path: root/src/vhdl/translate/trans-chap9.adb
diff options
authorTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2015-01-07 08:07:42 +0100
committerTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2015-01-07 08:07:42 +0100
commit99443212bf78a5d36b693abab225a160a92d097a (patch)
tree9191d2419b376bd45737e3b23e9b95967c017560 /src/vhdl/translate/trans-chap9.adb
parent3aaf2679a61b4d8bd61c7cccd5ca0ec1f1606de5 (diff)
Handle vhdl08 if generate statements
Diffstat (limited to 'src/vhdl/translate/trans-chap9.adb')
1 files changed, 249 insertions, 177 deletions
diff --git a/src/vhdl/translate/trans-chap9.adb b/src/vhdl/translate/trans-chap9.adb
index 192c8ee0c..b62b12f93 100644
--- a/src/vhdl/translate/trans-chap9.adb
+++ b/src/vhdl/translate/trans-chap9.adb
@@ -633,6 +633,149 @@ package body Trans.Chap9 is
end case;
end Translate_Psl_Directive_Statement;
+ procedure Translate_If_Generate_Statement (Stmt : Iir; Origin : Iir)
+ is
+ Clause : Iir;
+ Bod : Iir;
+ Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Stmt_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Mark2 : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Num : Int32;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Stmt));
+ Stmt_Info := Add_Info (Stmt, Kind_Generate);
+ Stmt_Info.Generate_Parent_Field := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
+ (Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (Stmt), Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ Stmt_Info.Generate_Body_Id := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
+ (Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (Get_Identifier (Stmt), "_ID"),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ -- Translate generate statement body.
+ Num := 0;
+ Clause := Stmt;
+ while Clause /= Null_Iir loop
+ Bod := Get_Generate_Statement_Body (Clause);
+ Info := Add_Info (Bod, Kind_Block);
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark2, Get_Alternative_Label (Bod));
+ Chap1.Start_Block_Decl (Bod);
+ Push_Instance_Factory (Info.Block_Scope'Access);
+ -- Add a parent field in the current instance.
+ Info.Block_Origin_Field := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
+ (Get_Identifier ("ORIGIN"),
+ Get_Info (Origin).Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ Info.Block_Id := Num;
+ Chap9.Translate_Block_Declarations (Bod, Bod);
+ Pop_Instance_Factory (Info.Block_Scope'Access);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark2);
+ Clause := Get_Generate_Else_Clause (Clause);
+ Num := Num + 1;
+ end loop;
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Translate_If_Generate_Statement;
+ procedure Translate_For_Generate_Statement (Stmt : Iir; Origin : Iir)
+ is
+ Bod : constant Iir := Get_Generate_Statement_Body (Stmt);
+ Param : constant Iir := Get_Parameter_Specification (Stmt);
+ Iter_Type : constant Iir := Get_Type (Param);
+ Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ It_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Stmt));
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Subtype (Param, True);
+ Info := Add_Info (Bod, Kind_Block);
+ Chap1.Start_Block_Decl (Bod);
+ Push_Instance_Factory (Info.Block_Scope'Access);
+ -- Add a parent field in the current instance. This is
+ -- the first field (known by GRT).
+ Info.Block_Origin_Field := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
+ (Get_Identifier ("ORIGIN"),
+ Get_Info (Origin).Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ -- Flag (if block was configured).
+ Info.Block_Configured_Field := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
+ (Get_Identifier ("CONFIGURED"), Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ -- Iterator.
+ It_Info := Add_Info (Param, Kind_Iterator);
+ It_Info.Iterator_Var := Create_Var
+ (Create_Var_Identifier (Param),
+ Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Iter_Type)).Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Chap9.Translate_Block_Declarations (Bod, Bod);
+ Pop_Instance_Factory (Info.Block_Scope'Access);
+ -- Create array type of block_decls_type
+ Info.Block_Decls_Array_Type := New_Array_Type
+ (Get_Scope_Type (Info.Block_Scope), Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("INSTARRTYPE"),
+ Info.Block_Decls_Array_Type);
+ -- Create access to the array type.
+ Info.Block_Decls_Array_Ptr_Type := New_Access_Type
+ (Info.Block_Decls_Array_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("INSTARRPTR"),
+ Info.Block_Decls_Array_Ptr_Type);
+ -- Add a field in the parent instance (Pop_Instance_Factory
+ -- has already been called). This is a pointer INSTARRPTR
+ -- to an array INSTARRTYPE of instace. The size of each
+ -- element is stored in the RTI.
