VITAL2000_SRCS%) do copy %LIBSRC%\vital2000\%%F.vhdl %%F.vhd && %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=93 -P..\std --work=ieee %%F.vhd
+for %%F in (%MATH_SRCS%) do copy %LIBSRC%\ieee\%%F.vhdl %%F.vhd && %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=93 -P..\std --work=ieee %%F.vhd
+cd ..
+echo synopsys
+mkdir synopsys
+cd synopsys
+for %%F in (%IEEE_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=93 -P..\std --work=ieee ..\ieee\%%F.v93
+for %%F in (%VITAL2000_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=93 -P..\std --work=ieee ..\ieee\%%F.vhd
+for %%F in (%MATH_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=93 -P..\std --work=ieee ..\ieee\%%F.vhd
+for %%F in (%SYNOPSYS_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=93 -P..\std --work=ieee ..\..\v87\synopsys\%%F.vhd
+cd ..
+echo mentor
+mkdir mentor
+cd mentor
+for %%F in (%IEEE_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=93 -P..\std --work=ieee ..\ieee\%%F.v93
+for %%F in (%VITAL2000_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=93 -P..\std --work=ieee ..\ieee\%%F.vhd
+for %%F in (%MATH_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=93 -P..\std --work=ieee ..\ieee\%%F.vhd
+for %%F in (%MENTOR_SRCS%) do copy %LIBSRC%\mentor\%%F.vhdl %%F.vhd && %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=93 -P..\std --work=ieee %%F.vhd
+cd ..
+cd ..
+echo v08 libraries...
+mkdir v08
+cd v08
+echo std
+mkdir std
+cd std
+for %%F in (%STD08_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\ghdlfilter -v08 < %LIBSRC%\std\%%F.vhdl > %%F.v08 && %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=08 --bootstrap --work=std %%F.v08
+cd ..
+echo ieee
+mkdir ieee
+cd ieee
+for %%F in (%IEEE08_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\ghdlfilter -v08 < %LIBSRC%\ieee2008\%%F.vhdl > %%F.v08 && %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=08 -P..\std --work=ieee %%F.v08
+cd ..
+cd ..\..
diff --git a/scripts/windows/mcode/default_paths.ads b/scripts/windows/mcode/default_paths.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b1d9d952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/mcode/default_paths.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+with Windows_Default_Path;
+pragma Elaborate_All (Windows_Default_Path);
+package Default_Paths is
+ Install_Prefix : constant String :=
+ Windows_Default_Path.Get_Windows_Exec_Path;
+ Lib_Prefix : constant String := "lib";
+ Shared_Library_Extension : constant String := ".dll";
+end Default_Paths;
diff --git a/scripts/windows/mcode/ghdl.nsi b/scripts/windows/mcode/ghdl.nsi
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21ecb50c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/mcode/ghdl.nsi
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+; ghdl.nsi
+; This script is based on example2.nsi.
+; remember the directory,
+; Check if administrator
+; uninstall support
+; TODO:
+; * allow multiple version
+; * command line installation
+; * Allow user install
+!include version.nsi
+; The name of the installer
+Name "Ghdl"
+; The file to write
+OutFile "ghdl-installer-${VERSION}.exe"
+SetDateSave on
+; The default installation directory
+InstallDir $PROGRAMFILES\Ghdl
+; Registry key to check for directory (so if you install again, it will
+; overwrite the old one automatically)
+InstallDirRegKey HKLM "Software\Ghdl" "Install_Dir"
+LicenseData ..\..\..\COPYING
+; LicenseForceSelection
+; Pages
+Page license
+Page components
+Page directory
+Page instfiles
+UninstPage uninstConfirm
+UninstPage instfiles
+Function .onInit
+ Call IsNT
+ pop $R0
+ StrCmp $R0 1 nt_ok
+ MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "You must use Windows NT (XP/2000/Me...)"
+ Quit
+ Call IsUserAdmin
+ Pop $R0
+ StrCmp $R0 "true" Admin
+ MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "You must have Admin rights"
+ Quit
+ ;;; Check if already installed.
+ ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Ghdl" "Install_Dir"
+ IfErrors not_installed
+ ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Ghdl" "Version"
+ IfErrors unknown_prev_version
+ Goto known_version
+ StrCpy $0 "(unknown)"
+ MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "You already have GHDL version $0 installed. Deinstall ?" IDCANCEL install_abort IDOK deinstall
+ Abort "Installation aborted"
+ ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ghdl" "UninstallString"
+ IfErrors deinstall_failed
+ ; First version of the GHDL installer adds quotes
+ StrCpy $1 $0 1
+ StrCmp $1 '"' 0 str_ok
+ StrCpy $1 $0 "" 1
+ StrCpy $0 $1 -1
+ ; Read install dir
+ ReadRegStr $1 HKLM "Software\Ghdl" "Install_Dir"
+ IfErrors deinstall_failed
+; MessageBox MB_OK 'copy $0 to $TEMP'
+ ClearErrors
+; MessageBox MB_OK 'copy $0 to $TEMP'
+ CopyFiles $0 $TEMP
+ IfErrors deinstall_failed
+ ExecWait '"$TEMP\uninst-ghdl.exe" /S _?=$1'
+ IfErrors deinstall_failed
+ Delete "$TEMP\uninst-ghdl.exe"
+ Return
+ Delete $TEMP\uninst-ghdl.exe
+ MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONSTOP "Can't deinstall GHDL: de-installer not found or failed. Continue installation ?" IDNO install_abort
+ Return
+; The stuff to install
+Section "Ghdl Compiler (required)"
+ SectionIn RO
+ ; Set output path to the installation directory.
