path: root/ortho
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ortho')
129 files changed, 0 insertions, 42281 deletions
diff --git a/ortho/Makefile.inc b/ortho/Makefile.inc
deleted file mode 100644
index 597aaeff1..000000000
--- a/ortho/Makefile.inc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# Common -*- Makefile -*- for ortho implementations.
-# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
-# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
-# version.
-# GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-# for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# 02111-1307, USA.
-# Variable to be defined:
-# SED: sed the stream editor
-$(ortho_srcdir)/$(BE)/$(ORTHO_BASENAME).ads: \
- $(ortho_srcdir)/ortho_nodes.common.ads \
- $(ortho_srcdir)/$(BE)/$(ORTHO_BASENAME).private.ads
- $(RM) -f $@
- echo "-- DO NOT MODIFY - this file was generated from:" > $@
- echo "-- ortho_nodes.common.ads and $(ORTHO_BASENAME).private.ads" \
- >> $@
- echo "--" >> $@
- $(SED) -e '/^private/,$$d' \
- < $(ortho_srcdir)/$(BE)/$(ORTHO_BASENAME).private.ads >> $@
- echo "-- Start of common part" >> $@
- $(SED) -e '1,/^package/d' -e '/^private/,$$d' < $< >> $@
- echo "-- End of common part" >> $@
- $(SED) -n -e '/^private/,$$p' \
- < $(ortho_srcdir)/$(BE)/$(ORTHO_BASENAME).private.ads >> $@
- chmod a-w $@
diff --git a/ortho/debug/Makefile b/ortho/debug/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c15111ef..000000000
--- a/ortho/debug/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Makefile -*- for the ortho-code back-end
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
-# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
-# version.
-# GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-# for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# 02111-1307, USA.
-ALL_GNAT_FLAGS=-pipe -g -gnato -gnatwl -gnatf -gnaty3befhkmr -gnatwu
-GNATMAKE_FLAGS=-m $(ALL_GNAT_FLAGS) $(GNAT_FLAGS) -aI$(ortho_srcdir) -aI$(orthobe_srcdir) -aI.
-#LARGS=-largs -static
-all: $(ortho_exec)
-$(ortho_exec): force $(ortho_srcdir)/$(BE)/ortho_debug.ads
- gnatmake -o $@ $(GNATMAKE_FLAGS) ortho_debug-main -bargs -E $(LARGS)
- $(RM) -f *.o *.ali *~ b~*.ad? ortho_nodes-main
- $(RM) ortho_debug.ads
-# Automatically build ortho_debug.ads from ortho_node.common.ads and
-# ortho_debug.private.ads
-include $(ortho_srcdir)/Makefile.inc
diff --git a/ortho/debug/ortho_debug-disp.adb b/ortho/debug/ortho_debug-disp.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2725668bb..000000000
--- a/ortho/debug/ortho_debug-disp.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1064 +0,0 @@
--- Display the code from the ortho debug tree.
--- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-package body Ortho_Debug.Disp is
- Disp_All_Types : constant Boolean := False;
- package Formated_Output is
- use Interfaces.C_Streams;
- type Disp_Context is limited private;
- procedure Init_Context (File : FILEs);
- -- Save the current context, and create a new one.
- procedure Push_Context (File : FILEs; Prev_Ctx : out Disp_Context);
- -- Restore a previous context, saved by Push_Context.
- procedure Pop_Context (Prev_Ctx : Disp_Context);
- procedure Put (Str : String);
- procedure Put_Line (Str : String);
- -- Add a tabulation.
- -- Every new line will start at this tabulation.
- procedure Add_Tab;
- -- Removed a tabulation.
- -- The next new line will start at the previous tabulation.
- procedure Rem_Tab;
- -- Flush the current output.
- procedure Flush;
- -- Return TRUE if the ident level is nul.
- function Is_Top return Boolean;
- procedure Put_Tab;
- procedure New_Line;
- procedure Put (C : Character);
- procedure Put_Trim (Str : String);
- procedure Set_Mark;
- -- Flush to disk. Only for debugging in case of crash.
- procedure Flush_File;
- pragma Unreferenced (Flush_File);
- private
- type Disp_Context is record
- -- File where the info are written to.
- File : FILEs;
- -- Line number of the line to be written.
- Lineno : Natural;
- -- Buffer for the current line.
- Line : String (1 .. 256);
- -- Number of characters currently in the line.
- Line_Len : Natural;
- -- Current tabulation.
- Tab : Natural;
- -- Tabulation to be used for the next line.
- Next_Tab : Natural;
- Mark : Natural;
- end record;
- end Formated_Output;
- package body Formated_Output is
- -- The current context.
- Ctx : Disp_Context;
- procedure Init_Context (File : FILEs) is
- begin
- Ctx.File := File;
- Ctx.Lineno := 1;
- Ctx.Line_Len := 0;
- Ctx.Tab := 0;
- Ctx.Next_Tab := 0;
- Ctx.Mark := 0;
- end Init_Context;
- procedure Push_Context (File : FILEs; Prev_Ctx : out Disp_Context)
- is
- begin
- Prev_Ctx := Ctx;
- Init_Context (File);
- end Push_Context;
- -- Restore a previous context, saved by Push_Context.
- procedure Pop_Context (Prev_Ctx : Disp_Context) is
- begin
- Flush;
- Ctx := Prev_Ctx;
- end Pop_Context;
- procedure Flush
- is
- Status : size_t;
- Res : int;
- pragma Unreferenced (Status, Res);
- begin
- if Ctx.Line_Len > 0 then
- Status := fwrite (Ctx.Line'Address, size_t (Ctx.Line_Len), 1,
- Ctx.File);
- Res := fputc (Character'Pos (ASCII.Lf), Ctx.File);
- Ctx.Line_Len := 0;
- end if;
- Ctx.Mark := 0;
- end Flush;
- function Is_Top return Boolean is
- begin
- return Ctx.Tab = 0;
- end Is_Top;
- procedure Put_Tab
- is
- Tab : Natural := Ctx.Next_Tab;
- Max_Tab : constant Natural := 40;
- begin
- if Tab > Max_Tab then
- -- Limit indentation length, to limit line length.
- Tab := Max_Tab;
- end if;
- Ctx.Line (1 .. Tab) := (others => ' ');
- Ctx.Line_Len := Tab;
- Ctx.Next_Tab := Ctx.Tab + 2;
- end Put_Tab;
- procedure Put (Str : String) is
- Saved : String (1 .. 80);
- Len : Natural;
- begin
- if Ctx.Line_Len + Str'Length >= 80 then
- if Ctx.Mark > 0 then
- Len := Ctx.Line_Len - Ctx.Mark + 1;
- Saved (1 .. Len) := Ctx.Line (Ctx.Mark .. Ctx.Line_Len);
- Ctx.Line_Len := Ctx.Mark - 1;
- Flush;
- Put_Tab;
- Ctx.Line (Ctx.Line_Len + 1 .. Ctx.Line_Len + Len) :=
- Saved (1 .. Len);
- Ctx.Line_Len := Ctx.Line_Len + Len;
- else
- Flush;
- end if;
- end if;
- if Ctx.Line_Len = 0 then
- Put_Tab;
- end if;
- Ctx.Line (Ctx.Line_Len + 1 .. Ctx.Line_Len + Str'Length) := Str;
- Ctx.Line_Len := Ctx.Line_Len + Str'Length;
- end Put;
- procedure Put_Trim (Str : String) is
- begin
- for I in Str'Range loop
- if Str (I) /= ' ' then
- Put (Str (I .. Str'Last));
- return;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Put_Trim;
- procedure Put_Line (Str : String) is
- begin
- Put (Str);
- Flush;
- Ctx.Next_Tab := Ctx.Tab;
- end Put_Line;
- procedure New_Line
- is
- Status : int;
- pragma Unreferenced (Status);
- begin
- if Ctx.Line_Len > 0 then
- Flush;
- else
- Status := fputc (Character'Pos (ASCII.LF), Ctx.File);
- end if;
- Ctx.Next_Tab := Ctx.Tab;
- end New_Line;
- procedure Put (C : Character)
- is
- S : constant String (1 .. 1) := (1 => C);
- begin
- Put (S);
- end Put;
- -- Add a tabulation.
- -- Every new line will start at this tabulation.
- procedure Add_Tab is
- begin
- Ctx.Tab := Ctx.Tab + 2;
- Ctx.Next_Tab := Ctx.Tab;
- end Add_Tab;
- -- Removed a tabulation.
- -- The next new line will start at the previous tabulation.
- procedure Rem_Tab is
- begin
- Ctx.Tab := Ctx.Tab - 2;
- Ctx.Next_Tab := Ctx.Tab;
- end Rem_Tab;
- procedure Set_Mark is
- begin
- Ctx.Mark := Ctx.Line_Len;
- end Set_Mark;
- procedure Flush_File is
- Status : int;
- pragma Unreferenced (Status);
- begin
- Flush;
- Status := fflush (Ctx.File);
- end Flush_File;
- end Formated_Output;
- use Formated_Output;
- procedure Init_Context (File : Interfaces.C_Streams.FILEs) is
- begin
- Formated_Output.Init_Context (File);
- end Init_Context;
- procedure Disp_Enode (E : O_Enode; Etype : O_Tnode);
- procedure Disp_Lnode (Node : O_Lnode);
- procedure Disp_Snode (First, Last : O_Snode);
- procedure Disp_Dnode (Decl : O_Dnode);
- procedure Disp_Tnode (Atype : O_Tnode; Full : Boolean);
- procedure Disp_Ident (Id : O_Ident) is
- begin
- Put (Get_String (Id));
- end Disp_Ident;
- procedure Disp_Tnode_Name (Atype : O_Tnode) is
- begin
- Disp_Tnode (Atype, False);
- end Disp_Tnode_Name;
- procedure Disp_Dnode_Name (Decl : O_Dnode) is
- begin
- Disp_Ident (Decl.Name);
- end Disp_Dnode_Name;
- procedure Disp_Loop_Name (Stmt : O_Snode) is
- begin
- Put ("loop" & Natural'Image (Stmt.Loop_Level));
- end Disp_Loop_Name;
- function Get_Enode_Name (Kind : OE_Kind) return String
- is
- begin
- case Kind is
--- when OE_Boolean_Lit =>
--- return "boolean_lit";
--- when OE_Unsigned_Lit =>
--- return "unsigned_lit";
--- when OE_Signed_Lit =>
--- return "signed lit";
--- when OE_Float_Lit =>
--- return "float lit";
--- when OE_Null_Lit =>
--- return "null lit";
--- when OE_Enum_Lit =>
--- return "enum lit";
--- when OE_Sizeof_Lit =>
--- return "sizeof lit";
--- when OE_Offsetof_Lit =>
--- return "offsetof lit";
--- when OE_Aggregate =>
--- return "aggregate";
--- when OE_Aggr_Element =>
--- return "aggr_element";
--- when OE_Union_Aggr =>
--- return "union aggr";
- when OE_Lit =>
- return "lit";
- when OE_Add_Ov =>
- return "+#";
- when OE_Sub_Ov =>
- return "-#";
- when OE_Mul_Ov =>
- return "*#";
- when OE_Div_Ov =>
- return "/#";
- when OE_Rem_Ov =>
- return "rem#";
- when OE_Mod_Ov =>
- return "mod#";
- when OE_Exp_Ov =>
- return "**#";
- when OE_And =>
- return "and";
- when OE_Or =>
- return "or";
- when OE_Xor =>
- return "xor";
- when OE_And_Then =>
- return "and_then";
- when OE_Or_Else =>
- return "or_else";
- when OE_Not =>
- return "not";
- when OE_Neg_Ov =>
- return "-";
- when OE_Abs_Ov =>
- return "abs";
- when OE_Eq =>
- return "=";
- when OE_Neq =>
- return "/=";
- when OE_Le =>
- return "<=";
- when OE_Lt =>
- return "<";
- when OE_Ge =>
- return ">=";
- when OE_Gt =>
- return ">";
- when OE_Function_Call =>
- return "function call";
- when OE_Convert_Ov =>
- return "convert_ov";
- when OE_Address =>
- return "address";
- when OE_Unchecked_Address =>
- return "unchecked_address";
--- when OE_Subprogram_Address =>
--- return "subprg_address";
- when OE_Alloca =>
- return "alloca";
- when OE_Value =>
- return "value";
- when OE_Nil =>
- return "??";
- end case;
- end Get_Enode_Name;
- function Get_Lnode_Name (Kind : OL_Kind) return String
- is
- begin
- case Kind is
- when OL_Obj =>
- return "obj";
- when OL_Indexed_Element =>
- return "indexed_element";
- when OL_Slice =>
- return "slice";
- when OL_Selected_Element =>
- return "selected_element";
- when OL_Access_Element =>
- return "access_element";
--- when OL_Param_Ref =>
--- return "param_ref";
--- when OL_Var_Ref =>
--- return "var_ref";
--- when OL_Const_Ref =>
--- return "const_ref";
- end case;
- end Get_Lnode_Name;
- pragma Unreferenced (Get_Lnode_Name);
- procedure Disp_Enode_Name (Kind : OE_Kind) is
- begin
- Put (Get_Enode_Name (Kind));
- end Disp_Enode_Name;
- procedure Disp_Assoc_List (Head : O_Anode)
- is
- El : O_Anode;
- begin
- El := Head;
- Put ("(");
- if El /= null then
- loop
- Disp_Enode (El.Actual, El.Formal.Dtype);
- El := El.Next;
- exit when El = null;
- Put (", ");
- end loop;
- end if;
- Put (")");
- end Disp_Assoc_List;
- function Image (Lit : Integer) return String
- is
- S : constant String := Integer'Image (Lit);
- begin
- if S (1) = ' ' then
- return S (2 .. S'Length);
- else
- return S;
- end if;
- end Image;
- -- Disp STR as a literal for scalar type LIT_TYPE.
- procedure Disp_Lit (Lit_Type : O_Tnode; Known : Boolean; Str : String) is
- begin
- if Known and not Disp_All_Types then
- Put_Trim (Str);
- else
- Disp_Tnode_Name (Lit_Type);
- Put ("'[");
- Put_Trim (Str);
- Put (']');
- end if;
- end Disp_Lit;
- -- Display C. If CTYPE is set, this is the known type of C.
- procedure Disp_Cnode (C : O_Cnode; Ctype : O_Tnode)
- is
- Known : constant Boolean := Ctype /= O_Tnode_Null;
- begin
- -- Sanity check.
- if Known then
- if Ctype /= C.Ctype then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- end if;
- case C.Kind is
- when OC_Unsigned_Lit =>
- if False and then (C.U_Val >= Character'Pos(' ')
- and C.U_Val <= Character'Pos ('~'))
- then
- Put (''');
- Put (Character'Val (C.U_Val));
- Put (''');
- else
- Disp_Lit (C.Ctype, Known, Unsigned_64'Image (C.U_Val));
- end if;
- when OC_Signed_Lit =>
- Disp_Lit (C.Ctype, Known, Integer_64'Image (C.S_Val));
- when OC_Float_Lit =>
- Disp_Lit (C.Ctype, Known, IEEE_Float_64'Image (C.F_Val));
- when OC_Boolean_Lit =>
- -- Always disp the type of boolean literals.
- Disp_Lit (C.Ctype, False, Get_String (C.B_Id));
- when OC_Null_Lit =>
- -- Always disp the type of null literals.
- Disp_Lit (C.Ctype, False, "null");
- when OC_Enum_Lit =>
- -- Always disp the type of enum literals.
- Disp_Lit (C.Ctype, False, Get_String (C.E_Name));
- when OC_Sizeof_Lit =>
- Disp_Tnode_Name (C.Ctype);
- Put ("'sizeof (");
- Disp_Tnode_Name (C.S_Type);
- Put (")");
- when OC_Alignof_Lit =>
- Disp_Tnode_Name (C.Ctype);
- Put ("'alignof (");
- Disp_Tnode_Name (C.S_Type);
- Put (")");
- when OC_Offsetof_Lit =>
- Disp_Tnode_Name (C.Ctype);
- Put ("'offsetof (");
- Disp_Tnode_Name (C.Off_Field.Parent);
- Put (".");
- Disp_Ident (C.Off_Field.Ident);
- Put (")");
- when OC_Aggregate =>
- declare
- El : O_Cnode;
- El_Type : O_Tnode;
- Field : O_Fnode;
- begin
- Put ('{');
- El := C.Aggr_Els;
- case C.Ctype.Kind is
- when ON_Record_Type =>
- Field := C.Ctype.Elements;
- El_Type := Field.Ftype;
- when ON_Array_Sub_Type =>
- Field := null;
- El_Type := C.Ctype.Base_Type.El_Type;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- if El /= null then
- loop
- Set_Mark;
- if Field /= null then
- if Disp_All_Types then
- Put ('.');
- Disp_Ident (Field.Ident);
- Put (" = ");
- end if;
- El_Type := Field.Ftype;
- Field := Field.Next;
- end if;
- Disp_Cnode (El.Aggr_Value, El_Type);
- El := El.Aggr_Next;
- exit when El = null;
- Put (", ");
- end loop;
- end if;
- Put ('}');
- end;
- when OC_Aggr_Element =>
- Disp_Cnode (C.Aggr_Value, Ctype);
- when OC_Union_Aggr =>
- Put ('{');
- Put ('.');
- Disp_Ident (C.Uaggr_Field.Ident);
- Put (" = ");
- Disp_Cnode (C.Uaggr_Value, C.Uaggr_Field.Ftype);
- Put ('}');
- when OC_Address =>
- Disp_Tnode_Name (C.Ctype);
- Put ("'address (");
- Disp_Dnode_Name (C.Decl);
- Put (")");
- when OC_Unchecked_Address =>
- Disp_Tnode_Name (C.Ctype);
- Put ("'unchecked_address (");
- Disp_Dnode_Name (C.Decl);
- Put (")");
- when OC_Subprogram_Address =>
- Disp_Tnode_Name (C.Ctype);
- Put ("'subprg_addr (");
- Disp_Dnode_Name (C.Decl);
- Put (")");
- end case;
- end Disp_Cnode;
- -- Disp E whose expected type is ETYPE (may not be set).
- procedure Disp_Enode (E : O_Enode; Etype : O_Tnode)
- is
- begin
- case E.Kind is
- when OE_Lit =>
- Disp_Cnode (E.Lit, Etype);
- when OE_Dyadic_Expr_Kind =>
- Put ("(");
- Disp_Enode (E.Left, O_Tnode_Null);
- Put (' ');
- Disp_Enode_Name (E.Kind);
- Put (' ');
- Disp_Enode (E.Right, E.Left.Rtype);
- Put (')');
- when OE_Compare_Expr_Kind =>
- Disp_Tnode_Name (E.Rtype);
- Put ("'(");
- Disp_Enode (E.Left, O_Tnode_Null);
- Put (' ');
- Disp_Enode_Name (E.Kind);
- Put (' ');
- Disp_Enode (E.Right, E.Left.Rtype);
- Put (')');
- when OE_Monadic_Expr_Kind =>
- Disp_Enode_Name (E.Kind);
- if E.Kind /= OE_Neg_Ov then
- Put (' ');
- end if;
- Disp_Enode (E.Operand, Etype);
- when OE_Address =>
- Disp_Tnode_Name (E.Rtype);
- Put ("'address (");
- Disp_Lnode (E.Lvalue);
- Put (")");
- when OE_Unchecked_Address =>
- Disp_Tnode_Name (E.Rtype);
- Put ("'unchecked_address (");
- Disp_Lnode (E.Lvalue);
- Put (")");
- when OE_Convert_Ov =>
- Disp_Tnode_Name (E.Rtype);
- Put ("'conv (");
- Disp_Enode (E.Conv, O_Tnode_Null);
- Put (')');
- when OE_Function_Call =>
- Disp_Dnode_Name (E.Func);
- Put (' ');
- Disp_Assoc_List (E.Assoc);
- when OE_Alloca =>
- Disp_Tnode_Name (E.Rtype);
- Put ("'alloca (");
- Disp_Enode (E.A_Size, O_Tnode_Null);
- Put (')');
- when OE_Value =>
- Disp_Lnode (E.Value);
- when OE_Nil =>
- null;
- end case;
- end Disp_Enode;
- procedure Disp_Lnode (Node : O_Lnode) is
- begin
- case Node.Kind is
- when OL_Obj =>
- Disp_Dnode_Name (Node.Obj);
- when OL_Access_Element =>
- Disp_Enode (Node.Acc_Base, O_Tnode_Null);
- Put (".all");
- when OL_Indexed_Element =>
- Disp_Lnode (Node.Array_Base);
- Put ('[');
- Disp_Enode (Node.Index, O_Tnode_Null);
- Put (']');
- when OL_Slice =>
- Disp_Lnode (Node.Slice_Base);
- Put ('[');
- Disp_Enode (Node.Slice_Index, O_Tnode_Null);
- Put ("...]");
- when OL_Selected_Element =>
- Disp_Lnode (Node.Rec_Base);
- Put ('.');
- Disp_Ident (Node.Rec_El.Ident);
--- when OL_Var_Ref
--- | OL_Const_Ref
--- | OL_Param_Ref =>
--- Disp_Dnode_Name (Node.Decl);
- end case;
- end Disp_Lnode;
- procedure Disp_Fnodes (First : O_Fnode)
- is
- El : O_Fnode;
- begin
- Add_Tab;
- El := First;
- while El /= null loop
- Disp_Ident (El.Ident);
- Put (": ");
- Disp_Tnode (El.Ftype, False);
- Put_Line ("; ");
- El := El.Next;
- end loop;
- Rem_Tab;
- end Disp_Fnodes;
- procedure Disp_Tnode (Atype : O_Tnode; Full : Boolean) is
- begin
- if not Full and Atype.Decl /= null then
- Disp_Ident (Atype.Decl.Name);
- return;
- end if;
- case Atype.Kind is
- when ON_Boolean_Type =>
- Put ("boolean {");
- Disp_Ident (Atype.False_N.B_Id);
- Put (", ");
- Disp_Ident (Atype.True_N.B_Id);
- Put ("}");
- when ON_Unsigned_Type =>
- Put ("unsigned (");
- Put_Trim (Natural'Image (Atype.Int_Size));
- Put (")");
- when ON_Signed_Type =>
- Put ("signed (");
- Put_Trim (Natural'Image (Atype.Int_Size));
- Put (")");
- when ON_Float_Type =>
- Put ("float");
- when ON_Enum_Type =>
- declare
- El : O_Cnode;
- begin
- Put ("enum {");
- El := Atype.Literals;
- while El /= O_Cnode_Null loop
- Set_Mark;
- Disp_Ident (El.E_Name);
- Put (" = ");
- Put (Image (El.E_Val));
- El := El.E_Next;
- exit when El = O_Cnode_Null;
- Put (", ");
- end loop;
- Put ("}");
- end;
- when ON_Array_Type =>
- Put ("array [");
- Disp_Tnode (Atype.Index_Type, False);
- Put ("] of ");
- Disp_Tnode (Atype.El_Type, False);
- when ON_Access_Type =>
- Put ("access ");
- if Atype.D_Type /= O_Tnode_Null then
- Disp_Tnode (Atype.D_Type, False);
- end if;
- when ON_Record_Type =>
- Put_Line ("record ");
- Disp_Fnodes (Atype.Elements);
- Put ("end record");
- when ON_Union_Type =>
- Put_Line ("union ");
- Disp_Fnodes (Atype.Elements);
- Put ("end union");
- when ON_Array_Sub_Type =>
- Put ("subarray ");
- Disp_Tnode_Name (Atype.Base_Type);
- Put ("[");
- Disp_Cnode (Atype.Length, Atype.Base_Type.Index_Type);
- Put ("]");
- end case;
- end Disp_Tnode;
- procedure Disp_Storage_Name (Storage : O_Storage) is
- begin
- case Storage is
- when O_Storage_External =>
- Put ("external");
- when O_Storage_Public =>
- Put ("public");
- when O_Storage_Private =>
- Put ("private");
- when O_Storage_Local =>
- Put ("local");
- end case;
- end Disp_Storage_Name;
- procedure Disp_Decls (Decls : O_Dnode)
- is
- El : O_Dnode;
- begin
- El := Decls;
- while El /= null loop
- Disp_Dnode (El);
- El := El.Next;
- if Is_Top then
- -- NOTE: some declaration does not disp anything, so there may be
- -- double new line.
- New_Line;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Decls;
- procedure Disp_Function_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode) is
- begin
- Disp_Storage_Name (Decl.Storage);
- Put (" ");
- if Decl.Dtype = null then
- Put ("procedure ");
- else
- Put ("function ");
- end if;
- Disp_Ident (Decl.Name);
- Put_Line (" (");
- Add_Tab;
- declare
- El : O_Dnode;
- begin
- El := Decl.Interfaces;
- if El /= null then
- loop
- Disp_Dnode (El);
- El := El.Next;
- exit when El = null;
- Put_Line (";");
- end loop;
- end if;
- Put (")");
- end;
- if Decl.Dtype /= null then
- New_Line;
- Put ("return ");
- Disp_Tnode (Decl.Dtype, False);
- end if;
- Rem_Tab;
- end Disp_Function_Decl;
- procedure Disp_Dnode (Decl : O_Dnode) is
- begin
- case Decl.Kind is
- when ON_Type_Decl =>
- Put ("type ");
- Disp_Ident (Decl.Name);
- Put (" is ");
- if not Decl.Dtype.Uncomplete then
- Disp_Tnode (Decl.Dtype, True);
- else
- case Decl.Dtype.Kind is
- when ON_Record_Type =>
- Put ("record");
- when ON_Access_Type =>
- Put ("access");
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end if;
- Put_Line (";");
- when ON_Completed_Type_Decl =>
- Put ("type ");
- Disp_Ident (Decl.Name);
- Put (" is ");
- Disp_Tnode (Decl.Dtype, True);
- Put_Line (";");
- when ON_Const_Decl =>
- Disp_Storage_Name (Decl.Storage);
- Put (" ");
- Put ("constant ");
- Disp_Ident (Decl.Name);
- Put (" : ");
- Disp_Tnode_Name (Decl.Dtype);
- Put_Line (";");
- when ON_Const_Value =>
- Put ("constant ");
- Disp_Ident (Decl.Name);
- Put (" := ");
- Disp_Cnode (Decl.Value, Decl.Dtype);
- Put_Line (";");
- when ON_Var_Decl =>
- Disp_Storage_Name (Decl.Storage);
- Put (" ");
- Put ("var ");
- Disp_Ident (Decl.Name);
- Put (" : ");
- Disp_Tnode_Name (Decl.Dtype);
- Put_Line (";");
- when ON_Function_Decl =>
- if Decl.Next = null or Decl.Next /= Decl.Func_Body then
- -- This is a forward/external declaration.
- Disp_Function_Decl (Decl);
- Put_Line (";");
- end if;
- when ON_Function_Body =>
- Disp_Function_Decl (Decl.Func_Decl);
- New_Line;
- Disp_Snode (Decl.Func_Stmt, Decl.Func_Stmt);
- when ON_Interface_Decl =>
- Disp_Ident (Decl.Name);
- Put (": ");
- Disp_Tnode (Decl.Dtype, False);
- when ON_Debug_Line_Decl =>
- Put_Line ("--#" & Natural'Image (Decl.Line));
- when ON_Debug_Comment_Decl =>
- Put_Line ("-- " & Decl.Comment.all);
- when ON_Debug_Filename_Decl =>
- Put_Line ("--F " & Decl.Filename.all);
- end case;
- end Disp_Dnode;
- procedure Disp_Snode (First : O_Snode; Last : O_Snode) is
- Stmt : O_Snode;
- begin
- Stmt := First;
- loop
- --if Stmt.Kind = ON_Elsif_Stmt or Stmt.Kind = ON_When_Stmt then
- -- Put_Indent (Tab - 1);
- --else
- -- Put_Indent (Tab);
- --end if;
- case Stmt.Kind is
- when ON_Declare_Stmt =>
- Put_Line ("declare");
- Add_Tab;
- Disp_Decls (Stmt.Decls);
- Rem_Tab;
- Put_Line ("begin");
- Add_Tab;
- if Stmt.Stmts /= null then
- Disp_Snode (Stmt.Stmts, null);
- end if;
- Rem_Tab;
- Put_Line ("end;");
- when ON_Assign_Stmt =>
- Disp_Lnode (Stmt.Target);
- Put (" := ");
- Disp_Enode (Stmt.Value, Stmt.Target.Rtype);
- Put_Line (";");
- when ON_Return_Stmt =>
- Put ("return ");
- if Stmt.Ret_Val /= null then
- Disp_Enode (Stmt.Ret_Val, O_Tnode_Null);
- end if;
- Put_Line (";");
- when ON_If_Stmt =>
- Add_Tab;
- Disp_Snode (Stmt.Next, Stmt.If_Last);
- Stmt := Stmt.If_Last;
- Rem_Tab;
- Put_Line ("end if;");
- when ON_Elsif_Stmt =>
- Rem_Tab;
- if Stmt.Cond = null then
- Put_Line ("else");
- else
- if First = Stmt then
- Put ("if ");
- else
- Put ("elsif ");
- end if;
- Disp_Enode (Stmt.Cond, O_Tnode_Null);
- Put_Line (" then");
- end if;
- Add_Tab;
- when ON_Loop_Stmt =>
- Disp_Loop_Name (Stmt);
- Put_Line (":");
- Add_Tab;
- Disp_Snode (Stmt.Next, Stmt.Loop_Last);
- Stmt := Stmt.Loop_Last;
- Rem_Tab;
- Put_Line ("end loop;");
- when ON_Exit_Stmt =>
- Put ("exit ");
- Disp_Loop_Name (Stmt.Loop_Id);
- Put_Line (";");
- when ON_Next_Stmt =>
- Put ("next ");
- Disp_Loop_Name (Stmt.Loop_Id);
- Put_Line (";");
- when ON_Case_Stmt =>
- Put ("case ");
- Disp_Enode (Stmt.Selector, O_Tnode_Null);
- Put_Line (" is");
- Add_Tab;
- Disp_Snode (Stmt.Next, Stmt.Case_Last);
- Stmt := Stmt.Case_Last;
- Rem_Tab;
- Put_Line ("end case;");
- when ON_When_Stmt =>
- declare
- Choice: O_Choice;
- Choice_Type : constant O_Tnode :=
- Stmt.Branch_Parent.Selector.Rtype;
- begin
- Rem_Tab;
- Choice := Stmt.Choice_List;
- Put ("when ");
- loop
- case Choice.Kind is
- when ON_Choice_Expr =>
- Disp_Cnode (Choice.Expr, Choice_Type);
- when ON_Choice_Range =>
- Disp_Cnode (Choice.Low, Choice_Type);
- Put (" ... ");
- Disp_Cnode (Choice.High, Choice_Type);
- when ON_Choice_Default =>
- Put ("default");
- end case;
- Choice := Choice.Next;
- exit when Choice = null;
- Put_Line (",");
- Put (" ");
- end loop;
- Put_Line (" =>");
- Add_Tab;
- end;
- when ON_Call_Stmt =>
- Disp_Dnode_Name (Stmt.Proc);
- Put (' ');
- Disp_Assoc_List (Stmt.Assoc);
- Put_Line (";");
- when ON_Debug_Line_Stmt =>
- Put_Line ("--#" & Natural'Image (Stmt.Line));
- when ON_Debug_Comment_Stmt =>
- Put_Line ("-- " & Stmt.Comment.all);
- end case;
- exit when Stmt = Last;
- Stmt := Stmt.Next;
- exit when Stmt = null and Last = null;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Snode;
- procedure Disp_Ortho (Decls : O_Snode) is
- begin
- Disp_Decls (Decls.Decls);
- Flush;
- end Disp_Ortho;
- procedure Disp_Tnode_Decl (N : O_Tnode) is
- begin
- Disp_Ident (N.Decl.Name);
- Put (" : ");
- Disp_Tnode (N, True);
- end Disp_Tnode_Decl;
- procedure Debug_Tnode (N : O_Tnode)
- is
- Ctx : Disp_Context;
- begin
- Push_Context (Interfaces.C_Streams.stdout, Ctx);
- Disp_Tnode_Decl (N);
- Pop_Context (Ctx);
- end Debug_Tnode;
- procedure Debug_Enode (N : O_Enode)
- is
- Ctx : Disp_Context;
- begin
- Push_Context (Interfaces.C_Streams.stdout, Ctx);
- Disp_Enode (N, O_Tnode_Null);
- Put (" : ");
- Disp_Tnode_Decl (N.Rtype);
- Pop_Context (Ctx);
- end Debug_Enode;
- procedure Debug_Fnode (N : O_Fnode)
- is
- Ctx : Disp_Context;
- begin
- Push_Context (Interfaces.C_Streams.stdout, Ctx);
- Disp_Ident (N.Ident);
- Put (": ");
- Disp_Tnode (N.Ftype, False);
- Pop_Context (Ctx);
- end Debug_Fnode;
- procedure Debug_Dnode (N : O_Dnode)
- is
- Ctx : Disp_Context;
- begin
- Push_Context (Interfaces.C_Streams.stdout, Ctx);
- Disp_Dnode (N);
- Pop_Context (Ctx);
- end Debug_Dnode;
- procedure Debug_Lnode (N : O_Lnode)
- is
- Ctx : Disp_Context;
- begin
- Push_Context (Interfaces.C_Streams.stdout, Ctx);
- Disp_Lnode (N);
- Put (" : ");
- Disp_Tnode_Decl (N.Rtype);
- Pop_Context (Ctx);
- end Debug_Lnode;
- procedure Debug_Snode (N : O_Snode)
- is
- Ctx : Disp_Context;
- begin
- Push_Context (Interfaces.C_Streams.stdout, Ctx);
- Disp_Snode (N, null);
- Pop_Context (Ctx);
- end Debug_Snode;
- pragma Unreferenced (Debug_Tnode, Debug_Enode, Debug_Fnode,
- Debug_Dnode, Debug_Lnode, Debug_Snode);
-end Ortho_Debug.Disp;
diff --git a/ortho/debug/ortho_debug-disp.ads b/ortho/debug/ortho_debug-disp.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index c365a3530..000000000
--- a/ortho/debug/ortho_debug-disp.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
--- Display the ortho codes from a tree.
--- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Interfaces.C_Streams;
-package Ortho_Debug.Disp is
- -- Initialize the current context.
- -- Must be called before any use of the DISP_* subprograms.
- procedure Init_Context (File : Interfaces.C_Streams.FILEs);
- -- Disp nodes in a pseudo-language.
- procedure Disp_Ortho (Decls : O_Snode);
-end Ortho_Debug.Disp;
diff --git a/ortho/debug/ortho_debug-main.adb b/ortho/debug/ortho_debug-main.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index b470deaab..000000000
--- a/ortho/debug/ortho_debug-main.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
--- Main procedure of ortho debug back-end.
--- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
-with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
-with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-with Ortho_Debug; use Ortho_Debug;
-with Ortho_Debug_Front; use Ortho_Debug_Front;
-with Ortho_Debug.Disp;
-with System; use System;
-with Interfaces.C_Streams; use Interfaces.C_Streams;
-procedure Ortho_Debug.Main is
- -- Do not output the ortho code.
- Flag_Silent : Boolean := False;
- -- Force output, even in case of crash.
- Flag_Force : Boolean := False;
- I : Natural;
- Argc : Natural;
- Arg : String_Acc;
- Opt : String_Acc;
- Res : Natural;
- File : String_Acc;
- Output : FILEs;
- R : Boolean;
- procedure Unchecked_Deallocation is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (Name => String_Acc, Object => String);
- Ortho_Debug_Front.Init;
- Output := NULL_Stream;
- Set_Exit_Status (Failure);
- -- Decode options.
- Argc := Argument_Count;
- I := 1;
- loop
- exit when I > Argc;
- exit when Argument (I) (1) /= '-';
- if Argument (I) = "--silent" or else Argument (I) = "-quiet" then
- Flag_Silent := True;
- I := I + 1;
- elsif Argument (I) = "--force" then
- Flag_Force := True;
- I := I + 1;
- elsif Argument (I)'Length >= 2 and then Argument (I)(2) = 'g' then
- -- Skip -g[XXX] flags.
- I := I + 1;
- elsif Argument (I) = "-o" and then I + 1 <= Argc then
- -- TODO: write the output to the file ?
- if Output /= NULL_Stream then
- Put_Line (Command_Name & ": only one output allowed");
- return;
- end if;
- declare
- Name : String := Argument (I + 1) & ASCII.Nul;
- Mode : String := 'w' & ASCII.Nul;
- begin
- Output := fopen (Name'Address, Mode'Address);
- if Output = NULL_Stream then
- Put_Line (Command_Name & ": cannot open " & Argument (I + 1));
- return;
- end if;
- end;
- I := I + 2;
- else
- Opt := new String'(Argument (I));
- if I < Argc then
- Arg := new String'(Argument (I + 1));
- else
- Arg := null;
- end if;
- Res := Ortho_Debug_Front.Decode_Option (Opt, Arg);
- Unchecked_Deallocation (Opt);
- Unchecked_Deallocation (Arg);
- if Res = 0 then
- Put_Line (Argument (I) & ": unknown option");
- return;
- else
- I := I + Res;
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop;
- -- Initialize tree.
- begin
- Ortho_Debug.Init;
- if I <= Argc then
- R := True;
- for J in I .. Argc loop
- File := new String'(Argument (J));
- R := R and Ortho_Debug_Front.Parse (File);
- Unchecked_Deallocation (File);
- end loop;
- else
- R := Ortho_Debug_Front.Parse (null);
- end if;
- Ortho_Debug.Finish;
- exception
- when others =>
- if not Flag_Force then
- raise;
- else
- R := False;
- end if;
- end;
- -- Write down the result.
- if (R and (Output /= NULL_Stream or not Flag_Silent))
- or Flag_Force
- then
- if Output = NULL_Stream then
- Ortho_Debug.Disp.Init_Context (stdout);
- else
- Ortho_Debug.Disp.Init_Context (Output);
- end if;
- Ortho_Debug.Disp.Disp_Ortho (Ortho_Debug.Top);
- if Output /= NULL_Stream then
- declare
- Status : int;
- pragma Unreferenced (Status);
- begin
- Status := fclose (Output);
- end;
- end if;
- end if;
- if R then
- Set_Exit_Status (Success);
- else
- Set_Exit_Status (Failure);
- end if;
-end Ortho_Debug.Main;
diff --git a/ortho/debug/ortho_debug.adb b/ortho/debug/ortho_debug.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8285a6473..000000000
--- a/ortho/debug/ortho_debug.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1931 +0,0 @@
--- Ortho debug back-end.
--- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
-package body Ortho_Debug is
- -- If True, disable some checks so that the output can be generated.
- Disable_Checks : constant Boolean := False;
- type ON_Op_To_OE_Type is array (ON_Op_Kind) of OE_Kind;
- ON_Op_To_OE : constant ON_Op_To_OE_Type :=
- (
- ON_Nil => OE_Nil,
- -- Dyadic operations.
- ON_Add_Ov => OE_Add_Ov,
- ON_Sub_Ov => OE_Sub_Ov,
- ON_Mul_Ov => OE_Mul_Ov,
- ON_Div_Ov => OE_Div_Ov,
- ON_Rem_Ov => OE_Rem_Ov,
- ON_Mod_Ov => OE_Mod_Ov,
- -- Binary operations.
- ON_And => OE_And,
- ON_Or => OE_Or,
- ON_Xor => OE_Xor,
- -- Monadic operations.
- ON_Not => OE_Not,
- ON_Neg_Ov => OE_Neg_Ov,
- ON_Abs_Ov => OE_Abs_Ov,
- -- Comparaisons
- ON_Eq => OE_Eq,
- ON_Neq => OE_Neq,
- ON_Le => OE_Le,
- ON_Lt => OE_Lt,
- ON_Ge => OE_Ge,
- ON_Gt => OE_Gt
- );
- type Decl_Scope_Type is record
- -- Declarations are chained.
- Parent : O_Snode;
- Last_Decl : O_Dnode;
- Last_Stmt : O_Snode;
- -- If this scope corresponds to a function, PREV_FUNCTION contains
- -- the previous function.
- Prev_Function : O_Dnode;
- -- Declaration scopes are chained.
- Prev : Decl_Scope_Acc;
- end record;
- type Stmt_Kind is
- (Stmt_Function, Stmt_Declare, Stmt_If, Stmt_Loop, Stmt_Case);
- type Stmt_Scope_Type (Kind : Stmt_Kind);
- type Stmt_Scope_Acc is access Stmt_Scope_Type;
- type Stmt_Scope_Type (Kind : Stmt_Kind) is record
- -- Statement which created this scope.
- Parent : O_Snode;
- -- Previous (parent) scope.
- Prev : Stmt_Scope_Acc;
- case Kind is
- when Stmt_Function =>
- Prev_Function : Stmt_Scope_Acc;
- -- Declaration for the function.
- Decl : O_Dnode;
- when Stmt_Declare =>
- null;
- when Stmt_If =>
- Last_Elsif : O_Snode;
- when Stmt_Loop =>
- null;
- when Stmt_Case =>
- Last_Branch : O_Snode;
- Last_Choice : O_Choice;
- Case_Type : O_Tnode;
- end case;
- end record;
- subtype Stmt_Function_Scope_Type is Stmt_Scope_Type (Stmt_Function);
- subtype Stmt_Declare_Scope_Type is Stmt_Scope_Type (Stmt_Declare);
- subtype Stmt_If_Scope_Type is Stmt_Scope_Type (Stmt_If);
- subtype Stmt_Loop_Scope_Type is Stmt_Scope_Type (Stmt_Loop);
- subtype Stmt_Case_Scope_Type is Stmt_Scope_Type (Stmt_Case);
- Current_Stmt_Scope : Stmt_Scope_Acc := null;
- Current_Function : Stmt_Scope_Acc := null;
- Current_Decl_Scope : Decl_Scope_Acc := null;
- Current_Loop_Level : Natural := 0;
- procedure Push_Decl_Scope (Parent : O_Snode)
- is
- Res : Decl_Scope_Acc;
- begin
- Res := new Decl_Scope_Type'(Parent => Parent,
- Last_Decl => null,
- Last_Stmt => null,
- Prev_Function => null,
- Prev => Current_Decl_Scope);
- Parent.Alive := True;
- Current_Decl_Scope := Res;
- end Push_Decl_Scope;
- procedure Pop_Decl_Scope
- is
- procedure Unchecked_Deallocation is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (Object => Decl_Scope_Type, Name => Decl_Scope_Acc);
- Old : Decl_Scope_Acc;
- begin
- Old := Current_Decl_Scope;
- Old.Parent.Alive := False;
- Current_Decl_Scope := Old.Prev;
- Unchecked_Deallocation (Old);
- end Pop_Decl_Scope;
- procedure Add_Decl (El : O_Dnode; Check_Dup : Boolean := True) is
- begin
- if Current_Decl_Scope = null then
- -- Not yet initialized, or after compilation.
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- -- Note: this requires an hashed ident table.
- -- Use ortho_ident_hash.
- if False and then Check_Dup
- and then not Is_Nul (El.Name)
- then
- -- Check the name is not already defined.
- declare
- E : O_Dnode;
- begin
- E := Current_Decl_Scope.Parent.Decls;
- while E /= O_Dnode_Null loop
- if Is_Equal (E.Name, El.Name) then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- E := E.Next;
- end loop;
- end;
- end if;
- if Current_Decl_Scope.Last_Decl = null then
- if Current_Decl_Scope.Parent.Kind = ON_Declare_Stmt then
- Current_Decl_Scope.Parent.Decls := El;
- else
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- else
- Current_Decl_Scope.Last_Decl.Next := El;
- end if;
- El.Next := null;
- Current_Decl_Scope.Last_Decl := El;
- end Add_Decl;
- procedure Add_Stmt (Stmt : O_Snode)
- is
- begin
- if Current_Decl_Scope = null or Current_Function = null then
- -- You are adding a statement at the global level, ie not inside
- -- a function.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- Stmt.Next := null;
- if Current_Decl_Scope.Last_Stmt = null then
- if Current_Decl_Scope.Parent.Kind = ON_Declare_Stmt then
- Current_Decl_Scope.Parent.Stmts := Stmt;
- else
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- else
- Current_Decl_Scope.Last_Stmt.Next := Stmt;
- end if;
- Current_Decl_Scope.Last_Stmt := Stmt;
- end Add_Stmt;
- procedure Push_Stmt_Scope (Scope : Stmt_Scope_Acc)
- is
- begin
- if Scope.Prev /= Current_Stmt_Scope then
- -- SCOPE was badly initialized.
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Current_Stmt_Scope := Scope;
- end Push_Stmt_Scope;
- procedure Pop_Stmt_Scope (Kind : Stmt_Kind)
- is
- procedure Unchecked_Deallocation is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (Object => Stmt_Scope_Type, Name => Stmt_Scope_Acc);
- Old : Stmt_Scope_Acc;
- begin
- Old := Current_Stmt_Scope;
- if Old.Kind /= Kind then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- --Old.Parent.Last_Stmt := Current_Decl_Scope.Last_Stmt;
- Current_Stmt_Scope := Old.Prev;
- Unchecked_Deallocation (Old);
- end Pop_Stmt_Scope;
- -- Check declaration DECL is reachable, ie its scope is in the current
- -- stack of scopes.
- procedure Check_Scope (Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- Res : Boolean;
- begin
- case Decl.Kind is
- when ON_Interface_Decl =>
- Res := Decl.Func_Scope.Alive;
- when others =>
- Res := Decl.Scope.Alive;
- end case;
- if not Res then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- end Check_Scope;
- -- Raise SYNTAX_ERROR if OBJ is not at a constant address.
--- procedure Check_Const_Address (Obj : O_Lnode) is
--- begin
--- case Obj.Kind is
--- when OL_Const_Ref
--- | OL_Var_Ref =>
--- case Obj.Decl.Storage is
--- when O_Storage_External
--- | O_Storage_Public
--- | O_Storage_Private =>
--- null;
--- when O_Storage_Local =>
--- raise Syntax_Error;
--- end case;
--- when others =>
--- -- FIXME: constant indexed element, selected element maybe
--- -- of const address.
--- raise Syntax_Error;
--- end case;
--- end Check_Const_Address;
- procedure Check_Type (T1, T2 : O_Tnode) is
- begin
- if T1 = T2 then
- return;
- end if;
- if T1.Kind = ON_Array_Sub_Type and then T2.Kind = ON_Array_Sub_Type
- and then T1.Base_Type = T2.Base_Type
- and then T1.Length.all = T2.Length.all
- then
- return;
- end if;
- raise Type_Error;
- end Check_Type;
- procedure Check_Ref (N : O_Enode) is
- begin
- if N.Ref then
- -- Already referenced.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- N.Ref := True;
- end Check_Ref;
- procedure Check_Ref (N : O_Lnode) is
- begin
- if N.Ref then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- N.Ref := True;
- end Check_Ref;
- procedure Check_Complete_Type (T : O_Tnode) is
- begin
- if not T.Complete then
- -- Uncomplete type cannot be used here (since its size is required,
- -- for example).
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- end Check_Complete_Type;
- function New_Dyadic_Op (Kind : ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode)
- return O_Enode
- is
- K : constant OE_Kind := ON_Op_To_OE (Kind);
- Res : O_Enode;
- begin
- Check_Type (Left.Rtype, Right.Rtype);
- Check_Ref (Left);
- Check_Ref (Right);
- Res := new O_Enode_Type (K);
- Res.Rtype := Left.Rtype;
- Res.Ref := False;
- Res.Left := Left;
- Res.Right := Right;
- return Res;
- end New_Dyadic_Op;
- function New_Monadic_Op (Kind : ON_Monadic_Op_Kind; Operand : O_Enode)
- return O_Enode
- is
- Res : O_Enode;
- begin
- Check_Ref (Operand);
- Res := new O_Enode_Type (ON_Op_To_OE (Kind));
- Res.Ref := False;
- Res.Operand := Operand;
- Res.Rtype := Operand.Rtype;
- return Res;
- end New_Monadic_Op;
- function New_Compare_Op
- (Kind : ON_Compare_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode; Ntype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Enode
- is
- Res : O_Enode;
- begin
- if Ntype.Kind /= ON_Boolean_Type then
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- if Left.Rtype /= Right.Rtype then
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- Check_Ref (Left);
- Check_Ref (Right);
- Res := new O_Enode_Type (ON_Op_To_OE (Kind));
- Res.Ref := False;
- Res.Left := Left;
- Res.Right := Right;
- Res.Rtype := Ntype;
- return Res;
- end New_Compare_Op;
- function New_Signed_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Integer_64)
- return O_Cnode
- is
- subtype O_Cnode_Signed_Lit is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Signed_Lit);
- begin
- if Ltype.Kind = ON_Signed_Type then
- return new O_Cnode_Signed_Lit'(Kind => OC_Signed_Lit,
- Ctype => Ltype,
- Ref => False,
- S_Val => Value);
- else
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- end New_Signed_Literal;
- function New_Unsigned_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Unsigned_64)
- return O_Cnode
- is
- subtype O_Cnode_Unsigned_Lit is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Unsigned_Lit);
- begin
- if Ltype.Kind = ON_Unsigned_Type then
- return new O_Cnode_Unsigned_Lit'(Kind => OC_Unsigned_Lit,
- Ctype => Ltype,
- Ref => False,
- U_Val => Value);
- else
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- end New_Unsigned_Literal;
- function New_Float_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : IEEE_Float_64)
- return O_Cnode
- is
- subtype O_Cnode_Float_Lit is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Float_Lit);
- begin
- if Ltype.Kind = ON_Float_Type then
- return new O_Cnode_Float_Lit'(Kind => OC_Float_Lit,
- Ctype => Ltype,
- Ref => False,
- F_Val => Value);
- else
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- end New_Float_Literal;
- function New_Null_Access (Ltype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode
- is
- subtype O_Cnode_Null_Lit_Type is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Null_Lit);
- begin
- if Ltype.Kind /= ON_Access_Type then
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- return new O_Cnode_Null_Lit_Type'(Kind => OC_Null_Lit,
- Ctype => Ltype,
- Ref => False);
- end New_Null_Access;
- function New_Sizeof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode
- is
- subtype O_Cnode_Sizeof_Type is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Sizeof_Lit);
- begin
- if Rtype.Kind /= ON_Unsigned_Type
- and then Rtype.Kind /= ON_Access_Type
- then
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- Check_Complete_Type (Atype);
- if Atype.Kind = ON_Array_Type then
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- return new O_Cnode_Sizeof_Type'(Kind => OC_Sizeof_Lit,
- Ctype => Rtype,
- Ref => False,
- S_Type => Atype);
- end New_Sizeof;
- function New_Alignof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode
- is
- subtype O_Cnode_Alignof_Type is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Alignof_Lit);
- begin
- if Rtype.Kind /= ON_Unsigned_Type then
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- Check_Complete_Type (Atype);
- return new O_Cnode_Alignof_Type'(Kind => OC_Alignof_Lit,
- Ctype => Rtype,
- Ref => False,
- S_Type => Atype);
- end New_Alignof;
- function New_Offsetof (Atype : O_Tnode; Field : O_Fnode; Rtype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode
- is
- subtype O_Cnode_Offsetof_Type is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Offsetof_Lit);
- begin
- if Rtype.Kind /= ON_Unsigned_Type
- and then Rtype.Kind /= ON_Access_Type
- then
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- if Field.Parent /= Atype then
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- return new O_Cnode_Offsetof_Type'(Kind => OC_Offsetof_Lit,
- Ctype => Rtype,
- Ref => False,
- Off_Field => Field);
- end New_Offsetof;
- function New_Alloca (Rtype : O_Tnode; Size : O_Enode) return O_Enode
- is
- subtype O_Enode_Alloca_Type is O_Enode_Type (OE_Alloca);
- Res : O_Enode;
- begin
- if Rtype.Kind /= ON_Access_Type then
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- if Size.Rtype.Kind /= ON_Unsigned_Type then
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- Res := new O_Enode_Alloca_Type'(Kind => OE_Alloca,
- Rtype => Rtype,
- Ref => False,
- A_Size => Size);
- return Res;
- end New_Alloca;
- procedure Check_Constrained_Type (Atype : O_Tnode) is
- begin
- case Atype.Kind is
- when ON_Array_Type =>
- raise Type_Error;
- when ON_Unsigned_Type
- | ON_Signed_Type
- | ON_Boolean_Type
- | ON_Record_Type
- | ON_Union_Type
- | ON_Access_Type
- | ON_Float_Type
- | ON_Array_Sub_Type
- | ON_Enum_Type =>
- null;
- end case;
- end Check_Constrained_Type;
- procedure New_Completed_Type_Decl (Atype : O_Tnode)
- is
- N : O_Dnode;
- begin
- if Atype.Decl = null then
- -- The uncompleted type must have been declared.
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- N := new O_Dnode_Type (ON_Completed_Type_Decl);
- N.Name := Atype.Decl.Name;
- N.Dtype := Atype;
- Add_Decl (N, False);
- end New_Completed_Type_Decl;
- procedure New_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : out O_Tnode)
- is
- subtype O_Tnode_Record_Type is O_Tnode_Type (ON_Record_Type);
- begin
- Res := new O_Tnode_Record_Type'(Kind => ON_Record_Type,
- Decl => O_Dnode_Null,
- Uncomplete => True,
- Complete => False,
- Elements => O_Fnode_Null);
- end New_Uncomplete_Record_Type;
- procedure Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : O_Tnode;
- Elements : out O_Element_List) is
- begin
- if not Res.Uncomplete then
- -- RES record type is not an uncomplete record type.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- if Res.Elements /= O_Fnode_Null then
- -- RES record type already has elements...
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- Elements.Res := Res;
- Elements.Last := null;
- end Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type;
- procedure Start_Record_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List)
- is
- subtype O_Tnode_Record_Type is O_Tnode_Type (ON_Record_Type);
- begin
- Elements.Res := new O_Tnode_Record_Type'(Kind => ON_Record_Type,
- Decl => O_Dnode_Null,
- Uncomplete => False,
- Complete => False,
- Elements => O_Fnode_Null);
- Elements.Last := null;
- end Start_Record_Type;
- procedure New_Record_Field
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
- El : out O_Fnode;
- Ident : O_Ident; Etype : O_Tnode)
- is
- begin
- Check_Complete_Type (Etype);
- Check_Constrained_Type (Etype);
- El := new O_Fnode_Type'(Parent => Elements.Res,
- Next => null,
- Ident => Ident,
- Ftype => Etype,
- Offset => 0);
- -- Append EL.
- if Elements.Last = null then
- Elements.Res.Elements := El;
- else
- Elements.Last.Next := El;
- end if;
- Elements.Last := El;
- end New_Record_Field;
- procedure Finish_Record_Type
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode) is
- begin
- -- Align the structure.
- Res := Elements.Res;
- if Res.Uncomplete then
- New_Completed_Type_Decl (Res);
- end if;
- Res.Complete := True;
- end Finish_Record_Type;
- procedure Start_Union_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List)
- is
- subtype O_Tnode_Union_Type is O_Tnode_Type (ON_Union_Type);
- begin
- Elements.Res := new O_Tnode_Union_Type'(Kind => ON_Union_Type,
- Decl => O_Dnode_Null,
- Uncomplete => False,
- Complete => False,
- Elements => O_Fnode_Null);
- Elements.Last := null;
- end Start_Union_Type;
- procedure New_Union_Field
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
- El : out O_Fnode;
- Ident : O_Ident; Etype : O_Tnode)
- is
- begin
- New_Record_Field (Elements, El, Ident, Etype);
- end New_Union_Field;
- procedure Finish_Union_Type
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode) is
- begin
- Res := Elements.Res;
- Res.Complete := True;
- end Finish_Union_Type;
- function New_Access_Type (Dtype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode
- is
- subtype O_Tnode_Access is O_Tnode_Type (ON_Access_Type);
- Res : O_Tnode;
- begin
- if Dtype /= O_Tnode_Null
- and then Dtype.Kind = ON_Array_Sub_Type
- then
- -- Access to sub array are not allowed, use access to array.
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- Res := new O_Tnode_Access'(Kind => ON_Access_Type,
- Decl => O_Dnode_Null,
- Uncomplete => Dtype = O_Tnode_Null,
- Complete => True,
- D_Type => Dtype);
- return Res;
- end New_Access_Type;
- procedure Finish_Access_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Dtype : O_Tnode)
- is
- begin
- if Dtype.Kind = ON_Array_Sub_Type then
- -- Access to sub array are not allowed, use access to array.
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- if Atype.D_Type /= O_Tnode_Null
- or Atype.Uncomplete = False
- then
- -- Type already completed.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- Atype.D_Type := Dtype;
- New_Completed_Type_Decl (Atype);
- end Finish_Access_Type;
- function New_Array_Type (El_Type : O_Tnode; Index_Type : O_Tnode)
- return O_Tnode
- is
- subtype O_Tnode_Array is O_Tnode_Type (ON_Array_Type);
- begin
- Check_Constrained_Type (El_Type);
- Check_Complete_Type (El_Type);
- return new O_Tnode_Array'(Kind => ON_Array_Type,
- Decl => O_Dnode_Null,
- Uncomplete => False,
- Complete => True,
- El_Type => El_Type,
- Index_Type => Index_Type);
- end New_Array_Type;
- function New_Constrained_Array_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Length : O_Cnode)
- return O_Tnode
- is
- subtype O_Tnode_Sub_Array is O_Tnode_Type (ON_Array_Sub_Type);
- begin
- if Atype.Kind /= ON_Array_Type then
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- return new O_Tnode_Sub_Array'(Kind => ON_Array_Sub_Type,
- Decl => O_Dnode_Null,
- Uncomplete => False,
- Complete => True,
- Base_Type => Atype,
- Length => Length);
- end New_Constrained_Array_Type;
- function New_Unsigned_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode
- is
- subtype O_Tnode_Unsigned is O_Tnode_Type (ON_Unsigned_Type);
- begin
- return new O_Tnode_Unsigned'(Kind => ON_Unsigned_Type,
- Decl => O_Dnode_Null,
- Uncomplete => False,
- Complete => True,
- Int_Size => Size);
- end New_Unsigned_Type;
- function New_Signed_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode
- is
- subtype O_Tnode_Signed is O_Tnode_Type (ON_Signed_Type);
- begin
- return new O_Tnode_Signed'(Kind => ON_Signed_Type,
- Decl => O_Dnode_Null,
- Uncomplete => False,
- Complete => True,
- Int_Size => Size);
- end New_Signed_Type;
- function New_Float_Type return O_Tnode
- is
- subtype O_Tnode_Float is O_Tnode_Type (ON_Float_Type);
- begin
- return new O_Tnode_Float'(Kind => ON_Float_Type,
- Decl => O_Dnode_Null,
- Uncomplete => False,
- Complete => True);
- end New_Float_Type;
- procedure New_Boolean_Type (Res : out O_Tnode;
- False_Id : O_Ident;
- False_E : out O_Cnode;
- True_Id : O_Ident;
- True_E : out O_Cnode)
- is
- subtype O_Tnode_Boolean is O_Tnode_Type (ON_Boolean_Type);
- subtype O_Cnode_Boolean_Lit is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Boolean_Lit);
- begin
- Res := new O_Tnode_Boolean'(Kind => ON_Boolean_Type,
- Decl => O_Dnode_Null,
- Uncomplete => False,
- Complete => True,
- True_N => O_Cnode_Null,
- False_N => O_Cnode_Null);
- True_E := new O_Cnode_Boolean_Lit'(Kind => OC_Boolean_Lit,
- Ctype => Res,
- Ref => False,
- B_Val => True,
- B_Id => True_Id);
- False_E := new O_Cnode_Boolean_Lit'(Kind => OC_Boolean_Lit,
- Ctype => Res,
- Ref => False,
- B_Val => False,
- B_Id => False_Id);
- Res.True_N := True_E;
- Res.False_N := False_E;
- end New_Boolean_Type;
- procedure Start_Enum_Type (List : out O_Enum_List; Size : Natural)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Size);
- subtype O_Tnode_Enum is O_Tnode_Type (ON_Enum_Type);
- Res : O_Tnode;
- begin
- Res := new O_Tnode_Enum'(Kind => ON_Enum_Type,
- Decl => O_Dnode_Null,
- Uncomplete => False,
- Complete => False,
- Nbr => 0,
- Literals => O_Cnode_Null);
- List.Res := Res;
- List.Last := O_Cnode_Null;
- end Start_Enum_Type;
- procedure New_Enum_Literal (List : in out O_Enum_List;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Res : out O_Cnode)
- is
- subtype O_Cnode_Enum_Lit is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Enum_Lit);
- begin
- Res := new O_Cnode_Enum_Lit'(Kind => OC_Enum_Lit,
- Ctype => List.Res,
- Ref => False,
- E_Val => List.Res.Nbr,
- E_Name => Ident,
- E_Next => O_Cnode_Null);
- -- Link it.
- if List.Last = O_Cnode_Null then
- List.Res.Literals := Res;
- else
- List.Last.E_Next := Res;
- end if;
- List.Last := Res;
- List.Res.Nbr := List.Res.Nbr + 1;
- end New_Enum_Literal;
- procedure Finish_Enum_Type (List : in out O_Enum_List; Res : out O_Tnode) is
- begin
- Res := List.Res;
- Res.Complete := True;
- end Finish_Enum_Type;
- function Get_Base_Type (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode
- is
- begin
- case Atype.Kind is
- when ON_Array_Sub_Type =>
- return Atype.Base_Type;
- when others =>
- return Atype;
- end case;
- end Get_Base_Type;
- procedure Start_Record_Aggr (List : out O_Record_Aggr_List; Atype : O_Tnode)
- is
- subtype O_Cnode_Aggregate is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Aggregate);
- Res : O_Cnode;
- begin
- if Atype.Kind /= ON_Record_Type then
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- Check_Complete_Type (Atype);
- Res := new O_Cnode_Aggregate'(Kind => OC_Aggregate,
- Ctype => Atype,
- Ref => False,
- Aggr_Els => null);
- List.Res := Res;
- List.Last := null;
- List.Field := Atype.Elements;
- end Start_Record_Aggr;
- procedure New_Record_Aggr_El (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Value : O_Cnode)
- is
- subtype O_Cnode_Aggrel_Type is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Aggr_Element);
- El : O_Cnode;
- begin
- if List.Field = O_Fnode_Null then
- -- No more element in the aggregate.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- Check_Type (Value.Ctype, List.Field.Ftype);
- El := new O_Cnode_Aggrel_Type'(Kind => OC_Aggr_Element,
- Ctype => Value.Ctype,
- Ref => False,
- Aggr_Value => Value,
- Aggr_Next => null);
- if List.Last = null then
- List.Res.Aggr_Els := El;
- else
- List.Last.Aggr_Next := El;
- end if;
- List.Last := El;
- List.Field := List.Field.Next;
- end New_Record_Aggr_El;
- procedure Finish_Record_Aggr
- (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List; Res : out O_Cnode)
- is
- begin
- if List.Field /= null then
- -- Not enough elements in aggregate.
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- Res := List.Res;
- end Finish_Record_Aggr;
- procedure Start_Array_Aggr (List : out O_Array_Aggr_List; Atype : O_Tnode)
- is
- subtype O_Cnode_Aggregate is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Aggregate);
- Res : O_Cnode;
- begin
- if Atype.Kind /= ON_Array_Sub_Type then
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- Check_Complete_Type (Atype);
- Res := new O_Cnode_Aggregate'(Kind => OC_Aggregate,
- Ctype => Atype,
- Ref => False,
- Aggr_Els => null);
- List.Res := Res;
- List.Last := null;
- List.El_Type := Atype.Base_Type.El_Type;
- end Start_Array_Aggr;
- procedure New_Array_Aggr_El (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
- Value : O_Cnode)
- is
- subtype O_Cnode_Aggrel_Type is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Aggr_Element);
- El : O_Cnode;
- begin
- Check_Type (Value.Ctype, List.El_Type);
- El := new O_Cnode_Aggrel_Type'(Kind => OC_Aggr_Element,
- Ctype => Value.Ctype,
- Ref => False,
- Aggr_Value => Value,
- Aggr_Next => null);
- if List.Last = null then
- List.Res.Aggr_Els := El;
- else
- List.Last.Aggr_Next := El;
- end if;
- List.Last := El;
- end New_Array_Aggr_El;
- procedure Finish_Array_Aggr
- (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List; Res : out O_Cnode) is
- begin
- Res := List.Res;
- end Finish_Array_Aggr;
- function New_Union_Aggr (Atype : O_Tnode; Field : O_Fnode; Value : O_Cnode)
- return O_Cnode
- is
- subtype O_Cnode_Union_Aggr is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Union_Aggr);
- Res : O_Cnode;
- begin
- if Atype.Kind /= ON_Union_Type then
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- Check_Type (Value.Ctype, Field.Ftype);
- Res := new O_Cnode_Union_Aggr'(Kind => OC_Union_Aggr,
- Ctype => Atype,
- Ref => False,
- Uaggr_Field => Field,
- Uaggr_Value => Value);
- return Res;
- end New_Union_Aggr;
- function New_Obj (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Lnode
- is
- subtype O_Lnode_Obj is O_Lnode_Type (OL_Obj);
- begin
- case Obj.Kind is
- when ON_Const_Decl
- | ON_Var_Decl
- | ON_Interface_Decl =>
- null;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Check_Scope (Obj);
- return new O_Lnode_Obj'(Kind => OL_Obj,
- Rtype => Obj.Dtype,
- Ref => False,
- Obj => Obj);
- end New_Obj;
- function New_Indexed_Element (Arr : O_Lnode; Index : O_Enode)
- return O_Lnode
- is
- subtype O_Lnode_Indexed is O_Lnode_Type (OL_Indexed_Element);
- Res : O_Lnode;
- begin
- Check_Ref (Arr);
- Res := new O_Lnode_Indexed'(Kind => OL_Indexed_Element,
- Rtype => Get_Base_Type (Arr.Rtype).El_Type,
- Ref => False,
- Array_Base => Arr,
- Index => Index);
- return Res;
- end New_Indexed_Element;
- function New_Slice (Arr : O_Lnode; Res_Type : O_Tnode; Index : O_Enode)
- return O_Lnode
- is
- subtype O_Lnode_Slice is O_Lnode_Type (OL_Slice);
- Res : O_Lnode;
- begin
- if Res_Type.Kind /= ON_Array_Type
- and then Res_Type.Kind /= ON_Array_Sub_Type
- then
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- Check_Ref (Arr);
- Check_Ref (Index);
- -- FIXME: check type.
- Res := new O_Lnode_Slice'(Kind => OL_Slice,
- Rtype => Res_Type,
- Ref => False,
- Slice_Base => Arr,
- Slice_Index => Index);
- return Res;
- end New_Slice;
- function New_Selected_Element (Rec : O_Lnode; El : O_Fnode)
- return O_Lnode
- is
- subtype O_Lnode_Selected_Element is O_Lnode_Type (OL_Selected_Element);
- begin
- if Rec.Rtype.Kind /= ON_Record_Type then
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- if Rec.Rtype /= El.Parent then
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- Check_Ref (Rec);
- return new O_Lnode_Selected_Element'(Kind => OL_Selected_Element,
- Rtype => El.Ftype,
- Ref => False,
- Rec_Base => Rec,
- Rec_El => El);
- end New_Selected_Element;
- function New_Access_Element (Acc : O_Enode) return O_Lnode
- is
- subtype O_Lnode_Access_Element is O_Lnode_Type (OL_Access_Element);
- begin
- if Acc.Rtype.Kind /= ON_Access_Type then
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- Check_Ref (Acc);
- return new O_Lnode_Access_Element'(Kind => OL_Access_Element,
- Rtype => Acc.Rtype.D_Type,
- Ref => False,
- Acc_Base => Acc);
- end New_Access_Element;
- function Check_Conv (Source : ON_Type_Kind; Target : ON_Type_Kind)
- return Boolean
- is
- type Conv_Array is array (ON_Type_Kind, ON_Type_Kind) of Boolean;
- T : constant Boolean := True;
- F : constant Boolean := False;
- Conv_Allowed : constant Conv_Array :=
- (ON_Boolean_Type => (T, F, T, T, F, F, F, F, F, F),
- ON_Enum_Type => (F, F, T, T, F, F, F, F, F, F),
- ON_Unsigned_Type => (T, T, T, T, F, F, F, F, F, F),
- ON_Signed_Type => (T, T, T, T, T, F, F, F, F, F),
- ON_Float_Type => (F, F, F, T, T, F, F, F, F, F),
- ON_Array_Type => (F, F, F, F, F, F, T, F, F, F),
- ON_Array_Sub_Type =>(F, F, F, F, F, T, T, F, F, F),
- ON_Record_Type => (F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F),
- ON_Union_Type => (F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F),
- ON_Access_Type => (F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, T));
- begin
- if Source = Target then
- return True;
- else
- return Conv_Allowed (Source, Target);
- end if;
- end Check_Conv;
- function New_Convert_Ov (Val : O_Enode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode
- is
- subtype O_Enode_Convert is O_Enode_Type (OE_Convert_Ov);
- Res : O_Enode;
- begin
- Check_Ref (Val);
- if not Check_Conv (Val.Rtype.Kind, Rtype.Kind) then
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- Res := new O_Enode_Convert'(Kind => OE_Convert_Ov,
- Rtype => Rtype,
- Ref => False,
- Conv => Val);
- return Res;
- end New_Convert_Ov;
- function New_Unchecked_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Enode
- is
- subtype O_Enode_Address is O_Enode_Type (OE_Unchecked_Address);
- begin
- Check_Ref (Lvalue);
- if Atype.Kind /= ON_Access_Type then
- -- An address is of type access.
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- return new O_Enode_Address'(Kind => OE_Unchecked_Address,
- Rtype => Atype,
- Ref => False,
- Lvalue => Lvalue);
- end New_Unchecked_Address;
- function New_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode
- is
- subtype O_Enode_Address is O_Enode_Type (OE_Address);
- begin
- Check_Ref (Lvalue);
- if Atype.Kind /= ON_Access_Type then
- -- An address is of type access.
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- if Get_Base_Type (Lvalue.Rtype) /= Get_Base_Type (Atype.D_Type) then
- if not Disable_Checks then
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- end if;
- return new O_Enode_Address'(Kind => OE_Address,
- Rtype => Atype,
- Ref => False,
- Lvalue => Lvalue);
- end New_Address;
- function New_Global_Unchecked_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode
- is
- subtype O_Cnode_Address is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Unchecked_Address);
- begin
- Check_Scope (Decl);
- if Atype.Kind /= ON_Access_Type then
- -- An address is of type access.
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- return new O_Cnode_Address'(Kind => OC_Unchecked_Address,
- Ctype => Atype,
- Ref => False,
- Decl => Decl);
- end New_Global_Unchecked_Address;
- function New_Global_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode
- is
- subtype O_Cnode_Address is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Address);
- begin
- Check_Scope (Decl);
- if Atype.Kind /= ON_Access_Type then
- -- An address is of type access.
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- if Get_Base_Type (Decl.Dtype) /= Get_Base_Type (Atype.D_Type) then
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- return new O_Cnode_Address'(Kind => OC_Address,
- Ctype => Atype,
- Ref => False,
- Decl => Decl);
- end New_Global_Address;
- function New_Subprogram_Address (Subprg : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode
- is
- subtype O_Cnode_Subprg_Address is O_Cnode_Type (OC_Subprogram_Address);
- begin
- if Atype.Kind /= ON_Access_Type then
- -- An address is of type access.
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- return new O_Cnode_Subprg_Address'(Kind => OC_Subprogram_Address,
- Ctype => Atype,
- Ref => False,
- Decl => Subprg);
- end New_Subprogram_Address;
- -- Raise TYPE_ERROR is ATYPE is a composite type.
- procedure Check_Not_Composite (Atype : O_Tnode) is
- begin
- case Atype.Kind is
- when ON_Boolean_Type
- | ON_Unsigned_Type
- | ON_Signed_Type
- | ON_Float_Type
- | ON_Enum_Type
- | ON_Access_Type=>
- return;
- when ON_Array_Type
- | ON_Record_Type
- | ON_Union_Type
- | ON_Array_Sub_Type =>
- raise Type_Error;
- end case;
- end Check_Not_Composite;
- function New_Value (Lvalue : O_Lnode) return O_Enode is
- subtype O_Enode_Value is O_Enode_Type (OE_Value);
- begin
- Check_Not_Composite (Lvalue.Rtype);
- Check_Ref (Lvalue);
- return new O_Enode_Value'(Kind => OE_Value,
- Rtype => Lvalue.Rtype,
- Ref => False,
- Value => Lvalue);
- end New_Value;
- function New_Obj_Value (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return New_Value (New_Obj (Obj));
- end New_Obj_Value;
- function New_Lit (Lit : O_Cnode) return O_Enode is
- subtype O_Enode_Lit is O_Enode_Type (OE_Lit);
- begin
- Check_Not_Composite (Lit.Ctype);
- return new O_Enode_Lit'(Kind => OE_Lit,
- Rtype => Lit.Ctype,
- Ref => False,
- Lit => Lit);
- end New_Lit;
- ---------------------
- -- Declarations. --
- ---------------------
- procedure New_Debug_Filename_Decl (Filename : String)
- is
- subtype O_Dnode_Filename_Decl is O_Dnode_Type (ON_Debug_Filename_Decl);
- N : O_Dnode;
- begin
- N := new O_Dnode_Filename_Decl;
- N.Filename := new String'(Filename);
- Add_Decl (N, False);
- end New_Debug_Filename_Decl;
- procedure New_Debug_Line_Decl (Line : Natural)
- is
- subtype O_Dnode_Line_Decl is O_Dnode_Type (ON_Debug_Line_Decl);
- N : O_Dnode;
- begin
- N := new O_Dnode_Line_Decl;
- N.Line := Line;
- Add_Decl (N, False);
- end New_Debug_Line_Decl;
- procedure New_Debug_Comment_Decl (Comment : String)
- is
- subtype O_Dnode_Comment_Decl is O_Dnode_Type (ON_Debug_Comment_Decl);
- N : O_Dnode;
- begin
- N := new O_Dnode_Comment_Decl;
- N.Comment := new String'(Comment);
- Add_Decl (N, False);
- end New_Debug_Comment_Decl;
- procedure New_Type_Decl (Ident : O_Ident; Atype : O_Tnode)
- is
- N : O_Dnode;
- begin
- if Atype.Decl /= null then
- -- Type was already declared.
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- N := new O_Dnode_Type (ON_Type_Decl);
- N.Name := Ident;
- N.Dtype := Atype;
- Atype.Decl := N;
- Add_Decl (N);
- end New_Type_Decl;
- procedure Check_Object_Storage (Storage : O_Storage) is
- begin
- if Current_Function /= null then
- -- Inside a subprogram.
- case Storage is
- when O_Storage_Public =>
- -- Cannot create public variables inside a subprogram.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- when O_Storage_Private
- | O_Storage_Local
- | O_Storage_External =>
- null;
- end case;
- else
- -- Global scope.
- case Storage is
- when O_Storage_Public
- | O_Storage_Private
- | O_Storage_External =>
- null;
- when O_Storage_Local =>
- -- Cannot create a local variables outside a subprogram.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end case;
- end if;
- end Check_Object_Storage;
- procedure New_Const_Decl
- (Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Atype : O_Tnode)
- is
- subtype O_Dnode_Const is O_Dnode_Type (ON_Const_Decl);
- begin
- Check_Complete_Type (Atype);
- if Storage = O_Storage_Local then
- -- A constant cannot be local.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- Check_Object_Storage (Storage);
- Res := new O_Dnode_Const'(Kind => ON_Const_Decl,
- Name => Ident,
- Next => null,
- Dtype => Atype,
- Storage => Storage,
- Scope => Current_Decl_Scope.Parent,
- Lineno => 0,
- Const_Value => O_Dnode_Null);
- Add_Decl (Res);
- end New_Const_Decl;
- procedure Start_Const_Value (Const : in out O_Dnode)
- is
- subtype O_Dnode_Const_Value is O_Dnode_Type (ON_Const_Value);
- N : O_Dnode;
- begin
- if Const.Const_Value /= O_Dnode_Null then
- -- Constant already has a value.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- if Const.Storage = O_Storage_External then
- -- An external constant must not have a value.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- -- FIXME: check scope is the same.
- N := new O_Dnode_Const_Value'(Kind => ON_Const_Value,
- Name => Const.Name,
- Next => null,
- Dtype => Const.Dtype,
- Storage => Const.Storage,
- Scope => Current_Decl_Scope.Parent,
- Lineno => 0,
- Const_Decl => Const,
- Value => O_Cnode_Null);
- Const.Const_Value := N;
- Add_Decl (N, False);
- end Start_Const_Value;
- procedure Finish_Const_Value (Const : in out O_Dnode; Val : O_Cnode)
- is
- begin
- if Const.Const_Value = O_Dnode_Null then
- -- Start_Const_Value not called.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- if Const.Const_Value.Value /= O_Cnode_Null then
- -- Finish_Const_Value already called.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- if Val = O_Cnode_Null then
- -- No value or bad type.
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- Check_Type (Val.Ctype, Const.Dtype);
- Const.Const_Value.Value := Val;
- end Finish_Const_Value;
- procedure New_Var_Decl
- (Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Atype : O_Tnode)
- is
- subtype O_Dnode_Var is O_Dnode_Type (ON_Var_Decl);
- begin
- Check_Complete_Type (Atype);
- Check_Object_Storage (Storage);
- Res := new O_Dnode_Var'(Kind => ON_Var_Decl,
- Name => Ident,
- Next => null,
- Dtype => Atype,
- Storage => Storage,
- Lineno => 0,
- Scope => Current_Decl_Scope.Parent);
- Add_Decl (Res);
- end New_Var_Decl;
- procedure Start_Subprogram_Decl_1
- (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Rtype : O_Tnode)
- is
- subtype O_Dnode_Function is O_Dnode_Type (ON_Function_Decl);
- N : O_Dnode;
- begin
- N := new O_Dnode_Function'(Kind => ON_Function_Decl,
- Next => null,
- Name => Ident,
- Dtype => Rtype,
- Storage => Storage,
- Scope => Current_Decl_Scope.Parent,
- Lineno => 0,
- Interfaces => null,
- Func_Body => null,
- Alive => False);
- Add_Decl (N);
- Interfaces.Func := N;
- Interfaces.Last := null;
- end Start_Subprogram_Decl_1;
- procedure Start_Function_Decl
- (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Rtype : O_Tnode)
- is
- begin
- Check_Not_Composite (Rtype);
- Check_Complete_Type (Rtype);
- Start_Subprogram_Decl_1 (Interfaces, Ident, Storage, Rtype);
- end Start_Function_Decl;
- procedure Start_Procedure_Decl
- (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage) is
- begin
- Start_Subprogram_Decl_1 (Interfaces, Ident, Storage, null);
- end Start_Procedure_Decl;
- procedure New_Interface_Decl
- (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List;
- Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Atype : O_Tnode)
- is
- subtype O_Dnode_Interface is O_Dnode_Type (ON_Interface_Decl);
- begin
- Check_Not_Composite (Atype);
- Check_Complete_Type (Atype);
- Res := new O_Dnode_Interface'(Kind => ON_Interface_Decl,
- Next => null,
- Name => Ident,
- Dtype => Atype,
- Storage => O_Storage_Private,
- Scope => Current_Decl_Scope.Parent,
- Lineno => 0,
- Func_Scope => Interfaces.Func);
- if Interfaces.Last = null then
- Interfaces.Func.Interfaces := Res;
- else
- Interfaces.Last.Next := Res;
- end if;
- Interfaces.Last := Res;
- end New_Interface_Decl;
- procedure Finish_Subprogram_Decl
- (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List; Res : out O_Dnode)
- is
- begin
- Res := Interfaces.Func;
- end Finish_Subprogram_Decl;
- procedure Start_Subprogram_Body (Func : O_Dnode)
- is
- B : O_Dnode;
- S : O_Snode;
- begin
- if Func.Func_Body /= null then
- -- Function was already declared.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- S := new O_Snode_Type (ON_Declare_Stmt);
- S.all := O_Snode_Type'(Kind => ON_Declare_Stmt,
- Next => null,
- Decls => null,
- Stmts => null,
- Lineno => 0,
- Alive => True);
- B := new O_Dnode_Type (ON_Function_Body);
- B.all := O_Dnode_Type'(ON_Function_Body,
- Name => Func.Name,
- Dtype => Func.Dtype,
- Storage => Func.Storage,
- Scope => Current_Decl_Scope.Parent,
- Lineno => 0,
- Func_Decl => Func,
- Func_Stmt => S,
- Next => null);
- Add_Decl (B, False);
- Func.Func_Body := B;
- Push_Decl_Scope (S);
- Push_Stmt_Scope
- (new Stmt_Function_Scope_Type'(Kind => Stmt_Function,
- Parent => S,
- Prev => Current_Stmt_Scope,
- Prev_Function => Current_Function,
- Decl => Func));
- Current_Function := Current_Stmt_Scope;
- Func.Alive := True;
- end Start_Subprogram_Body;
- procedure Finish_Subprogram_Body is
- begin
- Pop_Decl_Scope;
- if Current_Function.Kind /= Stmt_Function then
- -- Internal error.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- Current_Function.Decl.Alive := False;
- Current_Function := Current_Function.Prev_Function;
- Pop_Stmt_Scope (Stmt_Function);
- end Finish_Subprogram_Body;
- -------------------
- -- Statements. --
- -------------------
- procedure New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Line : Natural)
- is
- subtype O_Snode_Line_Stmt is O_Snode_Type (ON_Debug_Line_Stmt);
- begin
- Add_Stmt (new O_Snode_Line_Stmt'(Kind => ON_Debug_Line_Stmt,
- Next => null,
- Lineno => 0,
- Line => Line));
- end New_Debug_Line_Stmt;
- procedure New_Debug_Comment_Stmt (Comment : String)
- is
- subtype O_Snode_Comment_Stmt is O_Snode_Type (ON_Debug_Comment_Stmt);
- begin
- Add_Stmt (new O_Snode_Comment_Stmt'(Kind => ON_Debug_Comment_Stmt,
- Next => null,
- Lineno => 0,
- Comment => new String'(Comment)));
- end New_Debug_Comment_Stmt;
- procedure Start_Declare_Stmt
- is
- N : O_Snode;
- begin
- N := new O_Snode_Type (ON_Declare_Stmt);
- Add_Stmt (N);
- Push_Decl_Scope (N);
- Push_Stmt_Scope
- (new Stmt_Declare_Scope_Type'(Kind => Stmt_Declare,
- Parent => N,
- Prev => Current_Stmt_Scope));
- end Start_Declare_Stmt;
- procedure Finish_Declare_Stmt is
- begin
- Pop_Decl_Scope;
- Pop_Stmt_Scope (Stmt_Declare);
- end Finish_Declare_Stmt;
- procedure New_Assign_Stmt (Target : O_Lnode; Value : O_Enode)
- is
- N : O_Snode;
- begin
- Check_Type (Target.Rtype, Value.Rtype);
- Check_Not_Composite (Target.Rtype);
- Check_Ref (Target);
- Check_Ref (Value);
- N := new O_Snode_Type (ON_Assign_Stmt);
- N.all := O_Snode_Type'(Kind => ON_Assign_Stmt,
- Next => null,
- Lineno => 0,
- Target => Target,
- Value => Value);
- Add_Stmt (N);
- end New_Assign_Stmt;
- procedure New_Return_Stmt_1 (Value : O_Enode)
- is
- subtype O_Snode_Return_Stmt is O_Snode_Type (ON_Return_Stmt);
- N : O_Snode;
- begin
- N := new O_Snode_Return_Stmt'(Kind => ON_Return_Stmt,
- Next => null,
- Lineno => 0,
- Ret_Val => Value);
- Add_Stmt (N);
- end New_Return_Stmt_1;
- procedure New_Return_Stmt (Value : O_Enode)
- is
- begin
- if Current_Function = null
- or else Current_Function.Decl.Dtype = O_Tnode_Null
- then
- -- Either not in a function or in a procedure.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- Check_Type (Value.Rtype, Current_Function.Decl.Dtype);
- Check_Ref (Value);
- New_Return_Stmt_1 (Value);
- end New_Return_Stmt;
- procedure New_Return_Stmt is
- begin
- if Current_Function = null
- or else Current_Function.Decl.Dtype /= O_Tnode_Null
- then
- -- Not in a procedure.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- New_Return_Stmt_1 (null);
- end New_Return_Stmt;
- procedure Start_Association (Assocs : out O_Assoc_List; Subprg : O_Dnode)
- is
- begin
- Check_Scope (Subprg);
- Assocs.Subprg := Subprg;
- Assocs.Interfaces := Subprg.Interfaces;
- Assocs.First := null;
- Assocs.Last := null;
- end Start_Association;
- procedure New_Association (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List; Val : O_Enode)
- is
- N : O_Anode;
- begin
- Check_Type (Assocs.Interfaces.Dtype, Val.Rtype);
- Check_Ref (Val);
- N := new O_Anode_Type'(Next => null,
- Formal => Assocs.Interfaces, Actual => Val);
- Assocs.Interfaces := Assocs.Interfaces.Next;
- if Assocs.Last = null then
- Assocs.First := N;
- else
- Assocs.Last.Next := N;
- end if;
- Assocs.Last := N;
- end New_Association;
- function New_Function_Call (Assocs : O_Assoc_List) return O_Enode
- is
- subtype O_Enode_Call is O_Enode_Type (OE_Function_Call);
- Res : O_Enode;
- begin
- if Assocs.Interfaces /= null then
- -- Not enough arguments.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- if Assocs.Subprg.Dtype = null then
- -- This is a procedure.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- Res := new O_Enode_Call'(Kind => OE_Function_Call,
- Rtype => Assocs.Subprg.Dtype,
- Ref => False,
- Func => Assocs.Subprg,
- Assoc => Assocs.First);
- return Res;
- end New_Function_Call;
- procedure New_Procedure_Call (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List)
- is
- N : O_Snode;
- begin
- if Assocs.Interfaces /= null then
- -- Not enough arguments.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- if Assocs.Subprg.Dtype /= null then
- -- This is a function.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- N := new O_Snode_Type (ON_Call_Stmt);
- N.Proc := Assocs.Subprg;
- N.Assoc := Assocs.First;
- Add_Stmt (N);
- end New_Procedure_Call;
- procedure New_Elsif_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block; Cond : O_Enode);
- procedure Start_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block; Cond : O_Enode)
- is
- subtype O_Snode_If is O_Snode_Type (ON_If_Stmt);
- N : O_Snode;
- begin
- -- Note: no checks are performed here, since they are done in
- -- new_elsif_stmt.
- N := new O_Snode_If'(Kind => ON_If_Stmt,
- Next => null,
- Lineno => 0,
- Elsifs => null,
- If_Last => null);
- Add_Stmt (N);
- Push_Stmt_Scope (new Stmt_If_Scope_Type'(Kind => Stmt_If,
- Parent => N,
- Prev => Current_Stmt_Scope,
- Last_Elsif => null));
- New_Elsif_Stmt (Block, Cond);
- end Start_If_Stmt;
- procedure New_Elsif_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block; Cond : O_Enode)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Block);
- N : O_Snode;
- begin
- if Cond /= null then
- if Cond.Rtype.Kind /= ON_Boolean_Type then
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- Check_Ref (Cond);
- end if;
- N := new O_Snode_Type (ON_Elsif_Stmt);
- N.all := O_Snode_Type'(Kind => ON_Elsif_Stmt,
- Next => null,
- Lineno => 0,
- Cond => Cond,
- Next_Elsif => null);
- if Current_Stmt_Scope.Kind /= Stmt_If then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- Add_Stmt (N);
- if Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Elsif = null then
- Current_Stmt_Scope.Parent.Elsifs := N;
- else
- -- Check for double 'else'
- if Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Elsif.Cond = null then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Elsif.Next_Elsif := N;
- end if;
- Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Elsif := N;
- end New_Elsif_Stmt;
- procedure New_Else_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block) is
- begin
- New_Elsif_Stmt (Block, null);
- end New_Else_Stmt;
- procedure Finish_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Block);
- Parent : O_Snode;
- begin
- Parent := Current_Stmt_Scope.Parent;
- Pop_Stmt_Scope (Stmt_If);
- Parent.If_Last := Current_Decl_Scope.Last_Stmt;
- end Finish_If_Stmt;
- procedure Start_Loop_Stmt (Label : out O_Snode)
- is
- subtype O_Snode_Loop_Type is O_Snode_Type (ON_Loop_Stmt);
- begin
- Current_Loop_Level := Current_Loop_Level + 1;
- Label := new O_Snode_Loop_Type'(Kind => ON_Loop_Stmt,
- Next => null,
- Lineno => 0,
- Loop_Last => null,
- Loop_Level => Current_Loop_Level);
- Add_Stmt (Label);
- Push_Stmt_Scope (new Stmt_Loop_Scope_Type'(Kind => Stmt_Loop,
- Parent => Label,
- Prev => Current_Stmt_Scope));
- end Start_Loop_Stmt;
- procedure Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label : in out O_Snode)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Label);
- Parent : O_Snode;
- begin
- Parent := Current_Stmt_Scope.Parent;
- Pop_Stmt_Scope (Stmt_Loop);
- Parent.Loop_Last := Current_Decl_Scope.Last_Stmt;
- Current_Loop_Level := Current_Loop_Level - 1;
- end Finish_Loop_Stmt;
- procedure New_Exit_Next_Stmt (Kind : ON_Stmt_Kind; L : O_Snode)
- is
- N : O_Snode;
- begin
- N := new O_Snode_Type (Kind);
- N.Next := null;
- N.Loop_Id := L;
- Add_Stmt (N);
- end New_Exit_Next_Stmt;
- procedure New_Exit_Stmt (L : O_Snode) is
- begin
- New_Exit_Next_Stmt (ON_Exit_Stmt, L);
- end New_Exit_Stmt;
- procedure New_Next_Stmt (L : O_Snode) is
- begin
- New_Exit_Next_Stmt (ON_Next_Stmt, L);
- end New_Next_Stmt;
- procedure Start_Case_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Value : O_Enode)
- is
- subtype O_Snode_Case_Type is O_Snode_Type (ON_Case_Stmt);
- N : O_Snode;
- begin
- case Value.Rtype.Kind is
- when ON_Boolean_Type
- | ON_Unsigned_Type
- | ON_Signed_Type
- | ON_Enum_Type =>
- null;
- when others =>
- raise Type_Error;
- end case;
- Check_Ref (Value);
- N := new O_Snode_Case_Type'(Kind => ON_Case_Stmt,
- Next => null,
- Lineno => 0,
- Case_Last => null,
- Selector => Value,
- Branches => null);
- Block.Case_Stmt := N;
- Add_Stmt (N);
- Push_Stmt_Scope (new Stmt_Case_Scope_Type'(Kind => Stmt_Case,
- Parent => N,
- Prev => Current_Stmt_Scope,
- Last_Branch => null,
- Last_Choice => null,
- Case_Type => Value.Rtype));
- end Start_Case_Stmt;
- procedure Start_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block)
- is
- N : O_Snode;
- begin
- if Current_Stmt_Scope.Kind /= Stmt_Case then
- -- You are adding a branch outside a case statment.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- if Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Choice /= null then
- -- You are creating branch while the previous one was not finished.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- N := new O_Snode_Type (ON_When_Stmt);
- N.all := O_Snode_Type'(Kind => ON_When_Stmt,
- Next => null,
- Lineno => 0,
- Branch_Parent => Block.Case_Stmt,
- Choice_List => null,
- Next_Branch => null);
- if Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Branch = null then
- Current_Stmt_Scope.Parent.Branches := N;
- else
- Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Branch.Next_Branch := N;
- end if;
- Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Branch := N;
- Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Choice := null;
- Add_Stmt (N);
- end Start_Choice;
- procedure Add_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Choice : O_Choice)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Block);
- begin
- if Current_Stmt_Scope.Kind /= Stmt_Case then
- -- You are adding a choice not inside a case statement.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- if Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Branch = null then
- -- You are not inside a branch.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- if Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Choice = null then
- if Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Branch.Choice_List /= null then
- -- The branch was already closed.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Branch.Choice_List := Choice;
- else
- Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Choice.Next := Choice;
- end if;
- Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Choice := Choice;
- end Add_Choice;
- procedure New_Expr_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Expr : O_Cnode)
- is
- N : O_Choice;
- begin
- if Current_Stmt_Scope.Kind /= Stmt_Case then
- -- You are creating a choice not inside a case statement.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- if Current_Stmt_Scope.Case_Type /= Expr.Ctype then
- -- Expr type is not the same as choice type.
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- N := new O_Choice_Type (ON_Choice_Expr);
- N.all := O_Choice_Type'(Kind => ON_Choice_Expr,
- Next => null,
- Expr => Expr);
- Add_Choice (Block, N);
- end New_Expr_Choice;
- procedure New_Range_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block;
- Low, High : O_Cnode)
- is
- N : O_Choice;
- begin
- if Current_Stmt_Scope.Kind /= Stmt_Case then
- -- You are creating a choice not inside a case statement.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- if Current_Stmt_Scope.Case_Type /= Low.Ctype
- or Current_Stmt_Scope.Case_Type /= High.Ctype
- then
- -- Low/High type is not the same as choice type.
- raise Type_Error;
- end if;
- N := new O_Choice_Type (ON_Choice_Range);
- N.all := O_Choice_Type'(Kind => ON_Choice_Range,
- Next => null,
- Low => Low,
- High => High);
- Add_Choice (Block, N);
- end New_Range_Choice;
- procedure New_Default_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block)
- is
- N : O_Choice;
- begin
- if Current_Stmt_Scope.Kind /= Stmt_Case then
- -- You are creating a choice not inside a case statement.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- N := new O_Choice_Type (ON_Choice_Default);
- N.all := O_Choice_Type'(Kind => ON_Choice_Default,
- Next => null);
- Add_Choice (Block, N);
- end New_Default_Choice;
- procedure Finish_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Block);
- begin
- if Current_Stmt_Scope.Kind /= Stmt_Case then
- -- You are adding a choice not inside a case statement.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- if Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Branch = null then
- -- You are not inside a branch.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- if Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Choice = null then
- -- The branch is empty or you are not inside a branch.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- Current_Stmt_Scope.Last_Choice := null;
- end Finish_Choice;
- procedure Finish_Case_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Block);
- Parent : O_Snode;
- begin
- Parent := Current_Stmt_Scope.Parent;
- Pop_Stmt_Scope (Stmt_Case);
- Parent.Case_Last := Current_Decl_Scope.Last_Stmt;
- end Finish_Case_Stmt;
- procedure Init is
- begin
- Top := new O_Snode_Type (ON_Declare_Stmt);
- Push_Decl_Scope (Top);
- end Init;
- procedure Finish is
- begin
- Pop_Decl_Scope;
- end Finish;
-end Ortho_Debug;
diff --git a/ortho/debug/ortho_debug.private.ads b/ortho/debug/ortho_debug.private.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 69ee16cf7..000000000
--- a/ortho/debug/ortho_debug.private.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,467 +0,0 @@
--- Ortho debug back-end declarations.
--- Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with Ortho_Ident;
-use Ortho_Ident;
--- Interface to create nodes.
-package Ortho_Debug is
- procedure Init;
- procedure Finish;
- -- This back-end supports nested subprograms.
- Has_Nested_Subprograms : constant Boolean := True;
- -- A node for a type.
- type O_Tnode_Type (<>);
- type O_Tnode is access O_Tnode_Type;
- -- A node for a statement.
- type O_Snode_Type (<>);
- type O_Snode is access O_Snode_Type;
- Top : O_Snode;
- type Str_Acc is access String;
- type Decl_Scope_Type;
- type Decl_Scope_Acc is access Decl_Scope_Type;
- type On_Decl_Kind is
- (ON_Type_Decl, ON_Completed_Type_Decl,
- ON_Const_Decl, ON_Var_Decl, ON_Interface_Decl,
- ON_Function_Decl, ON_Function_Body,
- ON_Const_Value,
- ON_Debug_Line_Decl, ON_Debug_Comment_Decl, ON_Debug_Filename_Decl);
- type O_Dnode_Type (<>);
- type O_Dnode is access O_Dnode_Type;
- O_Dnode_Null : constant O_Dnode := null;
- type O_Dnode_Type (Kind : On_Decl_Kind) is record
- Next : O_Dnode;
- Name : O_Ident;
- Dtype : O_Tnode;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- -- Declare statement in which the declaration appears.
- Scope : O_Snode;
- -- Line number, for regen.
- Lineno : Natural;
- case Kind is
- when ON_Type_Decl =>
- null;
- when ON_Completed_Type_Decl =>
- null;
- when ON_Const_Decl =>
- Const_Value : O_Dnode;
- when ON_Const_Value =>
- Const_Decl : O_Dnode;
- Value : O_Cnode;
- when ON_Var_Decl =>
- null;
- when ON_Function_Decl =>
- Interfaces : O_Dnode;
- Func_Body : O_Dnode;
- Alive : Boolean;
- when ON_Function_Body =>
- Func_Decl : O_Dnode;
- Func_Stmt : O_Snode;
- when ON_Interface_Decl =>
- Func_Scope : O_Dnode;
- when ON_Debug_Line_Decl =>
- Line : Natural;
- when ON_Debug_Comment_Decl =>
- Comment : Str_Acc;
- when ON_Debug_Filename_Decl =>
- Filename : Str_Acc;
- end case;
- end record;
- -- A node for a record element.
- type O_Fnode_Type;
- type O_Fnode is access O_Fnode_Type;
- O_Fnode_Null : constant O_Fnode := null;
- type O_Fnode_Type is record
- -- Record type.
- Parent : O_Tnode;
- -- Next field in the record.
- Next : O_Fnode;
- -- Name of the record field.
- Ident : O_Ident;
- -- Type of the record field.
- Ftype : O_Tnode;
- -- Offset in the field.
- Offset : Unsigned_32;
- end record;
- type O_Anode_Type;
- type O_Anode is access O_Anode_Type;
- type O_Anode_Type is record
- Next : O_Anode;
- Formal : O_Dnode;
- Actual : O_Enode;
- end record;
- type OC_Kind is
- (
- OC_Boolean_Lit,
- OC_Unsigned_Lit,
- OC_Signed_Lit,
- OC_Float_Lit,
- OC_Enum_Lit,
- OC_Null_Lit,
- OC_Sizeof_Lit,
- OC_Alignof_Lit,
- OC_Offsetof_Lit,
- OC_Aggregate,
- OC_Aggr_Element,
- OC_Union_Aggr,
- OC_Address,
- OC_Unchecked_Address,
- OC_Subprogram_Address
- );
- type O_Cnode_Type (Kind : OC_Kind) is record
- -- Type of the constant.
- Ctype : O_Tnode;
- -- True if referenced.
- Ref : Boolean;
- case Kind is
- when OC_Unsigned_Lit =>
- U_Val : Unsigned_64;
- when OC_Signed_Lit =>
- S_Val : Integer_64;
- when OC_Float_Lit =>
- F_Val : IEEE_Float_64;
- when OC_Boolean_Lit =>
- B_Val : Boolean;
- B_Id : O_Ident;
- when OC_Enum_Lit =>
- E_Val : Integer;
- E_Next : O_Cnode;
- E_Name : O_Ident;
- when OC_Null_Lit =>
- null;
- when OC_Sizeof_Lit
- | OC_Alignof_Lit =>
- S_Type : O_Tnode;
- when OC_Offsetof_Lit =>
- Off_Field : O_Fnode;
- when OC_Aggregate =>
- Aggr_Els : O_Cnode;
- when OC_Union_Aggr =>
- Uaggr_Field : O_Fnode;
- Uaggr_Value : O_Cnode;
- when OC_Aggr_Element =>
- Aggr_Value : O_Cnode;
- Aggr_Next : O_Cnode;
- when OC_Address
- | OC_Unchecked_Address
- | OC_Subprogram_Address =>
- Decl : O_Dnode;
- end case;
- end record;
- type O_Cnode is access O_Cnode_Type;
- O_Cnode_Null : constant O_Cnode := null;
- type OE_Kind is
- (
- -- Literals.
- OE_Lit,
- -- Dyadic operations.
- OE_Add_Ov, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- OE_Sub_Ov, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- OE_Mul_Ov, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- OE_Div_Ov, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- OE_Rem_Ov, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- OE_Mod_Ov, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- OE_Exp_Ov, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- -- Binary operations.
- OE_And, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- OE_Or, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- OE_Xor, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- OE_And_Then, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- OE_Or_Else, -- OE_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- -- Monadic operations.
- OE_Not, -- OE_Monadic_Op_Kind
- OE_Neg_Ov, -- OE_Monadic_Op_Kind
- OE_Abs_Ov, -- OE_Monadic_Op_Kind
- -- Comparaisons
- OE_Eq, -- OE_Compare_Op_Kind
- OE_Neq, -- OE_Compare_Op_Kind
- OE_Le, -- OE_Compare_Op_Kind
- OE_Lt, -- OE_Compare_Op_Kind
- OE_Ge, -- OE_Compare_Op_Kind
- OE_Gt, -- OE_Compare_Op_Kind
- -- Misc.
- OE_Convert_Ov,
- OE_Address,
- OE_Unchecked_Address,
- OE_Alloca,
- OE_Function_Call,
- OE_Value,
- OE_Nil
- );
- subtype OE_Dyadic_Expr_Kind is OE_Kind range OE_Add_Ov .. OE_Or_Else;
- subtype OE_Monadic_Expr_Kind is OE_Kind range OE_Not .. OE_Abs_Ov;
- subtype OE_Compare_Expr_Kind is OE_Kind range OE_Eq .. OE_Gt;
- type O_Enode_Type (Kind : OE_Kind);
- type O_Enode is access O_Enode_Type;
- O_Enode_Null : constant O_Enode := null;
- type O_Enode_Type (Kind : OE_Kind) is record
- -- Type of the result.
- Rtype : O_Tnode;
- -- True if referenced.
- Ref : Boolean;
- case Kind is
- when OE_Dyadic_Expr_Kind
- | OE_Compare_Expr_Kind =>
- Left : O_Enode;
- Right : O_Enode;
- when OE_Monadic_Expr_Kind =>
- Operand : O_Enode;
- when OE_Lit =>
- Lit : O_Cnode;
- when OE_Address
- | OE_Unchecked_Address =>
- Lvalue : O_Lnode;
- when OE_Convert_Ov =>
- Conv : O_Enode;
- when OE_Function_Call =>
- Func : O_Dnode;
- Assoc : O_Anode;
- when OE_Value =>
- Value : O_Lnode;
- when OE_Alloca =>
- A_Size : O_Enode;
- when OE_Nil =>
- null;
- end case;
- end record;
- type O_Enode_Array is array (Natural range <>) of O_Enode;
- type O_Enode_Array_Acc is access O_Enode_Array;
- type OL_Kind is
- (
- -- Name.
- OL_Obj,
- OL_Indexed_Element,
- OL_Slice,
- OL_Selected_Element,
- OL_Access_Element
- -- Variable, constant, parameter reference.
- -- This allows to read/write a declaration.
- --OL_Var_Ref,
- --OL_Const_Ref,
- --OL_Param_Ref
- );
- type O_Lnode_Type (Kind : OL_Kind);
- type O_Lnode is access O_Lnode_Type;
- O_Lnode_Null : constant O_Lnode := null;
- type O_Lnode_Type (Kind : OL_Kind) is record
- -- Type of the result.
- Rtype : O_Tnode;
- -- True if referenced.
- Ref : Boolean;
- case Kind is
- when OL_Obj =>
- Obj : O_Dnode;
- when OL_Indexed_Element =>
- Array_Base : O_Lnode;
- Index : O_Enode;
- when OL_Slice =>
- Slice_Base : O_Lnode;
- Slice_Index : O_Enode;
- when OL_Selected_Element =>
- Rec_Base : O_Lnode;
- Rec_El : O_Fnode;
- when OL_Access_Element =>
- Acc_Base : O_Enode;
--- when OL_Var_Ref
--- | OL_Const_Ref
--- | OL_Param_Ref =>
--- Decl : O_Dnode;
- end case;
- end record;
- O_Tnode_Null : constant O_Tnode := null;
- type ON_Type_Kind is
- (ON_Boolean_Type, ON_Enum_Type,
- ON_Unsigned_Type, ON_Signed_Type, ON_Float_Type, ON_Array_Type,
- ON_Array_Sub_Type, ON_Record_Type, ON_Union_Type, ON_Access_Type);
- type O_Tnode_Type (Kind : ON_Type_Kind) is record
- Decl : O_Dnode;
- -- True if the type was first created as an uncomplete type.
- Uncomplete : Boolean;
- -- True if the type is complete.
- Complete : Boolean;
- case Kind is
- when ON_Boolean_Type =>
- True_N : O_Cnode;
- False_N : O_Cnode;
- when ON_Unsigned_Type
- | ON_Signed_Type =>
- Int_Size : Natural;
- when ON_Float_Type =>
- null;
- when ON_Enum_Type =>
- Nbr : Natural;
- Literals: O_Cnode;
- when ON_Array_Type =>
- El_Type : O_Tnode;
- Index_Type : O_Tnode;
- when ON_Access_Type =>
- D_Type : O_Tnode;
- when ON_Record_Type
- | ON_Union_Type =>
- Elements : O_Fnode;
- when ON_Array_Sub_Type =>
- Length : O_Cnode;
- Base_Type : O_Tnode;
- end case;
- end record;
- type ON_Choice_Kind is (ON_Choice_Expr, ON_Choice_Range, ON_Choice_Default);
- type O_Choice_Type (Kind : ON_Choice_Kind);
- type O_Choice is access O_Choice_Type;
- type O_Choice_Type (Kind : ON_Choice_Kind) is record
- Next : O_Choice;
- case Kind is
- when ON_Choice_Expr =>
- Expr : O_Cnode;
- when ON_Choice_Range =>
- Low, High : O_Cnode;
- when ON_Choice_Default =>
- null;
- end case;
- end record;
- O_Snode_Null : constant O_Snode := null;
- type ON_Stmt_Kind is
- (ON_Declare_Stmt, ON_Assign_Stmt, ON_Return_Stmt, ON_If_Stmt,
- ON_Elsif_Stmt, ON_Loop_Stmt, ON_Exit_Stmt, ON_Next_Stmt,
- ON_Case_Stmt, ON_When_Stmt, ON_Call_Stmt,
- ON_Debug_Line_Stmt, ON_Debug_Comment_Stmt);
- type O_Snode_Type (Kind : ON_Stmt_Kind) is record
- Next : O_Snode;
- Lineno : Natural;
- case Kind is
- when ON_Declare_Stmt =>
- Decls : O_Dnode;
- Stmts : O_Snode;
- -- True if the statement is currently open.
- Alive : Boolean;
- when ON_Assign_Stmt =>
- Target : O_Lnode;
- Value : O_Enode;
- when ON_Return_Stmt =>
- Ret_Val : O_Enode;
- when ON_If_Stmt =>
- Elsifs : O_Snode;
- If_Last : O_Snode;
- when ON_Elsif_Stmt =>
- Cond : O_Enode;
- Next_Elsif : O_Snode;
- when ON_Loop_Stmt =>
- Loop_Last : O_Snode;
- Loop_Level : Natural;
- when ON_Exit_Stmt
- | ON_Next_Stmt =>
- Loop_Id : O_Snode;
- when ON_Case_Stmt =>
- Selector : O_Enode;
- -- Simply linked list of branches
- Branches : O_Snode;
- Case_Last : O_Snode;
- when ON_When_Stmt =>
- -- The corresponding 'case'
- Branch_Parent : O_Snode;
- Choice_List : O_Choice;
- Next_Branch : O_Snode;
- when ON_Call_Stmt =>
- Proc : O_Dnode;
- Assoc : O_Anode;
- when ON_Debug_Line_Stmt =>
- Line : Natural;
- when ON_Debug_Comment_Stmt =>
- Comment : Str_Acc;
- end case;
- end record;
- type O_Inter_List is record
- Func : O_Dnode;
- Last : O_Dnode;
- end record;
- type O_Element_List is record
- -- The type definition.
- Res : O_Tnode;
- -- The last element added.
- Last : O_Fnode;
- end record;
- type O_Record_Aggr_List is record
- Res : O_Cnode;
- Last : O_Cnode;
- Field : O_Fnode;
- end record;
- type O_Array_Aggr_List is record
- Res : O_Cnode;
- Last : O_Cnode;
- El_Type : O_Tnode;
- end record;
- type O_Assoc_List is record
- Subprg : O_Dnode;
- Interfaces : O_Dnode;
- First, Last : O_Anode;
- end record;
- type O_Enum_List is record
- -- The type built.
- Res : O_Tnode;
- -- the chain of declarations.
- Last : O_Cnode;
- end record;
- type O_Case_Block is record
- Case_Stmt : O_Snode;
- end record;
- type O_If_Block is record
- null;
- end record;
-end Ortho_Debug;
diff --git a/ortho/debug/ortho_debug_front.ads b/ortho/debug/ortho_debug_front.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 17e32c9ed..000000000
--- a/ortho/debug/ortho_debug_front.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
--- Ortho debug interface with front-end.
--- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ortho_Front;
-package Ortho_Debug_Front renames Ortho_Front;
diff --git a/ortho/debug/ortho_ident.ads b/ortho/debug/ortho_ident.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 46aa8854d..000000000
--- a/ortho/debug/ortho_ident.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
--- Ortho debug back-end interface with identifiers package.
--- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ortho_Ident_Simple;
-package Ortho_Ident renames Ortho_Ident_Simple;
diff --git a/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_hash.adb b/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_hash.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 60ab89586..000000000
--- a/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_hash.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
--- Ortho debug hashed identifiers implementation.
--- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-package body Ortho_Ident_Hash is
- type O_Ident_Array is array (Hash_Type range <>) of O_Ident;
- Hash_Max : constant Hash_Type := 511;
- Symtable : O_Ident_Array (0 .. Hash_Max - 1) := (others => null);
- function Get_Identifier (Str : String) return O_Ident
- is
- Hash : Hash_Type;
- Ent : Hash_Type;
- Res : O_Ident;
- begin
- -- 1. Compute Hash.
- Hash := 0;
- for I in Str'Range loop
- Hash := Hash * 31 + Character'Pos (Str (I));
- end loop;
- -- 2. Search.
- Ent := Hash mod Hash_Max;
- Res := Symtable (Ent);
- while Res /= null loop
- if Res.Hash = Hash and then Res.Ident.all = Str then
- return Res;
- end if;
- Res := Res.Next;
- end loop;
- -- Not found: add.
- Res := new Ident_Type'(Hash => Hash,
- Ident => new String'(Str),
- Next => Symtable (Ent));
- Symtable (Ent) := Res;
- return Res;
- end Get_Identifier;
- function Get_String (Id : O_Ident) return String is
- begin
- if Id = null then
- return "?ANON?";
- else
- return Id.Ident.all;
- end if;
- end Get_String;
- function Is_Nul (Id : O_Ident) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Id = null;
- end Is_Nul;
- function Is_Equal (Id : O_Ident; Str : String) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Id.Ident.all = Str;
- end Is_Equal;
-end Ortho_Ident_Hash;
diff --git a/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_hash.ads b/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_hash.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index a6e4a56cc..000000000
--- a/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_hash.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
--- Ortho debug hashed identifiers implementation.
--- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-package Ortho_Ident_Hash is
- type O_Ident is private;
- O_Ident_Nul : constant O_Ident;
- function Get_Identifier (Str : String) return O_Ident;
- function Get_String (Id : O_Ident) return String;
- function Is_Equal (L, R : O_Ident) return Boolean renames "=";
- function Is_Equal (Id : O_Ident; Str : String) return Boolean;
- function Is_Nul (Id : O_Ident) return Boolean;
- type Hash_Type is mod 2**32;
- type String_Acc is access constant String;
- -- Symbol table.
- type Ident_Type;
- type O_Ident is access Ident_Type;
- type Ident_type is record
- -- The hash for the symbol.
- Hash : Hash_Type;
- -- Identification of the symbol.
- Ident : String_Acc;
- -- Next symbol with the same collision.
- Next : O_Ident;
- end record;
- O_Ident_Nul : constant O_Ident := null;
-end Ortho_Ident_Hash;
diff --git a/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_simple.adb b/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_simple.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 83b9756f8..000000000
--- a/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_simple.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
--- Ortho debug identifiers simple implementation.
--- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-package body Ortho_Ident_Simple is
- function Get_Identifier (Str : String) return O_Ident
- is
- begin
- return new String'(Str);
- end Get_Identifier;
- function Get_String (Id : O_Ident) return String is
- begin
- if Id = null then
- return "?ANON?";
- else
- return Id.all;
- end if;
- end Get_String;
- function Is_Nul (Id : O_Ident) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Id = null;
- end Is_Nul;
- function Is_Equal (Id : O_Ident; Str : String) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Id.all = Str;
- end Is_Equal;
-end Ortho_Ident_Simple;
diff --git a/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_simple.ads b/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_simple.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index f94fe1938..000000000
--- a/ortho/debug/ortho_ident_simple.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
--- Ortho debug identifiers simple implementation.
--- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-package Ortho_Ident_Simple is
- type O_Ident is private;
- O_Ident_Nul : constant O_Ident;
- function Get_Identifier (Str : String) return O_Ident;
- function Get_String (Id : O_Ident) return String;
- function Is_Equal (L, R : O_Ident) return Boolean renames "=";
- function Is_Equal (Id : O_Ident; Str : String) return Boolean;
- function Is_Nul (Id : O_Ident) return Boolean;
- type O_Ident is access String;
- O_Ident_Nul : constant O_Ident := null;
-end Ortho_Ident_Simple;
diff --git a/ortho/debug/ortho_nodes.ads b/ortho/debug/ortho_nodes.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ade66722..000000000
--- a/ortho/debug/ortho_nodes.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
--- Ortho debug back-end interface with front-end.
--- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ortho_Debug;
-package Ortho_Nodes renames Ortho_Debug;
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/Makefile b/ortho/gcc/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 5aafb31c7..000000000
--- a/ortho/gcc/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-# Modify AGCC_GCCSRC_DIR and AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR for your environment
-# Supplied by main GCC Makefile, copied here for compatibility with same
-GMPLIBS = -L$(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)./gmp/.libs -L$(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)./mpfr/.libs \
- -L$(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)./mpc/src/.libs -lmpc -lmpfr -lgmp
- -I$(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)./mpfr -I$(AGCC_GCCSRC_DIR)/mpfr \
- -I$(AGCC_GCCSRC_DIR)/mpc/src
-# Override variables in Makefile.conf for your environment
--include $(orthobe_srcdir)/Makefile.conf
-all: $(ortho_exec)
-include $(ortho_srcdir)/Makefile.inc
- -I$(AGCC_GCCSRC_DIR)/gcc -I$(AGCC_GCCSRC_DIR)/gcc/config \
- -I$(AGCC_GCCSRC_DIR)/libcpp/include $(GMPINC)
-ortho-lang.o: $(agcc_srcdir)/ortho-lang.c \
- $(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)gcc/gtype-vhdl.h \
- $(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)gcc/gt-vhdl-ortho-lang.h
- $(COMPILER) -c -o $@ $< $(AGCC_CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES)
- $(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)gcc/attribs.o \
- $(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)libcpp/libcpp.a \
- $(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)libiberty/libiberty.a
-LIBBACKTRACE = $(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)/libbacktrace/.libs/libbacktrace.a
-LIBDECNUMBER = $(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)/libdecnumber/libdecnumber.a
-LIBIBERTY = $(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)/libiberty/libiberty.a
-CPPLIB= # Not needed for GHDL
-BACKEND = $(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)/gcc/libbackend.a \
- $(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)/gcc/libcommon-target.a
- $(ZLIB)
-LIBS = $(AGCC_GCCOBJ_DIR)/gcc/libcommon.a \
-$(ortho_exec): $(AGCC_DEPS) $(orthobe_srcdir)/ortho_gcc.ads force
- $(GNATMAKE) -m -o $@ -g -aI$(ortho_srcdir) \
- -aI$(ortho_srcdir)/gcc $(GNAT_FLAGS) ortho_gcc-main \
- -bargs -E -largs --LINK=$(LINKER) $(AGCC_OBJS) \
-agcc-clean: force
- $(RM) -f $(agcc_objdir)/*.o
- $(RM) -f $(agcc_srcdir)/*~
-clean: agcc-clean
- $(RM) -f *.o *.ali ortho_nodes-main
- $(RM) b~*.ad? *~
-distclean: clean agcc-clean
-.PHONY: force all clean agcc-clean
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/Makefile.conf.linux b/ortho/gcc/Makefile.conf.linux
deleted file mode 100644
index 00ea91728..000000000
--- a/ortho/gcc/Makefile.conf.linux
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# Example Makefile.conf
-# Copy this file to Makefile.conf and edit as necessary for your platform
-HOST_LIBS = -ldl -lstdc++
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/lang.opt b/ortho/gcc/lang.opt
deleted file mode 100644
index 562fbe08d..000000000
--- a/ortho/gcc/lang.opt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-vhdl Joined
-Select the vhdl standard
-Used during compiler build to compile the std.standard package
-Used during compiler build to compile std packages
-vhdl Joined
-Set the name of the work library
-vhdl Joined
-Set the directory of the work library
-vhdl JoinedOrMissing
-;-P<dir> Add <dir> to the end of the vhdl library path
-vhdl Separate
---elab <name> Used internally during elaboration of <name>
-vhdl Separate
---anaelab <name> Used internally during elaboration of <name>
-; -c is a driver option for gcc. --ghdl-source is used instead.
-;vhdl Separate
-;-c <filename> Analyze <filename> for --anaelab
-vhdl Joined
---warn-<name> Warn about <name>
-vhdl Joined
---ghdl-<option> Pass <option> to vhdl front-end
-Expect a compiler error (used for testsuite)
-Disable VITAL checks
-Enable VITAL checks
-Explicit function declarations override implicit one in use
-Relax some LRM rules to compile vendor libraries
-Allow PSL asserts in comments
-Disable direct drivers optimization
-Use synthetizer rules for default bindings
-vhdl Joined Separate
--l<filename> Put list of files for link in <filename>
-; -C was commented out, as it is already defined for C/C++.
-;Allow any character in comments
-Allow any character in comments
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/ortho-lang.c b/ortho/gcc/ortho-lang.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c19012e6e..000000000
--- a/ortho/gcc/ortho-lang.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2191 +0,0 @@
-/* GCC back-end for ortho
- Copyright (C) 2002-1014 Tristan Gingold and al.
- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
- 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "config.h"
-#include "system.h"
-#include "coretypes.h"
-#include "tm.h"
-#include "tree.h"
-#include "tm_p.h"
-#include "defaults.h"
-#include "ggc.h"
-#include "diagnostic.h"
-#include "langhooks.h"
-#include "langhooks-def.h"
-#include "toplev.h"
-#include "opts.h"
-#include "options.h"
-#include "real.h"
-#include "tree-iterator.h"
-#include "function.h"
-#include "cgraph.h"
-#include "target.h"
-#include "convert.h"
-#include "tree-pass.h"
-#include "tree-dump.h"
-/* Undefine for gcc-4.8 */
-#define GCC49
-#ifdef GCC49
-#include "print-tree.h"
-#include "stringpool.h"
-#include "stor-layout.h"
-#include "varasm.h"
-/* Returns the number of FIELD_DECLs in TYPE.
- Copied here from expr.c in gcc4.9 as it is no longer exported by tree.h. */
-static int
-fields_length (const_tree type)
- tree t = TYPE_FIELDS (type);
- int count = 0;
- for (; t; t = DECL_CHAIN (t))
- if (TREE_CODE (t) == FIELD_DECL)
- ++count;
- return count;
-// adapt gcc4.9 practice to gcc4.8 functions
-tree_fits_uhwi_p (const_tree t)
- return host_integerp (t, 1);
-unsigned HOST_WIDE_INT
-tree_to_uhwi (const_tree t)
- return tree_low_cst (t, 1);
-/* TODO:
- * remove stmt_list_stack, save in if/case/loop block
- * Re-add -v (if necessary)
- */
-static tree type_for_size (unsigned int precision, int unsignedp);
-const int tree_identifier_size = sizeof (struct tree_identifier);
-struct GTY(()) binding_level
- /* The BIND_EXPR node for this binding. */
- tree bind;
- /* The BLOCK node for this binding. */
- tree block;
- /* If true, stack must be saved (alloca is used). */
- int save_stack;
- /* Parent binding level. */
- struct binding_level *prev;
- /* Decls in this binding. */
- tree first_decl;
- tree last_decl;
- /* Blocks in this binding. */
- tree first_block;
- tree last_block;
-/* The current binding level. */
-static GTY(()) struct binding_level *cur_binding_level = NULL;
-/* Chain of unused binding levels. */
-static GTY(()) struct binding_level *old_binding_levels = NULL;
-/* Chain of statements currently generated. */
-static GTY(()) tree cur_stmts = NULL_TREE;
-static void
-push_binding (void)
- struct binding_level *res;
- if (old_binding_levels == NULL)
- res = ggc_alloc_binding_level ();
- else
- {
- res = old_binding_levels;
- old_binding_levels = res->prev;
- }
- /* Init. */
- res->first_decl = NULL_TREE;
- res->last_decl = NULL_TREE;
- res->first_block = NULL_TREE;
- res->last_block = NULL_TREE;
- res->save_stack = 0;
- res->bind = make_node (BIND_EXPR);
- res->block = make_node (BLOCK);
- BIND_EXPR_BLOCK (res->bind) = res->block;
- TREE_SIDE_EFFECTS (res->bind) = true;
- TREE_TYPE (res->bind) = void_type_node;
- TREE_USED (res->block) = true;
- if (cur_binding_level != NULL)
- {
- /* Append the block created. */
- if (cur_binding_level->first_block == NULL)
- cur_binding_level->first_block = res->block;
- else
- BLOCK_CHAIN (cur_binding_level->last_block) = res->block;
- cur_binding_level->last_block = res->block;
- BLOCK_SUPERCONTEXT (res->block) = cur_binding_level->block;
- }
- res->prev = cur_binding_level;
- cur_binding_level = res;
-static void
-push_decl (tree decl)
- DECL_CONTEXT (decl) = current_function_decl;
- if (cur_binding_level->first_decl == NULL)
- cur_binding_level->first_decl = decl;
- else
- TREE_CHAIN (cur_binding_level->last_decl) = decl;
- cur_binding_level->last_decl = decl;
-static tree
-pop_binding (void)
- tree res;
- struct binding_level *cur;
- cur = cur_binding_level;
- res = cur->bind;
- if (cur->save_stack)
- {
- tree tmp_var;
- tree save;
- tree save_call;
- tree restore;
- tree t;
- /* Create an artificial var to save the stack pointer. */
- tmp_var = build_decl (input_location, VAR_DECL, NULL, ptr_type_node);
- DECL_ARTIFICIAL (tmp_var) = true;
- DECL_IGNORED_P (tmp_var) = true;
- TREE_USED (tmp_var) = true;
- push_decl (tmp_var);
- /* Create the save stmt. */
- save_call = build_call_expr
- (builtin_decl_implicit (BUILT_IN_STACK_SAVE), 0);
- save = build2 (MODIFY_EXPR, ptr_type_node, tmp_var, save_call);
- TREE_SIDE_EFFECTS (save) = true;
- /* Create the restore stmt. */
- restore = build_call_expr
- (builtin_decl_implicit (BUILT_IN_STACK_RESTORE), 1, tmp_var);
- /* Build a try-finally block.
- The statement list is the block of current statements. */
- t = build2 (TRY_FINALLY_EXPR, void_type_node, cur_stmts, NULL_TREE);
- TREE_SIDE_EFFECTS (t) = true;
- /* The finally block is the restore stmt. */
- append_to_statement_list (restore, &TREE_OPERAND (t, 1));
- /* The body of the BIND_BLOCK is the save stmt, followed by the
- try block. */
- append_to_statement_list (save, &BIND_EXPR_BODY (res));
- append_to_statement_list (t, &BIND_EXPR_BODY (res));
- }
- else
- {
- /* The body of the BIND_BLOCK is the statement block. */
- BIND_EXPR_BODY (res) = cur_stmts;
- }
- BIND_EXPR_VARS (res) = cur->first_decl;
- BLOCK_SUBBLOCKS (cur->block) = cur->first_block;
- BLOCK_VARS (cur->block) = cur->first_decl;
- cur_binding_level = cur->prev;
- cur->prev = old_binding_levels;
- old_binding_levels = cur;
- return res;
-// naive conversion to new vec API following the wiki at
-// http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/cxx-conversion/cxx-vec
-// see also push_stmts, pop_stmts
-static vec <tree> stmt_list_stack = vec<tree>();
-static void
-push_stmts (tree stmts)
- stmt_list_stack.safe_push(cur_stmts);
- cur_stmts = stmts;
-static void
-pop_stmts (void)
- cur_stmts = stmt_list_stack.pop();
-static void
-append_stmt (tree stmt)
- if (!EXPR_HAS_LOCATION (stmt))
- SET_EXPR_LOCATION (stmt, input_location);
- TREE_SIDE_EFFECTS (stmt) = true;
- append_to_statement_list (stmt, &cur_stmts);
-static GTY(()) tree top;
-static GTY(()) tree stack_alloc_function_ptr;
-static bool
-global_bindings_p (void)
- return cur_binding_level->prev == NULL;
-static tree
-pushdecl (tree t)
- //gcc_unreachable ();
- // gcc4.8.2 we get here from build_common_builtin_nodes () call in ortho_init
- return t;
-static tree
-builtin_function (const char *name,
- tree type,
- int function_code,
- enum built_in_class decl_class,
- const char *library_name,
- tree attrs ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED);
-REAL_VALUE_TYPE fp_const_p5; /* 0.5 */
-REAL_VALUE_TYPE fp_const_m_p5; /* -0.5 */
-REAL_VALUE_TYPE fp_const_zero; /* 0.0 */
-static bool
-ortho_init (void)
- tree n;
- input_location = BUILTINS_LOCATION;
- /* Create a global binding. */
- push_binding ();
- build_common_tree_nodes (0, 0);
- n = build_decl (input_location,
- TYPE_DECL, get_identifier ("int"), integer_type_node);
- push_decl (n);
- n = build_decl (input_location,
- TYPE_DECL, get_identifier ("char"), char_type_node);
- push_decl (n);
- /* Create alloca builtin. */
- {
- tree args_type = tree_cons (NULL_TREE, size_type_node, void_list_node);
- tree func_type = build_function_type (ptr_type_node, args_type);
- set_builtin_decl
- builtin_function
- ("__builtin_alloca", func_type,
- stack_alloc_function_ptr = build1
- build_pointer_type (func_type),
- builtin_decl_implicit (BUILT_IN_ALLOCA));
- }
- {
- tree ptr_ftype = build_function_type (ptr_type_node, NULL_TREE);
- set_builtin_decl
- builtin_function
- ("__builtin_stack_save", ptr_ftype,
- }
- {
- tree ftype_ptr;
- ftype_ptr = build_function_type
- (void_type_node,
- tree_cons (NULL_TREE, ptr_type_node, NULL_TREE));
- set_builtin_decl
- builtin_function
- ("__builtin_stack_restore", ftype_ptr,
- }
- {
- REAL_VALUE_FROM_INT (v, 1, 0, DFmode);
- real_ldexp (&fp_const_p5, &v, -1);
- REAL_VALUE_FROM_INT (v, -1, -1, DFmode);
- real_ldexp (&fp_const_m_p5, &v, -1);
- REAL_VALUE_FROM_INT (fp_const_zero, 0, 0, DFmode);
- }
- build_common_builtin_nodes ();
- // FIXME: this MAY remove the need for creating the builtins above...
- // Evaluate tree.c / build_common_builtin_nodes (); for each in turn.
- return true;
-static void
-ortho_finish (void)
-static unsigned int
-ortho_option_lang_mask (void)
- return CL_vhdl;
-static bool
-ortho_post_options (const char **pfilename)
- if (*pfilename == NULL || strcmp (*pfilename, "-") == 0)
- *pfilename = "*stdin*";
- /* Default hook. */
- lhd_post_options (pfilename);
- // This stops compile failures writing debug information when both -g and -O2
- // (or -O1, -O3 or -Os) options are present.
- // Should really make it conditional on specific options
- // FIXME : re-evaluate if this is still necessary with newer gccrevisions
- dwarf_strict = 1;
- /* Run the back-end. */
- return false;
-extern "C" int lang_handle_option (const char *opt, const char *arg);
-static bool
-ortho_handle_option (size_t code, const char *arg,
- location_t loc ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
- const struct cl_option_handlers *handlers ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
- const char *opt;
- opt = cl_options[code].opt_text;
- switch (code)
- {
- case OPT__elab:
- case OPT_l:
- case OPT_c:
- case OPT__anaelab:
- /* Only a few options have a real arguments. */
- return lang_handle_option (opt, arg) != 0;
- default:
- /* The other options must have a joint argument. */
- if (arg != NULL)
- {
- size_t len1;
- size_t len2;
- char *nopt;
- len1 = strlen (opt);
- len2 = strlen (arg);
- nopt = (char *) alloca (len1 + len2 + 1);
- memcpy (nopt, opt, len1);
- memcpy (nopt + len1, arg, len2);
- nopt[len1 + len2] = 0;
- opt = nopt;
- }
- return lang_handle_option (opt, NULL) != 0;
- }
-extern "C" int lang_parse_file (const char *filename);
-static void
-ortho_parse_file (void)
- const char *filename;
- if (num_in_fnames == 0)
- filename = NULL;
- else
- filename = in_fnames[0];
- linemap_add (line_table, LC_ENTER, 0, filename ? filename :"*no-file*", 1);
- input_location = linemap_line_start (line_table, 1, 252);
- if (!lang_parse_file (filename))
- errorcount++;
- linemap_add (line_table, LC_LEAVE, 0, NULL, 1);
-/* Called by the back-end or by the front-end when the address of EXP
- must be taken.
- This function should found the base object (if any), and mark it as
- addressable (via TREE_ADDRESSABLE). It may emit a warning if this
- object cannot be addressable (front-end restriction).
- Returns TRUE in case of success, FALSE in case of failure.
- Note that the status is never checked by the back-end. */
-static bool
-ortho_mark_addressable (tree exp)
- tree n;
- n = exp;
- while (1)
- switch (TREE_CODE (n))
- {
- case VAR_DECL:
- case CONST_DECL:
- case PARM_DECL:
- TREE_ADDRESSABLE (n) = true;
- return true;
- case ARRAY_REF:
- n = TREE_OPERAND (n, 0);
- break;
- TREE_ADDRESSABLE (n) = true;
- return true;
- return true;
- default:
- gcc_unreachable ();
- }
-static tree
-ortho_truthvalue_conversion (tree expr)
- tree expr_type;
- tree t;
- tree f;
- expr_type = TREE_TYPE (expr);
- if (TREE_CODE (expr_type) != BOOLEAN_TYPE)
- {
- t = integer_one_node;
- f = integer_zero_node;
- }
- else
- {
- f = TYPE_MIN_VALUE (expr_type);
- t = TYPE_MAX_VALUE (expr_type);
- }
- switch (TREE_CODE (expr))
- {
- case EQ_EXPR:
- case NE_EXPR:
- case LE_EXPR:
- case GE_EXPR:
- case LT_EXPR:
- case GT_EXPR:
- case ERROR_MARK:
- return expr;
- /* Not 0 is true. */
- return integer_zerop (expr) ? f : t;
- case REAL_CST:
- return real_zerop (expr) ? f : t;
- default:
- gcc_unreachable ();
- }
-/* The following function has been copied and modified from c-convert.c. */
-/* Change of width--truncation and extension of integers or reals--
- is represented with NOP_EXPR. Proper functioning of many things
- assumes that no other conversions can be NOP_EXPRs.
- Conversion between integer and pointer is represented with CONVERT_EXPR.
- Converting integer to real uses FLOAT_EXPR
- and real to integer uses FIX_TRUNC_EXPR.
- Here is a list of all the functions that assume that widening and
- narrowing is always done with a NOP_EXPR:
- In convert.c, convert_to_integer.
- In c-typeck.c, build_binary_op (boolean ops), and
- c_common_truthvalue_conversion.
- In expr.c: expand_expr, for operands of a MULT_EXPR.
- In fold-const.c: fold.
- In tree.c: get_narrower and get_unwidened. */
-/* Subroutines of `convert'. */
-/* Create an expression whose value is that of EXPR,
- converted to type TYPE. The TREE_TYPE of the value
- is always TYPE. This function implements all reasonable
- conversions; callers should filter out those that are
- not permitted by the language being compiled. */
-convert (tree type, tree expr)
- tree e = expr;
- enum tree_code code = TREE_CODE (type);
- const char *invalid_conv_diag;
- if (type == error_mark_node
- || expr == error_mark_node
- || TREE_TYPE (expr) == error_mark_node)
- return error_mark_node;
- if ((invalid_conv_diag
- = targetm.invalid_conversion (TREE_TYPE (expr), type)))
- {
- error (invalid_conv_diag);
- return error_mark_node;
- }
- if (type == TREE_TYPE (expr))
- return expr;
- return fold_build1 (NOP_EXPR, type, expr);
- return error_mark_node;
- if (TREE_CODE (TREE_TYPE (expr)) == VOID_TYPE || code == VOID_TYPE)
- {
- gcc_unreachable ();
- }
- if (code == INTEGER_TYPE || code == ENUMERAL_TYPE)
- return fold (convert_to_integer (type, e));
- if (code == BOOLEAN_TYPE)
- {
- tree t = ortho_truthvalue_conversion (expr);
- if (TREE_CODE (t) == ERROR_MARK)
- return t;
- /* If it returns a NOP_EXPR, we must fold it here to avoid
- infinite recursion between fold () and convert (). */
- if (TREE_CODE (t) == NOP_EXPR)
- return fold_build1 (NOP_EXPR, type, TREE_OPERAND (t, 0));
- else
- return fold_build1 (NOP_EXPR, type, t);
- }
- if (code == POINTER_TYPE || code == REFERENCE_TYPE)
- return fold (convert_to_pointer (type, e));
- if (code == REAL_TYPE)
- return fold (convert_to_real (type, e));
- gcc_unreachable ();
-/* Return a definition for a builtin function named NAME and whose data type
- is TYPE. TYPE should be a function type with argument types.
- FUNCTION_CODE tells later passes how to compile calls to this function.
- See tree.h for its possible values.
- If LIBRARY_NAME is nonzero, use that for DECL_ASSEMBLER_NAME,
- the name to be called if we can't opencode the function. If
- ATTRS is nonzero, use that for the function's attribute list. */
-static tree
-builtin_function (const char *name,
- tree type,
- int function_code,
- enum built_in_class decl_class,
- const char *library_name,
- tree attrs ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
- tree decl = build_decl (input_location,
- FUNCTION_DECL, get_identifier (name), type);
- DECL_EXTERNAL (decl) = 1;
- TREE_PUBLIC (decl) = 1;
- if (library_name)
- SET_DECL_ASSEMBLER_NAME (decl, get_identifier (library_name));
- make_decl_rtl (decl);
- DECL_BUILT_IN_CLASS (decl) = decl_class;
- DECL_FUNCTION_CODE (decl) = (built_in_function) function_code;
- DECL_SOURCE_LOCATION (decl) = input_location;
- return decl;
-/* This variable keeps a table for types for each precision so that we only
- allocate each of them once. Signed and unsigned types are kept separate.
- */
-static GTY(()) tree signed_and_unsigned_types[MAX_BITS_PER_WORD + 1][2];
-/* Return an integer type with the number of bits of precision given by
- PRECISION. UNSIGNEDP is nonzero if the type is unsigned; otherwise
- it is a signed type. */
-static tree
-type_for_size (unsigned int precision, int unsignedp)
- tree t;
- if (precision <= MAX_BITS_PER_WORD
- && signed_and_unsigned_types[precision][unsignedp] != NULL_TREE)
- return signed_and_unsigned_types[precision][unsignedp];
- if (unsignedp)
- t = make_unsigned_type (precision);
- else
- t = make_signed_type (precision);
- if (precision <= MAX_BITS_PER_WORD)
- signed_and_unsigned_types[precision][unsignedp] = t;
- return t;
-/* Return a data type that has machine mode MODE. UNSIGNEDP selects
- an unsigned type; otherwise a signed type is returned. */
-static tree
-type_for_mode (enum machine_mode mode, int unsignedp)
- if (SCALAR_INT_MODE_P (mode))
- return type_for_size (GET_MODE_BITSIZE (mode), unsignedp);
- if (mode == TYPE_MODE (void_type_node))
- return void_type_node;
- if (mode == TYPE_MODE (float_type_node))
- return float_type_node;
- if (mode == TYPE_MODE (double_type_node))
- return double_type_node;
- if (mode == TYPE_MODE (long_double_type_node))
- return long_double_type_node;
- return NULL_TREE;
-#define LANG_HOOKS_NAME "vhdl"
-#define LANG_HOOKS_IDENTIFIER_SIZE sizeof (struct tree_identifier)
-#define LANG_HOOKS_INIT ortho_init
-#define LANG_HOOKS_FINISH ortho_finish
-#define LANG_HOOKS_OPTION_LANG_MASK ortho_option_lang_mask
-#define LANG_HOOKS_HANDLE_OPTION ortho_handle_option
-#define LANG_HOOKS_POST_OPTIONS ortho_post_options
-#define LANG_HOOKS_MARK_ADDRESSABLE ortho_mark_addressable
-#define LANG_HOOKS_CALLGRAPH_EXPAND_FUNCTION ortho_expand_function
-#define LANG_HOOKS_TYPE_FOR_MODE type_for_mode
-#define LANG_HOOKS_TYPE_FOR_SIZE type_for_size
-#define LANG_HOOKS_SIGNED_TYPE signed_type
-#define LANG_HOOKS_UNSIGNED_TYPE unsigned_type
-#define LANG_HOOKS_SIGNED_OR_UNSIGNED_TYPE signed_or_unsigned_type
-#define LANG_HOOKS_PARSE_FILE ortho_parse_file
-#define pushlevel lhd_do_nothing_i
-#define poplevel lhd_do_nothing_iii_return_null_tree
-#define set_block lhd_do_nothing_t
-#define LANG_HOOKS_GETDECLS lhd_return_null_tree_v
-struct lang_hooks lang_hooks = LANG_HOOKS_INITIALIZER;
-union GTY((desc ("0"),
- chain_next ("CODE_CONTAINS_STRUCT (TREE_CODE (&%h.generic), TS_COMMON) ? ((union lang_tree_node *) TREE_CHAIN (&%h.generic)) : NULL")))
- lang_tree_node
- union tree_node GTY((tag ("0"),
- desc ("tree_node_structure (&%h)"))) generic;
-/* GHDL does not use the lang_decl and lang_type.
- FIXME: the variable_size annotation here is needed because these types are
- variable-sized in some other front-ends. Due to gengtype deficiency, the
- GTY options of such types have to agree across all front-ends. */
-struct GTY((variable_size)) lang_type { char dummy; };
-struct GTY((variable_size)) lang_decl { char dummy; };
-struct GTY(()) language_function
- char dummy;
-extern "C" {
-struct GTY(()) chain_constr_type
- tree first;
- tree last;
-static void
-chain_init (struct chain_constr_type *constr)
- constr->first = NULL_TREE;
- constr->last = NULL_TREE;
-static void
-chain_append (struct chain_constr_type *constr, tree el)
- if (constr->first == NULL_TREE)
- {
- gcc_assert (constr->last == NULL_TREE);
- constr->first = el;
- }
- else
- TREE_CHAIN (constr->last) = el;
- constr->last = el;
-struct GTY(()) list_constr_type
- tree first;
- tree last;
-static void
-list_init (struct list_constr_type *constr)
- constr->first = NULL_TREE;
- constr->last = NULL_TREE;
-static void
-ortho_list_append (struct list_constr_type *constr, tree el)
- tree res;
- res = tree_cons (NULL_TREE, el, NULL_TREE);
- if (constr->first == NULL_TREE)
- constr->first = res;
- else
- TREE_CHAIN (constr->last) = res;
- constr->last = res;
-enum ON_op_kind {
- /* Not an operation; invalid. */
- ON_Nil,
- /* Dyadic operations. */
- ON_Add_Ov,
- ON_Sub_Ov,
- ON_Mul_Ov,
- ON_Div_Ov,
- ON_Rem_Ov,
- ON_Mod_Ov,
- /* Binary operations. */
- ON_And,
- ON_Or,
- ON_Xor,
- /* Monadic operations. */
- ON_Not,
- ON_Neg_Ov,
- ON_Abs_Ov,
- /* Comparaisons */
- ON_Eq,
- ON_Neq,
- ON_Le,
- ON_Lt,
- ON_Ge,
- ON_Gt,
-static enum tree_code ON_op_to_TREE_CODE[ON_LAST] = {
-new_dyadic_op (enum ON_op_kind kind, tree left, tree right)
- tree left_type;
- enum tree_code code;
- /* Truncate to avoid representations issue. */
- kind = (enum ON_op_kind)((unsigned)kind & 0xff);
- left_type = TREE_TYPE (left);
- gcc_assert (left_type == TREE_TYPE (right));
- switch (kind)
- {
- case ON_Div_Ov:
- if (TREE_CODE (left_type) == REAL_TYPE)
- code = RDIV_EXPR;
- else
- code = TRUNC_DIV_EXPR;
- break;
- default:
- code = ON_op_to_TREE_CODE[kind];
- break;
- }
- return build2 (code, left_type, left, right);
-new_monadic_op (enum ON_op_kind kind, tree operand)
- /* Truncate to avoid representations issue. */
- kind = (enum ON_op_kind)((unsigned)kind & 0xff);
- return build1 (ON_op_to_TREE_CODE[kind], TREE_TYPE (operand), operand);
-new_compare_op (enum ON_op_kind kind, tree left, tree right, tree ntype)
- gcc_assert (TREE_CODE (ntype) == BOOLEAN_TYPE);
- gcc_assert (TREE_TYPE (left) == TREE_TYPE (right));
- /* Truncate to avoid representations issue. */
- kind = (enum ON_op_kind)((unsigned)kind & 0xff);
- return build2 (ON_op_to_TREE_CODE[kind], ntype, left, right);
-new_convert_ov (tree val, tree rtype)
- tree val_type;
- enum tree_code val_code;
- enum tree_code rtype_code;
- enum tree_code code;
- val_type = TREE_TYPE (val);
- if (val_type == rtype)
- return val;
- /* FIXME: check conversions. */
- val_code = TREE_CODE (val_type);
- rtype_code = TREE_CODE (rtype);
- if (val_code == POINTER_TYPE && rtype_code == POINTER_TYPE)
- code = NOP_EXPR;
- else if (val_code == INTEGER_TYPE && rtype_code == INTEGER_TYPE)
- code = CONVERT_EXPR;
- else if (val_code == REAL_TYPE && rtype_code == INTEGER_TYPE)
- {
- Gcc only handles FIX_TRUNC_EXPR, but we need rounding. */
- tree m_p5;
- tree p5;
- tree zero;
- tree saved;
- tree comp;
- tree adj;
- tree res;
- m_p5 = build_real (val_type, fp_const_m_p5);
- p5 = build_real (val_type, fp_const_p5);
- zero = build_real (val_type, fp_const_zero);
- saved = save_expr (val);
- comp = build2 (GE_EXPR, integer_type_node, saved, zero);
- /* FIXME: instead of res = res + (comp ? .5 : -.5)
- do: res = res (comp ? + : -) .5 */
- adj = build3 (COND_EXPR, val_type, comp, p5, m_p5);
- res = build2 (PLUS_EXPR, val_type, saved, adj);
- res = build1 (FIX_TRUNC_EXPR, rtype, res);
- return res;
- }
- else if (val_code == INTEGER_TYPE && rtype_code == ENUMERAL_TYPE)
- code = CONVERT_EXPR;
- else if (val_code == ENUMERAL_TYPE && rtype_code == INTEGER_TYPE)
- code = CONVERT_EXPR;
- else if (val_code == INTEGER_TYPE && rtype_code == REAL_TYPE)
- code = FLOAT_EXPR;
- else if (val_code == BOOLEAN_TYPE && rtype_code == BOOLEAN_TYPE)
- code = NOP_EXPR;
- else if (val_code == BOOLEAN_TYPE && rtype_code == INTEGER_TYPE)
- code = CONVERT_EXPR;
- else if (val_code == INTEGER_TYPE && rtype_code == BOOLEAN_TYPE)
- code = NOP_EXPR;
- else if (val_code == REAL_TYPE && rtype_code == REAL_TYPE)
- code = NOP_EXPR;
- else
- gcc_unreachable ();
- return build1 (code, rtype, val);
-new_alloca (tree rtype, tree size)
- tree res;
- /* Must save stack except when at function level. */
- if (cur_binding_level->prev != NULL
- && cur_binding_level->prev->prev != NULL)
- cur_binding_level->save_stack = 1;
- res = build_call_nary (ptr_type_node, stack_alloc_function_ptr,
- 1, fold_convert (size_type_node, size));
- return fold_convert (rtype, res);
-new_signed_literal (tree ltype, long long value)
- tree res;
- lo = value;
- hi = (value >> 1) >> (8 * sizeof (HOST_WIDE_INT) - 1);
- res = build_int_cst_wide (ltype, lo, hi);
- return res;
-new_unsigned_literal (tree ltype, unsigned long long value)
- tree res;
- unsigned HOST_WIDE_INT lo;
- unsigned HOST_WIDE_INT hi;
- lo = value;
- hi = (value >> 1) >> (8 * sizeof (HOST_WIDE_INT) - 1);
- res = build_int_cst_wide (ltype, lo, hi);
- return res;
-new_null_access (tree ltype)
- tree res;
- res = build_int_cst_wide (ltype, 0, 0);
- return res;
-new_float_literal (tree ltype, double value)
- signed long long s;
- double frac;
- int ex;
- tree res;
- frac = frexp (value, &ex);
- s = ldexp (frac, 60);
- lo = s;
- hi = (s >> 1) >> (8 * sizeof (HOST_WIDE_INT) - 1);
- res = build_int_cst_wide (long_integer_type_node, lo, hi);
- REAL_VALUE_FROM_INT (r_sign, lo, hi, DFmode);
- real_2expN (&r_exp, ex - 60, DFmode);
- real_arithmetic (&r, MULT_EXPR, &r_sign, &r_exp);
- res = build_real (ltype, r);
- return res;
-struct GTY(()) o_element_list
- tree res;
- struct chain_constr_type chain;
-new_uncomplete_record_type (tree *res)
- *res = make_node (RECORD_TYPE);
-start_record_type (struct o_element_list *elements)
- elements->res = make_node (RECORD_TYPE);
- chain_init (&elements->chain);
-start_uncomplete_record_type (tree res, struct o_element_list *elements)
- elements->res = res;
- chain_init (&elements->chain);
-static void
-new_record_union_field (struct o_element_list *list,
- tree *el,
- tree ident,
- tree etype)
- tree res;
- res = build_decl (input_location,
- FIELD_DECL, ident, etype);
- DECL_CONTEXT (res) = list->res;
- chain_append (&list->chain, res);
- *el = res;
-new_record_field (struct o_element_list *list,
- tree *el,
- tree ident,
- tree etype)
- return new_record_union_field (list, el, ident, etype);
-finish_record_type (struct o_element_list *elements, tree *res)
- TYPE_FIELDS (elements->res) = elements->chain.first;
- layout_type (elements->res);
- *res = elements->res;
- if (TYPE_NAME (elements->res) != NULL_TREE)
- {
- /* The type was completed. */
- rest_of_type_compilation (elements->res, 1);
- }
-start_union_type (struct o_element_list *elements)
- elements->res = make_node (UNION_TYPE);
- chain_init (&elements->chain);
-new_union_field (struct o_element_list *elements,
- tree *el,
- tree ident,
- tree etype)
- return new_record_union_field (elements, el, ident, etype);
-finish_union_type (struct o_element_list *elements, tree *res)
- TYPE_FIELDS (elements->res) = elements->chain.first;
- layout_type (elements->res);
- *res = elements->res;
-new_unsigned_type (int size)
- return make_unsigned_type (size);
-new_signed_type (int size)
- return make_signed_type (size);
-new_float_type (void)
- tree res;
- res = make_node (REAL_TYPE);
- layout_type (res);
- return res;
-new_access_type (tree dtype)
- tree res;
- if (dtype == NULL_TREE)
- {
- res = make_node (POINTER_TYPE);
- /* Seems necessary. */
- SET_TYPE_MODE (res, Pmode);
- layout_type (res);
- return res;
- }
- else
- return build_pointer_type (dtype);
-finish_access_type (tree atype, tree dtype)
- gcc_assert (TREE_CODE (atype) == POINTER_TYPE
- && TREE_TYPE (atype) == NULL_TREE);
- TREE_TYPE (atype) = dtype;
-new_array_type (tree el_type, tree index_type)
- return build_array_type (el_type, index_type);
-new_constrained_array_type (tree atype, tree length)
- tree range_type;
- tree index_type;
- tree len;
- tree one;
- tree res;
- index_type = TYPE_DOMAIN (atype);
- if (integer_zerop (length))
- {
- /* Handle null array, by creating a one-length array... */
- len = size_zero_node;
- }
- else
- {
- one = build_int_cstu (index_type, 1);
- len = build2 (MINUS_EXPR, index_type, length, one);
- len = fold (len);
- }
- range_type = build_range_type (index_type, size_zero_node, len);
- res = build_array_type (TREE_TYPE (atype), range_type);
- /* Constrained arrays are *always* a subtype of its array type.
- Just copy alias set. */
- TYPE_ALIAS_SET (res) = get_alias_set (atype);
- return res;
-new_boolean_type (tree *res,
- tree false_id ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, tree *false_e,
- tree true_id ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, tree *true_e)
- *res = make_node (BOOLEAN_TYPE);
- TYPE_PRECISION (*res) = 1;
- fixup_unsigned_type (*res);
- *false_e = TYPE_MIN_VALUE (*res);
- *true_e = TYPE_MAX_VALUE (*res);
-struct o_enum_list
- tree res;
- struct chain_constr_type chain;
- int num;
- int size;
-start_enum_type (struct o_enum_list *list, int size)
- list->res = make_node (ENUMERAL_TYPE);
- // as of gcc4.8, TYPE_PRECISION of 0 is rigorously enforced!
- TYPE_PRECISION(list->res) = size;
- chain_init (&list->chain);
- list->num = 0;
- list->size = size;
-new_enum_literal (struct o_enum_list *list, tree ident, tree *res)
- *res = build_int_cstu (list->res, (HOST_WIDE_INT)(list->num));
- chain_append (&list->chain, tree_cons (ident, *res, NULL_TREE));
- list->num++;
-finish_enum_type (struct o_enum_list *list, tree *res)
- *res = list->res;
- TYPE_VALUES (*res) = list->chain.first;
- TYPE_UNSIGNED (*res) = 1;
- TYPE_PRECISION (*res) = list->size;
- set_min_and_max_values_for_integral_type (*res, list->size, 1);
- layout_type (*res);
-struct GTY(()) o_record_aggr_list
- /* Type of the record. */
- tree atype;
- /* Type of the next field to be added. */
- tree field;
- /* Vector of elements. */
- // VEC(constructor_elt,gc) *elts;
- vec<constructor_elt,va_gc> *elts;
-start_record_aggr (struct o_record_aggr_list *list, tree atype)
- list->atype = atype;
- list->field = TYPE_FIELDS (atype);
- //list->elts = VEC_alloc (constructor_elt, gc, fields_length (atype));
- vec_alloc(list->elts, fields_length (atype));
-new_record_aggr_el (struct o_record_aggr_list *list, tree value)
- CONSTRUCTOR_APPEND_ELT (list->elts, list->field, value);
- list->field = TREE_CHAIN (list->field);
-finish_record_aggr (struct o_record_aggr_list *list, tree *res)
- *res = build_constructor (list->atype, list->elts);
-struct GTY(()) o_array_aggr_list
- tree atype;
- /* Vector of elements. */
- vec<constructor_elt,va_gc> *elts;
-start_array_aggr (struct o_array_aggr_list *list, tree atype)
- tree nelts;
- unsigned HOST_WIDE_INT n;
- list->atype = atype;
- list->elts = NULL;
- nelts = array_type_nelts (atype);
- gcc_assert (nelts != NULL_TREE && tree_fits_uhwi_p (nelts));
- n = tree_to_uhwi (nelts) + 1;
- vec_alloc(list->elts, n);
-new_array_aggr_el (struct o_array_aggr_list *list, tree value)
- CONSTRUCTOR_APPEND_ELT (list->elts, NULL_TREE, value);
-finish_array_aggr (struct o_array_aggr_list *list, tree *res)
- *res = build_constructor (list->atype, list->elts);
-new_union_aggr (tree atype, tree field, tree value)
- tree res;
- res = build_constructor_single (atype, field, value);
- TREE_CONSTANT (res) = 1;
- return res;
-new_indexed_element (tree arr, tree index)
- ortho_mark_addressable (arr);
- return build4 (ARRAY_REF, TREE_TYPE (TREE_TYPE (arr)),
- arr, index, NULL_TREE, NULL_TREE);
-new_slice (tree arr, tree res_type, tree index)
-#if 0
- tree res;
- tree el_ptr_type;
- tree el_type;
- tree res_ptr_type;
- /* *((RES_TYPE *)(&ARR[INDEX]))
- convert ARR to a pointer, add index, and reconvert to array ? */
- gcc_assert (TREE_CODE (res_type) == ARRAY_TYPE);
- ortho_mark_addressable (arr);
- return build4 (ARRAY_RANGE_REF, res_type, arr, index, NULL_TREE, NULL_TREE);
-#if 0
- el_type = TREE_TYPE (TREE_TYPE (arr));
- el_ptr_type = build_pointer_type (el_type);
- res = build4 (ARRAY_REF, el_type, arr, index, NULL_TREE, NULL_TREE);
- res = build1 (ADDR_EXPR, el_ptr_type, res);
- res_ptr_type = build_pointer_type (res_type);
- res = build1 (NOP_EXPR, res_ptr_type, res);
- res = build1 (INDIRECT_REF, res_type, res);
- return res;
-new_selected_element (tree rec, tree el)
- tree res;
- gcc_assert (TREE_CODE (TREE_TYPE (rec)) == RECORD_TYPE);
- res = build3 (COMPONENT_REF, TREE_TYPE (el), rec, el, NULL_TREE);
- return res;
-new_access_element (tree acc)
- tree acc_type;
- acc_type = TREE_TYPE (acc);
- gcc_assert (TREE_CODE (acc_type) == POINTER_TYPE);
- return build1 (INDIRECT_REF, TREE_TYPE (acc_type), acc);
-new_offsetof (tree rec_type, tree field, tree rtype)
- tree off;
- tree bit_off;
- tree res;
- gcc_assert (DECL_CONTEXT (field) == rec_type);
- off = DECL_FIELD_OFFSET (field);
- /* The offset must be a constant. */
- gcc_assert (tree_fits_uhwi_p (off));
- bit_off = DECL_FIELD_BIT_OFFSET (field);
- /* The offset must be a constant. */
- gcc_assert (tree_fits_uhwi_p (bit_off));
- pos = TREE_INT_CST_LOW (off)
- + (TREE_INT_CST_LOW (bit_off) / BITS_PER_UNIT);
- res = build_int_cstu (rtype, pos);
- return res;
-new_sizeof (tree atype, tree rtype)
- tree size;
- size = TYPE_SIZE_UNIT (atype);
- return fold (build1 (NOP_EXPR, rtype, size));
-new_alignof (tree atype, tree rtype)
- return build_int_cstu (rtype, TYPE_ALIGN_UNIT (atype));
-static tree
-ortho_build_addr (tree lvalue, tree atype)
- tree res;
- if (TREE_CODE (lvalue) == INDIRECT_REF)
- {
- /* ADDR_REF(INDIRECT_REF(x)) -> x. */
- res = TREE_OPERAND (lvalue, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- tree ptr_type;
- /* &base[off] -> base+off. */
- ortho_mark_addressable (lvalue);
- if (TREE_TYPE (lvalue) != TREE_TYPE (atype))
- ptr_type = build_pointer_type (TREE_TYPE (lvalue));
- else
- ptr_type = atype;
- res = fold_build1 (ADDR_EXPR, ptr_type, lvalue);
- }
- if (TREE_TYPE (res) != atype)
- res = fold_build1 (NOP_EXPR, atype, res);
- return res;
-new_unchecked_address (tree lvalue, tree atype)
- return ortho_build_addr (lvalue, atype);
-new_address (tree lvalue, tree atype)
- return ortho_build_addr (lvalue, atype);
-new_global_address (tree lvalue, tree atype)
- return ortho_build_addr (lvalue, atype);
-new_global_unchecked_address (tree lvalue, tree atype)
- return ortho_build_addr (lvalue, atype);
-/* Return a pointer to function FUNC. */
-static tree
-build_function_ptr (tree func)
- return build1 (ADDR_EXPR,
- build_pointer_type (TREE_TYPE (func)), func);
-new_subprogram_address (tree subprg, tree atype)
- return fold (build1 (NOP_EXPR, atype, build_function_ptr (subprg)));
-new_value (tree lvalue)
- return lvalue;
-new_debug_line_decl (int line)
- input_location = linemap_line_start (line_table, line, 252);
-new_type_decl (tree ident, tree atype)
- tree decl;
- TYPE_NAME (atype) = ident;
- decl = build_decl (input_location, TYPE_DECL, ident, atype);
- TYPE_STUB_DECL (atype) = decl;
- push_decl (decl);
- /*
- if Get_TYPE_SIZE (Ttype) /= NULL_TREE then
- -- Do not generate debug info for uncompleted types.
