path: root/src/synth/synth-decls.adb
diff options
authorTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2021-04-28 17:37:26 +0200
committerTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2021-04-28 17:37:26 +0200
commite3a82f2e6894155cc030680332f31db6f79aba28 (patch)
tree664593aa4fbb76c2f8c8a38d13d31b9335f99472 /src/synth/synth-decls.adb
parenta7334f5837fcc417173254707bc8acfc84120b47 (diff)
synth: file renaming for decls, expr, insts and stmts.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/synth/synth-decls.adb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1227 deletions
diff --git a/src/synth/synth-decls.adb b/src/synth/synth-decls.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index a8f92c1f9..000000000
--- a/src/synth/synth-decls.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1227 +0,0 @@
--- Create declarations for synthesis.
--- Copyright (C) 2017 Tristan Gingold
--- This file is part of GHDL.
--- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
--- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
--- (at your option) any later version.
--- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--- GNU General Public License for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
-with Types; use Types;
-with Mutils; use Mutils;
-with Std_Names;
-with Netlists.Builders; use Netlists.Builders;
-with Netlists.Folds; use Netlists.Folds;
-with Netlists.Utils; use Netlists.Utils;
-with Netlists.Gates;
-with Vhdl.Errors;
-with Vhdl.Utils; use Vhdl.Utils;
-with Vhdl.Std_Package;
-with Vhdl.Ieee.Std_Logic_1164;
-with Synth.Vhdl_Environment; use Synth.Vhdl_Environment.Env;
-with Synth.Expr; use Synth.Expr;
-with Synth.Stmts;
-with Synth.Source; use Synth.Source;
-with Synth.Errors; use Synth.Errors;
-with Synth.Vhdl_Files;
-with Synth.Values; use Synth.Values;
-package body Synth.Decls is
- procedure Create_Var_Wire
- (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Decl : Iir; Init : Valtyp)
- is
- Ctxt : constant Context_Acc := Get_Build (Syn_Inst);
- Vt : constant Valtyp := Get_Value (Syn_Inst, Decl);
- Value : Net;
- Ival : Net;
- W : Width;
- Name : Sname;
- begin
- case Vt.Val.Kind is
- when Value_Wire =>
- -- FIXME: get the width directly from the wire ?
- W := Get_Type_Width (Vt.Typ);
- Name := New_Sname_User (Get_Identifier (Decl),
- Get_Sname (Syn_Inst));
- if Init /= No_Valtyp then
- Ival := Get_Net (Ctxt, Init);
- pragma Assert (Get_Width (Ival) = W);
- Value := Build_Isignal (Ctxt, Name, Ival);
- else
- Value := Build_Signal (Ctxt, Name, W);
- end if;
- Set_Location (Value, Decl);
- Set_Wire_Gate (Vt.Val.W, Value);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Create_Var_Wire;
- function Type_To_Param_Type (Atype : Node) return Param_Type
- is
- use Vhdl.Std_Package;
- Btype : constant Node := Get_Base_Type (Atype);
- begin
- if Btype = String_Type_Definition then
- return Param_Pval_String;
- elsif Btype = Time_Type_Definition then
- return Param_Pval_Time_Ps;
- else
- case Get_Kind (Btype) is
- when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition =>
- return Param_Pval_Integer;
- when Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition =>
- return Param_Pval_Real;
- when others =>
- return Param_Pval_Vector;
- end case;
- end if;
- end Type_To_Param_Type;
- function Memtyp_To_Pval (Mt : Memtyp) return Pval
- is
- Len : constant Uns32 := (Mt.Typ.W + 31) / 32;
- Vec : Logvec_Array_Acc;
- Off : Uns32;
- Has_Zx : Boolean;
- Pv : Pval;
- begin
- if Len = 0 then
- return Create_Pval2 (0);
- end if;
- Vec := new Logvec_Array'(0 .. Digit_Index (Len - 1) => (0, 0));
- Off := 0;
- Has_Zx := False;
- Value2logvec (Mt, 0, Mt.Typ.W, Vec.all, Off, Has_Zx);
- pragma Assert (Off = Mt.Typ.W);
- if Has_Zx then
- Pv := Create_Pval4 (Mt.Typ.W);
- else
- Pv := Create_Pval2 (Mt.Typ.W);
- end if;
- for I in 0 .. Len - 1 loop
- Write_Pval (Pv, I, Vec (Digit_Index (I)));
- end loop;
- Free_Logvec_Array (Vec);
- return Pv;
- end Memtyp_To_Pval;
- procedure Synth_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous
- (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Atype : Node) is
- begin
- if Get_Type_Declarator (Atype) = Null_Node then
- Synth_Subtype_Indication (Syn_Inst, Atype);
- end if;
- end Synth_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous;
- function Synth_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous
- (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Atype : Node) return Type_Acc is
- begin
- if Get_Type_Declarator (Atype) = Null_Node then
- return Synth_Subtype_Indication (Syn_Inst, Atype);
- else
- return Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Atype);
- end if;
- end Synth_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous;
