path: root/translate/mcode/windows
diff options
authorTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2014-11-04 20:14:19 +0100
committerTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2014-11-04 20:14:19 +0100
commit9c195bf5d86d67ea5eb419ccf6e48dc153e57c68 (patch)
tree575346e529b99e26382b4a06f6ff2caa0b391ab2 /translate/mcode/windows
parent184a123f91e07c927292d67462561dc84f3a920d (diff)
Move sources to src/ subdirectory.
Diffstat (limited to 'translate/mcode/windows')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 732 deletions
diff --git a/translate/mcode/windows/compile.bat b/translate/mcode/windows/compile.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index c668ef0e2..000000000
--- a/translate/mcode/windows/compile.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-mkdir build
-cd build
-rem Do the compilation
-set CFLAGS=-O -g
-gcc -c %CFLAGS% ../../grt/grt-cbinding.c
-gcc -c %CFLAGS% ../../grt/grt-cvpi.c
-gcc -c %CFLAGS% ../../grt/config/clock.c
-gcc -c %CFLAGS% ../../../ortho/mcode/memsegs_c.c
-gcc -c %CFLAGS% -DWITH_GNAT_RUN_TIME ../../grt/config/win32.c
-gnatmake %CFLAGS% -gnatn -aI../windows -aI../../.. -aI../.. -aI../../ghdldrv -aI../../../psl -aI../../grt -aI../../../ortho/mcode ghdl_mcode -aI../../../ortho -o ghdl.exe -largs grt-cbinding.o clock.o grt-cvpi.o memsegs_c.o win32.o -largs -Wl,--stack,8404992
-if errorlevel 1 goto failed
-strip ghdl.exe
-cd ..
-exit /b 0
-echo "Compilation failed"
-cd ..
-exit /b 1
diff --git a/translate/mcode/windows/complib.bat b/translate/mcode/windows/complib.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 88a43ce60..000000000
--- a/translate/mcode/windows/complib.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-set GHDL=ghdl
-cd build
-gnatmake -aI..\windows ghdlfilter
-cd ..
-set REL=..\..\..
-set LIBSRC=%REL%\..\..\libraries
-set STD_SRCS=textio textio_body
-set IEEE_SRCS=std_logic_1164 std_logic_1164_body numeric_std numeric_std-body numeric_bit numeric_bit-body
-set VITAL95_SRCS=vital_timing vital_timing_body vital_primitives vital_primitives_body
-set VITAL2000_SRCS=timing_p timing_b prmtvs_p prmtvs_b memory_p memory_b
-set SYNOPSYS_SRCS=std_logic_arith std_logic_textio std_logic_unsigned std_logic_signed std_logic_misc std_logic_misc-body
-mkdir lib
-cd lib
-mkdir v87
-cd v87
-mkdir std
-cd std
-for %%F in (%STD_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\ghdlfilter -v87 < %LIBSRC%\std\%%F.vhdl > %%F.v87 && %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=87 --bootstrap --work=std %%F.v87
-cd ..
-mkdir ieee
-cd ieee
-rem Base ieee
-for %%F in (%IEEE_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\ghdlfilter -v87 < %LIBSRC%\ieee\%%F.vhdl > %%F.v87 && %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=87 -P..\std --work=ieee %%F.v87
-rem Vital 95
-for %%F in (%VITAL95_SRCS%) do copy %LIBSRC%\vital95\%%F.vhdl %%F.vhd && %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=87 -P..\std --work=ieee %%F.vhd
-cd ..
-mkdir synopsys
-cd synopsys
-for %%F in (%IEEE_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=87 -P..\std --work=ieee ..\ieee\%%F.v87
-for %%F in (%VITAL95_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=87 -P..\std --work=ieee ..\ieee\%%F.vhd
-for %%F in (%SYNOPSYS_SRCS%) do copy %LIBSRC%\synopsys\%%F.vhdl %%F.vhd && %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=87 -P..\std --work=ieee %%F.vhd
-cd ..
-cd ..
