diff options
authorTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2022-07-24 08:45:33 +0200
committerTristan Gingold <tgingold@free.fr>2022-07-24 08:45:33 +0200
commit88a4798285037a18cb7d27057474d52eca819520 (patch)
parente0b9240c683ed70eeabaa7ab8b45069f5dd1ffca (diff)
src/simul: rewrite of ghdl/simul based on synth
7 files changed, 3759 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/simul/simul-vhdl_debug.adb b/src/simul/simul-vhdl_debug.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..651302f57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/simul/simul-vhdl_debug.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,728 @@
+-- Debugger for VHDL simulation
+-- Copyright (C) 2022 Tristan Gingold
+-- This file is part of GHDL.
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+-- (at your option) any later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- GNU General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
+with System;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with GNAT.OS_Lib;
+with Types; use Types;
+with Name_Table; use Name_Table;
+with Simple_IO; use Simple_IO;
+with Utils_IO; use Utils_IO;
+with Vhdl.Nodes; use Vhdl.Nodes;
+with Vhdl.Utils; use Vhdl.Utils;
+with Vhdl.Errors;
+with Elab.Memtype;
+with Elab.Vhdl_Objtypes; use Elab.Vhdl_Objtypes;
+with Elab.Debugger; use Elab.Debugger;
+with Elab.Vhdl_Debug; use Elab.Vhdl_Debug;
+with Elab.Vhdl_Values; use Elab.Vhdl_Values;
+with Elab.Vhdl_Values.Debug; use Elab.Vhdl_Values.Debug;
+with Simul.Vhdl_Elab; use Simul.Vhdl_Elab;
+with Simul.Vhdl_Simul;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Vhdl_Types; use Grt.Vhdl_Types;
+with Grt.Options;
+with Grt.Processes;
+with Grt.Signals; use Grt.Signals;
+with Grt.Disp_Signals;
+with Grt.Rtis_Addr;
+package body Simul.Vhdl_Debug is
+ procedure Put_Time (Time : Std_Time)
+ is
+ use Grt.Options;
+ Unit : Natural_Time_Scale;
+ T : Std_Time;
+ begin
+ if Time = Std_Time'First then
+ Put ("-Inf");
+ else
+ -- Do not bother with sec, min, and hr.
+ Unit := Time_Resolution_Scale;
+ T := Time;
+ while Unit > 1 and then (T mod 1_000) = 0 loop
+ T := T / 1000;
+ Unit := Unit - 1;
+ end loop;
+ Put_Int64 (Int64 (T));
+ case Unit is
+ when 0 =>
+ Put ("sec");
+ when 1 =>
+ Put ("ms");
+ when 2 =>
+ Put ("us");
+ when 3 =>
+ Put ("ns");
+ when 4 =>
+ Put ("ps");
+ when 5 =>
+ Put ("fs");
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end Put_Time;
+ procedure Disp_Driver_Entry (D : Driver_Entry) is
+ begin
+ Put (" [");
+ Put_Uns32 (Uns32 (D.Proc));
+ Put ("] ");
+ Disp_Instance_Path (Processes_Table.Table (D.Proc).Inst);
+ New_Line;
+ Put (" noff: ");
+ Put_Uns32 (D.Off.Net_Off);
+ Put (", moff: ");
+ Put_Uns32 (Uns32 (D.Off.Mem_Off));
+ Put (", len: ");
+ Put_Uns32 (D.Typ.W);
+ Put (", typ: ");
+ Debug_Type_Short (D.Typ);
+ New_Line;
+ end Disp_Driver_Entry;
+ function Read_Value (Value_Ptr : Ghdl_Value_Ptr; Mode : Mode_Type)
+ return Int64 is
+ begin
+ case Mode is
+ when Mode_B1 =>
+ return Ghdl_B1'Pos (Value_Ptr.B1);
+ when Mode_E8 =>
+ return Int64 (Value_Ptr.E8);
+ when Mode_E32 =>
+ return Int64 (Value_Ptr.E32);
+ when Mode_I32 =>
+ return Int64 (Value_Ptr.I32);
+ when Mode_I64 =>
+ return Int64 (Value_Ptr.I64);
+ when Mode_F64 =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Read_Value;
+ function Read_Value (Value : Value_Union; Mode : Mode_Type)
+ return Int64 is
+ begin
+ case Mode is
+ when Mode_B1 =>
+ return Ghdl_B1'Pos (Value.B1);
+ when Mode_E8 =>
+ return Int64 (Value.E8);
+ when Mode_E32 =>
+ return Int64 (Value.E32);
+ when Mode_I32 =>
+ return Int64 (Value.I32);
+ when Mode_I64 =>
+ return Int64 (Value.I64);
+ when Mode_F64 =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Read_Value;
+ procedure Disp_Transaction (Trans : Transaction_Acc;
+ Sig_Type : Node;
+ Mode : Mode_Type)
+ is
+ T : Transaction_Acc;
+ begin
+ T := Trans;
+ loop
+ case T.Kind is
+ when Trans_Value =>
+ Disp_Discrete_Value (Read_Value (T.Val, Mode), Sig_Type);
+ when Trans_Direct =>
+ Disp_Discrete_Value (Read_Value (T.Val_Ptr, Mode), Sig_Type);
+ when Trans_Null =>
+ Put ("NULL");
+ when Trans_Error =>
+ Put ("ERROR");
+ end case;
+ if T.Kind = Trans_Direct then
+ -- The Time field is not updated for direct transaction.
