path: root/libraries/vendors
diff options
authorPatrick Lehmann <Patrick.Lehmann@plc2.de>2017-07-28 15:45:54 +0200
committerTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2017-07-29 08:39:30 +0200
commit06906cef13381eb8a021d0822b778df219b1f7b1 (patch)
tree8ad220372d6a022ee7d3cb2f1a28ed8532d5a9a1 /libraries/vendors
parent59e5071d5eb9ba98fa0c2189e48359d416165b4d (diff)
Reworked and improved pre-compile scripts.
Added Intel FPGA support. Extended list of UVVM verification IPs.
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/vendors')
13 files changed, 1560 insertions, 191 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-altera.ps1 b/libraries/vendors/compile-altera.ps1
index 030c21926..a6b442926 100644
--- a/libraries/vendors/compile-altera.ps1
+++ b/libraries/vendors/compile-altera.ps1
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Patrick Lehmann - Freiburg, Germany
# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
@@ -80,21 +81,21 @@ param(
# Clean up directory before analyzing.
[switch]$Clean = $false,
- # Set VHDL Standard to '93
+ # Set VHDL Standard to '93.
[switch]$VHDL93 = $false,
- # Set VHDL Standard to '08
+ # Set VHDL Standard to '08.
[switch]$VHDL2008 = $false,
# Skip warning messages. (Show errors only.)
[switch]$SuppressWarnings = $false,
- # Halt on errors
+ # Halt on errors.
[switch]$HaltOnError = $false,
- # Set vendor library source directory
+ # Set vendor library source directory.
[string]$Source = "",
- # Set output directory name
+ # Set output directory name.
[string]$Output = "",
- # Set GHDL executable
+ # Set GHDL binary directory.
[string]$GHDL = ""
@@ -103,11 +104,8 @@ param(
$WorkingDir = Get-Location
# set default values
-$EnableVerbose = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"]
-$EnableDebug = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
-if ($EnableVerbose -eq $null) { $EnableVerbose = $false }
-if ($EnableDebug -eq $null) { $EnableDebug = $false }
-if ($EnableDebug -eq $true) { $EnableVerbose = $true }
+$EnableDebug = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
+$EnableVerbose = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"] -or $EnableDebug
# load modules from GHDL's 'vendors' library directory
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\config.psm1 -Verbose:$false -Debug:$false -ArgumentList "AlteraQuartus"
@@ -137,7 +135,7 @@ function Get-AlteraQuartusDirectory
foreach ($Drive in Get-DriveInfo)
{ $Path = $Drive.Name + "Altera"
if (Test-Path $Path -PathType Container)
- { foreach ($Major in 17..13)
+ { foreach ($Major in 16..13)
{ foreach ($Minor in 3..0)
{ $Dir = $Path + "\" + $Major + "." + $Minor + "\quartus"
if (Test-Path $Dir -PathType Container)
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-intel.ps1 b/libraries/vendors/compile-intel.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a5dd32302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/vendors/compile-intel.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,555 @@
+# EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+# vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+# kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+# ==============================================================================
+# Authors: Patrick Lehmann
+# PowerShell Script: Script to compile the simulation libraries from Altera
+# Quartus for GHDL on Windows
+# Description:
+# ------------------------------------
+# This is a PowerShell script (executable) which:
+# - creates a subdirectory in the current working directory
+# - compiles all Altera Quartus simulation libraries and packages
+# ==============================================================================
+# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Patrick Lehmann - Freiburg, Germany
+# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+# ==============================================================================
+# This CmdLet compiles the simulation libraries from Altera.
+# This CmdLet:
+# (1) creates a subdirectory in the current working directory
+# (2) compiles all Altera Quartus simulation libraries and packages
+# o Altera standard libraries: lpm, sgate, altera, altera_mf, altera_lnsim
+# o Altera device libraries:
+# - arriaii, arriaii_pcie_hip, arriaiigz
+# - arriav, arriavgz, arriavgz_pcie_hip
+# - cycloneiv, cycloneiv_pcie_hip, cycloneive
+# - cyclonev
+# - max, maxii, maxv
+# - stratixiv, stratixiv_pcie_hip
+# - stratixv, stratixv_pcie_hip
+# - fiftyfivenm, twentynm
+ # Show the embedded help page(s)
+ [switch]$Help = $false,
+ # Compile all libraries and packages.
+ [switch]$All = $false,
+ # Compile the Altera standard libraries: lpm, sgate, altera, altera_mf, altera_lnsim
+ [switch]$Altera = $false,
+ # Compile the Altera Max device libraries
+ [switch]$Max = $false,
+ # Compile the Altera Cyclone device libraries
+ [switch]$Cyclone = $false,
+ # Compile the Altera Arria device libraries
+ [switch]$Arria = $false,
+ # Compile the Altera Stratix device libraries
+ [switch]$Stratix = $false,
+ # Unknown device library
+ [switch]$Nanometer = $false,
+ # Clean up directory before analyzing.
+ [switch]$Clean = $false,
+ # Set VHDL Standard to '93.
+ [switch]$VHDL93 = $false,
+ # Set VHDL Standard to '08.
+ [switch]$VHDL2008 = $false,
+ # Skip warning messages. (Show errors only.)
+ [switch]$SuppressWarnings = $false,
+ # Halt on errors.
+ [switch]$HaltOnError = $false,
+ # Set vendor library source directory.
+ [string]$Source = "",
+ # Set output directory name.
+ [string]$Output = "",
+ # Set GHDL binary directory.