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR\bin
+ File /oname=ghdl.exe ..\build\ghdl.exe
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR
+ File /oname=COPYING.txt ..\..\..\COPYING
+ ; Write the installation path into the registry
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Ghdl" "Install_Dir" $INSTDIR
+ ; Write te version
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Ghdl" "Version" ${VERSION}
+ ; Write the uninstall keys for Windows
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ghdl" "DisplayName" "Ghdl"
+ WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ghdl" "UninstallString" $INSTDIR\uninst-ghdl.exe
+ WriteRegDWORD HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ghdl" "NoModify" 1
+ WriteRegDWORD HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ghdl" "NoRepair" 1
+ WriteUninstaller $INSTDIR\uninst-ghdl.exe"
+Section "VHDL standard and ieee libraries"
+ SectionIn RO
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR\lib\v87
+ File /r ..\lib\v87\std ..\lib\v87\ieee
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR\lib\v93
+ File /r ..\lib\v93\std ..\lib\v93\ieee
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR\lib\v08
+ File /r ..\lib\v08\std ..\lib\v08\ieee
+Section "Synopsys libraries (Recommended)"
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR\lib\v87
+ File /r ..\lib\v87\synopsys
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR\lib\v93
+ File /r ..\lib\v93\synopsys
+Section "Documentation (Recommended)"
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR
+ File /oname=ghdl.htm ..\..\..\doc\ghdl.html
+Section "Add in PATH (Recommended)"
+ WriteRegDWORD HKLM "Software\Ghdl" "PathSet" 1
+ Push $INSTDIR\Bin
+ Call AddToPath
+; Optional section (can be disabled by the user)
+;Section "Start Menu Shortcuts"
+; CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\Ghdl"
+; CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\Ghdl\Uninstall.lnk" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" 0
+; CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\Ghdl\Ghdl.lnk" "$INSTDIR\example2.nsi" "" "$INSTDIR\example2.nsi" 0
+; Uninstaller
+Section "Uninstall"
+ ReadRegDWORD $0 HKLM "Software\Ghdl" "PathSet"
+ StrCmp $0 "1" "" path_not_set
+ Push $INSTDIR\Bin
+ Call un.RemoveFromPath
+ ; Remove registry keys
+ DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ghdl"
+ DeleteRegKey HKLM Software\Ghdl
+ ; Remove files and uninstaller
+ Delete $INSTDIR\bin\ghdl.exe
+ Delete $INSTDIR\bin\ghdl.htm
+ Delete $INSTDIR\uninst-ghdl.exe
+ RMDir $INSTDIR\bin
+ RMDir /r $INSTDIR\lib
+ ; Remove shortcuts, if any
+ ; Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\Ghdl\*.*"
+ ; Remove directories used
+ ; RMDir "$SMPROGRAMS\Ghdl"
+;;;;;;;; Misc functions
+; Author: Lilla (lilla@earthlink.net) 2003-06-13
+; function IsUserAdmin uses plugin \NSIS\PlusgIns\UserInfo.dll
+; This function is based upon code in \NSIS\Contrib\UserInfo\UserInfo.nsi
+; This function was tested under NSIS 2 beta 4 (latest CVS as of this writing).
+; Usage:
+; Call IsUserAdmin
+; Pop $R0 ; at this point $R0 is "true" or "false"
+Function IsUserAdmin
+Push $R0
+Push $R1
+Push $R2
+IfErrors Win9x
+Pop $R1
+Pop $R2
+StrCmp $R2 "Admin" 0 Continue
+; Observation: I get here when running Win98SE. (Lilla)
+; The functions UserInfo.dll looks for are there on Win98 too,
+; but just don't work. So UserInfo.dll, knowing that admin isn't required
+; on Win98, returns admin anyway. (per kichik)
+; MessageBox MB_OK 'User "$R1" is in the Administrators group'
+StrCpy $R0 "true"
+Goto Done
+; You should still check for an empty string because the functions
+; UserInfo.dll looks for may not be present on Windows 95. (per kichik)
+StrCmp $R2 "" Win9x
+StrCpy $R0 "false"
+;MessageBox MB_OK 'User "$R1" is in the "$R2" group'
+Goto Done
+; comment/message below is by UserInfo.nsi author:
+; This one means you don't need to care about admin or
+; not admin because Windows 9x doesn't either
+;MessageBox MB_OK "Error! This DLL can't run under Windows 9x!"
+StrCpy $R0 "true"
+;MessageBox MB_OK 'User= "$R1" AccountType= "$R2" IsUserAdmin= "$R0"'
+Pop $R2
+Pop $R1
+Exch $R0
+!define ALL_USERS
+!ifndef WriteEnvStr_RegKey
+ !ifdef ALL_USERS
+ !define WriteEnvStr_RegKey \
+ 'HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"'
+ !else
+ !define WriteEnvStr_RegKey 'HKCU "Environment"'
+ !endif
+!verbose 3
+!include "WinMessages.NSH"
+!verbose 4
+; AddToPath - Adds the given dir to the search path.