- function Synth_Array_Type_Definition
- (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Def : Node) return Type_Acc
- is
- El_Type : constant Node := Get_Element_Subtype (Def);
- Ndims : constant Natural := Get_Nbr_Dimensions (Def);
- El_Typ : Type_Acc;
- Typ : Type_Acc;
- begin
- Synth_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous (Syn_Inst, El_Type);
- El_Typ := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, El_Type);
- if El_Typ.Kind in Type_Nets and then Ndims = 1 then
- Typ := Create_Unbounded_Vector (El_Typ);
- else
- Typ := Create_Unbounded_Array (Dim_Type (Ndims), El_Typ);
- end if;
- return Typ;
- end Synth_Array_Type_Definition;
- function Synth_Record_Type_Definition
- (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Def : Node) return Type_Acc
- is
- El_List : constant Node_Flist := Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Def);
- Rec_Els : Rec_El_Array_Acc;
- El : Node;
- El_Type : Node;
- El_Typ : Type_Acc;
- begin
- Rec_Els := Create_Rec_El_Array
- (Iir_Index32 (Get_Nbr_Elements (El_List)));
- for I in Flist_First .. Flist_Last (El_List) loop
- El := Get_Nth_Element (El_List, I);
- El_Type := Get_Type (El);
- El_Typ := Synth_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous (Syn_Inst, El_Type);
- Rec_Els.E (Iir_Index32 (I + 1)).Typ := El_Typ;
- end loop;
- if not Is_Fully_Constrained_Type (Def) then
- return Create_Unbounded_Record (Rec_Els);
- else
- return Create_Record_Type (Rec_Els);
- end if;
- end Synth_Record_Type_Definition;
- function Synth_Access_Type_Definition
- (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Def : Node) return Type_Acc
- is
- Des_Type : constant Node := Get_Designated_Type (Def);
- Des_Typ : Type_Acc;
- Typ : Type_Acc;
- begin
- Synth_Subtype_Indication_If_Anonymous (Syn_Inst, Des_Type);
- Des_Typ := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Des_Type);
- Typ := Create_Access_Type (Des_Typ);
- return Typ;
- end Synth_Access_Type_Definition;
- function Synth_File_Type_Definition
- (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Def : Node) return Type_Acc
- is
- File_Type : constant Node := Get_Type (Get_File_Type_Mark (Def));
- File_Typ : Type_Acc;
- Typ : Type_Acc;
- Sig : String_Acc;
- begin
- File_Typ := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, File_Type);
- if Get_Text_File_Flag (Def)
- or else
- Get_Kind (File_Type) in Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_And_Subtype_Definition
- then
- Sig := null;
- else
- declare
- Sig_Str : String (1 .. Get_File_Signature_Length (File_Type) + 2);
- Off : Natural := Sig_Str'First;
- begin
- Get_File_Signature (File_Type, Sig_Str, Off);
- Sig_Str (Off + 0) := '.';
- Sig_Str (Off + 1) := ASCII.NUL;
- Sig := new String'(Sig_Str);
- end;
- end if;
- Typ := Create_File_Type (File_Typ);
- Typ.File_Signature := Sig;
- return Typ;
- end Synth_File_Type_Definition;
- function Scalar_Size_To_Size (Def : Node) return Size_Type is
- begin
- case Get_Scalar_Size (Def) is
- when Scalar_8 =>
- return 1;
- when Scalar_16 =>
- return 2;
- when Scalar_32 =>
- return 4;
- when Scalar_64 =>
- return 8;
- end case;
- end Scalar_Size_To_Size;
- procedure Synth_Type_Definition (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Def : Node)
- is
- Typ : Type_Acc;
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Def) is
- when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
- if Def = Vhdl.Ieee.Std_Logic_1164.Std_Ulogic_Type
- or else Def = Vhdl.Ieee.Std_Logic_1164.Std_Logic_Type
- then
- Typ := Logic_Type;
- elsif Def = Vhdl.Std_Package.Boolean_Type_Definition then
- Typ := Boolean_Type;
- elsif Def = Vhdl.Std_Package.Bit_Type_Definition then
- Typ := Bit_Type;
- else
- declare
- Nbr_El : constant Natural :=
- Get_Nbr_Elements (Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Def));
- Rng : Discrete_Range_Type;
- W : Width;
- begin
- W := Uns32 (Clog2 (Uns64 (Nbr_El)));
- Rng := (Dir => Dir_To,
- Is_Signed => False,
- Left => 0,
- Right => Int64 (Nbr_El - 1));
- Typ := Create_Discrete_Type
- (Rng, Scalar_Size_To_Size (Def), W);
- end;
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
- Typ := Synth_Array_Type_Definition (Syn_Inst, Def);
- when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition =>
- Typ := Synth_Access_Type_Definition (Syn_Inst, Def);
- when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
- Typ := Synth_File_Type_Definition (Syn_Inst, Def);
- when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
- Typ := Synth_Record_Type_Definition (Syn_Inst, Def);
- when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
- Synth_Declarations (Syn_Inst, Get_Declaration_Chain (Def));
- when others =>
- Vhdl.Errors.Error_Kind ("synth_type_definition", Def);
