diff options
authorTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2016-09-20 08:07:54 +0200
committerTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2016-09-20 08:07:54 +0200
commitf0815de199ae3835d2555c1b85732977e8d72afe (patch)
parent06328816aa9cda1137b5dd0bd59c3075bd40f810 (diff)
Create a pseudo source file for instantiation.
6 files changed, 306 insertions, 110 deletions
diff --git a/src/files_map.adb b/src/files_map.adb
index 1ccdca5af..a1844cbb2 100644
--- a/src/files_map.adb
+++ b/src/files_map.adb
@@ -38,8 +38,22 @@ package body Files_Map is
type Lines_Table_Type is array (Positive) of Source_Ptr;
type Lines_Table_Ptr is access all Lines_Table_Type;
+ -- There are several kinds of source file.
+ type Source_File_Kind is
+ (
+ -- A *real* source file, read from the filesystem.
+ Source_File_File,
+ -- A virtual source file, created from a string.
+ Source_File_String,
+ -- A duplicated source file (there is no copy however), created by
+ -- an instantiation.
+ Source_File_Instance);
-- Data associed with a file.
- type Source_File_Record is record
+ type Source_File_Record (Kind : Source_File_Kind := Source_File_File) is
+ record
-- All location between first and last belong to this file.
First_Location : Location_Type;
Last_Location : Location_Type;
@@ -58,19 +72,34 @@ package body Files_Map is
Checksum : File_Checksum_Id;
- -- Line table
+ case Kind is
+ when Source_File_File =>
+ -- Line table
+ -- Current number of line in Lines_Table.
+ Nbr_Lines : Natural;
+ Lines_Table : Lines_Table_Ptr;
- -- Current number of line in Lines_Table.
- Nbr_Lines : Natural;
+ -- Current size of Lines_Table.
+ Lines_Table_Max : Natural;
- Lines_Table : Lines_Table_Ptr;
+ -- Cache for line table.
+ Cache_Line : Natural;
+ Cache_Pos : Source_Ptr;
- -- Current size of Lines_Table.
- Lines_Table_Max : Natural;
+ when Source_File_String =>
+ -- There is only one line.
+ null;
- -- Cache.
- Cache_Line : Natural;
- Cache_Pos : Source_Ptr;
+ when Source_File_Instance =>
+ -- The instance was created from REF.
+ Ref : Source_File_Entry;
+ -- The ultimate non-instance is BASE.
+ Base : Source_File_Entry;
+ Instance_Loc : Location_Type;
+ end case;
end record;
-- Next location to use.
@@ -100,8 +129,7 @@ package body Files_Map is
procedure Location_To_File_Pos (Location : Location_Type;
File : out Source_File_Entry;
- Pos : out Source_Ptr)
- is
+ Pos : out Source_Ptr) is
-- FIXME: use a cache
-- FIXME: dicotomy
@@ -123,18 +151,17 @@ package body Files_Map is
end Location_To_File_Pos;
function File_Pos_To_Location (File : Source_File_Entry; Pos : Source_Ptr)
- return Location_Type is
+ return Location_Type
+ is
+ pragma Assert (File <= Source_Files.Last);
- if Source_Files.Table (File).Source = null then
- raise Internal_Error;
- else
- return Source_Files.Table (File).First_Location + Location_Type (Pos);
- end if;
+ return Source_Files.Table (File).First_Location + Location_Type (Pos);
end File_Pos_To_Location;
function Source_File_To_Location (File : Source_File_Entry)
- return Location_Type
+ return Location_Type
+ pragma Assert (File <= Source_Files.Last);
return Source_Files.Table (File).First_Location;
end Source_File_To_Location;
@@ -185,6 +212,9 @@ package body Files_Map is
Source_File: Source_File_Record renames Source_Files.Table (File);
+ -- Can only add line number to a real file.