- Rest_Of_Type_Compilation (Ttype, C_True);
- end if;
- */
-enum o_storage { o_storage_external,
- o_storage_public,
- o_storage_private,
- o_storage_local };
-static void
-set_storage (tree Node, enum o_storage storage)
- switch (storage)
- {
- case o_storage_external:
- DECL_EXTERNAL (Node) = 1;
- TREE_PUBLIC (Node) = 1;
- TREE_STATIC (Node) = 0;
- break;
- case o_storage_public:
- DECL_EXTERNAL (Node) = 0;
- TREE_PUBLIC (Node) = 1;
- TREE_STATIC (Node) = 1;
- break;
- case o_storage_private:
- DECL_EXTERNAL (Node) = 0;
- TREE_PUBLIC (Node) = 0;
- TREE_STATIC (Node) = 1;
- break;
- case o_storage_local:
- DECL_EXTERNAL (Node) = 0;
- TREE_PUBLIC (Node) = 0;
- TREE_STATIC (Node) = 0;
- break;
- }
-new_const_decl (tree *res, tree ident, enum o_storage storage, tree atype)
- tree cst;
- cst = build_decl (input_location, VAR_DECL, ident, atype);
- set_storage (cst, storage);
- TREE_READONLY (cst) = 1;
- push_decl (cst);
- switch (storage)
- {
- case o_storage_local:
- gcc_unreachable ();
- case o_storage_external:
- /* We are at top level if Current_Function_Decl is null. */
- rest_of_decl_compilation
- (cst, current_function_decl == NULL_TREE, 0);
- break;
- case o_storage_public:
- case o_storage_private:
- break;
- }
- *res = cst;
-start_const_value (tree *cst ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-finish_const_value (tree *cst, tree val)
- DECL_INITIAL (*cst) = val;
- TREE_CONSTANT (val) = 1;
- TREE_STATIC (*cst) = 1;
- rest_of_decl_compilation
- (*cst, current_function_decl == NULL_TREE, 0);
-new_var_decl (tree *res, tree ident, enum o_storage storage, tree atype)
- tree var;
- var = build_decl (input_location, VAR_DECL, ident, atype);
- if (current_function_decl != NULL_TREE)
- {
- /* Local variable. */
- TREE_STATIC (var) = 0;
- DECL_EXTERNAL (var) = 0;
- TREE_PUBLIC (var) = 0;
- }
- else
- set_storage (var, storage);
- push_decl (var);
- if (current_function_decl == NULL_TREE)
- rest_of_decl_compilation (var, 1, 0);
- *res = var;
-struct GTY(()) o_inter_list
- tree ident;
- enum o_storage storage;
- /* Return type. */
- tree rtype;
- /* List of parameter types. */
- struct list_constr_type param_list;
- /* Chain of parameters declarations. */
- struct chain_constr_type param_chain;
-start_function_decl (struct o_inter_list *interfaces,
- tree ident,
- enum o_storage storage,
- tree rtype)
- interfaces->ident = ident;
- interfaces->storage = storage;
- interfaces->rtype = rtype;
- chain_init (&interfaces->param_chain);
- list_init (&interfaces->param_list);
-start_procedure_decl (struct o_inter_list *interfaces,
- tree ident,
- enum o_storage storage)
- start_function_decl (interfaces, ident, storage, void_type_node);
-new_interface_decl (struct o_inter_list *interfaces,
- tree *res,
- tree ident,
- tree atype)
- tree r;
- r = build_decl (input_location, PARM_DECL, ident, atype);
- /* DECL_CONTEXT (Res, Xxx); */
- /* Do type conversion: convert boolean and enums to int */
- switch (TREE_CODE (atype))
- {
- DECL_ARG_TYPE (r) = integer_type_node;
- default:
- DECL_ARG_TYPE (r) = atype;
- }
- layout_decl (r, 0);
- chain_append (&interfaces->param_chain, r);
- ortho_list_append (&interfaces->param_list, atype);
- *res = r;
-finish_subprogram_decl (struct o_inter_list *interfaces, tree *res)
- tree decl;
- tree result;
- tree parm;
- int is_global;
- /* Append a void type in the parameter types chain, so that the function
- is known not be have variables arguments. */
- ortho_list_append (&interfaces->param_list, void_type_node);
- decl = build_decl (input_location, FUNCTION_DECL, interfaces->ident,
- build_function_type (interfaces->rtype,
- interfaces->param_list.first));
- DECL_SOURCE_LOCATION (decl) = input_location;
- is_global = current_function_decl == NULL_TREE
- || interfaces->storage == o_storage_external;
- if (is_global)
- set_storage (decl, interfaces->storage);
- else
- {
- /* A nested subprogram. */
- DECL_EXTERNAL (decl) = 0;
- TREE_PUBLIC (decl) = 0;
- }
- /* The function exist in static storage. */
- TREE_STATIC (decl) = 1;
- DECL_INITIAL (decl) = error_mark_node;
- TREE_ADDRESSABLE (decl) = 1;
- /* Declare the result.
- FIXME: should be moved in start_function_body. */
- result = build_decl (input_location,
- RESULT_DECL, NULL_TREE, interfaces->rtype);
- DECL_RESULT (decl) = result;
- DECL_CONTEXT (result) = decl;
- DECL_ARGUMENTS (decl) = interfaces->param_chain.first;
- /* Set DECL_CONTEXT of parameters. */
- for (parm = interfaces->param_chain.first;
- parm != NULL_TREE;
- parm = TREE_CHAIN (parm))
- DECL_CONTEXT (parm) = decl;
- push_decl (decl);
- /* External functions are never nested.
- Remove their context, which is set by push_decl. */
- if (interfaces->storage == o_storage_external)
- if (is_global)
- rest_of_decl_compilation (decl, 1, 0);
- *res = decl;
-start_subprogram_body (tree func)
- gcc_assert (current_function_decl == DECL_CONTEXT (func));
- current_function_decl = func;
- /* The function is not anymore external. */
- DECL_EXTERNAL (func) = 0;
- push_stmts (alloc_stmt_list ());
- push_binding ();
-finish_subprogram_body (void)
- tree bind;
- tree func;
- tree parent;
- bind = pop_binding ();
- pop_stmts ();
- func = current_function_decl;
- DECL_SAVED_TREE (func) = bind;
- /* Initialize the RTL code for the function. */
- allocate_struct_function (func, false);
- /* Store the end of the function. */
- cfun->function_end_locus = input_location;
- parent = DECL_CONTEXT (func);
- if (parent != NULL)
- cgraph_get_create_node (func);
- else
- cgraph_finalize_function (func, false);
- current_function_decl = parent;
- set_cfun (NULL);
-new_debug_line_stmt (int line)
- input_location = linemap_line_start (line_table, line, 252);
-start_declare_stmt (void)
- push_stmts (alloc_stmt_list ());
- push_binding ();
-finish_declare_stmt (void)
- tree bind;
- bind = pop_binding ();
- pop_stmts ();
- append_stmt (bind);
-struct GTY(()) o_assoc_list
- tree subprg;
- vec<tree, va_gc> *vecptr;
-start_association (struct o_assoc_list *assocs, tree subprg)
- assocs->subprg = subprg;
- assocs->vecptr = NULL;
-new_association (struct o_assoc_list *assocs, tree val)
- vec_safe_push(assocs->vecptr, val);
-new_function_call (struct o_assoc_list *assocs)
- return build_call_vec (TREE_TYPE (TREE_TYPE (assocs->subprg)),
- build_function_ptr (assocs->subprg),
- assocs->vecptr);
-new_procedure_call (struct o_assoc_list *assocs)
- tree res;
- res = build_call_vec (TREE_TYPE (TREE_TYPE (assocs->subprg)),
- build_function_ptr (assocs->subprg),
- assocs->vecptr);
- TREE_SIDE_EFFECTS (res) = 1;
- append_stmt (res);
-new_assign_stmt (tree target, tree value)
- tree n;
- n = build2 (MODIFY_EXPR, TREE_TYPE (target), target, value);
- append_stmt (n);
-new_func_return_stmt (tree value)
- tree assign;
- tree stmt;
- tree res;
- res = DECL_RESULT (current_function_decl);
- assign = build2 (MODIFY_EXPR, TREE_TYPE (value), res, value);
- TREE_SIDE_EFFECTS (assign) = 1;
- stmt = build1 (RETURN_EXPR, void_type_node, assign);
- TREE_SIDE_EFFECTS (stmt) = 1;
- append_stmt (stmt);
-new_proc_return_stmt (void)
- tree stmt;
- stmt = build1 (RETURN_EXPR, void_type_node, NULL_TREE);
- TREE_SIDE_EFFECTS (stmt) = 1;
- append_stmt (stmt);
-struct GTY(()) o_if_block
- tree stmt;
-start_if_stmt (struct o_if_block *block, tree cond)
- tree stmt;
- tree stmts;
- stmts = alloc_stmt_list ();
- stmt = build3 (COND_EXPR, void_type_node, cond, stmts, NULL_TREE);
- block->stmt = stmt;
- append_stmt (stmt);
- push_stmts (stmts);
-new_else_stmt (struct o_if_block *block)
- tree stmts;
- pop_stmts ();
- stmts = alloc_stmt_list ();
- COND_EXPR_ELSE (block->stmt) = stmts;
- push_stmts (stmts);
-finish_if_stmt (struct o_if_block *block ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
- pop_stmts ();
-struct GTY(()) o_snode
- tree beg_label;
- tree end_label;
-/* Create an artificial label. */
-static tree
-build_label (void)
- tree res;
- res = build_decl (input_location, LABEL_DECL, NULL_TREE, void_type_node);
- DECL_CONTEXT (res) = current_function_decl;
- DECL_ARTIFICIAL (res) = 1;
- return res;
-start_loop_stmt (struct o_snode *label)
- tree stmt;
- label->beg_label = build_label ();
- stmt = build1 (LABEL_EXPR, void_type_node, label->beg_label);
- append_stmt (stmt);
- label->end_label = build_label ();
-finish_loop_stmt (struct o_snode *label)
- tree stmt;
- stmt = build1 (GOTO_EXPR, void_type_node, label->beg_label);
- TREE_USED (label->beg_label) = 1;
- append_stmt (stmt);
- /* Emit the end label only if there is a goto to it.
- (Return may be used to exit from the loop). */
- if (TREE_USED (label->end_label))
- {
- stmt = build1 (LABEL_EXPR, void_type_node, label->end_label);
- append_stmt (stmt);
- }
-new_exit_stmt (struct o_snode *l)
- tree stmt;
- stmt = build1 (GOTO_EXPR, void_type_node, l->end_label);
- append_stmt (stmt);
- TREE_USED (l->end_label) = 1;
-new_next_stmt (struct o_snode *l)
- tree stmt;
- stmt = build1 (GOTO_EXPR, void_type_node, l->beg_label);
- TREE_USED (l->beg_label) = 1;
- append_stmt (stmt);
-struct GTY(()) o_case_block
- tree case_type;
- tree end_label;
- int add_break;
-start_case_stmt (struct o_case_block *block, tree value)
- tree stmt;
- tree stmts;
- block->case_type = TREE_TYPE (value);
- block->end_label = build_label ();
- block->add_break = 0;
- stmts = alloc_stmt_list ();
- stmt = build3 (SWITCH_EXPR, block->case_type, value, stmts, NULL_TREE);
- append_stmt (stmt);
- push_stmts (stmts);
-start_choice (struct o_case_block *block)
- tree stmt;
- if (block->add_break)
- {
- stmt = build1 (GOTO_EXPR, block->case_type, block->end_label);
- append_stmt (stmt);
- block->add_break = 0;
- }
-new_expr_choice (struct o_case_block *block ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, tree expr)
- tree stmt;
- stmt = build_case_label
- (expr, NULL_TREE, create_artificial_label (input_location));
- append_stmt (stmt);
-new_range_choice (struct o_case_block *block ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
- tree low, tree high)
- tree stmt;
- stmt = build_case_label
- (low, high, create_artificial_label (input_location));
- append_stmt (stmt);
-new_default_choice (struct o_case_block *block ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
- tree stmt;
- stmt = build_case_label
- (NULL_TREE, NULL_TREE, create_artificial_label (input_location));
- append_stmt (stmt);
-finish_choice (struct o_case_block *block)
- block->add_break = 1;
-finish_case_stmt (struct o_case_block *block)
- tree stmt;
- pop_stmts ();
- stmt = build1 (LABEL_EXPR, void_type_node, block->end_label);
- append_stmt (stmt);
-compare_identifier_string (tree id, const char *str, size_t len)
- if (IDENTIFIER_LENGTH (id) != len)
- return false;
- if (!memcmp (IDENTIFIER_POINTER (id), str, len))
- return true;
- else
- return false;
-get_identifier_string (tree id, const char **str, int *len)
- *len = IDENTIFIER_LENGTH (id);
-// C linkage wrappers for two (now C++) functions so that
-// Ada code can call them without name mangling
-tree get_identifier_with_length_c (const char *c, size_t s)
- return get_identifier_with_length(c, s);
-int toplev_main_c (int argc, char **argv)
- return toplev_main(argc, argv);
-debug_tree_c (tree expr)
- warning (OPT_Wall, "Debug tree");
- debug_tree (expr);
-} // end extern "C"
-#include "debug.h"
-#include "gt-vhdl-ortho-lang.h"
-#include "gtype-vhdl.h"
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc-main.adb b/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc-main.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 70c8a7f79..000000000
--- a/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc-main.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
--- GCC back-end for ortho
--- Copyright (C) 2002-1014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System;
-with Ortho_Gcc_Front;
-with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
-procedure Ortho_Gcc.Main
- gnat_argc : Integer;
- gnat_argv : System.Address;
- pragma Import (C, gnat_argc);
- pragma Import (C, gnat_argv);
- function Toplev_Main (Argc : Integer; Argv : System.Address)
- return Integer;
- pragma Import (C, Toplev_Main, "toplev_main_c");
- Status : Exit_Status;
- Ortho_Gcc_Front.Init;
- -- Note: GCC set signal handlers...
- Status := Exit_Status (Toplev_Main (gnat_argc, gnat_argv));
- Set_Exit_Status (Status);
-end Ortho_Gcc.Main;
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc-main.ads b/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc-main.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bd73a1b6..000000000
--- a/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc-main.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-procedure Ortho_Gcc.Main;
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc.adb b/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index ae7b4f53b..000000000
--- a/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
--- GCC back-end for ortho.
--- Copyright (C) 2002-1014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
-with Ortho_Gcc_Front; use Ortho_Gcc_Front;
-package body Ortho_Gcc is
- function New_Lit (Lit : O_Cnode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return O_Enode (Lit);
- end New_Lit;
- function New_Obj (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Lnode is
- begin
- return O_Lnode (Obj);
- end New_Obj;
- function New_Obj_Value (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return O_Enode (Obj);
- end New_Obj_Value;
- procedure New_Debug_Filename_Decl (Filename : String) is
- begin
- null;
- end New_Debug_Filename_Decl;
- procedure New_Debug_Comment_Decl (Comment : String)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Comment);
- begin
- null;
- end New_Debug_Comment_Decl;
- procedure New_Debug_Comment_Stmt (Comment : String)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Comment);
- begin
- null;
- end New_Debug_Comment_Stmt;
- -- Representation of a C String: this is an access to a bounded string.
- -- Therefore, with GNAT, such an access is a thin pointer.
- subtype Fat_C_String is String (Positive);
- type C_String is access all Fat_C_String;
- pragma Convention (C, C_String);
- C_String_Null : constant C_String := null;
- -- Return the length of a C String (ie, the number of characters before
- -- the Nul).
- function C_String_Len (Str : C_String) return Natural;
- pragma Import (C, C_String_Len, "strlen");
- function Lang_Handle_Option (Opt : C_String; Arg : C_String)
- return Integer;
- pragma Export (C, Lang_Handle_Option);
- function Lang_Parse_File (Filename : C_String) return Integer;
- pragma Export (C, Lang_Parse_File);
- function Lang_Handle_Option (Opt : C_String; Arg : C_String)
- return Integer
- is
- procedure Unchecked_Deallocation is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (Name => String_Acc, Object => String);
- Res : Natural;
- Ada_Opt : String_Acc;
- Ada_Arg : String_Acc;
- Len : Natural;
- begin
- Len := C_String_Len (Opt);
- Ada_Opt := new String'(Opt (1 .. Len));
- if Arg /= C_String_Null then
- Len := C_String_Len (Arg);
- Ada_Arg := new String'(Arg (1 .. Len));
- else
- Ada_Arg := null;
- end if;
- Res := Ortho_Gcc_Front.Decode_Option (Ada_Opt, Ada_Arg);
- Unchecked_Deallocation (Ada_Opt);
- Unchecked_Deallocation (Ada_Arg);
- return Res;
- end Lang_Handle_Option;
- function Lang_Parse_File (Filename : C_String) return Integer
- is
- Len : Natural;
- File : String_Acc;
- begin
- if Filename = C_String_Null then
- File := null;
- else
- Len := C_String_Len (Filename);
- File := new String'(Filename.all (1 .. Len));
- end if;
- if Ortho_Gcc_Front.Parse (File) then
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- end if;
- end Lang_Parse_File;
-end Ortho_Gcc;
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc.ads b/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 0afdc0887..000000000
--- a/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,701 +0,0 @@
--- DO NOT MODIFY - this file was generated from:
--- ortho_nodes.common.ads and ortho_gcc.private.ads
--- GCC back-end for ortho.
--- Copyright (C) 2002-1014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System;
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with Ortho_Ident;
-use Ortho_Ident;
--- Interface to create nodes.
-package Ortho_Gcc is
--- Start of common part
- type O_Enode is private;
- type O_Cnode is private;
- type O_Lnode is private;
- type O_Tnode is private;
- type O_Snode is private;
- type O_Dnode is private;
- type O_Fnode is private;
- O_Cnode_Null : constant O_Cnode;
- O_Dnode_Null : constant O_Dnode;
- O_Enode_Null : constant O_Enode;
- O_Fnode_Null : constant O_Fnode;
- O_Lnode_Null : constant O_Lnode;
- O_Snode_Null : constant O_Snode;
- O_Tnode_Null : constant O_Tnode;
- -- True if the code generated supports nested subprograms.
- Has_Nested_Subprograms : constant Boolean;
- ------------------------
- -- Type definitions --
- ------------------------
- type O_Element_List is limited private;
- -- Build a record type.
- procedure Start_Record_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List);
- -- Add a field in the record; not constrained array are prohibited, since
- -- its size is unlimited.
- procedure New_Record_Field
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
- El : out O_Fnode;
- Ident : O_Ident; Etype : O_Tnode);
- -- Finish the record type.
- procedure Finish_Record_Type
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode);
- -- Build an uncomplete record type:
- -- First call NEW_UNCOMPLETE_RECORD_TYPE, which returns a record type.
- -- This type can be declared or used to define access types on it.
- -- Then, complete (if necessary) the record type, by calling
- procedure New_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : out O_Tnode);
- procedure Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : O_Tnode;
- Elements : out O_Element_List);
- -- Build an union type.
- procedure Start_Union_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List);
- procedure New_Union_Field
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
- El : out O_Fnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Etype : O_Tnode);
- procedure Finish_Union_Type
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode);
- -- Build an access type.
- -- DTYPE may be O_tnode_null in order to build an incomplete access type.
- -- It is completed with finish_access_type.
- function New_Access_Type (Dtype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode;
- procedure Finish_Access_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Dtype : O_Tnode);
- -- Build an array type.
- -- The array is not constrained and unidimensional.
- function New_Array_Type (El_Type : O_Tnode; Index_Type : O_Tnode)
- return O_Tnode;
- -- Build a constrained array type.
- function New_Constrained_Array_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Length : O_Cnode)
- return O_Tnode;
- -- Build a scalar type; size may be 8, 16, 32 or 64.
- function New_Unsigned_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode;
- function New_Signed_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode;
- -- Build a float type.
- function New_Float_Type return O_Tnode;
- -- Build a boolean type.
- procedure New_Boolean_Type (Res : out O_Tnode;
- False_Id : O_Ident;
- False_E : out O_Cnode;
- True_Id : O_Ident;
- True_E : out O_Cnode);
- -- Create an enumeration
- type O_Enum_List is limited private;
- -- Elements are declared in order, the first is ordered from 0.
- procedure Start_Enum_Type (List : out O_Enum_List; Size : Natural);
- procedure New_Enum_Literal (List : in out O_Enum_List;
- Ident : O_Ident; Res : out O_Cnode);
- procedure Finish_Enum_Type (List : in out O_Enum_List; Res : out O_Tnode);
- ----------------
- -- Literals --
- ----------------
- -- Create a literal from an integer.
- function New_Signed_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Integer_64)
- return O_Cnode;
- function New_Unsigned_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Unsigned_64)
- return O_Cnode;
- function New_Float_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : IEEE_Float_64)
- return O_Cnode;
- -- Create a null access literal.
- function New_Null_Access (Ltype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
- -- Build a record/array aggregate.
- -- The aggregate is constant, and therefore can be only used to initialize
- -- constant declaration.
- -- ATYPE must be either a record type or an array subtype.
- -- Elements must be added in the order, and must be literals or aggregates.
- type O_Record_Aggr_List is limited private;
- type O_Array_Aggr_List is limited private;
- procedure Start_Record_Aggr (List : out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Atype : O_Tnode);
- procedure New_Record_Aggr_El (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Value : O_Cnode);
- procedure Finish_Record_Aggr (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Res : out O_Cnode);
- procedure Start_Array_Aggr (List : out O_Array_Aggr_List; Atype : O_Tnode);
- procedure New_Array_Aggr_El (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
- Value : O_Cnode);
- procedure Finish_Array_Aggr (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
- Res : out O_Cnode);
- -- Build an union aggregate.
- function New_Union_Aggr (Atype : O_Tnode; Field : O_Fnode; Value : O_Cnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- -- Returns the size in bytes of ATYPE. The result is a literal of
- -- unsigned type RTYPE
- -- ATYPE cannot be an unconstrained array type.
- function New_Sizeof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
- -- Returns the alignment in bytes for ATYPE. The result is a literal of
- -- unsgined type RTYPE.
- function New_Alignof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
- -- Returns the offset of FIELD in its record ATYPE. The result is a
- -- literal of unsigned type or access type RTYPE.
- function New_Offsetof (Atype : O_Tnode; Field : O_Fnode; Rtype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- -- Get the address of a subprogram.
- function New_Subprogram_Address (Subprg : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- -- Get the address of LVALUE.
- -- ATYPE must be a type access whose designated type is the type of LVALUE.
- -- FIXME: what about arrays.
- function New_Global_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- -- Same as New_Address but without any restriction.
- function New_Global_Unchecked_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- -------------------
- -- Expressions --
- -------------------
- type ON_Op_Kind is
- (
- -- Not an operation; invalid.
- ON_Nil,
- -- Dyadic operations.
- ON_Add_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Sub_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Mul_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Div_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Rem_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Mod_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- -- Binary operations.
- ON_And, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Or, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Xor, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- -- Monadic operations.
- ON_Not, -- ON_Monadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Neg_Ov, -- ON_Monadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Abs_Ov, -- ON_Monadic_Op_Kind
- -- Comparaisons
- ON_Eq, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Neq, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Le, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Lt, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Ge, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Gt -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- );
- subtype ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind is ON_Op_Kind range ON_Add_Ov .. ON_Xor;
- subtype ON_Monadic_Op_Kind is ON_Op_Kind range ON_Not .. ON_Abs_Ov;
- subtype ON_Compare_Op_Kind is ON_Op_Kind range ON_Eq .. ON_Gt;
- type O_Storage is (O_Storage_External,
- O_Storage_Public,
- O_Storage_Private,
- O_Storage_Local);
- -- Specifies the storage kind of a declaration.
- -- The declaration do not either reserve memory nor generate code, and
- -- is imported either from an other file or from a later place in the
- -- current file.
- -- The declaration reserves memory or generates code.
- -- With O_STORAGE_PUBLIC, the declaration is exported outside of the
- -- file while with O_STORAGE_PRIVATE, the declaration is local to the
- -- file.
- Type_Error : exception;
- Syntax_Error : exception;
- -- Create a value from a literal.
- function New_Lit (Lit : O_Cnode) return O_Enode;
- -- Create a dyadic operation.
- -- Left and right nodes must have the same type.
- -- Binary operation is allowed only on boolean types.
- -- The result is of the type of the operands.
- function New_Dyadic_Op (Kind : ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode)
- return O_Enode;
- -- Create a monadic operation.
- -- Result is of the type of operand.
- function New_Monadic_Op (Kind : ON_Monadic_Op_Kind; Operand : O_Enode)
- return O_Enode;
- -- Create a comparaison operator.
- -- NTYPE is the type of the result and must be a boolean type.
- function New_Compare_Op
- (Kind : ON_Compare_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode; Ntype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Enode;
- type O_Inter_List is limited private;
- type O_Assoc_List is limited private;
- type O_If_Block is limited private;
- type O_Case_Block is limited private;
- -- Get an element of an array.
- -- INDEX must be of the type of the array index.
- function New_Indexed_Element (Arr : O_Lnode; Index : O_Enode)
- return O_Lnode;
- -- Get a slice of an array; this is equivalent to a conversion between
- -- an array or an array subtype and an array subtype.
- -- RES_TYPE must be an array_sub_type whose base type is the same as the
- -- base type of ARR.
- -- INDEX must be of the type of the array index.
- function New_Slice (Arr : O_Lnode; Res_Type : O_Tnode; Index : O_Enode)
- return O_Lnode;
- -- Get an element of a record.
- -- Type of REC must be a record type.
- function New_Selected_Element (Rec : O_Lnode; El : O_Fnode)
- return O_Lnode;
- -- Reference an access.
- -- Type of ACC must be an access type.
- function New_Access_Element (Acc : O_Enode) return O_Lnode;
- -- Do a conversion.
- -- Allowed conversions are:
- -- FIXME: to write.
- function New_Convert_Ov (Val : O_Enode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode;
- -- Get the address of LVALUE.
- -- ATYPE must be a type access whose designated type is the type of LVALUE.
- -- FIXME: what about arrays.
- function New_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode;
- -- Same as New_Address but without any restriction.
- function New_Unchecked_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Enode;
- -- Get the value of an Lvalue.
- function New_Value (Lvalue : O_Lnode) return O_Enode;
- function New_Obj_Value (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Enode;
- -- Get an lvalue from a declaration.
- function New_Obj (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Lnode;
- -- Return a pointer of type RTPE to SIZE bytes allocated on the stack.
- function New_Alloca (Rtype : O_Tnode; Size : O_Enode) return O_Enode;
- -- Declare a type.
- -- This simply gives a name to a type.
- procedure New_Type_Decl (Ident : O_Ident; Atype : O_Tnode);
- ---------------------
- -- Declarations. --
- ---------------------
- -- Filename of the next declaration.
- procedure New_Debug_Filename_Decl (Filename : String);
- -- Line number of the next declaration.
- procedure New_Debug_Line_Decl (Line : Natural);
- -- Add a comment in the declarative region.
- procedure New_Debug_Comment_Decl (Comment : String);
- -- Declare a constant.
- -- This simply gives a name to a constant value or aggregate.
- -- A constant cannot be modified and its storage cannot be local.
- -- ATYPE must be constrained.
- procedure New_Const_Decl
- (Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Atype : O_Tnode);
- -- Set the value of a non-external constant.
- procedure Start_Const_Value (Const : in out O_Dnode);
- procedure Finish_Const_Value (Const : in out O_Dnode; Val : O_Cnode);
- -- Create a variable declaration.
- -- A variable can be local only inside a function.
- -- ATYPE must be constrained.
- procedure New_Var_Decl
- (Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Atype : O_Tnode);
- -- Start a subprogram declaration.
- -- Note: nested subprograms are allowed, ie o_storage_local subprograms can
- -- be declared inside a subprograms. It is not allowed to declare
- -- o_storage_external subprograms inside a subprograms.
- -- Return type and interfaces cannot be a composite type.
- procedure Start_Function_Decl
- (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Rtype : O_Tnode);
- -- For a subprogram without return value.
- procedure Start_Procedure_Decl
- (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage);
- -- Add an interface declaration to INTERFACES.
- procedure New_Interface_Decl
- (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List;
- Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Atype : O_Tnode);
- -- Finish the function declaration, get the node and a statement list.
- procedure Finish_Subprogram_Decl
- (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List; Res : out O_Dnode);
- -- Start a subprogram body.
- -- Note: the declaration may have an external storage, in this case it
- -- becomes public.
- procedure Start_Subprogram_Body (Func : O_Dnode);
- -- Finish a subprogram body.
- procedure Finish_Subprogram_Body;
- -------------------
- -- Statements. --
- -------------------
- -- Add a line number as a statement.
- procedure New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Line : Natural);
- -- Add a comment as a statement.
- procedure New_Debug_Comment_Stmt (Comment : String);
- -- Start a declarative region.
- procedure Start_Declare_Stmt;
- procedure Finish_Declare_Stmt;
- -- Create a function call or a procedure call.
- procedure Start_Association (Assocs : out O_Assoc_List; Subprg : O_Dnode);
- procedure New_Association (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List; Val : O_Enode);
- function New_Function_Call (Assocs : O_Assoc_List) return O_Enode;
- procedure New_Procedure_Call (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List);
- -- Assign VALUE to TARGET, type must be the same or compatible.
- -- FIXME: what about slice assignment?
- procedure New_Assign_Stmt (Target : O_Lnode; Value : O_Enode);
- -- Exit from the subprogram and return VALUE.
- procedure New_Return_Stmt (Value : O_Enode);
- -- Exit from the subprogram, which doesn't return value.
- procedure New_Return_Stmt;
- -- Build an IF statement.
- procedure Start_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block; Cond : O_Enode);
- procedure New_Else_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block);
- procedure Finish_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block);
- -- Create a infinite loop statement.
- procedure Start_Loop_Stmt (Label : out O_Snode);
- procedure Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label : in out O_Snode);
- -- Exit from a loop stmt or from a for stmt.
- procedure New_Exit_Stmt (L : O_Snode);
- -- Go to the start of a loop stmt or of a for stmt.
- -- Loops/Fors between L and the current points are exited.
- procedure New_Next_Stmt (L : O_Snode);
- -- Case statement.
- -- VALUE is the selector and must be a discrete type.
- procedure Start_Case_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Value : O_Enode);
- -- A choice branch is composed of expr, range or default choices.
- -- A choice branch is enclosed between a Start_Choice and a Finish_Choice.
- -- The statements are after the finish_choice.
- procedure Start_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
- procedure New_Expr_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Expr : O_Cnode);
- procedure New_Range_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block;
- Low, High : O_Cnode);
- procedure New_Default_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
- procedure Finish_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
- procedure Finish_Case_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
--- End of common part
- -- GCC supports nested subprograms.
- Has_Nested_Subprograms : constant Boolean := True;
- pragma Convention (C, O_Storage);
- -- pragma Convention (C, ON_Op_Kind);
- subtype Tree is System.Address;
- NULL_TREE : constant Tree := System.Null_Address;
- subtype Vec_Ptr is System.Address;
- type O_Cnode is new Tree;
- type O_Enode is new Tree;
- type O_Lnode is new Tree;
- type O_Tnode is new Tree;
- type O_Fnode is new Tree;
- type O_Dnode is new Tree;
- type O_Snode is record
- Beg_Label : Tree;
- End_Label : Tree;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, O_Snode);
- O_Cnode_Null : constant O_Cnode := O_Cnode (NULL_TREE);
- O_Enode_Null : constant O_Enode := O_Enode (NULL_TREE);
- O_Lnode_Null : constant O_Lnode := O_Lnode (NULL_TREE);
- O_Tnode_Null : constant O_Tnode := O_Tnode (NULL_TREE);
- O_Fnode_Null : constant O_Fnode := O_Fnode (NULL_TREE);
- O_Snode_Null : constant O_Snode := (NULL_TREE, NULL_TREE);
- O_Dnode_Null : constant O_Dnode := O_Dnode (NULL_TREE);
- pragma Inline (New_Lit);
- pragma Inline (New_Obj);
- pragma Inline (New_Obj_Value);
- -- Efficiently append element EL to a chain.
- -- FIRST is the first element of the chain (must NULL_TREE if the chain
- -- is empty),
- -- LAST is the last element of the chain (idem).
- type Chain_Constr_Type is record
- First : Tree;
- Last : Tree;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, Chain_Constr_Type);
- procedure Chain_Init (Constr : out Chain_Constr_Type);
- pragma Import (C, Chain_Init);
- procedure Chain_Append (Constr : in out Chain_Constr_Type; El : Tree);
- pragma Import (C, Chain_Append);
- -- Efficiently append element EL to a list.
- type List_Constr_Type is record
- First : Tree;
- Last : Tree;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, List_Constr_Type);
- procedure List_Init (Constr : out List_Constr_Type);
- pragma Import (C, List_Init);
- procedure List_Append (Constr : in out List_Constr_Type; El : Tree);
- pragma Import (C, List_Append, "ortho_list_append");
- type O_Loop_Block is record
- Beg_Label : Tree;
- End_Label : Tree;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, O_Loop_Block);
- type O_Inter_List is record
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- -- Return type.
- Rtype : O_Tnode;
- -- List of parameter types.
- Param_List : List_Constr_Type;
- -- Chain of parameters declarations.
- Param_Chain : Chain_Constr_Type;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, O_Inter_List);
- type O_Element_List is record
- Res : Tree;
- Chain : Chain_Constr_Type;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, O_Element_List);
- type O_Case_Block is record
- Case_Type : Tree;
- End_Label : Tree;
- Add_Break : Integer;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, O_Case_Block);
- type O_If_Block is record
- Stmt : Tree;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, O_If_Block);
- type O_Aggr_List is record
- Atype : Tree;
- Chain : Chain_Constr_Type;
- end record;
- type O_Record_Aggr_List is record
- Atype : Tree;
- Afield : Tree;
- Vec : Vec_Ptr;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, O_Record_Aggr_List);
- type O_Array_Aggr_List is record
- Atype : Tree;
- Vec : Vec_Ptr;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, O_Array_Aggr_List);
- type O_Assoc_List is record
- Subprg : Tree;
- List : List_Constr_Type;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, O_Assoc_List);
- type O_Enum_List is record
- -- The enumeral_type node.
- Res : Tree;
- -- Chain of literals.
- Chain : Chain_Constr_Type;
- -- Numeral value (from 0 to nbr - 1) of the next literal to be declared.
- Num : Natural;
- -- Size of the enumeration type.
- Size : Natural;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, O_Enum_List);
- pragma Import (C, New_Dyadic_Op);
- pragma Import (C, New_Monadic_Op);
- pragma Import (C, New_Compare_Op);
- pragma Import (C, New_Convert_Ov);
- pragma Import (C, New_Alloca);
- pragma Import (C, New_Signed_Literal);
- pragma Import (C, New_Unsigned_Literal);
- pragma Import (C, New_Float_Literal);
- pragma Import (C, New_Null_Access);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Record_Type);
- pragma Import (C, New_Record_Field);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Record_Type);
- pragma Import (C, New_Uncomplete_Record_Type);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Union_Type);
- pragma Import (C, New_Union_Field);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Union_Type);
- pragma Import (C, New_Unsigned_Type);
- pragma Import (C, New_Signed_Type);
- pragma Import (C, New_Float_Type);
- pragma Import (C, New_Access_Type);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Access_Type);
- pragma Import (C, New_Array_Type);
- pragma Import (C, New_Constrained_Array_Type);
- pragma Import (C, New_Boolean_Type);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Enum_Type);
- pragma Import (C, New_Enum_Literal);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Enum_Type);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Record_Aggr);
- pragma Import (C, New_Record_Aggr_El);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Record_Aggr);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Array_Aggr);
- pragma Import (C, New_Array_Aggr_El);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Array_Aggr);
- pragma Import (C, New_Union_Aggr);
- pragma Import (C, New_Indexed_Element);
- pragma Import (C, New_Slice);
- pragma Import (C, New_Selected_Element);
- pragma Import (C, New_Access_Element);
- pragma Import (C, New_Sizeof);
- pragma Import (C, New_Alignof);
- pragma Import (C, New_Offsetof);
- pragma Import (C, New_Address);
- pragma Import (C, New_Global_Address);
- pragma Import (C, New_Unchecked_Address);
- pragma Import (C, New_Global_Unchecked_Address);
- pragma Import (C, New_Subprogram_Address);
- pragma Import (C, New_Value);
- pragma Import (C, New_Type_Decl);
- pragma Import (C, New_Debug_Line_Decl);
- pragma Import (C, New_Const_Decl);
- pragma Import (C, New_Var_Decl);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Const_Value);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Const_Value);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Function_Decl);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Procedure_Decl);
- pragma Import (C, New_Interface_Decl);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Subprogram_Decl);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Subprogram_Body);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Subprogram_Body);
- pragma Import (C, New_Debug_Line_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Declare_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Declare_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Association);
- pragma Import (C, New_Association);
- pragma Import (C, New_Function_Call);
- pragma Import (C, New_Procedure_Call);
- pragma Import (C, New_Assign_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, Start_If_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, New_Else_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_If_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, New_Return_Stmt);
- pragma Import_Procedure (New_Return_Stmt,
- "new_func_return_stmt", (O_Enode));
- pragma Import_Procedure (New_Return_Stmt,
- "new_proc_return_stmt", null);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Loop_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Loop_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, New_Exit_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, New_Next_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Case_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Choice);
- pragma Import (C, New_Expr_Choice);
- pragma Import (C, New_Range_Choice);
- pragma Import (C, New_Default_Choice);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Choice);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Case_Stmt);
-end Ortho_Gcc;
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc.private.ads b/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc.private.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index cc2f556f0..000000000
--- a/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc.private.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
--- GCC back-end for ortho.
--- Copyright (C) 2002-1014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System;
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with Ortho_Ident;
-use Ortho_Ident;
--- Interface to create nodes.
-package Ortho_Gcc is
- -- GCC supports nested subprograms.
- Has_Nested_Subprograms : constant Boolean := True;
- pragma Convention (C, O_Storage);
- -- pragma Convention (C, ON_Op_Kind);
- subtype Tree is System.Address;
- NULL_TREE : constant Tree := System.Null_Address;
- subtype Vec_Ptr is System.Address;
- type O_Cnode is new Tree;
- type O_Enode is new Tree;
- type O_Lnode is new Tree;
- type O_Tnode is new Tree;
- type O_Fnode is new Tree;
- type O_Dnode is new Tree;
- type O_Snode is record
- Beg_Label : Tree;
- End_Label : Tree;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, O_Snode);
- O_Cnode_Null : constant O_Cnode := O_Cnode (NULL_TREE);
- O_Enode_Null : constant O_Enode := O_Enode (NULL_TREE);
- O_Lnode_Null : constant O_Lnode := O_Lnode (NULL_TREE);
- O_Tnode_Null : constant O_Tnode := O_Tnode (NULL_TREE);
- O_Fnode_Null : constant O_Fnode := O_Fnode (NULL_TREE);
- O_Snode_Null : constant O_Snode := (NULL_TREE, NULL_TREE);
- O_Dnode_Null : constant O_Dnode := O_Dnode (NULL_TREE);
- pragma Inline (New_Lit);
- pragma Inline (New_Obj);
- pragma Inline (New_Obj_Value);
- -- Efficiently append element EL to a chain.
- -- FIRST is the first element of the chain (must NULL_TREE if the chain
- -- is empty),
- -- LAST is the last element of the chain (idem).
- type Chain_Constr_Type is record
- First : Tree;
- Last : Tree;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, Chain_Constr_Type);
- procedure Chain_Init (Constr : out Chain_Constr_Type);
- pragma Import (C, Chain_Init);
- procedure Chain_Append (Constr : in out Chain_Constr_Type; El : Tree);
- pragma Import (C, Chain_Append);
- -- Efficiently append element EL to a list.
- type List_Constr_Type is record
- First : Tree;
- Last : Tree;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, List_Constr_Type);
- procedure List_Init (Constr : out List_Constr_Type);
- pragma Import (C, List_Init);
- procedure List_Append (Constr : in out List_Constr_Type; El : Tree);
- pragma Import (C, List_Append, "ortho_list_append");
- type O_Loop_Block is record
- Beg_Label : Tree;
- End_Label : Tree;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, O_Loop_Block);
- type O_Inter_List is record
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- -- Return type.
- Rtype : O_Tnode;
- -- List of parameter types.
- Param_List : List_Constr_Type;
- -- Chain of parameters declarations.
- Param_Chain : Chain_Constr_Type;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, O_Inter_List);
- type O_Element_List is record
- Res : Tree;
- Chain : Chain_Constr_Type;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, O_Element_List);
- type O_Case_Block is record
- Case_Type : Tree;
- End_Label : Tree;
- Add_Break : Integer;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, O_Case_Block);
- type O_If_Block is record
- Stmt : Tree;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, O_If_Block);
- type O_Aggr_List is record
- Atype : Tree;
- Chain : Chain_Constr_Type;
- end record;
- type O_Record_Aggr_List is record
- Atype : Tree;
- Afield : Tree;
- Vec : Vec_Ptr;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, O_Record_Aggr_List);
- type O_Array_Aggr_List is record
- Atype : Tree;
- Vec : Vec_Ptr;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, O_Array_Aggr_List);
- type O_Assoc_List is record
- Subprg : Tree;
- List : List_Constr_Type;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, O_Assoc_List);
- type O_Enum_List is record
- -- The enumeral_type node.
- Res : Tree;
- -- Chain of literals.
- Chain : Chain_Constr_Type;
- -- Numeral value (from 0 to nbr - 1) of the next literal to be declared.
- Num : Natural;
- -- Size of the enumeration type.
- Size : Natural;
- end record;
- pragma Convention (C, O_Enum_List);
- pragma Import (C, New_Dyadic_Op);
- pragma Import (C, New_Monadic_Op);
- pragma Import (C, New_Compare_Op);
- pragma Import (C, New_Convert_Ov);
- pragma Import (C, New_Alloca);
- pragma Import (C, New_Signed_Literal);
- pragma Import (C, New_Unsigned_Literal);
- pragma Import (C, New_Float_Literal);
- pragma Import (C, New_Null_Access);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Record_Type);
- pragma Import (C, New_Record_Field);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Record_Type);
- pragma Import (C, New_Uncomplete_Record_Type);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Union_Type);
- pragma Import (C, New_Union_Field);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Union_Type);
- pragma Import (C, New_Unsigned_Type);
- pragma Import (C, New_Signed_Type);
- pragma Import (C, New_Float_Type);
- pragma Import (C, New_Access_Type);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Access_Type);
- pragma Import (C, New_Array_Type);
- pragma Import (C, New_Constrained_Array_Type);
- pragma Import (C, New_Boolean_Type);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Enum_Type);
- pragma Import (C, New_Enum_Literal);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Enum_Type);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Record_Aggr);
- pragma Import (C, New_Record_Aggr_El);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Record_Aggr);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Array_Aggr);
- pragma Import (C, New_Array_Aggr_El);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Array_Aggr);
- pragma Import (C, New_Union_Aggr);
- pragma Import (C, New_Indexed_Element);
- pragma Import (C, New_Slice);
- pragma Import (C, New_Selected_Element);
- pragma Import (C, New_Access_Element);
- pragma Import (C, New_Sizeof);
- pragma Import (C, New_Alignof);
- pragma Import (C, New_Offsetof);
- pragma Import (C, New_Address);
- pragma Import (C, New_Global_Address);
- pragma Import (C, New_Unchecked_Address);
- pragma Import (C, New_Global_Unchecked_Address);
- pragma Import (C, New_Subprogram_Address);
- pragma Import (C, New_Value);
- pragma Import (C, New_Type_Decl);
- pragma Import (C, New_Debug_Line_Decl);
- pragma Import (C, New_Const_Decl);
- pragma Import (C, New_Var_Decl);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Const_Value);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Const_Value);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Function_Decl);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Procedure_Decl);
- pragma Import (C, New_Interface_Decl);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Subprogram_Decl);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Subprogram_Body);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Subprogram_Body);
- pragma Import (C, New_Debug_Line_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Declare_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Declare_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Association);
- pragma Import (C, New_Association);
- pragma Import (C, New_Function_Call);
- pragma Import (C, New_Procedure_Call);
- pragma Import (C, New_Assign_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, Start_If_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, New_Else_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_If_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, New_Return_Stmt);
- pragma Import_Procedure (New_Return_Stmt,
- "new_func_return_stmt", (O_Enode));
- pragma Import_Procedure (New_Return_Stmt,
- "new_proc_return_stmt", null);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Loop_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Loop_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, New_Exit_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, New_Next_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Case_Stmt);
- pragma Import (C, Start_Choice);
- pragma Import (C, New_Expr_Choice);
- pragma Import (C, New_Range_Choice);
- pragma Import (C, New_Default_Choice);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Choice);
- pragma Import (C, Finish_Case_Stmt);
-end Ortho_Gcc;
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc_front.ads b/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc_front.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 553057b20..000000000
--- a/ortho/gcc/ortho_gcc_front.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-with Ortho_Front;
-package Ortho_Gcc_Front renames Ortho_Front;
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/ortho_ident.adb b/ortho/gcc/ortho_ident.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 770fece2b..000000000
--- a/ortho/gcc/ortho_ident.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
--- GCC back-end for ortho (identifiers)
--- Copyright (C) 2002-1014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-package body Ortho_Ident is
- function Get_Identifier_With_Length (Str : Address; Size : Integer)
- return O_Ident;
- pragma Import (C, Get_Identifier_With_Length,
- "get_identifier_with_length_c");
- function Compare_Identifier_String
- (Id : O_Ident; Str : Address; Size : Integer)
- return Boolean;
- pragma Import (C, Compare_Identifier_String);
- pragma Warnings (Off, Compare_Identifier_String);
- function Get_Identifier (Str : String) return O_Ident is
- begin
- return Get_Identifier_With_Length (Str'Address, Str'Length);
- end Get_Identifier;
- function Is_Equal (Id : O_Ident; Str : String) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Compare_Identifier_String (Id, Str'Address, Str'Length);
- end Is_Equal;
- function Get_String (Id : O_Ident) return String
- is
- procedure Get_Identifier_String
- (Id : O_Ident; Str_Ptr : Address; Len_Ptr : Address);
- pragma Import (C, Get_Identifier_String);
- Len : Natural;
- type Str_Acc is access String (Positive);
- Str : Str_Acc;
- begin
- Get_Identifier_String (Id, Str'Address, Len'Address);
- return Str (1 .. Len);
- end Get_String;
-end Ortho_Ident;
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/ortho_ident.ads b/ortho/gcc/ortho_ident.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 76c09ceb9..000000000
--- a/ortho/gcc/ortho_ident.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
--- GCC back-end for ortho (identifiers)
--- Copyright (C) 2002-1014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System; use System;
-package Ortho_Ident is
- subtype O_Ident is Address;
- function Get_Identifier (Str : String) return O_Ident;
- function Get_String (Id : O_Ident) return String;
- function Is_Equal (L, R : O_Ident) return Boolean renames System."=";
- function Is_Equal (Id : O_Ident; Str : String) return Boolean;
- O_Ident_Nul : constant O_Ident;
- O_Ident_Nul : constant O_Ident := Null_Address;
-end Ortho_Ident;
diff --git a/ortho/gcc/ortho_nodes.ads b/ortho/gcc/ortho_nodes.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c6c4a076..000000000
--- a/ortho/gcc/ortho_nodes.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-with Ortho_Gcc;
-package Ortho_Nodes renames Ortho_Gcc;
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/Makefile b/ortho/llvm/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 135dbdf4b..000000000
--- a/ortho/llvm/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-GNAT_FLAGS=-gnaty3befhkmr -gnata -gnatf -gnatwael -gnat05
-CXX=clang++ --std=c++11
-all: $(ortho_exec)
-$(ortho_exec): $(ortho_srcdir)/llvm/ortho_llvm.ads force llvm-cbindings.o
- gnatmake -m -o $@ -g -aI$(ortho_srcdir)/llvm -aI$(ortho_srcdir) \
- $(GNAT_FLAGS) ortho_code_main -bargs -E \
- -largs llvm-cbindings.o `$(LLVM_CONFIG) --ldflags --libs --system-libs` -lc++ #-static
-llvm-cbindings.o: $(ortho_srcdir)/llvm/llvm-cbindings.cpp
- $(CXX) -c -I`$(LLVM_CONFIG) --includedir --cflags` -g -o $@ $<
- $(RM) -f *.o *.ali ortho_code_main
- $(RM) b~*.ad? *~
-distclean: clean
-.PHONY: force all clean
-include $(ortho_srcdir)/Makefile.inc
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/llvm-analysis.ads b/ortho/llvm/llvm-analysis.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index bfecec579..000000000
--- a/ortho/llvm/llvm-analysis.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
--- LLVM binding
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with LLVM.Core; use LLVM.Core;
-package LLVM.Analysis is
- type VerifierFailureAction is
- (
- AbortProcessAction, -- verifier will print to stderr and abort()
- PrintMessageAction, -- verifier will print to stderr and return 1
- ReturnStatusAction -- verifier will just return 1
- );
- pragma Convention (C, VerifierFailureAction);
- -- Verifies that a module is valid, taking the specified action if not.
- -- Optionally returns a human-readable description of any invalid
- -- constructs.
- -- OutMessage must be disposed with DisposeMessage. */
- function VerifyModule(M : ModuleRef;
- Action : VerifierFailureAction;
- OutMessage : access Cstring)
- return Integer;
- -- Verifies that a single function is valid, taking the specified
- -- action. Useful for debugging.
- function VerifyFunction(Fn : ValueRef; Action : VerifierFailureAction)
- return Integer;
- -- Open up a ghostview window that displays the CFG of the current function.
- -- Useful for debugging.
- procedure ViewFunctionCFG(Fn : ValueRef);
- procedure ViewFunctionCFGOnly(Fn : ValueRef);
- pragma Import (C, VerifyModule, "LLVMVerifyModule");
- pragma Import (C, VerifyFunction, "LLVMVerifyFunction");
- pragma Import (C, ViewFunctionCFG, "LLVMViewFunctionCFG");
- pragma Import (C, ViewFunctionCFGOnly, "LLVMViewFunctionCFGOnly");
-end LLVM.Analysis;
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/llvm-bitwriter.ads b/ortho/llvm/llvm-bitwriter.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f9c518e4..000000000
--- a/ortho/llvm/llvm-bitwriter.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
--- LLVM binding
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with LLVM.Core; use LLVM.Core;
-with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
-with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
-package LLVM.BitWriter is
- -- Writes a module to an open file descriptor. Returns 0 on success.
- -- Closes the Handle. Use dup first if this is not what you want.
- function WriteBitcodeToFileHandle(M : ModuleRef; Handle : File_Descriptor)
- return int;
- -- Writes a module to the specified path. Returns 0 on success.
- function WriteBitcodeToFile(M : ModuleRef; Path : Cstring)
- return int;
- pragma Import (C, WriteBitcodeToFileHandle, "LLVMWriteBitcodeToFileHandle");
- pragma Import (C, WriteBitcodeToFile, "LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile");
-end LLVM.BitWriter;
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/llvm-cbindings.cpp b/ortho/llvm/llvm-cbindings.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e4d666ade..000000000
--- a/ortho/llvm/llvm-cbindings.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-/* LLVM binding
- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
- 02111-1307, USA. */
-#include "llvm-c/Target.h"
-#include "llvm-c/Core.h"
-#include "llvm-c/ExecutionEngine.h"
-#include "llvm/IR/Type.h"
-#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
-#include "llvm/IR/Metadata.h"
-#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/ExecutionEngine.h"
-using namespace llvm;
-extern "C" {
-LLVMInitializeNativeTarget_noinline (void)
- LLVMInitializeNativeTarget ();
-LLVMInitializeNativeAsmPrinter_noinline (void)
- LLVMInitializeNativeAsmPrinter();
-LLVMTypeRef LLVMMetadataTypeInContext(LLVMContextRef C) {
- return (LLVMTypeRef) Type::getMetadataTy(*unwrap(C));
-LLVMTypeRef LLVMMetadataType_extra(void) {
- return LLVMMetadataTypeInContext(LLVMGetGlobalContext());
-LLVMMDNodeReplaceOperandWith_extra (LLVMValueRef N, unsigned i, LLVMValueRef V) {
- MDNode *MD = cast<MDNode>(unwrap(N));
- MD->replaceOperandWith (i, unwrap(V));
-void *LLVMGetPointerToFunction(LLVMExecutionEngineRef EE, LLVMValueRef Func)
- return unwrap(EE)->getPointerToFunction(unwrap<Function>(Func));
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/llvm-core.ads b/ortho/llvm/llvm-core.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 74a47484f..000000000
--- a/ortho/llvm/llvm-core.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1279 +0,0 @@
--- LLVM binding
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System;
-with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
-use Interfaces;
-package LLVM.Core is
- subtype Cstring is System.Address;
- function "=" (L, R : Cstring) return Boolean renames System."=";
- -- Null_Cstring : constant Cstring := Null_Address;
- Nul : constant String := (1 => Character'Val (0));
- Empty_Cstring : constant Cstring := Nul'Address;
- -- The top-level container for all LLVM global data. See the LLVMContext
- -- class.
- type ContextRef is new System.Address;
- -- The top-level container for all other LLVM Intermediate
- -- Representation (IR) objects. See the llvm::Module class.
- type ModuleRef is new System.Address;
- subtype Bool is int;
- -- Each value in the LLVM IR has a type, an LLVMTypeRef. See the llvm::Type
- -- class.
- type TypeRef is new System.Address;
- Null_TypeRef : constant TypeRef := TypeRef (System.Null_Address);
- type TypeRefArray is array (unsigned range <>) of TypeRef;
- pragma Convention (C, TypeRefArray);
- type ValueRef is new System.Address;
- Null_ValueRef : constant ValueRef := ValueRef (System.Null_Address);
- type ValueRefArray is array (unsigned range <>) of ValueRef; -- Ada
- pragma Convention (C, ValueRefArray);
- type BasicBlockRef is new System.Address;
- Null_BasicBlockRef : constant BasicBlockRef :=
- BasicBlockRef (System.Null_Address);
- type BasicBlockRefArray is
- array (unsigned range <>) of BasicBlockRef; -- Ada
- pragma Convention (C, BasicBlockRefArray);
- type BuilderRef is new System.Address;
- -- Used to provide a module to JIT or interpreter.
- -- See the llvm::MemoryBuffer class.
- type MemoryBufferRef is new System.Address;
- -- See the llvm::PassManagerBase class.
- type PassManagerRef is new System.Address;
- type Attribute is new unsigned;
- ZExtAttribute : constant Attribute := 2**0;
- SExtAttribute : constant Attribute := 2**1;
- NoReturnAttribute : constant Attribute := 2**2;
- InRegAttribute : constant Attribute := 2**3;
- StructRetAttribute : constant Attribute := 2**4;
- NoUnwindAttribute : constant Attribute := 2**5;
- NoAliasAttribute : constant Attribute := 2**6;
- ByValAttribute : constant Attribute := 2**7;
- NestAttribute : constant Attribute := 2**8;
- ReadNoneAttribute : constant Attribute := 2**9;
- ReadOnlyAttribute : constant Attribute := 2**10;
- NoInlineAttribute : constant Attribute := 1**11;
- AlwaysInlineAttribute : constant Attribute := 1**12;
- OptimizeForSizeAttribute : constant Attribute := 1**13;
- StackProtectAttribute : constant Attribute := 1**14;
- StackProtectReqAttribute : constant Attribute := 1**15;
- Alignment : constant Attribute := 31**16;
- NoCaptureAttribute : constant Attribute := 1**21;
- NoRedZoneAttribute : constant Attribute := 1**22;
- NoImplicitFloatAttribute : constant Attribute := 1**23;
- NakedAttribute : constant Attribute := 1**24;
- InlineHintAttribute : constant Attribute := 1**25;
- StackAlignment : constant Attribute := 7**26;
- ReturnsTwice : constant Attribute := 1**29;
- UWTable : constant Attribute := 1**30;
- NonLazyBind : constant Attribute := 1**31;
- type TypeKind is
- (
- VoidTypeKind, -- type with no size
- HalfTypeKind, -- 16 bit floating point type
- FloatTypeKind, -- 32 bit floating point type
- DoubleTypeKind, -- 64 bit floating point type
- X86_FP80TypeKind, -- 80 bit floating point type (X87)
- FP128TypeKind, -- 128 bit floating point type (112-bit mantissa)
- PPC_FP128TypeKind, -- 128 bit floating point type (two 64-bits)
- LabelTypeKind, -- Labels
- IntegerTypeKind, -- Arbitrary bit width integers
- FunctionTypeKind, -- Functions
- StructTypeKind, -- Structures
- ArrayTypeKind, -- Arrays
- PointerTypeKind, -- Pointers
- VectorTypeKind, -- SIMD 'packed' format, or other vector type
- MetadataTypeKind, -- Metadata
- X86_MMXTypeKind -- X86 MMX
- );
- pragma Convention (C, TypeKind);
- type Linkage is
- (
- ExternalLinkage, -- Externally visible function
- AvailableExternallyLinkage,
- LinkOnceAnyLinkage, -- Keep one copy of function when linking (inline)
- LinkOnceODRLinkage, -- Same, but only replaced by someth equivalent.
- LinkOnceODRAutoHideLinkage, -- Obsolete
- WeakAnyLinkage, -- Keep one copy of function when linking (weak)
- WeakODRLinkage, -- Same, but only replaced by someth equivalent.
- AppendingLinkage, -- Special purpose, only applies to global arrays
- InternalLinkage, -- Rename collisions when linking (static func)
- PrivateLinkage, -- Like Internal, but omit from symbol table
- DLLImportLinkage, -- Obsolete
- DLLExportLinkage, -- Obsolete
- ExternalWeakLinkage,-- ExternalWeak linkage description
- GhostLinkage, -- Obsolete
- CommonLinkage, -- Tentative definitions
- LinkerPrivateLinkage, -- Like Private, but linker removes.
- LinkerPrivateWeakLinkage -- Like LinkerPrivate, but is weak.
- );
- pragma Convention (C, Linkage);
- type Visibility is
- (
- DefaultVisibility, -- The GV is visible
- HiddenVisibility, -- The GV is hidden
- ProtectedVisibility -- The GV is protected
- );
- pragma Convention (C, Visibility);
- type CallConv is new unsigned;
- CCallConv : constant CallConv := 0;
- FastCallConv : constant CallConv := 8;
- ColdCallConv : constant CallConv := 9;
- X86StdcallCallConv : constant CallConv := 64;
- X86FastcallCallConv : constant CallConv := 6;
- type IntPredicate is new unsigned;
- IntEQ : constant IntPredicate := 32; -- equal
- IntNE : constant IntPredicate := 33; -- not equal
- IntUGT : constant IntPredicate := 34; -- unsigned greater than
- IntUGE : constant IntPredicate := 35; -- unsigned greater or equal
- IntULT : constant IntPredicate := 36; -- unsigned less than
- IntULE : constant IntPredicate := 37; -- unsigned less or equal
- IntSGT : constant IntPredicate := 38; -- signed greater than
- IntSGE : constant IntPredicate := 39; -- signed greater or equal
- IntSLT : constant IntPredicate := 40; -- signed less than
- IntSLE : constant IntPredicate := 41; -- signed less or equal
- type RealPredicate is
- (
- RealPredicateFalse, -- Always false (always folded)
- RealOEQ, -- True if ordered and equal
- RealOGT, -- True if ordered and greater than
- RealOGE, -- True if ordered and greater than or equal
- RealOLT, -- True if ordered and less than
- RealOLE, -- True if ordered and less than or equal
- RealONE, -- True if ordered and operands are unequal
- RealORD, -- True if ordered (no nans)
- RealUNO, -- True if unordered: isnan(X) | isnan(Y)
- RealUEQ, -- True if unordered or equal
- RealUGT, -- True if unordered or greater than
- RealUGE, -- True if unordered, greater than, or equal
- RealULT, -- True if unordered or less than
- RealULE, -- True if unordered, less than, or equal
- RealUNE, -- True if unordered or not equal
- RealPredicateTrue -- Always true (always folded)
- );
- -- Error handling ----------------------------------------------------
- procedure DisposeMessage (Message : Cstring);
- -- Context
- -- Create a new context.
- -- Every call to this function should be paired with a call to
- -- LLVMContextDispose() or the context will leak memory.
- function ContextCreate return ContextRef;
- -- Obtain the global context instance.
- function GetGlobalContext return ContextRef;
- -- Destroy a context instance.
- -- This should be called for every call to LLVMContextCreate() or memory
- -- will be leaked.
- procedure ContextDispose (C : ContextRef);
- function GetMDKindIDInContext
- (C : ContextRef; Name : Cstring; Slen : unsigned)
- return unsigned;
- function GetMDKindID(Name : String; Slen : unsigned) return unsigned;
- -- Modules -----------------------------------------------------------
- -- Create and destroy modules.
- -- See llvm::Module::Module.
- function ModuleCreateWithName (ModuleID : Cstring) return ModuleRef;
- -- See llvm::Module::~Module.
- procedure DisposeModule (M : ModuleRef);
- -- Data layout. See Module::getDataLayout.
- function GetDataLayout(M : ModuleRef) return Cstring;
- procedure SetDataLayout(M : ModuleRef; Triple : Cstring);
- -- Target triple. See Module::getTargetTriple.
- function GetTarget (M : ModuleRef) return Cstring;
- procedure SetTarget (M : ModuleRef; Triple : Cstring);
- -- See Module::dump.
- procedure DumpModule(M : ModuleRef);
- -- Print a representation of a module to a file. The ErrorMessage needs to
- -- be disposed with LLVMDisposeMessage. Returns 0 on success, 1 otherwise.
- --
- -- @see Module::print()
- function PrintModuleToFile(M : ModuleRef;
- Filename : Cstring;
- ErrorMessage : access Cstring) return Bool;
- -- Types -------------------------------------------------------------
- -- LLVM types conform to the following hierarchy:
- --
- -- types:
- -- integer type
- -- real type
- -- function type
- -- sequence types:
- -- array type
- -- pointer type
- -- vector type
- -- void type
- -- label type
- -- opaque type
- -- See llvm::LLVMTypeKind::getTypeID.
- function GetTypeKind (Ty : TypeRef) return TypeKind;
- -- Operations on integer types
- function Int1Type return TypeRef;
- function Int8Type return TypeRef;
- function Int16Type return TypeRef;
- function Int32Type return TypeRef;
- function Int64Type return TypeRef;
- function IntType(NumBits : unsigned) return TypeRef;
- function GetIntTypeWidth(IntegerTy : TypeRef) return unsigned;
- function MetadataType return TypeRef;
- -- Operations on real types
- function FloatType return TypeRef;
- function DoubleType return TypeRef;
- function X86FP80Type return TypeRef;
- function FP128Type return TypeRef;
- function PPCFP128Type return TypeRef;
- -- Operations on function types
- function FunctionType(ReturnType : TypeRef;
- ParamTypes : TypeRefArray;
- ParamCount : unsigned;
- IsVarArg : int) return TypeRef;
- function IsFunctionVarArg(FunctionTy : TypeRef) return int;
- function GetReturnType(FunctionTy : TypeRef) return TypeRef;
- function CountParamTypes(FunctionTy : TypeRef) return unsigned;
- procedure GetParamTypes(FunctionTy : TypeRef; Dest : out TypeRefArray);
- -- Operations on struct types
- function StructType(ElementTypes : TypeRefArray;
- ElementCount : unsigned;
- Packed : Bool) return TypeRef;
- function StructCreateNamed(C : ContextRef; Name : Cstring) return TypeRef;
- procedure StructSetBody(StructTy : TypeRef;
- ElementTypes : TypeRefArray;
- ElementCount : unsigned;
- Packed : Bool);
- function CountStructElementTypes(StructTy : TypeRef) return unsigned;
- procedure GetStructElementTypes(StructTy : TypeRef;
- Dest : out TypeRefArray);
- function IsPackedStruct(StructTy : TypeRef) return Bool;
- -- Operations on array, pointer, and vector types (sequence types)
- function ArrayType(ElementType : TypeRef; ElementCount : unsigned)
- return TypeRef;
- function PointerType(ElementType : TypeRef; AddressSpace : unsigned := 0)
- return TypeRef;
- function VectorType(ElementType : TypeRef; ElementCount : unsigned)
- return TypeRef;
- function GetElementType(Ty : TypeRef) return TypeRef;
- function GetArrayLength(ArrayTy : TypeRef) return unsigned;
- function GetPointerAddressSpace(PointerTy : TypeRef) return unsigned;
- function GetVectorSize(VectorTy : TypeRef) return unsigned;
- -- Operations on other types.
- function VoidType return TypeRef;
- function LabelType return TypeRef;
- -- Values ------------------------------------------------------------
- -- The bulk of LLVM's object model consists of values, which comprise a very
- -- rich type hierarchy.
- --
- -- values:
- -- constants:
- -- scalar constants
- -- composite contants
- -- globals:
- -- global variable
- -- function
- -- alias
- -- basic blocks
- -- Operations on all values
- function TypeOf(Val : ValueRef) return TypeRef;
- function GetValueName(Val : ValueRef) return Cstring;
- procedure SetValueName(Val : ValueRef; Name : Cstring);
- procedure DumpValue(Val : ValueRef);
- -- Operations on constants of any type
- function ConstNull(Ty : TypeRef) return ValueRef; -- All zero
- function ConstAllOnes(Ty : TypeRef) return ValueRef; -- Int or Vec
- function GetUndef(Ty : TypeRef) return ValueRef;
- function IsConstant(Val : ValueRef) return int;
- function IsNull(Val : ValueRef) return int;
- function IsUndef(Val : ValueRef) return int;
- -- Convert value instances between types.
- --
- -- Internally, an LLVMValueRef is "pinned" to a specific type. This
- -- series of functions allows you to cast an instance to a specific
- -- type.
- --
- -- If the cast is not valid for the specified type, NULL is returned.
- --
- -- @see llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<>
- function IsAInstruction (Val : ValueRef) return ValueRef;
- -- Operations on scalar constants
- function ConstInt(IntTy : TypeRef; N : Unsigned_64; SignExtend : int)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstReal(RealTy : TypeRef; N : double) return ValueRef;
- function ConstRealOfString(RealTy : TypeRef; Text : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- -- Obtain the zero extended value for an integer constant value.
- -- @see llvm::ConstantInt::getZExtValue()
- function ConstIntGetZExtValue (ConstantVal : ValueRef) return Unsigned_64;
- -- Operations on composite constants
- function ConstString(Str : Cstring;
- Length : unsigned; DontNullTerminate : int)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstArray(ElementTy : TypeRef;
- ConstantVals : ValueRefArray; Length : unsigned)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstStruct(ConstantVals : ValueRefArray;
- Count : unsigned; packed : int) return ValueRef;
- -- Create a non-anonymous ConstantStruct from values.
- -- @see llvm::ConstantStruct::get()
- function ConstNamedStruct(StructTy : TypeRef;
- ConstantVals : ValueRefArray;
- Count : unsigned) return ValueRef;
- function ConstVector(ScalarConstantVals : ValueRefArray; Size : unsigned)
- return ValueRef;
- -- Constant expressions
- function SizeOf(Ty : TypeRef) return ValueRef;
- function AlignOf(Ty : TypeRef) return ValueRef;
- function ConstNeg(ConstantVal : ValueRef) return ValueRef;
- function ConstNot(ConstantVal : ValueRef) return ValueRef;
- function ConstAdd(LHSConstant : ValueRef; RHSConstant : ValueRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstSub(LHSConstant : ValueRef; RHSConstant : ValueRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstMul(LHSConstant : ValueRef; RHSConstant : ValueRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstUDiv(LHSConstant : ValueRef; RHSConstant : ValueRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstSDiv(LHSConstant : ValueRef; RHSConstant : ValueRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstFDiv(LHSConstant : ValueRef; RHSConstant : ValueRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstURem(LHSConstant : ValueRef; RHSConstant : ValueRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstSRem(LHSConstant : ValueRef; RHSConstant : ValueRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstFRem(LHSConstant : ValueRef; RHSConstant : ValueRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstAnd(LHSConstant : ValueRef; RHSConstant : ValueRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstOr(LHSConstant : ValueRef; RHSConstant : ValueRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstXor(LHSConstant : ValueRef; RHSConstant : ValueRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstICmp(Predicate : IntPredicate;
- LHSConstant : ValueRef; RHSConstant : ValueRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstFCmp(Predicate : RealPredicate;
- LHSConstant : ValueRef; RHSConstant : ValueRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstShl(LHSConstant : ValueRef; RHSConstant : ValueRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstLShr(LHSConstant : ValueRef; RHSConstant : ValueRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstAShr(LHSConstant : ValueRef; RHSConstant : ValueRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstGEP(ConstantVal : ValueRef;
- ConstantIndices : ValueRefArray; NumIndices : unsigned)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstTrunc(ConstantVal : ValueRef; ToType : TypeRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstSExt(ConstantVal : ValueRef; ToType : TypeRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstZExt(ConstantVal : ValueRef; ToType : TypeRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstFPTrunc(ConstantVal : ValueRef; ToType : TypeRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstFPExt(ConstantVal : ValueRef; ToType : TypeRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstUIToFP(ConstantVal : ValueRef; ToType : TypeRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstSIToFP(ConstantVal : ValueRef; ToType : TypeRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstFPToUI(ConstantVal : ValueRef; ToType : TypeRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstFPToSI(ConstantVal : ValueRef; ToType : TypeRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstPtrToInt(ConstantVal : ValueRef; ToType : TypeRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstIntToPtr(ConstantVal : ValueRef; ToType : TypeRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstBitCast(ConstantVal : ValueRef; ToType : TypeRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstTruncOrBitCast(ConstantVal : ValueRef; ToType : TypeRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function ConstSelect(ConstantCondition : ValueRef;
- ConstantIfTrue : ValueRef;
- ConstantIfFalse : ValueRef) return ValueRef;
- function ConstExtractElement(VectorConstant : ValueRef;
- IndexConstant : ValueRef) return ValueRef;
- function ConstInsertElement(VectorConstant : ValueRef;
- ElementValueConstant : ValueRef;
- IndexConstant : ValueRef) return ValueRef;
- function ConstShuffleVector(VectorAConstant : ValueRef;
- VectorBConstant : ValueRef;
- MaskConstant : ValueRef) return ValueRef;
- -- Operations on global variables, functions, and aliases (globals)
- function GetGlobalParent(Global : ValueRef) return ModuleRef;
- function IsDeclaration(Global : ValueRef) return int;
- function GetLinkage(Global : ValueRef) return Linkage;
- procedure SetLinkage(Global : ValueRef; Link : Linkage);
- function GetSection(Global : ValueRef) return Cstring;
- procedure SetSection(Global : ValueRef; Section : Cstring);
- function GetVisibility(Global : ValueRef) return Visibility;
- procedure SetVisibility(Global : ValueRef; Viz : Visibility);
- function GetAlignment(Global : ValueRef) return unsigned;
- procedure SetAlignment(Global : ValueRef; Bytes : unsigned);
- -- Operations on global variables
- function AddGlobal(M : ModuleRef; Ty : TypeRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function GetNamedGlobal(M : ModuleRef; Name : Cstring) return ValueRef;
- function GetFirstGlobal(M : ModuleRef) return ValueRef;
- function GetLastGlobal(M : ModuleRef) return ValueRef;
- function GetNextGlobal(GlobalVar : ValueRef) return ValueRef;
- function GetPreviousGlobal(GlobalVar : ValueRef) return ValueRef;
- procedure DeleteGlobal(GlobalVar : ValueRef);
- function GetInitializer(GlobalVar : ValueRef) return ValueRef;
- procedure SetInitializer(GlobalVar : ValueRef; ConstantVal : ValueRef);
- function IsThreadLocal(GlobalVar : ValueRef) return int;
- procedure SetThreadLocal(GlobalVar : ValueRef; IsThreadLocal : int);
- function IsGlobalConstant(GlobalVar : ValueRef) return int;
- procedure SetGlobalConstant(GlobalVar : ValueRef; IsConstant : int);
- -- Obtain the number of operands for named metadata in a module.
- -- @see llvm::Module::getNamedMetadata()
- function GetNamedMetadataNumOperands(M : ModuleRef; Name : Cstring)
- return unsigned;
- -- Obtain the named metadata operands for a module.
- -- The passed LLVMValueRef pointer should refer to an array of
- -- LLVMValueRef at least LLVMGetNamedMetadataNumOperands long. This
- -- array will be populated with the LLVMValueRef instances. Each
- -- instance corresponds to a llvm::MDNode.
- -- @see llvm::Module::getNamedMetadata()
- -- @see llvm::MDNode::getOperand()
- procedure GetNamedMetadataOperands
- (M : ModuleRef; Name : Cstring; Dest : ValueRefArray);
- -- Add an operand to named metadata.
- -- @see llvm::Module::getNamedMetadata()
- -- @see llvm::MDNode::addOperand()
- procedure AddNamedMetadataOperand
- (M : ModuleRef; Name : Cstring; Val : ValueRef);
- -- Operations on functions
- function AddFunction(M : ModuleRef; Name : Cstring; FunctionTy : TypeRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function GetNamedFunction(M : ModuleRef; Name : Cstring) return ValueRef;
- function GetFirstFunction(M : ModuleRef) return ValueRef;
- function GetLastFunction(M : ModuleRef) return ValueRef;
- function GetNextFunction(Fn : ValueRef) return ValueRef;
- function GetPreviousFunction(Fn : ValueRef) return ValueRef;
- procedure DeleteFunction(Fn : ValueRef);
- function GetIntrinsicID(Fn : ValueRef) return unsigned;
- function GetFunctionCallConv(Fn : ValueRef) return CallConv;
- procedure SetFunctionCallConv(Fn : ValueRef; CC : CallConv);
- function GetGC(Fn : ValueRef) return Cstring;
- procedure SetGC(Fn : ValueRef; Name : Cstring);
- -- Add an attribute to a function.
- -- @see llvm::Function::addAttribute()
- procedure AddFunctionAttr (Fn : ValueRef; PA : Attribute);
- -- Add a target-dependent attribute to a fuction
- -- @see llvm::AttrBuilder::addAttribute()
- procedure AddTargetDependentFunctionAttr
- (Fn : ValueRef; A : Cstring; V : Cstring);
- -- Obtain an attribute from a function.
- -- @see llvm::Function::getAttributes()
- function GetFunctionAttr (Fn : ValueRef) return Attribute;
- -- Remove an attribute from a function.
- procedure RemoveFunctionAttr (Fn : ValueRef; PA : Attribute);
- -- Operations on parameters
- function CountParams(Fn : ValueRef) return unsigned;
- procedure GetParams(Fn : ValueRef; Params : ValueRefArray);
- function GetParam(Fn : ValueRef; Index : unsigned) return ValueRef;
- function GetParamParent(Inst : ValueRef) return ValueRef;
- function GetFirstParam(Fn : ValueRef) return ValueRef;
- function GetLastParam(Fn : ValueRef) return ValueRef;
- function GetNextParam(Arg : ValueRef) return ValueRef;
- function GetPreviousParam(Arg : ValueRef) return ValueRef;
- procedure AddAttribute(Arg : ValueRef; PA : Attribute);
- procedure RemoveAttribute(Arg : ValueRef; PA : Attribute);
- procedure SetParamAlignment(Arg : ValueRef; align : unsigned);
- -- Metadata
- -- Obtain a MDString value from a context.
- -- The returned instance corresponds to the llvm::MDString class.
- -- The instance is specified by string data of a specified length. The
- -- string content is copied, so the backing memory can be freed after
- -- this function returns.
- function MDStringInContext(C : ContextRef; Str : Cstring; Len : unsigned)
- return ValueRef;
- -- Obtain a MDString value from the global context.
- function MDString(Str : Cstring; Len : unsigned) return ValueRef;
- -- Obtain a MDNode value from a context.
- -- The returned value corresponds to the llvm::MDNode class.
- function MDNodeInContext
- (C : ContextRef; Vals : ValueRefArray; Count : unsigned)
- return ValueRef;
- -- Obtain a MDNode value from the global context.
- function MDNode(Vals : ValueRefArray; Count : unsigned) return ValueRef;
- -- Obtain the underlying string from a MDString value.
- -- @param V Instance to obtain string from.
- -- @param Len Memory address which will hold length of returned string.
- -- @return String data in MDString.
- function GetMDString(V : ValueRef; Len : access unsigned) return Cstring;
- -- Obtain the number of operands from an MDNode value.
- -- @param V MDNode to get number of operands from.
- -- @return Number of operands of the MDNode.
- function GetMDNodeNumOperands(V : ValueRef) return unsigned;
- -- Obtain the given MDNode's operands.
- -- The passed LLVMValueRef pointer should point to enough memory to hold
- -- all of the operands of the given MDNode (see LLVMGetMDNodeNumOperands)
- -- as LLVMValueRefs. This memory will be populated with the LLVMValueRefs
- -- of the MDNode's operands.
- -- @param V MDNode to get the operands from.
- -- @param Dest Destination array for operands.
- procedure GetMDNodeOperands(V : ValueRef; Dest : ValueRefArray);
- procedure MDNodeReplaceOperandWith
- (N : ValueRef; I : unsigned; V : ValueRef);
- -- Operations on basic blocks
- function BasicBlockAsValue(BB : BasicBlockRef) return ValueRef;
- function ValueIsBasicBlock(Val : ValueRef) return int;
- function ValueAsBasicBlock(Val : ValueRef) return BasicBlockRef;
- function GetBasicBlockParent(BB : BasicBlockRef) return ValueRef;
- function CountBasicBlocks(Fn : ValueRef) return unsigned;
- procedure GetBasicBlocks(Fn : ValueRef; BasicBlocks : BasicBlockRefArray);
- function GetFirstBasicBlock(Fn : ValueRef) return BasicBlockRef;
- function GetLastBasicBlock(Fn : ValueRef) return BasicBlockRef;
- function GetNextBasicBlock(BB : BasicBlockRef) return BasicBlockRef;
- function GetPreviousBasicBlock(BB : BasicBlockRef) return BasicBlockRef;
- function GetEntryBasicBlock(Fn : ValueRef) return BasicBlockRef;
- function AppendBasicBlock(Fn : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return BasicBlockRef;
- function InsertBasicBlock(InsertBeforeBB : BasicBlockRef;
- Name : Cstring) return BasicBlockRef;
- procedure DeleteBasicBlock(BB : BasicBlockRef);
- -- Operations on instructions
- -- Determine whether an instruction has any metadata attached.
- function HasMetadata(Val: ValueRef) return Bool;
- -- Return metadata associated with an instruction value.
- function GetMetadata(Val : ValueRef; KindID : unsigned) return ValueRef;
- -- Set metadata associated with an instruction value.
- procedure SetMetadata(Val : ValueRef; KindID : unsigned; Node : ValueRef);
- function GetInstructionParent(Inst : ValueRef) return BasicBlockRef;
- function GetFirstInstruction(BB : BasicBlockRef) return ValueRef;
- function GetLastInstruction(BB : BasicBlockRef) return ValueRef;
- function GetNextInstruction(Inst : ValueRef) return ValueRef;
- function GetPreviousInstruction(Inst : ValueRef) return ValueRef;
- -- Operations on call sites
- procedure SetInstructionCallConv(Instr : ValueRef; CC : unsigned);
- function GetInstructionCallConv(Instr : ValueRef) return unsigned;
- procedure AddInstrAttribute(Instr : ValueRef;
- index : unsigned; Attr : Attribute);
- procedure RemoveInstrAttribute(Instr : ValueRef;
- index : unsigned; Attr : Attribute);
- procedure SetInstrParamAlignment(Instr : ValueRef;
- index : unsigned; align : unsigned);
- -- Operations on call instructions (only)
- function IsTailCall(CallInst : ValueRef) return int;
- procedure SetTailCall(CallInst : ValueRef; IsTailCall : int);
- -- Operations on phi nodes
- procedure AddIncoming(PhiNode : ValueRef; IncomingValues : ValueRefArray;
- IncomingBlocks : BasicBlockRefArray; Count : unsigned);
- function CountIncoming(PhiNode : ValueRef) return unsigned;
- function GetIncomingValue(PhiNode : ValueRef; Index : unsigned)
- return ValueRef;
- function GetIncomingBlock(PhiNode : ValueRef; Index : unsigned)
- return BasicBlockRef;
- -- Instruction builders ----------------------------------------------
- -- An instruction builder represents a point within a basic block,
- -- and is the exclusive means of building instructions using the C
- -- interface.
- function CreateBuilder return BuilderRef;
- procedure PositionBuilder(Builder : BuilderRef;
- Block : BasicBlockRef; Instr : ValueRef);
- procedure PositionBuilderBefore(Builder : BuilderRef; Instr : ValueRef);
- procedure PositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder : BuilderRef; Block : BasicBlockRef);
- function GetInsertBlock(Builder : BuilderRef) return BasicBlockRef;
- procedure DisposeBuilder(Builder : BuilderRef);
- -- Terminators
- function BuildRetVoid(Builder : BuilderRef) return ValueRef;
- function BuildRet(Builder : BuilderRef; V : ValueRef) return ValueRef;
- function BuildBr(Builder : BuilderRef; Dest : BasicBlockRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildCondBr(Builder : BuilderRef;
- If_Br : ValueRef;
- Then_Br : BasicBlockRef; Else_Br : BasicBlockRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildSwitch(Builder : BuilderRef;
- V : ValueRef;
- Else_Br : BasicBlockRef; NumCases : unsigned)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildInvoke(Builder : BuilderRef;
- Fn : ValueRef;
- Args : ValueRefArray;
- NumArgs : unsigned;
- Then_Br : BasicBlockRef;
- Catch : BasicBlockRef;
- Name : Cstring) return ValueRef;
- function BuildUnwind(Builder : BuilderRef) return ValueRef;
- function BuildUnreachable(Builder : BuilderRef) return ValueRef;
- -- Add a case to the switch instruction
- procedure AddCase(Switch : ValueRef;
- OnVal : ValueRef; Dest : BasicBlockRef);
- -- Arithmetic
- function BuildAdd(Builder : BuilderRef;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildNSWAdd(Builder : BuilderRef;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildNUWAdd(Builder : BuilderRef;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildFAdd(Builder : BuilderRef;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildSub(Builder : BuilderRef;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildNSWSub(Builder : BuilderRef;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildNUWSub(Builder : BuilderRef;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildFSub(Builder : BuilderRef;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildMul(Builder : BuilderRef;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildFMul(Builder : BuilderRef;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildUDiv(Builder : BuilderRef;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildSDiv(Builder : BuilderRef;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildFDiv(Builder : BuilderRef;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildURem(Builder : BuilderRef;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildSRem(Builder : BuilderRef;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildFRem(Builder : BuilderRef;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildShl(Builder : BuilderRef;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildLShr(Builder : BuilderRef;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildAShr(Builder : BuilderRef;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildAnd(Builder : BuilderRef;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildOr(Builder : BuilderRef;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildXor(Builder : BuilderRef;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildNeg(Builder : BuilderRef; V : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildFNeg(Builder : BuilderRef; V : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildNot(Builder : BuilderRef; V : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- -- Memory
- function BuildMalloc(Builder : BuilderRef; Ty : TypeRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildArrayMalloc(Builder : BuilderRef;
- Ty : TypeRef; Val : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildAlloca(Builder : BuilderRef; Ty : TypeRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildArrayAlloca(Builder : BuilderRef;
- Ty : TypeRef; Val : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildFree(Builder : BuilderRef; PointerVal : ValueRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildLoad(Builder : BuilderRef; PointerVal : ValueRef;
- Name : Cstring) return ValueRef;
- function BuildStore(Builder : BuilderRef; Val : ValueRef; Ptr : ValueRef)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildGEP(Builder : BuilderRef;
- Pointer : ValueRef;
- Indices : ValueRefArray;
- NumIndices : unsigned; Name : Cstring) return ValueRef;
- -- Casts
- function BuildTrunc(Builder : BuilderRef;
- Val : ValueRef; DestTy : TypeRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildZExt(Builder : BuilderRef;
- Val : ValueRef; DestTy : TypeRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildSExt(Builder : BuilderRef;
- Val : ValueRef; DestTy : TypeRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildFPToUI(Builder : BuilderRef;
- Val : ValueRef; DestTy : TypeRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildFPToSI(Builder : BuilderRef;
- Val : ValueRef; DestTy : TypeRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildUIToFP(Builder : BuilderRef;
- Val : ValueRef; DestTy : TypeRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildSIToFP(Builder : BuilderRef;
- Val : ValueRef; DestTy : TypeRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildFPTrunc(Builder : BuilderRef;
- Val : ValueRef; DestTy : TypeRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildFPExt(Builder : BuilderRef;
- Val : ValueRef; DestTy : TypeRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildPtrToInt(Builder : BuilderRef;
- Val : ValueRef; DestTy : TypeRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildIntToPtr(Builder : BuilderRef;
- Val : ValueRef; DestTy : TypeRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildBitCast(Builder : BuilderRef;
- Val : ValueRef; DestTy : TypeRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- -- Comparisons
- function BuildICmp(Builder : BuilderRef;
- Op : IntPredicate;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildFCmp(Builder : BuilderRef;
- Op : RealPredicate;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- -- Miscellaneous instructions
- function BuildPhi(Builder : BuilderRef; Ty : TypeRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildCall(Builder : BuilderRef;
- Fn : ValueRef;
- Args : ValueRefArray; NumArgs : unsigned; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildSelect(Builder : BuilderRef;
- If_Sel : ValueRef;
- Then_Sel : ValueRef;
- Else_Sel : ValueRef;
- Name : Cstring) return ValueRef;
- function BuildVAArg(Builder : BuilderRef;
- List : ValueRef; Ty : TypeRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- function BuildExtractElement(Builder : BuilderRef;
- VecVal : ValueRef;
- Index : ValueRef;
- Name : Cstring) return ValueRef;
- function BuildInsertElement(Builder : BuilderRef;
- VecVal : ValueRef;
- EltVal : ValueRef;
- Index : ValueRef;
- Name : Cstring) return ValueRef;
- function BuildShuffleVector(Builder : BuilderRef;
- V1 : ValueRef;
- V2 : ValueRef;
- Mask : ValueRef;
- Name : Cstring) return ValueRef;
- -- Memory buffers ----------------------------------------------------
- function CreateMemoryBufferWithContentsOfFile
- (Path : Cstring;
- OutMemBuf : access MemoryBufferRef;
- OutMessage : access Cstring) return int;
- function CreateMemoryBufferWithSTDIN
- (OutMemBuf : access MemoryBufferRef;
- OutMessage : access Cstring) return int;
- procedure DisposeMemoryBuffer(MemBuf : MemoryBufferRef);
- -- Pass Managers -----------------------------------------------------
- -- Constructs a new whole-module pass pipeline. This type of pipeline is
- -- suitable for link-time optimization and whole-module transformations.
- -- See llvm::PassManager::PassManager.
- function CreatePassManager return PassManagerRef;
- -- Constructs a new function-by-function pass pipeline over the module
- -- provider. It does not take ownership of the module provider. This type of
- -- pipeline is suitable for code generation and JIT compilation tasks.
- -- See llvm::FunctionPassManager::FunctionPassManager.
- function CreateFunctionPassManagerForModule(M : ModuleRef)
- return PassManagerRef;
- -- Initializes, executes on the provided module, and finalizes all of the
- -- passes scheduled in the pass manager. Returns 1 if any of the passes
- -- modified the module, 0 otherwise. See llvm::PassManager::run(Module&).
- function RunPassManager(PM : PassManagerRef; M : ModuleRef)
- return int;
- -- Initializes all of the function passes scheduled in the function pass
- -- manager. Returns 1 if any of the passes modified the module, 0 otherwise.
- -- See llvm::FunctionPassManager::doInitialization.
- function InitializeFunctionPassManager(FPM : PassManagerRef)
- return int;
- -- Executes all of the function passes scheduled in the function
- -- pass manager on the provided function. Returns 1 if any of the
- -- passes modified the function, false otherwise.
- -- See llvm::FunctionPassManager::run(Function&).
- function RunFunctionPassManager (FPM : PassManagerRef; F : ValueRef)
- return int;
- -- Finalizes all of the function passes scheduled in in the function pass
- -- manager. Returns 1 if any of the passes modified the module, 0 otherwise.
- -- See llvm::FunctionPassManager::doFinalization.
- function FinalizeFunctionPassManager(FPM : PassManagerRef)
- return int;
- -- Frees the memory of a pass pipeline. For function pipelines,
- -- does not free the module provider.
- -- See llvm::PassManagerBase::~PassManagerBase.
- procedure DisposePassManager(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, ContextCreate, "LLVMContextCreate");
- pragma Import (C, GetGlobalContext, "LLVMGetGlobalContext");
- pragma Import (C, ContextDispose, "LLVMContextDispose");
- pragma Import (C, GetMDKindIDInContext, "LLVMGetMDKindIDInContext");
- pragma Import (C, GetMDKindID, "LLVMGetMDKindID");
- pragma Import (C, DisposeMessage, "LLVMDisposeMessage");
- pragma Import (C, ModuleCreateWithName, "LLVMModuleCreateWithName");
- pragma Import (C, DisposeModule, "LLVMDisposeModule");
- pragma Import (C, GetDataLayout, "LLVMGetDataLayout");
- pragma Import (C, SetDataLayout, "LLVMSetDataLayout");
- pragma Import (C, GetTarget, "LLVMGetTarget");
- pragma Import (C, SetTarget, "LLVMSetTarget");
- pragma Import (C, DumpModule, "LLVMDumpModule");
- pragma Import (C, PrintModuleToFile, "LLVMPrintModuleToFile");
- pragma Import (C, GetTypeKind, "LLVMGetTypeKind");
- pragma Import (C, Int1Type, "LLVMInt1Type");
- pragma Import (C, Int8Type, "LLVMInt8Type");
- pragma Import (C, Int16Type, "LLVMInt16Type");
- pragma Import (C, Int32Type, "LLVMInt32Type");
- pragma Import (C, Int64Type, "LLVMInt64Type");
- pragma Import (C, IntType, "LLVMIntType");
- pragma Import (C, GetIntTypeWidth, "LLVMGetIntTypeWidth");
- pragma Import (C, MetadataType, "LLVMMetadataType_extra");
- pragma Import (C, FloatType, "LLVMFloatType");
- pragma Import (C, DoubleType, "LLVMDoubleType");
- pragma Import (C, X86FP80Type, "LLVMX86FP80Type");
- pragma Import (C, FP128Type, "LLVMFP128Type");
- pragma Import (C, PPCFP128Type, "LLVMPPCFP128Type");
- pragma Import (C, FunctionType, "LLVMFunctionType");
- pragma Import (C, IsFunctionVarArg, "LLVMIsFunctionVarArg");
- pragma Import (C, GetReturnType, "LLVMGetReturnType");
- pragma Import (C, CountParamTypes, "LLVMCountParamTypes");
- pragma Import (C, GetParamTypes, "LLVMGetParamTypes");
- pragma Import (C, StructType, "LLVMStructType");
- pragma Import (C, StructCreateNamed, "LLVMStructCreateNamed");
- pragma Import (C, StructSetBody, "LLVMStructSetBody");
- pragma Import (C, CountStructElementTypes, "LLVMCountStructElementTypes");
- pragma Import (C, GetStructElementTypes, "LLVMGetStructElementTypes");
- pragma Import (C, IsPackedStruct, "LLVMIsPackedStruct");
- pragma Import (C, ArrayType, "LLVMArrayType");
- pragma Import (C, PointerType, "LLVMPointerType");
- pragma Import (C, VectorType, "LLVMVectorType");
- pragma Import (C, GetElementType, "LLVMGetElementType");
- pragma Import (C, GetArrayLength, "LLVMGetArrayLength");
- pragma Import (C, GetPointerAddressSpace, "LLVMGetPointerAddressSpace");
- pragma Import (C, GetVectorSize, "LLVMGetVectorSize");
- pragma Import (C, VoidType, "LLVMVoidType");
- pragma Import (C, LabelType, "LLVMLabelType");
- pragma Import (C, TypeOf, "LLVMTypeOf");
- pragma Import (C, GetValueName, "LLVMGetValueName");
- pragma Import (C, SetValueName, "LLVMSetValueName");
- pragma Import (C, DumpValue, "LLVMDumpValue");
- pragma Import (C, ConstNull, "LLVMConstNull");
- pragma Import (C, ConstAllOnes, "LLVMConstAllOnes");
- pragma Import (C, GetUndef, "LLVMGetUndef");
- pragma Import (C, IsConstant, "LLVMIsConstant");
- pragma Import (C, IsNull, "LLVMIsNull");
- pragma Import (C, IsUndef, "LLVMIsUndef");
- pragma Import (C, IsAInstruction, "LLVMIsAInstruction");
- pragma Import (C, ConstInt, "LLVMConstInt");
- pragma Import (C, ConstReal, "LLVMConstReal");
- pragma Import (C, ConstIntGetZExtValue, "LLVMConstIntGetZExtValue");
- pragma Import (C, ConstRealOfString, "LLVMConstRealOfString");
- pragma Import (C, ConstString, "LLVMConstString");
- pragma Import (C, ConstArray, "LLVMConstArray");
- pragma Import (C, ConstStruct, "LLVMConstStruct");
- pragma Import (C, ConstNamedStruct, "LLVMConstNamedStruct");
- pragma Import (C, ConstVector, "LLVMConstVector");
- pragma Import (C, SizeOf, "LLVMSizeOf");
- pragma Import (C, AlignOf, "LLVMAlignOf");
- pragma Import (C, ConstNeg, "LLVMConstNeg");
- pragma Import (C, ConstNot, "LLVMConstNot");
- pragma Import (C, ConstAdd, "LLVMConstAdd");
- pragma Import (C, ConstSub, "LLVMConstSub");
- pragma Import (C, ConstMul, "LLVMConstMul");
- pragma Import (C, ConstUDiv, "LLVMConstUDiv");
- pragma Import (C, ConstSDiv, "LLVMConstSDiv");
- pragma Import (C, ConstFDiv, "LLVMConstFDiv");
- pragma Import (C, ConstURem, "LLVMConstURem");
- pragma Import (C, ConstSRem, "LLVMConstSRem");
- pragma Import (C, ConstFRem, "LLVMConstFRem");
- pragma Import (C, ConstAnd, "LLVMConstAnd");
- pragma Import (C, ConstOr, "LLVMConstOr");
- pragma Import (C, ConstXor, "LLVMConstXor");
- pragma Import (C, ConstICmp, "LLVMConstICmp");
- pragma Import (C, ConstFCmp, "LLVMConstFCmp");
- pragma Import (C, ConstShl, "LLVMConstShl");
- pragma Import (C, ConstLShr, "LLVMConstLShr");
- pragma Import (C, ConstAShr, "LLVMConstAShr");
- pragma Import (C, ConstGEP, "LLVMConstGEP");
- pragma Import (C, ConstTrunc, "LLVMConstTrunc");
- pragma Import (C, ConstSExt, "LLVMConstSExt");
- pragma Import (C, ConstZExt, "LLVMConstZExt");
- pragma Import (C, ConstFPTrunc, "LLVMConstFPTrunc");
- pragma Import (C, ConstFPExt, "LLVMConstFPExt");
- pragma Import (C, ConstUIToFP, "LLVMConstUIToFP");
- pragma Import (C, ConstSIToFP, "LLVMConstSIToFP");
- pragma Import (C, ConstFPToUI, "LLVMConstFPToUI");
- pragma Import (C, ConstFPToSI, "LLVMConstFPToSI");
- pragma Import (C, ConstPtrToInt, "LLVMConstPtrToInt");
- pragma Import (C, ConstIntToPtr, "LLVMConstIntToPtr");
- pragma Import (C, ConstBitCast, "LLVMConstBitCast");
- pragma Import (C, ConstTruncOrBitCast, "LLVMConstTruncOrBitCast");
- pragma Import (C, ConstSelect, "LLVMConstSelect");
- pragma Import (C, ConstExtractElement, "LLVMConstExtractElement");
- pragma Import (C, ConstInsertElement, "LLVMConstInsertElement");
- pragma Import (C, ConstShuffleVector, "LLVMConstShuffleVector");
- pragma Import (C, GetGlobalParent, "LLVMGetGlobalParent");
- pragma Import (C, IsDeclaration, "LLVMIsDeclaration");
- pragma Import (C, GetLinkage, "LLVMGetLinkage");
- pragma Import (C, SetLinkage, "LLVMSetLinkage");
- pragma Import (C, GetSection, "LLVMGetSection");
- pragma Import (C, SetSection, "LLVMSetSection");
- pragma Import (C, GetVisibility, "LLVMGetVisibility");
- pragma Import (C, SetVisibility, "LLVMSetVisibility");
- pragma Import (C, GetAlignment, "LLVMGetAlignment");
- pragma Import (C, SetAlignment, "LLVMSetAlignment");
- pragma Import (C, AddGlobal, "LLVMAddGlobal");
- pragma Import (C, GetNamedGlobal, "LLVMGetNamedGlobal");
- pragma Import (C, GetFirstGlobal, "LLVMGetFirstGlobal");
- pragma Import (C, GetLastGlobal, "LLVMGetLastGlobal");
- pragma Import (C, GetNextGlobal, "LLVMGetNextGlobal");
- pragma Import (C, GetPreviousGlobal, "LLVMGetPreviousGlobal");
- pragma Import (C, DeleteGlobal, "LLVMDeleteGlobal");
- pragma Import (C, GetInitializer, "LLVMGetInitializer");
- pragma Import (C, SetInitializer, "LLVMSetInitializer");
- pragma Import (C, IsThreadLocal, "LLVMIsThreadLocal");
- pragma Import (C, SetThreadLocal, "LLVMSetThreadLocal");
- pragma Import (C, IsGlobalConstant, "LLVMIsGlobalConstant");
- pragma Import (C, SetGlobalConstant, "LLVMSetGlobalConstant");
- pragma Import (C, GetNamedMetadataNumOperands,
- "LLVMGetNamedMetadataNumOperands");
- pragma Import (C, GetNamedMetadataOperands, "LLVMGetNamedMetadataOperands");
- pragma Import (C, AddNamedMetadataOperand, "LLVMAddNamedMetadataOperand");
- pragma Import (C, AddFunction, "LLVMAddFunction");
- pragma Import (C, GetNamedFunction, "LLVMGetNamedFunction");
- pragma Import (C, GetFirstFunction, "LLVMGetFirstFunction");
- pragma Import (C, GetLastFunction, "LLVMGetLastFunction");
- pragma Import (C, GetNextFunction, "LLVMGetNextFunction");
- pragma Import (C, GetPreviousFunction, "LLVMGetPreviousFunction");
- pragma Import (C, DeleteFunction, "LLVMDeleteFunction");
- pragma Import (C, GetIntrinsicID, "LLVMGetIntrinsicID");
- pragma Import (C, GetFunctionCallConv, "LLVMGetFunctionCallConv");
- pragma Import (C, SetFunctionCallConv, "LLVMSetFunctionCallConv");
- pragma Import (C, GetGC, "LLVMGetGC");
- pragma Import (C, SetGC, "LLVMSetGC");
- pragma Import (C, AddFunctionAttr, "LLVMAddFunctionAttr");
- pragma import (C, AddTargetDependentFunctionAttr,
- "LLVMAddTargetDependentFunctionAttr");
- pragma Import (C, GetFunctionAttr, "LLVMGetFunctionAttr");
- pragma Import (C, RemoveFunctionAttr, "LLVMRemoveFunctionAttr");
- pragma Import (C, CountParams, "LLVMCountParams");
- pragma Import (C, GetParams, "LLVMGetParams");
- pragma Import (C, GetParam, "LLVMGetParam");
- pragma Import (C, GetParamParent, "LLVMGetParamParent");
- pragma Import (C, GetFirstParam, "LLVMGetFirstParam");
- pragma Import (C, GetLastParam, "LLVMGetLastParam");
- pragma Import (C, GetNextParam, "LLVMGetNextParam");
- pragma Import (C, GetPreviousParam, "LLVMGetPreviousParam");
- pragma Import (C, AddAttribute, "LLVMAddAttribute");
- pragma Import (C, RemoveAttribute, "LLVMRemoveAttribute");
- pragma Import (C, SetParamAlignment, "LLVMSetParamAlignment");
- pragma Import (C, MDStringInContext, "LLVMMDStringInContext");
- pragma Import (C, MDString, "LLVMMDString");
- pragma Import (C, MDNodeInContext, "LLVMMDNodeInContext");
- pragma Import (C, MDNode, "LLVMMDNode");
- pragma Import (C, GetMDString, "LLVMGetMDString");
- pragma Import (C, GetMDNodeNumOperands, "LLVMGetMDNodeNumOperands");
- pragma Import (C, GetMDNodeOperands, "LLVMGetMDNodeOperands");
- pragma Import (C, MDNodeReplaceOperandWith,
- "LLVMMDNodeReplaceOperandWith_extra");
- pragma Import (C, BasicBlockAsValue, "LLVMBasicBlockAsValue");
- pragma Import (C, ValueIsBasicBlock, "LLVMValueIsBasicBlock");
- pragma Import (C, ValueAsBasicBlock, "LLVMValueAsBasicBlock");
- pragma Import (C, GetBasicBlockParent, "LLVMGetBasicBlockParent");
- pragma Import (C, CountBasicBlocks, "LLVMCountBasicBlocks");
- pragma Import (C, GetBasicBlocks, "LLVMGetBasicBlocks");
- pragma Import (C, GetFirstBasicBlock, "LLVMGetFirstBasicBlock");
- pragma Import (C, GetLastBasicBlock, "LLVMGetLastBasicBlock");
- pragma Import (C, GetNextBasicBlock, "LLVMGetNextBasicBlock");
- pragma Import (C, GetPreviousBasicBlock, "LLVMGetPreviousBasicBlock");
- pragma Import (C, GetEntryBasicBlock, "LLVMGetEntryBasicBlock");
- pragma Import (C, AppendBasicBlock, "LLVMAppendBasicBlock");
- pragma Import (C, InsertBasicBlock, "LLVMInsertBasicBlock");
- pragma Import (C, DeleteBasicBlock, "LLVMDeleteBasicBlock");
- pragma Import (C, HasMetadata, "LLVMHasMetadata");
- pragma Import (C, GetMetadata, "LLVMGetMetadata");
- pragma Import (C, SetMetadata, "LLVMSetMetadata");
- pragma Import (C, GetInstructionParent, "LLVMGetInstructionParent");
- pragma Import (C, GetFirstInstruction, "LLVMGetFirstInstruction");
- pragma Import (C, GetLastInstruction, "LLVMGetLastInstruction");
- pragma Import (C, GetNextInstruction, "LLVMGetNextInstruction");
- pragma Import (C, GetPreviousInstruction, "LLVMGetPreviousInstruction");
- pragma Import (C, SetInstructionCallConv, "LLVMSetInstructionCallConv");
- pragma Import (C, GetInstructionCallConv, "LLVMGetInstructionCallConv");
- pragma Import (C, AddInstrAttribute, "LLVMAddInstrAttribute");
- pragma Import (C, RemoveInstrAttribute, "LLVMRemoveInstrAttribute");
- pragma Import (C, SetInstrParamAlignment, "LLVMSetInstrParamAlignment");
- pragma Import (C, IsTailCall, "LLVMIsTailCall");
- pragma Import (C, SetTailCall, "LLVMSetTailCall");
- pragma Import (C, AddIncoming, "LLVMAddIncoming");
- pragma Import (C, CountIncoming, "LLVMCountIncoming");
- pragma Import (C, GetIncomingValue, "LLVMGetIncomingValue");
- pragma Import (C, GetIncomingBlock, "LLVMGetIncomingBlock");
- pragma Import (C, CreateBuilder, "LLVMCreateBuilder");
- pragma Import (C, PositionBuilder, "LLVMPositionBuilder");
- pragma Import (C, PositionBuilderBefore, "LLVMPositionBuilderBefore");
- pragma Import (C, PositionBuilderAtEnd, "LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd");
- pragma Import (C, GetInsertBlock, "LLVMGetInsertBlock");
- pragma Import (C, DisposeBuilder, "LLVMDisposeBuilder");
- -- Terminators
- pragma Import (C, BuildRetVoid, "LLVMBuildRetVoid");
- pragma Import (C, BuildRet, "LLVMBuildRet");
- pragma Import (C, BuildBr, "LLVMBuildBr");
- pragma Import (C, BuildCondBr, "LLVMBuildCondBr");
- pragma Import (C, BuildSwitch, "LLVMBuildSwitch");
- pragma Import (C, BuildInvoke, "LLVMBuildInvoke");
- pragma Import (C, BuildUnwind, "LLVMBuildUnwind");
- pragma Import (C, BuildUnreachable, "LLVMBuildUnreachable");
- -- Add a case to the switch instruction
- pragma Import (C, AddCase, "LLVMAddCase");
- -- Arithmetic
- pragma Import (C, BuildAdd, "LLVMBuildAdd");
- pragma Import (C, BuildNSWAdd, "LLVMBuildNSWAdd");
- pragma Import (C, BuildNUWAdd, "LLVMBuildNUWAdd");
- pragma Import (C, BuildFAdd, "LLVMBuildFAdd");
- pragma Import (C, BuildSub, "LLVMBuildSub");
- pragma Import (C, BuildNSWSub, "LLVMBuildNSWSub");
- pragma Import (C, BuildNUWSub, "LLVMBuildNUWSub");
- pragma Import (C, BuildFSub, "LLVMBuildFSub");
- pragma Import (C, BuildMul, "LLVMBuildMul");
- pragma Import (C, BuildFMul, "LLVMBuildFMul");
- pragma Import (C, BuildUDiv, "LLVMBuildUDiv");
- pragma Import (C, BuildSDiv, "LLVMBuildSDiv");
- pragma Import (C, BuildFDiv, "LLVMBuildFDiv");
- pragma Import (C, BuildURem, "LLVMBuildURem");
- pragma Import (C, BuildSRem, "LLVMBuildSRem");
- pragma Import (C, BuildFRem, "LLVMBuildFRem");
- pragma Import (C, BuildShl, "LLVMBuildShl");
- pragma Import (C, BuildLShr, "LLVMBuildLShr");
- pragma Import (C, BuildAShr, "LLVMBuildAShr");
- pragma Import (C, BuildAnd, "LLVMBuildAnd");
- pragma Import (C, BuildOr, "LLVMBuildOr");
- pragma Import (C, BuildXor, "LLVMBuildXor");
- pragma Import (C, BuildNeg, "LLVMBuildNeg");
- pragma Import (C, BuildFNeg, "LLVMBuildFNeg");
- pragma Import (C, BuildNot, "LLVMBuildNot");
- -- Memory
- pragma Import (C, BuildMalloc, "LLVMBuildMalloc");
- pragma Import (C, BuildArrayMalloc, "LLVMBuildArrayMalloc");
- pragma Import (C, BuildAlloca, "LLVMBuildAlloca");
- pragma Import (C, BuildArrayAlloca, "LLVMBuildArrayAlloca");
- pragma Import (C, BuildFree, "LLVMBuildFree");
- pragma Import (C, BuildLoad, "LLVMBuildLoad");
- pragma Import (C, BuildStore, "LLVMBuildStore");
- pragma Import (C, BuildGEP, "LLVMBuildGEP");
- -- Casts
- pragma Import (C, BuildTrunc, "LLVMBuildTrunc");
- pragma Import (C, BuildZExt, "LLVMBuildZExt");
- pragma Import (C, BuildSExt, "LLVMBuildSExt");
- pragma Import (C, BuildFPToUI, "LLVMBuildFPToUI");
- pragma Import (C, BuildFPToSI, "LLVMBuildFPToSI");
- pragma Import (C, BuildUIToFP, "LLVMBuildUIToFP");
- pragma Import (C, BuildSIToFP, "LLVMBuildSIToFP");
- pragma Import (C, BuildFPTrunc, "LLVMBuildFPTrunc");
- pragma Import (C, BuildFPExt, "LLVMBuildFPExt");
- pragma Import (C, BuildPtrToInt, "LLVMBuildPtrToInt");
- pragma Import (C, BuildIntToPtr, "LLVMBuildIntToPtr");
- pragma Import (C, BuildBitCast, "LLVMBuildBitCast");
- -- Comparisons
- pragma Import (C, BuildICmp, "LLVMBuildICmp");
- pragma Import (C, BuildFCmp, "LLVMBuildFCmp");
- -- Miscellaneous instructions
- pragma Import (C, BuildPhi, "LLVMBuildPhi");
- pragma Import (C, BuildCall, "LLVMBuildCall");
- pragma Import (C, BuildSelect, "LLVMBuildSelect");
- pragma Import (C, BuildVAArg, "LLVMBuildVAArg");
- pragma Import (C, BuildExtractElement, "LLVMBuildExtractElement");
- pragma Import (C, BuildInsertElement, "LLVMBuildInsertElement");
- pragma Import (C, BuildShuffleVector, "LLVMBuildShuffleVector");
- -- Memory buffers ----------------------------------------------------
- pragma Import (C, CreateMemoryBufferWithContentsOfFile,
- "LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithContentsOfFile");
- pragma Import (C, CreateMemoryBufferWithSTDIN,
- "LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithSTDIN");
- pragma Import (C, DisposeMemoryBuffer, "LLVMDisposeMemoryBuffer");
- -- Pass Managers -----------------------------------------------------
- pragma Import (C, CreatePassManager, "LLVMCreatePassManager");
- pragma Import (C, CreateFunctionPassManagerForModule,
- "LLVMCreateFunctionPassManagerForModule");
- pragma Import (C, RunPassManager, "LLVMRunPassManager");
- pragma Import (C, InitializeFunctionPassManager,
- "LLVMInitializeFunctionPassManager");
- pragma Import (C, RunFunctionPassManager,
- "LLVMRunFunctionPassManager");
- pragma Import (C, FinalizeFunctionPassManager,
- "LLVMFinalizeFunctionPassManager");
- pragma Import (C, DisposePassManager, "LLVMDisposePassManager");
-end LLVM.Core;
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/llvm-executionengine.ads b/ortho/llvm/llvm-executionengine.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 72d4cda2f..000000000
--- a/ortho/llvm/llvm-executionengine.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
--- LLVM binding
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System; use System;
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
-with LLVM.Core; use LLVM.Core;
-with LLVM.Target; use LLVM.Target;
-package LLVM.ExecutionEngine is
- type GenericValueRef is new Address;
- type GenericValueRefArray is array (unsigned range <>) of GenericValueRef;
- pragma Convention (C, GenericValueRefArray);
- type ExecutionEngineRef is new Address;
- procedure LinkInJIT;
- procedure LinkInMCJIT;
- procedure LinkInInterpreter;
- -- Operations on generic values --------------------------------------
- function CreateGenericValueOfInt(Ty : TypeRef;
- N : Unsigned_64;
- IsSigned : Integer)
- return GenericValueRef;
- function CreateGenericValueOfPointer(P : System.Address)
- return GenericValueRef;
- function CreateGenericValueOfFloat(Ty : TypeRef; N : double)
- return GenericValueRef;
- function GenericValueIntWidth(GenValRef : GenericValueRef)
- return unsigned;
- function GenericValueToInt(GenVal : GenericValueRef;
- IsSigned : Integer) return Unsigned_64;
- function GenericValueToPointer(GenVal : GenericValueRef)
- return System.Address;
- function GenericValueToFloat(TyRef : TypeRef; GenVal : GenericValueRef)
- return double;
- procedure DisposeGenericValue(GenVal : GenericValueRef);
- -- Operations on execution engines -----------------------------------
- function CreateExecutionEngineForModule
- (EE : access ExecutionEngineRef; M : ModuleRef; Error : access Cstring)
- return Bool;
- function CreateInterpreterForModule (Interp : access ExecutionEngineRef;
- M : ModuleRef;
- Error : access Cstring)
- return Bool;
- function CreateJITCompilerForModule (JIT : access ExecutionEngineRef;
- M : ModuleRef;
- OptLevel : unsigned;
- Error : access Cstring)
- return Bool;
- procedure DisposeExecutionEngine(EE : ExecutionEngineRef);
- procedure RunStaticConstructors(EE : ExecutionEngineRef);
- procedure RunStaticDestructors(EE : ExecutionEngineRef);
- function RunFunctionAsMain(EE : ExecutionEngineRef;
- F : ValueRef;
- ArgC : unsigned; Argv : Address; EnvP : Address)
- return Integer;
- function RunFunction(EE : ExecutionEngineRef;
- F : ValueRef;
- NumArgs : unsigned;
- Args : GenericValueRefArray)
- return GenericValueRef;
- procedure FreeMachineCodeForFunction(EE : ExecutionEngineRef; F : ValueRef);
- procedure AddModule(EE : ExecutionEngineRef; M : ModuleRef);
- function RemoveModule(EE : ExecutionEngineRef;
- M : ModuleRef;
- OutMod : access ModuleRef;
- OutError : access Cstring) return Bool;
- function FindFunction(EE : ExecutionEngineRef; Name : Cstring;
- OutFn : access ValueRef)
- return Integer;
- function GetExecutionEngineTargetData(EE : ExecutionEngineRef)
- return TargetDataRef;
- procedure AddGlobalMapping(EE : ExecutionEngineRef; Global : ValueRef;
- Addr : Address);
- function GetPointerToGlobal (EE : ExecutionEngineRef; GV : ValueRef)
- return Address;
- function GetPointerToFunctionOrStub (EE : ExecutionEngineRef;
- Func : ValueRef)
- return Address;
- pragma Import (C, LinkInJIT, "LLVMLinkInJIT");
- pragma Import (C, LinkInMCJIT, "LLVMLinkInMCJIT");
- pragma Import (C, LinkInInterpreter, "LLVMLinkInInterpreter");
- pragma Import (C, CreateGenericValueOfInt, "LLVMCreateGenericValueOfInt");
- pragma Import (C, CreateGenericValueOfPointer,
- "LLVMCreateGenericValueOfPointer");
- pragma Import (C, CreateGenericValueOfFloat,
- "LLVMCreateGenericValueOfFloat");
- pragma Import (C, GenericValueIntWidth, "LLVMGenericValueIntWidth");
- pragma Import (C, GenericValueToInt, "LLVMGenericValueToInt");
- pragma Import (C, GenericValueToPointer, "LLVMGenericValueToPointer");
- pragma Import (C, GenericValueToFloat, "LLVMGenericValueToFloat");
- pragma Import (C, DisposeGenericValue, "LLVMDisposeGenericValue");
- -- Operations on execution engines -----------------------------------
- pragma Import (C, CreateExecutionEngineForModule,
- "LLVMCreateExecutionEngineForModule");
- pragma Import (C, CreateInterpreterForModule,
- "LLVMCreateInterpreterForModule");
- pragma Import (C, CreateJITCompilerForModule,
- "LLVMCreateJITCompilerForModule");
- pragma Import (C, DisposeExecutionEngine, "LLVMDisposeExecutionEngine");
- pragma Import (C, RunStaticConstructors, "LLVMRunStaticConstructors");
- pragma Import (C, RunStaticDestructors, "LLVMRunStaticDestructors");
- pragma Import (C, RunFunctionAsMain, "LLVMRunFunctionAsMain");
- pragma Import (C, RunFunction, "LLVMRunFunction");
- pragma Import (C, FreeMachineCodeForFunction,
- "LLVMFreeMachineCodeForFunction");
- pragma Import (C, AddModule, "LLVMAddModule");
- pragma Import (C, RemoveModule, "LLVMRemoveModule");
- pragma Import (C, FindFunction, "LLVMFindFunction");
- pragma Import (C, GetExecutionEngineTargetData,
- "LLVMGetExecutionEngineTargetData");
- pragma Import (C, AddGlobalMapping, "LLVMAddGlobalMapping");
- pragma Import (C, GetPointerToFunctionOrStub,
- "LLVMGetPointerToFunctionOrStub");
- pragma Import (C, GetPointerToGlobal,
- "LLVMGetPointerToGlobal");
-end LLVM.ExecutionEngine;
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/llvm-target.ads b/ortho/llvm/llvm-target.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index b7c35848a..000000000
--- a/ortho/llvm/llvm-target.ads
+++ /dev/null
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--- LLVM binding
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System;
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
-with LLVM.Core; use LLVM.Core;
-package LLVM.Target is
- type TargetDataRef is new System.Address;
- -- LLVMInitializeNativeTarget - The main program should call this function
- -- to initialize the native target corresponding to the host. This is
- -- useful for JIT applications to ensure that the target gets linked in
- -- correctly.
- procedure InitializeNativeTarget;
- pragma Import (C, InitializeNativeTarget,
- "LLVMInitializeNativeTarget_noinline");
- -- LLVMInitializeNativeTargetAsmPrinter - The main program should call this
- -- function to initialize the printer for the native target corresponding
- -- to the host.
- procedure InitializeNativeAsmPrinter;
- pragma Import (C, InitializeNativeAsmPrinter,
- "LLVMInitializeNativeAsmPrinter_noinline");
- -- Creates target data from a target layout string.
- -- See the constructor llvm::DataLayout::DataLayout.
- function CreateTargetData (StringRep : Cstring) return TargetDataRef;
- pragma Import (C, CreateTargetData, "LLVMCreateTargetData");
- -- Adds target data information to a pass manager. This does not take
- -- ownership of the target data.
- -- See the method llvm::PassManagerBase::add.
- procedure AddTargetData(TD : TargetDataRef; PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddTargetData, "LLVMAddTargetData");
- -- Converts target data to a target layout string. The string must be
- -- disposed with LLVMDisposeMessage.
- -- See the constructor llvm::DataLayout::DataLayout. */
- function CopyStringRepOfTargetData(TD :TargetDataRef) return Cstring;
- pragma Import (C, CopyStringRepOfTargetData,
- "LLVMCopyStringRepOfTargetData");
- -- Returns the pointer size in bytes for a target.
- -- See the method llvm::DataLayout::getPointerSize.
- function PointerSize(TD : TargetDataRef) return unsigned;
- pragma Import (C, PointerSize, "LLVMPointerSize");
- -- Computes the ABI size of a type in bytes for a target.
- -- See the method llvm::DataLayout::getTypeAllocSize.
- function ABISizeOfType (TD : TargetDataRef; Ty: TypeRef) return Unsigned_64;
- pragma Import (C, ABISizeOfType, "LLVMABISizeOfType");
- -- Computes the ABI alignment of a type in bytes for a target.
- -- See the method llvm::DataLayout::getTypeABISize.
- function ABIAlignmentOfType (TD : TargetDataRef; Ty: TypeRef)
- return Unsigned_32;
- pragma Import (C, ABIAlignmentOfType, "LLVMABIAlignmentOfType");
- -- Computes the byte offset of the indexed struct element for a target.
- -- See the method llvm::StructLayout::getElementContainingOffset.
- function OffsetOfElement(TD : TargetDataRef;
- StructTy : TypeRef;
- Element : Unsigned_32)
- return Unsigned_64;
- pragma Import (C, OffsetOfElement, "LLVMOffsetOfElement");
-end LLVM.Target;
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/llvm-targetmachine.ads b/ortho/llvm/llvm-targetmachine.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index cbf074940..000000000
--- a/ortho/llvm/llvm-targetmachine.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
--- LLVM binding
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System;
-with LLVM.Core; use LLVM.Core;
-with LLVM.Target; use LLVM.Target;
-package LLVM.TargetMachine is
- type TargetMachineRef is new System.Address;
- Null_TargetMachineRef : constant TargetMachineRef :=
- TargetMachineRef (System.Null_Address);
- type TargetRef is new System.Address;
- Null_TargetRef : constant TargetRef := TargetRef (System.Null_Address);
- type CodeGenOptLevel is (CodeGenLevelNone,
- CodeGenLevelLess,
- CodeGenLevelDefault,
- CodeGenLevelAggressive);
- pragma Convention (C, CodeGenOptLevel);
- type RelocMode is (RelocDefault,
- RelocStatic,
- RelocPIC,
- RelocDynamicNoPic);
- pragma Convention (C, RelocMode);
- type CodeModel is (CodeModelDefault,
- CodeModelJITDefault,
- CodeModelSmall,
- CodeModelKernel,
- CodeModelMedium,
- CodeModelLarge);
- pragma Convention (C, CodeModel);
- type CodeGenFileType is (AssemblyFile,
- ObjectFile);
- pragma Convention (C, CodeGenFileType);
- -- Returns the first llvm::Target in the registered targets list.
- function GetFirstTarget return TargetRef;
- pragma Import (C, GetFirstTarget, "LLVMGetFirstTarget");
- -- Returns the next llvm::Target given a previous one (or null if there's
- -- none) */
- function GetNextTarget(T : TargetRef) return TargetRef;
- pragma Import (C, GetNextTarget, "LLVMGetNextTarget");
- -- Target
- -- Finds the target corresponding to the given name and stores it in T.
- -- Returns 0 on success.
- function GetTargetFromName (Name : Cstring) return TargetRef;
- pragma Import (C, GetTargetFromName, "LLVMGetTargetFromName");
- -- Finds the target corresponding to the given triple and stores it in T.
- -- Returns 0 on success. Optionally returns any error in ErrorMessage.
- -- Use LLVMDisposeMessage to dispose the message.
- -- Ada: ErrorMessage is the address of a Cstring.
- function GetTargetFromTriple
- (Triple : Cstring; T : access TargetRef; ErrorMessage : access Cstring)
- return Bool;
- pragma Import (C, GetTargetFromTriple, "LLVMGetTargetFromTriple");
- -- Returns the name of a target. See llvm::Target::getName
- function GetTargetName (T: TargetRef) return Cstring;
- pragma Import (C, GetTargetName, "LLVMGetTargetName");
- -- Returns the description of a target. See llvm::Target::getDescription
- function GetTargetDescription (T : TargetRef) return Cstring;
- pragma Import (C, GetTargetDescription, "LLVMGetTargetDescription");
- -- Target Machine ----------------------------------------------------
- -- Creates a new llvm::TargetMachine. See llvm::Target::createTargetMachine
- function CreateTargetMachine(T : TargetRef;
- Triple : Cstring;
- CPU : Cstring;
- Features : Cstring;
- Level : CodeGenOptLevel;
- Reloc : RelocMode;
- CM : CodeModel)
- return TargetMachineRef;
- pragma Import (C, CreateTargetMachine, "LLVMCreateTargetMachine");
- -- Returns the llvm::DataLayout used for this llvm:TargetMachine.
- function GetTargetMachineData(T : TargetMachineRef) return TargetDataRef;
- pragma Import (C, GetTargetMachineData, "LLVMGetTargetMachineData");
- -- Emits an asm or object file for the given module to the filename. This
- -- wraps several c++ only classes (among them a file stream). Returns any
- -- error in ErrorMessage. Use LLVMDisposeMessage to dispose the message.
- function TargetMachineEmitToFile(T : TargetMachineRef;
- M : ModuleRef;
- Filename : Cstring;
- Codegen : CodeGenFileType;
- ErrorMessage : access Cstring)
- return Bool;
- pragma Import (C, TargetMachineEmitToFile,
- "LLVMTargetMachineEmitToFile");
- -- Get a triple for the host machine as a string. The result needs to be
- -- disposed with LLVMDisposeMessage.
- function GetDefaultTargetTriple return Cstring;
- pragma Import (C, GetDefaultTargetTriple, "LLVMGetDefaultTargetTriple");
-end LLVM.TargetMachine;
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/llvm-transforms-scalar.ads b/ortho/llvm/llvm-transforms-scalar.ads
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/ortho/llvm/llvm-transforms-scalar.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
--- LLVM binding
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with LLVM.Core; use LLVM.Core;
-package LLVM.Transforms.Scalar is
- -- See llvm::createAggressiveDCEPass function.
- procedure AddAggressiveDCEPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddAggressiveDCEPass, "LLVMAddAggressiveDCEPass");
- -- See llvm::createCFGSimplificationPass function.
- procedure AddCFGSimplificationPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddCFGSimplificationPass, "LLVMAddCFGSimplificationPass");
- -- See llvm::createDeadStoreEliminationPass function.
- procedure AddDeadStoreEliminationPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddDeadStoreEliminationPass,
- "LLVMAddDeadStoreEliminationPass");
- -- See llvm::createScalarizerPass function.
- procedure AddScalarizerPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddScalarizerPass, "LLVMAddScalarizerPass");
- -- See llvm::createGVNPass function.
- procedure AddGVNPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddGVNPass, "LLVMAddGVNPass");
- -- See llvm::createIndVarSimplifyPass function.
- procedure AddIndVarSimplifyPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddIndVarSimplifyPass, "LLVMAddIndVarSimplifyPass");
- -- See llvm::createInstructionCombiningPass function.
- procedure AddInstructionCombiningPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddInstructionCombiningPass,
- "LLVMAddInstructionCombiningPass");
- -- See llvm::createJumpThreadingPass function.
- procedure AddJumpThreadingPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddJumpThreadingPass, "LLVMAddJumpThreadingPass");
- -- See llvm::createLICMPass function.
- procedure AddLICMPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddLICMPass, "LLVMAddLICMPass");
- -- See llvm::createLoopDeletionPass function.
- procedure AddLoopDeletionPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddLoopDeletionPass, "LLVMAddLoopDeletionPass");
- -- See llvm::createLoopIdiomPass function
- procedure AddLoopIdiomPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddLoopIdiomPass, "LLVMAddLoopIdiomPass");
- -- See llvm::createLoopRotatePass function.
- procedure AddLoopRotatePass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddLoopRotatePass, "LLVMAddLoopRotatePass");
- -- See llvm::createLoopRerollPass function.
- procedure AddLoopRerollPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddLoopRerollPass, "LLVMAddLoopRerollPass");
- -- See llvm::createLoopUnrollPass function.
- procedure AddLoopUnrollPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddLoopUnrollPass, "LLVMAddLoopUnrollPass");
- -- See llvm::createLoopUnswitchPass function.
- procedure AddLoopUnswitchPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddLoopUnswitchPass, "LLVMAddLoopUnswitchPass");
- -- See llvm::createMemCpyOptPass function.
- procedure AddMemCpyOptPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddMemCpyOptPass, "LLVMAddMemCpyOptPass");
- -- See llvm::createPartiallyInlineLibCallsPass function.
- procedure AddPartiallyInlineLibCallsPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddPartiallyInlineLibCallsPass,
- "LLVMAddPartiallyInlineLibCallsPass");
- -- See llvm::createPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass function.
- procedure AddPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass,
- "LLVMAddPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass");
- -- See llvm::createReassociatePass function.
- procedure AddReassociatePass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddReassociatePass, "LLVMAddReassociatePass");
- -- See llvm::createSCCPPass function.
- procedure AddSCCPPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddSCCPPass, "LLVMAddSCCPPass");
- -- See llvm::createScalarReplAggregatesPass function.
- procedure AddScalarReplAggregatesPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddScalarReplAggregatesPass,
- "LLVMAddScalarReplAggregatesPass");
- -- See llvm::createScalarReplAggregatesPass function.
- procedure AddScalarReplAggregatesPassSSA(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddScalarReplAggregatesPassSSA,
- "LLVMAddScalarReplAggregatesPassSSA");
- -- See llvm::createScalarReplAggregatesPass function.
- procedure AddScalarReplAggregatesPassWithThreshold
- (PM : PassManagerRef; Threshold : Integer);
- pragma Import (C, AddScalarReplAggregatesPassWithThreshold,
- "LLVMAddScalarReplAggregatesPassWithThreshold");
- -- See llvm::createSimplifyLibCallsPass function.
- procedure AddSimplifyLibCallsPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddSimplifyLibCallsPass, "LLVMAddSimplifyLibCallsPass");
- -- See llvm::createTailCallEliminationPass function.
- procedure AddTailCallEliminationPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddTailCallEliminationPass,
- "LLVMAddTailCallEliminationPass");
- -- See llvm::createConstantPropagationPass function.
- procedure AddConstantPropagationPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddConstantPropagationPass,
- "LLVMAddConstantPropagationPass");
- -- See llvm::demotePromoteMemoryToRegisterPass function.
- procedure AddDemoteMemoryToRegisterPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddDemoteMemoryToRegisterPass,
- "LLVMAddDemoteMemoryToRegisterPass");
- -- See llvm::createVerifierPass function.
- procedure AddVerifierPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddVerifierPass, "LLVMAddVerifierPass");
- -- See llvm::createCorrelatedValuePropagationPass function
- procedure AddCorrelatedValuePropagationPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddCorrelatedValuePropagationPass,
- "LLVMAddCorrelatedValuePropagationPass");
- -- See llvm::createEarlyCSEPass function
- procedure AddEarlyCSEPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddEarlyCSEPass, "LLVMAddEarlyCSEPass");
- -- See llvm::createLowerExpectIntrinsicPass function
- procedure AddLowerExpectIntrinsicPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddLowerExpectIntrinsicPass,
- "LLVMAddLowerExpectIntrinsicPass");
- -- See llvm::createTypeBasedAliasAnalysisPass function
- procedure AddTypeBasedAliasAnalysisPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddTypeBasedAliasAnalysisPass,
- "LLVMAddTypeBasedAliasAnalysisPass");
- -- See llvm::createBasicAliasAnalysisPass function
- procedure AddBasicAliasAnalysisPass(PM : PassManagerRef);
- pragma Import (C, AddBasicAliasAnalysisPass,
- "LLVMAddBasicAliasAnalysisPass");
-end LLVM.Transforms.Scalar;
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deleted file mode 100644
index d5a8011ce..000000000
--- a/ortho/llvm/llvm-transforms.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
--- LLVM binding
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-package LLVM.Transforms is
- pragma Pure (LLVM.Transforms);
-end LLVM.Transforms;
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/llvm.ads b/ortho/llvm/llvm.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 80d036b84..000000000
--- a/ortho/llvm/llvm.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
--- LLVM binding
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-package LLVM is
- pragma Pure (LLVM);
-end LLVM;
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/ortho_code_main.adb b/ortho/llvm/ortho_code_main.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 300bb32d1..000000000
--- a/ortho/llvm/ortho_code_main.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
--- LLVM back-end for ortho - Main subprogram.
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
-with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
-with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-with Ortho_Front; use Ortho_Front;
-with LLVM.BitWriter;
-with LLVM.Core; use LLVM.Core;
-with LLVM.ExecutionEngine; use LLVM.ExecutionEngine;
-with LLVM.Target; use LLVM.Target;
-with LLVM.TargetMachine; use LLVM.TargetMachine;
-with LLVM.Analysis;
-with LLVM.Transforms.Scalar;
-with Ortho_LLVM; use Ortho_LLVM;
-with Interfaces;
-with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
-procedure Ortho_Code_Main is
- -- Name of the output filename (given by option '-o').
- Output : String_Acc := null;
- type Output_Kind_Type is (Output_Llvm, Output_Bytecode,
- Output_Assembly, Output_Object);
- Output_Kind : Output_Kind_Type := Output_Llvm;
- -- True if the LLVM output must be displayed (set by '--dump-llvm')
- Flag_Dump_Llvm : Boolean := False;
- -- Index of the first file argument.
- First_File : Natural;
- -- Set by '--exec': function to call and its argument (an integer)
- Exec_Func : String_Acc := null;
- Exec_Val : Integer := 0;
- -- Current option index.
- Optind : Natural;
- -- Number of arguments.
- Argc : constant Natural := Argument_Count;
- -- Name of the module.
- Module_Name : String := "ortho" & Ascii.Nul;
- -- Target triple.
- Triple : Cstring := Empty_Cstring;
- -- Execution engine
- Engine : aliased ExecutionEngineRef;
- Target : aliased TargetRef;
- CPU : constant Cstring := Empty_Cstring;
- Features : constant Cstring := Empty_Cstring;
- Reloc : constant RelocMode := RelocDefault;
- procedure Dump_Llvm
- is
- use LLVM.Analysis;
- Msg : aliased Cstring;
- begin
- DumpModule (Module);
- if LLVM.Analysis.VerifyModule
- (Module, PrintMessageAction, Msg'Access) /= 0
- then
- null;
- end if;
- end Dump_Llvm;
- function To_String (C : Cstring) return String is
- function Strlen (C : Cstring) return Natural;
- pragma Import (C, Strlen);
- subtype Fat_String is String (Positive);
- type Fat_String_Acc is access Fat_String;
- function To_Fat_String_Acc is new
- Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Cstring, Fat_String_Acc);
- begin
- return To_Fat_String_Acc (C)(1 .. Strlen (C));
- end To_String;
- Codegen : CodeGenFileType := ObjectFile;
- Msg : aliased Cstring;
- Ortho_Front.Init;
- -- Decode options.
- First_File := Natural'Last;
- Optind := 1;
- while Optind <= Argc loop
- declare
- Arg : constant String := Argument (Optind);
- begin
- if Arg (1) = '-' then
- if Arg = "--dump-llvm" then
- Flag_Dump_Llvm := True;
- elsif Arg = "-o" then
- if Optind = Argc then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "error: missing filename to '-o'");
- return;
- end if;
- Output := new String'(Argument (Optind + 1) & ASCII.Nul);
- Optind := Optind + 1;
- elsif Arg = "-quiet" then
- -- Skip silently.
- null;
- elsif Arg = "-S" then
- Output_Kind := Output_Assembly;
- Codegen := AssemblyFile;
- elsif Arg = "-c" then
- Output_Kind := Output_Object;
- Codegen := ObjectFile;
- elsif Arg = "-O0" then
- Optimization := CodeGenLevelNone;
- elsif Arg = "-O1" then
- Optimization := CodeGenLevelLess;
- elsif Arg = "-O2" then
- Optimization := CodeGenLevelDefault;
- elsif Arg = "-O3" then
- Optimization := CodeGenLevelAggressive;
- elsif Arg = "--emit-llvm" then
- Output_Kind := Output_Llvm;
- elsif Arg = "--emit-bc" then
- Output_Kind := Output_Bytecode;
- elsif Arg = "--exec" then
- if Optind + 1 >= Argc then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "error: missing function name to '--exec'");
- return;
- end if;
- Exec_Func := new String'(Argument (Optind + 1));
- Exec_Val := Integer'Value (Argument (Optind + 2));
- Optind := Optind + 2;
- elsif Arg = "-g" then
- Flag_Debug := True;
- else
- -- This is really an argument.
- declare
- procedure Unchecked_Deallocation is
- new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (Name => String_Acc, Object => String);
- Opt : String_Acc := new String'(Arg);
- Opt_Arg : String_Acc;
- Res : Natural;
- begin
- if Optind < Argument_Count then
- Opt_Arg := new String'(Argument (Optind + 1));
- else
- Opt_Arg := null;
- end if;
- Res := Ortho_Front.Decode_Option (Opt, Opt_Arg);
- case Res is
- when 0 =>
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "unknown option '" & Arg & "'");
- return;
- when 1 =>
- null;
- when 2 =>
- Optind := Optind + 1;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Unchecked_Deallocation (Opt);
- Unchecked_Deallocation (Opt_Arg);
- end;
- end if;
- else
- First_File := Optind;
- exit;
- end if;
- end;
- Optind := Optind + 1;
- end loop;
- -- Link with LLVM libraries.
- InitializeNativeTarget;
- InitializeNativeAsmPrinter;
- LinkInJIT;
- Module := ModuleCreateWithName (Module_Name'Address);
- if Output = null and then Exec_Func /= null then
- -- Now we going to create JIT
- if CreateExecutionEngineForModule
- (Engine'Access, Module, Msg'Access) /= 0
- then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "cannot create execute: " & To_String (Msg));
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Target_Data := GetExecutionEngineTargetData (Engine);
- else
- -- Extract target triple
- Triple := GetDefaultTargetTriple;
- SetTarget (Module, Triple);
- -- Get Target
- if GetTargetFromTriple (Triple, Target'Access, Msg'Access) /= 0 then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- -- Create a target machine
- Target_Machine := CreateTargetMachine
- (Target, Triple, CPU, Features, Optimization, Reloc, CodeModelDefault);
- Target_Data := GetTargetMachineData (Target_Machine);
- end if;
- SetDataLayout (Module, CopyStringRepOfTargetData (Target_Data));
- if False then
- declare
- Targ : TargetRef;
- begin
- Put_Line ("Triple: " & To_String (Triple));
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Targets:");
- Targ := GetFirstTarget;
- while Targ /= Null_TargetRef loop
- Put_Line (" " & To_String (GetTargetName (Targ))
- & ": " & To_String (GetTargetDescription (Targ)));
- Targ := GetNextTarget (Targ);
- end loop;
- end;
- -- Target_Data := CreateTargetData (Triple);
- end if;
- Ortho_LLVM.Init;
- Set_Exit_Status (Failure);
- if First_File > Argument_Count then
- begin
- if not Parse (null) then
- return;
- end if;
- exception
- when others =>
- return;
- end;
- else
- for I in First_File .. Argument_Count loop
- declare
- Filename : constant String_Acc :=
- new String'(Argument (First_File));
- begin
- if not Parse (Filename) then
- return;
- end if;
- exception
- when others =>
- return;
- end;
- end loop;
- end if;
- if Flag_Debug then
- Ortho_LLVM.Finish_Debug;
- end if;
- -- Ortho_Mcode.Finish;
- if Flag_Dump_Llvm then
- Dump_Llvm;
- end if;
- -- Verify module.
- if LLVM.Analysis.VerifyModule
- (Module, LLVM.Analysis.PrintMessageAction, Msg'Access) /= 0
- then
- DisposeMessage (Msg);
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- if Optimization > CodeGenLevelNone then
- declare
- use LLVM.Transforms.Scalar;
- Global_Manager : constant Boolean := False;
- Pass_Manager : PassManagerRef;
- Res : Bool;
- pragma Unreferenced (Res);
- A_Func : ValueRef;
- begin
- if Global_Manager then
- Pass_Manager := CreatePassManager;
- else
- Pass_Manager := CreateFunctionPassManagerForModule (Module);
- end if;
- LLVM.Target.AddTargetData (Target_Data, Pass_Manager);
- AddPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass (Pass_Manager);
- AddCFGSimplificationPass (Pass_Manager);
- if Global_Manager then
- Res := RunPassManager (Pass_Manager, Module);
- else
- A_Func := GetFirstFunction (Module);
- while A_Func /= Null_ValueRef loop
- Res := RunFunctionPassManager (Pass_Manager, A_Func);
- A_Func := GetNextFunction (A_Func);
- end loop;
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
- if Output /= null then
- declare
- Error : Boolean;
- begin
- Msg := Empty_Cstring;
- case Output_Kind is
- when Output_Assembly
- | Output_Object =>
- Error := LLVM.TargetMachine.TargetMachineEmitToFile
- (Target_Machine, Module,
- Output.all'Address, Codegen, Msg'Access) /= 0;
- when Output_Bytecode =>
- Error := LLVM.BitWriter.WriteBitcodeToFile
- (Module, Output.all'Address) /= 0;
- when Output_Llvm =>
- Error := PrintModuleToFile
- (Module, Output.all'Address, Msg'Access) /= 0;
- end case;
- if Error then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "error while writing to " & Output.all);
- if Msg /= Empty_Cstring then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "message: " & To_String (Msg));
- DisposeMessage (Msg);
- end if;
- Set_Exit_Status (2);
- return;
- end if;
- end;
- elsif Exec_Func /= null then
- declare
- use Interfaces;
- Res : GenericValueRef;
- Vals : GenericValueRefArray (0 .. 0);
- Func : aliased ValueRef;
- begin
- if FindFunction (Engine, Exec_Func.all'Address, Func'Access) /= 0 then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- -- Call the function with argument n:
- Vals (0) := CreateGenericValueOfInt
- (Int32Type, Unsigned_64 (Exec_Val), 0);
- Res := RunFunction (Engine, Func, 1, Vals);
- -- import result of execution
- Put_Line ("Result is "
- & Unsigned_64'Image (GenericValueToInt (Res, 0)));
- end;
- else
- Dump_Llvm;
- end if;
- Set_Exit_Status (Success);
- when others =>
- Set_Exit_Status (2);
- raise;
-end Ortho_Code_Main;
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/ortho_ident.adb b/ortho/llvm/ortho_ident.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index e7b650539..000000000
--- a/ortho/llvm/ortho_ident.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
--- LLVM back-end for ortho.
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-package body Ortho_Ident is
- type Chunk (Max : Positive);
- type Chunk_Acc is access Chunk;
- type Chunk (Max : Positive) is record
- Prev : Chunk_Acc;
- Len : Natural := 0;
- S : String (1 .. Max);
- end record;
- Cur_Chunk : Chunk_Acc := null;
- subtype Fat_String is String (Positive);
- function Get_Identifier (Str : String) return O_Ident
- is
- Len : constant Natural := Str'Length;
- Max : Positive;
- Org : Positive;
- begin
- if Cur_Chunk = null or else Cur_Chunk.Len + Len >= Cur_Chunk.Max then
- if Cur_Chunk = null then
- Max := 32 * 1024;
- else
- Max := 2 * Cur_Chunk.Max;
- end if;
- if Len + 2 > Max then
- Max := 2 * (Len + 2);
- end if;
- declare
- New_Chunk : Chunk_Acc;
- begin
- -- Do not use allocator by expression, as we don't want to
- -- initialize S.
- New_Chunk := new Chunk (Max);
- New_Chunk.Len := 0;
- New_Chunk.Prev := Cur_Chunk;
- Cur_Chunk := New_Chunk;
- end;
- end if;
- Org := Cur_Chunk.Len + 1;
- Cur_Chunk.S (Org .. Org + Len - 1) := Str;
- Cur_Chunk.S (Org + Len) := ASCII.NUL;
- Cur_Chunk.Len := Org + Len;
- return (Addr => Cur_Chunk.S (Org)'Address);
- end Get_Identifier;
- function Is_Equal (L, R : O_Ident) return Boolean
- is
- begin
- return L = R;
- end Is_Equal;
- function Get_String_Length (Id : O_Ident) return Natural
- is
- Str : Fat_String;
- pragma Import (Ada, Str);
- for Str'Address use Id.Addr;
- begin
- for I in Str'Range loop
- if Str (I) = ASCII.NUL then
- return I - 1;
- end if;
- end loop;
- raise Program_Error;
- end Get_String_Length;
- function Get_String (Id : O_Ident) return String
- is
- Str : Fat_String;
- pragma Import (Ada, Str);
- for Str'Address use Id.Addr;
- begin
- for I in Str'Range loop
- if Str (I) = ASCII.NUL then
- return Str (1 .. I - 1);
- end if;
- end loop;
- raise Program_Error;
- end Get_String;
- function Get_Cstring (Id : O_Ident) return System.Address is
- begin
- return Id.Addr;
- end Get_Cstring;
- function Is_Equal (Id : O_Ident; Str : String) return Boolean
- is
- Istr : Fat_String;
- pragma Import (Ada, Istr);
- for Istr'Address use Id.Addr;
- Str_Len : constant Natural := Str'Length;
- begin
- for I in Istr'Range loop
- if Istr (I) = ASCII.NUL then
- return I - 1 = Str_Len;
- end if;
- if I > Str_Len then
- return False;
- end if;
- if Istr (I) /= Str (Str'First + I - 1) then
- return False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- raise Program_Error;
- end Is_Equal;
- function Is_Nul (Id : O_Ident) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Id = O_Ident_Nul;
- end Is_Nul;
-end Ortho_Ident;
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/ortho_ident.ads b/ortho/llvm/ortho_ident.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d3955c02..000000000
--- a/ortho/llvm/ortho_ident.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
--- LLVM back-end for ortho.
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System;
-package Ortho_Ident is
- type O_Ident is private;
- function Get_Identifier (Str : String) return O_Ident;
- function Is_Equal (L, R : O_Ident) return Boolean;
- function Is_Equal (Id : O_Ident; Str : String) return Boolean;
- function Is_Nul (Id : O_Ident) return Boolean;
- function Get_String (Id : O_Ident) return String;
- function Get_String_Length (Id : O_Ident) return Natural;
- -- Note: the address is always valid.
- function Get_Cstring (Id : O_Ident) return System.Address;
- O_Ident_Nul : constant O_Ident;
- type O_Ident is record
- Addr : System.Address;
- end record;
- O_Ident_Nul : constant O_Ident := (Addr => System.Null_Address);
- pragma Inline (Get_Cstring);
-end Ortho_Ident;
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/ortho_jit.adb b/ortho/llvm/ortho_jit.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index fdda667d9..000000000
--- a/ortho/llvm/ortho_jit.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
--- LLVM back-end for ortho.
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
--- with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
-with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-with Ortho_LLVM; use Ortho_LLVM;
-with Ortho_LLVM.Jit;
-with LLVM.Core; use LLVM.Core;
-with LLVM.Target; use LLVM.Target;
--- with LLVM.TargetMachine; use LLVM.TargetMachine;
-with LLVM.ExecutionEngine; use LLVM.ExecutionEngine;
-with LLVM.Analysis;
--- with Interfaces;
-with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
-package body Ortho_Jit is
- -- Snap_Filename : GNAT.OS_Lib.String_Access := null;
- Flag_Dump_Llvm : Boolean := False;
- -- Name of the module.
- Module_Name : String := "ortho" & Ascii.Nul;
- -- procedure DisableLazyCompilation (EE : ExecutionEngineRef;
- -- Disable : int);
- -- pragma Import (C, DisableLazyCompilation,
- -- "LLVMDisableLazyCompilation");
- -- Initialize the whole engine.
- procedure Init
- is
- Msg : aliased Cstring;
- begin
- InitializeNativeTarget;
- InitializeNativeAsmPrinter;
- LinkInJIT;
- Module := ModuleCreateWithName (Module_Name'Address);
- -- Now we going to create JIT
- if CreateExecutionEngineForModule
- (Ortho_LLVM.Jit.Engine'Access, Module, Msg'Access) /= 0
- then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "cannot create execution engine");
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Target_Data := GetExecutionEngineTargetData (Ortho_LLVM.Jit.Engine);
- SetDataLayout (Module, CopyStringRepOfTargetData (Target_Data));
- Ortho_LLVM.Init;
- end Init;
- procedure Set_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Addr : Address)
- renames Ortho_LLVM.Jit.Set_Address;
- function Get_Address (Decl : O_Dnode) return Address
- renames Ortho_LLVM.Jit.Get_Address;
- -- procedure InstallLazyFunctionCreator (EE : ExecutionEngineRef;
- -- Func : Address);
- -- pragma Import (C, InstallLazyFunctionCreator,
- -- "LLVMInstallLazyFunctionCreator");
- -- Do link.
- procedure Link (Status : out Boolean)
- is
- use LLVM.Analysis;
- Msg : aliased Cstring;
- begin
- if Flag_Debug then
- Ortho_LLVM.Finish_Debug;
- end if;
- if Flag_Dump_Llvm then
- DumpModule (Module);
- end if;
- -- Verify module.
- if LLVM.Analysis.VerifyModule
- (Module, LLVM.Analysis.PrintMessageAction, Msg'Access) /= 0
- then
- DisposeMessage (Msg);
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- -- FIXME: optim
- end Link;
- procedure Finish
- is
- -- F : ValueRef;
- -- Addr : Address;
- -- pragma Unreferenced (Addr);
- begin
- null;
- -- if No_Lazy then
- -- -- Be sure all functions code has been generated.
- -- F := GetFirstFunction (Module);
- -- while F /= Null_ValueRef loop
- -- if GetFirstBasicBlock (F) /= Null_BasicBlockRef then
- -- -- Only care about defined functions.
- -- Addr := GetPointerToFunction (EE, F);
- -- end if;
- -- F := GetNextFunction (F);
- -- end loop;
- -- end if;
- end Finish;
- function Decode_Option (Option : String) return Boolean
- is
- Opt : constant String (1 .. Option'Length) := Option;
- begin
- if Opt = "--llvm-dump" then
- Flag_Dump_Llvm := True;
- return True;
- end if;
- return False;
- end Decode_Option;
- procedure Disp_Help is
- begin
- null;
- end Disp_Help;
- function Get_Jit_Name return String is
- begin
- return "LLVM";
- end Get_Jit_Name;
-end Ortho_Jit;
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm-jit.adb b/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm-jit.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9155a02c7..000000000
--- a/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm-jit.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
--- LLVM back-end for ortho.
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-package body Ortho_LLVM.Jit is
- -- procedure AddExternalFunction (Name : Cstring; Val : Address);
- -- pragma Import (C, AddExternalFunction, "ortho_AddExternalFunction");
- function GetPointerToFunction (EE : ExecutionEngineRef; Func : ValueRef)
- return Address;
- pragma Import (C, GetPointerToFunction, "LLVMGetPointerToFunction");
- -- Set address of non-defined global variables or functions.
- procedure Set_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Addr : Address) is
- begin
- case Decl.Kind is
- when ON_Var_Decl | ON_Const_Decl =>
- AddGlobalMapping (Engine, Decl.LLVM, Addr);
- when ON_Subprg_Decl =>
- null;
- -- AddExternalFunction (GetValueName (Decl.LLVM), Addr);
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Set_Address;
- -- Get address of a global.
- function Get_Address (Decl : O_Dnode) return Address
- is
- begin
- case Decl.Kind is
- when ON_Var_Decl | ON_Const_Decl =>
- return GetPointerToGlobal (Engine, Decl.LLVM);
- when ON_Subprg_Decl =>
- return GetPointerToFunction (Engine, Decl.LLVM);
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Get_Address;
-end Ortho_LLVM.Jit;
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm-jit.ads b/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm-jit.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 5296e2ed8..000000000
--- a/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm-jit.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
--- LLVM back-end for ortho.
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System; use System;
-with LLVM.ExecutionEngine; use LLVM.ExecutionEngine;
-package Ortho_LLVM.Jit is
- -- Set address of non-defined global variables or functions.
- procedure Set_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Addr : Address);
- -- Get address of a global.
- function Get_Address (Decl : O_Dnode) return Address;
- -- Execution engine
- Engine : aliased ExecutionEngineRef;
-end Ortho_LLVM.Jit;
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm.adb b/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index dd8e64971..000000000
--- a/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2881 +0,0 @@
--- LLVM back-end for ortho.
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
-with LLVM.Target; use LLVM.Target;
-with GNAT.Directory_Operations;
-package body Ortho_LLVM is
- -- The current function for LLVM (needed to add new basic blocks).
- Cur_Func : ValueRef;
- -- The current function node (needed for return type).
- Cur_Func_Decl : O_Dnode;
- -- Wether the code is currently unreachable. LLVM doesn't accept basic
- -- blocks that cannot be reached (using trivial rules). So we need to
- -- discard instructions after a return, a next or an exit statement.
- Unreach : Boolean;
- -- Builder for statements.
- Builder : BuilderRef;
- -- Builder for declarations (local variables).
- Decl_Builder : BuilderRef;
- -- Temporary builder.
- Extra_Builder : BuilderRef;
- -- Declaration of llvm.dbg.declare
- Llvm_Dbg_Declare : ValueRef;
- Debug_ID : unsigned;
- Current_Directory : constant String :=
- GNAT.Directory_Operations.Get_Current_Dir;
- -- Additional data for declare blocks.
- type Declare_Block_Type;
- type Declare_Block_Acc is access Declare_Block_Type;
- type Declare_Block_Type is record
- -- First basic block of the declare.
- Stmt_Bb : BasicBlockRef;
- -- Stack pointer at entry of the block. This value has to be restore
- -- when leaving the block (either normally or via exit/next). Set only
- -- if New_Alloca was used.
- -- FIXME: TODO: restore stack pointer on exit/next stmts.
- Stack_Value : ValueRef;
- -- Debug data for the scope of the declare block.
- Dbg_Scope : ValueRef;
- -- Previous element in the stack.
- Prev : Declare_Block_Acc;
- end record;
- -- Current declare block.
- Cur_Declare_Block : Declare_Block_Acc;
- -- Chain of unused blocks to be recycled.
- Old_Declare_Block : Declare_Block_Acc;
- Stacksave_Fun : ValueRef;
- Stacksave_Name : constant String := "llvm.stacksave" & ASCII.NUL;
- Stackrestore_Fun : ValueRef;
- Stackrestore_Name : constant String := "llvm.stackrestore" & ASCII.NUL;
- -- For debugging
- DW_Version : constant := 16#c_0000#;
- DW_TAG_Array_Type : constant := DW_Version + 16#01#;
- DW_TAG_Enumeration_Type : constant := DW_Version + 16#04#;
- DW_TAG_Lexical_Block : constant := DW_Version + 16#0b#;
- DW_TAG_Member : constant := DW_Version + 16#0d#;
- DW_TAG_Pointer_Type : constant := DW_Version + 16#0f#;
- DW_TAG_Compile_Unit : constant := DW_Version + 16#11#;
- DW_TAG_Structure_Type : constant := DW_Version + 16#13#;
- DW_TAG_Subroutine_Type : constant := DW_Version + 16#15#;
- DW_TAG_Subrange_Type : constant := DW_Version + 16#21#;
- DW_TAG_Base_Type : constant := DW_Version + 16#24#;
- DW_TAG_Enumerator : constant := DW_Version + 16#28#;
- DW_TAG_File_Type : constant := DW_Version + 16#29#;
- DW_TAG_Subprogram : constant := DW_Version + 16#2e#;
- DW_TAG_Variable : constant := DW_Version + 16#34#;
- DW_TAG_Auto_Variable : constant := DW_Version + 16#100#;
- DW_TAG_Arg_Variable : constant := DW_Version + 16#101#;
- DW_ATE_address : constant := 16#01#;
- DW_ATE_boolean : constant := 16#02#;
- DW_ATE_float : constant := 16#04#;
- DW_ATE_signed : constant := 16#05#;
- DW_ATE_unsigned : constant := 16#07#;
- pragma Unreferenced (DW_ATE_address, DW_ATE_boolean);
- -- File + Dir metadata
- Dbg_Current_Filedir : ValueRef;
- Dbg_Current_File : ValueRef; -- The DW_TAG_File_Type
- Dbg_Current_Line : unsigned := 0;
- Dbg_Current_Scope : ValueRef;
- Scope_Uniq_Id : Unsigned_64 := 0;
- -- Metadata for the instruction
- Dbg_Insn_MD : ValueRef;
- Dbg_Insn_MD_Line : unsigned := 0;
- procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (ValueRefArray, ValueRefArray_Acc);
- package Dbg_Utils is
- type Dyn_MDNode is private;
- procedure Append (D : in out Dyn_MDNode; Val : ValueRef);
- function Get_Value (D : Dyn_MDNode) return ValueRef;
- -- Reset D. FIXME: should be done automatically within Get_Value.
- procedure Clear (D : out Dyn_MDNode);
- private
- Chunk_Length : constant unsigned := 32;
- type MD_Chunk;
- type MD_Chunk_Acc is access MD_Chunk;
- type MD_Chunk is record
- Vals : ValueRefArray (1 .. Chunk_Length);
- Next : MD_Chunk_Acc;
- end record;
- type Dyn_MDNode is record
- First : MD_Chunk_Acc;
- Last : MD_Chunk_Acc;
- Nbr : unsigned := 0;
- end record;
- end Dbg_Utils;
- package body Dbg_Utils is
- procedure Append (D : in out Dyn_MDNode; Val : ValueRef) is
- Chunk : MD_Chunk_Acc;
- Pos : constant unsigned := D.Nbr rem Chunk_Length;
- begin
- if Pos = 0 then
- Chunk := new MD_Chunk;
- if D.First = null then
- D.First := Chunk;
- else
- D.Last.Next := Chunk;
- end if;
- D.Last := Chunk;
- else
- Chunk := D.Last;
- end if;
- Chunk.Vals (Pos + 1) := Val;
- D.Nbr := D.Nbr + 1;
- end Append;
- procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (MD_Chunk, MD_Chunk_Acc);
- function Get_Value (D : Dyn_MDNode) return ValueRef
- is
- Vals : ValueRefArray (1 .. D.Nbr);
- Pos : unsigned;
- Chunk : MD_Chunk_Acc := D.First;
- Next_Chunk : MD_Chunk_Acc;
- Nbr : constant unsigned := D.Nbr;
- begin
- Pos := 0;
- -- Copy by chunks
- while Pos + Chunk_Length < Nbr loop
- Vals (Pos + 1 .. Pos + Chunk_Length) := Chunk.Vals;
- Pos := Pos + Chunk_Length;
- Next_Chunk := Chunk.Next;
- Free (Chunk);
- Chunk := Next_Chunk;
- end loop;
- -- Last chunk
- if Pos < Nbr then
- Vals (Pos + 1 .. Pos + Nbr - Pos) := Chunk.Vals (1 .. Nbr - Pos);
- Free (Chunk);
- end if;
- return MDNode (Vals, Vals'Length);
- end Get_Value;
- procedure Clear (D : out Dyn_MDNode) is
- begin
- D := (null, null, 0);
- end Clear;
- end Dbg_Utils;
- use Dbg_Utils;
- -- List of debug info for subprograms.
- Subprg_Nodes: Dyn_MDNode;
- -- List of literals for enumerated type
- Enum_Nodes : Dyn_MDNode;
- -- List of global variables
- Global_Nodes : Dyn_MDNode;
- -- Create a MDString from an Ada string.
- function MDString (Str : String) return ValueRef is
- begin
- return MDString (Str'Address, Str'Length);
- end MDString;
- function MDString (Id : O_Ident) return ValueRef is
- begin
- return MDString (Get_Cstring (Id), unsigned (Get_String_Length (Id)));
- end MDString;
- function Dbg_Size (Atype : TypeRef) return ValueRef is
- begin
- return ConstInt (Int64Type, 8 * ABISizeOfType (Target_Data, Atype), 0);
- end Dbg_Size;
- function Dbg_Align (Atype : TypeRef) return ValueRef is
- begin
- return ConstInt
- (Int64Type,
- Unsigned_64 (8 * ABIAlignmentOfType (Target_Data, Atype)), 0);
- end Dbg_Align;
- function Dbg_Line return ValueRef is
- begin
- return ConstInt (Int32Type, Unsigned_64 (Dbg_Current_Line), 0);
- end Dbg_Line;
- -- Set debug metadata on instruction INSN.