- end case;
- if Typ /= null then
- Create_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Def, Typ);
- end if;
- end Synth_Type_Definition;
- procedure Synth_Anonymous_Type_Definition
- (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Def : Node; St : Node)
- is
- Typ : Type_Acc;
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Def) is
- when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition =>
- declare
- Cst : constant Node := Get_Range_Constraint (St);
- L, R : Int64;
- Rng : Discrete_Range_Type;
- W : Width;
- begin
- L := Get_Value (Get_Left_Limit (Cst));
- R := Get_Value (Get_Right_Limit (Cst));
- Rng := Build_Discrete_Range_Type (L, R, Get_Direction (Cst));
- W := Discrete_Range_Width (Rng);
- Typ := Create_Discrete_Type
- (Rng, Scalar_Size_To_Size (Def), W);
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition =>
- declare
- Cst : constant Node := Get_Range_Constraint (St);
- L, R : Fp64;
- Rng : Float_Range_Type;
- begin
- L := Get_Fp_Value (Get_Left_Limit (Cst));
- R := Get_Fp_Value (Get_Right_Limit (Cst));
- Rng := (Get_Direction (Cst), L, R);
- Typ := Create_Float_Type (Rng);
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
- Typ := Synth_Array_Type_Definition (Syn_Inst, Def);
- when others =>
- Vhdl.Errors.Error_Kind ("synth_anonymous_type_definition", Def);
- end case;
- Create_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Def, Typ);
- end Synth_Anonymous_Type_Definition;
- function Synth_Discrete_Range_Constraint
- (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Rng : Node) return Discrete_Range_Type
- is
- Res : Discrete_Range_Type;
- begin
- Synth_Discrete_Range (Syn_Inst, Rng, Res);
- return Res;
- end Synth_Discrete_Range_Constraint;
- function Synth_Float_Range_Constraint
- (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Rng : Node) return Float_Range_Type is
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Rng) is
- when Iir_Kind_Range_Expression =>
- -- FIXME: check range.
- return Synth_Float_Range_Expression (Syn_Inst, Rng);
- when others =>
- Vhdl.Errors.Error_Kind ("synth_float_range_constraint", Rng);
- end case;
- end Synth_Float_Range_Constraint;
- function Has_Element_Subtype_Indication (Atype : Node) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Get_Array_Element_Constraint (Atype) /= Null_Node
- or else
- (Get_Resolution_Indication (Atype) /= Null_Node
- and then
- (Get_Kind (Get_Resolution_Indication (Atype))
- = Iir_Kind_Array_Element_Resolution));
- end Has_Element_Subtype_Indication;
- function Synth_Array_Subtype_Indication
- (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Atype : Node) return Type_Acc
- is
- El_Type : constant Node := Get_Element_Subtype (Atype);
- St_Indexes : constant Node_Flist := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Atype);
- Ptype : Node;
- St_El : Node;
- Btyp : Type_Acc;
- Etyp : Type_Acc;
- Bnds : Bound_Array_Acc;
- begin
- -- VHDL08
- if Has_Element_Subtype_Indication (Atype) then
- -- This subtype has created a new anonymous subtype for the
- -- element.
- Synth_Subtype_Indication (Syn_Inst, El_Type);
- end if;
- if not Get_Index_Constraint_Flag (Atype) then
- Ptype := Get_Type (Get_Subtype_Type_Mark (Atype));
- if Get_Element_Subtype (Ptype) = Get_Element_Subtype (Atype) then
- -- That's an alias.
- -- FIXME: maybe a resolution function was added?
- -- FIXME: also handle resolution added in element subtype.
- return Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Ptype);
- end if;
- end if;
- Btyp := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Get_Base_Type (Atype));
- case Btyp.Kind is
- when Type_Unbounded_Vector =>
- if Get_Index_Constraint_Flag (Atype) then
- St_El := Get_Index_Type (St_Indexes, 0);
- return Create_Vector_Type
- (Synth_Bounds_From_Range (Syn_Inst, St_El), Btyp.Uvec_El);
- else
- -- An alias.
- -- Handle vhdl08 definition of std_logic_vector from
- -- std_ulogic_vector.
- return Btyp;
- end if;
- when Type_Unbounded_Array =>
- -- FIXME: partially constrained arrays, subtype in indexes...
- Etyp := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, El_Type);
- if Get_Index_Constraint_Flag (Atype) then
- Bnds := Create_Bound_Array
- (Dim_Type (Get_Nbr_Elements (St_Indexes)));
- for I in Flist_First .. Flist_Last (St_Indexes) loop
- St_El := Get_Index_Type (St_Indexes, I);
- Bnds.D (Dim_Type (I + 1)) :=
- Synth_Bounds_From_Range (Syn_Inst, St_El);
- end loop;
- return Create_Array_Type (Bnds, Etyp);
- else
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- end Synth_Array_Subtype_Indication;
- function Synth_Subtype_Indication
- (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Atype : Node) return Type_Acc is
- begin
- -- TODO: handle aliases directly.