-mkdir v93
-cd v93
-mkdir std
-cd std
-for %%F in (%STD_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\ghdlfilter -v93 < %LIBSRC%\std\%%F.vhdl > %%F.v93 && %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=93 --bootstrap --work=std %%F.v93
-cd ..
-mkdir ieee
-cd ieee
-echo Base ieee
-for %%F in (%IEEE_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\ghdlfilter -v93 < %LIBSRC%\ieee\%%F.vhdl > %%F.v93 && %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=93 -P..\std --work=ieee %%F.v93
-echo Vital 2000
-for %%F in (%VITAL2000_SRCS%) do copy %LIBSRC%\vital2000\%%F.vhdl %%F.vhd && %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=93 -P..\std --work=ieee %%F.vhd
-cd ..
-mkdir synopsys
-cd synopsys
-for %%F in (%IEEE_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=93 -P..\std --work=ieee ..\ieee\%%F.v93
-for %%F in (%VITAL2000_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=93 -P..\std --work=ieee ..\ieee\%%F.vhd
-for %%F in (%SYNOPSYS_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=93 -P..\std --work=ieee ..\..\v87\synopsys\%%F.vhd
-cd ..
-cd ..
-cd ..
diff --git a/translate/mcode/windows/default_pathes.ads b/translate/mcode/windows/default_pathes.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 51b350f4e..000000000
--- a/translate/mcode/windows/default_pathes.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-with Windows_Default_Path;
-pragma Elaborate_All (Windows_Default_Path);
-package Default_Pathes is
- Install_Prefix : constant String :=
- Windows_Default_Path.Get_Windows_Exec_Path;
- Lib_Prefix : constant String := "lib";
-end Default_Pathes;
diff --git a/translate/mcode/windows/ghdl.nsi b/translate/mcode/windows/ghdl.nsi
deleted file mode 100644
index aa4d559aa..000000000
--- a/translate/mcode/windows/ghdl.nsi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,455 +0,0 @@
-; ghdl.nsi
-; This script is based on example2.nsi.
-; remember the directory,
-; Check if administrator
-; uninstall support
-; TODO:
-; * allow multiple version
-; * command line installation
-; * Allow user install
-!include version.nsi
-; The name of the installer
-Name "Ghdl"
-; The file to write
-OutFile "ghdl-installer-${VERSION}.exe"
-SetDateSave on
-; The default installation directory
-InstallDir $PROGRAMFILES\Ghdl
-; Registry key to check for directory (so if you install again, it will
-; overwrite the old one automatically)
-InstallDirRegKey HKLM "Software\Ghdl" "Install_Dir"
-LicenseData ..\..\..\COPYING
-; LicenseForceSelection
-; Pages
-Page license
-Page components
-Page directory
-Page instfiles
-UninstPage uninstConfirm
-UninstPage instfiles
-Function .onInit
- Call IsNT
- pop $R0
- StrCmp $R0 1 nt_ok
- MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "You must use Windows NT (XP/2000/Me...)"
- Quit
- Call IsUserAdmin
- Pop $R0
- StrCmp $R0 "true" Admin
- MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "You must have Admin rights"
- Quit
- ;;; Check if already installed.
- ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Ghdl" "Install_Dir"
- IfErrors not_installed
- ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Ghdl" "Version"
- IfErrors unknown_prev_version
- Goto known_version
- StrCpy $0 "(unknown)"
- MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "You already have GHDL version $0 installed. Deinstall ?" IDCANCEL install_abort IDOK deinstall
- Abort "Installation aborted"
- ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ghdl" "UninstallString"
- IfErrors deinstall_failed
- ; First version of the GHDL installer adds quotes
- StrCpy $1 $0 1
- StrCmp $1 '"' 0 str_ok
- StrCpy $1 $0 "" 1
- StrCpy $0 $1 -1
- ; Read install dir
- ReadRegStr $1 HKLM "Software\Ghdl" "Install_Dir"
- IfErrors deinstall_failed
-; MessageBox MB_OK 'copy $0 to $TEMP'
- ClearErrors
-; MessageBox MB_OK 'copy $0 to $TEMP'
- CopyFiles $0 $TEMP
- IfErrors deinstall_failed
- ExecWait '"$TEMP\uninst-ghdl.exe" /S _?=$1'
- IfErrors deinstall_failed
- Delete "$TEMP\uninst-ghdl.exe"
- Return
- Delete $TEMP\uninst-ghdl.exe
- MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONSTOP "Can't deinstall GHDL: de-installer not found or failed. Continue installation ?" IDNO install_abort
- Return
-; The stuff to install
-Section "Ghdl Compiler (required)"
- SectionIn RO
- ; Set output path to the installation directory.