- -- FIXME: check if INSN is really an instruction
- procedure Set_Insn_Dbg (Insn : ValueRef) is
- begin
- if Flag_Debug then
- if Dbg_Current_Line /= Dbg_Insn_MD_Line then
- declare
- Vals : ValueRefArray (0 .. 3);
- begin
- Vals := (Dbg_Line,
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), -- col
- Dbg_Current_Scope, -- context
- Null_ValueRef); -- inline
- Dbg_Insn_MD := MDNode (Vals, Vals'Length);
- Dbg_Insn_MD_Line := Dbg_Current_Line;
- end;
- end if;
- SetMetadata (Insn, Debug_ID, Dbg_Insn_MD);
- end if;
- end Set_Insn_Dbg;
- procedure Dbg_Create_Variable (Tag : Unsigned_32;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Vtype : O_Tnode;
- Argno : Natural;
- Addr : ValueRef)
- is
- Vals : ValueRefArray (0 .. 7);
- Str : constant ValueRef := MDString (Ident);
- Call_Vals : ValueRefArray (0 .. 1);
- Call : ValueRef;
- begin
- Vals := (ConstInt (Int32Type, Unsigned_64 (Tag), 0),
- Dbg_Current_Scope,
- Str,
- Dbg_Current_File,
- ConstInt (Int32Type,
- Unsigned_64 (Dbg_Current_Line)
- + Unsigned_64 (Argno) * 2 ** 24, 0),
- Vtype.Dbg,
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), -- flags
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0));
- Call_Vals := (MDNode ((0 => Addr), 1),
- MDNode (Vals, Vals'Length));
- Call := BuildCall (Decl_Builder, Llvm_Dbg_Declare,
- Call_Vals, Call_Vals'Length, Empty_Cstring);
- Set_Insn_Dbg (Call);
- end Dbg_Create_Variable;
- procedure Create_Declare_Block
- is
- Res : Declare_Block_Acc;
- begin
- -- Try to recycle an unused record.
- if Old_Declare_Block /= null then
- Res := Old_Declare_Block;
- Old_Declare_Block := Res.Prev;
- else
- -- Create a new one if no unused records.
- Res := new Declare_Block_Type;
- end if;
- -- Chain.
- Res.all := (Stmt_Bb => Null_BasicBlockRef,
- Stack_Value => Null_ValueRef,
- Dbg_Scope => Null_ValueRef,
- Prev => Cur_Declare_Block);
- Cur_Declare_Block := Res;
- if not Unreach then
- Res.Stmt_Bb := AppendBasicBlock (Cur_Func, Empty_Cstring);
- end if;
- end Create_Declare_Block;
- procedure Destroy_Declare_Block
- is
- Blk : constant Declare_Block_Acc := Cur_Declare_Block;
- begin
- -- Unchain.
- Cur_Declare_Block := Blk.Prev;
- -- Put on the recyle list.
- Blk.Prev := Old_Declare_Block;
- Old_Declare_Block := Blk;
- end Destroy_Declare_Block;
- -----------------------
- -- Start_Record_Type --
- -----------------------
- procedure Start_Record_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List) is
- begin
- Elements := (Nbr_Elements => 0,
- Rec_Type => O_Tnode_Null,
- Size => 0,
- Align => 0,
- Align_Type => Null_TypeRef,
- First_Elem => null,
- Last_Elem => null);
- end Start_Record_Type;
- ----------------------
- -- New_Record_Field --
- ----------------------
- procedure New_Record_Field
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
- El : out O_Fnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Etype : O_Tnode)
- is
- O_El : O_Element_Acc;
- begin
- El := (Kind => OF_Record,
- Index => Elements.Nbr_Elements,
- Ftype => Etype);
- Elements.Nbr_Elements := Elements.Nbr_Elements + 1;
- O_El := new O_Element'(Next => null,
- Etype => Etype,
- Ident => Ident);
- if Elements.First_Elem = null then
- Elements.First_Elem := O_El;
- else
- Elements.Last_Elem.Next := O_El;
- end if;
- Elements.Last_Elem := O_El;
- end New_Record_Field;
- ------------------------
- -- Finish_Record_Type --
- ------------------------
- procedure Finish_Record_Type
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
- Res : out O_Tnode)
- is
- procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (O_Element, O_Element_Acc);
- Count : constant unsigned := unsigned (Elements.Nbr_Elements);
- El : O_Element_Acc;
- Next_El : O_Element_Acc;
- Types : TypeRefArray (1 .. Count);
- begin
- El := Elements.First_Elem;
- for I in Types'Range loop
- Types (I) := Get_LLVM_Type (El.Etype);
- El := El.Next;
- end loop;
- if Elements.Rec_Type /= null then
- -- Completion
- StructSetBody (Elements.Rec_Type.LLVM, Types, Count, 0);
- Res := Elements.Rec_Type;
- else
- Res := new O_Tnode_Type'(Kind => ON_Record_Type,
- LLVM => StructType (Types, Count, 0),
- Dbg => Null_ValueRef);
- end if;
- if Flag_Debug then
- declare
- Fields : ValueRefArray (1 .. Count);
- Vals : ValueRefArray (0 .. 9);
- Ftype : TypeRef;
- Fields_Arr : ValueRef;
- begin
- El := Elements.First_Elem;
- for I in Fields'Range loop
- Ftype := Get_LLVM_Type (El.Etype);
- Vals :=
- (ConstInt (Int32Type, DW_TAG_Member, 0),
- Dbg_Current_File,
- Null_ValueRef,
- MDString (El.Ident),
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), -- linenum
- Dbg_Size (Ftype),
- Dbg_Align (Ftype),
- ConstInt
- (Int32Type,
- 8 * OffsetOfElement (Target_Data,
- Res.LLVM, Unsigned_32 (I - 1)), 0),
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), -- Flags
- El.Etype.Dbg);
- Fields (I) := MDNode (Vals, Vals'Length);
- El := El.Next;
- end loop;
- Fields_Arr := MDNode (Fields, Fields'Length);
- if Elements.Rec_Type /= null then
- -- Completion
- MDNodeReplaceOperandWith (Res.Dbg, 10, Fields_Arr);
- MDNodeReplaceOperandWith (Res.Dbg, 5, Dbg_Size (Res.LLVM));
- MDNodeReplaceOperandWith (Res.Dbg, 6, Dbg_Align (Res.LLVM));
- else
- -- Temporary borrowed.
- Res.Dbg := Fields_Arr;
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
- -- Free elements
- El := Elements.First_Elem;
- for I in Types'Range loop
- Next_El := El.Next;
- Free (El);
- El := Next_El;
- end loop;
- end Finish_Record_Type;
- --------------------------------
- -- New_Uncomplete_Record_Type --
- --------------------------------
- procedure New_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : out O_Tnode) is
- begin
- -- LLVM type will be created when the type is declared.
- Res := new O_Tnode_Type'(Kind => ON_Incomplete_Record_Type,
- LLVM => Null_TypeRef,
- Dbg => Null_ValueRef);
- end New_Uncomplete_Record_Type;
- ----------------------------------
- -- Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type --
- ----------------------------------
- procedure Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type
- (Res : O_Tnode;
- Elements : out O_Element_List)
- is
- begin
- if Res.Kind /= ON_Incomplete_Record_Type then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Elements := (Nbr_Elements => 0,
- Rec_Type => Res,
- Size => 0,
- Align => 0,
- Align_Type => Null_TypeRef,
- First_Elem => null,
- Last_Elem => null);
- end Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type;
- ----------------------
- -- Start_Union_Type --
- ----------------------
- procedure Start_Union_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List) is
- begin
- Elements := (Nbr_Elements => 0,
- Rec_Type => O_Tnode_Null,
- Size => 0,
- Align => 0,
- Align_Type => Null_TypeRef,
- First_Elem => null,
- Last_Elem => null);
- end Start_Union_Type;
- ---------------------
- -- New_Union_Field --
- ---------------------
- procedure New_Union_Field
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
- El : out O_Fnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Etype : O_Tnode)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Ident);
- El_Type : constant TypeRef := Get_LLVM_Type (Etype);
- Size : constant unsigned :=
- unsigned (ABISizeOfType (Target_Data, El_Type));
- Align : constant Unsigned_32 :=
- ABIAlignmentOfType (Target_Data, El_Type);
- begin
- El := (Kind => OF_Union, Utype => El_Type, Ftype => Etype);
- if Size > Elements.Size then
- Elements.Size := Size;
- end if;
- if Elements.Align_Type = Null_TypeRef or else Align > Elements.Align then
- Elements.Align := Align;
- Elements.Align_Type := El_Type;
- end if;
- end New_Union_Field;
- -----------------------
- -- Finish_Union_Type --
- -----------------------
- procedure Finish_Union_Type
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
- Res : out O_Tnode)
- is
- Count : unsigned;
- Types : TypeRefArray (1 .. 2);
- Pad : unsigned;
- begin
- if Elements.Align_Type = Null_TypeRef then
- -- An empty union. Is it allowed ?
- Count := 0;
- else
- -- The first element is the field with the biggest alignment
- Types (1) := Elements.Align_Type;
- -- Possibly complete with an array of bytes.
- Pad := Elements.Size
- - unsigned (ABISizeOfType (Target_Data, Elements.Align_Type));
- if Pad /= 0 then
- Types (2) := ArrayType (Int8Type, Pad);
- Count := 2;
- else
- Count := 1;
- end if;
- end if;
- Res := new O_Tnode_Type'(Kind => ON_Union_Type,
- LLVM => StructType (Types, Count, 0),
- Dbg => Null_ValueRef,
- Un_Size => Elements.Size,
- Un_Main_Field => Elements.Align_Type);
- end Finish_Union_Type;
- ---------------------
- -- New_Access_Type --
- ---------------------
- function New_Access_Type (Dtype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode is
- begin
- if Dtype = O_Tnode_Null then
- -- LLVM type will be built by New_Type_Decl, so that the name
- -- can be used for the structure.
- return new O_Tnode_Type'(Kind => ON_Incomplete_Access_Type,
- LLVM => Null_TypeRef,
- Dbg => Null_ValueRef,
- Acc_Type => O_Tnode_Null);
- else
- return new O_Tnode_Type'(Kind => ON_Access_Type,
- LLVM => PointerType (Get_LLVM_Type (Dtype)),
- Dbg => Null_ValueRef,
- Acc_Type => Dtype);
- end if;
- end New_Access_Type;
- ------------------------
- -- Finish_Access_Type --
- ------------------------
- procedure Finish_Access_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Dtype : O_Tnode)
- is
- Types : TypeRefArray (1 .. 1);
- begin
- if Atype.Kind /= ON_Incomplete_Access_Type then
- -- Not an incomplete access type.
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- if Atype.Acc_Type /= O_Tnode_Null then
- -- Already completed.
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- -- Completion
- Types (1) := Get_LLVM_Type (Dtype);
- StructSetBody (GetElementType (Atype.LLVM), Types, Types'Length, 0);
- Atype.Acc_Type := Dtype;
- -- Debug.
- -- FIXME.
- end Finish_Access_Type;
- --------------------
- -- New_Array_Type --
- --------------------
- function Dbg_Array (El_Type : O_Tnode; Len : ValueRef; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return ValueRef
- is
- Rng : ValueRefArray (0 .. 2);
- Rng_Arr : ValueRefArray (0 .. 0);
- Vals : ValueRefArray (0 .. 14);
- begin
- Rng := (ConstInt (Int32Type, DW_TAG_Subrange_Type, 0),
- ConstInt (Int64Type, 0, 0), -- Lo
- Len); -- Count
- Rng_Arr := (0 => MDNode (Rng, Rng'Length));
- Vals := (ConstInt (Int32Type, DW_TAG_Array_Type, 0),
- Null_ValueRef,
- Null_ValueRef, -- context
- Null_ValueRef,
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), -- line
- Dbg_Size (Atype.LLVM),
- Dbg_Align (Atype.LLVM),
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), -- Offset
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), -- Flags
- El_Type.Dbg, -- element type
- MDNode (Rng_Arr, Rng_Arr'Length), -- subscript
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0),
- Null_ValueRef,
- Null_ValueRef,
- Null_ValueRef); -- Runtime lang
- return MDNode (Vals, Vals'Length);
- end Dbg_Array;
- function New_Array_Type (El_Type : O_Tnode; Index_Type : O_Tnode)
- return O_Tnode
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Index_Type);
- Res : O_Tnode;
- begin
- Res := new O_Tnode_Type'
- (Kind => ON_Array_Type,
- LLVM => ArrayType (Get_LLVM_Type (El_Type), 0),
- Dbg => Null_ValueRef,
- Arr_El_Type => El_Type);
- if Flag_Debug then
- Res.Dbg := Dbg_Array
- (El_Type, ConstInt (Int64Type, Unsigned_64'Last, 1), Res);
- end if;
- return Res;
- end New_Array_Type;
- --------------------------------
- -- New_Constrained_Array_Type --
- --------------------------------
- function New_Constrained_Array_Type
- (Atype : O_Tnode; Length : O_Cnode) return O_Tnode
- is
- Res : O_Tnode;
- Len : constant unsigned := unsigned (ConstIntGetZExtValue (Length.LLVM));
- begin
- Res := new O_Tnode_Type'
- (Kind => ON_Array_Sub_Type,
- LLVM => ArrayType (GetElementType (Get_LLVM_Type (Atype)), Len),
- Dbg => Null_ValueRef,
- Arr_El_Type => Atype.Arr_El_Type);
- if Flag_Debug then
- Res.Dbg := Dbg_Array
- (Atype.Arr_El_Type,
- ConstInt (Int64Type, Unsigned_64 (Len), 0), Res);
- end if;
- return Res;
- end New_Constrained_Array_Type;
- -----------------------
- -- New_Unsigned_Type --
- -----------------------
- function Size_To_Llvm (Size : Natural) return TypeRef is
- Llvm : TypeRef;
- begin
- case Size is
- when 8 =>
- Llvm := Int8Type;
- when 32 =>
- Llvm := Int32Type;
- when 64 =>
- Llvm := Int64Type;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- return Llvm;
- end Size_To_Llvm;
- function New_Unsigned_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode is
- begin
- return new O_Tnode_Type'(Kind => ON_Unsigned_Type,
- LLVM => Size_To_Llvm (Size),
- Dbg => Null_ValueRef,
- Scal_Size => Size);
- end New_Unsigned_Type;
- ---------------------
- -- New_Signed_Type --
- ---------------------
- function New_Signed_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode is
- begin
- return new O_Tnode_Type'(Kind => ON_Signed_Type,
- LLVM => Size_To_Llvm (Size),
- Dbg => Null_ValueRef,
- Scal_Size => Size);
- end New_Signed_Type;
- --------------------
- -- New_Float_Type --
- --------------------
- function New_Float_Type return O_Tnode is
- begin
- return new O_Tnode_Type'(Kind => ON_Float_Type,
- LLVM => DoubleType,
- Dbg => Null_ValueRef,
- Scal_Size => 64);
- end New_Float_Type;
- procedure Dbg_Add_Enumeration (Id : O_Ident; Val : Unsigned_64) is
- Vals : ValueRefArray (0 .. 2);
- begin
- Vals := (ConstInt (Int32Type, DW_TAG_Enumerator, 0),
- MDString (Id),
- ConstInt (Int64Type, Val, 0));
- -- FIXME: make it local to List ?
- Append (Enum_Nodes, MDNode (Vals, Vals'Length));
- end Dbg_Add_Enumeration;
- ----------------------
- -- New_Boolean_Type --
- ----------------------
- procedure New_Boolean_Type
- (Res : out O_Tnode;
- False_Id : O_Ident; False_E : out O_Cnode;
- True_Id : O_Ident; True_E : out O_Cnode)
- is
- begin
- Res := new O_Tnode_Type'(Kind => ON_Boolean_Type,
- LLVM => Int1Type,
- Dbg => Null_ValueRef,
- Scal_Size => 1);
- False_E := O_Cnode'(LLVM => ConstInt (Res.LLVM, 0, 0),
- Ctype => Res);
- True_E := O_Cnode'(LLVM => ConstInt (Res.LLVM, 1, 0),
- Ctype => Res);
- if Flag_Debug then
- Dbg_Add_Enumeration (False_Id, 0);
- Dbg_Add_Enumeration (True_Id, 1);
- end if;
- end New_Boolean_Type;
- ---------------------
- -- Start_Enum_Type --
- ---------------------
- procedure Start_Enum_Type (List : out O_Enum_List; Size : Natural)
- is
- LLVM : constant TypeRef := Size_To_Llvm (Size);
- begin
- List := (LLVM => LLVM,
- Num => 0,
- Etype => new O_Tnode_Type'(Kind => ON_Enum_Type,
- Scal_Size => Size,
- Dbg => Null_ValueRef));
- end Start_Enum_Type;
- ----------------------
- -- New_Enum_Literal --
- ----------------------
- procedure New_Enum_Literal
- (List : in out O_Enum_List; Ident : O_Ident; Res : out O_Cnode)
- is
- begin
- Res := O_Cnode'(LLVM => ConstInt (List.LLVM, Unsigned_64 (List.Num), 0),
- Ctype => List.Etype);
- if Flag_Debug then
- Dbg_Add_Enumeration (Ident, Unsigned_64 (List.Num));
- end if;
- List.Num := List.Num + 1;
- end New_Enum_Literal;
- ----------------------
- -- Finish_Enum_Type --
- ----------------------
- procedure Finish_Enum_Type (List : in out O_Enum_List; Res : out O_Tnode) is
- begin
- Res := List.Etype;
- end Finish_Enum_Type;
- ------------------------
- -- New_Signed_Literal --
- ------------------------
- function New_Signed_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Integer_64)
- return O_Cnode
- is
- function To_Unsigned_64 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Integer_64, Unsigned_64);
- begin
- return O_Cnode'(LLVM => ConstInt (Get_LLVM_Type (Ltype),
- To_Unsigned_64 (Value), 1),
- Ctype => Ltype);
- end New_Signed_Literal;
- --------------------------
- -- New_Unsigned_Literal --
- --------------------------
- function New_Unsigned_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Unsigned_64)
- return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return O_Cnode'(LLVM => ConstInt (Get_LLVM_Type (Ltype), Value, 0),
- Ctype => Ltype);
- end New_Unsigned_Literal;
- -----------------------
- -- New_Float_Literal --
- -----------------------
- function New_Float_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : IEEE_Float_64)
- return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return O_Cnode'(LLVM => ConstReal (Get_LLVM_Type (Ltype),
- Interfaces.C.double (Value)),
- Ctype => Ltype);
- end New_Float_Literal;
- ---------------------
- -- New_Null_Access --
- ---------------------
- function New_Null_Access (Ltype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return O_Cnode'(LLVM => ConstNull (Get_LLVM_Type (Ltype)),
- Ctype => Ltype);
- end New_Null_Access;
- -----------------------
- -- Start_Record_Aggr --
- -----------------------
- procedure Start_Record_Aggr
- (List : out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Atype : O_Tnode)
- is
- Llvm : constant TypeRef := Get_LLVM_Type (Atype);
- begin
- List :=
- (Len => 0,
- Vals => new ValueRefArray (1 .. CountStructElementTypes (Llvm)),
- Atype => Atype);
- end Start_Record_Aggr;
- ------------------------
- -- New_Record_Aggr_El --
- ------------------------
- procedure New_Record_Aggr_El
- (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List; Value : O_Cnode)
- is
- begin
- List.Len := List.Len + 1;
- List.Vals (List.Len) := Value.LLVM;
- end New_Record_Aggr_El;
- ------------------------
- -- Finish_Record_Aggr --
- ------------------------
- procedure Finish_Record_Aggr
- (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Res : out O_Cnode)
- is
- begin
- Res := (LLVM => ConstStruct (List.Vals.all, List.Len, 0),
- Ctype => List.Atype);
- Free (List.Vals);
- end Finish_Record_Aggr;
- ----------------------
- -- Start_Array_Aggr --
- ----------------------
- procedure Start_Array_Aggr
- (List : out O_Array_Aggr_List;
- Atype : O_Tnode)
- is
- Llvm : constant TypeRef := Get_LLVM_Type (Atype);
- begin
- List := (Len => 0,
- Vals => new ValueRefArray (1 .. GetArrayLength (Llvm)),
- El_Type => GetElementType (Llvm),
- Atype => Atype);
- end Start_Array_Aggr;
- -----------------------
- -- New_Array_Aggr_El --
- -----------------------
- procedure New_Array_Aggr_El (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
- Value : O_Cnode)
- is
- begin
- List.Len := List.Len + 1;
- List.Vals (List.Len) := Value.LLVM;
- end New_Array_Aggr_El;
- -----------------------
- -- Finish_Array_Aggr --
- -----------------------
- procedure Finish_Array_Aggr (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
- Res : out O_Cnode)
- is
- begin
- Res := (LLVM => ConstArray (List.El_Type,
- List.Vals.all, List.Len),
- Ctype => List.Atype);
- Free (List.Vals);
- end Finish_Array_Aggr;
- --------------------
- -- New_Union_Aggr --
- --------------------
- function New_Union_Aggr (Atype : O_Tnode; Field : O_Fnode; Value : O_Cnode)
- return O_Cnode
- is
- Values : ValueRefArray (1 .. 2);
- Count : unsigned;
- Size : constant unsigned :=
- unsigned (ABISizeOfType (Target_Data, Field.Utype));
- begin
- Values (1) := Value.LLVM;
- if Size < Atype.Un_Size then
- Values (2) := GetUndef (ArrayType (Int8Type, Atype.Un_Size - Size));
- Count := 2;
- else
- Count := 1;
- end if;
- -- If `FIELD` is the main field of the union, create a struct using
- -- the same type as the union (and possibly pad).
- if Field.Utype = Atype.Un_Main_Field then
- return O_Cnode'
- (LLVM => ConstNamedStruct (Atype.LLVM, Values, Count),
- Ctype => Atype);
- else
- -- Create an on-the-fly record.
- return O_Cnode'(LLVM => ConstStruct (Values, Count, 0),
- Ctype => Atype);
- end if;
- end New_Union_Aggr;
- ----------------
- -- New_Sizeof --
- ----------------
- -- Return VAL with type RTYPE (either unsigned or access)
- function Const_To_Cnode (Rtype : O_Tnode; Val : Unsigned_64) return O_Cnode
- is
- Tmp : ValueRef;
- begin
- case Rtype.Kind is
- when ON_Scalar_Types =>
- -- Well, unsigned in fact.
- return O_Cnode'(LLVM => ConstInt (Rtype.LLVM, Val, 0),
- Ctype => Rtype);
- when ON_Access_Type =>
- Tmp := ConstInt (Int64Type, Val, 0);
- return O_Cnode'(LLVM => ConstIntToPtr (Tmp, Rtype.LLVM),
- Ctype => Rtype);
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Const_To_Cnode;
- function New_Sizeof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return Const_To_Cnode
- (Rtype, ABISizeOfType (Target_Data, Get_LLVM_Type (Atype)));
- end New_Sizeof;
- -----------------
- -- New_Alignof --
- -----------------
- function New_Alignof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return Const_To_Cnode
- (Rtype,
- Unsigned_64
- (ABIAlignmentOfType (Target_Data, Get_LLVM_Type (Atype))));
- end New_Alignof;
- ------------------
- -- New_Offsetof --
- ------------------
- function New_Offsetof (Atype : O_Tnode; Field : O_Fnode; Rtype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return Const_To_Cnode
- (Rtype,
- OffsetOfElement (Target_Data,
- Get_LLVM_Type (Atype),
- Unsigned_32 (Field.Index)));
- end New_Offsetof;
- ----------------------------
- -- New_Subprogram_Address --
- ----------------------------
- function New_Subprogram_Address (Subprg : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return O_Cnode'
- (LLVM => ConstBitCast (Subprg.LLVM, Get_LLVM_Type (Atype)),
- Ctype => Atype);
- end New_Subprogram_Address;
- ------------------------
- -- New_Global_Address --
- ------------------------
- function New_Global_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return O_Cnode'(LLVM => ConstBitCast (Decl.LLVM, Get_LLVM_Type (Atype)),
- Ctype => Atype);
- end New_Global_Address;
- ----------------------------------
- -- New_Global_Unchecked_Address --
- ----------------------------------
- function New_Global_Unchecked_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode
- is
- begin
- return O_Cnode'(LLVM => ConstBitCast (Decl.LLVM, Get_LLVM_Type (Atype)),
- Ctype => Atype);
- end New_Global_Unchecked_Address;
- -------------
- -- New_Lit --
- -------------
- function New_Lit (Lit : O_Cnode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return O_Enode'(LLVM => Lit.LLVM,
- Etype => Lit.Ctype);
- end New_Lit;
- -------------------
- -- New_Dyadic_Op --
- -------------------
- function New_Smod (L, R : ValueRef; Res_Type : TypeRef)
- return ValueRef
- is
- Cond : ValueRef;
- Br : ValueRef;
- pragma Unreferenced (Br);
- -- The result of 'L rem R'.
- Rm : ValueRef;
- -- Rm + R
- Rm_Plus_R : ValueRef;
- -- The result of 'L xor R'.
- R_Xor : ValueRef;
- Adj : ValueRef;
- Phi : ValueRef;
- -- Basic basic for the non-overflow branch
- Normal_Bb : constant BasicBlockRef :=
- AppendBasicBlock (Cur_Func, Empty_Cstring);
- Adjust_Bb : constant BasicBlockRef :=
- AppendBasicBlock (Cur_Func, Empty_Cstring);
- -- Basic block after the result
- Next_Bb : constant BasicBlockRef :=
- AppendBasicBlock (Cur_Func, Empty_Cstring);
- Vals : ValueRefArray (1 .. 3);
- BBs : BasicBlockRefArray (1 .. 3);
- begin
- -- Avoid overflow with -1:
- -- if R = -1 then
- -- result := 0;
- -- else
- -- ...
- Cond := BuildICmp
- (Builder, IntEQ, R, ConstAllOnes (Res_Type), Empty_Cstring);
- Br := BuildCondBr (Builder, Cond, Next_Bb, Normal_Bb);
- Vals (1) := ConstNull (Res_Type);
- BBs (1) := GetInsertBlock (Builder);
- -- Rm := Left rem Right
- PositionBuilderAtEnd (Builder, Normal_Bb);
- Rm := BuildSRem (Builder, L, R, Empty_Cstring);
- -- if R = 0 then
- -- result := 0
- -- else
- Cond := BuildICmp
- (Builder, IntEQ, Rm, ConstNull (Res_Type), Empty_Cstring);
- Br := BuildCondBr (Builder, Cond, Next_Bb, Adjust_Bb);
- Vals (2) := ConstNull (Res_Type);
- BBs (2) := Normal_Bb;
- -- if L xor R < 0 then
- -- result := Rm + R
- -- else
- -- result := Rm;
- -- end if;
- PositionBuilderAtEnd (Builder, Adjust_Bb);
- R_Xor := BuildXor (Builder, L, R, Empty_Cstring);
- Cond := BuildICmp
- (Builder, IntSLT, R_Xor, ConstNull (Res_Type), Empty_Cstring);
- Rm_Plus_R := BuildAdd (Builder, Rm, R, Empty_Cstring);
- Adj := BuildSelect (Builder, Cond, Rm_Plus_R, Rm, Empty_Cstring);
- Br := BuildBr (Builder, Next_Bb);
- Vals (3) := Adj;
- BBs (3) := Adjust_Bb;
- -- The Phi node
- PositionBuilderAtEnd (Builder, Next_Bb);
- Phi := BuildPhi (Builder, Res_Type, Empty_Cstring);
- AddIncoming (Phi, Vals, BBs, Vals'Length);
- return Phi;
- end New_Smod;
- type Dyadic_Builder_Acc is access
- function (Builder : BuilderRef;
- LHS : ValueRef; RHS : ValueRef; Name : Cstring)
- return ValueRef;
- pragma Convention (C, Dyadic_Builder_Acc);
- function New_Dyadic_Op (Kind : ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode)
- return O_Enode
- is
- Build : Dyadic_Builder_Acc := null;
- Res : ValueRef := Null_ValueRef;
- begin
- if Unreach then
- return O_Enode'(LLVM => Null_ValueRef, Etype => Left.Etype);
- end if;
- case Left.Etype.Kind is
- when ON_Integer_Types =>
- case Kind is
- when ON_And =>
- Build := BuildAnd'Access;
- when ON_Or =>
- Build := BuildOr'Access;
- when ON_Xor =>
- Build := BuildXor'Access;
- when ON_Add_Ov =>
- Build := BuildAdd'Access;
- when ON_Sub_Ov =>
- Build := BuildSub'Access;
- when ON_Mul_Ov =>
- Build := BuildMul'Access;
- when ON_Div_Ov =>
- case Left.Etype.Kind is
- when ON_Unsigned_Type =>
- Build := BuildUDiv'Access;
- when ON_Signed_Type =>
- Build := BuildSDiv'Access;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- when ON_Mod_Ov
- | ON_Rem_Ov => -- FIXME...
- case Left.Etype.Kind is
- when ON_Unsigned_Type =>
- Build := BuildURem'Access;
- when ON_Signed_Type =>
- if Kind = ON_Rem_Ov then
- Build := BuildSRem'Access;
- else
- Res := New_Smod
- (Left.LLVM, Right.LLVM, Left.Etype.LLVM);
- end if;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- end case;
- when ON_Float_Type =>
- case Kind is
- when ON_Add_Ov =>
- Build := BuildFAdd'Access;
- when ON_Sub_Ov =>
- Build := BuildFSub'Access;
- when ON_Mul_Ov =>
- Build := BuildFMul'Access;
- when ON_Div_Ov =>
- Build := BuildFDiv'Access;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- if Build /= null then
- pragma Assert (Res = Null_ValueRef);
- Res := Build.all (Builder, Left.LLVM, Right.LLVM, Empty_Cstring);
- end if;
- if Res = Null_ValueRef then
- raise Program_Error with "Unimplemented New_Dyadic_Op "
- & ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind'Image (Kind)
- & " for type "
- & ON_Type_Kind'Image (Left.Etype.Kind);
- end if;
- Set_Insn_Dbg (Res);
- return O_Enode'(LLVM => Res, Etype => Left.Etype);
- end New_Dyadic_Op;
- --------------------
- -- New_Monadic_Op --
- --------------------
- function New_Monadic_Op (Kind : ON_Monadic_Op_Kind; Operand : O_Enode)
- return O_Enode
- is
- Res : ValueRef;
- begin
- case Operand.Etype.Kind is
- when ON_Integer_Types =>
- case Kind is
- when ON_Not =>
- Res := BuildNot (Builder, Operand.LLVM, Empty_Cstring);
- when ON_Neg_Ov =>
- Res := BuildNeg (Builder, Operand.LLVM, Empty_Cstring);
- when ON_Abs_Ov =>
- Res := BuildSelect
- (Builder,
- BuildICmp (Builder, IntSLT,
- Operand.LLVM,
- ConstInt (Get_LLVM_Type (Operand.Etype), 0, 0),
- Empty_Cstring),
- BuildNeg (Builder, Operand.LLVM, Empty_Cstring),
- Operand.LLVM,
- Empty_Cstring);
- end case;
- when ON_Float_Type =>
- case Kind is
- when ON_Not =>
- raise Program_Error;
- when ON_Neg_Ov =>
- Res := BuildFNeg (Builder, Operand.LLVM, Empty_Cstring);
- when ON_Abs_Ov =>
- Res := BuildSelect
- (Builder,
- BuildFCmp (Builder, RealOLT,
- Operand.LLVM,
- ConstReal (Get_LLVM_Type (Operand.Etype), 0.0),
- Empty_Cstring),
- BuildFNeg (Builder, Operand.LLVM, Empty_Cstring),
- Operand.LLVM,
- Empty_Cstring);
- end case;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- if IsAInstruction (Res) /= Null_ValueRef then
- Set_Insn_Dbg (Res);
- end if;
- return O_Enode'(LLVM => Res, Etype => Operand.Etype);
- end New_Monadic_Op;
- --------------------
- -- New_Compare_Op --
- --------------------
- type Compare_Op_Entry is record
- Signed_Pred : IntPredicate;
- Unsigned_Pred : IntPredicate;
- Real_Pred : RealPredicate;
- end record;
- type Compare_Op_Table_Type is array (ON_Compare_Op_Kind) of
- Compare_Op_Entry;
- Compare_Op_Table : constant Compare_Op_Table_Type :=
- (ON_Eq => (IntEQ, IntEQ, RealOEQ),
- ON_Neq => (IntNE, IntNE, RealONE),
- ON_Le => (IntSLE, IntULE, RealOLE),
- ON_Lt => (IntSLT, IntULT, RealOLT),
- ON_Ge => (IntSGE, IntUGE, RealOGE),
- ON_Gt => (IntSGT, IntUGT, RealOGT));
- function New_Compare_Op
- (Kind : ON_Compare_Op_Kind;
- Left, Right : O_Enode;
- Ntype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Enode
- is
- Res : ValueRef;
- begin
- case Left.Etype.Kind is
- when ON_Unsigned_Type
- | ON_Boolean_Type
- | ON_Enum_Type
- | ON_Access_Type
- | ON_Incomplete_Access_Type =>
- Res := BuildICmp (Builder, Compare_Op_Table (Kind).Unsigned_Pred,
- Left.LLVM, Right.LLVM, Empty_Cstring);
- when ON_Signed_Type =>
- Res := BuildICmp (Builder, Compare_Op_Table (Kind).Signed_Pred,
- Left.LLVM, Right.LLVM, Empty_Cstring);
- when ON_Float_Type =>
- Res := BuildFCmp (Builder, Compare_Op_Table (Kind).Real_Pred,
- Left.LLVM, Right.LLVM, Empty_Cstring);
- when ON_Array_Type
- | ON_Array_Sub_Type
- | ON_Record_Type
- | ON_Incomplete_Record_Type
- | ON_Union_Type
- | ON_No_Type =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Set_Insn_Dbg (Res);
- return O_Enode'(LLVM => Res, Etype => Ntype);
- end New_Compare_Op;
- -------------------------
- -- New_Indexed_Element --
- -------------------------
- function New_Indexed_Element (Arr : O_Lnode; Index : O_Enode) return O_Lnode
- is
- Idx : constant ValueRefArray (1 .. 2) :=
- (ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0),
- Index.LLVM);
- begin
- return O_Lnode'
- (Direct => False,
- LLVM => BuildGEP (Builder, Arr.LLVM, Idx, Idx'Length, Empty_Cstring),
- Ltype => Arr.Ltype.Arr_El_Type);
- end New_Indexed_Element;
- ---------------
- -- New_Slice --
- ---------------
- function New_Slice (Arr : O_Lnode; Res_Type : O_Tnode; Index : O_Enode)
- return O_Lnode
- is
- Idx : constant ValueRefArray (1 .. 2) :=
- (ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0),
- Index.LLVM);
- Tmp : ValueRef;
- begin
- Tmp := BuildGEP (Builder, Arr.LLVM, Idx, Idx'Length, Empty_Cstring);
- Tmp := BuildBitCast
- (Builder, Tmp, PointerType (Get_LLVM_Type (Res_Type)), Empty_Cstring);
- return O_Lnode'(Direct => False, LLVM => Tmp, Ltype => Res_Type);
- end New_Slice;
- --------------------------
- -- New_Selected_Element --
- --------------------------
- function New_Selected_Element (Rec : O_Lnode; El : O_Fnode)
- return O_Lnode
- is
- Res : ValueRef;
- begin
- if Unreach then
- Res := Null_ValueRef;
- else
- declare
- Idx : constant ValueRefArray (1 .. 2) :=
- (ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0),
- ConstInt (Int32Type, Unsigned_64 (El.Index), 0));
- begin
- Res := BuildGEP (Builder, Rec.LLVM, Idx, 2, Empty_Cstring);
- end;
- end if;
- return O_Lnode'(Direct => False, LLVM => Res, Ltype => El.Ftype);
- end New_Selected_Element;
- ------------------------
- -- New_Access_Element --
- ------------------------
- function New_Access_Element (Acc : O_Enode) return O_Lnode
- is
- Res : ValueRef;
- begin
- case Acc.Etype.Kind is
- when ON_Access_Type =>
- Res := Acc.LLVM;
- when ON_Incomplete_Access_Type =>
- -- Unwrap the structure
- declare
- Idx : constant ValueRefArray (1 .. 2) :=
- (ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0));
- begin
- Res := BuildGEP (Builder, Acc.LLVM, Idx, 2, Empty_Cstring);
- end;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- return O_Lnode'(Direct => False,
- LLVM => Res,
- Ltype => Acc.Etype.Acc_Type);
- end New_Access_Element;
- --------------------
- -- New_Convert_Ov --
- --------------------
- function New_Convert_Ov (Val : O_Enode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode
- is
- Res : ValueRef := Null_ValueRef;
- begin
- if Rtype = Val.Etype then
- -- Convertion to itself: nothing to do.
- return Val;
- end if;
- if Rtype.LLVM = Val.Etype.LLVM then
- -- Same underlying LLVM type: nothing to do.
- return Val;
- end if;
- case Rtype.Kind is
- when ON_Integer_Types =>
- case Val.Etype.Kind is
- when ON_Integer_Types =>
- -- Int to Int
- if Val.Etype.Scal_Size > Rtype.Scal_Size then
- -- Truncate
- Res := BuildTrunc
- (Builder, Val.LLVM, Get_LLVM_Type (Rtype),
- Empty_Cstring);
- elsif Val.Etype.Scal_Size < Rtype.Scal_Size then
- if Val.Etype.Kind = ON_Signed_Type then
- Res := BuildSExt
- (Builder, Val.LLVM, Get_LLVM_Type (Rtype),
- Empty_Cstring);
- else
- -- Unsigned, enum
- Res := BuildZExt
- (Builder, Val.LLVM, Get_LLVM_Type (Rtype),
- Empty_Cstring);
- end if;
- else
- Res := BuildBitCast
- (Builder, Val.LLVM, Get_LLVM_Type (Rtype),
- Empty_Cstring);
- end if;
- when ON_Float_Type =>
- -- Float to Int
- if Rtype.Kind = ON_Signed_Type then
- Res := BuildFPToSI
- (Builder, Val.LLVM, Get_LLVM_Type (Rtype),
- Empty_Cstring);
- end if;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- when ON_Float_Type =>
- if Val.Etype.Kind = ON_Signed_Type then
- Res := BuildSIToFP
- (Builder, Val.LLVM, Get_LLVM_Type (Rtype),
- Empty_Cstring);
- elsif Val.Etype.Kind = ON_Unsigned_Type then
- Res := BuildUIToFP
- (Builder, Val.LLVM, Get_LLVM_Type (Rtype),
- Empty_Cstring);
- end if;
- when ON_Access_Type
- | ON_Incomplete_Access_Type =>
- if GetTypeKind (TypeOf (Val.LLVM)) /= PointerTypeKind then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Res := BuildBitCast (Builder, Val.LLVM, Get_LLVM_Type (Rtype),
- Empty_Cstring);
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- if Res /= Null_ValueRef then
- -- FIXME: only if insn was generated
- -- Set_Insn_Dbg (Res);
- return O_Enode'(LLVM => Res, Etype => Rtype);
- else
- raise Program_Error with "New_Convert_Ov: not implemented for "
- & ON_Type_Kind'Image (Val.Etype.Kind)
- & " -> "
- & ON_Type_Kind'Image (Rtype.Kind);
- end if;
- end New_Convert_Ov;
- -----------------
- -- New_Address --
- -----------------
- function New_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return O_Enode'
- (LLVM => BuildBitCast (Builder, Lvalue.LLVM, Get_LLVM_Type (Atype),
- Empty_Cstring),
- Etype => Atype);
- end New_Address;
- ---------------------------
- -- New_Unchecked_Address --
- ---------------------------
- function New_Unchecked_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Enode
- is
- begin
- return O_Enode'
- (LLVM => BuildBitCast (Builder, Lvalue.LLVM, Get_LLVM_Type (Atype),
- Empty_Cstring),
- Etype => Atype);
- end New_Unchecked_Address;
- ---------------
- -- New_Value --
- ---------------
- function New_Value (Lvalue : O_Lnode) return O_Enode
- is
- Res : ValueRef;
- begin
- if Unreach then
- Res := Null_ValueRef;
- else
- Res := Lvalue.LLVM;
- if not Lvalue.Direct then
- Res := BuildLoad (Builder, Res, Empty_Cstring);
- Set_Insn_Dbg (Res);
- end if;
- end if;
- return O_Enode'(LLVM => Res, Etype => Lvalue.Ltype);
- end New_Value;
- -------------------
- -- New_Obj_Value --
- -------------------
- function New_Obj_Value (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return New_Value (New_Obj (Obj));
- end New_Obj_Value;
- -------------
- -- New_Obj --
- -------------
- function New_Obj (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Lnode is
- begin
- case Obj.Kind is
- when ON_Const_Decl
- | ON_Var_Decl
- | ON_Local_Decl =>
- return O_Lnode'(Direct => False,
- LLVM => Obj.LLVM,
- Ltype => Obj.Dtype);
- when ON_Interface_Decl =>
- if Flag_Debug then
- -- The argument was allocated.
- return O_Lnode'(Direct => False,
- LLVM => Obj.Inter.Ival,
- Ltype => Obj.Dtype);
- else
- return O_Lnode'(Direct => True,
- LLVM => Obj.Inter.Ival,
- Ltype => Obj.Dtype);
- end if;
- when ON_Type_Decl
- | ON_Completed_Type_Decl
- | ON_Subprg_Decl
- | ON_No_Decl =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end New_Obj;
- ----------------
- -- New_Alloca --
- ----------------
- function New_Alloca (Rtype : O_Tnode; Size : O_Enode) return O_Enode
- is
- Res : ValueRef;
- begin
- if Unreach then
- Res := Null_ValueRef;
- else
- if Cur_Declare_Block.Stack_Value = Null_ValueRef
- and then Cur_Declare_Block.Prev /= null
- then
- -- Save stack pointer at entry of block
- PositionBuilderBefore
- (Extra_Builder, GetFirstInstruction (Cur_Declare_Block.Stmt_Bb));
- Cur_Declare_Block.Stack_Value :=
- BuildCall (Extra_Builder, Stacksave_Fun,
- (1 .. 0 => Null_ValueRef), 0, Empty_Cstring);
- end if;
- Res := BuildArrayAlloca
- (Builder, Int8Type, Size.LLVM, Empty_Cstring);
- Set_Insn_Dbg (Res);
- Res := BuildBitCast
- (Builder, Res, Get_LLVM_Type (Rtype), Empty_Cstring);
- Set_Insn_Dbg (Res);
- end if;
- return O_Enode'(LLVM => Res, Etype => Rtype);
- end New_Alloca;
- -------------------
- -- New_Type_Decl --
- -------------------
- function Add_Dbg_Basic_Type (Id : O_Ident; Btype : O_Tnode; Enc : Natural)
- return ValueRef
- is
- Vals : ValueRefArray (0 .. 9);
- begin
- Vals := (ConstInt (Int32Type, DW_TAG_Base_Type, 0),
- Null_ValueRef,
- Null_ValueRef,
- MDString (Id),
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), -- linenum
- Dbg_Size (Btype.LLVM),
- Dbg_Align (Btype.LLVM),
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), -- Offset
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), -- Flags
- ConstInt (Int32Type, Unsigned_64 (Enc), 0)); -- Encoding
- return MDNode (Vals, Vals'Length);
- end Add_Dbg_Basic_Type;
- function Add_Dbg_Enum_Type (Id : O_Ident; Etype : O_Tnode) return ValueRef
- is
- Vals : ValueRefArray (0 .. 14);
- begin
- Vals := (ConstInt (Int32Type, DW_TAG_Enumeration_Type, 0),
- Dbg_Current_Filedir,
- Null_ValueRef, -- context
- MDString (Id),
- Dbg_Line,
- Dbg_Size (Etype.LLVM),
- Dbg_Align (Etype.LLVM),
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), -- Offset
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), -- Flags
- Null_ValueRef,
- Get_Value (Enum_Nodes),
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0),
- Null_ValueRef,
- Null_ValueRef,
- Null_ValueRef); -- Runtime lang
- Clear (Enum_Nodes);
- return MDNode (Vals, Vals'Length);
- end Add_Dbg_Enum_Type;
- function Add_Dbg_Pointer_Type (Id : O_Ident; Ptype : O_Tnode)
- return ValueRef
- is
- Vals : ValueRefArray (0 .. 9);
- begin
- pragma Assert (Ptype.Acc_Type.Dbg /= Null_ValueRef);
- Vals := (ConstInt (Int32Type, DW_TAG_Pointer_Type, 0),
- Dbg_Current_Filedir,
- Null_ValueRef, -- context
- MDString (Id),
- Dbg_Line,
- Dbg_Size (Ptype.LLVM),
- Dbg_Align (Ptype.LLVM),
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), -- Offset
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 1024, 0), -- Flags
- Ptype.Acc_Type.Dbg);
- return MDNode (Vals, Vals'Length);
- end Add_Dbg_Pointer_Type;
- function Add_Dbg_Record_Type (Id : O_Ident; Rtype : O_Tnode)
- return ValueRef
- is
- Vals : ValueRefArray (0 .. 14);
- begin
- Vals := (ConstInt (Int32Type, DW_TAG_Structure_Type, 0),
- Dbg_Current_Filedir,
- Null_ValueRef, -- context
- MDString (Id),
- Dbg_Line,
- Null_ValueRef, -- 5: Size
- Null_ValueRef, -- 6: Align
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), -- Offset
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 1024, 0), -- Flags
- Null_ValueRef,
- Null_ValueRef, -- 10
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), -- Runtime lang
- Null_ValueRef, -- Vtable Holder
- Null_ValueRef, -- ?
- Null_ValueRef); -- Uniq Id
- if Rtype /= O_Tnode_Null then
- Vals (5) := Dbg_Size (Rtype.LLVM);
- Vals (6) := Dbg_Align (Rtype.LLVM);
- Vals (10) := Rtype.Dbg;
- end if;
- return MDNode (Vals, Vals'Length);
- end Add_Dbg_Record_Type;
- procedure New_Type_Decl (Ident : O_Ident; Atype : O_Tnode) is
- begin
- case Atype.Kind is
- when ON_Incomplete_Record_Type =>
- Atype.LLVM :=
- StructCreateNamed (GetGlobalContext, Get_Cstring (Ident));
- when ON_Incomplete_Access_Type =>
- Atype.LLVM := PointerType
- (StructCreateNamed (GetGlobalContext, Get_Cstring (Ident)));
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- -- Emit debug info
- if Flag_Debug then
- case Atype.Kind is
- when ON_Unsigned_Type =>
- Atype.Dbg := Add_Dbg_Basic_Type (Ident, Atype, DW_ATE_unsigned);
- when ON_Signed_Type =>
- Atype.Dbg := Add_Dbg_Basic_Type (Ident, Atype, DW_ATE_signed);
- when ON_Float_Type =>
- Atype.Dbg := Add_Dbg_Basic_Type (Ident, Atype, DW_ATE_float);
- when ON_Enum_Type =>
- Atype.Dbg := Add_Dbg_Enum_Type (Ident, Atype);
- when ON_Boolean_Type =>
- Atype.Dbg := Add_Dbg_Enum_Type (Ident, Atype);
- when ON_Access_Type =>
- Atype.Dbg := Add_Dbg_Pointer_Type (Ident, Atype);
- when ON_Record_Type =>
- Atype.Dbg := Add_Dbg_Record_Type (Ident, Atype);
- when ON_Incomplete_Record_Type =>
- Atype.Dbg := Add_Dbg_Record_Type (Ident, O_Tnode_Null);
- when ON_Array_Type
- | ON_Array_Sub_Type =>
- -- FIXME: typedef
- null;
- when ON_Incomplete_Access_Type =>
- -- FIXME: todo
- null;
- when ON_Union_Type =>
- -- FIXME: todo
- null;
- when ON_No_Type =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end if;
- end New_Type_Decl;
- -----------------------------
- -- New_Debug_Filename_Decl --
- -----------------------------
- procedure New_Debug_Filename_Decl (Filename : String) is
- Vals : ValueRefArray (1 .. 2);
- begin
- if Flag_Debug then
- Vals := (MDString (Filename),
- MDString (Current_Directory));
- Dbg_Current_Filedir := MDNode (Vals, 2);
- Vals := (ConstInt (Int32Type, DW_TAG_File_Type, 0),
- Dbg_Current_Filedir);
- Dbg_Current_File := MDNode (Vals, 2);
- end if;
- end New_Debug_Filename_Decl;
- -------------------------
- -- New_Debug_Line_Decl --
- -------------------------
- procedure New_Debug_Line_Decl (Line : Natural) is
- begin
- Dbg_Current_Line := unsigned (Line);
- end New_Debug_Line_Decl;
- ----------------------------
- -- New_Debug_Comment_Decl --
- ----------------------------
- procedure New_Debug_Comment_Decl (Comment : String) is
- begin
- null;
- end New_Debug_Comment_Decl;
- --------------------
- -- New_Const_Decl --
- --------------------
- procedure Dbg_Add_Global_Var (Id : O_Ident;
- Atype : O_Tnode;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- pragma Assert (Atype.Dbg /= Null_ValueRef);
- Vals : ValueRefArray (0 .. 12);
- Name : constant ValueRef := MDString (Id);
- Is_Local : constant Boolean := Storage = O_Storage_Private;
- Is_Def : constant Boolean := Storage /= O_Storage_External;
- begin
- Vals :=
- (ConstInt (Int32Type, DW_TAG_Variable, 0),
- Null_ValueRef,
- Null_ValueRef, -- context
- Name,
- Name,
- Null_ValueRef, -- linkageName
- Dbg_Current_File,
- Dbg_Line,
- Atype.Dbg,
- ConstInt (Int1Type, Boolean'Pos (Is_Local), 0), -- isLocal
- ConstInt (Int1Type, Boolean'Pos (Is_Def), 0), -- isDef
- Decl.LLVM,
- Null_ValueRef);
- Append (Global_Nodes, MDNode (Vals, Vals'Length));
- end Dbg_Add_Global_Var;
- procedure New_Const_Decl
- (Res : out O_Dnode; Ident : O_Ident; Storage : O_Storage; Atype : O_Tnode)
- is
- Decl : ValueRef;
- begin
- if Storage = O_Storage_External then
- Decl := GetNamedGlobal (Module, Get_Cstring (Ident));
- else
- Decl := Null_ValueRef;
- end if;
- if Decl = Null_ValueRef then
- Decl := AddGlobal
- (Module, Get_LLVM_Type (Atype), Get_Cstring (Ident));
- end if;
- Res := (Kind => ON_Const_Decl, LLVM => Decl, Dtype => Atype);
- SetGlobalConstant (Res.LLVM, 1);
- if Storage = O_Storage_Private then
- SetLinkage (Res.LLVM, InternalLinkage);
- end if;
- if Flag_Debug then
- Dbg_Add_Global_Var (Ident, Atype, Storage, Res);
- end if;
- end New_Const_Decl;
- -----------------------
- -- Start_Const_Value --
- -----------------------
- procedure Start_Const_Value (Const : in out O_Dnode) is
- begin
- null;
- end Start_Const_Value;
- ------------------------
- -- Finish_Const_Value --
- ------------------------
- procedure Finish_Const_Value (Const : in out O_Dnode; Val : O_Cnode) is
- begin
- SetInitializer (Const.LLVM, Val.LLVM);
- end Finish_Const_Value;
- ------------------
- -- New_Var_Decl --
- ------------------
- procedure New_Var_Decl
- (Res : out O_Dnode; Ident : O_Ident; Storage : O_Storage; Atype : O_Tnode)
- is
- Decl : ValueRef;
- begin
- if Storage = O_Storage_Local then
- Res := (Kind => ON_Local_Decl,
- LLVM => BuildAlloca
- (Decl_Builder, Get_LLVM_Type (Atype), Get_Cstring (Ident)),
- Dtype => Atype);
- if Flag_Debug then
- Dbg_Create_Variable (DW_TAG_Auto_Variable,
- Ident, Atype, 0, Res.LLVM);
- end if;
- else
- if Storage = O_Storage_External then
- Decl := GetNamedGlobal (Module, Get_Cstring (Ident));
- else
- Decl := Null_ValueRef;
- end if;
- if Decl = Null_ValueRef then
- Decl := AddGlobal
- (Module, Get_LLVM_Type (Atype), Get_Cstring (Ident));
- end if;
- Res := (Kind => ON_Var_Decl, LLVM => Decl, Dtype => Atype);
- -- Set linkage.
- case Storage is
- when O_Storage_Private =>
- SetLinkage (Res.LLVM, InternalLinkage);
- when O_Storage_Public
- | O_Storage_External =>
- null;
- when O_Storage_Local =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- -- Set initializer.
- case Storage is
- when O_Storage_Private
- | O_Storage_Public =>
- SetInitializer (Res.LLVM, ConstNull (Get_LLVM_Type (Atype)));
- when O_Storage_External =>
- null;
- when O_Storage_Local =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- if Flag_Debug then
- Dbg_Add_Global_Var (Ident, Atype, Storage, Res);
- end if;
- end if;
- end New_Var_Decl;
- -------------------------
- -- Start_Function_Decl --
- -------------------------
- procedure Start_Function_Decl
- (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Rtype : O_Tnode)
- is
- begin
- Interfaces := (Ident => Ident,
- Storage => Storage,
- Res_Type => Rtype,
- Nbr_Inter => 0,
- First_Inter => null,
- Last_Inter => null);
- end Start_Function_Decl;
- --------------------------
- -- Start_Procedure_Decl --
- --------------------------
- procedure Start_Procedure_Decl
- (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage)
- is
- begin
- Interfaces := (Ident => Ident,
- Storage => Storage,
- Res_Type => O_Tnode_Null,
- Nbr_Inter => 0,
- First_Inter => null,
- Last_Inter => null);
- end Start_Procedure_Decl;
- ------------------------
- -- New_Interface_Decl --
- ------------------------
- procedure New_Interface_Decl
- (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List;
- Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Atype : O_Tnode)
- is
- Inter : constant O_Inter_Acc := new O_Inter'(Itype => Atype,
- Ival => Null_ValueRef,
- Ident => Ident,
- Next => null);
- begin
- Res := (Kind => ON_Interface_Decl,
- Dtype => Atype,
- LLVM => Null_ValueRef,
- Inter => Inter);
- Interfaces.Nbr_Inter := Interfaces.Nbr_Inter + 1;
- if Interfaces.First_Inter = null then
- Interfaces.First_Inter := Inter;
- else
- Interfaces.Last_Inter.Next := Inter;
- end if;
- Interfaces.Last_Inter := Inter;
- end New_Interface_Decl;
- ----------------------------
- -- Finish_Subprogram_Decl --
- ----------------------------
- procedure Finish_Subprogram_Decl
- (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List;
- Res : out O_Dnode)
- is
- Count : constant unsigned := unsigned (Interfaces.Nbr_Inter);
- Inter : O_Inter_Acc;
- Types : TypeRefArray (1 .. Count);
- Ftype : TypeRef;
- Rtype : TypeRef;
- Decl : ValueRef;
- Id : constant Cstring := Get_Cstring (Interfaces.Ident);
- begin
- -- Fill Types (from interfaces list)
- Inter := Interfaces.First_Inter;
- for I in 1 .. Count loop
- Types (I) := Inter.Itype.LLVM;
- Inter := Inter.Next;
- end loop;
- -- Build function type.
- if Interfaces.Res_Type = O_Tnode_Null then
- Rtype := VoidType;
- else
- Rtype := Interfaces.Res_Type.LLVM;
- end if;
- Ftype := FunctionType (Rtype, Types, Count, 0);
- if Interfaces.Storage = O_Storage_External then
- Decl := GetNamedFunction (Module, Id);
- else
- Decl := Null_ValueRef;
- end if;
- if Decl = Null_ValueRef then
- Decl := AddFunction (Module, Id, Ftype);
- end if;
- Res := (Kind => ON_Subprg_Decl,
- Dtype => Interfaces.Res_Type,
- Subprg_Id => Interfaces.Ident,
- Nbr_Args => Count,
- Subprg_Inters => Interfaces.First_Inter,
- LLVM => Decl);
- SetFunctionCallConv (Res.LLVM, CCallConv);
- -- Translate interfaces.
- Inter := Interfaces.First_Inter;
- for I in 1 .. Count loop
- Inter.Ival := GetParam (Res.LLVM, I - 1);
- SetValueName (Inter.Ival, Get_Cstring (Inter.Ident));
- Inter := Inter.Next;
- end loop;
- end Finish_Subprogram_Decl;
- ---------------------------
- -- Start_Subprogram_Body --
- ---------------------------
- procedure Start_Subprogram_Body (Func : O_Dnode)
- is
- -- Basic block at function entry that contains all the declarations.
- Decl_BB : BasicBlockRef;
- begin
- if Cur_Func /= Null_ValueRef then
- -- No support for nested subprograms.
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Cur_Func := Func.LLVM;
- Cur_Func_Decl := Func;
- Unreach := False;
- Decl_BB := AppendBasicBlock (Cur_Func, Empty_Cstring);
- PositionBuilderAtEnd (Decl_Builder, Decl_BB);
- Create_Declare_Block;
- PositionBuilderAtEnd (Builder, Cur_Declare_Block.Stmt_Bb);
- if Flag_Debug then
- declare
- Type_Vals : ValueRefArray (0 .. Func.Nbr_Args);
- Vals : ValueRefArray (0 .. 14);
- Arg : O_Inter_Acc;
- Subprg_Type : ValueRef;
- Subprg_Vals : ValueRefArray (0 .. 19);
- Name : ValueRef;
- begin
- Arg := Func.Subprg_Inters;
- if Func.Dtype /= O_Tnode_Null then
- Type_Vals (0) := Func.Dtype.Dbg;
- else
- -- Void
- Type_Vals (0) := Null_ValueRef;
- end if;
- for I in 1 .. Type_Vals'Last loop
- Type_Vals (I) := Arg.Itype.Dbg;
- Arg := Arg.Next;
- end loop;
- Vals :=
- (ConstInt (Int32Type, DW_TAG_Subroutine_Type, 0),
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), -- 1 ??
- Null_ValueRef, -- 2 Context
- MDString (Empty_Cstring, 0), -- 3 name
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), -- 4 linenum
- ConstInt (Int64Type, 0, 0), -- 5 size
- ConstInt (Int64Type, 0, 0), -- 6 align
- ConstInt (Int64Type, 0, 0), -- 7 offset
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), -- 8 flags
- Null_ValueRef, -- 9 derived from
- MDNode (Type_Vals, Type_Vals'Length), -- 10 type
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), -- 11 runtime lang
- Null_ValueRef, -- 12 containing type
- Null_ValueRef, -- 13 template params
- Null_ValueRef); -- 14 ??
- Subprg_Type := MDNode (Vals, Vals'Length);
- -- Create TAG_subprogram.
- Name := MDString (Func.Subprg_Id);
- Subprg_Vals :=
- (ConstInt (Int32Type, DW_TAG_Subprogram, 0),
- Dbg_Current_Filedir, -- 1 loc
- Dbg_Current_File, -- 2 context
- Name, -- 3 name
- Name, -- 4 display name
- Null_ValueRef, -- 5 linkage name
- Dbg_Line, -- 6 line num
- Subprg_Type, -- 7 type
- ConstInt (Int1Type, 0, 0), -- 8 islocal (FIXME)
- ConstInt (Int1Type, 1, 0), -- 9 isdef (FIXME)
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), -- 10 virtuality
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), -- 11 virtual index
- Null_ValueRef, -- 12 containing type
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 256, 0), -- 13 flags: prototyped
- ConstInt (Int1Type, 0, 0), -- 14 isOpt (FIXME)
- Cur_Func, -- 15 function
- Null_ValueRef, -- 16 template param
- Null_ValueRef, -- 17 function decl
- Null_ValueRef, -- 18 variables ???
- Dbg_Line); -- 19 scope ln
- Cur_Declare_Block.Dbg_Scope :=
- MDNode (Subprg_Vals, Subprg_Vals'Length);
- Append (Subprg_Nodes, Cur_Declare_Block.Dbg_Scope);
- Dbg_Current_Scope := Cur_Declare_Block.Dbg_Scope;
- end;
- -- Create local variables for arguments.
- declare
- Arg : O_Inter_Acc;
- Tmp : ValueRef;
- St : ValueRef;
- pragma Unreferenced (St);
- Argno : Natural;
- begin
- Arg := Func.Subprg_Inters;
- Argno := 1;
- while Arg /= null loop
- Tmp := BuildAlloca (Decl_Builder, Get_LLVM_Type (Arg.Itype),
- Empty_Cstring);
- Dbg_Create_Variable (DW_TAG_Arg_Variable,
- Arg.Ident, Arg.Itype, Argno, Tmp);
- St := BuildStore (Decl_Builder, Arg.Ival, Tmp);
- Arg.Ival := Tmp;
- Arg := Arg.Next;
- Argno := Argno + 1;
- end loop;
- end;
- end if;
- end Start_Subprogram_Body;
- ----------------------------
- -- Finish_Subprogram_Body --
- ----------------------------
- procedure Finish_Subprogram_Body is
- Ret : ValueRef;
- pragma Unreferenced (Ret);
- begin
- -- Add a jump from the declare basic block to the first statement BB.
- Ret := BuildBr (Decl_Builder, Cur_Declare_Block.Stmt_Bb);
- -- Terminate the statement BB.
- if not Unreach then
- if Cur_Func_Decl.Dtype = O_Tnode_Null then
- Ret := BuildRetVoid (Builder);
- else
- Ret := BuildUnreachable (Builder);
- end if;
- end if;
- Destroy_Declare_Block;
- Cur_Func := Null_ValueRef;
- Dbg_Current_Scope := Null_ValueRef;
- end Finish_Subprogram_Body;
- -------------------------
- -- New_Debug_Line_Stmt --
- -------------------------
- procedure New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Line : Natural) is
- begin
- Dbg_Current_Line := unsigned (Line);
- end New_Debug_Line_Stmt;
- ----------------------------
- -- New_Debug_Comment_Stmt --
- ----------------------------
- procedure New_Debug_Comment_Stmt (Comment : String) is
- begin
- null;
- end New_Debug_Comment_Stmt;
- ------------------------
- -- Start_Declare_Stmt --
- ------------------------
- procedure Start_Declare_Stmt
- is
- Br : ValueRef;
- pragma Unreferenced (Br);
- begin
- Create_Declare_Block;
- if Unreach then
- return;
- end if;
- -- Add a jump to the new BB.
- Br := BuildBr (Builder, Cur_Declare_Block.Stmt_Bb);
- PositionBuilderAtEnd (Builder, Cur_Declare_Block.Stmt_Bb);
- if Flag_Debug then
- declare
- Vals : ValueRefArray (0 .. 5);
- begin
- Vals :=
- (ConstInt (Int32Type, DW_TAG_Lexical_Block, 0),
- Dbg_Current_Filedir, -- 1 loc
- Dbg_Current_Scope, -- 2 context
- Dbg_Line, -- 3 line num
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), -- 4 col
- ConstInt (Int32Type, Scope_Uniq_Id, 0));
- Cur_Declare_Block.Dbg_Scope := MDNode (Vals, Vals'Length);
- Dbg_Current_Scope := Cur_Declare_Block.Dbg_Scope;
- Scope_Uniq_Id := Scope_Uniq_Id + 1;
- end;
- end if;
- end Start_Declare_Stmt;
- -------------------------
- -- Finish_Declare_Stmt --
- -------------------------
- procedure Finish_Declare_Stmt
- is
- Bb : BasicBlockRef;
- Br : ValueRef;
- Tmp : ValueRef;
- pragma Unreferenced (Br, Tmp);
- begin
- if not Unreach then
- -- Create a basic block for the statements after the declare.
- Bb := AppendBasicBlock (Cur_Func, Empty_Cstring);
- if Cur_Declare_Block.Stack_Value /= Null_ValueRef then
- -- Restore stack pointer.
- Tmp := BuildCall (Builder, Stackrestore_Fun,
- (1 .. 1 => Cur_Declare_Block.Stack_Value), 1,
- Empty_Cstring);
- end if;
- -- Execution will continue on the next statement
- Br := BuildBr (Builder, Bb);
- PositionBuilderAtEnd (Builder, Bb);
- end if;
- -- Do not reset Unread.
- Destroy_Declare_Block;
- Dbg_Current_Scope := Cur_Declare_Block.Dbg_Scope;
- end Finish_Declare_Stmt;
- -----------------------
- -- Start_Association --
- -----------------------
- procedure Start_Association (Assocs : out O_Assoc_List; Subprg : O_Dnode)
- is
- begin
- Assocs := (Subprg => Subprg,
- Idx => 0,
- Vals => new ValueRefArray (1 .. Subprg.Nbr_Args));
- end Start_Association;
- ---------------------
- -- New_Association --
- ---------------------
- procedure New_Association (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List; Val : O_Enode) is
- begin
- Assocs.Idx := Assocs.Idx + 1;
- Assocs.Vals (Assocs.Idx) := Val.LLVM;
- end New_Association;
- -----------------------
- -- New_Function_Call --
- -----------------------
- function New_Function_Call (Assocs : O_Assoc_List) return O_Enode
- is
- Res : ValueRef;
- Old_Vals : ValueRefArray_Acc;
- begin
- Res := BuildCall (Builder, Assocs.Subprg.LLVM,
- Assocs.Vals.all, Assocs.Vals'Last, Empty_Cstring);
- Old_Vals := Assocs.Vals;
- Free (Old_Vals);
- Set_Insn_Dbg (Res);
- return O_Enode'(LLVM => Res, Etype => Assocs.Subprg.Dtype);
- end New_Function_Call;
- ------------------------
- -- New_Procedure_Call --
- ------------------------
- procedure New_Procedure_Call (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List)
- is
- Res : ValueRef;
- begin
- if not Unreach then
- Res := BuildCall (Builder, Assocs.Subprg.LLVM,
- Assocs.Vals.all, Assocs.Vals'Last, Empty_Cstring);
- Set_Insn_Dbg (Res);
- end if;
- Free (Assocs.Vals);
- end New_Procedure_Call;
- ---------------------
- -- New_Assign_Stmt --
- ---------------------
- procedure New_Assign_Stmt (Target : O_Lnode; Value : O_Enode)
- is
- Res : ValueRef;
- begin
- if Target.Direct then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- if not Unreach then
- Res := BuildStore (Builder, Value.LLVM, Target.LLVM);
- Set_Insn_Dbg (Res);
- end if;
- end New_Assign_Stmt;
- ---------------------
- -- New_Return_Stmt --
- ---------------------
- procedure New_Return_Stmt (Value : O_Enode) is
- Res : ValueRef;
- begin
- if Unreach then
- return;
- end if;
- Res := BuildRet (Builder, Value.LLVM);
- Set_Insn_Dbg (Res);
- Unreach := True;
- end New_Return_Stmt;
- ---------------------
- -- New_Return_Stmt --
- ---------------------
- procedure New_Return_Stmt is
- Res : ValueRef;
- begin
- if Unreach then
- return;
- end if;
- Res := BuildRetVoid (Builder);
- Set_Insn_Dbg (Res);
- Unreach := True;
- end New_Return_Stmt;
- -------------------
- -- Start_If_Stmt --
- -------------------
- procedure Start_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block; Cond : O_Enode) is
- Res : ValueRef;
- Bb_Then : BasicBlockRef;
- begin
- -- FIXME: check Unreach
- Bb_Then := AppendBasicBlock (Cur_Func, Empty_Cstring);
- Block := (Bb => AppendBasicBlock (Cur_Func, Empty_Cstring));
- Res := BuildCondBr (Builder, Cond.LLVM, Bb_Then, Block.Bb);
- Set_Insn_Dbg (Res);
- PositionBuilderAtEnd (Builder, Bb_Then);
- end Start_If_Stmt;
- -------------------
- -- New_Else_Stmt --
- -------------------
- procedure New_Else_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block) is
- Res : ValueRef;
- pragma Unreferenced (Res);
- Bb_Next : BasicBlockRef;
- begin
- if not Unreach then
- Bb_Next := AppendBasicBlock (Cur_Func, Empty_Cstring);
- Res := BuildBr (Builder, Bb_Next);
- else
- Bb_Next := Null_BasicBlockRef;
- end if;
- PositionBuilderAtEnd (Builder, Block.Bb);
- Block := (Bb => Bb_Next);
- Unreach := False;
- end New_Else_Stmt;
- --------------------
- -- Finish_If_Stmt --
- --------------------
- procedure Finish_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block) is
- Res : ValueRef;
- pragma Unreferenced (Res);
- Bb_Next : BasicBlockRef;
- begin
- if not Unreach then
- -- The branch can continue.
- if Block.Bb = Null_BasicBlockRef then
- Bb_Next := AppendBasicBlock (Cur_Func, Empty_Cstring);
- else
- Bb_Next := Block.Bb;
- end if;
- Res := BuildBr (Builder, Bb_Next);
- PositionBuilderAtEnd (Builder, Bb_Next);
- else
- -- The branch doesn't continue.
- if Block.Bb /= Null_BasicBlockRef then
- -- There is a fall-through (either from the then branch, or
- -- there is no else).
- Unreach := False;
- PositionBuilderAtEnd (Builder, Block.Bb);
- else
- Unreach := True;
- end if;
- end if;
- end Finish_If_Stmt;
- ---------------------
- -- Start_Loop_Stmt --
- ---------------------
- procedure Start_Loop_Stmt (Label : out O_Snode)
- is
- Res : ValueRef;
- pragma Unreferenced (Res);
- begin
- -- FIXME: check Unreach
- Label := (Bb_Entry => AppendBasicBlock (Cur_Func, Empty_Cstring),
- Bb_Exit => AppendBasicBlock (Cur_Func, Empty_Cstring));
- Res := BuildBr (Builder, Label.Bb_Entry);
- PositionBuilderAtEnd (Builder, Label.Bb_Entry);
- end Start_Loop_Stmt;
- ----------------------
- -- Finish_Loop_Stmt --
- ----------------------
- procedure Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label : in out O_Snode) is
- Res : ValueRef;
- pragma Unreferenced (Res);
- begin
- if not Unreach then
- Res := BuildBr (Builder, Label.Bb_Entry);
- end if;
- if Label.Bb_Exit /= Null_BasicBlockRef then
- -- FIXME: always true...
- PositionBuilderAtEnd (Builder, Label.Bb_Exit);
- Unreach := False;
- else
- Unreach := True;
- end if;
- end Finish_Loop_Stmt;
- -------------------
- -- New_Exit_Stmt --
- -------------------
- procedure New_Exit_Stmt (L : O_Snode) is
- Res : ValueRef;
- begin
- if not Unreach then
- Res := BuildBr (Builder, L.Bb_Exit);
- Set_Insn_Dbg (Res);
- Unreach := True;
- end if;
- end New_Exit_Stmt;
- -------------------
- -- New_Next_Stmt --
- -------------------
- procedure New_Next_Stmt (L : O_Snode) is
- Res : ValueRef;
- begin
- if not Unreach then
- Res := BuildBr (Builder, L.Bb_Entry);
- Set_Insn_Dbg (Res);
- Unreach := True;
- end if;
- end New_Next_Stmt;
- ---------------------
- -- Start_Case_Stmt --
- ---------------------
- procedure Start_Case_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Value : O_Enode) is
- begin
- Block := (BB_Prev => GetInsertBlock (Builder),
- Value => Value.LLVM,
- Vtype => Value.Etype,
- BB_Next => Null_BasicBlockRef,
- BB_Others => Null_BasicBlockRef,
- BB_Choice => Null_BasicBlockRef,
- Nbr_Choices => 0,
- Choices => new O_Choice_Array (1 .. 8));
- end Start_Case_Stmt;
- ------------------
- -- Start_Choice --
- ------------------
- procedure Finish_Branch (Block : in out O_Case_Block) is
- Res : ValueRef;
- pragma Unreferenced (Res);
- begin
- -- Close previous branch.
- if not Unreach then
- if Block.BB_Next = Null_BasicBlockRef then
- Block.BB_Next := AppendBasicBlock (Cur_Func, Empty_Cstring);
- end if;
- Res := BuildBr (Builder, Block.BB_Next);
- end if;
- end Finish_Branch;
- procedure Start_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block) is
- Res : ValueRef;
- pragma Unreferenced (Res);
- begin
- if Block.BB_Choice /= Null_BasicBlockRef then
- -- Close previous branch.
- Finish_Branch (Block);
- end if;
- Unreach := False;
- Block.BB_Choice := AppendBasicBlock (Cur_Func, Empty_Cstring);
- PositionBuilderAtEnd (Builder, Block.BB_Choice);
- end Start_Choice;
- ---------------------
- -- New_Expr_Choice --
- ---------------------
- procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (O_Choice_Array, O_Choice_Array_Acc);
- procedure New_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block;
- Low, High : ValueRef)
- is
- Choices : O_Choice_Array_Acc;
- begin
- if Block.Nbr_Choices = Block.Choices'Last then
- Choices := new O_Choice_Array (1 .. Block.Choices'Last * 2);
- Choices (1 .. Block.Choices'Last) := Block.Choices.all;
- Free (Block.Choices);
- Block.Choices := Choices;
- end if;
- Block.Nbr_Choices := Block.Nbr_Choices + 1;
- Block.Choices (Block.Nbr_Choices) := (Low => Low,
- High => High,
- Bb => Block.BB_Choice);
- end New_Choice;
- procedure New_Expr_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Expr : O_Cnode) is
- begin
- New_Choice (Block, Expr.LLVM, Null_ValueRef);
- end New_Expr_Choice;
- ----------------------
- -- New_Range_Choice --
- ----------------------
- procedure New_Range_Choice
- (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Low, High : O_Cnode)
- is
- begin
- New_Choice (Block, Low.LLVM, High.LLVM);
- end New_Range_Choice;
- ------------------------
- -- New_Default_Choice --
- ------------------------
- procedure New_Default_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block) is
- begin
- Block.BB_Others := Block.BB_Choice;
- end New_Default_Choice;
- -------------------
- -- Finish_Choice --
- -------------------
- procedure Finish_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block) is
- begin
- null;
- end Finish_Choice;
- ----------------------
- -- Finish_Case_Stmt --
- ----------------------
- procedure Finish_Case_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block)
- is
- Bb_Default : constant BasicBlockRef :=
- AppendBasicBlock (Cur_Func, Empty_Cstring);
- Bb_Default_Last : BasicBlockRef;
- Nbr_Cases : unsigned := 0;
- GE, LE : IntPredicate;
- Res : ValueRef;
- begin
- if Block.BB_Choice /= Null_BasicBlockRef then
- -- Close previous branch.
- Finish_Branch (Block);
- end if;
- -- Strategy: use a switch instruction for simple choices, put range
- -- choices in the default using if statements.
- case Block.Vtype.Kind is
- when ON_Unsigned_Type
- | ON_Enum_Type
- | ON_Boolean_Type =>
- GE := IntUGE;
- LE := IntULE;
- when ON_Signed_Type =>
- GE := IntSGE;
- LE := IntSLE;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- -- BB for the default case of the LLVM switch.
- PositionBuilderAtEnd (Builder, Bb_Default);
- Bb_Default_Last := Bb_Default;
- for I in 1 .. Block.Nbr_Choices loop
- declare
- C : O_Choice_Type renames Block.Choices (I);
- begin
- if C.High /= Null_ValueRef then
- Bb_Default_Last := AppendBasicBlock (Cur_Func, Empty_Cstring);
- Res := BuildCondBr (Builder,
- BuildAnd (Builder,
- BuildICmp (Builder, GE,
- Block.Value, C.Low,
- Empty_Cstring),
- BuildICmp (Builder, LE,
- Block.Value, C.High,
- Empty_Cstring),
- Empty_Cstring),
- C.Bb, Bb_Default_Last);
- PositionBuilderAtEnd (Builder, Bb_Default_Last);
- else
- Nbr_Cases := Nbr_Cases + 1;
- end if;
- end;
- end loop;
- -- Insert the switch
- PositionBuilderAtEnd (Builder, Block.BB_Prev);
- Res := BuildSwitch (Builder, Block.Value, Bb_Default, Nbr_Cases);
- for I in 1 .. Block.Nbr_Choices loop
- declare
- C : O_Choice_Type renames Block.Choices (I);
- begin
- if C.High = Null_ValueRef then
- AddCase (Res, C.Low, C.Bb);
- end if;
- end;
- end loop;
- -- Insert the others.
- PositionBuilderAtEnd (Builder, Bb_Default_Last);
- if Block.BB_Others /= Null_BasicBlockRef then
- Res := BuildBr (Builder, Block.BB_Others);
- else
- Res := BuildUnreachable (Builder);
- end if;
- if Block.BB_Next /= Null_BasicBlockRef then
- Unreach := False;
- PositionBuilderAtEnd (Builder, Block.BB_Next);
- else
- Unreach := True;
- end if;
- Free (Block.Choices);
- end Finish_Case_Stmt;
- function Get_LLVM_Type (Atype : O_Tnode) return TypeRef is
- begin
- case Atype.Kind is
- when ON_Incomplete_Record_Type
- | ON_Incomplete_Access_Type =>
- if Atype.LLVM = Null_TypeRef then
- raise Program_Error with "early use of incomplete type";
- end if;
- return Atype.LLVM;
- when ON_Union_Type
- | ON_Scalar_Types
- | ON_Access_Type
- | ON_Array_Type
- | ON_Array_Sub_Type
- | ON_Record_Type =>
- return Atype.LLVM;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Get_LLVM_Type;
- procedure Finish_Debug is
- begin
- declare
- Dbg_Cu : constant String := "llvm.dbg.cu" & ASCII.NUL;
- Producer : constant String := "ortho llvm";
- Vals : ValueRefArray (0 .. 12);
- begin
- Vals :=
- (ConstInt (Int32Type, DW_TAG_Compile_Unit, 0),
- Dbg_Current_Filedir, -- 1 file+dir
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 1, 0), -- 2 language (C)
- MDString (Producer), -- 3 producer
- ConstInt (Int1Type, 0, 0), -- 4 isOpt
- MDString (""), -- 5 flags
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 0, 0), -- 6 runtime version
- Null_ValueRef, -- 7 enum types
- Null_ValueRef, -- 8 retained types
- Get_Value (Subprg_Nodes), -- 9 subprograms
- Get_Value (Global_Nodes), -- 10 global var
- Null_ValueRef, -- 11 imported entities
- Null_ValueRef); -- 12 split debug
- AddNamedMetadataOperand
- (Module, Dbg_Cu'Address, MDNode (Vals, Vals'Length));
- end;
- declare
- Module_Flags : constant String := "llvm.module.flags" & ASCII.NUL;
- Flags1 : ValueRefArray (0 .. 2);
- Flags2 : ValueRefArray (0 .. 2);
- begin
- Flags1 := (ConstInt (Int32Type, 1, 0),
- MDString ("Debug Info Version"),
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 1, 0));
- AddNamedMetadataOperand
- (Module, Module_Flags'Address, MDNode (Flags1, Flags1'Length));
- Flags2 := (ConstInt (Int32Type, 2, 0),
- MDString ("Dwarf Version"),
- ConstInt (Int32Type, 2, 0));
- AddNamedMetadataOperand
- (Module, Module_Flags'Address, MDNode (Flags2, Flags2'Length));
- end;
- end Finish_Debug;
- Dbg_Str : constant String := "dbg";
- procedure Init is
- -- Some predefined types and functions.
- I8_Ptr_Type : TypeRef;
- begin
- Builder := CreateBuilder;
- Decl_Builder := CreateBuilder;
- Extra_Builder := CreateBuilder;
- -- Create type i8 *.
- I8_Ptr_Type := PointerType (Int8Type);
- -- Create intrinsic 'i8 *stacksave (void)'.
- Stacksave_Fun := AddFunction
- (Module, Stacksave_Name'Address,
- FunctionType (I8_Ptr_Type, (1 .. 0 => Null_TypeRef), 0, 0));
- -- Create intrinsic 'void stackrestore (i8 *)'.
- Stackrestore_Fun := AddFunction
- (Module, Stackrestore_Name'Address,
- FunctionType (VoidType, (1 => I8_Ptr_Type), 1, 0));
- if Flag_Debug then
- Debug_ID := GetMDKindID (Dbg_Str, Dbg_Str'Length);
- declare
- Atypes : TypeRefArray (1 .. 2);
- Ftype : TypeRef;
- Name : String := "llvm.dbg.declare" & ASCII.NUL;
- begin
- Atypes := (MetadataType, MetadataType);
- Ftype := FunctionType (VoidType, Atypes, Atypes'Length, 0);
- Llvm_Dbg_Declare := AddFunction (Module, Name'Address, Ftype);
- AddFunctionAttr (Llvm_Dbg_Declare,
- NoUnwindAttribute + ReadNoneAttribute);
- end;
- end if;
- end Init;
-end Ortho_LLVM;
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm.ads b/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e68eb139..000000000
--- a/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,737 +0,0 @@
--- DO NOT MODIFY - this file was generated from:
--- ortho_nodes.common.ads and ortho_llvm.private.ads
--- LLVM back-end for ortho.
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
-with Ortho_Ident; use Ortho_Ident;
-with LLVM.Core; use LLVM.Core;
-with LLVM.TargetMachine;
-with LLVM.Target;
--- Interface to create nodes.
-package Ortho_LLVM is
- procedure Init;
- procedure Finish_Debug;
- -- LLVM specific: the module.
- Module : ModuleRef;
- -- Descriptor for the layout.
- Target_Data : LLVM.Target.TargetDataRef;
- Target_Machine : LLVM.TargetMachine.TargetMachineRef;
- -- Optimization level
- Optimization : LLVM.TargetMachine.CodeGenOptLevel :=
- LLVM.TargetMachine.CodeGenLevelDefault;
- -- Set by -g to generate debug info.
- Flag_Debug : Boolean := False;
--- Start of common part
- type O_Enode is private;
- type O_Cnode is private;
- type O_Lnode is private;
- type O_Tnode is private;
- type O_Snode is private;
- type O_Dnode is private;
- type O_Fnode is private;
- O_Cnode_Null : constant O_Cnode;
- O_Dnode_Null : constant O_Dnode;
- O_Enode_Null : constant O_Enode;
- O_Fnode_Null : constant O_Fnode;
- O_Lnode_Null : constant O_Lnode;
- O_Snode_Null : constant O_Snode;
- O_Tnode_Null : constant O_Tnode;
- -- True if the code generated supports nested subprograms.
- Has_Nested_Subprograms : constant Boolean;
- ------------------------
- -- Type definitions --
- ------------------------
- type O_Element_List is limited private;
- -- Build a record type.
- procedure Start_Record_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List);
- -- Add a field in the record; not constrained array are prohibited, since
- -- its size is unlimited.
- procedure New_Record_Field
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
- El : out O_Fnode;
- Ident : O_Ident; Etype : O_Tnode);
- -- Finish the record type.
- procedure Finish_Record_Type
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode);
- -- Build an uncomplete record type:
- -- First call NEW_UNCOMPLETE_RECORD_TYPE, which returns a record type.
- -- This type can be declared or used to define access types on it.
- -- Then, complete (if necessary) the record type, by calling
- procedure New_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : out O_Tnode);
- procedure Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : O_Tnode;
- Elements : out O_Element_List);
- -- Build an union type.
- procedure Start_Union_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List);
- procedure New_Union_Field
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
- El : out O_Fnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Etype : O_Tnode);
- procedure Finish_Union_Type
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode);
- -- Build an access type.
- -- DTYPE may be O_tnode_null in order to build an incomplete access type.
- -- It is completed with finish_access_type.
- function New_Access_Type (Dtype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode;
- procedure Finish_Access_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Dtype : O_Tnode);
- -- Build an array type.
- -- The array is not constrained and unidimensional.
- function New_Array_Type (El_Type : O_Tnode; Index_Type : O_Tnode)
- return O_Tnode;
- -- Build a constrained array type.
- function New_Constrained_Array_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Length : O_Cnode)
- return O_Tnode;
- -- Build a scalar type; size may be 8, 16, 32 or 64.
- function New_Unsigned_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode;
- function New_Signed_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode;
- -- Build a float type.
- function New_Float_Type return O_Tnode;
- -- Build a boolean type.
- procedure New_Boolean_Type (Res : out O_Tnode;
- False_Id : O_Ident;
- False_E : out O_Cnode;
- True_Id : O_Ident;
- True_E : out O_Cnode);
- -- Create an enumeration
- type O_Enum_List is limited private;
- -- Elements are declared in order, the first is ordered from 0.
- procedure Start_Enum_Type (List : out O_Enum_List; Size : Natural);
- procedure New_Enum_Literal (List : in out O_Enum_List;
- Ident : O_Ident; Res : out O_Cnode);
- procedure Finish_Enum_Type (List : in out O_Enum_List; Res : out O_Tnode);
- ----------------
- -- Literals --
- ----------------
- -- Create a literal from an integer.
- function New_Signed_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Integer_64)
- return O_Cnode;
- function New_Unsigned_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Unsigned_64)
- return O_Cnode;
- function New_Float_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : IEEE_Float_64)
- return O_Cnode;
- -- Create a null access literal.
- function New_Null_Access (Ltype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
- -- Build a record/array aggregate.
- -- The aggregate is constant, and therefore can be only used to initialize
- -- constant declaration.
- -- ATYPE must be either a record type or an array subtype.
- -- Elements must be added in the order, and must be literals or aggregates.
- type O_Record_Aggr_List is limited private;
- type O_Array_Aggr_List is limited private;
- procedure Start_Record_Aggr (List : out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Atype : O_Tnode);
- procedure New_Record_Aggr_El (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Value : O_Cnode);
- procedure Finish_Record_Aggr (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Res : out O_Cnode);
- procedure Start_Array_Aggr (List : out O_Array_Aggr_List; Atype : O_Tnode);
- procedure New_Array_Aggr_El (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
- Value : O_Cnode);
- procedure Finish_Array_Aggr (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
- Res : out O_Cnode);
- -- Build an union aggregate.
- function New_Union_Aggr (Atype : O_Tnode; Field : O_Fnode; Value : O_Cnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- -- Returns the size in bytes of ATYPE. The result is a literal of
- -- unsigned type RTYPE
- -- ATYPE cannot be an unconstrained array type.
- function New_Sizeof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
- -- Returns the alignment in bytes for ATYPE. The result is a literal of
- -- unsgined type RTYPE.
- function New_Alignof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
- -- Returns the offset of FIELD in its record ATYPE. The result is a
- -- literal of unsigned type or access type RTYPE.
- function New_Offsetof (Atype : O_Tnode; Field : O_Fnode; Rtype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- -- Get the address of a subprogram.
- function New_Subprogram_Address (Subprg : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- -- Get the address of LVALUE.
- -- ATYPE must be a type access whose designated type is the type of LVALUE.
- -- FIXME: what about arrays.
- function New_Global_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- -- Same as New_Address but without any restriction.
- function New_Global_Unchecked_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- -------------------
- -- Expressions --
- -------------------
- type ON_Op_Kind is
- (
- -- Not an operation; invalid.
- ON_Nil,
- -- Dyadic operations.
- ON_Add_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Sub_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Mul_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Div_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Rem_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Mod_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- -- Binary operations.
- ON_And, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Or, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Xor, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- -- Monadic operations.
- ON_Not, -- ON_Monadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Neg_Ov, -- ON_Monadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Abs_Ov, -- ON_Monadic_Op_Kind
- -- Comparaisons
- ON_Eq, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Neq, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Le, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Lt, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Ge, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Gt -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- );
- subtype ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind is ON_Op_Kind range ON_Add_Ov .. ON_Xor;
- subtype ON_Monadic_Op_Kind is ON_Op_Kind range ON_Not .. ON_Abs_Ov;
- subtype ON_Compare_Op_Kind is ON_Op_Kind range ON_Eq .. ON_Gt;
- type O_Storage is (O_Storage_External,
- O_Storage_Public,
- O_Storage_Private,
- O_Storage_Local);
- -- Specifies the storage kind of a declaration.
- -- The declaration do not either reserve memory nor generate code, and
- -- is imported either from an other file or from a later place in the
- -- current file.
- -- The declaration reserves memory or generates code.
- -- With O_STORAGE_PUBLIC, the declaration is exported outside of the
- -- file while with O_STORAGE_PRIVATE, the declaration is local to the
- -- file.
- Type_Error : exception;
- Syntax_Error : exception;
- -- Create a value from a literal.
- function New_Lit (Lit : O_Cnode) return O_Enode;
- -- Create a dyadic operation.
- -- Left and right nodes must have the same type.
- -- Binary operation is allowed only on boolean types.
- -- The result is of the type of the operands.
- function New_Dyadic_Op (Kind : ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode)
- return O_Enode;
- -- Create a monadic operation.
- -- Result is of the type of operand.
- function New_Monadic_Op (Kind : ON_Monadic_Op_Kind; Operand : O_Enode)
- return O_Enode;
- -- Create a comparaison operator.
- -- NTYPE is the type of the result and must be a boolean type.
- function New_Compare_Op
- (Kind : ON_Compare_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode; Ntype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Enode;
- type O_Inter_List is limited private;
- type O_Assoc_List is limited private;
- type O_If_Block is limited private;
- type O_Case_Block is limited private;
- -- Get an element of an array.
- -- INDEX must be of the type of the array index.
- function New_Indexed_Element (Arr : O_Lnode; Index : O_Enode)
- return O_Lnode;
- -- Get a slice of an array; this is equivalent to a conversion between
- -- an array or an array subtype and an array subtype.
- -- RES_TYPE must be an array_sub_type whose base type is the same as the
- -- base type of ARR.
- -- INDEX must be of the type of the array index.
- function New_Slice (Arr : O_Lnode; Res_Type : O_Tnode; Index : O_Enode)
- return O_Lnode;
- -- Get an element of a record.
- -- Type of REC must be a record type.
- function New_Selected_Element (Rec : O_Lnode; El : O_Fnode)
- return O_Lnode;
- -- Reference an access.
- -- Type of ACC must be an access type.
- function New_Access_Element (Acc : O_Enode) return O_Lnode;
- -- Do a conversion.
- -- Allowed conversions are:
- -- FIXME: to write.
- function New_Convert_Ov (Val : O_Enode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode;
- -- Get the address of LVALUE.
- -- ATYPE must be a type access whose designated type is the type of LVALUE.
- -- FIXME: what about arrays.
- function New_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode;
- -- Same as New_Address but without any restriction.
- function New_Unchecked_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Enode;
- -- Get the value of an Lvalue.
- function New_Value (Lvalue : O_Lnode) return O_Enode;
- function New_Obj_Value (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Enode;
- -- Get an lvalue from a declaration.
- function New_Obj (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Lnode;
- -- Return a pointer of type RTPE to SIZE bytes allocated on the stack.
- function New_Alloca (Rtype : O_Tnode; Size : O_Enode) return O_Enode;
- -- Declare a type.
- -- This simply gives a name to a type.
- procedure New_Type_Decl (Ident : O_Ident; Atype : O_Tnode);
- ---------------------
- -- Declarations. --
- ---------------------
- -- Filename of the next declaration.
- procedure New_Debug_Filename_Decl (Filename : String);
- -- Line number of the next declaration.
- procedure New_Debug_Line_Decl (Line : Natural);
- -- Add a comment in the declarative region.
- procedure New_Debug_Comment_Decl (Comment : String);
- -- Declare a constant.
- -- This simply gives a name to a constant value or aggregate.
- -- A constant cannot be modified and its storage cannot be local.
- -- ATYPE must be constrained.
- procedure New_Const_Decl
- (Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Atype : O_Tnode);
- -- Set the value of a non-external constant.
- procedure Start_Const_Value (Const : in out O_Dnode);
- procedure Finish_Const_Value (Const : in out O_Dnode; Val : O_Cnode);
- -- Create a variable declaration.
- -- A variable can be local only inside a function.
- -- ATYPE must be constrained.
- procedure New_Var_Decl
- (Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Atype : O_Tnode);
- -- Start a subprogram declaration.
- -- Note: nested subprograms are allowed, ie o_storage_local subprograms can
- -- be declared inside a subprograms. It is not allowed to declare
- -- o_storage_external subprograms inside a subprograms.
- -- Return type and interfaces cannot be a composite type.
- procedure Start_Function_Decl
- (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Rtype : O_Tnode);
- -- For a subprogram without return value.
- procedure Start_Procedure_Decl
- (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage);
- -- Add an interface declaration to INTERFACES.
- procedure New_Interface_Decl
- (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List;
- Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Atype : O_Tnode);
- -- Finish the function declaration, get the node and a statement list.
- procedure Finish_Subprogram_Decl
- (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List; Res : out O_Dnode);
- -- Start a subprogram body.
- -- Note: the declaration may have an external storage, in this case it
- -- becomes public.
- procedure Start_Subprogram_Body (Func : O_Dnode);
- -- Finish a subprogram body.
- procedure Finish_Subprogram_Body;
- -------------------
- -- Statements. --
- -------------------
- -- Add a line number as a statement.
- procedure New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Line : Natural);
- -- Add a comment as a statement.
- procedure New_Debug_Comment_Stmt (Comment : String);
- -- Start a declarative region.
- procedure Start_Declare_Stmt;
- procedure Finish_Declare_Stmt;
- -- Create a function call or a procedure call.
- procedure Start_Association (Assocs : out O_Assoc_List; Subprg : O_Dnode);
- procedure New_Association (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List; Val : O_Enode);
- function New_Function_Call (Assocs : O_Assoc_List) return O_Enode;
- procedure New_Procedure_Call (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List);
- -- Assign VALUE to TARGET, type must be the same or compatible.
- -- FIXME: what about slice assignment?
- procedure New_Assign_Stmt (Target : O_Lnode; Value : O_Enode);
- -- Exit from the subprogram and return VALUE.
- procedure New_Return_Stmt (Value : O_Enode);
- -- Exit from the subprogram, which doesn't return value.
- procedure New_Return_Stmt;
- -- Build an IF statement.
- procedure Start_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block; Cond : O_Enode);
- procedure New_Else_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block);
- procedure Finish_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block);
- -- Create a infinite loop statement.
- procedure Start_Loop_Stmt (Label : out O_Snode);
- procedure Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label : in out O_Snode);
- -- Exit from a loop stmt or from a for stmt.
- procedure New_Exit_Stmt (L : O_Snode);
- -- Go to the start of a loop stmt or of a for stmt.
- -- Loops/Fors between L and the current points are exited.
- procedure New_Next_Stmt (L : O_Snode);
- -- Case statement.
- -- VALUE is the selector and must be a discrete type.
- procedure Start_Case_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Value : O_Enode);
- -- A choice branch is composed of expr, range or default choices.
- -- A choice branch is enclosed between a Start_Choice and a Finish_Choice.
- -- The statements are after the finish_choice.
- procedure Start_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
- procedure New_Expr_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Expr : O_Cnode);
- procedure New_Range_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block;
- Low, High : O_Cnode);
- procedure New_Default_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
- procedure Finish_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
- procedure Finish_Case_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
--- End of common part
- -- No support for nested subprograms in LLVM.
- Has_Nested_Subprograms : constant Boolean := False;
- type O_Tnode_Type (<>);
- type O_Tnode is access O_Tnode_Type;
- O_Tnode_Null : constant O_Tnode := null;
- type ON_Type_Kind is
- (ON_No_Type,
- ON_Unsigned_Type, ON_Signed_Type, ON_Enum_Type, ON_Boolean_Type,
- ON_Float_Type,
- ON_Array_Type, ON_Array_Sub_Type,
- ON_Incomplete_Record_Type,
- ON_Record_Type, ON_Union_Type,
- ON_Incomplete_Access_Type, ON_Access_Type);
- subtype ON_Scalar_Types is ON_Type_Kind range
- ON_Unsigned_Type .. ON_Float_Type;
- subtype ON_Integer_Types is ON_Type_Kind range
- ON_Unsigned_Type .. ON_Boolean_Type;
- type O_Tnode_Type (Kind : ON_Type_Kind := ON_No_Type) is record
- LLVM : TypeRef;
- Dbg : ValueRef;
- case Kind is
- when ON_No_Type =>
- null;
- when ON_Union_Type =>
- Un_Size : unsigned;
- Un_Main_Field : TypeRef;
- when ON_Access_Type
- | ON_Incomplete_Access_Type =>
- Acc_Type : O_Tnode;
- when ON_Scalar_Types =>
- Scal_Size : Natural;
- when ON_Array_Type
- | ON_Array_Sub_Type =>
- -- Type of the element
- Arr_El_Type : O_Tnode;
- when ON_Record_Type
- | ON_Incomplete_Record_Type =>
- null;
- end case;
- end record;
- type O_Inter;
- type O_Inter_Acc is access O_Inter;
- type O_Inter is record
- Itype : O_Tnode;
- Ival : ValueRef;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Next : O_Inter_Acc;
- end record;
- type On_Decl_Kind is
- (ON_Type_Decl, ON_Completed_Type_Decl,
- ON_Const_Decl,
- ON_Var_Decl, ON_Local_Decl, ON_Interface_Decl,
- ON_Subprg_Decl,
- ON_No_Decl);
- type O_Dnode (Kind : On_Decl_Kind := ON_No_Decl) is record
- Dtype : O_Tnode;
- LLVM : ValueRef;
- case Kind is
- when ON_Var_Decl
- | ON_Const_Decl
- | ON_Local_Decl =>
- null;
- when ON_Subprg_Decl =>
- Subprg_Id : O_Ident;
- Nbr_Args : unsigned;
- Subprg_Inters : O_Inter_Acc;
- when ON_Interface_Decl =>
- Inter : O_Inter_Acc;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- end record;
- O_Dnode_Null : constant O_Dnode := (Kind => ON_No_Decl,
- Dtype => O_Tnode_Null,
- LLVM => Null_ValueRef);
- type OF_Kind is (OF_None, OF_Record, OF_Union);
- type O_Fnode (Kind : OF_Kind := OF_None) is record
- Ftype : O_Tnode;
- case Kind is
- when OF_None =>
- null;
- when OF_Record =>
- Index : Natural;
- when OF_Union =>
- Utype : TypeRef;
- end case;
- end record;
- O_Fnode_Null : constant O_Fnode := (Kind => OF_None,
- Ftype => O_Tnode_Null);
- type O_Anode_Type;
- type O_Anode is access O_Anode_Type;
- type O_Anode_Type is record
- Next : O_Anode;
- Formal : O_Dnode;
- Actual : O_Enode;
- end record;
- type O_Cnode is record
- LLVM : ValueRef;
- Ctype : O_Tnode;
- end record;
- O_Cnode_Null : constant O_Cnode := (LLVM => Null_ValueRef,
- Ctype => O_Tnode_Null);
- type O_Enode is record
- LLVM : ValueRef;
- Etype : O_Tnode;
- end record;
- O_Enode_Null : constant O_Enode := (LLVM => Null_ValueRef,
- Etype => O_Tnode_Null);
- type O_Lnode is record
- -- If True, the LLVM component is the value (used for arguments).
- -- If False, the LLVM component is the address of the value (used
- -- for everything else).
- Direct : Boolean;
- LLVM : ValueRef;
- Ltype : O_Tnode;
- end record;
- O_Lnode_Null : constant O_Lnode := (False, Null_ValueRef, O_Tnode_Null);
- type O_Snode is record
- -- First BB in the loop body.
- Bb_Entry : BasicBlockRef;
- -- BB after the loop.
- Bb_Exit : BasicBlockRef;
- end record;
- O_Snode_Null : constant O_Snode := (Null_BasicBlockRef,
- Null_BasicBlockRef);
- type O_Inter_List is record
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Res_Type : O_Tnode;
- Nbr_Inter : Natural;
- First_Inter, Last_Inter : O_Inter_Acc;
- end record;
- type O_Element;
- type O_Element_Acc is access O_Element;
- type O_Element is record
- -- Identifier for the element
- Ident : O_Ident;
- -- Type of the element
- Etype : O_Tnode;
- -- Next element (in the linked list)
- Next : O_Element_Acc;
- end record;
- -- Record and union builder.
- type O_Element_List is record
- Nbr_Elements : Natural;
- -- For record: the access to the incomplete (but named) type.
- Rec_Type : O_Tnode;
- -- For unions: biggest for size and alignment
- Size : unsigned;
- Align : Unsigned_32;
- Align_Type : TypeRef;
- First_Elem, Last_Elem : O_Element_Acc;
- end record;
- type ValueRefArray_Acc is access ValueRefArray;
- type O_Record_Aggr_List is record
- -- Current number of elements in Vals.
- Len : unsigned;
- -- Value of elements.
- Vals : ValueRefArray_Acc;
- -- Type of the aggregate.
- Atype : O_Tnode;
- end record;
- type O_Array_Aggr_List is record
- -- Current number of elements in Vals.
- Len : unsigned;
- -- Value of elements.
- Vals : ValueRefArray_Acc;
- El_Type : TypeRef;
- -- Type of the aggregate.
- Atype : O_Tnode;
- end record;
- type O_Assoc_List is record
- Subprg : O_Dnode;
- Idx : unsigned;
- Vals : ValueRefArray_Acc;
- end record;
- type O_Enum_List is record
- LLVM : TypeRef;
- Num : Natural;
- Etype : O_Tnode;
- end record;
- type O_Choice_Type is record
- Low, High : ValueRef;
- Bb : BasicBlockRef;
- end record;
- type O_Choice_Array is array (Natural range <>) of O_Choice_Type;
- type O_Choice_Array_Acc is access O_Choice_Array;
- type O_Case_Block is record
- -- BB before the case.
- BB_Prev : BasicBlockRef;
- -- Select expression
- Value : ValueRef;
- Vtype : O_Tnode;
- -- BB after the case statement.
- BB_Next : BasicBlockRef;
- -- BB for others
- BB_Others : BasicBlockRef;
- -- BB for the current choice
- BB_Choice : BasicBlockRef;
- -- List of choices.
- Nbr_Choices : Natural;
- Choices : O_Choice_Array_Acc;
- end record;
- type O_If_Block is record
- -- The next basic block.
- -- After the 'If', this is the BB for the else part. If there is no
- -- else part, this is the BB for statements after the if.
- -- After the 'else', this is the BB for statements after the if.
- Bb : BasicBlockRef;
- end record;
- function Get_LLVM_Type (Atype : O_Tnode) return TypeRef;
-end Ortho_LLVM;
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm.private.ads b/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm.private.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 842a119b5..000000000
--- a/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm.private.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
--- LLVM back-end for ortho.
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
-with Ortho_Ident; use Ortho_Ident;
-with LLVM.Core; use LLVM.Core;
-with LLVM.TargetMachine;
-with LLVM.Target;
--- Interface to create nodes.
-package Ortho_LLVM is
- procedure Init;
- procedure Finish_Debug;
- -- LLVM specific: the module.
- Module : ModuleRef;
- -- Descriptor for the layout.
- Target_Data : LLVM.Target.TargetDataRef;
- Target_Machine : LLVM.TargetMachine.TargetMachineRef;
- -- Optimization level
- Optimization : LLVM.TargetMachine.CodeGenOptLevel :=
- LLVM.TargetMachine.CodeGenLevelDefault;
- -- Set by -g to generate debug info.
- Flag_Debug : Boolean := False;
- -- No support for nested subprograms in LLVM.
- Has_Nested_Subprograms : constant Boolean := False;
- type O_Tnode_Type (<>);
- type O_Tnode is access O_Tnode_Type;
- O_Tnode_Null : constant O_Tnode := null;
- type ON_Type_Kind is
- (ON_No_Type,
- ON_Unsigned_Type, ON_Signed_Type, ON_Enum_Type, ON_Boolean_Type,
- ON_Float_Type,
- ON_Array_Type, ON_Array_Sub_Type,
- ON_Incomplete_Record_Type,
- ON_Record_Type, ON_Union_Type,
- ON_Incomplete_Access_Type, ON_Access_Type);
- subtype ON_Scalar_Types is ON_Type_Kind range
- ON_Unsigned_Type .. ON_Float_Type;
- subtype ON_Integer_Types is ON_Type_Kind range
- ON_Unsigned_Type .. ON_Boolean_Type;
- type O_Tnode_Type (Kind : ON_Type_Kind := ON_No_Type) is record
- LLVM : TypeRef;
- Dbg : ValueRef;
- case Kind is
- when ON_No_Type =>
- null;
- when ON_Union_Type =>
- Un_Size : unsigned;
- Un_Main_Field : TypeRef;
- when ON_Access_Type
- | ON_Incomplete_Access_Type =>
- Acc_Type : O_Tnode;
- when ON_Scalar_Types =>
- Scal_Size : Natural;
- when ON_Array_Type
- | ON_Array_Sub_Type =>
- -- Type of the element
- Arr_El_Type : O_Tnode;
- when ON_Record_Type
- | ON_Incomplete_Record_Type =>
- null;
- end case;
- end record;
- type O_Inter;
- type O_Inter_Acc is access O_Inter;
- type O_Inter is record
- Itype : O_Tnode;
- Ival : ValueRef;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Next : O_Inter_Acc;
- end record;
- type On_Decl_Kind is
- (ON_Type_Decl, ON_Completed_Type_Decl,
- ON_Const_Decl,
- ON_Var_Decl, ON_Local_Decl, ON_Interface_Decl,
- ON_Subprg_Decl,
- ON_No_Decl);
- type O_Dnode (Kind : On_Decl_Kind := ON_No_Decl) is record
- Dtype : O_Tnode;
- LLVM : ValueRef;
- case Kind is
- when ON_Var_Decl
- | ON_Const_Decl
- | ON_Local_Decl =>
- null;
- when ON_Subprg_Decl =>
- Subprg_Id : O_Ident;
- Nbr_Args : unsigned;
- Subprg_Inters : O_Inter_Acc;
- when ON_Interface_Decl =>
- Inter : O_Inter_Acc;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- end record;
- O_Dnode_Null : constant O_Dnode := (Kind => ON_No_Decl,
- Dtype => O_Tnode_Null,
- LLVM => Null_ValueRef);
- type OF_Kind is (OF_None, OF_Record, OF_Union);
- type O_Fnode (Kind : OF_Kind := OF_None) is record
- Ftype : O_Tnode;
- case Kind is
- when OF_None =>
- null;
- when OF_Record =>
- Index : Natural;
- when OF_Union =>
- Utype : TypeRef;
- end case;
- end record;
- O_Fnode_Null : constant O_Fnode := (Kind => OF_None,
- Ftype => O_Tnode_Null);
- type O_Anode_Type;
- type O_Anode is access O_Anode_Type;
- type O_Anode_Type is record
- Next : O_Anode;
- Formal : O_Dnode;
- Actual : O_Enode;
- end record;
- type O_Cnode is record
- LLVM : ValueRef;
- Ctype : O_Tnode;
- end record;
- O_Cnode_Null : constant O_Cnode := (LLVM => Null_ValueRef,
- Ctype => O_Tnode_Null);
- type O_Enode is record
- LLVM : ValueRef;
- Etype : O_Tnode;
- end record;
- O_Enode_Null : constant O_Enode := (LLVM => Null_ValueRef,
- Etype => O_Tnode_Null);
- type O_Lnode is record
- -- If True, the LLVM component is the value (used for arguments).
- -- If False, the LLVM component is the address of the value (used
- -- for everything else).
- Direct : Boolean;
- LLVM : ValueRef;
- Ltype : O_Tnode;
- end record;
- O_Lnode_Null : constant O_Lnode := (False, Null_ValueRef, O_Tnode_Null);
- type O_Snode is record
- -- First BB in the loop body.
- Bb_Entry : BasicBlockRef;
- -- BB after the loop.
- Bb_Exit : BasicBlockRef;
- end record;
- O_Snode_Null : constant O_Snode := (Null_BasicBlockRef,
- Null_BasicBlockRef);
- type O_Inter_List is record
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Res_Type : O_Tnode;
- Nbr_Inter : Natural;
- First_Inter, Last_Inter : O_Inter_Acc;
- end record;
- type O_Element;
- type O_Element_Acc is access O_Element;
- type O_Element is record
- -- Identifier for the element
- Ident : O_Ident;
- -- Type of the element
- Etype : O_Tnode;
- -- Next element (in the linked list)
- Next : O_Element_Acc;
- end record;
- -- Record and union builder.
- type O_Element_List is record
- Nbr_Elements : Natural;
- -- For record: the access to the incomplete (but named) type.
- Rec_Type : O_Tnode;
- -- For unions: biggest for size and alignment
- Size : unsigned;
- Align : Unsigned_32;
- Align_Type : TypeRef;
- First_Elem, Last_Elem : O_Element_Acc;
- end record;
- type ValueRefArray_Acc is access ValueRefArray;
- type O_Record_Aggr_List is record
- -- Current number of elements in Vals.
- Len : unsigned;
- -- Value of elements.
- Vals : ValueRefArray_Acc;
- -- Type of the aggregate.
- Atype : O_Tnode;
- end record;
- type O_Array_Aggr_List is record
- -- Current number of elements in Vals.
- Len : unsigned;
- -- Value of elements.
- Vals : ValueRefArray_Acc;
- El_Type : TypeRef;
- -- Type of the aggregate.
- Atype : O_Tnode;
- end record;
- type O_Assoc_List is record
- Subprg : O_Dnode;
- Idx : unsigned;
- Vals : ValueRefArray_Acc;
- end record;
- type O_Enum_List is record
- LLVM : TypeRef;
- Num : Natural;
- Etype : O_Tnode;
- end record;
- type O_Choice_Type is record
- Low, High : ValueRef;
- Bb : BasicBlockRef;
- end record;
- type O_Choice_Array is array (Natural range <>) of O_Choice_Type;
- type O_Choice_Array_Acc is access O_Choice_Array;
- type O_Case_Block is record
- -- BB before the case.
- BB_Prev : BasicBlockRef;
- -- Select expression
- Value : ValueRef;
- Vtype : O_Tnode;
- -- BB after the case statement.
- BB_Next : BasicBlockRef;
- -- BB for others
- BB_Others : BasicBlockRef;
- -- BB for the current choice
- BB_Choice : BasicBlockRef;
- -- List of choices.
- Nbr_Choices : Natural;
- Choices : O_Choice_Array_Acc;
- end record;
- type O_If_Block is record
- -- The next basic block.
- -- After the 'If', this is the BB for the else part. If there is no
- -- else part, this is the BB for statements after the if.
- -- After the 'else', this is the BB for statements after the if.
- Bb : BasicBlockRef;
- end record;
- function Get_LLVM_Type (Atype : O_Tnode) return TypeRef;
-end Ortho_LLVM;
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/ortho_nodes.ads b/ortho/llvm/ortho_nodes.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 34d1dbbc9..000000000
--- a/ortho/llvm/ortho_nodes.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
--- LLVM back-end for ortho.
--- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ortho_LLVM;
-package Ortho_Nodes renames Ortho_LLVM;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/Makefile b/ortho/mcode/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 19d5d26aa..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-GNAT_FLAGS=-gnaty3befhkmr -gnata -gnatf -gnatwlcru -gnat05
-all: $(ortho_exec)
-$(ortho_exec): $(ortho_srcdir)/mcode/ortho_mcode.ads memsegs_c.o force
- gnatmake -m -o $@ -g -aI$(ortho_srcdir)/mcode -aI$(ortho_srcdir) \
- $(GNAT_FLAGS) ortho_code_main -bargs -E -largs memsegs_c.o #-static
-memsegs_c.o: $(ortho_srcdir)/mcode/memsegs_c.c
- $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-oread: force
- gnatmake -m -o $@ -g $(GNAT_FLAGS) -aI../oread ortho_code_main -aI.. -largs memsegs_c.o
-elfdump: force
- gnatmake -m -g $(GNAT_FLAGS) $@
-coffdump: force
- gnatmake -m $(GNAT_FLAGS) $@
- $(RM) -f *.o *.ali ortho_code_main elfdump
- $(RM) b~*.ad? *~
-distclean: clean
-.PHONY: force all clean
-include $(ortho_srcdir)/Makefile.inc
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/binary_file-coff.adb b/ortho/mcode/binary_file-coff.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index cf3cba3f4..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/binary_file-coff.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
--- Binary file COFF writer.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
-with Coff; use Coff;
-package body Binary_File.Coff is
- NUL : Character renames Ada.Characters.Latin_1.NUL;
- procedure Write_Coff (Fd : GNAT.OS_Lib.File_Descriptor)
- is
- use GNAT.OS_Lib;
- procedure Xwrite (Data : System.Address; Len : Natural) is
- begin
- if Write (Fd, Data, Len) /= Len then
- raise Write_Error;
- end if;
- end Xwrite;
- type Section_Info_Type is record
- Sect : Section_Acc;
- -- File offset for the data.
- Data_Offset : Natural;
- -- File offset for the relocs.
- Reloc_Offset : Natural;
- -- Number of relocs to write.
- Nbr_Relocs : Natural;
- end record;
- type Section_Info_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Section_Info_Type;
- Sections : Section_Info_Array (1 .. Nbr_Sections + 3);
- Nbr_Sect : Natural;
- Sect_Text : constant Natural := 1;
- Sect_Data : constant Natural := 2;
- Sect_Bss : constant Natural := 3;
- Sect : Section_Acc;
- --Section_Align : constant Natural := 2;
- Offset : Natural;
- Symtab_Offset : Natural;
- -- Number of symtab entries.
- Nbr_Symbols : Natural;
- Strtab_Offset : Natural;
- function Gen_String (Str : String) return Sym_Name
- is
- Res : Sym_Name;
- begin
- if Str'Length <= 8 then
- Res.E_Name := (others => NUL);
- Res.E_Name (1 .. Str'Length) := Str;
- else
- Res.E := (E_Zeroes => 0, E_Offset => Unsigned_32 (Offset));
- Offset := Offset + Str'Length + 1;
- end if;
- return Res;
- end Gen_String;
- -- Well known sections name.
- type String_Array is array (Sect_Text .. Sect_Bss) of String (1 .. 8);
- Sect_Name : constant String_Array :=
- (Sect_Text => ".text" & NUL & NUL & NUL,
- Sect_Data => ".data" & NUL & NUL & NUL,
- Sect_Bss => ".bss" & NUL & NUL & NUL & NUL);
- type Unsigned32_Array is array (Sect_Text .. Sect_Bss) of Unsigned_32;
- Sect_Flags : constant Unsigned32_Array :=
- (Sect_Text => STYP_TEXT,
- Sect_Data => STYP_DATA,
- Sect_Bss => STYP_BSS);
- -- If true, do local relocs.
- Flag_Reloc : constant Boolean := True;
- -- If true, discard local symbols;
- Flag_Discard_Local : Boolean := True;
- begin
- -- If relocations are not performs, then local symbols cannot be
- -- discarded.
- if not Flag_Reloc then
- Flag_Discard_Local := False;
- end if;
- -- Fill sections.
- Sect := Section_Chain;
- Nbr_Sect := 3;
- declare
- N : Natural;
- begin
- while Sect /= null loop
- if Sect.Name.all = ".text" then
- N := Sect_Text;
- elsif Sect.Name.all = ".data" then
- N := Sect_Data;
- elsif Sect.Name.all = ".bss" then
- N := Sect_Bss;
- else
- Nbr_Sect := Nbr_Sect + 1;
- N := Nbr_Sect;
- end if;
- Sections (N).Sect := Sect;
- Sect.Number := N;
- Sect := Sect.Next;
- end loop;
- end;
- -- Set data offset.
- Offset := Filehdr_Size + Nbr_Sect * Scnhdr_Size;
- for I in 1 .. Nbr_Sect loop
- if Sections (I).Sect /= null
- and then Sections (I).Sect.Data /= null
- then
- Sections (I).Data_Offset := Offset;
- Offset := Offset + Natural (Sections (I).Sect.Pc);
- else
- Sections (I).Data_Offset := 0;
- end if;
- end loop;
- -- Set relocs offset.
- declare
- Rel : Reloc_Acc;
- begin
- for I in 1 .. Nbr_Sect loop
- Sections (I).Nbr_Relocs := 0;
- if Sections (I).Sect /= null then
- Sections (I).Reloc_Offset := Offset;
- if not Flag_Reloc then
- -- Do local relocations.
- Rel := Sections (I).Sect.First_Reloc;
- while Rel /= null loop
- if S_Local (Rel.Sym) then
- if Get_Section (Rel.Sym) = Sections (I).Sect
- then
- -- Intra section local reloc.
- Apply_Reloc (Sections (I).Sect, Rel);
- else
- -- Inter section local reloc.
- -- A relocation is still required.
- Sections (I).Nbr_Relocs :=
- Sections (I).Nbr_Relocs + 1;
- -- FIXME: todo.
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- else
- Sections (I).Nbr_Relocs := Sections (I).Nbr_Relocs + 1;
- end if;
- Rel := Rel.Sect_Next;
- end loop;
- else
- Sections (I).Nbr_Relocs := Sections (I).Sect.Nbr_Relocs;
- end if;
- Offset := Offset + Sections (I).Nbr_Relocs * Relsz;
- else
- Sections (I).Reloc_Offset := 0;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end;
- Symtab_Offset := Offset;
- Nbr_Symbols := 2 + Nbr_Sect * 2; -- 2 for file.
- for I in Symbols.First .. Symbols.Last loop
- Set_Number (I, Nbr_Symbols);
- Nbr_Symbols := Nbr_Symbols + 1;
- end loop;
- Offset := Offset + Nbr_Symbols * Symesz;
- Strtab_Offset := Offset;
- Offset := Offset + 4;
- -- Write file header.
- declare
- Hdr : Filehdr;
- begin
- Hdr.F_Magic := I386magic;
- Hdr.F_Nscns := Unsigned_16 (Nbr_Sect);
- Hdr.F_Timdat := 0;
- Hdr.F_Symptr := Unsigned_32 (Symtab_Offset);
- Hdr.F_Nsyms := Unsigned_32 (Nbr_Symbols);
- Hdr.F_Opthdr := 0;
- Hdr.F_Flags := F_Lnno;
- Xwrite (Hdr'Address, Filehdr_Size);
- end;
- -- Write sections header.
- for I in 1 .. Nbr_Sect loop
- declare
- Hdr : Scnhdr;
- L : Natural;
- begin
- case I is
- when Sect_Text
- | Sect_Data
- | Sect_Bss =>
- Hdr.S_Name := Sect_Name (I);
- Hdr.S_Flags := Sect_Flags (I);
- when others =>
- Hdr.S_Flags := 0;
- L := Sections (I).Sect.Name'Length;
- if L > Hdr.S_Name'Length then
- Hdr.S_Name := Sections (I).Sect.Name
- (Sections (I).Sect.Name'First ..
- Sections (I).Sect.Name'First + Hdr.S_Name'Length - 1);
- else
- Hdr.S_Name (1 .. L) := Sections (I).Sect.Name.all;
- Hdr.S_Name (L + 1 .. Hdr.S_Name'Last) := (others => NUL);
- end if;
- end case;
- Hdr.S_Paddr := 0;
- Hdr.S_Vaddr := 0;
- Hdr.S_Scnptr := Unsigned_32 (Sections (I).Data_Offset);
- Hdr.S_Relptr := Unsigned_32 (Sections (I).Reloc_Offset);
- Hdr.S_Lnnoptr := 0;
- Hdr.S_Nreloc := Unsigned_16 (Sections (I).Nbr_Relocs);
- if Sections (I).Sect /= null then
- Hdr.S_Size := Unsigned_32 (Sections (I).Sect.Pc);
- else
- Hdr.S_Size := 0;
- end if;
- Hdr.S_Nlnno := 0;
- Xwrite (Hdr'Address, Scnhdr_Size);
- end;
- end loop;
- -- Write sections content.
- for I in 1 .. Nbr_Sect loop
- if Sections (I).Sect /= null
- and then Sections (I).Sect.Data /= null
- then
- Xwrite (Sections (I).Sect.Data (0)'Address,
- Natural (Sections (I).Sect.Pc));
- end if;
- end loop;
- -- Write sections reloc.
- for I in 1 .. Nbr_Sect loop
- if Sections (I).Sect /= null then
- declare
- R : Reloc_Acc;
- Rel : Reloc;
- begin
- R := Sections (I).Sect.First_Reloc;
- while R /= null loop
- case R.Kind is
- when Reloc_32 =>
- Rel.R_Type := Reloc_Addr32;
- when Reloc_Pc32 =>
- Rel.R_Type := Reloc_Rel32;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Rel.R_Vaddr := Unsigned_32 (R.Addr);
- Rel.R_Symndx := Unsigned_32 (Get_Number (R.Sym));
- Xwrite (Rel'Address, Relsz);
- R := R.Sect_Next;
- end loop;
- end;
- end if;
- end loop;
- -- Write symtab.
- -- Write file symbol + aux
- declare
- Sym : Syment;
- A_File : Auxent_File;
- begin
- Sym := (E => (Inline => True,
- E_Name => ".file" & NUL & NUL & NUL),
- E_Value => 0,
- E_Scnum => N_DEBUG,
- E_Type => 0,
- E_Sclass => C_FILE,
- E_Numaux => 1);
- Xwrite (Sym'Address, Symesz);
- A_File := (Inline => True,
- X_Fname => "testfile.xxxxx");
- Xwrite (A_File'Address, Symesz);
- end;
- -- Write sections symbol + aux
- for I in 1 .. Nbr_Sect loop
- declare
- A_Scn : Auxent_Scn;
- Sym : Syment;
- begin
- Sym := (E => (Inline => True, E_Name => (others => NUL)),
- E_Value => 0,
- E_Scnum => Unsigned_16 (I),
- E_Type => 0,
- E_Sclass => C_STAT,
- E_Numaux => 1);
- if I <= Sect_Bss then
- Sym.E.E_Name := Sect_Name (I);
- else
- Sym.E := Gen_String (Sections (I).Sect.Name.all);
- end if;
- Xwrite (Sym'Address, Symesz);
- if Sections (I).Sect /= null
- and then Sections (I).Sect.Data /= null
- then
- A_Scn :=
- (X_Scnlen => Unsigned_32 (Sections (I).Sect.Pc),
- X_Nreloc => Unsigned_16 (Sections (I).Nbr_Relocs),
- X_Nlinno => 0);
- else
- A_Scn := (X_Scnlen => 0, X_Nreloc => 0, X_Nlinno => 0);
- end if;
- Xwrite (A_Scn'Address, Symesz);
- end;
- end loop;
- -- Write symbols.
- declare
- procedure Write_Symbol (S : Symbol)
- is
- Sym : Syment;
- begin
- Sym := (E => Gen_String (Get_Symbol_Name (S)),
- E_Value => Unsigned_32 (Get_Symbol_Value (S)),
- E_Scnum => 0,
- E_Type => 0,
- E_Sclass => C_EXT,
- E_Numaux => 0);
- case Get_Scope (S) is
- when Sym_Local
- | Sym_Private =>
- Sym.E_Sclass := C_STAT;
- when Sym_Undef
- | Sym_Global =>
- Sym.E_Sclass := C_EXT;
- end case;
- if Get_Section (S) /= null then
- Sym.E_Scnum := Unsigned_16 (Get_Section (S).Number);
- end if;
- Xwrite (Sym'Address, Symesz);
- end Write_Symbol;
- begin
- -- First the non-local symbols (1).
- for I in Symbols.First .. Symbols.Last loop
- if Get_Scope (I) in Symbol_Scope_External then
- Write_Symbol (I);
- end if;
- end loop;
- -- Then the local symbols (2).
- if not Flag_Discard_Local then
- for I in Symbols.First .. Symbols.Last loop
- if Get_Scope (I) not in Symbol_Scope_External then
- Write_Symbol (I);
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end;
- -- Write strtab.
- -- Write strtab length.
- declare
- L : Unsigned_32;
- procedure Write_String (Str : String) is
- begin
- if Str (Str'Last) /= NUL then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- if Str'Length <= 9 then
- return;
- end if;
- Xwrite (Str'Address, Str'Length);
- Strtab_Offset := Strtab_Offset + Str'Length;
- end Write_String;
- begin
- L := Unsigned_32 (Offset - Strtab_Offset);
- Xwrite (L'Address, 4);
- -- Write section name string.
- for I in Sect_Bss + 1 .. Nbr_Sect loop
- if Sections (I).Sect /= null
- and then Sections (I).Sect.Name'Length > 8
- then
- Write_String (Sections (I).Sect.Name.all & NUL);
- end if;
- end loop;
- for I in Symbols.First .. Symbols.Last loop
- declare
- Str : constant String := Get_Symbol_Name (I);
- begin
- Write_String (Str & NUL);
- end;
- end loop;
- if Strtab_Offset + 4 /= Offset then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- end;
- end Write_Coff;
-end Binary_File.Coff;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/binary_file-coff.ads b/ortho/mcode/binary_file-coff.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index e671555ea..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/binary_file-coff.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
--- Binary file COFF writer.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with GNAT.OS_Lib;
-package Binary_File.Coff is
- procedure Write_Coff (Fd : GNAT.OS_Lib.File_Descriptor);
-end Binary_File.Coff;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/binary_file-elf.adb b/ortho/mcode/binary_file-elf.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 329dbacd3..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/binary_file-elf.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,679 +0,0 @@
--- Binary file ELF writer.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
-with Elf_Common;
-with Elf32;
-package body Binary_File.Elf is
- NUL : Character renames Ada.Characters.Latin_1.NUL;
- type Arch_Bool is array (Arch_Kind) of Boolean;
- Is_Rela : constant Arch_Bool := (Arch_Unknown => False,
- Arch_X86 => False,
- Arch_Sparc => True,
- Arch_Ppc => True);
- procedure Write_Elf (Fd : GNAT.OS_Lib.File_Descriptor)
- is
- use Elf_Common;
- use Elf32;
- use GNAT.OS_Lib;
- procedure Xwrite (Data : System.Address; Len : Natural) is
- begin
- if Write (Fd, Data, Len) /= Len then
- raise Write_Error;
- end if;
- end Xwrite;
- procedure Check_File_Pos (Off : Elf32_Off)
- is
- L : Long_Integer;
- begin
- L := File_Length (Fd);
- if L /= Long_Integer (Off) then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "check_file_pos error: expect "
- & Elf32_Off'Image (Off) & ", found "
- & Long_Integer'Image (L));
- raise Write_Error;
- end if;
- end Check_File_Pos;
- function Sect_Align (V : Elf32_Off) return Elf32_Off
- is
- Tmp : Elf32_Off;
- begin
- Tmp := V + 2 ** 2 - 1;
- return Tmp - (Tmp mod 2 ** 2);
- end Sect_Align;
- type Section_Info_Type is record
- Sect : Section_Acc;
- -- Index of the section symbol (in symtab).
- Sym : Elf32_Word;
- -- Number of relocs to write.
- --Nbr_Relocs : Natural;
- end record;
- type Section_Info_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Section_Info_Type;
- Sections : Section_Info_Array (0 .. 3 + 2 * Nbr_Sections);
- type Elf32_Shdr_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Elf32_Shdr;
- Shdr : Elf32_Shdr_Array (0 .. 3 + 2 * Nbr_Sections);
- Nbr_Sect : Natural;
- Sect : Section_Acc;
- -- The first 4 sections are always present.
- Sect_Null : constant Natural := 0;
- Sect_Shstrtab : constant Natural := 1;
- Sect_Symtab : constant Natural := 2;
- Sect_Strtab : constant Natural := 3;
- Sect_First : constant Natural := 4;
- Offset : Elf32_Off;
- -- Size of a relocation entry.
- Rel_Size : Natural;
- -- If true, do local relocs.
- Flag_Reloc : constant Boolean := True;
- -- If true, discard local symbols;
- Flag_Discard_Local : Boolean := True;
- -- Number of symbols.
- Nbr_Symbols : Natural := 0;
- begin
- -- If relocations are not performs, then local symbols cannot be
- -- discarded.
- if not Flag_Reloc then
- Flag_Discard_Local := False;
- end if;
- -- Set size of a relocation entry. This avoids severals conditionnal.
- if Is_Rela (Arch) then
- Rel_Size := Elf32_Rela_Size;
- else
- Rel_Size := Elf32_Rel_Size;
- end if;
- -- Set section header.
- -- SHT_NULL.
- Shdr (Sect_Null) :=
- Elf32_Shdr'(Sh_Name => 0,
- Sh_Type => SHT_NULL,
- Sh_Flags => 0,
- Sh_Addr => 0,
- Sh_Offset => 0,
- Sh_Size => 0,
- Sh_Link => 0,
- Sh_Info => 0,
- Sh_Addralign => 0,
- Sh_Entsize => 0);
- -- shstrtab.
- Shdr (Sect_Shstrtab) :=
- Elf32_Shdr'(Sh_Name => 1,
- Sh_Type => SHT_STRTAB,
- Sh_Flags => 0,
- Sh_Addr => 0,
- Sh_Offset => 0, -- Filled latter.
- -- NUL: 1, .symtab: 8, .strtab: 8 and .shstrtab: 10.
- Sh_Size => 1 + 10 + 8 + 8,
- Sh_Link => 0,
- Sh_Info => 0,
- Sh_Addralign => 1,
- Sh_Entsize => 0);
- -- Symtab
- Shdr (Sect_Symtab) :=
- Elf32_Shdr'(Sh_Name => 11,
- Sh_Type => SHT_SYMTAB,
- Sh_Flags => 0,
- Sh_Addr => 0,
- Sh_Offset => 0,
- Sh_Size => 0,
- Sh_Link => Elf32_Word (Sect_Strtab),
- Sh_Info => 0, -- FIXME
- Sh_Addralign => 4,
- Sh_Entsize => Elf32_Word (Elf32_Sym_Size));
- -- strtab.
- Shdr (Sect_Strtab) :=
- Elf32_Shdr'(Sh_Name => 19,
- Sh_Type => SHT_STRTAB,
- Sh_Flags => 0,
- Sh_Addr => 0,
- Sh_Offset => 0,
- Sh_Size => 0,
- Sh_Link => 0,
- Sh_Info => 0,
- Sh_Addralign => 1,
- Sh_Entsize => 0);
- -- Fill sections.
- Sect := Section_Chain;
- Nbr_Sect := Sect_First;
- Nbr_Symbols := 1;
- while Sect /= null loop
- Sections (Nbr_Sect) := (Sect => Sect,
- Sym => Elf32_Word (Nbr_Symbols));
- Nbr_Symbols := Nbr_Symbols + 1;
- Sect.Number := Nbr_Sect;
- Shdr (Nbr_Sect) :=
- Elf32_Shdr'(Sh_Name => Shdr (Sect_Shstrtab).Sh_Size,
- Sh_Type => SHT_PROGBITS,
- Sh_Flags => 0,
- Sh_Addr => Elf32_Addr (Sect.Vaddr),
- Sh_Offset => 0,
- Sh_Size => 0,
- Sh_Link => 0,
- Sh_Info => 0,
- Sh_Addralign => 2 ** Sect.Align,
- Sh_Entsize => Elf32_Word (Sect.Esize));
- if Sect.Data = null then
- Shdr (Nbr_Sect).Sh_Type := SHT_NOBITS;
- end if;
- if (Sect.Flags and Section_Read) /= 0 then
- Shdr (Nbr_Sect).Sh_Flags :=
- Shdr (Nbr_Sect).Sh_Flags or SHF_ALLOC;
- end if;
- if (Sect.Flags and Section_Exec) /= 0 then
- Shdr (Nbr_Sect).Sh_Flags :=
- Shdr (Nbr_Sect).Sh_Flags or SHF_EXECINSTR;
- end if;
- if (Sect.Flags and Section_Write) /= 0 then
- Shdr (Nbr_Sect).Sh_Flags :=
- Shdr (Nbr_Sect).Sh_Flags or SHF_WRITE;
- end if;
- if Sect.Flags = Section_Strtab then
- Shdr (Nbr_Sect).Sh_Type := SHT_STRTAB;
- Shdr (Nbr_Sect).Sh_Addralign := 1;
- Shdr (Nbr_Sect).Sh_Entsize := 0;
- end if;
- Shdr (Sect_Shstrtab).Sh_Size := Shdr (Sect_Shstrtab).Sh_Size
- + Sect.Name'Length + 1; -- 1 for Nul.
- Nbr_Sect := Nbr_Sect + 1;
- if Flag_Reloc then
- if Sect.First_Reloc /= null then
- Do_Intra_Section_Reloc (Sect);
- end if;
- end if;
- if Sect.First_Reloc /= null then
- -- Add a section for the relocs.
- Shdr (Nbr_Sect) := Elf32_Shdr'
- (Sh_Name => Shdr (Sect_Shstrtab).Sh_Size,
- Sh_Type => SHT_NULL,
- Sh_Flags => 0,
- Sh_Addr => 0,
- Sh_Offset => 0,
- Sh_Size => 0,
- Sh_Link => Elf32_Word (Sect_Symtab),
- Sh_Info => Elf32_Word (Nbr_Sect - 1),
- Sh_Addralign => 4,
- Sh_Entsize => Elf32_Word (Rel_Size));
- if Is_Rela (Arch) then
- Shdr (Nbr_Sect).Sh_Type := SHT_RELA;
- else
- Shdr (Nbr_Sect).Sh_Type := SHT_REL;
- end if;
- Shdr (Sect_Shstrtab).Sh_Size := Shdr (Sect_Shstrtab).Sh_Size
- + Sect.Name'Length + 4 -- 4 for ".rel"
- + Boolean'Pos (Is_Rela (Arch)) + 1; -- 1 for 'a', 1 for Nul.
- Nbr_Sect := Nbr_Sect + 1;
- end if;
- Sect := Sect.Next;
- end loop;
- -- Lay-out sections.
- Offset := Elf32_Off (Elf32_Ehdr_Size);
- -- Section table
- Offset := Offset + Elf32_Off (Nbr_Sect * Elf32_Shdr_Size);
- -- shstrtab.
- Shdr (Sect_Shstrtab).Sh_Offset := Offset;
- Offset := Sect_Align (Offset + Shdr (Sect_Shstrtab).Sh_Size);
- -- user-sections and relocation.
- for I in Sect_First .. Nbr_Sect - 1 loop
- Sect := Sections (I).Sect;
- if Sect /= null then
- Sect.Pc := Pow_Align (Sect.Pc, Sect.Align);
- Shdr (Sect.Number).Sh_Size := Elf32_Word (Sect.Pc);
- if Sect.Data /= null then
- -- Set data offset.
- Shdr (Sect.Number).Sh_Offset := Offset;
- Offset := Offset + Shdr (Sect.Number).Sh_Size;
- -- Set relocs offset.
- if Sect.First_Reloc /= null then
- Shdr (Sect.Number + 1).Sh_Offset := Offset;
- Shdr (Sect.Number + 1).Sh_Size :=
- Elf32_Word (Sect.Nbr_Relocs * Rel_Size);
- Offset := Offset + Shdr (Sect.Number + 1).Sh_Size;
- end if;
- end if;
- -- Set link.
- if Sect.Link /= null then
- Shdr (Sect.Number).Sh_Link := Elf32_Word (Sect.Link.Number);
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop;
- -- Number symbols, put local before globals.
- Nbr_Symbols := 1 + Nbr_Sections;
- -- First local symbols.
- for I in Symbols.First .. Symbols.Last loop
- case Get_Scope (I) is
- when Sym_Private =>
- Set_Number (I, Nbr_Symbols);
- Nbr_Symbols := Nbr_Symbols + 1;
- when Sym_Local =>
- if not Flag_Discard_Local then
- Set_Number (I, Nbr_Symbols);
- Nbr_Symbols := Nbr_Symbols + 1;
- end if;
- when Sym_Undef
- | Sym_Global =>
- null;
- end case;
- end loop;
- Shdr (Sect_Symtab).Sh_Info := Elf32_Word (Nbr_Symbols);
- -- Then globals.
- for I in Symbols.First .. Symbols.Last loop
- case Get_Scope (I) is
- when Sym_Private
- | Sym_Local =>
- null;
- when Sym_Undef =>
- if Get_Used (I) then
- Set_Number (I, Nbr_Symbols);
- Nbr_Symbols := Nbr_Symbols + 1;
- end if;
- when Sym_Global =>
- Set_Number (I, Nbr_Symbols);
- Nbr_Symbols := Nbr_Symbols + 1;
- end case;
- end loop;
- -- Symtab.
- Shdr (Sect_Symtab).Sh_Offset := Offset;
- -- 1 for nul.
- Shdr (Sect_Symtab).Sh_Size := Elf32_Word (Nbr_Symbols * Elf32_Sym_Size);
- Offset := Offset + Shdr (Sect_Symtab).Sh_Size;
- -- Strtab offset.
- Shdr (Sect_Strtab).Sh_Offset := Offset;
- Shdr (Sect_Strtab).Sh_Size := 1;
- -- Compute length of strtab.
- -- First, sections names.
- Sect := Section_Chain;
--- while Sect /= null loop
--- Shdr (Sect_Strtab).Sh_Size :=
--- Shdr (Sect_Strtab).Sh_Size + Sect.Name'Length + 1;
--- Sect := Sect.Prev;
--- end loop;
- -- Then symbols.
- declare
- Len : Natural;
- L : Natural;
- begin
- Len := 0;
- for I in Symbols.First .. Symbols.Last loop
- L := Get_Symbol_Name_Length (I) + 1;
- case Get_Scope (I) is
- when Sym_Local =>
- if Flag_Discard_Local then
- L := 0;
- end if;
- when Sym_Private =>
- null;
- when Sym_Global =>
- null;
- when Sym_Undef =>
- if not Get_Used (I) then
- L := 0;
- end if;
- end case;
- Len := Len + L;
- end loop;
- Shdr (Sect_Strtab).Sh_Size :=
- Shdr (Sect_Strtab).Sh_Size + Elf32_Word (Len);
- end;
- -- Write file header.
- declare
- Ehdr : Elf32_Ehdr;
- begin
- Ehdr := (E_Ident => (EI_MAG0 => ELFMAG0,
- EI_PAD .. 15 => 0),
- E_Type => ET_REL,
- E_Machine => EM_NONE,
- E_Version => Elf32_Word (EV_CURRENT),
- E_Entry => 0,
- E_Phoff => 0,
- E_Shoff => Elf32_Off (Elf32_Ehdr_Size),
- E_Flags => 0,
- E_Ehsize => Elf32_Half (Elf32_Ehdr_Size),
- E_Phentsize => 0,
- E_Phnum => 0,
- E_Shentsize => Elf32_Half (Elf32_Shdr_Size),
- E_Shnum => Elf32_Half (Nbr_Sect),
- E_Shstrndx => 1);
- case Arch is
- when Arch_X86 =>
- Ehdr.E_Ident (EI_DATA) := ELFDATA2LSB;
- Ehdr.E_Machine := EM_386;
- when Arch_Sparc =>
- Ehdr.E_Ident (EI_DATA) := ELFDATA2MSB;
- Ehdr.E_Machine := EM_SPARC;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Xwrite (Ehdr'Address, Elf32_Ehdr_Size);
- end;
- -- Write shdr.
- Xwrite (Shdr'Address, Nbr_Sect * Elf32_Shdr_Size);
- -- Write shstrtab
- Check_File_Pos (Shdr (Sect_Shstrtab).Sh_Offset);
- declare
- Str : String :=
- NUL & ".shstrtab" & NUL & ".symtab" & NUL & ".strtab" & NUL;
- Rela : String := NUL & ".rela";
- begin
- Xwrite (Str'Address, Str'Length);
- Sect := Section_Chain;
- while Sect /= null loop
- Xwrite (Sect.Name.all'Address, Sect.Name'Length);
- if Sect.First_Reloc /= null then
- if Is_Rela (Arch) then
- Xwrite (Rela'Address, Rela'Length);
- else
- Xwrite (Rela'Address, Rela'Length - 1);
- end if;
- Xwrite (Sect.Name.all'Address, Sect.Name'Length);
- end if;
- Xwrite (NUL'Address, 1);
- Sect := Sect.Next;
- end loop;
- end;
- -- Pad.
- declare
- Delt : Elf32_Word;
- Nul_Str : String (1 .. 4) := (others => NUL);
- begin
- Delt := Shdr (Sect_Shstrtab).Sh_Size and 3;
- if Delt /= 0 then
- Xwrite (Nul_Str'Address, Natural (4 - Delt));
- end if;
- end;
- -- Write sections content and reloc.
- for I in 1 .. Nbr_Sect loop
- Sect := Sections (I).Sect;
- if Sect /= null then
- if Sect.Data /= null then
- Check_File_Pos (Shdr (Sect.Number).Sh_Offset);
- Xwrite (Sect.Data (0)'Address, Natural (Sect.Pc));
- end if;
- declare
- R : Reloc_Acc;
- Rel : Elf32_Rel;
- Rela : Elf32_Rela;
- S : Elf32_Word;
- Nbr_Reloc : Natural;
- begin
- R := Sect.First_Reloc;
- Nbr_Reloc := 0;
- while R /= null loop
- if R.Done then
- S := Sections (Get_Section (R.Sym).Number).Sym;
- else
- S := Elf32_Word (Get_Number (R.Sym));
- end if;
- if Is_Rela (Arch) then
- case R.Kind is
- when Reloc_Disp22 =>
- Rela.R_Info := Elf32_R_Info (S, R_SPARC_WDISP22);
- when Reloc_Disp30 =>
- Rela.R_Info := Elf32_R_Info (S, R_SPARC_WDISP30);
- when Reloc_Hi22 =>
- Rela.R_Info := Elf32_R_Info (S, R_SPARC_HI22);
- when Reloc_Lo10 =>
- Rela.R_Info := Elf32_R_Info (S, R_SPARC_LO10);
- when Reloc_32 =>
- Rela.R_Info := Elf32_R_Info (S, R_SPARC_32);
- when Reloc_Ua_32 =>
- Rela.R_Info := Elf32_R_Info (S, R_SPARC_UA32);
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Rela.R_Addend := 0;
- Rela.R_Offset := Elf32_Addr (R.Addr);
- Xwrite (Rela'Address, Elf32_Rela_Size);
- else
- case R.Kind is
- when Reloc_32 =>
- Rel.R_Info := Elf32_R_Info (S, R_386_32);
- when Reloc_Pc32 =>
- Rel.R_Info := Elf32_R_Info (S, R_386_PC32);
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Rel.R_Offset := Elf32_Addr (R.Addr);
- Xwrite (Rel'Address, Elf32_Rel_Size);
- end if;
- Nbr_Reloc := Nbr_Reloc + 1;
- R := R.Sect_Next;
- end loop;
- if Nbr_Reloc /= Sect.Nbr_Relocs then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
- end loop;
- -- Write symbol table.
- Check_File_Pos (Shdr (Sect_Symtab).Sh_Offset);
- declare
- Str_Off : Elf32_Word;
- procedure Gen_Sym (S : Symbol)
- is
- Sym : Elf32_Sym;
- Bind : Elf32_Uchar;
- Typ : Elf32_Uchar;
- begin
- Sym := Elf32_Sym'(St_Name => Str_Off,
- St_Value => Elf32_Addr (Get_Symbol_Value (S)),
- St_Size => 0,
- St_Info => 0,
- St_Other => 0,
- St_Shndx => SHN_UNDEF);
- if Get_Section (S) /= null then
- Sym.St_Shndx := Elf32_Half (Get_Section (S).Number);
- end if;
- case Get_Scope (S) is
- when Sym_Private
- | Sym_Local =>
- Bind := STB_LOCAL;
- Typ := STT_NOTYPE;
- when Sym_Global =>
- Bind := STB_GLOBAL;
- if Get_Section (S) /= null
- and then (Get_Section (S).Flags and Section_Exec) /= 0
- then
- Typ := STT_FUNC;
- else
- Typ := STT_OBJECT;
- end if;
- when Sym_Undef =>
- Bind := STB_GLOBAL;
- Typ := STT_NOTYPE;
- end case;
- Sym.St_Info := Elf32_St_Info (Bind, Typ);
- Xwrite (Sym'Address, Elf32_Sym_Size);
- Str_Off := Str_Off + Elf32_Off (Get_Symbol_Name_Length (S) + 1);
- end Gen_Sym;
- Sym : Elf32_Sym;
- begin
- Str_Off := 1;
- -- write null entry
- Sym := Elf32_Sym'(St_Name => 0,
- St_Value => 0,
- St_Size => 0,
- St_Info => 0,
- St_Other => 0,
- St_Shndx => SHN_UNDEF);
- Xwrite (Sym'Address, Elf32_Sym_Size);
- -- write section entries
- Sect := Section_Chain;
- while Sect /= null loop
--- Sym := Elf32_Sym'(St_Name => Str_Off,
--- St_Value => 0,
--- St_Size => 0,
--- St_Info => Elf32_St_Info (STB_LOCAL,
--- St_Other => 0,
--- St_Shndx => Elf32_Half (Sect.Number));
--- Xwrite (Sym'Address, Elf32_Sym_Size);
--- Str_Off := Str_Off + Sect.Name'Length + 1;
- Sym := Elf32_Sym'(St_Name => 0,
- St_Value => 0,
- St_Size => 0,
- St_Info => Elf32_St_Info (STB_LOCAL,
- St_Other => 0,
- St_Shndx => Elf32_Half (Sect.Number));
- Xwrite (Sym'Address, Elf32_Sym_Size);
- Sect := Sect.Next;
- end loop;
- -- First local symbols.
- for I in Symbols.First .. Symbols.Last loop
- case Get_Scope (I) is
- when Sym_Private =>
- Gen_Sym (I);
- when Sym_Local =>
- if not Flag_Discard_Local then
- Gen_Sym (I);
- end if;
- when Sym_Global
- | Sym_Undef =>
- null;
- end case;
- end loop;
- -- Then global symbols.
- for I in Symbols.First .. Symbols.Last loop
- case Get_Scope (I) is
- when Sym_Global =>
- Gen_Sym (I);
- when Sym_Undef =>
- if Get_Used (I) then
- Gen_Sym (I);
- end if;
- when Sym_Private
- | Sym_Local =>
- null;
- end case;
- end loop;
- end;
- -- Write strtab.
- Check_File_Pos (Shdr (Sect_Strtab).Sh_Offset);
- -- First is NUL.
- Xwrite (NUL'Address, 1);
- -- Then the sections name.
--- Sect := Section_List;
--- while Sect /= null loop
--- Xwrite (Sect.Name.all'Address, Sect.Name'Length);
--- Xwrite (NUL'Address, 1);
--- Sect := Sect.Prev;
--- end loop;
- -- Then the symbols name.
- declare
- procedure Write_Sym_Name (S : Symbol)
- is
- Str : String := Get_Symbol_Name (S) & NUL;
- begin
- Xwrite (Str'Address, Str'Length);
- end Write_Sym_Name;
- begin
- -- First locals.
- for I in Symbols.First .. Symbols.Last loop
- case Get_Scope (I) is
- when Sym_Private =>
- Write_Sym_Name (I);
- when Sym_Local =>
- if not Flag_Discard_Local then
- Write_Sym_Name (I);
- end if;
- when Sym_Global
- | Sym_Undef =>
- null;
- end case;
- end loop;
- -- Then global symbols.
- for I in Symbols.First .. Symbols.Last loop
- case Get_Scope (I) is
- when Sym_Global =>
- Write_Sym_Name (I);
- when Sym_Undef =>
- if Get_Used (I) then
- Write_Sym_Name (I);
- end if;
- when Sym_Private
- | Sym_Local =>
- null;
- end case;
- end loop;
- end;
- end Write_Elf;
-end Binary_File.Elf;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/binary_file-elf.ads b/ortho/mcode/binary_file-elf.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index e0d3a4d2a..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/binary_file-elf.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
--- Binary file ELF writer.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with GNAT.OS_Lib;
-package Binary_File.Elf is
- procedure Write_Elf (Fd : GNAT.OS_Lib.File_Descriptor);
-end Binary_File.Elf;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/binary_file-memory.adb b/ortho/mcode/binary_file-memory.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index a37af9cb7..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/binary_file-memory.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
--- Binary file execute in memory handler.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-package body Binary_File.Memory is
- -- Absolute section.
- Sect_Abs : Section_Acc;
- function To_Pc_Type is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => System.Address, Target => Pc_Type);
- procedure Set_Symbol_Address (Sym : Symbol; Addr : System.Address)
- is
- begin
- Set_Symbol_Value (Sym, To_Pc_Type (Addr));
- Set_Scope (Sym, Sym_Global);
- Set_Section (Sym, Sect_Abs);
- end Set_Symbol_Address;
- procedure Write_Memory_Init is
- begin
- Create_Section (Sect_Abs, "*ABS*", Section_Exec);
- Sect_Abs.Vaddr := 0;
- end Write_Memory_Init;
- procedure Write_Memory_Relocate (Error : out Boolean)
- is
- Sect : Section_Acc;
- Rel : Reloc_Acc;
- N_Rel : Reloc_Acc;
- begin
- -- Relocate section in memory.
- Sect := Section_Chain;
- while Sect /= null loop
- if Sect.Data = null then
- if Sect.Pc > 0 then
- Resize (Sect, Sect.Pc);
- Sect.Data (0 .. Sect.Pc - 1) := (others => 0);
- else
- null;
- --Sect.Data := new Byte_Array (1 .. 0);
- end if;
- end if;
- if Sect.Data_Max > 0
- and (Sect /= Sect_Abs and Sect.Flags /= Section_Debug)
- then
- Sect.Vaddr := To_Pc_Type (Sect.Data (0)'Address);
- end if;
- Sect := Sect.Next;
- end loop;
- -- Do all relocations.
- Sect := Section_Chain;
- Error := False;
- while Sect /= null loop
--- Put_Line ("Section: " & Sect.Name.all & ", Flags:"
--- & Section_Flags'Image (Sect.Flags));
- Rel := Sect.First_Reloc;
- while Rel /= null loop
- N_Rel := Rel.Sect_Next;
- if Get_Scope (Rel.Sym) = Sym_Undef then
- Put_Line ("symbol " & Get_Symbol_Name (Rel.Sym)
- & " is undefined");
- Error := True;
- else
- Apply_Reloc (Sect, Rel);
- end if;
- Free (Rel);
- Rel := N_Rel;
- end loop;
- Sect.First_Reloc := null;
- Sect.Last_Reloc := null;
- Sect.Nbr_Relocs := 0;
- if (Sect.Flags and Section_Exec) /= 0
- and (Sect.Flags and Section_Write) = 0
- then
- Memsegs.Set_Rx (Sect.Seg);
- end if;
- Sect := Sect.Next;
- end loop;
- end Write_Memory_Relocate;
-end Binary_File.Memory;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/binary_file-memory.ads b/ortho/mcode/binary_file-memory.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index a205da527..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/binary_file-memory.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
--- Binary file execute in memory handler.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-package Binary_File.Memory is
- -- Must be called before set_symbol_address.
- procedure Write_Memory_Init;
- procedure Set_Symbol_Address (Sym : Symbol; Addr : System.Address);
- procedure Write_Memory_Relocate (Error : out Boolean);
-end Binary_File.Memory;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/binary_file.adb b/ortho/mcode/binary_file.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6043d7319..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/binary_file.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,977 +0,0 @@
--- Binary file handling.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System.Storage_Elements;
-with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
-with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-with Hex_Images; use Hex_Images;
-with Disassemble;
-package body Binary_File is
- Cur_Sect : Section_Acc := null;
- HT : Character renames Ada.Characters.Latin_1.HT;
- function To_Byte_Array_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => System.Address, Target => Byte_Array_Acc);
- -- Resize a section to SIZE bytes.
- procedure Resize (Sect : Section_Acc; Size : Pc_Type)
- is
- begin
- Sect.Data_Max := Size;
- Memsegs.Resize (Sect.Seg, Natural (Size));
- Sect.Data := To_Byte_Array_Acc (Memsegs.Get_Address (Sect.Seg));
- end Resize;
- function Get_Scope (Sym : Symbol) return Symbol_Scope is
- begin
- return Symbols.Table (Sym).Scope;
- end Get_Scope;
- procedure Set_Scope (Sym : Symbol; Scope : Symbol_Scope) is
- begin
- Symbols.Table (Sym).Scope := Scope;
- end Set_Scope;
- function Get_Section (Sym : Symbol) return Section_Acc is
- begin
- return Symbols.Table (Sym).Section;
- end Get_Section;
- procedure Set_Section (Sym : Symbol; Sect : Section_Acc) is
- begin
- Symbols.Table (Sym).Section := Sect;
- end Set_Section;
- function Get_Number (Sym : Symbol) return Natural is
- begin
- return Symbols.Table (Sym).Number;
- end Get_Number;
- procedure Set_Number (Sym : Symbol; Num : Natural) is
- begin
- Symbols.Table (Sym).Number := Num;
- end Set_Number;
- function Get_Relocs (Sym : Symbol) return Reloc_Acc is
- begin
- return Symbols.Table (Sym).Relocs;
- end Get_Relocs;
- procedure Set_Relocs (Sym : Symbol; Reloc : Reloc_Acc) is
- begin
- Symbols.Table (Sym).Relocs := Reloc;
- end Set_Relocs;
- function Get_Name (Sym : Symbol) return O_Ident is
- begin
- return Symbols.Table (Sym).Name;
- end Get_Name;
- function Get_Used (Sym : Symbol) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Symbols.Table (Sym).Used;
- end Get_Used;
- procedure Set_Used (Sym : Symbol; Val : Boolean) is
- begin
- Symbols.Table (Sym).Used := Val;
- end Set_Used;
- function Get_Symbol_Value (Sym : Symbol) return Pc_Type is
- begin
- return Symbols.Table (Sym).Value;
- end Get_Symbol_Value;
- procedure Set_Symbol_Value (Sym : Symbol; Val : Pc_Type) is
- begin
- Symbols.Table (Sym).Value := Val;
- end Set_Symbol_Value;
- function S_Defined (Sym : Symbol) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Get_Scope (Sym) /= Sym_Undef;
- end S_Defined;
- pragma Unreferenced (S_Defined);
- function S_Local (Sym : Symbol) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Get_Scope (Sym) = Sym_Local;
- end S_Local;
- procedure Create_Section (Sect : out Section_Acc;
- Name : String; Flags : Section_Flags)
- is
- begin
- Sect := new Section_Type'(Next => null,
- Flags => Flags,
- Name => new String'(Name),
- Link => null,
- Align => 2,
- Esize => 0,
- Pc => 0,
- Insn_Pc => 0,
- Data => null,
- Data_Max => 0,
- First_Reloc => null,
- Last_Reloc => null,
- Nbr_Relocs => 0,
- Number => 0,
- Seg => Memsegs.Create,
- Vaddr => 0);
- if (Flags and Section_Zero) = 0 then
- -- Allocate memory for the segment, unless BSS.
- Resize (Sect, 8192);
- end if;
- if (Flags and Section_Strtab) /= 0 then
- Sect.Align := 0;
- end if;
- if Section_Chain = null then
- Section_Chain := Sect;
- else
- Section_Last.Next := Sect;
- end if;
- Section_Last := Sect;
- Nbr_Sections := Nbr_Sections + 1;
- end Create_Section;
- procedure Sect_Prealloc (Sect : Section_Acc; L : Pc_Type)
- is
- New_Max : Pc_Type;
- begin
- if Sect.Pc + L < Sect.Data_Max then
- return;
- end if;
- New_Max := Sect.Data_Max;
- loop
- New_Max := New_Max * 2;
- exit when Sect.Pc + L < New_Max;
- end loop;
- Resize (Sect, New_Max);
- end Sect_Prealloc;
- procedure Merge_Section (Dest : Section_Acc; Src : Section_Acc)
- is
- Rel : Reloc_Acc;
- begin
- -- Sanity checks.
- if Src = null or else Dest = Src then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Rel := Src.First_Reloc;
- if Rel /= null then
- -- Move relocs.
- if Dest.Last_Reloc = null then
- Dest.First_Reloc := Rel;
- Dest.Last_Reloc := Rel;
- else
- Dest.Last_Reloc.Sect_Next := Rel;
- Dest.Last_Reloc := Rel;
- end if;
- Dest.Nbr_Relocs := Dest.Nbr_Relocs + Src.Nbr_Relocs;
- -- Reloc reloc, since the pc has changed.
- while Rel /= null loop
- Rel.Addr := Rel.Addr + Dest.Pc;
- Rel := Rel.Sect_Next;
- end loop;
- end if;
- if Src.Pc > 0 then
- Sect_Prealloc (Dest, Src.Pc);
- Dest.Data (Dest.Pc .. Dest.Pc + Src.Pc - 1) :=
- Src.Data (0 .. Src.Pc - 1);
- Dest.Pc := Dest.Pc + Src.Pc;
- end if;
- Memsegs.Delete (Src.Seg);
- Src.Pc := 0;
- Src.Data_Max := 0;
- Src.Data := null;
- Src.First_Reloc := null;
- Src.Last_Reloc := null;
- Src.Nbr_Relocs := 0;
- -- Remove from section_chain.
- if Section_Chain = Src then
- Section_Chain := Src.Next;
- else
- declare
- Sect : Section_Acc;
- begin
- Sect := Section_Chain;
- while Sect.Next /= Src loop
- Sect := Sect.Next;
- end loop;
- Sect.Next := Src.Next;
- if Section_Last = Src then
- Section_Last := Sect;
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
- Nbr_Sections := Nbr_Sections - 1;
- end Merge_Section;
- procedure Set_Section_Info (Sect : Section_Acc;
- Link : Section_Acc;
- Align : Natural;
- Esize : Natural)
- is
- begin
- Sect.Link := Link;
- Sect.Align := Align;
- Sect.Esize := Esize;
- end Set_Section_Info;
- procedure Set_Current_Section (Sect : Section_Acc) is
- begin
- -- If the current section does not change, this is a no-op.
- if Cur_Sect = Sect then
- return;
- end if;
- if Dump_Asm then
- Put_Line (HT & ".section """ & Sect.Name.all & """");
- end if;
- Cur_Sect := Sect;
- end Set_Current_Section;
- function Get_Current_Pc return Pc_Type is
- begin
- return Cur_Sect.Pc;
- end Get_Current_Pc;
- function Get_Pc (Sect : Section_Acc) return Pc_Type is
- begin
- return Sect.Pc;
- end Get_Pc;
- procedure Prealloc (L : Pc_Type) is
- begin
- Sect_Prealloc (Cur_Sect, L);
- end Prealloc;
- procedure Start_Insn is
- begin
- -- Check there is enough memory for the next instruction.