- case Get_Kind (Atype) is
- when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
- return Synth_Array_Subtype_Indication (Syn_Inst, Atype);
- when Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
- return Synth_Record_Type_Definition (Syn_Inst, Atype);
- when Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition =>
- declare
- Btype : constant Type_Acc :=
- Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Get_Base_Type (Atype));
- Rng : Discrete_Range_Type;
- W : Width;
- begin
- if Btype.Kind in Type_Nets then
- -- A subtype of a bit/logic type is still a bit/logic.
- -- FIXME: bounds.
- return Btype;
- else
- Rng := Synth_Discrete_Range_Constraint
- (Syn_Inst, Get_Range_Constraint (Atype));
- W := Discrete_Range_Width (Rng);
- return Create_Discrete_Type (Rng, Btype.Sz, W);
- end if;
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition =>
- declare
- Rng : Float_Range_Type;
- begin
- Rng := Synth_Float_Range_Constraint
- (Syn_Inst, Get_Range_Constraint (Atype));
- return Create_Float_Type (Rng);
- end;
- when others =>
- Vhdl.Errors.Error_Kind ("synth_subtype_indication", Atype);
- end case;
- end Synth_Subtype_Indication;
- procedure Synth_Subtype_Indication
- (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Atype : Node)
- is
- Typ : Type_Acc;
- begin
- Typ := Synth_Subtype_Indication (Syn_Inst, Atype);
- Create_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Atype, Typ);
- end Synth_Subtype_Indication;
- function Get_Declaration_Type (Decl : Node) return Node
- is
- Ind : constant Node := Get_Subtype_Indication (Decl);
- Atype : Node;
- begin
- if Get_Is_Ref (Decl) or else Ind = Null_Iir then
- -- A secondary declaration in a list.
- return Null_Node;
- end if;
- Atype := Ind;
- loop
- case Get_Kind (Atype) is
- when Iir_Kinds_Denoting_Name =>
- Atype := Get_Named_Entity (Atype);
- when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
- -- Type already declared, so already handled.
- return Null_Node;
- when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Integer_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Floating_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Physical_Subtype_Definition
- | Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Subtype_Definition =>
- return Atype;
- when others =>
- Vhdl.Errors.Error_Kind ("get_declaration_type", Atype);
- end case;
- end loop;
- end Get_Declaration_Type;
- procedure Synth_Declaration_Type
- (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Decl : Node)
- is
- Atype : constant Node := Get_Declaration_Type (Decl);
- begin
- if Atype = Null_Node then
- return;
- end if;
- Synth_Subtype_Indication (Syn_Inst, Atype);
- end Synth_Declaration_Type;
- procedure Synth_Constant_Declaration (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
- Decl : Node;
- Is_Subprg : Boolean;
- Last_Type : in out Node)
- is
- Ctxt : constant Context_Acc := Get_Build (Syn_Inst);
- Deferred_Decl : constant Node := Get_Deferred_Declaration (Decl);
- First_Decl : Node;
- Decl_Type : Node;
- Val : Valtyp;
- Cst : Valtyp;
- Obj_Type : Type_Acc;
- begin
- Synth_Declaration_Type (Syn_Inst, Decl);
- if Deferred_Decl = Null_Node
- or else Get_Deferred_Declaration_Flag (Decl)
- then
- -- Create the object (except for full declaration of a
- -- deferred constant).
- Create_Object (Syn_Inst, Decl, No_Valtyp);
- end if;
- -- Initialize the value (except for a deferred declaration).
- if Get_Deferred_Declaration_Flag (Decl) then
- return;
- end if;
- if Deferred_Decl = Null_Node then
- -- A normal constant declaration
- First_Decl := Decl;
- else
- -- The full declaration of a deferred constant.
- First_Decl := Deferred_Decl;
- end if;
- pragma Assert (First_Decl /= Null_Node);
- -- Use the type of the declaration. The type of the constant may
- -- be derived from the value.
- -- FIXME: what about multiple declarations ?
- Decl_Type := Get_Subtype_Indication (Decl);
- if Decl_Type = Null_Node then
- Decl_Type := Last_Type;
- else
- if Get_Kind (Decl_Type) in Iir_Kinds_Denoting_Name then
- -- Type mark.
- Decl_Type := Get_Type (Get_Named_Entity (Decl_Type));
- end if;
- Last_Type := Decl_Type;
- end if;
- Obj_Type := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Decl_Type);
- Val := Synth_Expression_With_Type
- (Syn_Inst, Get_Default_Value (Decl), Obj_Type);
- if Val = No_Valtyp then
- Set_Error (Syn_Inst);
- return;
- end if;
- Val := Synth_Subtype_Conversion (Ctxt, Val, Obj_Type, True, Decl);
- -- For constant functions, the value must be constant.
- pragma Assert (not Get_Instance_Const (Syn_Inst)
- or else Is_Static (Val.Val));
- case Val.Val.Kind is
- when Value_Const
- | Value_Alias =>
- Cst := Val;
- when others =>
- if Is_Static (Val.Val) then
- Cst := Create_Value_Const (Val, Decl);
- else
- if not Is_Subprg then
- Error_Msg_Synth
- (+Decl, "signals cannot be used in default value "
- & "of this constant");
- end if;
- Cst := Val;
- end if;
- end case;
- Create_Object_Force (Syn_Inst, First_Decl, Cst);
- end Synth_Constant_Declaration;
- procedure Synth_Attribute_Object (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
- Attr_Value : Node;
- Attr_Decl : Node;
- Val : Valtyp)
- is
- Obj : constant Node := Get_Designated_Entity (Attr_Value);
- Id : constant Name_Id := Get_Identifier (Attr_Decl);
- Inst : Instance;
- V : Valtyp;
- Ptype : Param_Type;
- Pv : Pval;
- begin
- if Id = Std_Names.Name_Foreign then
- -- Not for synthesis.