+ pragma Assert (Source_File.Kind = Source_File_File);
-- Debug trace.
if False then
Put_Line ("file" & Source_File_Entry'Image (File)
@@ -233,12 +263,11 @@ package body Files_Map is
-- A logical column is the position of the character when displayed.
-- A HT (tabulation) moves the cursor to the next position multiple of 8.
-- The first character is at position 1 and at offset 0.
- procedure Coord_To_Position
- (File : Source_File_Entry;
- Line_Pos : Source_Ptr;
- Offset : Natural;
- Name : out Name_Id;
- Col : out Natural)
+ procedure Coord_To_Position (File : Source_File_Entry;
+ Line_Pos : Source_Ptr;
+ Offset : Natural;
+ Name : out Name_Id;
+ Col : out Natural)
Source_File: Source_File_Record renames Source_Files.Table (File);
Res : Positive := 1;
@@ -260,8 +289,7 @@ package body Files_Map is
-- Should only be called by Location_To_Coord.
function Location_To_Line
- (Source_File : Source_File_Record; Pos : Source_Ptr)
- return Natural
+ (Source_File : Source_File_Record; Pos : Source_Ptr) return Natural
Lines_Table : constant Lines_Table_Ptr := Source_File.Lines_Table;
Low, Hi, Mid : Natural;
@@ -354,12 +382,12 @@ package body Files_Map is
end loop;
end Location_To_Line;
- procedure Location_To_Coord
- (Source_File : in out Source_File_Record;
- Pos : Source_Ptr;
- Line_Pos : out Source_Ptr;
- Line : out Natural;
- Offset : out Natural)
+ -- Internal procedure
+ procedure Location_To_Coord (Source_File : in out Source_File_Record;
+ Pos : Source_Ptr;
+ Line_Pos : out Source_Ptr;
+ Line : out Natural;
+ Offset : out Natural)
Line_P : Source_Ptr;
Line_Threshold : constant Natural := 4;
@@ -399,11 +427,10 @@ package body Files_Map is
Source_File.Cache_Line := Line;
end Location_To_Coord;
- procedure Location_To_Position
- (Location : Location_Type;
- Name : out Name_Id;
- Line : out Natural;
- Col : out Natural)
+ procedure Location_To_Position (Location : Location_Type;
+ Name : out Name_Id;
+ Line : out Natural;
+ Col : out Natural)
File : Source_File_Entry;
Line_Pos : Source_Ptr;
@@ -413,18 +440,34 @@ package body Files_Map is
Coord_To_Position (File, Line_Pos, Offset, Name, Col);
end Location_To_Position;
- procedure Location_To_Coord
- (Location : Location_Type;
- File : out Source_File_Entry;
- Line_Pos : out Source_Ptr;
- Line : out Natural;
- Offset : out Natural)
+ procedure Location_To_Coord (Location : Location_Type;
+ File : out Source_File_Entry;
+ Line_Pos : out Source_Ptr;
+ Line : out Natural;
+ Offset : out Natural)
Pos : Source_Ptr;
+ -- Get FILE and position POS in the file.
Location_To_File_Pos (Location, File, Pos);
- Location_To_Coord (Source_Files.Table (File), Pos,
- Line_Pos, Line, Offset);
+ case Source_Files.Table (File).Kind is
+ when Source_File_File =>
+ Location_To_Coord (Source_Files.Table (File), Pos,
+ Line_Pos, Line, Offset);
+ when Source_File_String =>
+ Line_Pos := Source_Ptr_Org;
+ Line := 1;
+ Offset := Natural (Pos - Source_Ptr_Org);
+ when Source_File_Instance =>
+ declare
+ Base : constant Source_File_Entry :=
+ Source_Files.Table (File).Base;
+ begin
+ Location_To_Coord (Source_Files.Table (Base), Pos,
+ Line_Pos, Line, Offset);
+ end;
+ end case;
end Location_To_Coord;
-- Convert the first digit of VAL into a character (base 10).