+ Put ("[DIRECT]");
+ else
+ Put ("@");
+ Put_Time (T.Time);
+ end if;
+ T := T.Next;
+ exit when T = null;
+ Put (", ");
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Transaction;
+ procedure Info_Scalar_Signal_Driver (S : Memtyp; Stype : Node)
+ is
+ function To_Address is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Source => Resolved_Signal_Acc, Target => System.Address);
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Sig := Simul.Vhdl_Simul.Read_Sig (S.Mem);
+ Put_Addr (Sig.all'Address);
+ Put (' ');
+ Grt.Disp_Signals.Disp_Single_Signal_Attributes (Sig);
+ Put (" val=");
+ Disp_Discrete_Value (Read_Value (Sig.Value_Ptr, Sig.Mode), Stype);
+ Put ("; drv=");
+ Disp_Discrete_Value (Read_Value (Sig.Driving_Value, Sig.Mode), Stype);
+ if Sig.Nbr_Ports > 0 then
+ Put (';');
+ Put_Int32 (Int32 (Sig.Nbr_Ports));
+ Put (" ports");
+ end if;
+ case Sig.S.Mode_Sig is
+ when Mode_Signal_User =>
+ if Sig.S.Resolv /= null then
+ Put (" resolver=");
+ Put_Addr (To_Address (Sig.S.Resolv));
+ end if;
+ if Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers = 0 then
+ Put ("; no driver");
+ elsif Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers = 1 then
+ Put ("; trans=");
+ Disp_Transaction
+ (Sig.S.Drivers (0).First_Trans, Stype, Sig.Mode);
+ else
+ for I in 0 .. Sig.S.Nbr_Drivers - 1 loop
+ New_Line;
+ Put (" ");
+-- Disp_Context
+-- (Processes.Get_Rti_Context (Sig.S.Drivers (I).Proc));
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Transaction
+ (Sig.S.Drivers (I).First_Trans, Stype, Sig.Mode);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ when Mode_Delayed =>
+ Put ("; trans=");
+ Disp_Transaction (Sig.S.Attr_Trans, Stype, Sig.Mode);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ New_Line;
+ end Info_Scalar_Signal_Driver;
+ generic
+ with procedure For_Scalar_Signal (S : Memtyp; Stype : Node);
+ procedure For_Each_Scalar_Signal (S : Memtyp; Stype : Node);
+ procedure For_Each_Scalar_Signal (S : Memtyp; Stype : Node) is
+ begin
+ case S.Typ.Kind is
+ when Type_Bit
+ | Type_Logic
+ | Type_Discrete =>
+ For_Scalar_Signal (S, Get_Base_Type (Stype));
+ when Type_Vector
+ | Type_Array =>
+ declare
+ use Simul.Vhdl_Simul;
+ Len : constant Uns32 := S.Typ.Abound.Len;
+ El_Type : Node;
+ Stride : Uns32;
+ begin
+ if S.Typ.Alast then
+ El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Stype);
+ else
+ El_Type := Stype;
+ end if;
+ Stride := S.Typ.Arr_El.W;
+ for I in 1 .. Len loop
+ For_Each_Scalar_Signal
+ ((S.Typ.Arr_El, Sig_Index (S.Mem, (Len - I) * Stride)),
+ El_Type);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Type_Record =>
+ declare
+ use Simul.Vhdl_Simul;
+ El_List : constant Iir_Flist :=
+ Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Stype);
+ El : Node;
+ begin
+ for I in S.Typ.Rec.E'Range loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (El_List, Natural (I - 1));
+ Put (Image (Get_Identifier (El)));
+ Put (": ");
+ For_Each_Scalar_Signal
+ ((S.Typ.Rec.E (I).Typ,
+ Sig_Index (S.Mem, S.Typ.Rec.E (I).Offs.Net_Off)),
+ Get_Type (El));
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Type_Float
+ | Type_Unbounded_Vector
+ | Type_Unbounded_Record
+ | Type_Unbounded_Array
+ | Type_Slice
+ | Type_Protected
+ | Type_File
+ | Type_Access =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end For_Each_Scalar_Signal;
+ procedure Info_Signal_Driver is new For_Each_Scalar_Signal
+ (Info_Scalar_Signal_Driver);
+ procedure Info_Scalar_Signal_Action (S : Memtyp; Stype : Node)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Stype);
+ use Grt.Rtis_Addr;
+ use Grt.Processes;
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Ev : Action_List_Acc;
+ Ctxt : Rti_Context;
+ begin
+ Sig := Simul.Vhdl_Simul.Read_Sig (S.Mem);
+ Put_Addr (Sig.all'Address);
+ Put (' ');
+ Ev := Sig.Event_List;
+ while Ev /= null loop
+ Ctxt := Get_Rti_Context (Ev.Proc);
+ Put (' ');
+ Put_Addr (Ctxt.Base);
+ Ev := Ev.Next;
+ end loop;
+ New_Line;
+ end Info_Scalar_Signal_Action;
+ procedure Info_Signal_Action is new For_Each_Scalar_Signal
+ (Info_Scalar_Signal_Action);
+ type Info_Signal_Options is record
+ Value : Boolean;
+ Drivers : Boolean;
+ Actions : Boolean;
+ end record;
+ procedure Info_Signal_Opts (Idx : Signal_Index_Type;
+ Opts : Info_Signal_Options)
+ is
+ use Elab.Memtype;
+ S : Signal_Entry renames Signals_Table.Table (Idx);
+ Nbr_Drv : Int32;
+ Nbr_Conn_Drv : Int32;
+ Nbr_Sens : Int32;
+ Sens : Sensitivity_Index_Type;
+ Driver : Driver_Index_Type;
+ Conn : Connect_Index_Type;
+ begin
+ Put_Int32 (Int32 (Idx));
+ Put (": ");
+ if S.Decl = Null_Iir then
+ Put_Line ("??");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Disp_Instance_Path (S.Inst, True);
+ Put ('/');
+ Put (Image (Get_Identifier (S.Decl)));
+ case Get_Kind (S.Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
+ Put (" [sig]");
+ when Iir_Kind_Interface_Signal_Declaration =>
+ case Get_Mode (S.Decl) is
+ when Iir_In_Mode =>
+ Put (" [in]");
+ when Iir_Out_Mode =>
+ Put (" [out]");
+ when Iir_Buffer_Mode =>
+ Put (" [buf]");
+ when Iir_Linkage_Mode =>
+ Put (" [lnk]");
+ when Iir_Inout_Mode =>
+ Put (" [io]");
+ when Iir_Unknown_Mode =>
+ Put (" [??]");
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ New_Line;
+ Put (" type: ");
+ Debug_Type_Short (S.Typ);
+ Put (", len: ");
+ Put_Uns32 (S.Typ.W);
+ New_Line;
+ Nbr_Conn_Drv := 0;
+ Conn := S.Connect;
+ while Conn /= No_Connect_Index loop
+ declare
+ C : Connect_Entry renames Connect_Table.Table (Conn);
+ begin
+ if C.Formal_Base = Idx then
+ if C.Drive_Formal then
+ Nbr_Conn_Drv := Nbr_Conn_Drv + 1;
+ end if;
+ Conn := C.Formal_Link;
+ else
+ pragma Assert (C.Actual_Base = Idx);
+ if C.Drive_Actual then
+ Nbr_Conn_Drv := Nbr_Conn_Drv + 1;
+ end if;
+ Conn := C.Actual_Link;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ Nbr_Drv := 0;
+ Driver := S.Drivers;
+ while Driver /= No_Driver_Index loop
+ Nbr_Drv := Nbr_Drv + 1;
+ Driver := Drivers_Table.Table (Driver).Prev_Sig;
+ end loop;
+ Put (" nbr sources: ");
+ Put_Int32 (Nbr_Drv + Nbr_Conn_Drv);
+ Nbr_Sens := 0;
+ Sens := S.Sensitivity;
+ while Sens /= No_Sensitivity_Index loop
+ Nbr_Sens := Nbr_Sens + 1;
+ Sens := Sensitivity_Table.Table (Sens).Prev_Sig;
+ end loop;
+ Put (", nbr sensitivity: ");
+ Put_Int32 (Nbr_Sens);
+ Put (", collapsed_by: ");
+ Put_Uns32 (Uns32 (S.Collapsed_By));
+ New_Line;
+ if Opts.Value then
+ Driver := S.Drivers;
+ while Driver /= No_Driver_Index loop
+ declare
+ D : Driver_Entry renames Drivers_Table.Table (Driver);
+ begin
+ Put (" driver:");
+ Disp_Driver_Entry (D);
+ Driver := D.Prev_Sig;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ Sens := S.Sensitivity;
+ while Sens /= No_Sensitivity_Index loop
+ declare
+ D : Driver_Entry renames Sensitivity_Table.Table (Sens);
+ begin
+ Put (" sensitivity:");
+ Disp_Driver_Entry (D);
+ Sens := D.Prev_Sig;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ Put ("value (");
+ Put_Addr (S.Val.all'Address);
+ Put ("): ");
+ Disp_Memtyp ((S.Typ, S.Val), Get_Type (S.Decl));
+ New_Line;
+ end if;
+ if Opts.Drivers and then S.Sig /= null then
+ Put ("drivers (");
+ Put_Addr (S.Sig.all'Address);
+ Put ("): ");
+ New_Line;
+ Info_Signal_Driver ((S.Typ, S.Sig), Get_Type (S.Decl));
+ end if;
+ if Opts.Actions and then S.Sig /= null then
+ Put_Line ("actions:");
+ Info_Signal_Action ((S.Typ, S.Sig), Get_Type (S.Decl));
+ end if;
+ end Info_Signal_Opts;
+ procedure Info_Signal (Idx : Signal_Index_Type) is
+ begin
+ Info_Signal_Opts (Idx, (others => False));
+ end Info_Signal;
+ -- For gdb.
