diff options
authorTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2020-05-18 15:17:23 +0200
committerTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2020-05-18 18:49:43 +0200
commitc8d023f604c77a1aae3c48cc97c4792339b73def (patch)
parentea9007ec295ac8f0c49be6a03207cc032f240c3a (diff)
WIP: netlists: reuse free instances.
1 files changed, 220 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/src/synth/netlists.adb b/src/synth/netlists.adb
index 25d928ab3..168289b38 100644
--- a/src/synth/netlists.adb
+++ b/src/synth/netlists.adb
@@ -274,24 +274,39 @@ package body Netlists is
-- Instances
+ -- List of free instances, linked by Next_Instance.
+ Free_Instances : Instance := No_Instance;
package Instances_Table is new Tables
(Table_Component_Type => Instance_Record,
Table_Index_Type => Instance,
Table_Low_Bound => No_Instance,
Table_Initial => 1024);
+ -- List of free nets.
+ -- As most of gates have only one output, just keep a single list.
+ Free_Nets : Net := No_Net;
package Nets_Table is new Tables
(Table_Component_Type => Net_Record,
Table_Index_Type => Net,
Table_Low_Bound => No_Net,
Table_Initial => 1024);
+ -- List of free consecutive inputs.
+ Free_Inputs : array (Port_Idx range 1 .. 4) of Input :=
+ (others => No_Input);
package Inputs_Table is new Tables
(Table_Component_Type => Input_Record,
Table_Index_Type => Input,
Table_Low_Bound => No_Input,
Table_Initial => 1024);
+ Free_Params : array (Param_Idx range 1 .. 32) of Param_Idx :=
+ (others => No_Param_Idx);
+ Free_Params2 : Param_Idx := No_Param_Idx;
package Params_Table is new Tables
(Table_Component_Type => Uns32,
Table_Index_Type => Param_Idx,
@@ -398,24 +413,81 @@ package body Netlists is
pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Parent));
pragma Assert (Is_Valid (M));
Res : Instance;
- Inputs : constant Input := Inputs_Table.Allocate (Natural (Nbr_Inputs));
- Outputs : constant Net := Nets_Table.Allocate (Natural (Nbr_Outputs));
- Params : constant Param_Idx :=
- Params_Table.Allocate (Natural (Nbr_Params));
- begin
- Instances_Table.Append ((Parent => Parent,
- Flag3 | Flag4 => False,
- Next_Instance => No_Instance,
- Prev_Instance => No_Instance,
- Klass => M,
- Flag_Mark => False,
- Flag5 | Flag6 => False,
- Flag2 => False,
- Name => Name,
- First_Param => Params,
- First_Input => Inputs,
- First_Output => Outputs));
- Res := Instances_Table.Last;
+ Inputs : Input;
+ Outputs : Net;
+ Params : Param_Idx;
+ begin
+ if Free_Instances = No_Instance then
+ Instances_Table.Increment_Last;
+ Res := Instances_Table.Last;
+ else
+ Res := Free_Instances;
+ Free_Instances := Instances_Table.Table (Res).Next_Instance;
+ end if;
+ if Nbr_Inputs > 0 then
+ if Nbr_Inputs <= Free_Inputs'Last then
+ if Free_Inputs (Nbr_Inputs) /= No_Input then
+ -- Get a free input from the free list.
+ Inputs := Free_Inputs (Nbr_Inputs);
+ Free_Inputs (Nbr_Inputs) :=
+ Inputs_Table.Table (Inputs).Next_Sink;
+ elsif Nbr_Inputs = 1 and then Free_Inputs (2) /= No_Input
+ then
+ -- Ok, common case: need just one input; get it from the list
+ -- of free 2-inputs.