@@ -569,7 +612,8 @@ package body Files_Map is
-- Create a new entry.
Res := Source_Files.Allocate;
- Source_Files.Table (Res) := (First_Location => Next_Location,
+ Source_Files.Table (Res) := (Kind => Source_File_File,
+ First_Location => Next_Location,
Last_Location => Next_Location,
File_Name => Name,
Directory => Directory,
@@ -592,8 +636,7 @@ package body Files_Map is
Res : Source_File_Entry;
Buffer: File_Buffer_Acc;
- Res := Create_Source_File_Entry (Null_Identifier, Name);
+ -- Fill buffer.
Buffer := new File_Buffer
(Source_Ptr_Org .. Source_Ptr_Org + Len + 1);
@@ -604,11 +647,19 @@ package body Files_Map is
Buffer (Source_Ptr_Org + Len) := EOT;
Buffer (Source_Ptr_Org + Len + 1) := EOT;
- Source_Files.Table (Res).Last_Location :=
- Next_Location + Location_Type (Len) + 1;
+ -- Create entry.
+ Res := Source_Files.Allocate;
+ Source_Files.Table (Res) :=
+ (Kind => Source_File_String,
+ First_Location => Next_Location,
+ Last_Location => Next_Location + Location_Type (Len) + 1,
+ File_Name => Name,
+ Directory => Null_Identifier,
+ Checksum => No_File_Checksum_Id,
+ Source => Buffer,
+ File_Length => Natural (Len));
Next_Location := Source_Files.Table (Res).Last_Location + 1;
- Source_Files.Table (Res).Source := Buffer;
- Source_Files.Table (Res).File_Length := Natural (Len);
return Res;
end Create_Source_File_From_String;
@@ -619,6 +670,79 @@ package body Files_Map is
return Create_Source_File_From_String (Name, "");
end Create_Virtual_Source_File;
+ function Create_Instance_Source_File
+ (Ref : Source_File_Entry; Loc : Location_Type; Inst : Nodes.Node_Type)
+ return Source_File_Entry
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Inst);
+ Base : Source_File_Entry;
+ Res : Source_File_Entry;
+ begin
+ if Source_Files.Table (Ref).Kind = Source_File_Instance then
+ Base := Source_Files.Table (Ref).Base;
+ else
+ Base := Ref;
+ end if;
+ -- Create entry.
+ Res := Source_Files.Allocate;
+ declare
+ F : Source_File_Record renames Source_Files.Table (Base);
+ begin
+ Source_Files.Table (Res) :=
+ (Kind => Source_File_Instance,
+ First_Location => Next_Location,
+ Last_Location => Next_Location + Location_Type (F.File_Length) + 1,
+ File_Name => F.File_Name,
+ Directory => F.Directory,
+ Checksum => F.Checksum,
+ Source => F.Source,
+ File_Length => F.File_Length,
+ Ref => Ref,
+ Base => Base,
+ Instance_Loc => Loc);
+ Next_Location := Source_Files.Table (Res).Last_Location + 1;
+ end;
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Instance_Source_File;
+ function Instance_Relocate
+ (Inst_File : Source_File_Entry; Loc : Location_Type)
+ return Location_Type
+ is
+ pragma Assert (Inst_File <= Source_Files.Last);
+ F : Source_File_Record renames Source_Files.Table (Inst_File);
+ pragma Assert (F.Kind = Source_File_Instance);
+ R : Source_File_Record renames Source_Files.Table (F.Ref);
+ begin
+ if Loc >= R.First_Location and Loc <= R.Last_Location then
+ return F.First_Location + (Loc - R.First_Location);
+ else
+ return Loc;
+ end if;
+ end Instance_Relocate;
+ function Location_Instance_To_Location
+ (Loc : Location_Type) return Location_Type
+ is
+ File : Source_File_Entry;
+ Pos : Source_Ptr;
+ begin
+ if Loc = No_Location then
+ return No_Location;
+ end if;
+ Location_To_File_Pos (Loc, File, Pos);
+ if Source_Files.Table (File).Kind = Source_File_Instance then
+ return Source_Files.Table (File).Instance_Loc;
+ else
+ return No_Location;
+ end if;
+ end Location_Instance_To_Location;
-- Return an entry for a filename.