+ pragma Unreferenced (Info_Signal);
+ procedure Info_Signal_Proc (Line : String)
+ is
+ Opts : Info_Signal_Options;
+ F, L : Natural;
+ Idx : Uns32;
+ Valid : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Opts := (others => False);
+ Idx := 0;
+ F := Line'First;
+ loop
+ F := Skip_Blanks (Line, F);
+ exit when F > Line'Last;
+ L := Get_Word (Line, F);
+ if Line (F .. L) = "-h" then
+ Put_Line ("info sig [OPTS] [SIG]");
+ Put_Line (" -h disp this help");
+ Put_Line (" -v disp values");
+ Put_Line (" -d disp drivers");
+ Put_Line (" -a disp actions");
+ return;
+ elsif Line (F .. L) = "-v" then
+ Opts.Value := True;
+ elsif Line (F .. L) = "-d" then
+ Opts.Drivers := True;
+ elsif Line (F .. L) = "-a" then
+ Opts.Actions := True;
+ elsif Line (F) in '0' .. '9' then
+ To_Num (Line (F .. L), Idx, Valid);
+ if not Valid
+ or else Signal_Index_Type (Idx) > Signals_Table.Last
+ then
+ Put_Line ("invalid signal index");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Put_Line ("unknown option");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ F := L + 1;
+ end loop;
+ if Idx = 0 then
+ for I in Signals_Table.First .. Signals_Table.Last loop
+ Info_Signal_Opts (I, Opts);
+ end loop;
+ else
+ Info_Signal_Opts (Signal_Index_Type (Idx), Opts);
+ end if;
+ end Info_Signal_Proc;
+ procedure Disp_Quantity_Prefix (Decl : Node) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Free_Quantity_Declaration =>
+ Put (Image (Get_Identifier (Decl)));
+ when Iir_Kind_Dot_Attribute =>
+ Disp_Quantity_Prefix (Get_Prefix (Decl));
+ Put ("'dot");
+ when Iir_Kinds_Denoting_Name =>
+ Disp_Quantity_Prefix (Get_Named_Entity (Decl));
+ when others =>
+ Vhdl.Errors.Error_Kind ("disp_quantity_prefix", Decl);
+ end case;
+ end Disp_Quantity_Prefix;
+ procedure Info_Quantity_Proc (Line : String)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Line);
+ begin
+ for I in Quantity_Table.First .. Quantity_Table.Last loop
+ declare
+ Q : Quantity_Entry renames Quantity_Table.Table (I);
+ Idx : Scalar_Quantity_Index;
+ begin
+ Put_Int32 (Int32 (I));
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Instance_Path (Q.Inst, True);
+ Put ('/');
+ Disp_Quantity_Prefix (Q.Decl);
+ Put (" type: ");
+ Debug_Type_Short (Q.Typ);
+ Put (", len: ");
+ Put_Uns32 (Q.Typ.W);
+ Put (", Idx: ");
+ Put_Uns32 (Uns32 (Q.Idx));
+ Put (", val: ");
+ Disp_Memtyp ((Q.Typ, Q.Val), Get_Type (Q.Decl));
+ New_Line;
+ Idx := Q.Idx;
+ for I in 1 .. Q.Typ.W loop
+ declare
+ use Simul.Vhdl_Simul;
+ Sq : Scalar_Quantity_Record renames
+ Scalar_Quantities_Table.Table (Idx);
+ begin
+ Put (" scal #");
+ Put_Uns32 (Uns32 (Idx));
+ Put (" idx: ");
+ Put_Uns32 (Uns32 (Sq.Idx));
+ Put (", deriv: ");
+ Put_Uns32 (Uns32 (Sq.Deriv));
+ Put (", integ: ");
+ Put_Uns32 (Uns32 (Sq.Integ));
+ New_Line;
+ end;
+ Idx := Idx + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ end Info_Quantity_Proc;
+ procedure Info_Equations_Proc (Line : String)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Line);
+ begin
+ for I in Simultaneous_Table.First .. Simultaneous_Table.Last loop
+ declare
+ S : Simultaneous_Record renames Simultaneous_Table.Table (I);
+ begin
+ Put_Int32 (Int32 (I));
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Instance_Path (S.Inst, True);
+ New_Line;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ end Info_Equations_Proc;
+ procedure Info_Time (Line : String)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Line);
+ begin
+ Put ("now: ");
+ Put_Time (Current_Time);
+ if Grt.Processes.Flag_AMS then
+ Put (" ");
+ Put_Fp64 (Fp64 (Current_Time_AMS));
+ end if;
+ New_Line;
+ Put ("next time: ");
+ Put_Time (Grt.Processes.Next_Time);
+ New_Line;
+ end Info_Time;
+ procedure Run_Proc (Line : String)
+ is
+ Delta_Time : Std_Time;
+ P : Positive;
+ begin
+ P := Skip_Blanks (Line);
+ if P <= Line'Last then
+ Delta_Time := Grt.Options.Parse_Time (Line (P .. Line'Last));
+ if Delta_Time = -1 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Simul.Vhdl_Simul.Break_Time := Current_Time + Delta_Time;
+ Grt.Processes.Next_Time := Current_Time + Delta_Time;
+ end if;
+ Elab.Debugger.Prepare_Continue;
+ end Run_Proc;
+ procedure Ps_Proc (Line : String)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Line);
+ begin
+ for I in Processes_Table.First .. Processes_Table.Last loop
+ Put_Uns32 (Uns32 (I));
+ Put (": ");
+ Disp_Instance_Path (Processes_Table.Table (I).Inst);
+ Put (" (");
+ Put (Vhdl.Errors.Disp_Location (Processes_Table.Table (I).Proc));
+ Put_Line (")");
+ end loop;
+ end Ps_Proc;
+ procedure Trace_Proc (Line : String)
+ is
+ Fn, Ln : Natural;
+ Fv, Lv : Natural;
+ State : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Fn := Skip_Blanks (Line, Line'First);
+ if Fn > Line'Last then
+ Put ("missing trace name");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ln := Get_Word (Line, Fn);
+ Fv := Skip_Blanks (Line, Ln + 1);
+ if Fv > Line'Last then
+ Put ("missing on/off/0/1");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Lv := Get_Word (Line, Fv);