+ pragma Assert (Free_Inputs (1) = No_Input);
+ Inputs := Free_Inputs (2);
+ Free_Inputs (2) := Inputs_Table.Table (Inputs).Next_Sink;
+ Free_Inputs (1) := Inputs + 1;
+ Inputs_Table.Table (Inputs + 1).Next_Sink := 0;
+ else
+ Inputs := Inputs_Table.Allocate (Natural (Nbr_Inputs));
+ end if;
+ else
+ Inputs := Inputs_Table.Allocate (Natural (Nbr_Inputs));
+ end if;
+ else
+ Inputs := No_Input;
+ end if;
+ if Nbr_Outputs > 0 then
+ if Nbr_Outputs = 1 and then Free_Nets /= No_Net then
+ Outputs := Free_Nets;
+ Free_Nets := Net (Nets_Table.Table (Outputs).First_Sink);
+ else
+ Outputs := Nets_Table.Allocate (Natural (Nbr_Outputs));
+ end if;
+ else
+ Outputs := No_Net;
+ end if;
+ if Nbr_Params > 0 then
+ if Nbr_Params <= Free_Params'Last
+ and then Free_Params (Nbr_Params) /= No_Param_Idx
+ then
+ Params := Free_Params (Nbr_Params);
+ Free_Params (Nbr_Params) :=
+ Param_Idx (Params_Table.Table (Params));
+ else
+ Params := Params_Table.Allocate (Natural (Nbr_Params));
+ end if;
+ else
+ Params := No_Param_Idx;
+ end if;
+ Instances_Table.Table (Res) := ((Parent => Parent,
+ Flag3 | Flag4 => False,
+ Next_Instance => No_Instance,
+ Prev_Instance => No_Instance,
+ Klass => M,
+ Flag_Mark => False,
+ Flag5 | Flag6 => False,
+ Flag2 => False,
+ Name => Name,
+ First_Param => Params,
+ First_Input => Inputs,
+ First_Output => Outputs));
-- Setup inputs.
if Nbr_Inputs > 0 then
@@ -527,12 +599,25 @@ package body Netlists is
return Irec.Parent = Irec.Klass;
end Is_Self_Instance;
+ type Module_Counter_Type is array (Module range 1 .. 128) of Natural;
+ Free_Instances_Counter : Module_Counter_Type :=
+ (others => 0);
+ procedure Free_Input (First : Input; Nbr : Port_Nbr)
+ is
+ pragma Assert (Nbr in Free_Inputs'Range);
+ begin
+ Inputs_Table.Table (First).Next_Sink := Free_Inputs (Nbr);
+ Free_Inputs (Nbr) := First;
+ end Free_Input;
procedure Free_Instance (Inst : Instance)
pragma Assert (Is_Valid (Inst));
Inst_Rec : Instance_Record renames Instances_Table.Table (Inst);
Nbr_Outputs : Port_Nbr;
- Nbr_Inputs : Port_Nbr;
+ Nbr_Inputs : Port_Nbr;
+ Nbr_Params : Param_Idx;
pragma Assert (not Check_Connected (Inst));
@@ -540,6 +625,11 @@ package body Netlists is
pragma Assert (Inst_Rec.Prev_Instance = No_Instance);
pragma Assert (Inst_Rec.Next_Instance = No_Instance);
+ if Inst_Rec.Klass <= Free_Instances_Counter'Last then
+ Free_Instances_Counter (Inst_Rec.Klass) :=
+ Free_Instances_Counter (Inst_Rec.Klass) + 1;
+ end if;
Nbr_Outputs := Get_Nbr_Outputs (Inst);
for I in 1 .. Nbr_Outputs loop
@@ -549,6 +639,18 @@ package body Netlists is
end loop;
+ if Nbr_Outputs /= 0 then
+ -- Put all nets, one by one, on the list of free nets.
+ for I in 0 .. Net (Nbr_Outputs - 1) loop
+ Nets_Table.Table (Inst_Rec.First_Output + I).First_Sink :=
+ Input (Inst_Rec.First_Output + I + 1);
+ end loop;
+ Nets_Table.Table (Inst_Rec.First_Output
+ + Net (Nbr_Outputs - 1)).First_Sink :=
+ Input (Free_Nets);
+ Free_Nets := Inst_Rec.First_Output;
+ end if;
Nbr_Inputs := Get_Nbr_Inputs (Inst);
for I in 1 .. Nbr_Inputs loop
@@ -558,7 +660,49 @@ package body Netlists is
end loop;
+ if Nbr_Inputs /= 0 then
+ if Nbr_Inputs <= Free_Inputs'Last then
+ Free_Input (Inst_Rec.First_Input, Nbr_Inputs);
+ else
+ declare
+ Num : Port_Nbr;
+ First : Input;
+ begin
+ -- Free per pairs.