-- Load the filename if necessary.
function Load_Source_File (Directory : Name_Id; Name: Name_Id)
@@ -744,13 +868,25 @@ package body Files_Map is
function Line_To_Position (File : Source_File_Entry; Line : Natural)
return Source_Ptr
+ pragma Assert (File <= Source_Files.Last);
+ Source_File: Source_File_Record renames Source_Files.Table (File);
- Check_File (File);
- if Line > Source_Files.Table (File).Nbr_Lines then
- return Source_Ptr_Bad;
- else
- return Source_Files.Table (File).Lines_Table (Line);
- end if;
+ case Source_File.Kind is
+ when Source_File_File =>
+ if Line > Source_File.Nbr_Lines then
+ return Source_Ptr_Bad;
+ else
+ return Source_File.Lines_Table (Line);
+ end if;
+ when Source_File_String =>
+ if Line /= 1 then
+ return Source_Ptr_Bad;
+ else
+ return Source_Ptr_Org;
+ end if;
+ when Source_File_Instance =>
+ return Line_To_Position (Source_File.Base, Line);
+ end case;
end Line_To_Position;
function Is_Eq (L : Time_Stamp_Id; R : Time_Stamp_Id) return Boolean
@@ -828,22 +964,22 @@ package body Files_Map is
if Loc = Location_Nil then
-- Avoid a crash.
return "??:??:??";
- else
- Location_To_Position (Loc, Name, Line, Col);
- declare
- Line_Str : constant String := Natural'Image (Line);
- Col_Str : constant String := Natural'Image (Col);
- begin
- if Filename then
- return Name_Table.Image (Name)
- & ':' & Line_Str (Line_Str'First + 1 .. Line_Str'Last)
- & ':' & Col_Str (Col_Str'First + 1 .. Col_Str'Last);
- else
- return Line_Str (Line_Str'First + 1 .. Line_Str'Last)
- & ':' & Col_Str (Col_Str'First + 1 .. Col_Str'Last);
- end if;
- end;
end if;
+ Location_To_Position (Loc, Name, Line, Col);
+ declare
+ Line_Str : constant String := Natural'Image (Line);
+ Col_Str : constant String := Natural'Image (Col);
+ begin
+ if Filename then
+ return Name_Table.Image (Name)
+ & ':' & Line_Str (Line_Str'First + 1 .. Line_Str'Last)
+ & ':' & Col_Str (Col_Str'First + 1 .. Col_Str'Last);
+ else
+ return Line_Str (Line_Str'First + 1 .. Line_Str'Last)
+ & ':' & Col_Str (Col_Str'First + 1 .. Col_Str'Last);
+ end if;
+ end;
end Image;
-- Debug procedures.
@@ -894,8 +1030,19 @@ package body Files_Map is
(File_Buffer, File_Buffer_Acc);
for I in Source_Files.First .. Source_Files.Last loop
- free (Source_Files.Table (I).Lines_Table);
- Free (Source_Files.Table (I).Source);
+ declare
+ F : Source_File_Record renames Source_Files.Table (I);
+ begin
+ case F.Kind is
+ when Source_File_File =>
+ free (F.Lines_Table);
+ Free (F.Source);
+ when Source_File_String =>
+ Free (F.Source);
+ when Source_File_Instance =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end;
end loop;
diff --git a/src/files_map.ads b/src/files_map.ads
index 861d0a5a8..d36442419 100644
--- a/src/files_map.ads
+++ b/src/files_map.ads
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-- 02111-1307, USA.
with Types; use Types;
+with Nodes;
-package Files_Map is
+-- Source file handling
- -- Source file handling
- -----------------------
+package Files_Map is
-- Create the path from DIRECTORY and NAME:
-- If NAME is an absolute pathname, then return NAME.
