path: root/libraries/std/textio_body.vhdl
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Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/std/textio_body.vhdl')
1 files changed, 220 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/std/textio_body.vhdl b/libraries/std/textio_body.vhdl
index 847a17ef8..a57ed03c3 100644
--- a/libraries/std/textio_body.vhdl
+++ b/libraries/std/textio_body.vhdl
@@ -1426,5 +1426,225 @@ package body textio is
deallocate (l);
l := nl;
end sread;
+ subtype bv4 is bit_vector (1 to 4);
+ function char_to_bv4 (c : character) return bv4 is
+ begin
+ case c is
+ when '0' => return "0000";
+ when '1' => return "0001";
+ when '2' => return "0010";
+ when '3' => return "0011";
+ when '4' => return "0100";
+ when '5' => return "0101";
+ when '6' => return "0110";
+ when '7' => return "0111";
+ when '8' => return "1000";
+ when '9' => return "1001";
+ when 'a' | 'A' => return "1010";
+ when 'b' | 'B' => return "1011";
+ when 'c' | 'C' => return "1100";
+ when 'd' | 'D' => return "1101";
+ when 'e' | 'E' => return "1110";
+ when 'f' | 'F' => return "1111";
+ when others =>
+ assert false report "bad hexa digit" severity failure;
+ end case;
+ end char_to_bv4;
+ procedure Oread (L : inout Line; Value : out Bit_Vector; Good : out Boolean)
+ is
+ -- Length of Value
+ constant vlen : natural := value'length;
+ -- Number of octal digits for Value
+ constant olen : natural := (vlen + 2) / 3;
+ variable res : bit_vector (1 to olen * 3);
+ -- Number of bit to parse.
+ variable len : natural;
+ variable pos : natural;
+ -- Last character from LEN to be removed
+ variable last : integer;
+ -- State of the previous byte:
+ -- SKIP: blank before the bit vector.
+ -- DIGIT: previous character was a digit
+ -- UNDERSCORE: was '_'
+ type state_type is (skip, digit, underscore);
+ variable state : state_type;
+ begin
+ -- Initialization.
+ if vlen = 0 then
+ -- If VALUE is a nul array, return now.
+ -- L stay unchanged.
+ -- FIXME: should blanks be removed ?
+ good := true;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ good := false;
+ state := skip;
+ pos := res'left;
+ if l'ascending then
+ last := l'left - 1;
+ else
+ last := l'left + 1;
+ end if;
+ for i in l'range loop
+ case l (i) is
+ when ' '
+ | NBSP
+ | HT =>
+ exit when state /= skip;
+ when '_' =>
+ exit when state /= digit;
+ state := underscore;
+ when '0' to '7' =>
+ res (pos to pos + 2) := char_to_bv4 (l (i)) (2 to 4);
+ last := i;
+ state := digit;
+ pos := pos + 3;
+ -- LRM08 16.4
+ -- Character removal and compostion also stops when the expected
+ -- number of digits have been removed.
+ exit when pos = res'right + 1;
+ when others =>
+ exit;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ -- LRM08 16.4
+ -- The OREAD or HEAD procedure does not succeed if less than the expected
+ -- number of digits are removed.
+ if pos /= res'right + 1 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM08 16.4
+ -- The rightmost value'length bits of the binary number are used to form
+ -- the result for the VALUE parameter, [with a '0' element corresponding
+ -- to a 0 bit and a '1' element corresponding to a 1 bit]. The OREAD or
+ -- HREAD procedure does not succeed if any unused bits are 1.
+ for i in 1 to res'right - vlen loop
+ if res (i) = '1' then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Value := res (res'right - vlen + 1 to res'right);
+ good := true;
+ trim_next (l, last);
+ end Oread;
+ procedure Oread (L : inout Line; Value : out Bit_Vector)
+ is
+ variable res : boolean;
+ begin
+ Oread (l, value, res);
+ assert res = true
+ report "octal bit_vector read failure"
+ severity failure;
+ end Oread;
+ procedure Hread (L : inout Line; Value : out Bit_Vector; Good : out Boolean)
+ is
+ -- Length of Value
+ constant vlen : natural := value'length;
+ -- Number of hexa digits for Value
+ constant hlen : natural := (vlen + 3) / 4;
+ variable res : bit_vector (1 to hlen * 4);
+ -- Number of bit to parse.
+ variable len : natural;
+ variable pos : natural;
+ -- Last character from LEN to be removed
+ variable last : integer;
+ -- State of the previous byte:
+ -- SKIP: blank before the bit vector.
+ -- DIGIT: previous character was a digit
+ -- UNDERSCORE: was '_'
+ type state_type is (skip, digit, underscore);
+ variable state : state_type;
+ begin
+ -- Initialization.
+ if vlen = 0 then
+ -- If VALUE is a nul array, return now.
+ -- L stay unchanged.
+ -- FIXME: should blanks be removed ?
+ good := true;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ good := false;
+ state := skip;
+ pos := res'left;
+ if l'ascending then
+ last := l'left - 1;
+ else
+ last := l'left + 1;
+ end if;
+ for i in l'range loop
+ case l (i) is
+ when ' '
+ | NBSP
+ | HT =>
+ exit when state /= skip;
+ when '_' =>
+ exit when state /= digit;
+ state := underscore;
+ when '0' to '9' | 'a' to 'f' | 'A' to 'F' =>
+ res (pos to pos + 3) := char_to_bv4 (l (i));
+ last := i;
+ state := digit;
+ pos := pos + 4;
+ -- LRM08 16.4
+ -- Character removal and compostion also stops when the expected
+ -- number of digits have been removed.
+ exit when pos = res'right + 1;
+ when others =>
+ exit;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ -- LRM08 16.4
+ -- The OREAD or HEAD procedure does not succeed if less than the expected
+ -- number of digits are removed.
+ if pos /= res'right + 1 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM08 16.4
+ -- The rightmost value'length bits of the binary number are used to form
+ -- the result for the VALUE parameter, [with a '0' element corresponding
+ -- to a 0 bit and a '1' element corresponding to a 1 bit]. The OREAD or
+ -- HREAD procedure does not succeed if any unused bits are 1.
+ for i in 1 to res'right - vlen loop
+ if res (i) = '1' then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Value := res (res'right - vlen + 1 to res'right);
+ good := true;
+ trim_next (l, last);
+ end Hread;
+ procedure Hread (L : inout Line; Value : out Bit_Vector)
+ is
+ variable res : boolean;
+ begin
+ Hread (l, value, res);
+ assert res = true
+ report "hexa bit_vector read failure"
+ severity failure;
+ end Hread;
end textio;