- return;
- end if;
- case Get_Kind (Obj) is
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Interface_Signal_Declaration =>
- V := Get_Value (Syn_Inst, Obj);
- pragma Assert (V.Val.Kind = Value_Wire);
- Inst := Get_Net_Parent (Get_Wire_Gate (V.Val.W));
- when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
- -- TODO
- return;
- when others =>
- -- TODO: components ?
- -- TODO: Interface_Signal ? But no instance for them.
- Warning_Msg_Synth
- (+Attr_Value, "attribute %i for %n is not kept in the netlist",
- (+Attr_Decl, +Obj));
- return;
- end case;
- Ptype := Type_To_Param_Type (Get_Type (Attr_Decl));
- Pv := Memtyp_To_Pval (Get_Memtyp (Val));
- Set_Attribute (Inst, Id, Ptype, Pv);
- end Synth_Attribute_Object;
- procedure Synth_Attribute_Specification
- (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Spec : Node)
- is
- Attr_Decl : constant Node :=
- Get_Named_Entity (Get_Attribute_Designator (Spec));
- Value : Node;
- Val : Valtyp;
- Val_Type : Type_Acc;
- begin
- Val_Type := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Get_Type (Attr_Decl));
- Value := Get_Attribute_Value_Spec_Chain (Spec);
- while Value /= Null_Iir loop
- -- 2. The expression is evaluated to determine the value
- -- of the attribute.
- -- It is an error if the value of the expression does not
- -- belong to the subtype of the attribute; if the
- -- attribute is of an array type, then an implicit
- -- subtype conversion is first performed on the value,
- -- unless the attribute's subtype indication denotes an
- -- unconstrained array type.
- Val := Synth_Expression_With_Type
- (Syn_Inst, Get_Expression (Spec), Val_Type);
- -- Check_Constraints (Instance, Val, Attr_Type, Decl);
- -- 3. A new instance of the designated attribute is created
- -- and associated with each of the affected items.
- --
- -- 4. Each new attribute instance is assigned the value of
- -- the expression.
- Create_Object (Syn_Inst, Value, Val);
- -- Unshare (Val, Instance_Pool);
- if not Get_Instance_Const (Syn_Inst) then
- Synth_Attribute_Object (Syn_Inst, Value, Attr_Decl, Val);
- end if;
- Value := Get_Spec_Chain (Value);
- end loop;
- end Synth_Attribute_Specification;
- procedure Synth_Subprogram_Declaration
- (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Subprg : Node)
- is
- Inter : Node;
- begin
- if Is_Second_Subprogram_Specification (Subprg) then
- -- Already handled.
- return;
- end if;
- Inter := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Subprg);
- while Inter /= Null_Node loop
- Synth_Declaration_Type (Syn_Inst, Inter);
- Inter := Get_Chain (Inter);
- end loop;
- end Synth_Subprogram_Declaration;
- procedure Synth_Convertible_Declarations (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc)
- is
- use Vhdl.Std_Package;
- begin
- Create_Subtype_Object
- (Syn_Inst, Convertible_Integer_Type_Definition,
- Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Universal_Integer_Type_Definition));
- Create_Subtype_Object
- (Syn_Inst, Convertible_Real_Type_Definition,
- Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Universal_Real_Type_Definition));
- end Synth_Convertible_Declarations;
- function Create_Package_Instance (Parent_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
- Pkg : Node)
- return Synth_Instance_Acc
- is
- Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
- begin
- Syn_Inst := Make_Instance (Parent_Inst, Pkg);
- if Get_Kind (Get_Parent (Pkg)) = Iir_Kind_Design_Unit then
- -- Global package.
- Create_Package_Object (Parent_Inst, Pkg, Syn_Inst, True);
- else
- -- Local package: check elaboration order.
- Create_Package_Object (Parent_Inst, Pkg, Syn_Inst, False);
- end if;
- return Syn_Inst;
- end Create_Package_Instance;
- procedure Synth_Package_Declaration
- (Parent_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Pkg : Node)
- is
- Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
- begin
- if Is_Uninstantiated_Package (Pkg) then
- -- Nothing to do (yet) for uninstantiated packages.
- return;
- end if;
- Syn_Inst := Create_Package_Instance (Parent_Inst, Pkg);
- Synth_Declarations (Syn_Inst, Get_Declaration_Chain (Pkg));
- if Pkg = Vhdl.Std_Package.Standard_Package then
- Synth_Convertible_Declarations (Syn_Inst);
- end if;
- end Synth_Package_Declaration;
- procedure Synth_Package_Body
- (Parent_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Pkg : Node; Bod : Node)
- is
- Pkg_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
- begin
- if Is_Uninstantiated_Package (Pkg) then
- -- Nothing to do (yet) for uninstantiated packages.