- Sect_Prealloc (Cur_Sect, 16);
- if Cur_Sect.Insn_Pc /= 0 then
- -- end_insn was not called.
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Cur_Sect.Insn_Pc := Cur_Sect.Pc;
- end Start_Insn;
- procedure Get_Symbol_At_Addr (Addr : System.Address;
- Line : in out String;
- Line_Len : in out Natural)
- is
- use System;
- use System.Storage_Elements;
- Off : Pc_Type;
- Reloc : Reloc_Acc;
- begin
- -- Check if addr is in the current section.
- if Addr < Cur_Sect.Data (0)'Address
- or else Addr > Cur_Sect.Data (Cur_Sect.Pc)'Address
- then
- raise Program_Error;
- --return;
- end if;
- Off := Pc_Type
- (To_Integer (Addr) - To_Integer (Cur_Sect.Data (0)'Address));
- -- Find a relocation at OFF.
- Reloc := Cur_Sect.First_Reloc;
- while Reloc /= null loop
- if Reloc.Addr = Off then
- declare
- Str : constant String := Get_Symbol_Name (Reloc.Sym);
- begin
- Line (Line'First .. Line'First + Str'Length - 1) := Str;
- Line_Len := Line_Len + Str'Length;
- return;
- end;
- end if;
- Reloc := Reloc.Sect_Next;
- end loop;
- end Get_Symbol_At_Addr;
- procedure End_Insn
- is
- Str : String (1 .. 256);
- Len : Natural;
- Insn_Len : Natural;
- begin
- --if Insn_Pc = 0 then
- -- -- start_insn was not called.
- -- raise Program_Error;
- --end if;
- if Debug_Hex then
- Put (HT);
- Put ('#');
- for I in Cur_Sect.Insn_Pc .. Cur_Sect.Pc - 1 loop
- Put (' ');
- Put (Hex_Image (Unsigned_8 (Cur_Sect.Data (I))));
- end loop;
- New_Line;
- end if;
- if Dump_Asm then
- Disassemble.Disassemble_Insn
- (Cur_Sect.Data (Cur_Sect.Insn_Pc)'Address,
- Unsigned_32 (Cur_Sect.Insn_Pc),
- Str, Len, Insn_Len,
- Get_Symbol_At_Addr'Access);
- Put (HT);
- Put_Line (Str (1 .. Len));
- end if;
- --if Natural (Cur_Pc - Insn_Pc) /= Insn_Len then
- -- raise Program_Error;
- --end if;
- Cur_Sect.Insn_Pc := 0;
- end End_Insn;
- procedure Gen_B8 (B : Byte) is
- begin
- Cur_Sect.Data (Cur_Sect.Pc) := B;
- Cur_Sect.Pc := Cur_Sect.Pc + 1;
- end Gen_B8;
- procedure Gen_B16 (B0, B1 : Byte) is
- begin
- Cur_Sect.Data (Cur_Sect.Pc + 0) := B0;
- Cur_Sect.Data (Cur_Sect.Pc + 1) := B1;
- Cur_Sect.Pc := Cur_Sect.Pc + 2;
- end Gen_B16;
- procedure Gen_Le8 (B : Unsigned_32) is
- begin
- Cur_Sect.Data (Cur_Sect.Pc) := Byte (B and 16#Ff#);
- Cur_Sect.Pc := Cur_Sect.Pc + 1;
- end Gen_Le8;
- procedure Gen_Le16 (B : Unsigned_32) is
- begin
- Cur_Sect.Data (Cur_Sect.Pc + 0) := Byte (Shift_Right (B, 0) and 16#Ff#);
- Cur_Sect.Data (Cur_Sect.Pc + 1) := Byte (Shift_Right (B, 8) and 16#Ff#);
- Cur_Sect.Pc := Cur_Sect.Pc + 2;
- end Gen_Le16;
- procedure Gen_Be16 (B : Unsigned_32) is
- begin
- Cur_Sect.Data (Cur_Sect.Pc + 0) := Byte (Shift_Right (B, 8) and 16#Ff#);
- Cur_Sect.Data (Cur_Sect.Pc + 1) := Byte (Shift_Right (B, 0) and 16#Ff#);
- Cur_Sect.Pc := Cur_Sect.Pc + 2;
- end Gen_Be16;
- procedure Write_B8 (Sect : Section_Acc; Pc : Pc_Type; V : Unsigned_8) is
- begin
- Sect.Data (Pc) := Byte (V);
- end Write_B8;
- procedure Write_Be16 (Sect : Section_Acc; Pc : Pc_Type; V : Unsigned_32) is
- begin
- Sect.Data (Pc + 0) := Byte (Shift_Right (V, 8) and 16#Ff#);
- Sect.Data (Pc + 1) := Byte (Shift_Right (V, 0) and 16#Ff#);
- end Write_Be16;
- procedure Write_Le32 (Sect : Section_Acc; Pc : Pc_Type; V : Unsigned_32) is
- begin
- Sect.Data (Pc + 0) := Byte (Shift_Right (V, 0) and 16#Ff#);
- Sect.Data (Pc + 1) := Byte (Shift_Right (V, 8) and 16#Ff#);
- Sect.Data (Pc + 2) := Byte (Shift_Right (V, 16) and 16#Ff#);
- Sect.Data (Pc + 3) := Byte (Shift_Right (V, 24) and 16#Ff#);
- end Write_Le32;
- procedure Write_Be32 (Sect : Section_Acc; Pc : Pc_Type; V : Unsigned_32) is
- begin
- Sect.Data (Pc + 0) := Byte (Shift_Right (V, 24) and 16#Ff#);
- Sect.Data (Pc + 1) := Byte (Shift_Right (V, 16) and 16#Ff#);
- Sect.Data (Pc + 2) := Byte (Shift_Right (V, 8) and 16#Ff#);
- Sect.Data (Pc + 3) := Byte (Shift_Right (V, 0) and 16#Ff#);
- end Write_Be32;
- procedure Write_16 (Sect : Section_Acc; Pc : Pc_Type; B : Unsigned_32)
- is
- subtype B2 is Byte_Array_Base (0 .. 1);
- function To_B2 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Unsigned_16, Target => B2);
- begin
- Sect.Data (Pc + 0 .. Pc + 1) := To_B2 (Unsigned_16 (B));
- end Write_16;
- procedure Write_32 (Sect : Section_Acc; Pc : Pc_Type; B : Unsigned_32)
- is
- subtype B4 is Byte_Array_Base (0 .. 3);
- function To_B4 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Unsigned_32, Target => B4);
- begin
- Sect.Data (Pc + 0 .. Pc + 3) := To_B4 (B);
- end Write_32;
- procedure Gen_16 (B : Unsigned_32) is
- begin
- Write_16 (Cur_Sect, Cur_Sect.Pc, B);
- Cur_Sect.Pc := Cur_Sect.Pc + 2;
- end Gen_16;
- procedure Gen_32 (B : Unsigned_32) is
- begin
- Write_32 (Cur_Sect, Cur_Sect.Pc, B);
- Cur_Sect.Pc := Cur_Sect.Pc + 4;
- end Gen_32;
- function Read_Le32 (Sect : Section_Acc; Pc : Pc_Type) return Unsigned_32 is
- begin
- return Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (Sect.Data (Pc + 0)), 0)
- or Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (Sect.Data (Pc + 1)), 8)
- or Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (Sect.Data (Pc + 2)), 16)
- or Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (Sect.Data (Pc + 3)), 24);
- end Read_Le32;
- function Read_Be32 (Sect : Section_Acc; Pc : Pc_Type) return Unsigned_32 is
- begin
- return Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (Sect.Data (Pc + 0)), 24)
- or Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (Sect.Data (Pc + 1)), 16)
- or Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (Sect.Data (Pc + 2)), 8)
- or Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (Sect.Data (Pc + 3)), 0);
- end Read_Be32;
- procedure Add_Le32 (Sect : Section_Acc; Pc : Pc_Type; V : Unsigned_32) is
- begin
- Write_Le32 (Sect, Pc, V + Read_Le32 (Sect, Pc));
- end Add_Le32;
- procedure Patch_Le32 (Pc : Pc_Type; V : Unsigned_32) is
- begin
- if Pc + 4 > Get_Current_Pc then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Write_Le32 (Cur_Sect, Pc, V);
- end Patch_Le32;
- procedure Patch_Be32 (Pc : Pc_Type; V : Unsigned_32) is
- begin
- if Pc + 4 > Get_Current_Pc then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Write_Be32 (Cur_Sect, Pc, V);
- end Patch_Be32;
- procedure Patch_Be16 (Pc : Pc_Type; V : Unsigned_32) is
- begin
- if Pc + 2 > Get_Current_Pc then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Write_Be16 (Cur_Sect, Pc, V);
- end Patch_Be16;
- procedure Patch_B8 (Pc : Pc_Type; V : Unsigned_8) is
- begin
- if Pc >= Get_Current_Pc then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Write_B8 (Cur_Sect, Pc, V);
- end Patch_B8;
- procedure Patch_32 (Pc : Pc_Type; V : Unsigned_32) is
- begin
- if Pc + 4 > Get_Current_Pc then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Write_32 (Cur_Sect, Pc, V);
- end Patch_32;
- procedure Gen_Le32 (B : Unsigned_32) is
- begin
- Write_Le32 (Cur_Sect, Cur_Sect.Pc, B);
- Cur_Sect.Pc := Cur_Sect.Pc + 4;
- end Gen_Le32;
- procedure Gen_Be32 (B : Unsigned_32) is
- begin
- Write_Be32 (Cur_Sect, Cur_Sect.Pc, B);
- Cur_Sect.Pc := Cur_Sect.Pc + 4;
- end Gen_Be32;
- procedure Gen_Data_Le8 (B : Unsigned_32) is
- begin
- if Dump_Asm then
- Put_Line (HT & ".byte 0x" & Hex_Image (Unsigned_8 (B)));
- end if;
- Gen_Le8 (B);
- end Gen_Data_Le8;
- procedure Gen_Data_Le16 (B : Unsigned_32) is
- begin
- if Dump_Asm then
- Put_Line (HT & ".half 0x" & Hex_Image (Unsigned_16 (B)));
- end if;
- Gen_Le16 (B);
- end Gen_Data_Le16;
- procedure Gen_Data_32 (Sym : Symbol; Offset : Integer_32) is
- begin
- if Dump_Asm then
- if Sym = Null_Symbol then
- Put_Line (HT & ".word 0x" & Hex_Image (Offset));
- else
- if Offset = 0 then
- Put_Line (HT & ".word " & Get_Symbol_Name (Sym));
- else
- Put_Line (HT & ".word " & Get_Symbol_Name (Sym) & " + "
- & Hex_Image (Offset));
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- case Arch is
- when Arch_X86 =>
- Gen_X86_32 (Sym, Offset);
- when Arch_Sparc =>
- Gen_Sparc_32 (Sym, Offset);
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Gen_Data_32;
- function Create_Symbol (Name : O_Ident) return Symbol
- is
- begin
- Symbols.Append (Symbol_Type'(Section => null,
- Value => 0,
- Scope => Sym_Undef,
- Used => False,
- Name => Name,
- Relocs => null,
- Number => 0));
- return Symbols.Last;
- end Create_Symbol;
- Last_Label : Natural := 1;
- function Create_Local_Symbol return Symbol is
- begin
- Symbols.Append (Symbol_Type'(Section => Cur_Sect,
- Value => 0,
- Scope => Sym_Local,
- Used => False,
- Name => O_Ident_Nul,
- Relocs => null,
- Number => Last_Label));
- Last_Label := Last_Label + 1;
- return Symbols.Last;
- end Create_Local_Symbol;
- function Get_Symbol_Name (Sym : Symbol) return String
- is
- Res : String (1 .. 10);
- N : Natural;
- P : Natural;
- begin
- if S_Local (Sym) then
- N := Get_Number (Sym);
- P := Res'Last;
- loop
- Res (P) := Character'Val ((N mod 10) + Character'Pos ('0'));
- N := N / 10;
- P := P - 1;
- exit when N = 0;
- end loop;
- Res (P) := 'L';
- Res (P - 1) := '.';
- return Res (P - 1 .. Res'Last);
- else
- if Is_Nul (Get_Name (Sym)) then
- return "ANON";
- else
- return Get_String (Get_Name (Sym));
- end if;
- end if;
- end Get_Symbol_Name;
- function Get_Symbol_Name_Length (Sym : Symbol) return Natural
- is
- N : Natural;
- begin
- if S_Local (Sym) then
- N := 10;
- for I in 3 .. 8 loop
- if Get_Number (Sym) < N then
- return I;
- end if;
- N := N * 10;
- end loop;
- raise Program_Error;
- else
- return Get_String_Length (Get_Name (Sym));
- end if;
- end Get_Symbol_Name_Length;
- function Get_Symbol (Name : String) return Symbol is
- begin
- for I in Symbols.First .. Symbols.Last loop
- if Get_Symbol_Name (I) = Name then
- return I;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return Null_Symbol;
- end Get_Symbol;
- function Pow_Align (V : Pc_Type; Align : Natural) return Pc_Type
- is
- Tmp : Pc_Type;
- begin
- Tmp := V + 2 ** Align - 1;
- return Tmp - (Tmp mod Pc_Type (2 ** Align));
- end Pow_Align;
- procedure Gen_Pow_Align (Align : Natural) is
- begin
- if Align = 0 then
- return;
- end if;
- if Dump_Asm then
- Put_Line (HT & ".align" & Natural'Image (Align));
- end if;
- Cur_Sect.Pc := Pow_Align (Cur_Sect.Pc, Align);
- end Gen_Pow_Align;
- -- Generate LENGTH bytes set to 0.
- procedure Gen_Space (Length : Integer_32) is
- begin
- if Dump_Asm then
- Put_Line (HT & ".space" & Integer_32'Image (Length));
- end if;
- Cur_Sect.Pc := Cur_Sect.Pc + Pc_Type (Length);
- end Gen_Space;
- procedure Set_Symbol_Pc (Sym : Symbol; Export : Boolean) is
- begin
- case Get_Scope (Sym) is
- when Sym_Local =>
- if Export then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- when Sym_Private
- | Sym_Global =>
- raise Program_Error;
- when Sym_Undef =>
- if Export then
- Set_Scope (Sym, Sym_Global);
- else
- Set_Scope (Sym, Sym_Private);
- end if;
- end case;
- -- Set value/section.
- Set_Symbol_Value (Sym, Cur_Sect.Pc);
- Set_Section (Sym, Cur_Sect);
- if Dump_Asm then
- if Export then
- Put_Line (HT & ".globl " & Get_Symbol_Name (Sym));
- end if;
- Put (Get_Symbol_Name (Sym));
- Put_Line (":");
- end if;
- end Set_Symbol_Pc;
- procedure Add_Reloc (Sym : Symbol; Kind : Reloc_Kind)
- is
- Reloc : Reloc_Acc;
- begin
- Reloc := new Reloc_Type'(Kind => Kind,
- Done => False,
- Sym_Next => Get_Relocs (Sym),
- Sect_Next => null,
- Addr => Cur_Sect.Pc,
- Sym => Sym);
- Set_Relocs (Sym, Reloc);
- if Cur_Sect.First_Reloc = null then
- Cur_Sect.First_Reloc := Reloc;
- else
- Cur_Sect.Last_Reloc.Sect_Next := Reloc;
- end if;
- Cur_Sect.Last_Reloc := Reloc;
- Cur_Sect.Nbr_Relocs := Cur_Sect.Nbr_Relocs + 1;
- end Add_Reloc;
- procedure Gen_X86_Pc32 (Sym : Symbol)
- is
- begin
- Add_Reloc (Sym, Reloc_Pc32);
- Gen_Le32 (16#ff_ff_ff_fc#);
- end Gen_X86_Pc32;
- procedure Gen_Sparc_Disp22 (W : Unsigned_32; Sym : Symbol)
- is
- begin
- Add_Reloc (Sym, Reloc_Disp22);
- Gen_Be32 (W);
- end Gen_Sparc_Disp22;
- procedure Gen_Sparc_Disp30 (W : Unsigned_32; Sym : Symbol)
- is
- begin
- Add_Reloc (Sym, Reloc_Disp30);
- Gen_Be32 (W);
- end Gen_Sparc_Disp30;
- procedure Gen_Sparc_Hi22 (W : Unsigned_32;
- Sym : Symbol; Off : Unsigned_32)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Off);
- begin
- Add_Reloc (Sym, Reloc_Hi22);
- Gen_Be32 (W);
- end Gen_Sparc_Hi22;
- procedure Gen_Sparc_Lo10 (W : Unsigned_32;
- Sym : Symbol; Off : Unsigned_32)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Off);
- begin
- Add_Reloc (Sym, Reloc_Lo10);
- Gen_Be32 (W);
- end Gen_Sparc_Lo10;
- function Conv is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Integer_32, Target => Unsigned_32);
- procedure Gen_X86_32 (Sym : Symbol; Offset : Integer_32) is
- begin
- if Sym /= Null_Symbol then
- Add_Reloc (Sym, Reloc_32);
- end if;
- Gen_Le32 (Conv (Offset));
- end Gen_X86_32;
- procedure Gen_Sparc_32 (Sym : Symbol; Offset : Integer_32) is
- begin
- if Sym /= Null_Symbol then
- Add_Reloc (Sym, Reloc_32);
- end if;
- Gen_Be32 (Conv (Offset));
- end Gen_Sparc_32;
- procedure Gen_Sparc_Ua_32 (Sym : Symbol; Offset : Integer_32)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Offset);
- begin
- if Sym /= Null_Symbol then
- Add_Reloc (Sym, Reloc_Ua_32);
- end if;
- Gen_Be32 (0);
- end Gen_Sparc_Ua_32;
- procedure Gen_Ua_32 (Sym : Symbol; Offset : Integer_32) is
- begin
- case Arch is
- when Arch_X86 =>
- Gen_X86_32 (Sym, Offset);
- when Arch_Sparc =>
- Gen_Sparc_Ua_32 (Sym, Offset);
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Gen_Ua_32;
- procedure Gen_Ppc_24 (V : Unsigned_32; Sym : Symbol)
- is
- begin
- Add_Reloc (Sym, Reloc_Ppc_Addr24);
- Gen_32 (V);
- end Gen_Ppc_24;
- function Get_Symbol_Vaddr (Sym : Symbol) return Pc_Type is
- begin
- return Get_Section (Sym).Vaddr + Get_Symbol_Value (Sym);
- end Get_Symbol_Vaddr;
- procedure Write_Left_Be32 (Sect : Section_Acc;
- Addr : Pc_Type;
- Size : Natural;
- Val : Unsigned_32)
- is
- W : Unsigned_32;
- Mask : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- -- Write value.
- Mask := Shift_Left (1, Size) - 1;
- W := Read_Be32 (Sect, Addr);
- Write_Be32 (Sect, Addr, (W and not Mask) or (Val and Mask));
- end Write_Left_Be32;
- procedure Set_Wdisp (Sect : Section_Acc;
- Addr : Pc_Type;
- Sym : Symbol;
- Size : Natural)
- is
- D : Unsigned_32;
- Mask : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- D := Unsigned_32 (Get_Symbol_Vaddr (Sym) - (Sect.Vaddr + Addr));
- -- Check overflow.
- Mask := Shift_Left (1, Size + 2) - 1;
- if (D and Shift_Left (1, Size + 1)) = 0 then
- if (D and not Mask) /= 0 then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- else
- if (D and not Mask) /= not Mask then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- end if;
- -- Write value.
- Write_Left_Be32 (Sect, Addr, Size, D / 4);
- end Set_Wdisp;
- procedure Do_Reloc (Kind : Reloc_Kind;
- Sect : Section_Acc; Addr : Pc_Type; Sym : Symbol)
- is
- begin
- if Get_Scope (Sym) = Sym_Undef then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- case Kind is
- when Reloc_32 =>
- Add_Le32 (Sect, Addr, Unsigned_32 (Get_Symbol_Vaddr (Sym)));
- when Reloc_Pc32 =>
- Add_Le32 (Sect, Addr,
- Unsigned_32 (Get_Symbol_Vaddr (Sym)
- - (Sect.Vaddr + Addr)));
- when Reloc_Disp22 =>
- Set_Wdisp (Sect, Addr, Sym, 22);
- when Reloc_Disp30 =>
- Set_Wdisp (Sect, Addr, Sym, 30);
- when Reloc_Hi22 =>
- Write_Left_Be32 (Sect, Addr, 22,
- Unsigned_32 (Get_Symbol_Vaddr (Sym) / 1024));
- when Reloc_Lo10 =>
- Write_Left_Be32 (Sect, Addr, 10,
- Unsigned_32 (Get_Symbol_Vaddr (Sym)));
- when Reloc_Ua_32 =>
- Write_Be32 (Sect, Addr, Unsigned_32 (Get_Symbol_Vaddr (Sym)));
- when Reloc_Ppc_Addr24 =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Do_Reloc;
- function Is_Reloc_Relative (Reloc : Reloc_Acc) return Boolean is
- begin
- case Reloc.Kind is
- when Reloc_Pc32
- | Reloc_Disp22
- | Reloc_Disp30 =>
- return True;
- when others =>
- return False;
- end case;
- end Is_Reloc_Relative;
- procedure Apply_Reloc (Sect : Section_Acc; Reloc : Reloc_Acc) is
- begin
- Do_Reloc (Reloc.Kind, Sect, Reloc.Addr, Reloc.Sym);
- end Apply_Reloc;
- procedure Do_Intra_Section_Reloc (Sect : Section_Acc)
- is
- Prev : Reloc_Acc;
- Rel : Reloc_Acc;
- Next : Reloc_Acc;
- begin
- Rel := Sect.First_Reloc;
- Prev := null;
- while Rel /= null loop
- Next := Rel.Sect_Next;
- if Get_Scope (Rel.Sym) /= Sym_Undef then
- Do_Reloc (Rel.Kind, Sect, Rel.Addr, Rel.Sym);
- Rel.Done := True;
- if Get_Section (Rel.Sym) = Sect
- and then Is_Reloc_Relative (Rel)
- then
- -- Remove reloc.
- Sect.Nbr_Relocs := Sect.Nbr_Relocs - 1;
- if Prev = null then
- Sect.First_Reloc := Next;
- else
- Prev.Sect_Next := Next;
- end if;
- if Next = null then
- Sect.Last_Reloc := Prev;
- end if;
- Free (Rel);
- else
- Prev := Rel;
- end if;
- else
- Set_Used (Rel.Sym, True);
- Prev := Rel;
- end if;
- Rel := Next;
- end loop;
- end Do_Intra_Section_Reloc;
- -- Return VAL rounded up to 2 ^ POW.
--- function Align_Pow (Val : Integer; Pow : Natural) return Integer
--- is
--- N : Integer;
--- Tmp : Integer;
--- begin
--- N := 2 ** Pow;
--- Tmp := Val + N - 1;
--- return Tmp - (Tmp mod N);
--- end Align_Pow;
- procedure Disp_Stats is
- begin
- Put_Line ("Number of Symbols: " & Symbol'Image (Symbols.Last));
- end Disp_Stats;
- procedure Finish
- is
- Sect : Section_Acc;
- Rel, N_Rel : Reloc_Acc;
- begin
- Symbols.Free;
- Sect := Section_Chain;
- while Sect /= null loop
- -- Free relocs.
- Rel := Sect.First_Reloc;
- while Rel /= null loop
- N_Rel := Rel.Sect_Next;
- Free (Rel);
- Rel := N_Rel;
- end loop;
- Sect.First_Reloc := null;
- Sect.Last_Reloc := null;
- Sect := Sect.Next;
- end loop;
- end Finish;
-end Binary_File;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/binary_file.ads b/ortho/mcode/binary_file.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a2bf588d..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/binary_file.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
--- Binary file handling.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System;
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
-with Ortho_Ident; use Ortho_Ident;
-with GNAT.Table;
-with Memsegs;
-package Binary_File is
- type Section_Type is limited private;
- type Section_Acc is access Section_Type;
- type Section_Flags is new Unsigned_32;
- Section_None : constant Section_Flags;
- Section_Exec : constant Section_Flags;
- Section_Read : constant Section_Flags;
- Section_Write : constant Section_Flags;
- Section_Zero : constant Section_Flags;
- Section_Strtab : constant Section_Flags;
- Section_Debug : constant Section_Flags;
- type Byte is new Unsigned_8;
- type Symbol is range -2 ** 31 .. 2 ** 31 - 1;
- for Symbol'Size use 32;
- Null_Symbol : constant Symbol := 0;
- type Pc_Type is mod System.Memory_Size;
- Null_Pc : constant Pc_Type := 0;
- type Arch_Kind is (Arch_Unknown, Arch_X86, Arch_Sparc, Arch_Ppc);
- Arch : Arch_Kind := Arch_Unknown;
- -- Dump assembly when generated.
- Dump_Asm : Boolean := False;
- Debug_Hex : Boolean := False;
- -- Create a section.
- procedure Create_Section (Sect : out Section_Acc;
- Name : String; Flags : Section_Flags);
- procedure Set_Section_Info (Sect : Section_Acc;
- Link : Section_Acc;
- Align : Natural;
- Esize : Natural);
- procedure Merge_Section (Dest : Section_Acc; Src : Section_Acc);
- -- Set the current section.
- procedure Set_Current_Section (Sect : Section_Acc);
- -- Create an undefined local (anonymous) symbol in the current section.
- function Create_Local_Symbol return Symbol;
- function Create_Symbol (Name : O_Ident) return Symbol;
- -- Research symbol NAME, very expansive call.
- -- Return NULL_Symbol if not found.
- function Get_Symbol (Name : String) return Symbol;
- -- Get the virtual address of a symbol.
- function Get_Symbol_Vaddr (Sym : Symbol) return Pc_Type;
- pragma Inline (Get_Symbol_Vaddr);
- -- Set the value of a symbol.
- procedure Set_Symbol_Pc (Sym : Symbol; Export : Boolean);
- function Get_Symbol_Value (Sym : Symbol) return Pc_Type;
- -- Get the current PC.
- function Get_Current_Pc return Pc_Type;
- pragma Inline (Get_Current_Pc);
- function Get_Pc (Sect : Section_Acc) return Pc_Type;
- pragma Inline (Get_Pc);
- -- Align the current section of 2 ** ALIGN.
- procedure Gen_Pow_Align (Align : Natural);
- -- Generate LENGTH times 0.
- procedure Gen_Space (Length : Integer_32);
- -- Add a reloc in the current section at the current address.
- procedure Gen_X86_Pc32 (Sym : Symbol);
- procedure Gen_Sparc_Disp22 (W : Unsigned_32; Sym : Symbol);
- procedure Gen_Sparc_Disp30 (W : Unsigned_32; Sym : Symbol);
- procedure Gen_Sparc_Hi22 (W : Unsigned_32;
- Sym : Symbol; Off : Unsigned_32);
- procedure Gen_Sparc_Lo10 (W : Unsigned_32;
- Sym : Symbol; Off : Unsigned_32);
- -- Add a 32 bits value with a symbol relocation in the current section at
- -- the current address.
- procedure Gen_X86_32 (Sym : Symbol; Offset : Integer_32);
- procedure Gen_Sparc_32 (Sym : Symbol; Offset : Integer_32);
- procedure Gen_Sparc_Ua_32 (Sym : Symbol; Offset : Integer_32);
- procedure Gen_Ppc_24 (V : Unsigned_32; Sym : Symbol);
- procedure Gen_Ua_32 (Sym : Symbol; Offset : Integer_32);
- -- Start/finish an instruction in the current section.
- procedure Start_Insn;
- procedure End_Insn;
- -- Pre allocate L bytes.
- procedure Prealloc (L : Pc_Type);
- -- Add bits in the current section.
- procedure Gen_B8 (B : Byte);
- procedure Gen_B16 (B0, B1 : Byte);
- procedure Gen_Le8 (B : Unsigned_32);
- procedure Gen_Le16 (B : Unsigned_32);
- procedure Gen_Be16 (B : Unsigned_32);
- procedure Gen_Le32 (B : Unsigned_32);
- procedure Gen_Be32 (B : Unsigned_32);
- procedure Gen_16 (B : Unsigned_32);
- procedure Gen_32 (B : Unsigned_32);
- -- Add bits in the current section, but as stand-alone data.
- procedure Gen_Data_Le8 (B : Unsigned_32);
- procedure Gen_Data_Le16 (B : Unsigned_32);
- procedure Gen_Data_32 (Sym : Symbol; Offset : Integer_32);
- -- Modify already generated code.
- procedure Patch_B8 (Pc : Pc_Type; V : Unsigned_8);
- procedure Patch_Le32 (Pc : Pc_Type; V : Unsigned_32);
- procedure Patch_Be32 (Pc : Pc_Type; V : Unsigned_32);
- procedure Patch_Be16 (Pc : Pc_Type; V : Unsigned_32);
- procedure Patch_32 (Pc : Pc_Type; V : Unsigned_32);
- -- Binary writers:
- -- Set ERROR in case of error (undefined symbol).
- --procedure Write_Memory (Error : out Boolean);
- procedure Disp_Stats;
- procedure Finish;
- type Byte_Array_Base is array (Pc_Type range <>) of Byte;
- subtype Byte_Array is Byte_Array_Base (Pc_Type);
- type Byte_Array_Acc is access Byte_Array;
- type String_Acc is access String;
- --type Section_Flags is new Unsigned_32;
- -- Relocations.
- type Reloc_Kind is (Reloc_32, Reloc_Pc32,
- Reloc_Ua_32,
- Reloc_Disp22, Reloc_Disp30,
- Reloc_Hi22, Reloc_Lo10,
- Reloc_Ppc_Addr24);
- type Reloc_Type;
- type Reloc_Acc is access Reloc_Type;
- type Reloc_Type is record
- Kind : Reloc_Kind;
- -- If true, the reloc was already applied.
- Done : Boolean;
- -- Next in simply linked list.
- -- next reloc in the section.
- Sect_Next : Reloc_Acc;
- -- next reloc for the symbol.
- Sym_Next : Reloc_Acc;
- -- Address that must be relocated.
- Addr : Pc_Type;
- -- Symbol.
- Sym : Symbol;
- end record;
- type Section_Type is record
- -- Simply linked list of sections.
- Next : Section_Acc;
- -- Flags.
- Flags : Section_Flags;
- -- Name of the section.
- Name : String_Acc;
- -- Link to another section (used by ELF).
- Link : Section_Acc;
- -- Alignment (in power of 2).
- Align : Natural;
- -- Entry size (if any).
- Esize : Natural;
- -- Offset of the next data in DATA.
- Pc : Pc_Type;
- -- Offset of the current instruction.
- Insn_Pc : Pc_Type;
- -- Data for this section.
- Data : Byte_Array_Acc;
- -- Max address for data (before extending the area).
- Data_Max : Pc_Type;
- -- Chain of relocs defined in this section.
- First_Reloc : Reloc_Acc;
- Last_Reloc : Reloc_Acc;
- -- Number of relocs in this section.
- Nbr_Relocs : Natural;
- -- Section number (set and used by binary writer).
- Number : Natural;
- -- Virtual address, if set.
- Vaddr : Pc_Type; -- SSE.Integer_Address;
- -- Memory for this segment.
- Seg : Memsegs.Memseg_Type;
- end record;
- Section_Exec : constant Section_Flags := 2#0000_0001#;
- Section_Read : constant Section_Flags := 2#0000_0010#;
- Section_Write : constant Section_Flags := 2#0000_0100#;
- Section_Zero : constant Section_Flags := 2#0000_1000#;
- Section_Strtab : constant Section_Flags := 2#0001_0000#;
- Section_Debug : constant Section_Flags := 2#0010_0000#;
- Section_None : constant Section_Flags := 2#0000_0000#;
- -- Scope of a symbol:
- -- SYM_PRIVATE: not visible outside of the file.
- -- SYM_UNDEF: not (yet) defined, unresolved.
- -- SYM_GLOBAL: visible to all files.
- -- SYM_LOCAL: locally generated symbol.
- type Symbol_Scope is (Sym_Undef, Sym_Global, Sym_Private, Sym_Local);
- subtype Symbol_Scope_External is Symbol_Scope range Sym_Undef .. Sym_Global;
- type Symbol_Type is record
- Section : Section_Acc;
- Value : Pc_Type;
- Scope : Symbol_Scope;
- -- True if the symbol is referenced/used.
- Used : Boolean;
- -- Name of the symbol.
- Name : O_Ident;
- -- List of relocation made with this symbol.
- Relocs : Reloc_Acc;
- -- Symbol number, from 0.
- Number : Natural;
- end record;
- -- Number of sections.
- Nbr_Sections : Natural := 0;
- -- Simply linked list of sections.
- Section_Chain : Section_Acc := null;
- Section_Last : Section_Acc := null;
- package Symbols is new GNAT.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Symbol_Type,
- Table_Index_Type => Symbol,
- Table_Low_Bound => 2,
- Table_Initial => 1024,
- Table_Increment => 100);
- function Pow_Align (V : Pc_Type; Align : Natural) return Pc_Type;
- function Get_Symbol_Name (Sym : Symbol) return String;
- function Get_Symbol_Name_Length (Sym : Symbol) return Natural;
- procedure Set_Symbol_Value (Sym : Symbol; Val : Pc_Type);
- pragma Inline (Set_Symbol_Value);
- procedure Set_Scope (Sym : Symbol; Scope : Symbol_Scope);
- pragma Inline (Set_Scope);
- function Get_Scope (Sym : Symbol) return Symbol_Scope;
- pragma Inline (Get_Scope);
- function Get_Section (Sym : Symbol) return Section_Acc;
- pragma Inline (Get_Section);
- procedure Set_Section (Sym : Symbol; Sect : Section_Acc);
- pragma Inline (Set_Section);
- function Get_Name (Sym : Symbol) return O_Ident;
- pragma Inline (Get_Name);
- procedure Apply_Reloc (Sect : Section_Acc; Reloc : Reloc_Acc);
- pragma Inline (Apply_Reloc);
- procedure Set_Number (Sym : Symbol; Num : Natural);
- pragma Inline (Set_Number);
- function Get_Number (Sym : Symbol) return Natural;
- pragma Inline (Get_Number);
- function Get_Used (Sym : Symbol) return Boolean;
- pragma Inline (Get_Used);
- procedure Do_Intra_Section_Reloc (Sect : Section_Acc);
- function S_Local (Sym : Symbol) return Boolean;
- pragma Inline (S_Local);
- procedure Resize (Sect : Section_Acc; Size : Pc_Type);
- procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (Name => Reloc_Acc, Object => Reloc_Type);
- Write_Error : exception;
-end Binary_File;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/coff.ads b/ortho/mcode/coff.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ef9cdde9..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/coff.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
--- COFF definitions.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with System; use System;
-package Coff is
- type Filehdr is record
- F_Magic : Unsigned_16; -- Magic number.
- F_Nscns : Unsigned_16; -- Number of sections.
- F_Timdat : Unsigned_32; -- Time and date stamp.
- F_Symptr : Unsigned_32; -- File pointer to symtab.
- F_Nsyms : Unsigned_32; -- Number of symtab entries.
- F_Opthdr : Unsigned_16; -- Size of optionnal header.
- F_Flags : Unsigned_16; -- Flags;
- end record;
- -- Size of Filehdr.
- Filehdr_Size : constant Natural := Filehdr'Size / Storage_Unit;
- -- Magic numbers.
- I386magic : constant Unsigned_16 := 16#014c#;
- -- Flags of file header.
- -- Relocation info stripped from file.
- F_Relflg : constant Unsigned_16 := 16#0001#;
- -- File is executable (no unresolved symbols).
- F_Exec : constant Unsigned_16 := 16#0002#;
- -- Line numbers stripped from file.
- F_Lnno : constant Unsigned_16 := 16#0004#;
- -- Local symbols stripped from file.
- F_Lsyms : constant Unsigned_16 := 16#0008#;
- type Scnhdr is record
- S_Name : String (1 .. 8); -- Section name.
- S_Paddr : Unsigned_32; -- Physical address.
- S_Vaddr : Unsigned_32; -- Virtual address.
- S_Size : Unsigned_32; -- Section size.
- S_Scnptr : Unsigned_32; -- File pointer to raw section data.
- S_Relptr : Unsigned_32; -- File pointer to relocation data.
- S_Lnnoptr : Unsigned_32; -- File pointer to line number data.
- S_Nreloc : Unsigned_16; -- Number of relocation entries.
- S_Nlnno : Unsigned_16; -- Number of line number entries.
- S_Flags : Unsigned_32; -- Flags.
- end record;
- Scnhdr_Size : constant Natural := Scnhdr'Size / Storage_Unit;
- -- section contains text only.
- STYP_TEXT : constant Unsigned_32 := 16#0020#;
- -- section contains data only.
- STYP_DATA : constant Unsigned_32 := 16#0040#;
- -- section contains bss only.
- STYP_BSS : constant Unsigned_32 := 16#0080#;
- type Strent_Type is record
- E_Zeroes : Unsigned_32;
- E_Offset : Unsigned_32;
- end record;
- type Sym_Name (Inline : Boolean := True) is record
- case Inline is
- when True =>
- E_Name : String (1 .. 8);
- when False =>
- E : Strent_Type;
- end case;
- end record;
- pragma Unchecked_Union (Sym_Name);
- for Sym_Name'Size use 64;
- type Syment is record
- E : Sym_Name; -- Name of the symbol
- E_Value : Unsigned_32; -- Value
- E_Scnum : Unsigned_16; -- Section
- E_Type : Unsigned_16;
- E_Sclass : Unsigned_8;
- E_Numaux : Unsigned_8;
- end record;
- Symesz : constant Natural := 18;
- for Syment'Size use Symesz * Storage_Unit;
- -- An undefined (extern) symbol.
- N_UNDEF : constant Unsigned_16 := 16#00_00#;
- -- An absolute symbol (e_value is a constant, not an address).
- N_ABS : constant Unsigned_16 := 16#Ff_Ff#;
- -- A debugging symbol.
- N_DEBUG : constant Unsigned_16 := 16#Ff_Fe#;
- C_NULL : constant Unsigned_8 := 0;
- C_AUTO : constant Unsigned_8 := 1;
- C_EXT : constant Unsigned_8 := 2;
- C_STAT : constant Unsigned_8 := 3;
- C_REG : constant Unsigned_8 := 4;
- C_EXTDEF : constant Unsigned_8 := 5;
- C_LABEL : constant Unsigned_8 := 6;
- C_ULABEL : constant Unsigned_8 := 7;
- C_MOS : constant Unsigned_8 := 8;
- C_ARG : constant Unsigned_8 := 9;
- C_STRTAG : constant Unsigned_8 := 10;
- C_MOU : constant Unsigned_8 := 11;
- C_UNTAG : constant Unsigned_8 := 12;
- C_TPDEF : constant Unsigned_8 := 13;
- C_USTATIC : constant Unsigned_8 := 14;
- C_ENTAG : constant Unsigned_8 := 15;
- C_MOE : constant Unsigned_8 := 16;
- C_REGPARM : constant Unsigned_8 := 17;
- C_FIELD : constant Unsigned_8 := 18;
- C_AUTOARG : constant Unsigned_8 := 19;
- C_LASTENT : constant Unsigned_8 := 20;
- C_BLOCK : constant Unsigned_8 := 100;
- C_FCN : constant Unsigned_8 := 101;
- C_EOS : constant Unsigned_8 := 102;
- C_FILE : constant Unsigned_8 := 103;
- C_LINE : constant Unsigned_8 := 104;
- C_ALIAS : constant Unsigned_8 := 105;
- C_HIDDEN : constant Unsigned_8 := 106;
- C_EFCN : constant Unsigned_8 := 255;
- -- Textual description of sclass.
- type Const_String_Acc is access constant String;
- type Sclass_Desc_Type is record
- Name : Const_String_Acc;
- Meaning : Const_String_Acc;
- end record;
- type Sclass_Desc_Array_Type is array (Unsigned_8) of Sclass_Desc_Type;
- Sclass_Desc : constant Sclass_Desc_Array_Type;
- type Auxent_File (Inline : Boolean := True) is record
- case Inline is
- when True =>
- X_Fname : String (1 .. 14);
- when False =>
- X_N : Strent_Type;
- end case;
- end record;
- pragma Unchecked_Union (Auxent_File);
- type Auxent_Scn is record
- X_Scnlen : Unsigned_32;
- X_Nreloc : Unsigned_16;
- X_Nlinno : Unsigned_16;
- end record;
- -- Relocation.
- type Reloc is record
- R_Vaddr : Unsigned_32;
- R_Symndx : Unsigned_32;
- R_Type : Unsigned_16;
- end record;
- Relsz : constant Natural := Reloc'Size / Storage_Unit;
- Reloc_Rel32 : constant Unsigned_16 := 20;
- Reloc_Addr32 : constant Unsigned_16 := 6;
- subtype S is String;
- Sclass_Desc : constant Sclass_Desc_Array_Type :=
- (C_NULL => (new S'("C_NULL"), new S'("No entry")),
- C_AUTO => (new S'("C_AUTO"), new S'("Automatic variable")),
- C_EXT => (new S'("C_EXT"), new S'("External/public symbol")),
- C_STAT => (new S'("C_STAT"), new S'("static (private) symbol")),
- C_REG => (new S'("C_REG"), new S'("register variable")),
- C_EXTDEF => (new S'("C_EXTDEF"), new S'("External definition")),
- C_LABEL => (new S'("C_LABEL"), new S'("label")),
- C_ULABEL => (new S'("C_ULABEL"), new S'("undefined label")),
- C_MOS => (new S'("C_MOS"), new S'("member of structure")),
- C_ARG => (new S'("C_ARG"), new S'("function argument")),
- C_STRTAG => (new S'("C_STRTAG"), new S'("structure tag")),
- C_MOU => (new S'("C_MOU"), new S'("member of union")),
- C_UNTAG => (new S'("C_UNTAG"), new S'("union tag")),
- C_TPDEF => (new S'("C_TPDEF"), new S'("type definition")),
- C_USTATIC => (new S'("C_USTATIC"), new S'("undefined static")),
- C_ENTAG => (new S'("C_ENTAG"), new S'("enumaration tag")),
- C_MOE => (new S'("C_MOE"), new S'("member of enumeration")),
- C_REGPARM => (new S'("C_REGPARM"), new S'("register parameter")),
- C_FIELD => (new S'("C_FIELD"), new S'("bit field")),
- C_AUTOARG => (new S'("C_AUTOARG"), new S'("auto argument")),
- C_LASTENT => (new S'("C_LASTENT"), new S'("dummy entry (end of block)")),
- C_BLOCK => (new S'("C_BLOCK"), new S'("beginning or end of block")),
- C_FCN => (new S'("C_FCN"), new S'("beginning or end of function")),
- C_EOS => (new S'("C_EOS"), new S'("end of structure")),
- C_FILE => (new S'("C_FILE"), new S'("file name")),
- C_LINE => (new S'("C_LINE"),
- new S'("line number, reformatted as symbol")),
- C_ALIAS => (new S'("C_ALIAS"), new S'("duplicate tag")),
- C_HIDDEN => (new S'("C_HIDDEN"),
- new S'("ext symbol in dmert public lib")),
- C_EFCN => (new S'("C_EFCN"), new S'("physical end of function")),
- others => (null, null));
-end Coff;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/coffdump.adb b/ortho/mcode/coffdump.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6384b6c27..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/coffdump.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
--- COFF dumper.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Coff; use Coff;
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with System;
-with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
-with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
-with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-with Hex_Images; use Hex_Images;
-procedure Coffdump is
- type Cstring is array (Unsigned_32 range <>) of Character;
- type Cstring_Acc is access Cstring;
- type Section_Array is array (Unsigned_16 range <>) of Scnhdr;
- type Section_Array_Acc is access Section_Array;
- -- Array of sections.
- Sections : Section_Array_Acc;
- type External_Symbol is array (0 .. Symesz - 1) of Character;
- type External_Symbol_Array is array (Unsigned_32 range <>)
- of External_Symbol;
- type Symbol_Array_Acc is access External_Symbol_Array;
- -- Symbols table.
- External_Symbols : Symbol_Array_Acc;
- -- String table.
- Str : Cstring_Acc;
- Str_Size : Natural;
- Hdr : Filehdr;
- --Sym : Syment;
- Fd : File_Descriptor;
- Skip : Natural;
- Skip_Kind : Unsigned_8;
- Aux_File : Auxent_File;
- Aux_Scn : Auxent_Scn;
- Rel : Reloc;
- Len : Natural;
- Nul : constant Character := Character'Val (0);
- function Find_Nul (S : String) return String is
- begin
- for I in S'Range loop
- if S (I) = Nul then
- return S (S'First .. I - 1);
- end if;
- end loop;
- return S;
- end Find_Nul;
- function Get_String (N : Strent_Type; S : String) return String
- is
- begin
- if N.E_Zeroes /= 0 then
- return Find_Nul (S);
- else
- for I in N.E_Offset .. Str'Last loop
- if Str (I) = Nul then
- return String (Str (N.E_Offset .. I - 1));
- end if;
- end loop;
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- end Get_String;
- procedure Memcpy
- (Dst : System.Address; Src : System.Address; Size : Natural);
- pragma Import (C, Memcpy);
- function Get_Section_Name (N : Unsigned_16) return String is
- begin
- if N = N_UNDEF then
- return "UNDEF";
- elsif N = N_ABS then
- return "ABS";
- elsif N = N_DEBUG then
- return "DEBUG";
- elsif N > Hdr.F_Nscns then
- return "???";
- else
- return Find_Nul (Sections (N).S_Name);
- end if;
- end Get_Section_Name;
- function Get_Symbol (N : Unsigned_32) return Syment is
- function Unchecked_Conv is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => External_Symbol, Target => Syment);
- begin
- if N > Hdr.F_Nsyms then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- return Unchecked_Conv (External_Symbols (N));
- end Get_Symbol;
- function Get_Symbol_Name (N : Unsigned_32) return String
- is
- S : Syment := Get_Symbol (N);
- begin
- return Get_String (S.E.E, S.E.E_Name);
- end Get_Symbol_Name;
- for I in 1 .. Argument_Count loop
- Fd := Open_Read (Argument (I), Binary);
- if Fd = Invalid_FD then
- Put_Line ("cannot open " & Argument (I));
- return;
- end if;
- -- Read file header.
- if Read (Fd, Hdr'Address, Filehdr_Size) /= Filehdr_Size then
- Put_Line ("cannot read header");
- return;
- end if;
- Put_Line ("File: " & Argument (I));
- Put_Line ("magic: " & Hex_Image (Hdr.F_Magic));
- Put_Line ("number of sections: " & Hex_Image (Hdr.F_Nscns));
- Put_Line ("time and date stamp: " & Hex_Image (Hdr.F_Timdat));
- Put_Line ("symtab file pointer: " & Hex_Image (Hdr.F_Symptr));
- Put_Line ("nbr symtab entries: " & Hex_Image (Hdr.F_Nsyms));
- Put_Line ("opt header size: " & Hex_Image (Hdr.F_Opthdr));
- Put_Line ("flags: " & Hex_Image (Hdr.F_Flags));
- -- Read sections header.
- Lseek (Fd, Long_Integer (Hdr.F_Opthdr), Seek_Cur);
- Sections := new Section_Array (1 .. Hdr.F_Nscns);
- Len := Scnhdr_Size * Natural (Hdr.F_Nscns);
- if Read (Fd, Sections (1)'Address, Len) /= Len then
- Put_Line ("cannot read section header");
- return;
- end if;
- for I in 1 .. Hdr.F_Nscns loop
- declare
- S: Scnhdr renames Sections (I);
- begin
- Put_Line ("Section " & Find_Nul (S.S_Name));
- Put_Line ("Physical address : " & Hex_Image (S.S_Paddr));
- Put_Line ("Virtual address : " & Hex_Image (S.S_Vaddr));
- Put_Line ("section size : " & Hex_Image (S.S_Size));
- Put_Line ("section pointer : " & Hex_Image (S.S_Scnptr));
- Put_Line ("relocation pointer : " & Hex_Image (S.S_Relptr));
- Put_Line ("line num pointer : " & Hex_Image (S.S_Lnnoptr));
- Put_Line ("Nbr reloc entries : " & Hex_Image (S.S_Nreloc));
- Put_Line ("Nbr line num entries : " & Hex_Image (S.S_Nlnno));
- Put_Line ("Flags : " & Hex_Image (S.S_Flags));
- end;
- end loop;
- -- Read string table.
- Lseek (Fd,
- Long_Integer (Hdr.F_Symptr + Hdr.F_Nsyms * Unsigned_32 (Symesz)),
- Seek_Set);
- if Read (Fd, Str_Size'Address, 4) /= 4 then
- Put_Line ("cannot read string table size");
- return;
- end if;
- Str := new Cstring (0 .. Unsigned_32 (Str_Size));
- if Read (Fd, Str (4)'Address, Str_Size - 4) /= Str_Size - 4 then
- Put_Line ("cannot read string table");
- return;
- end if;
- -- Read symbol table.
- Lseek (Fd, Long_Integer (Hdr.F_Symptr), Seek_Set);
- External_Symbols := new External_Symbol_Array (0 .. Hdr.F_Nsyms - 1);
- Len := Natural (Hdr.F_Nsyms) * Symesz;
- if Read (Fd, External_Symbols (0)'Address, Len) /= Len then
- Put_Line ("cannot read symbol");
- return;
- end if;
- Skip := 0;
- Skip_Kind := C_NULL;
- for I in External_Symbols'range loop
- if Skip > 0 then
- case Skip_Kind is
- when C_FILE =>
- Memcpy (Aux_File'Address, External_Symbols (I)'Address,
- Aux_File'Size / 8);
- Put_Line ("aux file : " & Get_String (Aux_File.X_N,
- Aux_File.X_Fname));
- Skip_Kind := C_NULL;
- when C_STAT =>
- Memcpy (Aux_Scn'Address, External_Symbols (I)'Address,
- Aux_Scn'Size / 8);
- Put_Line ("section len: " & Hex_Image (Aux_Scn.X_Scnlen));
- Put_Line ("nbr reloc ent: " & Hex_Image (Aux_Scn.X_Nreloc));
- Put_Line ("nbr line num: " & Hex_Image (Aux_Scn.X_Nlinno));
- when others =>
- Put_Line ("skip");
- end case;
- Skip := Skip - 1;
- else
- declare
- S : Syment := Get_Symbol (I);
- begin
- Put_Line ("Symbol #" & Hex_Image (I));
- Put_Line ("symbol name : " & Get_Symbol_Name (I));
- Put_Line ("symbol value: " & Hex_Image (S.E_Value));
- Put_Line ("section num : " & Hex_Image (S.E_Scnum)
- & " " & Get_Section_Name (S.E_Scnum));
- Put_Line ("type : " & Hex_Image (S.E_Type));
- Put ("sclass : " & Hex_Image (S.E_Sclass));
- if Sclass_Desc (S.E_Sclass).Name /= null then
- Put (" (");
- Put (Sclass_Desc (S.E_Sclass).Name.all);
- Put (" - ");
- Put (Sclass_Desc (S.E_Sclass).Meaning.all);
- Put (")");
- end if;
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("numaux : " & Hex_Image (S.E_Numaux));
- if S.E_Numaux > 0 then
- case S.E_Sclass is
- when C_FILE =>
- Skip_Kind := C_FILE;
- when C_STAT =>
- Skip_Kind := C_STAT;
- when others =>
- Skip_Kind := C_NULL;
- end case;
- end if;
- Skip := Natural (S.E_Numaux);
- end;
- end if;
- end loop;
- -- Disp relocs.
- for I in 1 .. Hdr.F_Nscns loop
- if Sections (I).S_Nreloc > 0 then
- -- Read relocations.
- Put_Line ("Relocations for section " & Get_Section_Name (I));
- Lseek (Fd, Long_Integer (Sections (I).S_Relptr), Seek_Set);
- for J in 1 .. Sections (I).S_Nreloc loop
- if Read (Fd, Rel'Address, Relsz) /= Relsz then
- Put_Line ("cannot read reloc");
- return;
- end if;
- Put_Line ("reloc virtual addr: " & Hex_Image (Rel.R_Vaddr));
- Put_Line ("symbol index : " & Hex_Image (Rel.R_Symndx)
- & " " & Get_Symbol_Name (Rel.R_Symndx));
- Put ("type of relocation: " & Hex_Image (Rel.R_Type));
- case Rel.R_Type is
- when Reloc_Rel32 =>
- Put (" RELOC_REL32");
- when Reloc_Addr32 =>
- Put (" RELOC_ADDR32");
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- New_Line;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Close (Fd);
- end loop;
-end Coffdump;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/disa_sparc.adb b/ortho/mcode/disa_sparc.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c9176ff8..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/disa_sparc.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-with System; use System;
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-with Hex_Images; use Hex_Images;
-package body Disa_Sparc is
- subtype Reg_Type is Unsigned_32 range 0 .. 31;
- type Hex_Map_Type is array (Unsigned_32 range 0 .. 15) of Character;
- Hex_Digit : constant Hex_Map_Type := "0123456789abcdef";
- type Cstring_Acc is access constant String;
- type Cond_Map_Type is array (Unsigned_32 range 0 .. 15) of Cstring_Acc;
- subtype S is String;
- Bicc_Map : constant Cond_Map_Type :=
- (0 => new S'("n"),
- 1 => new S'("e"),
- 2 => new S'("le"),
- 3 => new S'("l"),
- 4 => new S'("leu"),
- 5 => new S'("cs"),
- 6 => new S'("neg"),
- 7 => new S'("vs"),
- 8 => new S'("a"),
- 9 => new S'("ne"),
- 10 => new S'("g"),
- 11 => new S'("ge"),
- 12 => new S'("gu"),
- 13 => new S'("cc"),
- 14 => new S'("pos"),
- 15 => new S'("vc")
- );
- type Format_Type is
- (
- Format_Bad,
- Format_Regimm, -- format 3, rd, rs1, rs2 or imm13
- Format_Rd, -- format 3, rd only.
- Format_Copro, -- format 3, fpu or coprocessor
- Format_Asi -- format 3, rd, rs1, asi and rs2.
- );
- type Insn_Desc_Type is record
- Name : Cstring_Acc;
- Format : Format_Type;
- end record;
- type Insn_Desc_Array is array (Unsigned_32 range 0 .. 63) of Insn_Desc_Type;
- Insn_Desc_10 : constant Insn_Desc_Array :=
- (
- 2#000_000# => (new S'("add"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#000_001# => (new S'("and"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#000_010# => (new S'("or"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#000_011# => (new S'("xor"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#000_100# => (new S'("sub"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#000_101# => (new S'("andn"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#000_110# => (new S'("orn"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#000_111# => (new S'("xnor"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#001_000# => (new S'("addx"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#001_100# => (new S'("subx"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#010_000# => (new S'("addcc"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#010_001# => (new S'("andcc"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#010_010# => (new S'("orcc"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#010_011# => (new S'("xorcc"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#010_100# => (new S'("subcc"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#010_101# => (new S'("andncc"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#010_110# => (new S'("orncc"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#010_111# => (new S'("xnorcc"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#011_000# => (new S'("addxcc"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#011_100# => (new S'("subxcc"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#111_000# => (new S'("jmpl"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#111_100# => (new S'("save"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#111_101# => (new S'("restore"), Format_Regimm),
- others => (null, Format_Bad)
- );
- Insn_Desc_11 : constant Insn_Desc_Array :=
- (
- 2#000_000# => (new S'("ld"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#000_001# => (new S'("ldub"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#000_010# => (new S'("lduh"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#000_011# => (new S'("ldd"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#000_100# => (new S'("st"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#000_101# => (new S'("stb"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#010_000# => (new S'("lda"), Format_Asi),
- 2#010_011# => (new S'("ldda"), Format_Asi),
- 2#110_000# => (new S'("ldc"), Format_Regimm),
- 2#110_001# => (new S'("ldcsr"), Format_Regimm),
- others => (null, Format_Bad)
- );
- -- Disassemble instruction at ADDR, and put the result in LINE/LINE_LEN.
- procedure Disassemble_Insn (Addr : Address;
- Line : in out String;
- Line_Len : out Natural;
- Insn_Len : out Natural;
- Proc_Cb : Symbol_Proc_Type)
- is
- type Unsigned_32_Acc is access Unsigned_32;
- function To_Unsigned_32_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Address, Target => Unsigned_32_Acc);
- W : Unsigned_32;
- Lo : Natural;
- -- Add CHAR to the line.
- procedure Add_Char (C : Character);
- pragma Inline (Add_Char);
- procedure Add_Char (C : Character) is
- begin
- Line (Lo) := C;
- Lo := Lo + 1;
- end Add_Char;
- -- Add STR to the line.
- procedure Add_String (Str : String) is
- begin
- Line (Lo .. Lo + Str'Length - 1) := Str;
- Lo := Lo + Str'Length;
- end Add_String;
- -- Add BYTE to the line.
--- procedure Add_Byte (V : Byte) is
--- type My_Str is array (Natural range 0 .. 15) of Character;
--- Hex_Digit : constant My_Str := "0123456789abcdef";
--- begin
--- Add_Char (Hex_Digit (Natural (Shift_Right (V, 4) and 16#0f#)));
--- Add_Char (Hex_Digit (Natural (Shift_Right (V, 0) and 16#0f#)));
--- end Add_Byte;
- procedure Disp_Const (Mask : Unsigned_32)
- is
- L : Natural;
- V : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- L := Lo;
- Proc_Cb.all (Addr, Line (Lo .. Line'Last), Lo);
- V := W and Mask;
- -- Extend sign.
- if (W and ((Mask + 1) / 2)) /= 0 then
- V := V or not Mask;
- end if;
- if L /= Lo then
- if V = 0 then
- return;
- end if;
- Add_String (" + ");
- end if;
- Add_String ("0x");
- Add_String (Hex_Image (V));
- end Disp_Const;
- procedure Add_Cond (Str : String)
- is
- begin
- Add_String (Str);
- Add_String (Bicc_Map (Shift_Right (W, 25) and 2#1111#).all);
- if (W and 16#2000_0000#) /= 0 then
- Add_String (",a");
- end if;
- Add_Char (' ');
- Disp_Const (16#3f_Ffff#);
- end Add_Cond;
- procedure Add_Ireg (R : Reg_Type)
- is
- begin
- Add_Char ('%');
- if R <= 7 then
- Add_Char ('g');
- elsif R <= 15 then
- if R = 14 then
- Add_String ("sp");
- return;
- else
- Add_Char ('o');
- end if;
- elsif R <= 23 then
- Add_Char ('l');
- else
- if R = 30 then
- Add_String ("fp");
- return;
- else
- Add_Char ('i');
- end if;
- end if;
- Add_Char (Hex_Digit (R and 7));
- end Add_Ireg;
- procedure Disp_Unknown is
- begin
- Add_String ("unknown ");
- Add_String (Hex_Image (W));
- end Disp_Unknown;
- procedure Disp_Format3 (Map : Insn_Desc_Array)
- is
- Op2 : Unsigned_32 range 0 .. 63;
- begin
- Op2 := Shift_Right (W, 19) and 2#111_111#;
- case Map (Op2).Format is
- when Format_Regimm =>
- Add_String (Map (Op2).Name.all);
- Add_Char (' ');
- Add_Ireg (Shift_Right (W, 25) and 31);
- Add_Char (',');
- Add_Ireg (Shift_Right (W, 14) and 31);
- Add_Char (',');
- if (W and 16#2000#) /= 0 then
- Disp_Const (16#1fff#);
- else
- Add_Ireg (W and 31);
- end if;
- when others =>
- Add_String ("unknown3, op2=");
- Add_String (Hex_Image (Op2));
- end case;
- end Disp_Format3;
- begin
- W := To_Unsigned_32_Acc (Addr).all;
- Insn_Len := 4;
- Lo := Line'First;
- case Shift_Right (W, 30) is
- when 2#00# =>
- -- BIcc, SETHI
- case Shift_Right (W, 22) and 2#111# is
- when 2#000# =>
- Add_String ("unimp ");
- Disp_Const (16#3f_Ffff#);
- when 2#010# =>
- Add_Cond ("b");
- when 2#100# =>
- Add_String ("sethi ");
- Add_Ireg (Shift_Right (W, 25));
- Add_String (", ");
- Disp_Const (16#3f_Ffff#);
- when others =>
- Disp_Unknown;
- end case;
- when 2#01# =>
- -- Call
- Add_String ("call ");
- Disp_Const (16#3fff_Ffff#);
- when 2#10# =>
- Disp_Format3 (Insn_Desc_10);
- when 2#11# =>
- Disp_Format3 (Insn_Desc_11);
- when others =>
- -- Misc.
- Disp_Unknown;
- end case;
- Line_Len := Lo - Line'First;
- end Disassemble_Insn;
-end Disa_Sparc;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/disa_sparc.ads b/ortho/mcode/disa_sparc.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 486dff977..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/disa_sparc.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-with System;
-package Disa_Sparc is
- -- Call-back used to find a relocation symbol.
- type Symbol_Proc_Type is access procedure (Addr : System.Address;
- Line : in out String;
- Line_Len : in out Natural);
- -- Disassemble instruction at ADDR, and put the result in LINE/LINE_LEN.
- procedure Disassemble_Insn (Addr : System.Address;
- Line : in out String;
- Line_Len : out Natural;
- Insn_Len : out Natural;
- Proc_Cb : Symbol_Proc_Type);
-end Disa_Sparc;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/disa_x86.adb b/ortho/mcode/disa_x86.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d2d48565..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/disa_x86.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,997 +0,0 @@
--- X86 disassembler.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System.Address_To_Access_Conversions;
-package body Disa_X86 is
- type Byte is new Interfaces.Unsigned_8;
- type Bf_2 is mod 2 ** 2;
- type Bf_3 is mod 2 ** 3;
- type Byte_Vector is array (Natural) of Byte;
- package Bv_Addr2acc is new System.Address_To_Access_Conversions
- (Object => Byte_Vector);
- use Bv_Addr2acc;
- type Cstring_Acc is access constant String;
- type Index_Type is
- (
- N_None,
- N_Push,
- N_Pop,
- N_Ret,
- N_Mov,
- N_Add,
- N_Or,
- N_Adc,
- N_Sbb,
- N_And,
- N_Sub,
- N_Xor,
- N_Cmp,
- N_Into,
- N_Jmp,
- N_Jcc,
- N_Setcc,
- N_Call,
- N_Int,
- N_Cdq,
- N_Imul,
- N_Mul,
- N_Leave,
- N_Test,
- N_Lea,
- N_O,
- N_No,
- N_B,
- N_AE,
- N_E,
- N_Ne,
- N_Be,
- N_A,
- N_S,
- N_Ns,
- N_P,
- N_Np,
- N_L,
- N_Ge,
- N_Le,
- N_G,
- N_Not,
- N_Neg,
- N_Cbw,
- N_Div,
- N_Idiv,
- N_Movsx,
- N_Movzx,
- N_Nop,
- N_Hlt,
- N_Inc,
- N_Dec,
- N_Rol,
- N_Ror,
- N_Rcl,
- N_Rcr,
- N_Shl,
- N_Shr,
- N_Sar,
- N_Fadd,
- N_Fmul,
- N_Fcom,
- N_Fcomp,
- N_Fsub,
- N_Fsubr,
- N_Fdiv,
- N_Fdivr,
- G_1,
- G_2,
- G_3,
- G_5
- );
- type Names_Type is array (Index_Type range <>) of Cstring_Acc;
- subtype S is String;
- Names : constant Names_Type :=
- (N_None => new S'("none"),
- N_Push => new S'("push"),
- N_Pop => new S'("pop"),
- N_Ret => new S'("ret"),
- N_Mov => new S'("mov"),
- N_Add => new S'("add"),
- N_Or => new S'("or"),
- N_Adc => new S'("adc"),
- N_Sbb => new S'("sbb"),
- N_And => new S'("and"),
- N_Sub => new S'("sub"),
- N_Xor => new S'("xor"),
- N_Cmp => new S'("cmp"),
- N_Into => new S'("into"),
- N_Jmp => new S'("jmp"),
- N_Jcc => new S'("j"),
- N_Int => new S'("int"),
- N_Cdq => new S'("cdq"),
- N_Call => new S'("call"),
- N_Imul => new S'("imul"),
- N_Mul => new S'("mul"),
- N_Leave => new S'("leave"),
- N_Test => new S'("test"),
- N_Setcc => new S'("set"),
- N_Lea => new S'("lea"),
- N_O => new S'("o"),
- N_No => new S'("no"),
- N_B => new S'("b"),
- N_AE => new S'("ae"),
- N_E => new S'("e"),
- N_Ne => new S'("ne"),
- N_Be => new S'("be"),
- N_A => new S'("a"),
- N_S => new S'("s"),
- N_Ns => new S'("ns"),
- N_P => new S'("p"),
- N_Np => new S'("np"),
- N_L => new S'("l"),
- N_Ge => new S'("ge"),
- N_Le => new S'("le"),
- N_G => new S'("g"),
- N_Not => new S'("not"),
- N_Neg => new S'("neg"),
- N_Cbw => new S'("cbw"),
- N_Div => new S'("div"),
- N_Idiv => new S'("idiv"),
- N_Movsx => new S'("movsx"),
- N_Movzx => new S'("movzx"),
- N_Nop => new S'("nop"),
- N_Hlt => new S'("hlt"),
- N_Inc => new S'("inc"),
- N_Dec => new S'("dec"),
- N_Rol => new S'("rol"),
- N_Ror => new S'("ror"),
- N_Rcl => new S'("rcl"),
- N_Rcr => new S'("rcr"),
- N_Shl => new S'("shl"),
- N_Shr => new S'("shr"),
- N_Sar => new S'("sar"),
- N_Fadd => new S'("fadd"),
- N_Fmul => new S'("fmul"),
- N_Fcom => new S'("fcom"),
- N_Fcomp => new S'("fcomp"),
- N_Fsub => new S'("fsub"),
- N_Fsubr => new S'("fsubr"),
- N_Fdiv => new S'("fdiv"),
- N_Fdivr => new S'("fdivr")
- );
- -- Format of an instruction.
- -- MODRM_SRC_8 : modrm byte follow, and modrm is source, witdh = 8bits
- -- MODRM_DST_8 : modrm byte follow, and modrm is dest, width = 8 bits.
- -- MODRM_SRC_W : modrm byte follow, and modrm is source, width = 16/32 bits
- -- MODRM_DST_W : modrm byte follow, and modrm is dest, width =16/32 bits.
- -- MODRM_IMM_W : modrm byte follow, with an opcode in the reg field,
- -- followed by an immediat, width = 16/32 bits.
- -- MODRM_IMM_8 : modrm byte follow, with an opcode in the reg field,
- -- followed by an immediat, width = 8 bits.
- -- IMM : the opcode is followed by an immediate value.
- -- PREFIX : the opcode is a prefix (1 byte).
- -- OPCODE : inherent addressing.
- -- OPCODE2 : a second byte specify the instruction.
- -- REG_IMP : register is in the 3 LSB of the opcode.
- -- REG_IMM_W : register is in the 3 LSB of the opcode, followed by an
- -- immediat, width = 16/32 bits.
- -- DISP_W : a wide displacement (16/32 bits).
- -- DISP_8 : short displacement (8 bits).
- -- INVALID : bad opcode.
- type Format_Type is (Modrm_Src, Modrm_Dst,
- Modrm_Imm, Modrm_Imm_S,
- Modrm,
- Modrm_Ax,
- Modrm_Imm8,
- Imm, Imm_S, Imm_8,
- Eax_Imm,
- Prefix, Opcode, Opcode2, Reg_Imp,
- Reg_Imm,
- Imp,
- Disp_W, Disp_8,
- Cond_Disp_W, Cond_Disp_8,
- Cond_Modrm,
- Ax_Off_Src, Ax_Off_Dst,
- Invalid);
- type Width_Type is (W_None, W_8, W_16, W_32, W_Data);
- -- Description for one instruction.
- type Insn_Desc_Type is record
- -- Name of the operation.
- Name : Index_Type;
- -- Width of the instruction.
- -- This is used to add a suffix (b,w,l) to the instruction.
- -- This may also be the size of a data.
- Width : Width_Type;
- -- Format of the instruction.
- Format : Format_Type;
- end record;
- Desc_Invalid : constant Insn_Desc_Type := (N_None, W_None, Invalid);
- type Insn_Desc_Array_Type is array (Byte) of Insn_Desc_Type;
- type Group_Desc_Array_Type is array (Bf_3) of Insn_Desc_Type;
- Insn_Desc : constant Insn_Desc_Array_Type :=
- (
- 2#00_000_000# => (N_Add, W_8, Modrm_Dst),
- 2#00_000_001# => (N_Add, W_Data, Modrm_Dst),
- 2#00_000_010# => (N_Add, W_8, Modrm_Src),
- 2#00_000_011# => (N_Add, W_Data, Modrm_Src),
- 2#00_001_000# => (N_Or, W_8, Modrm_Dst),
- 2#00_001_001# => (N_Or, W_Data, Modrm_Dst),
- 2#00_001_010# => (N_Or, W_8, Modrm_Src),
- 2#00_001_011# => (N_Or, W_Data, Modrm_Src),
- 2#00_011_000# => (N_Sbb, W_8, Modrm_Dst),
- 2#00_011_001# => (N_Sbb, W_Data, Modrm_Dst),
- 2#00_011_010# => (N_Sbb, W_8, Modrm_Src),
- 2#00_011_011# => (N_Sbb, W_Data, Modrm_Src),
- 2#00_100_000# => (N_And, W_8, Modrm_Dst),
- 2#00_100_001# => (N_And, W_Data, Modrm_Dst),
- 2#00_100_010# => (N_And, W_8, Modrm_Src),
- 2#00_100_011# => (N_And, W_Data, Modrm_Src),
- 2#00_101_000# => (N_Sub, W_8, Modrm_Dst),
- 2#00_101_001# => (N_Sub, W_Data, Modrm_Dst),
- 2#00_101_010# => (N_Sub, W_8, Modrm_Src),
- 2#00_101_011# => (N_Sub, W_Data, Modrm_Src),
- 2#00_110_000# => (N_Xor, W_8, Modrm_Dst),
- 2#00_110_001# => (N_Xor, W_Data, Modrm_Dst),
- 2#00_110_010# => (N_Xor, W_8, Modrm_Src),
- 2#00_110_011# => (N_Xor, W_Data, Modrm_Src),
- 2#00_111_000# => (N_Cmp, W_8, Modrm_Dst),
- 2#00_111_001# => (N_Cmp, W_Data, Modrm_Dst),
- 2#00_111_010# => (N_Cmp, W_8, Modrm_Src),
- 2#00_111_011# => (N_Cmp, W_Data, Modrm_Src),
- 2#00_111_100# => (N_Cmp, W_8, Eax_Imm),
- 2#00_111_101# => (N_Cmp, W_Data, Eax_Imm),
- 2#0101_0_000# => (N_Push, W_Data, Reg_Imp),
- 2#0101_0_001# => (N_Push, W_Data, Reg_Imp),
- 2#0101_0_010# => (N_Push, W_Data, Reg_Imp),
- 2#0101_0_011# => (N_Push, W_Data, Reg_Imp),
- 2#0101_0_100# => (N_Push, W_Data, Reg_Imp),
- 2#0101_0_101# => (N_Push, W_Data, Reg_Imp),
- 2#0101_0_110# => (N_Push, W_Data, Reg_Imp),
- 2#0101_0_111# => (N_Push, W_Data, Reg_Imp),
- 2#0101_1_000# => (N_Pop, W_Data, Reg_Imp),
- 2#0101_1_001# => (N_Pop, W_Data, Reg_Imp),
- 2#0101_1_010# => (N_Pop, W_Data, Reg_Imp),
- 2#0101_1_011# => (N_Pop, W_Data, Reg_Imp),
- 2#0101_1_100# => (N_Pop, W_Data, Reg_Imp),
- 2#0101_1_101# => (N_Pop, W_Data, Reg_Imp),
- 2#0101_1_110# => (N_Pop, W_Data, Reg_Imp),
- 2#0101_1_111# => (N_Pop, W_Data, Reg_Imp),
- 2#0110_1000# => (N_Push, W_Data, Imm),
- 2#0110_1010# => (N_Push, W_Data, Imm_S),
- 2#0111_0000# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_8),
- 2#0111_0001# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_8),
- 2#0111_0010# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_8),
- 2#0111_0011# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_8),
- 2#0111_0100# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_8),
- 2#0111_0101# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_8),
- 2#0111_0110# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_8),
- 2#0111_0111# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_8),
- 2#0111_1000# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_8),
- 2#0111_1001# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_8),
- 2#0111_1010# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_8),
- 2#0111_1011# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_8),
- 2#0111_1100# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_8),
- 2#0111_1101# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_8),
- 2#0111_1110# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_8),
- 2#0111_1111# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_8),
- 2#1000_0000# => (G_1, W_8, Modrm_Imm),
- 2#1000_0001# => (G_1, W_Data, Modrm_Imm),
- 2#1000_0011# => (G_1, W_Data, Modrm_Imm_S),
- 2#1000_0101# => (N_Test, W_Data, Modrm_Src),
- 2#1000_1101# => (N_Lea, W_Data, Modrm_Src),
- 2#1000_1010# => (N_Mov, W_8, Modrm_Src),
- 2#1000_1011# => (N_Mov, W_Data, Modrm_Src),
- 2#1000_1000# => (N_Mov, W_8, Modrm_Dst),
- 2#1000_1001# => (N_Mov, W_Data, Modrm_Dst),
- 2#1001_0000# => (N_Nop, W_None, Opcode),
- 2#1001_1001# => (N_Cdq, W_Data, Imp),
- 2#1010_0000# => (N_Mov, W_8, Ax_Off_Src),
- 2#1010_0001# => (N_Mov, W_Data, Ax_Off_Src),
- 2#1010_0010# => (N_Mov, W_8, Ax_Off_Dst),
- 2#1010_0011# => (N_Mov, W_Data, Ax_Off_Dst),
- 2#1011_0000# => (N_Mov, W_8, Reg_Imm),
- 2#1011_1000# => (N_Mov, W_Data, Reg_Imm),
- 2#1011_1001# => (N_Mov, W_Data, Reg_Imm),
- 2#1011_1010# => (N_Mov, W_Data, Reg_Imm),
- 2#1011_1011# => (N_Mov, W_Data, Reg_Imm),
- 2#1011_1100# => (N_Mov, W_Data, Reg_Imm),
- 2#1011_1101# => (N_Mov, W_Data, Reg_Imm),
- 2#1011_1110# => (N_Mov, W_Data, Reg_Imm),
- 2#1011_1111# => (N_Mov, W_Data, Reg_Imm),
- 2#1100_0000# => (G_2, W_8, Modrm_Imm8),
- 2#1100_0001# => (G_2, W_Data, Modrm_Imm8),
- 2#1100_0011# => (N_Ret, W_None, Opcode),
- 2#1100_0110# => (N_Mov, W_8, Modrm_Imm),
- 2#1100_0111# => (N_Mov, W_Data, Modrm_Imm),
- 2#1100_1001# => (N_Leave, W_None, Opcode),
- 2#1100_1101# => (N_Int, W_None, Imm_8),
- 2#1100_1110# => (N_Into, W_None, Opcode),
- 2#1110_1000# => (N_Call, W_None, Disp_W),
- 2#1110_1001# => (N_Jmp, W_None, Disp_W),
- 2#1110_1011# => (N_Jmp, W_None, Disp_8),
- 2#1111_0100# => (N_Hlt, W_None, Opcode),
- 2#1111_0110# => (G_3, W_None, Invalid),
- 2#1111_0111# => (G_3, W_None, Invalid),
- 2#1111_1111# => (G_5, W_None, Invalid),
- --2#1111_1111# => (N_Push, W_Data, Modrm),
- others => (N_None, W_None, Invalid));
- Insn_Desc_0F : constant Insn_Desc_Array_Type :=
- (2#1000_0000# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_W),
- 2#1000_0001# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_W),
- 2#1000_0010# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_W),
- 2#1000_0011# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_W),
- 2#1000_0100# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_W),
- 2#1000_0101# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_W),
- 2#1000_0110# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_W),
- 2#1000_0111# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_W),
- 2#1000_1000# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_W),
- 2#1000_1001# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_W),
- 2#1000_1010# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_W),
- 2#1000_1011# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_W),
- 2#1000_1100# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_W),
- 2#1000_1101# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_W),
- 2#1000_1110# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_W),
- 2#1000_1111# => (N_Jcc, W_None, Cond_Disp_W),
- 2#1001_0000# => (N_Setcc, W_8, Cond_Modrm),
- 2#1001_0001# => (N_Setcc, W_8, Cond_Modrm),
- 2#1001_0010# => (N_Setcc, W_8, Cond_Modrm),
- 2#1001_0011# => (N_Setcc, W_8, Cond_Modrm),
- 2#1001_0100# => (N_Setcc, W_8, Cond_Modrm),
- 2#1001_0101# => (N_Setcc, W_8, Cond_Modrm),
- 2#1001_0110# => (N_Setcc, W_8, Cond_Modrm),
- 2#1001_0111# => (N_Setcc, W_8, Cond_Modrm),
- 2#1001_1000# => (N_Setcc, W_8, Cond_Modrm),
- 2#1001_1001# => (N_Setcc, W_8, Cond_Modrm),
- 2#1001_1010# => (N_Setcc, W_8, Cond_Modrm),
- 2#1001_1011# => (N_Setcc, W_8, Cond_Modrm),
- 2#1001_1100# => (N_Setcc, W_8, Cond_Modrm),
- 2#1001_1101# => (N_Setcc, W_8, Cond_Modrm),
- 2#1001_1110# => (N_Setcc, W_8, Cond_Modrm),
- 2#1001_1111# => (N_Setcc, W_8, Cond_Modrm),
- 2#1011_0110# => (N_Movzx, W_Data, Modrm_Dst),
- 2#1011_1110# => (N_Movsx, W_Data, Modrm_Dst),
- others => (N_None, W_None, Invalid));
- -- 16#F7#
- Insn_Desc_G3 : constant Group_Desc_Array_Type :=
- (2#000# => (N_Test, W_Data, Reg_Imm),
- 2#010# => (N_Not, W_Data, Modrm_Dst),
- 2#011# => (N_Neg, W_Data, Modrm_Dst),
- 2#100# => (N_Mul, W_Data, Modrm_Ax),
- 2#101# => (N_Imul, W_Data, Modrm_Ax),
- 2#110# => (N_Div, W_Data, Modrm_Ax),
- 2#111# => (N_Idiv, W_Data, Modrm_Ax),
- others => (N_None, W_None, Invalid));
- Insn_Desc_G5 : constant Group_Desc_Array_Type :=
- (2#000# => (N_Inc, W_Data, Modrm),
- 2#001# => (N_Dec, W_Data, Modrm),
- 2#010# => (N_Call, W_Data, Modrm),
- --2#011# => (N_Call, W_Data, Modrm_Ax),
- 2#100# => (N_Jmp, W_Data, Modrm),
- --2#101# => (N_Jmp, W_Data, Modrm_Ax),
- 2#110# => (N_Push, W_Data, Modrm_Ax),
- others => (N_None, W_None, Invalid));
- type Group_Name_Array_Type is array (Index_Type range G_1 .. G_2, Bf_3)
- of Index_Type;
- Group_Name : constant Group_Name_Array_Type :=
- (
- G_1 => (N_Add, N_Or, N_Adc, N_Sbb, N_And, N_Sub, N_Xor, N_Cmp),
- G_2 => (N_Rol, N_Ror, N_Rcl, N_Rcr, N_Shl, N_Shr, N_None, N_Sar)
- );
- -- Standard widths of operations.
- type Width_Array_Type is array (Width_Type) of Character;
- Width_Char : constant Width_Array_Type :=
- (W_None => '-', W_8 => 'b', W_16 => 'w', W_32 => 'l', W_Data => '?');
- type Width_Len_Type is array (Width_Type) of Natural;
- Width_Len : constant Width_Len_Type :=
- (W_None => 0, W_8 => 1, W_16 => 2, W_32 => 4, W_Data => 0);
- -- Registers.
--- type Reg_Type is (Reg_Ax, Reg_Bx, Reg_Cx, Reg_Dx,
--- Reg_Bp, Reg_Sp, Reg_Si, Reg_Di,
--- Reg_Al, Reg_Ah, Reg_Bl, Reg_Bh,
--- Reg_Cl, Reg_Ch, Reg_Dl, Reg_Dh);
- -- Bits extraction from byte functions.
- -- For a byte, MSB (most significant bit) is bit 7 while
- -- LSB (least significant bit) is bit 0.
- -- Extract bits 2, 1 and 0.
- function Ext_210 (B : Byte) return Bf_3;
- pragma Inline (Ext_210);
- -- Extract bits 5-3 of byte B.
- function Ext_543 (B : Byte) return Bf_3;
- pragma Inline (Ext_543);
- -- Extract bits 7-6 of byte B.
- function Ext_76 (B : Byte) return Bf_2;
- pragma Inline (Ext_76);
- function Ext_210 (B : Byte) return Bf_3 is
- begin
- return Bf_3 (B and 2#111#);
- end Ext_210;
- function Ext_543 (B : Byte) return Bf_3 is
- begin
- return Bf_3 (Shift_Right (B, 3) and 2#111#);
- end Ext_543;
- function Ext_76 (B : Byte) return Bf_2 is
- begin
- return Bf_2 (Shift_Right (B, 6) and 2#11#);
- end Ext_76;
- function Ext_Modrm_Mod (B : Byte) return Bf_2 renames Ext_76;
- function Ext_Modrm_Rm (B : Byte) return Bf_3 renames Ext_210;
- function Ext_Modrm_Reg (B : Byte) return Bf_3 renames Ext_543;
- function Ext_Sib_Base (B : Byte) return Bf_3 renames Ext_210;
- function Ext_Sib_Index (B : Byte) return Bf_3 renames Ext_543;
- function Ext_Sib_Scale (B : Byte) return Bf_2 renames Ext_76;
- procedure Disassemble_Insn (Addr : System.Address;
- Pc : Unsigned_32;
- Line : in out String;
- Line_Len : out Natural;
- Insn_Len : out Natural;
- Proc_Cb : Symbol_Proc_Type)
- is
- -- Index in LINE of the next character to be written.
- Lo : Natural;
- -- Default width.
- W_Default : constant Width_Type := W_32;
- -- The instruction memory, 0 based.
- Mem : Bv_Addr2acc.Object_Pointer;
- -- Add NAME to the line.
- procedure Add_Name (Name : Index_Type);
- pragma Inline (Add_Name);
- -- Add CHAR to the line.
- procedure Add_Char (C : Character);
- pragma Inline (Add_Char);
- -- Add STR to the line.
- procedure Add_String (Str : String) is
- begin
- Line (Lo .. Lo + Str'Length - 1) := Str;
- Lo := Lo + Str'Length;
- end Add_String;
- -- Add BYTE to the line.
- procedure Add_Byte (V : Byte) is
- type My_Str is array (Natural range 0 .. 15) of Character;
- Hex_Digit : constant My_Str := "0123456789abcdef";
- begin
- Add_Char (Hex_Digit (Natural (Shift_Right (V, 4) and 16#0f#)));
- Add_Char (Hex_Digit (Natural (Shift_Right (V, 0) and 16#0f#)));
- end Add_Byte;
- procedure Add_Name (Name : Index_Type) is
- begin
- Add_String (Names (Name).all);
- end Add_Name;
- procedure Add_Char (C : Character) is
- begin
- Line (Lo) := C;
- Lo := Lo + 1;
- end Add_Char;
- procedure Add_Comma is
- begin
- Add_String (", ");
- end Add_Comma;
- procedure Name_Align (Orig : Natural) is
- begin
- Add_Char (' ');
- while Lo - Orig < 8 loop
- Add_Char (' ');
- end loop;
- end Name_Align;
- procedure Add_Opcode (Name : Index_Type; Width : Width_Type)
- is
- L : constant Natural := Lo;
- begin
- Add_Name (Name);
- if False and Width /= W_None then
- Add_Char (Width_Char (Width));
- end if;
- Name_Align (L);
- end Add_Opcode;
- procedure Add_Cond_Opcode (Name : Index_Type; B : Byte)
- is
- L : constant Natural := Lo;
- begin
- Add_Name (Name);
- Add_Name (Index_Type'Val (Index_Type'Pos (N_O)
- + Byte'Pos (B and 16#0f#)));
- Name_Align (L);
- end Add_Cond_Opcode;
- procedure Decode_Reg_Field (F : Bf_3; W : Width_Type) is
- type Reg_Name2_Array is array (Bf_3) of String (1 .. 2);
- type Reg_Name3_Array is array (Bf_3) of String (1 .. 3);
- Regs_8 : constant Reg_Name2_Array :=
- ("al", "cl", "dl", "bl", "ah", "ch", "dh", "bh");
- Regs_16 : constant Reg_Name2_Array :=
- ("ax", "cx", "dx", "bx", "sp", "bp", "si", "di");
- Regs_32 : constant Reg_Name3_Array :=
- ("eax", "ecx", "edx", "ebx", "esp", "ebp", "esi", "edi");
- begin
- Add_Char ('%');
- case W is
- when W_8 =>
- Add_String (Regs_8 (F));
- when W_16 =>
- Add_String (Regs_16 (F));
- when W_32 =>
- Add_String (Regs_32 (F));
- when W_None
- | W_Data =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Decode_Reg_Field;
- procedure Decode_Val (Off : Natural; Width : Width_Type)
- is
- begin
- case Width is
- when W_8 =>
- Add_Byte (Mem (Off));
- when W_16 =>
- Add_Byte (Mem (Off + 1));
- Add_Byte (Mem (Off));
- when W_32 =>
- Add_Byte (Mem (Off + 3));
- Add_Byte (Mem (Off + 2));
- Add_Byte (Mem (Off + 1));
- Add_Byte (Mem (Off + 0));
- when W_None
- | W_Data =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Decode_Val;
- function Decode_Val (Off : Natural; Width : Width_Type)
- return Unsigned_32
- is
- V : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- case Width is
- when W_8 =>
- V := Unsigned_32 (Mem (Off));
- -- Sign extension.
- if V >= 16#80# then
- V := 16#Ffff_Ff00# or V;
- end if;
- return V;
- when W_16 =>
- return Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (Mem (Off + 1)), 8)
- or Unsigned_32 (Mem (Off));
- when W_32 =>
- return Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (Mem (Off + 3)), 24)
- or Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (Mem (Off + 2)), 16)
- or Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (Mem (Off + 1)), 8)
- or Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (Mem (Off + 0)), 0);
- when W_None
- | W_Data =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Decode_Val;
- procedure Decode_Imm (Off : in out Natural; Width : Width_Type)
- is
- begin
- Add_String ("$0x");
- Decode_Val (Off, Width);
- Off := Off + Width_Len (Width);
- end Decode_Imm;
- procedure Decode_Disp (Off : in out Natural;
- Width : Width_Type;
- Offset : Unsigned_32 := 0)
- is
- L : Natural;
- V : Unsigned_32;
- Off_Orig : constant Natural := Off;
- begin
- L := Lo;
- V := Decode_Val (Off, Width) + Offset;
- Off := Off + Width_Len (Width);
- if Proc_Cb /= null then
- Proc_Cb.all (Mem (Off)'Address,
- Line (Lo .. Line'Last), Lo);
- end if;
- if L /= Lo then
- if V = 0 then
- return;
- end if;
- Add_String (" + ");
- end if;
- Add_String ("0x");
- if Offset = 0 then
- Decode_Val (Off_Orig, Width);
- else
- Add_Byte (Byte (Shift_Right (V, 24) and 16#Ff#));
- Add_Byte (Byte (Shift_Right (V, 16) and 16#Ff#));
- Add_Byte (Byte (Shift_Right (V, 8) and 16#Ff#));
- Add_Byte (Byte (Shift_Right (V, 0) and 16#Ff#));
- end if;
- end Decode_Disp;
- procedure Decode_Modrm_Reg (B : Byte; Width : Width_Type) is
- begin
- Decode_Reg_Field (Ext_Modrm_Reg (B), Width);
- end Decode_Modrm_Reg;
- procedure Decode_Sib (Sib : Byte; B_Mod : Bf_2)
- is
- S : Bf_2;
- I : Bf_3;
- B : Bf_3;
- begin
- S := Ext_Sib_Scale (Sib);
- B := Ext_Sib_Base (Sib);
- I := Ext_Sib_Index (Sib);
- Add_Char ('(');
- if B = 2#101# and then B_Mod /= 0 then
- Decode_Reg_Field (B, W_32);
- Add_Char (',');
- end if;
- if I /= 2#100# then
- Decode_Reg_Field (I, W_32);
- case S is
- when 2#00# =>
- null;
- when 2#01# =>
- Add_String (",2");
- when 2#10# =>
- Add_String (",4");
- when 2#11# =>
- Add_String (",8");
- end case;
- end if;
- Add_Char (')');
- end Decode_Sib;
- procedure Decode_Modrm_Mem (Off : in out Natural; Width : Width_Type)
- is
- B : Byte;
- B_Mod : Bf_2;
- B_Rm : Bf_3;
- Off_Orig : Natural;
- begin
- B := Mem (Off);
- B_Mod := Ext_Modrm_Mod (B);
- B_Rm := Ext_Modrm_Rm (B);
- Off_Orig := Off;
- case B_Mod is
- when 2#11# =>
- Decode_Reg_Field (B_Rm, Width);
- Off := Off + 1;
- when 2#10# =>
- if B_Rm = 2#100# then
- Off := Off + 2;
- Decode_Disp (Off, W_32);
- Decode_Sib (Mem (Off_Orig + 1), B_Mod);
- else
- Off := Off + 1;
- Decode_Disp (Off, W_32);
- Add_Char ('(');
- Decode_Reg_Field (B_Rm, W_32);
- Add_Char (')');
- end if;
- when 2#01# =>
- if B_Rm = 2#100# then
- Off := Off + 2;
- Decode_Disp (Off, W_8);
- Decode_Sib (Mem (Off_Orig + 1), B_Mod);
- else
- Off := Off + 1;
- Decode_Disp (Off, W_8);
- Add_Char ('(');
- Decode_Reg_Field (B_Rm, W_32);
- Add_Char (')');
- end if;
- when 2#00# =>
- if B_Rm = 2#100# then
- Off := Off + 2;
- Decode_Sib (Mem (Off_Orig + 1), B_Mod);
- elsif B_Rm = 2#101# then
- Off := Off + 1;
- Decode_Disp (Off, W_32);
- else
- Add_Char ('(');
- Decode_Reg_Field (B_Rm, W_32);
- Add_Char (')');
- Off := Off + 1;
- end if;
- end case;
- end Decode_Modrm_Mem;
- -- Return the length of the modrm bytes.
- -- At least 1 (mod/rm), at most 6 (mod/rm + SUB + disp32).
- function Decode_Modrm_Len (Off : Natural) return Natural
- is
- B : Byte;
- M_Mod : Bf_2;
- M_Rm : Bf_3;
- begin
- B := Mem (Off);
- M_Mod := Ext_Modrm_Mod (B);
- M_Rm := Ext_Modrm_Rm (B);
- case M_Mod is
- when 2#11# =>
- return 1;
- when 2#10# =>
- if M_Rm = 2#100# then
- return 1 + 1 + 4;
- else
- return 1 + 4;
- end if;
- when 2#01# =>
- if M_Rm = 2#100# then
- return 1 + 1 + 1;
- else
- return 1 + 1;
- end if;
- when 2#00# =>
- if M_Rm = 2#101# then
- -- disp32.
- return 1 + 4;
- elsif M_Rm = 2#100# then
- -- SIB
- return 1 + 1;
- else
- return 1;
- end if;
- end case;
- end Decode_Modrm_Len;
- Off : Natural;
- B : Byte;
- B1 : Byte;
- Desc : Insn_Desc_Type;
- Name : Index_Type;
- W : Width_Type;
- begin
- Mem := To_Pointer (Addr);
- Off := 0;
- Lo := Line'First;
- B := Mem (0);
- if B = 2#0000_1111# then
- B := Mem (1);
- Off := 2;
- Insn_Len := 2;
- Desc := Insn_Desc_0F (B);
- else
- Off := 1;
- Insn_Len := 1;
- Desc := Insn_Desc (B);
- end if;
- if Desc.Name >= G_1 then
- B1 := Mem (Off);
- case Desc.Name is
- when G_1
- | G_2 =>
- Name := Group_Name (Desc.Name, Ext_543 (B1));
- when G_3 =>
- Desc := Insn_Desc_G3 (Ext_543 (B1));
- Name := Desc.Name;
- when G_5 =>
- Desc := Insn_Desc_G5 (Ext_543 (B1));
- Name := Desc.Name;
- when others =>
- Desc := Desc_Invalid;
- end case;
- else
- Name := Desc.Name;
- end if;
- case Desc.Width is
- when W_Data =>
- W := W_Default;
- when W_8
- | W_16
- | W_32 =>
- W := Desc.Width;
- when W_None =>
- case Desc.Format is
- when Disp_8
- | Cond_Disp_8
- | Imm_8 =>
- W := W_8;
- when Disp_W
- | Cond_Disp_W =>
- W := W_Default;
- when Invalid
- | Opcode =>
- W := W_None;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end case;
- case Desc.Format is
- when Reg_Imp =>
- Add_Opcode (Desc.Name, W_Default);
- Decode_Reg_Field (Ext_210 (B), W_Default);
- when Opcode =>
- Add_Opcode (Desc.Name, W_None);
- when Modrm =>
- Add_Opcode (Desc.Name, W);
- Decode_Modrm_Mem (Insn_Len, W);
- when Modrm_Src =>
- Add_Opcode (Desc.Name, W);
- -- Disp source first.
- Decode_Modrm_Mem (Insn_Len, W);
- Add_Comma;
- B := Mem (Off);
- Decode_Modrm_Reg (Mem (Off), W);
- when Modrm_Dst =>
- Add_Opcode (Desc.Name, W);
- -- Disp source first.
- B := Mem (Off);
- Decode_Modrm_Reg (B, W);
- Add_Comma;
- Decode_Modrm_Mem (Insn_Len, W);
- when Modrm_Imm =>
- Add_Opcode (Name, W);
- Insn_Len := Off + Decode_Modrm_Len (Off);
- Decode_Imm (Insn_Len, W);
- Add_Comma;
- Decode_Modrm_Mem (Off, W);
- when Modrm_Imm_S =>
- Add_Opcode (Name, W);
- Insn_Len := Off + Decode_Modrm_Len (Off);
- Decode_Imm (Insn_Len, W_8);
- Add_Comma;
- Decode_Modrm_Mem (Off, W);
- when Modrm_Imm8 =>
- Add_Opcode (Name, W);
- Decode_Modrm_Mem (Off, W);
- Add_Comma;
- Decode_Imm (Off, W_8);
- when Reg_Imm =>
- Add_Opcode (Desc.Name, W);
- Decode_Imm (Insn_Len, W);
- Add_Comma;
- Decode_Reg_Field (Ext_210 (B), W);
- when Eax_Imm =>
- Add_Opcode (Desc.Name, W);
- Decode_Imm (Insn_Len, W);
- Add_Comma;
- Decode_Reg_Field (2#000#, W);
- when Disp_W
- | Disp_8 =>
- Add_Opcode (Desc.Name, W_None);
- Decode_Disp (Insn_Len, W,
- Pc + Unsigned_32 (Insn_Len + Width_Len (W)));
- when Cond_Disp_8
- | Cond_Disp_W =>
- Add_Cond_Opcode (Desc.Name, B);
- Decode_Disp (Insn_Len, W,
- Pc + Unsigned_32 (Insn_Len + Width_Len (W)));
- when Cond_Modrm =>
- Add_Cond_Opcode (Desc.Name, B);
- Decode_Modrm_Mem (Insn_Len, W);
- when Imm =>
- Add_Opcode (Desc.Name, W);
- Decode_Imm (Insn_Len, W);
- when Imm_S
- | Imm_8 =>
- Add_Opcode (Desc.Name, W);
- Decode_Imm (Insn_Len, W_8);
- when Modrm_Ax =>
- if (B and 2#1#) = 2#0# then
- W := W_8;
- else
- W := W_Default;
- end if;
- Add_Opcode (Desc.Name, W);
- Decode_Reg_Field (0, W);
- Add_Comma;
- Decode_Modrm_Mem (Off, W);
- when Ax_Off_Src =>
- Add_Opcode (Desc.Name, W);
- Decode_Disp (Insn_Len, W);
- Add_Comma;
- Decode_Reg_Field (0, W);
- when Ax_Off_Dst =>
- Add_Opcode (Desc.Name, W);
- Decode_Reg_Field (0, W);
- Add_Comma;
- Decode_Disp (Insn_Len, W);
- when Imp =>
- Add_Opcode (Desc.Name, W_Default);
- when Invalid
- | Prefix
- | Opcode2 =>
- Add_String ("invalid ");
- if Insn_Len = 2 then
- Add_Byte (Mem (0));
- end if;
- Add_Byte (B);
- Insn_Len := 1;
- end case;
- Line_Len := Lo - Line'First;
- end Disassemble_Insn;
-end Disa_X86;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/disa_x86.ads b/ortho/mcode/disa_x86.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index c215cf0a3..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/disa_x86.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
--- X86 disassembler.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System;
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-package Disa_X86 is
- -- Call-back used to find a relocation symbol.
- type Symbol_Proc_Type is access procedure (Addr : System.Address;
- Line : in out String;
- Line_Len : in out Natural);
- -- Disassemble instruction at ADDR, and put the result in LINE/LINE_LEN.
- procedure Disassemble_Insn (Addr : System.Address;
- Pc : Unsigned_32;
- Line : in out String;
- Line_Len : out Natural;
- Insn_Len : out Natural;
- Proc_Cb : Symbol_Proc_Type);
-end Disa_X86;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/disassemble.ads b/ortho/mcode/disassemble.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c9811fed..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/disassemble.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-with Disa_X86;
-package Disassemble renames Disa_X86;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/dwarf.ads b/ortho/mcode/dwarf.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 40ee94f10..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/dwarf.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
--- DWARF definitions.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-package Dwarf is
- DW_TAG_Array_Type : constant := 16#01#;
- DW_TAG_Class_Type : constant := 16#02#;
- DW_TAG_Entry_Point : constant := 16#03#;
- DW_TAG_Enumeration_Type : constant := 16#04#;
- DW_TAG_Formal_Parameter : constant := 16#05#;
- DW_TAG_Imported_Declaration : constant := 16#08#;
- DW_TAG_Label : constant := 16#0a#;
- DW_TAG_Lexical_Block : constant := 16#0b#;
- DW_TAG_Member : constant := 16#0d#;
- DW_TAG_Pointer_Type : constant := 16#0f#;
- DW_TAG_Reference_Type : constant := 16#10#;
- DW_TAG_Compile_Unit : constant := 16#11#;
- DW_TAG_String_Type : constant := 16#12#;
- DW_TAG_Structure_Type : constant := 16#13#;
- DW_TAG_Subroutine_Type : constant := 16#15#;
- DW_TAG_Typedef : constant := 16#16#;
- DW_TAG_Union_Type : constant := 16#17#;
- DW_TAG_Unspecified_Parameters : constant := 16#18#;
- DW_TAG_Variant : constant := 16#19#;
- DW_TAG_Common_Block : constant := 16#1a#;
- DW_TAG_Common_Inclusion : constant := 16#1b#;
- DW_TAG_Inheritance : constant := 16#1c#;
- DW_TAG_Inlined_Subroutine : constant := 16#1d#;
- DW_TAG_Module : constant := 16#1e#;
- DW_TAG_Ptr_To_Member_Type : constant := 16#1f#;
- DW_TAG_Set_Type : constant := 16#20#;
- DW_TAG_Subrange_Type : constant := 16#21#;
- DW_TAG_With_Stmt : constant := 16#22#;
- DW_TAG_Access_Declaration : constant := 16#23#;
- DW_TAG_Base_Type : constant := 16#24#;
- DW_TAG_Catch_Block : constant := 16#25#;
- DW_TAG_Const_Type : constant := 16#26#;
- DW_TAG_Constant : constant := 16#27#;
- DW_TAG_Enumerator : constant := 16#28#;
- DW_TAG_File_Type : constant := 16#29#;
- DW_TAG_Friend : constant := 16#2a#;
- DW_TAG_Namelist : constant := 16#2b#;
- DW_TAG_Namelist_Item : constant := 16#2c#;
- DW_TAG_Packed_Type : constant := 16#2d#;
- DW_TAG_Subprogram : constant := 16#2e#;
- DW_TAG_Template_Type_Parameter : constant := 16#2f#;
- DW_TAG_Template_Value_Parameter : constant := 16#30#;
- DW_TAG_Thrown_Type : constant := 16#31#;
- DW_TAG_Try_Block : constant := 16#32#;
- DW_TAG_Variant_Part : constant := 16#33#;
- DW_TAG_Variable : constant := 16#34#;
- DW_TAG_Volatile_Type : constant := 16#35#;
- DW_TAG_Dwarf_Procedure : constant := 16#36#;
- DW_TAG_Restrict_Type : constant := 16#37#;
- DW_TAG_Interface_Type : constant := 16#38#;
- DW_TAG_Namespace : constant := 16#39#;
- DW_TAG_Imported_Module : constant := 16#3a#;
- DW_TAG_Unspecified_Type : constant := 16#3b#;
- DW_TAG_Partial_Unit : constant := 16#3c#;
- DW_TAG_Imported_Unit : constant := 16#3d#;
- DW_TAG_Mutable_Type : constant := 16#3e#;
- DW_TAG_Lo_User : constant := 16#4080#;
- DW_TAG_Hi_User : constant := 16#Ffff#;
- DW_CHILDREN_No : constant := 16#0#;
- DW_CHILDREN_Yes : constant := 16#1#;
- DW_AT_Sibling : constant := 16#01#; -- reference
- DW_AT_Location : constant := 16#02#; -- block, loclistptr
- DW_AT_Name : constant := 16#03#; -- string
- DW_AT_Ordering : constant := 16#09#; -- constant
- DW_AT_Byte_Size : constant := 16#0b#; -- block, constant, ref
- DW_AT_Bit_Offset : constant := 16#0c#; -- block, constant, ref
- DW_AT_Bit_Size : constant := 16#0d#; -- block, constant, ref
- DW_AT_Stmt_List : constant := 16#10#; -- lineptr
- DW_AT_Low_Pc : constant := 16#11#; -- address
- DW_AT_High_Pc : constant := 16#12#; -- address
- DW_AT_Language : constant := 16#13#; -- constant
- DW_AT_Discr : constant := 16#15#; -- reference
- DW_AT_Discr_Value : constant := 16#16#; -- constant
- DW_AT_Visibility : constant := 16#17#; -- constant
- DW_AT_Import : constant := 16#18#; -- reference
- DW_AT_String_Length : constant := 16#19#; -- block, loclistptr
- DW_AT_Common_Reference : constant := 16#1a#; -- reference
- DW_AT_Comp_Dir : constant := 16#1b#; -- string
- DW_AT_Const_Value : constant := 16#1c#; -- block, constant, string
- DW_AT_Containing_Type : constant := 16#1d#; -- reference
- DW_AT_Default_Value : constant := 16#1e#; -- reference
- DW_AT_Inline : constant := 16#20#; -- constant
- DW_AT_Is_Optional : constant := 16#21#; -- flag
- DW_AT_Lower_Bound : constant := 16#22#; -- block, constant, ref
- DW_AT_Producer : constant := 16#25#; -- string
- DW_AT_Prototyped : constant := 16#27#; -- flag
- DW_AT_Return_Addr : constant := 16#2a#; -- block, loclistptr
- DW_AT_Start_Scope : constant := 16#2c#; -- constant
- DW_AT_Stride_Size : constant := 16#2e#; -- constant
- DW_AT_Upper_Bound : constant := 16#2f#; -- block, constant, ref
- DW_AT_Abstract_Origin : constant := 16#31#; -- reference
- DW_AT_Accessibility : constant := 16#32#; -- constant
- DW_AT_Address_Class : constant := 16#33#; -- constant
- DW_AT_Artificial : constant := 16#34#; -- flag
- DW_AT_Base_Types : constant := 16#35#; -- reference
- DW_AT_Calling_Convention : constant := 16#36#; -- constant
- DW_AT_Count : constant := 16#37#; -- block, constant, ref
- DW_AT_Data_Member_Location : constant := 16#38#; -- block, const, loclistptr
- DW_AT_Decl_Column : constant := 16#39#; -- constant
- DW_AT_Decl_File : constant := 16#3a#; -- constant
- DW_AT_Decl_Line : constant := 16#3b#; -- constant
- DW_AT_Declaration : constant := 16#3c#; -- flag
- DW_AT_Discr_List : constant := 16#3d#; -- block
- DW_AT_Encoding : constant := 16#3e#; -- constant
- DW_AT_External : constant := 16#3f#; -- flag
- DW_AT_Frame_Base : constant := 16#40#; -- block, loclistptr
- DW_AT_Friend : constant := 16#41#; -- reference
- DW_AT_Identifier_Case : constant := 16#42#; -- constant
- DW_AT_Macro_Info : constant := 16#43#; -- macptr
- DW_AT_Namelist_Item : constant := 16#44#; -- block
- DW_AT_Priority : constant := 16#45#; -- reference
- DW_AT_Segment : constant := 16#46#; -- block, constant
- DW_AT_Specification : constant := 16#47#; -- reference
- DW_AT_Static_Link : constant := 16#48#; -- block, loclistptr
- DW_AT_Type : constant := 16#49#; -- reference
- DW_AT_Use_Location : constant := 16#4a#; -- block, loclistptr
- DW_AT_Variable_Parameter : constant := 16#4b#; -- flag
- DW_AT_Virtuality : constant := 16#4c#; -- constant
- DW_AT_Vtable_Elem_Location : constant := 16#4d#; -- block, loclistptr
- DW_AT_Allocated : constant := 16#4e#; -- block, constant, ref
- DW_AT_Associated : constant := 16#4f#; -- block, constant, ref
- DW_AT_Data_Location : constant := 16#50#; -- x50block
- DW_AT_Stride : constant := 16#51#; -- block, constant, ref
- DW_AT_Entry_Pc : constant := 16#52#; -- address
- DW_AT_Use_UTF8 : constant := 16#53#; -- flag
- DW_AT_Extension : constant := 16#04#; -- reference
- DW_AT_Ranges : constant := 16#55#; -- rangelistptr
- DW_AT_Trampoline : constant := 16#56#; -- address, flag, ref, str
- DW_AT_Call_Column : constant := 16#57#; -- constant
- DW_AT_Call_File : constant := 16#58#; -- constant
- DW_AT_Call_Line : constant := 16#59#; -- constant
- DW_AT_Description : constant := 16#5a#; -- string
- DW_AT_Lo_User : constant := 16#2000#; -- ---
- DW_AT_Hi_User : constant := 16#3fff#; -- ---
- DW_FORM_Addr : constant := 16#01#; -- address
- DW_FORM_Block2 : constant := 16#03#; -- block
- DW_FORM_Block4 : constant := 16#04#; -- block
- DW_FORM_Data2 : constant := 16#05#; -- constant
- DW_FORM_Data4 : constant := 16#06#; -- constant, lineptr, loclistptr...
- DW_FORM_Data8 : constant := 16#07#; -- ... macptr, rangelistptr
- DW_FORM_String : constant := 16#08#; -- string
- DW_FORM_Block : constant := 16#09#; -- block
- DW_FORM_Block1 : constant := 16#0a#; -- block
- DW_FORM_Data1 : constant := 16#0b#; -- constant
- DW_FORM_Flag : constant := 16#0c#; -- flag
- DW_FORM_Sdata : constant := 16#0d#; -- constant
- DW_FORM_Strp : constant := 16#0e#; -- string
- DW_FORM_Udata : constant := 16#0f#; -- constant
- DW_FORM_Ref_Addr : constant := 16#10#; -- reference
- DW_FORM_Ref1 : constant := 16#11#; -- reference
- DW_FORM_Ref2 : constant := 16#12#; -- reference
- DW_FORM_Ref4 : constant := 16#13#; -- reference
- DW_FORM_Ref8 : constant := 16#14#; -- reference
- DW_FORM_Ref_Udata : constant := 16#15#; -- reference
- DW_FORM_Indirect : constant := 16#16#; -- (see Section 7.5.3)
- DW_OP_Addr : constant := 16#03#; -- 1 constant address (target spec)
- DW_OP_Deref : constant := 16#06#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Const1u : constant := 16#08#; -- 1 1-byte constant
- DW_OP_Const1s : constant := 16#09#; -- 1 1-byte constant
- DW_OP_Const2u : constant := 16#0a#; -- 1 2-byte constant
- DW_OP_Const2s : constant := 16#0b#; -- 1 2-byte constant
- DW_OP_Const4u : constant := 16#0c#; -- 1 4-byte constant
- DW_OP_Const4s : constant := 16#0d#; -- 1 4-byte constant
- DW_OP_Const8u : constant := 16#0e#; -- 1 8-byte constant
- DW_OP_Const8s : constant := 16#0f#; -- 1 8-byte constant
- DW_OP_Constu : constant := 16#10#; -- 1 ULEB128 constant
- DW_OP_Consts : constant := 16#11#; -- 1 SLEB128 constant
- DW_OP_Dup : constant := 16#12#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Drop : constant := 16#13#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Over : constant := 16#14#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Pick : constant := 16#15#; -- 1 1-byte stack index
- DW_OP_Swap : constant := 16#16#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Rot : constant := 16#17#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Xderef : constant := 16#18#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Abs : constant := 16#19#; -- 0
- DW_OP_And : constant := 16#1a#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Div : constant := 16#1b#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Minus : constant := 16#1c#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Mod : constant := 16#1d#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Mul : constant := 16#1e#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Neg : constant := 16#1f#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Not : constant := 16#20#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Or : constant := 16#21#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Plus : constant := 16#22#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Plus_Uconst : constant := 16#23#; -- 1 ULEB128 addend
- DW_OP_Shl : constant := 16#24#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Shr : constant := 16#25#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Shra : constant := 16#26#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Xor : constant := 16#27#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Skip : constant := 16#2f#; -- 1 signed 2-byte constant
- DW_OP_Bra : constant := 16#28#; -- 1 signed 2-byte constant
- DW_OP_Eq : constant := 16#29#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Ge : constant := 16#2a#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Gt : constant := 16#2b#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Le : constant := 16#2c#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lt : constant := 16#2d#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Ne : constant := 16#2e#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit0 : constant := 16#30#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit1 : constant := 16#31#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit2 : constant := 16#32#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit3 : constant := 16#33#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit4 : constant := 16#34#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit5 : constant := 16#35#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit6 : constant := 16#36#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit7 : constant := 16#37#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit8 : constant := 16#38#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit9 : constant := 16#39#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit10 : constant := 16#3a#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit11 : constant := 16#3b#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit12 : constant := 16#3c#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit13 : constant := 16#3d#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit14 : constant := 16#3e#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit15 : constant := 16#3f#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit16 : constant := 16#40#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit17 : constant := 16#41#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit18 : constant := 16#42#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit19 : constant := 16#43#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit20 : constant := 16#44#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit21 : constant := 16#45#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit22 : constant := 16#46#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit23 : constant := 16#47#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit24 : constant := 16#48#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit25 : constant := 16#49#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit26 : constant := 16#4a#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit27 : constant := 16#4b#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit28 : constant := 16#4c#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit29 : constant := 16#4d#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit30 : constant := 16#4e#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Lit31 : constant := 16#4f#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg0 : constant := 16#50#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg1 : constant := 16#51#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg2 : constant := 16#52#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg3 : constant := 16#53#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg4 : constant := 16#54#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg5 : constant := 16#55#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg6 : constant := 16#56#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg7 : constant := 16#57#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg8 : constant := 16#58#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg9 : constant := 16#59#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg10 : constant := 16#5a#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg11 : constant := 16#5b#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg12 : constant := 16#5c#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg13 : constant := 16#5d#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg14 : constant := 16#5e#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg15 : constant := 16#5f#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg16 : constant := 16#60#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg17 : constant := 16#61#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg18 : constant := 16#62#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg19 : constant := 16#63#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg20 : constant := 16#64#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg21 : constant := 16#65#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg22 : constant := 16#66#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg23 : constant := 16#67#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg24 : constant := 16#68#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg25 : constant := 16#69#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg26 : constant := 16#6a#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg27 : constant := 16#6b#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg28 : constant := 16#6c#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg29 : constant := 16#6d#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg30 : constant := 16#6e#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Reg31 : constant := 16#6f#; -- 0 reg 0..31
- DW_OP_Breg0 : constant := 16#70#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg1 : constant := 16#71#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg2 : constant := 16#72#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg3 : constant := 16#73#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg4 : constant := 16#74#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg5 : constant := 16#75#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg6 : constant := 16#76#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg7 : constant := 16#77#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg8 : constant := 16#78#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg9 : constant := 16#79#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg10 : constant := 16#7a#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg11 : constant := 16#7b#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg12 : constant := 16#7c#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg13 : constant := 16#7d#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg14 : constant := 16#7e#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg15 : constant := 16#7f#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg16 : constant := 16#80#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg17 : constant := 16#81#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg18 : constant := 16#82#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg19 : constant := 16#83#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg20 : constant := 16#84#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg21 : constant := 16#85#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg22 : constant := 16#86#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg23 : constant := 16#87#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg24 : constant := 16#88#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg25 : constant := 16#89#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg26 : constant := 16#8a#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg27 : constant := 16#8b#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg28 : constant := 16#8c#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg29 : constant := 16#8d#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg30 : constant := 16#8e#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg
- DW_OP_Breg31 : constant := 16#8f#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset base reg 0..31
- DW_OP_Regx : constant := 16#90#; -- 1 ULEB128 register
- DW_OP_Fbreg : constant := 16#91#; -- 1 SLEB128 offset
- DW_OP_Bregx : constant := 16#92#; -- 2 ULEB128 reg + SLEB128 offset
- DW_OP_Piece : constant := 16#93#; -- 1 ULEB128 size of piece addressed
- DW_OP_Deref_Size : constant := 16#94#; -- 1 1-byte size of data retrieved
- DW_OP_Xderef_Size : constant := 16#95#; -- 1 1-byte size of data retrieved
- DW_OP_Nop : constant := 16#96#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Push_Object_Address : constant := 16#97#; -- 0
- DW_OP_Call2 : constant := 16#98#; -- 1 2-byte offset of DIE
- DW_OP_Call4 : constant := 16#99#; -- 1 4-byte offset of DIE
- DW_OP_Call_Ref : constant := 16#9a#; -- 1 4- or 8-byte offset of DIE
- DW_OP_Lo_User : constant := 16#E0#; --
- DW_OP_Hi_User : constant := 16#ff#; --
- DW_ATE_Address : constant := 16#1#;
- DW_ATE_Boolean : constant := 16#2#;
- DW_ATE_Complex_Float : constant := 16#3#;
- DW_ATE_Float : constant := 16#4#;
- DW_ATE_Signed : constant := 16#5#;
- DW_ATE_Signed_Char : constant := 16#6#;
- DW_ATE_Unsigned : constant := 16#7#;
- DW_ATE_Unsigned_Char : constant := 16#8#;
- DW_ATE_Imaginary_Float : constant := 16#9#;
- DW_ATE_Lo_User : constant := 16#80#;
- DW_ATE_Hi_User : constant := 16#ff#;
- DW_ACCESS_Public : constant := 1;
- DW_ACCESS_Protected : constant := 2;
- DW_ACCESS_Private : constant := 3;
- DW_LANG_C89 : constant := 16#0001#;
- DW_LANG_C : constant := 16#0002#;
- DW_LANG_Ada83 : constant := 16#0003#;
- DW_LANG_C_Plus_Plus : constant := 16#0004#;
- DW_LANG_Cobol74 : constant := 16#0005#;
- DW_LANG_Cobol85 : constant := 16#0006#;
- DW_LANG_Fortran77 : constant := 16#0007#;
- DW_LANG_Fortran90 : constant := 16#0008#;
- DW_LANG_Pascal83 : constant := 16#0009#;
- DW_LANG_Modula2 : constant := 16#000a#;
- DW_LANG_Java : constant := 16#000b#;
- DW_LANG_C99 : constant := 16#000c#;
- DW_LANG_Ada95 : constant := 16#000d#;
- DW_LANG_Fortran95 : constant := 16#000e#;
- DW_LANG_PLI : constant := 16#000f#;
- DW_LANG_Lo_User : constant := 16#8000#;
- DW_LANG_Hi_User : constant := 16#ffff#;
- DW_ID_Case_Sensitive : constant := 0;
- DW_ID_Up_Case : constant := 1;
- DW_ID_Down_Case : constant := 2;
- DW_ID_Case_Insensitive : constant := 3;
- DW_CC_Normal : constant := 16#1#;
- DW_CC_Program : constant := 16#2#;
- DW_CC_Nocall : constant := 16#3#;
- DW_CC_Lo_User : constant := 16#40#;
- DW_CC_Hi_User : constant := 16#Ff#;
- DW_INL_Not_Inlined : constant := 0;
- DW_INL_Inlined : constant := 1;
- DW_INL_Declared_Not_Inlined : constant := 2;
- DW_INL_Declared_Inlined : constant := 3;
- -- Line number information.
- -- Line number standard opcode.
- DW_LNS_Copy : constant Unsigned_8 := 1;
- DW_LNS_Advance_Pc : constant Unsigned_8 := 2;
- DW_LNS_Advance_Line : constant Unsigned_8 := 3;
- DW_LNS_Set_File : constant Unsigned_8 := 4;
- DW_LNS_Set_Column : constant Unsigned_8 := 5;
- DW_LNS_Negate_Stmt : constant Unsigned_8 := 6;
- DW_LNS_Set_Basic_Block : constant Unsigned_8 := 7;
- DW_LNS_Const_Add_Pc : constant Unsigned_8 := 8;
- DW_LNS_Fixed_Advance_Pc : constant Unsigned_8 := 9;
- DW_LNS_Set_Prologue_End : constant Unsigned_8 := 10;
- DW_LNS_Set_Epilogue_Begin : constant Unsigned_8 := 11;
- DW_LNS_Set_Isa : constant Unsigned_8 := 12;
- -- Line number extended opcode.
- DW_LNE_End_Sequence : constant Unsigned_8 := 1;
- DW_LNE_Set_Address : constant Unsigned_8 := 2;
- DW_LNE_Define_File : constant Unsigned_8 := 3;
- DW_LNE_Lo_User : constant Unsigned_8 := 128;
- DW_LNE_Hi_User : constant Unsigned_8 := 255;
- DW_CFA_Advance_Loc : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#40#;
- DW_CFA_Advance_Loc_Min : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#40#;
- DW_CFA_Advance_Loc_Max : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#7f#;
- DW_CFA_Offset : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#80#;
- DW_CFA_Offset_Min : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#80#;
- DW_CFA_Offset_Max : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#Bf#;
- DW_CFA_Restore : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#C0#;
- DW_CFA_Restore_Min : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#C0#;
- DW_CFA_Restore_Max : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#FF#;
- DW_CFA_Nop : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#00#;
- DW_CFA_Set_Loc : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#01#;
- DW_CFA_Advance_Loc1 : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#02#;
- DW_CFA_Advance_Loc2 : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#03#;
- DW_CFA_Advance_Loc4 : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#04#;
- DW_CFA_Offset_Extended : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#05#;
- DW_CFA_Restore_Extended : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#06#;
- DW_CFA_Undefined : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#07#;
- DW_CFA_Same_Value : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#08#;
- DW_CFA_Register : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#09#;
- DW_CFA_Remember_State : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#0a#;
- DW_CFA_Restore_State : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#0b#;
- DW_CFA_Def_Cfa : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#0c#;
- DW_CFA_Def_Cfa_Register : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#0d#;
- DW_CFA_Def_Cfa_Offset : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#0e#;
- DW_CFA_Def_Cfa_Expression : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#0f#;
- DW_EH_PE_Omit : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#Ff#;
- DW_EH_PE_Uleb128 : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#01#;
- DW_EH_PE_Udata2 : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#02#;
- DW_EH_PE_Udata4 : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#03#;
- DW_EH_PE_Udata8 : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#04#;
- DW_EH_PE_Sleb128 : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#09#;
- DW_EH_PE_Sdata2 : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#0A#;
- DW_EH_PE_Sdata4 : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#0B#;
- DW_EH_PE_Sdata8 : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#0C#;
- DW_EH_PE_Absptr : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#00#;
- DW_EH_PE_Pcrel : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#10#;
- DW_EH_PE_Datarel : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#30#;
- DW_EH_PE_Format_Mask : constant Unsigned_8 := 16#0f#;
-end Dwarf;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/elf32.adb b/ortho/mcode/elf32.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index ef58fe64b..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/elf32.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
--- ELF32 definitions.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-package body Elf32 is
- function Elf32_St_Bind (Info : Elf32_Uchar) return Elf32_Uchar is
- begin
- return Shift_Right (Info, 4);
- end Elf32_St_Bind;
- function Elf32_St_Type (Info : Elf32_Uchar) return Elf32_Uchar is
- begin
- return Info and 16#0F#;
- end Elf32_St_Type;
- function Elf32_St_Info (B, T : Elf32_Uchar) return Elf32_Uchar is
- begin
- return Shift_Left (B, 4) or T;
- end Elf32_St_Info;
- function Elf32_R_Sym (I : Elf32_Word) return Elf32_Word is
- begin
- return Shift_Right (I, 8);
- end Elf32_R_Sym;
- function Elf32_R_Type (I : Elf32_Word) return Elf32_Word is
- begin
- return I and 16#Ff#;
- end Elf32_R_Type;
- function Elf32_R_Info (S, T : Elf32_Word) return Elf32_Word is
- begin
- return Shift_Left (S, 8) or T;
- end Elf32_R_Info;
-end Elf32;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/elf32.ads b/ortho/mcode/elf32.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 5afd317f6..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/elf32.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
--- ELF32 definitions.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with System;
-with Elf_Common; use Elf_Common;
-package Elf32 is
- subtype Elf32_Addr is Unsigned_32;
- subtype Elf32_Half is Unsigned_16;
- subtype Elf32_Off is Unsigned_32;
- subtype Elf32_Sword is Integer_32;
- subtype Elf32_Word is Unsigned_32;
- subtype Elf32_Uchar is Unsigned_8;
- type Elf32_Ehdr is record
- E_Ident : E_Ident_Type;
- E_Type : Elf32_Half;
- E_Machine : Elf32_Half;
- E_Version : Elf32_Word;
- E_Entry : Elf32_Addr;
- E_Phoff : Elf32_Off;
- E_Shoff : Elf32_Off;
- E_Flags : Elf32_Word;
- E_Ehsize : Elf32_Half;
- E_Phentsize : Elf32_Half;
- E_Phnum : Elf32_Half;
- E_Shentsize : Elf32_Half;
- E_Shnum : Elf32_Half;
- E_Shstrndx : Elf32_Half;
- end record;
- Elf32_Ehdr_Size : constant Natural := Elf32_Ehdr'Size / System.Storage_Unit;
- type Elf32_Shdr is record
- Sh_Name : Elf32_Word;
- Sh_Type : Elf32_Word;
- Sh_Flags : Elf32_Word;
- Sh_Addr : Elf32_Addr;
- Sh_Offset : Elf32_Off;
- Sh_Size : Elf32_Word;
- Sh_Link : Elf32_Word;
- Sh_Info : Elf32_Word;
- Sh_Addralign : Elf32_Word;
- Sh_Entsize : Elf32_Word;
- end record;
- Elf32_Shdr_Size : constant Natural := Elf32_Shdr'Size / System.Storage_Unit;
- -- Symbol table.
- type Elf32_Sym is record
- St_Name : Elf32_Word;
- St_Value : Elf32_Addr;
- St_Size : Elf32_Word;
- St_Info : Elf32_Uchar;
- St_Other : Elf32_Uchar;
- St_Shndx : Elf32_Half;
- end record;
- Elf32_Sym_Size : constant Natural := Elf32_Sym'Size / System.Storage_Unit;
- function Elf32_St_Bind (Info : Elf32_Uchar) return Elf32_Uchar;
- function Elf32_St_Type (Info : Elf32_Uchar) return Elf32_Uchar;
- function Elf32_St_Info (B, T : Elf32_Uchar) return Elf32_Uchar;
- pragma Inline (Elf32_St_Bind);
- pragma Inline (Elf32_St_Type);
- pragma Inline (Elf32_St_Info);
- -- Relocation.
- type Elf32_Rel is record
- R_Offset : Elf32_Addr;
- R_Info : Elf32_Word;
- end record;
- Elf32_Rel_Size : constant Natural := Elf32_Rel'Size / System.Storage_Unit;
- type Elf32_Rela is record
- R_Offset : Elf32_Addr;
- R_Info : Elf32_Word;
- R_Addend : Elf32_Sword;
- end record;
- Elf32_Rela_Size : constant Natural := Elf32_Rela'Size / System.Storage_Unit;
- function Elf32_R_Sym (I : Elf32_Word) return Elf32_Word;
- function Elf32_R_Type (I : Elf32_Word) return Elf32_Word;
- function Elf32_R_Info (S, T : Elf32_Word) return Elf32_Word;
- -- For i386
- R_386_NONE : constant Elf32_Word := 0; -- none none
- R_386_32 : constant Elf32_Word := 1; -- word32 S+A
- R_386_PC32 : constant Elf32_Word := 2; -- word32 S+A-P
- -- For sparc
- R_SPARC_NONE : constant Elf32_Word := 0; -- none
- R_SPARC_32 : constant Elf32_Word := 3; -- (S + A)
- R_SPARC_WDISP30 : constant Elf32_Word := 7; -- (S + A - P) >> 2
- R_SPARC_WDISP22 : constant Elf32_Word := 8; -- (S + A - P) >> 2
- R_SPARC_HI22 : constant Elf32_Word := 9; -- (S + A) >> 10
- R_SPARC_LO10 : constant Elf32_Word := 12; -- (S + A) & 0x3ff
- R_SPARC_UA32 : constant Elf32_Word := 23; -- (S + A)
- type Elf32_Phdr is record
- P_Type : Elf32_Word;
- P_Offset : Elf32_Off;
- P_Vaddr : Elf32_Addr;
- P_Paddr : Elf32_Addr;
- P_Filesz : Elf32_Word;
- P_Memsz : Elf32_Word;
- P_Flags : Elf32_Word;
- P_Align : Elf32_Word;
- end record;
- Elf32_Phdr_Size : constant Natural := Elf32_Phdr'Size / System.Storage_Unit;
-end Elf32;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/elf64.ads b/ortho/mcode/elf64.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 217e5557a..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/elf64.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
--- ELF64 definitions.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with System;
-with Elf_Common; use Elf_Common;
-package Elf64 is
- subtype Elf64_Addr is Unsigned_64;
- subtype Elf64_Off is Unsigned_64;
- subtype Elf64_Uchar is Unsigned_8;
- subtype Elf64_Half is Unsigned_16;
- subtype Elf64_Sword is Integer_32;
- subtype Elf64_Word is Unsigned_32;
- subtype Elf64_Xword is Unsigned_64;
- subtype Elf64_Sxword is Integer_64;
- type Elf64_Ehdr is record
- E_Ident : E_Ident_Type;
- E_Type : Elf64_Half;
- E_Machine : Elf64_Half;
- E_Version : Elf64_Word;
- E_Entry : Elf64_Addr;
- E_Phoff : Elf64_Off;
- E_Shoff : Elf64_Off;
- E_Flags : Elf64_Word;
- E_Ehsize : Elf64_Half;
- E_Phentsize : Elf64_Half;
- E_Phnum : Elf64_Half;
- E_Shentsize : Elf64_Half;
- E_Shnum : Elf64_Half;
- E_Shstrndx : Elf64_Half;
- end record;
- Elf64_Ehdr_Size : constant Natural := Elf64_Ehdr'Size / System.Storage_Unit;
- type Elf64_Shdr is record
- Sh_Name : Elf64_Word;
- Sh_Type : Elf64_Word;
- Sh_Flags : Elf64_Xword;
- Sh_Addr : Elf64_Addr;
- Sh_Offset : Elf64_Off;
- Sh_Size : Elf64_Xword;
- Sh_Link : Elf64_Word;
- Sh_Info : Elf64_Word;
- Sh_Addralign : Elf64_Xword;
- Sh_Entsize : Elf64_Xword;
- end record;
- Elf64_Shdr_Size : constant Natural := Elf64_Shdr'Size / System.Storage_Unit;
- -- Symbol table.
- type Elf64_Sym is record
- St_Name : Elf64_Word;
- St_Info : Elf64_Uchar;
- St_Other : Elf64_Uchar;
- St_Shndx : Elf64_Half;
- St_Value : Elf64_Addr;
- St_Size : Elf64_Xword;
- end record;
- Elf64_Sym_Size : constant Natural := Elf64_Sym'Size / System.Storage_Unit;
- -- Relocation.
- type Elf64_Rel is record
- R_Offset : Elf64_Addr;
- R_Info : Elf64_Xword;
- end record;
- Elf64_Rel_Size : constant Natural := Elf64_Rel'Size / System.Storage_Unit;
- type Elf64_Rela is record
- R_Offset : Elf64_Addr;
- R_Info : Elf64_Xword;
- R_Addend : Elf64_Sxword;
- end record;
- Elf64_Rela_Size : constant Natural := Elf64_Rela'Size / System.Storage_Unit;
--- function Elf64_R_Sym (I : Elf64_Word) return Elf64_Word;
--- function Elf64_R_Type (I : Elf64_Word) return Elf64_Word;
--- function Elf64_R_Info (S, T : Elf64_Word) return Elf64_Word;
- type Elf64_Phdr is record
- P_Type : Elf64_Word;
- P_Flags : Elf64_Word;
- P_Offset : Elf64_Off;
- P_Vaddr : Elf64_Addr;
- P_Paddr : Elf64_Addr;
- P_Filesz : Elf64_Xword;
- P_Memsz : Elf64_Xword;
- P_Align : Elf64_Xword;
- end record;
- Elf64_Phdr_Size : constant Natural := Elf64_Phdr'Size / System.Storage_Unit;
-end Elf64;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/elf_arch.ads b/ortho/mcode/elf_arch.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 325c4e5e3..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/elf_arch.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-with Elf_Arch32;
-package Elf_Arch renames Elf_Arch32;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/elf_arch32.ads b/ortho/mcode/elf_arch32.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e987b1e6..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/elf_arch32.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
--- ELF32 view of ELF.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Elf_Common; use Elf_Common;
-with Elf32; use Elf32;
-package Elf_Arch32 is
- subtype Elf_Ehdr is Elf32_Ehdr;
- subtype Elf_Shdr is Elf32_Shdr;
- subtype Elf_Sym is Elf32_Sym;
- subtype Elf_Rel is Elf32_Rel;
- subtype Elf_Rela is Elf32_Rela;
- subtype Elf_Phdr is Elf32_Phdr;
- subtype Elf_Off is Elf32_Off;
- subtype Elf_Size is Elf32_Word;
- Elf_Ehdr_Size : constant Natural := Elf32_Ehdr_Size;
- Elf_Shdr_Size : constant Natural := Elf32_Shdr_Size;
- Elf_Phdr_Size : constant Natural := Elf32_Phdr_Size;
- Elf_Sym_Size : constant Natural := Elf32_Sym_Size;
- Elf_Arch_Class : constant Elf_Uchar := ELFCLASS32;
-end Elf_Arch32;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/elf_arch64.ads b/ortho/mcode/elf_arch64.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 504cd66b3..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/elf_arch64.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
--- ELF64 view of ELF.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Elf_Common; use Elf_Common;
-with Elf64; use Elf64;
-package Elf_Arch64 is
- subtype Elf_Ehdr is Elf64_Ehdr;
- subtype Elf_Shdr is Elf64_Shdr;
- subtype Elf_Sym is Elf64_Sym;
- subtype Elf_Rel is Elf64_Rel;
- subtype Elf_Rela is Elf64_Rela;
- subtype Elf_Phdr is Elf64_Phdr;
- subtype Elf_Off is Elf64_Off;
- subtype Elf_Size is Elf64_Xword;
- Elf_Ehdr_Size : constant Natural := Elf64_Ehdr_Size;
- Elf_Shdr_Size : constant Natural := Elf64_Shdr_Size;
- Elf_Phdr_Size : constant Natural := Elf64_Phdr_Size;
- Elf_Sym_Size : constant Natural := Elf64_Sym_Size;
- Elf_Arch_Class : constant Elf_Uchar := ELFCLASS64;
-end Elf_Arch64;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/elf_common.adb b/ortho/mcode/elf_common.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d05a2dc7..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/elf_common.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
--- ELF definitions.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-package body Elf_Common is
- function Elf_St_Bind (Info : Elf_Uchar) return Elf_Uchar is
- begin
- return Shift_Right (Info, 4);
- end Elf_St_Bind;
- function Elf_St_Type (Info : Elf_Uchar) return Elf_Uchar is
- begin
- return Info and 16#0F#;
- end Elf_St_Type;
- function Elf_St_Info (B, T : Elf_Uchar) return Elf_Uchar is
- begin
- return Shift_Left (B, 4) or T;
- end Elf_St_Info;
--- function Elf32_R_Sym (I : Elf32_Word) return Elf32_Word is
--- begin
--- return Shift_Right (I, 8);
--- end Elf32_R_Sym;
--- function Elf32_R_Type (I : Elf32_Word) return Elf32_Word is
--- begin
--- return I and 16#Ff#;
--- end Elf32_R_Type;
--- function Elf32_R_Info (S, T : Elf32_Word) return Elf32_Word is
--- begin
--- return Shift_Left (S, 8) or T;
--- end Elf32_R_Info;
-end Elf_Common;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/elf_common.ads b/ortho/mcode/elf_common.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 28186d094..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/elf_common.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
--- ELF definitions.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-package Elf_Common is
- subtype Elf_Half is Unsigned_16;
- subtype Elf_Sword is Integer_32;
- subtype Elf_Word is Unsigned_32;
- subtype Elf_Uchar is Unsigned_8;
- EI_NIDENT : constant Natural := 16;
- type E_Ident_Type is array (Natural range 0 .. EI_NIDENT - 1)
- of Elf_Uchar;
- -- e_type values.
- ET_NONE : constant Elf_Half := 0; -- No file type
- ET_REL : constant Elf_Half := 1; -- Relocatable file
- ET_EXEC : constant Elf_Half := 2; -- Executable file
- ET_DYN : constant Elf_Half := 3; -- Shared object file
- ET_CORE : constant Elf_Half := 4; -- Core file
- ET_LOPROC : constant Elf_Half := 16#Ff00#; -- Processor-specific
- ET_HIPROC : constant Elf_Half := 16#Ffff#; -- Processor-specific
- -- e_machine values.
- EM_NONE : constant Elf_Half := 0; -- No machine
- EM_M32 : constant Elf_Half := 1; -- AT&T WE 32100
- EM_SPARC : constant Elf_Half := 2; -- SPARC
- EM_386 : constant Elf_Half := 3; -- Intel Architecture
- EM_68K : constant Elf_Half := 4; -- Motorola 68000
- EM_88K : constant Elf_Half := 5; -- Motorola 88000
- EM_860 : constant Elf_Half := 7; -- Intel 80860
- EM_MIPS : constant Elf_Half := 8; -- MIPS RS3000 Big-Endian
- EM_MIPS_RS4_BE : constant Elf_Half := 10; -- MIPS RS4000 Big-Endian
- -- RESERVED : constant Elf_Half := 11; -- -16 Reserved for future use
- -- e_version
- EV_NONE : constant Elf_Uchar := 0; -- Invalid versionn
- EV_CURRENT : constant Elf_Uchar := 1; -- Current version
- -- e_ident identification indexes.
- EI_MAG0 : constant Natural := 0; -- File identification
- EI_MAG1 : constant Natural := 1; -- File identification
- EI_MAG2 : constant Natural := 2; -- File identification
- EI_MAG3 : constant Natural := 3; -- File identification
- EI_CLASS : constant Natural := 4; -- File class
- EI_DATA : constant Natural := 5; -- Data encoding
- EI_VERSION : constant Natural := 6; -- File version
- EI_PAD : constant Natural := 7; -- Start of padding bytes
- --EI_NIDENT : constant Natural := 16; -- Size of e_ident[]
- -- Magic values.
- ELFMAG0 : constant Elf_Uchar := 16#7f#; -- e_ident[EI_MAG0]
- ELFMAG1 : constant Elf_Uchar := Character'Pos ('E'); -- e_ident[EI_MAG1]
- ELFMAG2 : constant Elf_Uchar := Character'Pos ('L'); -- e_ident[EI_MAG2]
- ELFMAG3 : constant Elf_Uchar := Character'Pos ('F'); -- e_ident[EI_MAG3]
- ELFCLASSNONE : constant Elf_Uchar := 0; -- Invalid class
- ELFCLASS32 : constant Elf_Uchar := 1; -- 32-bit objects
- ELFCLASS64 : constant Elf_Uchar := 2; -- 64-bit objects
- ELFDATANONE : constant Elf_Uchar := 0; -- Invalid data encoding
- ELFDATA2LSB : constant Elf_Uchar := 1; -- See below
- ELFDATA2MSB : constant Elf_Uchar := 2; -- See below
- SHN_UNDEF : constant Elf_Half := 0; --
- SHN_LORESERVE : constant Elf_Half := 16#Ff00#; --
- SHN_LOPROC : constant Elf_Half := 16#ff00#; --
- SHN_HIPROC : constant Elf_Half := 16#ff1f#; --
- SHN_ABS : constant Elf_Half := 16#fff1#; --
- SHN_COMMON : constant Elf_Half := 16#fff2#; --
- SHN_HIRESERVE : constant Elf_Half := 16#ffff#; --
- -- Sh_type.
- SHT_NULL : constant Elf_Word := 0;
- SHT_PROGBITS : constant Elf_Word := 1;
- SHT_SYMTAB : constant Elf_Word := 2;
- SHT_STRTAB : constant Elf_Word := 3;
- SHT_RELA : constant Elf_Word := 4;
- SHT_HASH : constant Elf_Word := 5;
- SHT_DYNAMIC : constant Elf_Word := 6;
- SHT_NOTE : constant Elf_Word := 7;
- SHT_NOBITS : constant Elf_Word := 8;
- SHT_REL : constant Elf_Word := 9;
- SHT_SHLIB : constant Elf_Word := 10;
- SHT_DYNSYM : constant Elf_Word := 11;
- SHT_INIT_ARRAY : constant Elf_Word := 14;
- SHT_FINI_ARRAY : constant Elf_Word := 15;
- SHT_PREINIT_ARRAY : constant Elf_Word := 16;
- SHT_GROUP : constant Elf_Word := 17;
- SHT_SYMTAB_SHNDX : constant Elf_Word := 18;
- SHT_NUM : constant Elf_Word := 19;
- SHT_LOOS : constant Elf_Word := 16#60000000#;
- SHT_GNU_LIBLIST : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffff7#;
- SHT_CHECKSUM : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffff8#;
- SHT_LOSUNW : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffffa#;
- SHT_SUNW_Move : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffffa#;
- SHT_SUNW_COMDAT : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffffb#;
- SHT_SUNW_Syminfo : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffffc#;
- SHT_GNU_Verdef : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffffd#;
- SHT_GNU_Verneed : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffffe#;
- SHT_GNU_Versym : constant Elf_Word := 16#6fffffff#;
- SHT_HISUNW : constant Elf_Word := 16#6fffffff#;
- SHT_HIOS : constant Elf_Word := 16#6fffffff#;
- SHT_LOPROC : constant Elf_Word := 16#70000000#;
- SHT_HIPROC : constant Elf_Word := 16#7fffffff#;
- SHT_LOUSER : constant Elf_Word := 16#80000000#;
- SHT_HIUSER : constant Elf_Word := 16#ffffffff#;
- SHF_WRITE : constant := 16#1#;
- SHF_ALLOC : constant := 16#2#;
- SHF_EXECINSTR : constant := 16#4#;
- SHF_MASKPROC : constant := 16#F0000000#;
- function Elf_St_Bind (Info : Elf_Uchar) return Elf_Uchar;
- function Elf_St_Type (Info : Elf_Uchar) return Elf_Uchar;
- function Elf_St_Info (B, T : Elf_Uchar) return Elf_Uchar;
- pragma Inline (Elf_St_Bind);
- pragma Inline (Elf_St_Type);
- pragma Inline (Elf_St_Info);
- -- Symbol binding.
- STB_LOCAL : constant Elf_Uchar := 0;
- STB_GLOBAL : constant Elf_Uchar := 1;
- STB_WEAK : constant Elf_Uchar := 2;
- STB_LOPROC : constant Elf_Uchar := 13;
- STB_HIPROC : constant Elf_Uchar := 15;
- -- Symbol types.
- STT_NOTYPE : constant Elf_Uchar := 0;
- STT_OBJECT : constant Elf_Uchar := 1;
- STT_FUNC : constant Elf_Uchar := 2;
- STT_SECTION : constant Elf_Uchar := 3;
- STT_FILE : constant Elf_Uchar := 4;
- STT_LOPROC : constant Elf_Uchar := 13;
- STT_HIPROC : constant Elf_Uchar := 15;
- PT_NULL : constant Elf_Word := 0;
- PT_LOAD : constant Elf_Word := 1;
- PT_DYNAMIC : constant Elf_Word := 2;
- PT_INTERP : constant Elf_Word := 3;
- PT_NOTE : constant Elf_Word := 4;
- PT_SHLIB : constant Elf_Word := 5;
- PT_PHDR : constant Elf_Word := 6;
- PT_TLS : constant Elf_Word := 7;
- PT_NUM : constant Elf_Word := 8;
- PT_LOOS : constant Elf_Word := 16#60000000#;
- PT_GNU_EH_FRAME : constant Elf_Word := 16#6474e550#;
- PT_LOSUNW : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffffa#;
- PT_SUNWBSS : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffffa#;
- PT_SUNWSTACK : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffffb#;
- PT_HISUNW : constant Elf_Word := 16#6fffffff#;
- PT_HIOS : constant Elf_Word := 16#6fffffff#;
- PT_LOPROC : constant Elf_Word := 16#70000000#;
- PT_HIPROC : constant Elf_Word := 16#7fffffff#;
- PF_X : constant Elf_Word := 1;
- PF_W : constant Elf_Word := 2;
- PF_R : constant Elf_Word := 4;
- DT_NULL : constant Elf_Word := 0;
- DT_NEEDED : constant Elf_Word := 1;
- DT_PLTRELSZ : constant Elf_Word := 2;
- DT_PLTGOT : constant Elf_Word := 3;
- DT_HASH : constant Elf_Word := 4;
- DT_STRTAB : constant Elf_Word := 5;
- DT_SYMTAB : constant Elf_Word := 6;
- DT_RELA : constant Elf_Word := 7;
- DT_RELASZ : constant Elf_Word := 8;
- DT_RELAENT : constant Elf_Word := 9;
- DT_STRSZ : constant Elf_Word := 10;
- DT_SYMENT : constant Elf_Word := 11;
- DT_INIT : constant Elf_Word := 12;
- DT_FINI : constant Elf_Word := 13;
- DT_SONAME : constant Elf_Word := 14;
- DT_RPATH : constant Elf_Word := 15;
- DT_SYMBOLIC : constant Elf_Word := 16;
- DT_REL : constant Elf_Word := 17;
- DT_RELSZ : constant Elf_Word := 18;
- DT_RELENT : constant Elf_Word := 19;
- DT_PLTREL : constant Elf_Word := 20;
- DT_DEBUG : constant Elf_Word := 21;
- DT_TEXTREL : constant Elf_Word := 22;
- DT_JMPREL : constant Elf_Word := 23;
- DT_BIND_NOW : constant Elf_Word := 24;
- DT_INIT_ARRAY : constant Elf_Word := 25;
- DT_FINI_ARRAY : constant Elf_Word := 26;
- DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ : constant Elf_Word := 27;
- DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ : constant Elf_Word := 28;
- DT_RUNPATH : constant Elf_Word := 29;
- DT_FLAGS : constant Elf_Word := 30;
- DT_ENCODING : constant Elf_Word := 32;
- DT_PREINIT_ARRAY : constant Elf_Word := 32;
- DT_PREINIT_ARRAYSZ : constant Elf_Word := 33;
- DT_NUM : constant Elf_Word := 34;
- DT_LOOS : constant Elf_Word := 16#60000000#;
- DT_HIOS : constant Elf_Word := 16#6fffffff#;
- DT_LOPROC : constant Elf_Word := 16#70000000#;
- DT_HIPROC : constant Elf_Word := 16#7fffffff#;
- DT_VALRNGLO : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffd00#;
- DT_GNU_PRELINKED : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffdf5#;
- DT_GNU_CONFLICTSZ : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffdf6#;
- DT_GNU_LIBLISTSZ : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffdf7#;
- DT_CHECKSUM : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffdf8#;
- DT_PLTPADSZ : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffdf9#;
- DT_MOVEENT : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffdfa#;
- DT_MOVESZ : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffdfb#;
- DT_FEATURE_1 : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffdfc#;
- DT_POSFLAG_1 : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffdfd#;
- DT_SYMINSZ : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffdfe#;
- DT_SYMINENT : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffdff#;
- DT_VALRNGHI : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffdff#;
- DT_ADDRRNGLO : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffe00#;
- DT_GNU_CONFLICT : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffef8#;
- DT_GNU_LIBLIST : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffef9#;
- DT_CONFIG : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffefa#;
- DT_DEPAUDIT : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffefb#;
- DT_AUDIT : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffefc#;
- DT_PLTPAD : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffefd#;
- DT_MOVETAB : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffefe#;
- DT_SYMINFO : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffeff#;
- DT_ADDRRNGHI : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffeff#;
- DT_VERSYM : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffff0#;
- DT_RELACOUNT : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffff9#;
- DT_RELCOUNT : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffffa#;
- DT_FLAGS_1 : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffffb#;
- DT_VERDEF : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffffc#;
- DT_VERDEFNUM : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffffd#;
- DT_VERNEED : constant Elf_Word := 16#6ffffffe#;
- DT_VERNEEDNUM : constant Elf_Word := 16#6fffffff#;
- DT_AUXILIARY : constant Elf_Word := 16#7ffffffd#;
- DT_FILTER : constant Elf_Word := 16#7fffffff#;
-end Elf_Common;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/elfdump.adb b/ortho/mcode/elfdump.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index d49275912..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/elfdump.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
--- ELF dumper (main program).
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-with Elf_Common; use Elf_Common;
-with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
-with Hex_Images; use Hex_Images;
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with Elfdumper; use Elfdumper;
-procedure Elfdump is
- Flag_Ehdr : Boolean := False;
- Flag_Shdr : Boolean := False;
- Flag_Strtab : Boolean := False;
- Flag_Symtab : Boolean := False;
- Flag_Dwarf_Info : Boolean := False;
- Flag_Dwarf_Abbrev : Boolean := False;
- Flag_Dwarf_Pubnames : Boolean := False;
- Flag_Dwarf_Aranges : Boolean := False;
- Flag_Dwarf_Line : Boolean := False;
- Flag_Dwarf_Frame : Boolean := False;
- Flag_Eh_Frame_Hdr : Boolean := False;
- Flag_Long_Shdr : Boolean := False;
- Flag_Phdr : Boolean := False;
- Flag_Note : Boolean := False;
- Flag_Dynamic : Boolean := False;
- procedure Disp_Max_Len (Str : String; Len : Natural)
- is
- begin
- if Str'Length > Len then
- Put (Str (Str'First .. Str'First + Len - 1));
- else
- Put (Str);
- Put ((Str'Length + 1 .. Len => ' '));
- end if;
- end Disp_Max_Len;
- procedure Disp_Section_Header (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half) is
- begin
- Put ("Section " & Hex_Image (Index));
- Put (" ");
- Put (Get_Section_Name (File, Index));
- New_Line;
- end Disp_Section_Header;
- procedure Disp_Elf_File (Filename : String)
- is
- File : Elf_File;
- Ehdr : Elf_Ehdr_Acc;
- Shdr : Elf_Shdr_Acc;
- Phdr : Elf_Phdr_Acc;
- Sh_Strtab : Strtab_Type;
- begin
- Open_File (File, Filename);
- if Get_Status (File) /= Status_Ok then
- Put_Line ("cannot open elf file '" & Filename & "': " &
- Elf_File_Status'Image (Get_Status (File)));
- return;
- end if;
- Ehdr := Get_Ehdr (File);
- if Flag_Ehdr then
- Disp_Ehdr (Ehdr.all);
- end if;
- Load_Shdr (File);
- Sh_Strtab := Get_Sh_Strtab (File);
- if Flag_Long_Shdr then
- if Ehdr.E_Shnum = 0 then
- Put ("no section");
- else
- for I in 0 .. Ehdr.E_Shnum - 1 loop
- Put ("Section " & Hex_Image (I));
- New_Line;
- Disp_Shdr (Get_Shdr (File, I).all, Sh_Strtab);
- end loop;
- end if;
- end if;
- if Flag_Shdr then
- if Ehdr.E_Shnum = 0 then
- Put ("no section");
- else
- Put ("Num Name Type ");
- Put ("Offset Size Link Info Al Es");
- New_Line;
- for I in 0 .. Ehdr.E_Shnum - 1 loop
- declare
- Shdr : Elf_Shdr_Acc := Get_Shdr (File, I);
- begin
- Put (Hex_Image (I));
- Put (" ");
- Disp_Max_Len (Get_Section_Name (File, I), 20);
- Put (" ");
- Disp_Max_Len (Get_Shdr_Type_Name (Shdr.Sh_Type), 10);
- Put (" ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Shdr.Sh_Offset));
- Put (" ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Shdr.Sh_Size));
- Put (" ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Unsigned_16 (Shdr.Sh_Link and 16#Ffff#)));
- Put (" ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Unsigned_16 (Shdr.Sh_Info and 16#Ffff#)));
- Put (" ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Unsigned_8 (Shdr.Sh_Addralign and 16#ff#)));
- Put (" ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Unsigned_8 (Shdr.Sh_Entsize and 16#ff#)));
- New_Line;
- end;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end if;
- if Flag_Phdr then
- Load_Phdr (File);
- if Ehdr.E_Phnum = 0 then
- Put ("no program segment");
- else
- for I in 0 .. Ehdr.E_Phnum - 1 loop
- Put ("segment " & Hex_Image (I));
- New_Line;
- Disp_Phdr (Get_Phdr (File, I).all);
- end loop;
- end if;
- end if;
- -- Dump each section.
- if Ehdr.E_Shnum > 0 then
- for I in 0 .. Ehdr.E_Shnum - 1 loop
- Shdr := Get_Shdr (File, I);
- case Shdr.Sh_Type is
- when SHT_SYMTAB =>
- if Flag_Symtab then
- Disp_Section_Header (File, I);
- Disp_Symtab (File, I);
- end if;
- when SHT_STRTAB =>
- if Flag_Strtab then
- Disp_Section_Header (File, I);
- Disp_Strtab (File, I);
- end if;
- when SHT_PROGBITS =>
- declare
- Name : String := Get_Section_Name (File, I);
- begin
- if Flag_Dwarf_Abbrev and then Name = ".debug_abbrev" then
- Disp_Section_Header (File, I);
- Disp_Debug_Abbrev (File, I);
- elsif Flag_Dwarf_Info and then Name = ".debug_info" then
- Disp_Section_Header (File, I);
- Disp_Debug_Info (File, I);
- elsif Flag_Dwarf_Line and then Name = ".debug_line" then
- Disp_Section_Header (File, I);
- Disp_Debug_Line (File, I);
- elsif Flag_Dwarf_Frame and then Name = ".debug_frame" then
- Disp_Section_Header (File, I);
- Disp_Debug_Frame (File, I);
- elsif Flag_Dwarf_Pubnames
- and then Name = ".debug_pubnames"
- then
- Disp_Section_Header (File, I);
- Disp_Debug_Pubnames (File, I);
- elsif Flag_Eh_Frame_Hdr and then Name = ".eh_frame_hdr"
- then
- Disp_Section_Header (File, I);
- Disp_Eh_Frame_Hdr (File, I);
- elsif Flag_Dwarf_Aranges
- and then Name = ".debug_aranges"
- then
- Disp_Section_Header (File, I);
- Disp_Debug_Aranges (File, I);
- end if;
- end;
- when SHT_NOTE =>
- if Flag_Note then
- Disp_Section_Header (File, I);
- Disp_Section_Note (File, I);
- end if;
- when SHT_DYNAMIC =>
- if Flag_Dynamic then
- Disp_Section_Header (File, I);
- Disp_Dynamic (File, I);
- end if;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- end loop;
- elsif Ehdr.E_Phnum > 0 then
- Load_Phdr (File);
- for I in 0 .. Ehdr.E_Phnum - 1 loop
- Phdr := Get_Phdr (File, I);
- case Phdr.P_Type is
- when PT_NOTE =>
- if Flag_Note then
- Disp_Segment_Note (File, I);
- end if;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end Disp_Elf_File;
- for I in 1 .. Argument_Count loop
- declare
- Arg : String := Argument (I);
- begin
- if Arg (1) = '-' then
- -- An option.
- if Arg = "-e" then
- Flag_Ehdr := True;
- elsif Arg = "-t" then
- Flag_Strtab := True;
- elsif Arg = "-S" then
- Flag_Symtab := True;
- elsif Arg = "-s" then
- Flag_Shdr := True;
- elsif Arg = "-p" then
- Flag_Phdr := True;
- elsif Arg = "-n" then
- Flag_Note := True;
- elsif Arg = "-d" then
- Flag_Dynamic := True;
- elsif Arg = "--dwarf-info" then
- Flag_Dwarf_Info := True;
- elsif Arg = "--dwarf-abbrev" then
- Flag_Dwarf_Abbrev := True;
- elsif Arg = "--dwarf-line" then
- Flag_Dwarf_Line := True;
- elsif Arg = "--dwarf-frame" then
- Flag_Dwarf_Frame := True;
- elsif Arg = "--dwarf-pubnames" then
- Flag_Dwarf_Pubnames := True;
- elsif Arg = "--dwarf-aranges" then
- Flag_Dwarf_Aranges := True;
- elsif Arg = "--eh-frame-hdr" then
- Flag_Eh_Frame_Hdr := True;
- elsif Arg = "--long-shdr" then
- Flag_Long_Shdr := True;
- else
- Put_Line ("unknown option '" & Arg & "'");
- return;
- end if;
- else
- Disp_Elf_File (Arg);
- end if;
- end;
- end loop;
-end Elfdump;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/elfdumper.adb b/ortho/mcode/elfdumper.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index b3a3b70f2..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/elfdumper.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2818 +0,0 @@
--- ELF dumper (library).
