diff options
authorTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2019-04-16 19:03:15 +0200
committerTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2019-04-16 19:03:15 +0200
commit93570afad886f29339ef6a2c3eca6e9fcaa6a234 (patch)
parent6b71fbf805d5534f68b32f3248d8aecf65bb00ec (diff)
synth: support async reset in inference.
2 files changed, 117 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/src/synth/synth-environment.adb b/src/synth/synth-environment.adb
index e02cf12d3..fd91f1f2e 100644
--- a/src/synth/synth-environment.adb
+++ b/src/synth/synth-environment.adb
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ package body Synth.Environment is
Nbr => 0));
end Push_Phi;
+ -- Get list of assignments for this current block.
procedure Pop_Phi (Phi : out Phi_Type)
Cur_Phi : constant Phi_Id := Current_Phi;
@@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ package body Synth.Environment is
Asgn : Assign;
Pop_Phi (Phi);
Asgn := Phi.First;
while Asgn /= No_Assign loop
@@ -230,6 +232,7 @@ package body Synth.Environment is
end if;
end Get_Last_Assigned_Value;
+ -- Add muxes for two lists T and F of assignments.
procedure Merge_Phis (Ctxt : Builders.Context_Acc;
Sel : Net;
T, F : Phi_Type)
diff --git a/src/synth/synth-inference.adb b/src/synth/synth-inference.adb
index 1a7b92a35..726d67ec5 100644
--- a/src/synth/synth-inference.adb
+++ b/src/synth/synth-inference.adb
@@ -71,13 +71,6 @@ package body Synth.Inference is
-- This is a memorizing element as there is a loop. It is an asynchronous
-- reset as Q is forced to '0' when RST is asserted.
- type Mux_Info_Type is record
- Mux : Instance;
- Chain : Port_Nbr;
- end record;
- type Mux_Info_Arr is array (Natural range <>) of Mux_Info_Type;
-- Find the longest chain of mux starting from VAL with a final input
-- of PREV_VAL. Such a chain means this is a memorising element.
-- RES is the last mux in the chain, DIST the number of mux in the chain.
@@ -180,113 +173,139 @@ package body Synth.Inference is
return Val;
end if;
- -- Create the array of mux till the last one.
- -- Find the one with clock edge.
- -- If none -> latch (not yet supported)
- -- If found -> previous mux2 (if any) are either asynch set/reset or
- -- enable.
- Mux_Info : Mux_Info_Arr (1 .. Len);
+ Sel : constant Input := Get_Mux2_Sel (Last_Mux);
+ I0 : constant Input := Get_Mux2_I0 (Last_Mux);
+ I1 : constant Input := Get_Mux2_I1 (Last_Mux);
+ O : constant Net := Get_Output (Last_Mux, 0);
+ Data : Net;
+ Clk : Net;
+ Enable : Net;
+ Res : Net;
+ Sig : Instance;
+ Init : Net;
+ Init_Input : Input;
+ Rst : Net;
+ Rst_Val : Net;
- -- Fill array.
- declare
- Mux : Instance;
- O : Net;
- begin
- -- Start with the last mux.
- Mux := Last_Mux;
- for I in reverse Mux_Info'Range loop
- -- The chain of mux consists only of muxes!
- pragma Assert (Get_Id (Mux) = Id_Mux2);
+ Extract_Clock (Get_Driver (Sel), Clk, Enable);
+ if Clk = No_Net then
+ -- No clock -> latch
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ else
+ -- Create and return the DFF.
+ Disconnect (Sel);
+ if Get_Driver (I0) /= Prev_Val then
+ -- There must be no 'else' part for clock expression.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Don't try to free driver of I0 as this is Prev_Val.
+ Disconnect (I0);
+ Data := Get_Driver (I1);
+ -- Don't try to free driver of I1 as it is reconnected.
+ Disconnect (I1);
+ if Enable /= No_Net then
+ Data := Build_Mux2 (Ctxt, Enable, Prev_Val, Data);
+ end if;
+ -- If the signal declaration has an initial value, move it
+ -- to the dff.
+ Sig := Get_Parent (Prev_Val);
+ if Get_Id (Get_Module (Sig)) = Id_Isignal then
+ Init_Input := Get_Input (Sig, 1);
+ Init := Get_Driver (Init_Input);
+ Disconnect (Init_Input);
+ else
+ Init := No_Net;
+ end if;
- Mux_Info (I) := (Mux => Mux, Chain => 0);
- exit when I = Mux_Info'First;
- -- The next mux is connected to the output.
- O := Get_Output (Mux, 0);
- pragma Assert (Has_One_Connection (O));
- Mux := Get_Parent (Get_First_Sink (O));
- end loop;
- end;
+ Rst_Val := No_Net;
+ Rst := No_Net;
- -- Classify.