+ Info.Block_Parent_Field := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
+ (Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (Stmt),
+ Info.Block_Decls_Array_Ptr_Type);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Translate_For_Generate_Statement;
+ procedure Translate_Block_Statement (Stmt : Iir; Origin : Iir)
+ is
+ Hdr : constant Iir_Block_Header := Get_Block_Header (Stmt);
+ Guard : constant Iir := Get_Guard_Decl (Stmt);
+ Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Stmt));
+ Info := Add_Info (Stmt, Kind_Block);
+ Chap1.Start_Block_Decl (Stmt);
+ Push_Instance_Factory (Info.Block_Scope'Access);
+ -- Implicit guard signal.
+ if Guard /= Null_Iir then
+ Chap4.Translate_Declaration (Guard);
+ end if;
+ -- generics, ports.
+ if Hdr /= Null_Iir then
+ Chap4.Translate_Generic_Chain (Hdr);
+ Chap4.Translate_Port_Chain (Hdr);
+ end if;
+ Chap9.Translate_Block_Declarations (Stmt, Origin);
+ Pop_Instance_Factory (Info.Block_Scope'Access);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ -- Create a field in the parent record.
+ Add_Scope_Field (Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (Stmt),
+ Info.Block_Scope);
+ end Translate_Block_Statement;
-- Create the instance for block BLOCK.
-- ORIGIN can be either an entity, an architecture or a block statement.
procedure Translate_Block_Declarations (Block : Iir; Origin : Iir)
@@ -657,128 +800,11 @@ package body Trans.Chap9 is
when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
Translate_Component_Instantiation_Statement (El);
when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
- declare
- Info : Block_Info_Acc;
- Hdr : Iir_Block_Header;
- Guard : Iir;
- Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
- begin
- Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (El));
- Info := Add_Info (El, Kind_Block);
- Chap1.Start_Block_Decl (El);
- Push_Instance_Factory (Info.Block_Scope'Access);
- Guard := Get_Guard_Decl (El);
- if Guard /= Null_Iir then
- Chap4.Translate_Declaration (Guard);
- end if;
- -- generics, ports.
- Hdr := Get_Block_Header (El);
- if Hdr /= Null_Iir then
- Chap4.Translate_Generic_Chain (Hdr);
- Chap4.Translate_Port_Chain (Hdr);
- end if;
- Chap9.Translate_Block_Declarations (El, Origin);
- Pop_Instance_Factory (Info.Block_Scope'Access);
- Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
- -- Create a field in the parent record.
- Add_Scope_Field
- (Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (El),
- Info.Block_Scope);
- end;
+ Translate_Block_Statement (El, Origin);
when Iir_Kind_For_Generate_Statement =>
- declare
- Bod : constant Iir := Get_Generate_Statement_Body (El);
- Param : constant Iir := Get_Parameter_Specification (El);
- Info : Block_Info_Acc;
- Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
- Iter_Type : constant Iir := Get_Type (Param);
- It_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
- begin
- Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (El));
- Chap3.Translate_Object_Subtype (Param, True);
- Info := Add_Info (Bod, Kind_Block);
- Chap1.Start_Block_Decl (Bod);
- Push_Instance_Factory (Info.Block_Scope'Access);
- -- Add a parent field in the current instance. This is
- -- the first field (known by GRT).
- Info.Block_Origin_Field := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
- (Get_Identifier ("ORIGIN"),
- Get_Info (Origin).Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
- -- Flag (if block was configured).
- Info.Block_Configured_Field :=
- Add_Instance_Factory_Field
- (Get_Identifier ("CONFIGURED"), Ghdl_Bool_Type);
- -- Iterator.
- It_Info := Add_Info (Param, Kind_Iterator);
- It_Info.Iterator_Var := Create_Var
- (Create_Var_Identifier (Param),
- Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Iter_Type)).Ortho_Type
- (Mode_Value));
- Chap9.Translate_Block_Declarations (Bod, Bod);
- Pop_Instance_Factory (Info.Block_Scope'Access);
- -- Create array type of block_decls_type
- Info.Block_Decls_Array_Type := New_Array_Type
- (Get_Scope_Type (Info.Block_Scope), Ghdl_Index_Type);
- New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("INSTARRTYPE"),
- Info.Block_Decls_Array_Type);
- -- Create access to the array type.