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\bin
- File /oname=ghdl.exe ..\build\ghdl.exe
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR
- File /oname=COPYING.txt ..\..\..\COPYING
- ; Write the installation path into the registry
- WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Ghdl" "Install_Dir" $INSTDIR
- ; Write te version
- WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Ghdl" "Version" ${VERSION}
- ; Write the uninstall keys for Windows
- WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ghdl" "DisplayName" "Ghdl"
- WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ghdl" "UninstallString" $INSTDIR\uninst-ghdl.exe
- WriteRegDWORD HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ghdl" "NoModify" 1
- WriteRegDWORD HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ghdl" "NoRepair" 1
- WriteUninstaller $INSTDIR\uninst-ghdl.exe"
-Section "VHDL standard and ieee libraries"
- SectionIn RO
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\lib\v87
- File /r ..\lib\v87\std ..\lib\v87\ieee
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\lib\v93
- File /r ..\lib\v93\std ..\lib\v93\ieee
-Section "Synopsys libraries (Recommended)"
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\lib\v87
- File /r ..\lib\v87\synopsys
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\lib\v93
- File /r ..\lib\v93\synopsys
-Section "Documentation (Recommended)"
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR
- File /oname=ghdl.htm ..\..\..\doc\ghdl.html
-Section "Add in PATH (Recommended)"
- WriteRegDWORD HKLM "Software\Ghdl" "PathSet" 1
- Push $INSTDIR\Bin
- Call AddToPath
-; Optional section (can be disabled by the user)
-;Section "Start Menu Shortcuts"
-; CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\Ghdl"
-; CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\Ghdl\Uninstall.lnk" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" 0
-; CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\Ghdl\Ghdl.lnk" "$INSTDIR\example2.nsi" "" "$INSTDIR\example2.nsi" 0
-; Uninstaller
-Section "Uninstall"
- ReadRegDWORD $0 HKLM "Software\Ghdl" "PathSet"
- StrCmp $0 "1" "" path_not_set
- Push $INSTDIR\Bin
- Call un.RemoveFromPath
- ; Remove registry keys
- DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ghdl"
- DeleteRegKey HKLM Software\Ghdl
- ; Remove files and uninstaller
- Delete $INSTDIR\bin\ghdl.exe
- Delete $INSTDIR\uninst-ghdl.exe
- RMDir $INSTDIR\bin
- RMDir /r $INSTDIR\lib
- ; Remove shortcuts, if any
- ; Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\Ghdl\*.*"
- ; Remove directories used
- ; RMDir "$SMPROGRAMS\Ghdl"
-;;;;;;;; Misc functions
-; Author: Lilla (lilla@earthlink.net) 2003-06-13
-; function IsUserAdmin uses plugin \NSIS\PlusgIns\UserInfo.dll
-; This function is based upon code in \NSIS\Contrib\UserInfo\UserInfo.nsi
-; This function was tested under NSIS 2 beta 4 (latest CVS as of this writing).