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System.Storage_Elements; use System.Storage_Elements;
-with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
-with GNAT.OS_Lib;
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with Hex_Images; use Hex_Images;
-with Elf_Common; use Elf_Common;
-with Dwarf;
-package body Elfdumper is
- function Get_String (Strtab : Strtab_Type; N : Elf_Size) return String
- is
- E : Elf_Size;
- begin
- E := N;
- while Strtab.Base (E) /= Nul loop
- E := E + 1;
- end loop;
- if E = N then
- return "";
- else
- return String (Strtab.Base (N .. E - 1));
- end if;
- end Get_String;
- procedure Disp_Ehdr (Ehdr : Elf_Ehdr) is
- begin
- Put ("File class: ");
- case Ehdr.E_Ident (EI_CLASS) is
- Put ("none");
- when ELFCLASS32 =>
- Put ("class_32");
- when ELFCLASS64 =>
- Put ("class_64");
- when others =>
- Put ("others");
- end case;
- New_Line;
- Put ("encoding : ");
- case Ehdr.E_Ident (EI_DATA) is
- Put ("none");
- when ELFDATA2LSB =>
- Put ("LSB byte order");
- when ELFDATA2MSB =>
- Put ("MSB byte order");
- when others =>
- Put ("unknown");
- end case;
- New_Line;
- Put ("version : ");
- case Ehdr.E_Ident (EI_VERSION) is
- when EV_NONE =>
- Put ("none");
- when EV_CURRENT =>
- Put ("current (1)");
- when others =>
- Put ("future");
- end case;
- New_Line;
- if Ehdr.E_Ident (EI_CLASS) /= Elf_Arch_Class
--- or Ehdr.E_Ident (EI_DATA) /= ELFDATA2LSB
- or Ehdr.E_Ident (EI_VERSION) /= EV_CURRENT
- then
- Put_Line ("bad class/data encoding/version");
- return;
- end if;
- Put ("File type : ");
- case Ehdr.E_Type is
- when ET_NONE =>
- Put ("no file type");
- when ET_REL =>
- Put ("relocatable file");
- when ET_EXEC =>
- Put ("executable file");
- when ET_CORE =>
- Put ("core file");
- when ET_LOPROC .. ET_HIPROC =>
- Put ("processor-specific");
- when others =>
- Put ("unknown");
- end case;
- New_Line;
- Put ("machine : ");
- case Ehdr.E_Machine is
- when EM_NONE =>
- Put ("no machine");
- when EM_M32 =>
- Put ("AT&T WE 32100");
- when EM_SPARC =>
- Put ("SPARC");
- when EM_386 =>
- Put ("Intel architecture");
- when EM_68K =>
- Put ("Motorola 68000");
- when EM_88K =>
- Put ("Motorola 88000");
- when EM_860 =>
- Put ("Intel 80860");
- when EM_MIPS =>
- Put ("MIPS RS3000 Big-Endian");
- when EM_MIPS_RS4_BE =>
- Put ("MIPS RS4000 Big-Endian");
- when others =>
- Put ("unknown");
- end case;
- New_Line;
- Put_Line ("Version : " & Hex_Image (Ehdr.E_Version));
- Put_Line ("Phoff : " & Hex_Image (Ehdr.E_Phoff));
- Put_Line ("Shoff : " & Hex_Image (Ehdr.E_Shoff));
- Put_Line ("flags : " & Hex_Image (Ehdr.E_Flags));
- Put_Line ("phentsize : " & Hex_Image (Ehdr.E_Ehsize));
- Put_Line ("phnum : " & Hex_Image (Ehdr.E_Phentsize));
- Put_Line ("shentsize : " & Hex_Image (Ehdr.E_Shentsize));
- Put_Line ("shnum : " & Hex_Image (Ehdr.E_Shnum));
- Put_Line ("shstrndx : " & Hex_Image (Ehdr.E_Shstrndx));
- end Disp_Ehdr;
- function Get_Shdr_Type_Name (Stype : Elf_Word) return String is
- begin
- case Stype is
- when SHT_NULL =>
- return "NULL";
- when SHT_PROGBITS =>
- return "PROGBITS";
- when SHT_SYMTAB =>
- return "SYMTAB";
- when SHT_STRTAB =>
- return "STRTAB";
- when SHT_RELA =>
- return "RELA";
- when SHT_HASH =>
- return "HASH";
- when SHT_DYNAMIC =>
- return "DYNAMIC";
- when SHT_NOTE =>
- return "NOTE";
- when SHT_NOBITS =>
- return "NOBITS";
- when SHT_REL =>
- return "REL";
- when SHT_SHLIB =>
- return "SHLIB";
- when SHT_DYNSYM =>
- return "DYNSYM";
- when SHT_INIT_ARRAY =>
- return "INIT_ARRAY";
- when SHT_FINI_ARRAY =>
- return "FINI_ARRAY";
- return "PREINIT_ARRAY";
- when SHT_GROUP =>
- return "GROUP";
- return "SYMTAB_SHNDX";
- when SHT_NUM =>
- return "NUM";
- when SHT_LOOS =>
- return "LOOS";
- return "GNU_LIBLIST";
- when SHT_CHECKSUM =>
- return "CHECKSUM";
- when SHT_SUNW_Move =>
- return "SUNW_move";
- return "SUNW_COMDAT";
- when SHT_SUNW_Syminfo =>
- return "SUNW_syminfo";
- when SHT_GNU_Verdef =>
- return "GNU_verdef";
- when SHT_GNU_Verneed =>
- return "GNU_verneed";
- when SHT_GNU_Versym =>
- return "GNU_versym";
- return "Processor dependant";
- return "User dependant";
- when others =>
- return "unknown";
- end case;
- end Get_Shdr_Type_Name;
- procedure Disp_Shdr (Shdr : Elf_Shdr; Sh_Strtab : Strtab_Type)
- is
- begin
- Put_Line ("name : " & Hex_Image (Shdr.Sh_Name) & " """
- & Get_String (Sh_Strtab, Elf_Size (Shdr.Sh_Name)) & """");
- Put ("type : " & Hex_Image (Shdr.Sh_Type) & " ");
- Put (Get_Shdr_Type_Name (Shdr.Sh_Type));
- New_Line;
- Put ("flags : " & Hex_Image (Shdr.Sh_Flags));
- if (Shdr.Sh_Flags and SHF_WRITE) /= 0 then
- Put (" WRITE");
- end if;
- if (Shdr.Sh_Flags and SHF_ALLOC) /= 0 then
- Put (" ALLOC");
- end if;
- if (Shdr.Sh_Flags and SHF_EXECINSTR) /= 0 then
- Put (" EXEC");
- end if;
- New_Line;
- Put ("addr : " & Hex_Image (Shdr.Sh_Addr));
- Put (" offset : " & Hex_Image (Shdr.Sh_Offset));
- Put (" size : " & Hex_Image (Shdr.Sh_Size));
- New_Line;
- Put ("link : " & Hex_Image (Shdr.Sh_Link));
- Put (" info : " & Hex_Image (Shdr.Sh_Info));
- Put (" addralign : " & Hex_Image (Shdr.Sh_Addralign));
- Put (" entsize : " & Hex_Image (Shdr.Sh_Entsize));
- New_Line;
- end Disp_Shdr;
- procedure Disp_Sym (File : Elf_File;
- Sym : Elf_Sym;
- Strtab : Strtab_Type)
- is
- begin
- Put (Hex_Image (Sym.St_Value));
- Put (" " & Hex_Image (Sym.St_Size));
- Put (' ');
- --Put (" info:" & Hex_Image (Sym.St_Info) & " ");
- case Elf_St_Bind (Sym.St_Info) is
- when STB_LOCAL =>
- Put ("loc ");
- when STB_GLOBAL =>
- Put ("glob");
- when STB_WEAK =>
- Put ("weak");
- when others =>
- Put ("? ");
- end case;
- Put (' ');
- case Elf_St_Type (Sym.St_Info) is
- when STT_NOTYPE =>
- Put ("none");
- when STT_OBJECT =>
- Put ("obj ");
- when STT_FUNC =>
- Put ("func");
- when STT_SECTION =>
- Put ("sect");
- when STT_FILE =>
- Put ("file");
- when others =>
- Put ("? ");
- end case;
- --Put (" other:" & Hex_Image (Sym.St_Other));
- Put (' ');
- case Sym.St_Shndx is
- when SHN_UNDEF =>
- Put ("UNDEF ");
- when 1 .. SHN_LORESERVE - 1 =>
- declare
- S : String := Get_Section_Name (File, Sym.St_Shndx);
- Max : constant Natural := 8;
- begin
- if S'Length <= Max then
- Put (S);
- for I in S'Length + 1 .. Max loop
- Put (' ');
- end loop;
- else
- Put (S (S'First .. S'First + Max - 1));
- end if;
- end;
- Put ("*proc* ");
- when SHN_ABS =>
- Put ("*ABS* ");
- when SHN_COMMON =>
- Put ("*COMMON*");
- when others =>
- Put ("?? ");
- end case;
- --Put (" sect:" & Hex_Image (Sym.St_Shndx));
- Put (' ');
- Put_Line (Get_String (Strtab, Elf_Size (Sym.St_Name)));
- end Disp_Sym;
- function Get_Offset (File : Elf_File; Off : Elf_Off; Size : Elf_Size)
- return Address
- is
- begin
- if Off > File.Length or Off + Size > File.Length then
- return Null_Address;
- end if;
- return File.Base + Storage_Offset (Off);
- end Get_Offset;
- function Get_Section_Base (File : Elf_File; Shdr : Elf_Shdr)
- return Address
- is
- begin
- return Get_Offset (File, Shdr.Sh_Offset, Shdr.Sh_Size);
- end Get_Section_Base;
- function Get_Section_Base (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half)
- return Address
- is
- Shdr : Elf_Shdr_Acc;
- begin
- Shdr := Get_Shdr (File, Index);
- return Get_Section_Base (File, Shdr.all);
- end Get_Section_Base;
- function Get_Segment_Base (File : Elf_File; Phdr : Elf_Phdr)
- return Address
- is
- begin
- return Get_Offset (File, Phdr.P_Offset, Phdr.P_Filesz);
- end Get_Segment_Base;
- function Get_Segment_Base (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half)
- return Address
- is
- Phdr : Elf_Phdr_Acc;
- begin
- Phdr := Get_Phdr (File, Index);
- return Get_Segment_Base (File, Phdr.all);
- end Get_Segment_Base;
- procedure Open_File (File : out Elf_File; Filename : String)
- is
- function Malloc (Size : Integer) return Address;
- pragma Import (C, Malloc);
- use GNAT.OS_Lib;
- Length : Long_Integer;
- Len : Integer;
- Fd : File_Descriptor;
- begin
- File := (Filename => new String'(Filename),
- Status => Status_Ok,
- Length => 0,
- Base => Null_Address,
- Ehdr => null,
- Shdr_Base => Null_Address,
- Sh_Strtab => (null, 0),
- Phdr_Base => Null_Address);
- -- Open the file.
- Fd := Open_Read (Filename, Binary);
- if Fd = Invalid_FD then
- File.Status := Status_Open_Failure;
- return;
- end if;
- -- Get length.
- Length := File_Length (Fd);
- Len := Integer (Length);
- if Len < Elf_Ehdr_Size then
- File.Status := Status_Bad_File;
- Close (Fd);
- return;
- end if;
- File.Length := Elf_Off (Len);
- -- Allocate memory for the file.
- File.Base := Malloc (Len);
- if File.Base = Null_Address then
- File.Status := Status_Memory;
- Close (Fd);
- return;
- end if;
- -- Read the whole file.
- if Read (Fd, File.Base, Integer (Length)) /= Integer (Length) then
- File.Status := Status_Read_Error;
- Close (Fd);
- return;
- end if;
- Close (Fd);
- File.Ehdr := To_Elf_Ehdr_Acc (File.Base);
- if File.Ehdr.E_Ident (EI_MAG0) /= ELFMAG0
- or File.Ehdr.E_Ident (EI_MAG1) /= ELFMAG1
- or File.Ehdr.E_Ident (EI_MAG2) /= ELFMAG2
- or File.Ehdr.E_Ident (EI_MAG3) /= ELFMAG3
- then
- File.Status := Status_Bad_Magic;
- return;
- end if;
- if File.Ehdr.E_Ident (EI_CLASS) /= Elf_Arch_Class
--- or Ehdr.E_Ident (EI_DATA) /= ELFDATA2LSB
- or File.Ehdr.E_Ident (EI_VERSION) /= EV_CURRENT
- then
- File.Status := Status_Bad_Class;
- return;
- end if;
- end Open_File;
- function Get_Status (File : Elf_File) return Elf_File_Status is
- begin
- return File.Status;
- end Get_Status;
- function Get_Ehdr (File : Elf_File) return Elf_Ehdr_Acc is
- begin
- return File.Ehdr;
- end Get_Ehdr;
- function Get_Shdr (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half)
- return Elf_Shdr_Acc
- is
- begin
- if Index >= File.Ehdr.E_Shnum then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- return To_Elf_Shdr_Acc
- (File.Shdr_Base
- + Storage_Offset (Index * Elf_Half (Elf_Shdr_Size)));
- end Get_Shdr;
- procedure Load_Phdr (File : in out Elf_File)
- is
- begin
- if Get_Ehdr (File).E_Phentsize /= Elf_Half (Elf_Phdr_Size) then
- return;
- end if;
- File.Phdr_Base :=
- Get_Offset (File, Get_Ehdr (File).E_Phoff,
- Elf_Size (Get_Ehdr (File).E_Phnum
- * Elf_Half (Elf_Phdr_Size)));
- end Load_Phdr;
- function Get_Phdr (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half)
- return Elf_Phdr_Acc
- is
- begin
- if Index >= File.Ehdr.E_Phnum then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- return To_Elf_Phdr_Acc
- (File.Phdr_Base
- + Storage_Offset (Index * Elf_Half (Elf_Phdr_Size)));
- end Get_Phdr;
- function Get_Strtab (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half)
- return Strtab_Type
- is
- Shdr : Elf_Shdr_Acc;
- begin
- Shdr := Get_Shdr (File, Index);
- if Shdr = null or Shdr.Sh_Type /= SHT_STRTAB then
- return Null_Strtab;
- end if;
- return (Base => To_Strtab_Fat_Acc (Get_Section_Base (File, Shdr.all)),
- Length => Shdr.Sh_Size);
- end Get_Strtab;
- procedure Load_Shdr (File : in out Elf_File)
- is
- begin
- if Get_Ehdr (File).E_Shentsize /= Elf_Half (Elf_Shdr_Size) then
- return;
- end if;
- File.Shdr_Base :=
- Get_Offset (File, Get_Ehdr (File).E_Shoff,
- Elf_Size (Get_Ehdr (File).E_Shnum
- * Elf_Half (Elf_Shdr_Size)));
- File.Sh_Strtab := Get_Strtab (File, Get_Ehdr (File).E_Shstrndx);
- end Load_Shdr;
- function Get_Sh_Strtab (File : Elf_File) return Strtab_Type is
- begin
- return File.Sh_Strtab;
- end Get_Sh_Strtab;
- function Get_Section_Name (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half)
- return String
- is
- begin
- return Get_String (Get_Sh_Strtab (File),
- Elf_Size (Get_Shdr (File, Index).Sh_Name));
- end Get_Section_Name;
- function Get_Section_By_Name (File : Elf_File; Name : String)
- return Elf_Half
- is
- Ehdr : Elf_Ehdr_Acc;
- Shdr : Elf_Shdr_Acc;
- Sh_Strtab : Strtab_Type;
- begin
- Ehdr := Get_Ehdr (File);
- Sh_Strtab := Get_Sh_Strtab (File);
- for I in 1 .. Ehdr.E_Shnum - 1 loop
- Shdr := Get_Shdr (File, I);
- if Get_String (Sh_Strtab, Elf_Size (Shdr.Sh_Name)) = Name then
- return I;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return 0;
- end Get_Section_By_Name;
- procedure Disp_Symtab (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half)
- is
- Shdr : Elf_Shdr_Acc;
- S_Strtab : Strtab_Type;
- Base : Address;
- Off : Storage_Offset;
- begin
- Shdr := Get_Shdr (File, Index);
- if Shdr.Sh_Entsize /= Elf_Size (Elf_Sym_Size) then
- return;
- end if;
- S_Strtab := Get_Strtab (File, Elf_Half (Shdr.Sh_Link));
- Base := Get_Section_Base (File, Shdr.all);
- Off := 0;
- while Off < Storage_Offset (Shdr.Sh_Size) loop
- Disp_Sym (File, To_Elf_Sym_Acc (Base + Off).all, S_Strtab);
- Off := Off + Storage_Offset (Elf_Sym_Size);
- end loop;
- end Disp_Symtab;
- procedure Disp_Strtab (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half)
- is
- Strtab : Strtab_Type;
- S, E : Elf_Size;
- begin
- Strtab := Get_Strtab (File, Index);
- S := 1;
- while S < Strtab.Length loop
- E := S;
- while Strtab.Base (E) /= Nul loop
- E := E + 1;
- end loop;
- Put_Line (Hex_Image (S) & ": "
- & String (Strtab.Base (S .. E - 1)));
- S := E + 1;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Strtab;
- function Read_Byte (Addr : Address) return Unsigned_8
- is
- type Unsigned_8_Acc is access all Unsigned_8;
- function To_Unsigned_8_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Address, Unsigned_8_Acc);
- begin
- return To_Unsigned_8_Acc (Addr).all;
- end Read_Byte;
- procedure Read_ULEB128 (Base : Address;
- Off : in out Storage_Offset;
- Res : out Unsigned_32)
- is
- B : Unsigned_8;
- Shift : Integer;
- begin
- Res := 0;
- Shift := 0;
- loop
- B := Read_Byte (Base + Off);
- Off := Off + 1;
- Res := Res or Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (B and 16#7f#), Shift);
- exit when (B and 16#80#) = 0;
- Shift := Shift + 7;
- end loop;
- end Read_ULEB128;
- procedure Read_SLEB128 (Base : Address;
- Off : in out Storage_Offset;
- Res : out Unsigned_32)
- is
- B : Unsigned_8;
- Shift : Integer;
- begin
- Res := 0;
- Shift := 0;
- loop
- B := Read_Byte (Base + Off);
- Off := Off + 1;
- Res := Res or Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (B and 16#7f#), Shift);
- Shift := Shift + 7;
- exit when (B and 16#80#) = 0;
- end loop;
- if Shift < 32 and (Res and Shift_Left (1, Shift - 1)) /= 0 then
- Res := Res or Shift_Left (-1, Shift);
- end if;
- end Read_SLEB128;
- procedure Read_Word4 (Base : Address;
- Off : in out Storage_Offset;
- Res : out Unsigned_32)
- is
- B0, B1, B2, B3 : Unsigned_8;
- begin
- B0 := Read_Byte (Base + Off + 0);
- B1 := Read_Byte (Base + Off + 1);
- B2 := Read_Byte (Base + Off + 2);
- B3 := Read_Byte (Base + Off + 3);
- Res := Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (B3), 24)
- or Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (B2), 16)
- or Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (B1), 8)
- or Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (B0), 0);
- Off := Off + 4;
- end Read_Word4;
- procedure Read_Word2 (Base : Address;
- Off : in out Storage_Offset;
- Res : out Unsigned_16)
- is
- B0, B1 : Unsigned_8;
- begin
- B0 := Read_Byte (Base + Off + 0);
- B1 := Read_Byte (Base + Off + 1);
- Res := Shift_Left (Unsigned_16 (B1), 8)
- or Shift_Left (Unsigned_16 (B0), 0);
- Off := Off + 2;
- end Read_Word2;
- procedure Read_Byte (Base : Address;
- Off : in out Storage_Offset;
- Res : out Unsigned_8)
- is
- begin
- Res := Read_Byte (Base + Off);
- Off := Off + 1;
- end Read_Byte;
- procedure Disp_Note (Base : Address; Size : Storage_Offset)
- is
- Off : Storage_Offset;
- Namesz : Unsigned_32;
- Descsz : Unsigned_32;
- Ntype : Unsigned_32;
- B : Unsigned_8;
- Is_Full : Boolean;
- begin
- Off := 0;
- while Off < Size loop
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, Namesz);
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, Descsz);
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, Ntype);
- Put ("type : ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Ntype));
- New_Line;
- Put ("name : ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Namesz));
- Put (" ");
- for I in 1 .. Namesz loop
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, B);
- if B /= 0 then
- Put (Character'Val (B));
- end if;
- end loop;
- if Namesz mod 4 /= 0 then
- for I in (Namesz mod 4) .. 3 loop
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, B);
- end loop;
- end if;
- New_Line;
- Put ("desc : ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Descsz));
- Put (" ");
- Is_Full := Descsz >= 20;
- for I in 1 .. Descsz loop
- if Is_Full and (I mod 16) = 1 then
- New_Line;
- end if;
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, B);
- Put (' ');
- Put (Hex_Image (B));
- end loop;
- if Descsz mod 4 /= 0 then
- for I in (Descsz mod 4) .. 3 loop
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, B);
- end loop;
- end if;
- New_Line;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Note;
- procedure Disp_Section_Note (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half)
- is
- Shdr : Elf_Shdr_Acc;
- Base : Address;
- begin
- Shdr := Get_Shdr (File, Index);
- Base := Get_Section_Base (File, Shdr.all);
- Disp_Note (Base, Storage_Offset (Shdr.Sh_Size));
- end Disp_Section_Note;
- procedure Disp_Segment_Note (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half)
- is
- Phdr : Elf_Phdr_Acc;
- Base : Address;
- begin
- Phdr := Get_Phdr (File, Index);
- Base := Get_Segment_Base (File, Phdr.all);
- Disp_Note (Base, Storage_Offset (Phdr.P_Filesz));
- end Disp_Segment_Note;
- function Get_Dt_Name (Name : Elf_Word) return String is
- begin
- case Name is
- when DT_NULL =>
- return "NULL";
- when DT_NEEDED =>
- return "NEEDED";
- when DT_PLTRELSZ =>
- return "PLTRELSZ";
- when DT_PLTGOT =>
- return "PLTGOT";
- when DT_HASH =>
- return "HASH";
- when DT_STRTAB =>
- return "STRTAB";
- when DT_SYMTAB =>
- return "SYMTAB";
- when DT_RELA =>
- return "RELA";
- when DT_RELASZ =>
- return "RELASZ";
- when DT_RELAENT =>
- return "RELAENT";
- when DT_STRSZ =>
- return "STRSZ";
- when DT_SYMENT =>
- return "SYMENT";
- when DT_INIT =>
- return "INIT";
- when DT_FINI =>
- return "FINI";
- when DT_SONAME =>
- return "SONAME";
- when DT_RPATH =>
- return "RPATH";
- when DT_SYMBOLIC =>
- return "SYMBOLIC";
- when DT_REL =>
- return "REL";
- when DT_RELSZ =>
- return "RELSZ";
- when DT_RELENT =>
- return "RELENT";
- when DT_PLTREL =>
- return "PLTREL";
- when DT_DEBUG =>
- return "DEBUG";
- when DT_TEXTREL =>
- return "TEXTREL";
- when DT_JMPREL =>
- return "JMPREL";
- when DT_BIND_NOW =>
- return "BIND_NOW";
- when DT_INIT_ARRAY =>
- return "INIT_ARRAY";
- when DT_FINI_ARRAY =>
- return "FINI_ARRAY";
- return "INIT_ARRAYSZ";
- return "FINI_ARRAYSZ";
- when DT_RUNPATH =>
- return "RUNPATH";
- when DT_FLAGS =>
- return "FLAGS";
--- when DT_ENCODING =>
--- return "ENCODING";
- return "PREINIT_ARRAY";
- when DT_NUM =>
- return "NUM";
- when DT_LOOS =>
- return "LOOS";
--- when DT_HIOS =>
--- return "HIOS";
- when DT_LOPROC =>
- return "LOPROC";
--- when DT_HIPROC =>
--- return "HIPROC";
- when DT_VALRNGLO =>
- return "VALRNGLO";
- return "GNU_PRELINKED";
- return "GNU_CONFLICTSZ";
- return "GNU_LIBLISTSZ";
- when DT_CHECKSUM =>
- return "CHECKSUM";
- when DT_PLTPADSZ =>
- return "PLTPADSZ";
- when DT_MOVEENT =>
- return "MOVEENT";
- when DT_MOVESZ =>
- return "MOVESZ";
- when DT_FEATURE_1 =>
- return "FEATURE_1";
- when DT_POSFLAG_1 =>
- return "POSFLAG_1";
- when DT_SYMINSZ =>
- return "SYMINSZ";
- when DT_SYMINENT =>
- return "SYMINENT";
--- when DT_VALRNGHI =>
--- return "VALRNGHI";
- when DT_ADDRRNGLO =>
- return "ADDRRNGLO";
- return "GNU_CONFLICT";
- when DT_GNU_LIBLIST =>
- return "GNU_LIBLIST";
- when DT_CONFIG =>
- return "CONFIG";
- when DT_DEPAUDIT =>
- return "DEPAUDIT";
- when DT_AUDIT =>
- return "AUDIT";
- when DT_PLTPAD =>
- return "PLTPAD";
- when DT_MOVETAB =>
- return "MOVETAB";
- when DT_SYMINFO =>
- return "SYMINFO";
--- when DT_ADDRRNGHI =>
--- return "ADDRRNGHI";
- when DT_VERSYM =>
- return "VERSYM";
- when DT_RELACOUNT =>
- return "RELACOUNT";
- when DT_RELCOUNT =>
- return "RELCOUNT";
- when DT_FLAGS_1 =>
- return "FLAGS_1";
- when DT_VERDEF =>
- return "VERDEF";
- when DT_VERDEFNUM =>
- return "VERDEFNUM";
- when DT_VERNEED =>
- return "VERNEED";
- return "VERNEEDNUM";
- when DT_AUXILIARY =>
- return "AUXILIARY";
- when DT_FILTER =>
- return "FILTER";
- when others =>
- return "?unknown?";
- end case;
- end Get_Dt_Name;
- procedure Disp_Dynamic (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half)
- is
- Shdr : Elf_Shdr_Acc;
- Base : Address;
- Off : Storage_Offset;
- Tag : Unsigned_32;
- Val : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- Shdr := Get_Shdr (File, Index);
- Base := Get_Section_Base (File, Shdr.all);
- Off := 0;
- while Off < Storage_Offset (Shdr.Sh_Size) loop
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, Tag);
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, Val);
- Put ("tag : ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Tag));
- Put (" (");
- Put (Get_Dt_Name (Tag));
- Put (")");
- Set_Col (34);
- Put ("val : ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Val));
- New_Line;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Dynamic;
- function Get_Dwarf_Form_Name (Name : Unsigned_32) return String
- is
- use Dwarf;
- begin
- case Name is
- when DW_FORM_Addr =>
- return "addr";
- when DW_FORM_Block2 =>
- return "block2";
- when DW_FORM_Block4 =>
- return "block4";
- when DW_FORM_Data2 =>
- return "data2";
- when DW_FORM_Data4 =>
- return "data4";
- when DW_FORM_Data8 =>
- return "data8";
- when DW_FORM_String =>
- return "string";
- when DW_FORM_Block =>
- return "block";
- when DW_FORM_Block1 =>
- return "block1";
- when DW_FORM_Data1 =>
- return "data1";
- when DW_FORM_Flag =>
- return "flag";
- when DW_FORM_Sdata =>
- return "sdata";
- when DW_FORM_Strp =>
- return "strp";
- when DW_FORM_Udata =>
- return "udata";
- when DW_FORM_Ref_Addr =>
- return "ref_addr";
- when DW_FORM_Ref1 =>
- return "ref1";
- when DW_FORM_Ref2 =>
- return "ref2";
- when DW_FORM_Ref4 =>
- return "ref4";
- when DW_FORM_Ref8 =>
- return "ref8";
- when DW_FORM_Ref_Udata =>
- return "ref_udata";
- when DW_FORM_Indirect =>
- return "indirect";
- when others =>
- return "unknown";
- end case;
- end Get_Dwarf_Form_Name;
- function Get_Dwarf_Tag_Name (Tag : Unsigned_32) return String
- is
- use Dwarf;
- begin
- case Tag is
- when DW_TAG_Array_Type =>
- return "array_type";
- when DW_TAG_Class_Type =>
- return "class_type";
- when DW_TAG_Entry_Point =>
- return "entry_point";
- when DW_TAG_Enumeration_Type =>
- return "enumeration_type";
- when DW_TAG_Formal_Parameter =>
- return "formal_parameter";
- when DW_TAG_Imported_Declaration =>
- return "imported_declaration";
- when DW_TAG_Label =>
- return "label";
- when DW_TAG_Lexical_Block =>
- return "lexical_block";
- when DW_TAG_Member =>
- return "member";
- when DW_TAG_Pointer_Type =>
- return "pointer_type";
- when DW_TAG_Reference_Type =>
- return "reference_type";
- when DW_TAG_Compile_Unit =>
- return "compile_unit";
- when DW_TAG_String_Type =>
- return "string_type";
- when DW_TAG_Structure_Type =>
- return "structure_type";
- when DW_TAG_Subroutine_Type =>
- return "subroutine_type";
- when DW_TAG_Typedef =>
- return "typedef";
- when DW_TAG_Union_Type =>
- return "union_type";
- when DW_TAG_Unspecified_Parameters =>
- return "unspecified_parameters";
- when DW_TAG_Variant =>
- return "variant";
- when DW_TAG_Common_Block =>
- return "common_block";
- when DW_TAG_Common_Inclusion =>
- return "common_inclusion";
- when DW_TAG_Inheritance =>
- return "inheritance";
- when DW_TAG_Inlined_Subroutine =>
- return "inlined_subroutine";
- when DW_TAG_Module =>
- return "module";
- when DW_TAG_Ptr_To_Member_Type =>
- return "ptr_to_member_type";
- when DW_TAG_Set_Type =>
- return "set_type";
- when DW_TAG_Subrange_Type =>
- return "subrange_type";
- when DW_TAG_With_Stmt =>
- return "with_stmt";
- when DW_TAG_Access_Declaration =>
- return "access_declaration";
- when DW_TAG_Base_Type =>
- return "base_type";
- when DW_TAG_Catch_Block =>
- return "catch_block";
- when DW_TAG_Const_Type =>
- return "const_type";
- when DW_TAG_Constant =>
- return "constant";
- when DW_TAG_Enumerator =>
- return "enumerator";
- when DW_TAG_File_Type =>
- return "file_type";
- when DW_TAG_Friend =>
- return "friend";
- when DW_TAG_Namelist =>
- return "namelist";
- when DW_TAG_Namelist_Item =>
- return "namelist_item";
- when DW_TAG_Packed_Type =>
- return "packed_type";
- when DW_TAG_Subprogram =>
- return "subprogram";
- when DW_TAG_Template_Type_Parameter =>
- return "template_type_parameter";
- when DW_TAG_Template_Value_Parameter =>
- return "template_value_parameter";
- when DW_TAG_Thrown_Type =>
- return "thrown_type";
- when DW_TAG_Try_Block =>
- return "try_block";
- when DW_TAG_Variant_Part =>
- return "variant_part";
- when DW_TAG_Variable =>
- return "variable";
- when DW_TAG_Volatile_Type =>
- return "volatile_type";
- when DW_TAG_Dwarf_Procedure =>
- return "dwarf_procedure";
- when DW_TAG_Restrict_Type =>
- return "restrict_type";
- when DW_TAG_Interface_Type =>
- return "interface_type";
- when DW_TAG_Namespace =>
- return "namespace";
- when DW_TAG_Imported_Module =>
- return "imported_module";
- when DW_TAG_Unspecified_Type =>
- return "unspecified_type";
- when DW_TAG_Partial_Unit =>
- return "partial_unit";
- when DW_TAG_Imported_Unit =>
- return "imported_unit";
- when DW_TAG_Mutable_Type =>
- return "mutable_type";
- when others =>
- return "unknown";
- end case;
- end Get_Dwarf_Tag_Name;
- function Get_Dwarf_At_Name (Attr : Unsigned_32) return String
- is
- use Dwarf;
- begin
- case Attr is
- when DW_AT_Sibling =>
- return "sibling";
- when DW_AT_Location =>
- return "location";
- when DW_AT_Name =>
- return "name";
- when DW_AT_Ordering =>
- return "ordering";
- when DW_AT_Byte_Size =>
- return "byte_size";
- when DW_AT_Bit_Offset =>
- return "bit_offset";
- when DW_AT_Bit_Size =>
- return "bit_size";
- when DW_AT_Stmt_List =>
- return "stmt_list";
- when DW_AT_Low_Pc =>
- return "low_pc";
- when DW_AT_High_Pc =>
- return "high_pc";
- when DW_AT_Language =>
- return "language";
- when DW_AT_Discr =>
- return "discr";
- when DW_AT_Discr_Value =>
- return "discr_value";
- when DW_AT_Visibility =>
- return "visibility";
- when DW_AT_Import =>
- return "import";
- when DW_AT_String_Length =>
- return "string_length";
- when DW_AT_Common_Reference =>
- return "common_reference";
- when DW_AT_Comp_Dir =>
- return "comp_dir";
- when DW_AT_Const_Value =>
- return "const_value";
- when DW_AT_Containing_Type =>
- return "containing_type";
- when DW_AT_Default_Value =>
- return "default_value";
- when DW_AT_Inline =>
- return "inline";
- when DW_AT_Is_Optional =>
- return "is_optional";
- when DW_AT_Lower_Bound =>
- return "lower_bound";
- when DW_AT_Producer =>
- return "producer";
- when DW_AT_Prototyped =>
- return "prototyped";
- when DW_AT_Return_Addr =>
- return "return_addr";
- when DW_AT_Start_Scope =>
- return "start_scope";
- when DW_AT_Stride_Size =>
- return "stride_size";
- when DW_AT_Upper_Bound =>
- return "upper_bound";
- when DW_AT_Abstract_Origin =>
- return "abstract_origin";
- when DW_AT_Accessibility =>
- return "accessibility";
- when DW_AT_Address_Class =>
- return "address_class";
- when DW_AT_Artificial =>
- return "artificial";
- when DW_AT_Base_Types =>
- return "base_types";
- when DW_AT_Calling_Convention =>
- return "calling_convention";
- when DW_AT_Count =>
- return "count";
- when DW_AT_Data_Member_Location =>
- return "data_member_location";
- when DW_AT_Decl_Column =>
- return "decl_column";
- when DW_AT_Decl_File =>
- return "decl_file";
- when DW_AT_Decl_Line =>
- return "decl_line";
- when DW_AT_Declaration =>
- return "declaration";
- when DW_AT_Discr_List =>
- return "discr_list";
- when DW_AT_Encoding =>
- return "encoding";
- when DW_AT_External =>
- return "external";
- when DW_AT_Frame_Base =>
- return "frame_base";
- when DW_AT_Friend =>
- return "friend";
- when DW_AT_Identifier_Case =>
- return "identifier_case";
- when DW_AT_Macro_Info =>
- return "macro_info";
- when DW_AT_Namelist_Item =>
- return "namelist_item";
- when DW_AT_Priority =>
- return "priority";
- when DW_AT_Segment =>
- return "segment";
- when DW_AT_Specification =>
- return "specification";
- when DW_AT_Static_Link =>
- return "static_link";
- when DW_AT_Type =>
- return "type";
- when DW_AT_Use_Location =>
- return "use_location";
- when DW_AT_Variable_Parameter =>
- return "variable_parameter";
- when DW_AT_Virtuality =>
- return "virtuality";
- when DW_AT_Vtable_Elem_Location =>
- return "vtable_elem_location";
- when DW_AT_Allocated =>
- return "allocated";
- when DW_AT_Associated =>
- return "associated";
- when DW_AT_Data_Location =>
- return "data_location";
- when DW_AT_Stride =>
- return "stride";
- when DW_AT_Entry_Pc =>
- return "entry_pc";
- when DW_AT_Use_UTF8 =>
- return "use_utf8";
- when DW_AT_Extension =>
- return "extension";
- when DW_AT_Ranges =>
- return "ranges";
- when DW_AT_Trampoline =>
- return "trampoline";
- when DW_AT_Call_Column =>
- return "call_column";
- when DW_AT_Call_File =>
- return "call_file";
- when DW_AT_Call_Line =>
- return "call_line";
- when DW_AT_Description =>
- return "description";
- when others =>
- return "unknown";
- end case;
- end Get_Dwarf_At_Name;
- procedure Disp_Debug_Abbrev (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half)
- is
- Shdr : Elf_Shdr_Acc;
- Base : Address;
- Old_Off : Storage_Offset;
- Off : Storage_Offset;
- V : Unsigned_32;
- Tag : Unsigned_32;
- Name : Unsigned_32;
- Form : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- Shdr := Get_Shdr (File, Index);
- Base := Get_Section_Base (File, Shdr.all);
- Off := 0;
- while Off < Storage_Offset (Shdr.Sh_Size) loop
- Old_Off := Off;
- Read_ULEB128 (Base, Off, V);
- Put_Line ("abbrev #" & Hex_Image (V) & " at "
- & Hex_Image (Unsigned_32 (Old_Off)) & ':');
- if V = 0 then
- Put_Line ("pad");
- goto Again;
- end if;
- Read_ULEB128 (Base, Off, Tag);
- Put (" tag: " & Hex_Image (Tag));
- Put (" (");
- Put (Get_Dwarf_Tag_Name (Tag));
- Put ("), children: " & Hex_Image (Read_Byte (Base + Off)));
- New_Line;
- Off := Off + 1;
- loop
- Read_ULEB128 (Base, Off, Name);
- Read_ULEB128 (Base, Off, Form);
- Put (" name: " & Hex_Image (Name));
- Put (" (");
- Put (Get_Dwarf_At_Name (Name));
- Put (")");
- Set_Col (42);
- Put ("form: " & Hex_Image (Form));
- Put (" (");
- Put (Get_Dwarf_Form_Name (Form));
- Put (")");
- New_Line;
- exit when Name = 0 and Form = 0;
- end loop;
- << Again >> null;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Debug_Abbrev;
- type Abbrev_Map_Type is array (Unsigned_32 range <>) of Address;
- type Abbrev_Map_Acc is access Abbrev_Map_Type;
- procedure Unchecked_Deallocation is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (Abbrev_Map_Type, Abbrev_Map_Acc);
- procedure Build_Abbrev_Map (Base : Address; Res : out Abbrev_Map_Acc)
- is
- Max : Unsigned_32;
- Off : Storage_Offset;
- V : Unsigned_32;
- V1 : Unsigned_32;
- N_Res : Abbrev_Map_Acc;
- begin
- Off := 0;
- Max := 0;
- Res := new Abbrev_Map_Type (0 .. 128);
- Res.all := (others => Null_Address);
- loop
- Read_ULEB128 (Base, Off, V);
- if V > Max then
- Max := V;
- end if;
- exit when V = 0;
- if Max > Res.all'Last then
- N_Res := new Abbrev_Map_Type (0 .. 2 * Max);
- N_Res (Res'Range) := Res.all;
- N_Res (Res'Last + 1 .. N_Res'Last) := (others => Null_Address);
- Unchecked_Deallocation (Res);
- Res := N_Res;
- end if;
- if Res (V) /= Null_Address then
- Put_Line ("!! abbrev override !!");
- return;
- end if;
- Res (V) := Base + Off;
- Read_ULEB128 (Base, Off, V);
- -- Skip child flag.
- Off := Off + 1;
- loop
- Read_ULEB128 (Base, Off, V);
- Read_ULEB128 (Base, Off, V1);
- exit when V = 0 and V1 = 0;
- end loop;
- end loop;
- end Build_Abbrev_Map;
- procedure Disp_Block (Base : Address;
- Off : in out Storage_Offset;
- Cnt : Unsigned_32)
- is
- begin
- for I in 1 .. Cnt loop
- Put (" ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Read_Byte (Base + Off + Storage_Offset (I - 1))));
- end loop;
- Off := Off + Storage_Offset (Cnt);
- end Disp_Block;
- procedure Disp_Dwarf_Form (Base : Address;
- Off : in out Storage_Offset;
- Form : Unsigned_32)
- is
- use Dwarf;
- begin
- case Form is
- when DW_FORM_Addr =>
- declare
- V : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, V);
- Put ("address: " & Hex_Image (V));
- end;
- when DW_FORM_Flag =>
- declare
- V : Unsigned_8;
- begin
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, V);
- Put ("flag: " & Hex_Image (V));
- end;
- when DW_FORM_Block1 =>
- declare
- V : Unsigned_8;
- begin
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, V);
- Put ("block1: " & Hex_Image (V));
- Disp_Block (Base, Off, Unsigned_32 (V));
- end;
- when DW_FORM_Data1 =>
- declare
- V : Unsigned_8;
- begin
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, V);
- Put ("data1: " & Hex_Image (V));
- end;
- when DW_FORM_Data2 =>
- declare
- V : Unsigned_16;
- begin
- Read_Word2 (Base, Off, V);
- Put ("data2: " & Hex_Image (V));
- end;
- when DW_FORM_Data4 =>
- declare
- V : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, V);
- Put ("data4: " & Hex_Image (V));
- end;
- when DW_FORM_Sdata =>
- declare
- V : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- Read_SLEB128 (Base, Off, V);
- Put ("sdata: " & Hex_Image (V));
- end;
- when DW_FORM_Udata =>
- declare
- V : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- Read_ULEB128 (Base, Off, V);
- Put ("udata: " & Hex_Image (V));
- end;
- when DW_FORM_Ref4 =>
- declare
- V : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, V);
- Put ("ref4: " & Hex_Image (V));
- end;
- when DW_FORM_Strp =>
- declare
- V : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, V);
- Put ("strp: " & Hex_Image (V));
- end;
- when DW_FORM_String =>
- declare
- C : Unsigned_8;
- begin
- Put ("string: ");
- loop
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, C);
- exit when C = 0;
- Put (Character'Val (C));
- end loop;
- end;
- when others =>
- Put ("???");
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Disp_Dwarf_Form;
- function Get_Dwarf_ATE_Name (Val : Unsigned_32) return String
- is
- use Dwarf;
- begin
- case Val is
- when DW_ATE_Address =>
- return "address";
- when DW_ATE_Boolean =>
- return "boolean";
- when DW_ATE_Complex_Float =>
- return "complex_float";
- when DW_ATE_Float =>
- return "float";
- when DW_ATE_Signed =>
- return "signed";
- when DW_ATE_Signed_Char =>
- return "signed_char";
- when DW_ATE_Unsigned =>
- return "unsigned";
- when DW_ATE_Unsigned_Char =>
- return "unsigned_char";
- when DW_ATE_Imaginary_Float =>
- return "imaginary_float";
- when others =>
- return "unknown";
- end case;
- end Get_Dwarf_ATE_Name;
- procedure Read_Dwarf_Constant (Base : Address;
- Off : in out Storage_Offset;
- Form : Unsigned_32;
- Res : out Unsigned_32)
- is
- use Dwarf;
- begin
- case Form is
- when DW_FORM_Data1 =>
- declare
- V : Unsigned_8;
- begin
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, V);
- Res := Unsigned_32 (V);
- end;
- when DW_FORM_Data2 =>
- declare
- V : Unsigned_16;
- begin
- Read_Word2 (Base, Off, V);
- Res := Unsigned_32 (V);
- end;
- when DW_FORM_Data4 =>
- declare
- V : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, V);
- Res := V;
- end;
- when DW_FORM_Sdata =>
- declare
- V : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- Read_SLEB128 (Base, Off, V);
- Res := V;
- end;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Read_Dwarf_Constant;
- procedure Disp_Dwarf_Encoding
- (Base : Address; Off : in out Storage_Offset; Form : Unsigned_32)
- is
- Val : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- Read_Dwarf_Constant (Base, Off, Form, Val);
- Put (Get_Dwarf_ATE_Name (Val));
- end Disp_Dwarf_Encoding;
- function Get_Dwarf_Lang_Name (Lang : Unsigned_32) return String
- is
- use Dwarf;
- begin
- case Lang is
- when DW_LANG_C89 =>
- return "C89";
- when DW_LANG_C =>
- return "C";
- when DW_LANG_Ada83 =>
- return "Ada83";
- when DW_LANG_C_Plus_Plus =>
- return "C_Plus_Plus";
- when DW_LANG_Cobol74 =>
- return "Cobol74";
- when DW_LANG_Cobol85 =>
- return "Cobol85";
- when DW_LANG_Fortran77 =>
- return "Fortran77";
- when DW_LANG_Fortran90 =>
- return "Fortran90";
- when DW_LANG_Pascal83 =>
- return "Pascal83";
- when DW_LANG_Modula2 =>
- return "Modula2";
- when DW_LANG_Java =>
- return "Java";
- when DW_LANG_C99 =>
- return "C99";
- when DW_LANG_Ada95 =>
- return "Ada95";
- when DW_LANG_Fortran95 =>
- return "Fortran95";
- when DW_LANG_PLI =>
- return "PLI";
- when others =>
- return "?unknown?";
- end case;
- end Get_Dwarf_Lang_Name;
- procedure Disp_Dwarf_Language
- (Base : Address; Off : in out Storage_Offset; Form : Unsigned_32)
- is
- Val : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- Read_Dwarf_Constant (Base, Off, Form, Val);
- Put (Get_Dwarf_Lang_Name (Val));
- end Disp_Dwarf_Language;
- function Get_Dwarf_Op_Name (Op : Unsigned_8) return String
- is
- use Dwarf;
- begin
- case Op is
- when DW_OP_Addr =>
- return "addr";
- when DW_OP_Deref =>
- return "deref";
- when DW_OP_Const1u =>
- return "const1u";
- when DW_OP_Const1s =>
- return "const1s";
- when DW_OP_Const2u =>
- return "const2u";
- when DW_OP_Const2s =>
- return "const2s";
- when DW_OP_Const4u =>
- return "const4u";
- when DW_OP_Const4s =>
- return "const4s";
- when DW_OP_Const8u =>
- return "const8u";
- when DW_OP_Const8s =>
- return "const8s";
- when DW_OP_Constu =>
- return "constu";
- when DW_OP_Consts =>
- return "consts";
- when DW_OP_Dup =>
- return "dup";
- when DW_OP_Drop =>
- return "drop";
- when DW_OP_Over =>
- return "over";
- when DW_OP_Pick =>
- return "pick";
- when DW_OP_Swap =>
- return "swap";
- when DW_OP_Rot =>
- return "rot";
- when DW_OP_Xderef =>
- return "xderef";
- when DW_OP_Abs =>
- return "abs";
- when DW_OP_And =>
- return "and";
- when DW_OP_Div =>
- return "div";
- when DW_OP_Minus =>
- return "minus";
- when DW_OP_Mod =>
- return "mod";
- when DW_OP_Mul =>
- return "mul";
- when DW_OP_Neg =>
- return "neg";
- when DW_OP_Not =>
- return "not";
- when DW_OP_Or =>
- return "or";
- when DW_OP_Plus =>
- return "plus";
- when DW_OP_Plus_Uconst =>
- return "plus_uconst";
- when DW_OP_Shl =>
- return "shl";
- when DW_OP_Shr =>
- return "shr";
- when DW_OP_Shra =>
- return "shra";
- when DW_OP_Xor =>
- return "xor";
- when DW_OP_Skip =>
- return "skip";
- when DW_OP_Bra =>
- return "bra";
- when DW_OP_Eq =>
- return "eq";
- when DW_OP_Ge =>
- return "ge";
- when DW_OP_Gt =>
- return "gt";
- when DW_OP_Le =>
- return "le";
- when DW_OP_Lt =>
- return "lt";
- when DW_OP_Ne =>
- return "ne";
- when DW_OP_Lit0 =>
- return "lit0";
- when DW_OP_Lit1 =>
- return "lit1";
- when DW_OP_Lit2 =>
- return "lit2";
- when DW_OP_Lit3 =>
- return "lit3";
- when DW_OP_Lit4 =>
- return "lit4";
- when DW_OP_Lit5 =>
- return "lit5";
- when DW_OP_Lit6 =>
- return "lit6";
- when DW_OP_Lit7 =>
- return "lit7";
- when DW_OP_Lit8 =>
- return "lit8";
- when DW_OP_Lit9 =>
- return "lit9";
- when DW_OP_Lit10 =>
- return "lit10";
- when DW_OP_Lit11 =>
- return "lit11";
- when DW_OP_Lit12 =>
- return "lit12";
- when DW_OP_Lit13 =>
- return "lit13";
- when DW_OP_Lit14 =>
- return "lit14";
- when DW_OP_Lit15 =>
- return "lit15";
- when DW_OP_Lit16 =>
- return "lit16";
- when DW_OP_Lit17 =>
- return "lit17";
- when DW_OP_Lit18 =>
- return "lit18";
- when DW_OP_Lit19 =>
- return "lit19";
- when DW_OP_Lit20 =>
- return "lit20";
- when DW_OP_Lit21 =>
- return "lit21";
- when DW_OP_Lit22 =>
- return "lit22";
- when DW_OP_Lit23 =>
- return "lit23";
- when DW_OP_Lit24 =>
- return "lit24";
- when DW_OP_Lit25 =>
- return "lit25";
- when DW_OP_Lit26 =>
- return "lit26";
- when DW_OP_Lit27 =>
- return "lit27";
- when DW_OP_Lit28 =>
- return "lit28";
- when DW_OP_Lit29 =>
- return "lit29";
- when DW_OP_Lit30 =>
- return "lit30";
- when DW_OP_Lit31 =>
- return "lit31";
- when DW_OP_Reg0 =>
- return "reg0";
- when DW_OP_Reg1 =>
- return "reg1";
- when DW_OP_Reg2 =>
- return "reg2";
- when DW_OP_Reg3 =>
- return "reg3";
- when DW_OP_Reg4 =>
- return "reg4";
- when DW_OP_Reg5 =>
- return "reg5";
- when DW_OP_Reg6 =>
- return "reg6";
- when DW_OP_Reg7 =>
- return "reg7";
- when DW_OP_Reg8 =>
- return "reg8";
- when DW_OP_Reg9 =>
- return "reg9";
- when DW_OP_Reg10 =>
- return "reg10";
- when DW_OP_Reg11 =>
- return "reg11";
- when DW_OP_Reg12 =>
- return "reg12";
- when DW_OP_Reg13 =>
- return "reg13";
- when DW_OP_Reg14 =>
- return "reg14";
- when DW_OP_Reg15 =>
- return "reg15";
- when DW_OP_Reg16 =>
- return "reg16";
- when DW_OP_Reg17 =>
- return "reg17";
- when DW_OP_Reg18 =>
- return "reg18";
- when DW_OP_Reg19 =>
- return "reg19";
- when DW_OP_Reg20 =>
- return "reg20";
- when DW_OP_Reg21 =>
- return "reg21";
- when DW_OP_Reg22 =>
- return "reg22";
- when DW_OP_Reg23 =>
- return "reg23";
- when DW_OP_Reg24 =>
- return "reg24";
- when DW_OP_Reg25 =>
- return "reg25";
- when DW_OP_Reg26 =>
- return "reg26";
- when DW_OP_Reg27 =>
- return "reg27";
- when DW_OP_Reg28 =>
- return "reg28";
- when DW_OP_Reg29 =>
- return "reg29";
- when DW_OP_Reg30 =>
- return "reg30";
- when DW_OP_Reg31 =>
- return "reg31";
- when DW_OP_Breg0 =>
- return "breg0";
- when DW_OP_Breg1 =>
- return "breg1";
- when DW_OP_Breg2 =>
- return "breg2";
- when DW_OP_Breg3 =>
- return "breg3";
- when DW_OP_Breg4 =>
- return "breg4";
- when DW_OP_Breg5 =>
- return "breg5";
- when DW_OP_Breg6 =>
- return "breg6";
- when DW_OP_Breg7 =>
- return "breg7";
- when DW_OP_Breg8 =>
- return "breg8";
- when DW_OP_Breg9 =>
- return "breg9";
- when DW_OP_Breg10 =>
- return "breg10";
- when DW_OP_Breg11 =>
- return "breg11";
- when DW_OP_Breg12 =>
- return "breg12";
- when DW_OP_Breg13 =>
- return "breg13";
- when DW_OP_Breg14 =>
- return "breg14";
- when DW_OP_Breg15 =>
- return "breg15";
- when DW_OP_Breg16 =>
- return "breg16";
- when DW_OP_Breg17 =>
- return "breg17";
- when DW_OP_Breg18 =>
- return "breg18";
- when DW_OP_Breg19 =>
- return "breg19";
- when DW_OP_Breg20 =>
- return "breg20";
- when DW_OP_Breg21 =>
- return "breg21";
- when DW_OP_Breg22 =>
- return "breg22";
- when DW_OP_Breg23 =>
- return "breg23";
- when DW_OP_Breg24 =>
- return "breg24";
- when DW_OP_Breg25 =>
- return "breg25";
- when DW_OP_Breg26 =>
- return "breg26";
- when DW_OP_Breg27 =>
- return "breg27";
- when DW_OP_Breg28 =>
- return "breg28";
- when DW_OP_Breg29 =>
- return "breg29";
- when DW_OP_Breg30 =>
- return "breg30";
- when DW_OP_Breg31 =>
- return "breg31";
- when DW_OP_Regx =>
- return "regx";
- when DW_OP_Fbreg =>
- return "fbreg";
- when DW_OP_Bregx =>
- return "bregx";
- when DW_OP_Piece =>
- return "piece";
- when DW_OP_Deref_Size =>
- return "deref_size";
- when DW_OP_Xderef_Size =>
- return "xderef_size";
- when DW_OP_Nop =>
- return "nop";
- when DW_OP_Push_Object_Address =>
- return "push_object_address";
- when DW_OP_Call2 =>
- return "call2";
- when DW_OP_Call4 =>
- return "call4";
- when DW_OP_Call_Ref =>
- return "call_ref";
- when others =>
- return "unknown";
- end case;
- end Get_Dwarf_Op_Name;
- procedure Read_Dwarf_Block (Base : Address;
- Off : in out Storage_Offset;
- Form : Unsigned_32;
- B : out Address;
- L : out Unsigned_32)
- is
- use Dwarf;
- begin
- case Form is
- when DW_FORM_Block1 =>
- B := Base + Off + 1;
- L := Unsigned_32 (Read_Byte (Base + Off));
- Off := Off + 1;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Off := Off + Storage_Offset (L);
- end Read_Dwarf_Block;
- procedure Disp_Dwarf_Location
- (Base : Address; Off : in out Storage_Offset; Form : Unsigned_32)
- is
- use Dwarf;
- B : Address;
- L : Unsigned_32;
- Op : Unsigned_8;
- Boff : Storage_Offset;
- Is_Full : Boolean;
- begin
- Read_Dwarf_Block (Base, Off, Form, B, L);
- if L = 0 then
- return;
- end if;
- Is_Full := L > 6;
- Boff := 0;
- while Boff < Storage_Offset (L) loop
- if Is_Full then
- New_Line;
- Put (" ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Unsigned_32 (Boff)));
- Put (": ");
- end if;
- Op := Read_Byte (B + Boff);
- Put (' ');
- Put (Get_Dwarf_Op_Name (Op));
- Boff := Boff + 1;
- case Op is
- when DW_OP_Addr =>
- declare
- V : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- Read_Word4 (B, Boff, V);
- Put (':');
- Put (Hex_Image (V));
- end;
- when DW_OP_Deref =>
- null;
- when DW_OP_Const1u
- | DW_OP_Const1s =>
- declare
- V : Unsigned_8;
- begin
- Read_Byte (B, Boff, V);
- Put (':');
- Put (Hex_Image (V));
- end;
--- DW_OP_Const2u : constant := 16#0a#; -- 1 2-byte constant
--- DW_OP_Const2s : constant := 16#0b#; -- 1 2-byte constant
--- DW_OP_Const4u : constant := 16#0c#; -- 1 4-byte constant
--- DW_OP_Const4s : constant := 16#0d#; -- 1 4-byte constant
--- DW_OP_Const8u : constant := 16#0e#; -- 1 8-byte constant
--- DW_OP_Const8s : constant := 16#0f#; -- 1 8-byte constant
--- DW_OP_Constu : constant := 16#10#; -- 1 ULEB128 constant
--- DW_OP_Consts : constant := 16#11#; -- 1 SLEB128 constant
--- DW_OP_Dup : constant := 16#12#; -- 0
--- DW_OP_Drop : constant := 16#13#; -- 0
--- DW_OP_Over : constant := 16#14#; -- 0
--- DW_OP_Pick : constant := 16#15#; -- 1 1-byte stack index
- when DW_OP_Swap
- | DW_OP_Rot
- | DW_OP_Xderef
- | DW_OP_Abs
- | DW_OP_And
- | DW_OP_Div
- | DW_OP_Minus
- | DW_OP_Mod
- | DW_OP_Mul
- | DW_OP_Neg
- | DW_OP_Not
- | DW_OP_Or
- | DW_OP_Plus =>
- null;
- when DW_OP_Plus_Uconst
- | DW_OP_Piece
- | DW_OP_Regx =>
- declare
- V : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- Read_ULEB128 (B, Boff, V);
- Put (':');
- Put (Hex_Image (V));
- end;
- when DW_OP_Shl
- | DW_OP_Shr
- | DW_OP_Shra
- | DW_OP_Xor =>
- null;
- when DW_OP_Skip
- | DW_OP_Bra =>
- declare
- V : Unsigned_16;
- begin
- Read_Word2 (B, Boff, V);
- Put (':');
- Put (Hex_Image (V));
- Put (" (@");
- -- FIXME: signed
- Put (Hex_Image (Unsigned_32 (Boff) + Unsigned_32 (V)));
- Put (")");
- end;
- when DW_OP_Eq
- | DW_OP_Ge
- | DW_OP_Gt
- | DW_OP_Le
- | DW_OP_Lt
- | DW_OP_Ne =>
- null;
- when DW_OP_Lit0 .. DW_OP_Lit31 =>
- null;
- when DW_OP_Reg0 .. DW_OP_Reg31 =>
- null;
- when DW_OP_Breg0 .. DW_OP_Breg31
- | DW_OP_Fbreg =>
- declare
- V : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- Read_SLEB128 (B, Boff, V);
- Put (':');
- Put (Hex_Image (V));
- end;
--- DW_OP_Regx : constant := 16#90#; -- 1 ULEB128 register
--- DW_OP_Bregx : constant := 16#92#; -- 2 ULEB128 reg + SLEB128 offset
--- DW_OP_Deref_Size : constant := 16#94#; -- 1 1-byte size of data retrieved
--- DW_OP_Xderef_Size : constant := 16#95#; -- 1 1-byte size of data retrieved
- when DW_OP_Nop =>
- null;
--- DW_OP_Push_Object_Address : constant := 16#97#; -- 0
--- DW_OP_Call2 : constant := 16#98#; -- 1 2-byte offset of DIE
--- DW_OP_Call4 : constant := 16#99#; -- 1 4-byte offset of DIE
--- DW_OP_Call_Ref : constant := 16#9a#; -- 1 4- or 8-byte offset of DIE
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Dwarf_Location;
- procedure Disp_Debug_Info (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half)
- is
- use Dwarf;
- Abbrev_Index : Elf_Half;
- Abbrev_Base : Address;
- Map : Abbrev_Map_Acc;
- Abbrev : Address;
- Shdr : Elf_Shdr_Acc;
- Base : Address;
- Off : Storage_Offset;
- Aoff : Storage_Offset;
- Old_Off : Storage_Offset;
- Len : Unsigned_32;
- Ver : Unsigned_16;
- Abbrev_Off : Unsigned_32;
- Ptr_Sz : Unsigned_8;
- Last : Storage_Offset;
- Num : Unsigned_32;
- Tag : Unsigned_32;
- Name : Unsigned_32;
- Form : Unsigned_32;
- Level : Unsigned_8;
- begin
- Abbrev_Index := Get_Section_By_Name (File, ".debug_abbrev");
- Abbrev_Base := Get_Section_Base (File, Abbrev_Index);
- Map := null;
- Shdr := Get_Shdr (File, Index);
- Base := Get_Section_Base (File, Shdr.all);
- Off := 0;
- while Off < Storage_Offset (Shdr.Sh_Size) loop
- Put_Line ("Compilation unit at #"
- & Hex_Image (Unsigned_32 (Off)) & ":");
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, Len);
- Last := Off + Storage_Offset (Len);
- Read_Word2 (Base, Off, Ver);
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, Abbrev_Off);
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, Ptr_Sz);
- Put (' ');
- Put ("length: " & Hex_Image (Len));
- Put (", version: " & Hex_Image (Ver));
- Put (", abbrev offset: " & Hex_Image (Abbrev_Off));
- Put (", ptr_sz: " & Hex_Image (Ptr_Sz));
- New_Line;
- Level := 0;
- Build_Abbrev_Map (Abbrev_Base + Storage_Offset (Abbrev_Off), Map);
- loop
- << Again >> null;
- exit when Off >= Last;
- Old_Off := Off;
- Read_ULEB128 (Base, Off, Num);
- Put ("<" & Hex_Image (Unsigned_32 (Old_Off)) & ">");
- Put ("<" & Hex_Image (Level) & ">");
- Put (" with abbrev #" & Hex_Image (Num));
- if Num = 0 then
- Level := Level - 1;
- New_Line;
- goto Again;
- end if;
- if Num <= Map.all'Last then
- Abbrev := Map (Num);
- else
- Abbrev := Null_Address;
- end if;
- if Abbrev = Null_Address then
- New_Line;
- Put ("!! abbrev #" & Hex_Image (Num) & " does not exist !!");
- New_Line;
- return;
- end if;
- Aoff := 0;
- Read_ULEB128 (Abbrev, Aoff, Tag);
- if Read_Byte (Abbrev + Aoff) /= 0 then
- Put (" [has_child]");
- Level := Level + 1;
- end if;
- New_Line;
- -- skip child.
- Aoff := Aoff + 1;
- Put (" tag: " & Hex_Image (Tag));
- Put (" (");
- Put (Get_Dwarf_Tag_Name (Tag));
- Put (")");
- New_Line;
- loop
- Read_ULEB128 (Abbrev, Aoff, Name);
- Read_ULEB128 (Abbrev, Aoff, Form);
- exit when Name = 0 and Form = 0;
- Put (" ");
- Put (Get_Dwarf_At_Name (Name));
- Set_Col (24);
- Put (": ");
- Old_Off := Off;
- Disp_Dwarf_Form (Base, Off, Form);
- case Name is
- when DW_AT_Encoding =>
- Put (": ");
- Disp_Dwarf_Encoding (Base, Old_Off, Form);
- when DW_AT_Location
- | DW_AT_Frame_Base
- | DW_AT_Data_Member_Location =>
- Put (":");
- Disp_Dwarf_Location (Base, Old_Off, Form);
- when DW_AT_Language =>
- Put (": ");
- Disp_Dwarf_Language (Base, Old_Off, Form);
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- New_Line;
- end loop;
- end loop;
- Unchecked_Deallocation (Map);
- New_Line;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Debug_Info;
- function Get_Phdr_Type_Name (Ptype : Elf_Word) return String is
- begin
- case Ptype is
- when PT_NULL =>
- return "NULL";
- when PT_LOAD =>
- return "LOAD";
- when PT_DYNAMIC =>
- return "DYNAMIC";
- when PT_INTERP =>
- return "INTERP";
- when PT_NOTE =>
- return "NOTE";
- when PT_SHLIB =>
- return "SHLIB";
- when PT_PHDR =>
- return "PHDR";
- when PT_TLS =>
- return "TLS";
- when PT_NUM =>
- return "NUM";
- when PT_GNU_EH_FRAME =>
- return "GNU_EH_FRAME";
- when PT_SUNWBSS =>
- return "SUNWBSS";
- when PT_SUNWSTACK =>
- return "SUNWSTACK";
- when others =>
- return "?unknown?";
- end case;
- end Get_Phdr_Type_Name;
- procedure Disp_Phdr (Phdr : Elf_Phdr)
- is
- begin
- Put ("type : " & Hex_Image (Phdr.P_Type));
- Put (" ");
- Put (Get_Phdr_Type_Name (Phdr.P_Type));
- New_Line;
- Put ("offset: " & Hex_Image (Phdr.P_Offset));
- Put (" vaddr: " & Hex_Image (Phdr.P_Vaddr));
- Put (" paddr: " & Hex_Image (Phdr.P_Paddr));
- New_Line;
- Put ("filesz: " & Hex_Image (Phdr.P_Filesz));
- Put (" memsz: " & Hex_Image (Phdr.P_Memsz));
- Put (" align: " & Hex_Image (Phdr.P_Align));
- --New_Line;
- Put (" flags: " & Hex_Image (Phdr.P_Flags));
- Put (" (");
- if (Phdr.P_Flags and PF_X) /= 0 then
- Put ('X');
- end if;
- if (Phdr.P_Flags and PF_W) /= 0 then
- Put ('W');
- end if;
- if (Phdr.P_Flags and PF_R) /= 0 then
- Put ('R');
- end if;
- Put (")");
- New_Line;
- end Disp_Phdr;
- procedure Disp_Debug_Pubnames (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half)
- is
- Shdr : Elf_Shdr_Acc;
- Base : Address;
- Off : Storage_Offset;
- B : Unsigned_8;
- Len : Unsigned_32;
- Ver : Unsigned_16;
- Info_Off : Unsigned_32;
- Info_Length : Unsigned_32;
- Last : Storage_Offset;
- Ioff : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- Shdr := Get_Shdr (File, Index);
- Base := Get_Section_Base (File, Shdr.all);
- Off := 0;
- while Off < Storage_Offset (Shdr.Sh_Size) loop
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, Len);
- Last := Off + Storage_Offset (Len);
- Read_Word2 (Base, Off, Ver);
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, Info_Off);
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, Info_Length);
- Put ("length: " & Hex_Image (Len));
- Put (", version: " & Hex_Image (Ver));
- Put (", offset: " & Hex_Image (Info_Off));
- Put (", length: " & Hex_Image (Info_Length));
- New_Line;
- loop
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, Ioff);
- Put (" ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Ioff));
- if Ioff /= 0 then
- Put (": ");
- loop
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, B);
- exit when B = 0;
- Put (Character'Val (B));
- end loop;
- end if;
- New_Line;
- exit when Ioff = 0;
- end loop;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Debug_Pubnames;
- procedure Disp_Debug_Aranges (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half)
- is
- Shdr : Elf_Shdr_Acc;
- Base : Address;
- Off : Storage_Offset;
- Set_Len : Unsigned_32;
- Ver : Unsigned_16;
- Info_Off : Unsigned_32;
- Last : Storage_Offset;
- Addr_Sz : Unsigned_8;
- Seg_Sz : Unsigned_8;
- Pad : Unsigned_32;
- Addr : Unsigned_32;
- Len : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- Shdr := Get_Shdr (File, Index);
- Base := Get_Section_Base (File, Shdr.all);
- Off := 0;
- while Off < Storage_Offset (Shdr.Sh_Size) loop
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, Set_Len);
- Last := Off + Storage_Offset (Set_Len);
- Read_Word2 (Base, Off, Ver);
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, Info_Off);
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, Addr_Sz);
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, Seg_Sz);
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, Pad);
- Put ("length: " & Hex_Image (Set_Len));
- Put (", version: " & Hex_Image (Ver));
- Put (", offset: " & Hex_Image (Info_Off));
- Put (", ptr_sz: " & Hex_Image (Addr_Sz));
- Put (", seg_sz: " & Hex_Image (Seg_Sz));
- New_Line;
- loop
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, Addr);
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, Len);
- Put (" ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Addr));
- Put ('+');
- Put (Hex_Image (Len));
- New_Line;
- exit when Addr = 0 and Len = 0;
- end loop;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Debug_Aranges;
- procedure Disp_String (Base : Address; Off : in out Storage_Offset)
- is
- B : Unsigned_8;
- begin
- loop
- B := Read_Byte (Base + Off);
- Off := Off + 1;
- exit when B = 0;
- Put (Character'Val (B));
- end loop;
- end Disp_String;
- procedure Read_String (Base : Address; Off : in out Storage_Offset)
- is
- B : Unsigned_8;
- begin
- loop
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, B);
- exit when B = 0;
- end loop;
- end Read_String;
- function Get_Dwarf_LNS_Name (Lns : Unsigned_8) return String
- is
- use Dwarf;
- begin
- case Lns is
- when DW_LNS_Copy =>
- return "copy";
- when DW_LNS_Advance_Pc =>
- return "advance_pc";
- when DW_LNS_Advance_Line =>
- return "advance_line";
- when DW_LNS_Set_File =>
- return "set_file";
- when DW_LNS_Set_Column =>
- return "set_column";
- when DW_LNS_Negate_Stmt =>
- return "negate_stmt";
- when DW_LNS_Set_Basic_Block =>
- return "set_basic_block";
- when DW_LNS_Const_Add_Pc =>
- return "const_add_pc";
- when DW_LNS_Fixed_Advance_Pc =>
- return "fixed_advance_pc";
- when DW_LNS_Set_Prologue_End =>
- return "set_prologue_end";
- when DW_LNS_Set_Epilogue_Begin =>
- return "set_epilogue_begin";
- when DW_LNS_Set_Isa =>
- return "set_isa";
- when others =>
- return "?unknown?";
- end case;
- end Get_Dwarf_LNS_Name;
- procedure Disp_Debug_Line (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half)
- is
- use Dwarf;
- Shdr : Elf_Shdr_Acc;
- Base : Address;
- Off : Storage_Offset;
- type Opc_Length_Type is array (Unsigned_8 range <>) of Unsigned_8;
- type Opc_Length_Acc is access Opc_Length_Type;
- Opc_Length : Opc_Length_Acc;
- Total_Len : Unsigned_32;
- Version : Unsigned_16;
- Prolog_Len : Unsigned_32;
- Min_Insn_Len : Unsigned_8;
- Dflt_Is_Stmt : Unsigned_8;
- Line_Base : Unsigned_8;
- Line_Range : Unsigned_8;
- Opc_Base : Unsigned_8;
- B : Unsigned_8;
- Arg : Unsigned_32;
- Old_Off : Storage_Offset;
- File_Dir : Unsigned_32;
- File_Time : Unsigned_32;
- File_Len : Unsigned_32;
- Ext_Len : Unsigned_32;
- Ext_Opc : Unsigned_8;
- Last : Storage_Offset;
- Pc : Unsigned_32;
- Line : Unsigned_32;
- Line_Base2 : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- Shdr := Get_Shdr (File, Index);
- Base := Get_Section_Base (File, Shdr.all);
- Off := 0;
- while Off < Storage_Offset (Shdr.Sh_Size) loop
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, Total_Len);
- Last := Off + Storage_Offset (Total_Len);
- Read_Word2 (Base, Off, Version);
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, Prolog_Len);
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, Min_Insn_Len);
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, Dflt_Is_Stmt);
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, Line_Base);
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, Line_Range);
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, Opc_Base);
- Pc := 0;
- Line := 1;
- Put ("length: " & Hex_Image (Total_Len));
- Put (", version: " & Hex_Image (Version));
- Put (", prolog_len: " & Hex_Image (Prolog_Len));
- New_Line;
- Put (" minimum_instruction_len: " & Hex_Image (Min_Insn_Len));
- Put (", default_is_stmt: " & Hex_Image (Dflt_Is_Stmt));
- New_Line;
- Put (" line_base: " & Hex_Image (Line_Base));
- Put (", line_range: " & Hex_Image (Line_Range));
- Put (", opc_base: " & Hex_Image (Opc_Base));
- New_Line;
- Line_Base2 := Unsigned_32 (Line_Base);
- if (Line_Base and 16#80#) /= 0 then
- Line_Base2 := Line_Base2 or 16#Ff_Ff_Ff_00#;
- end if;
- Put_Line ("standard_opcode_length:");
- Opc_Length := new Opc_Length_Type (1 .. Opc_Base - 1);
- for I in 1 .. Opc_Base - 1 loop
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, B);
- Put (' ');
- Put (Hex_Image (I));
- Put (" => ");
- Put (Hex_Image (B));
- Opc_Length (I) := B;
- New_Line;
- end loop;
- Put_Line ("include_directories:");
- loop
- B := Read_Byte (Base + Off);
- exit when B = 0;
- Put (' ');
- Disp_String (Base, Off);
- New_Line;
- end loop;
- Off := Off + 1;
- Put_Line ("file_names:");
- loop
- B := Read_Byte (Base + Off);
- exit when B = 0;
- Old_Off := Off;
- Read_String (Base, Off);
- Read_ULEB128 (Base, Off, File_Dir);
- Read_ULEB128 (Base, Off, File_Time);
- Read_ULEB128 (Base, Off, File_Len);
- Put (' ');
- Put (Hex_Image (File_Dir));
- Put (' ');
- Put (Hex_Image (File_Time));
- Put (' ');
- Put (Hex_Image (File_Len));
- Put (' ');
- Disp_String (Base, Old_Off);
- New_Line;
- end loop;
- Off := Off + 1;
- while Off < Last loop
- Put (" ");
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, B);
- Put (Hex_Image (B));
- Old_Off := Off;
- if B < Opc_Base then
- case B is
- when 0 =>
- Put (" (extended)");
- Read_ULEB128 (Base, Off, Ext_Len);
- Put (", len: ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Ext_Len));
- Old_Off := Off;
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, Ext_Opc);
- Put (" opc:");
- Put (Hex_Image (Ext_Opc));
- Off := Old_Off + Storage_Offset (Ext_Len);
- when others =>
- Put (" (");
- Put (Get_Dwarf_LNS_Name (B));
- Put (")");
- Set_Col (20);
- for J in 1 .. Opc_Length (B) loop
- Read_ULEB128 (Base, Off, Arg);
- Put (" ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Arg));
- end loop;
- end case;
- case B is
- when DW_LNS_Copy =>
- Put (" pc=");
- Put (Hex_Image (Pc));
- Put (", line=");
- Put (Unsigned_32'Image (Line));
- when DW_LNS_Advance_Pc =>
- Read_ULEB128 (Base, Old_Off, Arg);
- Pc := Pc + Arg * Unsigned_32 (Min_Insn_Len);
- Put (" pc=");
- Put (Hex_Image (Pc));
- when DW_LNS_Advance_Line =>
- Read_SLEB128 (Base, Old_Off, Arg);
- Line := Line + Arg;
- Put (" line=");
- Put (Unsigned_32'Image (Line));
- when DW_LNS_Set_File =>
- null;
- when DW_LNS_Set_Column =>
- null;
- when DW_LNS_Negate_Stmt =>
- null;
- when DW_LNS_Set_Basic_Block =>
- null;
- when DW_LNS_Const_Add_Pc =>
- Pc := Pc + Unsigned_32 ((255 - Opc_Base) / Line_Range)
- * Unsigned_32 (Min_Insn_Len);
- Put (" pc=");
- Put (Hex_Image (Pc));
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- New_Line;
- else
- B := B - Opc_Base;
- Pc := Pc + Unsigned_32 (B / Line_Range)
- * Unsigned_32 (Min_Insn_Len);
- Line := Line + Line_Base2 + Unsigned_32 (B mod Line_Range);
- Put (" pc=");
- Put (Hex_Image (Pc));
- Put (", line=");
- Put (Unsigned_32'Image (Line));
- New_Line;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Debug_Line;
- function Get_Dwarf_Cfi_Name (Cfi : Unsigned_8) return String
- is
- use Dwarf;
- begin
- case Cfi is
- when DW_CFA_Advance_Loc_Min .. DW_CFA_Advance_Loc_Max =>
- return "advance_loc";
- when DW_CFA_Offset_Min .. DW_CFA_Offset_Max =>
- return "offset";
- when DW_CFA_Restore_Min .. DW_CFA_Restore_Max =>
- return "restore";
- when DW_CFA_Nop =>
- return "nop";
- when DW_CFA_Set_Loc =>
- return "set_loc";
- when DW_CFA_Advance_Loc1 =>
- return "advance_loc1";
- when DW_CFA_Advance_Loc2 =>
- return "advance_loc2";
- when DW_CFA_Advance_Loc4 =>
- return "advance_loc4";
- when DW_CFA_Offset_Extended =>
- return "offset_extended";
- when DW_CFA_Restore_Extended =>
- return "restore_extended";
- when DW_CFA_Undefined =>
- return "undefined";
- when DW_CFA_Same_Value =>
- return "same_value";
- when DW_CFA_Register =>
- return "register";
- when DW_CFA_Remember_State =>
- return "remember_state";
- when DW_CFA_Restore_State =>
- return "restore_state";
- when DW_CFA_Def_Cfa =>
- return "def_cfa";
- when DW_CFA_Def_Cfa_Register =>
- return "def_cfa_register";
- when DW_CFA_Def_Cfa_Offset =>
- return "def_cfa_offset";
- when DW_CFA_Def_Cfa_Expression =>
- return "def_cfa_expression";
- when others =>
- return "?unknown?";
- end case;
- end Get_Dwarf_Cfi_Name;
- procedure Disp_Cfi (Base : Address; Length : Storage_Count)
- is
- use Dwarf;
- L : Storage_Offset;
- Op : Unsigned_8;
- Off : Unsigned_32;
- Reg : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- L := 0;
- while L < Length loop
- Op := Read_Byte (Base + L);
- Put (" ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Op));
- Put (" ");
- Put (Get_Dwarf_Cfi_Name (Op));
- Put (" ");
- L := L + 1;
- case Op is
- when DW_CFA_Nop =>
- null;
- when DW_CFA_Advance_Loc_Min .. DW_CFA_Advance_Loc_Max =>
- Put (Hex_Image (Op and 16#3f#));
- when DW_CFA_Offset_Min .. DW_CFA_Offset_Max =>
- Read_ULEB128 (Base, L, Off);
- Put ("reg:");
- Put (Hex_Image (Op and 16#3f#));
- Put (", offset:");
- Put (Hex_Image (Off));
- when DW_CFA_Def_Cfa =>
- Read_ULEB128 (Base, L, Reg);
- Read_ULEB128 (Base, L, Off);
- Put ("reg:");
- Put (Hex_Image (Reg));
- Put (", offset:");
- Put (Hex_Image (Off));
- when DW_CFA_Def_Cfa_Offset =>
- Read_ULEB128 (Base, L, Off);
- Put (Hex_Image (Off));
- when DW_CFA_Def_Cfa_Register =>
- Read_ULEB128 (Base, L, Reg);
- Put ("reg:");
- Put (Hex_Image (Reg));
- when others =>
- Put ("?unknown?");
- New_Line;
- exit;
- end case;
- New_Line;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Cfi;
- procedure Disp_Debug_Frame (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half)
- is
- Shdr : Elf_Shdr_Acc;
- Base : Address;
- Off : Storage_Offset;
- Old_Off : Storage_Offset;
- Length : Unsigned_32;
- Cie_Id : Unsigned_32;
- Version : Unsigned_8;
- Augmentation : Unsigned_8;
- Code_Align : Unsigned_32;
- Data_Align : Unsigned_32;
- Ret_Addr_Reg : Unsigned_8;
- Init_Loc : Unsigned_32;
- Addr_Rng : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- Shdr := Get_Shdr (File, Index);
- Base := Get_Section_Base (File, Shdr.all);
- Off := 0;
- while Off < Storage_Offset (Shdr.Sh_Size) loop
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, Length);
- Old_Off := Off;
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, Cie_Id);
- if Cie_Id = 16#Ff_Ff_Ff_Ff# then
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, Version);
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, Augmentation);
- Put ("length: ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Length));
- Put (", CIE_id: ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Cie_Id));
- Put (", version: ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Version));
- if Augmentation /= 0 then
- Put (" +augmentation");
- New_Line;
- else
- New_Line;
- Read_ULEB128 (Base, Off, Code_Align);
- Read_SLEB128 (Base, Off, Data_Align);
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, Ret_Addr_Reg);
- Put ("code_align: ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Code_Align));
- Put (", data_align: ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Data_Align));
- Put (", ret_addr_reg: ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Ret_Addr_Reg));
- New_Line;
- Put ("initial instructions:");
- New_Line;
- Disp_Cfi (Base + Off, Old_Off + Storage_Offset (Length) - Off);
- end if;
- else
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, Init_Loc);
- Read_Word4 (Base, Off, Addr_Rng);
- Put ("length: ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Length));
- Put (", CIE_pointer: ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Cie_Id));
- Put (", address_range: ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Init_Loc));
- Put ("-");
- Put (Hex_Image (Init_Loc + Addr_Rng));
- New_Line;
- Put ("instructions:");
- New_Line;
- Disp_Cfi (Base + Off, Old_Off + Storage_Offset (Length) - Off);
- end if;
- Off := Old_Off + Storage_Offset (Length);
- end loop;
- end Disp_Debug_Frame;
- procedure Read_Coded (Base : Address;
- Offset : in out Storage_Offset;
- Code : Unsigned_8;
- Val : out Unsigned_32)
- is
- use Dwarf;
- V2 : Unsigned_16;
- begin
- if Code = DW_EH_PE_Omit then
- return;
- end if;
- case Code and DW_EH_PE_Format_Mask is
- when DW_EH_PE_Uleb128 =>
- Read_ULEB128 (Base, Offset, Val);
- when DW_EH_PE_Udata2 =>
- Read_Word2 (Base, Offset, V2);
- Val := Unsigned_32 (V2);
- when DW_EH_PE_Udata4 =>
- Read_Word4 (Base, Offset, Val);
- when DW_EH_PE_Sleb128 =>
- Read_SLEB128 (Base, Offset, Val);
- when DW_EH_PE_Sdata2 =>
- Read_Word2 (Base, Offset, V2);
- Val := Unsigned_32 (V2);
- if (V2 and 16#80_00#) /= 0 then
- Val := Val or 16#Ff_Ff_00_00#;
- end if;
- when DW_EH_PE_Sdata4 =>
- Read_Word4 (Base, Offset, Val);
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Read_Coded;
- procedure Disp_Eh_Frame_Hdr (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half)
- is
- Shdr : Elf_Shdr_Acc;
- Base : Address;
- Off : Storage_Offset;
- Version : Unsigned_8;
- Eh_Frame_Ptr_Enc : Unsigned_8;
- Fde_Count_Enc : Unsigned_8;
- Table_Enc : Unsigned_8;
- Eh_Frame_Ptr : Unsigned_32;
- Fde_Count : Unsigned_32;
- Loc : Unsigned_32;
- Addr : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- Shdr := Get_Shdr (File, Index);
- Base := Get_Section_Base (File, Shdr.all);
- Off := 0;
- while Off < Storage_Offset (Shdr.Sh_Size) loop
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, Version);
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, Eh_Frame_Ptr_Enc);
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, Fde_Count_Enc);
- Read_Byte (Base, Off, Table_Enc);
- Put ("version: ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Version));
- Put (", encodings: ptr:");
- Put (Hex_Image (Eh_Frame_Ptr_Enc));
- Put (" count:");
- Put (Hex_Image (Fde_Count_Enc));
- Put (" table:");
- Put (Hex_Image (Table_Enc));
- New_Line;
- Read_Coded (Base, Off, Eh_Frame_Ptr_Enc, Eh_Frame_Ptr);
- Read_Coded (Base, Off, Fde_Count_Enc, Fde_Count);
- Put ("eh_frame_ptr: ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Eh_Frame_Ptr));
- Put (", fde_count: ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Fde_Count));
- New_Line;
- for I in 1 .. Fde_Count loop
- Read_Coded (Base, Off, Table_Enc, Loc);
- Read_Coded (Base, Off, Table_Enc, Addr);
- Put (" init loc: ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Loc));
- Put (", addr : ");
- Put (Hex_Image (Addr));
- New_Line;
- end loop;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Eh_Frame_Hdr;
-end Elfdumper;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/elfdumper.ads b/ortho/mcode/elfdumper.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 0227f0f41..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/elfdumper.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
--- ELF dumper (library).
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System; use System;
-with Elf_Common; use Elf_Common;
-with Elf_Arch; use Elf_Arch;
-with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-package Elfdumper is
- procedure Disp_Ehdr (Ehdr : Elf_Ehdr);
- type Strtab_Fat_Type is array (Elf_Size) of Character;
- type Strtab_Fat_Acc is access all Strtab_Fat_Type;
- type Strtab_Type is record
- Base : Strtab_Fat_Acc;
- Length : Elf_Size;
- end record;
- Null_Strtab : constant Strtab_Type := (null, 0);
- Nul : constant Character := Character'Val (0);
- function Get_String (Strtab : Strtab_Type; N : Elf_Size)
- return String;
- procedure Disp_Shdr (Shdr : Elf_Shdr; Sh_Strtab : Strtab_Type);
- type Elf_Shdr_Array is array (Elf_Half range <>) of Elf_Shdr;
- type Elf_File is limited private;
- type Elf_File_Status is
- (
- -- No error.
- Status_Ok,
- -- Cannot open file.
- Status_Open_Failure,
- Status_Bad_File,
- Status_Memory,
- Status_Read_Error,
- Status_Bad_Magic,
- Status_Bad_Class
- );
- procedure Open_File (File : out Elf_File; Filename : String);
- function Get_Status (File : Elf_File) return Elf_File_Status;
- type Elf_Ehdr_Acc is access all Elf_Ehdr;
- function Get_Ehdr (File : Elf_File) return Elf_Ehdr_Acc;
- procedure Load_Shdr (File : in out Elf_File);
- type Elf_Shdr_Acc is access all Elf_Shdr;
- function Get_Shdr (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half)
- return Elf_Shdr_Acc;
- function Get_Shdr_Type_Name (Stype : Elf_Word) return String;
- procedure Load_Phdr (File : in out Elf_File);
- type Elf_Phdr_Acc is access all Elf_Phdr;
- function Get_Phdr (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half)
- return Elf_Phdr_Acc;
- function Get_Segment_Base (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half)
- return Address;
- function Get_Sh_Strtab (File : Elf_File) return Strtab_Type;
- procedure Disp_Sym (File : Elf_File;
- Sym : Elf_Sym;
- Strtab : Strtab_Type);
- procedure Disp_Symtab (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half);
- procedure Disp_Strtab (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half);
- function Get_Section_Name (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half)
- return String;
- function Get_Section_By_Name (File : Elf_File; Name : String)
- return Elf_Half;
- procedure Disp_Debug_Abbrev (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half);
- procedure Disp_Debug_Info (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half);
- procedure Disp_Debug_Pubnames (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half);
- procedure Disp_Debug_Aranges (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half);
- procedure Disp_Debug_Line (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half);
- procedure Disp_Debug_Frame (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half);
- procedure Disp_Eh_Frame_Hdr (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half);
- procedure Disp_Phdr (Phdr : Elf_Phdr);
- procedure Disp_Segment_Note (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half);
- procedure Disp_Section_Note (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half);
- procedure Disp_Dynamic (File : Elf_File; Index : Elf_Half);
- use System;
- function To_Strtab_Fat_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Address, Strtab_Fat_Acc);
- type String_Acc is access String;
- function To_Elf_Ehdr_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Address, Elf_Ehdr_Acc);
- function To_Elf_Phdr_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Address, Elf_Phdr_Acc);
- function To_Elf_Shdr_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Address, Elf_Shdr_Acc);
- type Elf_Sym_Acc is access all Elf_Sym;
- function To_Elf_Sym_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Address, Elf_Sym_Acc);
- type Elf_Shdr_Arr is array (Elf_Half) of Elf_Shdr;
- type Elf_Shdr_Arr_Acc is access all Elf_Shdr_Arr;
- function To_Elf_Shdr_Arr_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Address, Elf_Shdr_Arr_Acc);
- type Elf_File is record
- -- Name of the file.
- Filename : String_Acc;
- -- Status, used to report errors.
- Status : Elf_File_Status;
- -- Length of the file.
- Length : Elf_Off;
- -- File contents.
- Base : Address;
- Ehdr : Elf_Ehdr_Acc;
- Shdr_Base : Address;
- Sh_Strtab : Strtab_Type;
- Phdr_Base : Address;
- end record;
-end Elfdumper;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/hex_images.adb b/ortho/mcode/hex_images.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index a9dca324d..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/hex_images.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
--- To hexadecimal conversions.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-package body Hex_Images is
- type Hex_Str_Type is array (0 .. 15) of Character;
- Hexdigits : constant Hex_Str_Type := "0123456789abcdef";
- function Hex_Image (B : Unsigned_8) return String is
- Res : String (1 .. 2);
- begin
- for I in 1 .. 2 loop
- Res (I) := Hexdigits
- (Natural (Shift_Right (B, 8 - 4 * I) and 16#0f#));
- end loop;
- return Res;
- end Hex_Image;
- function Conv is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Integer_32, Target => Unsigned_32);
- function Hex_Image (W : Unsigned_32) return String is
- Res : String (1 .. 8);
- begin
- for I in 1 .. 8 loop
- Res (I) := Hexdigits
- (Natural (Shift_Right (W, 32 - 4 * I) and 16#0f#));
- end loop;
- return Res;
- end Hex_Image;
- function Hex_Image (W : Unsigned_64) return String is
- Res : String (1 .. 16);
- begin
- for I in 1 .. 16 loop
- Res (I) := Hexdigits
- (Natural (Shift_Right (W, 64 - 4 * I) and 16#0f#));
- end loop;
- return Res;
- end Hex_Image;
- function Hex_Image (W : Unsigned_16) return String is
- Res : String (1 .. 4);
- begin
- for I in 1 .. 4 loop
- Res (I) := Hexdigits
- (Natural (Shift_Right (W, 16 - 4 * I) and 16#0f#));
- end loop;
- return Res;
- end Hex_Image;
- function Hex_Image (W : Integer_32) return String is
- begin
- return Hex_Image (Conv (W));
- end Hex_Image;
-end Hex_Images;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/hex_images.ads b/ortho/mcode/hex_images.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 830d2ec43..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/hex_images.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
--- To hexadecimal conversions.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-package Hex_Images is
- function Hex_Image (W : Integer_32) return String;
- function Hex_Image (W : Unsigned_32) return String;
- function Hex_Image (B : Unsigned_8) return String;
- function Hex_Image (W : Unsigned_16) return String;
- function Hex_Image (W : Unsigned_64) return String;
-end Hex_Images;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/memsegs.ads b/ortho/mcode/memsegs.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index ff7f8947e..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/memsegs.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-with Memsegs_Mmap;
-package Memsegs renames Memsegs_Mmap;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/memsegs_c.c b/ortho/mcode/memsegs_c.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f0a0e27d5..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/memsegs_c.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-/* Memory segment handling.
- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold.
- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
- 02111-1307, USA.
-#ifndef WINNT
-#define _GNU_SOURCE
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-/* #include <stdio.h> */
-/* TODO: init (get pagesize)
- round size,
- set rights.
-#ifdef __APPLE__
-#define HAVE_MREMAP
-#ifndef HAVE_MREMAP
-#include <string.h>
-void *
-mmap_malloc (int size)
- void *res;
- res = mmap (NULL, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
- /* printf ("mmap (%d) = %p\n", size, res); */
- if (res == MAP_FAILED)
- return NULL;
- return res;
-void *
-mmap_realloc (void *ptr, int old_size, int size)
- void *res;
- res = mremap (ptr, old_size, size, MREMAP_MAYMOVE);
- res = mmap (NULL, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
- if (res == MAP_FAILED)
- return NULL;
- memcpy (res, ptr, old_size);
- munmap (ptr, old_size);
- /* printf ("mremap (%p, %d, %d) = %p\n", ptr, old_size, size, res); */
-#if 0
- if (res == MAP_FAILED)
- return NULL;
- return res;
-mmap_free (void * ptr, int size)
- munmap (ptr, size);
-mmap_rx (void *ptr, int size)
- mprotect (ptr, size, PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC);
-#include <windows.h>
-void *
-mmap_malloc (int size)
- void *res;
- res = VirtualAlloc (NULL, size,
- return res;
-void *
-mmap_realloc (void *ptr, int old_size, int size)
- void *res;
- res = VirtualAlloc (NULL, size,
- if (ptr != NULL)
- {
- CopyMemory (res, ptr, size > old_size ? old_size : size);
- VirtualFree (ptr, old_size, MEM_RELEASE);
- }
- return res;
-mmap_free (void * ptr, int size)
- VirtualFree (ptr, size, MEM_RELEASE);
-mmap_rx (void *ptr, int size)
- DWORD old;
- /* This is not supported on every version.
- In case of failure, this should still work. */
- VirtualProtect (ptr, size, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, &old);
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/memsegs_mmap.adb b/ortho/mcode/memsegs_mmap.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ee8e7bcf..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/memsegs_mmap.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
--- Memory segments.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-package body Memsegs_Mmap is
- function Mmap_Malloc (Size : Natural) return Address;
- pragma Import (C, Mmap_Malloc, "mmap_malloc");
- function Mmap_Realloc (Ptr : Address; Old_Size : Natural; Size : Natural)
- return Address;
- pragma Import (C, Mmap_Realloc, "mmap_realloc");
- procedure Mmap_Free (Ptr : Address; Size : Natural);
- pragma Import (C, Mmap_Free, "mmap_free");
- procedure Mmap_Rx (Ptr : Address; Size : Natural);
- pragma Import (C, Mmap_Rx, "mmap_rx");
- function Create return Memseg_Type is
- begin
- return (Base => Null_Address, Size => 0);
- end Create;
- procedure Resize (Seg : in out Memseg_Type; Size : Natural) is
- begin
- if Seg.Size = 0 then
- Seg.Base := Mmap_Malloc (Size);
- else
- Seg.Base := Mmap_Realloc (Seg.Base, Seg.Size, Size);
- end if;
- Seg.Size := Size;
- end Resize;
- function Get_Address (Seg : Memseg_Type) return Address is
- begin
- return Seg.Base;
- end Get_Address;
- procedure Delete (Seg : in out Memseg_Type) is
- begin
- Mmap_Free (Seg.Base, Seg.Size);
- Seg.Base := Null_Address;
- Seg.Size := 0;
- end Delete;
- procedure Set_Rx (Seg : in out Memseg_Type) is
- begin
- Mmap_Rx (Seg.Base, Seg.Size);
- end Set_Rx;
-end Memsegs_Mmap;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/memsegs_mmap.ads b/ortho/mcode/memsegs_mmap.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index ba7d76618..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/memsegs_mmap.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
--- Memory segments.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System; use System;
-package Memsegs_Mmap is
- -- A memseg is a growable memory space. It can be resized with Resize.
- -- After each operation the base address can change and must be get
- -- with Get_Address.
- type Memseg_Type is private;
- -- Create a new memseg.
- function Create return Memseg_Type;
- -- Resize the memseg.
- procedure Resize (Seg : in out Memseg_Type; Size : Natural);
- -- Get the base address.
- function Get_Address (Seg : Memseg_Type) return Address;
- -- Free all the memory and initialize the memseg.
- procedure Delete (Seg : in out Memseg_Type);
- -- Set the protection to read+execute.
- procedure Set_Rx (Seg : in out Memseg_Type);
- pragma Inline (Create);
- pragma Inline (Get_Address);
- type Memseg_Type is record
- Base : Address := Null_Address;
- Size : Natural := 0;
- end record;
-end Memsegs_Mmap;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-abi.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-abi.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index e75b08509..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-abi.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-with Ortho_Code.X86.Abi;
-package Ortho_Code.Abi renames Ortho_Code.X86.Abi;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-binary.adb b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-binary.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bb6bdd28..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-binary.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
--- Interface with binary writer for mcode.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ortho_Code.Decls;
-with Ortho_Code.Exprs;
-package body Ortho_Code.Binary is
- function Get_Decl_Symbol (Decl : O_Dnode) return Symbol
- is
- begin
- return To_Symbol (Decls.Get_Decl_Info (Decl));
- end Get_Decl_Symbol;
- function Get_Label_Symbol (Label : O_Enode) return Symbol is
- begin
- return To_Symbol (Exprs.Get_Label_Info (Label));
- end Get_Label_Symbol;
- procedure Set_Label_Symbol (Label : O_Enode; Sym : Symbol) is
- begin
- Exprs.Set_Label_Info (Label, To_Int32 (Sym));
- end Set_Label_Symbol;
-end Ortho_Code.Binary;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-binary.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-binary.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 58c79d3b2..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-binary.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
--- Interface with binary writer for mcode.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Binary_File; use Binary_File;
-package Ortho_Code.Binary is
- function To_Symbol is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Int32, Target => Symbol);
- function To_Int32 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Symbol, Target => Int32);
- function Get_Decl_Symbol (Decl : O_Dnode) return Symbol;
- function Get_Label_Symbol (Label : O_Enode) return Symbol;
- procedure Set_Label_Symbol (Label : O_Enode; Sym : Symbol);
-end Ortho_Code.Binary;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-consts.adb b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-consts.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index d09a13c34..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-consts.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,559 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - Constants handling.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-with GNAT.Table;
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-with Ortho_Code.Types; use Ortho_Code.Types;
-with Ortho_Code.Debug;
-package body Ortho_Code.Consts is
- type Cnode_Common is record
- Kind : OC_Kind;
- Lit_Type : O_Tnode;
- end record;
- for Cnode_Common use record
- Kind at 0 range 0 .. 31;
- Lit_Type at 4 range 0 .. 31;
- end record;
- for Cnode_Common'Size use 64;
- type Cnode_Signed is record
- Val : Integer_64;
- end record;
- for Cnode_Signed'Size use 64;
- type Cnode_Unsigned is record
- Val : Unsigned_64;
- end record;
- for Cnode_Unsigned'Size use 64;
- type Cnode_Float is record
- Val : IEEE_Float_64;
- end record;
- for Cnode_Float'Size use 64;
- type Cnode_Enum is record
- Id : O_Ident;
- Val : Uns32;
- end record;
- for Cnode_Enum'Size use 64;
- type Cnode_Addr is record
- Decl : O_Dnode;
- Pad : Int32;
- end record;
- for Cnode_Addr'Size use 64;
- type Cnode_Aggr is record
- Els : Int32;
- Nbr : Int32;
- end record;
- for Cnode_Aggr'Size use 64;
- type Cnode_Sizeof is record
- Atype : O_Tnode;
- Pad : Int32;
- end record;
- for Cnode_Sizeof'Size use 64;
- type Cnode_Union is record
- El : O_Cnode;
- Field : O_Fnode;
- end record;
- for Cnode_Union'Size use 64;
- package Cnodes is new GNAT.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Cnode_Common,
- Table_Index_Type => O_Cnode,
- Table_Low_Bound => 2,
- Table_Initial => 128,
- Table_Increment => 100);
- function Get_Const_Kind (Cst : O_Cnode) return OC_Kind is
- begin
- return Cnodes.Table (Cst).Kind;
- end Get_Const_Kind;
- function Get_Const_Type (Cst : O_Cnode) return O_Tnode is
- begin
- return Cnodes.Table (Cst).Lit_Type;
- end Get_Const_Type;
- function Get_Const_U64 (Cst : O_Cnode) return Unsigned_64
- is
- function To_Cnode_Unsigned is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Cnode_Common, Cnode_Unsigned);
- begin
- return To_Cnode_Unsigned (Cnodes.Table (Cst + 1)).Val;
- end Get_Const_U64;
- function Get_Const_I64 (Cst : O_Cnode) return Integer_64
- is
- function To_Cnode_Signed is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Cnode_Common, Cnode_Signed);
- begin
- return To_Cnode_Signed (Cnodes.Table (Cst + 1)).Val;
- end Get_Const_I64;
- function Get_Const_F64 (Cst : O_Cnode) return IEEE_Float_64
- is
- function To_Cnode_Float is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Cnode_Common, Cnode_Float);
- begin
- return To_Cnode_Float (Cnodes.Table (Cst + 1)).Val;
- end Get_Const_F64;
- function To_Cnode_Common is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Cnode_Signed, Target => Cnode_Common);
- function New_Signed_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Integer_64)
- return O_Cnode
- is
- Res : O_Cnode;
- begin
- Cnodes.Append (Cnode_Common'(Kind => OC_Signed,
- Lit_Type => Ltype));
- Res := Cnodes.Last;
- Cnodes.Append (To_Cnode_Common (Cnode_Signed'(Val => Value)));
- return Res;
- end New_Signed_Literal;
- function To_Cnode_Common is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Unsigned_64, Target => Cnode_Common);
- function New_Unsigned_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Unsigned_64)
- return O_Cnode
- is
- Res : O_Cnode;
- begin
- Cnodes.Append (Cnode_Common'(Kind => OC_Unsigned,
- Lit_Type => Ltype));
- Res := Cnodes.Last;
- Cnodes.Append (To_Cnode_Common (Value));
- return Res;
- end New_Unsigned_Literal;
--- function Get_Const_Literal (Cst : O_Cnode) return Uns32 is
--- begin
--- return Cnodes.Table (Cst).Val;
--- end Get_Const_Literal;
- function To_Uns64 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Cnode_Common, Target => Uns64);
- function Get_Const_U32 (Cst : O_Cnode) return Uns32 is
- begin
- return Uns32 (To_Uns64 (Cnodes.Table (Cst + 1)));
- end Get_Const_U32;
- function Get_Const_R64 (Cst : O_Cnode) return Uns64 is
- begin
- return To_Uns64 (Cnodes.Table (Cst + 1));
- end Get_Const_R64;
- function Get_Const_Low (Cst : O_Cnode) return Uns32
- is
- V : Uns64;
- begin
- V := Get_Const_R64 (Cst);
- return Uns32 (V and 16#Ffff_Ffff#);
- end Get_Const_Low;
- function Get_Const_High (Cst : O_Cnode) return Uns32
- is
- V : Uns64;
- begin
- V := Get_Const_R64 (Cst);
- return Uns32 (Shift_Right (V, 32) and 16#Ffff_Ffff#);
- end Get_Const_High;
- function Get_Const_Low (Cst : O_Cnode) return Int32
- is
- V : Uns64;
- begin
- V := Get_Const_R64 (Cst);
- return To_Int32 (Uns32 (V and 16#Ffff_Ffff#));
- end Get_Const_Low;
- function Get_Const_High (Cst : O_Cnode) return Int32
- is
- V : Uns64;
- begin
- V := Get_Const_R64 (Cst);
- return To_Int32 (Uns32 (Shift_Right (V, 32) and 16#Ffff_Ffff#));
- end Get_Const_High;
- function New_Float_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : IEEE_Float_64)
- return O_Cnode
- is
- Res : O_Cnode;
- function To_Cnode_Common is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Cnode_Float, Target => Cnode_Common);
- begin
- Cnodes.Append (Cnode_Common'(Kind => OC_Float,
- Lit_Type => Ltype));
- Res := Cnodes.Last;
- Cnodes.Append (To_Cnode_Common (Cnode_Float'(Val => Value)));
- return Res;
- end New_Float_Literal;
- function New_Null_Access (Ltype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode is
- begin
- Cnodes.Append (Cnode_Common'(Kind => OC_Null,
- Lit_Type => Ltype));
- return Cnodes.Last;
- end New_Null_Access;
- function To_Cnode_Common is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Cnode_Addr, Target => Cnode_Common);
- function To_Cnode_Addr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Cnode_Common, Target => Cnode_Addr);
- function New_Global_Unchecked_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode
- is
- Res : O_Cnode;
- begin
- Cnodes.Append (Cnode_Common'(Kind => OC_Address,
- Lit_Type => Atype));
- Res := Cnodes.Last;
- Cnodes.Append (To_Cnode_Common (Cnode_Addr'(Decl => Decl,
- Pad => 0)));
- return Res;
- end New_Global_Unchecked_Address;
- function New_Global_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode
- is
- Res : O_Cnode;
- begin
- Cnodes.Append (Cnode_Common'(Kind => OC_Address,
- Lit_Type => Atype));
- Res := Cnodes.Last;
- Cnodes.Append (To_Cnode_Common (Cnode_Addr'(Decl => Decl,
- Pad => 0)));
- return Res;
- end New_Global_Address;
- function New_Subprogram_Address (Subprg : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode
- is
- Res : O_Cnode;
- begin
- Cnodes.Append (Cnode_Common'(Kind => OC_Subprg_Address,
- Lit_Type => Atype));
- Res := Cnodes.Last;
- Cnodes.Append (To_Cnode_Common (Cnode_Addr'(Decl => Subprg,
- Pad => 0)));
- return Res;
- end New_Subprogram_Address;
- function Get_Const_Decl (Cst : O_Cnode) return O_Dnode is
- begin
- return To_Cnode_Addr (Cnodes.Table (Cst + 1)).Decl;
- end Get_Const_Decl;
- function To_Cnode_Common is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Cnode_Enum, Target => Cnode_Common);
- function To_Cnode_Enum is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Cnode_Common, Target => Cnode_Enum);
- --function Get_Named_Literal_Id (Lit : O_Cnode) return O_Ident is
- --begin
- -- return To_Cnode_Enum (Cnodes.Table (Lit + 1)).Id;
- --end Get_Named_Literal_Id;
- function New_Named_Literal
- (Atype : O_Tnode; Id : O_Ident; Val : Uns32; Prev : O_Cnode)
- return O_Cnode
- is
- Res : O_Cnode;
- begin
- Cnodes.Append (Cnode_Common'(Kind => OC_Lit,
- Lit_Type => Atype));
- Res := Cnodes.Last;
- Cnodes.Append (To_Cnode_Common (Cnode_Enum'(Id => Id,
- Val => Val)));
- if Prev /= O_Cnode_Null then
- if Prev + 2 /= Res then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- end if;
- return Res;
- end New_Named_Literal;
- function Get_Lit_Ident (L : O_Cnode) return O_Ident is
- begin
- return To_Cnode_Enum (Cnodes.Table (L + 1)).Id;
- end Get_Lit_Ident;
- function Get_Lit_Value (L : O_Cnode) return Uns32 is
- begin
- return To_Cnode_Enum (Cnodes.Table (L + 1)).Val;
- end Get_Lit_Value;
- function Get_Lit_Chain (L : O_Cnode) return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return L + 2;
- end Get_Lit_Chain;
- package Els is new GNAT.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => O_Cnode,
- Table_Index_Type => Int32,
- Table_Low_Bound => 2,
- Table_Initial => 128,
- Table_Increment => 100);
- function To_Cnode_Common is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Cnode_Aggr, Target => Cnode_Common);
- function To_Cnode_Aggr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Cnode_Common, Target => Cnode_Aggr);
- procedure Start_Record_Aggr (List : out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Atype : O_Tnode)
- is
- Val : Int32;
- Num : Uns32;
- begin
- Num := Get_Type_Record_Nbr_Fields (Atype);
- Val := Els.Allocate (Integer (Num));
- Cnodes.Append (Cnode_Common'(Kind => OC_Record,
- Lit_Type => Atype));
- List := (Res => Cnodes.Last,
- Rec_Field => Get_Type_Record_Fields (Atype),
- El => Val);
- Cnodes.Append (To_Cnode_Common (Cnode_Aggr'(Els => Val,
- Nbr => Int32 (Num))));
- end Start_Record_Aggr;
- procedure New_Record_Aggr_El (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Value : O_Cnode)
- is
- begin
- Els.Table (List.El) := Value;
- List.El := List.El + 1;
- end New_Record_Aggr_El;
- procedure Finish_Record_Aggr (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Res : out O_Cnode) is
- begin
- Res := List.Res;
- end Finish_Record_Aggr;
- procedure Start_Array_Aggr (List : out O_Array_Aggr_List; Atype : O_Tnode)
- is
- Val : Int32;
- Num : Uns32;
- begin
- Num := Get_Type_Subarray_Length (Atype);
- Val := Els.Allocate (Integer (Num));
- Cnodes.Append (Cnode_Common'(Kind => OC_Array,
- Lit_Type => Atype));
- List := (Res => Cnodes.Last,
- El => Val);
- Cnodes.Append (To_Cnode_Common (Cnode_Aggr'(Els => Val,
- Nbr => Int32 (Num))));
- end Start_Array_Aggr;
- procedure New_Array_Aggr_El (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
- Value : O_Cnode)
- is
- begin
- Els.Table (List.El) := Value;
- List.El := List.El + 1;
- end New_Array_Aggr_El;
- procedure Finish_Array_Aggr (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
- Res : out O_Cnode)
- is
- begin
- Res := List.Res;
- end Finish_Array_Aggr;
- function Get_Const_Aggr_Length (Cst : O_Cnode) return Int32 is
- begin
- return To_Cnode_Aggr (Cnodes.Table (Cst + 1)).Nbr;
- end Get_Const_Aggr_Length;
- function Get_Const_Aggr_Element (Cst : O_Cnode; N : Int32) return O_Cnode
- is
- El : Int32;
- begin
- El := To_Cnode_Aggr (Cnodes.Table (Cst + 1)).Els;
- return Els.Table (El + N);
- end Get_Const_Aggr_Element;
- function New_Union_Aggr (Atype : O_Tnode; Field : O_Fnode; Value : O_Cnode)
- return O_Cnode
- is
- function To_Cnode_Common is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Cnode_Union, Target => Cnode_Common);
- Res : O_Cnode;
- begin
- if Debug.Flag_Debug_Hli then
- Cnodes.Append (Cnode_Common'(Kind => OC_Union,
- Lit_Type => Atype));
- Res := Cnodes.Last;
- Cnodes.Append (To_Cnode_Common (Cnode_Union'(El => Value,
- Field => Field)));
- return Res;
- else
- return Value;
- end if;
- end New_Union_Aggr;
- function To_Cnode_Union is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Cnode_Common, Target => Cnode_Union);
- function Get_Const_Union_Field (Cst : O_Cnode) return O_Fnode is
- begin
- return To_Cnode_Union (Cnodes.Table (Cst + 1)).Field;
- end Get_Const_Union_Field;
- function Get_Const_Union_Value (Cst : O_Cnode) return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return To_Cnode_Union (Cnodes.Table (Cst + 1)).El;
- end Get_Const_Union_Value;
- function New_Sizeof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode
- is
- function To_Cnode_Common is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Cnode_Sizeof, Target => Cnode_Common);
- Res : O_Cnode;
- begin
- if Debug.Flag_Debug_Hli then
- Cnodes.Append (Cnode_Common'(Kind => OC_Sizeof,
- Lit_Type => Rtype));
- Res := Cnodes.Last;
- Cnodes.Append (To_Cnode_Common (Cnode_Sizeof'(Atype => Atype,
- Pad => 0)));
- return Res;
- else
- return New_Unsigned_Literal
- (Rtype, Unsigned_64 (Get_Type_Size (Atype)));
- end if;
- end New_Sizeof;
- function Get_Sizeof_Type (Cst : O_Cnode) return O_Tnode
- is
- function To_Cnode_Sizeof is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Cnode_Common, Cnode_Sizeof);
- begin
- return To_Cnode_Sizeof (Cnodes.Table (Cst + 1)).Atype;
- end Get_Sizeof_Type;
- function New_Alignof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode
- is
- function To_Cnode_Common is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Cnode_Sizeof, Target => Cnode_Common);
- Res : O_Cnode;
- begin
- if Debug.Flag_Debug_Hli then
- Cnodes.Append (Cnode_Common'(Kind => OC_Alignof,
- Lit_Type => Rtype));
- Res := Cnodes.Last;
- Cnodes.Append (To_Cnode_Common (Cnode_Sizeof'(Atype => Atype,
- Pad => 0)));
- return Res;
- else
- return New_Unsigned_Literal
- (Rtype, Unsigned_64 (Get_Type_Align_Bytes (Atype)));
- end if;
- end New_Alignof;
- function Get_Alignof_Type (Cst : O_Cnode) return O_Tnode
- is
- function To_Cnode_Sizeof is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Cnode_Common, Cnode_Sizeof);
- begin
- return To_Cnode_Sizeof (Cnodes.Table (Cst + 1)).Atype;
- end Get_Alignof_Type;
- function New_Offsetof (Rec_Type : O_Tnode; Field : O_Fnode; Rtype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode is
- begin
- if Get_Field_Parent (Field) /= Rec_Type then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- return New_Unsigned_Literal
- (Rtype, Unsigned_64 (Get_Field_Offset (Field)));
- end New_Offsetof;
- procedure Get_Const_Bytes (Cst : O_Cnode; H, L : out Uns32) is
- begin
- case Get_Const_Kind (Cst) is
- when OC_Signed
- | OC_Unsigned
- | OC_Float =>
- H := Get_Const_High (Cst);
- L := Get_Const_Low (Cst);
- when OC_Null =>
- H := 0;
- L := 0;
- when OC_Lit =>
- H := 0;
- L := To_Cnode_Enum (Cnodes.Table (Cst + 1)).Val;
- when OC_Array
- | OC_Record
- | OC_Union
- | OC_Sizeof
- | OC_Alignof
- | OC_Address
- | OC_Subprg_Address =>
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end case;
- end Get_Const_Bytes;
- procedure Mark (M : out Mark_Type) is
- begin
- M.Cnode := Cnodes.Last;
- M.Els := Els.Last;
- end Mark;
- procedure Release (M : Mark_Type) is
- begin
- Cnodes.Set_Last (M.Cnode);
- Els.Set_Last (M.Els);
- end Release;
- procedure Disp_Stats
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- begin
- Put_Line ("Number of Cnodes: " & O_Cnode'Image (Cnodes.Last));
- Put_Line ("Number of Cnodes-Els: " & Int32'Image (Els.Last));
- end Disp_Stats;
- procedure Finish is
- begin
- Cnodes.Free;
- Els.Free;
- end Finish;
-end Ortho_Code.Consts;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-consts.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-consts.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 0076bc6eb..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-consts.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - Constants handling.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-package Ortho_Code.Consts is
- type OC_Kind is (OC_Signed, OC_Unsigned, OC_Float, OC_Lit, OC_Null,
- OC_Array, OC_Record, OC_Union,
- OC_Subprg_Address, OC_Address,
- OC_Sizeof, OC_Alignof);
- function Get_Const_Kind (Cst : O_Cnode) return OC_Kind;
- function Get_Const_Type (Cst : O_Cnode) return O_Tnode;
- -- Get bytes for signed, unsigned, float, lit, null.
- procedure Get_Const_Bytes (Cst : O_Cnode; H, L : out Uns32);
- -- Used to set the length of a constrained type.
- -- FIXME: check for no overflow.
- function Get_Const_U32 (Cst : O_Cnode) return Uns32;
- function Get_Const_U64 (Cst : O_Cnode) return Unsigned_64;
- function Get_Const_I64 (Cst : O_Cnode) return Integer_64;
- function Get_Const_F64 (Cst : O_Cnode) return IEEE_Float_64;
- -- Get the low and high part of a constant.
- function Get_Const_Low (Cst : O_Cnode) return Uns32;
- function Get_Const_High (Cst : O_Cnode) return Uns32;
- function Get_Const_Low (Cst : O_Cnode) return Int32;
- function Get_Const_High (Cst : O_Cnode) return Int32;
- function Get_Const_Aggr_Length (Cst : O_Cnode) return Int32;
- function Get_Const_Aggr_Element (Cst : O_Cnode; N : Int32) return O_Cnode;
- -- Only available in HLI.
- function Get_Const_Union_Field (Cst : O_Cnode) return O_Fnode;
- function Get_Const_Union_Value (Cst : O_Cnode) return O_Cnode;
- -- Declaration for an address.
- function Get_Const_Decl (Cst : O_Cnode) return O_Dnode;
- -- Get the type from an OC_Sizeof node.
- function Get_Sizeof_Type (Cst : O_Cnode) return O_Tnode;
- -- Get the type from an OC_Alignof node.
- function Get_Alignof_Type (Cst : O_Cnode) return O_Tnode;
- -- Get the value of a named literal.
- --function Get_Const_Literal (Cst : O_Cnode) return Uns32;
- -- Create a literal from an integer.
- function New_Signed_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Integer_64)
- return O_Cnode;
- function New_Unsigned_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Unsigned_64)
- return O_Cnode;
- function New_Float_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : IEEE_Float_64)
- return O_Cnode;
- -- Create a null access literal.
- function New_Null_Access (Ltype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
- function New_Global_Unchecked_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- function New_Global_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- function New_Subprogram_Address (Subprg : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- function New_Named_Literal
- (Atype : O_Tnode; Id : O_Ident; Val : Uns32; Prev : O_Cnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- -- For boolean/enum literals.
- function Get_Lit_Ident (L : O_Cnode) return O_Ident;
- function Get_Lit_Chain (L : O_Cnode) return O_Cnode;
- function Get_Lit_Value (L : O_Cnode) return Uns32;
- type O_Record_Aggr_List is limited private;
- type O_Array_Aggr_List is limited private;
- -- Build a record/array aggregate.
- -- The aggregate is constant, and therefore can be only used to initialize
- -- constant declaration.
- -- ATYPE must be either a record type or an array subtype.
- -- Elements must be added in the order, and must be literals or aggregates.
- procedure Start_Record_Aggr (List : out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Atype : O_Tnode);
- procedure New_Record_Aggr_El (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Value : O_Cnode);
- procedure Finish_Record_Aggr (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Res : out O_Cnode);
- procedure Start_Array_Aggr (List : out O_Array_Aggr_List; Atype : O_Tnode);
- procedure New_Array_Aggr_El (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
- Value : O_Cnode);
- procedure Finish_Array_Aggr (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
- Res : out O_Cnode);
- -- Build an union aggregate.
- function New_Union_Aggr (Atype : O_Tnode; Field : O_Fnode; Value : O_Cnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- -- Returns the size in bytes of ATYPE. The result is a literal of
- -- unsigned type RTYPE
- -- ATYPE cannot be an unconstrained array type.
- function New_Sizeof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
- -- Returns the alignment in bytes for ATYPE. The result is a literal of
- -- unsgined type RTYPE.
- function New_Alignof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
- -- Returns the offset of FIELD in its record REC_TYPE. The result is a
- -- literal of unsigned type or access type RTYPE.
- function New_Offsetof (Rec_Type : O_Tnode; Field : O_Fnode; Rtype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- procedure Disp_Stats;
- type Mark_Type is limited private;
- procedure Mark (M : out Mark_Type);
- procedure Release (M : Mark_Type);
- procedure Finish;
- type O_Array_Aggr_List is record
- Res : O_Cnode;
- El : Int32;
- end record;
- type O_Record_Aggr_List is record
- Res : O_Cnode;
- Rec_Field : O_Fnode;
- El : Int32;
- end record;
- type Mark_Type is record
- Cnode : O_Cnode;
- Els : Int32;
- end record;
-end Ortho_Code.Consts;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-debug.adb b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-debug.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f3e01ab9..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-debug.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - Internal debugging.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ortho_Code.Flags;
-package body Ortho_Code.Debug is
- procedure Disp_Mode (M : Mode_Type)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- begin
- case M is
- when Mode_U8 =>
- Put ("U8 ");
- when Mode_U16 =>
- Put ("U16");
- when Mode_U32 =>
- Put ("U32");
- when Mode_U64 =>
- Put ("U64");
- when Mode_I8 =>
- Put ("I8 ");
- when Mode_I16 =>
- Put ("I16");
- when Mode_I32 =>
- Put ("I32");
- when Mode_I64 =>
- Put ("I64");
- when Mode_X1 =>
- Put ("xxx");
- when Mode_Nil =>
- Put ("Nil");
- when Mode_F32 =>
- Put ("F32");
- when Mode_F64 =>
- Put ("F64");
- when Mode_B2 =>
- Put ("B2 ");
- when Mode_Blk =>
- Put ("Blk");
- when Mode_P32 =>
- Put ("P32");
- when Mode_P64 =>
- Put ("P64");
- end case;
- end Disp_Mode;
- procedure Set_Debug_Be_Flag (C : Character)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- begin
- case C is
- when 'a' =>
- Flag_Debug_Asm := True;
- when 'b' =>
- Flag_Debug_Body := True;
- when 'B' =>
- Flag_Debug_Body2 := True;
- when 'c' =>
- Flag_Debug_Code := True;
- when 'C' =>
- Flag_Debug_Code2 := True;
- when 'd' =>
- Flag_Debug_Dump := True;
- when 'h' =>
- Flag_Debug_Hex := True;
- when 'H' =>
- Flag_Debug_Hli := True;
- when 'i' =>
- Flag_Debug_Insn := True;
- when 's' =>
- Flag_Debug_Stat := True;
- when 'k' =>
- Flag_Debug_Keep := True;
- when 't' =>
- Flags.Flag_Type_Name := True;
- when others =>
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "unknown debug be flag '" & C & "'");
- end case;
- end Set_Debug_Be_Flag;
- procedure Set_Be_Flag (Str : String)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- subtype Str_Type is String (1 .. Str'Length);
- S : Str_Type renames Str;
- begin
- if S'Length > 11 and then S (1 .. 11) = "--be-debug=" then
- for I in 12 .. S'Last loop
- Set_Debug_Be_Flag (S (I));
- end loop;
- elsif S'Length > 10 and then S (1 .. 10) = "--be-dump=" then
- for I in 11 .. S'Last loop
- case S (I) is
- when 'c' =>
- Flag_Dump_Code := True;
- when others =>
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "unknown back-end dump flag '" & S (I) & "'");
- end case;
- end loop;
- elsif S'Length > 10 and then S (1 .. 10) = "--be-disp=" then
- for I in 11 .. S'Last loop
- case S (I) is
- when 'c' =>
- Flag_Disp_Code := True;
- Flags.Flag_Type_Name := True;
- when others =>
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "unknown back-end disp flag '" & S (I) & "'");
- end case;
- end loop;
- elsif S'Length > 9 and then S (1 .. 9) = "--be-opt=" then
- for I in 10 .. S'Last loop
- case S (I) is
- when 'O' =>
- Flags.Flag_Optimize := True;
- when 'b' =>
- Flags.Flag_Opt_BB := True;
- when others =>
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "unknown back-end opt flag '" & S (I) & "'");
- end case;
- end loop;
- else
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "unknown back-end option " & Str);
- end if;
- end Set_Be_Flag;
-end Ortho_Code.Debug;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-debug.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-debug.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 03f550ac9..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-debug.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - Internal debugging.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-package Ortho_Code.Debug is
- package Int32_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO (Ortho_Code.Int32);
- procedure Disp_Mode (M : Mode_Type);
- -- Set a debug flag.
- procedure Set_Debug_Be_Flag (C : Character);
- -- any '--be-XXX=YY' option.
- procedure Set_Be_Flag (Str : String);
- -- c: tree created, before any back-end.
- Flag_Disp_Code : Boolean := False;
- Flag_Dump_Code : Boolean := False;
- -- a: disp assembly code.
- Flag_Debug_Asm : Boolean := False;
- -- A: do internal checks (assertions).
- Flag_Debug_Assert : Boolean := True;
- -- b: disp top-level subprogram body before code generation.
- Flag_Debug_Body : Boolean := False;
- -- B: disp top-level subprogram body after code generation.
- Flag_Debug_Body2 : Boolean := False;
- -- c: display generated code.
- Flag_Debug_Code : Boolean := False;
- -- C: display generated code just before asm.
- Flag_Debug_Code2 : Boolean := False;
- -- h: disp bytes generated (in hexa).
- Flag_Debug_Hex : Boolean := False;
- -- H: generate high-level instructions.
- Flag_Debug_Hli : Boolean := False;
- -- r: raw dump, do not generate code.
- Flag_Debug_Dump : Boolean := False;
- -- i: disp insns, when generated.
- Flag_Debug_Insn : Boolean := False;
- -- s: disp stats (number of nodes).
- Flag_Debug_Stat : Boolean := False;
- -- k: keep all nodes in memory (do not free).
- Flag_Debug_Keep: Boolean := False;
-end Ortho_Code.Debug;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-decls.adb b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-decls.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index fcbf0b0de..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-decls.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,783 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - Declarations handling.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with GNAT.Table;
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-with Ortho_Ident;
-with Ortho_Code.Debug; use Ortho_Code.Debug;
-with Ortho_Code.Exprs;
-with Ortho_Code.Abi; use Ortho_Code.Abi;
-with Ortho_Code.Flags;
-package body Ortho_Code.Decls is
- -- Common fields:
- -- kind: 4 bits
- -- storage: 2 bits
- -- reg : 8 bits
- -- depth : 16 bits
- -- flags: addr + 9
- -- Additionnal fields:
- -- OD_Type: Id, dtype
- -- OD_Var: Id, Dtype, symbol
- -- OD_Local: Id, Dtype, offset/reg
- -- OD_Const: Id, Dtype, Val, Symbol?
- -- OD_Function: Id, Dtype [interfaces follows], Symbol
- -- OD_Procedure: Id [interfaces follows], Symbol
- -- OD_Interface: Id, Dtype, offset/reg
- -- OD_Begin: Last
- -- OD_Body: Decl, Stmt, Parent
- type Dnode_Common (Kind : OD_Kind := OD_Type) is record
- Storage : O_Storage;
- -- True if the address of the declaration is taken.
- Flag_Addr : Boolean;
- Flag2 : Boolean;
- Reg : O_Reg;
- -- Depth of the declaration.
- Depth : O_Depth;
- case Kind is
- when OD_Type
- | OD_Const
- | OD_Var
- | OD_Local
- | OD_Function
- | OD_Procedure
- | OD_Interface =>
- -- Identifier of this declaration.
- Id : O_Ident;
- -- Type of this declaration.
- Dtype : O_Tnode;
- -- Symbol or offset.
- Ref : Int32;
- -- For const: the value.
- -- For subprg: size of pushed arguments.
- Info2 : Int32;
- when OD_Subprg_Ext =>
- -- Chain of interfaces.
- Subprg_Inter : O_Dnode;
- when OD_Block =>
- -- Last declaration of this block.
- Last : O_Dnode;
- -- Max stack offset.
- Block_Max_Stack : Uns32;
- -- Infos: may be used to store symbols.
- Block_Info1 : Int32;
- Block_Info2 : Int32;
- when OD_Body =>
- -- Corresponding declaration (function/procedure).
- Body_Decl : O_Dnode;
- -- Entry statement for this body.
- Body_Stmt : O_Enode;
- -- Parent (as a body) of this body or null if at top level.
- Body_Parent : O_Dnode;
- Body_Info : Int32;
- when OD_Const_Val =>
- -- Corresponding declaration.
- Val_Decl : O_Dnode;
- -- Value.
- Val_Val : O_Cnode;
- end case;
- end record;
- Use_Subprg_Ext : constant Boolean := False;
- pragma Pack (Dnode_Common);
- package Dnodes is new GNAT.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Dnode_Common,
- Table_Index_Type => O_Dnode,
- Table_Low_Bound => O_Dnode_First,
- Table_Initial => 128,
- Table_Increment => 100);
- package TDnodes is new GNAT.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => O_Dnode,
- Table_Index_Type => O_Tnode,
- Table_Low_Bound => O_Tnode_First,
- Table_Initial => 1,
- Table_Increment => 100);
- Context : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_Null;
- function Get_Decl_Type (Decl : O_Dnode) return O_Tnode is
- begin
- return Dnodes.Table (Decl).Dtype;
- end Get_Decl_Type;
- function Get_Decl_Kind (Decl : O_Dnode) return OD_Kind is
- begin
- return Dnodes.Table (Decl).Kind;
- end Get_Decl_Kind;
- function Get_Decl_Storage (Decl : O_Dnode) return O_Storage is
- begin
- return Dnodes.Table (Decl).Storage;
- end Get_Decl_Storage;
- procedure Set_Decl_Storage (Decl : O_Dnode; Storage : O_Storage) is
- begin
- Dnodes.Table (Decl).Storage := Storage;
- end Set_Decl_Storage;
- function Get_Decl_Reg (Decl : O_Dnode) return O_Reg is
- begin
- return Dnodes.Table (Decl).Reg;
- end Get_Decl_Reg;
- procedure Set_Decl_Reg (Decl : O_Dnode; Reg : O_Reg) is
- begin
- Dnodes.Table (Decl).Reg := Reg;
- end Set_Decl_Reg;
- function Get_Decl_Depth (Decl : O_Dnode) return O_Depth is
- begin
- return Dnodes.Table (Decl).Depth;
- end Get_Decl_Depth;
- function Get_Decl_Chain (Decl : O_Dnode) return O_Dnode is
- begin
- case Get_Decl_Kind (Decl) is
- when OD_Block =>
- return Get_Block_Last (Decl) + 1;
- when OD_Body =>
- return Get_Block_Last (Decl + 1) + 1;
- when OD_Function
- | OD_Procedure =>
- if Use_Subprg_Ext then
- return Decl + 2;
- else
- return Decl + 1;
- end if;
- when others =>
- return Decl + 1;
- end case;
- end Get_Decl_Chain;
- function Get_Body_Stmt (Bod : O_Dnode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return Dnodes.Table (Bod).Body_Stmt;
- end Get_Body_Stmt;
- function Get_Body_Decl (Bod : O_Dnode) return O_Dnode is
- begin
- return Dnodes.Table (Bod).Body_Decl;
- end Get_Body_Decl;
- function Get_Body_Parent (Bod : O_Dnode) return O_Dnode is
- begin
- return Dnodes.Table (Bod).Body_Parent;
- end Get_Body_Parent;
- function Get_Body_Info (Bod : O_Dnode) return Int32 is
- begin
- return Dnodes.Table (Bod).Body_Info;
- end Get_Body_Info;
- procedure Set_Body_Info (Bod : O_Dnode; Info : Int32) is
- begin
- Dnodes.Table (Bod).Body_Info := Info;
- end Set_Body_Info;
- function Get_Decl_Ident (Decl : O_Dnode) return O_Ident is
- begin
- return Dnodes.Table (Decl).Id;
- end Get_Decl_Ident;
- function Get_Decl_Last return O_Dnode is
- begin
- return Dnodes.Last;
- end Get_Decl_Last;
- function Get_Block_Last (Blk : O_Dnode) return O_Dnode is
- begin
- return Dnodes.Table (Blk).Last;
- end Get_Block_Last;
- function Get_Block_Max_Stack (Blk : O_Dnode) return Uns32 is
- begin
- return Dnodes.Table (Blk).Block_Max_Stack;
- end Get_Block_Max_Stack;
- procedure Set_Block_Max_Stack (Blk : O_Dnode; Max : Uns32) is
- begin
- Dnodes.Table (Blk).Block_Max_Stack := Max;
- end Set_Block_Max_Stack;
- function Get_Block_Info1 (Blk : O_Dnode) return Int32 is
- begin
- return Dnodes.Table (Blk).Block_Info1;
- end Get_Block_Info1;
- procedure Set_Block_Info1 (Blk : O_Dnode; Info : Int32) is
- begin
- Dnodes.Table (Blk).Block_Info1 := Info;
- end Set_Block_Info1;
- function Get_Block_Info2 (Blk : O_Dnode) return Int32 is
- begin
- return Dnodes.Table (Blk).Block_Info2;
- end Get_Block_Info2;
- procedure Set_Block_Info2 (Blk : O_Dnode; Info : Int32) is
- begin
- Dnodes.Table (Blk).Block_Info2 := Info;
- end Set_Block_Info2;
- function Get_Subprg_Interfaces (Decl : O_Dnode) return O_Dnode
- is
- Res : O_Dnode;
- begin
- if Use_Subprg_Ext then
- Res := Decl + 2;
- else
- Res := Decl + 1;
- end if;
- if Get_Decl_Kind (Res) = OD_Interface then
- return Res;
- else
- return O_Dnode_Null;
- end if;
- end Get_Subprg_Interfaces;
- function Get_Interface_Chain (Decl : O_Dnode) return O_Dnode
- is
- Res : constant O_Dnode := Decl + 1;
- begin
- if Get_Decl_Kind (Res) = OD_Interface then
- return Res;
- else
- return O_Dnode_Null;
- end if;
- end Get_Interface_Chain;
- function Get_Val_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode) return O_Dnode is
- begin
- return Dnodes.Table (Decl).Val_Decl;
- end Get_Val_Decl;
- function Get_Val_Val (Decl : O_Dnode) return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return Dnodes.Table (Decl).Val_Val;
- end Get_Val_Val;
- Cur_Depth : O_Depth := O_Toplevel;
- procedure New_Type_Decl (Ident : O_Ident; Atype : O_Tnode) is
- begin
- Dnodes.Append (Dnode_Common'(Kind => OD_Type,
- Storage => O_Storage_Private,
- Depth => Cur_Depth,
- Reg => R_Nil,
- Id => Ident,
- Dtype => Atype,
- Ref => 0,
- Info2 => 0,
- others => False));
- if Flags.Flag_Type_Name then
- declare
- L : O_Tnode;
- begin
- L := TDnodes.Last;
- if Atype > L then
- TDnodes.Set_Last (Atype);
- TDnodes.Table (L + 1 .. Atype) := (others => O_Dnode_Null);
- end if;
- end;
- TDnodes.Table (Atype) := Dnodes.Last;
- end if;
- end New_Type_Decl;
- function Get_Type_Decl (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Dnode is
- begin
- if Atype <= TDnodes.Last then
- return TDnodes.Table (Atype);
- else
- return O_Dnode_Null;
- end if;
- end Get_Type_Decl;
- procedure New_Const_Decl
- (Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Atype : O_Tnode)
- is
- begin
- Dnodes.Append (Dnode_Common'(Kind => OD_Const,
- Storage => Storage,
- Depth => Cur_Depth,
- Reg => R_Nil,
- Id => Ident,
- Dtype => Atype,
- Ref => 0,
- Info2 => 0,
- others => False));
- Res := Dnodes.Last;
- if not Flag_Debug_Hli then
- Expand_Const_Decl (Res);
- end if;
- end New_Const_Decl;
- procedure New_Const_Value (Cst : O_Dnode; Val : O_Cnode) is
- begin
- if Dnodes.Table (Cst).Info2 /= 0 then
- -- Value was already set.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- Dnodes.Table (Cst).Info2 := Int32 (Val);
- if Flag_Debug_Hli then
- Dnodes.Append (Dnode_Common'(Kind => OD_Const_Val,
- Storage => O_Storage_Private,
- Depth => Cur_Depth,
- Reg => R_Nil,
- Val_Decl => Cst,
- Val_Val => Val,
- others => False));
- else
- Expand_Const_Value (Cst, Val);
- end if;
- end New_Const_Value;
- procedure New_Var_Decl
- (Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Atype : O_Tnode)
- is
- begin
- if Storage = O_Storage_Local then
- Dnodes.Append (Dnode_Common'(Kind => OD_Local,
- Storage => Storage,
- Depth => Cur_Depth,
- Reg => R_Nil,
- Id => Ident,
- Dtype => Atype,
- Ref => 0,
- Info2 => 0,
- others => False));
- Res := Dnodes.Last;
- else
- Dnodes.Append (Dnode_Common'(Kind => OD_Var,
- Storage => Storage,
- Depth => Cur_Depth,
- Reg => R_Nil,
- Id => Ident,
- Dtype => Atype,
- Ref => 0,
- Info2 => 0,
- others => False));
- Res := Dnodes.Last;
- if not Flag_Debug_Hli then
- Expand_Var_Decl (Res);
- end if;
- end if;
- end New_Var_Decl;
- Static_Chain_Id : O_Ident := O_Ident_Nul;
- procedure Add_Static_Chain (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List)
- is
- Res : O_Dnode;
- begin
- if Static_Chain_Id = O_Ident_Nul then
- Static_Chain_Id := Ortho_Ident.Get_Identifier ("STATIC_CHAIN");
- end if;
- New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Res, Static_Chain_Id, O_Tnode_Ptr);
- end Add_Static_Chain;
- procedure Start_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List)
- is
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Decl : constant O_Dnode := Dnodes.Last;
- begin
- Storage := Get_Decl_Storage (Decl);
- if Cur_Depth /= O_Toplevel then
- case Storage is
- when O_Storage_External
- | O_Storage_Local =>
- null;
- when O_Storage_Public =>
- raise Syntax_Error;
- when O_Storage_Private =>
- Storage := O_Storage_Local;
- Set_Decl_Storage (Decl, Storage);
- end case;
- end if;
- if Use_Subprg_Ext then
- Dnodes.Append (Dnode_Common'(Kind => OD_Subprg_Ext,
- Storage => Storage,
- Depth => Cur_Depth,
- Reg => R_Nil,
- Subprg_Inter => O_Dnode_Null,
- others => False));
- end if;
- Start_Subprogram (Decl, Interfaces.Abi);
- Interfaces.Decl := Decl;
- if Storage = O_Storage_Local then
- Add_Static_Chain (Interfaces);
- end if;
- end Start_Subprogram_Decl;
- procedure Start_Function_Decl
- (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Rtype : O_Tnode)
- is
- begin
- Dnodes.Append (Dnode_Common'(Kind => OD_Function,
- Storage => Storage,
- Depth => Cur_Depth,
- Reg => R_Nil,
- Id => Ident,
- Dtype => Rtype,
- Ref => 0,
- Info2 => 0,
- others => False));
- Start_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces);
- end Start_Function_Decl;
- procedure Start_Procedure_Decl
- (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage)
- is
- begin
- Dnodes.Append (Dnode_Common'(Kind => OD_Procedure,
- Storage => Storage,
- Depth => Cur_Depth,
- Reg => R_Nil,
- Id => Ident,
- Dtype => O_Tnode_Null,
- Ref => 0,
- Info2 => 0,
- others => False));
- Start_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces);
- end Start_Procedure_Decl;
- procedure New_Interface_Decl
- (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List;
- Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Atype : O_Tnode)
- is
- begin
- Dnodes.Append (Dnode_Common'(Kind => OD_Interface,
- Storage => O_Storage_Local,
- Depth => Cur_Depth + 1,
- Reg => R_Nil,
- Id => Ident,
- Dtype => Atype,
- Ref => 0,
- Info2 => 0,
- others => False));
- Res := Dnodes.Last;
- New_Interface (Res, Interfaces.Abi);
- end New_Interface_Decl;
- procedure Set_Local_Offset (Decl : O_Dnode; Off : Int32) is
- begin
- Dnodes.Table (Decl).Ref := Off;
- end Set_Local_Offset;
- function Get_Local_Offset (Decl : O_Dnode) return Int32 is
- begin
- return Dnodes.Table (Decl).Ref;
- end Get_Local_Offset;
- function Get_Inter_Offset (Inter : O_Dnode) return Int32 is
- begin
- return Dnodes.Table (Inter).Ref;
- end Get_Inter_Offset;
- procedure Set_Decl_Info (Decl : O_Dnode; Ref : Int32) is
- begin
- Dnodes.Table (Decl).Ref := Ref;
- end Set_Decl_Info;
- function Get_Decl_Info (Decl : O_Dnode) return Int32 is
- begin
- return Dnodes.Table (Decl).Ref;
- end Get_Decl_Info;
- procedure Set_Subprg_Stack (Decl : O_Dnode; Val : Int32) is
- begin
- Dnodes.Table (Decl).Info2 := Val;
- end Set_Subprg_Stack;
- function Get_Subprg_Stack (Decl : O_Dnode) return Int32 is
- begin
- return Dnodes.Table (Decl).Info2;
- end Get_Subprg_Stack;
- procedure Finish_Subprogram_Decl
- (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List; Res : out O_Dnode) is
- begin
- Res := Interfaces.Decl;
- Finish_Subprogram (Res, Interfaces.Abi);
- end Finish_Subprogram_Decl;
- Cur_Block : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_Null;
- function Start_Declare_Stmt return O_Dnode is
- begin
- Dnodes.Append (Dnode_Common'(Kind => OD_Block,
- Storage => O_Storage_Local,
- Depth => Cur_Depth,
- Reg => R_Nil,
- Last => O_Dnode_Null,
- Block_Max_Stack => 0,
- Block_Info1 => 0,
- Block_Info2 => 0,
- others => False));
- Cur_Block := Dnodes.Last;
- return Cur_Block;
- end Start_Declare_Stmt;
- procedure Finish_Declare_Stmt (Parent : O_Dnode) is
- begin
- Dnodes.Table (Cur_Block).Last := Dnodes.Last;
- Cur_Block := Parent;
- end Finish_Declare_Stmt;
- function Start_Subprogram_Body (Decl : O_Dnode; Stmt : O_Enode)
- return O_Dnode
- is
- Res : O_Dnode;
- begin
- Dnodes.Append (Dnode_Common'(Kind => OD_Body,
- Storage => O_Storage_Local,
- Depth => Cur_Depth,
- Reg => R_Nil,
- Body_Parent => Context,
- Body_Decl => Decl,
- Body_Stmt => Stmt,
- Body_Info => 0,
- others => False));
- Res := Dnodes.Last;
- Context := Res;
- Cur_Depth := Cur_Depth + 1;
- return Res;
- end Start_Subprogram_Body;
- procedure Finish_Subprogram_Body is
- begin
- Cur_Depth := Cur_Depth - 1;
- Context := Get_Body_Parent (Context);
- end Finish_Subprogram_Body;
--- function Image (Decl : O_Dnode) return String is
--- begin
--- return O_Dnode'Image (Decl);
--- end Image;
- procedure Disp_Decl_Name (Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- use Ortho_Ident;
- Id : O_Ident;
- begin
- Id := Get_Decl_Ident (Decl);
- if Is_Equal (Id, O_Ident_Nul) then
- declare
- Res : String := O_Dnode'Image (Decl);
- begin
- Res (1) := '?';
- Put (Res);
- end;
- else
- Put (Get_String (Id));
- end if;
- end Disp_Decl_Name;
- procedure Disp_Decl_Storage (Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- begin
- case Get_Decl_Storage (Decl) is
- when O_Storage_Local =>
- Put ("local");
- when O_Storage_External =>
- Put ("external");
- when O_Storage_Public =>
- Put ("public");
- when O_Storage_Private =>
- Put ("private");
- end case;
- end Disp_Decl_Storage;
- procedure Disp_Decl (Indent : Natural; Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- use Ortho_Ident;
- use Ortho_Code.Debug.Int32_IO;
- begin
- Set_Col (Count (Indent));
- Put (Int32 (Decl), 0);
- Set_Col (Count (7 + Indent));
- case Get_Decl_Kind (Decl) is
- when OD_Type =>
- Put ("type ");
- Disp_Decl_Name (Decl);
- Put (" is ");
- Put (Int32 (Get_Decl_Type (Decl)), 0);
- when OD_Function =>
- Disp_Decl_Storage (Decl);
- Put (" function ");
- Disp_Decl_Name (Decl);
- Put (" return ");
- Put (Int32 (Get_Decl_Type (Decl)), 0);
- when OD_Procedure =>
- Disp_Decl_Storage (Decl);
- Put (" procedure ");
- Disp_Decl_Name (Decl);
- when OD_Interface =>
- Put (" interface ");
- Disp_Decl_Name (Decl);
- Put (": ");
- Put (Int32 (Get_Decl_Type (Decl)), 0);
- Put (", offset=");
- Put (Get_Inter_Offset (Decl), 0);
- when OD_Const =>
- Disp_Decl_Storage (Decl);
- Put (" const ");
- Disp_Decl_Name (Decl);
- Put (": ");
- Put (Int32 (Get_Decl_Type (Decl)), 0);
- when OD_Const_Val =>
- Put ("constant ");
- Disp_Decl_Name (Get_Val_Decl (Decl));
- Put (": ");
- Put (Int32 (Get_Val_Val (Decl)), 0);
- when OD_Local =>
- Put ("local ");
- Disp_Decl_Name (Decl);
- Put (": ");
- Put (Int32 (Get_Decl_Type (Decl)), 0);
- Put (", offset=");
- Put (Get_Inter_Offset (Decl), 0);
- when OD_Var =>
- Disp_Decl_Storage (Decl);
- Put (" var ");
- Disp_Decl_Name (Decl);
- Put (": ");
- Put (Int32 (Get_Decl_Type (Decl)), 0);
- when OD_Body =>
- Put ("body of ");
- Put (Int32 (Get_Body_Decl (Decl)), 0);
- Put (", stmt at ");
- Put (Int32 (Get_Body_Stmt (Decl)), 0);
- when OD_Block =>
- Put ("block until ");
- Put (Int32 (Get_Block_Last (Decl)), 0);
- when OD_Subprg_Ext =>
- Put ("Subprg_Ext");
--- when others =>
--- Put (OD_Kind'Image (Get_Decl_Kind (Decl)));
- end case;
- New_Line;
- end Disp_Decl;
- procedure Disp_Decls (Indent : Natural; First, Last : O_Dnode)
- is
- N : O_Dnode;
- begin
- N := First;
- while N <= Last loop
- case Get_Decl_Kind (N) is
- when OD_Body =>
- Disp_Decl (Indent, N);
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.Disp_Subprg_Body
- (Indent + 2, Get_Body_Stmt (N));
- N := N + 1;
- when OD_Block =>
- -- Skip inner bindings.
- N := Get_Block_Last (N) + 1;
- when others =>
- Disp_Decl (Indent, N);
- N := N + 1;
- end case;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Decls;
- procedure Disp_Block (Indent : Natural; Start : O_Dnode)
- is
- Last : O_Dnode;
- begin
- if Get_Decl_Kind (Start) /= OD_Block then
- Disp_Decl (Indent, Start);
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Last := Get_Block_Last (Start);
- Disp_Decl (Indent, Start);
- Disp_Decls (Indent, Start + 1, Last);
- end Disp_Block;
- procedure Disp_All_Decls
- is
- begin
- if False then
- for I in Dnodes.First .. Dnodes.Last loop
- Disp_Decl (1, I);
- end loop;
- end if;
- Disp_Decls (1, Dnodes.First, Dnodes.Last);
- end Disp_All_Decls;
- procedure Debug_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode) is
- begin
- Disp_Decl (1, Decl);
- end Debug_Decl;
- pragma Unreferenced (Debug_Decl);
- procedure Disp_Stats
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- begin
- Put_Line ("Number of Dnodes: " & O_Dnode'Image (Dnodes.Last));
- Put_Line ("Number of TDnodes: " & O_Tnode'Image (TDnodes.Last));
- end Disp_Stats;
- procedure Mark (M : out Mark_Type) is
- begin
- M.Dnode := Dnodes.Last;
- M.TDnode := TDnodes.Last;
- end Mark;
- procedure Release (M : Mark_Type) is
- begin
- Dnodes.Set_Last (M.Dnode);
- TDnodes.Set_Last (M.TDnode);
- end Release;
- procedure Finish is
- begin
- Dnodes.Free;
- TDnodes.Free;
- end Finish;
-end Ortho_Code.Decls;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-decls.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-decls.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index ad18892fe..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-decls.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - Declarations handling.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ortho_Code.Abi;
-package Ortho_Code.Decls is
- -- Kind of a declaration.
- type OD_Kind is (OD_Type,
- OD_Const, OD_Const_Val,
- -- Global and local variables.
- OD_Var, OD_Local,
- -- Subprograms.
- OD_Function, OD_Procedure,
- -- Additional node for a subprogram. Internal use only.
- OD_Subprg_Ext,
- OD_Interface,
- OD_Body,
- OD_Block);
- -- Return the kind of declaration DECL.
- function Get_Decl_Kind (Decl : O_Dnode) return OD_Kind;
- -- Return the type of a declaration.
- function Get_Decl_Type (Decl : O_Dnode) return O_Tnode;
- -- Return the identifier of a declaration.
- function Get_Decl_Ident (Decl : O_Dnode) return O_Ident;
- -- Return the storage of a declaration.
- function Get_Decl_Storage (Decl : O_Dnode) return O_Storage;
- -- Return the depth of a declaration.
- function Get_Decl_Depth (Decl : O_Dnode) return O_Depth;
- -- Register for the declaration.
- function Get_Decl_Reg (Decl : O_Dnode) return O_Reg;
- procedure Set_Decl_Reg (Decl : O_Dnode; Reg : O_Reg);
- -- Return the next decl (in the same scope) after DECL.
- -- This skips declarations in an inner block.
- function Get_Decl_Chain (Decl : O_Dnode) return O_Dnode;
- -- Get the last declaration.
- function Get_Decl_Last return O_Dnode;
- -- Return the subprogram declaration correspondig to body BOD.
- function Get_Body_Decl (Bod : O_Dnode) return O_Dnode;
- -- Return the parent of a body.
- function Get_Body_Parent (Bod : O_Dnode) return O_Dnode;
- -- Get the entry statement of body DECL.
- function Get_Body_Stmt (Bod : O_Dnode) return O_Enode;
- -- Get/Set the info field of a body.
- function Get_Body_Info (Bod : O_Dnode) return Int32;
- procedure Set_Body_Info (Bod : O_Dnode; Info : Int32);
- -- Get the last declaration of block BLK.
- function Get_Block_Last (Blk : O_Dnode) return O_Dnode;
- -- Get/Set the block max stack offset.
- function Get_Block_Max_Stack (Blk : O_Dnode) return Uns32;
- procedure Set_Block_Max_Stack (Blk : O_Dnode; Max : Uns32);
- -- Info on blocks.
- function Get_Block_Info1 (Blk : O_Dnode) return Int32;
- procedure Set_Block_Info1 (Blk : O_Dnode; Info : Int32);
- function Get_Block_Info2 (Blk : O_Dnode) return Int32;
- procedure Set_Block_Info2 (Blk : O_Dnode; Info : Int32);
- -- Get the declaration and the value associated with a constant value.
- function Get_Val_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode) return O_Dnode;
- function Get_Val_Val (Decl : O_Dnode) return O_Cnode;
- -- Declare a type.
- -- This simply gives a name to a type.
- procedure New_Type_Decl (Ident : O_Ident; Atype : O_Tnode);
- -- If Flag_Type_Name is set, a map from type to name is maintained.
- function Get_Type_Decl (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Dnode;
- -- Set/Get the offset (or register) of interface or local DECL.
- -- To be used by ABI.
- procedure Set_Local_Offset (Decl : O_Dnode; Off : Int32);
- function Get_Local_Offset (Decl : O_Dnode) return Int32;
- -- Get/Set user info on subprogram, variable, constant declaration.
- procedure Set_Decl_Info (Decl : O_Dnode; Ref : Int32);
- function Get_Decl_Info (Decl : O_Dnode) return Int32;
- -- Get/Set the stack size of subprogram arguments.
- procedure Set_Subprg_Stack (Decl : O_Dnode; Val : Int32);
- function Get_Subprg_Stack (Decl : O_Dnode) return Int32;
- -- Get the first interface of a subprogram declaration.
- function Get_Subprg_Interfaces (Decl : O_Dnode) return O_Dnode;
- -- Get the next interface.
- -- End of interface chain when result is O_Dnode_Null.
- function Get_Interface_Chain (Decl : O_Dnode) return O_Dnode;
- -- Declare a constant.
- -- This simply gives a name to a constant value or aggregate.
- -- A constant cannot be modified and its storage cannot be local.
- -- ATYPE must be constrained.
- procedure New_Const_Decl
- (Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Atype : O_Tnode);
- -- Set the value to CST.
- procedure New_Const_Value (Cst : O_Dnode; Val : O_Cnode);
- -- Create a variable declaration.
- -- A variable can be local only inside a function.
- -- ATYPE must be constrained.
- procedure New_Var_Decl
- (Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Atype : O_Tnode);
- type O_Inter_List is limited private;
- -- Start a subprogram declaration.
- -- Note: nested subprograms are allowed, ie o_storage_local subprograms can
- -- be declared inside a subprograms. It is not allowed to declare
- -- o_storage_external subprograms inside a subprograms.
- -- Return type and interfaces cannot be a composite type.
- procedure Start_Function_Decl
- (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Rtype : O_Tnode);
- -- For a subprogram without return value.
- procedure Start_Procedure_Decl
- (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage);
- -- Add an interface declaration to INTERFACES.
- procedure New_Interface_Decl
- (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List;
- Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Atype : O_Tnode);
- -- Finish the function declaration, get the node and a statement list.
- procedure Finish_Subprogram_Decl
- (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List; Res : out O_Dnode);
- -- Start subprogram body of DECL. STMT is the corresponding statement.
- -- Return the declaration for the body.
- function Start_Subprogram_Body (Decl : O_Dnode; Stmt : O_Enode)
- return O_Dnode;
- procedure Finish_Subprogram_Body;
- -- Start a declarative region.
- function Start_Declare_Stmt return O_Dnode;
- procedure Finish_Declare_Stmt (Parent : O_Dnode);
- procedure Disp_All_Decls;
- procedure Disp_Block (Indent : Natural; Start : O_Dnode);
- procedure Disp_Decl_Name (Decl : O_Dnode);
- procedure Disp_Decl (Indent : Natural; Decl : O_Dnode);
- procedure Disp_Stats;
- type Mark_Type is limited private;
- procedure Mark (M : out Mark_Type);
- procedure Release (M : Mark_Type);
- procedure Finish;
- type O_Inter_List is record
- -- The declaration of the subprogram.
- Decl : O_Dnode;
- -- Last declared parameter.
- Last_Param : O_Dnode;
- -- Data for ABI.
- Abi : Ortho_Code.Abi.O_Abi_Subprg;
- end record;
- type Mark_Type is record
- Dnode : O_Dnode;
- TDnode : O_Tnode;
- end record;
-end Ortho_Code.Decls;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-disps.adb b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-disps.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e8ac1272..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-disps.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,790 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - Internal tree dumper.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-with Ortho_Code.Debug;
-with Ortho_Code.Consts;
-with Ortho_Code.Decls;
-with Ortho_Code.Types;
-with Ortho_Code.Flags;
-with Ortho_Ident;
-with Interfaces;
-package body Ortho_Code.Disps is
- procedure Disp_Subprg (Ident : Natural; S_Entry : O_Enode);
- procedure Disp_Expr (Expr : O_Enode);
- procedure Disp_Indent (Indent : Natural)
- is
- begin
- Put ((1 .. 2 * Indent => ' '));
- end Disp_Indent;
- procedure Disp_Ident (Id : O_Ident)
- is
- use Ortho_Ident;
- begin
- Put (Get_String (Id));
- end Disp_Ident;
- procedure Disp_Storage (Storage : O_Storage) is
- begin
- case Storage is
- when O_Storage_External =>
- Put ("external");
- when O_Storage_Public =>
- Put ("public");
- when O_Storage_Private =>
- Put ("private");
- when O_Storage_Local =>
- Put ("local");
- end case;
- end Disp_Storage;
- procedure Disp_Label (Label : O_Enode)
- is
- N : Int32;
- begin
- case Get_Expr_Kind (Label) is
- when OE_Label =>
- Put ("label");
- N := Int32 (Label);
- when OE_Loop =>
- Put ("loop");
- N := Int32 (Label);
- when OE_BB =>
- Put ("BB");
- N := Get_BB_Number (Label);
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Put (Int32'Image (N));
- Put (":");
- end Disp_Label;
- procedure Disp_Call (Call : O_Enode)
- is
- Arg : O_Enode;
- begin
- Decls.Disp_Decl_Name (Get_Call_Subprg (Call));
- Arg := Get_Arg_Link (Call);
- if Arg /= O_Enode_Null then
- Put (" (");
- loop
- Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Arg));
- Arg := Get_Arg_Link (Arg);
- exit when Arg = O_Enode_Null;
- Put (", ");
- end loop;
- Put (")");
- end if;
- end Disp_Call;
- procedure Put_Trim (Str : String) is
- begin
- if Str (Str'First) = ' ' then
- Put (Str (Str'First + 1 .. Str'Last));
- else
- Put (Str);
- end if;
- end Put_Trim;
- procedure Disp_Typed_Lit (Lit : O_Cnode; Val : String)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Consts;
- begin
- Disp_Type (Get_Const_Type (Lit));
- Put ("'[");
- Put_Trim (Val);
- Put (']');
- end Disp_Typed_Lit;
- procedure Disp_Lit (Lit : O_Cnode)
- is
- use Interfaces;
- use Ortho_Code.Consts;
- begin
- case Get_Const_Kind (Lit) is
- when OC_Unsigned =>
- Disp_Typed_Lit (Lit, Unsigned_64'Image (Get_Const_U64 (Lit)));
- when OC_Signed =>
- Disp_Typed_Lit (Lit, Integer_64'Image (Get_Const_I64 (Lit)));
- when OC_Subprg_Address =>
- Disp_Type (Get_Const_Type (Lit));
- Put ("'subprg_addr (");
- Decls.Disp_Decl_Name (Get_Const_Decl (Lit));
- Put (")");
- when OC_Address =>
- Disp_Type (Get_Const_Type (Lit));
- Put ("'address (");
- Decls.Disp_Decl_Name (Get_Const_Decl (Lit));
- Put (")");
- when OC_Sizeof =>
- Disp_Type (Get_Const_Type (Lit));
- Put ("'sizeof (");
- Disp_Type (Get_Sizeof_Type (Lit));
- Put (")");
- when OC_Null =>
- Disp_Type (Get_Const_Type (Lit));
- Put ("'[null]");
- when OC_Lit =>
- declare
- L : O_Cnode;
- begin
- L := Types.Get_Type_Enum_Lit
- (Get_Const_Type (Lit), Get_Lit_Value (Lit));
- Disp_Typed_Lit
- (Lit, Ortho_Ident.Get_String (Get_Lit_Ident (L)));
- end;
- when OC_Array =>
- Put ('{');
- for I in 1 .. Get_Const_Aggr_Length (Lit) loop
- if I /= 1 then
- Put (", ");
- end if;
- Disp_Lit (Get_Const_Aggr_Element (Lit, I - 1));
- end loop;
- Put ('}');
- when OC_Record =>
- declare
- use Ortho_Code.Types;
- F : O_Fnode;
- begin
- F := Get_Type_Record_Fields (Get_Const_Type (Lit));
- Put ('{');
- for I in 1 .. Get_Const_Aggr_Length (Lit) loop
- if I /= 1 then
- Put (", ");
- end if;
- Put ('.');
- Disp_Ident (Get_Field_Ident (F));
- Put (" = ");
- Disp_Lit (Get_Const_Aggr_Element (Lit, I - 1));
- F := Get_Field_Chain (F);
- end loop;
- Put ('}');
- end;
- when OC_Union =>
- Put ('{');
- Put ('.');
- Disp_Ident (Types.Get_Field_Ident (Get_Const_Union_Field (Lit)));
- Put ('=');
- Disp_Lit (Get_Const_Union_Value (Lit));
- Put ('}');
- when others =>
- Put ("*lit " & OC_Kind'Image (Get_Const_Kind (Lit)) & '*');
- end case;
- end Disp_Lit;
- procedure Disp_Expr (Expr : O_Enode)
- is
- Kind : OE_Kind;
- begin
- Kind := Get_Expr_Kind (Expr);
- case Kind is
- when OE_Const =>
- case Get_Expr_Mode (Expr) is
- when Mode_I8
- | Mode_I16
- | Mode_I32 =>
- Put_Trim (Int32'Image (To_Int32 (Get_Expr_Low (Expr))));
- when Mode_U8
- | Mode_U16
- | Mode_U32 =>
- Put_Trim (Uns32'Image (Get_Expr_Low (Expr)));
- when others =>
- Put ("const:");
- Debug.Disp_Mode (Get_Expr_Mode (Expr));
- end case;
- when OE_Lit =>
- Disp_Lit (Get_Expr_Lit (Expr));
- when OE_Case_Expr =>
- Put ("{case}");
- when OE_Kind_Dyadic
- | OE_Kind_Cmp
- | OE_Add
- | OE_Mul
- | OE_Shl =>
- Put ("(");
- Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Left (Expr));
- Put (' ');
- case Kind is
- when OE_Eq =>
- Put ('=');
- when OE_Neq =>
- Put ("/=");
- when OE_Lt =>
- Put ("<");
- when OE_Gt =>
- Put (">");
- when OE_Ge =>
- Put (">=");
- when OE_Le =>
- Put ("<=");
- when OE_Add =>
- Put ('+');
- when OE_Mul =>
- Put ('*');
- when OE_Add_Ov =>
- Put ("+#");
- when OE_Sub_Ov =>
- Put ("-#");
- when OE_Mul_Ov =>
- Put ("*#");
- when OE_Shl =>
- Put ("<<");
- when OE_And =>
- Put ("and");
- when OE_Or =>
- Put ("or");
- when others =>
- Put (OE_Kind'Image (Kind));
- end case;
- Put (' ');
- Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Right (Expr));
- Put (")");
- when OE_Not =>
- Put ("not ");
- Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr));
- when OE_Neg_Ov =>
- Put ("neg ");
- Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr));
- when OE_Abs_Ov =>
- Put ("abs ");
- Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr));
- when OE_Indir =>
- declare
- Op : O_Enode;
- begin
- Op := Get_Expr_Operand (Expr);
- case Get_Expr_Kind (Op) is
- when OE_Addrg
- | OE_Addrl =>
- Decls.Disp_Decl_Name (Get_Addr_Object (Op));
- when others =>
- --Put ("*");
- Disp_Expr (Op);
- end case;
- end;
- when OE_Addrl
- | OE_Addrg =>
- -- Put ('@');
- Decls.Disp_Decl_Name (Get_Addr_Object (Expr));
- when OE_Call =>
- Disp_Call (Expr);
- when OE_Alloca =>
- Put ("alloca (");
- Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr));
- Put (")");
- when OE_Conv =>
- Disp_Type (Get_Conv_Type (Expr));
- Put ("'conv (");
- Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr));
- Put (")");
- when OE_Conv_Ptr =>
- Disp_Type (Get_Conv_Type (Expr));
- Put ("'address (");
- Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr));
- Put (")");
- when OE_Typed =>
- Disp_Type (Get_Conv_Type (Expr));
- Put ("'");
- -- Note: there is always parenthesis around comparison.
- Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr));
- when OE_Record_Ref =>
- Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr));
- Put (".");
- Disp_Ident (Types.Get_Field_Ident (Get_Ref_Field (Expr)));
- when OE_Access_Ref =>
- Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr));
- Put (".all");
- when OE_Index_Ref =>
- Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr));
- Put ('[');
- Disp_Expr (Get_Ref_Index (Expr));
- Put (']');
- when OE_Slice_Ref =>
- Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr));
- Put ('[');
- Disp_Expr (Get_Ref_Index (Expr));
- Put ("...]");
- when OE_Get_Stack =>
- Put ("%sp");
- when OE_Get_Frame =>
- Put ("%fp");
- when others =>
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "disps.disp_expr: unknown expr "
- & OE_Kind'Image (Kind));
- end case;
- end Disp_Expr;
- procedure Disp_Fields (Indent : Natural; Atype : O_Tnode)
- is
- use Types;
- Nbr : Uns32;
- F : O_Fnode;
- begin
- Nbr := Get_Type_Record_Nbr_Fields (Atype);
- F := Get_Type_Record_Fields (Atype);
- for I in 1 .. Nbr loop
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- Disp_Ident (Get_Field_Ident (F));
- Put (": ");
- Disp_Type (Get_Field_Type (F));
- Put (";");
- New_Line;
- F := Get_Field_Chain (F);
- end loop;
- end Disp_Fields;
- procedure Disp_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Force : Boolean := False)
- is
- use Types;
- Kind : OT_Kind;
- Decl : O_Dnode;
- begin
- if not Force then
- Decl := Decls.Get_Type_Decl (Atype);
- if Decl /= O_Dnode_Null then
- Decls.Disp_Decl_Name (Decl);
- return;
- end if;
- end if;
- Kind := Get_Type_Kind (Atype);
- case Kind is
- when OT_Signed =>
- Put ("signed (");
- Put_Trim (Uns32'Image (8 * Get_Type_Size (Atype)));
- Put (")");
- when OT_Unsigned =>
- Put ("unsigned (");
- Put_Trim (Uns32'Image (8 * Get_Type_Size (Atype)));
- Put (")");
- when OT_Float =>
- Put ("float");
- when OT_Access =>
- Put ("access");
- declare
- Acc_Type : O_Tnode;
- begin
- Acc_Type := Get_Type_Access_Type (Atype);
- if Acc_Type /= O_Tnode_Null then
- Put (' ');
- Disp_Type (Acc_Type);
- end if;
- end;
- when OT_Ucarray =>
- Put ("array [");
- Disp_Type (Get_Type_Ucarray_Index (Atype));
- Put ("] of ");
- Disp_Type (Get_Type_Ucarray_Element (Atype));
- when OT_Subarray =>
- Put ("subarray ");
- Disp_Type (Get_Type_Subarray_Base (Atype));
- Put ("[");
- Put_Trim (Uns32'Image (Get_Type_Subarray_Length (Atype)));
- Put ("]");
- when OT_Record =>
- Put_Line ("record");
- Disp_Fields (1, Atype);
- Put ("end record");
- when OT_Union =>
- Put_Line ("union");
- Disp_Fields (1, Atype);
- Put ("end union");
- when OT_Boolean =>
- declare
- Lit : O_Cnode;
- begin
- Put ("boolean {");
- Lit := Get_Type_Bool_False (Atype);
- Disp_Ident (Consts.Get_Lit_Ident (Lit));
- Put (", ");
- Lit := Get_Type_Bool_True (Atype);
- Disp_Ident (Consts.Get_Lit_Ident (Lit));
- Put ("}");
- end;
- when OT_Enum =>
- declare
- use Consts;
- Lit : O_Cnode;
- begin
- Put ("enum {");
- Lit := Get_Type_Enum_Lits (Atype);
- for I in 1 .. Get_Type_Enum_Nbr_Lits (Atype) loop
- if I /= 1 then
- Put (", ");
- end if;
- Disp_Ident (Get_Lit_Ident (Lit));
- Put (" =");
- Put (Uns32'Image (I - 1));
- Lit := Get_Lit_Chain (Lit);
- end loop;
- Put ('}');
- end;
- when OT_Complete =>
- Put ("-- complete: ");
- Disp_Type (Get_Type_Complete_Type (Atype));
- end case;
- end Disp_Type;
- procedure Disp_Decl_Storage (Decl : O_Dnode) is
- begin
- Disp_Storage (Decls.Get_Decl_Storage (Decl));
- Put (' ');
- end Disp_Decl_Storage;
- procedure Disp_Subprg_Decl (Indent : Natural; Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Decls;
- Kind : OD_Kind;
- Inter : O_Dnode;
- begin
- Disp_Decl_Storage (Decl);
- Kind := Get_Decl_Kind (Decl);
- case Kind is
- when OD_Function =>
- Put ("function ");
- when OD_Procedure =>
- Put ("procedure ");
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Disp_Decl_Name (Decl);
- Inter := Get_Subprg_Interfaces (Decl);
- Put (" (");
- New_Line;
- if Inter /= O_Dnode_Null then
- loop
- Disp_Indent (Indent + 1);
- Disp_Decl_Name (Inter);
- Put (": ");
- Disp_Type (Get_Decl_Type (Inter));
- Inter := Get_Interface_Chain (Inter);
- exit when Inter = O_Dnode_Null;
- Put (";");
- New_Line;
- end loop;
- else
- Disp_Indent (Indent + 1);
- end if;
- Put (")");
- if Kind = OD_Function then
- New_Line;
- Disp_Indent (Indent + 1);
- Put ("return ");
- Disp_Type (Get_Decl_Type (Decl));
- end if;
- end Disp_Subprg_Decl;
- procedure Disp_Decl (Indent : Natural;
- Decl : O_Dnode;
- Nl : Boolean := False)
- is
- use Decls;
- Kind : OD_Kind;
- Dtype : O_Tnode;
- begin
- Kind := Get_Decl_Kind (Decl);
- if Kind = OD_Interface then
- return;
- end if;
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- case Kind is
- when OD_Type =>
- Dtype := Get_Decl_Type (Decl);
- Put ("type ");
- Disp_Decl_Name (Decl);
- Put (" is ");
- Disp_Type (Dtype, True);
- Put_Line (";");
- when OD_Local
- | OD_Var =>
- Disp_Decl_Storage (Decl);
- Put ("var ");
- Disp_Decl_Name (Decl);
- Put (" : ");
- Dtype := Get_Decl_Type (Decl);
- Disp_Type (Dtype);
- if True then
- Put (" {size="
- & Uns32'Image (Types.Get_Type_Size (Dtype)) & "}");
- end if;
- Put_Line (";");
- when OD_Const =>
- Disp_Decl_Storage (Decl);
- Put ("constant ");
- Disp_Decl_Name (Decl);
- Put (" : ");
- Disp_Type (Get_Decl_Type (Decl));
- Put_Line (";");
- when OD_Const_Val =>
- Put ("constant ");
- Disp_Decl_Name (Get_Val_Decl (Decl));
- Put (" := ");
- Disp_Lit (Get_Val_Val (Decl));
- Put_Line (";");
- when OD_Function
- | OD_Procedure =>
- Disp_Subprg_Decl (Indent, Decl);
- Put_Line (";");
- when OD_Interface =>
- null;
- when OD_Body =>
- -- Put ("body ");
- Disp_Subprg_Decl (Indent, Get_Body_Decl (Decl));
- -- Disp_Decl_Name (Get_Body_Decl (Decl));
- New_Line;
- Disp_Subprg (Indent, Get_Body_Stmt (Decl));
- when OD_Block | OD_Subprg_Ext =>
- null;
- end case;
- if Nl then
- New_Line;
- end if;
- end Disp_Decl;
- procedure Disp_Stmt (Indent : in out Natural; Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- use Decls;
- Expr : O_Enode;
- begin
- case Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt) is
- when OE_Beg =>
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- Put_Line ("declare");
- declare
- Last : O_Dnode;
- Decl : O_Dnode;
- begin
- Decl := Get_Block_Decls (Stmt);
- Last := Get_Block_Last (Decl);
- Decl := Decl + 1;
- while Decl <= Last loop
- case Get_Decl_Kind (Decl) is
- when OD_Block =>
- Decl := Get_Block_Last (Decl) + 1;
- when others =>
- Disp_Decl (Indent + 1, Decl, False);
- Decl := Decl + 1;
- end case;
- end loop;
- end;
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- Put_Line ("begin");
- Indent := Indent + 1;
- when OE_End =>
- Indent := Indent - 1;
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- Put_Line ("end;");
- when OE_Line =>
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- Put_Line ("--#" & Int32'Image (Get_Expr_Line_Number (Stmt)));
- when OE_BB =>
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- Put_Line ("# BB" & Int32'Image (Get_BB_Number (Stmt)));
- when OE_Asgn =>
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- Disp_Expr (Get_Assign_Target (Stmt));
- Put (" := ");
- Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- Put_Line (";");
- when OE_Call =>
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- Disp_Call (Stmt);
- Put_Line (";");
- when OE_Jump_F =>
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- Put ("jump ");
- Disp_Label (Get_Jump_Label (Stmt));
- Put (" if not ");
- Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- New_Line;
- when OE_Jump_T =>
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- Put ("jump ");
- Disp_Label (Get_Jump_Label (Stmt));
- Put (" if ");
- Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- New_Line;
- when OE_Jump =>
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- Put ("jump ");
- Disp_Label (Get_Jump_Label (Stmt));
- New_Line;
- when OE_Label =>
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- Disp_Label (Stmt);
- New_Line;
- when OE_Ret =>
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- Put ("return");
- Expr := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- if Expr /= O_Enode_Null then
- Put (" ");
- Disp_Expr (Expr);
- end if;
- Put_Line (";");
- when OE_Set_Stack =>
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- Put ("%sp := ");
- Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- Put_Line (";");
- when OE_Leave =>
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- Put_Line ("# leave");
- when OE_If =>
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- Put ("if ");
- Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- Put (" then");
- New_Line;
- Indent := Indent + 1;
- when OE_Else =>
- Disp_Indent (Indent - 1);
- Put ("else");
- New_Line;
- when OE_Endif =>
- Indent := Indent - 1;
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- Put_Line ("end if;");
- when OE_Loop =>
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- Disp_Label (Stmt);
- New_Line;
- Indent := Indent + 1;
- when OE_Exit =>
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- Put ("exit ");
- Disp_Label (Get_Jump_Label (Stmt));
- Put (";");
- New_Line;
- when OE_Next =>
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- Put ("next ");
- Disp_Label (Get_Jump_Label (Stmt));
- Put (";");
- New_Line;
- when OE_Eloop =>
- Indent := Indent - 1;
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- Put_Line ("end loop;");
- when OE_Case =>
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- Put ("case ");
- Disp_Expr (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- Put (" is");
- New_Line;
- if Debug.Flag_Debug_Hli then
- Indent := Indent + 2;
- end if;
- when OE_Case_Branch =>
- Disp_Indent (Indent - 1);
- Put ("when ");
- declare
- C : O_Enode;
- L, H : O_Enode;
- begin
- C := Get_Case_Branch_Choice (Stmt);
- loop
- L := Get_Expr_Left (C);
- H := Get_Expr_Right (C);
- if L = O_Enode_Null then
- Put ("others");
- else
- Disp_Expr (L);
- if H /= O_Enode_Null then
- Put (" ... ");
- Disp_Expr (H);
- end if;
- end if;
- C := Get_Case_Choice_Link (C);
- exit when C = O_Enode_Null;
- New_Line;
- Disp_Indent (Indent - 1);
- Put (" | ");
- end loop;
- Put (" =>");
- New_Line;
- end;
- when OE_Case_End =>
- Indent := Indent - 2;
- Disp_Indent (Indent);
- Put ("end case;");
- New_Line;
- when others =>
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "debug.disp_stmt: unknown statement " &
- OE_Kind'Image (Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt)));
- end case;
- end Disp_Stmt;
- procedure Disp_Subprg (Ident : Natural; S_Entry : O_Enode)
- is
- Stmt : O_Enode;
- N_Ident : Natural := Ident;
- begin
- Stmt := S_Entry;
- loop
- Stmt := Get_Stmt_Link (Stmt);
- Disp_Stmt (N_Ident, Stmt);
- exit when Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt) = OE_Leave;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Subprg;
- Last_Decl : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_First;
- procedure Disp_Decls_Until (Last : O_Dnode; Nl : Boolean := False) is
- begin
- while Last_Decl <= Last loop
- Disp_Decl (0, Last_Decl, Nl);
- Last_Decl := Last_Decl + 1;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Decls_Until;
- procedure Disp_Subprg (Subprg : Subprogram_Data_Acc)
- is
- use Decls;
- begin
- Disp_Decls_Until (Subprg.D_Body, True);
- if Get_Decl_Kind (Last_Decl) /= OD_Block then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- if Debug.Flag_Debug_Keep then
- -- If nodes are kept, the next declaration to be displayed (at top
- -- level) is the one that follow the subprogram block.
- Last_Decl := Get_Block_Last (Last_Decl) + 1;
- else
- -- If nodes are not kept, this subprogram block will be freed, and
- -- the next declaration is the block itself.
- Last_Decl := Subprg.D_Body;
- end if;
- end Disp_Subprg;
- procedure Init is
- begin
- Flags.Flag_Type_Name := True;
- end Init;
- procedure Finish is
- begin
- Disp_Decls_Until (Decls.Get_Decl_Last, True);
- end Finish;
-end Ortho_Code.Disps;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-disps.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-disps.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ae4d8697..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-disps.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - Internal tree dumper.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ortho_Code.Exprs; use Ortho_Code.Exprs;
-package Ortho_Code.Disps is
- procedure Disp_Subprg (Subprg : Subprogram_Data_Acc);
- procedure Disp_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Force : Boolean := False);
- procedure Init;
- procedure Finish;
-end Ortho_Code.Disps;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-dwarf.adb b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-dwarf.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index ad67d1ff6..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-dwarf.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1351 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - Dwarf generator.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with GNAT.Directory_Operations;
-with GNAT.Table;
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with Binary_File; use Binary_File;
-with Dwarf; use Dwarf;
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-with Ortho_Code.Decls;
-with Ortho_Code.Types;
-with Ortho_Code.Consts;
-with Ortho_Code.Flags;
-with Ortho_Ident;
-with Ortho_Code.Binary;
-package body Ortho_Code.Dwarf is
- -- Dwarf debugging format.
- -- Debugging.
- Line1_Sect : Section_Acc := null;
- Line_Last : Int32 := 0;
- Line_Pc : Pc_Type := 0;
- -- Constant.
- Min_Insn_Len : constant := 1;
- Line_Base : constant := 1;
- Line_Range : constant := 4;
- Line_Opcode_Base : constant := 13;
- Line_Max_Addr : constant := (255 - Line_Opcode_Base) / Line_Range;
- -- + Line_Base;
- Cur_File : Natural := 0;
- Last_File : Natural := 0;
- Orig_Sym : Symbol;
- End_Sym : Symbol;
- Abbrev_Sym : Symbol;
- Info_Sym : Symbol;
- Line_Sym : Symbol;
- Line_Sect : Section_Acc;
- Abbrev_Sect : Section_Acc;
- Info_Sect : Section_Acc;
- Aranges_Sect : Section_Acc;
- Abbrev_Last : Unsigned_32;
--- procedure Gen_String (Str : String)
--- is
--- begin
--- for I in Str'Range loop
--- Gen_B8 (Character'Pos (Str (I)));
--- end loop;
--- end Gen_String;
- procedure Gen_String_Nul (Str : String)
- is
- begin
- Prealloc (Str'Length + 1);
- for I in Str'Range loop
- Gen_B8 (Character'Pos (Str (I)));
- end loop;
- Gen_B8 (0);
- end Gen_String_Nul;
- procedure Gen_Sleb128 (V : Int32)
- is
- V1 : Uns32 := To_Uns32 (V);
- V2 : Uns32;
- B : Byte;
- function Shift_Right_Arithmetic (Value : Uns32; Amount : Natural)
- return Uns32;
- pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Right_Arithmetic);
- begin
- loop
- B := Byte (V1 and 16#7F#);
- V2 := Shift_Right_Arithmetic (V1, 7);
- if (V2 = 0 and (B and 16#40#) = 0)
- or (V2 = -1 and (B and 16#40#) /= 0)
- then
- Gen_B8 (B);
- exit;
- else
- Gen_B8 (B or 16#80#);
- V1 := V2;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Gen_Sleb128;
- procedure Gen_Uleb128 (V : Unsigned_32)
- is
- V1 : Unsigned_32 := V;
- B : Byte;
- begin
- loop
- B := Byte (V1 and 16#7f#);
- V1 := Shift_Right (V1, 7);
- if V1 /= 0 then
- Gen_B8 (B or 16#80#);
- else
- Gen_B8 (B);
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Gen_Uleb128;
--- procedure New_Debug_Line_Decl (Line : Int32)
--- is
--- begin
--- Line_Last := Line;
--- end New_Debug_Line_Decl;
- procedure Set_Line_Stmt (Line : Int32)
- is
- Pc : Pc_Type;
- D_Pc : Pc_Type;
- D_Ln : Int32;
- begin
- if Line = Line_Last then
- return;
- end if;
- Pc := Get_Current_Pc;
- D_Pc := (Pc - Line_Pc) / Min_Insn_Len;
- D_Ln := Line - Line_Last;
- -- Always emit line information, since missing info can distrub the
- -- user.
- -- As an optimization, we could try to emit the highest line for the
- -- same PC, since GDB seems to handle this way.
- if False and D_Pc = 0 then
- return;
- end if;
- Set_Current_Section (Line1_Sect);
- Prealloc (32);
- if Cur_File /= Last_File then
- Gen_B8 (Byte (DW_LNS_Set_File));
- Gen_Uleb128 (Unsigned_32 (Cur_File));
- Last_File := Cur_File;
- elsif Cur_File = 0 then
- return;
- end if;
- if D_Ln < Line_Base or D_Ln >= (Line_Base + Line_Range) then
- -- Emit an advance line.
- Gen_B8 (Byte (DW_LNS_Advance_Line));
- Gen_Sleb128 (Int32 (D_Ln - Line_Base));
- D_Ln := Line_Base;
- end if;
- if D_Pc >= Line_Max_Addr then
- -- Emit an advance addr.
- Gen_B8 (Byte (DW_LNS_Advance_Pc));
- Gen_Uleb128 (Unsigned_32 (D_Pc));
- D_Pc := 0;
- end if;
- Gen_B8 (Line_Opcode_Base
- + Byte (D_Pc) * Line_Range
- + Byte (D_Ln - Line_Base));
- --Set_Current_Section (Text_Sect);
- Line_Pc := Pc;
- Line_Last := Line;
- end Set_Line_Stmt;
- type String_Acc is access constant String;
- type Dir_Chain;
- type Dir_Chain_Acc is access Dir_Chain;
- type Dir_Chain is record
- Name : String_Acc;
- Next : Dir_Chain_Acc;
- end record;
- type File_Chain;
- type File_Chain_Acc is access File_Chain;
- type File_Chain is record
- Name : String_Acc;
- Dir : Natural;
- Next : File_Chain_Acc;
- end record;
- Dirs : Dir_Chain_Acc := null;
- Files : File_Chain_Acc := null;
- procedure Set_Filename (Dir : String; File : String)
- is
- D : Natural;
- F : Natural;
- D_C : Dir_Chain_Acc;
- F_C : File_Chain_Acc;
- begin
- -- Find directory.
- if Dir = "" then
- -- Current directory.
- D := 0;
- elsif Dirs = null then
- -- First directory.
- Dirs := new Dir_Chain'(Name => new String'(Dir),
- Next => null);
- D := 1;
- else
- -- Find a directory.
- D_C := Dirs;
- D := 1;
- loop
- exit when D_C.Name.all = Dir;
- D := D + 1;
- if D_C.Next = null then
- D_C.Next := new Dir_Chain'(Name => new String'(Dir),
- Next => null);
- exit;
- else
- D_C := D_C.Next;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- -- Find file.
- F := 1;
- if Files = null then
- -- first file.
- Files := new File_Chain'(Name => new String'(File),
- Dir => D,
- Next => null);
- else
- F_C := Files;
- loop
- exit when F_C.Name.all = File and F_C.Dir = D;
- F := F + 1;
- if F_C.Next = null then
- F_C.Next := new File_Chain'(Name => new String'(File),
- Dir => D,
- Next => null);
- exit;
- else
- F_C := F_C.Next;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- Cur_File := F;
- end Set_Filename;
- procedure Gen_Abbrev_Header (Tag : Unsigned_32; Child : Byte) is
- begin
- Gen_Uleb128 (Tag);
- Gen_B8 (Child);
- end Gen_Abbrev_Header;
- procedure Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (Attr : Unsigned_32; Form : Unsigned_32) is
- begin
- Gen_Uleb128 (Attr);
- Gen_Uleb128 (Form);
- end Gen_Abbrev_Tuple;
- procedure Init
- is
- begin
- -- Generate type names.
- Flags.Flag_Type_Name := True;
- Orig_Sym := Create_Local_Symbol;
- Set_Symbol_Pc (Orig_Sym, False);
- End_Sym := Create_Local_Symbol;
- Create_Section (Line1_Sect, ".debug_line-1", Section_Debug);
- Set_Current_Section (Line1_Sect);
- -- Write Address.
- Gen_B8 (0); -- extended opcode
- Gen_B8 (5); -- length: 1 + 4
- Gen_B8 (Byte (DW_LNE_Set_Address));
- Gen_Ua_32 (Orig_Sym, 0);
- Line_Last := 1;
- Create_Section (Line_Sect, ".debug_line", Section_Debug);
- Set_Section_Info (Line_Sect, null, 0, 0);
- Set_Current_Section (Line_Sect);
- Line_Sym := Create_Local_Symbol;
- Set_Symbol_Pc (Line_Sym, False);
- -- Abbrevs.
- Create_Section (Abbrev_Sect, ".debug_abbrev", Section_Debug);
- Set_Section_Info (Abbrev_Sect, null, 0, 0);
- Set_Current_Section (Abbrev_Sect);
- Abbrev_Sym := Create_Local_Symbol;
- Set_Symbol_Pc (Abbrev_Sym, False);
- Gen_Uleb128 (1);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Compile_Unit, DW_CHILDREN_Yes);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Stmt_List, DW_FORM_Data4);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Low_Pc, DW_FORM_Addr);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_High_Pc, DW_FORM_Addr);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Producer, DW_FORM_String);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Comp_Dir, DW_FORM_String);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0);
- Abbrev_Last := 1;
- -- Info.
- Create_Section (Info_Sect, ".debug_info", Section_Debug);
- Set_Section_Info (Info_Sect, null, 0, 0);
- Set_Current_Section (Info_Sect);
- Info_Sym := Create_Local_Symbol;
- Set_Symbol_Pc (Info_Sym, False);
- Gen_32 (7); -- Length: to be patched.
- Gen_16 (2); -- version
- Gen_Ua_32 (Abbrev_Sym, 0); -- Abbrev offset
- Gen_B8 (4); -- Ptr size.
- -- Compile_unit.
- Gen_Uleb128 (1);
- Gen_Ua_32 (Line_Sym, 0);
- Gen_Ua_32 (Orig_Sym, 0);
- Gen_Ua_32 (End_Sym, 0);
- Gen_String_Nul ("T.Gingold ortho_mcode (2004)");
- Gen_String_Nul (GNAT.Directory_Operations.Get_Current_Dir);
- end Init;
- procedure Emit_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode);
- -- Next node to be emitted.
- Last_Decl : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_First;
- procedure Emit_Decls_Until (Last : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Decls;
- begin
- while Last_Decl < Last loop
- Emit_Decl (Last_Decl);
- Last_Decl := Get_Decl_Chain (Last_Decl);
- end loop;
- end Emit_Decls_Until;
- procedure Finish
- is
- Length : Pc_Type;
- Last : O_Dnode;
- begin
- Set_Symbol_Pc (End_Sym, False);
- Length := Get_Current_Pc;
- Last := Decls.Get_Decl_Last;
- Emit_Decls_Until (Last);
- if Last_Decl <= Last then
- Emit_Decl (Last);
- end if;
- -- Finish abbrevs.
- Set_Current_Section (Abbrev_Sect);
- Gen_Uleb128 (0);
- -- Emit header.
- Set_Current_Section (Line_Sect);
- -- Unit_Length (to be patched).
- Gen_32 (0);
- -- version
- Gen_16 (2);
- -- header_length (to be patched).
- Gen_32 (5 + 12 + 1);
- -- minimum_instruction_length.
- Gen_B8 (Min_Insn_Len);
- -- default_is_stmt
- Gen_B8 (1);
- -- line base
- Gen_B8 (Line_Base);
- -- line range
- Gen_B8 (Line_Range);
- -- opcode base
- Gen_B8 (Line_Opcode_Base);
- -- standard_opcode_length.
- Gen_B8 (0); -- copy
- Gen_B8 (1); -- advance pc
- Gen_B8 (1); -- advance line
- Gen_B8 (1); -- set file
- Gen_B8 (1); -- set column
- Gen_B8 (0); -- negate stmt
- Gen_B8 (0); -- set basic block
- Gen_B8 (0); -- const add pc
- Gen_B8 (1); -- fixed advance pc
- Gen_B8 (0); -- set prologue end
- Gen_B8 (0); -- set epilogue begin
- Gen_B8 (1); -- set isa
- --if Line_Opcode_Base /= 13 then
- -- raise Program_Error;
- --end if;
- -- include directories
- declare
- D : Dir_Chain_Acc;
- begin
- D := Dirs;
- while D /= null loop
- Gen_String_Nul (D.Name.all);
- D := D.Next;
- end loop;
- Gen_B8 (0); -- last entry.
- end;
- -- file_names.
- declare
- F : File_Chain_Acc;
- begin
- F := Files;
- while F /= null loop
- Gen_String_Nul (F.Name.all);
- Gen_Uleb128 (Unsigned_32 (F.Dir));
- Gen_B8 (0); -- time
- Gen_B8 (0); -- length
- F := F.Next;
- end loop;
- Gen_B8 (0); -- last entry.
- end;
- -- Set prolog length
- Patch_32 (6, Unsigned_32 (Get_Current_Pc - 6));
- Merge_Section (Line_Sect, Line1_Sect);
- -- Emit end of sequence.
- Gen_B8 (0); -- extended opcode
- Gen_B8 (1); -- length: 1
- Gen_B8 (Byte (DW_LNE_End_Sequence));
- -- Set total length.
- Patch_32 (0, Unsigned_32 (Get_Current_Pc - 4));
- -- Info.
- Set_Current_Section (Info_Sect);
- -- Finish child.
- Gen_Uleb128 (0);
- -- Set total length.
- Patch_32 (0, Unsigned_32 (Get_Current_Pc - 4));
- -- Aranges
- Create_Section (Aranges_Sect, ".debug_aranges", Section_Debug);
- Set_Section_Info (Aranges_Sect, null, 0, 0);
- Set_Current_Section (Aranges_Sect);
- Gen_32 (28); -- Length.
- Gen_16 (2); -- version
- Gen_Ua_32 (Info_Sym, 0); -- info offset
- Gen_B8 (4); -- Ptr size.
- Gen_B8 (0); -- seg desc size.
- Gen_32 (0); -- pad
- Gen_Ua_32 (Orig_Sym, 0); -- text offset
- Gen_32 (Unsigned_32 (Length));
- Gen_32 (0); -- End
- Gen_32 (0);
- end Finish;
- procedure Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev : out Unsigned_32) is
- begin
- Abbrev_Last := Abbrev_Last + 1;
- Abbrev := Abbrev_Last;
- Set_Current_Section (Abbrev_Sect);
- -- FIXME: should be enough ?
- Prealloc (128);
- Gen_Uleb128 (Abbrev);
- end Generate_Abbrev;
- procedure Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev : Unsigned_32) is
- begin
- Set_Current_Section (Info_Sect);
- Gen_Uleb128 (Abbrev);
- end Gen_Info_Header;
- function Gen_Info_Sibling return Pc_Type
- is
- Pc : Pc_Type;
- begin
- Pc := Get_Current_Pc;
- Gen_32 (0);
- return Pc;
- end Gen_Info_Sibling;
- procedure Patch_Info_Sibling (Pc : Pc_Type) is
- begin
- Patch_32 (Pc, Unsigned_32 (Get_Current_Pc));
- end Patch_Info_Sibling;
- Abbrev_Base_Type : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- Abbrev_Base_Type_Name : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- Abbrev_Pointer : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- Abbrev_Pointer_Name : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- Abbrev_Uncomplete_Pointer : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- Abbrev_Uncomplete_Pointer_Name : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- Abbrev_Ucarray : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- Abbrev_Ucarray_Name : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- Abbrev_Uc_Subrange : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- Abbrev_Subarray : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- Abbrev_Subarray_Name : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- Abbrev_Subrange : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- Abbrev_Struct : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- Abbrev_Struct_Name : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- Abbrev_Union : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- Abbrev_Union_Name : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- Abbrev_Member : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- Abbrev_Enum : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- Abbrev_Enum_Name : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- Abbrev_Enumerator : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- package TOnodes is new GNAT.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Pc_Type,
- Table_Index_Type => O_Tnode,
- Table_Low_Bound => O_Tnode_First,
- Table_Initial => 16,
- Table_Increment => 100);
- procedure Emit_Type_Ref (Atype : O_Tnode)
- is
- Off : Pc_Type;
- begin
- Off := TOnodes.Table (Atype);
- if Off = Null_Pc then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Gen_32 (Unsigned_32 (Off));
- end Emit_Type_Ref;
- procedure Emit_Ident (Id : O_Ident)
- is
- use Ortho_Ident;
- L : Natural;
- begin
- L := Get_String_Length (Id);
- Prealloc (Pc_Type (L) + 128);
- Gen_String_Nul (Get_String (Id));
- end Emit_Ident;
- procedure Add_Type_Ref (Atype : O_Tnode; Pc : Pc_Type)
- is
- Prev : O_Tnode;
- begin
- if Atype > TOnodes.Last then
- -- Expand.
- Prev := TOnodes.Last;
- TOnodes.Set_Last (Atype);
- TOnodes.Table (Prev + 1 .. Atype - 1) := (others => Null_Pc);
- end if;
- TOnodes.Table (Atype) := Pc;
- end Add_Type_Ref;
- procedure Emit_Decl_Ident (Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Decls;
- begin
- Emit_Ident (Get_Decl_Ident (Decl));
- end Emit_Decl_Ident;
- procedure Emit_Decl_Ident_If_Set (Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Decls;
- begin
- if Decl /= O_Dnode_Null then
- Emit_Ident (Get_Decl_Ident (Decl));
- end if;
- end Emit_Decl_Ident_If_Set;
- procedure Emit_Type (Atype : O_Tnode);
- procedure Emit_Base_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Types;
- procedure Finish_Gen_Abbrev is
- begin
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Encoding, DW_FORM_Data1);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Byte_Size, DW_FORM_Data1);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0);
- end Finish_Gen_Abbrev;
- begin
- if Decl = O_Dnode_Null then
- if Abbrev_Base_Type = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Base_Type);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Base_Type, DW_CHILDREN_No);
- Finish_Gen_Abbrev;
- end if;
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Base_Type);
- else
- if Abbrev_Base_Type_Name = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Base_Type_Name);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Base_Type, DW_CHILDREN_No);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String);
- Finish_Gen_Abbrev;
- end if;
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Base_Type_Name);
- Emit_Decl_Ident (Decl);
- end if;
- case Get_Type_Kind (Atype) is
- when OT_Signed =>
- Gen_B8 (DW_ATE_Signed);
- when OT_Unsigned =>
- Gen_B8 (DW_ATE_Unsigned);
- when OT_Float =>
- Gen_B8 (DW_ATE_Float);
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Gen_B8 (Byte (Get_Type_Size (Atype)));
- end Emit_Base_Type;
- procedure Emit_Access_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Types;
- procedure Finish_Gen_Abbrev is
- begin
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Byte_Size, DW_FORM_Data1);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Type, DW_FORM_Ref4);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0);
- end Finish_Gen_Abbrev;
- procedure Finish_Gen_Abbrev_Uncomplete is
- begin
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Byte_Size, DW_FORM_Data1);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0);
- end Finish_Gen_Abbrev_Uncomplete;
- Dtype : O_Tnode;
- D_Pc : Pc_Type;
- begin
- Dtype := Get_Type_Access_Type (Atype);
- if Dtype = O_Tnode_Null then
- if Decl = O_Dnode_Null then
- if Abbrev_Uncomplete_Pointer = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Uncomplete_Pointer);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Pointer_Type, DW_CHILDREN_No);
- Finish_Gen_Abbrev_Uncomplete;
- end if;
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Uncomplete_Pointer);
- else
- if Abbrev_Uncomplete_Pointer_Name = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Uncomplete_Pointer_Name);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Pointer_Type, DW_CHILDREN_No);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String);
- Finish_Gen_Abbrev_Uncomplete;
- end if;
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Uncomplete_Pointer_Name);
- Emit_Decl_Ident (Decl);
- end if;
- Gen_B8 (Byte (Get_Type_Size (Atype)));
- else
- if Decl = O_Dnode_Null then
- if Abbrev_Pointer = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Pointer);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Pointer_Type, DW_CHILDREN_No);
- Finish_Gen_Abbrev;
- end if;
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Pointer);
- else
- if Abbrev_Pointer_Name = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Pointer_Name);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Pointer_Type, DW_CHILDREN_No);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String);
- Finish_Gen_Abbrev;
- end if;
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Pointer_Name);
- Emit_Decl_Ident (Decl);
- end if;
- Gen_B8 (Byte (Get_Type_Size (Atype)));
- -- Break possible loops: generate the access entry...
- D_Pc := Get_Current_Pc;
- Gen_32 (0);
- -- ... generate the designated type ...
- Emit_Type (Dtype);
- -- ... and write its reference.
- Patch_32 (D_Pc, Unsigned_32 (TOnodes.Table (Dtype)));
- end if;
- end Emit_Access_Type;
- procedure Emit_Ucarray_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Types;
- procedure Finish_Gen_Abbrev is
- begin
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Type, DW_FORM_Ref4);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0);
- end Finish_Gen_Abbrev;
- begin
- if Decl = O_Dnode_Null then
- if Abbrev_Ucarray = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Ucarray);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Array_Type, DW_CHILDREN_Yes);
- Finish_Gen_Abbrev;
- end if;
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Ucarray);
- else
- if Abbrev_Ucarray_Name = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Ucarray_Name);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Array_Type, DW_CHILDREN_Yes);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String);
- Finish_Gen_Abbrev;
- end if;
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Ucarray_Name);
- Emit_Decl_Ident (Decl);
- end if;
- Emit_Type_Ref (Get_Type_Ucarray_Element (Atype));
- if Abbrev_Uc_Subrange = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Uc_Subrange);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Subrange_Type, DW_CHILDREN_No);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Type, DW_FORM_Ref4);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0);
- end if;
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Uc_Subrange);
- Emit_Type_Ref (Get_Type_Ucarray_Index (Atype));
- Gen_Uleb128 (0);
- end Emit_Ucarray_Type;
- procedure Emit_Subarray_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Types;
- procedure Finish_Gen_Abbrev is
- begin
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Type, DW_FORM_Ref4);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Byte_Size, DW_FORM_Udata);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0);
- end Finish_Gen_Abbrev;
- Base : O_Tnode;
- begin
- if Decl = O_Dnode_Null then
- if Abbrev_Subarray = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Subarray);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Array_Type, DW_CHILDREN_Yes);
- Finish_Gen_Abbrev;
- end if;
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Subarray);
- else
- if Abbrev_Subarray_Name = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Subarray_Name);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Array_Type, DW_CHILDREN_Yes);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String);
- Finish_Gen_Abbrev;
- end if;
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Subarray_Name);
- Emit_Decl_Ident (Decl);
- end if;
- Base := Get_Type_Subarray_Base (Atype);
- Emit_Type_Ref (Get_Type_Ucarray_Element (Base));
- Gen_Uleb128 (Unsigned_32 (Get_Type_Size (Atype)));
- if Abbrev_Subrange = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Subrange);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Subrange_Type, DW_CHILDREN_No);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Type, DW_FORM_Ref4);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Lower_Bound, DW_FORM_Data1);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Count, DW_FORM_Udata);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0);
- end if;
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Subrange);
- Emit_Type_Ref (Get_Type_Ucarray_Index (Base));
- Gen_B8 (0);
- Gen_Uleb128 (Unsigned_32 (Get_Type_Subarray_Length (Atype)));
- Gen_Uleb128 (0);
- end Emit_Subarray_Type;
- procedure Emit_Members (Atype : O_Tnode; Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Types;
- Nbr : Uns32;
- F : O_Fnode;
- Loc_Pc : Pc_Type;
- Sibling_Pc : Pc_Type;
- begin
- if Abbrev_Member = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Member);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Member, DW_CHILDREN_No);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Type, DW_FORM_Ref4);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Data_Member_Location, DW_FORM_Block1);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0);
- end if;
- Set_Current_Section (Info_Sect);
- Sibling_Pc := Gen_Info_Sibling;
- Emit_Decl_Ident_If_Set (Decl);
- Gen_Uleb128 (Unsigned_32 (Get_Type_Size (Atype)));
- Nbr := Get_Type_Record_Nbr_Fields (Atype);
- F := Get_Type_Record_Fields (Atype);
- while Nbr > 0 loop
- Gen_Uleb128 (Abbrev_Member);
- Emit_Ident (Get_Field_Ident (F));
- Emit_Type_Ref (Get_Field_Type (F));
- -- Location.
- Loc_Pc := Get_Current_Pc;
- Gen_B8 (3);
- Gen_B8 (DW_OP_Plus_Uconst);
- Gen_Uleb128 (Unsigned_32 (Get_Field_Offset (F)));
- Patch_B8 (Loc_Pc, Unsigned_8 (Get_Current_Pc - (Loc_Pc + 1)));
- F := Get_Field_Chain (F);
- Nbr := Nbr - 1;
- end loop;
- -- end of children.
- Gen_Uleb128 (0);
- Patch_Info_Sibling (Sibling_Pc);
- end Emit_Members;
- procedure Emit_Record_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Types;
- procedure Finish_Gen_Abbrev is
- begin
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Byte_Size, DW_FORM_Udata);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0);
- end Finish_Gen_Abbrev;
- begin
- if Decl = O_Dnode_Null then
- if Abbrev_Struct = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Struct);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Structure_Type, DW_CHILDREN_Yes);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Sibling, DW_FORM_Ref4);
- Finish_Gen_Abbrev;
- end if;
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Struct);
- else
- if Abbrev_Struct_Name = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Struct_Name);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Structure_Type, DW_CHILDREN_Yes);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Sibling, DW_FORM_Ref4);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String);
- Finish_Gen_Abbrev;
- end if;
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Struct_Name);
- end if;
- Emit_Members (Atype, Decl);
- end Emit_Record_Type;
- procedure Emit_Union_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Types;
- procedure Finish_Gen_Abbrev is
- begin
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Byte_Size, DW_FORM_Udata);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0);
- end Finish_Gen_Abbrev;
- begin
- if Decl = O_Dnode_Null then
- if Abbrev_Union = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Union);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Union_Type, DW_CHILDREN_Yes);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Sibling, DW_FORM_Ref4);
- Finish_Gen_Abbrev;
- end if;
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Union);
- else
- if Abbrev_Union_Name = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Union_Name);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Union_Type, DW_CHILDREN_Yes);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Sibling, DW_FORM_Ref4);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String);
- Finish_Gen_Abbrev;
- end if;
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Union_Name);
- end if;
- Emit_Members (Atype, Decl);
- end Emit_Union_Type;
- procedure Emit_Enum_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Types;
- use Ortho_Code.Consts;
- procedure Finish_Gen_Abbrev is
- begin
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Byte_Size, DW_FORM_Data1);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0);
- end Finish_Gen_Abbrev;
- procedure Emit_Enumerator (L : O_Cnode) is
- begin
- Gen_Uleb128 (Abbrev_Enumerator);
- Emit_Ident (Get_Lit_Ident (L));
- Gen_Uleb128 (Unsigned_32 (Get_Lit_Value (L)));
- end Emit_Enumerator;
- Nbr : Uns32;
- L : O_Cnode;
- Sibling_Pc : Pc_Type;
- begin
- if Abbrev_Enumerator = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Enumerator);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Enumerator, DW_CHILDREN_No);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Const_Value, DW_FORM_Udata);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0);
- end if;
- if Decl = O_Dnode_Null then
- if Abbrev_Enum = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Enum);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Enumeration_Type, DW_CHILDREN_Yes);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Sibling, DW_FORM_Ref4);
- Finish_Gen_Abbrev;
- end if;
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Enum);
- else
- if Abbrev_Enum_Name = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Enum_Name);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Enumeration_Type, DW_CHILDREN_Yes);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Sibling, DW_FORM_Ref4);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String);
- Finish_Gen_Abbrev;
- end if;
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Enum_Name);
- end if;
- Sibling_Pc := Gen_Info_Sibling;
- Emit_Decl_Ident_If_Set (Decl);
- Gen_B8 (Byte (Get_Type_Size (Atype)));
- case Get_Type_Kind (Atype) is
- when OT_Enum =>
- Nbr := Get_Type_Enum_Nbr_Lits (Atype);
- L := Get_Type_Enum_Lits (Atype);
- while Nbr > 0 loop
- Emit_Enumerator (L);
- L := Get_Lit_Chain (L);
- Nbr := Nbr - 1;
- end loop;
- when OT_Boolean =>
- Emit_Enumerator (Get_Type_Bool_False (Atype));
- Emit_Enumerator (Get_Type_Bool_True (Atype));
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- -- End of children.
- Gen_Uleb128 (0);
- Patch_Info_Sibling (Sibling_Pc);
- end Emit_Enum_Type;
- procedure Emit_Type (Atype : O_Tnode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Types;
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- Kind : OT_Kind;
- Decl : O_Dnode;
- begin
- -- If already emitted, then return.
- if Atype <= TOnodes.Last
- and then TOnodes.Table (Atype) /= Null_Pc
- then
- return;
- end if;
- Kind := Get_Type_Kind (Atype);
- -- First step: emit inner types (if any).
- case Kind is
- when OT_Signed
- | OT_Unsigned
- | OT_Float
- | OT_Boolean
- | OT_Enum =>
- null;
- when OT_Access =>
- null;
- when OT_Ucarray =>
- Emit_Type (Get_Type_Ucarray_Index (Atype));
- Emit_Type (Get_Type_Ucarray_Element (Atype));
- when OT_Subarray =>
- Emit_Type (Get_Type_Subarray_Base (Atype));
- when OT_Record
- | OT_Union =>
- declare
- Nbr : Uns32;
- F : O_Fnode;
- begin
- Nbr := Get_Type_Record_Nbr_Fields (Atype);
- F := Get_Type_Record_Fields (Atype);
- while Nbr > 0 loop
- Emit_Type (Get_Field_Type (F));
- F := Get_Field_Chain (F);
- Nbr := Nbr - 1;
- end loop;
- end;
- when OT_Complete =>
- null;
- end case;
- Set_Current_Section (Info_Sect);
- Add_Type_Ref (Atype, Get_Current_Pc);
- Decl := Decls.Get_Type_Decl (Atype);
- -- Second step: emit info.
- case Kind is
- when OT_Signed
- | OT_Unsigned
- | OT_Float =>
- Emit_Base_Type (Atype, Decl);
- -- base types.
- when OT_Access =>
- Emit_Access_Type (Atype, Decl);
- when OT_Ucarray =>
- Emit_Ucarray_Type (Atype, Decl);
- when OT_Subarray =>
- Emit_Subarray_Type (Atype, Decl);
- when OT_Record =>
- Emit_Record_Type (Atype, Decl);
- when OT_Union =>
- Emit_Union_Type (Atype, Decl);
- when OT_Enum
- | OT_Boolean =>
- Emit_Enum_Type (Atype, Decl);
- when OT_Complete =>
- null;
- end case;
- end Emit_Type;
- procedure Emit_Decl_Type (Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Decls;
- begin
- Emit_Type_Ref (Get_Decl_Type (Decl));
- end Emit_Decl_Type;
- Abbrev_Variable : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- Abbrev_Const : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- procedure Emit_Local_Location (Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Decls;
- Pc : Pc_Type;
- begin
- Pc := Get_Current_Pc;
- Gen_B8 (2);
- Gen_B8 (DW_OP_Fbreg);
- Gen_Sleb128 (Get_Decl_Info (Decl));
- Patch_B8 (Pc, Unsigned_8 (Get_Current_Pc - (Pc + 1)));
- end Emit_Local_Location;
- procedure Emit_Global_Location (Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Binary;
- begin
- Gen_B8 (5);
- Gen_B8 (DW_OP_Addr);
- Gen_Ua_32 (Get_Decl_Symbol (Decl), 0);
- end Emit_Global_Location;
- procedure Emit_Variable (Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Decls;
- Dtype : O_Tnode;
- begin
- if Get_Decl_Ident (Decl) = O_Ident_Nul then
- return;
- end if;
- if Abbrev_Variable = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Variable);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Variable, DW_CHILDREN_No);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Type, DW_FORM_Ref4);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Location, DW_FORM_Block1);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0);
- end if;
- Dtype := Get_Decl_Type (Decl);
- Emit_Type (Dtype);
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Variable);
- Emit_Decl_Ident (Decl);
- Emit_Type_Ref (Dtype);
- case Get_Decl_Kind (Decl) is
- when OD_Local =>
- Emit_Local_Location (Decl);
- when OD_Var =>
- Emit_Global_Location (Decl);
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Emit_Variable;
- procedure Emit_Const (Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Decls;
- Dtype : O_Tnode;
- begin
- if Abbrev_Const = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Const);
- -- FIXME: should be a TAG_Constant, however, GDB does not support it.
- -- work-around: could use a const_type.
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Variable, DW_CHILDREN_No);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Type, DW_FORM_Ref4);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Location, DW_FORM_Block1);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0);
- end if;
- Dtype := Get_Decl_Type (Decl);
- Emit_Type (Dtype);
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Const);
- Emit_Decl_Ident (Decl);
- Emit_Type_Ref (Dtype);
- Emit_Global_Location (Decl);
- end Emit_Const;
- procedure Emit_Type_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Decls;
- begin
- Emit_Type (Get_Decl_Type (Decl));
- end Emit_Type_Decl;
- Subprg_Sym : Symbol;
- Abbrev_Block : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- procedure Emit_Block_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Decls;
- Last : O_Dnode;
- Sdecl : O_Dnode;
- Sibling_Pc : Pc_Type;
- begin
- if Abbrev_Block = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Block);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Lexical_Block, DW_CHILDREN_Yes);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Sibling, DW_FORM_Ref4);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Low_Pc, DW_FORM_Addr);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_High_Pc, DW_FORM_Addr);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0);
- end if;
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Block);
- Sibling_Pc := Gen_Info_Sibling;
- Gen_Ua_32 (Subprg_Sym, Integer_32 (Get_Block_Info1 (Decl)));
- Gen_Ua_32 (Subprg_Sym, Integer_32 (Get_Block_Info2 (Decl)));
- -- Emit decls for children.
- Last := Get_Block_Last (Decl);
- Sdecl := Decl + 1;
- while Sdecl <= Last loop
- Emit_Decl (Sdecl);
- Sdecl := Get_Decl_Chain (Sdecl);
- end loop;
- -- End of children.
- Set_Current_Section (Info_Sect);
- Gen_Uleb128 (0);
- Patch_Info_Sibling (Sibling_Pc);
- end Emit_Block_Decl;
- Abbrev_Function : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- Abbrev_Procedure : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- Abbrev_Interface : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- procedure Emit_Subprg_Body (Bod : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Decls;
- Kind : OD_Kind;
- Decl : O_Dnode;
- Idecl : O_Dnode;
- Prev_Subprg_Sym : Symbol;
- Sibling_Pc : Pc_Type;
- begin
- Decl := Get_Body_Decl (Bod);
- Kind := Get_Decl_Kind (Decl);
- -- Emit interfaces type.
- Idecl := Get_Subprg_Interfaces (Decl);
- while Idecl /= O_Dnode_Null loop
- Emit_Type (Get_Decl_Type (Idecl));
- Idecl := Get_Interface_Chain (Idecl);
- end loop;
- if Kind = OD_Function then
- Emit_Type (Get_Decl_Type (Decl));
- if Abbrev_Function = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Function);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Subprogram, DW_CHILDREN_Yes);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Sibling, DW_FORM_Ref4);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Type, DW_FORM_Ref4);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Low_Pc, DW_FORM_Addr);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_High_Pc, DW_FORM_Addr);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Frame_Base, DW_FORM_Block1);
- --Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Return_Addr, DW_FORM_Block1);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0);
- end if;
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Function);
- else
- if Abbrev_Procedure = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Procedure);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Subprogram, DW_CHILDREN_Yes);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Sibling, DW_FORM_Ref4);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Low_Pc, DW_FORM_Addr);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_High_Pc, DW_FORM_Addr);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Frame_Base, DW_FORM_Block1);
- --Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Return_Addr, DW_FORM_Block1);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0);
- end if;
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Procedure);
- end if;
- Sibling_Pc := Gen_Info_Sibling;
- if Kind = OD_Function then
- Emit_Decl_Type (Decl);
- end if;
- Emit_Decl_Ident (Decl);
- Prev_Subprg_Sym := Subprg_Sym;
- Subprg_Sym := Binary.Get_Decl_Symbol (Decl);
- Gen_Ua_32 (Subprg_Sym, 0);
- Gen_Ua_32 (Subprg_Sym, Integer_32 (Get_Body_Info (Bod)));
- -- Frame base.
- Gen_B8 (1);
- Gen_B8 (DW_OP_Reg5);
- -- Interfaces.
- Idecl := Get_Subprg_Interfaces (Decl);
- if Idecl /= O_Dnode_Null then
- if Abbrev_Interface = 0 then
- Generate_Abbrev (Abbrev_Interface);
- Gen_Abbrev_Header (DW_TAG_Formal_Parameter, DW_CHILDREN_No);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Type, DW_FORM_Ref4);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Name, DW_FORM_String);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (DW_AT_Location, DW_FORM_Block1);
- Gen_Abbrev_Tuple (0, 0);
- end if;
- loop
- Gen_Info_Header (Abbrev_Interface);
- Emit_Decl_Type (Idecl);
- Emit_Decl_Ident (Idecl);
- Emit_Local_Location (Idecl);
- Idecl := Get_Interface_Chain (Idecl);
- exit when Idecl = O_Dnode_Null;
- end loop;
- end if;
- -- Internal declarations.
- Emit_Block_Decl (Bod + 1);
- -- End of children.
- Gen_Uleb128 (0);
- Patch_Info_Sibling (Sibling_Pc);
- Subprg_Sym := Prev_Subprg_Sym;
- end Emit_Subprg_Body;
- procedure Emit_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- use Ortho_Code.Decls;
- begin
- case Get_Decl_Kind (Decl) is
- when OD_Type =>
- Emit_Type_Decl (Decl);
- when OD_Local
- | OD_Var =>
- Emit_Variable (Decl);
- when OD_Const =>
- Emit_Const (Decl);
- when OD_Function
- | OD_Procedure
- | OD_Interface =>
- null;
- when OD_Body =>
- Emit_Subprg_Body (Decl);
- when OD_Block =>
- Emit_Block_Decl (Decl);
- when others =>
- Put_Line ("dwarf.emit_decl: emit "
- & OD_Kind'Image (Get_Decl_Kind (Decl)));
- end case;
- end Emit_Decl;
- procedure Emit_Subprg (Bod : O_Dnode) is
- begin
- Emit_Decls_Until (Bod);
- Emit_Decl (Bod);
- Last_Decl := Decls.Get_Decl_Chain (Bod);
- end Emit_Subprg;
- procedure Mark (M : out Mark_Type) is
- begin
- M.Last_Decl := Last_Decl;
- M.Last_Tnode := TOnodes.Last;
- end Mark;
- procedure Release (M : Mark_Type) is
- begin
- Last_Decl := M.Last_Decl;
- TOnodes.Set_Last (M.Last_Tnode);
- end Release;
-end Ortho_Code.Dwarf;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-dwarf.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-dwarf.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index c120bcfe1..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-dwarf.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - Dwarf generator.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-package Ortho_Code.Dwarf is
- procedure Init;
- procedure Finish;
- -- For a body.
- procedure Emit_Subprg (Bod : O_Dnode);
- -- Emit all debug info until but not including LAST.
- procedure Emit_Decls_Until (Last : O_Dnode);
- -- For a line in a subprogram.
- procedure Set_Line_Stmt (Line : Int32);
- procedure Set_Filename (Dir : String; File : String);
- type Mark_Type is limited private;
- procedure Mark (M : out Mark_Type);
- procedure Release (M : Mark_Type);
- type Mark_Type is record
- Last_Decl : O_Dnode;
- Last_Tnode : O_Tnode;
- end record;
-end Ortho_Code.Dwarf;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-exprs.adb b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-exprs.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index b2dfa1a67..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-exprs.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1663 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - Expressions and control handling.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
-with GNAT.Table;
-with Ortho_Code.Types; use Ortho_Code.Types;
-with Ortho_Code.Consts; use Ortho_Code.Consts;
-with Ortho_Code.Decls; use Ortho_Code.Decls;
-with Ortho_Code.Debug; use Ortho_Code.Debug;
-with Ortho_Code.Abi; use Ortho_Code.Abi;
-with Ortho_Code.Disps;
-with Ortho_Code.Opts;
-with Ortho_Code.Flags;
-package body Ortho_Code.Exprs is
- type Enode_Pad is mod 256;
- type Enode_Common is record
- Kind : OE_Kind; -- about 1 byte (6 bits)
- Reg : O_Reg; -- 1 byte
- Mode : Mode_Type; -- 4 bits
- Ref : Boolean;
- Flag1 : Boolean;
- Flag2 : Boolean;
- Flag3 : Boolean;
- Pad : Enode_Pad;
- Arg1 : O_Enode;
- Arg2 : O_Enode;
- Info : Int32;
- end record;
- pragma Pack (Enode_Common);
- for Enode_Common'Size use 4*32;
- for Enode_Common'Alignment use 4;
- package Enodes is new GNAT.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Enode_Common,
- Table_Index_Type => O_Enode,
- Table_Low_Bound => 2,
- Table_Initial => 1024,
- Table_Increment => 100);
- function Get_Expr_Kind (Enode : O_Enode) return OE_Kind is
- begin
- return Enodes.Table (Enode).Kind;
- end Get_Expr_Kind;
- function Get_Expr_Mode (Enode : O_Enode) return Mode_Type is
- begin
- return Enodes.Table (Enode).Mode;
- end Get_Expr_Mode;
- function Get_Enode_Type (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Tnode is
- begin
- return O_Tnode (Enodes.Table (Enode).Info);
- end Get_Enode_Type;
- function Get_Expr_Reg (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Reg is
- begin
- return Enodes.Table (Enode).Reg;
- end Get_Expr_Reg;
- procedure Set_Expr_Reg (Enode : O_Enode; Reg : O_Reg) is
- begin
- Enodes.Table (Enode).Reg := Reg;
- end Set_Expr_Reg;
- function Get_Expr_Operand (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return Enodes.Table (Enode).Arg1;
- end Get_Expr_Operand;
- procedure Set_Expr_Operand (Enode : O_Enode; Val : O_Enode) is
- begin
- Enodes.Table (Enode).Arg1 := Val;
- end Set_Expr_Operand;
- function Get_Expr_Left (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return Enodes.Table (Enode).Arg1;
- end Get_Expr_Left;
- function Get_Expr_Right (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return Enodes.Table (Enode).Arg2;
- end Get_Expr_Right;
- procedure Set_Expr_Left (Enode : O_Enode; Val : O_Enode) is
- begin
- Enodes.Table (Enode).Arg1 := Val;
- end Set_Expr_Left;
- procedure Set_Expr_Right (Enode : O_Enode; Val : O_Enode) is
- begin
- Enodes.Table (Enode).Arg2 := Val;
- end Set_Expr_Right;
- function Get_Expr_Low (Cst : O_Enode) return Uns32 is
- begin
- return To_Uns32 (Int32 (Enodes.Table (Cst).Arg1));
- end Get_Expr_Low;
- function Get_Expr_High (Cst : O_Enode) return Uns32 is
- begin
- return To_Uns32 (Int32 (Enodes.Table (Cst).Arg2));
- end Get_Expr_High;
- function Get_Assign_Target (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return Enodes.Table (Enode).Arg2;
- end Get_Assign_Target;
- procedure Set_Assign_Target (Enode : O_Enode; Targ : O_Enode) is
- begin
- Enodes.Table (Enode).Arg2 := Targ;
- end Set_Assign_Target;
- function Get_Expr_Lit (Lit : O_Enode) return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return O_Cnode (Enodes.Table (Lit).Arg1);
- end Get_Expr_Lit;
- function Get_Conv_Type (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Tnode is
- begin
- return O_Tnode (Enodes.Table (Enode).Arg2);
- end Get_Conv_Type;
- -- Leave node corresponding to the entry.
- function Get_Entry_Leave (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return Enodes.Table (Enode).Arg1;
- end Get_Entry_Leave;
- procedure Set_Entry_Leave (Enode : O_Enode; Leave : O_Enode) is
- begin
- Enodes.Table (Enode).Arg1 := Leave;
- end Set_Entry_Leave;
- function Get_Jump_Label (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return Enodes.Table (Enode).Arg2;
- end Get_Jump_Label;
- procedure Set_Jump_Label (Enode : O_Enode; Label : O_Enode) is
- begin
- Enodes.Table (Enode).Arg2 := Label;
- end Set_Jump_Label;
- function Get_Addr_Object (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Dnode is
- begin
- return O_Dnode (Enodes.Table (Enode).Arg1);
- end Get_Addr_Object;
- function Get_Addrl_Frame (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return Enodes.Table (Enode).Arg2;
- end Get_Addrl_Frame;
- procedure Set_Addrl_Frame (Enode : O_Enode; Frame : O_Enode) is
- begin
- Enodes.Table (Enode).Arg2 := Frame;
- end Set_Addrl_Frame;
- function Get_Call_Subprg (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Dnode is
- begin
- return O_Dnode (Enodes.Table (Enode).Arg1);
- end Get_Call_Subprg;
- function Get_Stack_Adjust (Enode : O_Enode) return Int32 is
- begin
- return Int32 (Enodes.Table (Enode).Arg1);
- end Get_Stack_Adjust;
- function Get_Arg_Link (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return Enodes.Table (Enode).Arg2;
- end Get_Arg_Link;
- function Get_Block_Decls (Blk : O_Enode) return O_Dnode is
- begin
- return O_Dnode (Enodes.Table (Blk).Arg2);
- end Get_Block_Decls;
- function Get_Block_Parent (Blk : O_Enode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return Enodes.Table (Blk).Arg1;
- end Get_Block_Parent;
- function Get_Block_Has_Alloca (Blk : O_Enode) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Enodes.Table (Blk).Flag1;
- end Get_Block_Has_Alloca;
- procedure Set_Block_Has_Alloca (Blk : O_Enode; Flag : Boolean) is
- begin
- Enodes.Table (Blk).Flag1 := Flag;
- end Set_Block_Has_Alloca;
- function Get_End_Beg (Blk : O_Enode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return Enodes.Table (Blk).Arg1;
- end Get_End_Beg;
- function Get_Label_Info (Label : O_Enode) return Int32 is
- begin
- return Int32 (Enodes.Table (Label).Arg2);
- end Get_Label_Info;
- procedure Set_Label_Info (Label : O_Enode; Info : Int32) is
- begin
- Enodes.Table (Label).Arg2 := O_Enode (Info);
- end Set_Label_Info;
- function Get_Label_Block (Label : O_Enode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return Enodes.Table (Label).Arg1;
- end Get_Label_Block;
- function Get_Spill_Info (Spill : O_Enode) return Int32 is
- begin
- return Int32 (Enodes.Table (Spill).Arg2);
- end Get_Spill_Info;
- procedure Set_Spill_Info (Spill : O_Enode; Info : Int32) is
- begin
- Enodes.Table (Spill).Arg2 := O_Enode (Info);
- end Set_Spill_Info;
- -- Get the statement link.
- function Get_Stmt_Link (Stmt : O_Enode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return O_Enode (Enodes.Table (Stmt).Info);
- end Get_Stmt_Link;
- procedure Set_Stmt_Link (Stmt : O_Enode; Next : O_Enode) is
- begin
- Enodes.Table (Stmt).Info := Int32 (Next);
- end Set_Stmt_Link;
- function Get_BB_Next (Stmt : O_Enode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return Enodes.Table (Stmt).Arg1;
- end Get_BB_Next;
- pragma Unreferenced (Get_BB_Next);
- procedure Set_BB_Next (Stmt : O_Enode; Next : O_Enode) is
- begin
- Enodes.Table (Stmt).Arg1 := Next;
- end Set_BB_Next;
- function Get_BB_Number (Stmt : O_Enode) return Int32 is
- begin
- return Int32 (Enodes.Table (Stmt).Arg2);
- end Get_BB_Number;
- function Get_Loop_Level (Stmt : O_Enode) return Int32 is
- begin
- return Int32 (Enodes.Table (Stmt).Arg1);
- end Get_Loop_Level;
- procedure Set_Loop_Level (Stmt : O_Enode; Level : Int32) is
- begin
- Enodes.Table (Stmt).Arg1 := O_Enode (Level);
- end Set_Loop_Level;
- procedure Set_Case_Branch (C : O_Enode; Branch : O_Enode) is
- begin
- Enodes.Table (C).Arg2 := Branch;
- end Set_Case_Branch;
- procedure Set_Case_Branch_Choice (Branch : O_Enode; Choice : O_Enode) is
- begin
- Enodes.Table (Branch).Arg1 := Choice;
- end Set_Case_Branch_Choice;
- function Get_Case_Branch_Choice (Branch : O_Enode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return Enodes.Table (Branch).Arg1;
- end Get_Case_Branch_Choice;
- procedure Set_Case_Choice_Link (Choice : O_Enode; N_Choice : O_Enode) is
- begin
- Enodes.Table (Choice).Info := Int32 (N_Choice);
- end Set_Case_Choice_Link;
- function Get_Case_Choice_Link (Choice : O_Enode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return O_Enode (Enodes.Table (Choice).Info);
- end Get_Case_Choice_Link;
- function Get_Ref_Field (Ref : O_Enode) return O_Fnode is
- begin
- return O_Fnode (Enodes.Table (Ref).Arg2);
- end Get_Ref_Field;
- function Get_Ref_Index (Ref : O_Enode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return Enodes.Table (Ref).Arg2;
- end Get_Ref_Index;
- function Get_Expr_Line_Number (Stmt : O_Enode) return Int32 is
- begin
- return Int32 (Enodes.Table (Stmt).Arg1);
- end Get_Expr_Line_Number;
- function Get_Intrinsic_Operation (Stmt : O_Enode) return Int32 is
- begin
- return Int32 (Enodes.Table (Stmt).Arg1);
- end Get_Intrinsic_Operation;
- Last_Stmt : O_Enode := O_Enode_Null;
- procedure Link_Stmt (Stmt : O_Enode) is
- begin
- if Last_Stmt = O_Enode_Null then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Set_Stmt_Link (Last_Stmt, Stmt);
- Last_Stmt := Stmt;
- end Link_Stmt;
- function New_Enode (Kind : OE_Kind;
- Rtype : O_Tnode;
- Arg1 : O_Enode;
- Arg2 : O_Enode) return O_Enode
- is
- Mode : Mode_Type;
- begin
- Mode := Get_Type_Mode (Rtype);
- Enodes.Append (Enode_Common'(Kind => Kind,
- Reg => 0,
- Mode => Mode,
- Ref => False,
- Flag1 => False,
- Flag2 => False,
- Flag3 => False,
- Pad => 0,
- Arg1 => Arg1,
- Arg2 => Arg2,
- Info => Int32 (Rtype)));
- return Enodes.Last;
- end New_Enode;
- function New_Enode (Kind : OE_Kind;
- Mode : Mode_Type;
- Rtype : O_Tnode;
- Arg1 : O_Enode;
- Arg2 : O_Enode) return O_Enode
- is
- begin
- Enodes.Append (Enode_Common'(Kind => Kind,
- Reg => 0,
- Mode => Mode,
- Ref => False,
- Flag1 => False,
- Flag2 => False,
- Flag3 => False,
- Pad => 0,
- Arg1 => Arg1,
- Arg2 => Arg2,
- Info => Int32 (Rtype)));
- return Enodes.Last;
- end New_Enode;
- procedure New_Enode_Stmt (Kind : OE_Kind; Arg1 : O_Enode; Arg2 : O_Enode)
- is
- begin
- Enodes.Append (Enode_Common'(Kind => Kind,
- Reg => 0,
- Mode => Mode_Nil,
- Ref => False,
- Flag1 => False,
- Flag2 => False,
- Flag3 => False,
- Pad => 0,
- Arg1 => Arg1,
- Arg2 => Arg2,
- Info => 0));
- Link_Stmt (Enodes.Last);
- end New_Enode_Stmt;
- procedure New_Enode_Stmt
- (Kind : OE_Kind; Mode : Mode_Type; Arg1 : O_Enode; Arg2 : O_Enode)
- is
- begin
- Enodes.Append (Enode_Common'(Kind => Kind,
- Reg => 0,
- Mode => Mode,
- Ref => False,
- Flag1 => False,
- Flag2 => False,
- Flag3 => False,
- Pad => 0,
- Arg1 => Arg1,
- Arg2 => Arg2,
- Info => 0));
- Link_Stmt (Enodes.Last);
- end New_Enode_Stmt;
- Bb_Num : Int32 := 0;
- Last_Bb : O_Enode := O_Enode_Null;
- procedure Create_BB is
- begin
- New_Enode_Stmt (OE_BB, Mode_Nil, O_Enode_Null, O_Enode (Bb_Num));
- if Last_Bb /= O_Enode_Null then
- Set_BB_Next (Last_Bb, Enodes.Last);
- end if;
- Last_Bb := Enodes.Last;
- Bb_Num := Bb_Num + 1;
- end Create_BB;
- procedure Start_BB is
- begin
- if Flags.Flag_Opt_BB then
- Create_BB;
- end if;
- end Start_BB;
- pragma Inline (Start_BB);
- procedure Check_Ref (E : O_Enode) is
- begin
- if Enodes.Table (E).Ref then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- Enodes.Table (E).Ref := True;
- end Check_Ref;
- procedure Check_Ref (E : O_Lnode) is
- begin
- Check_Ref (O_Enode (E));
- end Check_Ref;
- procedure Check_Value_Type (Val : O_Enode; Vtype : O_Tnode) is
- begin
- if Get_Enode_Type (Val) /= Vtype then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- end Check_Value_Type;
- function New_Const_U32 (Val : Uns32; Vtype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode
- is
- begin
- return New_Enode (OE_Const, Vtype,
- O_Enode (To_Int32 (Val)), O_Enode_Null);
- end New_Const_U32;
- Last_Decl : O_Dnode := 2;
- Cur_Block : O_Enode := O_Enode_Null;
- procedure Start_Declare_Stmt
- is
- Res : O_Enode;
- begin
- New_Enode_Stmt (OE_Beg, Cur_Block, O_Enode_Null);
- Res := Enodes.Last;
- Enodes.Table (Res).Arg2 := O_Enode
- (Ortho_Code.Decls.Start_Declare_Stmt);
- Cur_Block := Res;
- end Start_Declare_Stmt;
- function New_Stack (Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return New_Enode (OE_Get_Stack, Rtype, O_Enode_Null, O_Enode_Null);
- end New_Stack;
- procedure New_Stack_Restore (Blk : O_Enode)
- is
- Save_Asgn : O_Enode;
- Save_Var : O_Dnode;
- begin
- Save_Asgn := Get_Stmt_Link (Blk);
- Save_Var := Get_Addr_Object (Get_Assign_Target (Save_Asgn));
- New_Enode_Stmt (OE_Set_Stack, New_Value (New_Obj (Save_Var)),
- O_Enode_Null);
- end New_Stack_Restore;
- procedure Finish_Declare_Stmt
- is
- Parent : O_Dnode;
- begin
- if Get_Block_Has_Alloca (Cur_Block) then
- New_Stack_Restore (Cur_Block);
- end if;
- New_Enode_Stmt (OE_End, Cur_Block, O_Enode_Null);
- Cur_Block := Get_Block_Parent (Cur_Block);
- if Cur_Block = O_Enode_Null then
- Parent := O_Dnode_Null;
- else
- Parent := Get_Block_Decls (Cur_Block);
- end if;
- Ortho_Code.Decls.Finish_Declare_Stmt (Parent);
- end Finish_Declare_Stmt;
- function New_Label return O_Enode is
- begin
- return New_Enode (OE_Label, Mode_Nil, O_Tnode_Null,
- Cur_Block, O_Enode_Null);
- end New_Label;
- procedure Start_Subprogram_Body (Func : O_Dnode)
- is
- Start : O_Enode;
- D_Body : O_Dnode;
- Data : Subprogram_Data_Acc;
- begin
- if Cur_Subprg = null then
- Abi.Start_Body (Func);
- end if;
- Start := New_Enode (OE_Entry, Mode_Nil, O_Tnode_Null,
- Last_Stmt, O_Enode_Null);
- D_Body := Decls.Start_Subprogram_Body (Func, Start);
- -- Create the corresponding decl.
- Enodes.Table (Start).Arg2 := O_Enode (D_Body);
- -- Create the data record.
- Data := new Subprogram_Data'(Parent => Cur_Subprg,
- First_Child => null,
- Last_Child => null,
- Brother => null,
- Depth => Get_Decl_Depth (Func),
- D_Decl => Func,
- E_Entry => Start,
- D_Body => D_Body,
- Exit_Label => O_Enode_Null,
- Last_Stmt => O_Enode_Null,
- Stack_Max => 0);
- if not Flag_Debug_Hli then
- Data.Exit_Label := New_Label;
- end if;
- -- Link the record.
- if Cur_Subprg = null then
- -- A top-level subprogram.
- if First_Subprg = null then
- First_Subprg := Data;
- else
- Last_Subprg.Brother := Data;
- end if;
- Last_Subprg := Data;
- else
- -- A nested subprogram.
- if Cur_Subprg.First_Child = null then
- Cur_Subprg.First_Child := Data;
- else
- Cur_Subprg.Last_Child.Brother := Data;
- end if;
- Cur_Subprg.Last_Child := Data;
- -- Also save last_stmt.
- Cur_Subprg.Last_Stmt := Last_Stmt;
- end if;
- Cur_Subprg := Data;
- Last_Stmt := Start;
- Start_Declare_Stmt;
- -- Create a basic block for the beginning of the subprogram.
- Start_BB;
- -- Disp declarations.
- if Cur_Subprg.Parent = null then
- if Ortho_Code.Debug.Flag_Debug_Body
- or Ortho_Code.Debug.Flag_Debug_Code
- then
- while Last_Decl <= D_Body loop
- case Get_Decl_Kind (Last_Decl) is
- when OD_Block =>
- -- Skip blocks.
- Disp_Decl (1, Last_Decl);
- Last_Decl := Get_Block_Last (Last_Decl) + 1;
- when others =>
- Disp_Decl (1, Last_Decl);
- Last_Decl := Last_Decl + 1;
- end case;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end if;
- end Start_Subprogram_Body;
- procedure Finish_Subprogram_Body
- is
- Parent : Subprogram_Data_Acc;
- begin
- Finish_Declare_Stmt;
- -- Create a new basic block for the epilog.
- Start_BB;
- if not Flag_Debug_Hli then
- Link_Stmt (Cur_Subprg.Exit_Label);
- end if;
- New_Enode_Stmt (OE_Leave, O_Enode_Null, O_Enode_Null);
- -- Save last statement.
- Cur_Subprg.Last_Stmt := Enodes.Last;
- -- Set Leave of Entry.
- Set_Entry_Leave (Cur_Subprg.E_Entry, Enodes.Last);
- Decls.Finish_Subprogram_Body;
- Parent := Cur_Subprg.Parent;
- if Flags.Flag_Optimize then
- Opts.Optimize_Subprg (Cur_Subprg);
- end if;
- if Parent = null then
- -- This is a top-level subprogram.
- if Ortho_Code.Debug.Flag_Disp_Code then
- Disps.Disp_Subprg (Cur_Subprg);
- end if;
- if Ortho_Code.Debug.Flag_Dump_Code then
- Disp_Subprg_Body (1, Cur_Subprg.E_Entry);
- end if;
- if not Ortho_Code.Debug.Flag_Debug_Dump then
- Abi.Finish_Body (Cur_Subprg);
- end if;
- end if;
- -- Restore Cur_Subprg.
- Cur_Subprg := Parent;
- -- Restore Last_Stmt.
- if Cur_Subprg = null then
- Last_Stmt := O_Enode_Null;
- else
- Last_Stmt := Cur_Subprg.Last_Stmt;
- end if;
- end Finish_Subprogram_Body;
- function Get_Inner_Alloca (Label : O_Enode) return O_Enode
- is
- Res : O_Enode := O_Enode_Null;
- Blk : O_Enode;
- Last_Blk : constant O_Enode := Get_Label_Block (Label);
- begin
- Blk := Cur_Block;
- while Blk /= Last_Blk loop
- if Get_Block_Has_Alloca (Blk) then
- Res := Blk;
- end if;
- Blk := Get_Block_Parent (Blk);
- end loop;
- return Res;
- end Get_Inner_Alloca;
- procedure Emit_Jmp (Code : OE_Kind; Expr : O_Enode; Label : O_Enode)
- is
- begin
- -- Discard jump after jump.
- if Code /= OE_Jump or else Get_Expr_Kind (Last_Stmt) /= OE_Jump then
- New_Enode_Stmt (Code, Expr, Label);
- end if;
- end Emit_Jmp;
- -- If there is stack allocated memory to be freed, free it.
- -- Then jump to LABEL.
- procedure New_Allocb_Jump (Label : O_Enode)
- is
- Inner_Alloca : O_Enode;
- begin
- Inner_Alloca := Get_Inner_Alloca (Label);
- if Inner_Alloca /= O_Enode_Null then
- New_Stack_Restore (Inner_Alloca);
- end if;
- Emit_Jmp (OE_Jump, O_Enode_Null, Label);
- end New_Allocb_Jump;
- function New_Lit (Lit : O_Cnode) return O_Enode
- is
- L_Type : O_Tnode;
- H, L : Uns32;
- begin
- L_Type := Get_Const_Type (Lit);
- if Flag_Debug_Hli then
- return New_Enode (OE_Lit, L_Type, O_Enode (Lit), O_Enode_Null);
- else
- case Get_Const_Kind (Lit) is
- when OC_Signed
- | OC_Unsigned
- | OC_Float
- | OC_Null
- | OC_Lit =>
- Get_Const_Bytes (Lit, H, L);
- return New_Enode
- (OE_Const, L_Type,
- O_Enode (To_Int32 (L)), O_Enode (To_Int32 (H)));
- when OC_Address
- | OC_Subprg_Address =>
- return New_Enode (OE_Addrg, L_Type,
- O_Enode (Get_Const_Decl (Lit)), O_Enode_Null);
- when OC_Array
- | OC_Record
- | OC_Union
- | OC_Sizeof
- | OC_Alignof =>
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end case;
- end if;
- end New_Lit;
- function Get_Static_Chain (Depth : O_Depth) return O_Enode
- is
- Cur_Depth : O_Depth := Cur_Subprg.Depth;
- Subprg : Subprogram_Data_Acc;
- Res : O_Enode;
- begin
- if Depth = Cur_Depth then
- return New_Enode (OE_Get_Frame, Abi.Mode_Ptr, O_Tnode_Ptr,
- O_Enode_Null, O_Enode_Null);
- else
- Subprg := Cur_Subprg;
- Res := O_Enode_Null;
- loop
- -- The static chain is the first interface of the subprogram.
- Res := New_Enode (OE_Addrl, Abi.Mode_Ptr, O_Tnode_Ptr,
- O_Enode (Get_Subprg_Interfaces (Subprg.D_Decl)),
- Res);
- Res := New_Enode (OE_Indir, O_Tnode_Ptr, Res, O_Enode_Null);
- Cur_Depth := Cur_Depth - 1;
- if Cur_Depth = Depth then
- return Res;
- end if;
- Subprg := Subprg.Parent;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end Get_Static_Chain;
- function New_Obj (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Lnode
- is
- O_Type : O_Tnode;
- Kind : OE_Kind;
- Chain : O_Enode;
- Depth : O_Depth;
- begin
- O_Type := Get_Decl_Type (Obj);
- case Get_Decl_Kind (Obj) is
- when OD_Local
- | OD_Interface =>
- Kind := OE_Addrl;
- -- Local declarations are 1 deeper than their subprogram.
- Depth := Get_Decl_Depth (Obj) - 1;
- if Depth /= Cur_Subprg.Depth then
- Chain := Get_Static_Chain (Depth);
- else
- Chain := O_Enode_Null;
- end if;
- when OD_Var
- | OD_Const =>
- Kind := OE_Addrg;
- Chain := O_Enode_Null;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- return O_Lnode (New_Enode (Kind, Abi.Mode_Ptr, O_Type,
- O_Enode (Obj), Chain));
- end New_Obj;
- function New_Dyadic_Op (Kind : ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode)
- return O_Enode
- is
- L_Type : O_Tnode;
- begin
- L_Type := Get_Enode_Type (Left);
- if Flag_Debug_Assert then
- if L_Type /= Get_Enode_Type (Right) then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- if Get_Type_Mode (L_Type) = Mode_Blk then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- Check_Ref (Left);
- Check_Ref (Right);
- end if;
- return New_Enode (OE_Kind'Val (ON_Op_Kind'Pos (Kind)),
- L_Type, Left, Right);
- end New_Dyadic_Op;
- function New_Monadic_Op (Kind : ON_Monadic_Op_Kind; Operand : O_Enode)
- return O_Enode
- is
- O_Type : O_Tnode;
- begin
- O_Type := Get_Enode_Type (Operand);
- if Flag_Debug_Assert then
- if Get_Type_Mode (O_Type) = Mode_Blk then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- Check_Ref (Operand);
- end if;
- return New_Enode (OE_Kind'Val (ON_Op_Kind'Pos (Kind)), O_Type,
- Operand, O_Enode_Null);
- end New_Monadic_Op;
- function New_Compare_Op
- (Kind : ON_Compare_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode; Ntype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Enode
- is
- Res : O_Enode;
- begin
- if Flag_Debug_Assert then
- if Get_Enode_Type (Left) /= Get_Enode_Type (Right) then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- if Get_Expr_Mode (Left) = Mode_Blk then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- if Get_Type_Kind (Ntype) /= OT_Boolean then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- Check_Ref (Left);
- Check_Ref (Right);
- end if;
- Res := New_Enode (OE_Kind'Val (ON_Op_Kind'Pos (Kind)), Ntype,
- Left, Right);
- if Flag_Debug_Hli then
- return New_Enode (OE_Typed, Ntype, Res, O_Enode (Ntype));
- else
- return Res;
- end if;
- end New_Compare_Op;
- function New_Sizeof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return New_Const_U32 (Get_Type_Size (Atype), Rtype);
- end New_Sizeof;
- function New_Offsetof (Field : O_Fnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return New_Const_U32 (Get_Field_Offset (Field), Rtype);
- end New_Offsetof;
- function Is_Pow2 (V : Uns32) return Boolean is
- begin
- return (V and -V) = V;
- end Is_Pow2;
- function Extract_Pow2 (V : Uns32) return Uns32 is
- begin
- for I in Natural range 0 .. 31 loop
- if V = Shift_Left (1, I) then
- return Uns32 (I);
- end if;
- end loop;
- raise Program_Error;
- end Extract_Pow2;
- function New_Index_Slice_Element
- (Arr : O_Lnode; Index : O_Enode; Res_Type : O_Tnode)
- return O_Lnode
- is
- El_Type : O_Tnode;
- In_Type : O_Tnode;
- Sz : O_Enode;
- El_Size : Uns32;
- begin
- El_Type := Get_Type_Array_Element (Get_Enode_Type (O_Enode (Arr)));
- In_Type := Get_Enode_Type (Index);
- if Flag_Debug_Assert then
- Check_Ref (Index);
- Check_Ref (Arr);
- end if;
- -- result := arr + index * sizeof (element).
- El_Size := Get_Type_Size (El_Type);
- if El_Size = 1 then
- Sz := Index;
- elsif Get_Expr_Kind (Index) = OE_Const then
- -- FIXME: may recycle previous index?
- Sz := New_Const_U32 (Get_Expr_Low (Index) * El_Size, In_Type);
- else
- if Is_Pow2 (El_Size) then
- Sz := New_Const_U32 (Extract_Pow2 (El_Size), In_Type);
- Sz := New_Enode (OE_Shl, In_Type, Index, Sz);
- else
- Sz := New_Const_U32 (El_Size, In_Type);
- Sz := New_Enode (OE_Mul, In_Type, Index, Sz);
- end if;
- end if;
- return O_Lnode (New_Enode (OE_Add, Abi.Mode_Ptr, Res_Type,
- O_Enode (Arr), Sz));
- end New_Index_Slice_Element;
- function New_Hli_Index_Slice
- (Kind : OE_Kind; Res_Type : O_Tnode; Arr : O_Lnode; Index : O_Enode)
- return O_Lnode
- is
- begin
- if Flag_Debug_Assert then
- Check_Ref (Index);
- Check_Ref (Arr);
- end if;
- return O_Lnode (New_Enode (Kind, Res_Type, O_Enode (Arr), Index));
- end New_Hli_Index_Slice;
- -- Get an element of an array.
- -- INDEX must be of the type of the array index.
- function New_Indexed_Element (Arr : O_Lnode; Index : O_Enode)
- return O_Lnode
- is
- El_Type : O_Tnode;
- begin
- El_Type := Get_Type_Array_Element (Get_Enode_Type (O_Enode (Arr)));
- if Flag_Debug_Hli then
- return New_Hli_Index_Slice (OE_Index_Ref, El_Type, Arr, Index);
- else
- return New_Index_Slice_Element (Arr, Index, El_Type);
- end if;
- end New_Indexed_Element;
- -- Get a slice of an array; this is equivalent to a conversion between
- -- an array or an array subtype and an array subtype.
- -- RES_TYPE must be an array_sub_type whose base type is the same as the
- -- base type of ARR.
- -- INDEX must be of the type of the array index.
- function New_Slice (Arr : O_Lnode; Res_Type : O_Tnode; Index : O_Enode)
- return O_Lnode
- is
- begin
- if Flag_Debug_Hli then
- return New_Hli_Index_Slice (OE_Slice_Ref, Res_Type, Arr, Index);
- else
- return New_Index_Slice_Element (Arr, Index, Res_Type);
- end if;
- end New_Slice;
- function New_Selected_Element (Rec : O_Lnode; El : O_Fnode)
- return O_Lnode
- is
- Offset : Uns32;
- Off : O_Enode;
- Res_Type : O_Tnode;
- begin
- if Flag_Debug_Assert then
- Check_Ref (Rec);
- end if;
- Res_Type := Get_Field_Type (El);
- if Flag_Debug_Hli then
- return O_Lnode (New_Enode (OE_Record_Ref, Res_Type,
- O_Enode (Rec), O_Enode (El)));
- else
- Offset := Get_Field_Offset (El);
- if Offset = 0 then
- return O_Lnode (New_Enode (OE_Conv_Ptr, Abi.Mode_Ptr, Res_Type,
- O_Enode (Rec), O_Enode (Res_Type)));
- else
- Off := New_Enode (OE_Const, Mode_U32, O_Tnode_Null,
- O_Enode (Offset), O_Enode_Null);
- return O_Lnode (New_Enode (OE_Add, Abi.Mode_Ptr, Res_Type,
- O_Enode (Rec), Off));
- end if;
- end if;
- end New_Selected_Element;
- function New_Access_Element (Acc : O_Enode) return O_Lnode
- is
- Acc_Type : O_Tnode;
- Res_Type : O_Tnode;
- begin
- Acc_Type := Get_Enode_Type (Acc);
- if Flag_Debug_Assert then
- if Get_Type_Kind (Acc_Type) /= OT_Access then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- Check_Ref (Acc);
- end if;
- Res_Type := Get_Type_Access_Type (Acc_Type);
- if Flag_Debug_Hli then
- return O_Lnode (New_Enode (OE_Access_Ref, Abi.Mode_Ptr, Res_Type,
- Acc, O_Enode_Null));
- else
- return O_Lnode (New_Enode (OE_Conv_Ptr, Abi.Mode_Ptr, Res_Type,
- Acc, O_Enode (Res_Type)));
- end if;
- end New_Access_Element;
- function New_Convert_Ov (Val : O_Enode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- if Flag_Debug_Assert then
- Check_Ref (Val);
- end if;
- return New_Enode (OE_Conv, Rtype, Val, O_Enode (Rtype));
- end New_Convert_Ov;
- function New_Unchecked_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Enode is
- begin
- if Flag_Debug_Assert then
- if Get_Type_Kind (Atype) /= OT_Access then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- Check_Ref (Lvalue);
- end if;
- return New_Enode (OE_Conv_Ptr, Abi.Mode_Ptr, Atype,
- O_Enode (Lvalue), O_Enode (Atype));
- end New_Unchecked_Address;
- function New_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- if Flag_Debug_Assert then
- if Get_Type_Kind (Atype) /= OT_Access then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- if Get_Base_Type (Get_Enode_Type (O_Enode (Lvalue)))
- /= Get_Base_Type (Get_Type_Access_Type (Atype))
- then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- Check_Ref (Lvalue);
- end if;
- return New_Enode (OE_Conv_Ptr, Abi.Mode_Ptr, Atype,
- O_Enode (Lvalue), O_Enode (Atype));
- end New_Address;
- function New_Subprogram_Address (Subprg : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Enode is
- begin
- raise Program_Error;
- return O_Enode_Null;
- end New_Subprogram_Address;
- function New_Value (Lvalue : O_Lnode) return O_Enode
- is
- V_Type : O_Tnode;
- begin
- V_Type := Get_Enode_Type (O_Enode (Lvalue));
- if Flag_Debug_Assert then
- Check_Ref (Lvalue);
- end if;
- return New_Enode (OE_Indir, V_Type, O_Enode (Lvalue), O_Enode_Null);
- end New_Value;
- function New_Alloca (Rtype : O_Tnode; Size : O_Enode) return O_Enode
- is
- Save_Var : O_Dnode;
- Stmt : O_Enode;
- St_Type : O_Tnode;
- begin
- if Flag_Debug_Assert then
- Check_Ref (Size);
- if Get_Type_Kind (Rtype) /= OT_Access then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- if Get_Type_Kind (Get_Enode_Type (Size)) /= OT_Unsigned then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- end if;
- if not Get_Block_Has_Alloca (Cur_Block) then
- Set_Block_Has_Alloca (Cur_Block, True);
- if Stack_Ptr_Type /= O_Tnode_Null then
- St_Type := Stack_Ptr_Type;
- else
- St_Type := Rtype;
- end if;
- -- Add a decl.
- New_Var_Decl (Save_Var, O_Ident_Nul, O_Storage_Local, St_Type);
- -- Add insn to save stack ptr.
- Stmt := New_Enode (OE_Asgn, St_Type,
- New_Stack (St_Type),
- O_Enode (New_Obj (Save_Var)));
- if Cur_Block = Last_Stmt then
- Set_Stmt_Link (Last_Stmt, Stmt);
- Last_Stmt := Stmt;
- else
- Set_Stmt_Link (Stmt, Get_Stmt_Link (Cur_Block));
- Set_Stmt_Link (Cur_Block, Stmt);
- end if;
- end if;
- return New_Enode (OE_Alloca, Rtype, Size, O_Enode (Rtype));
- end New_Alloca;
- procedure Start_Association (Assocs : out O_Assoc_List; Subprg : O_Dnode)
- is
- Depth : O_Depth;
- Arg : O_Enode;
- First_Inter : O_Dnode;
- begin
- First_Inter := Get_Subprg_Interfaces (Subprg);
- if Get_Decl_Storage (Subprg) = O_Storage_Local then
- Depth := Get_Decl_Depth (Subprg);
- Arg := New_Enode (OE_Arg, Abi.Mode_Ptr, O_Tnode_Ptr,
- Get_Static_Chain (Depth - 1), O_Enode_Null);
- First_Inter := Get_Interface_Chain (First_Inter);
- else
- Arg := O_Enode_Null;
- end if;
- Assocs := (Subprg => Subprg,
- First_Arg => Arg,
- Last_Arg => Arg,
- Next_Inter => First_Inter);
- end Start_Association;
- procedure New_Association (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List; Val : O_Enode)
- is
- V_Type : O_Tnode;
- Mode : Mode_Type;
- N_Mode : Mode_Type;
- Res : O_Enode;
- begin
- V_Type := Get_Enode_Type (Val);
- if Flag_Debug_Assert then
- if Assocs.Next_Inter = O_Dnode_Null then
- -- More assocs than interfaces.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- Check_Value_Type (Val, Get_Decl_Type (Assocs.Next_Inter));
- Check_Ref (Val);
- end if;
- -- Follow the C convention call: no parameters shorter than int.
- Mode := Get_Type_Mode (V_Type);
- case Mode is
- when Mode_B2
- | Mode_U8
- | Mode_U16 =>
- N_Mode := Mode_U32;
- when Mode_I8
- | Mode_I16 =>
- N_Mode := Mode_I32;
- when Mode_P32
- | Mode_U32
- | Mode_I32
- | Mode_U64
- | Mode_I64
- | Mode_P64
- | Mode_F32
- | Mode_F64 =>
- N_Mode := Mode;
- when Mode_Blk
- | Mode_Nil
- | Mode_X1 =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- if N_Mode /= Mode and not Flag_Debug_Hli then
- Res := New_Enode (OE_Conv, N_Mode, V_Type, Val, O_Enode (V_Type));
- else
- Res := Val;
- end if;
- Res := New_Enode (OE_Arg, N_Mode, V_Type, Res, O_Enode_Null);
- if Assocs.Last_Arg /= O_Enode_Null then
- Enodes.Table (Assocs.Last_Arg).Arg2 := Res;
- else
- Assocs.First_Arg := Res;
- end if;
- Assocs.Last_Arg := Res;
- Assocs.Next_Inter := Get_Interface_Chain (Assocs.Next_Inter);
- end New_Association;
- function New_Function_Call (Assocs : O_Assoc_List) return O_Enode
- is
- F_Type : O_Tnode;
- begin
- if Flag_Debug_Assert then
- if Assocs.Next_Inter /= O_Dnode_Null then
- -- Not enough assocs.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- end if;
- F_Type := Get_Decl_Type (Assocs.Subprg);
- return New_Enode (OE_Call, F_Type,
- O_Enode (Assocs.Subprg), Assocs.First_Arg);
- end New_Function_Call;
- procedure New_Procedure_Call (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List) is
- begin
- if Flag_Debug_Assert then
- if Assocs.Next_Inter /= O_Dnode_Null then
- -- Not enough assocs.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- end if;
- New_Enode_Stmt (OE_Call, O_Enode (Assocs.Subprg), Assocs.First_Arg);
- end New_Procedure_Call;
- procedure New_Assign_Stmt (Target : O_Lnode; Value : O_Enode)
- is
- V_Type : O_Tnode;
- begin
- V_Type := Get_Enode_Type (Value);
- if Flag_Debug_Assert then
- Check_Value_Type (Value, Get_Enode_Type (O_Enode (Target)));
- Check_Ref (Value);
- Check_Ref (Target);
- end if;
- New_Enode_Stmt (OE_Asgn, Get_Type_Mode (V_Type),
- Value, O_Enode (Target));
- end New_Assign_Stmt;
- procedure New_Return_Stmt (Value : O_Enode)
- is
- V_Type : O_Tnode;
- begin
- V_Type := Get_Enode_Type (Value);
- if Flag_Debug_Assert then
- Check_Ref (Value);
- Check_Value_Type (Value, Get_Decl_Type (Cur_Subprg.D_Decl));
- end if;
- New_Enode_Stmt (OE_Ret, Get_Type_Mode (V_Type), Value, O_Enode_Null);
- if not Flag_Debug_Hli then
- New_Allocb_Jump (Cur_Subprg.Exit_Label);
- end if;
- end New_Return_Stmt;
- procedure New_Return_Stmt is
- begin
- if Flag_Debug_Assert then
- if Get_Decl_Kind (Cur_Subprg.D_Decl) /= OD_Procedure then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- end if;
- if not Flag_Debug_Hli then
- New_Allocb_Jump (Cur_Subprg.Exit_Label);
- else
- New_Enode_Stmt (OE_Ret, Mode_Nil, O_Enode_Null, O_Enode_Null);
- end if;
- end New_Return_Stmt;
- procedure Start_If_Stmt (Block : out O_If_Block; Cond : O_Enode) is
- begin
- if Flag_Debug_Assert then
- if Get_Expr_Mode (Cond) /= Mode_B2 then
- -- COND must be a boolean.
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- Check_Ref (Cond);
- end if;
- if not Flag_Lower_Stmt then
- New_Enode_Stmt (OE_If, Cond, O_Enode_Null);
- Block := (Label_End => O_Enode_Null,
- Label_Next => Last_Stmt);
- else
- Block := (Label_End => O_Enode_Null,
- Label_Next => New_Label);
- Emit_Jmp (OE_Jump_F, Cond, Block.Label_Next);
- Start_BB;
- end if;
- end Start_If_Stmt;
- procedure New_Else_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block) is
- begin
- if not Flag_Lower_Stmt then
- New_Enode_Stmt (OE_Else, O_Enode_Null, O_Enode_Null);
- else
- if Block.Label_End = O_Enode_Null then
- Block.Label_End := New_Label;
- end if;
- Emit_Jmp (OE_Jump, O_Enode_Null, Block.Label_End);
- Start_BB;
- Link_Stmt (Block.Label_Next);
- Block.Label_Next := O_Enode_Null;
- end if;
- end New_Else_Stmt;
- procedure Finish_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block) is
- begin
- if not Flag_Lower_Stmt then
- New_Enode_Stmt (OE_Endif, O_Enode_Null, O_Enode_Null);
- else
- -- Create a badic-block after the IF.
- Start_BB;
- if Block.Label_Next /= O_Enode_Null then
- Link_Stmt (Block.Label_Next);
- end if;
- if Block.Label_End /= O_Enode_Null then
- Link_Stmt (Block.Label_End);
- end if;
- end if;
- end Finish_If_Stmt;
- procedure Start_Loop_Stmt (Label : out O_Snode) is
- begin
- if not Flag_Lower_Stmt then
- New_Enode_Stmt (OE_Loop, O_Enode_Null, O_Enode_Null);
- Label := (Label_Start => Last_Stmt,
- Label_End => O_Enode_Null);
- else
- -- Create a basic-block at the beginning of the loop.
- Start_BB;
- Label.Label_Start := New_Label;
- Link_Stmt (Label.Label_Start);
- Label.Label_End := New_Label;
- end if;
- end Start_Loop_Stmt;
- procedure Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label : in out O_Snode)
- is
- begin
- if not Flag_Lower_Stmt then
- New_Enode_Stmt (OE_Eloop, Label.Label_Start, O_Enode_Null);
- else
- Emit_Jmp (OE_Jump, O_Enode_Null, Label.Label_Start);
- Start_BB;
- Link_Stmt (Label.Label_End);
- end if;
- end Finish_Loop_Stmt;
- procedure New_Exit_Stmt (L : O_Snode)
- is
- begin
- if not Flag_Lower_Stmt then
- New_Enode_Stmt (OE_Exit, O_Enode_Null, L.Label_Start);
- else
- New_Allocb_Jump (L.Label_End);
- end if;
- end New_Exit_Stmt;
- procedure New_Next_Stmt (L : O_Snode)
- is
- begin
- if not Flag_Lower_Stmt then
- New_Enode_Stmt (OE_Next, O_Enode_Null, L.Label_Start);
- else
- New_Allocb_Jump (L.Label_Start);
- end if;
- end New_Next_Stmt;
- procedure Start_Case_Stmt (Block : out O_Case_Block; Value : O_Enode)
- is
- V_Type : O_Tnode;
- Mode : Mode_Type;
- Start : O_Enode;
- begin
- V_Type := Get_Enode_Type (Value);
- Mode := Get_Type_Mode (V_Type);
- if Flag_Debug_Assert then
- Check_Ref (Value);
- case Mode is
- when Mode_U8 .. Mode_U64
- | Mode_I8 .. Mode_I64
- | Mode_B2 =>
- null;
- when others =>
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end case;
- end if;
- New_Enode_Stmt (OE_Case, Mode, Value, O_Enode_Null);
- Start := Enodes.Last;
- if Flag_Debug_Hli then
- Block := (Expr => Start,
- Expr_Type => V_Type,
- Last_Node => O_Enode_Null,
- Label_End => O_Enode_Null,
- Label_Branch => Start);
- else
- Block := (Expr => Start,
- Expr_Type => V_Type,
- Last_Node => Start,
- Label_End => New_Label,
- Label_Branch => O_Enode_Null);
- end if;
- end Start_Case_Stmt;
- procedure Start_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block)
- is
- B : O_Enode;
- begin
- if Flag_Debug_Hli then
- B := New_Enode (OE_Case_Branch, Mode_Nil, O_Tnode_Null,
- O_Enode_Null, O_Enode_Null);
- Link_Stmt (B);
- -- Link it.
- Set_Case_Branch (Block.Label_Branch, B);
- Block.Label_Branch := B;
- else
- -- Jump to the end of the case statement.
- -- If there is already a branch open, this is ok
- -- (do not fall-through).
- -- If there is no branch open, then this is the default choice
- -- (nothing to do).
- Emit_Jmp (OE_Jump, O_Enode_Null, Block.Label_End);
- -- Create a label for the code of this branch.
- Block.Label_Branch := New_Label;
- end if;
- end Start_Choice;
- procedure Insert_Choice_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- Prev : O_Enode;
- begin
- Prev := Get_Stmt_Link (Block.Last_Node);
- Set_Stmt_Link (Block.Last_Node, Stmt);
- Block.Last_Node := Stmt;
- if Prev = O_Enode_Null then
- Last_Stmt := Stmt;
- else
- Set_Stmt_Link (Stmt, Prev);
- end if;
- end Insert_Choice_Stmt;
- procedure Emit_Choice_Jmp (Block : in out O_Case_Block;
- Code : OE_Kind; Expr : O_Enode; Label : O_Enode)
- is
- Jmp : O_Enode;
- begin
- Jmp := New_Enode (Code, Mode_Nil, O_Tnode_Null, Expr, Label);
- Insert_Choice_Stmt (Block, Jmp);
- end Emit_Choice_Jmp;
- -- Create a node containing the value of the case expression.
- function New_Case_Expr (Block : O_Case_Block) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return New_Enode (OE_Case_Expr, Block.Expr_Type,
- Block.Expr, O_Enode_Null);
- end New_Case_Expr;
- procedure New_Hli_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block;
- Hi, Lo : O_Enode)
- is
- Res : O_Enode;
- begin
- Res := New_Enode (OE_Case_Choice, Mode_Nil, O_Tnode_Null, Hi, Lo);
- if Block.Label_End = O_Enode_Null then
- Set_Case_Branch_Choice (Block.Label_Branch, Res);
- else
- Set_Case_Choice_Link (Block.Label_End, Res);
- end if;
- Block.Label_End := Res;
- end New_Hli_Choice;
- procedure New_Expr_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Expr : O_Cnode)
- is
- Res : O_Enode;
- begin
- if Flag_Debug_Hli then
- New_Hli_Choice (Block, New_Lit (Expr), O_Enode_Null);
- else
- Res := New_Enode (OE_Eq, Mode_B2, O_Tnode_Null,
- New_Case_Expr (Block), New_Lit (Expr));
- Emit_Choice_Jmp (Block, OE_Jump_T, Res, Block.Label_Branch);
- end if;
- end New_Expr_Choice;
- procedure New_Range_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block;
- Low, High : O_Cnode)
- is
- E1 : O_Enode;
- E2 : O_Enode;
- Label : O_Enode;
- begin
- if Flag_Debug_Hli then
- New_Hli_Choice (Block, New_Lit (Low), New_Lit (High));
- else
- -- Internal label.
- Label := New_Label;
- E1 := New_Enode (OE_Lt, Mode_B2, O_Tnode_Null,
- New_Case_Expr (Block), New_Lit (Low));
- Emit_Choice_Jmp (Block, OE_Jump_T, E1, Label);
- E2 := New_Enode (OE_Le, Mode_B2, O_Tnode_Null,
- New_Case_Expr (Block), New_Lit (High));
- Emit_Choice_Jmp (Block, OE_Jump_T, E2, Block.Label_Branch);
- Insert_Choice_Stmt (Block, Label);
- end if;
- end New_Range_Choice;
- procedure New_Default_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block) is
- begin
- if Flag_Debug_Hli then
- New_Hli_Choice (Block, O_Enode_Null, O_Enode_Null);
- else
- -- Jump to the code.
- Emit_Choice_Jmp (Block, OE_Jump, O_Enode_Null, Block.Label_Branch);
- end if;
- end New_Default_Choice;
- procedure Finish_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block) is
- begin
- if Flag_Debug_Hli then
- Block.Label_End := O_Enode_Null;
- else
- -- Put the label of the branch.
- Start_BB;
- Link_Stmt (Block.Label_Branch);
- end if;
- end Finish_Choice;
- procedure Finish_Case_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block) is
- begin
- if Flag_Debug_Hli then
- New_Enode_Stmt (OE_Case_End, O_Enode_Null, O_Enode_Null);
- else
- -- Jump to the end of the case statement.
- -- Note: this is not required, since the next instruction is the
- -- label.
- -- Emit_Jmp (OE_Jump, O_Enode_Null, Block.Label_End);
- -- Put the label of the end of the case.
- Start_BB;
- Link_Stmt (Block.Label_End);
- Block.Label_End := O_Enode_Null;
- end if;
- end Finish_Case_Stmt;
- procedure New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Line : Natural) is
- begin
- New_Enode_Stmt (OE_Line, O_Enode (Line), O_Enode_Null);
- end New_Debug_Line_Stmt;
- procedure Debug_Expr (N : O_Enode)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- use Ortho_Code.Debug.Int32_IO;
- Indent : constant Count := Col;
- begin
- Put (Int32 (N), 0);
- Set_Col (Indent + 7);
- Disp_Mode (Get_Expr_Mode (N));
- Put (" ");
- Put (OE_Kind'Image (Get_Expr_Kind (N)));
- Set_Col (Indent + 28);
--- Put (Abi.Image_Insn (Get_Expr_Insn (N)));
--- Put (" ");
- Put (Abi.Image_Reg (Get_Expr_Reg (N)));
- Put (" ");
- Put (Int32 (Enodes.Table (N).Arg1), 7);
- Put (Int32 (Enodes.Table (N).Arg2), 7);
- Put (Enodes.Table (N).Info, 7);
- New_Line;
- end Debug_Expr;
- procedure Disp_Subprg_Body (Indent : Natural; Subprg : O_Enode)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- N : O_Enode;
- N_Indent : Natural;
- begin
- N := Subprg;
- if Get_Expr_Kind (N) /= OE_Entry then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- -- Display the entry.
- Set_Col (Count (Indent));
- Debug_Expr (N);
- -- Display the subprogram, binding.
- N_Indent := Indent;-- + 1;
- N := N + 1;
- loop
- case Get_Expr_Kind (N) is
- when OE_Entry =>
- N := Get_Entry_Leave (N) + 1;
- when OE_Leave =>
- Set_Col (Count (Indent));
- Debug_Expr (N);
- exit;
- when others =>
- Set_Col (Count (N_Indent));
- Debug_Expr (N);
- case Get_Expr_Kind (N) is
- when OE_Beg =>
- Disp_Block (N_Indent + 2,
- O_Dnode (Enodes.Table (N).Arg2));
- N_Indent := N_Indent + 1;
- when OE_End =>
- N_Indent := N_Indent - 1;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- N := N + 1;
- end case;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Subprg_Body;
- procedure Disp_All_Enode is
- begin
- for I in Enodes.First .. Enodes.Last loop
- Debug_Expr (I);
- end loop;
- end Disp_All_Enode;
- Max_Enode : O_Enode := O_Enode_Null;
- procedure Mark (M : out Mark_Type) is
- begin
- M.Enode := Enodes.Last;
- end Mark;
- procedure Release (M : Mark_Type) is
- begin
- Max_Enode := O_Enode'Max (Max_Enode, Enodes.Last);
- Enodes.Set_Last (M.Enode);
- end Release;
- procedure Disp_Stats
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- begin
- Max_Enode := O_Enode'Max (Max_Enode, Enodes.Last);
- Put ("Number of Enodes:" & O_Enode'Image (Enodes.Last));
- Put (", max:" & O_Enode'Image (Max_Enode));
- New_Line;
- end Disp_Stats;
- procedure Free_Subprogram_Data (Data : in out Subprogram_Data_Acc)
- is
- procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (Subprogram_Data, Subprogram_Data_Acc);
- Ch, N_Ch : Subprogram_Data_Acc;
- begin
- Ch := Data.First_Child;
- while Ch /= null loop
- N_Ch := Ch.Brother;
- Free_Subprogram_Data (Ch);
- Ch := N_Ch;
- end loop;
- Free (Data);
- end Free_Subprogram_Data;
- procedure Finish is
- begin
- Enodes.Free;
- Free_Subprogram_Data (First_Subprg);
- end Finish;
-end Ortho_Code.Exprs;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-exprs.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-exprs.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bd4596d7..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-exprs.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,600 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - Expressions and control handling.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-package Ortho_Code.Exprs is
- type OE_Kind is
- (
- OE_Nil,
- -- Dyadic operations.
- -- ARG1 is left, ARG2 is right.
- OE_Add_Ov,
- OE_Sub_Ov,
- OE_Mul_Ov,
- OE_Div_Ov,
- OE_Rem,
- OE_Mod,
- OE_And,
- OE_Or,
- OE_Xor,
- -- Monadic operations.
- -- ARG1 is expression.
- OE_Not,
- OE_Neg_Ov,
- OE_Abs_Ov,
- -- Comparaison.
- -- ARG1 is left, ARG2 is right.
- OE_Eq,
- OE_Neq,
- OE_Le,
- OE_Lt,
- OE_Ge,
- OE_Gt,
- -- Without checks, for addresses.
- OE_Add,
- OE_Mul,
- OE_Shl, -- Left shift
- -- A literal.
- -- ARG1 is low part, ARG2 is high part.
- OE_Const,
- -- Address of a local variable/parameter.
- -- ARG1 is object.
- -- ARG2 is the frame pointer or O_Enode_Null for current frame pointer.
- OE_Addrl,
- -- Address of a global variable.
- -- ARG1 is object.
- OE_Addrg,
- -- Pointer dereference.
- -- ARG1 is operand.
- OE_Indir,
- -- Conversion.
- -- ARG1 is expression.
- -- ARG2: type
- OE_Conv_Ptr,
- OE_Conv,
- -- Typed expression.
- OE_Typed,
- -- Local memory allocation.
- -- ARG1 is size (in bytes).
- OE_Alloca,
- -- Statements.
- -- Subrogram entry.
- -- ARG1 is the corresponding Leave (used to skip inner subprograms).
- -- ARG2 is unused.
- OE_Entry,
- -- Subprogram exit.
- -- ARG1 and ARG2 are unused.
- OE_Leave,
- -- Declaration blocks.
- -- ARG1: parent
- -- ARG2: corresponding declarations.
- OE_Beg,
- -- ARG1: corresponding beg
- -- ARG2: unsused.
- OE_End,
- -- Assignment.
- -- ARG1 is value, ARG2 is target (address).
- OE_Asgn,
- -- Subprogram calls.
- -- ARG1 is value
- -- ARG2 is link to the next argument.
- OE_Arg,
- -- ARG1 is subprogram
- -- ARG2 is arguments.
- OE_Call,
- -- ARG1 is intrinsic operation.
- OE_Intrinsic,
- -- Modify the stack pointer value, to align the stack before pushing
- -- arguments, or to free the stack.
- -- ARG1 is the signed offset.
- OE_Stack_Adjust,
- -- Return ARG1 (if not mode_nil) from current subprogram.
- -- ARG1: expression.
- OE_Ret,
- -- Line number (for debugging).
- -- ARG1: line number
- OE_Line,
- -- High level instructions.
- -- Basic block.
- -- ARG1: next BB
- -- ARG2: number
- OE_BB,
- -- ARG1 is the literal.
- OE_Lit,
- -- ARG1: value
- -- ARG2: first branch (HLI only).
- OE_Case,
- -- ARG1: the corresponding OE_Case
- OE_Case_Expr,
- -- ARG1: left bound
- -- ARG2: right bound
- -- LINK: choice link
- OE_Case_Choice,
- -- ARG1: choice link
- -- ARG2: next branch
- OE_Case_Branch,
- -- End of case.
- OE_Case_End,
- -- ARG1: the condition
- -- ARG2: the else/endif
- OE_If,
- OE_Else,
- OE_Endif,
- -- ARG1: loop level.
- OE_Loop,
- -- ARG1: loop.
- OE_Eloop,
- -- ARG2: loop.
- OE_Next,
- OE_Exit,
- -- ARG1: the record
- -- ARG2: the field
- OE_Record_Ref,
- -- ARG1: the expression.
- OE_Access_Ref,
- -- ARG1: the array
- -- ARG2: the index
- OE_Index_Ref,
- OE_Slice_Ref,
- -- Low level instructions.
- -- Label.
- -- ARG1: current block (used for alloca), only during tree building.
- -- ARG2: user info (generally used to store symbol).
- OE_Label,
- -- Jump to ARG2.
- OE_Jump,
- -- Jump to ARG2 if ARG1 is true/false.
- OE_Jump_T,
- OE_Jump_F,
- -- Used internally only.
- -- ARG2 is info/target, ARG1 is expression (if any).
- OE_Spill,
- OE_Reload,
- OE_Move,
- -- Alloca/allocb handling.
- OE_Get_Stack,
- OE_Set_Stack,
- -- Get current frame pointer.
- OE_Get_Frame,
- -- Additionnal reg
- OE_Reg
- );
- for OE_Kind'Size use 8;
- subtype OE_Kind_Dyadic is OE_Kind range OE_Add_Ov .. OE_Xor;
- subtype OE_Kind_Cmp is OE_Kind range OE_Eq .. OE_Gt;
- -- BE representation of an instruction.
- type O_Insn is mod 256;
- type Subprogram_Data;
- type Subprogram_Data_Acc is access Subprogram_Data;
- type Subprogram_Data is record
- -- Parent or null if top-level subprogram.
- Parent : Subprogram_Data_Acc;
- -- Block in which this subprogram is declared, or o_dnode_null if
- -- top-level subprogram.
- --Parent_Block : O_Dnode;
- -- First and last child, or null if no children.
- First_Child : Subprogram_Data_Acc;
- Last_Child : Subprogram_Data_Acc;
- -- Next subprogram at the same depth level.
- Brother : Subprogram_Data_Acc;
- -- Depth of the subprogram.
- Depth : O_Depth;
- -- Dnode for the declaration.
- D_Decl : O_Dnode;
- -- Enode for the Entry.
- E_Entry : O_Enode;
- -- Dnode for the Body.
- D_Body : O_Dnode;
- -- Label just before leave.
- Exit_Label : O_Enode;
- -- Last statement of this subprogram.
- Last_Stmt : O_Enode;
- -- Static maximum stack use.
- Stack_Max : Uns32;
- end record;
- -- Data for the current subprogram.
- Cur_Subprg : Subprogram_Data_Acc := null;
- -- First and last (top-level) subprogram.
- First_Subprg : Subprogram_Data_Acc := null;
- Last_Subprg : Subprogram_Data_Acc := null;
- -- Type of the stack pointer - for OE_Get_Stack and OE_Set_Stack.
- -- Can be set by back-ends.
- Stack_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode := O_Tnode_Null;
- -- Create a new node.
- -- Should be used only by back-end to add internal nodes.
- function New_Enode (Kind : OE_Kind;
- Mode : Mode_Type;
- Rtype : O_Tnode;
- Arg1 : O_Enode;
- Arg2 : O_Enode) return O_Enode;
- -- Get the kind of ENODE.
- function Get_Expr_Kind (Enode : O_Enode) return OE_Kind;
- pragma Inline (Get_Expr_Kind);
- -- Get the mode of ENODE.
- function Get_Expr_Mode (Enode : O_Enode) return Mode_Type;
- pragma Inline (Get_Expr_Mode);
- -- Get/Set the register of ENODE.
- function Get_Expr_Reg (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Reg;
- procedure Set_Expr_Reg (Enode : O_Enode; Reg : O_Reg);
- pragma Inline (Get_Expr_Reg);
- pragma Inline (Set_Expr_Reg);
- -- Get the operand of an unary expression.
- function Get_Expr_Operand (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Enode;
- procedure Set_Expr_Operand (Enode : O_Enode; Val : O_Enode);
- -- Get left/right operand of a binary expression.
- function Get_Expr_Left (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Enode;
- function Get_Expr_Right (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Enode;
- procedure Set_Expr_Left (Enode : O_Enode; Val : O_Enode);
- procedure Set_Expr_Right (Enode : O_Enode; Val : O_Enode);
- -- Get the low and high part of an OE_CONST node.
- function Get_Expr_Low (Cst : O_Enode) return Uns32;
- function Get_Expr_High (Cst : O_Enode) return Uns32;
- -- Get target of the assignment.
- function Get_Assign_Target (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Enode;
- procedure Set_Assign_Target (Enode : O_Enode; Targ : O_Enode);
- -- For OE_Lit: get the literal.
- function Get_Expr_Lit (Lit : O_Enode) return O_Cnode;
- -- Type of a OE_Conv/OE_Nop/OE_Typed/OE_Alloca
- -- Used only for display/debugging purposes.
- function Get_Conv_Type (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Tnode;
- -- Leave node corresponding to the entry.
- function Get_Entry_Leave (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Enode;
- -- Get the label of a jump/ret
- function Get_Jump_Label (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Enode;
- procedure Set_Jump_Label (Enode : O_Enode; Label : O_Enode);
- -- Get the object of addrl,addrp,addrg
- function Get_Addr_Object (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Dnode;
- -- Get the computed frame for the object.
- -- If O_Enode_Null, then use current frame.
- function Get_Addrl_Frame (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Enode;
- procedure Set_Addrl_Frame (Enode : O_Enode; Frame : O_Enode);
- -- Return the stack adjustment. For positive values, this is the amount of
- -- bytes to allocate on the stack before pushing arguments, so that the
- -- stack pointer stays aligned. For negtive values, this is the amount of
- -- bytes to release on the stack.
- function Get_Stack_Adjust (Enode : O_Enode) return Int32;
- -- Get the subprogram called by ENODE.
- function Get_Call_Subprg (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Dnode;
- -- Get the first argument of a call, or the next argument of an arg.
- function Get_Arg_Link (Enode : O_Enode) return O_Enode;
- -- Get the declaration chain of a Beg statement.
- function Get_Block_Decls (Blk : O_Enode) return O_Dnode;
- -- Get the parent of the block.
- function Get_Block_Parent (Blk : O_Enode) return O_Enode;
- -- Get the corresponding beg.
- function Get_End_Beg (Blk : O_Enode) return O_Enode;
- -- True if the block contains an alloca insn.
- function Get_Block_Has_Alloca (Blk : O_Enode) return Boolean;
- -- Set the next branch of a case/case_branch.
- procedure Set_Case_Branch (C : O_Enode; Branch : O_Enode);
- -- Set the first choice of a case branch.
- procedure Set_Case_Branch_Choice (Branch : O_Enode; Choice : O_Enode);
- function Get_Case_Branch_Choice (Branch : O_Enode) return O_Enode;
- -- Set the choice link of a case choice.
- procedure Set_Case_Choice_Link (Choice : O_Enode; N_Choice : O_Enode);
- function Get_Case_Choice_Link (Choice : O_Enode) return O_Enode;
- -- Get/Set the max stack size for the end block BLKE.
- --function Get_Block_Max_Stack (Blke : O_Enode) return Int32;
- --procedure Set_Block_Max_Stack (Blke : O_Enode; Max : Int32);
- -- Get the field of an o_record_ref node.
- function Get_Ref_Field (Ref : O_Enode) return O_Fnode;
- -- Get the index of an OE_Index_Ref or OE_Slice_Ref node.
- function Get_Ref_Index (Ref : O_Enode) return O_Enode;
- -- Get/Set the info field of a label.
- function Get_Label_Info (Label : O_Enode) return Int32;
- procedure Set_Label_Info (Label : O_Enode; Info : Int32);
- -- Get the info of a spill.
- function Get_Spill_Info (Spill : O_Enode) return Int32;
- procedure Set_Spill_Info (Spill : O_Enode; Info : Int32);
- -- Get the statement link.
- function Get_Stmt_Link (Stmt : O_Enode) return O_Enode;
- procedure Set_Stmt_Link (Stmt : O_Enode; Next : O_Enode);
- -- Get the line number of an OE_Line statement.
- function Get_Expr_Line_Number (Stmt : O_Enode) return Int32;
- -- Get the operation of an intrinsic.
- function Get_Intrinsic_Operation (Stmt : O_Enode) return Int32;
- -- Get the basic block label (uniq number).
- function Get_BB_Number (Stmt : O_Enode) return Int32;
- -- For OE_Loop, set loop level (an integer).
- -- Reserved for back-end in HLI mode only.
- function Get_Loop_Level (Stmt : O_Enode) return Int32;
- procedure Set_Loop_Level (Stmt : O_Enode; Level : Int32);
- -- Start a subprogram body.
- -- Note: the declaration may have an external storage, in this case it
- -- becomes public.
- procedure Start_Subprogram_Body (Func : O_Dnode);
- -- Finish a subprogram body.
- procedure Finish_Subprogram_Body;
- -- Translate a scalar literal into an expression.
- function New_Lit (Lit : O_Cnode) return O_Enode;
- -- Translate an object (var, const or interface) into an lvalue.
- function New_Obj (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Lnode;
- -- Create a dyadic operation.
- -- Left and right nodes must have the same type.
- -- Binary operation is allowed only on boolean types.
- -- The result is of the type of the operands.
- function New_Dyadic_Op (Kind : ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode)
- return O_Enode;
- -- Create a monadic operation.
- -- Result is of the type of operand.
- function New_Monadic_Op (Kind : ON_Monadic_Op_Kind; Operand : O_Enode)
- return O_Enode;
- -- Create a comparaison operator.
- -- NTYPE is the type of the result and must be a boolean type.
- function New_Compare_Op
- (Kind : ON_Compare_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode; Ntype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Enode;
- -- Returns the size in bytes of ATYPE. The result is a literal of
- -- unsigned type RTYPE
- -- ATYPE cannot be an unconstrained array type.
- function New_Sizeof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode;
- -- Returns the offset of FIELD in its record. The result is a literal
- -- of unsigned type RTYPE.
- function New_Offsetof (Field : O_Fnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode;
- -- Get an element of an array.
- -- INDEX must be of the type of the array index.
- function New_Indexed_Element (Arr : O_Lnode; Index : O_Enode)
- return O_Lnode;
- -- Get a slice of an array; this is equivalent to a conversion between
- -- an array or an array subtype and an array subtype.
- -- RES_TYPE must be an array_sub_type whose base type is the same as the
- -- base type of ARR.
- -- INDEX must be of the type of the array index.
- function New_Slice (Arr : O_Lnode; Res_Type : O_Tnode; Index : O_Enode)
- return O_Lnode;
- -- Get an element of a record.
- -- Type of REC must be a record type.
- function New_Selected_Element (Rec : O_Lnode; El : O_Fnode)
- return O_Lnode;
- -- Reference an access.
- -- Type of ACC must be an access type.
- function New_Access_Element (Acc : O_Enode) return O_Lnode;
- -- Do a conversion.
- -- Allowed conversions are:
- -- FIXME: to write.
- function New_Convert_Ov (Val : O_Enode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode;
- -- Get the address of LVALUE.
- -- ATYPE must be a type access whose designated type is the type of LVALUE.
- -- FIXME: what about arrays.
- function New_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode;
- -- Same as New_Address but without any restriction.
- function New_Unchecked_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Enode;
- -- Get the address of a subprogram.
- function New_Subprogram_Address (Subprg : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Enode;
- -- Get the value of an Lvalue.
- function New_Value (Lvalue : O_Lnode) return O_Enode;
- -- Return a pointer of type RTPE to SIZE bytes allocated on the stack.
- function New_Alloca (Rtype : O_Tnode; Size : O_Enode) return O_Enode;
- type O_Assoc_List is limited private;
- -- Create a function call or a procedure call.
- procedure Start_Association (Assocs : out O_Assoc_List; Subprg : O_Dnode);
- procedure New_Association (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List; Val : O_Enode);
- function New_Function_Call (Assocs : O_Assoc_List) return O_Enode;
- procedure New_Procedure_Call (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List);
- -- Assign VALUE to TARGET, type must be the same or compatible.
- -- FIXME: what about slice assignment?
- procedure New_Assign_Stmt (Target : O_Lnode; Value : O_Enode);
- -- Exit from the subprogram and return VALUE.
- procedure New_Return_Stmt (Value : O_Enode);
- -- Exit from the subprogram, which doesn't return value.
- procedure New_Return_Stmt;
- type O_If_Block is limited private;
- -- Build an IF statement.
- procedure Start_If_Stmt (Block : out O_If_Block; Cond : O_Enode);
- procedure New_Else_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block);
- procedure Finish_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block);
- type O_Snode is private;
- O_Snode_Null : constant O_Snode;
- -- Create a infinite loop statement.
- procedure Start_Loop_Stmt (Label : out O_Snode);
- procedure Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label : in out O_Snode);
- -- Exit from a loop stmt or from a for stmt.
- procedure New_Exit_Stmt (L : O_Snode);
- -- Go to the start of a loop stmt or of a for stmt.
- -- Loops/Fors between L and the current points are exited.
- procedure New_Next_Stmt (L : O_Snode);
- -- Case statement.
- -- VALUE is the selector and must be a discrete type.
- type O_Case_Block is limited private;
- procedure Start_Case_Stmt (Block : out O_Case_Block; Value : O_Enode);
- procedure Start_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
- procedure New_Expr_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Expr : O_Cnode);
- procedure New_Range_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block;
- Low, High : O_Cnode);
- procedure New_Default_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
- procedure Finish_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
- procedure Finish_Case_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
- procedure Start_Declare_Stmt;
- procedure Finish_Declare_Stmt;
- procedure New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Line : Natural);
- procedure Disp_Subprg_Body (Indent : Natural; Subprg : O_Enode);
- procedure Disp_All_Enode;
- procedure Disp_Stats;
- type Mark_Type is limited private;
- procedure Mark (M : out Mark_Type);
- procedure Release (M : Mark_Type);
- procedure Finish;
- type O_Assoc_List is record
- -- Subprogram being called.
- Subprg : O_Dnode;
- -- First and last argument statement.
- First_Arg : O_Enode;
- Last_Arg : O_Enode;
- -- Interface for the next association.
- Next_Inter : O_Dnode;
- end record;
- type O_Case_Block is record
- -- Expression for the selection.
- Expr : O_Enode;
- -- Type of expression.
- -- Used to perform checks.
- Expr_Type : O_Tnode;
- -- Choice code and branch code is not mixed (anymore).
- -- Therefore, code to perform choices is inserted.
- -- Last node of the choice code.
- Last_Node : O_Enode;
- -- Label at the end of the case statement.
- -- used to jump from the end of a branch to the end of the statement.
- Label_End : O_Enode;
- -- Label of the branch code.
- Label_Branch : O_Enode;
- end record;
- type O_If_Block is record
- Label_End : O_Enode;
- Label_Next : O_Enode;
- end record;
- type O_Snode is record
- Label_Start : O_Enode;
- Label_End : O_Enode;
- end record;
- O_Snode_Null : constant O_Snode := (Label_Start => O_Enode_Null,
- Label_End => O_Enode_Null);
- type Mark_Type is record
- Enode : O_Enode;
- end record;
-end Ortho_Code.Exprs;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-flags.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-flags.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 805f3779b..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-flags.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
--- Compile flags for mcode.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-package Ortho_Code.Flags is
- type Debug_Type is (Debug_None, Debug_Dwarf);
- -- Debugging information generated.
- Flag_Debug : Debug_Type := Debug_None;
- -- If set, generate a map from type to type declaration.
- Flag_Type_Name : Boolean := False;
- -- If set, enable optimiztions.
- Flag_Optimize : Boolean := False;
- -- If set, create basic blocks during tree building.
- Flag_Opt_BB : Boolean := False;
- -- If set, add profiling calls.
- Flag_Profile : Boolean := False;
-end Ortho_Code.Flags;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-opts.adb b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-opts.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ea6b039b..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-opts.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - Optimization.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ortho_Code.Flags;
-package body Ortho_Code.Opts is
- procedure Relabel_Jump (Jmp : O_Enode)
- is
- Label : O_Enode;
- Bb : O_Enode;
- begin
- Label := Get_Jump_Label (Jmp);
- if Get_Expr_Kind (Label) = OE_Label then
- Bb := O_Enode (Get_Label_Info (Label));
- if Bb /= O_Enode_Null then
- Set_Jump_Label (Jmp, Bb);
- end if;
- end if;
- end Relabel_Jump;
- procedure Jmp_To_Bb (Subprg : Subprogram_Data_Acc)
- is
- First : O_Enode;
- Stmt : O_Enode;
- Prev : O_Enode;
- Cur_Bb : O_Enode;
- begin
- -- Get first statement after entry.
- First := Get_Stmt_Link (Subprg.E_Entry);
- -- First loop:
- -- If a label belongs to a BB (ie, is at the beginning of a BB),
- -- then link it to the BB.
- Stmt := First;
- Cur_Bb := O_Enode_Null;
- loop
- case Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt) is
- when OE_Leave =>
- exit;
- when OE_BB =>
- Cur_Bb := Stmt;
- when OE_Label =>
- if Cur_Bb /= O_Enode_Null then
- Set_Label_Info (Stmt, Int32 (Cur_Bb));
- end if;
- when OE_Jump
- | OE_Jump_T
- | OE_Jump_F =>
- -- This handles backward jump.
- Relabel_Jump (Stmt);
- when others =>
- Cur_Bb := O_Enode_Null;
- end case;
- Stmt := Get_Stmt_Link (Stmt);
- end loop;
- -- Second loop:
- -- Transform jump to label to jump to BB.
- Stmt := First;
- Prev := O_Enode_Null;
- loop
- case Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt) is
- when OE_Leave =>
- exit;
- when OE_Jump
- | OE_Jump_T
- | OE_Jump_F =>
- -- This handles forward jump.
- Relabel_Jump (Stmt);
- -- Update PREV.
- Prev := Stmt;
- when OE_Label =>
- -- Remove the Label.
- -- Do not update PREV.
- if Get_Label_Info (Stmt) /= 0 then
- Set_Stmt_Link (Prev, Get_Stmt_Link (Stmt));
- end if;
- when others =>
- Prev := Stmt;
- end case;
- Stmt := Get_Stmt_Link (Stmt);
- end loop;
- end Jmp_To_Bb;
- type Oe_Kind_Bool_Array is array (OE_Kind) of Boolean;
- Is_Passive_Stmt : constant Oe_Kind_Bool_Array :=
- (OE_Label | OE_BB | OE_End | OE_Beg => True,
- others => False);
- -- Return the next statement after STMT which really execute instructions.
- function Get_Fall_Stmt (Stmt : O_Enode) return O_Enode
- is
- Res : O_Enode;
- begin
- Res := Stmt;
- loop
- Res := Get_Stmt_Link (Res);
- case Get_Expr_Kind (Res) is
- when OE_Label
- | OE_BB
- | OE_End
- | OE_Beg =>
- null;
- when others =>
- return Res;
- end case;
- end loop;
- end Get_Fall_Stmt;
- pragma Unreferenced (Get_Fall_Stmt);
- procedure Thread_Jump (Subprg : Subprogram_Data_Acc)
- is
- First : O_Enode;
- Stmt : O_Enode;
- Prev, Next : O_Enode;
- Kind : OE_Kind;
- begin
- -- Get first statement after entry.
- First := Get_Stmt_Link (Subprg.E_Entry);
- -- First loop:
- -- If a label belongs to a BB (ie, is at the beginning of a BB),
- -- then link it to the BB.
- Stmt := First;
- Prev := O_Enode_Null;
- loop
- Next := Get_Stmt_Link (Stmt);
- Kind := Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt);
- case Kind is
- when OE_Leave =>
- exit;
- when OE_Jump =>
- -- Remove the jump if followed by the label.
- -- * For _T/_F: should convert to a ignore value.
- -- Discard unreachable statements after the jump.
- declare
- N_Stmt : O_Enode;
- P_Stmt : O_Enode;
- Label : O_Enode;
- Flag_Discard : Boolean;
- K_Stmt : OE_Kind;
- begin
- N_Stmt := Next;
- P_Stmt := Stmt;
- Label := Get_Jump_Label (Stmt);
- Flag_Discard := True;
- loop
- if N_Stmt = Label then
- -- Remove STMT.
- Set_Stmt_Link (Prev, Next);
- exit;
- end if;
- K_Stmt := Get_Expr_Kind (N_Stmt);
- if K_Stmt = OE_Label then
- -- Do not discard anymore statements, since they are
- -- now reachable.
- Flag_Discard := False;
- end if;
- if not Is_Passive_Stmt (K_Stmt) then
- if not Flag_Discard then
- -- We have found the next statement.
- -- Keep the jump.
- Prev := Stmt;
- exit;
- else
- -- Delete insn.
- N_Stmt := Get_Stmt_Link (N_Stmt);
- Set_Stmt_Link (P_Stmt, N_Stmt);
- end if;
- else
- -- Iterate.
- P_Stmt := N_Stmt;
- N_Stmt := Get_Stmt_Link (N_Stmt);
- end if;
- end loop;
- end;
- when others =>
- Prev := Stmt;
- end case;
- Stmt := Next;
- end loop;
- end Thread_Jump;
- procedure Optimize_Subprg (Subprg : Subprogram_Data_Acc)
- is
- begin
- -- Jump optimisation:
- -- * discard insns after a OE_JUMP.
- -- * Remove jump if followed by label
- -- (through label, BB, comments, end, line)
- -- * Redirect jump to jump (infinite loop !)
- -- * Revert jump_t/f if expr is not (XXX)
- -- * Jmp_t/f L:; jmp L2; L1: -> jmp_f/t L2
- Thread_Jump (Subprg);
- if Flags.Flag_Opt_BB then
- Jmp_To_Bb (Subprg);
- end if;
- end Optimize_Subprg;
-end Ortho_Code.Opts;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-opts.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-opts.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 27a907c7b..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-opts.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - Optimization.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ortho_Code.Exprs; use Ortho_Code.Exprs;
-package Ortho_Code.Opts is
- procedure Optimize_Subprg (Subprg : Subprogram_Data_Acc);
-end Ortho_Code.Opts;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-types.adb b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-types.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index e0c070c27..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-types.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,820 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - type handling.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-with GNAT.Table;
-with Ortho_Code.Consts; use Ortho_Code.Consts;
-with Ortho_Code.Debug;
-with Ortho_Code.Abi; use Ortho_Code.Abi;
-with Ortho_Ident;
-package body Ortho_Code.Types is
- type Bool_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Boolean;
- pragma Pack (Bool_Array);
- type Tnode_Common is record
- Kind : OT_Kind; -- 4 bits.
- Mode : Mode_Type; -- 4 bits.
- Align : Small_Natural; -- 2 bits.
- Deferred : Boolean; -- 1 bit (True if the type was incomplete at first)
- Flag1 : Boolean;
- Pad0 : Bool_Array (0 .. 19);
- Size : Uns32;
- end record;
- pragma Pack (Tnode_Common);
- for Tnode_Common'Size use 64;
- type Tnode_Access is record
- Dtype : O_Tnode;
- Pad : Uns32;
- end record;
- type Tnode_Array is record
- Element_Type : O_Tnode;
- Index_Type : O_Tnode;
- end record;
- type Tnode_Subarray is record
- Base_Type : O_Tnode;
- Length : Uns32;
- end record;
- type Tnode_Record is record
- Fields : O_Fnode;
- Nbr_Fields : Uns32;
- end record;
- type Tnode_Enum is record
- Lits : O_Cnode;
- Nbr_Lits : Uns32;
- end record;
- type Tnode_Bool is record
- Lit_False : O_Cnode;
- Lit_True : O_Cnode;
- end record;
- package Tnodes is new GNAT.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Tnode_Common,
- Table_Index_Type => O_Tnode,
- Table_Low_Bound => O_Tnode_First,
- Table_Initial => 128,
- Table_Increment => 100);
- type Field_Type is record
- Parent : O_Tnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Ftype : O_Tnode;
- Offset : Uns32;
- Next : O_Fnode;
- end record;
- package Fnodes is new GNAT.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Field_Type,
- Table_Index_Type => O_Fnode,
- Table_Low_Bound => 2,
- Table_Initial => 64,
- Table_Increment => 100);
- function Get_Type_Kind (Atype : O_Tnode) return OT_Kind is
- begin
- return Tnodes.Table (Atype).Kind;
- end Get_Type_Kind;
- function Get_Type_Size (Atype : O_Tnode) return Uns32 is
- begin
- return Tnodes.Table (Atype).Size;
- end Get_Type_Size;
- function Get_Type_Align (Atype : O_Tnode) return Small_Natural is
- begin
- return Tnodes.Table (Atype).Align;
- end Get_Type_Align;
- function Get_Type_Align_Bytes (Atype : O_Tnode) return Uns32 is
- begin
- return 2 ** Get_Type_Align (Atype);
- end Get_Type_Align_Bytes;
- function Get_Type_Mode (Atype : O_Tnode) return Mode_Type is
- begin
- return Tnodes.Table (Atype).Mode;
- end Get_Type_Mode;
- function Get_Type_Deferred (Atype : O_Tnode) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Tnodes.Table (Atype).Deferred;
- end Get_Type_Deferred;
- function Get_Type_Flag1 (Atype : O_Tnode) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Tnodes.Table (Atype).Flag1;
- end Get_Type_Flag1;
- procedure Set_Type_Flag1 (Atype : O_Tnode; Flag : Boolean) is
- begin
- Tnodes.Table (Atype).Flag1 := Flag;
- end Set_Type_Flag1;
- function To_Tnode_Access is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Tnode_Common, Target => Tnode_Access);
- function Get_Type_Access_Type (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode
- is
- begin
- return To_Tnode_Access (Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1)).Dtype;
- end Get_Type_Access_Type;
- function To_Tnode_Array is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Tnode_Common, Target => Tnode_Array);
- function Get_Type_Ucarray_Index (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode is
- begin
- return To_Tnode_Array (Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1)).Index_Type;
- end Get_Type_Ucarray_Index;
- function Get_Type_Ucarray_Element (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode is
- begin
- return To_Tnode_Array (Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1)).Element_Type;
- end Get_Type_Ucarray_Element;
- function To_Tnode_Subarray is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Tnode_Common, Target => Tnode_Subarray);
- function Get_Type_Subarray_Base (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode is
- begin
- return To_Tnode_Subarray (Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1)).Base_Type;
- end Get_Type_Subarray_Base;
- function Get_Type_Subarray_Length (Atype : O_Tnode) return Uns32 is
- begin
- return To_Tnode_Subarray (Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1)).Length;
- end Get_Type_Subarray_Length;
- function To_Tnode_Record is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Tnode_Common, Target => Tnode_Record);
- function Get_Type_Record_Fields (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Fnode is
- begin
- return To_Tnode_Record (Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1)).Fields;
- end Get_Type_Record_Fields;
- function Get_Type_Record_Nbr_Fields (Atype : O_Tnode) return Uns32 is
- begin
- return To_Tnode_Record (Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1)).Nbr_Fields;
- end Get_Type_Record_Nbr_Fields;
- function To_Tnode_Enum is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Tnode_Common, Target => Tnode_Enum);
- function Get_Type_Enum_Lits (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return To_Tnode_Enum (Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1)).Lits;
- end Get_Type_Enum_Lits;
- function Get_Type_Enum_Lit (Atype : O_Tnode; Pos : Uns32) return O_Cnode
- is
- F : O_Cnode;
- begin
- F := Get_Type_Enum_Lits (Atype);
- return F + 2 * O_Cnode (Pos);
- end Get_Type_Enum_Lit;
- function Get_Type_Enum_Nbr_Lits (Atype : O_Tnode) return Uns32 is
- begin
- return To_Tnode_Enum (Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1)).Nbr_Lits;
- end Get_Type_Enum_Nbr_Lits;
- function To_Tnode_Bool is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Tnode_Common, Target => Tnode_Bool);
- function Get_Type_Bool_False (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return To_Tnode_Bool (Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1)).Lit_False;
- end Get_Type_Bool_False;
- function Get_Type_Bool_True (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return To_Tnode_Bool (Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1)).Lit_True;
- end Get_Type_Bool_True;
- function Get_Field_Offset (Field : O_Fnode) return Uns32 is
- begin
- return Fnodes.Table (Field).Offset;
- end Get_Field_Offset;
- procedure Set_Field_Offset (Field : O_Fnode; Offset : Uns32) is
- begin
- Fnodes.Table (Field).Offset := Offset;
- end Set_Field_Offset;
- function Get_Field_Parent (Field : O_Fnode) return O_Tnode is
- begin
- return Fnodes.Table (Field).Parent;
- end Get_Field_Parent;
- function Get_Field_Type (Field : O_Fnode) return O_Tnode is
- begin
- return Fnodes.Table (Field).Ftype;
- end Get_Field_Type;
- function Get_Field_Ident (Field : O_Fnode) return O_Ident is
- begin
- return Fnodes.Table (Field).Ident;
- end Get_Field_Ident;
- function Get_Field_Chain (Field : O_Fnode) return O_Fnode is
- begin
- return Fnodes.Table (Field).Next;
- end Get_Field_Chain;
- function New_Unsigned_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode
- is
- Mode : Mode_Type;
- Sz : Uns32;
- begin
- case Size is
- when 8 =>
- Mode := Mode_U8;
- Sz := 1;
- when 16 =>
- Mode := Mode_U16;
- Sz := 2;
- when 32 =>
- Mode := Mode_U32;
- Sz := 4;
- when 64 =>
- Mode := Mode_U64;
- Sz := 8;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Tnodes.Append (Tnode_Common'(Kind => OT_Unsigned,
- Mode => Mode,
- Align => Mode_Align (Mode),
- Deferred => False,
- Flag1 => False,
- Pad0 => (others => False),
- Size => Sz));
- return Tnodes.Last;
- end New_Unsigned_Type;
- function New_Signed_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode
- is
- Mode : Mode_Type;
- Sz : Uns32;
- begin
- case Size is
- when 8 =>
- Mode := Mode_I8;
- Sz := 1;
- when 16 =>
- Mode := Mode_I16;
- Sz := 2;
- when 32 =>
- Mode := Mode_I32;
- Sz := 4;
- when 64 =>
- Mode := Mode_I64;
- Sz := 8;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Tnodes.Append (Tnode_Common'(Kind => OT_Signed,
- Mode => Mode,
- Align => Mode_Align (Mode),
- Deferred => False,
- Flag1 => False,
- Pad0 => (others => False),
- Size => Sz));
- return Tnodes.Last;
- end New_Signed_Type;
- function New_Float_Type return O_Tnode is
- begin
- Tnodes.Append (Tnode_Common'(Kind => OT_Float,
- Mode => Mode_F64,
- Align => Mode_Align (Mode_F64),
- Deferred => False,
- Flag1 => False,
- Pad0 => (others => False),
- Size => 8));
- return Tnodes.Last;
- end New_Float_Type;
- function To_Tnode_Common is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Tnode_Enum, Target => Tnode_Common);
- procedure Start_Enum_Type (List : out O_Enum_List; Size : Natural)
- is
- Mode : Mode_Type;
- Sz : Uns32;
- begin
- case Size is
- when 8 =>
- Mode := Mode_U8;
- Sz := 1;
- when 16 =>
- Mode := Mode_U16;
- Sz := 2;
- when 32 =>
- Mode := Mode_U32;
- Sz := 4;
- when 64 =>
- Mode := Mode_U64;
- Sz := 8;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Tnodes.Append (Tnode_Common'(Kind => OT_Enum,
- Mode => Mode,
- Align => Mode_Align (Mode),
- Deferred => False,
- Flag1 => False,
- Pad0 => (others => False),
- Size => Sz));
- List := (Res => Tnodes.Last,
- First => O_Cnode_Null,
- Last => O_Cnode_Null,
- Nbr => 0);
- Tnodes.Increment_Last;
- end Start_Enum_Type;
- procedure New_Enum_Literal (List : in out O_Enum_List;
- Ident : O_Ident; Res : out O_Cnode)
- is
- begin
- Res := New_Named_Literal (List.Res, Ident, List.Nbr, List.Last);
- List.Nbr := List.Nbr + 1;
- if List.Last = O_Cnode_Null then
- List.First := Res;
- end if;
- List.Last := Res;
- end New_Enum_Literal;
- procedure Finish_Enum_Type (List : in out O_Enum_List; Res : out O_Tnode) is
- begin
- Res := List.Res;
- Tnodes.Table (List.Res + 1) := To_Tnode_Common
- (Tnode_Enum'(Lits => List.First,
- Nbr_Lits => List.Nbr));
- end Finish_Enum_Type;
- function To_Tnode_Common is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Tnode_Bool, Target => Tnode_Common);
- procedure New_Boolean_Type (Res : out O_Tnode;
- False_Id : O_Ident;
- False_E : out O_Cnode;
- True_Id : O_Ident;
- True_E : out O_Cnode)
- is
- begin
- Tnodes.Append (Tnode_Common'(Kind => OT_Boolean,
- Mode => Mode_B2,
- Align => 0,
- Deferred => False,
- Flag1 => False,
- Pad0 => (others => False),
- Size => 1));
- Res := Tnodes.Last;
- False_E := New_Named_Literal (Res, False_Id, 0, O_Cnode_Null);
- True_E := New_Named_Literal (Res, True_Id, 1, False_E);
- Tnodes.Append (To_Tnode_Common (Tnode_Bool'(Lit_False => False_E,
- Lit_True => True_E)));
- end New_Boolean_Type;
- function To_Tnode_Common is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Tnode_Array, Target => Tnode_Common);
- function New_Array_Type (El_Type : O_Tnode; Index_Type : O_Tnode)
- return O_Tnode
- is
- Res : O_Tnode;
- begin
- Tnodes.Append (Tnode_Common'(Kind => OT_Ucarray,
- Mode => Mode_Blk,
- Align => Get_Type_Align (El_Type),
- Deferred => False,
- Flag1 => False,
- Pad0 => (others => False),
- Size => 0));
- Res := Tnodes.Last;
- Tnodes.Append (To_Tnode_Common (Tnode_Array'(Element_Type => El_Type,
- Index_Type => Index_Type)));
- return Res;
- end New_Array_Type;
- function To_Tnode_Common is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Tnode_Subarray, Target => Tnode_Common);
- function New_Constrained_Array_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Length : Uns32)
- return O_Tnode
- is
- Res : O_Tnode;
- Size : Uns32;
- begin
- Size := Get_Type_Size (Get_Type_Array_Element (Atype));
- Tnodes.Append (Tnode_Common'(Kind => OT_Subarray,
- Mode => Mode_Blk,
- Align => Get_Type_Align (Atype),
- Deferred => False,
- Flag1 => False,
- Pad0 => (others => False),
- Size => Size * Length));
- Res := Tnodes.Last;
- Tnodes.Append (To_Tnode_Common (Tnode_Subarray'(Base_Type => Atype,
- Length => Length)));
- return Res;
- end New_Constrained_Array_Type;
- procedure Create_Completer (Atype : O_Tnode) is
- begin
- Tnodes.Append (Tnode_Common'(Kind => OT_Complete,
- Mode => Mode_Nil,
- Align => 0,
- Deferred => False,
- Flag1 => False,
- Pad0 => (others => False),
- Size => To_Uns32 (Int32 (Atype))));
- end Create_Completer;
- function Get_Type_Complete_Type (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode is
- begin
- return O_Tnode (To_Int32 (Tnodes.Table (Atype).Size));
- end Get_Type_Complete_Type;
- function To_Tnode_Common is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Tnode_Access, Target => Tnode_Common);
- function New_Access_Type (Dtype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode
- is
- Res : O_Tnode;
- begin
- Tnodes.Append (Tnode_Common'(Kind => OT_Access,
- Mode => Mode_P32,
- Align => Mode_Align (Mode_P32),
- Deferred => Dtype = O_Tnode_Null,
- Flag1 => False,
- Pad0 => (others => False),
- Size => 4));
- Res := Tnodes.Last;
- Tnodes.Append (To_Tnode_Common (Tnode_Access'(Dtype => Dtype,
- Pad => 0)));
- return Res;
- end New_Access_Type;
- procedure Finish_Access_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Dtype : O_Tnode) is
- begin
- if Get_Type_Access_Type (Atype) /= O_Tnode_Null then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Tnodes.Table (Atype + 1) :=
- To_Tnode_Common (Tnode_Access'(Dtype => Dtype,
- Pad => 0));
- if Flag_Type_Completer then
- Create_Completer (Atype);
- end if;
- end Finish_Access_Type;
- function To_Tnode_Common is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Tnode_Record, Target => Tnode_Common);
- function Create_Record_Type (Deferred : Boolean) return O_Tnode
- is
- Res : O_Tnode;
- begin
- Tnodes.Append (Tnode_Common'(Kind => OT_Record,
- Mode => Mode_Blk,
- Align => 0,
- Deferred => Deferred,
- Flag1 => False,
- Pad0 => (others => False),
- Size => 0));
- Res := Tnodes.Last;
- Tnodes.Append (To_Tnode_Common (Tnode_Record'(Fields => O_Fnode_Null,
- Nbr_Fields => 0)));
- return Res;
- end Create_Record_Type;
- procedure Start_Record_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List)
- is
- begin
- Elements := (Res => Create_Record_Type (False),
- First_Field => O_Fnode_Null,
- Last_Field => O_Fnode_Null,
- Off => 0,
- Align => 0,
- Nbr => 0);
- end Start_Record_Type;
- procedure New_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : out O_Tnode) is
- begin
- Res := Create_Record_Type (True);
- end New_Uncomplete_Record_Type;
- procedure Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : O_Tnode;
- Elements : out O_Element_List)
- is
- begin
- Elements := (Res => Res,
- First_Field => O_Fnode_Null,
- Last_Field => O_Fnode_Null,
- Off => 0,
- Align => 0,
- Nbr => 0);
- end Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type;
- function Get_Mode_Size (Mode : Mode_Type) return Uns32 is
- begin
- case Mode is
- when Mode_B2
- | Mode_U8
- | Mode_I8 =>
- return 1;
- when Mode_I16
- | Mode_U16 =>
- return 2;
- when Mode_I32
- | Mode_U32
- | Mode_P32
- | Mode_F32 =>
- return 4;
- when Mode_I64
- | Mode_U64
- | Mode_P64
- | Mode_F64 =>
- return 8;
- when Mode_X1
- | Mode_Nil
- | Mode_Blk =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Get_Mode_Size;
- function Do_Align (Off : Uns32; Atype : O_Tnode) return Uns32
- is
- Msk : constant Uns32 := Get_Type_Align_Bytes (Atype) - 1;
- begin
- -- Align.
- return (Off + Msk) and (not Msk);
- end Do_Align;
- function Do_Align (Off : Uns32; Mode : Mode_Type) return Uns32
- is
- Msk : constant Uns32 := (2 ** Mode_Align (Mode)) - 1;
- begin
- -- Align.
- return (Off + Msk) and (not Msk);
- end Do_Align;
- procedure New_Record_Field
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
- El : out O_Fnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Etype : O_Tnode)
- is
- begin
- Elements.Off := Do_Align (Elements.Off, Etype);
- Fnodes.Append (Field_Type'(Parent => Elements.Res,
- Ident => Ident,
- Ftype => Etype,
- Offset => Elements.Off,
- Next => O_Fnode_Null));
- El := Fnodes.Last;
- Elements.Off := Elements.Off + Get_Type_Size (Etype);
- if Get_Type_Align (Etype) > Elements.Align then
- Elements.Align := Get_Type_Align (Etype);
- end if;
- if Elements.Last_Field /= O_Fnode_Null then
- Fnodes.Table (Elements.Last_Field).Next := Fnodes.Last;
- else
- Elements.First_Field := Fnodes.Last;
- end if;
- Elements.Last_Field := Fnodes.Last;
- Elements.Nbr := Elements.Nbr + 1;
- end New_Record_Field;
- procedure Finish_Record_Type
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode)
- is
- begin
- Tnodes.Table (Elements.Res).Size := Do_Align (Elements.Off,
- Elements.Res);
- Tnodes.Table (Elements.Res).Align := Elements.Align;
- Tnodes.Table (Elements.Res + 1) := To_Tnode_Common
- (Tnode_Record'(Fields => Elements.First_Field,
- Nbr_Fields => Elements.Nbr));
- Res := Elements.Res;
- if Flag_Type_Completer
- and then Tnodes.Table (Elements.Res).Deferred
- then
- Create_Completer (Elements.Res);
- end if;
- end Finish_Record_Type;
- procedure Start_Union_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List)
- is
- begin
- Tnodes.Append (Tnode_Common'(Kind => OT_Union,
- Mode => Mode_Blk,
- Align => 0,
- Deferred => False,
- Flag1 => False,
- Pad0 => (others => False),
- Size => 0));
- Elements := (Res => Tnodes.Last,
- First_Field => O_Fnode_Null,
- Last_Field => O_Fnode_Null,
- Off => 0,
- Align => 0,
- Nbr => 0);
- Tnodes.Append (To_Tnode_Common (Tnode_Record'(Fields => O_Fnode_Null,
- Nbr_Fields => 0)));
- end Start_Union_Type;
- procedure New_Union_Field
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
- El : out O_Fnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Etype : O_Tnode)
- is
- Off : Uns32;
- begin
- Off := Elements.Off;
- Elements.Off := 0;
- New_Record_Field (Elements, El, Ident, Etype);
- if Off > Elements.Off then
- Elements.Off := Off;
- end if;
- end New_Union_Field;
- procedure Finish_Union_Type
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode)
- is
- begin
- Finish_Record_Type (Elements, Res);
- end Finish_Union_Type;
- function Get_Type_Array_Element (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode
- is
- Base : O_Tnode;
- begin
- case Get_Type_Kind (Atype) is
- when OT_Ucarray =>
- Base := Atype;
- when OT_Subarray =>
- Base := Get_Type_Subarray_Base (Atype);
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- return Get_Type_Ucarray_Element (Base);
- end Get_Type_Array_Element;
- procedure Debug_Type (Atype : O_Tnode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Debug.Int32_IO;
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- Kind : OT_Kind;
- begin
- Put (Int32 (Atype), 3);
- Put (" ");
- Kind := Get_Type_Kind (Atype);
- Put (OT_Kind'Image (Get_Type_Kind (Atype)));
- Put (" ");
- Put (Mode_Type'Image (Get_Type_Mode (Atype)));
- Put (" D=");
- Put (Boolean'Image (Get_Type_Deferred (Atype)));
- Put (" F1=");
- Put (Boolean'Image (Get_Type_Flag1 (Atype)));
- New_Line;
- case Kind is
- when OT_Boolean =>
- Put (" false: ");
- Put (Int32 (Get_Type_Bool_False (Atype)));
- Put (", true: ");
- Put (Int32 (Get_Type_Bool_True (Atype)));
- New_Line;
- when OT_Access =>
- Put (" acc_type: ");
- Put (Int32 (Get_Type_Access_Type (Atype)));
- New_Line;
- when OT_Record =>
- Put (" fields: ");
- Put (Int32 (Get_Type_Record_Fields (Atype)));
- Put (", nbr_fields: ");
- Put (To_Int32 (Get_Type_Record_Nbr_Fields (Atype)));
- New_Line;
- when OT_Subarray =>
- Put (" base type: ");
- Put (Int32 (Get_Type_Subarray_Base (Atype)));
- Put (", length: ");
- Put (To_Int32 (Get_Type_Subarray_Length (Atype)));
- New_Line;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- end Debug_Type;
- procedure Debug_Field (Field : O_Fnode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Debug.Int32_IO;
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- begin
- Put (Int32 (Field), 3);
- Put (" ");
- Put (" Offset=");
- Put (To_Int32 (Get_Field_Offset (Field)), 0);
- Put (", Ident=");
- Put (Ortho_Ident.Get_String (Get_Field_Ident (Field)));
- Put (", Type=");
- Put (Int32 (Get_Field_Type (Field)), 0);
- Put (", Chain=");
- Put (Int32 (Get_Field_Chain (Field)), 0);
- New_Line;
- end Debug_Field;
- function Get_Type_Limit return O_Tnode is
- begin
- return Tnodes.Last;
- end Get_Type_Limit;
- function Get_Type_Next (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode is
- begin
- case Tnodes.Table (Atype).Kind is
- when OT_Unsigned
- | OT_Signed
- | OT_Float =>
- return Atype + 1;
- when OT_Boolean
- | OT_Enum
- | OT_Ucarray
- | OT_Subarray
- | OT_Access
- | OT_Record
- | OT_Union =>
- return Atype + 2;
- when OT_Complete =>
- return Atype + 1;
- end case;
- end Get_Type_Next;
- function Get_Base_Type (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode
- is
- begin
- case Get_Type_Kind (Atype) is
- when OT_Subarray =>
- return Get_Type_Subarray_Base (Atype);
- when others =>
- return Atype;
- end case;
- end Get_Base_Type;
- procedure Mark (M : out Mark_Type) is
- begin
- M.Tnode := Tnodes.Last;
- M.Fnode := Fnodes.Last;
- end Mark;
- procedure Release (M : Mark_Type) is
- begin
- Tnodes.Set_Last (M.Tnode);
- Fnodes.Set_Last (M.Fnode);
- end Release;
- procedure Disp_Stats
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- begin
- Put_Line ("Number of Tnodes: " & O_Tnode'Image (Tnodes.Last));
- Put_Line ("Number of Fnodes: " & O_Fnode'Image (Fnodes.Last));
- end Disp_Stats;
- procedure Finish is
- begin
- Tnodes.Free;
- Fnodes.Free;
- end Finish;
-end Ortho_Code.Types;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-types.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-types.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index da6549841..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-types.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - type handling.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-package Ortho_Code.Types is
- type OT_Kind is (OT_Unsigned, OT_Signed, OT_Boolean, OT_Enum, OT_Float,
- OT_Ucarray, OT_Subarray, OT_Access,
- OT_Record, OT_Union,
- -- Type completion. Mark the completion of a type.
- -- Optionnal.
- OT_Complete);
- -- Kind of ATYPE.
- function Get_Type_Kind (Atype : O_Tnode) return OT_Kind;
- -- Number of bytes of type ATYPE.
- function Get_Type_Size (Atype : O_Tnode) return Uns32;
- -- Same as Get_Type_Size but for modes.
- -- Returns 0 in case of error.
- function Get_Mode_Size (Mode : Mode_Type) return Uns32;
- -- Alignment for ATYPE, in power of 2.
- subtype Small_Natural is Natural range 0 .. 3;
- type Mode_Align_Array is array (Mode_Type) of Small_Natural;
- function Get_Type_Align (Atype : O_Tnode) return Small_Natural;
- -- Alignment for ATYPE in bytes.
- function Get_Type_Align_Bytes (Atype : O_Tnode) return Uns32;
- -- Return true is the type was incomplete at creation.
- -- (it may - or not - have been completed later).
- function Get_Type_Deferred (Atype : O_Tnode) return Boolean;
- -- A back-end reserved flag.
- -- Initialized to False.
- function Get_Type_Flag1 (Atype : O_Tnode) return Boolean;
- procedure Set_Type_Flag1 (Atype : O_Tnode; Flag : Boolean);
- -- Align OFF on ATYPE.
- function Do_Align (Off : Uns32; Atype : O_Tnode) return Uns32;
- function Do_Align (Off : Uns32; Mode : Mode_Type) return Uns32;
- -- Get the mode for ATYPE.
- function Get_Type_Mode (Atype : O_Tnode) return Mode_Type;
- -- Get the type designated by access type ATYPE.
- function Get_Type_Access_Type (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode;
- -- Get the index type of array type ATYPE.
- function Get_Type_Ucarray_Index (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode;
- -- Get the element type of array type ATYPE.
- function Get_Type_Ucarray_Element (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode;
- -- Get the base type of array type ATYPE.
- function Get_Type_Subarray_Base (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode;
- -- Get number of element for array type ATYPE.
- function Get_Type_Subarray_Length (Atype : O_Tnode) return Uns32;
- -- Get the first field of record/union ATYPE.
- function Get_Type_Record_Fields (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Fnode;
- -- Get the number of fields of record/union ATYPE.
- function Get_Type_Record_Nbr_Fields (Atype : O_Tnode) return Uns32;
- -- Get the first literal of enum type ATYPE.
- function Get_Type_Enum_Lits (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
- -- Get the POS th literal of enum type ATYPE.
- -- The first is when POS = 0.
- function Get_Type_Enum_Lit (Atype : O_Tnode; Pos : Uns32) return O_Cnode;
- -- Get the number of literals of enum type ATYPE.
- function Get_Type_Enum_Nbr_Lits (Atype : O_Tnode) return Uns32;
- -- Get the false/true literal of boolean type ATYPE.