- return;
- end if;
- Pkg_Inst := Get_Package_Object (Parent_Inst, Pkg);
- Synth_Declarations (Pkg_Inst, Get_Declaration_Chain (Bod));
- end Synth_Package_Body;
- procedure Synth_Generics_Association (Sub_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
- Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
- Inter_Chain : Node;
- Assoc_Chain : Node)
- is
- Ctxt : constant Context_Acc := Get_Build (Syn_Inst);
- Inter : Node;
- Inter_Type : Type_Acc;
- Assoc : Node;
- Assoc_Inter : Node;
- Actual : Node;
- Val : Valtyp;
- begin
- Assoc := Assoc_Chain;
- Assoc_Inter := Inter_Chain;
- while Is_Valid (Assoc) loop
- Inter := Get_Association_Interface (Assoc, Assoc_Inter);
- case Iir_Kinds_Interface_Declaration (Get_Kind (Inter)) is
- when Iir_Kind_Interface_Constant_Declaration =>
- Synth_Declaration_Type (Sub_Inst, Inter);
- Inter_Type := Get_Subtype_Object (Sub_Inst, Get_Type (Inter));
- case Get_Kind (Assoc) is
- when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open =>
- Actual := Get_Default_Value (Inter);
- Val := Synth_Expression_With_Type
- (Sub_Inst, Actual, Inter_Type);
- when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
- Actual := Get_Actual (Assoc);
- Val := Synth_Expression_With_Type
- (Syn_Inst, Actual, Inter_Type);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- Val := Synth_Subtype_Conversion
- (Ctxt, Val, Inter_Type, True, Assoc);
- if Val = No_Valtyp then
- Set_Error (Sub_Inst);
- elsif not Is_Static (Val.Val) then
- Error_Msg_Synth
- (+Assoc, "value of generic %i must be static", +Inter);
- Val := No_Valtyp;
- Set_Error (Sub_Inst);
- end if;
- Create_Object (Sub_Inst, Inter, Val);
- when Iir_Kind_Interface_Package_Declaration =>
- declare
- Actual : constant Iir :=
- Strip_Denoting_Name (Get_Actual (Assoc));
- Pkg_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
- begin
- Pkg_Inst := Get_Package_Object (Sub_Inst, Actual);
- Create_Package_Interface (Sub_Inst, Inter, Pkg_Inst);
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Interface_Variable_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Interface_File_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Interface_Signal_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Interface_Quantity_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Interface_Terminal_Declaration =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- when Iir_Kinds_Interface_Subprogram_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Interface_Type_Declaration =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- Next_Association_Interface (Assoc, Assoc_Inter);
- end loop;
- end Synth_Generics_Association;
- procedure Synth_Package_Instantiation
- (Parent_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Pkg : Node)
- is
- Bod : constant Node := Get_Instance_Package_Body (Pkg);
- Sub_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
- begin
- Sub_Inst := Create_Package_Instance (Parent_Inst, Pkg);
- Synth_Generics_Association
- (Sub_Inst, Parent_Inst,
- Get_Generic_Chain (Pkg), Get_Generic_Map_Aspect_Chain (Pkg));
- Synth_Declarations (Sub_Inst, Get_Declaration_Chain (Pkg));
- if Bod /= Null_Node then
- -- Macro expanded package instantiation.
- raise Internal_Error;
- else
- -- Shared body
- declare
- Uninst : constant Node := Get_Uninstantiated_Package_Decl (Pkg);
- Uninst_Bod : constant Node := Get_Package_Body (Uninst);
- begin
- Set_Uninstantiated_Scope (Sub_Inst, Uninst);
- -- Synth declarations of (optional) body.
- if Uninst_Bod /= Null_Node then
- Synth_Declarations
- (Sub_Inst, Get_Declaration_Chain (Uninst_Bod));
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
- end Synth_Package_Instantiation;
- procedure Synth_Variable_Declaration (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
- Decl : Node;
- Is_Subprg : Boolean)
- is
- Ctxt : constant Context_Acc := Get_Build (Syn_Inst);
- Def : constant Node := Get_Default_Value (Decl);
- Decl_Type : constant Node := Get_Type (Decl);
- Init : Valtyp;
- Obj_Typ : Type_Acc;
- Wid : Wire_Id;
- begin
- Synth_Declaration_Type (Syn_Inst, Decl);
- if Get_Kind (Decl_Type) = Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration then
- Error_Msg_Synth
- (+Decl, "protected type variable is not synthesizable");
- Set_Error (Syn_Inst);
- Create_Object (Syn_Inst, Decl, No_Valtyp);
- return;
- end if;
- Obj_Typ := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Decl_Type);
- if not Obj_Typ.Is_Synth
- and then not Get_Instance_Const (Syn_Inst)
- then
- Error_Msg_Synth
- (+Decl, "variable with access type is not synthesizable");
- -- FIXME: use a poison value ?