+; Input - head of the stack
+; Note - Win9x systems requires reboot
+Function AddToPath
+ Exch $0
+ Push $1
+ Push $2
+ Push $3
+ # don't add if the path doesn't exist
+ IfFileExists "$0\*.*" "" AddToPath_done
+ ReadEnvStr $1 PATH
+ Push "$1;"
+ Push "$0;"
+ Call StrStr
+ Pop $2
+ StrCmp $2 "" "" AddToPath_done
+ Push "$1;"
+ Push "$0\;"
+ Call StrStr
+ Pop $2
+ StrCmp $2 "" "" AddToPath_done
+ GetFullPathName /SHORT $3 $0
+ Push "$1;"
+ Push "$3;"
+ Call StrStr
+ Pop $2
+ StrCmp $2 "" "" AddToPath_done
+ Push "$1;"
+ Push "$3\;"
+ Call StrStr
+ Pop $2
+ StrCmp $2 "" "" AddToPath_done
+ ReadRegStr $1 ${WriteEnvStr_RegKey} "PATH"
+ StrCpy $2 $1 1 -1 # copy last char
+ StrCmp $2 ";" 0 +2 # if last char == ;
+ StrCpy $1 $1 -1 # remove last char
+ StrCmp $1 "" AddToPath_NTdoIt
+ StrCpy $0 "$1;$0"
+ AddToPath_NTdoIt:
+ WriteRegExpandStr ${WriteEnvStr_RegKey} "PATH" $0
+ SendMessage ${HWND_BROADCAST} ${WM_WININICHANGE} 0 "STR:Environment" /TIMEOUT=5000
+ AddToPath_done:
+ Pop $3
+ Pop $2
+ Pop $1
+ Pop $0
+; RemoveFromPath - Remove a given dir from the path
+; Input: head of the stack
+Function un.RemoveFromPath
+ Exch $0
+ Push $1
+ Push $2
+ Push $3
+ Push $4
+ Push $5
+ Push $6
+ IntFmt $6 "%c" 26 # DOS EOF
+ ReadRegStr $1 ${WriteEnvStr_RegKey} "PATH"
+ StrCpy $5 $1 1 -1 # copy last char
+ StrCmp $5 ";" +2 # if last char != ;
+ StrCpy $1 "$1;" # append ;
+ Push $1
+ Push "$0;"
+ Call un.StrStr ; Find `$0;` in $1
+ Pop $2 ; pos of our dir
+ StrCmp $2 "" unRemoveFromPath_done
+ ; else, it is in path
+ # $0 - path to add
+ # $1 - path var
+ StrLen $3 "$0;"
+ StrLen $4 $2
+ StrCpy $5 $1 -$4 # $5 is now the part before the path to remove
+ StrCpy $6 $2 "" $3 # $6 is now the part after the path to remove
+ StrCpy $3 $5$6
+ StrCpy $5 $3 1 -1 # copy last char
+ StrCmp $5 ";" 0 +2 # if last char == ;
+ StrCpy $3 $3 -1 # remove last char
+ WriteRegExpandStr ${WriteEnvStr_RegKey} "PATH" $3
+ SendMessage ${HWND_BROADCAST} ${WM_WININICHANGE} 0 "STR:Environment" /TIMEOUT=5000
+ unRemoveFromPath_done:
+ Pop $6
+ Pop $5
+ Pop $4
+ Pop $3
+ Pop $2
+ Pop $1
+ Pop $0
+# Utility Functions #
+; IsNT
+; no input
+; output, top of the stack = 1 if NT or 0 if not
+; Usage:
+; Call IsNT
+; Pop $R0
+; ($R0 at this point is 1 or 0)
+!macro IsNT un
+Function ${un}IsNT
+ Push $0
+ ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" CurrentVersion
+ StrCmp $0 "" 0 IsNT_yes
+ ; we are not NT.
+ Pop $0
+ Push 0
+ Return
+ IsNT_yes:
+ ; NT!!!
+ Pop $0
+ Push 1
+!insertmacro IsNT ""
+;!insertmacro IsNT "un."
+; StrStr
+; input, top of stack = string to search for
+; top of stack-1 = string to search in
+; output, top of stack (replaces with the portion of the string remaining)
+; modifies no other variables.
+; Usage:
+; Push "this is a long ass string"
+; Push "ass"
+; Call StrStr
+; Pop $R0
+; ($R0 at this point is "ass string")
+!macro StrStr un
+Function ${un}StrStr
+Exch $R1 ; st=haystack,old$R1, $R1=needle
+ Exch ; st=old$R1,haystack
+ Exch $R2 ; st=old$R1,old$R2, $R2=haystack
+ Push $R3
+ Push $R4
+ Push $R5
+ StrLen $R3 $R1
+ StrCpy $R4 0
+ ; $R1=needle
+ ; $R2=haystack
+ ; $R3=len(needle)
+ ; $R4=cnt
+ ; $R5=tmp
+ loop:
+ StrCpy $R5 $R2 $R3 $R4
+ StrCmp $R5 $R1 done
+ StrCmp $R5 "" done
+ IntOp $R4 $R4 + 1
+ Goto loop
+ StrCpy $R1 $R2 "" $R4
+ Pop $R5
+ Pop $R4
+ Pop $R3
+ Pop $R2
+ Exch $R1
+!insertmacro StrStr ""
+!insertmacro StrStr "un."