+ [string]$GHDL = ""
+# ---------------------------------------------
+# save working directory
+$WorkingDir = Get-Location
+# set default values
+$EnableDebug = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
+$EnableVerbose = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"] -or $EnableDebug
+# load modules from GHDL's 'vendors' library directory
+$EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host "Loading modules..." -ForegroundColor Gray ) | Out-Null
+$EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\config.psm1 -Verbose:`$$false -Debug:`$$false -ArgumentList `"IntelQuartus`"" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\config.psm1 -Verbose:$false -Debug:$false -ArgumentList "IntelQuartus"
+$EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\shared.psm1 -Verbose:`$$false -Debug:`$$false -ArgumentList @(`"Intel Quartus Prime`", `"$WorkingDir`")" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\shared.psm1 -Verbose:$false -Debug:$false -ArgumentList @("Intel Quartus Prime", "$WorkingDir")
+# Display help if no command was selected
+$Help = $Help -or (-not ($All -or $Altera -or $Max -or $Cyclone -or $Arria -or $Stratix -or $Nanometer -or $Clean))
+if ($Help)
+{ Get-Help $MYINVOCATION.InvocationName -Detailed
+ Exit-CompileScript
+if ($All)
+{ $Altera = $true
+ $Max = $true
+ $Cyclone = $true
+ $Arria = $true
+ $Stratix = $true
+ $Nanometer = $true
+function Get-AlteraQuartusDirectory
+{ if (Test-Path env:QUARTUS_ROOTDIR)
+ { return $QUARTUS_ROOTDIR + "\" + (Get-VendorToolSourceDirectory) }
+ else
+ { $EnvSourceDir = ""
+ foreach ($Drive in Get-DriveInfo)
+ { $Path = $Drive.Name + "Altera"
+ if (Test-Path $Path -PathType Container)
+ { foreach ($Major in 16..13)
+ { foreach ($Minor in 3..0)
+ { $Dir = $Path + "\" + $Major + "." + $Minor + "\quartus"
+ if (Test-Path $Dir -PathType Container)
+ { $EnvSourceDir = $Dir + "\" + (Get-VendorToolSourceDirectory)
+ return $EnvSourceDir
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+$SourceDirectory = Get-SourceDirectory $Source (Get-AlteraQuartusDirectory)
+$DestinationDirectory = Get-DestinationDirectory $Output
+$GHDLBinary = Get-GHDLBinary $GHDL
+# create "Altera" directory and change to it
+New-DestinationDirectory $DestinationDirectory
+cd $DestinationDirectory
+$VHDLVersion,$VHDLStandard,$VHDLFlavor = Get-VHDLVariables $VHDL93 $VHDL2008
+# define global GHDL Options
+$GHDLOptions = @("-a", "-fexplicit", "-frelaxed-rules", "--mb-comments", "--warn-binding", "--ieee=$VHDLFlavor", "--no-vital-checks", "--std=$VHDLStandard", "-P$DestinationDirectory")
+# extract data from configuration
+# $SourceDir = $InstallationDirectory["AlteraQuartus"] + "\quartus\eda\sim_lib"
+$StopCompiling = $false
+$ErrorCount = 0
+# Cleanup directories
+# ==============================================================================
+if ($Clean)
+{ Write-Host "[ERROR]: '-Clean' is not implemented!" -ForegroundColor Red
+ Exit-CompileScript -1
+ Write-Host "Cleaning up vendor directory ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ rm *.cf
+# Altera standard libraries
+# ==============================================================================
+# compile lpm library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Altera)
+{ $Library = "lpm"
+ $Files = @(
+ "220pack.vhd",
+ "220model.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+# compile sgate library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Altera)
+{ $Library = "sgate"
+ $Files = @(
+ "sgate_pack.vhd",
+ "sgate.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+# compile altera library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Altera)
+{ $Library = "altera"
+ $Files = @(
+ "altera_europa_support_lib.vhd",
+ "altera_primitives_components.vhd",
+ "altera_primitives.vhd",
+ "altera_standard_functions.vhd",
+ "altera_syn_attributes.vhd",
+ "alt_dspbuilder_package.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+# compile altera_mf library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Altera)
+{ $Library = "altera_mf"
+ $Files = @(
+ "altera_mf_components.vhd",
+ "altera_mf.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+# compile altera_lnsim library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Altera)
+{ $Library = "altera_lnsim"
+ $Files = @(
+ "altera_lnsim_components.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+# Altera device libraries
+# ==============================================================================
+# compile max library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Max)
+{ $Library = "max"
+ $Files = @(
+ "max_atoms.vhd",
+ "max_components.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+# compile maxii library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Max)
+{ $Library = "maxii"
+ $Files = @(
+ "maxii_atoms.vhd",
+ "maxii_components.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+# compile maxv library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Max)
+{ $Library = "maxv"
+ $Files = @(
+ "maxv_atoms.vhd",
+ "maxv_components.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+# compile arriaii library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Arria)
+{ $Library = "arriaii"
+ $Files = @(
+ "arriaii_atoms.vhd",
+ "arriaii_components.vhd",
+ "arriaii_hssi_components.vhd",
+ "arriaii_hssi_atoms.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+# compile arriaii_pcie_hip library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Arria)
+{ $Library = "arriaii_pcie_hip"
+ $Files = @(
+ "arriaii_pcie_hip_components.vhd",
+ "arriaii_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+# compile arriaiigz library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Arria)
+{ $Library = "arriaiigz"
+ $Files = @(
+ "arriaiigz_atoms.vhd",
+ "arriaiigz_components.vhd",
+ "arriaiigz_hssi_components.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+# compile arriav library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Arria)
+{ $Library = "arriav"
+ $Files = @(
+ "arriav_atoms.vhd",
+ "arriav_components.vhd",
+ "arriav_hssi_components.vhd",
+ "arriav_hssi_atoms.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+# compile arriavgz library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Arria)
+{ $Library = "arriavgz"
+ $Files = @(
+ "arriavgz_atoms.vhd",
+ "arriavgz_components.vhd",
+ "arriavgz_hssi_components.vhd",
+ "arriavgz_hssi_atoms.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+# compile arriavgz_pcie_hip library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Arria)
+{ $Library = "arriavgz_pcie_hip"
+ $Files = @(
+ "arriavgz_pcie_hip_components.vhd",
+ "arriavgz_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+# compile cycloneiv library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Cyclone)
+{ $Library = "cycloneiv"
+ $Files = @(
+ "cycloneiv_atoms.vhd",
+ "cycloneiv_components.vhd",
+ "cycloneiv_hssi_components.vhd",
+ "cycloneiv_hssi_atoms.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+# compile cycloneiv_pcie_hip library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Cyclone)
+{ $Library = "cycloneiv_pcie_hip"
+ $Files = @(
+ "cycloneiv_pcie_hip_components.vhd",
+ "cycloneiv_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+# compile cycloneive library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Cyclone)
+{ $Library = "cycloneive"
+ $Files = @(
+ "cycloneive_atoms.vhd",
+ "cycloneive_components.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+# compile cyclonev library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Cyclone)
+{ $Library = "cyclonev"
+ $Files = @(
+ "cyclonev_atoms.vhd",
+ "cyclonev_components.vhd",
+ "cyclonev_hssi_components.vhd",
+ "cyclonev_hssi_atoms.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+# compile stratixiv library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Stratix)
+{ $Library = "stratixiv"
+ $Files = @(
+ "stratixiv_atoms.vhd",
+ "stratixiv_components.vhd",
+ "stratixiv_hssi_components.vhd",
+ "stratixiv_hssi_atoms.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+# compile stratixiv_pcie_hip library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Stratix)
+{ $Library = "stratixiv_pcie_hip"
+ $Files = @(
+ "stratixiv_pcie_hip_components.vhd",
+ "stratixiv_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+# compile stratixv library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Stratix)
+{ $Library = "stratixv"
+ $Files = @(
+ "stratixv_atoms.vhd",
+ "stratixv_components.vhd",
+ "stratixv_hssi_components.vhd",
+ "stratixv_hssi_atoms.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+# compile stratixv_pcie_hip library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Stratix)
+{ $Library = "stratixv_pcie_hip"
+ $Files = @(
+ "stratixv_pcie_hip_components.vhd",
+ "stratixv_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+# compile fiftyfivenm library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Nanometer)
+{ $Library = "fiftyfivenm"
+ $Files = @(
+ "fiftyfivenm_atoms.vhd",
+ "fiftyfivenm_components.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+# compile twentynm library
+if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $Nanometer)
+{ $Library = "twentynm"
+ $Files = @(
+ "twentynm_atoms.vhd",
+ "twentynm_components.vhd",
+ "twentynm_hip_components.vhd",
+ "twentynm_hip_atoms.vhd",
+ "twentynm_hssi_components.vhd",
+ "twentynm_hssi_atoms.vhd"
+ )
+ $SourceFiles = $Files | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $ErrorCount += 0
+ Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
+ $StopCompiling = $HaltOnError -and ($ErrorCount -ne 0)
+Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+Write-Host "Compiling Altera libraries " -NoNewline
+if ($ErrorCount -gt 0)
+{ Write-Host "[FAILED]" -ForegroundColor Red }
+{ Write-Host "[SUCCESSFUL]" -ForegroundColor Green }
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-intel.sh b/libraries/vendors/compile-intel.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46cccfde1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/vendors/compile-intel.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+# EMACS settings: -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
+# vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:noexpandtab
+# kate: tab-width 2; replace-tabs off; indent-width 2;
+# ==============================================================================
+# Authors: Patrick Lehmann
+# Bash Script: Script to compile the simulation libraries from Altera
+# Quartus for GHDL on Linux
+# Description:
+# ------------------------------------
+# This is a Bash script (executable) which:
+# - creates a subdirectory in the current working directory
+# - compiles all Altera Quartus-II simulation libraries and packages
+# ==============================================================================
+# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
+# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307, USA.