- Create_Object (Syn_Inst, Decl, Create_Value_Default (Obj_Typ));
- else
- if Is_Valid (Def) then
- Init := Synth_Expression_With_Type (Syn_Inst, Def, Obj_Typ);
- Init := Synth_Subtype_Conversion
- (Ctxt, Init, Obj_Typ, False, Decl);
- if not Is_Subprg
- and then not Is_Static (Init.Val)
- then
- Error_Msg_Synth
- (+Decl, "signals cannot be used in default value of "
- & "this variable");
- end if;
- else
- Init := Create_Value_Default (Obj_Typ);
- end if;
- if Get_Instance_Const (Syn_Inst) then
- Init := Strip_Alias_Const (Init);
- Init := Unshare (Init, Current_Pool);
- Create_Object (Syn_Inst, Decl, Init);
- else
- Create_Wire_Object (Syn_Inst, Wire_Variable, Decl);
- Create_Var_Wire (Syn_Inst, Decl, Init);
- Wid := Get_Value (Syn_Inst, Decl).Val.W;
- if Is_Subprg then
- if Is_Static (Init.Val) then
- Phi_Assign_Static (Wid, Get_Memtyp (Init));
- else
- Phi_Assign_Net (Ctxt, Wid, Get_Net (Ctxt, Init), 0);
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- end Synth_Variable_Declaration;
- procedure Synth_Signal_Declaration (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
- Decl : Node)
- is
- Ctxt : constant Context_Acc := Get_Build (Syn_Inst);
- Def : constant Iir := Get_Default_Value (Decl);
- -- Slot : constant Object_Slot_Type := Get_Info (Decl).Slot;
- Init : Valtyp;
- Obj_Typ : Type_Acc;
- begin
- Synth_Declaration_Type (Syn_Inst, Decl);
- if Get_Kind (Get_Parent (Decl)) = Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration then
- Error_Msg_Synth (+Decl, "signals in packages are not supported");
- -- Avoid elaboration error.
- Create_Object (Syn_Inst, Decl, No_Valtyp);
- return;
- end if;
- Create_Wire_Object (Syn_Inst, Wire_Signal, Decl);
- if Is_Valid (Def) then
- Obj_Typ := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Get_Type (Decl));
- Init := Synth_Expression_With_Type (Syn_Inst, Def, Obj_Typ);
- Init := Synth_Subtype_Conversion (Ctxt, Init, Obj_Typ, False, Decl);
- if not Is_Static (Init.Val) then
- Error_Msg_Synth (+Decl, "signals cannot be used in default value "
- & "of a signal");
- end if;
- else
- Init := No_Valtyp;
- end if;
- Create_Var_Wire (Syn_Inst, Decl, Init);
- end Synth_Signal_Declaration;
- procedure Synth_Object_Alias_Declaration
- (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Decl : Node)
- is
- Ctxt : constant Context_Acc := Get_Build (Syn_Inst);
- Atype : constant Node := Get_Declaration_Type (Decl);
- Off : Value_Offsets;
- Dyn : Stmts.Dyn_Name;
- Res : Valtyp;
- Obj_Typ : Type_Acc;
- Base : Valtyp;
- Typ : Type_Acc;
- begin
- -- Subtype indication may not be present.
- if Atype /= Null_Node then
- Synth_Subtype_Indication (Syn_Inst, Atype);
- Obj_Typ := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Atype);
- else
- Obj_Typ := null;
- end if;
- Stmts.Synth_Assignment_Prefix (Syn_Inst, Get_Name (Decl),
- Base, Typ, Off, Dyn);
- pragma Assert (Dyn.Voff = No_Net);
- if Base.Val.Kind = Value_Net then
- -- Object is a net if it is not writable. Extract the
- -- bits for the alias.
- Res := Create_Value_Net
- (Build2_Extract (Ctxt, Base.Val.N, Off.Net_Off, Typ.W),
- Typ);
- else
- Res := Create_Value_Alias (Base, Off, Typ);
- end if;
- if Obj_Typ /= null then
- Res := Synth_Subtype_Conversion (Ctxt, Res, Obj_Typ, True, Decl);
- end if;
- Create_Object (Syn_Inst, Decl, Res);
- end Synth_Object_Alias_Declaration;
- procedure Synth_Declaration (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
- Decl : Node;
- Is_Subprg : Boolean;
- Last_Type : in out Node) is
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Decl) is
- when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration =>
- Synth_Variable_Declaration (Syn_Inst, Decl, Is_Subprg);
- when Iir_Kind_Interface_Variable_Declaration =>
- -- Ignore default value.
- Create_Wire_Object (Syn_Inst, Wire_Variable, Decl);
- Create_Var_Wire (Syn_Inst, Decl, No_Valtyp);
- when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
- Synth_Constant_Declaration (Syn_Inst, Decl, Is_Subprg, Last_Type);
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
- pragma Assert (not Is_Subprg);
- Synth_Signal_Declaration (Syn_Inst, Decl);
- when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
- Synth_Object_Alias_Declaration (Syn_Inst, Decl);
- when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Signal_Declaration =>
- -- Anonymous signals created by inertial associations are
- -- simply ignored.
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
- Synth_Subprogram_Declaration (Syn_Inst, Decl);
- when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
- | Iir_Kind_Function_Body =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration =>
- -- Nothing to do: the type is a type_mark, not a subtype
- -- indication.