diff --git a/scripts/windows/mcode/ghdlfilter.adb b/scripts/windows/mcode/ghdlfilter.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d75526dbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/mcode/ghdlfilter.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+-- Preprocessor to handle library source metacomments
+-- Limitations:
+-- - line metacomments must occur at end of line with no trailing space before the line break
+-- - block metacomments must start in column 1
+-- Supported line metacomments:
+-- --!V87
+-- --V87
+-- --V93
+-- --V08
+-- Supported block metacomments:
+-- --START-!V87
+-- --END-!V87
+-- --START-V93
+-- --END-V93
+-- --START-V08
+-- --END-V08
+with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
+with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
+procedure Ghdlfilter is
+ type Mode_Kind is (Mode_93, Mode_87, Mode_08);
+ Mode : Mode_Kind;
+ Line : String (1 .. 128);
+ Len : Natural;
+ Comment : Boolean;
+ Block_Comment : Boolean;
+ if Argument_Count /= 1 then
+ Put_Line (Standard_Error, "usage: " & Command_Name & " -v93|-v87|-v08");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Argument (1) = "-v93" then
+ Mode := Mode_93;
+ elsif Argument (1) = "-v87" then
+ Mode := Mode_87;
+ elsif Argument (1) = "-v08" then
+ Mode := Mode_08;
+ else
+ Put_Line (Standard_Error, "bad mode");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Block_Comment := False;
+ loop
+ exit when End_Of_File;
+ Get_Line (Line, Len);
+ Comment := Block_Comment;
+ --
+ -- look for line metacomments
+ --
+ if Len > 6 then
+ if Mode = Mode_87 and ( Line (Len - 5 .. Len) = "--!V87" ) then
+ Comment := True;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Len > 5 then
+ if Mode = Mode_87 and ( (Line (Len - 4 .. Len) = "--V93") or (Line (Len - 4 .. Len) = "--V08") ) then
+ Comment := True;
+ elsif Mode = Mode_93 and ( (Line (Len - 4 .. Len) = "--V87") or (Line (Len - 4 .. Len) = "--V08") ) then
+ Comment := True;
+ elsif Mode = Mode_08 and ( (Line (Len - 4 .. Len) = "--V87") or (Line (Len - 4 .. Len) = "--V93") ) then
+ Comment := True;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ --
+ -- look for block metacomment start
+ --
+ if Len = 12
+ and then Mode /= Mode_93
+ and then Line (1 .. 12) = "--START-!V87" then
+ Block_Comment := True;
+ end if;
+ if Len = 11
+ and then Mode /= Mode_93
+ and then Line (1 .. 11) = "--START-V93" then
+ Block_Comment := True;
+ end if;
+ if Len = 11
+ and then Mode /= Mode_08
+ and then Line (1 .. 11) = "--START-V08" then
+ Block_Comment := True;
+ end if;
+ --
+ -- look for block metacomment end
+ --
+ if Len = 9 and then ( (Line (1 .. 9) = "--END-V93") or (Line (1 .. 9) = "--END-V08") ) then
+ Block_Comment := False;
+ end if;
+ if Len = 10 and then ( Line (1 .. 10) = "--END-!V87" ) then
+ Block_Comment := False;
+ end if;
+ --
+ -- comment output lines as needed
+ --
+ if Comment then
+ Put ("-- ");
+ end if;
+ Put_Line (Line (1 .. Len));
+ end loop;
+end Ghdlfilter;
diff --git a/scripts/windows/mcode/ghdlversion.adb b/scripts/windows/mcode/ghdlversion.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d2f1c28be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/mcode/ghdlversion.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
+with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
+procedure Ghdlversion is
+ Line : String (1 .. 128);
+ Len : Natural;
+ Pos : Natural;
+ E : Natural;
+ loop
+ exit when End_Of_File;
+ Get_Line (Line, Len);
+ -- Search GHDL
+ Pos := Index (Line (1 .. Len), "GHDL ");
+ if Pos /= 0 then
+ Pos := Pos + 5;
+ E := Pos;
+ while Line (E) in '0' .. '9'
+ or Line (E) in 'a' .. 'z'
+ or Line (E) = '.'
+ loop
+ exit when E = Len;
+ E := E + 1;
+ end loop;
+ Put_Line ("!define VERSION """ & Line (Pos .. E - 1) & """");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+end Ghdlversion;
diff --git a/scripts/windows/mcode/grt-backtraces-impl.ads b/scripts/windows/mcode/grt-backtraces-impl.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..81db677ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/mcode/grt-backtraces-impl.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+with Grt.Backtraces.Jit;
+package Grt.Backtraces.Impl renames Grt.Backtraces.Jit;
diff --git a/scripts/windows/mcode/grt-modules.adb b/scripts/windows/mcode/grt-modules.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de5eb79b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/mcode/grt-modules.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+-- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - Modules.
+-- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with System.Storage_Elements; -- Work around GNAT bug.
+with Grt.Vcd;
+with Grt.Vpi;
+with Grt.Waves;
+with Grt.Vital_Annotate;
+with Grt.Disp_Tree;
+with Grt.Disp_Rti;
+with Grt.Backtraces;
+package body Grt.Modules is
+ procedure Register_Modules is
+ begin
+ -- List of modules to be registered.
+ Grt.Disp_Tree.Register;
+ Grt.Vcd.Register;
+ Grt.Waves.Register;
+ Grt.Vpi.Register;
+ Grt.Vital_Annotate.Register;
+ Grt.Disp_Rti.Register;
+ Grt.Backtraces.Register;
+ end Register_Modules;
+end Grt.Modules;
diff --git a/scripts/windows/mcode/ortho_code-x86-flags.ads b/scripts/windows/mcode/ortho_code-x86-flags.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8915f3122
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/mcode/ortho_code-x86-flags.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+with Ortho_Code.X86.Flags_Windows;
+package Ortho_Code.X86.Flags renames Ortho_Code.X86.Flags_Windows;
diff --git a/scripts/windows/mcode/winbuild.bat b/scripts/windows/mcode/winbuild.bat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..670b77d1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/mcode/winbuild.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+call windows\compile
+if errorlevel 1 goto end
+call windows\complib
+if errorlevel 1 goto end
+strip build\ghdl.exe
+gnatmake windows/ghdlversion -o windows/ghdlversion.exe
+windows\ghdlversion < ..\..\src\version.ads > windows\version.nsi
+"c:\Program Files\NSIS\makensis" windows\ghdl.nsi
+if errorlevel 1 goto end
+exit /b 0
+echo "Error during compilation"
+exit /b 1
diff --git a/scripts/windows/mcode/windows_default_path.adb b/scripts/windows/mcode/windows_default_path.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c627356f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/mcode/windows_default_path.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+-- Find installation path (using executable).
+-- Copyright (C) 2002 - 2016 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this
+-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable,
+-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be
+-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not
+-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be
+-- covered by the GNU Public License.
+with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
+with System; use System;
+package body Windows_Default_Path is
+ subtype DWORD is Interfaces.C.Unsigned_Long;
+ subtype HINSTANCE is Address;
+ function GetModuleFileName (Inst : HINSTANCE; Buf : Address; Size : DWORD)
+ return DWORD;
+ pragma Import (Stdcall, GetModuleFileName, "GetModuleFileNameA");
+ function Get_Windows_Exec_Path return String
+ is
+ File : String (1 .. 256);
+ Size : DWORD;
+ P : Natural;
+ begin
+ -- Get exe file path.