-; Usage:
-; Call IsUserAdmin
-; Pop $R0 ; at this point $R0 is "true" or "false"
-Function IsUserAdmin
-Push $R0
-Push $R1
-Push $R2
-IfErrors Win9x
-Pop $R1
-Pop $R2
-StrCmp $R2 "Admin" 0 Continue
-; Observation: I get here when running Win98SE. (Lilla)
-; The functions UserInfo.dll looks for are there on Win98 too,
-; but just don't work. So UserInfo.dll, knowing that admin isn't required
-; on Win98, returns admin anyway. (per kichik)
-; MessageBox MB_OK 'User "$R1" is in the Administrators group'
-StrCpy $R0 "true"
-Goto Done
-; You should still check for an empty string because the functions
-; UserInfo.dll looks for may not be present on Windows 95. (per kichik)
-StrCmp $R2 "" Win9x
-StrCpy $R0 "false"
-;MessageBox MB_OK 'User "$R1" is in the "$R2" group'
-Goto Done
-; comment/message below is by UserInfo.nsi author:
-; This one means you don't need to care about admin or
-; not admin because Windows 9x doesn't either
-;MessageBox MB_OK "Error! This DLL can't run under Windows 9x!"
-StrCpy $R0 "true"
-;MessageBox MB_OK 'User= "$R1" AccountType= "$R2" IsUserAdmin= "$R0"'
-Pop $R2
-Pop $R1
-Exch $R0
-!define ALL_USERS
-!ifndef WriteEnvStr_RegKey
- !ifdef ALL_USERS
- !define WriteEnvStr_RegKey \
- 'HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"'
- !else
- !define WriteEnvStr_RegKey 'HKCU "Environment"'
- !endif
-!verbose 3
-!include "WinMessages.NSH"
-!verbose 4
-; AddToPath - Adds the given dir to the search path.
-; Input - head of the stack
-; Note - Win9x systems requires reboot
-Function AddToPath
- Exch $0
- Push $1
- Push $2
- Push $3
- # don't add if the path doesn't exist
- IfFileExists "$0\*.*" "" AddToPath_done
- ReadEnvStr $1 PATH
- Push "$1;"
- Push "$0;"
- Call StrStr
- Pop $2
- StrCmp $2 "" "" AddToPath_done
- Push "$1;"
- Push "$0\;"
- Call StrStr
- Pop $2
- StrCmp $2 "" "" AddToPath_done
- GetFullPathName /SHORT $3 $0
- Push "$1;"
- Push "$3;"
- Call StrStr
- Pop $2
- StrCmp $2 "" "" AddToPath_done
- Push "$1;"
- Push "$3\;"
- Call StrStr
- Pop $2
- StrCmp $2 "" "" AddToPath_done
- ReadRegStr $1 ${WriteEnvStr_RegKey} "PATH"
- StrCpy $2 $1 1 -1 # copy last char
- StrCmp $2 ";" 0 +2 # if last char == ;
- StrCpy $1 $1 -1 # remove last char
- StrCmp $1 "" AddToPath_NTdoIt
- StrCpy $0 "$1;$0"
- AddToPath_NTdoIt:
- WriteRegExpandStr ${WriteEnvStr_RegKey} "PATH" $0
- SendMessage ${HWND_BROADCAST} ${WM_WININICHANGE} 0 "STR:Environment" /TIMEOUT=5000
- AddToPath_done:
- Pop $3
- Pop $2
- Pop $1
- Pop $0
-; RemoveFromPath - Remove a given dir from the path
-; Input: head of the stack
-Function un.RemoveFromPath
- Exch $0
- Push $1
- Push $2
- Push $3
- Push $4
- Push $5
- Push $6
- IntFmt $6 "%c" 26 # DOS EOF
- ReadRegStr $1 ${WriteEnvStr_RegKey} "PATH"
- StrCpy $5 $1 1 -1 # copy last char
- StrCmp $5 ";" +2 # if last char != ;
- StrCpy $1 "$1;" # append ;
- Push $1
- Push "$0;"
- Call un.StrStr ; Find `$0;` in $1
- Pop $2 ; pos of our dir
- StrCmp $2 "" unRemoveFromPath_done
- ; else, it is in path
- # $0 - path to add
- # $1 - path var
- StrLen $3 "$0;"
- StrLen $4 $2
- StrCpy $5 $1 -$4 # $5 is now the part before the path to remove
- StrCpy $6 $2 "" $3 # $6 is now the part after the path to remove
- StrCpy $3 $5$6
- StrCpy $5 $3 1 -1 # copy last char
- StrCmp $5 ";" 0 +2 # if last char == ;
- StrCpy $3 $3 -1 # remove last char
- WriteRegExpandStr ${WriteEnvStr_RegKey} "PATH" $3
- SendMessage ${HWND_BROADCAST} ${WM_WININICHANGE} 0 "STR:Environment" /TIMEOUT=5000
- unRemoveFromPath_done:
- Pop $6
- Pop $5
- Pop $4
- Pop $3
- Pop $2
- Pop $1
- Pop $0
-# Utility Functions #
-; IsNT
-; no input
-; output, top of the stack = 1 if NT or 0 if not
-; Usage:
-; Call IsNT
-; Pop $R0
-; ($R0 at this point is 1 or 0)
-!macro IsNT un
-Function ${un}IsNT
- Push $0
- ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" CurrentVersion
- StrCmp $0 "" 0 IsNT_yes
- ; we are not NT.