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ package Files_Map is
-- Each file in memory has two terminal EOT.
EOT : constant Character := Character'Val (4);
- -- Create a Source_File for a virtual file name. Used for implicit,
+ -- Create an empty Source_File for a virtual file name. Used for implicit,
-- command-line and std.standard library.
function Create_Virtual_Source_File (Name : Name_Id)
return Source_File_Entry;
@@ -54,16 +54,36 @@ package Files_Map is
function Create_Source_File_From_String (Name : Name_Id; Content : String)
return Source_File_Entry;
- -- Return a buffer (access to the contents of the file) for a file entry.
+ -- Create a pseudo source file from REF for instance INST (created at
+ -- location LOC). The content of this file is the same as REF, but with
+ -- new locations so that it is possible to retrieve the instance from
+ -- the new locations.
+ function Create_Instance_Source_File
+ (Ref : Source_File_Entry; Loc : Location_Type; Inst : Nodes.Node_Type)
+ return Source_File_Entry;
+ -- Relocate location LOC (which must be in the reference of INST_FILE)
+ -- for instrnace INST_FILE.
+ function Instance_Relocate
+ (Inst_File : Source_File_Entry; Loc : Location_Type)
+ return Location_Type;
+ -- If LOC is a location of an instance (in a file created by
+ -- create_instance_source_file), return the location where the instance
+ -- has been created. Otherwise, return No_Location.
+ function Location_Instance_To_Location
+ (Loc : Location_Type) return Location_Type;
+ -- Return a buffer (access to the contents of the file) for a file entry.
function Get_File_Source (File : Source_File_Entry) return File_Buffer_Acc;
- -- Return the length of the file (which is the size of the file buffer).
+ -- Return the length of the file (which is the size of the file buffer).
function Get_File_Length (File : Source_File_Entry) return Source_Ptr;
- -- Return the name of the file.
+ -- Return the name of the file.
function Get_File_Name (File : Source_File_Entry) return Name_Id;
- -- Return the directory of the file.
+ -- Return the directory of the file.
function Get_Source_File_Directory (File : Source_File_Entry)
return Name_Id;
@@ -87,17 +107,14 @@ package Files_Map is
function Get_File_Checksum_String (Checksum : File_Checksum_Id)
return String;
- -- Return the current date of the system.
+ -- Return the current date of the system.
function Get_Os_Time_Stamp return Time_Stamp_Id;
- -- Return the home directory (current directory).
+ -- Return the home directory (current directory).
function Get_Home_Directory return Name_Id;
- -- Get the path of directory DIR.
- --function Get_Directory_Path (Dir : Directory_Index) return String;
- -- Add a new entry in the lines_table.
- -- The new entry must be the next one after the last entry.
+ -- Add a new entry in the lines_table.
+ -- The new entry must be the next one after the last entry.
procedure File_Add_Line_Number
(File : Source_File_Entry; Line : Natural; Pos : Source_Ptr);
@@ -106,9 +123,11 @@ package Files_Map is
procedure Location_To_File_Pos (Location : Location_Type;
File : out Source_File_Entry;
Pos : out Source_Ptr);
-- Convert a FILE and an offset POS in the file into a location.
function File_Pos_To_Location (File : Source_File_Entry; Pos : Source_Ptr)
return Location_Type;
-- Convert a FILE into a location.
function Source_File_To_Location (File : Source_File_Entry)
return Location_Type;
diff --git a/src/vhdl/disp_tree.adb b/src/vhdl/disp_tree.adb
index d506ae23f..b840d4603 100644
--- a/src/vhdl/disp_tree.adb
+++ b/src/vhdl/disp_tree.adb
@@ -29,9 +29,6 @@ with Nodes_Meta;
-- trees, which is annoying while debugging.