+# ==============================================================================
+# ---------------------------------------------
+# work around for Darwin (Mac OS)
+READLINK=readlink; if [[ $(uname) == "Darwin" ]]; then READLINK=greadlink; fi
+# save working directory
+ScriptDir="$(dirname $0)"
+ScriptDir="$($READLINK -f $ScriptDir)"
+# source configuration file from GHDL's 'vendors' library directory
+. $ScriptDir/../ansi_color.sh
+. $ScriptDir/config.sh
+. $ScriptDir/shared.sh
+# command line argument processing
+while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do
+ key="$1"
+ case $key in
+ -c|--clean)
+ ;;
+ -a|--all)
+ ;;
+ --altera)
+ ;;
+ --max)
+ ;;
+ --cyclone)
+ ;;
+ --arria)
+ ;;
+ --stratix)
+ ;;
+ --nanometer)
+ ;;
+ -h|--help)
+ ;;
+ -s|--skip-existing)
+ ;;
+ -S|--skip-largefiles)
+ ;;
+ -n|--no-warnings)
+ ;;
+ -H|--halt-on-error)
+ ;;
+ --vhdl93)
+ VHDLStandard=93
+ ;;
+ --vhdl2008)
+ VHDLStandard=2008
+ ;;
+ --ghdl)
+ GHDLBinDir="$2"
+ shift # skip argument
+ ;;
+ --src)
+ SrcDir="$2"
+ shift # skip argument
+ ;;
+ --out)
+ DestDir="$2"
+ shift # skip argument
+ ;;
+ *) # unknown option
+ echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} Unknown command line option '$key'.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
+ exit -1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift # past argument or value
+if [ $NO_COMMAND -eq 1 ]; then
+if [ "$HELP" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ test $NO_COMMAND -eq 1 && echo 1>&2 -e "\n${COLORED_ERROR} No command selected."
+ echo ""
+ echo "Synopsis:"
+ echo " A script to compile the Altera Quartus simulation libraries for GHDL on Linux."
+ echo " One library folder 'lib/v??' per VHDL library will be created relative to the current"
+ echo " working directory."
+ echo ""
+ echo " Use the adv. options or edit 'config.sh' to supply paths and default params."
+ echo ""
+ echo "Usage:"
+ echo " compile-altera.sh <common command>|<library> [<options>] [<adv. options>]"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Common commands:"
+ echo " -h --help Print this help page"
+ echo " -c --clean Remove all generated files"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Libraries:"
+ echo " -a --all Compile all Altera simulation libraries."
+ echo " --altera Compile the Altera standard libraries: lpm, sgate, altera, altera_mf, altera_lnsim."
+ echo " --max Compile the Altera Max device libraries."
+ echo " --cyclone Compile the Altera Cyclone device libraries."
+ echo " --arria Compile the Altera Arria device libraries."
+ echo " --stratix Compile the Altera Stratix device libraries."
+ echo " --nanometer Unknown device library."
+ echo ""
+ echo "Library compile options:"
+ echo " --vhdl93 Compile the libraries with VHDL-93."
+ echo " --vhdl2008 Compile the libraries with VHDL-2008."
+ echo " -s --skip-existing Skip already compiled files (an *.o file exists)."
+ echo " -S --skip-largefiles Don't compile large files. Exclude *HSSI* and *HIP* files."
+ echo " -H --halt-on-error Halt on error(s)."
+ echo ""
+ echo "Advanced options:"
+ echo " --ghdl <GHDL bin dir> Path to GHDL's binary directory, e.g. /usr/local/bin"
+ echo " --out <dir name> Name of the output directory, e.g. xilinx-vivado"
+ echo " --src <Path to lib> Path to the sources, e.g. /opt/altera/16.0/quartus/eda/sim_lib"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Verbosity:"
+ echo " -n --no-warnings Suppress all warnings. Show only error messages."
+ echo ""
+ exit 0
+if [ "$COMPILE_ALL" == "TRUE" ]; then
+if [ $VHDLStandard -eq 2008 ]; then
+ echo -e "${ANSI_RED}Not all Altera packages are VHDL-2008 compatible! Setting HALT_ON_ERROR to FALSE.${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
+DefaultDirectories=("/opt/Altera" "/opt/altera")
+if [ ! -z $QUARTUS_ROOTDIR ]; then
+ EnvSourceDir=$QUARTUS_ROOTDIR/${SourceDirectories[AlteraQuartus]}
+ for DefaultDir in ${DefaultDirectories[@]}; do
+ for Major in 17 16 15 14 13; do
+ for Minor in 3 2 1 0; do
+ Dir=$DefaultDir/${Major}.${Minor}/quartus
+ if [ -d $Dir ]; then
+ EnvSourceDir=$Dir/${SourceDirectories[AlteraQuartus]}
+ break 3
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ done
+# -> $SourceDirectories
+# -> $DestinationDirectories
+# -> $SrcDir
+# -> $DestDir
+# -> $GHDLBinDir
+# <= $SourceDirectory
+# <= $DestinationDirectory
+# <= $GHDLBinary
+SetupDirectories AlteraQuartus "Altera Quartus"
+# create "osvvm" directory and change to it
+# => $DestinationDirectory
+cd $DestinationDirectory
+# -> $VHDLStandard
+# <= $VHDLVersion
+# <= $VHDLStandard
+# <= $VHDLFlavor
+# define global GHDL Options
+GHDL_OPTIONS=(-fexplicit -frelaxed-rules --no-vital-checks --warn-binding --mb-comments)
+GHDL_PARAMS+=(--ieee=$VHDLFlavor --std=$VHDLStandard -P$DestinationDirectory)
+# Cleanup directories
+# ==============================================================================
+if [ "$CLEAN" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ echo 1>&2 -e "${COLORED_ERROR} '--clean' is not implemented!"