+ Size := GetModuleFileName (Null_Address, File'Address, File'Length);
+ if Size = 0 or Size = File'Length then
+ return "{cannot find install path}\lib";
+ end if;
+ -- Remove Program file.
+ P := Natural (Size);
+ while P > 0 loop
+ exit when File (P) = '\';
+ exit when File (P) = ':' and P = 2;
+ P := P - 1;
+ end loop;
+ if File (P) = '\' and P > 1 then
+ -- Remove directory
+ P := P - 1;
+ while P > 0 loop
+ exit when File (P) = '\';
+ exit when File (P) = ':' and P = 2;
+ P := P - 1;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ return File (1 .. P);
+ end Get_Windows_Exec_Path;
+end Windows_Default_Path;
diff --git a/scripts/windows/mcode/windows_default_path.ads b/scripts/windows/mcode/windows_default_path.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9da3be559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/mcode/windows_default_path.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+-- Find installation path (using executable).
+-- Copyright (C) 2002 - 2016 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this
+-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable,
+-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be
+-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not
+-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be
+-- covered by the GNU Public License.
+package Windows_Default_Path is
+ -- Get the default path from executable name.
+ -- This function is called during elaboration!
+ function Get_Windows_Exec_Path return String;
+end Windows_Default_Path;
diff --git a/scripts/windows/shared.psm1 b/scripts/windows/shared.psm1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..33136941d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/shared.psm1
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+# EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+# vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+# kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+# ==============================================================================
+# Authors: Patrick Lehmann
+# PowerShell Module: The module provides common CmdLets for ...
+# Description:
+# ------------------------------------
+# This PowerShell module provides CommandLets (CmdLets) to ...
+# ==============================================================================
+# Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Patrick Lehmann
+# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+# ==============================================================================
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$WorkingDir,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Switch]$Hosted
+$Module_WorkingDir = $WorkingDir
+$Module_Hosted = $Hosted
+function Exit-CompileScript
+{ <#
+ Undocumented
+ Undocumented
+ ExitCode of this script run
+ #>
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ [int]$ExitCode = 0
+ )
+ cd $Module_WorkingDir
+ # unload modules
+ if (-not $Module_Hosted)
+ { Remove-Module shared -Verbose:$false -Debug:$false
+ Remove-Module targets -Verbose:$false -Debug:$false
+ }
+ exit $ExitCode
+function New-LibraryDirectory
+{ <#
+ Undocumented
+ Undocumented
+ .PARAMETER Directory
+ Undocumented
+ #>
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$Directory #,
+ # [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][bool]$EnableVerbose
+ )
+ $EnableVerbose = $false
+ if (Test-Path -Path $Directory)
+ { $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Directory '$Directory' already exists." ) | Out-Null }
+ else
+ { Write-Host " Creating directory '$Directory'."
+ New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
+ }
+function Format-VHDLSourceFile
+{ <#
+ Undocumented
+ Undocumented
+ .PARAMETER Version
+ Undocumented
+ .PARAMETER InputObject
+ A object stream is required as an input.
+ #>
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$Version,
+ [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$InputObject
+ )
+ begin
+ { $State = 1
+ $Version = switch ($Version)
+ { "87" { 87 }
+ "93" { 93 }
+ "02" { 2 }
+ "08" { 8 }
+ }
+ }
+ process
+ { if ($InputObject -is [String])
+ { $Line = $InputObject.ToString()
+ if ($Line.StartsWith("--START-V"))
+ { $State = switch ($Line.Substring(9, 2))
+ { "87" { 87 }
+ "93" { 93 }
+ "02" { 2 }
+ "08" { 8 }
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ($Line.StartsWith("--START-!V"))
+ { if ($Line.Substring(10, 2) -eq $Version)
+ { $State = 2 }
+ }
+ elseif ($Line.StartsWith("--END-V") -or $Line.StartsWith("--END-!V"))
+ { $State = 1 }
+ else
+ { if ($State -eq 1)
+ { if ($Line.EndsWith("--V$Version"))
+ { Write-Output $Line }
+ elseif (-not (($Line -like "*--V??") -or ($Line.EndsWith("--!V$Version"))))
+ { Write-Output $Line }
+ }
+ elseif ($State -eq $Version)
+ { Write-Output $Line }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "Unknown pipeline object type." -ForegroundColor Red }
+ }
+ end
+ {
+ }
+function Restore-NativeCommandStream
+{ <#
+ This CmdLet gathers multiple ErrorRecord objects and reconstructs outputs
+ as a single line.
+ This CmdLet collects multiple ErrorRecord objects and emits one String
+ object per line.
+ .PARAMETER InputObject
+ A object stream is required as an input.
+ Indentation string.
+ #>
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
+ $InputObject
+ )
+ begin
+ { $LineRemainer = "" }
+ process
+ { if ($InputObject -is [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord])
+ { if ($InputObject.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "NativeCommandError")
+ { Write-Output $InputObject.ToString() }
+ elseif ($InputObject.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "NativeCommandErrorMessage")
+ { $NewLine = $LineRemainer + $InputObject.ToString()
+ while (($NewLinePos = $NewLine.IndexOf("`n")) -ne -1)
+ { Write-Output $NewLine.Substring(0, $NewLinePos)
+ $NewLine = $NewLine.Substring($NewLinePos + 1)
+ }
+ $LineRemainer = $NewLine
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ($InputObject -is [String])
+ { Write-Output $InputObject }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "Unsupported object in pipeline stream" }
+ }
+ end
+ { if ($LineRemainer -ne "")
+ { Write-Output $LineRemainer }
+ }
+function Write-ColoredGCCLine
+{ <#
+ This CmdLet colors GHDL output lines.
+ This CmdLet colors GHDL output lines. Warnings are prefixed with 'WARNING: '
+ in yellow and errors are prefixed with 'ERROR: ' in red.
+ .PARAMETER InputObject
+ A object stream is required as an input.