+ if Line (Fv .. Lv) = "on" or Line (Fv .. Lv) = "1" then
+ State := True;
+ elsif Line (Fv .. Lv) = "off" or Line (Fv .. Lv) = "0" then
+ State := False;
+ else
+ Put ("expect on/off/0/1");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Line (Fn .. Ln) = "residues" then
+ Simul.Vhdl_Simul.Trace_Residues := State;
+ else
+ Put_Line ("usage: trace residues on|off|0|1");
+ end if;
+ end Trace_Proc;
+ procedure Quit_Proc (Line : String)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Line);
+ begin
+ GNAT.OS_Lib.OS_Exit (0);
+ end Quit_Proc;
+ procedure Init is
+ begin
+ Elab.Vhdl_Debug.Append_Commands;
+ Append_Info_Command
+ (new String'("sig*nal"),
+ new String'("display info about a signal"),
+ Info_Signal_Proc'Access);
+ Append_Info_Command
+ (new String'("quan*tity"),
+ new String'("display info about quantities"),
+ Info_Quantity_Proc'Access);
+ Append_Info_Command
+ (new String'("equ*ations"),
+ new String'("display info about equations"),
+ Info_Equations_Proc'Access);
+ Append_Info_Command
+ (new String'("t*ime"),
+ new String'("display current time"),
+ Info_Time'Access);
+ Append_Menu_Command
+ (new String'("r*un"),
+ new String'("resume execution for an amount of time"),
+ Run_Proc'Access);
+ Append_Menu_Command
+ (new String'("ps"),
+ new String'("print all processes"),
+ Ps_Proc'Access);
+ Append_Menu_Command
+ (new String'("trace"),
+ new String'("enable/disable a trace"),
+ Trace_Proc'Access);
+ Append_Menu_Command
+ (new String'("q*uit"),
+ new String'("exit simulation"),
+ Quit_Proc'Access);
+ end Init;
+end Simul.Vhdl_Debug;
diff --git a/src/simul/simul-vhdl_debug.ads b/src/simul/simul-vhdl_debug.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71715fa1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/simul/simul-vhdl_debug.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+-- Debugger for VHDL simulation
+-- Copyright (C) 2022 Tristan Gingold
+-- This file is part of GHDL.
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+-- (at your option) any later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- GNU General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
+package Simul.Vhdl_Debug is
+ -- Append new commands
+ procedure Init;
+end Simul.Vhdl_Debug;
diff --git a/src/simul/simul-vhdl_elab.adb b/src/simul/simul-vhdl_elab.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8530fb99e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/simul/simul-vhdl_elab.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
+-- Elaboration for VHDL simulation
+-- Copyright (C) 2022 Tristan Gingold
+-- This file is part of GHDL.
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+-- (at your option) any later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- GNU General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
+with Vhdl.Errors; use Vhdl.Errors;
+with Vhdl.Utils; use Vhdl.Utils;
+with Vhdl.Canon;
+with Synth.Vhdl_Stmts;
+with Trans_Analyzes;
+with Elab.Vhdl_Decls;
+with Simul.Vhdl_Debug;
+package body Simul.Vhdl_Elab is
+ procedure Gather_Processes_1 (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc);
+ procedure Convert_Type_Width (T : Type_Acc) is
+ begin
+ if T.Wkind = Wkind_Sim then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case T.Kind is
+ when Type_Bit
+ | Type_Logic
+ | Type_Discrete
+ | Type_Float =>
+ T.W := 1;
+ T.Wkind := Wkind_Sim;
+ when Type_Vector
+ | Type_Array =>
+ Convert_Type_Width (T.Arr_El);
+ T.W := T.Abound.Len * T.Arr_El.W;
+ T.Wkind := Wkind_Sim;
+ when Type_Record =>
+ T.W := 0;
+ for I in T.Rec.E'Range loop
+ T.Rec.E (I).Offs.Net_Off := T.W;
+ Convert_Type_Width (T.Rec.E (I).Typ);
+ T.W := T.W + T.Rec.E (I).Typ.W;
+ end loop;
+ T.Wkind := Wkind_Sim;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Convert_Type_Width;
+ procedure Gather_Signal (Proto_E : Signal_Entry)
+ is
+ Val : constant Valtyp := Get_Value (Proto_E.Inst, Proto_E.Decl);
+ E : Signal_Entry;
+ begin
+ E := Proto_E;
+ E.Typ := Val.Typ;
+ Convert_Type_Width (E.Typ);
+ Current_Pool := Global_Pool'Access;
+ E.Val := Alloc_Memory (E.Typ);
+ Current_Pool := Expr_Pool'Access;
+ if Val.Val.Init /= null then
+ Copy_Memory (E.Val, Val.Val.Init.Mem, E.Typ.Sz);
+ else
+ Write_Value_Default (E.Val, E.Typ);
+ end if;
+ E.Sig := null;
+ pragma Assert (E.Kind /= Mode_End);
+ pragma Assert (Signals_Table.Table (Val.Val.S).Kind = Mode_End);
+ Signals_Table.Table (Val.Val.S) := E;
+ end Gather_Signal;
+ procedure Gather_Quantity (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Decl : Node)
+ is
+ Val : constant Valtyp := Get_Value (Inst, Decl);
+ begin
+ Convert_Type_Width (Val.Typ);
+ pragma Assert (Val.Val.Q = No_Quantity_Index);
+ Quantity_Table.Append ((Decl, Inst, Val.Typ, null, No_Scalar_Quantity));
+ Val.Val.Q := Quantity_Table.Last;
+ end Gather_Quantity;
+ procedure Gather_Processes_Decl (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Decl : Node) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Interface_Signal_Declaration =>
+ -- Driver.