package body Disp_Tree is
- -- function Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Def : Iir) return Boolean
- -- renames Iirs_Utils.Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition;
-- Max depth for Disp_Iir. Can be modified from a debugger.
pragma Warnings (Off);
Max_Depth : Natural := 10;
@@ -377,7 +374,18 @@ package body Disp_Tree is
end if;
Header ("location", Indent);
- Put_Line (Image_Location_Type (Get_Location (N)));
+ declare
+ L : Location_Type;
+ begin
+ L := Get_Location (N);
+ loop
+ Put (Image_Location_Type (L));
+ L := Files_Map.Location_Instance_To_Location (L);
+ exit when L = No_Location;
+ Put (" instantiated at ");
+ end loop;
+ New_Line;
+ end;
use Nodes_Meta;
diff --git a/src/vhdl/sem.adb b/src/vhdl/sem.adb
index 711b2c7ee..8de3f149c 100644
--- a/src/vhdl/sem.adb
+++ b/src/vhdl/sem.adb
@@ -2854,11 +2854,9 @@ package body Sem is
-- the actuals are associated with the instantiated formal.
-- FIXME: do it in Instantiate_Package_Declaration ?
Hdr := Get_Package_Header (Pkg);
- if Sem_Generic_Association_Chain (Hdr, Decl) then
- Sem_Inst.Instantiate_Package_Declaration (Decl, Pkg);
- else
+ if not Sem_Generic_Association_Chain (Hdr, Decl) then
-- FIXME: stop analysis here ?
- null;
+ return;
end if;
-- FIXME: unless the parent is a package declaration library unit, the
@@ -2872,6 +2870,10 @@ package body Sem is
Add_Dependence (Bod);
end if;
end if;
+ -- Instantiate the declaration after analyse of the body. So that
+ -- the use_flag on the declaration can be propagated to the instance.
+ Sem_Inst.Instantiate_Package_Declaration (Decl, Pkg);
end Sem_Package_Instantiation_Declaration;
-- LRM 10.4 Use Clauses.
diff --git a/src/vhdl/sem_decls.adb b/src/vhdl/sem_decls.adb
index 99523232f..aaafcf023 100644
--- a/src/vhdl/sem_decls.adb
+++ b/src/vhdl/sem_decls.adb
@@ -1178,11 +1178,14 @@ package body Sem_Decls is
Deallocate_Proc :=
Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration);
+ Location_Copy (Deallocate_Proc, Decl);
Set_Identifier (Deallocate_Proc, Std_Names.Name_Deallocate);
(Deallocate_Proc, Iir_Predefined_Deallocate);
Var_Interface :=
Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Interface_Variable_Declaration);
+ Location_Copy (Var_Interface, Decl);
Set_Identifier (Var_Interface, Std_Names.Name_P);
Set_Type (Var_Interface, Type_Definition);
Set_Mode (Var_Interface, Iir_Inout_Mode);
diff --git a/src/vhdl/sem_inst.adb b/src/vhdl/sem_inst.adb
index 80a7fe2f4..996eb06f2 100644
--- a/src/vhdl/sem_inst.adb
+++ b/src/vhdl/sem_inst.adb
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ with Tables;
with Nodes;
with Nodes_Meta;
with Types; use Types;
+with Files_Map; use Files_Map;
with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
with Errorout; use Errorout;
@@ -143,8 +144,8 @@ package body Sem_Inst is
Prev_Instance_Table.Set_Last (Mark);
end Restore_Origin;
- -- The location to be used while instantiated nodes.
- Instantiate_Loc : Location_Type;
+ -- The virtual file for the instance.