+ .PARAMETER SuppressWarnings
+ Skip warning messages. (Show errors only.)
+ Indentation string.
+ #>
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
+ $InputObject,
+ [Parameter(Position=1)]
+ [switch]$SuppressWarnings = $false,
+ [Parameter(Position=2)]
+ [string]$Indent = ""
+ )
+ begin
+ { $ErrorRecordFound = $false }
+ process
+ { if ($InputObject -is [String])
+ { if ($InputObject -match ":\d+:\d+:\swarning:\s")
+ { if (-not $SuppressWarnings)
+ { Write-Host "${Indent}WARNING: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ Write-Host $InputObject
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ($InputObject -match ":\d+:\d+:\s")
+ { $ErrorRecordFound = $true
+ Write-Host "${Indent}ERROR: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red
+ Write-Host $InputObject
+ }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "${Indent}$InputObject" }
+ }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "Unsupported object in pipeline stream" }
+ }
+ end
+ { $ErrorRecordFound }
+function Write-ColoredGHDLLine
+{ <#
+ This CmdLet colors GHDL output lines.
+ This CmdLet colors GHDL output lines. Warnings are prefixed with 'WARNING: '
+ in yellow and errors are prefixed with 'ERROR: ' in red.
+ .PARAMETER InputObject
+ A object stream is required as an input.
+ .PARAMETER SuppressWarnings
+ Skip warning messages. (Show errors only.)
+ #>
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
+ $InputObject,
+ [Parameter(Position=1)]
+ [switch]$SuppressWarnings = $false,
+ [Parameter(Position=2)]
+ [string]$Indent = ""
+ )
+ begin
+ { $ErrorRecordFound = $false }
+ process
+ { if ($InputObject -is [String])
+ { if ($InputObject -match ":\d+:\d+:warning:\s")
+ { if (-not $SuppressWarnings)
+ { Write-Host "${Indent}WARNING: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ Write-Host $InputObject
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ($InputObject -match ":\d+:\d+:\s")
+ { $ErrorRecordFound = $true
+ Write-Host "${Indent}ERROR: " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red
+ Write-Host $InputObject
+ }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "${Indent}$InputObject" }
+ }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "Unsupported object in pipeline stream" }
+ }
+ end
+ { $ErrorRecordFound }
+function Write-HostExtended
+{ <#
+ This CmdLet colors GHDL output lines.
+ This CmdLet colors GHDL output lines. Warnings are prefixed with 'WARNING: '
+ in yellow and errors are prefixed with 'ERROR: ' in red.
+ .PARAMETER InputObject
+ A object stream is required as an input.
+ Indentation string.
+ #>
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
+ $InputObject,
+ [Parameter(Position=1)]
+ [string]$Indent = ""
+ )
+ begin
+ { }
+ process
+ { if ($InputObject -is [String])
+ { Write-Host "${Indent}$InputObject" }
+ else
+ { Write-Host "Unsupported object in pipeline stream" }
+ }
+ end
+ { }
+function Test-GitRepository
+{ <#
+ Returns true, if the current working directy is under git control.
+ #>
+ git rev-parse 2>&1 | Out-Null
+ return $LastExitCode -eq 0
+# export functions
+Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Exit-CompileScript'
+Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-LibraryDirectory'
+Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Format-VHDLSourceFile'
+Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Restore-NativeCommandStream'
+Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Write-ColoredGCCLine'
+Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Write-ColoredGHDLLine'
+Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Write-HostExtended'
+Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Test-GitRepository'
diff --git a/scripts/windows/targets.psm1 b/scripts/windows/targets.psm1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1264db247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/windows/targets.psm1
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+# EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+# vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+# kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+# ==============================================================================
+# Authors: Patrick Lehmann
+# PowerShell Module: The module provides build targets for GHDL.
+# Description:
+# ------------------------------------
+# This PowerShell module provides build targets for GHDL.
+# ==============================================================================
+# Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Patrick Lehmann
+# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+# ==============================================================================
+# TODO:
+# check if:
+# - program are installed / auto find programs / auto find paths
+# - program version
+# configure compiler tools
+$Prog_GCC = "gcc.exe"
+$Prog_GNATMake = "gnatmake.exe"
+$Prog_Strip = "strip.exe"
+# configure output file
+$GHDL_Mcode_Name = "ghdl.exe"
+# configure directory structure
+$CommonSourceDirName = "src"
+$WinMcodeSourceDirName = "dist\windows\mcode"
+# $WinLLVMSourceDirName = "dist\windows\llvm"
+# construct file paths
+$VersionFileName_In = "version.in"
+$VersionFileName_Ads = "version.ads"
+function Invoke-Clean
+{ <#
+ This CommandLet removes all generated files.
+ .PARAMETER BuildDirectory
+ The directory where all generated files are stored.
+ Disable outputs to the host console.
+ #>
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ [string] $BuildDirectory,
+ [switch] $Quiet = $false
+ )
+ $EnableDebug = -not $Quiet -and ( $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"])
+ $EnableVerbose = -not $Quiet -and ($EnableDebug -or $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"])
+ -not $Quiet -and (Write-Host "Executing build target 'Clean' ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow) | Out-Null
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Removing all created files and directories..." ) | Out-Null
+ if (Test-Path -Path $BuildDirectory)
+ { $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " rmdir $BuildDirectory" ) | Out-Null
+ Remove-Item $BuildDirectory -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ if ($? -eq $false)
+ { Write-Host "[ERROR]: Cannot remove '$BuildDirectory'." -ForegroundColor Red
+ return $true
+ }
+ }
+ return $false
+} # Invoke-Clean
+function New-BuildDirectory
+{ <#
+ This CommandLet creates a build directory if not existent, yet.
+ .PARAMETER BuildDirectory
+ The directory where all generated files are stored.
+ Disable outputs to the host console.