- for I in Mux_Info'Range loop
- Mi : Mux_Info_Type renames Mux_Info (I);
- Sel : constant Input := Get_Mux2_Sel (Mi.Mux);
- I0 : constant Input := Get_Mux2_I0 (Mi.Mux);
- I1 : constant Input := Get_Mux2_I1 (Mi.Mux);
- Data : Net;
- Clk : Net;
- Enable : Net;
- Res : Net;
- Sig : Instance;
- Init : Net;
- Init_Input : Input;
+ Mux : Instance;
+ Sel : Net;
+ Last_Out : Net;
+ Mux_Rst : Net;
+ Mux_Rst_Val : Net;
- Extract_Clock (Get_Driver (Sel), Clk, Enable);
- if Clk = No_Net then
- -- Enable or async reset/set.
- if Get_Driver (I0) = Prev_Val then
- -- Enable
- raise Internal_Error;
- elsif Get_Driver (I1) = Prev_Val then
- -- /Enable
- raise Internal_Error;
- else
- -- Set or reset.
- -- The value must be a constant.
+ Last_Out := O;
+ while Is_Connected (Last_Out) loop
+ if not Has_One_Connection (Last_Out) then
+ -- TODO.
raise Internal_Error;
end if;
- else
- -- Create and return the DFF.
- Disconnect (Sel);
- if Get_Driver (I0) /= Prev_Val then
- -- There must be no 'else' part for clock expression.
+ Mux := Get_Parent (Get_First_Sink (Last_Out));
+ if Get_Id (Mux) /= Id_Mux2 then
raise Internal_Error;
end if;
- -- Don't try to free driver of I0 as this is Prev_Val.
- Disconnect (I0);
- Data := Get_Driver (I1);
- -- Don't try to free driver of I1 as it is reconnected.
- Disconnect (I1);
- if Enable /= No_Net then
- Data := Build_Mux2 (Ctxt, Enable, Prev_Val, Data);
- end if;
- -- If the signal declaration has an initial value, move it
- -- to the dff.
- Sig := Get_Parent (Prev_Val);
- if Get_Id (Get_Module (Sig)) = Id_Isignal then
- Init_Input := Get_Input (Sig, 1);
- Init := Get_Driver (Init_Input);
- Disconnect (Init_Input);
+ Sel := Get_Driver (Get_Mux2_Sel (Mux));
+ if Get_Driver (Get_Mux2_I0 (Mux)) = O then
+ Mux_Rst_Val := Get_Driver (Get_Mux2_I1 (Mux));
+ Mux_Rst := Sel;
+ elsif Get_Driver (Get_Mux2_I1 (Mux)) = O then
+ Mux_Rst_Val := Get_Driver (Get_Mux2_I0 (Mux));
+ Mux_Rst := Build_Monadic (Ctxt, Id_Not, Sel);
- Init := No_Net;
+ -- Cannot happen.
+ raise Internal_Error;
end if;
- if Init /= No_Net then
- Res := Build_Idff (Ctxt, Clk, D => Data, Init => Init);
+ Last_Out := Get_Output (Mux, 0);
+ if Rst = No_Net then
+ -- Remove the last mux.
+ Disconnect (Get_Mux2_I0 (Mux));
+ Disconnect (Get_Mux2_I1 (Mux));
+ Disconnect (Get_Mux2_Sel (Mux));
+ Redirect_Inputs (Last_Out, Mux_Rst_Val);
+ Free_Instance (Mux);
+ Rst := Mux_Rst;
+ Rst_Val := Mux_Rst_Val;
- Res := Build_Dff (Ctxt, Clk, D => Data);
+ Rst := Build_Dyadic (Ctxt, Id_Or, Mux_Rst, Rst);
+ Rst_Val := Last_Out;
end if;
+ end loop;
+ end;
- -- The output of the mux may be read later in the process,
- -- like this:
- -- if clk'event and clk = '1' then
- -- d := i + 1;
- -- end if;
- -- d1 := d + 1;
- -- So connections to the mux output are redirected to dff
- -- output.
- Redirect_Inputs (Get_Output (Mi.Mux, 0), Res);
- Free_Instance (Mi.Mux);
- return Res;
+ if Rst = No_Net then
+ pragma Assert (Rst_Val = No_Net);
+ if Init /= No_Net then
+ Res := Build_Idff (Ctxt, Clk, D => Data, Init => Init);
+ else
+ Res := Build_Dff (Ctxt, Clk, D => Data);
end if;
- end;
- end loop;
+ else
+ if Init /= No_Net then
+ Res := Build_Iadff (Ctxt, Clk, D => Data,
+ Rst => Rst, Rst_Val => Rst_Val,
+ Init => Init);
+ else
+ Res := Build_Adff (Ctxt, Clk, D => Data,
+ Rst => Rst, Rst_Val => Rst_Val);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- The output of the mux may be read later in the process,
+ -- like this:
+ -- if clk'event and clk = '1' then
+ -- d := i + 1;
+ -- end if;
+ -- d1 := d + 1;
+ -- So connections to the mux output are redirected to dff
+ -- output.
+ Redirect_Inputs (O, Res);
+ Free_Instance (Last_Mux);
+ return Res;
+ end if;
- raise Internal_Error;
end Infere;
end Synth.Inference;