- Pop $0
- Push 0
- Return
- IsNT_yes:
- ; NT!!!
- Pop $0
- Push 1
-!insertmacro IsNT ""
-;!insertmacro IsNT "un."
-; StrStr
-; input, top of stack = string to search for
-; top of stack-1 = string to search in
-; output, top of stack (replaces with the portion of the string remaining)
-; modifies no other variables.
-; Usage:
-; Push "this is a long ass string"
-; Push "ass"
-; Call StrStr
-; Pop $R0
-; ($R0 at this point is "ass string")
-!macro StrStr un
-Function ${un}StrStr
-Exch $R1 ; st=haystack,old$R1, $R1=needle
- Exch ; st=old$R1,haystack
- Exch $R2 ; st=old$R1,old$R2, $R2=haystack
- Push $R3
- Push $R4
- Push $R5
- StrLen $R3 $R1
- StrCpy $R4 0
- ; $R1=needle
- ; $R2=haystack
- ; $R3=len(needle)
- ; $R4=cnt
- ; $R5=tmp
- loop:
- StrCpy $R5 $R2 $R3 $R4
- StrCmp $R5 $R1 done
- StrCmp $R5 "" done
- IntOp $R4 $R4 + 1
- Goto loop
- StrCpy $R1 $R2 "" $R4
- Pop $R5
- Pop $R4
- Pop $R3
- Pop $R2
- Exch $R1
-!insertmacro StrStr ""
-!insertmacro StrStr "un."
diff --git a/translate/mcode/windows/ghdlfilter.adb b/translate/mcode/windows/ghdlfilter.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index d37c2db23..000000000
--- a/translate/mcode/windows/ghdlfilter.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
-with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-procedure Ghdlfilter is
- type Mode_Kind is (Mode_93, Mode_87);
- Mode : Mode_Kind;
- Line : String (1 .. 128);
- Len : Natural;
- Comment : Boolean;
- Block_Comment : Boolean;
- if Argument_Count /= 1 then
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "usage: " & Command_Name & " -v93|-v87");
- return;
- end if;
- if Argument (1) = "-v93" then
- Mode := Mode_93;
- elsif Argument (1) = "-v87" then
- Mode := Mode_87;
- else
- Put_Line (Standard_Error, "bad mode");
- return;
- end if;
- Block_Comment := False;
- loop
- exit when End_Of_File;
- Get_Line (Line, Len);
- Comment := Block_Comment;
- if Len > 5 then
- if Mode = Mode_87 and Line (Len - 4 .. Len) = "--V93" then
- Comment := True;
- elsif Mode = Mode_93 and Line (Len - 4 .. Len) = "--V87" then
- Comment := True;
- end if;
- end if;
- if Len = 11
- and then Mode = Mode_87
- and then Line (1 .. 11) = "--START-V93" then
- Block_Comment := True;
- end if;
- if Len = 9 and then Line (1 .. 9) = "--END-V93" then
- Block_Comment := False;
- end if;
- if Comment then
- Put ("-- ");
- end if;
- Put_Line (Line (1 .. Len));
- end loop;
-end Ghdlfilter;
diff --git a/translate/mcode/windows/ghdlversion.adb b/translate/mcode/windows/ghdlversion.adb
deleted file mode 100755
index d2f1c28be..000000000
--- a/translate/mcode/windows/ghdlversion.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
-with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
-procedure Ghdlversion is
- Line : String (1 .. 128);
- Len : Natural;
- Pos : Natural;
- E : Natural;
- loop
- exit when End_Of_File;
- Get_Line (Line, Len);
- -- Search GHDL
- Pos := Index (Line (1 .. Len), "GHDL ");
- if Pos /= 0 then
- Pos := Pos + 5;
- E := Pos;
- while Line (E) in '0' .. '9'
- or Line (E) in 'a' .. 'z'
- or Line (E) = '.'