+ #>
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ [string] $BuildDirectory,
+ [switch] $Quiet = $false
+ )
+ Write-Host "Executing build target 'BuildDirectory' ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ if (Test-Path -Path $BuildDirectory -PathType Container)
+ { -not $Quiet -and (Write-Host " Directory '$BuildDirectory' already exists." ) | Out-Null }
+ else
+ { -not $Quiet -and (Write-Host " Creating new directory '$BuildDirectory'." ) | Out-Null
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $BuildDirectory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
+ if ($? -eq $false)
+ { Write-Host "[ERROR]: Cannot create '$BuildDirectory'." -ForegroundColor Red
+ return $true
+ }
+ }
+ return $false
+} # New-BuildDirectory
+function Get-GHDLVersion
+{ <#
+ Returns the GHDL version string.
+ The repository root directory.
+ #>
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ [string] $GHDLRootDir
+ )
+ # construct DirectoryPaths
+ $ConfigureFilePath = $GHDLRootDir + "\configure"
+ if (-not (Test-Path -Path $ConfigureFilePath -PathType Leaf))
+ { Write-Host "[ERROR]: Version file '$ConfigureFilePath' does not exists." -ForegroundColor Red
+ return $true
+ }
+ $FileContent = Get-Content -Path $ConfigureFilePath
+ foreach ($Line in $FileContent)
+ { if ($Line -match 'ghdl_version=\"(.+?)\"')
+ { return $Matches[2] }
+ }
+ Write-Host "[ERROR]: RegExp didn't match in '$ConfigureFilePath'." -ForegroundColor Red
+ return $true
+} # Get-GHDLVersion
+function Invoke-PatchVersionFile
+{ <#
+ This CommandLet patches the version file to include the git patch state.
+ The repository root directory.
+ .PARAMETER GitBranchName
+ The branch's name, where HEAD is located.
+ .PARAMETER GitCommitDataString
+ The DateTime when HEAD was commited.
+ .PARAMETER GitCommitHash
+ The Hash of HEAD.
+ Disable outputs to the host console.
+ #>
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ [string] $GHDLRootDir,
+ [string] $GitBranchName = "unknown",
+ [string] $GitCommitDataString = "unknown",
+ [string] $GitCommitHash = "........",
+ [switch] $Quiet = $false
+ )
+ # construct DirectoryPaths
+ $SourceDirectory = $GHDLRootDir + "\" + $CommonSourceDirName
+ $VersionInputFilePath = $SourceDirectory + "\" + $VersionFileName_In
+ $VersionFilePath = $SourceDirectory + "\" + $VersionFileName_Ads
+ Write-Host "Executing build target 'PatchVersionFile' ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ if (-not (Test-Path -Path $VersionInputFilePath -PathType Leaf))
+ { Write-Host "[ERROR]: Version file '$VersionInputFilePath' does not exists." -ForegroundColor Red
+ return $true
+ }
+ -not $Quiet -and (Write-Host " Patching '$VersionInputFilePath'.") | Out-Null
+ $FileContent = Get-Content -Path $VersionInputFilePath -Encoding Ascii
+ if ($? -eq $false)
+ { Write-Host "[ERROR]: While opening '$VersionInputFilePath'." -ForegroundColor Red
+ return $true
+ }
+ $GHDLVersion = Get-GHDLVersion $GHDLRootDir
+ $FileContent = $FileContent -Replace "\s@VER@\s", $GHDLVersion
+ $FileContent = $FileContent -Replace "\s\(tarball\)\s", " (commit: $GitCommitDataString; git branch: $GitBranchName'; hash: $GitCommitHash) "
+ $FileContent | Out-File $VersionFilePath -Encoding Ascii
+ if ($? -eq $false)
+ { Write-Host "[ERROR]: While writing to '$VersionFilePath'." -ForegroundColor Red
+ return $true
+ }
+ return $false
+} # Invoke-PatchVersionFile
+function Get-CFlags
+{ <#
+ Returns common ANSI C compiler flags for GCC.
+ #>
+ return @(
+ "-O1", # optimize; level 1
+ "-g" # enable debug symbols
+ )
+function Invoke-CompileCFiles
+{ <#
+ This CommandLet compiles all C files with GCC.
+ The repository root directory.
+ .PARAMETER BuildDirectory
+ The directory where all generated files are stored.
+ Disable outputs to the host console
+ #>
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ [string] $GHDLRootDir,
+ [string] $BuildDirectory,
+ [switch] $Quiet = $false
+ )
+ # construct DirectoryPaths
+ $SourceDirectory = $GHDLRootDir + "\" + $CommonSourceDirName
+ Set-Location $BuildDirectory
+ Write-Host "Executing build target 'CompileCFiles' ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ # list all files to be compiled; add additional CFlags if needed
+ $SourceFiles = @()
+ $SourceFiles += New-Object PSObject -Property @{File="grt\grt-cstdio.c"; CFlags=@()}
+ $SourceFiles += New-Object PSObject -Property @{File="grt\grt-cvpi.c"; CFlags=@()}
+ $SourceFiles += New-Object PSObject -Property @{File="grt\grt-cdynload.c"; CFlags=@()}
+ $SourceFiles += New-Object PSObject -Property @{File="grt\config\clock.c"; CFlags=@()}
+ $SourceFiles += New-Object PSObject -Property @{File="grt\config\win32.c"; CFlags=@('-DWITH_GNAT_RUN_TIME')}
+ $SourceFiles += New-Object PSObject -Property @{File="ortho\mcode\memsegs_c.c"; CFlags=@()}
+ # compile C files
+ foreach ($SourceFile in $SourceFiles)
+ { $Parameters = @()
+ $Parameters += "-c" # compile only
+ $Parameters += Get-CFlags # append common CFlags
+ $Parameters += $SourceFile.CFlags
+ $Parameters += $SourceDirectory + "\" + $SourceFile.File
+ # call C compiler
+ $InvokeExpr = "$Prog_GCC " + ($Parameters -join " ") + " 2>&1"
+ Write-Host (" compiling: " + $SourceFile.File)
+ Write-Debug " call: $InvokeExpr"
+ $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGCCLine -Indent " "
+ if ($LastExitCode -ne 0)
+ { Write-Host ("[ERROR]: While compiling '{0}'." -f $SourceFile.File) -ForegroundColor Red
+ return $true
+ }
+ }
+ return $false
+} # Invoke-CompileCFiles
+function Invoke-CompileGHDLAdaFiles
+{ <#
+ This CommandLet compiles all Ada files with GNAT.