+ case Get_Mode (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Unknown_Mode =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Iir_Linkage_Mode =>
+ Gather_Signal ((Mode_Linkage, Decl, Inst, null, null, null,
+ No_Sensitivity_Index, No_Signal_Index,
+ No_Driver_Index, No_Connect_Index));
+ when Iir_Buffer_Mode =>
+ Gather_Signal ((Mode_Buffer, Decl, Inst, null, null, null,
+ No_Sensitivity_Index, No_Signal_Index,
+ No_Driver_Index, No_Connect_Index));
+ when Iir_Out_Mode =>
+ Gather_Signal ((Mode_Out, Decl, Inst, null, null, null,
+ No_Sensitivity_Index, No_Signal_Index,
+ No_Driver_Index, No_Connect_Index));
+ when Iir_Inout_Mode =>
+ Gather_Signal ((Mode_Inout, Decl, Inst, null, null, null,
+ No_Sensitivity_Index, No_Signal_Index,
+ No_Driver_Index, No_Connect_Index));
+ when Iir_In_Mode =>
+ Gather_Signal ((Mode_In, Decl, Inst, null, null, null,
+ No_Sensitivity_Index, No_Signal_Index,
+ No_Driver_Index, No_Connect_Index));
+ end case;
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
+ Gather_Signal ((Mode_Signal, Decl, Inst, null, null, null,
+ No_Sensitivity_Index, No_Signal_Index,
+ No_Driver_Index, No_Connect_Index));
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Free_Quantity_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Dot_Attribute =>
+ Gather_Quantity (Inst, Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Implicit_Declaration =>
+ declare
+ Sig : Node;
+ begin
+ Sig := Get_Attribute_Implicit_Chain (Decl);
+ while Sig /= Null_Node loop
+ Gather_Processes_Decl (Inst, Sig);
+ Sig := Get_Attr_Chain (Sig);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Above_Attribute =>
+ Gather_Signal ((Mode_Above, Decl, Inst, null, null, null,
+ No_Sensitivity_Index, No_Signal_Index));
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification
+ | Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("gather_processes_decl", Decl);
+ end case;
+ end Gather_Processes_Decl;
+ procedure Gather_Processes_Decls
+ (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Decls : Node)
+ is
+ Decl : Node;
+ begin
+ Decl := Decls;
+ while Decl /= Null_Node loop
+ Gather_Processes_Decl (Inst, Decl);
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ end loop;
+ end Gather_Processes_Decls;
+ procedure Add_Process_Driver (Proc_Idx : Process_Index_Type;
+ Sig : Signal_Index_Type;
+ Off : Value_Offsets;
+ Typ : Type_Acc) is
+ begin
+ Drivers_Table.Append
+ ((Sig => Sig,
+ Off => Off,
+ Typ => Typ,
+ Prev_Sig => Signals_Table.Table (Sig).Drivers,
+ Proc => Proc_Idx,
+ Prev_Proc => Processes_Table.Table (Proc_Idx).Drivers));
+ Signals_Table.Table (Sig).Drivers := Drivers_Table.Last;
+ Processes_Table.Table (Proc_Idx).Drivers := Drivers_Table.Last;
+ end Add_Process_Driver;
+ procedure Gather_Process_Drivers
+ (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Proc : Node; Proc_Idx : Process_Index_Type)
+ is
+ use Synth.Vhdl_Stmts;
+ Driver_List: Iir_List;
+ It : List_Iterator;
+ Sig : Node;
+ Base_Vt : Valtyp;
+ Base : Signal_Index_Type;
+ Typ : Type_Acc;
+ Off : Value_Offsets;
+ Dyn : Dyn_Name;
+ begin
+ Driver_List := Trans_Analyzes.Extract_Drivers (Proc);
+ It := List_Iterate_Safe (Driver_List);
+ while Is_Valid (It) loop
+ Sig := Get_Element (It);
+ exit when Sig = Null_Node;
+ Synth_Assignment_Prefix (Inst, Sig, Base_Vt, Typ, Off, Dyn);
+ pragma Assert (Dyn = No_Dyn_Name);
+ Base := Base_Vt.Val.S;
+ Add_Process_Driver (Proc_Idx, Base, Off, Typ);
+ Next (It);
+ end loop;
+ Trans_Analyzes.Free_Drivers_List (Driver_List);
+ end Gather_Process_Drivers;
+ procedure Gather_Sensitivity (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Proc_Idx : Process_Index_Type;
+ List : Iir_List)
+ is
+ use Synth.Vhdl_Stmts;
+ It : List_Iterator;
+ Sig : Node;
+ Base_Vt : Valtyp;
+ Base : Signal_Index_Type;
+ Typ : Type_Acc;
+ Off : Value_Offsets;
+ Dyn : Dyn_Name;
+ begin
+ It := List_Iterate_Safe (List);
+ while Is_Valid (It) loop
+ Sig := Get_Element (It);
+ exit when Sig = Null_Node;
+ Synth_Assignment_Prefix (Inst, Sig, Base_Vt, Typ, Off, Dyn);
+ pragma Assert (Dyn = No_Dyn_Name);
+ Base := Base_Vt.Val.S;
+ Sensitivity_Table.Append
+ ((Sig => Base,
+ Off => Off,
+ Typ => Typ,
+ Prev_Sig => Signals_Table.Table (Base).Sensitivity,
+ Proc => Proc_Idx,
+ Prev_Proc => Processes_Table.Table (Proc_Idx).Sensitivity));
+ Signals_Table.Table (Base).Sensitivity := Sensitivity_Table.Last;
+ Processes_Table.Table (Proc_Idx).Sensitivity :=
+ Sensitivity_Table.Last;
+ Next (It);
+ end loop;
+ end Gather_Sensitivity;
+ procedure Gather_Process_Sensitivity
+ (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Proc : Node; Proc_Idx : Process_Index_Type)
+ is
+ List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Proc) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
+ -- No sensitivity list.
+ -- TODO: extract potential list from wait statements ?