+ Num := Nbr_Inputs;
+ First := Inst_Rec.First_Input;
+ while Num >= 2 loop
+ Free_Input (First, 2);
+ First := First + 2;
+ Num := Num - 2;
+ end loop;
+ -- Free the last one.
+ if Num = 1 then
+ Free_Input (First, 1);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Nbr_Params := Get_Nbr_Params (Inst);
+ if Nbr_Params /= 0 then
+ if Nbr_Params <= Free_Params'Last then
+ Params_Table.Table (Inst_Rec.First_Param) :=
+ Uns32 (Free_Params (Nbr_Params));
+ Free_Params (Nbr_Params) := Inst_Rec.First_Param;
+ else
+ Params_Table.Table (Inst_Rec.First_Param) :=
+ Uns32 (Free_Params2);
+ Params_Table.Table (Inst_Rec.First_Param + 1) :=
+ Uns32 (Nbr_Params);
+ Free_Params2 := Inst_Rec.First_Param;
+ end if;
+ end if;
Inst_Rec.Klass := Free_Module;
+ Inst_Rec.Next_Instance := Free_Instances;
+ Free_Instances := Inst;
end Free_Instance;
function Get_Module (Inst : Instance) return Module is
@@ -1027,11 +1171,25 @@ package body Netlists is
end if;
end Write_Pval;
+ function Count_Free_Inputs (Head : Input) return Natural
+ is
+ Unused : Natural;
+ Inp : Input;
+ begin
+ Unused := 0;
+ Inp := Head;
+ while Inp /= No_Input loop
+ Unused := Unused + 1;
+ Inp := Inputs_Table.Table (Inp).Next_Sink;
+ end loop;
+ return Unused;
+ end Count_Free_Inputs;
procedure Disp_Stats
use Simple_IO;
Unused : Natural;
- Nbr_Modules : array (Module range 1 .. 130) of Natural := (others => 0);
+ Nbr_Modules : Module_Counter_Type := (others => 0);
Put_Line_Err ("Statistics for netlists:");
@@ -1071,6 +1229,15 @@ package body Netlists is
end loop;
(" (free:" & Natural'Image (Unused) & ')');
+ for I in Free_Inputs'Range loop
+ Unused := Count_Free_Inputs (Free_Inputs (I));
+ if Unused /= 0 then
+ Put_Line_Err (" free" & Port_Nbr'Image (I) & " inputs:"
+ & Natural'Image (Unused)
+ & " *" & Port_Nbr'Image (I)
+ & " =" & Natural'Image (Unused * Natural (I)));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
(" params: " & Param_Idx'Image (Params_Table.Last));
@@ -1084,23 +1251,39 @@ package body Netlists is
end if;
end loop;
- for I in Nbr_Modules'Range loop
- if Nbr_Modules (I) /= 0 then
- declare
- Name : constant Sname := Get_Module_Name (I);
- begin
- case Get_Sname_Kind (Name) is
- when Sname_User
- | Sname_Artificial =>
- Put_Err
- (" " & Name_Table.Image (Get_Sname_Suffix (Name)));
- when others =>
- Put_Err
- (" module " & Module_Id'Image (Get_Id (I)));
- end case;
- Put_Line_Err (":" & Natural'Image (Nbr_Modules (I)));
- end;
- end if;
+ for J in 1 .. 2 loop
+ case J is
+ when 1 =>
+ Put_Line_Err (" Number of instances (per module):");
+ when 2 =>
+ Put_Line_Err (" Number of freed instances (per module):");
+ end case;
+ for I in Module_Counter_Type'Range loop
+ case J is
+ when 1 =>
+ Unused := Nbr_Modules (I);
+ when 2 =>
+ Unused := Free_Instances_Counter (I);
+ end case;
+ if Unused /= 0 then
+ declare
+ Name : constant Sname := Get_Module_Name (I);
+ begin
+ case Get_Sname_Kind (Name) is
+ when Sname_User
+ | Sname_Artificial =>
+ Put_Err
+ (" " & Name_Table.Image (Get_Sname_Suffix (Name)));
+ when others =>
+ Put_Err
+ (" module " & Module_Id'Image (Get_Id (I)));
+ end case;
+ Put_Line_Err (":" & Natural'Image (Unused));
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
end loop;
end Disp_Stats;