+ exit -1
+ echo -e "${ANSI_YELLOW}Cleaning up vendor directory ...${ANSI_NOCOLOR}"
+ rm *.o 2> /dev/null
+ rm *.cf 2> /dev/null
+# Altera standard libraries
+# ==============================================================================
+# compile lpm library
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_ALTERA" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ Library="lpm"
+ Files=(
+ 220pack.vhd
+ 220model.vhd
+ )
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+# compile sgate library
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_ALTERA" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ Library="sgate"
+ Files=(
+ sgate_pack.vhd
+ sgate.vhd
+ )
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+# compile altera library
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_ALTERA" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ Library="altera"
+ Files=(
+ altera_europa_support_lib.vhd
+ altera_primitives_components.vhd
+ altera_primitives.vhd
+ altera_standard_functions.vhd
+ altera_syn_attributes.vhd
+ alt_dspbuilder_package.vhd
+ )
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+# compile altera_mf library
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_ALTERA" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ Library="altera_mf"
+ Files=(
+ altera_mf_components.vhd
+ altera_mf.vhd
+ )
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+# compile altera_lnsim library
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_ALTERA" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ Library="altera_lnsim"
+ Files=(
+ altera_lnsim_components.vhd
+ )
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+# Altera device libraries
+# ==============================================================================
+# compile Max library
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_MAX" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ Library="max"
+ Files=(
+ max_atoms.vhd
+ max_components.vhd
+ )
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+# compile MaxII library
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_MAX" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ Library="maxii"
+ Files=(
+ maxii_atoms.vhd
+ maxii_components.vhd
+ )
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+# compile MaxV library
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_MAX" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ Library="maxv"
+ Files=(
+ maxv_atoms.vhd
+ maxv_components.vhd
+ )
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+# compile ArriaII library
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_ARRIA" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ Library="arriaii"
+ Files=(
+ arriaii_atoms.vhd
+ arriaii_components.vhd
+ )
+ if [ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]; then
+ Files+=(
+ arriaii_hssi_components.vhd
+ arriaii_hssi_atoms.vhd
+ )
+ fi
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_ARRIA" == "TRUE" ] && [ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]; then
+ Library="arriaii_pcie_hip"
+ Files=(
+ arriaii_pcie_hip_components.vhd
+ arriaii_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd
+ )
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+# compile ArriaIIGZ library
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_ARRIA" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ Library="arriaiigz"
+ Files=(
+ arriaiigz_atoms.vhd
+ arriaiigz_components.vhd
+ )
+ if [ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]; then
+ Files+=(
+ arriaiigz_hssi_components.vhd
+ )
+ fi
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+# compile ArriaV library
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_ARRIA" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ Library="arriav"
+ Files=(
+ arriav_atoms.vhd
+ arriav_components.vhd
+ )
+ if [ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]; then
+ Files+=(
+ arriav_hssi_components.vhd
+ arriav_hssi_atoms.vhd
+ )
+ fi
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+# compile ArriaVGZ library
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_ARRIA" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ Library="arriavgz"
+ Files=(
+ arriavgz_atoms.vhd
+ arriavgz_components.vhd
+ )
+ if [ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]; then
+ Files+=(
+ arriavgz_hssi_components.vhd
+ arriavgz_hssi_atoms.vhd
+ )
+ fi
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_ARRIA" == "TRUE" ] && [ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]; then
+ Library="arriavgz_pcie_hip"
+ Files=(
+ arriavgz_pcie_hip_components.vhd
+ arriavgz_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd
+ )
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+# compile CycloneIV library
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_CYCLONE" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ Library="cycloneiv"
+ Files=(
+ cycloneiv_atoms.vhd
+ cycloneiv_components.vhd
+ )
+ if [ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]; then
+ Files+=(
+ cycloneiv_hssi_components.vhd
+ cycloneiv_hssi_atoms.vhd
+ )
+ fi
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_CYCLONE" == "TRUE" ] && [ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]; then
+ Library="cycloneiv_pcie_hip"
+ Files=(
+ cycloneiv_pcie_hip_components.vhd
+ cycloneiv_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd
+ )
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+# compile CycloneIVE library
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_CYCLONE" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ Library="cycloneive"
+ Files=(
+ cycloneive_atoms.vhd
+ cycloneive_components.vhd
+ )
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+# compile CycloneV library
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_CYCLONE" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ Library="cyclonev"
+ Files=(
+ cyclonev_atoms.vhd
+ cyclonev_components.vhd
+ )
+ if [ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]; then
+ Files+=(
+ cyclonev_hssi_components.vhd
+ cyclonev_hssi_atoms.vhd
+ )
+ fi
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+# compile StratixIV library
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_STRATIX" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ Library="stratixiv"
+ Files=(
+ stratixiv_atoms.vhd
+ stratixiv_components.vhd
+ )
+ if [ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]; then
+ Files+=(
+ stratixiv_hssi_components.vhd
+ stratixiv_hssi_atoms.vhd
+ )
+ fi
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_STRATIX" == "TRUE" ] && [ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]; then
+ Library="stratixiv_pcie_hip"
+ Files=(
+ stratixiv_pcie_hip_components.vhd
+ stratixiv_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd
+ )
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+# compile StratixV library
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_STRATIX" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ Library="stratixv"
+ Files=(
+ stratixv_atoms.vhd
+ stratixv_components.vhd
+ )
+ if [ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]; then
+ Files+=(
+ stratixv_hssi_components.vhd
+ stratixv_hssi_atoms.vhd
+ )
+ fi
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_STRATIX" == "TRUE" ] && [ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]; then
+ Library="stratixv_pcie_hip"
+ Files=(
+ stratixv_pcie_hip_components.vhd
+ stratixv_pcie_hip_atoms.vhd
+ )
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+# compile fiftyfivenm library
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_NM" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ Library="fiftyfivenm"
+ Files=(
+ fiftyfivenm_atoms.vhd
+ fiftyfivenm_components.vhd
+ )
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+# compile twentynm library
+if [ $STOPCOMPILING -eq 0 ] && [ "$COMPILE_NM" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ Library="twentynm"
+ Files=(
+ twentynm_atoms.vhd
+ twentynm_components.vhd
+ )
+ if [ $SKIP_LARGE_FILES -eq 0 ]; then
+ Files+=(
+ twentynm_hip_components.vhd
+ twentynm_hip_atoms.vhd
+ twentynm_hssi_components.vhd
+ twentynm_hssi_atoms.vhd
+ )
+ fi
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
+echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+echo -n "Compiling Altera Quartus libraries "
+if [ $ERRORCOUNT -gt 0 ]; then
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-lattice.ps1 b/libraries/vendors/compile-lattice.ps1
index 789e6bd65..2761bf816 100644
--- a/libraries/vendors/compile-lattice.ps1
+++ b/libraries/vendors/compile-lattice.ps1
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Patrick Lehmann - Freiburg, Germany
# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
@@ -98,14 +99,14 @@ param(
# Skip warning messages. (Show errors only.)
[switch]$SuppressWarnings = $false,
- # Halt on errors
+ # Halt on errors.
[switch]$HaltOnError = $false,
- # Set vendor library source directory
+ # Set vendor library source directory.
[string]$Source = "",
- # Set output directory name
+ # Set output directory name.
[string]$Output = "",
- # Set GHDL executable
+ # Set GHDL binary directory.
[string]$GHDL = ""
@@ -114,11 +115,8 @@ param(
$WorkingDir = Get-Location
# set default values
-$EnableVerbose = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"]
-$EnableDebug = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
-if ($EnableVerbose -eq $null) { $EnableVerbose = $false }
-if ($EnableDebug -eq $null) { $EnableDebug = $false }
-if ($EnableDebug -eq $true) { $EnableVerbose = $true }
+$EnableDebug = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
+$EnableVerbose = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"] -or $EnableDebug
# load modules from GHDL's 'vendors' library directory
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\config.psm1 -Verbose:$false -Debug:$false -ArgumentList "LatticeDiamond"
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-osvvm.ps1 b/libraries/vendors/compile-osvvm.ps1
index 8b047adfd..bdf222810 100644
--- a/libraries/vendors/compile-osvvm.ps1
+++ b/libraries/vendors/compile-osvvm.ps1
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Patrick Lehmann - Freiburg, Germany
# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
@@ -59,11 +60,11 @@ param(
# Halt on errors
[switch]$HaltOnError = $false,
- # Set vendor library source directory
+ # Set vendor library source directory.
[string]$Source = "",
- # Set output directory name
+ # Set output directory name.
[string]$Output = "",
- # Set GHDL executable
+ # Set GHDL binary directory.
[string]$GHDL = ""
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-uvvm.ps1 b/libraries/vendors/compile-uvvm.ps1
index 8e53adb77..be9ca1d97 100644
--- a/libraries/vendors/compile-uvvm.ps1
+++ b/libraries/vendors/compile-uvvm.ps1
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Patrick Lehmann - Freiburg, Germany
# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
@@ -56,14 +57,20 @@ param(
[switch]$UVVM_VCC_Framework = $true,
# Compile all UVVM Verification IPs (VIPs).
[switch]$UVVM_VIP = $true,
+ # Compile VIP: Avalon_MM
+ [switch]$UVVM_VIP_Avalon_MM = $true,
# Compile VIP: AXI-Lite
[switch]$UVVM_VIP_AXI_Lite = $true,
# Compile VIP: AXI-Stream
[switch]$UVVM_VIP_AXI_Stream = $true,
+ # Compile VIP: GPIO
+ [switch]$UVVM_VIP_GPIO = $true,
# Compile VIP: I2C
[switch]$UVVM_VIP_I2C = $true,
# Compile VIP: SBI (Simple Byte Interface)
[switch]$UVVM_VIP_SBI = $true,
+ # Compile VIP: SPI
+ [switch]$UVVM_VIP_SPI = $true,
# Compile VIP: UART
[switch]$UVVM_VIP_UART = $true,
@@ -79,7 +86,7 @@ param(
[string]$Source = "",
# Set output directory name.
[string]$Output = "",
- # Set GHDL executable.