- Info.Block_Decls_Array_Ptr_Type := New_Access_Type
- (Info.Block_Decls_Array_Type);
- New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("INSTARRPTR"),
- Info.Block_Decls_Array_Ptr_Type);
- -- Add a field in the parent instance (Pop_Instance_Factory
- -- has already been called). This is a pointer INSTARRPTR
- -- to an array INSTARRTYPE of instace. The size of each
- -- element is stored in the RTI.
- Info.Block_Parent_Field := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
- (Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (El),
- Info.Block_Decls_Array_Ptr_Type);
- Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
- end;
+ Translate_For_Generate_Statement (El, Origin);
when Iir_Kind_If_Generate_Statement =>
- declare
- Bod : constant Iir := Get_Generate_Statement_Body (El);
- Info : Block_Info_Acc;
- Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
- begin
- Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (El));
- Info := Add_Info (Bod, Kind_Block);
- Chap1.Start_Block_Decl (Bod);
- Push_Instance_Factory (Info.Block_Scope'Access);
- -- Add a parent field in the current instance.
- Info.Block_Origin_Field := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
- (Get_Identifier ("ORIGIN"),
- Get_Info (Origin).Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
- Chap9.Translate_Block_Declarations (Bod, Bod);
- Pop_Instance_Factory (Info.Block_Scope'Access);
- -- Create an access field in the parent record.
- Info.Block_Parent_Field := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
- (Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (El),
- Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
- Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
- end;
+ Translate_If_Generate_Statement (El, Origin);
when others =>
Error_Kind ("translate_block_declarations", El);
end case;
@@ -863,6 +889,24 @@ package body Trans.Chap9 is
end Translate_Component_Instantiation_Subprogram;
+ procedure Translate_Generate_Statement_Body_Subprograms
+ (Bod : Iir; Base_Info : Block_Info_Acc)
+ is
+ Info : constant Block_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Bod);
+ Prev_Subprg_Instance : Subprgs.Subprg_Instance_Stack;
+ begin
+ Subprgs.Push_Subprg_Instance (Info.Block_Scope'Access,
+ Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type,
+ Wki_Instance,
+ Prev_Subprg_Instance);
+ Set_Scope_Via_Field_Ptr (Base_Info.Block_Scope,
+ Info.Block_Origin_Field,
+ Info.Block_Scope'Access);
+ Translate_Block_Subprograms (Bod, Bod);
+ Clear_Scope (Base_Info.Block_Scope);
+ Subprgs.Pop_Subprg_Instance (Wki_Instance, Prev_Subprg_Instance);
+ end Translate_Generate_Statement_Body_Subprograms;
-- Translate concurrent statements into subprograms.
procedure Translate_Block_Subprograms (Block : Iir; Base_Block : Iir)
@@ -916,24 +960,25 @@ package body Trans.Chap9 is
end if;
Translate_Block_Subprograms (Stmt, Base_Block);
- when Iir_Kind_For_Generate_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_If_Generate_Statement =>
+ when Iir_Kind_For_Generate_Statement =>
+ Translate_Generate_Statement_Body_Subprograms
+ (Get_Generate_Statement_Body (Stmt), Base_Info);
+ when Iir_Kind_If_Generate_Statement =>
- Bod : constant Iir := Get_Generate_Statement_Body (Stmt);
- Info : constant Block_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Bod);
- Prev_Subprg_Instance : Subprgs.Subprg_Instance_Stack;
+ Clause : Iir;
+ Bod : Iir;
+ Mark2 : Id_Mark_Type;
- Subprgs.Push_Subprg_Instance (Info.Block_Scope'Access,
- Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type,
- Wki_Instance,
- Prev_Subprg_Instance);
- Set_Scope_Via_Field_Ptr (Base_Info.Block_Scope,
- Info.Block_Origin_Field,
- Info.Block_Scope'Access);
- Translate_Block_Subprograms (Bod, Bod);
- Clear_Scope (Base_Info.Block_Scope);
- Subprgs.Pop_Subprg_Instance
- (Wki_Instance, Prev_Subprg_Instance);
+ Clause := Stmt;
+ while Clause /= Null_Iir loop
+ Bod := Get_Generate_Statement_Body (Clause);
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix
+ (Mark2, Get_Alternative_Label (Bod));
+ Translate_Generate_Statement_Body_Subprograms
+ (Bod, Base_Info);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark2);
+ Clause := Get_Generate_Else_Clause (Clause);
+ end loop;
when others =>
Error_Kind ("translate_block_subprograms", Stmt);
@@ -1522,51 +1567,78 @@ package body Trans.Chap9 is
procedure Elab_If_Generate_Statement
(Stmt : Iir_Generate_Statement; Parent : Iir; Base_Block : Iir)
- Condition : constant Iir := Get_Condition (Stmt);
- Bod : constant Iir := Get_Generate_Statement_Body (Stmt);
- Info : constant Block_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Bod);
Parent_Info : constant Block_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Parent);
- Var : O_Dnode;
- Blk : O_If_Block;
- V : O_Lnode;
- begin
- Open_Temp;
- Var := Create_Temp (Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
- Start_If_Stmt (Blk, Chap7.Translate_Expression (Condition));
- New_Assign_Stmt
- (New_Obj (Var),
- Gen_Alloc (Alloc_System,
- New_Lit (Get_Scope_Size (Info.Block_Scope)),
- Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type));
- New_Else_Stmt (Blk);
- New_Assign_Stmt
- (New_Obj (Var),
- New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type)));
- Finish_If_Stmt (Blk);
+ -- Used to get Block_Parent_Field, set in the first generate statement
+ -- body.