- function Get_Type_Bool_False (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
- function Get_Type_Bool_True (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
- -- Return the union/record type which contains FIELD.
- function Get_Field_Parent (Field : O_Fnode) return O_Tnode;
- -- Get the offset of FIELD in its record/union.
- function Get_Field_Offset (Field : O_Fnode) return Uns32;
- procedure Set_Field_Offset (Field : O_Fnode; Offset : Uns32);
- -- Get the type of FIELD.
- function Get_Field_Type (Field : O_Fnode) return O_Tnode;
- -- Get the name of FIELD.
- function Get_Field_Ident (Field : O_Fnode) return O_Ident;
- -- Get the next field.
- function Get_Field_Chain (Field : O_Fnode) return O_Fnode;
- -- Get the type that was completed.
- function Get_Type_Complete_Type (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode;
- -- Build a scalar type; size may be 8, 16, 32 or 64.
- function New_Unsigned_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode;
- function New_Signed_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode;
- -- Build a float type.
- function New_Float_Type return O_Tnode;
- -- Build a boolean type.
- procedure New_Boolean_Type (Res : out O_Tnode;
- False_Id : O_Ident;
- False_E : out O_Cnode;
- True_Id : O_Ident;
- True_E : out O_Cnode);
- -- Create an enumeration
- type O_Enum_List is limited private;
- -- Elements are declared in order, the first is ordered from 0.
- procedure Start_Enum_Type (List : out O_Enum_List; Size : Natural);
- procedure New_Enum_Literal (List : in out O_Enum_List;
- Ident : O_Ident; Res : out O_Cnode);
- procedure Finish_Enum_Type (List : in out O_Enum_List; Res : out O_Tnode);
- -- Build an access type.
- -- DTYPE may be O_tnode_null in order to build an incomplete access type.
- -- It is completed with finish_access_type.
- function New_Access_Type (Dtype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode;
- procedure Finish_Access_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Dtype : O_Tnode);
- -- Build an array type.
- -- The array is not constrained and unidimensional.
- function New_Array_Type (El_Type : O_Tnode; Index_Type : O_Tnode)
- return O_Tnode;
- -- Build a constrained array type.
- function New_Constrained_Array_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Length : Uns32)
- return O_Tnode;
- -- Return the base type of ATYPE: for a subarray this is the uc array,
- -- otherwise this is the type.
- function Get_Base_Type (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode;
- type O_Element_List is limited private;
- -- Build a record type.
- procedure Start_Record_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List);
- -- Add a field in the record; not constrained array are prohibited, since
- -- its size is unlimited.
- procedure New_Record_Field
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
- El : out O_Fnode;
- Ident : O_Ident; Etype : O_Tnode);
- -- Finish the record type.
- procedure Finish_Record_Type
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode);
- -- Build an uncomplete record type:
- -- First call NEW_UNCOMPLETE_RECORD_TYPE, which returns a record type.
- -- This type can be declared or used to define access types on it.
- -- Then, complete (if necessary) the record type, by calling
- procedure New_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : out O_Tnode);
- procedure Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : O_Tnode;
- Elements : out O_Element_List);
- -- Build an union type.
- procedure Start_Union_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List);
- procedure New_Union_Field
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
- El : out O_Fnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Etype : O_Tnode);
- procedure Finish_Union_Type
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode);
- -- Non-primitives.
- -- Type of an element of a ucarray or constrained array.
- function Get_Type_Array_Element (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode;
- -- Get a type number limit (an O_Tnode is a number).
- -- There is no type whose number is beyond this limit.
- -- Note: the limit may not be a type!
- function Get_Type_Limit return O_Tnode;
- -- Get the type which follows ATYPE.
- -- User has to check that the result is valid (ie not beyond limit).
- function Get_Type_Next (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode;
- procedure Disp_Stats;
- -- Free all the memory used.
- procedure Finish;
- type Mark_Type is limited private;
- procedure Mark (M : out Mark_Type);
- procedure Release (M : Mark_Type);
- procedure Debug_Type (Atype : O_Tnode);
- procedure Debug_Field (Field : O_Fnode);
- type O_Enum_List is record
- Res : O_Tnode;
- First : O_Cnode;
- Last : O_Cnode;
- Nbr : Uns32;
- end record;
- type O_Element_List is record
- Res : O_Tnode;
- Nbr : Uns32;
- Off : Uns32;
- Align : Small_Natural;
- First_Field : O_Fnode;
- Last_Field : O_Fnode;
- end record;
- type Mark_Type is record
- Tnode : O_Tnode;
- Fnode : O_Fnode;
- end record;
-end Ortho_Code.Types;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-abi.adb b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-abi.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index bb06d51d4..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-abi.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,762 +0,0 @@
--- X86 ABI definitions.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ortho_Code.Decls; use Ortho_Code.Decls;
-with Ortho_Code.Exprs; use Ortho_Code.Exprs;
-with Ortho_Code.Consts;
-with Ortho_Code.Debug;
-with Ortho_Code.Disps;
-with Ortho_Code.Flags;
-with Ortho_Code.Dwarf;
-with Ortho_Code.X86; use Ortho_Code.X86;
-with Ortho_Code.X86.Insns;
-with Ortho_Code.X86.Emits;
-with Ortho_Code.X86.Flags;
-with Binary_File;
-with Binary_File.Memory;
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-package body Ortho_Code.X86.Abi is
- procedure Start_Subprogram (Subprg : O_Dnode; Abi : out O_Abi_Subprg)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Subprg);
- begin
- -- First argument is at %ebp + 8
- Abi.Offset := 8;
- end Start_Subprogram;
- procedure New_Interface (Inter : O_Dnode; Abi : in out O_Abi_Subprg)
- is
- Itype : O_Tnode;
- Size : Uns32;
- begin
- Itype := Get_Decl_Type (Inter);
- Size := Get_Type_Size (Itype);
- Size := (Size + 3) and not 3;
- Set_Local_Offset (Inter, Abi.Offset);
- Abi.Offset := Abi.Offset + Int32 (Size);
- end New_Interface;
- procedure Finish_Subprogram (Subprg : O_Dnode; Abi : in out O_Abi_Subprg)
- is
- use Binary_File;
- function To_Int32 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Symbol, Target => Int32);
- begin
- Set_Decl_Info (Subprg,
- To_Int32 (Create_Symbol (Get_Decl_Ident (Subprg))));
- -- Offset is 8 biased.
- Set_Subprg_Stack (Subprg, Abi.Offset - 8);
- end Finish_Subprogram;
- procedure Link_Stmt (Stmt : O_Enode) is
- begin
- Set_Stmt_Link (Last_Link, Stmt);
- Last_Link := Stmt;
- end Link_Stmt;
- procedure Disp_Subprg (Subprg : O_Dnode);
- Exprs_Mark : Exprs.Mark_Type;
- Decls_Mark : Decls.Mark_Type;
- Consts_Mark : Consts.Mark_Type;
- Types_Mark : Types.Mark_Type;
- Dwarf_Mark : Dwarf.Mark_Type;
- procedure Start_Body (Subprg : O_Dnode)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Subprg);
- begin
- if not Debug.Flag_Debug_Keep then
- Mark (Exprs_Mark);
- Mark (Decls_Mark);
- Consts.Mark (Consts_Mark);
- Mark (Types_Mark);
- end if;
- end Start_Body;
- procedure Finish_Body (Subprg : Subprogram_Data_Acc)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Flags;
- Child : Subprogram_Data_Acc;
- begin
- if Debug.Flag_Debug_Hli then
- Disps.Disp_Subprg (Subprg);
- return;
- end if;
- Insns.Gen_Subprg_Insns (Subprg);
- if Ortho_Code.Debug.Flag_Debug_Body2 then
- Disp_Subprg_Body (1, Subprg.E_Entry);
- end if;
- if Ortho_Code.Debug.Flag_Debug_Code then
- Disp_Subprg (Subprg.D_Body);
- end if;
- Emits.Emit_Subprg (Subprg);
- if Get_Decl_Depth (Subprg.D_Decl) = O_Toplevel
- and then Flag_Debug = Debug_Dwarf
- then
- Dwarf.Emit_Decls_Until (Subprg.D_Body);
- if not Debug.Flag_Debug_Keep then
- Dwarf.Mark (Dwarf_Mark);
- end if;
- end if;
- -- Recurse on nested subprograms.
- Child := Subprg.First_Child;
- while Child /= null loop
- Finish_Body (Child);
- Child := Child.Brother;
- end loop;
- if Get_Decl_Depth (Subprg.D_Decl) = O_Toplevel then
- if Flag_Debug = Debug_Dwarf then
- Dwarf.Emit_Subprg (Subprg.D_Body);
- end if;
- if not Debug.Flag_Debug_Keep then
- Release (Exprs_Mark);
- Release (Decls_Mark);
- Consts.Release (Consts_Mark);
- Release (Types_Mark);
- Dwarf.Release (Dwarf_Mark);
- end if;
- end if;
- end Finish_Body;
- procedure Expand_Const_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode) is
- begin
- Emits.Emit_Const_Decl (Decl);
- end Expand_Const_Decl;
- procedure Expand_Var_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode) is
- begin
- Emits.Emit_Var_Decl (Decl);
- end Expand_Var_Decl;
- procedure Expand_Const_Value (Decl : O_Dnode; Val : O_Cnode) is
- begin
- Emits.Emit_Const_Value (Decl, Val);
- end Expand_Const_Value;
- procedure Disp_Label (Label : O_Enode)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- use Ortho_Code.Debug.Int32_IO;
- begin
- Put ("L");
- Put (Int32 (Label), 0);
- end Disp_Label;
- procedure Disp_Reg (Reg : O_Enode)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- use Ortho_Code.Debug.Int32_IO;
- begin
- Put ("reg_");
- Put (Int32 (Reg), 0);
- Put ("{");
- Put (Image_Reg (Get_Expr_Reg (Reg)));
- Put ("}");
- end Disp_Reg;
- procedure Disp_Local (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- use Ortho_Code.Debug.Int32_IO;
- Obj : constant O_Dnode := Get_Addr_Object (Stmt);
- Frame : constant O_Enode := Get_Addrl_Frame (Stmt);
- begin
- if Frame = O_Enode_Null then
- Put ("fp");
- else
- Disp_Reg (Frame);
- end if;
- Put (",");
- Put (Get_Local_Offset (Obj), 0);
- Put (" {");
- Disp_Decl_Name (Obj);
- Put ("}");
- end Disp_Local;
- procedure Disp_Uns32 (Val : Uns32)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- U2c : constant array (Uns32 range 0 .. 15) of Character
- := "0123456789abcdef";
- V : Uns32 := Val;
- begin
- for I in 0 .. 7 loop
- Put (U2c (Shift_Right (V, 28)));
- V := Shift_Left (V, 4);
- end loop;
- end Disp_Uns32;
- procedure Disp_Const (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- begin
- Put ("[");
- case Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt) is
- when Mode_U64
- | Mode_I64
- | Mode_F64 =>
- Disp_Uns32 (Get_Expr_High (Stmt));
- Put (",");
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- Disp_Uns32 (Get_Expr_Low (Stmt));
- Put ("]");
- end Disp_Const;
- procedure Disp_Irm_Code (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Debug.Int32_IO;
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- Reg : O_Reg;
- Kind : OE_Kind;
- begin
- Reg := Get_Expr_Reg (Stmt);
- Kind := Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt);
- case Reg is
- when R_Mem =>
- case Kind is
- when OE_Indir =>
- Put ('(');
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- Put (')');
--- when OE_Lit =>
--- Put ("(&n)");
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- when R_Imm =>
- case Kind is
- when OE_Const =>
- Disp_Const (Stmt);
- when OE_Addrg =>
- Put ("&");
- Disp_Decl_Name (Get_Addr_Object (Stmt));
- when OE_Add =>
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Left (Stmt));
- Put ("+");
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Right (Stmt));
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- when Regs_R32
- | R_Any32
- | R_Any8
- | Regs_R64
- | R_Any64
- | Regs_Cc
- | Regs_Fp
- | Regs_Xmm =>
- Disp_Reg (Stmt);
- when R_Spill =>
- Disp_Reg (Stmt);
- --Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Stmt_Link (Stmt));
- when R_B_Off
- | R_I_Off
- | R_B_I
- | R_Sib =>
- case Kind is
- when OE_Addrl =>
- Disp_Local (Stmt);
- when OE_Add =>
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Left (Stmt));
- Put (" + ");
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Right (Stmt));
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- when R_I =>
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Left (Stmt));
- Put (" * ");
- case Get_Expr_Low (Get_Expr_Right (Stmt)) is
- when 0 =>
- Put ('1');
- when 1 =>
- Put ('2');
- when 2 =>
- Put ('4');
- when 3 =>
- Put ('8');
- when others =>
- Put ('?');
- end case;
- when others =>
- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line
- ("abi.disp_irm_code: unhandled reg=" & Image_Reg (Reg)
- & ", stmt=" & O_Enode'Image (Stmt));
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Disp_Irm_Code;
- procedure Disp_Decls (Block : O_Dnode)
- is
- Decl : O_Dnode;
- Last : O_Dnode;
- begin
- Last := Get_Block_Last (Block);
- Disp_Decl (2, Block);
- Decl := Block + 1;
- while Decl <= Last loop
- case Get_Decl_Kind (Decl) is
- when OD_Local =>
- Disp_Decl (2, Decl);
- when OD_Block =>
- -- Skip internal blocks.
- Decl := Get_Block_Last (Decl);
- when others =>
- Disp_Decl (2, Decl);
- null;
- end case;
- Decl := Decl + 1;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Decls;
- procedure Disp_Stmt (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- use Debug.Int32_IO;
- Kind : OE_Kind;
- Mode : Mode_Type;
- procedure Disp_Op_Name (Name : String) is
- begin
- Put (Name);
- Put (":");
- Debug.Disp_Mode (Mode);
- Put (" ");
- end Disp_Op_Name;
- procedure Disp_Reg_Op_Name (Name : String) is
- begin
- Put (" ");
- Disp_Reg (Stmt);
- Put (" = ");
- Disp_Op_Name (Name);
- end Disp_Reg_Op_Name;
- begin
- Kind := Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt);
- Mode := Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt);
- case Kind is
- when OE_Beg =>
- Put (" # block start");
- if Get_Block_Has_Alloca (Stmt) then
- Put (" [alloca]");
- end if;
- New_Line;
- Disp_Decls (Get_Block_Decls (Stmt));
- when OE_End =>
- Put_Line (" # block end");
- when OE_Indir =>
- Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("indir");
- Put ("(");
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- Put_Line (")");
- when OE_Alloca =>
- Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("alloca");
- Put ("(");
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- Put_Line (")");
- when OE_Kind_Cmp
- | OE_Kind_Dyadic =>
- Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("op");
- Put ("{");
- Put (OE_Kind'Image (Kind));
- Put ("} ");
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Left (Stmt));
- Put (", ");
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Right (Stmt));
- New_Line;
- when OE_Abs_Ov
- | OE_Neg_Ov
- | OE_Not =>
- Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("op");
- Put ("{");
- Put (OE_Kind'Image (Kind));
- Put ("} ");
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- New_Line;
- when OE_Const =>
- Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("const");
- Disp_Const (Stmt);
- New_Line;
- when OE_Jump_F =>
- Put (" jump_f ");
- Disp_Reg (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- Put (" ");
- Disp_Label (Get_Jump_Label (Stmt));
- New_Line;
- when OE_Jump_T =>
- Put (" jump_t ");
- Disp_Reg (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- Put (" ");
- Disp_Label (Get_Jump_Label (Stmt));
- New_Line;
- when OE_Jump =>
- Put (" jump ");
- Disp_Label (Get_Jump_Label (Stmt));
- New_Line;
- when OE_Label =>
- Disp_Label (Stmt);
- Put_Line (":");
- when OE_Asgn =>
- Put (" assign:");
- Debug.Disp_Mode (Mode);
- Put (" (");
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Assign_Target (Stmt));
- Put (") <- ");
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- New_Line;
- when OE_Set_Stack =>
- Put (" set_stack");
- Put (" <- ");
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- New_Line;
- when OE_Spill =>
- Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("spill");
- Disp_Reg (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- Put (", offset=");
- Put (Int32'Image (Get_Spill_Info (Stmt)));
- New_Line;
- when OE_Reload =>
- Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("reload");
- Disp_Reg (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- New_Line;
- when OE_Arg =>
- Put (" push ");
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- New_Line;
- when OE_Call =>
- if Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt) /= Mode_Nil then
- Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("call");
- else
- Put (" ");
- Disp_Op_Name ("call");
- Put (" ");
- end if;
- Disp_Decl_Name (Get_Call_Subprg (Stmt));
- New_Line;
- when OE_Stack_Adjust =>
- Put (" stack_adjust: ");
- Put (Int32'Image (Get_Stack_Adjust (Stmt)));
- New_Line;
- when OE_Intrinsic =>
- Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("intrinsic");
- --Disp_Decl_Name (Get_Call_Subprg (Stmt));
- New_Line;
- when OE_Conv =>
- Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("conv");
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- New_Line;
- when OE_Move =>
- Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("move");
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- New_Line;
- when OE_Ret =>
- Put (" ret");
- if Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt) /= Mode_Nil then
- Put (" ");
- Disp_Reg (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- end if;
- New_Line;
- when OE_Case =>
- Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("case");
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- New_Line;
- when OE_Case_Expr =>
- Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("case_expr");
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- New_Line;
- when OE_Leave =>
- Put_Line ("leave");
- when OE_Entry =>
- Put_Line ("entry");
- when OE_Line =>
- Put (" # line #");
- Put (Get_Expr_Line_Number (Stmt), 0);
- New_Line;
- when OE_Addrl =>
- Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("lea{addrl}");
- Put ("(");
- Disp_Local (Stmt);
- Put (")");
- New_Line;
- when OE_Addrg =>
- Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("lea{addrg}");
- Put ("&");
- Disp_Decl_Name (Get_Addr_Object (Stmt));
- New_Line;
- when OE_Add =>
- Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("lea{add}");
- Put ("(");
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Left (Stmt));
- Put (" + ");
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Right (Stmt));
- Put (")");
- New_Line;
- when OE_Mul =>
- Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("mul");
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Left (Stmt));
- Put (", ");
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Right (Stmt));
- New_Line;
- when OE_Shl =>
- Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("shl");
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Left (Stmt));
- Put (", ");
- Disp_Irm_Code (Get_Expr_Right (Stmt));
- New_Line;
- when OE_Reg =>
- Disp_Reg_Op_Name ("reg");
- New_Line;
- when others =>
- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line
- ("abi.disp_stmt: unhandled enode " & OE_Kind'Image (Kind));
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Disp_Stmt;
- procedure Disp_Subprg_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- Arg : O_Dnode;
- begin
- Put ("subprogram ");
- Disp_Decl_Name (Decl);
- Put_Line (":");
- Arg := Decl + 1;
- while Get_Decl_Kind (Arg) = OD_Interface loop
- Disp_Decl (2, Arg);
- Arg := Arg + 1;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Subprg_Decl;
- procedure Disp_Subprg (Subprg : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- Stmt : O_Enode;
- begin
- Disp_Subprg_Decl (Get_Body_Decl (Subprg));
- Stmt := Get_Body_Stmt (Subprg);
- loop
- exit when Stmt = O_Enode_Null;
- Disp_Stmt (Stmt);
- exit when Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt) = OE_Leave;
- Stmt := Get_Stmt_Link (Stmt);
- end loop;
- end Disp_Subprg;
- procedure New_Debug_Filename_Decl (Filename : String)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Flags;
- begin
- if Flag_Debug = Debug_Dwarf then
- Dwarf.Set_Filename ("", Filename);
- end if;
- end New_Debug_Filename_Decl;
- procedure Init
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Debug;
- begin
- -- Alignment of doubles is platform dependent.
- Mode_Align (Mode_F64) := X86.Flags.Mode_F64_Align;
- if Flag_Debug_Hli then
- Disps.Init;
- else
- Emits.Init;
- end if;
- end Init;
- procedure Finish
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Debug;
- begin
- if Flag_Debug_Hli then
- Disps.Finish;
- else
- Emits.Finish;
- end if;
- end Finish;
--- function Image_Insn (Insn : O_Insn) return String is
--- begin
--- case Insn is
--- when Insn_Nil =>
--- return "nil";
--- when Insn_Imm =>
--- return "imm";
--- when Insn_Base_Off =>
--- return "B+O";
--- when Insn_Loadm =>
--- return "ldm";
--- when Insn_Loadi =>
--- return "ldi";
--- when Insn_Mem =>
--- return "mem";
--- when Insn_Cmp =>
--- return "cmp";
--- when Insn_Op =>
--- return "op ";
--- when Insn_Rop =>
--- return "rop";
--- when Insn_Call =>
--- return "cal";
--- when others =>
--- return "???";
--- end case;
--- end Image_Insn;
- function Image_Reg (Reg : O_Reg) return String is
- begin
- case Reg is
- when R_Nil =>
- return "nil ";
- when R_None =>
- return " -- ";
- when R_Spill =>
- return "spil";
- when R_Mem =>
- return "mem ";
- when R_Imm =>
- return "imm ";
- when R_Irm =>
- return "irm ";
- when R_Rm =>
- return "rm ";
- when R_Sib =>
- return "sib ";
- when R_B_Off =>
- return "b+o ";
- when R_B_I =>
- return "b+i ";
- when R_I =>
- return "s*i ";
- when R_Ir =>
- return " ir ";
- when R_I_Off =>
- return "i+o ";
- when R_Any32 =>
- return "r32 ";
- when R_Any_Cc =>
- return "cc ";
- when R_Any8 =>
- return "r8 ";
- when R_Any64 =>
- return "r64 ";
- when R_St0 =>
- return "st0 ";
- when R_Ax =>
- return "ax ";
- when R_Dx =>
- return "dx ";
- when R_Cx =>
- return "cx ";
- when R_Bx =>
- return "bx ";
- when R_Si =>
- return "si ";
- when R_Di =>
- return "di ";
- when R_Sp =>
- return "sp ";
- when R_Bp =>
- return "bp ";
- when R_Edx_Eax =>
- return "dxax";
- when R_Ebx_Ecx =>
- return "bxcx";
- when R_Esi_Edi =>
- return "sidi";
- when R_Eq =>
- return "eq? ";
- when R_Ne =>
- return "ne? ";
- when R_Uge =>
- return "uge?";
- when R_Sge =>
- return "sge?";
- when R_Ugt =>
- return "ugt?";
- when R_Sgt =>
- return "sgt?";
- when R_Ule =>
- return "ule?";
- when R_Sle =>
- return "sle?";
- when R_Ult =>
- return "ult?";
- when R_Slt =>
- return "slt?";
- when R_Xmm0 =>
- return "xmm0";
- when R_Xmm1 =>
- return "xmm1";
- when R_Xmm2 =>
- return "xmm2";
- when R_Xmm3 =>
- return "xmm3";
- when others =>
- return "????";
- end case;
- end Image_Reg;
- -- From GCC.
- -- FIXME: these don't handle overflow!
- function Divdi3 (A, B : Long_Integer) return Long_Integer;
- pragma Import (C, Divdi3, "__divdi3");
- function Muldi3 (A, B : Long_Integer) return Long_Integer;
- pragma Import (C, Muldi3, "__muldi3");
- procedure Chkstk (Sz : Integer);
- pragma Import (C, Chkstk, "__chkstk");
- procedure Link_Intrinsics
- is
- begin
- Binary_File.Memory.Set_Symbol_Address
- (Ortho_Code.X86.Emits.Intrinsics_Symbol
- (Ortho_Code.X86.Intrinsic_Mul_Ov_I64),
- Muldi3'Address);
- Binary_File.Memory.Set_Symbol_Address
- (Ortho_Code.X86.Emits.Intrinsics_Symbol
- (Ortho_Code.X86.Intrinsic_Div_Ov_I64),
- Divdi3'Address);
- if X86.Flags.Flag_Alloca_Call then
- Binary_File.Memory.Set_Symbol_Address
- (Ortho_Code.X86.Emits.Chkstk_Symbol, Chkstk'Address);
- end if;
- end Link_Intrinsics;
-end Ortho_Code.X86.Abi;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-abi.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-abi.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b166dad8..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-abi.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
--- X86 ABI definitions.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ortho_Code.Types; use Ortho_Code.Types;
-package Ortho_Code.X86.Abi is
- type O_Abi_Subprg is private;
- procedure Init;
- procedure Finish;
- Mode_Align : Mode_Align_Array :=
- (Mode_U8 | Mode_I8 => 0,
- Mode_U16 | Mode_I16 => 1,
- Mode_U32 | Mode_I32 | Mode_F32 | Mode_P32 => 2,
- Mode_U64 | Mode_I64 => 2,
- Mode_F64 => 2, -- 2 for SVR4-ABI and Darwin, 3 for Windows.
- Mode_Blk | Mode_X1 | Mode_Nil | Mode_P64 => 0,
- Mode_B2 => 0);
- Mode_Ptr : constant Mode_Type := Mode_P32;
- Flag_Type_Completer : constant Boolean := False;
- Flag_Lower_Stmt : constant Boolean := True;
- Flag_Sse2 : Boolean := False;
- -- Procedures to layout a subprogram declaration.
- procedure Start_Subprogram (Subprg : O_Dnode; Abi : out O_Abi_Subprg);
- procedure New_Interface (Inter : O_Dnode; Abi : in out O_Abi_Subprg);
- procedure Finish_Subprogram (Subprg : O_Dnode; Abi : in out O_Abi_Subprg);
- -- Only called for top-level subprograms.
- procedure Start_Body (Subprg : O_Dnode);
- -- Finish compilation of a body.
- procedure Finish_Body (Subprg : Subprogram_Data_Acc);
- procedure Expand_Const_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode);
- procedure Expand_Var_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode);
- procedure Expand_Const_Value (Decl : O_Dnode; Val : O_Cnode);
- procedure New_Debug_Filename_Decl (Filename : String);
- Last_Link : O_Enode;
- procedure Link_Stmt (Stmt : O_Enode);
- -- Disp SUBPRG (subprg declaration) as a declaration (name and interfaces).
- procedure Disp_Subprg_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode);
- procedure Disp_Stmt (Stmt : O_Enode);
- --function Image_Insn (Insn : O_Insn) return String;
- function Image_Reg (Reg : O_Reg) return String;
- -- Link in memory intrinsics symbols.
- procedure Link_Intrinsics;
- type O_Abi_Subprg is record
- -- For x86: offset of the next argument.
- Offset : Int32 := 0;
- end record;
-end Ortho_Code.X86.Abi;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-emits.adb b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-emits.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index ad1ef559b..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-emits.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2322 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - Binary X86 instructions generator.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ortho_Code.Abi;
-with Ortho_Code.Decls;
-with Ortho_Code.Types;
-with Ortho_Code.Consts;
-with Ortho_Code.Debug;
-with Ortho_Code.X86.Insns;
-with Ortho_Code.X86.Flags;
-with Ortho_Code.Flags;
-with Ortho_Code.Dwarf;
-with Ortho_Code.Binary; use Ortho_Code.Binary;
-with Ortho_Ident;
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-package body Ortho_Code.X86.Emits is
- type Insn_Size is (Sz_8, Sz_16, Sz_32l, Sz_32h);
- type Fp_Size is (Fp_32, Fp_64);
- Sect_Text : Binary_File.Section_Acc;
- Sect_Rodata : Binary_File.Section_Acc;
- Sect_Bss : Binary_File.Section_Acc;
- Reg_Helper : O_Reg;
- Subprg_Pc : Pc_Type;
- procedure Error_Emit (Msg : String; Insn : O_Enode)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- begin
- Put ("error_emit: ");
- Put (Msg);
- Put (", insn=");
- Put (O_Enode'Image (Insn));
- Put (" (");
- Put (OE_Kind'Image (Get_Expr_Kind (Insn)));
- Put (")");
- New_Line;
- raise Program_Error;
- end Error_Emit;
- procedure Gen_Insn_Sz (B : Byte; Sz : Insn_Size) is
- begin
- case Sz is
- when Sz_8 =>
- Gen_B8 (B);
- when Sz_16 =>
- Gen_B8 (16#66#);
- Gen_B8 (B + 1);
- when Sz_32l
- | Sz_32h =>
- Gen_B8 (B + 1);
- end case;
- end Gen_Insn_Sz;
- procedure Gen_Insn_Sz_S8 (B : Byte; Sz : Insn_Size) is
- begin
- case Sz is
- when Sz_8 =>
- Gen_B8 (B);
- when Sz_16 =>
- Gen_B8 (16#66#);
- Gen_B8 (B + 3);
- when Sz_32l
- | Sz_32h =>
- Gen_B8 (B + 3);
- end case;
- end Gen_Insn_Sz_S8;
- function Get_Const_Val (C : O_Enode; Sz : Insn_Size) return Uns32 is
- begin
- case Sz is
- when Sz_8
- | Sz_16
- | Sz_32l =>
- return Get_Expr_Low (C);
- when Sz_32h =>
- return Get_Expr_High (C);
- end case;
- end Get_Const_Val;
- function Is_Imm8 (N : O_Enode; Sz : Insn_Size) return Boolean is
- begin
- if Get_Expr_Kind (N) /= OE_Const then
- return False;
- end if;
- return Get_Const_Val (N, Sz) <= 127;
- end Is_Imm8;
- procedure Gen_Imm8 (N : O_Enode; Sz : Insn_Size) is
- begin
- Gen_B8 (Byte (Get_Const_Val (N, Sz)));
- end Gen_Imm8;
--- procedure Gen_Imm32 (N : O_Enode; Sz : Insn_Size)
--- is
--- use Interfaces;
--- begin
--- case Get_Expr_Kind (N) is
--- when OE_Const =>
--- Gen_Le32 (Unsigned_32 (Get_Const_Val (N, Sz)));
--- when OE_Addrg =>
--- Gen_X86_32 (Get_Decl_Symbol (Get_Addr_Object (N)), 0);
--- when others =>
--- raise Program_Error;
--- end case;
--- end Gen_Imm32;
- procedure Gen_Imm (N : O_Enode; Sz : Insn_Size) is
- begin
- case Get_Expr_Kind (N) is
- when OE_Const =>
- case Sz is
- when Sz_8 =>
- Gen_B8 (Byte (Get_Expr_Low (N) and 16#FF#));
- when Sz_16 =>
- Gen_Le16 (Unsigned_32 (Get_Expr_Low (N) and 16#FF_FF#));
- when Sz_32l =>
- Gen_Le32 (Unsigned_32 (Get_Expr_Low (N)));
- when Sz_32h =>
- Gen_Le32 (Unsigned_32 (Get_Expr_High (N)));
- end case;
- when OE_Addrg =>
- if Sz /= Sz_32l then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Gen_X86_32 (Get_Decl_Symbol (Get_Addr_Object (N)), 0);
- when OE_Add =>
- declare
- P : O_Enode;
- L, R : O_Enode;
- S, C : O_Enode;
- Off : Int32;
- begin
- Off := 0;
- P := N;
- if Sz /= Sz_32l then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- loop
- L := Get_Expr_Left (P);
- R := Get_Expr_Right (P);
- -- Extract the const node.
- if Get_Expr_Kind (R) = OE_Const then
- S := L;
- C := R;
- elsif Get_Expr_Kind (L) = OE_Const then
- S := R;
- C := L;
- else
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- if Get_Expr_Mode (C) /= Mode_U32 then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Off := Off + To_Int32 (Get_Expr_Low (C));
- exit when Get_Expr_Kind (S) = OE_Addrg;
- P := S;
- if Get_Expr_Kind (P) /= OE_Add then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Gen_X86_32 (Get_Decl_Symbol (Get_Addr_Object (S)),
- Integer_32 (Off));
- end;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Gen_Imm;
- Rm_Base : O_Reg;
- Rm_Index : O_Reg;
- Rm_Offset : Int32;
- Rm_Sym : Symbol;
- Rm_Scale : Byte;
- procedure Fill_Sib (N : O_Enode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Decls;
- Reg : O_Reg;
- begin
- Reg := Get_Expr_Reg (N);
- if Reg in Regs_R32 then
- if Rm_Base = R_Nil then
- Rm_Base := Reg;
- elsif Rm_Index = R_Nil then
- Rm_Index := Reg;
- else
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- return;
- end if;
- case Get_Expr_Kind (N) is
- when OE_Indir =>
- Fill_Sib (Get_Expr_Operand (N));
- when OE_Addrl =>
- declare
- Frame : O_Enode;
- begin
- Frame := Get_Addrl_Frame (N);
- if Frame = O_Enode_Null then
- Rm_Base := R_Bp;
- else
- Rm_Base := Get_Expr_Reg (Frame);
- end if;
- end;
- Rm_Offset := Rm_Offset + Get_Local_Offset (Get_Addr_Object (N));
- when OE_Addrg =>
- if Rm_Sym /= Null_Symbol then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Rm_Sym := Get_Decl_Symbol (Get_Addr_Object (N));
- when OE_Add =>
- Fill_Sib (Get_Expr_Left (N));
- Fill_Sib (Get_Expr_Right (N));
- when OE_Const =>
- Rm_Offset := Rm_Offset + To_Int32 (Get_Expr_Low (N));
- when OE_Shl =>
- if Rm_Index /= R_Nil then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Rm_Index := Get_Expr_Reg (Get_Expr_Left (N));
- Rm_Scale := Byte (Get_Expr_Low (Get_Expr_Right (N)));
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("fill_sib", N);
- end case;
- end Fill_Sib;
- function To_Reg32 (R : O_Reg) return Byte is
- begin
- return O_Reg'Pos (R) - O_Reg'Pos (R_Ax);
- end To_Reg32;
- pragma Inline (To_Reg32);
- function To_Reg_Xmm (R : O_Reg) return Byte is
- begin
- return O_Reg'Pos (R) - O_Reg'Pos (R_Xmm0);
- end To_Reg_Xmm;
- pragma Inline (To_Reg_Xmm);
- function To_Reg32 (R : O_Reg; Sz : Insn_Size) return Byte is
- begin
- case Sz is
- when Sz_8 =>
- if R in Regs_R8 then
- return O_Reg'Pos (R) - O_Reg'Pos (R_Ax);
- else
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- when Sz_16 =>
- if R in Regs_R32 then
- return O_Reg'Pos (R) - O_Reg'Pos (R_Ax);
- else
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- when Sz_32l =>
- case R is
- when Regs_R32 =>
- return O_Reg'Pos (R) - O_Reg'Pos (R_Ax);
- when R_Edx_Eax =>
- return 2#000#;
- when R_Ebx_Ecx =>
- return 2#001#;
- when R_Esi_Edi =>
- return 2#111#;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- when Sz_32h =>
- case R is
- when R_Edx_Eax =>
- return 2#010#;
- when R_Ebx_Ecx =>
- return 2#011#;
- when R_Esi_Edi =>
- return 2#110#;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end case;
- end To_Reg32;
- function To_Cond (R : O_Reg) return Byte is
- begin
- return O_Reg'Pos (R) - O_Reg'Pos (R_Ov);
- end To_Cond;
- pragma Inline (To_Cond);
- procedure Gen_Sib is
- begin
- if Rm_Base = R_Nil then
- Gen_B8 (Rm_Scale * 2#1_000_000#
- + To_Reg32 (Rm_Index) * 2#1_000#
- + 2#101#);
- else
- Gen_B8 (Rm_Scale * 2#1_000_000#
- + To_Reg32 (Rm_Index) * 2#1_000#
- + To_Reg32 (Rm_Base));
- end if;
- end Gen_Sib;
- -- Generate an R/M (+ SIB) byte.
- -- R is added to the R/M byte.
- procedure Gen_Rm_Mem (R : Byte; N : O_Enode; Sz : Insn_Size)
- is
- Reg : O_Reg;
- begin
- Reg := Get_Expr_Reg (N);
- Rm_Base := R_Nil;
- Rm_Index := R_Nil;
- if Sz = Sz_32h then
- Rm_Offset := 4;
- else
- Rm_Offset := 0;
- end if;
- Rm_Scale := 0;
- Rm_Sym := Null_Symbol;
- case Reg is
- when R_Mem
- | R_Imm
- | R_Eq
- | R_B_Off
- | R_B_I
- | R_I_Off
- | R_Sib =>
- Fill_Sib (N);
- when Regs_R32 =>
- Rm_Base := Reg;
- when R_Spill =>
- Rm_Base := R_Bp;
- Rm_Offset := Rm_Offset + Get_Spill_Info (N);
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("gen_rm_mem: unhandled reg", N);
- end case;
- if Rm_Index /= R_Nil then
- -- SIB.
- if Rm_Base = R_Nil then
- Gen_B8 (2#00_000_100# + R);
- Rm_Base := R_Bp;
- Gen_Sib;
- Gen_X86_32 (Rm_Sym, Integer_32 (Rm_Offset));
- elsif Rm_Sym = Null_Symbol and Rm_Offset = 0 and Rm_Base /= R_Bp then
- Gen_B8 (2#00_000_100# + R);
- Gen_Sib;
- elsif Rm_Sym = Null_Symbol and Rm_Offset <= 127 and Rm_Offset >= -128
- then
- Gen_B8 (2#01_000_100# + R);
- Gen_Sib;
- Gen_B8 (Byte (To_Uns32 (Rm_Offset) and 16#Ff#));
- else
- Gen_B8 (2#10_000_100# + R);
- Gen_Sib;
- Gen_X86_32 (Rm_Sym, Integer_32 (Rm_Offset));
- end if;
- return;
- end if;
- case Rm_Base is
- when R_Sp =>
- raise Program_Error;
- when R_Nil =>
- Gen_B8 (2#00_000_101# + R);
- Gen_X86_32 (Rm_Sym, Integer_32 (Rm_Offset));
- when R_Ax
- | R_Bx
- | R_Cx
- | R_Dx
- | R_Bp
- | R_Si
- | R_Di =>
- if Rm_Offset = 0 and Rm_Sym = Null_Symbol and Rm_Base /= R_Bp then
- Gen_B8 (2#00_000_000# + R + To_Reg32 (Rm_Base));
- elsif Rm_Sym = Null_Symbol
- and Rm_Offset <= 127 and Rm_Offset >= -128
- then
- Gen_B8 (2#01_000_000# + R + To_Reg32 (Rm_Base));
- Gen_B8 (Byte (To_Uns32 (Rm_Offset) and 16#Ff#));
- else
- Gen_B8 (2#10_000_000# + R + To_Reg32 (Rm_Base));
- Gen_X86_32 (Rm_Sym, Integer_32 (Rm_Offset));
- end if;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Gen_Rm_Mem;
- procedure Gen_Rm (R : Byte; N : O_Enode; Sz : Insn_Size)
- is
- Reg : O_Reg;
- begin
- Reg := Get_Expr_Reg (N);
- if Reg in Regs_R32 or Reg in Regs_R64 then
- Gen_B8 (2#11_000_000# + R + To_Reg32 (Reg, Sz));
- return;
- else
- Gen_Rm_Mem (R, N, Sz);
- end if;
- end Gen_Rm;
- procedure Emit_Op (Op : Byte; Stmt : O_Enode; Sz : Insn_Size)
- is
- L, R : O_Enode;
- Lr, Rr : O_Reg;
- begin
- L := Get_Expr_Left (Stmt);
- R := Get_Expr_Right (Stmt);
- Lr := Get_Expr_Reg (L);
- Rr := Get_Expr_Reg (R);
- Start_Insn;
- case Rr is
- when R_Imm =>
- if Is_Imm8 (R, Sz) then
- Gen_Insn_Sz_S8 (16#80#, Sz);
- Gen_Rm (Op, L, Sz);
- Gen_Imm8 (R, Sz);
- elsif Lr = R_Ax then
- Gen_Insn_Sz (2#000_000_100# + Op, Sz);
- Gen_Imm (R, Sz);
- else
- Gen_Insn_Sz (16#80#, Sz);
- Gen_Rm (Op, L, Sz);
- Gen_Imm (R, Sz);
- end if;
- when R_Mem
- | R_Spill
- | Regs_R32
- | Regs_R64 =>
- Gen_Insn_Sz (2#00_000_010# + Op, Sz);
- Gen_Rm (To_Reg32 (Lr, Sz) * 8, R, Sz);
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("emit_op", Stmt);
- end case;
- End_Insn;
- end Emit_Op;
- procedure Gen_Into is
- begin
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#1100_1110#);
- End_Insn;
- end Gen_Into;
- procedure Gen_Cdq is
- begin
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#1001_1001#);
- End_Insn;
- end Gen_Cdq;
- procedure Gen_Mono_Op (Op : Byte; Val : O_Enode; Sz : Insn_Size) is
- begin
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_Insn_Sz (2#1111_011_0#, Sz);
- Gen_Rm (Op, Val, Sz);
- End_Insn;
- end Gen_Mono_Op;
- procedure Emit_Mono_Op_Stmt (Op : Byte; Stmt : O_Enode; Sz : Insn_Size)
- is
- begin
- Gen_Mono_Op (Op, Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt), Sz);
- end Emit_Mono_Op_Stmt;
- procedure Emit_Load_Imm (Stmt : O_Enode; Sz : Insn_Size)
- is
- Tr : O_Reg;
- begin
- Tr := Get_Expr_Reg (Stmt);
- Start_Insn;
- -- FIXME: handle 0.
- case Sz is
- when Sz_8 =>
- Gen_B8 (2#1011_0_000# + To_Reg32 (Tr, Sz));
- when Sz_16 =>
- Gen_B8 (16#66#);
- Gen_B8 (2#1011_1_000# + To_Reg32 (Tr, Sz));
- when Sz_32l
- | Sz_32h =>
- Gen_B8 (2#1011_1_000# + To_Reg32 (Tr, Sz));
- end case;
- Gen_Imm (Stmt, Sz);
- End_Insn;
- end Emit_Load_Imm;
- function Fp_Size_To_Mf (Sz : Fp_Size) return Byte is
- begin
- case Sz is
- when Fp_32 =>
- return 2#00_0#;
- when Fp_64 =>
- return 2#10_0#;
- end case;
- end Fp_Size_To_Mf;
- procedure Emit_Load_Fp (Stmt : O_Enode; Sz : Fp_Size)
- is
- Sym : Symbol;
- R : O_Reg;
- begin
- Set_Current_Section (Sect_Rodata);
- Gen_Pow_Align (3);
- Prealloc (8);
- Sym := Create_Local_Symbol;
- Set_Symbol_Pc (Sym, False);
- Gen_Le32 (Unsigned_32 (Get_Expr_Low (Stmt)));
- if Sz = Fp_64 then
- Gen_Le32 (Unsigned_32 (Get_Expr_High (Stmt)));
- end if;
- Set_Current_Section (Sect_Text);
- R := Get_Expr_Reg (Stmt);
- case R is
- when R_St0 =>
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#11011_001# + Fp_Size_To_Mf (Sz));
- Gen_B8 (2#00_000_101#);
- Gen_X86_32 (Sym, 0);
- End_Insn;
- when Regs_Xmm =>
- Start_Insn;
- case Sz is
- when Fp_32 =>
- Gen_B8 (16#F3#);
- when Fp_64 =>
- Gen_B8 (16#F2#);
- end case;
- Gen_B8 (16#0f#);
- Gen_B8 (16#10#);
- Gen_B8 (2#00_000_101# + To_Reg_Xmm (R) * 2#1_000#);
- Gen_X86_32 (Sym, 0);
- End_Insn;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Emit_Load_Fp;
- procedure Emit_Load_Fp_Mem (Stmt : O_Enode; Sz : Fp_Size)
- is
- begin
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#11011_001# + Fp_Size_To_Mf (Sz));
- Gen_Rm_Mem (2#000_000#, Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt), Sz_32l);
- End_Insn;
- end Emit_Load_Fp_Mem;
- procedure Emit_Load_Mem (Stmt : O_Enode; Sz : Insn_Size)
- is
- Tr : O_Reg;
- Val : O_Enode;
- begin
- Tr := Get_Expr_Reg (Stmt);
- Val := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- case Tr is
- when Regs_R32
- | Regs_R64 =>
- -- mov REG, OP
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_Insn_Sz (2#1000_101_0#, Sz);
- Gen_Rm_Mem (To_Reg32 (Tr, Sz) * 8, Val, Sz);
- End_Insn;
- when R_Eq =>
- -- Cmp OP, 1
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_Insn_Sz_S8 (2#1000_000_0#, Sz);
- Gen_Rm_Mem (2#111_000#, Val, Sz);
- Gen_B8 (1);
- End_Insn;
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("emit_load_mem", Stmt);
- end case;
- end Emit_Load_Mem;
- procedure Emit_Store (Stmt : O_Enode; Sz : Insn_Size)
- is
- T, R : O_Enode;
- Tr, Rr : O_Reg;
- B : Byte;
- begin
- T := Get_Assign_Target (Stmt);
- R := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- Tr := Get_Expr_Reg (T);
- Rr := Get_Expr_Reg (R);
- Start_Insn;
- case Rr is
- when R_Imm =>
- if False and (Tr in Regs_R32 or Tr in Regs_R64) then
- B := 2#1011_1_000#;
- case Sz is
- when Sz_8 =>
- B := B and not 2#0000_1_000#;
- when Sz_16 =>
- Gen_B8 (16#66#);
- when Sz_32l
- | Sz_32h =>
- null;
- end case;
- Gen_B8 (B + To_Reg32 (Tr, Sz));
- else
- Gen_Insn_Sz (2#1100_011_0#, Sz);
- Gen_Rm_Mem (16#00#, T, Sz);
- end if;
- Gen_Imm (R, Sz);
- when Regs_R32
- | Regs_R64 =>
- Gen_Insn_Sz (2#1000_100_0#, Sz);
- Gen_Rm_Mem (To_Reg32 (Rr, Sz) * 8, T, Sz);
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("emit_store", Stmt);
- end case;
- End_Insn;
- end Emit_Store;
- procedure Emit_Store_Fp (Stmt : O_Enode; Sz : Fp_Size)
- is
- begin
- -- fstp
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#11011_00_1# + Fp_Size_To_Mf (Sz));
- Gen_Rm_Mem (2#011_000#, Get_Assign_Target (Stmt), Sz_32l);
- End_Insn;
- end Emit_Store_Fp;
- procedure Emit_Push_32 (Val : O_Enode; Sz : Insn_Size)
- is
- R : O_Reg;
- begin
- R := Get_Expr_Reg (Val);
- Start_Insn;
- case R is
- when R_Imm =>
- if Is_Imm8 (Val, Sz) then
- Gen_B8 (2#0110_1010#);
- Gen_Imm8 (Val, Sz);
- else
- Gen_B8 (2#0110_1000#);
- Gen_Imm (Val, Sz);
- end if;
- when Regs_R32
- | Regs_R64 =>
- Gen_B8 (2#01010_000# + To_Reg32 (R, Sz));
- when others =>
- Gen_B8 (2#1111_1111#);
- Gen_Rm (2#110_000#, Val, Sz);
- end case;
- End_Insn;
- end Emit_Push_32;
- procedure Emit_Pop_32 (Val : O_Enode; Sz : Insn_Size)
- is
- R : O_Reg;
- begin
- R := Get_Expr_Reg (Val);
- Start_Insn;
- case R is
- when Regs_R32
- | Regs_R64 =>
- Gen_B8 (2#01011_000# + To_Reg32 (R, Sz));
- when others =>
- Gen_B8 (2#1000_1111#);
- Gen_Rm (2#000_000#, Val, Sz);
- end case;
- End_Insn;
- end Emit_Pop_32;
- procedure Emit_Push_Fp (Op : O_Enode; Sz : Fp_Size)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Op);
- begin
- Start_Insn;
- -- subl esp, val
- Gen_B8 (2#100000_11#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_101_100#);
- case Sz is
- when Fp_32 =>
- Gen_B8 (4);
- when Fp_64 =>
- Gen_B8 (8);
- end case;
- End_Insn;
- -- fstp st, (esp)
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#11011_001# + Fp_Size_To_Mf (Sz));
- Gen_B8 (2#00_011_100#);
- Gen_B8 (2#00_100_100#);
- End_Insn;
- end Emit_Push_Fp;
- function Prepare_Label (Label : O_Enode) return Symbol
- is
- Sym : Symbol;
- begin
- Sym := Get_Label_Symbol (Label);
- if Sym = Null_Symbol then
- Sym := Create_Local_Symbol;
- Set_Label_Symbol (Label, Sym);
- end if;
- return Sym;
- end Prepare_Label;
- procedure Emit_Jmp_T (Stmt : O_Enode; Reg : O_Reg)
- is
- Sym : Symbol;
- Val : Pc_Type;
- Opc : Byte;
- begin
- Sym := Prepare_Label (Get_Jump_Label (Stmt));
- Val := Get_Symbol_Value (Sym);
- Start_Insn;
- Opc := To_Cond (Reg);
- if Val = 0 then
- -- Assume long jmp.
- Gen_B8 (16#0f#);
- Gen_B8 (16#80# + Opc);
- Gen_X86_Pc32 (Sym);
- else
- if Val + 128 < Get_Current_Pc + 4 then
- -- Long jmp.
- Gen_B8 (16#0f#);
- Gen_B8 (16#80# + Opc);
- Gen_Le32 (Unsigned_32 (Val - (Get_Current_Pc + 4)));
- else
- -- short jmp.
- Gen_B8 (16#70# + Opc);
- Gen_B8 (Byte (Val - (Get_Current_Pc + 1)));
- end if;
- end if;
- End_Insn;
- end Emit_Jmp_T;
- procedure Emit_Jmp (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- Sym : Symbol;
- Val : Pc_Type;
- begin
- Sym := Prepare_Label (Get_Jump_Label (Stmt));
- Val := Get_Symbol_Value (Sym);
- Start_Insn;
- if Val = 0 then
- -- Assume long jmp.
- Gen_B8 (16#e9#);
- Gen_X86_Pc32 (Sym);
- else
- if Val + 128 < Get_Current_Pc + 4 then
- -- Long jmp.
- Gen_B8 (16#e9#);
- Gen_Le32 (Unsigned_32 (Val - (Get_Current_Pc + 4)));
- else
- -- short jmp.
- Gen_B8 (16#eb#);
- Gen_B8 (Byte ((Val - (Get_Current_Pc + 1)) and 16#Ff#));
- end if;
- end if;
- End_Insn;
- end Emit_Jmp;
- procedure Emit_Label (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- Sym : Symbol;
- begin
- Sym := Prepare_Label (Stmt);
- Set_Symbol_Pc (Sym, False);
- end Emit_Label;
- procedure Gen_Call (Sym : Symbol) is
- begin
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (16#E8#);
- Gen_X86_Pc32 (Sym);
- End_Insn;
- end Gen_Call;
- procedure Emit_Setup_Frame (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- Val : constant Int32 := Get_Stack_Adjust (Stmt);
- begin
- if Val > 0 then
- Start_Insn;
- -- subl esp, val
- Gen_B8 (2#100000_11#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_101_100#);
- Gen_B8 (Byte (Val));
- End_Insn;
- elsif Val < 0 then
- Start_Insn;
- if -Val <= 127 then
- -- addl esp, val
- Gen_B8 (2#100000_11#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_000_100#);
- Gen_B8 (Byte (-Val));
- else
- -- addl esp, val
- Gen_B8 (2#100000_01#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_000_100#);
- Gen_Le32 (Unsigned_32 (-Val));
- end if;
- End_Insn;
- end if;
- end Emit_Setup_Frame;
- procedure Emit_Call (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Decls;
- Subprg : O_Dnode;
- Sym : Symbol;
- begin
- Subprg := Get_Call_Subprg (Stmt);
- Sym := Get_Decl_Symbol (Subprg);
- Gen_Call (Sym);
- end Emit_Call;
- procedure Emit_Intrinsic (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- Op : Int32;
- begin
- Op := Get_Intrinsic_Operation (Stmt);
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (16#E8#);
- Gen_X86_Pc32 (Intrinsics_Symbol (Op));
- End_Insn;
- Start_Insn;
- -- addl esp, val
- Gen_B8 (2#100000_11#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_000_100#);
- Gen_B8 (16);
- End_Insn;
- end Emit_Intrinsic;
- procedure Emit_Setcc (Dest : O_Enode; Cond : O_Reg)
- is
- begin
- if Cond not in Regs_Cc then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (16#0f#);
- Gen_B8 (16#90# + To_Cond (Cond));
- Gen_Rm (2#000_000#, Dest, Sz_8);
- End_Insn;
- end Emit_Setcc;
- procedure Emit_Setcc_Reg (Reg : O_Reg; Cond : O_Reg)
- is
- begin
- if Cond not in Regs_Cc then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (16#0f#);
- Gen_B8 (16#90# + To_Cond (Cond));
- Gen_B8 (2#11_000_000# + To_Reg32 (Reg, Sz_8));
- End_Insn;
- end Emit_Setcc_Reg;
- procedure Emit_Tst (Reg : O_Reg; Sz : Insn_Size)
- is
- begin
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_Insn_Sz (2#1000_0100#, Sz);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_000_000# + To_Reg32 (Reg, Sz) * 9);
- End_Insn;
- end Emit_Tst;
- procedure Gen_Cmp_Imm (Reg : O_Reg; Val : Int32; Sz : Insn_Size)
- is
- B : Byte;
- begin
- Start_Insn;
- if Val <= 127 and Val >= -128 then
- B := 2#10#;
- else
- B := 0;
- end if;
- Gen_Insn_Sz (2#1000_0000# + B, Sz);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_111_000# + To_Reg32 (Reg));
- if B = 0 then
- Gen_Le32 (Unsigned_32 (To_Uns32 (Val)));
- else
- Gen_B8 (Byte (To_Uns32 (Val) and 16#Ff#));
- end if;
- End_Insn;
- end Gen_Cmp_Imm;
- procedure Emit_Spill (Stmt : O_Enode; Sz : Insn_Size)
- is
- Reg : O_Reg;
- Expr : O_Enode;
- begin
- Expr := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- Reg := Get_Expr_Reg (Expr);
- if Reg = R_Spill then
- if Get_Expr_Kind (Expr) = OE_Conv then
- return;
- else
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- end if;
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_Insn_Sz (2#1000_1000#, Sz);
- Gen_Rm (To_Reg32 (Reg, Sz) * 8, Stmt, Sz);
- End_Insn;
- end Emit_Spill;
- procedure Emit_Load (Reg : O_Reg; Val : O_Enode; Sz : Insn_Size)
- is
- begin
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_Insn_Sz (2#1000_1010#, Sz);
- Gen_Rm (To_Reg32 (Reg, Sz) * 8, Val, Sz);
- End_Insn;
- end Emit_Load;
- procedure Emit_Lea (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- Reg : O_Reg;
- begin
- -- Hack: change the register to use the real address instead of it.
- Reg := Get_Expr_Reg (Stmt);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Mem);
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#10001101#);
- Gen_Rm_Mem (To_Reg32 (Reg) * 8, Stmt, Sz_32l);
- End_Insn;
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Reg);
- end Emit_Lea;
- procedure Gen_Umul (Stmt : O_Enode; Sz : Insn_Size)
- is
- begin
- if Get_Expr_Reg (Get_Expr_Left (Stmt)) /= R_Ax then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_Insn_Sz (16#F6#, Sz);
- Gen_Rm (2#100_000#, Get_Expr_Right (Stmt), Sz);
- End_Insn;
- end Gen_Umul;
- procedure Gen_Mul (Stmt : O_Enode; Sz : Insn_Size)
- is
- Reg : O_Reg;
- Right : O_Enode;
- Reg_R : O_Reg;
- begin
- Reg := Get_Expr_Reg (Stmt);
- Right := Get_Expr_Right (Stmt);
- if Get_Expr_Reg (Get_Expr_Left (Stmt)) /= Reg
- or Sz /= Sz_32l
- then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Start_Insn;
- if Reg = R_Ax then
- Gen_Insn_Sz (16#F6#, Sz);
- Gen_Rm (2#100_000#, Right, Sz);
- else
- Reg_R := Get_Expr_Reg (Right);
- case Reg_R is
- when R_Imm =>
- if Is_Imm8 (Right, Sz) then
- Gen_B8 (16#6B#);
- Gen_B8 (To_Reg32 (Reg, Sz) * 9 or 2#11_000_000#);
- Gen_Imm8 (Right, Sz);
- else
- Gen_B8 (16#69#);
- Gen_B8 (To_Reg32 (Reg, Sz) * 9 or 2#11_000_000#);
- Gen_Imm (Right, Sz);
- end if;
- when R_Mem
- | R_Spill
- | Regs_R32 =>
- Gen_B8 (16#0F#);
- Gen_B8 (16#AF#);
- Gen_Rm (To_Reg32 (Reg, Sz) * 8, Right, Sz);
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("gen_mul", Stmt);
- end case;
- end if;
- End_Insn;
- end Gen_Mul;
- -- Do not trap if COND is true.
- procedure Gen_Ov_Check (Cond : O_Reg) is
- begin
- -- JXX +2
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (16#70# + To_Cond (Cond));
- Gen_B8 (16#02#);
- End_Insn;
- -- INT 4 (overflow).
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (16#CD#);
- Gen_B8 (16#04#);
- End_Insn;
- end Gen_Ov_Check;
- procedure Emit_Abs (Val : O_Enode; Mode : Mode_Type)
- is
- Szh : Insn_Size;
- Pc_Jmp : Pc_Type;
- begin
- case Mode is
- when Mode_I32 =>
- Szh := Sz_32l;
- when Mode_I64 =>
- Szh := Sz_32h;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Emit_Tst (Get_Expr_Reg (Val), Szh);
- -- JXX +
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (16#70# + To_Cond (R_Sge));
- Gen_B8 (0);
- End_Insn;
- Pc_Jmp := Get_Current_Pc;
- -- NEG
- Gen_Mono_Op (2#011_000#, Val, Sz_32l);
- if Mode = Mode_I64 then
- -- Propagate carray.
- -- Adc reg,0
- -- neg reg
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#100000_11#);
- Gen_Rm (2#010_000#, Val, Sz_32h);
- Gen_B8 (0);
- End_Insn;
- Gen_Mono_Op (2#011_000#, Val, Sz_32h);
- end if;
- Gen_Into;
- Patch_B8 (Pc_Jmp - 1, Unsigned_8 (Get_Current_Pc - Pc_Jmp));
- end Emit_Abs;
- procedure Gen_Alloca (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- Reg : O_Reg;
- begin
- Reg := Get_Expr_Reg (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- if Reg not in Regs_R32 or else Reg /= Get_Expr_Reg (Stmt) then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- -- Align stack on word.
- -- Add reg, (stack_boundary - 1)
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#1000_0011#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_000_000# + To_Reg32 (Reg));
- Gen_B8 (Byte (X86.Flags.Stack_Boundary - 1));
- End_Insn;
- -- and reg, ~(stack_boundary - 1)
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#1000_0001#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_100_000# + To_Reg32 (Reg));
- Gen_Le32 (not (X86.Flags.Stack_Boundary - 1));
- End_Insn;
- if X86.Flags.Flag_Alloca_Call then
- Gen_Call (Chkstk_Symbol);
- else
- -- subl esp, reg
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#0001_1011#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_100_000# + To_Reg32 (Reg));
- End_Insn;
- end if;
- -- movl reg, esp
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#1000_1001#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_100_000# + To_Reg32 (Reg));
- End_Insn;
- end Gen_Alloca;
- -- Byte/word to long.
- procedure Gen_Movzx (Reg : Regs_R32; Op : O_Enode; Sz : Insn_Size)
- is
- B : Byte;
- begin
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (16#0f#);
- case Sz is
- when Sz_8 =>
- B := 0;
- when Sz_16 =>
- B := 1;
- when Sz_32l
- | Sz_32h =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Gen_B8 (2#1011_0110# + B);
- Gen_Rm (To_Reg32 (Reg) * 8, Op, Sz_8);
- End_Insn;
- end Gen_Movzx;
- -- Convert U32 to xx.
- procedure Gen_Conv_U32 (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- Op : O_Enode;
- Reg_Op : O_Reg;
- Reg_Res : O_Reg;
- begin
- Op := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- Reg_Op := Get_Expr_Reg (Op);
- Reg_Res := Get_Expr_Reg (Stmt);
- case Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt) is
- when Mode_I32 =>
- if Reg_Res not in Regs_R32 then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- if Reg_Op /= Reg_Res then
- Emit_Load (Reg_Res, Op, Sz_32l);
- end if;
- Emit_Tst (Reg_Res, Sz_32l);
- Gen_Ov_Check (R_Sge);
- when Mode_U8
- | Mode_B2 =>
- if Reg_Res not in Regs_R32 then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- if Reg_Op /= Reg_Res then
- Emit_Load (Reg_Res, Op, Sz_32l);
- end if;
- -- cmpl VAL, 0xff
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#1000_0001#);
- Gen_Rm (2#111_000#, Op, Sz_32l);
- Gen_Le32 (16#00_00_00_Ff#);
- End_Insn;
- Gen_Ov_Check (R_Ule);
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("gen_conv_u32", Stmt);
- end case;
- end Gen_Conv_U32;
- -- Convert I32 to xxx
- procedure Gen_Conv_I32 (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- Op : O_Enode;
- Reg_Op : O_Reg;
- Reg_Res : O_Reg;
- begin
- Op := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- Reg_Op := Get_Expr_Reg (Op);
- Reg_Res := Get_Expr_Reg (Stmt);
- case Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt) is
- when Mode_I64 =>
- if Reg_Res /= R_Edx_Eax or Reg_Op /= R_Ax then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Gen_Cdq;
- when Mode_U32 =>
- if Reg_Res not in Regs_R32 then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- if Reg_Op /= Reg_Res then
- Emit_Load (Reg_Res, Op, Sz_32l);
- end if;
- Emit_Tst (Reg_Res, Sz_32l);
- Gen_Ov_Check (R_Sge);
- when Mode_B2 =>
- if Reg_Op /= Reg_Res then
- Emit_Load (Reg_Res, Op, Sz_32l);
- end if;
- Gen_Cmp_Imm (Reg_Res, 1, Sz_32l);
- Gen_Ov_Check (R_Ule);
- when Mode_U8 =>
- if Reg_Op /= Reg_Res then
- Emit_Load (Reg_Res, Op, Sz_32l);
- end if;
- Gen_Cmp_Imm (Reg_Res, 16#Ff#, Sz_32l);
- Gen_Ov_Check (R_Ule);
- when Mode_F64 =>
- Emit_Push_32 (Op, Sz_32l);
- -- fild (%esp)
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#11011_011#);
- Gen_B8 (2#00_000_100#);
- Gen_B8 (2#00_100_100#);
- End_Insn;
- -- addl %esp, 4
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#100000_11#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_000_100#);
- Gen_B8 (4);
- End_Insn;
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("gen_conv_i32", Stmt);
- end case;
- end Gen_Conv_I32;
- -- Convert U8 to xxx
- procedure Gen_Conv_U8 (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- Op : O_Enode;
- Reg_Res : O_Reg;
- begin
- Op := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- Reg_Res := Get_Expr_Reg (Stmt);
- case Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt) is
- when Mode_U32
- | Mode_I32
- | Mode_U16
- | Mode_I16 =>
- if Reg_Res not in Regs_R32 then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Gen_Movzx (Reg_Res, Op, Sz_8);
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("gen_conv_U8", Stmt);
- end case;
- end Gen_Conv_U8;
- -- Convert B2 to xxx
- procedure Gen_Conv_B2 (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- Op : O_Enode;
- Reg_Res : O_Reg;
- begin
- Op := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- Reg_Res := Get_Expr_Reg (Stmt);
- case Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt) is
- when Mode_U32
- | Mode_I32
- | Mode_U16
- | Mode_I16 =>
- Gen_Movzx (Reg_Res, Op, Sz_8);
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("gen_conv_B2", Stmt);
- end case;
- end Gen_Conv_B2;
- -- Convert I64 to xxx
- procedure Gen_Conv_I64 (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- Op : O_Enode;
- begin
- Op := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- case Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt) is
- when Mode_I32 =>
- -- move dx to reg_helper
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#1000_1001#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_010_000# + To_Reg32 (Reg_Helper));
- End_Insn;
- Gen_Cdq;
- -- cmp reg_helper, dx
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#0011_1001#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_010_000# + To_Reg32 (Reg_Helper));
- End_Insn;
- Gen_Ov_Check (R_Eq);
- when Mode_F64 =>
- Emit_Push_32 (Op, Sz_32h);
- Emit_Push_32 (Op, Sz_32l);
- -- fild (%esp)
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#11011_111#);
- Gen_B8 (2#00_101_100#);
- Gen_B8 (2#00_100_100#);
- End_Insn;
- -- addl %esp, 8
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#100000_11#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_000_100#);
- Gen_B8 (8);
- End_Insn;
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("gen_conv_I64", Stmt);
- end case;
- end Gen_Conv_I64;
- -- Convert FP to xxx.
- procedure Gen_Conv_Fp (Stmt : O_Enode) is
- begin
- case Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt) is
- when Mode_I32 =>
- -- subl %esp, 4
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#100000_11#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_101_100#);
- Gen_B8 (4);
- End_Insn;
- -- fistp (%esp)
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#11011_011#);
- Gen_B8 (2#00_011_100#);
- Gen_B8 (2#00_100_100#);
- End_Insn;
- Emit_Pop_32 (Stmt, Sz_32l);
- when Mode_I64 =>
- -- subl %esp, 8
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#100000_11#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_101_100#);
- Gen_B8 (8);
- End_Insn;
- -- fistp (%esp)
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#11011_111#);
- Gen_B8 (2#00_111_100#);
- Gen_B8 (2#00_100_100#);
- End_Insn;
- Emit_Pop_32 (Stmt, Sz_32l);
- Emit_Pop_32 (Stmt, Sz_32h);
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("gen_conv_fp", Stmt);
- end case;
- end Gen_Conv_Fp;
- procedure Gen_Emit_Op (Stmt : O_Enode; Cl : Byte; Ch : Byte) is
- begin
- case Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt) is
- when Mode_U32
- | Mode_I32
- | Mode_P32 =>
- Emit_Op (Cl, Stmt, Sz_32l);
- when Mode_I64
- | Mode_U64 =>
- Emit_Op (Cl, Stmt, Sz_32l);
- Emit_Op (Ch, Stmt, Sz_32h);
- when Mode_B2
- | Mode_I8
- | Mode_U8 =>
- Emit_Op (Cl, Stmt, Sz_8);
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("gen_emit_op", Stmt);
- end case;
- end Gen_Emit_Op;
- procedure Gen_Check_Overflow (Mode : Mode_Type) is
- begin
- case Mode is
- when Mode_I32
- | Mode_I64
- | Mode_I8 =>
- Gen_Into;
- when Mode_U64
- | Mode_U32
- | Mode_U8 =>
- -- FIXME: check no carry.
- null;
- when Mode_B2 =>
- null;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Gen_Check_Overflow;
- procedure Gen_Emit_Fp_Op (Stmt : O_Enode; B_St1 : Byte; B_Mem : Byte)
- is
- Right : O_Enode;
- Reg : O_Reg;
- B_Size : Byte;
- begin
- Right := Get_Expr_Right (Stmt);
- Reg := Get_Expr_Reg (Right);
- Start_Insn;
- case Reg is
- when R_St0 =>
- Gen_B8 (2#11011_110#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_000_001# or B_St1);
- when R_Mem =>
- case Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt) is
- when Mode_F32 =>
- B_Size := 0;
- when Mode_F64 =>
- B_Size := 2#100#;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Gen_B8 (2#11011_000# or B_Size);
- Gen_Rm_Mem (B_Mem, Right, Sz_32l);
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- End_Insn;
- end Gen_Emit_Fp_Op;
- procedure Emit_Mod (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- Right : O_Enode;
- Pc1, Pc2, Pc3: Pc_Type;
- begin
- -- a : EAX
- -- d : EDX
- -- b : Rm
- -- d := Rm
- -- d := d ^ a
- -- cltd
- -- if cc < 0 then
- -- idiv b
- -- if edx /= 0 then
- -- edx := edx + b
- -- end if
- -- else
- -- idiv b
- -- end if
- Right := Get_Expr_Right (Stmt);
- -- %edx <- right
- Emit_Load (R_Dx, Right, Sz_32l);
- -- xorl %eax -> %edx
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#0011_0011#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_010_000#);
- End_Insn;
- Gen_Cdq;
- -- js
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#0111_1000#);
- Gen_B8 (0);
- End_Insn;
- Pc1 := Get_Current_Pc;
- -- idiv
- Gen_Mono_Op (2#111_000#, Right, Sz_32l);
- -- jmp
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#1110_1011#);
- Gen_B8 (0);
- End_Insn;
- Pc2 := Get_Current_Pc;
- Patch_B8 (Pc1 - 1, Unsigned_8 (Get_Current_Pc - Pc1));
- -- idiv
- Gen_Mono_Op (2#111_000#, Right, Sz_32l);
- -- tstl %edx,%edx
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#1000_0101#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_010_010#);
- End_Insn;
- -- jz
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#0111_0100#);
- Gen_B8 (0);
- End_Insn;
- Pc3 := Get_Current_Pc;
- -- addl b, %edx
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#00_000_011#);
- Gen_Rm (2#010_000#, Right, Sz_32l);
- End_Insn;
- Patch_B8 (Pc2 - 1, Unsigned_8 (Get_Current_Pc - Pc2));
- Patch_B8 (Pc3 - 1, Unsigned_8 (Get_Current_Pc - Pc3));
- end Emit_Mod;
- procedure Emit_Insn (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Flags;
- Kind : OE_Kind;
- Mode : Mode_Type;
- Reg : O_Reg;
- begin
- Kind := Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt);
- Mode := Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt);
- case Kind is
- when OE_Beg =>
- if Flag_Debug /= Debug_None then
- Decls.Set_Block_Info1 (Get_Block_Decls (Stmt),
- Int32 (Get_Current_Pc - Subprg_Pc));
- end if;
- when OE_End =>
- if Flag_Debug /= Debug_None then
- Decls.Set_Block_Info2 (Get_Block_Decls (Get_End_Beg (Stmt)),
- Int32 (Get_Current_Pc - Subprg_Pc));
- end if;
- when OE_Leave =>
- null;
- when OE_BB =>
- null;
- when OE_Add_Ov =>
- if Mode in Mode_Fp then
- Gen_Emit_Fp_Op (Stmt, 2#000_000#, 2#000_000#);
- else
- Gen_Emit_Op (Stmt, 2#000_000#, 2#010_000#);
- Gen_Check_Overflow (Mode);
- end if;
- when OE_Or =>
- Gen_Emit_Op (Stmt, 2#001_000#, 2#001_000#);
- when OE_And =>
- Gen_Emit_Op (Stmt, 2#100_000#, 2#100_000#);
- when OE_Xor =>
- Gen_Emit_Op (Stmt, 2#110_000#, 2#110_000#);
- when OE_Sub_Ov =>
- if Mode in Mode_Fp then
- Gen_Emit_Fp_Op (Stmt, 2#100_000#, 2#100_000#);
- else
- Gen_Emit_Op (Stmt, 2#101_000#, 2#011_000#);
- Gen_Check_Overflow (Mode);
- end if;
- when OE_Mul_Ov
- | OE_Mul =>
- case Mode is
- when Mode_U8 =>
- Gen_Umul (Stmt, Sz_8);
- when Mode_U16 =>
- Gen_Umul (Stmt, Sz_16);
- when Mode_U32 =>
- Gen_Mul (Stmt, Sz_32l);
- when Mode_I32 =>
- Gen_Mono_Op (2#101_000#, Get_Expr_Right (Stmt), Sz_32l);
- when Mode_F32
- | Mode_F64 =>
- Gen_Emit_Fp_Op (Stmt, 2#001_000#, 2#001_000#);
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("emit_insn: mul_ov", Stmt);
- end case;
- when OE_Shl =>
- declare
- Right : O_Enode;
- Sz : Insn_Size;
- Val : Uns32;
- begin
- case Mode is
- when Mode_U32 =>
- Sz := Sz_32l;
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("emit_insn: shl", Stmt);
- end case;
- Right := Get_Expr_Right (Stmt);
- if Get_Expr_Kind (Right) = OE_Const then
- Val := Get_Expr_Low (Right);
- Start_Insn;
- if Val = 1 then
- Gen_Insn_Sz (2#1101000_0#, Sz);
- Gen_Rm (2#100_000#, Get_Expr_Left (Stmt), Sz);
- else
- Gen_Insn_Sz (2#1100000_0#, Sz);
- Gen_Rm (2#100_000#, Get_Expr_Left (Stmt), Sz);
- Gen_B8 (Byte (Val and 31));
- end if;
- End_Insn;
- else
- if Get_Expr_Reg (Right) /= R_Cx then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_Insn_Sz (2#1101001_0#, Sz);
- Gen_Rm (2#100_000#, Get_Expr_Left (Stmt), Sz);
- End_Insn;
- end if;
- end;
- when OE_Mod
- | OE_Rem
- | OE_Div_Ov =>
- case Mode is
- when Mode_U32 =>
- -- Xorl edx, edx
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#0011_0001#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_010_010#);
- End_Insn;
- Gen_Mono_Op (2#110_000#, Get_Expr_Right (Stmt), Sz_32l);
- when Mode_I32 =>
- if Kind = OE_Mod then
- Emit_Mod (Stmt);
- else
- Gen_Cdq;
- Gen_Mono_Op (2#111_000#, Get_Expr_Right (Stmt), Sz_32l);
- end if;
- when Mode_F32
- | Mode_F64 =>
- if Kind = OE_Div_Ov then
- Gen_Emit_Fp_Op (Stmt, 2#111_000#, 2#110_000#);
- else
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("emit_insn: mod_ov", Stmt);
- end case;
- when OE_Not =>
- case Mode is
- when Mode_B2 =>
- -- Xor VAL, $1
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#1000_0011#);
- Gen_Rm (2#110_000#, Stmt, Sz_8);
- Gen_B8 (16#01#);
- End_Insn;
- when Mode_U8 =>
- Emit_Mono_Op_Stmt (2#010_000#, Stmt, Sz_8);
- when Mode_U16 =>
- Emit_Mono_Op_Stmt (2#010_000#, Stmt, Sz_16);
- when Mode_U32 =>
- Emit_Mono_Op_Stmt (2#010_000#, Stmt, Sz_32l);
- when Mode_U64 =>
- Emit_Mono_Op_Stmt (2#010_000#, Stmt, Sz_32l);
- Emit_Mono_Op_Stmt (2#010_000#, Stmt, Sz_32h);
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("emit_insn: not", Stmt);
- end case;
- when OE_Neg_Ov =>
- case Mode is
- when Mode_I8 =>
- Emit_Mono_Op_Stmt (2#011_000#, Stmt, Sz_8);
- --Gen_Into;
- when Mode_I16 =>
- Emit_Mono_Op_Stmt (2#011_000#, Stmt, Sz_16);
- --Gen_Into;
- when Mode_I32 =>
- Emit_Mono_Op_Stmt (2#011_000#, Stmt, Sz_32l);
- --Gen_Into;
- when Mode_I64 =>
- Emit_Mono_Op_Stmt (2#011_000#, Stmt, Sz_32l);
- -- adcl 0, high
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#100000_11#);
- Gen_Rm (2#010_000#, Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt), Sz_32h);
- Gen_B8 (0);
- End_Insn;
- Emit_Mono_Op_Stmt (2#011_000#, Stmt, Sz_32h);
- --Gen_Into;
- when Mode_F32
- | Mode_F64 =>
- -- fchs
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#11011_001#);
- Gen_B8 (2#1110_0000#);
- End_Insn;
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("emit_insn: neg_ov", Stmt);
- end case;
- when OE_Abs_Ov =>
- case Mode is
- when Mode_I32
- | Mode_I64 =>
- Emit_Abs (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt), Mode);
- when Mode_F32
- | Mode_F64 =>
- -- fabs
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#11011_001#);
- Gen_B8 (2#1110_0001#);
- End_Insn;
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("emit_insn: abs_ov", Stmt);
- end case;
- when OE_Kind_Cmp =>
- case Get_Expr_Mode (Get_Expr_Left (Stmt)) is
- when Mode_U32
- | Mode_I32
- | Mode_P32 =>
- Emit_Op (2#111_000#, Stmt, Sz_32l);
- when Mode_B2
- | Mode_I8
- | Mode_U8 =>
- Emit_Op (2#111_000#, Stmt, Sz_8);
- when Mode_U64 =>
- declare
- Pc : Pc_Type;
- begin
- Emit_Op (2#111_000#, Stmt, Sz_32h);
- -- jne
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#0111_0101#);
- Gen_B8 (0);
- End_Insn;
- Pc := Get_Current_Pc;
- Emit_Op (2#111_000#, Stmt, Sz_32l);
- Patch_B8 (Pc - 1, Unsigned_8 (Get_Current_Pc - Pc));
- end;
- when Mode_I64 =>
- declare
- Pc : Pc_Type;
- begin
- Reg := Get_Expr_Reg (Stmt);
- Emit_Op (2#111_000#, Stmt, Sz_32h);
- -- Note: this does not clobber a reg due to care in
- -- insns.
- Emit_Setcc_Reg (Reg, Ekind_Signed_To_Cc (Kind));
- -- jne
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#0111_0101#);
- Gen_B8 (0);
- End_Insn;
- Pc := Get_Current_Pc;
- Emit_Op (2#111_000#, Stmt, Sz_32l);
- Emit_Setcc_Reg (Reg, Ekind_Unsigned_To_Cc (Kind));
- Patch_B8 (Pc - 1, Unsigned_8 (Get_Current_Pc - Pc));
- return;
- end;
- when Mode_F32
- | Mode_F64 =>
- -- fcomip st, st(1)
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#11011_111#);
- Gen_B8 (2#1111_0001#);
- End_Insn;
- -- fstp st, st (0)
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#11011_101#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_011_000#);
- End_Insn;
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("emit_insn: cmp", Stmt);
- end case;
- Reg := Get_Expr_Reg (Stmt);
- if Reg not in Regs_Cc then
- Error_Emit ("emit_insn/cmp: not cc", Stmt);
- end if;
- when OE_Const
- | OE_Addrg =>
- case Mode is
- when Mode_U32
- | Mode_I32
- | Mode_P32 =>
- Emit_Load_Imm (Stmt, Sz_32l);
- when Mode_B2
- | Mode_U8
- | Mode_I8 =>
- Emit_Load_Imm (Stmt, Sz_8);
- when Mode_I64
- | Mode_U64 =>
- Emit_Load_Imm (Stmt, Sz_32l);
- Emit_Load_Imm (Stmt, Sz_32h);
- when Mode_F32 =>
- Emit_Load_Fp (Stmt, Fp_32);
- when Mode_F64 =>
- Emit_Load_Fp (Stmt, Fp_64);
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("emit_insn: const", Stmt);
- end case;
- when OE_Indir =>
- case Mode is
- when Mode_U32
- | Mode_I32
- | Mode_P32 =>
- Emit_Load_Mem (Stmt, Sz_32l);
- when Mode_B2
- | Mode_U8
- | Mode_I8 =>
- Emit_Load_Mem (Stmt, Sz_8);
- when Mode_U64
- | Mode_I64 =>
- Emit_Load_Mem (Stmt, Sz_32l);
- Emit_Load_Mem (Stmt, Sz_32h);
- when Mode_F32 =>
- Emit_Load_Fp_Mem (Stmt, Fp_32);
- when Mode_F64 =>
- Emit_Load_Fp_Mem (Stmt, Fp_64);
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("emit_insn: indir", Stmt);
- end case;
- when OE_Conv =>
- case Get_Expr_Mode (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt)) is
- when Mode_U32 =>
- Gen_Conv_U32 (Stmt);
- when Mode_I32 =>
- Gen_Conv_I32 (Stmt);
- when Mode_U8 =>
- Gen_Conv_U8 (Stmt);
- when Mode_B2 =>
- Gen_Conv_B2 (Stmt);
- when Mode_I64 =>
- Gen_Conv_I64 (Stmt);
- when Mode_F32
- | Mode_F64 =>
- Gen_Conv_Fp (Stmt);
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("emit_insn: conv", Stmt);
- end case;
- when OE_Asgn =>
- case Mode is
- when Mode_U32
- | Mode_I32
- | Mode_P32 =>
- Emit_Store (Stmt, Sz_32l);
- when Mode_B2
- | Mode_U8
- | Mode_I8 =>
- Emit_Store (Stmt, Sz_8);
- when Mode_U64
- | Mode_I64 =>
- Emit_Store (Stmt, Sz_32l);
- Emit_Store (Stmt, Sz_32h);
- when Mode_F32 =>
- Emit_Store_Fp (Stmt, Fp_32);
- when Mode_F64 =>
- Emit_Store_Fp (Stmt, Fp_64);
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("emit_insn: move", Stmt);
- end case;
- when OE_Jump_F =>
- Reg := Get_Expr_Reg (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- if Reg not in Regs_Cc then
- Error_Emit ("emit_insn/jmp_f: not cc", Stmt);
- end if;
- Emit_Jmp_T (Stmt, Inverse_Cc (Reg));
- when OE_Jump_T =>
- Reg := Get_Expr_Reg (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt));
- if Reg not in Regs_Cc then
- Error_Emit ("emit_insn/jmp_t: not cc", Stmt);
- end if;
- Emit_Jmp_T (Stmt, Reg);
- when OE_Jump =>
- Emit_Jmp (Stmt);
- when OE_Label =>
- Emit_Label (Stmt);
- when OE_Ret =>
- -- Value already set.
- null;
- when OE_Arg =>
- case Mode is
- when Mode_U32
- | Mode_I32
- | Mode_P32 =>
- Emit_Push_32 (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt), Sz_32l);
- when Mode_U64
- | Mode_I64 =>
- Emit_Push_32 (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt), Sz_32h);
- Emit_Push_32 (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt), Sz_32l);
- when Mode_F32 =>
- Emit_Push_Fp (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt), Fp_32);
- when Mode_F64 =>
- Emit_Push_Fp (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt), Fp_64);
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("emit_insn: oe_arg", Stmt);
- end case;
- when OE_Stack_Adjust =>
- Emit_Setup_Frame (Stmt);
- when OE_Call =>
- Emit_Call (Stmt);
- when OE_Intrinsic =>
- Emit_Intrinsic (Stmt);
- when OE_Move =>
- declare
- Operand : O_Enode;
- Op_Reg : O_Reg;
- begin
- Reg := Get_Expr_Reg (Stmt);
- Operand := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- Op_Reg := Get_Expr_Reg (Operand);
- case Mode is
- when Mode_B2 =>
- if Reg in Regs_R32 and then Op_Reg in Regs_Cc then
- Emit_Setcc (Stmt, Op_Reg);
- elsif (Reg = R_Eq or Reg = R_Ne)
- and then Op_Reg in Regs_R32
- then
- Emit_Tst (Op_Reg, Sz_8);
- else
- Error_Emit ("emit_insn: move/b2", Stmt);
- end if;
- when Mode_U32
- | Mode_I32 =>
- -- mov REG, OP
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_Insn_Sz (2#1000_101_0#, Sz_32l);
- Gen_Rm (To_Reg32 (Reg, Sz_32l) * 8, Operand, Sz_32l);
- End_Insn;
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("emit_insn: move", Stmt);
- end case;
- end;
- when OE_Alloca =>
- if Mode /= Mode_P32 then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Gen_Alloca (Stmt);
- when OE_Set_Stack =>
- Emit_Load_Mem (Stmt, Sz_32l);
- when OE_Add
- | OE_Addrl =>
- case Mode is
- when Mode_U32
- | Mode_I32
- | Mode_P32 =>
- Emit_Lea (Stmt);
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("emit_insn: oe_add", Stmt);
- end case;
- when OE_Spill =>
- case Mode is
- when Mode_B2
- | Mode_U8
- | Mode_I8 =>
- Emit_Spill (Stmt, Sz_8);
- when Mode_U32
- | Mode_I32
- | Mode_P32 =>
- Emit_Spill (Stmt, Sz_32l);
- when Mode_U64
- | Mode_I64 =>
- Emit_Spill (Stmt, Sz_32l);
- Emit_Spill (Stmt, Sz_32h);
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("emit_insn: spill", Stmt);
- end case;
- when OE_Reload =>
- declare
- Expr : O_Enode;
- begin
- Reg := Get_Expr_Reg (Stmt);
- Expr := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- case Mode is
- when Mode_B2
- | Mode_U8
- | Mode_I8 =>
- Emit_Load (Reg, Expr, Sz_8);
- when Mode_U32
- | Mode_I32
- | Mode_P32 =>
- Emit_Load (Reg, Expr, Sz_32l);
- when Mode_U64
- | Mode_I64 =>
- Emit_Load (Reg, Expr, Sz_32l);
- Emit_Load (Reg, Expr, Sz_32h);
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("emit_insn: reload", Stmt);
- end case;
- end;
- when OE_Reg =>
- Reg_Helper := Get_Expr_Reg (Stmt);
- when OE_Case_Expr
- | OE_Case =>
- null;
- when OE_Line =>
- if Flag_Debug = Debug_Dwarf then
- Dwarf.Set_Line_Stmt (Get_Expr_Line_Number (Stmt));
- Set_Current_Section (Sect_Text);
- end if;
- when others =>
- Error_Emit ("cannot handle insn", Stmt);
- end case;
- end Emit_Insn;
- procedure Push_Reg_If_Used (Reg : Regs_R32)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.X86.Insns;
- begin
- if Reg_Used (Reg) then
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#01010_000# + To_Reg32 (Reg, Sz_32l));
- End_Insn;
- end if;
- end Push_Reg_If_Used;
- procedure Pop_Reg_If_Used (Reg : Regs_R32)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.X86.Insns;
- begin
- if Reg_Used (Reg) then
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#01011_000# + To_Reg32 (Reg, Sz_32l));
- End_Insn;
- end if;
- end Pop_Reg_If_Used;
- procedure Emit_Prologue (Subprg : Subprogram_Data_Acc)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Decls;
- use Ortho_Code.Flags;
- use Ortho_Code.X86.Insns;
- Sym : Symbol;
- Subprg_Decl : O_Dnode;
- Is_Global : Boolean;
- Frame_Size : Unsigned_32;
- Saved_Regs_Size : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- -- Switch to .text section and align the function (to avoid the nested
- -- function trick and for performance).
- Set_Current_Section (Sect_Text);
- Gen_Pow_Align (2);
- Subprg_Decl := Subprg.D_Decl;
- Sym := Get_Decl_Symbol (Subprg_Decl);
- case Get_Decl_Storage (Subprg_Decl) is
- when O_Storage_Public
- | O_Storage_External =>
- -- FIXME: should not accept the external case.
- Is_Global := True;
- when others =>
- Is_Global := False;
- end case;
- Set_Symbol_Pc (Sym, Is_Global);
- Subprg_Pc := Get_Current_Pc;
- Saved_Regs_Size := Boolean'Pos(Reg_Used (R_Di)) * 4
- + Boolean'Pos(Reg_Used (R_Si)) * 4
- + Boolean'Pos(Reg_Used (R_Bx)) * 4;
- -- Compute frame size.
- -- 8 bytes are used by return address and saved frame pointer.
- Frame_Size := Unsigned_32 (Subprg.Stack_Max) + 8 + Saved_Regs_Size;
- -- Align.
- Frame_Size := (Frame_Size + X86.Flags.Stack_Boundary - 1)
- and not (X86.Flags.Stack_Boundary - 1);
- -- The 8 bytes are already allocated.
- Frame_Size := Frame_Size - 8 - Saved_Regs_Size;
- -- Emit prolog.
- -- push %ebp
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#01010_101#);
- End_Insn;
- -- movl %esp, %ebp
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#1000100_1#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_100_101#);
- End_Insn;
- -- subl XXX, %esp
- if Frame_Size /= 0 then
- if not X86.Flags.Flag_Alloca_Call
- or else Frame_Size <= 4096
- then
- Start_Insn;
- if Frame_Size < 128 then
- Gen_B8 (2#100000_11#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_101_100#);
- Gen_B8 (Byte (Frame_Size));
- else
- Gen_B8 (2#100000_01#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_101_100#);
- Gen_Le32 (Frame_Size);
- end if;
- End_Insn;
- else
- -- mov stack_size,%eax
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#1011_1_000#);
- Gen_Le32 (Frame_Size);
- End_Insn;
- Gen_Call (Chkstk_Symbol);
- end if;
- end if;
- if Flag_Profile then
- Gen_Call (Mcount_Symbol);
- end if;
- -- Save registers.
- Push_Reg_If_Used (R_Di);
- Push_Reg_If_Used (R_Si);
- Push_Reg_If_Used (R_Bx);
- end Emit_Prologue;
- procedure Emit_Epilogue (Subprg : Subprogram_Data_Acc)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Decls;
- use Ortho_Code.Types;
- use Ortho_Code.Flags;
- Decl : O_Dnode;
- begin
- -- Restore registers.
- Pop_Reg_If_Used (R_Bx);
- Pop_Reg_If_Used (R_Si);
- Pop_Reg_If_Used (R_Di);
- Decl := Subprg.D_Decl;
- if Get_Decl_Kind (Decl) = OD_Function then
- case Get_Type_Mode (Get_Decl_Type (Decl)) is
- when Mode_U8
- | Mode_B2 =>
- -- movzx %al,%eax
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (16#0f#);
- Gen_B8 (2#1011_0110#);
- Gen_B8 (2#11_000_000#);
- End_Insn;
- when Mode_U32
- | Mode_I32
- | Mode_U64
- | Mode_I64
- | Mode_F32
- | Mode_F64
- | Mode_P32 =>
- null;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end if;
- -- leave
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#1100_1001#);
- End_Insn;
- -- ret
- Start_Insn;
- Gen_B8 (2#1100_0011#);
- End_Insn;
- if Flag_Debug = Debug_Dwarf then
- Set_Body_Info (Subprg.D_Body, Int32 (Get_Current_Pc - Subprg_Pc));
- end if;
- end Emit_Epilogue;
- procedure Emit_Subprg (Subprg : Subprogram_Data_Acc)
- is
- Stmt : O_Enode;
- begin
- if Debug.Flag_Debug_Code2 then
- Abi.Disp_Subprg_Decl (Subprg.D_Decl);
- end if;
- Emit_Prologue (Subprg);
- Stmt := Subprg.E_Entry;
- loop
- Stmt := Get_Stmt_Link (Stmt);
- if Debug.Flag_Debug_Code2 then
- Abi.Disp_Stmt (Stmt);
- end if;
- Emit_Insn (Stmt);
- exit when Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt) = OE_Leave;
- end loop;
- Emit_Epilogue (Subprg);
- end Emit_Subprg;
- procedure Emit_Var_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Decls;
- use Types;
- Sym : Symbol;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Dtype : O_Tnode;
- begin
- Set_Current_Section (Sect_Bss);
- Sym := Create_Symbol (Get_Decl_Ident (Decl));
- Set_Decl_Info (Decl, To_Int32 (Uns32 (Sym)));
- Storage := Get_Decl_Storage (Decl);
- Dtype := Get_Decl_Type (Decl);
- case Storage is
- when O_Storage_External =>
- null;
- when O_Storage_Public
- | O_Storage_Private =>
- Gen_Pow_Align (Get_Type_Align (Dtype));
- Set_Symbol_Pc (Sym, Storage = O_Storage_Public);
- Gen_Space (Integer_32 (Get_Type_Size (Dtype)));
- when O_Storage_Local =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Set_Current_Section (Sect_Text);
- end Emit_Var_Decl;
- procedure Emit_Const_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode)
- is
- use Decls;
- use Types;
- Sym : Symbol;
- begin
- Set_Current_Section (Sect_Rodata);
- Sym := Create_Symbol (Get_Decl_Ident (Decl));
- Set_Decl_Info (Decl, To_Int32 (Uns32 (Sym)));
- Set_Current_Section (Sect_Text);
- end Emit_Const_Decl;
- procedure Emit_Const (Val : O_Cnode)
- is
- use Consts;
- use Types;
- H, L : Uns32;
- begin
- case Get_Const_Kind (Val) is
- when OC_Signed
- | OC_Unsigned
- | OC_Float
- | OC_Null
- | OC_Lit =>
- Get_Const_Bytes (Val, H, L);
- case Get_Type_Mode (Get_Const_Type (Val)) is
- when Mode_U8
- | Mode_I8
- | Mode_B2 =>
- Gen_B8 (Byte (L));
- when Mode_U32
- | Mode_I32
- | Mode_F32
- | Mode_P32 =>
- Gen_Le32 (Unsigned_32 (L));
- when Mode_F64
- | Mode_I64
- | Mode_U64 =>
- Gen_Le32 (Unsigned_32 (L));
- Gen_Le32 (Unsigned_32 (H));
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- when OC_Address
- | OC_Subprg_Address =>
- Gen_X86_32 (Get_Decl_Symbol (Get_Const_Decl (Val)), 0);
- when OC_Array =>
- for I in 0 .. Get_Const_Aggr_Length (Val) - 1 loop
- Emit_Const (Get_Const_Aggr_Element (Val, I));
- end loop;
- when OC_Record =>
- declare
- E : O_Cnode;
- begin
- for I in 0 .. Get_Const_Aggr_Length (Val) - 1 loop
- E := Get_Const_Aggr_Element (Val, I);
- Gen_Pow_Align (Get_Type_Align (Get_Const_Type (E)));
- Emit_Const (E);
- end loop;
- end;
- when OC_Sizeof
- | OC_Alignof
- | OC_Union =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Emit_Const;
- procedure Emit_Const_Value (Decl : O_Dnode; Val : O_Cnode)
- is
- use Decls;
- use Types;
- Sym : Symbol;
- Dtype : O_Tnode;
- begin
- Set_Current_Section (Sect_Rodata);
- Sym := Get_Decl_Symbol (Decl);
- Dtype := Get_Decl_Type (Decl);
- Gen_Pow_Align (Get_Type_Align (Dtype));
- Set_Symbol_Pc (Sym, Get_Decl_Storage (Decl) = O_Storage_Public);
- Prealloc (Pc_Type (Get_Type_Size (Dtype)));
- Emit_Const (Val);
- Set_Current_Section (Sect_Text);
- end Emit_Const_Value;
- procedure Init
- is
- use Ortho_Ident;
- use Ortho_Code.Flags;
- begin
- Arch := Arch_X86;
- Create_Section (Sect_Text, ".text", Section_Exec + Section_Read);
- Create_Section (Sect_Rodata, ".rodata", Section_Read);
- Create_Section (Sect_Bss, ".bss",
- Section_Read + Section_Write + Section_Zero);
- Set_Current_Section (Sect_Text);
- if Flag_Profile then
- Mcount_Symbol := Create_Symbol (Get_Identifier ("mcount"));
- end if;
- if X86.Flags.Flag_Alloca_Call then
- Chkstk_Symbol := Create_Symbol (Get_Identifier ("___chkstk"));
- end if;
- Intrinsics_Symbol (Intrinsic_Mul_Ov_U64) :=
- Create_Symbol (Get_Identifier ("__muldi3"));
- Intrinsics_Symbol (Intrinsic_Div_Ov_U64) :=
- Create_Symbol (Get_Identifier ("__mcode_div_ov_u64"));
- Intrinsics_Symbol (Intrinsic_Mod_Ov_U64) :=
- Create_Symbol (Get_Identifier ("__mcode_mod_ov_u64"));
- Intrinsics_Symbol (Intrinsic_Mul_Ov_I64) :=
- Create_Symbol (Get_Identifier ("__muldi3"));
- Intrinsics_Symbol (Intrinsic_Div_Ov_I64) :=
- Create_Symbol (Get_Identifier ("__divdi3"));
- Intrinsics_Symbol (Intrinsic_Mod_Ov_I64) :=
- Create_Symbol (Get_Identifier ("__mcode_mod_ov_i64"));
- Intrinsics_Symbol (Intrinsic_Rem_Ov_I64) :=
- Create_Symbol (Get_Identifier ("__mcode_rem_ov_i64"));
- if Debug.Flag_Debug_Asm then
- Dump_Asm := True;
- end if;
- if Debug.Flag_Debug_Hex then
- Debug_Hex := True;
- end if;
- if Flag_Debug = Debug_Dwarf then
- Dwarf.Init;
- Set_Current_Section (Sect_Text);
- end if;
- end Init;
- procedure Finish
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Flags;
- begin
- if Flag_Debug = Debug_Dwarf then
- Set_Current_Section (Sect_Text);
- Dwarf.Finish;
- end if;
- end Finish;
-end Ortho_Code.X86.Emits;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-emits.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-emits.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ddb43ee5..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-emits.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - Binary X86 instructions generator.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Binary_File; use Binary_File;
-package Ortho_Code.X86.Emits is
- procedure Init;
- procedure Finish;
- procedure Emit_Subprg (Subprg : Subprogram_Data_Acc);
- procedure Emit_Var_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode);
- procedure Emit_Const_Decl (Decl : O_Dnode);
- procedure Emit_Const_Value (Decl : O_Dnode; Val : O_Cnode);
- type Intrinsic_Symbols_Map is array (Intrinsics_X86) of Symbol;
- Intrinsics_Symbol : Intrinsic_Symbols_Map;
- Mcount_Symbol : Symbol;
- Chkstk_Symbol : Symbol;
-end Ortho_Code.X86.Emits;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-flags_linux.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-flags_linux.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 30bc7f7b3..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-flags_linux.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
--- X86 ABI flags.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-package Ortho_Code.X86.Flags_Linux is
- -- If true, OE_Alloca calls __chkstk (Windows), otherwise OE_Alloc
- -- modifies ESP directly.
- Flag_Alloca_Call : constant Boolean := False;
- -- Prefered stack alignment.
- -- Must be a power of 2.
- Stack_Boundary : constant Unsigned_32 := 2 ** 3;
- -- Alignment for double (64 bit float).
- Mode_F64_Align : constant Natural := 2;
-end Ortho_Code.X86.Flags_Linux;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-flags_macosx.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-flags_macosx.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index a33085294..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-flags_macosx.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
--- X86 ABI flags.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-package Ortho_Code.X86.Flags_Macosx is
- -- If true, OE_Alloca calls __chkstk (Windows), otherwise OE_Alloc
- -- modifies ESP directly.
- Flag_Alloca_Call : constant Boolean := False;
- -- Prefered stack alignment.
- -- Must be a power of 2.
- Stack_Boundary : constant Unsigned_32 := 2 ** 4;
- -- Alignment for double (64 bit float).
- Mode_F64_Align : constant Natural := 2;
-end Ortho_Code.X86.Flags_Macosx;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-flags_windows.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-flags_windows.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 3296aaf2c..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-flags_windows.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
--- X86 ABI flags.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-package Ortho_Code.X86.Flags_Windows is
- -- If true, OE_Alloca calls __chkstk (Windows), otherwise OE_Alloc
- -- modifies ESP directly.
- Flag_Alloca_Call : constant Boolean := True;
- -- Prefered stack alignment.
- -- Must be a power of 2.
- Stack_Boundary : constant Unsigned_32 := 2 ** 3;
- -- Alignment for double (64 bit float).
- Mode_F64_Align : constant Natural := 3;
-end Ortho_Code.X86.Flags_Windows;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-insns.adb b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-insns.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index c218a9ae0..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-insns.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2068 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - mcode to X86 instructions.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Interfaces;
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-with Ortho_Code.Abi;
-with Ortho_Code.Decls; use Ortho_Code.Decls;
-with Ortho_Code.Types; use Ortho_Code.Types;
-with Ortho_Code.Debug;
-with Ortho_Code.X86.Flags;
-package body Ortho_Code.X86.Insns is
- procedure Link_Stmt (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Abi;
- begin
- Set_Stmt_Link (Last_Link, Stmt);
- Last_Link := Stmt;
- if Debug.Flag_Debug_Insn then
- Disp_Stmt (Stmt);
- end if;
- end Link_Stmt;
- function Get_Reg_Any (Mode : Mode_Type) return O_Reg is
- begin
- case Mode is
- when Mode_I16 .. Mode_I32
- | Mode_U16 .. Mode_U32
- | Mode_P32 =>
- return R_Any32;
- when Mode_I8
- | Mode_U8
- | Mode_B2 =>
- return R_Any8;
- when Mode_U64
- | Mode_I64 =>
- return R_Any64;
- when Mode_F32
- | Mode_F64 =>
- if Abi.Flag_Sse2 then
- return R_Any_Xmm;
- else
- return R_St0;
- end if;
- when Mode_P64
- | Mode_X1
- | Mode_Nil
- | Mode_Blk =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Get_Reg_Any;
- function Get_Reg_Any (Stmt : O_Enode) return O_Reg is
- begin
- return Get_Reg_Any (Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt));
- end Get_Reg_Any;
- -- Stack slot management.
- Stack_Offset : Uns32 := 0;
- Stack_Max : Uns32 := 0;
- -- Count how many bytes have been pushed on the stack, during a call. This
- -- is used to correctly align the stack for nested calls.
- Push_Offset : Uns32 := 0;
- -- STMT is an OE_END statement.
- -- Swap Stack_Offset with Max_Stack of STMT.
- procedure Swap_Stack_Offset (Blk : O_Dnode)
- is
- Prev_Offset : Uns32;
- begin
- Prev_Offset := Get_Block_Max_Stack (Blk);
- Set_Block_Max_Stack (Blk, Stack_Offset);
- Stack_Offset := Prev_Offset;
- end Swap_Stack_Offset;
- procedure Expand_Decls (Block : O_Dnode)
- is
- Last : O_Dnode;
- Decl : O_Dnode;
- Decl_Type : O_Tnode;
- begin
- if Get_Decl_Kind (Block) /= OD_Block then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Last := Get_Block_Last (Block);
- Decl := Block + 1;
- while Decl <= Last loop
- case Get_Decl_Kind (Decl) is
- when OD_Local =>
- Decl_Type := Get_Decl_Type (Decl);
- Stack_Offset := Do_Align (Stack_Offset, Decl_Type);
- Stack_Offset := Stack_Offset + Get_Type_Size (Decl_Type);
- Set_Local_Offset (Decl, -Int32 (Stack_Offset));
- if Stack_Offset > Stack_Max then
- Stack_Max := Stack_Offset;
- end if;
- when OD_Type
- | OD_Const
- | OD_Const_Val
- | OD_Var
- | OD_Function
- | OD_Procedure
- | OD_Interface
- | OD_Body
- | OD_Subprg_Ext =>
- null;
- when OD_Block =>
- Decl := Get_Block_Last (Decl);
- end case;
- Decl := Decl + 1;
- end loop;
- end Expand_Decls;
- function Ekind_To_Cc (Stmt : O_Enode; Mode : Mode_Type) return O_Reg
- is
- Kind : OE_Kind;
- begin
- Kind := Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt);
- case Mode is
- when Mode_U8 .. Mode_U64
- | Mode_F32 .. Mode_F64
- | Mode_P32
- | Mode_P64
- | Mode_B2 =>
- return Ekind_Unsigned_To_Cc (Kind);
- when Mode_I8 .. Mode_I64 =>
- return Ekind_Signed_To_Cc (Kind);
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Ekind_To_Cc;
- -- CC is the result of A CMP B.
- -- Returns the condition for B CMP A.
- function Reverse_Cc (Cc : O_Reg) return O_Reg is
- begin
- case Cc is
- when R_Ult =>
- return R_Ugt;
- when R_Uge =>
- return R_Ule;
- when R_Eq =>
- return R_Eq;
- when R_Ne =>
- return R_Ne;
- when R_Ule =>
- return R_Uge;
- when R_Ugt =>
- return R_Ult;
- when R_Slt =>
- return R_Sgt;
- when R_Sge =>
- return R_Sle;
- when R_Sle =>
- return R_Sge;
- when R_Sgt =>
- return R_Slt;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Reverse_Cc;
- -- Get the register in which a result of MODE is returned.
- function Get_Call_Register (Mode : Mode_Type) return O_Reg is
- begin
- case Mode is
- when Mode_U8 .. Mode_U32
- | Mode_I8 .. Mode_I32
- | Mode_P32
- | Mode_B2 =>
- return R_Ax;
- when Mode_U64
- | Mode_I64 =>
- return R_Edx_Eax;
- when Mode_F32
- | Mode_F64 =>
- if Abi.Flag_Sse2 and True then
- -- Note: this shouldn't be enabled as the svr4 ABI specifies
- -- ST0.
- return R_Xmm0;
- else
- return R_St0;
- end if;
- when Mode_Nil =>
- return R_None;
- when Mode_X1
- | Mode_Blk
- | Mode_P64 =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Get_Call_Register;
--- function Ensure_Rm (Stmt : O_Enode) return O_Enode
--- is
--- begin
--- case Get_Expr_Reg (Stmt) is
--- when R_Mem
--- | Regs_Any32 =>
--- return Stmt;
--- when others =>
--- raise Program_Error;
--- end case;
--- end Ensure_Rm;
--- function Ensure_Ireg (Stmt : O_Enode) return O_Enode
--- is
--- Reg : O_Reg;
--- begin
--- Reg := Get_Expr_Reg (Stmt);
--- case Reg is
--- when Regs_Any32
--- | R_Imm =>
--- return Stmt;
--- when others =>
--- raise Program_Error;
--- end case;
--- end Ensure_Ireg;
- function Insert_Move (Expr : O_Enode; Dest : O_Reg) return O_Enode
- is
- N : O_Enode;
- begin
- N := New_Enode (OE_Move, Get_Expr_Mode (Expr), O_Tnode_Null,
- Expr, O_Enode_Null);
- Set_Expr_Reg (N, Dest);
- Link_Stmt (N);
- return N;
- end Insert_Move;
--- function Insert_Spill (Expr : O_Enode) return O_Enode
--- is
--- N : O_Enode;
--- begin
--- N := New_Enode (OE_Spill, Get_Expr_Mode (Expr), O_Tnode_Null,
--- Expr, O_Enode_Null);
--- Set_Expr_Reg (N, R_Spill);
--- Link_Stmt (N);
--- return N;
--- end Insert_Spill;
- procedure Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt : O_Enode; Reg : O_Reg)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- begin
- Put_Line ("gen_insn error: cannot match reg " & Abi.Image_Reg (Reg)
- & " with stmt " & OE_Kind'Image (Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt)));
- raise Program_Error;
- end Error_Gen_Insn;
- procedure Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt : O_Enode; Mode : Mode_Type)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- begin
- Put_Line ("gen_insn error: cannot match mode " & Mode_Type'Image (Mode)
- & " with stmt " & OE_Kind'Image (Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt))
- & " of mode " & Mode_Type'Image (Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt)));
- raise Program_Error;
- end Error_Gen_Insn;
- pragma No_Return (Error_Gen_Insn);
- Cur_Block : O_Enode;
- type O_Inum is new Int32;
- O_Free : constant O_Inum := 0;
- O_Iroot : constant O_Inum := 1;
- Insn_Num : O_Inum;
- function Get_Insn_Num return O_Inum is
- begin
- Insn_Num := Insn_Num + 1;
- return Insn_Num;
- end Get_Insn_Num;
- type Reg_Info_Type is record
- -- Statement number which use this register.
- -- This is a distance.
- Num : O_Inum;
- -- Statement which produces this value.
- -- Used to have more info on this register (such as mode to allocate
- -- a spill location).
- Stmt : O_Enode;
- -- If set, this register has been used.
- -- All callee-saved registers marked must be saved.
- Used : Boolean;
- end record;
- Init_Reg_Info : constant Reg_Info_Type := (Num => O_Free,
- Stmt => O_Enode_Null,
- Used => False);
- type Reg32_Info_Array is array (Regs_R32) of Reg_Info_Type;
- Regs : Reg32_Info_Array := (others => Init_Reg_Info);
- Reg_Cc : Reg_Info_Type := Init_Reg_Info;
- type Fp_Stack_Type is mod 8;
- type RegFp_Info_Array is array (Fp_Stack_Type) of Reg_Info_Type;
- Fp_Top : Fp_Stack_Type := 0;
- Fp_Regs : RegFp_Info_Array;
- type Reg_Xmm_Info_Array is array (Regs_Xmm) of Reg_Info_Type;
- Info_Regs_Xmm : Reg_Xmm_Info_Array := (others => Init_Reg_Info);
- function Reg_Used (Reg : Regs_R32) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Regs (Reg).Used;
- end Reg_Used;
- procedure Dump_Reg32_Info (Reg : Regs_R32)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- use Ortho_Code.Debug.Int32_IO;
- use Abi;
- begin
- Put (Image_Reg (Reg));
- Put (": ");
- Put (Int32 (Regs (Reg).Stmt), 0);
- Put (", num: ");
- Put (Int32 (Regs (Reg).Num), 0);
- --Put (", twin: ");
- --Put (Image_Reg (Regs (Reg).Twin_Reg));
- --Put (", link: ");
- --Put (Image_Reg (Regs (Reg).Link));
- New_Line;
- end Dump_Reg32_Info;
- procedure Dump_Regs
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- use Debug.Int32_IO;
- begin
--- Put ("free_regs: ");
--- Put (Image_Reg (Free_Regs));
--- Put (", to_free_regs: ");
--- Put (Image_Reg (To_Free_Regs));
--- New_Line;
- for I in Regs_R32 loop
- Dump_Reg32_Info (I);
- end loop;
- for I in Fp_Stack_Type loop
- Put ("fp" & Fp_Stack_Type'Image (I));
- Put (": ");
- Put (Int32 (Fp_Regs (I).Stmt), 0);
- New_Line;
- end loop;
- end Dump_Regs;
- pragma Unreferenced (Dump_Regs);
- procedure Error_Reg (Msg : String; Stmt : O_Enode; Reg : O_Reg)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- use Ortho_Code.Debug.Int32_IO;
- begin
- Put ("error reg: ");
- Put (Msg);
- New_Line;
- Put (" stmt: ");
- Put (Int32 (Stmt), 0);
- Put (", reg: ");
- Put (Abi.Image_Reg (Reg));
- New_Line;
- --Dump_Regs;
- raise Program_Error;
- end Error_Reg;
- pragma No_Return (Error_Reg);
- -- Free_XX
- -- Mark a register as unused.
- procedure Free_R32 (Reg : O_Reg) is
- begin
- if Regs (Reg).Num = O_Free then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Regs (Reg).Num := O_Free;
- end Free_R32;
- procedure Free_Fp is
- begin
- if Fp_Regs (Fp_Top).Stmt = O_Enode_Null then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Fp_Regs (Fp_Top).Stmt := O_Enode_Null;
- Fp_Top := Fp_Top + 1;
- end Free_Fp;
- procedure Free_Cc is
- begin
- if Reg_Cc.Num = O_Free then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Reg_Cc.Num := O_Free;
- end Free_Cc;
- procedure Free_Xmm (Reg : O_Reg) is
- begin
- if Info_Regs_Xmm (Reg).Num = O_Free then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Info_Regs_Xmm (Reg).Num := O_Free;
- end Free_Xmm;
- -- Allocate a stack slot for spilling.
- procedure Alloc_Spill (N : O_Enode)
- is
- Mode : Mode_Type;
- begin
- Mode := Get_Expr_Mode (N);
- -- Allocate on the stack.
- Stack_Offset := Types.Do_Align (Stack_Offset, Mode);
- Stack_Offset := Stack_Offset + Types.Get_Mode_Size (Mode);
- if Stack_Offset > Stack_Max then
- Stack_Max := Stack_Offset;
- end if;
- Set_Spill_Info (N, -Int32 (Stack_Offset));
- end Alloc_Spill;
- -- Insert a spill statement after ORIG: will save register(s) allocated by
- -- ORIG.
- -- Return the register(s) spilt (There might be several registers if
- -- ORIG uses a R64 register).
- function Insert_Spill (Orig : O_Enode) return O_Reg
- is
- N : O_Enode;
- Mode : Mode_Type;
- Reg_Orig : O_Reg;
- begin
- -- Add a spill statement.
- Mode := Get_Expr_Mode (Orig);
- N := New_Enode (OE_Spill, Mode, O_Tnode_Null, Orig, O_Enode_Null);
- Alloc_Spill (N);
- -- Insert the statement after the one that set the register
- -- being spilled.
- -- That's very important to be able to easily find the spill location,
- -- when it will be reloaded.
- if Orig = Abi.Last_Link then
- Link_Stmt (N);
- else
- Set_Stmt_Link (N, Get_Stmt_Link (Orig));
- Set_Stmt_Link (Orig, N);
- end if;
- Reg_Orig := Get_Expr_Reg (Orig);
- Set_Expr_Reg (N, Reg_Orig);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Orig, R_Spill);
- return Reg_Orig;
- end Insert_Spill;
- procedure Spill_R32 (Reg : Regs_R32)
- is
- Reg_Orig : O_Reg;
- begin
- if Regs (Reg).Num = O_Free then
- -- This register was not allocated.
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Reg_Orig := Insert_Spill (Regs (Reg).Stmt);
- -- Free the register.
- case Reg_Orig is
- when Regs_R32 =>
- if Reg_Orig /= Reg then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Free_R32 (Reg);
- when Regs_R64 =>
- Free_R32 (Get_R64_High (Reg_Orig));
- Free_R32 (Get_R64_Low (Reg_Orig));
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Spill_R32;
- procedure Alloc_R32 (Reg : O_Reg; Stmt : O_Enode; Num : O_Inum) is
- begin
- if Regs (Reg).Num /= O_Free then
- Spill_R32 (Reg);
- end if;
- Regs (Reg) := (Num => Num, Stmt => Stmt, Used => True);
- end Alloc_R32;
- procedure Clobber_R32 (Reg : O_Reg) is
- begin
- if Regs (Reg).Num /= O_Free then
- Spill_R32 (Reg);
- end if;
- end Clobber_R32;
- procedure Alloc_Fp (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- begin
- Fp_Top := Fp_Top - 1;
- if Fp_Regs (Fp_Top).Stmt /= O_Enode_Null then
- -- Must spill-out.
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Fp_Regs (Fp_Top).Stmt := Stmt;
- end Alloc_Fp;
- procedure Alloc_R64 (Reg : O_Reg; Stmt : O_Enode; Num : O_Inum)
- is
- Rh, Rl : O_Reg;
- begin
- Rl := Get_R64_Low (Reg);
- Rh := Get_R64_High (Reg);
- if Regs (Rl).Num /= O_Free
- or Regs (Rh).Num /= O_Free
- then
- Spill_R32 (Rl);
- end if;
- Regs (Rh) := (Num => Num, Stmt => Stmt, Used => True);
- Regs (Rl) := (Num => Num, Stmt => Stmt, Used => True);
- end Alloc_R64;
- procedure Alloc_Cc (Stmt : O_Enode; Num : O_Inum) is
- begin
- if Reg_Cc.Num /= O_Free then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Reg_Cc := (Num => Num, Stmt => Stmt, Used => True);
- end Alloc_Cc;
- procedure Spill_Xmm (Reg : Regs_Xmm)
- is
- Reg_Orig : O_Reg;
- begin
- if Info_Regs_Xmm (Reg).Num = O_Free then
- -- This register was not allocated.
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Reg_Orig := Insert_Spill (Info_Regs_Xmm (Reg).Stmt);
- -- Free the register.
- if Reg_Orig /= Reg then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Free_Xmm (Reg);
- end Spill_Xmm;
- procedure Alloc_Xmm (Reg : Regs_Xmm; Stmt : O_Enode; Num : O_Inum) is
- begin
- if Info_Regs_Xmm (Reg).Num /= O_Free then
- Spill_Xmm (Reg);
- end if;
- Info_Regs_Xmm (Reg) := (Num => Num, Stmt => Stmt, Used => True);
- end Alloc_Xmm;
- procedure Clobber_Xmm (Reg : Regs_Xmm) is
- begin
- if Info_Regs_Xmm (Reg).Num /= O_Free then
- Spill_Xmm (Reg);
- end if;
- end Clobber_Xmm;
- pragma Unreferenced (Clobber_Xmm);
- function Alloc_Reg (Reg : O_Reg; Stmt : O_Enode; Num : O_Inum) return O_Reg
- is
- Best_Reg : O_Reg;
- Best_Num : O_Inum;
- begin
- case Reg is
- when Regs_R32 =>
- Alloc_R32 (Reg, Stmt, Num);
- return Reg;
- when Regs_R64 =>
- Alloc_R64 (Reg, Stmt, Num);
- return Reg;
- when R_St0 =>
- Alloc_Fp (Stmt);
- return Reg;
- when Regs_Xmm =>
- Alloc_Xmm (Reg, Stmt, Num);
- return Reg;
- when R_Any32 =>
- Best_Num := O_Inum'Last;
- Best_Reg := R_None;
- for I in Regs_R32 loop
- if I not in R_Sp .. R_Bp then
- if Regs (I).Num = O_Free then
- Alloc_R32 (I, Stmt, Num);
- return I;
- elsif Regs (I).Num <= Best_Num then
- Best_Reg := I;
- Best_Num := Regs (I).Num;
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Alloc_R32 (Best_Reg, Stmt, Num);
- return Best_Reg;
- when R_Any8 =>
- Best_Num := O_Inum'Last;
- Best_Reg := R_None;
- for I in Regs_R8 loop
- if Regs (I).Num = O_Free then
- Alloc_R32 (I, Stmt, Num);
- return I;
- elsif Regs (I).Num <= Best_Num then
- Best_Reg := I;
- Best_Num := Regs (I).Num;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Alloc_R32 (Best_Reg, Stmt, Num);
- return Best_Reg;
- when R_Any64 =>
- declare
- Rh, Rl : O_Reg;
- begin
- Best_Num := O_Inum'Last;
- Best_Reg := R_None;
- for I in Regs_R64 loop
- Rh := Get_R64_High (I);
- Rl := Get_R64_Low (I);
- if Regs (Rh).Num = O_Free
- and then Regs (Rl).Num = O_Free
- then
- Alloc_R64 (I, Stmt, Num);
- return I;
- elsif Regs (Rh).Num <= Best_Num
- and Regs (Rl).Num <= Best_Num
- then
- Best_Reg := I;
- Best_Num := O_Inum'Max (Regs (Rh).Num,
- Regs (Rl).Num);
- end if;
- end loop;
- Alloc_R64 (Best_Reg, Stmt, Num);
- return Best_Reg;
- end;
- when R_Any_Xmm =>
- Best_Num := O_Inum'Last;
- Best_Reg := R_None;
- for I in Regs_X86_Xmm loop
- if Info_Regs_Xmm (I).Num = O_Free then
- Alloc_Xmm (I, Stmt, Num);
- return I;
- elsif Info_Regs_Xmm (I).Num <= Best_Num then
- Best_Reg := I;
- Best_Num := Info_Regs_Xmm (I).Num;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Alloc_Xmm (Best_Reg, Stmt, Num);
- return Best_Reg;
- when others =>
- Error_Reg ("alloc_reg: unknown reg", O_Enode_Null, Reg);
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Alloc_Reg;
- function Gen_Reload (Spill : O_Enode; Reg : O_Reg; Num : O_Inum)
- return O_Enode
- is
- N : O_Enode;
- Mode : Mode_Type;
- begin
- -- Add a reload node.
- Mode := Get_Expr_Mode (Spill);
- N := New_Enode (OE_Reload, Mode, O_Tnode_Null, Spill, O_Enode_Null);
- -- Note: this does not use a just-freed register, since
- -- this case only occurs at the first call.
- Set_Expr_Reg (N, Alloc_Reg (Reg, N, Num));
- Link_Stmt (N);
- return N;
- end Gen_Reload;
- function Reload (Expr : O_Enode; Dest : O_Reg; Num : O_Inum) return O_Enode
- is
- Reg : O_Reg;
- Spill : O_Enode;
- begin
- Reg := Get_Expr_Reg (Expr);
- case Reg is
- when R_Spill =>
- -- Restore the register between the statement and the spill.
- Spill := Get_Stmt_Link (Expr);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Expr, Get_Expr_Reg (Spill));
- Set_Expr_Reg (Spill, R_Spill);
- case Dest is
- when R_Mem
- | R_Irm
- | R_Rm =>
- return Spill;
- when Regs_R32
- | R_Any32
- | Regs_R64
- | R_Any64
- | R_Any8 =>
- return Gen_Reload (Spill, Dest, Num);
- when R_Sib =>
- return Gen_Reload (Spill, R_Any32, Num);
- when R_Ir =>
- return Gen_Reload (Spill, Get_Reg_Any (Expr), Num);
- when others =>
- Error_Reg ("reload: unhandled dest in spill", Expr, Dest);
- end case;
- when Regs_R32 =>
- case Dest is
- when R_Irm
- | R_Rm
- | R_Ir
- | R_Any32
- | R_Any8
- | R_Sib =>
- return Expr;
- when Regs_R32 =>
- if Dest = Reg then
- return Expr;
- end if;
- Free_R32 (Reg);
- Spill := Insert_Move (Expr, Dest);
- Alloc_R32 (Dest, Spill, Num);
- return Spill;
- when others =>
- Error_Reg ("reload: unhandled dest in R32", Expr, Dest);
- end case;
- when Regs_R64 =>
- return Expr;
- when R_St0 =>
- return Expr;
- when Regs_Xmm =>
- return Expr;
- when R_Mem =>
- if Get_Expr_Kind (Expr) = OE_Indir then
- Set_Expr_Operand (Expr,
- Reload (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr), R_Sib, Num));
- return Expr;
- else
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- when R_B_Off
- | R_B_I
- | R_I_Off
- | R_Sib =>
- case Get_Expr_Kind (Expr) is
- when OE_Add =>
- Set_Expr_Left
- (Expr, Reload (Get_Expr_Left (Expr), R_Any32, Num));
- Set_Expr_Right
- (Expr, Reload (Get_Expr_Right (Expr), R_Any32, Num));
- return Expr;
- when OE_Addrl =>
- Spill := Get_Addrl_Frame (Expr);
- if Spill /= O_Enode_Null then
- Set_Addrl_Frame (Expr, Reload (Spill, R_Any32, Num));
- end if;
- return Expr;
- when others =>
- Error_Reg ("reload: unhandle expr in b_off", Expr, Dest);
- end case;
- when R_I =>
- Set_Expr_Left (Expr, Reload (Get_Expr_Left (Expr), R_Any32, Num));
- return Expr;
- when R_Imm =>
- return Expr;
- when others =>
- Error_Reg ("reload: unhandled reg", Expr, Reg);
- end case;
- end Reload;
- procedure Renum_Reg (Reg : O_Reg; Stmt : O_Enode; Num : O_Inum) is
- begin
- case Reg is
- when Regs_R32 =>
- Regs (Reg).Num := Num;
- Regs (Reg).Stmt := Stmt;
- when Regs_Cc =>
- Reg_Cc.Num := Num;
- Reg_Cc.Stmt := Stmt;
- when R_St0 =>
- null;
- when Regs_R64 =>
- declare
- L, H : O_Reg;
- begin
- L := Get_R64_Low (Reg);
- Regs (L).Num := Num;
- Regs (L).Stmt := Stmt;
- H := Get_R64_High (Reg);
- Regs (H).Num := Num;
- Regs (H).Stmt := Stmt;
- end;
- when others =>
- Error_Reg ("renum_reg", Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- end Renum_Reg;
- procedure Free_Insn_Regs (Insn : O_Enode)
- is
- R : O_Reg;
- begin
- R := Get_Expr_Reg (Insn);
- case R is
- when R_Ax
- | R_Bx
- | R_Cx
- | R_Dx
- | R_Si
- | R_Di =>
- Free_R32 (R);
- when R_Sp
- | R_Bp =>
- null;
- when R_St0 =>
- Free_Fp;
- when Regs_Xmm =>
- Free_Xmm (R);
- when Regs_R64 =>
- Free_R32 (Get_R64_High (R));
- Free_R32 (Get_R64_Low (R));
- when R_Mem =>
- if Get_Expr_Kind (Insn) = OE_Indir then
- Free_Insn_Regs (Get_Expr_Operand (Insn));
- else
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- when R_B_Off
- | R_B_I
- | R_I_Off
- | R_Sib =>
- case Get_Expr_Kind (Insn) is
- when OE_Add =>
- Free_Insn_Regs (Get_Expr_Left (Insn));
- Free_Insn_Regs (Get_Expr_Right (Insn));
- when OE_Addrl =>
- if Get_Addrl_Frame (Insn) /= O_Enode_Null then
- Free_Insn_Regs (Get_Addrl_Frame (Insn));
- end if;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- when R_I =>
- Free_Insn_Regs (Get_Expr_Left (Insn));
- when R_Imm =>
- null;
- when R_Spill =>
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Reg ("free_insn_regs: unknown reg", Insn, R);
- end case;
- end Free_Insn_Regs;
- procedure Insert_Reg (Mode : Mode_Type)
- is
- N : O_Enode;
- Num : O_Inum;
- begin
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- N := New_Enode (OE_Reg, Mode, O_Tnode_Null,
- O_Enode_Null, O_Enode_Null);
- Set_Expr_Reg (N, Alloc_Reg (Get_Reg_Any (Mode), N, Num));
- Link_Stmt (N);
- Free_Insn_Regs (N);
- end Insert_Reg;
- procedure Insert_Arg (Expr : O_Enode)
- is
- N : O_Enode;
- begin
- Free_Insn_Regs (Expr);
- N := New_Enode (OE_Arg, Get_Expr_Mode (Expr), O_Tnode_Null,
- Expr, O_Enode_Null);
- Set_Expr_Reg (N, R_None);
- Link_Stmt (N);
- end Insert_Arg;
- function Insert_Intrinsic (Stmt : O_Enode; Reg : O_Reg; Num : O_Inum)
- return O_Enode
- is
- N : O_Enode;
- Op : Int32;
- Mode : Mode_Type;
- begin
- Mode := Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt);
- case Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt) is
- when OE_Mul_Ov =>
- case Mode is
- when Mode_U64 =>
- Op := Intrinsic_Mul_Ov_U64;
- when Mode_I64 =>
- Op := Intrinsic_Mul_Ov_I64;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- when OE_Div_Ov =>
- case Mode is
- when Mode_U64 =>
- Op := Intrinsic_Div_Ov_U64;
- when Mode_I64 =>
- Op := Intrinsic_Div_Ov_I64;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- when OE_Mod =>
- case Mode is
- when Mode_U64 =>
- Op := Intrinsic_Mod_Ov_U64;
- when Mode_I64 =>
- Op := Intrinsic_Mod_Ov_I64;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- when OE_Rem =>
- case Mode is
- when Mode_U64 =>
- -- For unsigned, MOD == REM.
- Op := Intrinsic_Mod_Ov_U64;
- when Mode_I64 =>
- Op := Intrinsic_Rem_Ov_I64;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- -- Save caller-saved registers.
- Clobber_R32 (R_Ax);
- Clobber_R32 (R_Dx);
- Clobber_R32 (R_Cx);
- N := New_Enode (OE_Intrinsic, Mode, O_Tnode_Null,
- O_Enode (Op), O_Enode_Null);
- Set_Expr_Reg (N, Alloc_Reg (Reg, N, Num));
- Link_Stmt (N);
- return N;
- end Insert_Intrinsic;
- -- REG is mandatory: the result of STMT must satisfy the REG constraint.
- function Gen_Insn (Stmt : O_Enode; Reg : O_Reg; Pnum : O_Inum)
- return O_Enode;
- function Gen_Conv_From_Fp_Insn (Stmt : O_Enode;
- Reg : O_Reg;
- Pnum : O_Inum)
- return O_Enode
- is
- Num : O_Inum;
- Left : O_Enode;
- begin
- Left := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_St0, Num);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- case Reg is
- when Regs_R32
- | R_Any32
- | Regs_R64
- | R_Any64 =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Reg, Stmt, Pnum));
- when R_Rm
- | R_Irm
- | R_Ir =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Get_Reg_Any (Stmt), Stmt, Pnum));
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- return Stmt;
--- declare
--- Spill : O_Enode;
--- begin
--- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
--- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_St0, Num);
--- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
--- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Spill);
--- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
--- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
--- Spill := Insert_Spill (Stmt);
--- case Reg is
--- when R_Any32
--- | Regs_R32 =>
--- return Gen_Reload (Spill, Reg, Pnum);
--- when R_Ir =>
--- return Gen_Reload (Spill, R_Any32, Pnum);
--- when R_Rm
--- | R_Irm =>
--- return Spill;
--- when others =>
--- Error_Reg
--- ("gen_insn:oe_conv(fp)", Stmt, Reg);
--- end case;
--- end;
- end Gen_Conv_From_Fp_Insn;
- function Gen_Call (Stmt : O_Enode; Reg : O_Reg; Pnum : O_Inum)
- return O_Enode
- is
- use Interfaces;
- Left : O_Enode;
- Reg_Res : O_Reg;
- Subprg : O_Dnode;
- Push_Size : Uns32;
- Pad : Uns32;
- Res_Stmt : O_Enode;
- begin
- -- Emit Setup_Frame (to align stack).
- Subprg := Get_Call_Subprg (Stmt);
- Push_Size := Uns32 (Get_Subprg_Stack (Subprg));
- -- Pad the stack if necessary.
- Pad := (Push_Size + Push_Offset) and Uns32 (Flags.Stack_Boundary - 1);
- if Pad /= 0 then
- Pad := Uns32 (Flags.Stack_Boundary) - Pad;
- Link_Stmt (New_Enode (OE_Stack_Adjust, Mode_Nil, O_Tnode_Null,
- O_Enode (Pad), O_Enode_Null));
- end if;
- -- The stack has been adjusted by Pad bytes.
- Push_Offset := Push_Offset + Pad;
- -- Generate code for arguments (if any).
- Left := Get_Arg_Link (Stmt);
- if Left /= O_Enode_Null then
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_None, Pnum);
- end if;
- -- Clobber registers.
- Clobber_R32 (R_Ax);
- Clobber_R32 (R_Dx);
- Clobber_R32 (R_Cx);
- -- FIXME: fp regs.
- -- Add the call.
- Reg_Res := Get_Call_Register (Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt));
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Reg_Res);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- Res_Stmt := Stmt;
- if Push_Size + Pad /= 0 then
- Res_Stmt :=
- New_Enode (OE_Stack_Adjust, Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt), O_Tnode_Null,
- O_Enode (-Int32 (Push_Size + Pad)), O_Enode_Null);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Res_Stmt, Reg_Res);
- Link_Stmt (Res_Stmt);
- end if;
- -- The stack has been restored (just after the call).
- Push_Offset := Push_Offset - (Push_Size + Pad);
- case Reg is
- when R_Any32
- | R_Any64
- | R_Any8
- | R_Irm
- | R_Rm
- | R_Ir
- | R_Sib
- | R_Ax
- | R_St0
- | R_Edx_Eax =>
- Reg_Res := Alloc_Reg (Reg_Res, Res_Stmt, Pnum);
- return Res_Stmt;
- when R_Any_Cc =>
- -- Move to register.
- -- (use the 'test' instruction).
- Alloc_Cc (Res_Stmt, Pnum);
- return Insert_Move (Res_Stmt, R_Ne);
- when R_None =>
- if Reg_Res /= R_None then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- return Res_Stmt;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- end Gen_Call;
- function Gen_Insn (Stmt : O_Enode; Reg : O_Reg; Pnum : O_Inum)
- return O_Enode
- is
- Kind : OE_Kind;
- Left : O_Enode;
- Right : O_Enode;
- Reg1 : O_Reg;
- -- P_Reg : O_Reg;
- Reg_L : O_Reg;
- Reg_Res : O_Reg;
- Num : O_Inum;
- begin
- Kind := Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt);
- case Kind is
- when OE_Addrl =>
- Right := Get_Addrl_Frame (Stmt);
- if Right /= O_Enode_Null then
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Right := Gen_Insn (Right, R_Any32, Num);
- Set_Addrl_Frame (Stmt, Right);
- else
- Num := O_Free;
- end if;
- case Reg is
- when R_Sib =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_B_Off);
- return Stmt;
- when R_Irm
- | R_Ir =>
- if Right /= O_Enode_Null then
- Free_Insn_Regs (Right);
- end if;
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (R_Any32, Stmt, Pnum));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- return Stmt;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- when OE_Addrg =>
- case Reg is
- when R_Sib
- | R_Irm
- | R_Ir =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Imm);
- return Stmt;
- when R_Any32
- | Regs_R32 =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Reg);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- return Stmt;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- when OE_Indir =>
- Left := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- case Reg is
- when R_Irm
- | R_Rm =>
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_Sib, Pnum);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Mem);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- when R_Ir
- | R_Sib
- | R_I_Off =>
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_Sib, Num);
- Reg1 := Get_Reg_Any (Stmt);
- if Reg1 = R_Any64 then
- Reg1 := Alloc_Reg (Reg1, Stmt, Pnum);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- else
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Reg1 := Alloc_Reg (Reg1, Stmt, Pnum);
- end if;
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Reg1);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when Regs_R32
- | R_Any32
- | R_Any8
- | Regs_Fp =>
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_Sib, Num);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Reg, Stmt, Pnum));
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when Regs_R64
- | R_Any64 =>
- -- Avoid overwritting:
- -- Eg: axdx = indir (ax)
- -- axdx = indir (ax+dx)
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_Sib, Num);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Reg, Stmt, Pnum));
- Left := Reload (Left, R_Sib, Num);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when R_Any_Cc =>
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_Sib, Num);
- -- Generate a cmp $1, XX
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Eq);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- Alloc_Cc (Stmt, Pnum);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- return Stmt;
- when OE_Conv_Ptr =>
- -- Delete nops.
- return Gen_Insn (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt), Reg, Pnum);
- when OE_Const =>
- case Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt) is
- when Mode_U8 .. Mode_U32
- | Mode_I8 .. Mode_I32
- | Mode_P32
- | Mode_B2 =>
- case Reg is
- when R_Imm
- | Regs_Imm32 =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Imm);
- when Regs_R32
- | R_Any32
- | R_Any8 =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Reg, Stmt, Pnum));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when R_Rm =>
- Set_Expr_Reg
- (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Get_Reg_Any (Stmt), Stmt, Pnum));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when R_Any_Cc =>
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (R_Any8, Stmt, Num));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Stmt);
- Right := Insert_Move (Stmt, R_Ne);
- Alloc_Cc (Right, Pnum);
- return Right;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- when Mode_F32
- | Mode_F64 =>
- case Reg is
- when R_Ir
- | R_Irm
- | R_Rm
- | R_St0 =>
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- if Reg = R_St0 or not Abi.Flag_Sse2 then
- Reg1 := R_St0;
- else
- Reg1 := R_Any_Xmm;
- end if;
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Reg1, Stmt, Num));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- when Mode_U64
- | Mode_I64 =>
- case Reg is
- when R_Irm
- | R_Ir
- | R_Rm =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Imm);
- when R_Mem =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Mem);
- when Regs_R64
- | R_Any64 =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Reg, Stmt, Pnum));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- return Stmt;
- when OE_Alloca =>
- -- Roughly speaking, emited code is: (MASK is a constant).
- -- VAL := (VAL + MASK) & ~MASK
- -- SP := SP - VAL
- -- res <- SP
- Left := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- case Reg is
- when R_Ir
- | R_Irm
- | R_Any32 =>
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- if X86.Flags.Flag_Alloca_Call then
- Reg_L := R_Ax;
- else
- Reg_L := R_Any32;
- end if;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, Reg_L, Num);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Link_Stmt (Left);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Reg_L, Stmt, Pnum));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- return Stmt;
- when OE_Kind_Cmp =>
- -- Return LEFT cmp RIGHT, ie compute RIGHT - LEFT
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Left := Get_Expr_Left (Stmt);
- Reg_L := Get_Reg_Any (Left);
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, Reg_L, Num);
- Right := Get_Expr_Right (Stmt);
- case Get_Expr_Mode (Right) is
- when Mode_F32
- | Mode_F64 =>
- Reg1 := R_St0;
- when others =>
- Reg1 := R_Irm;
- end case;
- Right := Gen_Insn (Right, Reg1, Num);
- -- FIXME: what about if right was spilled out of FP regs ?
- -- (it is reloaded in reverse).
- Left := Reload (Left, Reg_L, Num);
- Set_Expr_Right (Stmt, Right);
- Set_Expr_Left (Stmt, Left);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- Reg_Res := Ekind_To_Cc (Stmt, Get_Expr_Mode (Left));
- case Get_Expr_Mode (Left) is
- when Mode_F32
- | Mode_F64 =>
- Reg_Res := Reverse_Cc (Reg_Res);
- when Mode_I64 =>
- -- I64 is a little bit special...
- Reg_Res := Get_R64_High (Get_Expr_Reg (Left));
- if Reg_Res not in Regs_R8 then
- Reg_Res := R_Nil;
- for I in Regs_R8 loop
- if Regs (I).Num = O_Free then
- Reg_Res := I;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- if Reg_Res = R_Nil then
- -- FIXME: to be handled.
- -- Can this happen ?
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- end if;
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Right);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Reg_Res);
- case Reg is
- when R_Any_Cc =>
- Right := Insert_Move (Stmt, R_Ne);
- Alloc_Cc (Right, Pnum);
- return Right;
- when R_Any8
- | Regs_R8
- | R_Irm
- | R_Ir
- | R_Rm =>
- Reg_Res := Alloc_Reg (Reg_Res, Stmt, Pnum);
- return Stmt;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Reg_Res);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Right);
- case Reg is
- when R_Any_Cc =>
- Alloc_Cc (Stmt, Pnum);
- return Stmt;
- when R_Any8
- | Regs_R8 =>
- Reg_Res := Alloc_Reg (Reg, Stmt, Pnum);
- return Insert_Move (Stmt, Reg_Res);
- when R_Irm
- | R_Ir
- | R_Rm =>
- Reg_Res := Alloc_Reg (R_Any8, Stmt, Pnum);
- return Insert_Move (Stmt, Reg_Res);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- when OE_Add =>
- declare
- R_L : O_Reg;
- R_R : O_Reg;
- begin
- Left := Gen_Insn (Get_Expr_Left (Stmt), R_Sib, Pnum);
- Right := Gen_Insn (Get_Expr_Right (Stmt), R_Sib, Pnum);
- Left := Reload (Left, R_Sib, Pnum);
- Set_Expr_Right (Stmt, Right);
- Set_Expr_Left (Stmt, Left);
- R_L := Get_Expr_Reg (Left);
- R_R := Get_Expr_Reg (Right);
- -- Results can be: Reg, R_B_Off, R_Sib, R_Imm, R_B_I
- case R_L is
- when R_Any32
- | Regs_R32 =>
- case R_R is
- when R_Imm =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_B_Off);
- when R_B_Off
- | R_I
- | R_I_Off =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Sib);
- when R_Any32
- | Regs_R32 =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_B_I);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, R_R);
- end case;
- when R_Imm =>
- case R_R is
- when R_Imm =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Imm);
- when R_Any32
- | Regs_R32
- | R_B_Off =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_B_Off);
- when R_I
- | R_I_Off =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_I_Off);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, R_R);
- end case;
- when R_B_Off =>
- case R_R is
- when R_Imm =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_B_Off);
- when R_Any32
- | Regs_R32
- | R_I =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Sib);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, R_R);
- end case;
- when R_I_Off =>
- case R_R is
- when R_Imm =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_I_Off);
- when R_Any32
- | Regs_R32 =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Sib);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, R_R);
- end case;
- when R_I =>
- case R_R is
- when R_Imm
- | Regs_R32
- | R_B_Off =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Sib);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, R_R);
- end case;
- when R_Sib
- | R_B_I =>
- if R_R = R_Imm then
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Sib);
- else
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Left, Alloc_Reg (R_Any32, Left, Num));
- Link_Stmt (Left);
- case R_R is
- when R_Any32
- | Regs_R32
- | R_I =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_B_I);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, R_R);
- end case;
- end if;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, R_L);
- end case;
- case Reg is
- when R_Sib =>
- null;
- when R_Ir
- | R_Irm =>
- if Get_Expr_Reg (Stmt) /= R_Imm then
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (R_Any32, Stmt, Pnum));
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Right);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- end if;
- when R_Any32
- | Regs_R32 =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Reg, Stmt, Pnum));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- end;
- return Stmt;
- when OE_Mul =>
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Get_Expr_Left (Stmt), R_Ax, Num);
- Set_Expr_Left (Stmt, Left);
- Right := Gen_Insn (Get_Expr_Right (Stmt), R_Any32, Num);
- if Get_Expr_Kind (Right) /= OE_Const then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Set_Expr_Right (Stmt, Right);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Right);
- Clobber_R32 (R_Dx);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (R_Ax, Stmt, Pnum));
- case Reg is
- when R_Sib
- | R_B_Off =>
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- return Stmt;
- when OE_Shl =>
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Right := Get_Expr_Right (Stmt);
- if Get_Expr_Kind (Right) /= OE_Const then
- Right := Gen_Insn (Right, R_Cx, Num);
- else
- Right := Gen_Insn (Right, R_Imm, Num);
- end if;
- Left := Get_Expr_Left (Stmt);
- Reg1 := Get_Reg_Any (Stmt);
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, Reg1, Pnum);
- if Get_Expr_Kind (Right) /= OE_Const then
- Right := Reload (Right, R_Cx, Num);
- end if;
- Left := Reload (Left, Reg1, Pnum);
- Set_Expr_Left (Stmt, Left);
- Set_Expr_Right (Stmt, Right);
- if Reg = R_Sib
- and then Get_Expr_Kind (Right) = OE_Const
- and then Get_Expr_Low (Right) in 0 .. 3
- then
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_I);
- else
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Get_Expr_Reg (Left));
- Free_Insn_Regs (Right);
- end if;
- return Stmt;
- when OE_Add_Ov
- | OE_Sub_Ov
- | OE_And
- | OE_Xor
- | OE_Or =>
- -- Accepted is: R with IMM or R/M
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Right := Get_Expr_Right (Stmt);
- Left := Get_Expr_Left (Stmt);
- case Reg is
- when R_Irm
- | R_Rm
- | R_Ir
- | R_Sib =>
- Right := Gen_Insn (Right, R_Irm, Num);
- Reg1 := Get_Reg_Any (Stmt);
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, Reg1, Num);
- Right := Reload (Right, R_Irm, Num);
- Left := Reload (Left, Reg1, Num);
- Reg_Res := Get_Expr_Reg (Left);
- when R_Any_Cc =>
- Right := Gen_Insn (Right, R_Irm, Num);
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_Any8, Num);
- Reg_Res := R_Ne;
- Alloc_Cc (Stmt, Num);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- when R_Any32
- | Regs_R32
- | R_Any8
- | R_Any64
- | Regs_R64
- | Regs_Fp =>
- Right := Gen_Insn (Right, R_Irm, Num);
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, Reg, Num);
- Right := Reload (Right, R_Irm, Num);
- Left := Reload (Left, Reg, Num);
- Reg_Res := Get_Expr_Reg (Left);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- Set_Expr_Right (Stmt, Right);
- Set_Expr_Left (Stmt, Left);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Reg_Res);
- Renum_Reg (Reg_Res, Stmt, Pnum);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Right);
- return Stmt;
- when OE_Mod
- | OE_Rem
- | OE_Mul_Ov
- | OE_Div_Ov =>
- declare
- Mode : Mode_Type;
- begin
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Mode := Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt);
- Left := Get_Expr_Left (Stmt);
- Right := Get_Expr_Right (Stmt);
- case Mode is
- when Mode_I32
- | Mode_U32
- | Mode_I16
- | Mode_U16 =>
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_Ax, Num);
- Right := Gen_Insn (Right, R_Rm, Num);
- Left := Reload (Left, R_Ax, Num);
- case Kind is
- when OE_Div_Ov
- | OE_Rem
- | OE_Mod =>
- -- Be sure EDX is free.
- Reg_Res := Alloc_Reg (R_Dx, Stmt, Pnum);
- when others =>
- Reg_Res := R_Nil;
- end case;
- Right := Reload (Right, R_Rm, Num);
- Set_Expr_Right (Stmt, Right);
- Set_Expr_Left (Stmt, Left);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Right);
- if Reg_Res /= R_Nil then
- Free_R32 (Reg_Res);
- end if;
- if Kind = OE_Div_Ov or Kind = OE_Mul_Ov then
- Reg_Res := R_Ax;
- Clobber_R32 (R_Dx);
- else
- Reg_Res := R_Dx;
- Clobber_R32 (R_Ax);
- end if;
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Reg_Res, Stmt, Pnum));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- return Reload (Stmt, Reg, Pnum);
- when Mode_U64
- | Mode_I64 =>
- -- FIXME: align stack
- Insert_Arg (Gen_Insn (Right, R_Irm, Num));
- Insert_Arg (Gen_Insn (Left, R_Irm, Num));
- return Insert_Intrinsic (Stmt, R_Edx_Eax, Pnum);
- when Mode_F32
- | Mode_F64 =>
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_St0, Num);
- Right := Gen_Insn (Right, R_Rm, Num);
- Set_Expr_Left (Stmt, Left);
- Set_Expr_Right (Stmt, Right);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Right);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (R_St0, Stmt, Pnum));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- return Stmt;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Mode);
- end case;
- end;
- when OE_Not
- | OE_Abs_Ov
- | OE_Neg_Ov =>
- Left := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- case Reg is
- when R_Any32
- | Regs_R32
- | R_Any64
- | Regs_R64
- | R_Any8
- | R_St0 =>
- Reg_Res := Reg;
- when R_Any_Cc =>
- if Kind /= OE_Not then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_Any_Cc, Pnum);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Reg_Res := Inverse_Cc (Get_Expr_Reg (Left));
- Free_Cc;
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Reg_Res);
- Alloc_Cc (Stmt, Pnum);
- return Stmt;
- when R_Irm
- | R_Rm
- | R_Ir =>
- Reg_Res := Get_Reg_Any (Get_Expr_Mode (Left));
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, Reg_Res, Pnum);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Reg_Res := Get_Expr_Reg (Left);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Reg_Res, Stmt, Pnum));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- return Stmt;
- when OE_Conv =>
- declare
- O_Mode : Mode_Type; -- Operand mode
- R_Mode : Mode_Type; -- Result mode
- begin
- Left := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- O_Mode := Get_Expr_Mode (Left);
- R_Mode := Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt);
- -- Simple case: no conversion.
- -- FIXME: should be handled by EXPR and convert to NOP.
- if Get_Expr_Mode (Left) = Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt) then
- -- A no-op.
- return Gen_Insn (Left, Reg, Pnum);
- end if;
- case R_Mode is
- when Mode_B2 =>
- case O_Mode is
- when Mode_U32
- | Mode_I32 =>
- -- Detect for bound.
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, O_Mode);
- end case;
- when Mode_U8 =>
- case O_Mode is
- when Mode_U16
- | Mode_U32
- | Mode_I32 =>
- -- Detect for bound.
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, O_Mode);
- end case;
- when Mode_U32 =>
- case O_Mode is
- when Mode_I32 =>
- -- Detect for bound.
- null;
- when Mode_B2
- | Mode_U8
- | Mode_U16 =>
- -- Zero extend.
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, O_Mode);
- end case;
- when Mode_I32 =>
- case O_Mode is
- when Mode_U8
- | Mode_I8
- | Mode_B2
- | Mode_U16
- | Mode_U32 =>
- -- Zero extend
- -- Detect for bound (U32).
- null;
- when Mode_I64 =>
- -- Detect for bound (U32)
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_Edx_Eax, Num);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- case Reg is
- when R_Ax
- | R_Any32
- | R_Rm
- | R_Irm
- | R_Ir =>
- Set_Expr_Reg
- (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (R_Ax, Stmt, Num));
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Insert_Reg (Mode_U32);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- return Stmt;
- when Mode_F64
- | Mode_F32 =>
- return Gen_Conv_From_Fp_Insn (Stmt, Reg, Pnum);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, O_Mode);
- end case;
- when Mode_I64 =>
- case O_Mode is
- when Mode_I32 =>
- -- Sign extend.
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_Ax, Num);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- case Reg is
- when R_Edx_Eax
- | R_Any64
- | R_Rm
- | R_Irm
- | R_Ir =>
- Set_Expr_Reg
- (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (R_Edx_Eax, Stmt, Pnum));
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- return Stmt;
- when Mode_F64
- | Mode_F32 =>
- return Gen_Conv_From_Fp_Insn (Stmt, Reg, Pnum);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, O_Mode);
- end case;
- when Mode_F64 =>
- case O_Mode is
- when Mode_I32
- | Mode_I64 =>
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, O_Mode);
- end case;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, O_Mode);
- end case;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_Rm, Pnum);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- case Reg is
- when R_Irm
- | R_Rm
- | R_Ir
- | R_Sib
- | R_Any32
- | Regs_R32
- | R_Any64
- | R_Any8
- | Regs_R64
- | Regs_Fp =>
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Set_Expr_Reg
- (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Get_Reg_Any (Stmt), Stmt, Pnum));
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- return Stmt;
- end;
- when OE_Arg =>
- if Reg /= R_None then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Left := Get_Arg_Link (Stmt);
- if Left /= O_Enode_Null then
- -- Recurse on next argument, so the first argument is pushed
- -- the last one.
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_None, Pnum);
- end if;
- Left := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- case Get_Expr_Mode (Left) is
- when Mode_F32 .. Mode_F64 =>
- -- fstp instruction.
- Reg_Res := R_St0;
- when others =>
- -- Push instruction.
- Reg_Res := R_Irm;
- end case;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, Reg_Res, Pnum);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Push_Offset := Push_Offset +
- Do_Align (Get_Mode_Size (Get_Expr_Mode (Left)), Mode_U32);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- return Stmt;
- when OE_Call =>
- return Gen_Call (Stmt, Reg, Pnum);
- when OE_Case_Expr =>
- Left := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Get_Expr_Reg (Left), Stmt, Pnum));
- return Stmt;
- when OE_Get_Stack =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Sp);
- return Stmt;
- when OE_Get_Frame =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Bp);
- return Stmt;
- when others =>
- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line
- ("gen_insn: unhandled enode " & OE_Kind'Image (Kind));
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Gen_Insn;
- procedure Assert_Free_Regs (Stmt : O_Enode) is
- begin
- for I in Regs_R32 loop
- if Regs (I).Num /= O_Free then
- Error_Reg ("gen_insn_stmt: reg is not free", Stmt, I);
- end if;
- end loop;
- for I in Fp_Stack_Type loop
- if Fp_Regs (I).Stmt /= O_Enode_Null then
- Error_Reg ("gen_insn_stmt: reg is not free", Stmt, R_St0);
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Assert_Free_Regs;
- procedure Gen_Insn_Stmt (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- Kind : OE_Kind;
- Left : O_Enode;
- Right : O_Enode;
- P_Reg : O_Reg;
- Num : O_Inum;
- Prev_Stack_Offset : Uns32;
- begin
- Insn_Num := O_Iroot;
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Prev_Stack_Offset := Stack_Offset;
- Kind := Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt);
- case Kind is
- when OE_Asgn =>
- Left := Gen_Insn (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt), R_Ir, Num);
- Right := Gen_Insn (Get_Assign_Target (Stmt), R_Sib, Num);
- Left := Reload (Left, R_Ir, Num);
- --Right := Reload (Right, R_Sib, Num);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Set_Assign_Target (Stmt, Right);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Right);
- when OE_Set_Stack =>
- Left := Gen_Insn (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt), R_Rm, Num);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Sp);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when OE_Jump_F
- | OE_Jump_T =>
- Left := Gen_Insn (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt), R_Any_Cc, Num);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- Free_Cc;
- when OE_Beg =>
- declare
- Block_Decl : O_Dnode;
- begin
- Cur_Block := Stmt;
- Block_Decl := Get_Block_Decls (Cur_Block);
- Set_Block_Max_Stack (Block_Decl, Stack_Offset);
- Expand_Decls (Block_Decl);
- end;
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when OE_End =>
- Swap_Stack_Offset (Get_Block_Decls (Cur_Block));
- Cur_Block := Get_Block_Parent (Cur_Block);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when OE_Jump
- | OE_Label =>
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when OE_Leave =>
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when OE_Call =>
- Link_Stmt (Gen_Call (Stmt, R_None, Num));
- when OE_Ret =>
- Left := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- P_Reg := Get_Call_Register (Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt));
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, P_Reg, Num);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- when OE_Case =>
- Left := Gen_Insn (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt),
- Get_Reg_Any (Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt)),
- Num);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Get_Expr_Reg (Left));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- when OE_Line =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_None);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when OE_BB =>
- -- Keep BB.
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when others =>
- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line
- ("gen_insn_stmt: unhandled enode " & OE_Kind'Image (Kind));
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- -- Free any spill stack slots.
- case Kind is
- when OE_Beg
- | OE_End =>
- null;
- when others =>
- Stack_Offset := Prev_Stack_Offset;
- end case;
- -- Check all registers are free.
- if Debug.Flag_Debug_Assert then
- Assert_Free_Regs (Stmt);
- end if;
- end Gen_Insn_Stmt;
- procedure Gen_Subprg_Insns (Subprg : Subprogram_Data_Acc)
- is
- First : O_Enode;
- Stmt : O_Enode;
- N_Stmt : O_Enode;
- begin
- if Debug.Flag_Debug_Insn then
- declare
- Inter : O_Dnode;
- begin
- Disp_Decl (1, Subprg.D_Decl);
- Inter := Get_Subprg_Interfaces (Subprg.D_Decl);
- while Inter /= O_Dnode_Null loop
- Disp_Decl (2, Inter);
- Inter := Get_Interface_Chain (Inter);
- end loop;
- end;
- end if;
- for I in Regs_R32 loop
- Regs (I).Used := False;
- end loop;
- Stack_Max := 0;
- Stack_Offset := 0;
- First := Subprg.E_Entry;
- Expand_Decls (Subprg.D_Body + 1);
- Abi.Last_Link := First;
- -- Generate instructions.
- -- Skip OE_Entry.
- Stmt := Get_Stmt_Link (First);
- loop
- N_Stmt := Get_Stmt_Link (Stmt);
- Gen_Insn_Stmt (Stmt);
- exit when Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt) = OE_Leave;
- Stmt := N_Stmt;
- end loop;
- -- Keep stack depth for this subprogram.
- Subprg.Stack_Max := Stack_Max;
- -- Sanity check: there must be no remaining pushed bytes.
- if Push_Offset /= 0 then
- raise Program_Error with "gen_subprg_insn: push_offset not 0";
- end if;
- end Gen_Subprg_Insns;
-end Ortho_Code.X86.Insns;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-insns.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-insns.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 9411737a0..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-insns.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - mcode to X86 instructions.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-package Ortho_Code.X86.Insns is
- function Reg_Used (Reg : Regs_R32) return Boolean;
- -- Split enodes of SUBPRG into instructions.
- procedure Gen_Subprg_Insns (Subprg : Subprogram_Data_Acc);
-end Ortho_Code.X86.Insns;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86.adb b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 175dd7e99..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - X86 common definitions.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-package body Ortho_Code.X86 is
- function Inverse_Cc (R : O_Reg) return O_Reg is
- begin
- case R is
- when R_Ult =>
- return R_Uge;
- when R_Uge =>
- return R_Ult;
- when R_Eq =>
- return R_Ne;
- when R_Ne =>
- return R_Eq;
- when R_Ule =>
- return R_Ugt;
- when R_Ugt =>
- return R_Ule;
- when R_Slt =>
- return R_Sge;
- when R_Sge =>
- return R_Slt;
- when R_Sle =>
- return R_Sgt;
- when R_Sgt =>
- return R_Sle;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Inverse_Cc;
- function Get_R64_High (Reg : Regs_R64) return Regs_R32 is
- begin
- case Reg is
- when R_Edx_Eax =>
- return R_Dx;
- when R_Ebx_Ecx =>
- return R_Bx;
- when R_Esi_Edi =>
- return R_Si;
- end case;
- end Get_R64_High;
- function Get_R64_Low (Reg : Regs_R64) return Regs_R32 is
- begin
- case Reg is
- when R_Edx_Eax =>
- return R_Ax;
- when R_Ebx_Ecx =>
- return R_Cx;
- when R_Esi_Edi =>
- return R_Di;
- end case;
- end Get_R64_Low;
- function Ekind_Unsigned_To_Cc (Kind : OE_Kind_Cmp) return O_Reg is
- begin
- case Kind is
- when OE_Eq =>
- return R_Eq;
- when OE_Neq =>
- return R_Ne;
- when OE_Lt =>
- return R_Ult;
- when OE_Le =>
- return R_Ule;
- when OE_Gt =>
- return R_Ugt;
- when OE_Ge =>
- return R_Uge;
- end case;
- end Ekind_Unsigned_To_Cc;
- function Ekind_Signed_To_Cc (Kind : OE_Kind_Cmp) return O_Reg is
- begin
- case Kind is
- when OE_Eq =>
- return R_Eq;
- when OE_Neq =>
- return R_Ne;
- when OE_Lt =>
- return R_Slt;
- when OE_Le =>
- return R_Sle;
- when OE_Gt =>
- return R_Sgt;
- when OE_Ge =>
- return R_Sge;
- end case;
- end Ekind_Signed_To_Cc;
-end Ortho_Code.X86;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 24be1eb6c..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - X86 common definitions.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ortho_Code.Exprs; use Ortho_Code.Exprs;
-package Ortho_Code.X86 is
- -- Registers.
- R_Nil : constant O_Reg := 0;
- -- Not a value. Used for statements.
- R_None : constant O_Reg := 1;
- -- Memory.
- R_Mem : constant O_Reg := 2;
- -- Spilled out.
- R_Spill : constant O_Reg := 3;
- -- Register or memory.
- -- THis can only be requested.
- R_Rm : constant O_Reg := 48;
- -- Immediat
- R_Imm : constant O_Reg := 49;
- -- Immediat, register or memory.
- -- This can be requested.
- R_Irm : constant O_Reg := 50;
- -- Immediat or register.
- -- This can be requested.
- R_Ir : constant O_Reg := 51;
- R_B_Off : constant O_Reg := 52;
- -- This can be requested.
- R_Sib : constant O_Reg := 53;
- -- This can be requested.