+ # Set GHDL binary directory.
[string]$GHDL = ""
@@ -98,7 +105,8 @@ Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\shared.psm1 -Verbose:$false -Debug:$false -ArgumentL
# Display help if no command was selected
if ($Help -or (-not ($All -or $Clean -or
($UVVM -or ($UVVM_Utilities -or $UVVM_VVC_Framework)) -or
- ($UVVM_VIP -or ($UVVM_VIP_AXI_Lite -or $UVVM_VIP_AXI_Stream -or $UVVM_VIP_I2C -or $UVVM_VIP_SBI -or $UVVM_VIP_UART)) )))
+ ($UVVM_VIP -or ($UVVM_VIP_Avalon_MM -or $UVVM_VIP_AXI_Lite -or $UVVM_VIP_AXI_Stream -or $UVVM_VIP_GPIO -or $UVVM_VIP_I2C -or
{ Get-Help $MYINVOCATION.InvocationName -Detailed
@@ -112,10 +120,13 @@ if ($UVVM)
$UVVM_VCC_Framework = $true
if ($UVVM_VIP)
-{ $UVVM_VIP_AXI_Lite = $true
+{ $UVVM_VIP_Avalon_MM = $true
+ $UVVM_VIP_AXI_Lite = $true
$UVVM_VIP_AXI_Stream = $true
+ $UVVM_VIP_GPIO = $true
$UVVM_VIP_I2C = $true
$UVVM_VIP_SBI = $true
+ $UVVM_VIP_SPI = $true
$UVVM_VIP_UART = $true
@@ -124,7 +135,7 @@ $SourceDirectory = Get-SourceDirectory $Source ""
$DestinationDirectory = Get-DestinationDirectory $Output
$GHDLBinary = Get-GHDLBinary $GHDL
-# create "Altera" directory and change to it
+# create "uvvm" directory and change to it
New-DestinationDirectory $DestinationDirectory
cd $DestinationDirectory
@@ -169,81 +180,30 @@ $UVVM_VVC_Files = @(
-$VIP_Files = @{
- "AXILite" = @{
- "Variable" = "UVVM_VIP_AXI_Lite";
- "Library" = "bitvis_vip_axilite";
- "Files" = @(
- "bitvis_vip_axilite\src\axilite_bfm_pkg.vhd",
- "bitvis_vip_axilite\src\vvc_cmd_pkg.vhd",
- "uvvm_vvc_framework\src_target_dependent\td_target_support_pkg.vhd",
- "uvvm_vvc_framework\src_target_dependent\td_vvc_framework_common_methods_pkg.vhd",
- "bitvis_vip_axilite\src\vvc_methods_pkg.vhd",
- "uvvm_vvc_framework\src_target_dependent\td_queue_pkg.vhd",
- "uvvm_vvc_framework\src_target_dependent\td_vvc_entity_support_pkg.vhd",
- "bitvis_vip_axilite\src\axilite_vvc.vhd"
- )
- };
- "AXIStream" = @{
- "Variable" = "UVVM_VIP_AXI_Stream";
- "Library" = "bitvis_vip_axistream";
- "Files" = @(
- "bitvis_vip_axistream\src\axistream_bfm_pkg.vhd",
- "bitvis_vip_axistream\src\vvc_cmd_pkg.vhd",
- "uvvm_vvc_framework\src_target_dependent\td_target_support_pkg.vhd",
- "uvvm_vvc_framework\src_target_dependent\td_vvc_framework_common_methods_pkg.vhd",
- "bitvis_vip_axistream\src\vvc_methods_pkg.vhd",
- "uvvm_vvc_framework\src_target_dependent\td_queue_pkg.vhd",
- "uvvm_vvc_framework\src_target_dependent\td_vvc_entity_support_pkg.vhd",
- "bitvis_vip_axistream\src\axistream_vvc.vhd"
- )
- };
- "I2C" = @{
- "Variable" = "UVVM_VIP_I2C";
- "Library" = "bitvis_vip_i2c";
- "Files" = @(
- "bitvis_vip_i2c\src\i2c_bfm_pkg.vhd",
- "bitvis_vip_i2c\src\vvc_cmd_pkg.vhd",
- "uvvm_vvc_framework\src_target_dependent\td_target_support_pkg.vhd",
- "uvvm_vvc_framework\src_target_dependent\td_vvc_framework_common_methods_pkg.vhd",
- "bitvis_vip_i2c\src\vvc_methods_pkg.vhd",
- "uvvm_vvc_framework\src_target_dependent\td_queue_pkg.vhd",
- "uvvm_vvc_framework\src_target_dependent\td_vvc_entity_support_pkg.vhd",
- "bitvis_vip_i2c\src\i2c_vvc.vhd"
- )
- };
- "SBI" = @{
- "Variable" = "UVVM_VIP_SBI";
- "Library" = "bitvis_vip_sbi";
- "Files" = @(
- "bitvis_vip_sbi/src/sbi_bfm_pkg.vhd",
- "bitvis_vip_sbi/src/vvc_cmd_pkg.vhd",
- "uvvm_vvc_framework/src_target_dependent/td_target_support_pkg.vhd",
- "uvvm_vvc_framework/src_target_dependent/td_vvc_framework_common_methods_pkg.vhd",
- "bitvis_vip_sbi/src/vvc_methods_pkg.vhd",
- "uvvm_vvc_framework/src_target_dependent/td_queue_pkg.vhd",
- "uvvm_vvc_framework/src_target_dependent/td_vvc_entity_support_pkg.vhd",
- "bitvis_vip_sbi/src/sbi_vvc.vhd"
- )
- };
- "UART" = @{
- "Variable" = "UVVM_VIP_UART";
- "Library" = "bitvis_vip_uart";
- "Files" = @(
- "bitvis_vip_uart\src\uart_bfm_pkg.vhd",
- "bitvis_vip_uart\src\vvc_cmd_pkg.vhd",
- "uvvm_vvc_framework\src_target_dependent\td_target_support_pkg.vhd",
- "uvvm_vvc_framework\src_target_dependent\td_vvc_framework_common_methods_pkg.vhd",
- "bitvis_vip_uart\src\vvc_methods_pkg.vhd",
- "uvvm_vvc_framework\src_target_dependent\td_queue_pkg.vhd",
- "uvvm_vvc_framework\src_target_dependent\td_vvc_entity_support_pkg.vhd",
- "bitvis_vip_uart\src\uart_rx_vvc.vhd",
- "bitvis_vip_uart\src\uart_tx_vvc.vhd",
- "bitvis_vip_uart\src\uart_vvc.vhd"
- )
+Write-Host "Reading VIP compile order files..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
+$VIP_Files = @{}
+foreach ($VIPDirectory in (Get-ChildItem -Path $SourceDirectory -Directory "*VIP*"))
+{ $VIPName = $VIPDirectory.Name
+ $VIPVariable = $VIPName.Substring(7).ToUpper().Replace("AXI", "AXI_")
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Found VIP: $VIPName" -ForegroundColor Gray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " Reading compile order from '$SourceDirectory\$VIPName\script\compile_order.txt'" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $VIPFiles = Get-Content "$SourceDirectory\$VIPName\script\compile_order.txt" | %{ Resolve-Path "$SourceDirectory\$VIPName\script\$_" }
+ if ($EnableDebug)
+ { foreach ($File in $VIPFiles)
+ { Write-Host " $File" -ForegroundColor DarkGray }
+ $VIP_Files[$VIPName] = @{
+ "Variable" = "UVVM_$VIPVariable";
+ "Library" = $VIPName;
+ "Files" = $VIPFiles
+ };