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Simple_Signal_Assignment =>
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Vhdl.Canon.Canon_Extract_Sensitivity_Simple_Signal_Assignment
+ (Proc, List);
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment =>
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Vhdl.Canon.Canon_Extract_Sensitivity_Conditional_Signal_Assignment
+ (Proc, List);
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment =>
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Vhdl.Canon.Canon_Extract_Sensitivity_Selected_Signal_Assignment
+ (Proc, List);
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement =>
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Vhdl.Canon.Canon_Extract_Sensitivity_Assertion_Statement
+ (Proc, List);
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement =>
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Vhdl.Canon.Canon_Extract_Sensitivity_Procedure_Call
+ (Get_Procedure_Call (Proc), List);
+ when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
+ List := Get_Sensitivity_List (Proc);
+ if List = Iir_List_All then
+ List := Vhdl.Canon.Canon_Extract_Sensitivity_Process (Proc);
+ else
+ Gather_Sensitivity (Inst, Proc_Idx, List);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Psl_Assert_Directive =>
+ List := Get_PSL_Clock_Sensitivity (Proc);
+ Gather_Sensitivity (Inst, Proc_Idx, List);
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Break_Statement =>
+ List := Get_Sensitivity_List (Proc);
+ if List /= Null_Iir_List then
+ Gather_Sensitivity (Inst, Proc_Idx, List);
+ return;
+ else
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Vhdl.Canon.Canon_Extract_Sensitivity_Break_Statement
+ (Proc, List);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("gather_process_sensitivity", Proc);
+ end case;
+ Gather_Sensitivity (Inst, Proc_Idx, List);
+ Destroy_Iir_List (List);
+ end Gather_Process_Sensitivity;
+ procedure Gather_Connections (Port_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Ports : Node;
+ Assoc_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Assocs : Node)
+ is
+ use Synth.Vhdl_Stmts;
+ Assoc_Inter : Node;
+ Assoc : Node;
+ Inter : Node;
+ Formal_Base : Valtyp;
+ Actual_Base : Valtyp;
+ Formal_Sig : Signal_Index_Type;
+ Actual_Sig : Signal_Index_Type;
+ Typ : Type_Acc;
+ Off : Value_Offsets;
+ Dyn : Dyn_Name;
+ Conn : Connect_Entry;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Assoc := Assocs;
+ Assoc_Inter := Ports;
+ while Is_Valid (Assoc) loop
+ case Get_Kind (Assoc) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Name =>
+ Inter := Get_Association_Interface (Assoc, Assoc_Inter);
+ Synth_Assignment_Prefix
+ (Port_Inst, Inter, Formal_Base, Typ, Off, Dyn);
+ pragma Assert (Dyn = No_Dyn_Name);
+ Formal_Sig := Formal_Base.Val.S;
+ Conn.Formal_Base := Formal_Sig;
+ Conn.Formal_Offs := Off;
+ Conn.Formal_Type := Typ;
+ Conn.Formal_Link := Signals_Table.Table (Formal_Sig).Connect;
+ Synth_Assignment_Prefix
+ (Assoc_Inst, Get_Actual (Assoc), Actual_Base, Typ, Off, Dyn);
+ pragma Assert (Dyn = No_Dyn_Name);
+ Actual_Sig := Actual_Base.Val.S;
+ Conn.Actual_Base := Actual_Sig;
+ Conn.Actual_Offs := Off;
+ Conn.Actual_Type := Typ;
+ Conn.Actual_Link := Signals_Table.Table (Actual_Sig).Connect;
+ Conn.Assoc := Assoc;
+ Conn.Assoc_Inst := Assoc_Inst;
+ -- LRM08 Signal declarations
+ -- [...], each source is either a driver or an OUT, INOUT,
+ -- BUFFER, or LINKAGE port [...]
+ case Get_Mode (Inter) is
+ when Iir_In_Mode =>
+ Conn.Drive_Formal := True;
+ Conn.Drive_Actual := False;
+ when Iir_Out_Mode
+ | Iir_Buffer_Mode =>
+ Conn.Drive_Formal := False;
+ Conn.Drive_Actual := True;
+ when Iir_Inout_Mode
+ | Iir_Linkage_Mode =>
+ Conn.Drive_Formal := True;
+ Conn.Drive_Actual := True;
+ when Iir_Unknown_Mode =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Connect_Table.Append (Conn);
+ Signals_Table.Table (Formal_Sig).Connect := Connect_Table.Last;
+ Signals_Table.Table (Actual_Sig).Connect := Connect_Table.Last;
+ -- Collapse
+ if Get_Collapse_Signal_Flag (Assoc) then
+ pragma Assert (Conn.Formal_Offs.Mem_Off = 0);
+ pragma Assert (Conn.Actual_Offs.Mem_Off = 0);
+ pragma Assert (Actual_Base.Typ.W = Typ.W);
+ pragma Assert (Formal_Base.Typ.W = Typ.W);
+ pragma Assert (Signals_Table.Table (Formal_Sig).Collapsed_By
+ = No_Signal_Index);
+ pragma Assert (Formal_Sig > Actual_Sig);
+ Signals_Table.Table (Formal_Sig).Collapsed_By := Actual_Sig;
+ else
+ -- TODO: handle non-collapsed signals in simul.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_Open
+ | Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Individual =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Get_Actual (Assoc)) < Globally then
+ Inter := Get_Association_Interface (Assoc, Assoc_Inter);
+ Synth_Assignment_Prefix
+ (Port_Inst, Inter, Formal_Base, Typ, Off, Dyn);
+ pragma Assert (Dyn = No_Dyn_Name);
+ Formal_Sig := Formal_Base.Val.S;
+ Conn.Formal_Base := Formal_Sig;
+ Conn.Formal_Offs := Off;
+ Conn.Formal_Type := Typ;
+ Conn.Formal_Link := Signals_Table.Table (Formal_Sig).Connect;
+ Conn.Actual_Base := No_Signal_Index;
+ Conn.Actual_Offs := No_Value_Offsets;
+ Conn.Actual_Type := null;
+ Conn.Actual_Link := No_Connect_Index;
+ Conn.Assoc := Assoc;
+ Conn.Assoc_Inst := Assoc_Inst;
+ -- Always an IN interface.
+ Conn.Drive_Formal := True;
+ Conn.Drive_Actual := False;
+ Connect_Table.Append (Conn);
+ Signals_Table.Table (Formal_Sig).Connect :=
+ Connect_Table.Last;
+ Processes_Table.Append
+ ((Proc => Assoc,
+ Inst => Assoc_Inst,
+ Drivers => No_Driver_Index,
+ Sensitivity => No_Sensitivity_Index));
+ Add_Process_Driver
+ (Processes_Table.Last, Formal_Sig, Off, Typ);
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Vhdl.Canon.Canon_Extract_Sensitivity_Expression
+ (Get_Actual (Assoc), List, False);
+ Gather_Sensitivity (Assoc_Inst, Processes_Table.Last, List);
+ Destroy_Iir_List (List);
+ else
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("gather_connections", Assoc);
+ end case;
+ Next_Association_Interface (Assoc, Assoc_Inter);
+ end loop;
+ end Gather_Connections;
+ procedure Gather_Connections_Instantiation_Statement
+ (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Stmt : Node; Sub_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc)
+ is
+ Sub_Scope : constant Node := Get_Source_Scope (Sub_Inst);
+ Comp_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Arch : Node;
+ Ent : Node;
+ Config : Node;
+ Bind : Node;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Sub_Scope) = Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration then
+ -- Connections with the components.