- R_I_Off : constant O_Reg := 54;
- R_B_I : constant O_Reg := 55;
- R_I : constant O_Reg := 56;
- subtype Regs_Imm32 is O_Reg range R_Irm .. R_I_Off;
- R_Any8 : constant O_Reg := 6;
- R_Any32 : constant O_Reg := 7;
- R_Ax : constant O_Reg := 8;
- R_Cx : constant O_Reg := 9;
- R_Dx : constant O_Reg := 10;
- R_Bx : constant O_Reg := 11;
- R_Sp : constant O_Reg := 12;
- R_Bp : constant O_Reg := 13;
- R_Si : constant O_Reg := 14;
- R_Di : constant O_Reg := 15;
- subtype Regs_R8 is O_Reg range R_Ax .. R_Bx;
- subtype Regs_R32 is O_Reg range R_Ax .. R_Di;
- R_St0 : constant O_Reg := 16;
- R_St1 : constant O_Reg := 17;
- R_St2 : constant O_Reg := 18;
- R_St3 : constant O_Reg := 19;
- R_St4 : constant O_Reg := 20;
- R_St5 : constant O_Reg := 21;
- R_St6 : constant O_Reg := 22;
- R_St7 : constant O_Reg := 23;
- --R_Any_Fp : constant O_Reg := 24;
- subtype Regs_Fp is O_Reg range R_St0 .. R_St7;
- -- Any condition register.
- R_Any_Cc : constant O_Reg := 32;
- R_Ov : constant O_Reg := 32;
- R_Ult : constant O_Reg := 34;
- R_Uge : constant O_Reg := 35;
- R_Eq : constant O_Reg := 36;
- R_Ne : constant O_Reg := 37;
- R_Ule : constant O_Reg := 38;
- R_Ugt : constant O_Reg := 39;
- R_Slt : constant O_Reg := 44;
- R_Sge : constant O_Reg := 45;
- R_Sle : constant O_Reg := 46;
- R_Sgt : constant O_Reg := 47;
- subtype Regs_Cc is O_Reg range R_Ov .. R_Sgt;
- R_Edx_Eax : constant O_Reg := 64;
- R_Ebx_Ecx : constant O_Reg := 65;
- R_Esi_Edi : constant O_Reg := 66;
- R_Any64 : constant O_Reg := 67;
- subtype Regs_R64 is O_Reg range R_Edx_Eax .. R_Esi_Edi;
- R_Any_Xmm : constant O_Reg := 79;
- R_Xmm0 : constant O_Reg := 80;
- R_Xmm1 : constant O_Reg := R_Xmm0 + 1;
- R_Xmm2 : constant O_Reg := R_Xmm0 + 2;
- R_Xmm3 : constant O_Reg := R_Xmm0 + 3;
- R_Xmm4 : constant O_Reg := R_Xmm0 + 4;
- R_Xmm5 : constant O_Reg := R_Xmm0 + 5;
- R_Xmm6 : constant O_Reg := R_Xmm0 + 6;
- R_Xmm7 : constant O_Reg := R_Xmm0 + 7;
- R_Xmm8 : constant O_Reg := R_Xmm0 + 8;
- R_Xmm9 : constant O_Reg := R_Xmm0 + 9;
- R_Xmm10 : constant O_Reg := R_Xmm0 + 10;
- R_Xmm11 : constant O_Reg := R_Xmm0 + 11;
- R_Xmm12 : constant O_Reg := R_Xmm0 + 12;
- R_Xmm13 : constant O_Reg := R_Xmm0 + 13;
- R_Xmm14 : constant O_Reg := R_Xmm0 + 14;
- R_Xmm15 : constant O_Reg := R_Xmm0 + 15;
- subtype Regs_X86_64_Xmm is O_Reg range R_Xmm0 .. R_Xmm15;
- subtype Regs_X86_Xmm is O_Reg range R_Xmm0 .. R_Xmm7;
- subtype Regs_Xmm is O_Reg range R_Xmm0 .. R_Xmm15;
- function Get_R64_High (Reg : Regs_R64) return Regs_R32;
- function Get_R64_Low (Reg : Regs_R64) return Regs_R32;
- function Inverse_Cc (R : O_Reg) return O_Reg;
- -- Intrinsic subprograms.
- Intrinsic_Mul_Ov_U64 : constant Int32 := 1;
- Intrinsic_Div_Ov_U64 : constant Int32 := 2;
- Intrinsic_Mod_Ov_U64 : constant Int32 := 3;
- Intrinsic_Mul_Ov_I64 : constant Int32 := 4;
- Intrinsic_Div_Ov_I64 : constant Int32 := 5;
- Intrinsic_Mod_Ov_I64 : constant Int32 := 6;
- Intrinsic_Rem_Ov_I64 : constant Int32 := 7;
- subtype Intrinsics_X86 is Int32
- range Intrinsic_Mul_Ov_U64 .. Intrinsic_Rem_Ov_I64;
- -- Convert a KIND to a reg.
- function Ekind_Unsigned_To_Cc (Kind : OE_Kind_Cmp) return O_Reg;
- function Ekind_Signed_To_Cc (Kind : OE_Kind_Cmp) return O_Reg;
-end Ortho_Code.X86;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 0657b07e6..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - common definitions.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-package Ortho_Code is
- type Int32 is range -(2 ** 31) .. (2 ** 31) - 1;
- type Uns32 is mod 2 ** 32;
- type Uns64 is mod 2 ** 64;
- function Shift_Right (L : Uns64; R : Natural) return Uns64;
- function Shift_Right (L : Uns32; R : Natural) return Uns32;
- pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Right);
- function Shift_Right_Arithmetic (L : Uns32; R : Natural) return Uns32;
- pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Right_Arithmetic);
- function Shift_Left (L : Uns32; R : Natural) return Uns32;
- pragma Import (Intrinsic, Shift_Left);
- type O_Tnode is new Int32;
- for O_Tnode'Size use 32;
- O_Tnode_Null : constant O_Tnode := 0;
- O_Tnode_First : constant O_Tnode := 2;
- -- A generic pointer.
- -- This is used by static chains.
- O_Tnode_Ptr : constant O_Tnode := 2;
- type O_Cnode is new Int32;
- for O_Cnode'Size use 32;
- O_Cnode_Null : constant O_Cnode := 0;
- type O_Dnode is new Int32;
- for O_Dnode'Size use 32;
- O_Dnode_Null : constant O_Dnode := 0;
- O_Dnode_First : constant O_Dnode := 2;
- type O_Enode is new Int32;
- for O_Enode'Size use 32;
- O_Enode_Null : constant O_Enode := 0;
- O_Enode_Err : constant O_Enode := 1;
- type O_Fnode is new Int32;
- for O_Fnode'Size use 32;
- O_Fnode_Null : constant O_Fnode := 0;
- type O_Lnode is new Int32;
- for O_Lnode'Size use 32;
- O_Lnode_Null : constant O_Lnode := 0;
- type O_Ident is new Int32;
- O_Ident_Nul : constant O_Ident := 0;
- function To_Int32 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Uns32, Target => Int32);
- function To_Uns32 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Int32, Target => Uns32);
- -- Specifies the storage kind of a declaration.
- -- The declaration do not either reserve memory nor generate code, and
- -- is imported either from an other file or from a later place in the
- -- current file.
- -- The declaration reserves memory or generates code.
- -- With O_STORAGE_PUBLIC, the declaration is exported outside of the
- -- file while with O_STORAGE_PRIVATE, the declaration is local to the
- -- file.
- type O_Storage is (O_Storage_External,
- O_Storage_Public,
- O_Storage_Private,
- O_Storage_Local);
- -- Depth of a declaration.
- -- 0 for top-level,
- -- 1 for declared in a top-level subprogram
- type O_Depth is range 0 .. (2 ** 16) - 1;
- O_Toplevel : constant O_Depth := 0;
- -- BE representation of a register.
- type O_Reg is mod 256;
- R_Nil : constant O_Reg := 0;
- type Mode_Type is (Mode_U8, Mode_U16, Mode_U32, Mode_U64,
- Mode_I8, Mode_I16, Mode_I32, Mode_I64,
- Mode_X1, Mode_Nil, Mode_F32, Mode_F64,
- Mode_B2, Mode_Blk, Mode_P32, Mode_P64);
- subtype Mode_Uns is Mode_Type range Mode_U8 .. Mode_U64;
- subtype Mode_Int is Mode_Type range Mode_I8 .. Mode_I64;
- subtype Mode_Fp is Mode_Type range Mode_F32 .. Mode_F64;
- -- Mode_Ptr : constant Mode_Type := Mode_P32;
- type ON_Op_Kind is
- (
- -- Not an operation; invalid.
- ON_Nil,
- -- Dyadic operations.
- ON_Add_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Sub_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Mul_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Div_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Rem_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Mod_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- -- Binary operations.
- ON_And, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Or, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Xor, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- -- Monadic operations.
- ON_Not, -- ON_Monadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Neg_Ov, -- ON_Monadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Abs_Ov, -- ON_Monadic_Op_Kind
- -- Comparaisons
- ON_Eq, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Neq, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Le, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Lt, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Ge, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Gt -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- );
- subtype ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind is ON_Op_Kind range ON_Add_Ov .. ON_Xor;
- subtype ON_Monadic_Op_Kind is ON_Op_Kind range ON_Not .. ON_Abs_Ov;
- subtype ON_Compare_Op_Kind is ON_Op_Kind range ON_Eq .. ON_Gt;
- Syntax_Error : exception;
-end Ortho_Code;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code_main.adb b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code_main.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index a0e6dc6c6..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code_main.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - Main subprogram.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
-with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
-with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-with Binary_File; use Binary_File;
-with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
-with Ortho_Code.Debug;
-with Ortho_Mcode; use Ortho_Mcode;
-with Ortho_Front; use Ortho_Front;
-with Ortho_Code.Flags; use Ortho_Code.Flags;
-with Binary_File.Elf;
-with Binary_File.Coff;
-with Binary_File.Memory;
-procedure Ortho_Code_Main
- Output : String_Acc := null;
- type Format_Type is (Format_Coff, Format_Elf);
- Format : constant Format_Type := Format_Elf;
- Fd : File_Descriptor;
- First_File : Natural;
- Opt : String_Acc;
- Opt_Arg : String_Acc;
- Filename : String_Acc;
- Exec_Func : String_Acc;
- Res : Natural;
- I : Natural;
- Argc : Natural;
- procedure Unchecked_Deallocation is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (Name => String_Acc, Object => String);
- First_File := Natural'Last;
- Exec_Func := null;
- Ortho_Front.Init;
- Argc := Argument_Count;
- I := 1;
- while I <= Argc loop
- declare
- Arg : constant String := Argument (I);
- begin
- if Arg (1) = '-' then
- if Arg'Length > 5 and then Arg (1 .. 5) = "--be-" then
- Ortho_Code.Debug.Set_Be_Flag (Arg);
- I := I + 1;
- elsif Arg = "-o" then
- if I = Argc then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "error: missing filename to '-o'");
- return;
- end if;
- Output := new String'(Argument (I + 1));
- I := I + 2;
- elsif Arg = "-quiet" then
- -- Skip silently.
- I := I + 1;
- elsif Arg = "--exec" then
- if I = Argc then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "error: missing function name to '--exec'");
- return;
- end if;
- Exec_Func := new String'(Argument (I + 1));
- I := I + 2;
- elsif Arg = "-g" then
- Flag_Debug := Debug_Dwarf;
- I := I + 1;
- elsif Arg = "-p" or Arg = "-pg" then
- Flag_Profile := True;
- I := I + 1;
- else
- -- This is really an argument.
- Opt := new String'(Arg);
- if I < Argument_Count then
- Opt_Arg := new String'(Argument (I + 1));
- else
- Opt_Arg := null;
- end if;
- Res := Ortho_Front.Decode_Option (Opt, Opt_Arg);
- case Res is
- when 0 =>
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "unknown option '" & Arg & "'");
- return;
- when 1 =>
- I := I + 1;
- when 2 =>
- I := I + 2;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Unchecked_Deallocation (Opt);
- Unchecked_Deallocation (Opt_Arg);
- end if;
- else
- First_File := I;
- exit;
- end if;
- end;
- end loop;
- Ortho_Mcode.Init;
- Set_Exit_Status (Failure);
- if First_File > Argument_Count then
- begin
- if not Parse (null) then
- return;
- end if;
- exception
- when others =>
- return;
- end;
- else
- for I in First_File .. Argument_Count loop
- Filename := new String'(Argument (First_File));
- begin
- if not Parse (Filename) then
- return;
- end if;
- exception
- when others =>
- return;
- end;
- end loop;
- end if;
- Ortho_Mcode.Finish;
- if Ortho_Code.Debug.Flag_Debug_Hli then
- Set_Exit_Status (Success);
- return;
- end if;
- if Output /= null then
- Fd := Create_File (Output.all, Binary);
- if Fd /= Invalid_FD then
- case Format is
- when Format_Elf =>
- Binary_File.Elf.Write_Elf (Fd);
- when Format_Coff =>
- Binary_File.Coff.Write_Coff (Fd);
- end case;
- Close (Fd);
- end if;
- elsif Exec_Func /= null then
- declare
- Sym : Symbol;
- type Func_Acc is access function return Integer;
- function Conv is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Pc_Type, Target => Func_Acc);
- F : Func_Acc;
- V : Integer;
- Err : Boolean;
- begin
- Binary_File.Memory.Write_Memory_Init;
- Binary_File.Memory.Write_Memory_Relocate (Err);
- if Err then
- return;
- end if;
- Sym := Binary_File.Get_Symbol (Exec_Func.all);
- if Sym = Null_Symbol then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "no '" & Exec_Func.all & "' symbol");
- else
- F := Conv (Get_Symbol_Vaddr (Sym));
- V := F.all;
- Put_Line ("Result is " & Integer'Image (V));
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
- Set_Exit_Status (Success);
- when others =>
- Set_Exit_Status (2);
- raise;
-end Ortho_Code_Main;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_ident.adb b/ortho/mcode/ortho_ident.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0893b75dd..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_ident.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-with GNAT.Table;
-package body Ortho_Ident is
- package Ids is new GNAT.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Natural,
- Table_Index_Type => O_Ident,
- Table_Low_Bound => 2,
- Table_Initial => 128,
- Table_Increment => 100);
- package Strs is new GNAT.Table
- (Table_Component_Type => Character,
- Table_Index_Type => Natural,
- Table_Low_Bound => 2,
- Table_Initial => 128,
- Table_Increment => 100);
- function Get_Identifier (Str : String) return O_Ident
- is
- Start : Natural;
- begin
- Start := Strs.Allocate (Str'Length + 1);
- for I in Str'Range loop
- Strs.Table (Start + I - Str'First) := Str (I);
- end loop;
- Strs.Table (Start + Str'Length) := ASCII.Nul;
- Ids.Append (Start);
- return Ids.Last;
- end Get_Identifier;
- function Is_Equal (L, R : O_Ident) return Boolean
- is
- begin
- return L = R;
- end Is_Equal;
- function Get_String_Length (Id : O_Ident) return Natural
- is
- Start : Natural;
- begin
- Start := Ids.Table (Id);
- if Id = Ids.Last then
- return Strs.Last - Start + 1 - 1;
- else
- return Ids.Table (Id + 1) - 1 - Start;
- end if;
- end Get_String_Length;
- function Get_String (Id : O_Ident) return String
- is
- Res : String (1 .. Get_String_Length (Id));
- Start : constant Natural := Ids.Table (Id);
- begin
- for I in Res'Range loop
- Res (I) := Strs.Table (Start + I - Res'First);
- end loop;
- return Res;
- end Get_String;
- function Get_Cstring (Id : O_Ident) return System.Address is
- begin
- return Strs.Table (Ids.Table (Id))'Address;
- end Get_Cstring;
- function Is_Equal (Id : O_Ident; Str : String) return Boolean
- is
- Start : constant Natural := Ids.Table (Id);
- Len : constant Natural := Get_String_Length (Id);
- begin
- if Len /= Str'Length then
- return False;
- end if;
- for I in Str'Range loop
- if Str (I) /= Strs.Table (Start + I - Str'First) then
- return False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return True;
- end Is_Equal;
- function Is_Nul (Id : O_Ident) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Id = O_Ident_Nul;
- end Is_Nul;
- procedure Disp_Stats
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- begin
- Put_Line ("Number of Ident: " & O_Ident'Image (Ids.Last));
- Put_Line ("Number of Ident-Strs: " & Natural'Image (Strs.Last));
- end Disp_Stats;
- procedure Finish is
- begin
- Ids.Free;
- Strs.Free;
- end Finish;
-end Ortho_Ident;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_ident.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_ident.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index cdc42fcad..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_ident.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System;
-with Ortho_Code; use Ortho_Code;
-package Ortho_Ident is
- subtype O_Ident is Ortho_Code.O_Ident;
- function Get_Identifier (Str : String) return O_Ident;
- function Is_Equal (L, R : O_Ident) return Boolean;
- function Is_Equal (Id : O_Ident; Str : String) return Boolean;
- function Is_Nul (Id : O_Ident) return Boolean;
- function Get_String (Id : O_Ident) return String;
- function Get_String_Length (Id : O_Ident) return Natural;
- -- Note: the address is valid until the next call to get_identifier.
- function Get_Cstring (Id : O_Ident) return System.Address;
- O_Ident_Nul : constant O_Ident := Ortho_Code.O_Ident_Nul;
- procedure Disp_Stats;
- procedure Finish;
-end Ortho_Ident;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_jit.adb b/ortho/mcode/ortho_jit.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7aa9724f2..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_jit.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
--- Ortho JIT implementation for mcode.
--- Copyright (C) 2009 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-with Binary_File; use Binary_File;
-with Binary_File.Memory;
-with Ortho_Mcode; use Ortho_Mcode;
-with Ortho_Mcode.Jit;
-with Ortho_Code.Flags; use Ortho_Code.Flags;
-with Ortho_Code.Debug;
-with Ortho_Code.Abi;
-with Binary_File.Elf;
-package body Ortho_Jit is
- Snap_Filename : GNAT.OS_Lib.String_Access := null;
- -- Initialize the whole engine.
- procedure Init is
- begin
- Ortho_Mcode.Init;
- Binary_File.Memory.Write_Memory_Init;
- end Init;
- -- Set address of non-defined global variables or functions.
- procedure Set_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Addr : Address)
- renames Ortho_Mcode.Jit.Set_Address;
- -- Get address of a global.
- function Get_Address (Decl : O_Dnode) return Address
- renames Ortho_Mcode.Jit.Get_Address;
- -- Do link.
- procedure Link (Status : out Boolean) is
- begin
- if Ortho_Code.Debug.Flag_Debug_Hli then
- -- Can't generate code in HLI.
- Status := True;
- return;
- end if;
- Ortho_Mcode.Finish;
- Ortho_Code.Abi.Link_Intrinsics;
- Binary_File.Memory.Write_Memory_Relocate (Status);
- if Status then
- return;
- end if;
- if Snap_Filename /= null then
- declare
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- Fd : File_Descriptor;
- begin
- Fd := Create_File (Snap_Filename.all, Binary);
- if Fd = Invalid_FD then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error,
- "can't open '" & Snap_Filename.all & "'");
- Status := False;
- return;
- else
- Binary_File.Elf.Write_Elf (Fd);
- Close (Fd);
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
- end Link;
- procedure Finish is
- begin
- -- Free all the memory.
- Ortho_Mcode.Free_All;
- Binary_File.Finish;
- end Finish;
- function Decode_Option (Option : String) return Boolean
- is
- Opt : constant String (1 .. Option'Length) := Option;
- begin
- if Opt = "-g" then
- Flag_Debug := Debug_Dwarf;
- return True;
- elsif Opt'Length > 5 and then Opt (1 .. 5) = "--be-" then
- Ortho_Code.Debug.Set_Be_Flag (Opt);
- return True;
- elsif Opt'Length > 7 and then Opt (1 .. 7) = "--snap=" then
- Snap_Filename := new String'(Opt (8 .. Opt'Last));
- return True;
- else
- return False;
- end if;
- end Decode_Option;
- procedure Disp_Help is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- begin
- Put_Line (" -g Generate debugging informations");
- Put_Line (" --debug-be=X Set X internal debugging flags");
- Put_Line (" --snap=FILE Write memory snapshot to FILE");
- end Disp_Help;
- function Get_Jit_Name return String is
- begin
- return "mcode";
- end Get_Jit_Name;
-end Ortho_Jit;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_mcode-jit.adb b/ortho/mcode/ortho_mcode-jit.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e845cc6e..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_mcode-jit.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-with Ortho_Code.Binary;
-with Binary_File; use Binary_File;
-with Binary_File.Memory;
-package body Ortho_Mcode.Jit is
- -- Set address of non-defined global variables or functions.
- procedure Set_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Addr : Address)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Binary;
- begin
- Binary_File.Memory.Set_Symbol_Address
- (Get_Decl_Symbol (Ortho_Code.O_Dnode (Decl)), Addr);
- end Set_Address;
- -- Get address of a global.
- function Get_Address (Decl : O_Dnode) return Address
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Binary;
- function Conv is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
- (Source => Pc_Type, Target => Address);
- begin
- return Conv (Get_Symbol_Vaddr
- (Get_Decl_Symbol (Ortho_Code.O_Dnode (Decl))));
- end Get_Address;
-end Ortho_Mcode.Jit;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_mcode-jit.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_mcode-jit.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index c689a1e12..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_mcode-jit.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-with System; use System;
-package Ortho_Mcode.Jit is
- -- Set address of non-defined global variables or functions.
- procedure Set_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Addr : Address);
- -- Get address of a global.
- function Get_Address (Decl : O_Dnode) return Address;
-end Ortho_Mcode.Jit;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_mcode.adb b/ortho/mcode/ortho_mcode.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 55e890bf3..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_mcode.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,738 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-with Ortho_Code.Debug;
-with Ortho_Ident;
-with Ortho_Code.Abi;
--- with Binary_File;
-package body Ortho_Mcode is
- procedure New_Debug_Comment_Stmt (Comment : String)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Comment);
- begin
- null;
- end New_Debug_Comment_Stmt;
- procedure Start_Const_Value (Const : in out O_Dnode)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Const);
- begin
- null;
- end Start_Const_Value;
- procedure Start_Record_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Types.Start_Record_Type
- (Ortho_Code.Types.O_Element_List (Elements));
- end Start_Record_Type;
- procedure New_Record_Field
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
- El : out O_Fnode;
- Ident : O_Ident; Etype : O_Tnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Types.New_Record_Field
- (Ortho_Code.Types.O_Element_List (Elements),
- Ortho_Code.O_Fnode (El), Ident, Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Etype));
- end New_Record_Field;
- procedure Finish_Record_Type
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Types.Finish_Record_Type
- (Ortho_Code.Types.O_Element_List (Elements),
- Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Res));
- end Finish_Record_Type;
- procedure New_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : out O_Tnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Types.New_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Res));
- end New_Uncomplete_Record_Type;
- procedure Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : O_Tnode;
- Elements : out O_Element_List) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Types.Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type
- (Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Res),
- Ortho_Code.Types.O_Element_List (Elements));
- end Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type;
- procedure Start_Union_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Types.Start_Union_Type
- (Ortho_Code.Types.O_Element_List (Elements));
- end Start_Union_Type;
- procedure New_Union_Field
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
- El : out O_Fnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Etype : O_Tnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Types.New_Union_Field
- (Ortho_Code.Types.O_Element_List (Elements),
- Ortho_Code.O_Fnode (El),
- Ident,
- Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Etype));
- end New_Union_Field;
- procedure Finish_Union_Type
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Types.Finish_Union_Type
- (Ortho_Code.Types.O_Element_List (Elements),
- Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Res));
- end Finish_Union_Type;
- function New_Access_Type (Dtype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode is
- begin
- return O_Tnode
- (Ortho_Code.Types.New_Access_Type (Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Dtype)));
- end New_Access_Type;
- procedure Finish_Access_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Dtype : O_Tnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Types.Finish_Access_Type (Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Atype),
- Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Dtype));
- end Finish_Access_Type;
- procedure Finish_Const_Value (Const : in out O_Dnode; Val : O_Cnode)
- is
- pragma Warnings (Off, Const);
- begin
- New_Const_Value (Ortho_Code.O_Dnode (Const), Ortho_Code.O_Cnode (Val));
- end Finish_Const_Value;
- function New_Array_Type (El_Type : O_Tnode; Index_Type : O_Tnode)
- return O_Tnode is
- begin
- return O_Tnode
- (Ortho_Code.Types.New_Array_Type (Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (El_Type),
- Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Index_Type)));
- end New_Array_Type;
- function New_Constrained_Array_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Length : O_Cnode)
- return O_Tnode
- is
- Len : constant Ortho_Code.O_Cnode := Ortho_Code.O_Cnode (Length);
- L_Type : Ortho_Code.O_Tnode;
- begin
- L_Type := Get_Const_Type (Len);
- if Get_Type_Kind (L_Type) /= OT_Unsigned then
- raise Syntax_Error;
- end if;
- return O_Tnode (New_Constrained_Array_Type
- (Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Atype), Get_Const_U32 (Len)));
- end New_Constrained_Array_Type;
- function New_Unsigned_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode is
- begin
- return O_Tnode (Ortho_Code.Types.New_Unsigned_Type (Size));
- end New_Unsigned_Type;
- function New_Signed_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode is
- begin
- return O_Tnode (Ortho_Code.Types.New_Signed_Type (Size));
- end New_Signed_Type;
- function New_Float_Type return O_Tnode is
- begin
- return O_Tnode (Ortho_Code.Types.New_Float_Type);
- end New_Float_Type;
- procedure New_Boolean_Type (Res : out O_Tnode;
- False_Id : O_Ident;
- False_E : out O_Cnode;
- True_Id : O_Ident;
- True_E : out O_Cnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Types.New_Boolean_Type (Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Res),
- False_Id,
- Ortho_Code.O_Cnode (False_E),
- True_Id,
- Ortho_Code.O_Cnode (True_E));
- end New_Boolean_Type;
- procedure Start_Enum_Type (List : out O_Enum_List; Size : Natural) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Types.Start_Enum_Type (Ortho_Code.Types.O_Enum_List (List),
- Size);
- end Start_Enum_Type;
- procedure New_Enum_Literal (List : in out O_Enum_List;
- Ident : O_Ident; Res : out O_Cnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Types.New_Enum_Literal (Ortho_Code.Types.O_Enum_List (List),
- Ident, Ortho_Code.O_Cnode (Res));
- end New_Enum_Literal;
- procedure Finish_Enum_Type (List : in out O_Enum_List; Res : out O_Tnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Types.Finish_Enum_Type (Ortho_Code.Types.O_Enum_List (List),
- Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Res));
- end Finish_Enum_Type;
- -------------------
- -- Expressions --
- -------------------
- To_Op : constant array (ON_Op_Kind) of Ortho_Code.ON_Op_Kind :=
- (
- ON_Nil => ON_Nil,
- -- Dyadic operations.
- ON_Add_Ov => ON_Add_Ov,
- ON_Sub_Ov => ON_Sub_Ov,
- ON_Mul_Ov => ON_Mul_Ov,
- ON_Div_Ov => ON_Div_Ov,
- ON_Rem_Ov => ON_Rem_Ov,
- ON_Mod_Ov => ON_Mod_Ov,
- -- Binary operations.
- ON_And => ON_And,
- ON_Or => ON_Or,
- ON_Xor => ON_Xor,
- -- Monadic operations.
- ON_Not => ON_Not,
- ON_Neg_Ov => ON_Neg_Ov,
- ON_Abs_Ov => ON_Abs_Ov,
- -- Comparaisons
- ON_Eq => ON_Eq,
- ON_Neq => ON_Neq,
- ON_Le => ON_Le,
- ON_Lt => ON_Lt,
- ON_Ge => ON_Ge,
- ON_Gt => ON_Gt
- );
- function New_Signed_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Integer_64)
- return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return O_Cnode
- (Ortho_Code.Consts.New_Signed_Literal (Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Ltype),
- Value));
- end New_Signed_Literal;
- function New_Unsigned_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Unsigned_64)
- return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return O_Cnode
- (Ortho_Code.Consts.New_Unsigned_Literal (Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Ltype),
- Value));
- end New_Unsigned_Literal;
- function New_Float_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : IEEE_Float_64)
- return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return O_Cnode
- (Ortho_Code.Consts.New_Float_Literal (Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Ltype),
- Value));
- end New_Float_Literal;
- function New_Null_Access (Ltype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return O_Cnode
- (Ortho_Code.Consts.New_Null_Access (Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Ltype)));
- end New_Null_Access;
- procedure Start_Record_Aggr (List : out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Atype : O_Tnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Consts.Start_Record_Aggr
- (Ortho_Code.Consts.O_Record_Aggr_List (List),
- Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Atype));
- end Start_Record_Aggr;
- procedure New_Record_Aggr_El (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Value : O_Cnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Consts.New_Record_Aggr_El
- (Ortho_Code.Consts.O_Record_Aggr_List (List),
- Ortho_Code.O_Cnode (Value));
- end New_Record_Aggr_El;
- procedure Finish_Record_Aggr (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Res : out O_Cnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Consts.Finish_Record_Aggr
- (Ortho_Code.Consts.O_Record_Aggr_List (List),
- Ortho_Code.O_Cnode (Res));
- end Finish_Record_Aggr;
- procedure Start_Array_Aggr (List : out O_Array_Aggr_List; Atype : O_Tnode)
- is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Consts.Start_Array_Aggr
- (Ortho_Code.Consts.O_Array_Aggr_List (List),
- Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Atype));
- end Start_Array_Aggr;
- procedure New_Array_Aggr_El (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
- Value : O_Cnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Consts.New_Array_Aggr_El
- (Ortho_Code.Consts.O_Array_Aggr_List (List),
- Ortho_Code.O_Cnode (Value));
- end New_Array_Aggr_El;
- procedure Finish_Array_Aggr (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
- Res : out O_Cnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Consts.Finish_Array_Aggr
- (Ortho_Code.Consts.O_Array_Aggr_List (List),
- Ortho_Code.O_Cnode (Res));
- end Finish_Array_Aggr;
- function New_Union_Aggr (Atype : O_Tnode; Field : O_Fnode; Value : O_Cnode)
- return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return O_Cnode
- (Ortho_Code.Consts.New_Union_Aggr (Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Atype),
- Ortho_Code.O_Fnode (Field),
- Ortho_Code.O_Cnode (Value)));
- end New_Union_Aggr;
- function New_Sizeof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return O_Cnode
- (Ortho_Code.Consts.New_Sizeof (Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Atype),
- Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Rtype)));
- end New_Sizeof;
- function New_Alignof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return O_Cnode
- (Ortho_Code.Consts.New_Alignof (Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Atype),
- Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Rtype)));
- end New_Alignof;
- function New_Offsetof (Atype : O_Tnode; Field : O_Fnode; Rtype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return O_Cnode
- (Ortho_Code.Consts.New_Offsetof (Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Atype),
- Ortho_Code.O_Fnode (Field),
- Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Rtype)));
- end New_Offsetof;
- function New_Subprogram_Address (Subprg : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return O_Cnode
- (Ortho_Code.Consts.New_Subprogram_Address
- (Ortho_Code.O_Dnode (Subprg), Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Atype)));
- end New_Subprogram_Address;
- function New_Global_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return O_Cnode
- (Ortho_Code.Consts.New_Global_Address
- (Ortho_Code.O_Dnode (Decl), Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Atype)));
- end New_Global_Address;
- function New_Global_Unchecked_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode is
- begin
- return O_Cnode
- (Ortho_Code.Consts.New_Global_Unchecked_Address
- (Ortho_Code.O_Dnode (Decl), Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Atype)));
- end New_Global_Unchecked_Address;
- function New_Lit (Lit : O_Cnode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return O_Enode (Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Lit (Ortho_Code.O_Cnode (Lit)));
- end New_Lit;
- function New_Dyadic_Op (Kind : ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode)
- return O_Enode is
- begin
- return O_Enode
- (Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Dyadic_Op (To_Op (Kind),
- Ortho_Code.O_Enode (Left),
- Ortho_Code.O_Enode (Right)));
- end New_Dyadic_Op;
- function New_Monadic_Op (Kind : ON_Monadic_Op_Kind; Operand : O_Enode)
- return O_Enode is
- begin
- return O_Enode
- (Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Monadic_Op (To_Op (Kind),
- Ortho_Code.O_Enode (Operand)));
- end New_Monadic_Op;
- function New_Compare_Op
- (Kind : ON_Compare_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode; Ntype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Enode is
- begin
- return O_Enode
- (Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Compare_Op (To_Op (Kind),
- Ortho_Code.O_Enode (Left),
- Ortho_Code.O_Enode (Right),
- Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Ntype)));
- end New_Compare_Op;
- function New_Indexed_Element (Arr : O_Lnode; Index : O_Enode)
- return O_Lnode is
- begin
- return O_Lnode
- (Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Indexed_Element (Ortho_Code.O_Lnode (Arr),
- Ortho_Code.O_Enode (Index)));
- end New_Indexed_Element;
- function New_Slice (Arr : O_Lnode; Res_Type : O_Tnode; Index : O_Enode)
- return O_Lnode is
- begin
- return O_Lnode
- (Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Slice (Ortho_Code.O_Lnode (Arr),
- Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Res_Type),
- Ortho_Code.O_Enode (Index)));
- end New_Slice;
- function New_Selected_Element (Rec : O_Lnode; El : O_Fnode)
- return O_Lnode is
- begin
- return O_Lnode
- (Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Selected_Element (Ortho_Code.O_Lnode (Rec),
- Ortho_Code.O_Fnode (El)));
- end New_Selected_Element;
- function New_Access_Element (Acc : O_Enode) return O_Lnode is
- begin
- return O_Lnode
- (Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Access_Element (Ortho_Code.O_Enode (Acc)));
- end New_Access_Element;
- function New_Convert_Ov (Val : O_Enode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return O_Enode
- (Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Convert_Ov (Ortho_Code.O_Enode (Val),
- Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Rtype)));
- end New_Convert_Ov;
- function New_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Enode is
- begin
- return O_Enode
- (Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Address (Ortho_Code.O_Lnode (Lvalue),
- Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Atype)));
- end New_Address;
- function New_Unchecked_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Enode is
- begin
- return O_Enode
- (Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Unchecked_Address (Ortho_Code.O_Lnode (Lvalue),
- Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Atype)));
- end New_Unchecked_Address;
- function New_Value (Lvalue : O_Lnode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return O_Enode
- (Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Value (Ortho_Code.O_Lnode (Lvalue)));
- end New_Value;
- function New_Obj_Value (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return New_Value (New_Obj (Obj));
- end New_Obj_Value;
- function New_Alloca (Rtype : O_Tnode; Size : O_Enode) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return O_Enode (Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Alloca (Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Rtype),
- Ortho_Code.O_Enode (Size)));
- end New_Alloca;
- ---------------------
- -- Declarations. --
- ---------------------
- procedure New_Debug_Filename_Decl (Filename : String)
- renames Ortho_Code.Abi.New_Debug_Filename_Decl;
- procedure New_Debug_Line_Decl (Line : Natural)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Line);
- begin
- null;
- end New_Debug_Line_Decl;
- procedure New_Type_Decl (Ident : O_Ident; Atype : O_Tnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Decls.New_Type_Decl (Ident, Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Atype));
- end New_Type_Decl;
- To_Storage : constant array (O_Storage) of Ortho_Code.O_Storage :=
- (O_Storage_External => O_Storage_External,
- O_Storage_Public => O_Storage_Public,
- O_Storage_Private => O_Storage_Private,
- O_Storage_Local => O_Storage_Local);
- procedure New_Const_Decl
- (Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Atype : O_Tnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Decls.New_Const_Decl
- (Ortho_Code.O_Dnode (Res), Ident, To_Storage (Storage),
- Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Atype));
- end New_Const_Decl;
- procedure New_Var_Decl
- (Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Atype : O_Tnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Decls.New_Var_Decl
- (Ortho_Code.O_Dnode (Res), Ident, To_Storage (Storage),
- Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Atype));
- end New_Var_Decl;
- function New_Obj (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Lnode is
- begin
- return O_Lnode (Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Obj (Ortho_Code.O_Dnode (Obj)));
- end New_Obj;
- procedure Start_Function_Decl
- (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Rtype : O_Tnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Decls.Start_Function_Decl
- (Ortho_Code.Decls.O_Inter_List (Interfaces),
- Ident, To_Storage (Storage), Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Rtype));
- end Start_Function_Decl;
- procedure Start_Procedure_Decl
- (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Decls.Start_Procedure_Decl
- (Ortho_Code.Decls.O_Inter_List (Interfaces),
- Ident, To_Storage (Storage));
- end Start_Procedure_Decl;
- procedure New_Interface_Decl
- (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List;
- Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Atype : O_Tnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Decls.New_Interface_Decl
- (Ortho_Code.Decls.O_Inter_List (Interfaces),
- Ortho_Code.O_Dnode (Res),
- Ident,
- Ortho_Code.O_Tnode (Atype));
- end New_Interface_Decl;
- procedure Finish_Subprogram_Decl
- (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List; Res : out O_Dnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Decls.Finish_Subprogram_Decl
- (Ortho_Code.Decls.O_Inter_List (Interfaces), Ortho_Code.O_Dnode (Res));
- end Finish_Subprogram_Decl;
- procedure Start_Subprogram_Body (Func : O_Dnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.Start_Subprogram_Body (Ortho_Code.O_Dnode (Func));
- end Start_Subprogram_Body;
- procedure Finish_Subprogram_Body
- renames Ortho_Code.Exprs.Finish_Subprogram_Body;
- -------------------
- -- Statements. --
- -------------------
- procedure New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Line : Natural)
- renames Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Debug_Line_Stmt;
- procedure New_Debug_Comment_Decl (Comment : String)
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Comment);
- begin
- null;
- end New_Debug_Comment_Decl;
- procedure Start_Declare_Stmt renames
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.Start_Declare_Stmt;
- procedure Finish_Declare_Stmt renames
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.Finish_Declare_Stmt;
- procedure Start_Association (Assocs : out O_Assoc_List; Subprg : O_Dnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.Start_Association
- (Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_Assoc_List (Assocs), Ortho_Code.O_Dnode (Subprg));
- end Start_Association;
- procedure New_Association (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List; Val : O_Enode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Association
- (Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_Assoc_List (Assocs), Ortho_Code.O_Enode (Val));
- end New_Association;
- function New_Function_Call (Assocs : O_Assoc_List) return O_Enode is
- begin
- return O_Enode (Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Function_Call
- (Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_Assoc_List (Assocs)));
- end New_Function_Call;
- procedure New_Procedure_Call (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Procedure_Call
- (Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_Assoc_List (Assocs));
- end New_Procedure_Call;
- procedure New_Assign_Stmt (Target : O_Lnode; Value : O_Enode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Assign_Stmt (Ortho_Code.O_Lnode (Target),
- Ortho_Code.O_Enode (Value));
- end New_Assign_Stmt;
- procedure New_Return_Stmt (Value : O_Enode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Return_Stmt (Ortho_Code.O_Enode (Value));
- end New_Return_Stmt;
- procedure New_Return_Stmt
- renames Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Return_Stmt;
- procedure Start_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block; Cond : O_Enode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.Start_If_Stmt (Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_If_Block (Block),
- Ortho_Code.O_Enode (Cond));
- end Start_If_Stmt;
- procedure New_Else_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Else_Stmt (Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_If_Block (Block));
- end New_Else_Stmt;
- procedure Finish_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.Finish_If_Stmt (Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_If_Block (Block));
- end Finish_If_Stmt;
- procedure Start_Loop_Stmt (Label : out O_Snode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.Start_Loop_Stmt (Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_Snode (Label));
- end Start_Loop_Stmt;
- procedure Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label : in out O_Snode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.Finish_Loop_Stmt (Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_Snode (Label));
- end Finish_Loop_Stmt;
- procedure New_Exit_Stmt (L : O_Snode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Exit_Stmt (Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_Snode (L));
- end New_Exit_Stmt;
- procedure New_Next_Stmt (L : O_Snode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Next_Stmt (Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_Snode (L));
- end New_Next_Stmt;
- procedure Start_Case_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Value : O_Enode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.Start_Case_Stmt
- (Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_Case_Block (Block), Ortho_Code.O_Enode (Value));
- end Start_Case_Stmt;
- procedure Start_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.Start_Choice (Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_Case_Block (Block));
- end Start_Choice;
- procedure New_Expr_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Expr : O_Cnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Expr_Choice (Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_Case_Block (Block),
- Ortho_Code.O_Cnode (Expr));
- end New_Expr_Choice;
- procedure New_Range_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block;
- Low, High : O_Cnode) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Range_Choice
- (Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_Case_Block (Block),
- Ortho_Code.O_Cnode (Low), Ortho_Code.O_Cnode (High));
- end New_Range_Choice;
- procedure New_Default_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.New_Default_Choice
- (Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_Case_Block (Block));
- end New_Default_Choice;
- procedure Finish_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.Finish_Choice (Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_Case_Block (Block));
- end Finish_Choice;
- procedure Finish_Case_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block) is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.Finish_Case_Stmt
- (Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_Case_Block (Block));
- end Finish_Case_Stmt;
- procedure Init is
- begin
- -- Create an anonymous pointer type.
- if New_Access_Type (O_Tnode_Null) /= O_Tnode (O_Tnode_Ptr) then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- -- Do not finish the access, since this creates an infinite recursion
- -- in gdb (at least for GDB 6.3).
- --Finish_Access_Type (O_Tnode_Ptr, O_Tnode_Ptr);
- Ortho_Code.Abi.Init;
- end Init;
- procedure Finish is
- begin
- if False then
- Ortho_Code.Decls.Disp_All_Decls;
- --Ortho_Code.Exprs.Disp_All_Enode;
- end if;
- Ortho_Code.Abi.Finish;
- if Debug.Flag_Debug_Stat then
- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Statistics:");
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.Disp_Stats;
- Ortho_Code.Decls.Disp_Stats;
- Ortho_Code.Types.Disp_Stats;
- Ortho_Code.Consts.Disp_Stats;
- Ortho_Ident.Disp_Stats;
- -- Binary_File.Disp_Stats;
- end if;
- end Finish;
- procedure Free_All is
- begin
- Ortho_Code.Types.Finish;
- Ortho_Code.Exprs.Finish;
- Ortho_Code.Consts.Finish;
- Ortho_Code.Decls.Finish;
- Ortho_Ident.Finish;
- end Free_All;
-end Ortho_Mcode;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_mcode.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_mcode.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 45e803690..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_mcode.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,583 +0,0 @@
--- DO NOT MODIFY - this file was generated from:
--- ortho_nodes.common.ads and ortho_mcode.private.ads
--- Mcode back-end for ortho.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with Ortho_Code; use Ortho_Code;
-with Ortho_Code.Types; use Ortho_Code.Types;
-with Ortho_Code.Consts; use Ortho_Code.Consts;
-with Ortho_Code.Decls; use Ortho_Code.Decls;
-with Ortho_Code.Exprs; use Ortho_Code.Exprs;
--- Interface to create nodes.
-package Ortho_Mcode is
- -- Initialize nodes.
- procedure Init;
- procedure Finish;
- procedure Free_All;
--- Start of common part
- type O_Enode is private;
- type O_Cnode is private;
- type O_Lnode is private;
- type O_Tnode is private;
- type O_Snode is private;
- type O_Dnode is private;
- type O_Fnode is private;
- O_Cnode_Null : constant O_Cnode;
- O_Dnode_Null : constant O_Dnode;
- O_Enode_Null : constant O_Enode;
- O_Fnode_Null : constant O_Fnode;
- O_Lnode_Null : constant O_Lnode;
- O_Snode_Null : constant O_Snode;
- O_Tnode_Null : constant O_Tnode;
- -- True if the code generated supports nested subprograms.
- Has_Nested_Subprograms : constant Boolean;
- ------------------------
- -- Type definitions --
- ------------------------
- type O_Element_List is limited private;
- -- Build a record type.
- procedure Start_Record_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List);
- -- Add a field in the record; not constrained array are prohibited, since
- -- its size is unlimited.
- procedure New_Record_Field
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
- El : out O_Fnode;
- Ident : O_Ident; Etype : O_Tnode);
- -- Finish the record type.
- procedure Finish_Record_Type
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode);
- -- Build an uncomplete record type:
- -- First call NEW_UNCOMPLETE_RECORD_TYPE, which returns a record type.
- -- This type can be declared or used to define access types on it.
- -- Then, complete (if necessary) the record type, by calling
- procedure New_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : out O_Tnode);
- procedure Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : O_Tnode;
- Elements : out O_Element_List);
- -- Build an union type.
- procedure Start_Union_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List);
- procedure New_Union_Field
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
- El : out O_Fnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Etype : O_Tnode);
- procedure Finish_Union_Type
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode);
- -- Build an access type.
- -- DTYPE may be O_tnode_null in order to build an incomplete access type.
- -- It is completed with finish_access_type.
- function New_Access_Type (Dtype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode;
- procedure Finish_Access_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Dtype : O_Tnode);
- -- Build an array type.
- -- The array is not constrained and unidimensional.
- function New_Array_Type (El_Type : O_Tnode; Index_Type : O_Tnode)
- return O_Tnode;
- -- Build a constrained array type.
- function New_Constrained_Array_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Length : O_Cnode)
- return O_Tnode;
- -- Build a scalar type; size may be 8, 16, 32 or 64.
- function New_Unsigned_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode;
- function New_Signed_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode;
- -- Build a float type.
- function New_Float_Type return O_Tnode;
- -- Build a boolean type.
- procedure New_Boolean_Type (Res : out O_Tnode;
- False_Id : O_Ident;
- False_E : out O_Cnode;
- True_Id : O_Ident;
- True_E : out O_Cnode);
- -- Create an enumeration
- type O_Enum_List is limited private;
- -- Elements are declared in order, the first is ordered from 0.
- procedure Start_Enum_Type (List : out O_Enum_List; Size : Natural);
- procedure New_Enum_Literal (List : in out O_Enum_List;
- Ident : O_Ident; Res : out O_Cnode);
- procedure Finish_Enum_Type (List : in out O_Enum_List; Res : out O_Tnode);
- ----------------
- -- Literals --
- ----------------
- -- Create a literal from an integer.
- function New_Signed_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Integer_64)
- return O_Cnode;
- function New_Unsigned_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Unsigned_64)
- return O_Cnode;
- function New_Float_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : IEEE_Float_64)
- return O_Cnode;
- -- Create a null access literal.
- function New_Null_Access (Ltype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
- -- Build a record/array aggregate.
- -- The aggregate is constant, and therefore can be only used to initialize
- -- constant declaration.
- -- ATYPE must be either a record type or an array subtype.
- -- Elements must be added in the order, and must be literals or aggregates.
- type O_Record_Aggr_List is limited private;
- type O_Array_Aggr_List is limited private;
- procedure Start_Record_Aggr (List : out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Atype : O_Tnode);
- procedure New_Record_Aggr_El (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Value : O_Cnode);
- procedure Finish_Record_Aggr (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Res : out O_Cnode);
- procedure Start_Array_Aggr (List : out O_Array_Aggr_List; Atype : O_Tnode);
- procedure New_Array_Aggr_El (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
- Value : O_Cnode);
- procedure Finish_Array_Aggr (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
- Res : out O_Cnode);
- -- Build an union aggregate.
- function New_Union_Aggr (Atype : O_Tnode; Field : O_Fnode; Value : O_Cnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- -- Returns the size in bytes of ATYPE. The result is a literal of
- -- unsigned type RTYPE
- -- ATYPE cannot be an unconstrained array type.
- function New_Sizeof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
- -- Returns the alignment in bytes for ATYPE. The result is a literal of
- -- unsgined type RTYPE.
- function New_Alignof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
- -- Returns the offset of FIELD in its record ATYPE. The result is a
- -- literal of unsigned type or access type RTYPE.
- function New_Offsetof (Atype : O_Tnode; Field : O_Fnode; Rtype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- -- Get the address of a subprogram.
- function New_Subprogram_Address (Subprg : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- -- Get the address of LVALUE.
- -- ATYPE must be a type access whose designated type is the type of LVALUE.
- -- FIXME: what about arrays.
- function New_Global_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- -- Same as New_Address but without any restriction.
- function New_Global_Unchecked_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- -------------------
- -- Expressions --
- -------------------
- type ON_Op_Kind is
- (
- -- Not an operation; invalid.
- ON_Nil,
- -- Dyadic operations.
- ON_Add_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Sub_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Mul_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Div_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Rem_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Mod_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- -- Binary operations.
- ON_And, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Or, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Xor, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- -- Monadic operations.
- ON_Not, -- ON_Monadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Neg_Ov, -- ON_Monadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Abs_Ov, -- ON_Monadic_Op_Kind
- -- Comparaisons
- ON_Eq, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Neq, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Le, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Lt, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Ge, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Gt -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- );
- subtype ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind is ON_Op_Kind range ON_Add_Ov .. ON_Xor;
- subtype ON_Monadic_Op_Kind is ON_Op_Kind range ON_Not .. ON_Abs_Ov;
- subtype ON_Compare_Op_Kind is ON_Op_Kind range ON_Eq .. ON_Gt;
- type O_Storage is (O_Storage_External,
- O_Storage_Public,
- O_Storage_Private,
- O_Storage_Local);
- -- Specifies the storage kind of a declaration.
- -- The declaration do not either reserve memory nor generate code, and
- -- is imported either from an other file or from a later place in the
- -- current file.
- -- The declaration reserves memory or generates code.
- -- With O_STORAGE_PUBLIC, the declaration is exported outside of the
- -- file while with O_STORAGE_PRIVATE, the declaration is local to the
- -- file.
- Type_Error : exception;
- Syntax_Error : exception;
- -- Create a value from a literal.
- function New_Lit (Lit : O_Cnode) return O_Enode;
- -- Create a dyadic operation.
- -- Left and right nodes must have the same type.
- -- Binary operation is allowed only on boolean types.
- -- The result is of the type of the operands.
- function New_Dyadic_Op (Kind : ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode)
- return O_Enode;
- -- Create a monadic operation.
- -- Result is of the type of operand.
- function New_Monadic_Op (Kind : ON_Monadic_Op_Kind; Operand : O_Enode)
- return O_Enode;
- -- Create a comparaison operator.
- -- NTYPE is the type of the result and must be a boolean type.
- function New_Compare_Op
- (Kind : ON_Compare_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode; Ntype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Enode;
- type O_Inter_List is limited private;
- type O_Assoc_List is limited private;
- type O_If_Block is limited private;
- type O_Case_Block is limited private;
- -- Get an element of an array.
- -- INDEX must be of the type of the array index.
- function New_Indexed_Element (Arr : O_Lnode; Index : O_Enode)
- return O_Lnode;
- -- Get a slice of an array; this is equivalent to a conversion between
- -- an array or an array subtype and an array subtype.
- -- RES_TYPE must be an array_sub_type whose base type is the same as the
- -- base type of ARR.
- -- INDEX must be of the type of the array index.
- function New_Slice (Arr : O_Lnode; Res_Type : O_Tnode; Index : O_Enode)
- return O_Lnode;
- -- Get an element of a record.
- -- Type of REC must be a record type.
- function New_Selected_Element (Rec : O_Lnode; El : O_Fnode)
- return O_Lnode;
- -- Reference an access.
- -- Type of ACC must be an access type.
- function New_Access_Element (Acc : O_Enode) return O_Lnode;
- -- Do a conversion.
- -- Allowed conversions are:
- -- FIXME: to write.
- function New_Convert_Ov (Val : O_Enode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode;
- -- Get the address of LVALUE.
- -- ATYPE must be a type access whose designated type is the type of LVALUE.
- -- FIXME: what about arrays.
- function New_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode;
- -- Same as New_Address but without any restriction.
- function New_Unchecked_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Enode;
- -- Get the value of an Lvalue.
- function New_Value (Lvalue : O_Lnode) return O_Enode;
- function New_Obj_Value (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Enode;
- -- Get an lvalue from a declaration.
- function New_Obj (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Lnode;
- -- Return a pointer of type RTPE to SIZE bytes allocated on the stack.
- function New_Alloca (Rtype : O_Tnode; Size : O_Enode) return O_Enode;
- -- Declare a type.
- -- This simply gives a name to a type.
- procedure New_Type_Decl (Ident : O_Ident; Atype : O_Tnode);
- ---------------------
- -- Declarations. --
- ---------------------
- -- Filename of the next declaration.
- procedure New_Debug_Filename_Decl (Filename : String);
- -- Line number of the next declaration.
- procedure New_Debug_Line_Decl (Line : Natural);
- -- Add a comment in the declarative region.
- procedure New_Debug_Comment_Decl (Comment : String);
- -- Declare a constant.
- -- This simply gives a name to a constant value or aggregate.
- -- A constant cannot be modified and its storage cannot be local.
- -- ATYPE must be constrained.
- procedure New_Const_Decl
- (Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Atype : O_Tnode);
- -- Set the value of a non-external constant.
- procedure Start_Const_Value (Const : in out O_Dnode);
- procedure Finish_Const_Value (Const : in out O_Dnode; Val : O_Cnode);
- -- Create a variable declaration.
- -- A variable can be local only inside a function.
- -- ATYPE must be constrained.
- procedure New_Var_Decl
- (Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Atype : O_Tnode);
- -- Start a subprogram declaration.
- -- Note: nested subprograms are allowed, ie o_storage_local subprograms can
- -- be declared inside a subprograms. It is not allowed to declare
- -- o_storage_external subprograms inside a subprograms.
- -- Return type and interfaces cannot be a composite type.
- procedure Start_Function_Decl
- (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Rtype : O_Tnode);
- -- For a subprogram without return value.
- procedure Start_Procedure_Decl
- (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage);
- -- Add an interface declaration to INTERFACES.
- procedure New_Interface_Decl
- (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List;
- Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Atype : O_Tnode);
- -- Finish the function declaration, get the node and a statement list.
- procedure Finish_Subprogram_Decl
- (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List; Res : out O_Dnode);
- -- Start a subprogram body.
- -- Note: the declaration may have an external storage, in this case it
- -- becomes public.
- procedure Start_Subprogram_Body (Func : O_Dnode);
- -- Finish a subprogram body.
- procedure Finish_Subprogram_Body;
- -------------------
- -- Statements. --
- -------------------
- -- Add a line number as a statement.
- procedure New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Line : Natural);
- -- Add a comment as a statement.
- procedure New_Debug_Comment_Stmt (Comment : String);
- -- Start a declarative region.
- procedure Start_Declare_Stmt;
- procedure Finish_Declare_Stmt;
- -- Create a function call or a procedure call.
- procedure Start_Association (Assocs : out O_Assoc_List; Subprg : O_Dnode);
- procedure New_Association (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List; Val : O_Enode);
- function New_Function_Call (Assocs : O_Assoc_List) return O_Enode;
- procedure New_Procedure_Call (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List);
- -- Assign VALUE to TARGET, type must be the same or compatible.
- -- FIXME: what about slice assignment?
- procedure New_Assign_Stmt (Target : O_Lnode; Value : O_Enode);
- -- Exit from the subprogram and return VALUE.
- procedure New_Return_Stmt (Value : O_Enode);
- -- Exit from the subprogram, which doesn't return value.
- procedure New_Return_Stmt;
- -- Build an IF statement.
- procedure Start_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block; Cond : O_Enode);
- procedure New_Else_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block);
- procedure Finish_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block);
- -- Create a infinite loop statement.
- procedure Start_Loop_Stmt (Label : out O_Snode);
- procedure Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label : in out O_Snode);
- -- Exit from a loop stmt or from a for stmt.
- procedure New_Exit_Stmt (L : O_Snode);
- -- Go to the start of a loop stmt or of a for stmt.
- -- Loops/Fors between L and the current points are exited.
- procedure New_Next_Stmt (L : O_Snode);
- -- Case statement.
- -- VALUE is the selector and must be a discrete type.
- procedure Start_Case_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Value : O_Enode);
- -- A choice branch is composed of expr, range or default choices.
- -- A choice branch is enclosed between a Start_Choice and a Finish_Choice.
- -- The statements are after the finish_choice.
- procedure Start_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
- procedure New_Expr_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Expr : O_Cnode);
- procedure New_Range_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block;
- Low, High : O_Cnode);
- procedure New_Default_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
- procedure Finish_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
- procedure Finish_Case_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
--- End of common part
- -- MCode supports nested subprograms.
- Has_Nested_Subprograms : constant Boolean := True;
- type O_Tnode is new Ortho_Code.O_Tnode;
- type O_Cnode is new Ortho_Code.O_Cnode;
- type O_Dnode is new Ortho_Code.O_Dnode;
- type O_Enode is new Ortho_Code.O_Enode;
- type O_Fnode is new Ortho_Code.O_Fnode;
- type O_Lnode is new Ortho_Code.O_Lnode;
- type O_Snode is new Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_Snode;
- O_Lnode_Null : constant O_Lnode := O_Lnode (Ortho_Code.O_Lnode_Null);
- O_Cnode_Null : constant O_Cnode := O_Cnode (Ortho_Code.O_Cnode_Null);
- O_Dnode_Null : constant O_Dnode := O_Dnode (Ortho_Code.O_Dnode_Null);
- O_Enode_Null : constant O_Enode := O_Enode (Ortho_Code.O_Enode_Null);
- O_Fnode_Null : constant O_Fnode := O_Fnode (Ortho_Code.O_Fnode_Null);
- O_Snode_Null : constant O_Snode := O_Snode (Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_Snode_Null);
- O_Tnode_Null : constant O_Tnode := O_Tnode (Ortho_Code.O_Tnode_Null);
- type O_Element_List is new Ortho_Code.Types.O_Element_List;
- type O_Enum_List is new Ortho_Code.Types.O_Enum_List;
- type O_Inter_List is new Ortho_Code.Decls.O_Inter_List;
- type O_Record_Aggr_List is new Ortho_Code.Consts.O_Record_Aggr_List;
- type O_Array_Aggr_List is new Ortho_Code.Consts.O_Array_Aggr_List;
- type O_Assoc_List is new Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_Assoc_List;
- type O_If_Block is new Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_If_Block;
- type O_Case_Block is new Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_Case_Block;
- pragma Inline (New_Lit);
- pragma Inline (New_Dyadic_Op);
- pragma Inline (New_Monadic_Op);
- pragma Inline (New_Compare_Op);
- pragma Inline (New_Signed_Literal);
- pragma Inline (New_Unsigned_Literal);
- pragma Inline (New_Float_Literal);
- pragma Inline (New_Null_Access);
- pragma Inline (Start_Record_Aggr);
- pragma Inline (New_Record_Aggr_El);
- pragma Inline (Finish_Record_Aggr);
- pragma Inline (Start_Array_Aggr);
- pragma Inline (New_Array_Aggr_El);
- pragma Inline (Finish_Array_Aggr);
- pragma Inline (New_Union_Aggr);
- pragma Inline (New_Sizeof);
- pragma Inline (New_Alignof);
- pragma Inline (New_Offsetof);
- pragma Inline (New_Indexed_Element);
- pragma Inline (New_Slice);
- pragma Inline (New_Selected_Element);
- pragma Inline (New_Access_Element);
- pragma Inline (New_Convert_Ov);
- pragma Inline (New_Address);
- pragma Inline (New_Global_Address);
- pragma Inline (New_Unchecked_Address);
- pragma Inline (New_Global_Unchecked_Address);
- pragma Inline (New_Subprogram_Address);
- pragma Inline (New_Value);
- pragma Inline (New_Obj_Value);
- pragma Inline (New_Alloca);
- pragma Inline (New_Debug_Filename_Decl);
- pragma Inline (New_Debug_Line_Decl);
- pragma Inline (New_Debug_Comment_Decl);
- pragma Inline (New_Type_Decl);
- pragma Inline (New_Const_Decl);
- pragma Inline (Start_Const_Value);
- pragma Inline (Finish_Const_Value);
- pragma Inline (New_Var_Decl);
- pragma Inline (New_Obj);
- pragma Inline (Start_Function_Decl);
- pragma Inline (Start_Procedure_Decl);
- pragma Inline (New_Interface_Decl);
- pragma Inline (Finish_Subprogram_Decl);
- pragma Inline (Start_Subprogram_Body);
- pragma Inline (Finish_Subprogram_Body);
- pragma Inline (New_Debug_Line_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (New_Debug_Comment_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (Start_Declare_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (Finish_Declare_Stmt);
- -- Create a function call or a procedure call.
- pragma Inline (Start_Association);
- pragma Inline (New_Association);
- pragma Inline (New_Function_Call);
- pragma Inline (New_Procedure_Call);
- pragma Inline (New_Assign_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (New_Return_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (Start_If_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (New_Else_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (Finish_If_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (Start_Loop_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (Finish_Loop_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (New_Exit_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (New_Next_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (Start_Case_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (Start_Choice);
- pragma Inline (New_Expr_Choice);
- pragma Inline (New_Range_Choice);
- pragma Inline (New_Default_Choice);
- pragma Inline (Finish_Choice);
- pragma Inline (Finish_Case_Stmt);
-end Ortho_Mcode;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_mcode.private.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_mcode.private.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b414773f..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_mcode.private.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with Ortho_Code; use Ortho_Code;
-with Ortho_Code.Types; use Ortho_Code.Types;
-with Ortho_Code.Consts; use Ortho_Code.Consts;
-with Ortho_Code.Decls; use Ortho_Code.Decls;
-with Ortho_Code.Exprs; use Ortho_Code.Exprs;
--- Interface to create nodes.
-package Ortho_Mcode is
- -- Initialize nodes.
- procedure Init;
- procedure Finish;
- procedure Free_All;
- -- MCode supports nested subprograms.
- Has_Nested_Subprograms : constant Boolean := True;
- type O_Tnode is new Ortho_Code.O_Tnode;
- type O_Cnode is new Ortho_Code.O_Cnode;
- type O_Dnode is new Ortho_Code.O_Dnode;
- type O_Enode is new Ortho_Code.O_Enode;
- type O_Fnode is new Ortho_Code.O_Fnode;
- type O_Lnode is new Ortho_Code.O_Lnode;
- type O_Snode is new Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_Snode;
- O_Lnode_Null : constant O_Lnode := O_Lnode (Ortho_Code.O_Lnode_Null);
- O_Cnode_Null : constant O_Cnode := O_Cnode (Ortho_Code.O_Cnode_Null);
- O_Dnode_Null : constant O_Dnode := O_Dnode (Ortho_Code.O_Dnode_Null);
- O_Enode_Null : constant O_Enode := O_Enode (Ortho_Code.O_Enode_Null);
- O_Fnode_Null : constant O_Fnode := O_Fnode (Ortho_Code.O_Fnode_Null);
- O_Snode_Null : constant O_Snode := O_Snode (Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_Snode_Null);
- O_Tnode_Null : constant O_Tnode := O_Tnode (Ortho_Code.O_Tnode_Null);
- type O_Element_List is new Ortho_Code.Types.O_Element_List;
- type O_Enum_List is new Ortho_Code.Types.O_Enum_List;
- type O_Inter_List is new Ortho_Code.Decls.O_Inter_List;
- type O_Record_Aggr_List is new Ortho_Code.Consts.O_Record_Aggr_List;
- type O_Array_Aggr_List is new Ortho_Code.Consts.O_Array_Aggr_List;
- type O_Assoc_List is new Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_Assoc_List;
- type O_If_Block is new Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_If_Block;
- type O_Case_Block is new Ortho_Code.Exprs.O_Case_Block;
- pragma Inline (New_Lit);
- pragma Inline (New_Dyadic_Op);
- pragma Inline (New_Monadic_Op);
- pragma Inline (New_Compare_Op);
- pragma Inline (New_Signed_Literal);
- pragma Inline (New_Unsigned_Literal);
- pragma Inline (New_Float_Literal);
- pragma Inline (New_Null_Access);
- pragma Inline (Start_Record_Aggr);
- pragma Inline (New_Record_Aggr_El);
- pragma Inline (Finish_Record_Aggr);
- pragma Inline (Start_Array_Aggr);
- pragma Inline (New_Array_Aggr_El);
- pragma Inline (Finish_Array_Aggr);
- pragma Inline (New_Union_Aggr);
- pragma Inline (New_Sizeof);
- pragma Inline (New_Alignof);
- pragma Inline (New_Offsetof);
- pragma Inline (New_Indexed_Element);
- pragma Inline (New_Slice);
- pragma Inline (New_Selected_Element);
- pragma Inline (New_Access_Element);
- pragma Inline (New_Convert_Ov);
- pragma Inline (New_Address);
- pragma Inline (New_Global_Address);
- pragma Inline (New_Unchecked_Address);
- pragma Inline (New_Global_Unchecked_Address);
- pragma Inline (New_Subprogram_Address);
- pragma Inline (New_Value);
- pragma Inline (New_Obj_Value);
- pragma Inline (New_Alloca);
- pragma Inline (New_Debug_Filename_Decl);
- pragma Inline (New_Debug_Line_Decl);
- pragma Inline (New_Debug_Comment_Decl);
- pragma Inline (New_Type_Decl);
- pragma Inline (New_Const_Decl);
- pragma Inline (Start_Const_Value);
- pragma Inline (Finish_Const_Value);
- pragma Inline (New_Var_Decl);
- pragma Inline (New_Obj);
- pragma Inline (Start_Function_Decl);
- pragma Inline (Start_Procedure_Decl);
- pragma Inline (New_Interface_Decl);
- pragma Inline (Finish_Subprogram_Decl);
- pragma Inline (Start_Subprogram_Body);
- pragma Inline (Finish_Subprogram_Body);
- pragma Inline (New_Debug_Line_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (New_Debug_Comment_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (Start_Declare_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (Finish_Declare_Stmt);
- -- Create a function call or a procedure call.
- pragma Inline (Start_Association);
- pragma Inline (New_Association);
- pragma Inline (New_Function_Call);
- pragma Inline (New_Procedure_Call);
- pragma Inline (New_Assign_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (New_Return_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (Start_If_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (New_Else_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (Finish_If_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (Start_Loop_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (Finish_Loop_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (New_Exit_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (New_Next_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (Start_Case_Stmt);
- pragma Inline (Start_Choice);
- pragma Inline (New_Expr_Choice);
- pragma Inline (New_Range_Choice);
- pragma Inline (New_Default_Choice);
- pragma Inline (Finish_Choice);
- pragma Inline (Finish_Case_Stmt);
-end Ortho_Mcode;
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_nodes.ads b/ortho/mcode/ortho_nodes.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a2df3f30..000000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_nodes.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-with Ortho_Mcode;
-package Ortho_Nodes renames Ortho_Mcode;
diff --git a/ortho/oread/Makefile b/ortho/oread/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index f94535181..000000000
--- a/ortho/oread/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Makefile -*- for the ortho-code compiler.
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
-# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
-# version.
-# GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-# for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# 02111-1307, USA.
-BE = gcc
-all: $(ortho_exec)
-test: test.s
- $(CC) -o $@ $^
-test.s: $(ortho_exec)
- ./$(ortho_exec) test
-$(ortho_exec): force
- $(MAKE) -f $(BACK_END)/Makefile ortho_exec=$(ortho_exec)
- $(MAKE) -f $(BACK_END)/Makefile clean
- $(RM) -f oread-gcc oread-mcode *.o *~
-distclean: clean
- $(MAKE) -f $(BACK_END)/Makefile distclean
-.PHONY: force
diff --git a/ortho/oread/ortho_front.adb b/ortho/oread/ortho_front.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 84bbd1b9d..000000000
--- a/ortho/oread/ortho_front.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2677 +0,0 @@
--- Ortho code compiler.
--- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
-with Ortho_Nodes; use Ortho_Nodes;
-with Ortho_Ident; use Ortho_Ident;
-with Ada.Characters.Latin_1; use Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
-with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with Ada.Exceptions;
---with GNAT.Debug_Pools;
--- TODO:
--- uncomplete type: check for type redefinition
-package body Ortho_Front is
- -- If true, emit line number before each statement.
- -- If flase, keep line number indication in the source file.
- Flag_Renumber : Boolean := True;
- procedure Init is
- begin
- null;
- end Init;
- function Decode_Option (Opt : String_Acc; Arg : String_Acc) return Natural
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Arg);
- begin
- if Opt.all = "-r" or Opt.all = "--ghdl-r" then
- Flag_Renumber := True;
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- end if;
- end Decode_Option;
- -- File buffer.
- File_Name : String_Acc;
- Buf : String (1 .. 2048 + 1);
- Buf_Len : Natural;
- Pos : Natural;
- Lineno : Natural;
- Fd : File_Descriptor;
- Error : exception;
- procedure Puterr (Msg : String)
- is
- L : Integer;
- pragma Unreferenced (L);
- begin
- L := Write (Standerr, Msg'Address, Msg'Length);
- end Puterr;
- procedure Puterr (N : Natural)
- is
- Str : constant String := Natural'Image (N);
- begin
- Puterr (Str (Str'First + 1 .. Str'Last));
- end Puterr;
- procedure Newline_Err is
- begin
- Puterr ((1 => LF));
- end Newline_Err;
- procedure Scan_Error (Msg : String) is
- begin
- Puterr (File_Name.all);
- Puterr (":");
- Puterr (Lineno);
- Puterr (": ");
- Puterr (Msg);
- Newline_Err;
- raise Error;
- end Scan_Error;
- procedure Parse_Error (Msg : String);
- pragma No_Return (Parse_Error);
- procedure Parse_Error (Msg : String) is
- begin
- Puterr (File_Name.all);
- Puterr (":");
- Puterr (Lineno);
- Puterr (": ");
- Puterr (Msg);
- Newline_Err;
- raise Error;
- end Parse_Error;
--- Uniq_Num : Natural := 0;
--- function Get_Uniq_Id return O_Ident
--- is
--- Str : String (1 .. 8);
--- V : Natural;
--- begin
--- V := Uniq_Num;
--- Uniq_Num := Uniq_Num + 1;
--- Str (1) := 'L';
--- Str (2) := '.';
--- for I in reverse 3 .. Str'Last loop
--- Str (I) := Character'Val ((V mod 10) + Character'Pos('0'));
--- V := V / 10;
--- end loop;
--- return Get_Identifier (Str);
--- end Get_Uniq_Id;
- -- Get the next character.
- -- Return NUL on end of file.
- function Get_Char return Character
- is
- Res : Character;
- begin
- if Buf (Pos) = NUL then
- -- Read line.
- Buf_Len := Read (Fd, Buf'Address, Buf'Length - 1);
- if Buf_Len = 0 then
- -- End of file.
- return NUL;
- end if;
- Pos := 1;
- Buf (Buf_Len + 1) := NUL;
- end if;
- Res := Buf (Pos);
- Pos := Pos + 1;
- return Res;
- end Get_Char;
- procedure Unget_Char is
- begin
- if Pos = Buf'First then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Pos := Pos - 1;
- end Unget_Char;
- type Token_Type is
- (Tok_Eof,
- Tok_Line_Number, Tok_File_Name, Tok_Comment,
- Tok_Ident, Tok_Num, Tok_String, Tok_Float_Num,
- Tok_Plus, Tok_Minus,
- Tok_Star, Tok_Div, Tok_Mod, Tok_Rem,
- Tok_Sharp,
- Tok_Not, Tok_Abs,
- Tok_Or, Tok_And, Tok_Xor,
- Tok_Equal, Tok_Not_Equal,
- Tok_Greater, Tok_Greater_Eq,
- Tok_Less, Tok_Less_Eq,
- Tok_Colon, Tok_Semicolon,
- Tok_Comma, Tok_Dot, Tok_Tick, Tok_Arob, Tok_Elipsis,
- Tok_Assign,
- Tok_Left_Paren, Tok_Right_Paren,
- Tok_Left_Brace, Tok_Right_Brace,
- Tok_Left_Brack, Tok_Right_Brack,
- Tok_Unsigned, Tok_Signed, Tok_Float,
- Tok_Array, Tok_Subarray,
- Tok_Access, Tok_Record, Tok_Union,
- Tok_Boolean, Tok_Enum,
- Tok_If, Tok_Then, Tok_Else, Tok_Elsif,
- Tok_Loop, Tok_Exit, Tok_Next,
- Tok_Is, Tok_Of, Tok_All,
- Tok_Return,
- Tok_Type,
- Tok_External, Tok_Private, Tok_Public, Tok_Local,
- Tok_Procedure, Tok_Function,
- Tok_Constant, Tok_Var,
- Tok_Declare, Tok_Begin, Tok_End,
- Tok_Case, Tok_When, Tok_Default, Tok_Arrow,
- Tok_Null);
- type Hash_Type is new Unsigned_32;
- type Name_Type;
- type Name_Acc is access Name_Type;
- -- Symbol table.
- type Syment_Type;
- type Syment_Acc is access Syment_Type;
- type Syment_type is record
- -- The hash for the symbol.
- Hash : Hash_Type;
- -- Identification of the symbol.
- Ident : O_Ident;
- -- Next symbol with the same collision.
- Next : Syment_Acc;
- -- Meaning of the symbol.
- Name : Name_Acc;
- end record;
- -- Well known identifiers (used for attributes).
- Id_Address : Syment_Acc;
- Id_Unchecked_Address : Syment_Acc;
- Id_Subprg_Addr : Syment_Acc;
- Id_Conv : Syment_Acc;
- Id_Sizeof : Syment_Acc;
- Id_Alignof : Syment_Acc;
- Id_Alloca : Syment_Acc;
- Id_Offsetof : Syment_Acc;
- Token_Number : Unsigned_64;
- Token_Float : IEEE_Float_64;
- Token_Ident : String (1 .. 256);
- Token_Idlen : Natural;
- Token_Hash : Hash_Type;
- Token_Sym : Syment_Acc;
- -- The symbol table.
- type Syment_Acc_Array is array (Hash_Type range <>) of Syment_Acc;
- Hash_Max : constant Hash_Type := 511;
- Symtable : Syment_Acc_Array (0 .. Hash_Max - 1) := (others => null);
- type Node_Kind is (Decl_Keyword, Decl_Type, Decl_Param,
- Node_Function, Node_Procedure, Node_Object, Node_Field,
- Node_Lit,
- Type_Boolean, Type_Enum,
- Type_Unsigned, Type_Signed, Type_Float,
- Type_Array, Type_Subarray,
- Type_Access, Type_Record, Type_Union);
- subtype Nodes_Subprogram is Node_Kind range Node_Function .. Node_Procedure;
- type Node (<>);
- type Node_Acc is access Node;
- type Node (Kind : Node_Kind) is record
- case Kind is
- when Decl_Keyword =>
- -- Keyword.
- -- A keyword is not a declaration since the identifier has only
- -- one meaning (the keyword).
- Keyword : Token_Type;
- when Decl_Type
- | Decl_Param
- | Node_Function
- | Node_Procedure
- | Node_Object
- | Node_Lit =>
- -- Declarations
- -- All declarations but NODE_PROCEDURE have a type.
- Decl_Dtype : Node_Acc;
- Decl_Storage : O_Storage;
- case Kind is
- when Decl_Type =>
- -- Type declaration.
- null;
- when Decl_Param =>
- -- Parameter identifier.
- Param_Name : Syment_Acc;
- -- Parameter ortho node.
- Param_Node : O_Dnode;
- -- Next parameter of the parameters list.
- Param_Next : Node_Acc;
- when Node_Procedure
- | Node_Function =>
- -- Subprogram symbol name.
- Subprg_Name : Syment_Acc;
- -- List of parameters.
- Subprg_Params : Node_Acc;
- -- Subprogram ortho node.
- Subprg_Node : O_Dnode;
- when Node_Object =>
- -- Name of the object (constant, variable).
- Obj_Name : O_Ident;
- -- Ortho node of the object.
- Obj_Node : O_Dnode;
- when Node_Lit =>
- -- Name of the literal.
- Lit_Name : O_Ident;
- -- Enum literal
- Lit_Cnode : O_Cnode;
- -- Next literal for the type.
- Lit_Next : Node_Acc;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- when Node_Field =>
- -- Record field.
- Field_Ident : Syment_Acc;
- Field_Fnode : O_Fnode;
- Field_Type : Node_Acc;
- Field_Next : Node_Acc;
- when Type_Signed
- | Type_Unsigned
- | Type_Float
- | Type_Array
- | Type_Subarray
- | Type_Record
- | Type_Union
- | Type_Access
- | Type_Boolean
- | Type_Enum =>
- -- Ortho node type.
- Type_Onode : O_Tnode;
- case Kind is
- when Type_Array =>
- Array_Index : Node_Acc;
- Array_Element : Node_Acc;
- when Type_Subarray =>
- Subarray_Base : Node_Acc;
- --Subarray_Length : Natural;
- when Type_Access =>
- Access_Dtype : Node_Acc;
- when Type_Record
- | Type_Union =>
- Record_Union_Fields : Node_Acc;
- when Type_Enum
- | Type_Boolean =>
- Enum_Lits : Node_Acc;
- when Type_Float =>
- null;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- end case;
- end record;
- type Scope_Type;
- type Scope_Acc is access Scope_Type;
- type Name_Type is record
- -- Current interpretation of the symbol.
- Inter : Node_Acc;
- -- Next declaration in the current scope.
- Next : Syment_Acc;
- -- Interpretation in a previous scope.
- Up : Name_Acc;
- -- Current scope.
- Scope : Scope_Acc;
- end record;
- type Scope_Type is record
- -- Simply linked list of names.
- Names : Syment_Acc;
- -- Previous scope.
- Prev : Scope_Acc;
- end record;
- -- Return the current declaration for symbol SYM.
- function Get_Decl (Sym : Syment_Acc) return Node_Acc;
- pragma Inline (Get_Decl);
- procedure Scan_Char (C : Character)
- is
- R : Character;
- begin
- if C = '\' then
- R := Get_Char;
- case R is
- when 'n' =>
- R := LF;
- when 'r' =>
- R := CR;
- when ''' =>
- R := ''';
- when '"' => -- "
- R := '"'; -- "
- when others =>
- Scan_Error ("bad character sequence \" & R);
- end case;
- else
- R := C;
- end if;
- Token_Idlen := Token_Idlen + 1;
- Token_Ident (Token_Idlen) := R;
- end Scan_Char;
- function Get_Hash (Str : String) return Hash_Type
- is
- Res : Hash_Type;
- begin
- Res := 0;
- for I in Str'Range loop
- Res := Res * 31 + Character'Pos (Str (I));
- end loop;
- return Res;
- end Get_Hash;
- -- Previous token.
- Tok_Previous : Token_Type;
- function Scan_Number (First_Char : Character) return Token_Type
- is
- function To_Digit (C : Character) return Integer is
- begin
- case C is
- when '0' .. '9' =>
- return Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('0');
- when 'A' .. 'F' =>
- return Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('A') + 10;
- when 'a' .. 'f' =>
- return Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('a') + 10;
- when others =>
- return -1;
- end case;
- end To_Digit;
- function Is_Digit (C : Character) return Boolean is
- begin
- case C is
- when '0' .. '9'
- | 'A' .. 'F'
- | 'a' .. 'f' =>
- return True;
- when others =>
- return False;
- end case;
- end Is_Digit;
- After_Point : Integer;
- C : Character;
- Exp : Integer;
- Exp_Neg : Boolean;
- Base : Unsigned_64;
- begin
- Token_Number := 0;
- C := First_Char;
- loop
- Token_Number := Token_Number * 10 + Unsigned_64 (To_Digit (C));
- C := Get_Char;
- exit when not Is_Digit (C);
- end loop;
- if C = '#' then
- Base := Token_Number;
- Token_Number := 0;
- C := Get_Char;
- loop
- Token_Number := Token_Number * Base + Unsigned_64 (To_Digit (C));
- C := Get_Char;
- exit when C = '#';
- end loop;
- return Tok_Num;
- end if;
- if C = '.' then
- -- A real number.
- After_Point := 0;
- Token_Float := IEEE_Float_64 (Token_Number);
- loop
- C := Get_Char;
- exit when C not in '0' .. '9';
- Token_Float := Token_Float * 10.0 + IEEE_Float_64 (To_Digit (C));
- After_Point := After_Point + 1;
- end loop;
- if C = 'e' or C = 'E' then
- Exp := 0;
- C := Get_Char;
- Exp_Neg := False;
- if C = '-' then
- Exp_Neg := True;
- C := Get_Char;
- elsif C = '+' then
- C := Get_Char;
- elsif not Is_Digit (C) then
- Scan_Error ("digit expected");
- end if;
- while Is_Digit (C) loop
- Exp := Exp * 10 + To_Digit (C);
- C := Get_Char;
- end loop;
- if Exp_Neg then
- Exp := -Exp;
- end if;
- Exp := Exp - After_Point;
- else
- Exp := - After_Point;
- end if;
- Unget_Char;
- Token_Float := Token_Float * 10.0 ** Exp;
- if Token_Float > IEEE_Float_64'Last then
- Token_Float := IEEE_Float_64'Last;
- end if;
- return Tok_Float_Num;
- else
- Unget_Char;
- return Tok_Num;
- end if;
- end Scan_Number;
- procedure Scan_Comment
- is
- C : Character;
- begin
- Token_Idlen := 0;
- loop
- C := Get_Char;
- exit when C = CR or C = LF;
- Token_Idlen := Token_Idlen + 1;
- Token_Ident (Token_Idlen) := C;
- end loop;
- Unget_Char;
- end Scan_Comment;
- -- Get the next token.
- function Get_Token return Token_Type
- is
- C : Character;
- begin
- loop
- C := Get_Char;
- << Again >> null;
- case C is
- when NUL =>
- return Tok_Eof;
- when ' ' | HT =>
- null;
- when LF =>
- Lineno := Lineno + 1;
- C := Get_Char;
- if C /= CR then
- goto Again;
- end if;
- when CR =>
- Lineno := Lineno + 1;
- C := Get_Char;
- if C /= LF then
- goto Again;
- end if;
- when '+' =>
- return Tok_Plus;
- when '-' =>
- C := Get_Char;
- if C = '-' then
- C := Get_Char;
- if C = '#' then
- return Tok_Line_Number;
- elsif C = 'F' then
- Scan_Comment;
- return Tok_File_Name;
- elsif C = ' ' then
- Scan_Comment;
- return Tok_Comment;
- else
- Scan_Error ("bad comment");
- end if;
- else
- Unget_Char;
- return Tok_Minus;
- end if;
- when '/' =>
- C := Get_Char;
- if C = '=' then
- return Tok_Not_Equal;
- else
- Unget_Char;
- return Tok_Div;
- end if;
- when '*' =>
- return Tok_Star;
- when '#' =>
- return Tok_Sharp;
- when '=' =>
- C := Get_Char;
- if C = '>' then
- return Tok_Arrow;
- else
- Unget_Char;
- return Tok_Equal;
- end if;
- when '>' =>
- C := Get_Char;
- if C = '=' then
- return Tok_Greater_Eq;
- else
- Unget_Char;
- return Tok_Greater;
- end if;
- when '(' =>
- return Tok_Left_Paren;
- when ')' =>
- return Tok_Right_Paren;
- when '{' =>
- return Tok_Left_Brace;
- when '}' =>
- return Tok_Right_Brace;
- when '[' =>
- return Tok_Left_Brack;
- when ']' =>
- return Tok_Right_Brack;
- when '<' =>
- C := Get_Char;
- if C = '=' then
- return Tok_Less_Eq;
- else
- Unget_Char;
- return Tok_Less;
- end if;
- when ':' =>
- C := Get_Char;
- if C = '=' then
- return Tok_Assign;
- else
- Unget_Char;
- return Tok_Colon;
- end if;
- when '.' =>
- C := Get_Char;
- if C = '.' then
- C := Get_Char;
- if C = '.' then
- return Tok_Elipsis;
- else
- Scan_Error ("'...' expected");
- end if;
- else
- Unget_Char;
- return Tok_Dot;
- end if;
- when ';' =>
- return Tok_Semicolon;
- when ',' =>
- return Tok_Comma;
- when '@' =>
- return Tok_Arob;
- when ''' =>
- if Tok_Previous = Tok_Ident then
- return Tok_Tick;
- else
- Token_Number := Character'Pos (Get_Char);
- C := Get_Char;
- if C /= ''' then
- Scan_Error ("ending single quote expected");
- end if;
- return Tok_Num;
- end if;
- when '"' => -- "
- -- Eat double quote.
- C := Get_Char;
- Token_Idlen := 0;
- loop
- Scan_Char (C);
- C := Get_Char;
- exit when C = '"'; -- "
- end loop;
- return Tok_String;
- when '0' .. '9' =>
- return Scan_Number (C);
- when 'a' .. 'z'
- | 'A' .. 'Z'
- | '_' =>
- Token_Idlen := 0;
- Token_Hash := 0;
- loop
- Token_Idlen := Token_Idlen + 1;
- Token_Ident (Token_Idlen) := C;
- Token_Hash := Token_Hash * 31 + Character'Pos (C);
- C := Get_Char;
- exit when (C < 'A' or C > 'Z')
- and (C < 'a' or C > 'z')
- and (C < '0' or C > '9')
- and (C /= '_');
- end loop;
- Unget_Char;
- declare
- H : Hash_Type;
- S : Syment_Acc;
- N : Node_Acc;
- begin
- H := Token_Hash mod Hash_Max;
- S := Symtable (H);
- while S /= null loop
- if S.Hash = Token_Hash
- and then Is_Equal (S.Ident,
- Token_Ident (1 .. Token_Idlen))
- then
- -- This identifier is known.
- Token_Sym := S;
- -- It may be a keyword.
- if S.Name /= null then
- N := Get_Decl (S);
- if N.Kind = Decl_Keyword then
- return N.Keyword;
- end if;
- end if;
- return Tok_Ident;
- end if;
- S := S.Next;
- end loop;
- Symtable (H) := new Syment_Type'
- (Hash => Token_Hash,
- Ident => Get_Identifier (Token_Ident (1 .. Token_Idlen)),
- Next => Symtable (H),
- Name => null);
- Token_Sym := Symtable (H);
- return Tok_Ident;
- end;
- when others =>
- Scan_Error ("Bad character:"
- & Integer'Image (Character'Pos (C))
- & C);
- return Tok_Eof;
- end case;
- end loop;
- end Get_Token;
- -- The current token.
- Tok : Token_Type;
- procedure Next_Token is
- begin
- Tok_Previous := Tok;
- Tok := Get_Token;
- end Next_Token;
- procedure Expect (T : Token_Type; Msg : String := "") is
- begin
- if Tok /= T then
- if Msg'Length = 0 then
- case T is
- when Tok_Left_Brace =>
- Parse_Error ("'{' expected");
- when others =>
- if Tok = Tok_Ident then
- Parse_Error
- (Token_Type'Image (T) & " expected, found '" &
- Token_Ident (1 .. Token_Idlen) & "'");
- else
- Parse_Error (Token_Type'Image (T) & " expected, found "
- & Token_Type'Image (Tok));
- end if;
- end case;
- else
- Parse_Error (Msg);
- end if;
- end if;
- end Expect;
- procedure Next_Expect (T : Token_Type; Msg : String := "") is
- begin
- Next_Token;
- Expect (T, Msg);
- end Next_Expect;
- -- Scopes and identifiers.
- -- Current scope.
- Scope : Scope_Acc := null;
- -- Add a declaration for symbol SYM in the current scope.
- -- INTER defines the meaning of the declaration.
- -- There must be at most one declaration for a symbol in the current scope,
- -- i.e. a symbol cannot be redefined.
- procedure Add_Decl (Sym : Syment_Acc; Inter : Node_Acc);
- -- Return TRUE iff SYM is already defined in the current scope.
- function Is_Defined (Sym : Syment_Acc) return Boolean;
- -- Create new scope.
- procedure Push_Scope;
- -- Close the current scope. Symbols defined in the scope regain their
- -- previous declaration.
- procedure Pop_Scope;
- procedure Push_Scope
- is
- Nscope : Scope_Acc;
- begin
- Nscope := new Scope_Type'(Names => null, Prev => Scope);
- Scope := Nscope;
- end Push_Scope;
- procedure Pop_Scope
- is
- procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (Object => Name_Type, Name => Name_Acc);
- procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (Object => Scope_Type, Name => Scope_Acc);
- Sym : Syment_Acc;
- N_Sym : Syment_Acc;
- Name : Name_Acc;
- Old_Scope : Scope_Acc;
- begin
- Sym := Scope.Names;
- while Sym /= null loop
- Name := Sym.Name;
- -- Check.
- if Name.Scope /= Scope then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- -- Set the interpretation of this symbol.
- Sym.Name := Name.Up;
- N_Sym := Name.Next;
- Free (Name);
- Sym := N_Sym;
- end loop;
- -- Free scope.
- Old_Scope := Scope;
- Scope := Scope.Prev;
- Free (Old_Scope);
- end Pop_Scope;
- function Is_Defined (Sym : Syment_Acc) return Boolean is
- begin
- if Sym.Name /= null
- and then Sym.Name.Scope = Scope
- then
- return True;
- else
- return False;
- end if;
- end Is_Defined;
- function New_Symbol (Str : String) return Syment_Acc
- is
- Ent : Syment_Acc;
- H : Hash_Type;
- begin
- Ent := new Syment_Type'(Hash => Get_Hash (Str),
- Ident => Get_Identifier (Str),
- Next => null,
- Name => null);
- H := Ent.Hash mod Hash_Max;
- Ent.Next := Symtable (H);
- Symtable (H) := Ent;
- return Ent;
- end New_Symbol;
- procedure Add_Keyword (Str : String; Token : Token_Type)
- is
- Ent : Syment_Acc;
- begin
- Ent := New_Symbol (Str);
- if Ent.Name /= null
- or else Scope /= null
- then
- -- Redefinition of a keyword.
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Ent.Name := new Name_Type'(Inter => new Node'(Kind => Decl_Keyword,
- Keyword => Token),
- Next => null,
- Up => null,
- Scope => null);
- end Add_Keyword;
- procedure Add_Decl (Sym : Syment_Acc; Inter : Node_Acc)
- is
- Name : Name_Acc;
- Prev : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Name := Sym.Name;
- if Name /= null and then Name.Scope = Scope then
- Prev := Name.Inter;
- if Prev.Kind = Inter.Kind
- and then Prev.Decl_Dtype = Inter.Decl_Dtype
- and then Prev.Decl_Storage = O_Storage_External
- and then Inter.Decl_Storage = O_Storage_Public
- then
- -- Redefinition
- Name.Inter := Inter;
- return;
- end if;
- Parse_Error ("redefinition of " & Get_String (Sym.Ident));
- end if;
- Name := new Name_Type'(Inter => Inter,
- Next => Scope.Names,
- Up => Sym.Name,
- Scope => Scope);
- Sym.Name := Name;
- Scope.Names := Sym;
- end Add_Decl;
- function Get_Decl (Sym : Syment_Acc) return Node_Acc is
- begin
- if Sym.Name = null then
- Parse_Error ("undefined identifier " & Get_String (Sym.Ident));
- else
- return Sym.Name.Inter;
- end if;
- end Get_Decl;
- function Parse_Constant_Value (Atype : Node_Acc) return O_Cnode;
- function Parse_Address (Prefix : Node_Acc) return O_Enode;
- function Parse_Constant_Address (Prefix : Node_Acc) return O_Cnode;
- procedure Parse_Declaration;
- procedure Parse_Compound_Statement;
- function Parse_Type return Node_Acc;
- procedure Parse_Fields (Aggr_Type : Node_Acc;
- Constr : in out O_Element_List)
- is
- F_Type : Node_Acc;
- F : Syment_Acc;
- Last_Field : Node_Acc;
- Field : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Last_Field := null;
- loop
- exit when Tok = Tok_End;
- if Tok /= Tok_Ident then
- Parse_Error ("field name expected");
- end if;
- F := Token_Sym;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Colon, "':' expected");
- Next_Token;
- F_Type := Parse_Type;
- Field := new Node'(Kind => Node_Field,
- Field_Ident => F,
- Field_Fnode => O_Fnode_Null,
- Field_Type => F_Type,
- Field_Next => null);
- case Aggr_Type.Kind is
- when Type_Record =>
- New_Record_Field (Constr, Field.Field_Fnode, F.Ident,
- F_Type.Type_Onode);
- when Type_Union =>
- New_Union_Field (Constr, Field.Field_Fnode, F.Ident,
- F_Type.Type_Onode);
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- if Last_Field = null then
- Aggr_Type.Record_Union_Fields := Field;
- else
- Last_Field.Field_Next := Field;
- end if;
- Last_Field := Field;
- Expect (Tok_Semicolon, "';' expected");
- Next_Token;
- end loop;
- end Parse_Fields;
- procedure Parse_Record_Type (Def : Node_Acc)
- is
- Constr : O_Element_List;
- begin
- if Def.Type_Onode = O_Tnode_Null then
- Start_Record_Type (Constr);
- else
- Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Def.Type_Onode, Constr);
- end if;
- Parse_Fields (Def, Constr);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Record, "end record expected");
- Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Def.Type_Onode);
- end Parse_Record_Type;
- procedure Parse_Union_Type (Def : Node_Acc)
- is
- Constr : O_Element_List;
- begin
- Start_Union_Type (Constr);
- Parse_Fields (Def, Constr);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Union, "end union expected");
- Finish_Union_Type (Constr, Def.Type_Onode);
- end Parse_Union_Type;
- function Parse_Type return Node_Acc
- is
- Res : Node_Acc;
- T : Token_Type;
- begin
- T := Tok;
- case T is
- when Tok_Unsigned
- | Tok_Signed =>
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Paren, "'(' expected");
- Next_Expect (Tok_Num, "number expected");
- case T is
- when Tok_Unsigned =>
- Res := new Node'
- (Kind => Type_Unsigned,
- Type_Onode => New_Unsigned_Type (Natural
- (Token_Number)));
- when Tok_Signed =>
- Res := new Node'
- (Kind => Type_Signed,
- Type_Onode => New_Signed_Type (Natural
- (Token_Number)));
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Right_Paren, "')' expected");
- when Tok_Float =>
- Res := new Node'(Kind => Type_Float,
- Type_Onode => New_Float_Type);
- when Tok_Array =>
- declare
- Index_Node : Node_Acc;
- El_Node : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Brack, "'[' expected");
- Next_Token;
- Index_Node := Parse_Type;
- Expect (Tok_Right_Brack, "']' expected");
- Next_Expect (Tok_Of, "'of' expected");
- Next_Token;
- El_Node := Parse_Type;
- Res := new Node'
- (Kind => Type_Array,
- Type_Onode => New_Array_Type (El_Node.Type_Onode,
- Index_Node.Type_Onode),
- Array_Index => Index_Node,
- Array_Element => El_Node);
- end;
- return Res;
- when Tok_Subarray =>
- declare
- Base_Node : Node_Acc;
- Res_Type : O_Tnode;
- begin
- Next_Token;
- Base_Node := Parse_Type;
- Expect (Tok_Left_Brack);
- Next_Token;
- Res_Type := New_Constrained_Array_Type
- (Base_Node.Type_Onode,
- Parse_Constant_Value (Base_Node.Array_Index));
- Expect (Tok_Right_Brack);
- Next_Token;
- Res := new Node' (Kind => Type_Subarray,
- Type_Onode => Res_Type,
- Subarray_Base => Base_Node);
- return Res;
- end;
- when Tok_Ident =>
- declare
- Inter : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Inter := Get_Decl (Token_Sym);
- if Inter = null then
- Parse_Error ("undefined type name symbol "
- & Get_String (Token_Sym.Ident));
- end if;
- if Inter.Kind /= Decl_Type then
- Parse_Error ("type declarator expected");
- end if;
- Res := Inter.Decl_Dtype;
- end;
- when Tok_Access =>
- declare
- Dtype : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Next_Token;
- if Tok = Tok_Semicolon then
- Res := new Node'
- (Kind => Type_Access,
- Type_Onode => New_Access_Type (O_Tnode_Null),
- Access_Dtype => null);
- else
- Dtype := Parse_Type;
- Res := new Node'
- (Kind => Type_Access,
- Type_Onode => New_Access_Type (Dtype.Type_Onode),
- Access_Dtype => Dtype);
- end if;
- return Res;
- end;
- when Tok_Record =>
- Next_Token;
- if Tok = Tok_Semicolon then
- -- Uncomplete record type.
- Res := new Node'(Kind => Type_Record,
- Type_Onode => O_Tnode_Null,
- Record_Union_Fields => null);
- New_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res.Type_Onode);
- return Res;
- end if;
- Res := new Node'(Kind => Type_Record,
- Type_Onode => O_Tnode_Null,
- Record_Union_Fields => null);
- Parse_Record_Type (Res);
- when Tok_Union =>
- Next_Token;
- Res := new Node'(Kind => Type_Union,
- Type_Onode => O_Tnode_Null,
- Record_Union_Fields => null);
- Parse_Union_Type (Res);
- when Tok_Boolean =>
- declare
- False_Lit, True_Lit : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Res := new Node'(Kind => Type_Boolean,
- Type_Onode => O_Tnode_Null,
- Enum_Lits => null);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Brace, "'{' expected");
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident, "identifier expected");
- False_Lit := new Node'(Kind => Node_Lit,
- Decl_Dtype => Res,
- Decl_Storage => O_Storage_Public,
- Lit_Name => Token_Sym.Ident,
- Lit_Cnode => O_Cnode_Null,
- Lit_Next => null);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Comma, "',' expected");
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident, "identifier expected");
- True_Lit := new Node'(Kind => Node_Lit,
- Decl_Dtype => Res,
- Decl_Storage => O_Storage_Public,
- Lit_Name => Token_Sym.Ident,
- Lit_Cnode => O_Cnode_Null,
- Lit_Next => null);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Right_Brace, "'}' expected");
- False_Lit.Lit_Next := True_Lit;
- Res.Enum_Lits := False_Lit;
- New_Boolean_Type (Res.Type_Onode,
- False_Lit.Lit_Name, False_Lit.Lit_Cnode,
- True_Lit.Lit_Name, True_Lit.Lit_Cnode);
- end;
- when Tok_Enum =>
- declare
- List : O_Enum_List;
- Lit : Node_Acc;
- Last_Lit : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Res := new Node'(Kind => Type_Enum,
- Type_Onode => O_Tnode_Null,
- Enum_Lits => null);
- Last_Lit := null;
- Push_Scope;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Brace);
- Next_Token;
- -- FIXME: set a size to the enum.
- Start_Enum_Type (List, 8);
- loop
- Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Lit := new Node'(Kind => Node_Lit,
- Decl_Dtype => Res,
- Decl_Storage => O_Storage_Public,
- Lit_Name => Token_Sym.Ident,
- Lit_Cnode => O_Cnode_Null,
- Lit_Next => null);
- Add_Decl (Token_Sym, Lit);
- New_Enum_Literal (List, Lit.Lit_Name, Lit.Lit_Cnode);
- if Last_Lit = null then
- Res.Enum_Lits := Lit;
- else
- Last_Lit.Lit_Next := Lit;
- end if;
- Last_Lit := Lit;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Equal);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Num);
- Next_Token;
- exit when Tok = Tok_Right_Brace;
- Expect (Tok_Comma);
- Next_Token;
- end loop;
- Finish_Enum_Type (List, Res.Type_Onode);
- Pop_Scope;
- end;
- when others =>
- Parse_Error ("bad type " & Token_Type'Image (Tok));
- return null;
- end case;
- Next_Token;
- return Res;
- end Parse_Type;
- procedure Parse_Type_Completion (Decl : Node_Acc)
- is
- begin
- case Tok is
- when Tok_Record =>
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Record_Type (Decl.Decl_Dtype);
- Next_Token;
- when Tok_Access =>
- Next_Token;
- declare
- Dtype : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Dtype := Parse_Type;
- Decl.Decl_Dtype.Access_Dtype := Dtype;
- Finish_Access_Type (Decl.Decl_Dtype.Type_Onode,
- Dtype.Type_Onode);
- end;
- when others =>
- Parse_Error ("'access' or 'record' expected");
- end case;
- end Parse_Type_Completion;
--- procedure Parse_Declaration;
- procedure Parse_Expression (Expr_Type : Node_Acc;
- Expr : out O_Enode;
- Res_Type : out Node_Acc);
- procedure Parse_Name (Prefix : Node_Acc;
- Name : out O_Lnode; N_Type : out Node_Acc);
- procedure Parse_Lvalue (N : in out O_Lnode; N_Type : in out Node_Acc);
- -- Expect: '('
- -- Let: next token.
- procedure Parse_Association (Constr : in out O_Assoc_List;
- Decl : Node_Acc);
- function Find_Field_By_Name (Aggr_Type : Node_Acc) return Node_Acc
- is
- Field : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Field := Aggr_Type.Record_Union_Fields;
- while Field /= null loop
- exit when Field.Field_Ident = Token_Sym;
- Field := Field.Field_Next;
- end loop;
- if Field = null then
- Parse_Error ("no such field name");
- end if;
- return Field;
- end Find_Field_By_Name;
- -- expect: offsetof id.
- function Parse_Offsetof (Atype : Node_Acc) return O_Cnode
- is
- Rec_Type : Node_Acc;
- Rec_Field : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Rec_Type := Get_Decl (Token_Sym);
- if Rec_Type.Kind /= Decl_Type
- or else Rec_Type.Decl_Dtype.Kind /= Type_Record
- then
- Parse_Error ("type name expected");
- end if;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Dot);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Rec_Field := Find_Field_By_Name (Rec_Type.Decl_Dtype);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
- return New_Offsetof (Rec_Type.Decl_Dtype.Type_Onode,
- Rec_Field.Field_Fnode,
- Atype.Type_Onode);
- end Parse_Offsetof;
- function Parse_Sizeof (Atype : Node_Acc) return O_Cnode
- is
- Res : O_Cnode;
- begin
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- if Tok /= Tok_Ident then
- Parse_Error ("type name expected");
- end if;
- Res := New_Sizeof
- (Get_Decl (Token_Sym).Decl_Dtype.Type_Onode,
- Atype.Type_Onode);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
- return Res;
- end Parse_Sizeof;
- function Parse_Alignof (Atype : Node_Acc) return O_Cnode
- is
- Res : O_Cnode;
- begin
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- if Tok /= Tok_Ident then
- Parse_Error ("type name expected");
- end if;
- Res := New_Alignof
- (Get_Decl (Token_Sym).Decl_Dtype.Type_Onode,
- Atype.Type_Onode);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
- return Res;
- end Parse_Alignof;
- -- Parse a literal whose type is ATYPE.
- function Parse_Typed_Literal (Atype : Node_Acc) return O_Cnode
- is
- Res : O_Cnode;
- begin
- case Tok is
- when Tok_Num =>
- case Atype.Kind is
- when Type_Signed =>
- Res := New_Signed_Literal
- (Atype.Type_Onode, Integer_64 (Token_Number));
- when Type_Unsigned =>
- Res := New_Unsigned_Literal
- (Atype.Type_Onode, Token_Number);
- when others =>
- Parse_Error ("bad type for integer literal");
- end case;
- when Tok_Minus =>
- Next_Token;
- case Tok is
- when Tok_Num =>
- declare
- V : Integer_64;
- begin
- if Token_Number = Unsigned_64 (Integer_64'Last) + 1 then
- V := Integer_64'First;
- else
- V := -Integer_64 (Token_Number);
- end if;
- Res := New_Signed_Literal (Atype.Type_Onode, V);
- end;
- when Tok_Float_Num =>
- Res := New_Float_Literal (Atype.Type_Onode, -Token_Float);
- when others =>
- Parse_Error ("bad token after '-'");
- end case;
- when Tok_Float_Num =>
- Res := New_Float_Literal (Atype.Type_Onode, Token_Float);
- when Tok_Ident =>
- declare
- Pfx : Node_Acc;
- N : Node_Acc;
- begin
- -- Note: we don't use get_decl, since the name can be a literal
- -- name, which is not directly visible.
- if Token_Sym.Name /= null
- and then Token_Sym.Name.Inter.Kind = Decl_Type
- then
- -- A typed expression.
- Pfx := Token_Sym.Name.Inter;
- N := Pfx.Decl_Dtype;
- if Atype /= null and then N /= Atype then
- Parse_Error ("type mismatch");
- end if;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Tick);
- Next_Token;
- if Tok = Tok_Left_Brack then
- Next_Token;
- Res := Parse_Typed_Literal (N);
- Expect (Tok_Right_Brack);
- elsif Tok = Tok_Ident then
- if Token_Sym = Id_Offsetof then
- Res := Parse_Offsetof (N);
- elsif Token_Sym = Id_Sizeof then
- Res := Parse_Sizeof (N);
- elsif Token_Sym = Id_Alignof then
- Res := Parse_Alignof (N);
- elsif Token_Sym = Id_Address
- or Token_Sym = Id_Unchecked_Address
- or Token_Sym = Id_Subprg_Addr
- then
- Res := Parse_Constant_Address (Pfx);
- elsif Token_Sym = Id_Conv then
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- Res := Parse_Typed_Literal (N);
- Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
- else
- Parse_Error ("offsetof or sizeof attributes expected");
- end if;
- else
- Parse_Error ("'[' or attribute expected");
- end if;
- else
- if Atype.Kind /= Type_Enum
- and then Atype.Kind /= Type_Boolean
- then
- Parse_Error ("name allowed only for enumeration");
- end if;
- N := Atype.Enum_Lits;
- while N /= null loop
- if Is_Equal (N.Lit_Name, Token_Sym.Ident) then
- Res := N.Lit_Cnode;
- exit;
- end if;
- N := N.Lit_Next;
- end loop;
- if N = null then
- Parse_Error ("no matching literal");
- return O_Cnode_Null;
- end if;
- end if;
- end;
- when Tok_Null =>
- Res := New_Null_Access (Atype.Type_Onode);
- when others =>
- Parse_Error ("bad primary expression: " & Token_Type'Image (Tok));
- return O_Cnode_Null;
- end case;
- Next_Token;
- return Res;
- end Parse_Typed_Literal;
- -- expect: next token
- -- Parse an expression starting with NAME.
- procedure Parse_Named_Expression
- (Atype : Node_Acc; Name : Node_Acc; Stop_At_All : Boolean;
- Res : out O_Enode;
- Res_Type : out Node_Acc)
- is
- begin
- if Tok = Tok_Tick then
- Next_Token;
- if Tok = Tok_Left_Brack then
- -- Typed literal.
- Next_Token;
- Res := New_Lit (Parse_Typed_Literal (Name.Decl_Dtype));
- Res_Type := Name.Decl_Dtype;
- Expect (Tok_Right_Brack);
- Next_Token;
- elsif Tok = Tok_Left_Paren then
- -- Typed expression (used for comparaison operators)
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Expression (Name.Decl_Dtype, Res, Res_Type);
- Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- elsif Tok = Tok_Ident then
- -- Attribute.
- if Token_Sym = Id_Conv then
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Expression (null, Res, Res_Type);
- -- Discard Res_Type.
- Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- Res_Type := Name.Decl_Dtype;
- Res := New_Convert_Ov (Res, Res_Type.Type_Onode);
- -- Fall-through.
- elsif Token_Sym = Id_Address
- or Token_Sym = Id_Unchecked_Address
- or Token_Sym = Id_Subprg_Addr
- then
- Res_Type := Name.Decl_Dtype;
- Res := Parse_Address (Name);
- -- Fall-through.
- elsif Token_Sym = Id_Sizeof then
- Res_Type := Name.Decl_Dtype;
- Res := New_Lit (Parse_Sizeof (Res_Type));
- Next_Token;
- return;
- elsif Token_Sym = Id_Alignof then
- Res_Type := Name.Decl_Dtype;
- Res := New_Lit (Parse_Alignof (Res_Type));
- Next_Token;
- return;
- elsif Token_Sym = Id_Alloca then
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Expression (null, Res, Res_Type);
- -- Discard Res_Type.
- Res_Type := Name.Decl_Dtype;
- Res := New_Alloca (Res_Type.Type_Onode, Res);
- Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- return;
- elsif Token_Sym = Id_Offsetof then
- Res_Type := Atype;
- Res := New_Lit (Parse_Offsetof (Res_Type));
- Next_Token;
- return;
- else
- Parse_Error ("unknown attribute name");
- end if;
- -- Fall-through.
- else
- Parse_Error ("typed expression expected");
- end if;
- elsif Tok = Tok_Left_Paren then
- if Name.Kind /= Node_Function then
- Parse_Error ("function name expected");
- end if;
- declare
- Constr : O_Assoc_List;
- begin
- Parse_Association (Constr, Name);
- Res := New_Function_Call (Constr);
- Res_Type := Name.Decl_Dtype;
- -- Fall-through.
- end;
- elsif Name.Kind = Node_Object
- or else Name.Kind = Decl_Param
- then
- -- Name.
- declare
- Lval : O_Lnode;
- begin
- Parse_Name (Name, Lval, Res_Type);
- Res := New_Value (Lval);
- end;
- else
- Parse_Error ("bad ident expression: "
- & Token_Type'Image (Tok));
- end if;
- -- Continue.
- -- R_TYPE and RES must be set.
- if Tok = Tok_Dot then
- if Stop_At_All then
- return;
- end if;
- Next_Token;
- if Tok = Tok_All then
- if Res_Type.Kind /= Type_Access then
- Parse_Error ("type of prefix is not an access");
- end if;
- declare
- N : O_Lnode;
- begin
- Next_Token;
- N := New_Access_Element (Res);
- Res_Type := Res_Type.Access_Dtype;
- Parse_Lvalue (N, Res_Type);
- Res := New_Value (N);
- end;
- return;
- else
- Parse_Error ("'.all' expected");
- end if;
- end if;
- end Parse_Named_Expression;
- procedure Parse_Primary_Expression (Atype : Node_Acc;
- Res : out O_Enode;
- Res_Type : out Node_Acc)
- is
- begin
- case Tok is
- when Tok_Num
- | Tok_Float_Num =>
- if Atype = null then
- Parse_Error ("numeric literal without type context");
- end if;
- Res_Type := Atype;
- Res := New_Lit (Parse_Typed_Literal (Atype));
- when Tok_Ident =>
- declare
- N : Node_Acc;
- begin
- N := Get_Decl (Token_Sym);
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Named_Expression (Atype, N, False, Res, Res_Type);
- end;
- when Tok_Left_Paren =>
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Expression (Atype, Res, Res_Type);
- Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- when others =>
- Parse_Error ("bad primary expression: " & Token_Type'Image (Tok));
- end case;
- end Parse_Primary_Expression;
- -- Parse '-' EXPR, 'not' EXPR, 'abs' EXPR or EXPR.
- procedure Parse_Unary_Expression (Atype : Node_Acc;
- Res : out O_Enode;
- Res_Type : out Node_Acc)
- is
- begin
- case Tok is
- when Tok_Minus =>
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Primary_Expression (Atype, Res, Res_Type);
- Res := New_Monadic_Op (ON_Neg_Ov, Res);
- when Tok_Not =>
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Unary_Expression (Atype, Res, Res_Type);
- Res := New_Monadic_Op (ON_Not, Res);
- when Tok_Abs =>
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Unary_Expression (Atype, Res, Res_Type);
- Res := New_Monadic_Op (ON_Abs_Ov, Res);
- when others =>
- Parse_Primary_Expression (Atype, Res, Res_Type);
- end case;
- end Parse_Unary_Expression;
- function Check_Sharp (Op_Ov : ON_Op_Kind) return ON_Op_Kind is
- begin
- Next_Expect (Tok_Sharp);
- Next_Token;
- return Op_Ov;
- end Check_Sharp;
- procedure Parse_Expression (Expr_Type : Node_Acc;
- Expr : out O_Enode;
- Res_Type : out Node_Acc)
- is
- Op_Type : Node_Acc;
- L : O_Enode;
- R : O_Enode;
- Op : ON_Op_Kind;
- begin
- if Expr_Type = null or else Expr_Type.Kind = Type_Boolean then
- -- The type of the expression isn't known, as this can be a
- -- comparaison operator.
- Op_Type := null;
- else
- Op_Type := Expr_Type;
- end if;
- Parse_Unary_Expression (Op_Type, L, Res_Type);
- case Tok is
- when Tok_Div =>
- Op := Check_Sharp (ON_Div_Ov);
- when Tok_Plus =>
- Op := Check_Sharp (ON_Add_Ov);
- when Tok_Minus =>
- Op := Check_Sharp (ON_Sub_Ov);
- when Tok_Star =>
- Op := Check_Sharp (ON_Mul_Ov);
- when Tok_Mod =>
- Op := Check_Sharp (ON_Mod_Ov);
- when Tok_Rem =>
- Op := Check_Sharp (ON_Rem_Ov);
- when Tok_Equal =>
- Op := ON_Eq;
- when Tok_Not_Equal =>
- Op := ON_Neq;
- when Tok_Greater =>
- Op := ON_Gt;
- when Tok_Greater_Eq =>
- Op := ON_Ge;
- when Tok_Less =>
- Op := ON_Lt;
- when Tok_Less_Eq =>
- Op := ON_Le;
- when Tok_Or =>
- Op := ON_Or;
- Next_Token;
- when Tok_And =>
- Op := ON_And;
- Next_Token;
- when Tok_Xor =>
- Op := ON_Xor;
- Next_Token;
- when others =>
- Expr := L;
- return;
- end case;
- if Op in ON_Compare_Op_Kind then
- Next_Token;
- end if;
- Parse_Unary_Expression (Res_Type, R, Res_Type);
- case Op is
- when ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind =>
- Expr := New_Dyadic_Op (Op, L, R);
- when ON_Compare_Op_Kind =>
- if Expr_Type = null then
- Parse_Error ("comparaison operator requires a type");
- end if;
- Expr := New_Compare_Op (Op, L, R, Expr_Type.Type_Onode);
- Res_Type := Expr_Type;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Parse_Expression;
- -- Expect and leave: next token
- procedure Parse_Lvalue (N : in out O_Lnode; N_Type : in out Node_Acc)
- is
- begin
- loop
- case Tok is
- when Tok_Dot =>
- Next_Token;
- if Tok = Tok_All then
- if N_Type.Kind /= Type_Access then
- Parse_Error ("type of prefix is not an access");
- end if;
- N := New_Access_Element (New_Value (N));
- N_Type := N_Type.Access_Dtype;
- Next_Token;
- elsif Tok = Tok_Ident then
- if N_Type.Kind /= Type_Record and N_Type.Kind /= Type_Union
- then
- Parse_Error
- ("type of prefix is neither a record nor an union");
- end if;
- declare
- Field : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Field := Find_Field_By_Name (N_Type);
- N := New_Selected_Element (N, Field.Field_Fnode);
- N_Type := Field.Field_Type;
- Next_Token;
- end;
- else
- Parse_Error
- ("'.' must be followed by 'all' or a field name");
- end if;
- when Tok_Left_Brack =>
- declare
- V : O_Enode;
- Bt : Node_Acc;
- Res_Type : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Next_Token;
- if N_Type.Kind = Type_Subarray then
- Bt := N_Type.Subarray_Base;
- else
- Bt := N_Type;
- end if;
- if Bt.Kind /= Type_Array then
- Parse_Error ("type of prefix is not an array");
- end if;
- Parse_Expression (Bt.Array_Index, V, Res_Type);
- if Tok = Tok_Elipsis then
- N := New_Slice (N, Bt.Type_Onode, V);
- Next_Token;
- else
- N := New_Indexed_Element (N, V);
- N_Type := Bt.Array_Element;
- end if;
- Expect (Tok_Right_Brack);
- Next_Token;
- end;
- when others =>
- return;
- end case;
- end loop;
- end Parse_Lvalue;
- procedure Parse_Name (Prefix : Node_Acc;
- Name : out O_Lnode; N_Type : out Node_Acc)
- is
- begin
- case Prefix.Kind is
- when Decl_Param =>
- Name := New_Obj (Prefix.Param_Node);
- N_Type := Prefix.Decl_Dtype;
- when Node_Object =>
- Name := New_Obj (Prefix.Obj_Node);
- N_Type := Prefix.Decl_Dtype;
- when Decl_Type =>
- declare
- Val : O_Enode;
- begin
- Parse_Named_Expression (null, Prefix, True, Val, N_Type);
- if N_Type /= Prefix.Decl_Dtype then
- Parse_Error ("type doesn't match");
- end if;
- if Tok = Tok_Dot then
- Next_Token;
- if Tok = Tok_All then
- if N_Type.Kind /= Type_Access then
- Parse_Error ("type of prefix is not an access");
- end if;
- Name := New_Access_Element (Val);
- N_Type := N_Type.Access_Dtype;
- Next_Token;
- else
- Parse_Error ("'.all' expected");
- end if;
- else
- Parse_Error ("name expected");
- end if;
- end;
- when others =>
- Parse_Error ("invalid name");
- end case;
- Parse_Lvalue (Name, N_Type);
- end Parse_Name;
- -- Expect: '('
- -- Let: next token.
- procedure Parse_Association (Constr : in out O_Assoc_List; Decl : Node_Acc)
- is
- Param : Node_Acc;
- Expr : O_Enode;
- Expr_Type : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Start_Association (Constr, Decl.Subprg_Node);
- if Tok /= Tok_Left_Paren then
- Parse_Error ("'(' expected for a subprogram call");
- end if;
- Next_Token;
- Param := Decl.Subprg_Params;
- while Tok /= Tok_Right_Paren loop
- if Param = null then
- Parse_Error ("too many parameters");
- end if;
- Parse_Expression (Param.Decl_Dtype, Expr, Expr_Type);
- New_Association (Constr, Expr);
- Param := Param.Param_Next;
- exit when Tok /= Tok_Comma;
- Next_Token;
- end loop;
- if Param /= null then
- Parse_Error ("missing parameters");
- end if;
- if Tok /= Tok_Right_Paren then
- Parse_Error ("')' expected to finish a subprogram call, found "
- & Token_Type'Image (Tok));
- end if;
- Next_Token;
- end Parse_Association;
- type Loop_Info;
- type Loop_Info_Acc is access Loop_Info;
- type Loop_Info is record
- Num : Natural;
- Blk : O_Snode;
- Prev : Loop_Info_Acc;
- end record;
- procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (Name => Loop_Info_Acc, Object => Loop_Info);
- Loop_Stack : Loop_Info_Acc := null;
- function Find_Loop (N : Natural) return Loop_Info_Acc
- is
- Res : Loop_Info_Acc;
- begin
- Res := Loop_Stack;
- while Res /= null loop
- if Res.Num = N then
- return Res;
- end if;
- Res := Res.Prev;
- end loop;
- return null;
- end Find_Loop;
- Current_Subprg : Node_Acc := null;
- procedure Parse_Statement;
- -- Expect : next token
- -- Let: next token
- procedure Parse_Statements is
- begin
- loop
- exit when Tok = Tok_End;
- exit when Tok = Tok_Else;
- exit when Tok = Tok_When;
- Parse_Statement;
- end loop;
- end Parse_Statements;
- -- Expect : next token
- -- Let: next token
- procedure Parse_Statement is
- begin
- if Flag_Renumber then
- New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Lineno);
- end if;
- case Tok is
- when Tok_Comment =>
- Next_Token;
- when Tok_Declare =>
- Start_Declare_Stmt;
- Parse_Compound_Statement;
- Expect (Tok_Semicolon);
- Next_Token;
- Finish_Declare_Stmt;
- when Tok_Line_Number =>
- Next_Expect (Tok_Num);
- if Flag_Renumber = False then
- New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Natural (Token_Number));
- end if;
- Next_Token;
- when Tok_If =>
- declare
- If_Blk : O_If_Block;
- Cond : O_Enode;
- Cond_Type : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Expression (null, Cond, Cond_Type);
- Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk, Cond);
- Expect (Tok_Then);
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Statements;
- if Tok = Tok_Else then
- Next_Token;
- New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
- Parse_Statements;
- end if;
- Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
- Expect (Tok_End);
- Next_Expect (Tok_If);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Semicolon);
- Next_Token;
- end;
- when Tok_Loop =>
- declare
- Info : Loop_Info_Acc;
- Num : Natural;
- begin
- Next_Expect (Tok_Num);
- Num := Natural (Token_Number);
- if Find_Loop (Num) /= null then
- Parse_Error ("loop label already defined");
- end if;
- Info := new Loop_Info;
- Info.Num := Num;
- Info.Prev := Loop_Stack;
- Loop_Stack := Info;
- Start_Loop_Stmt (Info.Blk);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Colon);
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Statements;
- Finish_Loop_Stmt (Info.Blk);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Loop);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Semicolon);
- Loop_Stack := Info.Prev;
- Free (Info);
- Next_Token;
- end;
- when Tok_Exit
- | Tok_Next =>
- declare
- Label : Loop_Info_Acc;
- Etok : Token_Type;
- begin
- Etok := Tok;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Loop);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Num);
- Label := Find_Loop (Natural (Token_Number));
- if Label = null then
- Parse_Error ("no such loop");
- end if;
- if Etok = Tok_Exit then
- New_Exit_Stmt (Label.Blk);
- else
- New_Next_Stmt (Label.Blk);
- end if;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Semicolon);
- Next_Token;
- end;
- when Tok_Return =>
- declare
- Res : O_Enode;
- Res_Type : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Next_Token;
- if Tok /= Tok_Semicolon then
- Parse_Expression (Current_Subprg.Decl_Dtype, Res, Res_Type);
- New_Return_Stmt (Res);
- if Tok /= Tok_Semicolon then
- Parse_Error ("';' expected at end of return statement");
- end if;
- else
- New_Return_Stmt;
- end if;
- Next_Token;
- end;
- when Tok_Ident =>
- -- This is either a procedure call or an assignment.
- declare
- Inter : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Inter := Get_Decl (Token_Sym);
- Next_Token;
- if Tok = Tok_Left_Paren then
- -- A procedure call.
- declare
- Constr : O_Assoc_List;
- begin
- Parse_Association (Constr, Inter);
- New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
- if Tok /= Tok_Semicolon then
- Parse_Error ("';' expected after call");
- end if;
- Next_Token;
- return;
- end;
- else
- -- An assignment.
- declare
- Name : O_Lnode;
- Expr : O_Enode;
- Expr_Type : Node_Acc;
- N_Type : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Parse_Name (Inter, Name, N_Type);
- if Tok /= Tok_Assign then
- Parse_Error ("`:=' expected after a variable");
- end if;
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Expression (N_Type, Expr, Expr_Type);
- New_Assign_Stmt (Name, Expr);
- if Tok /= Tok_Semicolon then
- Parse_Error ("';' expected at end of assignment");
- end if;
- Next_Token;
- return;
- end;
- end if;
- end;
- when Tok_Case =>
- declare
- Case_Blk : O_Case_Block;
- L : O_Cnode;
- Choice : O_Enode;
- Choice_Type : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Expression (null, Choice, Choice_Type);
- Start_Case_Stmt (Case_Blk, Choice);
- Expect (Tok_Is);
- Next_Token;
- loop
- exit when Tok = Tok_End;
- Expect (Tok_When);
- Next_Token;
- Start_Choice (Case_Blk);
- loop
- if Tok = Tok_Default then
- New_Default_Choice (Case_Blk);
- Next_Token;
- else
- L := Parse_Typed_Literal (Choice_Type);
- if Tok = Tok_Elipsis then
- Next_Token;
- New_Range_Choice
- (Case_Blk, L, Parse_Typed_Literal (Choice_Type));
- else
- New_Expr_Choice (Case_Blk, L);
- end if;
- end if;
- exit when Tok = Tok_Arrow;
- Expect (Tok_Comma);
- Next_Token;
- end loop;
- -- Skip '=>'.
- Next_Token;
- Finish_Choice (Case_Blk);
- Parse_Statements;
- end loop;
- Finish_Case_Stmt (Case_Blk);
- Expect (Tok_End);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Case);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Semicolon);
- Next_Token;
- end;
- when others =>
- Parse_Error ("bad statement: " & Token_Type'Image (Tok));
- end case;
- end Parse_Statement;
- procedure Parse_Compound_Statement is
- begin
- if Tok /= Tok_Declare then
- Parse_Error ("'declare' expected to start a statements block");
- end if;
- Next_Token;
- Push_Scope;
- -- Parse declarations.
- while Tok /= Tok_Begin loop
- Parse_Declaration;
- end loop;
- Next_Token;
- -- Parse statements.
- Parse_Statements;
- Expect (Tok_End);
- Next_Token;
- Pop_Scope;
- end Parse_Compound_Statement;
- -- Parse (P1 : T1; P2: T2; ...)
- function Parse_Parameter_List return Node_Acc
- is
- First, Last : Node_Acc;
- P : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- if Tok = Tok_Right_Paren then
- Next_Token;
- return null;
- end if;
- First := null;
- Last := null;
- loop
- Expect (Tok_Ident);
- P := new Node'(Kind => Decl_Param,
- Decl_Dtype => null,
- Decl_Storage => O_Storage_Public,
- Param_Node => O_Dnode_Null,
- Param_Name => Token_Sym,
- Param_Next => null);
- -- Link
- if Last = null then
- First := P;
- else
- Last.Param_Next := P;
- end if;
- Last := P;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Colon);
- Next_Token;
- P.Decl_Dtype := Parse_Type;
- exit when Tok = Tok_Right_Paren;
- Expect (Tok_Semicolon);
- Next_Token;
- end loop;
- Next_Token;
- return First;
- end Parse_Parameter_List;
- procedure Create_Interface_List (Constr : in out O_Inter_List;
- First_Inter : Node_Acc)
- is
- Inter : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Inter := First_Inter;
- while Inter /= null loop
- New_Interface_Decl (Constr, Inter.Param_Node, Inter.Param_Name.Ident,
- Inter.Decl_Dtype.Type_Onode);
- Inter := Inter.Param_Next;
- end loop;
- end Create_Interface_List;
- procedure Check_Parameter_List (List : Node_Acc)
- is
- Param : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- Param := List;
- while Tok /= Tok_Right_Paren loop
- if Param = null then
- Parse_Error ("subprogram redefined with more parameters");
- end if;
- Expect (Tok_Ident);
- if Token_Sym /= Param.Param_Name then
- Parse_Error ("subprogram redefined with different parameter name");
- end if;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Colon);
- Next_Token;
- if Parse_Type /= Param.Decl_Dtype then
- Parse_Error ("subprogram redefined with different parameter type");
- end if;
- Param := Param.Param_Next;
- exit when Tok = Tok_Right_Paren;
- Expect (Tok_Semicolon);
- Next_Token;
- end loop;
- Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- if Param /= null then
- Parse_Error ("subprogram redefined with less parameters");
- end if;
- end Check_Parameter_List;
- procedure Parse_Subprogram_Body (Subprg : Node_Acc)
- is
- Param : Node_Acc;
- Prev_Subprg : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Prev_Subprg := Current_Subprg;
- Current_Subprg := Subprg;
- Start_Subprogram_Body (Subprg.Subprg_Node);
- Push_Scope;
- -- Put parameters in the current scope.
- Param := Subprg.Subprg_Params;
- while Param /= null loop
- Add_Decl (Param.Param_Name, Param);
- Param := Param.Param_Next;
- end loop;
- Parse_Compound_Statement;
- Pop_Scope;
- Finish_Subprogram_Body;
- Current_Subprg := Prev_Subprg;
- end Parse_Subprogram_Body;
- procedure Parse_Function_Definition (Storage : O_Storage)
- is
- Constr : O_Inter_List;
- Sym : Syment_Acc;
- N : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Expect (Tok_Function);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Sym := Token_Sym;
- if Sym.Name /= null then
- N := Get_Decl (Sym);
- Check_Parameter_List (N.Subprg_Params);
- Expect (Tok_Return);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Next_Token;
- else
- N := new Node'(Kind => Node_Function,
- Decl_Dtype => null,
- Decl_Storage => Storage,
- Subprg_Node => O_Dnode_Null,
- Subprg_Name => Sym,
- Subprg_Params => null);
- Next_Token;
- N.Subprg_Params := Parse_Parameter_List;
- Expect (Tok_Return);
- Next_Token;
- N.Decl_Dtype := Parse_Type;
- Start_Function_Decl (Constr, N.Subprg_Name.Ident, Storage,
- N.Decl_Dtype.Type_Onode);
- Create_Interface_List (Constr, N.Subprg_Params);
- Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Constr, N.Subprg_Node);
- Add_Decl (Sym, N);
- end if;
- if Tok = Tok_Declare then
- Parse_Subprogram_Body (N);
- end if;
- end Parse_Function_Definition;
- procedure Parse_Procedure_Definition (Storage : O_Storage)
- is
- Constr : O_Inter_List;
- Sym : Syment_Acc;
- N : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Expect (Tok_Procedure);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Sym := Token_Sym;
- if Sym.Name /= null then
- N := Get_Decl (Sym);
- Check_Parameter_List (N.Subprg_Params);
- else
- N := new Node'(Kind => Node_Procedure,
- Decl_Dtype => null,
- Decl_Storage => Storage,
- Subprg_Node => O_Dnode_Null,
- Subprg_Name => Sym,
- Subprg_Params => null);
- Next_Token;
- N.Subprg_Params := Parse_Parameter_List;
- Start_Procedure_Decl (Constr, N.Subprg_Name.Ident, Storage);
- Create_Interface_List (Constr, N.Subprg_Params);
- Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Constr, N.Subprg_Node);
- Add_Decl (Sym, N);
- end if;
- if Tok = Tok_Declare then
- Parse_Subprogram_Body (N);
- end if;
- end Parse_Procedure_Definition;
- function Parse_Address (Prefix : Node_Acc) return O_Enode
- is
- Pfx : Node_Acc;
- N : O_Lnode;
- N_Type : Node_Acc;
- Res : O_Enode;
- Attr : Syment_Acc;
- T : O_Tnode;
- begin
- Attr := Token_Sym;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Pfx := Get_Decl (Token_Sym);
- T := Prefix.Decl_Dtype.Type_Onode;
- if Attr = Id_Subprg_Addr then
- Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Pfx := Get_Decl (Token_Sym);
- if Pfx.Kind not in Nodes_Subprogram then
- Parse_Error ("subprogram identifier expected");
- end if;
- Res := New_Lit (New_Subprogram_Address (Pfx.Subprg_Node, T));
- Next_Token;
- else
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Name (Pfx, N, N_Type);
- if Attr = Id_Address then
- Res := New_Address (N, T);
- elsif Attr = Id_Unchecked_Address then
- Res := New_Unchecked_Address (N, T);
- else
- Parse_Error ("address attribute expected");
- end if;
- end if;
- Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- return Res;
- end Parse_Address;
- function Parse_Constant_Address (Prefix : Node_Acc) return O_Cnode
- is
- Pfx : Node_Acc;
- Res : O_Cnode;
- Attr : Syment_Acc;
- T : O_Tnode;
- begin
- Attr := Token_Sym;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Pfx := Get_Decl (Token_Sym);
- T := Prefix.Decl_Dtype.Type_Onode;
- if Attr = Id_Subprg_Addr then
- Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Pfx := Get_Decl (Token_Sym);
- if Pfx.Kind not in Nodes_Subprogram then
- Parse_Error ("subprogram identifier expected");
- end if;
- Res := New_Subprogram_Address (Pfx.Subprg_Node, T);
- Next_Token;
- else
- Next_Token;
- if Attr = Id_Address then
- Res := New_Global_Address (Pfx.Obj_Node, T);
- elsif Attr = Id_Unchecked_Address then
- Res := New_Global_Unchecked_Address (Pfx.Obj_Node, T);
- else
- Parse_Error ("address attribute expected");
- end if;
- end if;
- Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
- return Res;
- end Parse_Constant_Address;
- function Parse_Constant_Value (Atype : Node_Acc) return O_Cnode
- is
- Res : O_Cnode;
- begin
- case Atype.Kind is
- when Type_Subarray =>
- declare
- Constr : O_Array_Aggr_List;
- El : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Expect (Tok_Left_Brace);
- Next_Token;
- Start_Array_Aggr (Constr, Atype.Type_Onode);
- El := Atype.Subarray_Base.Array_Element;
- for I in Natural loop
- exit when Tok = Tok_Right_Brace;
- if I /= 0 then
- Expect (Tok_Comma);
- Next_Token;
- end if;
- New_Array_Aggr_El (Constr, Parse_Constant_Value (El));
- end loop;
- Finish_Array_Aggr (Constr, Res);
- Next_Token;
- return Res;
- end;
- when Type_Unsigned
- | Type_Signed
- | Type_Enum
- | Type_Float
- | Type_Boolean
- | Type_Access =>
- --return Parse_Primary_Expression (Atype);
- return Parse_Typed_Literal (Atype);
- when Type_Record =>
- declare
- Constr : O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Field : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Expect (Tok_Left_Brace);
- Next_Token;
- Start_Record_Aggr (Constr, Atype.Type_Onode);
- Field := Atype.Record_Union_Fields;
- while Field /= null loop
- if Tok = Tok_Dot then
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- if Token_Sym /= Field.Field_Ident then
- Parse_Error ("bad field name");
- end if;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Equal);
- Next_Token;
- end if;
- New_Record_Aggr_El
- (Constr, Parse_Constant_Value (Field.Field_Type));
- Field := Field.Field_Next;
- if Field /= null then
- Expect (Tok_Comma);
- Next_Token;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Finish_Record_Aggr (Constr, Res);
- Expect (Tok_Right_Brace);
- Next_Token;
- return Res;
- end;
- when Type_Union =>
- declare
- Field : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Expect (Tok_Left_Brace);
- Next_Token;
- Expect (Tok_Dot);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Field := Find_Field_By_Name (Atype);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Equal);
- Next_Token;
- Res := New_Union_Aggr
- (Atype.Type_Onode, Field.Field_Fnode,
- Parse_Constant_Value (Field.Field_Type));
- Expect (Tok_Right_Brace);
- Next_Token;
- return Res;
- end;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Parse_Constant_Value;
- procedure Parse_Constant_Declaration (Storage : O_Storage)
- is
- N : Node_Acc;
- Sym : Syment_Acc;
- --Val : O_Cnode;
- begin
- Expect (Tok_Constant);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Sym := Token_Sym;
- N := new Node'(Kind => Node_Object,
- Decl_Dtype => null,
- Decl_Storage => Storage,
- Obj_Name => Sym.Ident,
- Obj_Node => O_Dnode_Null);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Colon);
- Next_Token;
- N.Decl_Dtype := Parse_Type;
- New_Const_Decl (N.Obj_Node, Sym.Ident, Storage, N.Decl_Dtype.Type_Onode);
- Add_Decl (Sym, N);
--- if Storage /= O_Storage_External then
--- Expect (Tok_Assign);
--- Next_Token;
--- Start_Const_Value (N.Obj_Node);
--- Val := Parse_Constant_Value (N.Decl_Dtype);
--- Finish_Const_Value (N.Obj_Node, Val);
--- end if;
- end Parse_Constant_Declaration;
- procedure Parse_Constant_Value_Declaration
- is
- N : Node_Acc;
- Val : O_Cnode;
- begin
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- N := Get_Decl (Token_Sym);
- if N.Kind /= Node_Object then
- Parse_Error ("name of a constant expected");
- end if;
- -- FIXME: should check storage,
- -- should check the object is a constant,
- -- should check the object has no value.
- Next_Expect (Tok_Assign);
- Next_Token;
- Start_Const_Value (N.Obj_Node);
- Val := Parse_Constant_Value (N.Decl_Dtype);
- Finish_Const_Value (N.Obj_Node, Val);
- end Parse_Constant_Value_Declaration;
- procedure Parse_Var_Declaration (Storage : O_Storage)
- is
- N : Node_Acc;
- Sym : Syment_Acc;
- begin
- Expect (Tok_Var);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Sym := Token_Sym;
- N := new Node'(Kind => Node_Object,
- Decl_Dtype => null,
- Decl_Storage => Storage,
- Obj_Name => Sym.Ident,
- Obj_Node => O_Dnode_Null);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Colon);
- Next_Token;
- N.Decl_Dtype := Parse_Type;
- New_Var_Decl (N.Obj_Node, Sym.Ident, Storage, N.Decl_Dtype.Type_Onode);
- Add_Decl (Sym, N);
- end Parse_Var_Declaration;
- procedure Parse_Stored_Decl (Storage : O_Storage)
- is
- begin
- Next_Token;
- if Tok = Tok_Function then
- Parse_Function_Definition (Storage);
- elsif Tok = Tok_Procedure then
- Parse_Procedure_Definition (Storage);
- elsif Tok = Tok_Constant then
- Parse_Constant_Declaration (Storage);
- elsif Tok = Tok_Var then
- Parse_Var_Declaration (Storage);
- else
- Parse_Error ("function declaration expected");
- end if;
- end Parse_Stored_Decl;
- procedure Parse_Declaration
- is
- Inter : Node_Acc;
- S : Syment_Acc;
- begin
- if Flag_Renumber then
- New_Debug_Line_Decl (Lineno);
- end if;
- case Tok is
- when Tok_Type =>
- Next_Token;
- if Tok /= Tok_Ident then
- Parse_Error ("identifier for type expected");
- end if;
- S := Token_Sym;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Is);
- Next_Token;
- if Is_Defined (S) then
- Parse_Type_Completion (Get_Decl (S));
- else
- Inter := new Node'(Kind => Decl_Type,
- Decl_Storage => O_Storage_Public,
- Decl_Dtype => Parse_Type);
- Add_Decl (S, Inter);
- New_Type_Decl (S.Ident, Inter.Decl_Dtype.Type_Onode);
- end if;
- when Tok_External =>
- Parse_Stored_Decl (O_Storage_External);
- when Tok_Private =>
- Parse_Stored_Decl (O_Storage_Private);
- when Tok_Public =>
- Parse_Stored_Decl (O_Storage_Public);
- when Tok_Local =>
- Parse_Stored_Decl (O_Storage_Local);
- when Tok_Constant =>
- Parse_Constant_Value_Declaration;
- when Tok_Comment =>
- New_Debug_Comment_Decl (Token_Ident (1 .. Token_Idlen));
- Next_Token;
- return;
- when Tok_File_Name =>
- if Flag_Renumber = False then
- New_Debug_Filename_Decl (Token_Ident (1 .. Token_Idlen));
- end if;
- Next_Token;
- return;
- when others =>
- Parse_Error ("declaration expected");
- end case;
- Expect (Tok_Semicolon);
- Next_Token;
- end Parse_Declaration;
--- procedure Put (Str : String)
--- is
--- L : Integer;
--- begin
--- L := Write (Standout, Str'Address, Str'Length);
--- end Put;
- function Parse (Filename : String_Acc) return Boolean
- is
- begin
- -- Initialize symbol table.
- Add_Keyword ("type", Tok_Type);
- Add_Keyword ("return", Tok_Return);
- Add_Keyword ("if", Tok_If);
- Add_Keyword ("then", Tok_Then);
- Add_Keyword ("else", Tok_Else);
- Add_Keyword ("elsif", Tok_Elsif);
- Add_Keyword ("loop", Tok_Loop);
- Add_Keyword ("exit", Tok_Exit);
- Add_Keyword ("next", Tok_Next);
- Add_Keyword ("signed", Tok_Signed);
- Add_Keyword ("unsigned", Tok_Unsigned);
- Add_Keyword ("float", Tok_Float);
- Add_Keyword ("is", Tok_Is);
- Add_Keyword ("of", Tok_Of);
- Add_Keyword ("all", Tok_All);
- Add_Keyword ("not", Tok_Not);
- Add_Keyword ("abs", Tok_Abs);
- Add_Keyword ("or", Tok_Or);
- Add_Keyword ("and", Tok_And);
- Add_Keyword ("xor", Tok_Xor);
- Add_Keyword ("mod", Tok_Mod);
- Add_Keyword ("rem", Tok_Rem);
- Add_Keyword ("array", Tok_Array);
- Add_Keyword ("access", Tok_Access);
- Add_Keyword ("record", Tok_Record);
- Add_Keyword ("union", Tok_Union);
- Add_Keyword ("end", Tok_End);
- Add_Keyword ("boolean", Tok_Boolean);
- Add_Keyword ("enum", Tok_Enum);
- Add_Keyword ("external", Tok_External);
- Add_Keyword ("private", Tok_Private);
- Add_Keyword ("public", Tok_Public);
- Add_Keyword ("local", Tok_Local);
- Add_Keyword ("procedure", Tok_Procedure);
- Add_Keyword ("function", Tok_Function);
- Add_Keyword ("constant", Tok_Constant);
- Add_Keyword ("var", Tok_Var);
- Add_Keyword ("subarray", Tok_Subarray);
- Add_Keyword ("declare", Tok_Declare);
- Add_Keyword ("begin", Tok_Begin);
- Add_Keyword ("end", Tok_End);
- Add_Keyword ("null", Tok_Null);
- Add_Keyword ("case", Tok_Case);
- Add_Keyword ("when", Tok_When);
- Add_Keyword ("default", Tok_Default);
- Id_Address := New_Symbol ("address");
- Id_Unchecked_Address := New_Symbol ("unchecked_address");
- Id_Subprg_Addr := New_Symbol ("subprg_addr");
- Id_Conv := New_Symbol ("conv");
- Id_Sizeof := New_Symbol ("sizeof");
- Id_Alignof := New_Symbol ("alignof");
- Id_Alloca := New_Symbol ("alloca");
- Id_Offsetof := New_Symbol ("offsetof");
- -- Initialize the scanner.
- Buf (1) := NUL;
- Pos := 1;
- Lineno := 1;
- if Filename = null then
- Fd := Standin;
- File_Name := new String'("*stdin*");
- else
- declare
- Name : String (1 .. Filename'Length + 1);
- --("C:\cygwin\home\tgingold\src\ortho\x86\tests\olang\ex2.ol",
- begin
- Name (1 .. Filename'Length) := Filename.all;
- Name (Name'Last) := NUL;
- File_Name := Filename;
- Fd := Open_Read (Name'Address, Text);
- if Fd = Invalid_FD then
- Puterr ("cannot open '" & Filename.all & ''');
- Newline_Err;
- return False;
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
- New_Debug_Filename_Decl (File_Name.all);
- Push_Scope;
- Next_Token;
- while Tok /= Tok_Eof loop
- Parse_Declaration;
- end loop;
- Pop_Scope;
- if Fd /= Standin then
- Close (Fd);
- end if;
- return True;
- exception
- when E : others =>
- Puterr (Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Information (E));
- raise;
- end Parse;
-end Ortho_Front;
diff --git a/ortho/ortho_front.ads b/ortho/ortho_front.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d20e15d7..000000000
--- a/ortho/ortho_front.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
--- Ortho front-end specifications.
--- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-package Ortho_Front is
- type String_Acc is access String;
- -- Called before decode_option.
- -- This procedure can only do internal initializations. It cannot call
- -- ortho subprograms.
- procedure Init;
- -- An ortho back-end decodes the command line. Unknown options may
- -- be decoded by the user, with this function.
- -- When an ortho back-end encounter an unknown option, it sets OPT with
- -- this option and ARG with the next one, if any.
- --
- -- DECODE_OPTION must return the number of argument used, ie:
- -- 0 if OPT is unknown.
- -- 1 if OPT is known but ARG is unused.
- -- 2 if OPT is known and ARG used.
- function Decode_Option (Opt : String_Acc; Arg : String_Acc) return Natural;
- -- Start to parse file FILENAME.
- -- Return False in case of error.
- function Parse (Filename : String_Acc) return Boolean;
-end Ortho_Front;
diff --git a/ortho/ortho_jit.ads b/ortho/ortho_jit.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 89c3663f3..000000000
--- a/ortho/ortho_jit.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
--- Ortho JIT specifications.
--- Copyright (C) 2009 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System; use System;
-with Ortho_Nodes; use Ortho_Nodes;
-package Ortho_Jit is
- -- Initialize the whole engine.
- procedure Init;
- -- Set address of non-defined global variables or functions.
- procedure Set_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Addr : Address);
- -- Get address of a global.
- function Get_Address (Decl : O_Dnode) return Address;
- -- Do link.
- procedure Link (Status : out Boolean);
- -- Release memory (but the generated code).
- procedure Finish;
- function Decode_Option (Option : String) return Boolean;
- procedure Disp_Help;
- -- Return the name of the code generator, to be displayed by --version.
- function Get_Jit_Name return String;
-end Ortho_Jit;
diff --git a/ortho/ortho_nodes.common.ads b/ortho/ortho_nodes.common.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 178187482..000000000
--- a/ortho/ortho_nodes.common.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,453 +0,0 @@
--- Ortho specifications.
--- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with Ortho_Ident;
-use Ortho_Ident;
--- Interface to create nodes.
-package ORTHO_NODES is
- type O_Enode is private;
- type O_Cnode is private;
- type O_Lnode is private;
- type O_Tnode is private;
- type O_Snode is private;
- type O_Dnode is private;
- type O_Fnode is private;
- O_Cnode_Null : constant O_Cnode;
- O_Dnode_Null : constant O_Dnode;
- O_Enode_Null : constant O_Enode;
- O_Fnode_Null : constant O_Fnode;
- O_Lnode_Null : constant O_Lnode;
- O_Snode_Null : constant O_Snode;
- O_Tnode_Null : constant O_Tnode;
- -- True if the code generated supports nested subprograms.
- Has_Nested_Subprograms : constant Boolean;
- ------------------------
- -- Type definitions --
- ------------------------
- type O_Element_List is limited private;
- -- Build a record type.
- procedure Start_Record_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List);
- -- Add a field in the record; not constrained array are prohibited, since
- -- its size is unlimited.
- procedure New_Record_Field
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
- El : out O_Fnode;
- Ident : O_Ident; Etype : O_Tnode);
- -- Finish the record type.
- procedure Finish_Record_Type
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode);
- -- Build an uncomplete record type:
- -- First call NEW_UNCOMPLETE_RECORD_TYPE, which returns a record type.
- -- This type can be declared or used to define access types on it.
- -- Then, complete (if necessary) the record type, by calling
- procedure New_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : out O_Tnode);
- procedure Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res : O_Tnode;
- Elements : out O_Element_List);
- -- Build an union type.
- procedure Start_Union_Type (Elements : out O_Element_List);
- procedure New_Union_Field
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List;
- El : out O_Fnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Etype : O_Tnode);
- procedure Finish_Union_Type
- (Elements : in out O_Element_List; Res : out O_Tnode);
- -- Build an access type.
- -- DTYPE may be O_tnode_null in order to build an incomplete access type.
- -- It is completed with finish_access_type.
- function New_Access_Type (Dtype : O_Tnode) return O_Tnode;
- procedure Finish_Access_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Dtype : O_Tnode);
- -- Build an array type.
- -- The array is not constrained and unidimensional.
- function New_Array_Type (El_Type : O_Tnode; Index_Type : O_Tnode)
- return O_Tnode;
- -- Build a constrained array type.
- function New_Constrained_Array_Type (Atype : O_Tnode; Length : O_Cnode)
- return O_Tnode;
- -- Build a scalar type; size may be 8, 16, 32 or 64.
- function New_Unsigned_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode;
- function New_Signed_Type (Size : Natural) return O_Tnode;
- -- Build a float type.
- function New_Float_Type return O_Tnode;
- -- Build a boolean type.
- procedure New_Boolean_Type (Res : out O_Tnode;
- False_Id : O_Ident;
- False_E : out O_Cnode;
- True_Id : O_Ident;
- True_E : out O_Cnode);
- -- Create an enumeration
- type O_Enum_List is limited private;
- -- Elements are declared in order, the first is ordered from 0.
- procedure Start_Enum_Type (List : out O_Enum_List; Size : Natural);
- procedure New_Enum_Literal (List : in out O_Enum_List;
- Ident : O_Ident; Res : out O_Cnode);
- procedure Finish_Enum_Type (List : in out O_Enum_List; Res : out O_Tnode);
- ----------------
- -- Literals --
- ----------------
- -- Create a literal from an integer.
- function New_Signed_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Integer_64)
- return O_Cnode;
- function New_Unsigned_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : Unsigned_64)
- return O_Cnode;
- function New_Float_Literal (Ltype : O_Tnode; Value : IEEE_Float_64)
- return O_Cnode;
- -- Create a null access literal.
- function New_Null_Access (Ltype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
- -- Build a record/array aggregate.
- -- The aggregate is constant, and therefore can be only used to initialize
- -- constant declaration.
- -- ATYPE must be either a record type or an array subtype.
- -- Elements must be added in the order, and must be literals or aggregates.
- type O_Record_Aggr_List is limited private;
- type O_Array_Aggr_List is limited private;
- procedure Start_Record_Aggr (List : out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Atype : O_Tnode);
- procedure New_Record_Aggr_El (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Value : O_Cnode);
- procedure Finish_Record_Aggr (List : in out O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Res : out O_Cnode);
- procedure Start_Array_Aggr (List : out O_Array_Aggr_List; Atype : O_Tnode);
- procedure New_Array_Aggr_El (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
- Value : O_Cnode);
- procedure Finish_Array_Aggr (List : in out O_Array_Aggr_List;
- Res : out O_Cnode);
- -- Build an union aggregate.
- function New_Union_Aggr (Atype : O_Tnode; Field : O_Fnode; Value : O_Cnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- -- Returns the size in bytes of ATYPE. The result is a literal of
- -- unsigned type RTYPE
- -- ATYPE cannot be an unconstrained array type.
- function New_Sizeof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
- -- Returns the alignment in bytes for ATYPE. The result is a literal of
- -- unsgined type RTYPE.
- function New_Alignof (Atype : O_Tnode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
- -- Returns the offset of FIELD in its record ATYPE. The result is a
- -- literal of unsigned type or access type RTYPE.
- function New_Offsetof (Atype : O_Tnode; Field : O_Fnode; Rtype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- -- Get the address of a subprogram.
- function New_Subprogram_Address (Subprg : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- -- Get the address of LVALUE.
- -- ATYPE must be a type access whose designated type is the type of LVALUE.
- -- FIXME: what about arrays.
- function New_Global_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- -- Same as New_Address but without any restriction.
- function New_Global_Unchecked_Address (Decl : O_Dnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Cnode;
- -------------------
- -- Expressions --
- -------------------
- type ON_Op_Kind is
- (
- -- Not an operation; invalid.
- ON_Nil,
- -- Dyadic operations.
- ON_Add_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Sub_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Mul_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Div_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Rem_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Mod_Ov, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- -- Binary operations.
- ON_And, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Or, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Xor, -- ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind
- -- Monadic operations.
- ON_Not, -- ON_Monadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Neg_Ov, -- ON_Monadic_Op_Kind
- ON_Abs_Ov, -- ON_Monadic_Op_Kind
- -- Comparaisons
- ON_Eq, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Neq, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Le, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Lt, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Ge, -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- ON_Gt -- ON_Compare_Op_Kind
- );
- subtype ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind is ON_Op_Kind range ON_Add_Ov .. ON_Xor;
- subtype ON_Monadic_Op_Kind is ON_Op_Kind range ON_Not .. ON_Abs_Ov;
- subtype ON_Compare_Op_Kind is ON_Op_Kind range ON_Eq .. ON_Gt;
- type O_Storage is (O_Storage_External,
- O_Storage_Public,
- O_Storage_Private,
- O_Storage_Local);
- -- Specifies the storage kind of a declaration.
- -- The declaration do not either reserve memory nor generate code, and
- -- is imported either from an other file or from a later place in the
- -- current file.
- -- The declaration reserves memory or generates code.
- -- With O_STORAGE_PUBLIC, the declaration is exported outside of the
- -- file while with O_STORAGE_PRIVATE, the declaration is local to the
- -- file.
- Type_Error : exception;
- Syntax_Error : exception;
- -- Create a value from a literal.
- function New_Lit (Lit : O_Cnode) return O_Enode;
- -- Create a dyadic operation.
- -- Left and right nodes must have the same type.
- -- Binary operation is allowed only on boolean types.
- -- The result is of the type of the operands.
- function New_Dyadic_Op (Kind : ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode)
- return O_Enode;
- -- Create a monadic operation.
- -- Result is of the type of operand.
- function New_Monadic_Op (Kind : ON_Monadic_Op_Kind; Operand : O_Enode)
- return O_Enode;
- -- Create a comparaison operator.
- -- NTYPE is the type of the result and must be a boolean type.
- function New_Compare_Op
- (Kind : ON_Compare_Op_Kind; Left, Right : O_Enode; Ntype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Enode;
- type O_Inter_List is limited private;
- type O_Assoc_List is limited private;
- type O_If_Block is limited private;
- type O_Case_Block is limited private;
- -- Get an element of an array.
- -- INDEX must be of the type of the array index.
- function New_Indexed_Element (Arr : O_Lnode; Index : O_Enode)
- return O_Lnode;
- -- Get a slice of an array; this is equivalent to a conversion between
- -- an array or an array subtype and an array subtype.
- -- RES_TYPE must be an array_sub_type whose base type is the same as the
- -- base type of ARR.
- -- INDEX must be of the type of the array index.
- function New_Slice (Arr : O_Lnode; Res_Type : O_Tnode; Index : O_Enode)
- return O_Lnode;
- -- Get an element of a record.
- -- Type of REC must be a record type.
- function New_Selected_Element (Rec : O_Lnode; El : O_Fnode)
- return O_Lnode;
- -- Reference an access.
- -- Type of ACC must be an access type.
- function New_Access_Element (Acc : O_Enode) return O_Lnode;
- -- Do a conversion.
- -- Allowed conversions are:
- -- FIXME: to write.
- function New_Convert_Ov (Val : O_Enode; Rtype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode;
- -- Get the address of LVALUE.
- -- ATYPE must be a type access whose designated type is the type of LVALUE.
- -- FIXME: what about arrays.
- function New_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode;
- -- Same as New_Address but without any restriction.
- function New_Unchecked_Address (Lvalue : O_Lnode; Atype : O_Tnode)
- return O_Enode;
- -- Get the value of an Lvalue.
- function New_Value (Lvalue : O_Lnode) return O_Enode;
- function New_Obj_Value (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Enode;
- -- Get an lvalue from a declaration.
- function New_Obj (Obj : O_Dnode) return O_Lnode;
- -- Return a pointer of type RTPE to SIZE bytes allocated on the stack.
- function New_Alloca (Rtype : O_Tnode; Size : O_Enode) return O_Enode;
- -- Declare a type.
- -- This simply gives a name to a type.
- procedure New_Type_Decl (Ident : O_Ident; Atype : O_Tnode);
- ---------------------
- -- Declarations. --
- ---------------------
- -- Filename of the next declaration.
- procedure New_Debug_Filename_Decl (Filename : String);
- -- Line number of the next declaration.
- procedure New_Debug_Line_Decl (Line : Natural);
- -- Add a comment in the declarative region.
- procedure New_Debug_Comment_Decl (Comment : String);
- -- Declare a constant.
- -- This simply gives a name to a constant value or aggregate.
- -- A constant cannot be modified and its storage cannot be local.
- -- ATYPE must be constrained.
- procedure New_Const_Decl
- (Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Atype : O_Tnode);
- -- Set the value of a non-external constant.
- procedure Start_Const_Value (Const : in out O_Dnode);
- procedure Finish_Const_Value (Const : in out O_Dnode; Val : O_Cnode);
- -- Create a variable declaration.
- -- A variable can be local only inside a function.
- -- ATYPE must be constrained.
- procedure New_Var_Decl
- (Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Atype : O_Tnode);
- -- Start a subprogram declaration.
- -- Note: nested subprograms are allowed, ie o_storage_local subprograms can
- -- be declared inside a subprograms. It is not allowed to declare
- -- o_storage_external subprograms inside a subprograms.
- -- Return type and interfaces cannot be a composite type.
- procedure Start_Function_Decl
- (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage;
- Rtype : O_Tnode);
- -- For a subprogram without return value.
- procedure Start_Procedure_Decl
- (Interfaces : out O_Inter_List;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Storage : O_Storage);
- -- Add an interface declaration to INTERFACES.
- procedure New_Interface_Decl
- (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List;
- Res : out O_Dnode;
- Ident : O_Ident;
- Atype : O_Tnode);
- -- Finish the function declaration, get the node and a statement list.
- procedure Finish_Subprogram_Decl
- (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List; Res : out O_Dnode);
- -- Start a subprogram body.
- -- Note: the declaration may have an external storage, in this case it
- -- becomes public.
- procedure Start_Subprogram_Body (Func : O_Dnode);
- -- Finish a subprogram body.
- procedure Finish_Subprogram_Body;
- -------------------
- -- Statements. --
- -------------------
- -- Add a line number as a statement.
- procedure New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Line : Natural);
- -- Add a comment as a statement.
- procedure New_Debug_Comment_Stmt (Comment : String);
- -- Start a declarative region.
- procedure Start_Declare_Stmt;
- procedure Finish_Declare_Stmt;
- -- Create a function call or a procedure call.
- procedure Start_Association (Assocs : out O_Assoc_List; Subprg : O_Dnode);
- procedure New_Association (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List; Val : O_Enode);
- function New_Function_Call (Assocs : O_Assoc_List) return O_Enode;
- procedure New_Procedure_Call (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List);
- -- Assign VALUE to TARGET, type must be the same or compatible.
- -- FIXME: what about slice assignment?
- procedure New_Assign_Stmt (Target : O_Lnode; Value : O_Enode);
- -- Exit from the subprogram and return VALUE.
- procedure New_Return_Stmt (Value : O_Enode);
- -- Exit from the subprogram, which doesn't return value.
- procedure New_Return_Stmt;
- -- Build an IF statement.
- procedure Start_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block; Cond : O_Enode);
- procedure New_Else_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block);
- procedure Finish_If_Stmt (Block : in out O_If_Block);
- -- Create a infinite loop statement.
- procedure Start_Loop_Stmt (Label : out O_Snode);
- procedure Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label : in out O_Snode);
- -- Exit from a loop stmt or from a for stmt.
- procedure New_Exit_Stmt (L : O_Snode);
- -- Go to the start of a loop stmt or of a for stmt.
- -- Loops/Fors between L and the current points are exited.
- procedure New_Next_Stmt (L : O_Snode);
- -- Case statement.
- -- VALUE is the selector and must be a discrete type.
- procedure Start_Case_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Value : O_Enode);
- -- A choice branch is composed of expr, range or default choices.
- -- A choice branch is enclosed between a Start_Choice and a Finish_Choice.
- -- The statements are after the finish_choice.
- procedure Start_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
- procedure New_Expr_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block; Expr : O_Cnode);
- procedure New_Range_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block;
- Low, High : O_Cnode);
- procedure New_Default_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
- procedure Finish_Choice (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
- procedure Finish_Case_Stmt (Block : in out O_Case_Block);
- --- PRIVATE PART is defined by ortho_nodes.ads in one of the subdirectory.