# UVVM packages
# ==============================================================================
# compile uvvm_util library
@@ -270,7 +230,7 @@ if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and $UVVM_VCC_Framework)
foreach ($vip in $VIP_Files.Keys)
{ if ((-not $StopCompiling) -and (Get-Variable $VIP_Files[$vip]["Variable"] -ValueOnly))
{ $Library = $VIP_Files[$vip]["Library"]
- $SourceFiles = $VIP_Files[$vip]["Files"] | % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
+ $SourceFiles = $VIP_Files[$vip]["Files"] #| % { "$SourceDirectory\$_" }
$ErrorCount += 0
Start-PackageCompilation $GHDLBinary $GHDLOptions $DestinationDirectory $Library $VHDLVersion $SourceFiles $SuppressWarnings $HaltOnError -Verbose:$EnableVerbose -Debug:$EnableDebug
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-uvvm.sh b/libraries/vendors/compile-uvvm.sh
index 4555c1f8e..9da8bc274 100644
--- a/libraries/vendors/compile-uvvm.sh
+++ b/libraries/vendors/compile-uvvm.sh
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Patrick Lehmann - Freiburg, Germany
# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
@@ -73,6 +74,46 @@ while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do
+ --uvvm-utilities)
+ ;;
+ --uvvm-vcc-framework)
+ ;;
+ --uvvm-vip-avalon_mm)
+ ;;
+ --uvvm-vip-axi_lite)
+ ;;
+ --uvvm-vip-axi_stream)
+ ;;
+ --uvvm-vip-gpio)
+ ;;
+ --uvvm-vip-i2c)
+ ;;
+ --uvvm-vip-sbi)
+ ;;
+ --uvvm-vip-spi)
+ ;;
+ --uvvm-vip-uart)
+ ;;
@@ -132,6 +173,20 @@ if [ "$HELP" == "TRUE" ]; then
echo " --uvvm Compile UVVM library packages."
echo " --uvvm-vip Compile UVVM Verification IPs (VIPs)."
echo ""
+ echo "Common Packages:"
+ echo " --uvvm-utilities "
+ echo " --uvvm-vcc-framework "
+ echo ""
+ echo "Verification IPs:"
+ echo " --uvvm-vip-avalon_mm "
+ echo " --uvvm-vip-axi_lite "
+ echo " --uvvm-vip-axi_stream "
+ echo " --uvvm-vip-gpio "
+ echo " --uvvm-vip-i2c "
+ echo " --uvvm-vip-sbi "
+ echo " --uvvm-vip-spi "
+ echo " --uvvm-vip-uart "
+ echo ""
echo "Library compile options:"
echo " -H --halt-on-error Halt on error(s)."
echo ""
@@ -155,10 +210,13 @@ if [ "$COMPILE_UVVM" == "TRUE" ]; then
if [ "$COMPILE_UVVM_VIP" == "TRUE" ]; then
@@ -252,6 +310,31 @@ fi
# Verification IPs
# ==============================================================================
+# compile bitvis_vip_avalon_mm packages
+if [ "$COMPILE_UVVM_VIP_AVALON_MM" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ Library="bitvis_vip_avalon_mm"
+ VHDLVersion="v08"
+ Files=(
+ bitvis_vip_avalon_mm/src/avalon_mm_bfm_pkg.vhd
+ bitvis_vip_avalon_mm/src/vvc_cmd_pkg.vhd
+ uvvm_vvc_framework/src_target_dependent/td_target_support_pkg.vhd
+ uvvm_vvc_framework/src_target_dependent/td_vvc_framework_common_methods_pkg.vhd
+ bitvis_vip_avalon_mm/src/vvc_methods_pkg.vhd
+ uvvm_vvc_framework/src_target_dependent/td_queue_pkg.vhd
+ uvvm_vvc_framework/src_target_dependent/td_vvc_entity_support_pkg.vhd
+ bitvis_vip_avalon_mm/src/avalon_mm_vvc.vhd
+ )
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
# compile bitvis_vip_axilite packages
if [ "$COMPILE_UVVM_VIP_AXILITE" == "TRUE" ]; then
@@ -302,6 +385,31 @@ if [ "$COMPILE_UVVM_VIP_AXISTREAM" == "TRUE" ]; then
+# compile bitvis_vip_gpio packages
+if [ "$COMPILE_UVVM_VIP_GPIO" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ Library="bitvis_vip_gpio"
+ VHDLVersion="v08"
+ Files=(
+ bitvis_vip_gpio/src/gpio_bfm_pkg.vhd
+ bitvis_vip_gpio/src/vvc_cmd_pkg.vhd
+ uvvm_vvc_framework/src_target_dependent/td_target_support_pkg.vhd
+ uvvm_vvc_framework/src_target_dependent/td_vvc_framework_common_methods_pkg.vhd
+ bitvis_vip_gpio/src/vvc_methods_pkg.vhd
+ uvvm_vvc_framework/src_target_dependent/td_queue_pkg.vhd
+ uvvm_vvc_framework/src_target_dependent/td_vvc_entity_support_pkg.vhd
+ bitvis_vip_gpio/src/gpio_vvc.vhd
+ )
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
# compile bitvis_vip_i2c packages
if [ "$COMPILE_UVVM_VIP_I2C" == "TRUE" ]; then
@@ -352,6 +460,31 @@ if [ "$COMPILE_UVVM_VIP_SBI" == "TRUE" ]; then
+# compile bitvis_vip_spi packages
+if [ "$COMPILE_UVVM_VIP_SPI" == "TRUE" ]; then
+ Library="bitvis_vip_spi"
+ VHDLVersion="v08"
+ Files=(
+ bitvis_vip_spi/src/spi_bfm_pkg.vhd
+ bitvis_vip_spi/src/vvc_cmd_pkg.vhd
+ uvvm_vvc_framework/src_target_dependent/td_target_support_pkg.vhd
+ uvvm_vvc_framework/src_target_dependent/td_vvc_framework_common_methods_pkg.vhd
+ bitvis_vip_spi/src/vvc_methods_pkg.vhd
+ uvvm_vvc_framework/src_target_dependent/td_queue_pkg.vhd
+ uvvm_vvc_framework/src_target_dependent/td_vvc_entity_support_pkg.vhd
+ bitvis_vip_spi/src/spi_vvc.vhd
+ )
+ # append absolute source path
+ SourceFiles=()
+ for File in ${Files[@]}; do
+ SourceFiles+=("$SourceDirectory/$File")
+ done
+ GHDLCompilePackages
# compile bitvis_vip_uart packages
if [ "$COMPILE_UVVM_VIP_UART" == "TRUE" ]; then
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-vunit.ps1 b/libraries/vendors/compile-vunit.ps1
index 993a91a31..2ba5b9362 100644
--- a/libraries/vendors/compile-vunit.ps1
+++ b/libraries/vendors/compile-vunit.ps1
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Patrick Lehmann - Freiburg, Germany
# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
@@ -56,14 +57,14 @@ param(
#Skip warning messages. (Show errors only.)