+ Gather_Connections (Sub_Inst, Get_Port_Chain (Sub_Scope),
+ Inst, Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Stmt));
+ -- Connections with the entity
+ Comp_Inst := Get_Component_Instance (Sub_Inst);
+ if Comp_Inst = null then
+ -- Unbounded.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Arch := Get_Source_Scope (Comp_Inst);
+ Ent := Get_Entity (Arch);
+ Config := Get_Instance_Config (Sub_Inst);
+ Bind := Get_Binding_Indication (Config);
+ -- Connections of the entity with the component.
+ Gather_Connections (Comp_Inst, Get_Port_Chain (Ent),
+ Sub_Inst, Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Bind));
+ else
+ pragma Assert (Get_Kind (Sub_Scope) = Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body);
+ Gather_Connections
+ (Sub_Inst, Get_Port_Chain (Get_Entity (Sub_Scope)),
+ Inst, Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Stmt));
+ end if;
+ end Gather_Connections_Instantiation_Statement;
+ procedure Gather_Processes_Stmt
+ (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Stmt : Node) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Stmt) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Sub_Inst : constant Synth_Instance_Acc :=
+ Get_Sub_Instance (Inst, Stmt);
+ begin
+ Gather_Processes_1 (Sub_Inst);
+ Gather_Connections_Instantiation_Statement
+ (Inst, Stmt, Sub_Inst);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_If_Generate_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Sub : constant Synth_Instance_Acc :=
+ Get_Sub_Instance (Inst, Stmt);
+ begin
+ if Sub /= null then
+ Gather_Processes_1 (Sub);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_For_Generate_Statement =>
+ declare
+ It : constant Node := Get_Parameter_Specification (Stmt);
+ It_Rng : Type_Acc;
+ It_Len : Natural;
+ Gen_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ begin
+ It_Rng := Get_Subtype_Object (Inst, Get_Type (It));
+ It_Len := Natural (Get_Range_Length (It_Rng.Drange));
+ Gen_Inst := Get_Sub_Instance (Inst, Stmt);
+ for I in 1 .. It_Len loop
+ Gather_Processes_1
+ (Get_Generate_Sub_Instance (Gen_Inst, I));
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Sub : constant Synth_Instance_Acc :=
+ Get_Sub_Instance (Inst, Stmt);
+ begin
+ Gather_Processes_1 (Sub);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Concurrent_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ | Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement =>
+ Processes_Table.Append ((Proc => Stmt,
+ Inst => Inst,
+ Drivers => No_Driver_Index,
+ Sensitivity => No_Sensitivity_Index));
+ Gather_Process_Drivers (Inst, Stmt, Processes_Table.Last);
+ Gather_Process_Sensitivity (Inst, Stmt, Processes_Table.Last);
+ when Iir_Kind_Psl_Default_Clock =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Psl_Assert_Directive
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Break_Statement =>
+ Processes_Table.Append ((Proc => Stmt,
+ Inst => Inst,
+ Drivers => No_Driver_Index,
+ Sensitivity => No_Sensitivity_Index));
+ Gather_Process_Sensitivity (Inst, Stmt, Processes_Table.Last);
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Simultaneous_Statement =>
+ Simultaneous_Table.Append ((Stmt => Stmt, Inst => Inst));
+ when others =>
+ Vhdl.Errors.Error_Kind ("gather_processes_stmt", Stmt);
+ end case;
+ end Gather_Processes_Stmt;
+ procedure Gather_Processes_Stmts (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Stmts : Node)
+ is
+ Stmt : Node;
+ begin
+ Stmt := Stmts;
+ while Stmt /= Null_Node loop
+ Gather_Processes_Stmt (Inst, Stmt);
+ Stmt := Get_Chain (Stmt);
+ end loop;
+ end Gather_Processes_Stmts;
+ procedure Gather_Processes_1 (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc)
+ is
+ N : constant Node := Get_Source_Scope (Inst);
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (N) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body =>
+ declare
+ Ent : constant Node := Get_Entity (N);
+ begin
+ Gather_Processes_Decls
+ (Inst, Get_Port_Chain (Ent));
+ Gather_Processes_Decls
+ (Inst, Get_Declaration_Chain (Ent));
+ Gather_Processes_Stmts
+ (Inst, Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (Ent));
+ Gather_Processes_Decls
+ (Inst, Get_Declaration_Chain (N));
+ Gather_Processes_Stmts
+ (Inst, Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (N));
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ declare
+ Comp_Inst : constant Synth_Instance_Acc :=
+ Get_Component_Instance (Inst);
+ begin
+ Gather_Processes_Decls (Inst, Get_Port_Chain (N));
+ if Comp_Inst /= null then
+ Gather_Processes_1 (Comp_Inst);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ Gather_Processes_Decls
+ (Inst, Get_Declaration_Chain (N));
+ Gather_Processes_Stmts
+ (Inst, Get_Concurrent_Statement_Chain (N));
+ when Iir_Kind_Package_Declaration =>
+ Gather_Processes_Decls
+ (Inst, Get_Declaration_Chain (N));
+ when others =>
+ Vhdl.Errors.Error_Kind ("gater_processes_1", N);
+ end case;
+ end Gather_Processes_1;
+ procedure Gather_Processes (Top : Synth_Instance_Acc) is
+ begin
+ Processes_Table.Init;
+ Signals_Table.Init;
+ Drivers_Table.Init;
+ Simul.Vhdl_Debug.Init;
+ Signals_Table.Set_Last (Get_Nbr_Signal);
+ for I in Signals_Table.First .. Signals_Table.Last loop
+ Signals_Table.Table (I) :=
+ (Mode_End, Null_Node, null, null, null, null,
+ No_Sensitivity_Index, No_Signal_Index);
+ end loop;
+ -- Gather declarations of top-level packages.
+ declare
+ It : Iterator_Top_Level_Type;
+ Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ begin
+ It := Iterator_Top_Level_Init;
+ loop
+ Iterate_Top_Level (It, Inst);
+ exit when Inst = null;
+ pragma Assert (Inst /= Top);
+ Gather_Processes_1 (Inst);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ Gather_Processes_1 (Top);
+ -- For the debugger.