+ The repository root directory.
+ .PARAMETER BuildDirectory
+ The directory where all generated files are stored.
+ Disable outputs to the host console
+ #>
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ [string] $GHDLRootDir,
+ [string] $BuildDirectory,
+ [switch] $Quiet = $false
+ )
+ # construct DirectoryPaths
+ $CommonSourceDirectory = $GHDLRootDir + "\" + $CommonSourceDirName
+ $WinMcodeSourceDirectory = $GHDLRootDir + "\" + $WinMcodeSourceDirName
+ Set-Location $BuildDirectory
+ Write-Host "Executing build target 'CompileGHDLAdaFiles' ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ $Parameters = @()
+ $Parameters += Get-CFlags # append common CFlags
+ $Parameters += '-gnatn'
+ # append all source paths
+ $Parameters += '-aI' + $WinMcodeSourceDirectory
+ $Parameters += '-aI' + $CommonSourceDirectory
+ $Parameters += '-aI' + $CommonSourceDirectory + '\ghdldrv'
+ $Parameters += '-aI' + $CommonSourceDirectory + '\psl'
+ $Parameters += '-aI' + $CommonSourceDirectory + '\grt'
+ $Parameters += '-aI' + $CommonSourceDirectory + '\ortho'
+ $Parameters += '-aI' + $CommonSourceDirectory + '\ortho\mcode'
+ $Parameters += '-aI' + $CommonSourceDirectory + '\vhdl'
+ $Parameters += '-aI' + $CommonSourceDirectory + '\vhdl\translate'
+ # top level
+ $Parameters += 'ghdl_jit'
+ # add output filename
+ $Parameters += '-o'
+ $Parameters += $GHDL_Mcode_Name
+ # append linker parameters
+ $Parameters += '-largs'
+ $Parameters += 'grt-cstdio.o'
+ $Parameters += 'clock.o'
+ $Parameters += 'grt-cvpi.o'
+ $Parameters += 'grt-cdynload.o'
+ $Parameters += 'memsegs_c.o'
+ $Parameters += 'win32.o'
+ $Parameters += '-ldbghelp'
+ $Parameters += '-largs'
+ # $Parameters += '-Wl,--stack,8404992'
+ # call Ada compiler (GNAT)
+ $InvokeExpr = "$Prog_GNATMake " + ($Parameters -join " ") + " 2>&1"
+ Write-Host " compiling with GNAT"
+ Write-Debug " call: $InvokeExpr"
+ $ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGCCLine -Indent " "
+ if ($LastExitCode -ne 0)
+ { Write-Host "[ERROR]: While compiling '$GHDL_Mcode_Name'." -ForegroundColor Red
+ return $true
+ }
+ return $false
+} # Invoke-CompileGHDLAdaFiles
+function Invoke-StripGHDLExecutable
+{ <#
+ This CommandLet strips the result files.
+ .PARAMETER BuildDirectory
+ The directory where all generated files are stored.
+ Disable outputs to the host console
+ #>
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ [string] $BuildDirectory,
+ [switch] $Quiet = $false
+ )
+ Set-Location $BuildDirectory
+ Write-Host "Executing build target 'StripGHDLExecutable' ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ # call striping tool (strip)
+ Write-Host " stripping '$GHDL_Mcode_Name'"
+ Write-Debug " call: $Prog_Strip $GHDL_Mcode_Name"
+ & $Prog_Strip $GHDL_Mcode_Name
+ if ($LastExitCode -ne 0)
+ { Write-Host "[ERROR]: While stripping '$GHDL_Mcode_Name'." -ForegroundColor Red
+ return $true
+ }
+ return $false
+} # Invoke-StripGHDLExecutable
+function Test-GHDLVersion
+{ <#
+ This CommandLet executes ghdl to read the version information
+ .PARAMETER BuildDirectory
+ The directory where all generated files are stored.
+ Disable outputs to the host console
+ #>
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ [string] $BuildDirectory,
+ [switch] $Quiet = $false
+ )
+ Set-Location $BuildDirectory
+ Write-Host "Executing build target 'GHDLVersion' ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ if (-not (Test-Path -Path $GHDL_Mcode_Name -PathType Leaf))
+ { Write-Host " GHDL executable '$GHDL_Mcode_Name' does not exists." -ForegroundColor Red
+ return $true
+ }
+ # call ghdl
+ $InvokeExpr = "$GHDL_Mcode_Name --version 2>&1"
+ Write-Host " executing '$GHDL_Mcode_Name'"
+ Write-Host " call: $InvokeExpr"
+ Write-Host " ----------------------------------------"
+ Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-HostExtended " "
+ Write-Host " ----------------------------------------"
+ if ($LastExitCode -ne 0)
+ { Write-Host "[ERROR]: While executing '$GHDL_Mcode_Name'." -ForegroundColor Red
+ return $true
+ }
+ return $false
+} # Test-GHDLVersion
+# export functions
+Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-GHDLVersion'
+Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Invoke-Clean'
+Export-ModuleMember -Function 'New-BuildDirectory'
+Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Invoke-PatchVersionFile'
+Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Restore-PatchedVersionFile'
+Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Invoke-CompileCFiles'
+Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Invoke-CompileGHDLAdaFiles'
+Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Invoke-StripGHDLExecutable'
+Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Test-GHDLVersion'