- loop
- exit when E = Len;
- E := E + 1;
- end loop;
- Put_Line ("!define VERSION """ & Line (Pos .. E - 1) & """");
- return;
- end if;
- end loop;
-end Ghdlversion;
diff --git a/translate/mcode/windows/grt-modules.adb b/translate/mcode/windows/grt-modules.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 35b27c345..000000000
--- a/translate/mcode/windows/grt-modules.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
--- GHDL Run Time (GRT) - Modules.
--- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with System.Storage_Elements; -- Work around GNAT bug.
-with Grt.Vcd;
-with Grt.Vpi;
-with Grt.Waves;
-with Grt.Vital_Annotate;
-with Grt.Disp_Tree;
-with Grt.Disp_Rti;
-package body Grt.Modules is
- procedure Register_Modules is
- begin
- -- List of modules to be registered.
- Grt.Disp_Tree.Register;
- Grt.Vcd.Register;
- Grt.Waves.Register;
- Grt.Vpi.Register;
- Grt.Vital_Annotate.Register;
- Grt.Disp_Rti.Register;
- end Register_Modules;
-end Grt.Modules;
diff --git a/translate/mcode/windows/ortho_code-x86-flags.ads b/translate/mcode/windows/ortho_code-x86-flags.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 8915f3122..000000000
--- a/translate/mcode/windows/ortho_code-x86-flags.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-with Ortho_Code.X86.Flags_Windows;
-package Ortho_Code.X86.Flags renames Ortho_Code.X86.Flags_Windows;
diff --git a/translate/mcode/windows/windows_default_path.adb b/translate/mcode/windows/windows_default_path.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 23aa2f6e0..000000000
--- a/translate/mcode/windows/windows_default_path.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
-with System; use System;
-package body Windows_Default_Path is
- subtype DWORD is Interfaces.C.Unsigned_Long;
- subtype LPWSTR is String;
- subtype HINSTANCE is Address;
- function GetModuleFileName (Inst : HINSTANCE; Buf : Address; Size : DWORD)
- return DWORD;
- pragma Import (Stdcall, GetModuleFileName, "GetModuleFileNameA");
- function Get_Windows_Exec_Path return String
- is
- File : String (1 .. 256);
- Size : DWORD;
- P : Natural;
- begin
- -- Get exe file path.
- Size := GetModuleFileName (Null_Address, File'Address, File'Length);
- if Size = 0 or Size = File'Length then
- return "{cannot find install path}\lib";
- end if;
- -- Remove Program file.
- P := Natural (Size);
- while P > 0 loop
- exit when File (P) = '\';
- exit when File (P) = ':' and P = 2;
- P := P - 1;
- end loop;
- if File (P) = '\' and P > 1 then
- -- Remove directory
- P := P - 1;
- while P > 0 loop
- exit when File (P) = '\';
- exit when File (P) = ':' and P = 2;
- P := P - 1;
- end loop;
- end if;
- return File (1 .. P);
- end Get_Windows_Exec_Path;
-end Windows_Default_Path;
diff --git a/translate/mcode/windows/windows_default_path.ads b/translate/mcode/windows/windows_default_path.ads
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e6303446..000000000
--- a/translate/mcode/windows/windows_default_path.ads
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-package Windows_Default_Path is
- -- Get the default path from executable name.
- -- This function is called during elaboration!
- function Get_Windows_Exec_Path return String;
-end Windows_Default_Path;