[switch]$SuppressWarnings = $false,
- # Halt on errors
+ # Halt on errors.
[switch]$HaltOnError = $false,
- # Set vendor library source directory
+ # Set vendor library source directory.
[string]$Source = "",
- # Set output directory name
+ # Set output directory name.
[string]$Output = "",
- # Set GHDL executable
+ # Set GHDL binary directory.
[string]$GHDL = ""
@@ -72,11 +73,8 @@ param(
$WorkingDir = Get-Location
# set default values
-$EnableVerbose = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"]
-$EnableDebug = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
-if ($EnableVerbose -eq $null) { $EnableVerbose = $false }
-if ($EnableDebug -eq $null) { $EnableDebug = $false }
-if ($EnableDebug -eq $true) { $EnableVerbose = $true }
+$EnableDebug = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
+$EnableVerbose = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"] -or $EnableDebug
# load modules from GHDL's 'vendors' library directory
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\config.psm1 -Verbose:$false -Debug:$false -ArgumentList "VUnit"
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-xilinx-ise.ps1 b/libraries/vendors/compile-xilinx-ise.ps1
index 3ec51d591..42a54327e 100644
--- a/libraries/vendors/compile-xilinx-ise.ps1
+++ b/libraries/vendors/compile-xilinx-ise.ps1
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Patrick Lehmann - Freiburg, Germany
# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
@@ -78,14 +79,14 @@ param(
# Skip warning messages. (Show errors only.)
[switch]$SuppressWarnings = $false,
- # Halt on errors
+ # Halt on errors.
[switch]$HaltOnError = $false,
- # Set vendor library source directory
+ # Set vendor library source directory.
[string]$Source = "",
- # Set output directory name
+ # Set output directory name.
[string]$Output = "",
- # Set GHDL executable
+ # Set GHDL binary directory.
[string]$GHDL = ""
@@ -99,11 +100,8 @@ if ($Help)
$WorkingDir = Get-Location
# set default values
-$EnableVerbose = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"]
-$EnableDebug = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
-if ($EnableVerbose -eq $null) { $EnableVerbose = $false }
-if ($EnableDebug -eq $null) { $EnableDebug = $false }
-if ($EnableDebug -eq $true) { $EnableVerbose = $true }
+$EnableDebug = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
+$EnableVerbose = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"] -or $EnableDebug
# load modules from GHDL's 'vendors' library directory
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\config.psm1 -Verbose:$false -Debug:$false -ArgumentList "XilinxISE"
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/compile-xilinx-vivado.ps1 b/libraries/vendors/compile-xilinx-vivado.ps1
index 621d84ab0..c25ab0c08 100644
--- a/libraries/vendors/compile-xilinx-vivado.ps1
+++ b/libraries/vendors/compile-xilinx-vivado.ps1
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Patrick Lehmann - Freiburg, Germany
# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
@@ -63,21 +64,21 @@ param(
# Clean up directory before analyzing.
[switch]$Clean = $false,
- # Set VHDL Standard to '93
+ # Set VHDL Standard to '93.
[switch]$VHDL93 = $false,
- # Set VHDL Standard to '08
+ # Set VHDL Standard to '08.
[switch]$VHDL2008 = $false,
# Skip warning messages. (Show errors only.)
[switch]$SuppressWarnings = $false,
- # Halt on errors
+ # Halt on errors.
[switch]$HaltOnError = $false,
- # Set vendor library source directory
+ # Set vendor library source directory.
[string]$Source = "",
- # Set output directory name
+ # Set output directory name.
[string]$Output = "",
- # Set GHDL executable
+ # Set GHDL binary directory.
[string]$GHDL = ""
@@ -86,11 +87,8 @@ param(
$WorkingDir = Get-Location
# set default values
-$EnableVerbose = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"]
-$EnableDebug = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
-if ($EnableVerbose -eq $null) { $EnableVerbose = $false }
-if ($EnableDebug -eq $null) { $EnableDebug = $false }
-if ($EnableDebug -eq $true) { $EnableVerbose = $true }
+$EnableDebug = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
+$EnableVerbose = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"] -or $EnableDebug
# load modules from GHDL's 'vendors' library directory
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\config.psm1 -Verbose:$false -ArgumentList "XilinxVivado"
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/config.psm1 b/libraries/vendors/config.psm1
index 873dad255..59e0a3ea9 100644
--- a/libraries/vendors/config.psm1
+++ b/libraries/vendors/config.psm1
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Patrick Lehmann - Freiburg, Germany
# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
@@ -40,34 +41,47 @@ $Module_VendorToolName = $VendorToolName
# Configure your tools here. Use absolute paths, without trailing directory
# delimiter. Empty strings indicate not installed tools
-$InstallationDirectories = @{
- "AlteraQuartus" = "" # "C:\Altera\16.0\quartus";
- "LatticeDiamond" = "" # "C:\Lattice\Diamond\3.8_x64"
- "OSVVM" = "" # "C:\git\GitHub\osvvm";
- "UVVM" = "" # "C:\git\GitHub\uvvm_all";
- "VUnit" = "" # "C:\git\GitHub\vunit"
- "XilinxISE" = "" # "C:\Xilinx\14.7\ISE_DS";
- "XilinxVivado" = "" # "C:\Xilinx\Vivado\2016.3";
-$SourceDirectories = @{
- "AlteraQuartus" = "eda\sim_lib";
- "LatticeDiamond" = "cae_library\simulation\vhdl"
- "OSVVM" = ".";
- "UVVM" = ".";
- "VUnit" = "vunit\vhdl";
- "XilinxISE" = "ISE\vhdl\src";
- "XilinxVivado" = "data\vhdl\src"
-$DestinationDirectories = @{
- "AlteraQuartus" = "altera";
- "LatticeDiamond" = "lattice";
- "OSVVM" = ".";
- "UVVM" = ".";
- "VUnit" = ".";
- "XilinxISE" = "xilinx-ise";
- "XilinxVivado" = "xilinx-vivado"
+$Settings = @{
+ "AlteraQuartus" = @{
+ "InstallationDirectory" = ""; # "C:\Altera\16.0\quartus";
+ "SourceDirectory" = "eda\sim_lib";
+ "DestinationDirectory" = "altera"
+ };
+ "IntelQuartus" = @{
+ "InstallationDirectory" = ""; # "C:\IntelFPGA\17.0\quartus";
+ "SourceDirectory" = "eda\sim_lib";
+ "DestinationDirectory" = "intel"
+ };
+ "LatticeDiamond" = @{
+ "InstallationDirectory" = ""; # "C:\Lattice\Diamond\3.8_x64";
+ "SourceDirectory" = "cae_library\simulation\vhdl";
+ "DestinationDirectory" = "lattice"
+ };
+ "OSVVM" = @{
+ "InstallationDirectory" = ""; # "C:\git\GitHub\osvvm";
+ "SourceDirectory" = ".";
+ "DestinationDirectory" = "."
+ };
+ "UVVM" = @{
+ "InstallationDirectory" = ""; # "C:\git\GitHub\uvvm_alls";
+ "SourceDirectory" = ".";
+ "DestinationDirectory" = "."
+ };
+ "VUnit" = @{
+ "InstallationDirectory" = ""; # "C:\git\GitHub\vunit";
+ "SourceDirectory" = "vunit\vhdl";
+ "DestinationDirectory" = "."