+ Instance_File : Source_File_Entry;
function Instantiate_Iir (N : Iir; Is_Ref : Boolean) return Iir;
@@ -286,7 +287,9 @@ package body Sem_Inst is
when Type_Iir_Direction =>
Set_Iir_Direction (Res, F, Get_Iir_Direction (N, F));
when Type_Location_Type =>
- Set_Location_Type (Res, F, Instantiate_Loc);
+ Set_Location_Type
+ (Res, F, Instance_Relocate (Instance_File,
+ Get_Location_Type (N, F)));
when Type_Iir_Int32 =>
Set_Iir_Int32 (Res, F, Get_Iir_Int32 (N, F));
when Type_Int32 =>
@@ -349,7 +352,8 @@ package body Sem_Inst is
-- And the instance of N is RES.
Set_Instance (N, Res);
- Set_Location (Res, Instantiate_Loc);
+ Set_Location
+ (Res, Instance_Relocate (Instance_File, Get_Location (N)));
for I in Fields'Range loop
F := Fields (I);
@@ -420,7 +424,9 @@ package body Sem_Inst is
while Inter /= Null_Iir loop
-- Create a copy of the interface. FIXME: is it really needed ?
Res := Create_Iir (Get_Kind (Inter));
- Set_Location (Res, Instantiate_Loc);
+ Set_Location
+ (Res, Instance_Relocate (Instance_File, Get_Location (Inter)));
Set_Parent (Res, Inst);
Set_Identifier (Res, Get_Identifier (Inter));
Set_Visible_Flag (Res, Get_Visible_Flag (Inter));
@@ -655,13 +661,23 @@ package body Sem_Inst is
end loop;
end Instantiate_Generic_Map_Chain;
+ procedure Create_Relocation (Inst : Iir; Orig : Iir)
+ is
+ Orig_File : Source_File_Entry;
+ Pos : Source_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Location_To_File_Pos (Get_Location (Orig), Orig_File, Pos);
+ Instance_File := Create_Instance_Source_File
+ (Orig_File, Get_Location (Inst), Inst);
+ end Create_Relocation;
procedure Instantiate_Package_Declaration (Inst : Iir; Pkg : Iir)
Header : constant Iir := Get_Package_Header (Pkg);
- Prev_Loc : constant Location_Type := Instantiate_Loc;
+ Prev_Instance_File : constant Source_File_Entry := Instance_File;
Mark : constant Instance_Index_Type := Prev_Instance_Table.Last;
- Instantiate_Loc := Get_Location (Inst);
+ Create_Relocation (Inst, Pkg);
-- Be sure Get_Origin_Priv can be called on existing nodes.
@@ -677,7 +693,7 @@ package body Sem_Inst is
Set_Origin (Pkg, Null_Iir);
- Instantiate_Loc := Prev_Loc;
+ Instance_File := Prev_Instance_File;
Restore_Origin (Mark);
end Instantiate_Package_Declaration;
@@ -686,11 +702,11 @@ package body Sem_Inst is
Inst_Decl : constant Iir := Get_Package_Origin (Inst);
Pkg : constant Iir :=
Get_Named_Entity (Get_Uninstantiated_Package_Name (Inst_Decl));
- Prev_Loc : constant Location_Type := Instantiate_Loc;
+ Prev_Instance_File : constant Source_File_Entry := Instance_File;
Mark : constant Instance_Index_Type := Prev_Instance_Table.Last;
Res : Iir;
- Instantiate_Loc := Get_Location (Inst);
+ Create_Relocation (Inst, Pkg);
-- Be sure Get_Origin_Priv can be called on existing nodes.
@@ -742,9 +758,10 @@ package body Sem_Inst is
-- Instantiate the body.
Res := Instantiate_Iir (Get_Package_Body (Pkg), False);
+ Set_Identifier (Res, Get_Identifier (Inst));
-- Restore.
- Instantiate_Loc := Prev_Loc;
+ Instance_File := Prev_Instance_File;
Restore_Origin (Mark);
return Res;