path: root/doc/Starting_with_GHDL.rst
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authorTristan Gingold <gingold@adacore.com>2015-11-21 05:54:42 +0100
committerTristan Gingold <gingold@adacore.com>2015-11-24 05:22:09 +0100
commit60fd762fa36f72b9ddad8cda84b6c16c6936d942 (patch)
treebf6fe454ca4ed09519203f188b932408f6ceee5c /doc/Starting_with_GHDL.rst
parent27a4852201a41e7d6f8098cc05b7b0949ebc6af4 (diff)
Convert documentation to sphinx.
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/Starting_with_GHDL.rst')
1 files changed, 355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/Starting_with_GHDL.rst b/doc/Starting_with_GHDL.rst
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index 000000000..92818c781
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+Starting with GHDL
+In this chapter, you will learn how to use the GHDL compiler by
+working on two examples.
+The hello world program
+To illustrate the large purpose of VHDL, here is a commented VHDL
+"Hello world" program.
+.. code-block:: VHDL
+ -- Hello world program.
+ use std.textio.all; -- Imports the standard textio package.
+ -- Defines a design entity, without any ports.
+ entity hello_world is
+ end hello_world;
+ architecture behaviour of hello_world is
+ begin
+ process
+ variable l : line;
+ begin
+ write (l, String'("Hello world!"));
+ writeline (output, l);
+ wait;
+ end process;
+ end behaviour;
+Suppose this program is contained in the file :file:`hello.vhdl`.
+First, you have to compile the file; this is called `analysis` of a design
+file in VHDL terms.
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ ghdl -a hello.vhdl
+This command creates or updates a file :file:`work-obj93.cf`, which
+describes the library `work`. On GNU/Linux, this command generates a
+file :file:`hello.o`, which is the object file corresponding to your
+VHDL program. The object file is not created on Windows.
+Then, you have to build an executable file.
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ ghdl -e hello_world
+The :option:`-e` option means :dfn:`elaborate`. With this option, `GHDL`
+creates code in order to elaborate a design, with the :samp:`hello`
+entity at the top of the hierarchy.
+On GNU/Linux, the result is an executable program called :file:`hello`
+which can be run:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ ghdl -r hello_world
+or directly:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ ./hello_world
+On Windows, no file is created. The simulation is launched using this command:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ > ghdl -r hello_world
+The result of the simulation appears on the screen::
+ Hello world!
+A full adder
+VHDL is generally used for hardware design. This example starts with
+a full adder described in the :file:`adder.vhdl` file:
+.. code-block:: VHDL
+ entity adder is
+ -- `i0`, `i1` and the carry-in `ci` are inputs of the adder.
+ -- `s` is the sum output, `co` is the carry-out.
+ port (i0, i1 : in bit; ci : in bit; s : out bit; co : out bit);
+ end adder;
+ architecture rtl of adder is
+ begin
+ -- This full-adder architecture contains two concurrent assignment.
+ -- Compute the sum.
+ s <= i0 xor i1 xor ci;
+ -- Compute the carry.
+ co <= (i0 and i1) or (i0 and ci) or (i1 and ci);
+ end rtl;
+You can analyze this design file:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ ghdl -a adder.vhdl
+You can try to execute the `adder` design, but this is useless,
+since nothing externally visible will happen. In order to
+check this full adder, a testbench has to be run. This testbench is
+very simple, since the adder is also simple: it checks exhaustively all
+inputs. Note that only the behaviour is tested, timing constraints are
+not checked. The file :file:`adder_tb.vhdl` contains the testbench for
+the adder:
+.. code-block:: VHDL
+ -- A testbench has no ports.
+ entity adder_tb is
+ end adder_tb;
+ architecture behav of adder_tb is
+ -- Declaration of the component that will be instantiated.
+ component adder
+ port (i0, i1 : in bit; ci : in bit; s : out bit; co : out bit);
+ end component;
+ -- Specifies which entity is bound with the component.
+ for adder_0: adder use entity work.adder;
+ signal i0, i1, ci, s, co : bit;
+ begin
+ -- Component instantiation.
+ adder_0: adder port map (i0 => i0, i1 => i1, ci => ci,
+ s => s, co => co);
+ -- This process does the real job.
+ process
+ type pattern_type is record
+ -- The inputs of the adder.
+ i0, i1, ci : bit;
+ -- The expected outputs of the adder.
+ s, co : bit;
+ end record;
+ -- The patterns to apply.
+ type pattern_array is array (natural range <>) of pattern_type;
+ constant patterns : pattern_array :=
+ (('0', '0', '0', '0', '0'),
+ ('0', '0', '1', '1', '0'),
+ ('0', '1', '0', '1', '0'),
+ ('0', '1', '1', '0', '1'),
+ ('1', '0', '0', '1', '0'),
+ ('1', '0', '1', '0', '1'),
+ ('1', '1', '0', '0', '1'),
+ ('1', '1', '1', '1', '1'));
+ begin
+ -- Check each pattern.
