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2 files changed, 23 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/src/synth/synth-vhdl_expr.adb b/src/synth/synth-vhdl_expr.adb
index f4cea4eaf..073d015b2 100644
--- a/src/synth/synth-vhdl_expr.adb
+++ b/src/synth/synth-vhdl_expr.adb
@@ -684,6 +684,7 @@ package body Synth.Vhdl_Expr is
| Iir_Kind_Interface_Constant_Declaration
| Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
| Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Free_Quantity_Declaration
| Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
| Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration
| Iir_Kind_File_Declaration
@@ -1942,18 +1943,28 @@ package body Synth.Vhdl_Expr is
Res : Valtyp;
Res := Synth_Name (Syn_Inst, Expr);
- if Res.Val /= null
- and then
- (Res.Val.Kind = Value_Signal
- or else (Res.Val.Kind = Value_Alias
- and then Res.Val.A_Obj.Kind = Value_Signal))
- then
- if Hook_Signal_Expr /= null then
- return Hook_Signal_Expr (Res);
+ if Res.Val /= null then
+ if (Res.Val.Kind = Value_Signal
+ or else (Res.Val.Kind = Value_Alias
+ and then Res.Val.A_Obj.Kind = Value_Signal))
+ then
+ if Hook_Signal_Expr /= null then
+ return Hook_Signal_Expr (Res);
+ end if;
+ Error_Msg_Synth
+ (+Expr, "cannot use signal value during elaboration");
+ return No_Valtyp;
+ elsif (Res.Val.Kind = Value_Quantity
+ or else
+ (Res.Val.Kind = Value_Alias
+ and then Res.Val.A_Obj.Kind = Value_Quantity))
+ then
+ if Hook_Quantity_Expr /= null then
+ return Hook_Quantity_Expr (Res);
+ end if;
+ Error_Msg_Synth (+Expr, "cannot use quantity value");
+ return No_Valtyp;
end if;
- Error_Msg_Synth
- (+Expr, "cannot use signal value during elaboration");
- return No_Valtyp;
end if;
if Res.Typ /= null
and then Res.Typ.W = 0 and then Res.Val.Kind /= Value_Memory
diff --git a/src/synth/synth-vhdl_expr.ads b/src/synth/synth-vhdl_expr.ads
index 5eadb879f..55947627b 100644
--- a/src/synth/synth-vhdl_expr.ads
+++ b/src/synth/synth-vhdl_expr.ads
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ package Synth.Vhdl_Expr is
-- elaboration).
type Hook_Signal_Expr_Acc is access function (Val : Valtyp) return Valtyp;
Hook_Signal_Expr : Hook_Signal_Expr_Acc;
+ Hook_Quantity_Expr : Hook_Signal_Expr_Acc;
-- Synthesize EXPR. The expression must be self-constrained.
-- If EN is not No_Net, the execution is controlled by EN. This is used