+ };
+ "XilinxISE" = @{
+ "InstallationDirectory" = ""; # "C:\Xilinx\14.7\ISE_DS";
+ "SourceDirectory" = "ISE\vhdl\src";
+ "DestinationDirectory" = "xilinx-ise"
+ };
+ "XilinxVivado" = @{
+ "InstallationDirectory" = ""; # "C:\Xilinx\Vivado\2017.1";
+ "SourceDirectory" = "data\vhdl\src";
+ "DestinationDirectory" = "xilinx-vivado"
+ }
@@ -79,7 +93,7 @@ function Get-VendorToolInstallationDirectory
- return $InstallationDirectories[$Module_VendorToolName]
+ return $Settings[$Module_VendorToolName]["InstallationDirectory"]
function Get-VendorToolSourceDirectory
@@ -90,7 +104,7 @@ function Get-VendorToolSourceDirectory
- return $SourceDirectories[$Module_VendorToolName]
+ return $Settings[$Module_VendorToolName]["SourceDirectory"]
function Get-VendorToolDestinationDirectory
@@ -101,7 +115,7 @@ function Get-VendorToolDestinationDirectory
- return $DestinationDirectories[$Module_VendorToolName]
+ return $Settings[$Module_VendorToolName]["DestinationDirectory"]
Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-VendorToolInstallationDirectory'
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/config.sh b/libraries/vendors/config.sh
index 0880fdb4a..f016917ca 100644
--- a/libraries/vendors/config.sh
+++ b/libraries/vendors/config.sh
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Patrick Lehmann - Freiburg, Germany
# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@
# compile script. Empty strings means not configured.
declare -A InstallationDirectories
InstallationDirectories[AlteraQuartus]="" # "/opt/altera/16.0/quartus"
+InstallationDirectories[IntelQuartus]="" # "/opt/intelFPGA/17.0/quartus"
InstallationDirectories[LatticeDiamond]="" # "/usr/local/diamond/3.7_x64"
InstallationDirectories[OSVVM]="" # "~/git/github/osvvm"
InstallationDirectories[UVVM]="" # "~/git/github/uvvm_all"
@@ -51,6 +53,7 @@ InstallationDirectories[XilinxVivado]="" # "/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2016.2"
# Configure preferred output directories for each library set:
declare -A DestinationDirectories
DestinationDirectories[OSVVM]="." # "osvvm"
@@ -61,6 +64,7 @@ DestinationDirectories[XilinxVivado]="xilinx-vivado"
# Declare source directories depending on the installation paths:
declare -A SourceDirectories
diff --git a/libraries/vendors/shared.psm1 b/libraries/vendors/shared.psm1
index f91b773e0..3ff91c2db 100644
--- a/libraries/vendors/shared.psm1
+++ b/libraries/vendors/shared.psm1
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Patrick Lehmann - Dresden, Germany
+# Copyright (C) 2017 Patrick Lehmann - Freiburg, Germany
# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
@@ -90,19 +91,22 @@ function Get-SourceDirectory
+ $VendorToolInstallationDirectory = Get-VendorToolInstallationDirectory
+ $VendorToolSourceDirectory = Get-VendorToolSourceDirectory
if ($Source -ne "")
{ $SourceDirectory = $Source.TrimEnd("\") }
elseif ($EnvSource -ne "")
{ $SourceDirectory = $EnvSource }
+ elseif ($VendorToolInstallationDirectory -ne "")
+ { $SourceDirectory = $VendorToolInstallationDirectory + "\" + $VendorToolSourceDirectory }
- { $SourceDirectory = (Get-VendorToolInstallationDirectory) + "\" + (Get-VendorToolSourceDirectory) }
- if ($SourceDirectory -eq "")
{ Write-Host "[ERROR]: $Module_VendorToolName is not configured in '$ScriptDir\config.psm1'." -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host " Use adv. options '-Source' and '-Output' or configure 'config.psm1'." -ForegroundColor Red
Exit-CompileScript -1
- elseif (-not (Test-Path $SourceDirectory -PathType Container))
+ if (-not (Test-Path $SourceDirectory -PathType Container))
{ Write-Host "[ERROR]: Path '$SourceDirectory' does not exist." -ForegroundColor Red
Exit-CompileScript -1
@@ -136,8 +140,8 @@ function Get-DestinationDirectory
Exit-CompileScript -1
- # if ($DestinationDirectory.IsAbsolute())
- # { $DestinationDirectory = "$Module_WorkingDir\$DestinationDirectory" }
+ if (-not [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($DestinationDirectory))
+ { $DestinationDirectory = "$Module_WorkingDir\$DestinationDirectory" }
return $DestinationDirectory
@@ -269,24 +273,22 @@ function Start-PackageCompilation
- # set default values
- $EnableVerbose = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"]
- $EnableDebug = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
- if ($EnableVerbose -eq $null) { $EnableVerbose = $false }
- if ($EnableDebug -eq $null) { $EnableDebug = $false }
- if ($EnableDebug -eq $true) { $EnableVerbose = $true }
+ # set default valuesvalues
+ $EnableDebug = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
+ $EnableVerbose = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"] -or $EnableDebug
- $LibraryDirectory="$DestinationDirectory/$Library/$VHDLVersion"
- $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " mkdir $LibraryDirectory" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ Write-Host "Compiling library '$Library' ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
+ $LibraryDirectory= "$DestinationDirectory/$Library/$VHDLVersion"
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Creating library $Library ..." -ForegroundColor Gray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " mkdir $LibraryDirectory" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
mkdir $LibraryDirectory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
- $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " cd $LibraryDirectory" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " cd $LibraryDirectory" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
cd $LibraryDirectory
- Write-Host "Compiling library '$Library' ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$ErrorCount = 0
foreach ($File in $SourceFiles)
- { Write-Host "Analyzing package file '$File'" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
- $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLBinary " + ($GHDLOptions -join " ") + " --work=$Library " + $File + " 2>&1"
- $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ { Write-Host " Analyzing package file '$File'" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ $InvokeExpr = "& '$GHDLBinary' " + ($GHDLOptions -join " ") + " --work=$Library " + $File + " 2>&1"
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
$ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings " "
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0)
{ $ErrorCount += 1
@@ -330,23 +332,21 @@ function Start-PrimitiveCompilation
# set default values
- $EnableVerbose = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"]
- $EnableDebug = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
- if ($EnableVerbose -eq $null) { $EnableVerbose = $false }
- if ($EnableDebug -eq $null) { $EnableDebug = $false }
- if ($EnableDebug -eq $true) { $EnableVerbose = $true }
+ $EnableDebug = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"]
+ $EnableVerbose = [bool]$PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"] -or $EnableDebug
+ Write-Host "Compiling library '$Library' ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
- $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " mkdir $LibraryDirectory" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableVerbose -and (Write-Host " Creating library $Library ..." -ForegroundColor Gray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " mkdir $LibraryDirectory" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
mkdir $LibraryDirectory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
- $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " cd $LibraryDirectory" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " cd $LibraryDirectory" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
cd $LibraryDirectory
- Write-Host "Compiling library '$Library' ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
$ErrorCount = 0
foreach ($File in $SourceFiles)
- { Write-Host "Analyzing primitive file '$File'" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
- $InvokeExpr = "$GHDLBinary " + ($GHDLOptions -join " ") + " --work=$Library " + $File + " 2>&1"
- $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
+ { Write-Host " Analyzing primitive file '$File'" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
+ $InvokeExpr = "& '$GHDLBinary' " + ($GHDLOptions -join " ") + " --work=$Library " + $File + " 2>&1"
+ $EnableDebug -and (Write-Host " $InvokeExpr" -ForegroundColor DarkGray ) | Out-Null
$ErrorRecordFound = Invoke-Expression $InvokeExpr | Restore-NativeCommandStream | Write-ColoredGHDLLine $SuppressWarnings " "
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0)
{ $ErrorCount += 1