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification =>
- Synth_Attribute_Specification (Syn_Inst, Decl);
- when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
- Synth_Type_Definition (Syn_Inst, Get_Type_Definition (Decl));
- when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
- Synth_Anonymous_Type_Definition
- (Syn_Inst, Get_Type_Definition (Decl),
- Get_Subtype_Definition (Decl));
- when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
- Synth_Declaration_Type (Syn_Inst, Decl);
- when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
- declare
- F : File_Index;
- Res : Valtyp;
- Obj_Typ : Type_Acc;
- begin
- F := Synth.Vhdl_Files.Elaborate_File_Declaration
- (Syn_Inst, Decl);
- Obj_Typ := Get_Subtype_Object (Syn_Inst, Get_Type (Decl));
- Res := Create_Value_File (Obj_Typ, F);
- Create_Object (Syn_Inst, Decl, Res);
- end;
- when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Psl_Default_Clock =>
- -- Ignored; directly used by PSL directives.
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Attribute_Declaration =>
- -- Not supported by synthesis.
- null;
- when others =>
- Vhdl.Errors.Error_Kind ("synth_declaration", Decl);
- end case;
- end Synth_Declaration;
- procedure Synth_Declarations (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
- Decls : Iir;
- Is_Subprg : Boolean := False)
- is
- Decl : Node;
- Last_Type : Node;
- begin
- Last_Type := Null_Node;
- Decl := Decls;
- while Is_Valid (Decl) loop
- Synth_Declaration (Syn_Inst, Decl, Is_Subprg, Last_Type);
- exit when Is_Error (Syn_Inst);
- Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
- end loop;
- end Synth_Declarations;
- procedure Finalize_Signal (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Decl : Node)
- is
- use Netlists.Gates;
- Vt : Valtyp;
- Gate_Net : Net;
- Gate : Instance;
- Drv : Net;
- Def_Val : Net;
- begin
- Vt := Get_Value (Syn_Inst, Decl);
- if Vt = No_Valtyp then
- pragma Assert (Is_Error (Syn_Inst));
- return;
- end if;
- if Vt.Val.Kind = Value_Net then
- -- Could be a net for in ports.
- return;
- end if;
- Finalize_Assignment (Get_Build (Syn_Inst), Vt.Val.W);
- Gate_Net := Get_Wire_Gate (Vt.Val.W);
- Gate := Get_Net_Parent (Gate_Net);
- case Get_Id (Gate) is
- when Id_Signal
- | Id_Output
- | Id_Inout =>
- Drv := Get_Input_Net (Gate, 0);
- Def_Val := No_Net;
- when Id_Isignal
- | Id_Ioutput
- | Id_Iinout =>
- Drv := Get_Input_Net (Gate, 0);
- Def_Val := Get_Input_Net (Gate, 1);
- when others =>
- -- Todo: output ?
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
- if Drv = No_Net then
- if Is_Connected (Get_Output (Gate, 0)) then
- -- No warning if the signal is not used.
- -- TODO: maybe simply remove it.
- if Def_Val = No_Net then
- Warning_Msg_Synth
- (+Decl, "%n is never assigned and has no default value",
- (1 => +Decl));
- else
- Warning_Msg_Synth (+Decl, "%n is never assigned", (1 => +Decl));
- end if;
- end if;
- if Def_Val = No_Net then
- Def_Val := Build_Const_X (Get_Build (Syn_Inst),
- Get_Width (Gate_Net));
- end if;
- Connect (Get_Input (Gate, 0), Def_Val);
- end if;
- Free_Wire (Vt.Val.W);
- end Finalize_Signal;
- procedure Finalize_Declaration
- (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Decl : Node; Is_Subprg : Boolean) is
- begin
- case Get_Kind (Decl) is
- when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Interface_Variable_Declaration =>
- if not Get_Instance_Const (Syn_Inst) then
- declare
- Vt : constant Valtyp := Get_Value (Syn_Inst, Decl);
- begin
- if Vt /= No_Valtyp
- and then Vt.Val.Kind = Value_Wire
- then
- Finalize_Assignment (Get_Build (Syn_Inst), Vt.Val.W);
- Free_Wire (Vt.Val.W);
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
- when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Interface_Signal_Declaration =>
- pragma Assert (not Is_Subprg);
- Finalize_Signal (Syn_Inst, Decl);
- when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Signal_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
- | Iir_Kind_Function_Body =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Psl_Default_Clock =>
- -- Ignored; directly used by PSL directives.
- null;
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Attribute_Declaration =>
- -- Not supported by synthesis.
- null;
- when others =>
- Vhdl.Errors.Error_Kind ("finalize_declaration", Decl);
- end case;
- end Finalize_Declaration;
- procedure Finalize_Declarations (Syn_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
- Decls : Iir;
- Is_Subprg : Boolean := False)
- is
- Decl : Iir;
- begin
- Decl := Decls;
- while Is_Valid (Decl) loop
- Finalize_Declaration (Syn_Inst, Decl, Is_Subprg);
- Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
- end loop;
- end Finalize_Declarations;
-end Synth.Decls;