+ for i in patterns'range loop
+ -- Set the inputs.
+ i0 <= patterns(i).i0;
+ i1 <= patterns(i).i1;
+ ci <= patterns(i).ci;
+ -- Wait for the results.
+ wait for 1 ns;
+ -- Check the outputs.
+ assert s = patterns(i).s
+ report "bad sum value" severity error;
+ assert co = patterns(i).co
+ report "bad carray out value" severity error;
+ end loop;
+ assert false report "end of test" severity note;
+ -- Wait forever; this will finish the simulation.
+ wait;
+ end process;
+ end behav;
+As usual, you should analyze the design:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ ghdl -a adder_tb.vhdl
+And build an executable for the testbench:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ ghdl -e adder_tb
+You do not need to specify which object files are required: GHDL knows them
+and automatically adds them in the executable. Now, it is time to run the
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ ghdl -r adder_tb
+ adder_tb.vhdl:52:7:(assertion note): end of test
+If your design is rather complex, you'd like to inspect signals. Signals
+value can be dumped using the VCD file format. The resulting file can be
+read with a wave viewer such as GTKWave. First, you should simulate your
+design and dump a waveform file:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ ghdl -r adder_tb --vcd=adder.vcd
+Then, you may now view the waves:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ gtkwave adder.vcd
+See :ref:`Simulation_options`, for more details on the :option:`--vcd` option and
+other runtime options.
+Starting with a design
+Unless you are only studying VHDL, you will work with bigger designs than
+the ones of the previous examples.
+Let's see how to analyze and run a bigger design, such as the DLX model
+suite written by Peter Ashenden which is distributed under the terms of the
+GNU General Public License. A copy is kept on
+First, untar the sources:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ tar zxvf dlx.tar.gz
+In order not to pollute the sources with the library, it is a good idea
+to create a :file:`work/` subdirectory for the `WORK` library. To
+any GHDL commands, we will add the :option:`--workdir=work` option, so
+that all files generated by the compiler (except the executable) will be
+placed in this directory.
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ cd dlx
+ $ mkdir work
+We will run the :samp:`dlx_test_behaviour` design. We need to analyze
+all the design units for the design hierarchy, in the correct order.
+GHDL provides an easy way to do this, by importing the sources:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ ghdl -i --workdir=work *.vhdl
+and making a design:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ ghdl -m --workdir=work dlx_test_behaviour
+Before this second stage, GHDL knows all the design units of the DLX,
+but no one have been analyzed. The make command of GHDL analyzes and
+elaborates a design. This creates many files in the :file:`work/`
+directory, and the :file:`dlx_test_behaviour` executable in the current
+The simulation needs to have a DLX program contained in the file
+:file:`dlx.out`. This memory image will be be loaded in the DLX memory.
+Just take one sample:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ cp test_loop.out dlx.out
+And you can run the test suite:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ ghdl -r dlx_test_behaviour
+The test bench monitors the bus and displays each instruction executed.
+It finishes with an assertion of severity level note:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ dlx-behaviour.vhdl:395:11:(assertion note): TRAP instruction
+ encountered, execution halted
+Since the clock is still running, you have to manually stop the program
+with the :kbd:`C-c` key sequence. This behavior prevents you from running the
+test bench in batch mode. However, you may force the simulator to
+stop when an assertion above or equal a certain severity level occurs:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ $ ghdl -r dlx_test_behaviour --assert-level=note
+With this option, the program stops just after the previous message::
+ dlx-behaviour.vhdl:395:11:(assertion note): TRAP instruction
+ encountered, execution halted
+ error: assertion failed
+If you want to make room on your hard drive, you can either:
+* clean the design library with the GHDL command:
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ $ ghdl --clean --workdir=work
+ This removes the executable and all the object files. If you want to
+ rebuild the design at this point, just do the make command as shown
+ above.
+* remove the design library with the GHDL command:
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ $ ghdl --remove --workdir=work
+ This removes the executable, all the object files and the library file.
+ If you want to rebuild the design, you have to import the sources again,
+ and to make the design.
+* remove the :file:`work/` directory:
+ .. code-block:: shell
+ $ rm -rf work
+ Only the executable is kept. If you want to rebuild the design, create
+ the :file:`work/` directory, import the sources, and make the design.
+Sometimes, a design does not fully follow the VHDL standards. For example it
+uses the badly engineered :samp:`std_logic_unsigned` package. GHDL supports
+this VHDL dialect through some options::
+ --ieee=synopsys -fexplicit
+See :ref:`IEEE_library_pitfalls`, for more details.