+ Stmt_Info : constant Generate_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Stmt);
- -- Add a link to child in parent.
- V := Get_Instance_Ref (Parent_Info.Block_Scope);
- V := New_Selected_Element (V, Info.Block_Parent_Field);
- New_Assign_Stmt (V, New_Obj_Value (Var));
+ -- Set the instance field in the parent.
+ procedure Set_Parent_Field (Val : O_Enode; Num : Nat32)
+ is
+ V : O_Lnode;
+ begin
+ V := Get_Instance_Ref (Parent_Info.Block_Scope);
+ V := New_Selected_Element (V, Stmt_Info.Generate_Parent_Field);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (V, Val);
- Start_If_Stmt
- (Blk,
- New_Compare_Op
- (ON_Neq,
- New_Obj_Value (Var),
- New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type)),
- Ghdl_Bool_Type));
- -- Add a link to parent in child.
- New_Assign_Stmt
- (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var), Info.Block_Origin_Field),
- Get_Instance_Access (Base_Block));
- -- Elaborate block
- Set_Scope_Via_Param_Ptr (Info.Block_Scope, Var);
- Elab_Block_Declarations (Bod, Bod);
- Clear_Scope (Info.Block_Scope);
- Finish_If_Stmt (Blk);
- Close_Temp;
+ V := Get_Instance_Ref (Parent_Info.Block_Scope);
+ V := New_Selected_Element (V, Stmt_Info.Generate_Body_Id);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (V, New_Lit (New_Index_Lit (Unsigned_64 (Num))));
+ end Set_Parent_Field;
+ procedure Elab_If_Clause (Clause : Iir)
+ is
+ Condition : constant Iir := Get_Condition (Clause);
+ Bod : constant Iir := Get_Generate_Statement_Body (Clause);
+ Info : constant Block_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Bod);
+ Var : O_Dnode;
+ Blk : O_If_Block;
+ N_Clause : Iir;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Var := Create_Temp (Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ if Condition /= Null_Iir then
+ Start_If_Stmt (Blk, Chap7.Translate_Expression (Condition));
+ end if;
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var),
+ Gen_Alloc (Alloc_System,
+ New_Lit (Get_Scope_Size (Info.Block_Scope)),
+ Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type));
+ -- Add a link to child in parent. This must be done before
+ -- elaboration, in case of use.
+ Set_Parent_Field
+ (New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (Var), Ghdl_Ptr_Type),
+ Info.Block_Id);
+ -- Add a link to parent in child.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var), Info.Block_Origin_Field),
+ Get_Instance_Access (Base_Block));
+ -- Elaborate block
+ Set_Scope_Via_Param_Ptr (Info.Block_Scope, Var);
+ Elab_Block_Declarations (Bod, Bod);
+ Clear_Scope (Info.Block_Scope);
+ if Condition /= Null_Iir then
+ New_Else_Stmt (Blk);
+ N_Clause := Get_Generate_Else_Clause (Clause);
+ if N_Clause /= Null_Iir then
+ Elab_If_Clause (N_Clause);
+ else
+ Set_Parent_Field
+ (New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Ghdl_Ptr_Type)),
+ Info.Block_Id + 1);
+ end if;
+ Finish_If_Stmt (Blk);
+ end if;
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Elab_If_Clause;
+ begin
+ Elab_If_Clause (Stmt);
end Elab_If_Generate_Statement;
procedure Elab_For_Generate_Statement