+ Top_Instance := Top;
+ end Gather_Processes;
+ procedure Elab_Processes
+ is
+ Proc : Node;
+ Proc_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ begin
+ for I in Processes_Table.First .. Processes_Table.Last loop
+ Proc := Processes_Table.Table (I).Proc;
+ if Get_Kind (Proc) in Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement then
+ Proc_Inst := Make_Elab_Instance (Processes_Table.Table (I).Inst,
+ Proc, Null_Node);
+ Processes_Table.Table (I).Inst := Proc_Inst;
+ Elab.Vhdl_Decls.Elab_Declarations
+ (Proc_Inst, Get_Declaration_Chain (Proc), True);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Elab_Processes;
+ procedure Elab_Drivers is
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Elab_Drivers;
+end Simul.Vhdl_Elab;
diff --git a/src/simul/simul-vhdl_elab.ads b/src/simul/simul-vhdl_elab.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8bc54e94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/simul/simul-vhdl_elab.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+-- Elaboration for VHDL simulation
+-- Copyright (C) 2022 Tristan Gingold
+-- This file is part of GHDL.
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+-- (at your option) any later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- GNU General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
+with Types; use Types;
+with Tables;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Vhdl_Types; use Grt.Vhdl_Types;
+with Vhdl.Nodes; use Vhdl.Nodes;
+with Elab.Memtype; use Elab.Memtype;
+with Elab.Vhdl_Objtypes; use Elab.Vhdl_Objtypes;
+with Elab.Vhdl_Values; use Elab.Vhdl_Values;
+with Elab.Vhdl_Context; use Elab.Vhdl_Context;
+package Simul.Vhdl_Elab is
+ procedure Gather_Processes (Top : Synth_Instance_Acc);
+ procedure Elab_Processes;
+ -- For the debugger.
+ Top_Instance : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ -- For each signals:
+ -- * drivers (process + area), sources
+ -- * sensitivity
+ -- * waveform assignments
+ -- * decomposition level: none, vectors, full.
+ -- * force/release
+ -- * need to track activity
+ -- * need to track events
+ procedure Elab_Drivers;
+ type Process_Index_Type is new Nat32;
+ type Driver_Index_Type is new Nat32;
+ subtype Sensitivity_Index_Type is Driver_Index_Type;
+ No_Driver_Index : constant Driver_Index_Type := 0;
+ No_Sensitivity_Index : constant Sensitivity_Index_Type := 0;
+ type Proc_Record_Type is record
+ Proc : Node;
+ Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Drivers : Driver_Index_Type;
+ Sensitivity : Sensitivity_Index_Type;
+ end record;
+ -- Table of all processes (explicit or implicit).
+ package Processes_Table is new Tables
+ (Table_Component_Type => Proc_Record_Type,
+ Table_Index_Type => Process_Index_Type,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 1,
+ Table_Initial => 128);
+ type Simultaneous_Record is record
+ Stmt : Node;
+ Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ end record;
+ type Simultaneous_Index_Type is new Nat32;
+ package Simultaneous_Table is new Tables
+ (Table_Component_Type => Simultaneous_Record,
+ Table_Index_Type => Simultaneous_Index_Type,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 1,
+ Table_Initial => 16);
+ type Connect_Index_Type is new Nat32;
+ No_Connect_Index : constant Connect_Index_Type := 0;
+ -- Connections. For each associations (block/component/entry), the
+ -- elaborator adds an entry in that table.
+ type Connect_Entry is record
+ Formal_Base : Signal_Index_Type;
+ Formal_Offs : Value_Offsets;
+ Formal_Type : Type_Acc;
+ -- Next connection for the formal.
+ Formal_Link : Connect_Index_Type;
+ Actual_Base : Signal_Index_Type;
+ Actual_Offs : Value_Offsets;
+ Actual_Type : Type_Acc;
+ -- Next connection for the actual.
+ Actual_Link : Connect_Index_Type;
+ -- Whether it is a source for the actual or/and the actual.
+ -- The correct word is 'source'.
+ Drive_Formal : Boolean;
+ Drive_Actual : Boolean;
+ Assoc : Node;
+ Assoc_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ end record;
+ package Connect_Table is new Tables
+ (Table_Component_Type => Connect_Entry,
+ Table_Index_Type => Connect_Index_Type,
+ Table_Low_Bound => No_Connect_Index + 1,
+ Table_Initial => 32);
+ -- Signals.
+ type Signal_Entry (Kind : Mode_Signal_Type := Mode_Signal) is record
+ Decl : Iir;
+ Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Typ : Type_Acc;
+ Val : Memory_Ptr;
+ Sig : Memory_Ptr;
+ -- Processes sensitized by this signal.
+ Sensitivity : Sensitivity_Index_Type;
+ -- This signal is identical to Collapsed_By, if set.
+ Collapsed_By : Signal_Index_Type;
+ case Kind is
+ when Mode_Signal_User =>
+ Drivers : Driver_Index_Type;
+ Connect : Connect_Index_Type;
+ when Mode_Quiet | Mode_Stable | Mode_Delayed
+ | Mode_Transaction =>
+ Time : Std_Time;
+ Prefix : Memory_Ptr;
+ when Mode_Above =>
+ null;
+ when Mode_Guard =>
+ null;
+ when Mode_Conv_In | Mode_Conv_Out | Mode_End =>
+ -- Unused.
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ package Signals_Table is new Tables
+ (Table_Component_Type => Signal_Entry,
+ Table_Index_Type => Signal_Index_Type,
+ Table_Low_Bound => No_Signal_Index + 1,
+ Table_Initial => 128);
+ type Driver_Entry is record
+ -- The signal having a driver.
+ Sig : Signal_Index_Type;
+ Off : Value_Offsets;
+ Typ : Type_Acc;
+ -- Previous driver for the same signal.
+ Prev_Sig : Driver_Index_Type;
+ -- The process driving this signal.
+ Proc : Process_Index_Type;
+ -- Previous driver for the same process.
+ Prev_Proc : Driver_Index_Type;
+ end record;
+ package Drivers_Table is new Tables
+ (Table_Component_Type => Driver_Entry,
+ Table_Index_Type => Driver_Index_Type,
+ Table_Low_Bound => No_Driver_Index + 1,
+ Table_Initial => 128);
+ subtype Sensitivity_Entry is Driver_Entry;
+ package Sensitivity_Table is new Tables
+ (Table_Component_Type => Driver_Entry,
+ Table_Index_Type => Sensitivity_Index_Type,
+ Table_Low_Bound => No_Sensitivity_Index + 1,
+ Table_Initial => 128);
+ type Scalar_Quantity_Index is new Uns32;
+ No_Scalar_Quantity : constant Scalar_Quantity_Index := 0;
+ type Quantity_Entry is record
+ Decl : Iir;
+ Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Typ : Type_Acc;
+ Val : Memory_Ptr;
+ -- Index in the scalar table.
+ Idx : Scalar_Quantity_Index;
+ end record;
+ package Quantity_Table is new Tables
+ (Table_Component_Type => Quantity_Entry,
+ Table_Index_Type => Quantity_Index_Type,
+ Table_Low_Bound => No_Quantity_Index + 1,
+ Table_Initial => 128);
+end Simul.Vhdl_Elab;
diff --git a/src/simul/simul-vhdl_simul.adb b/src/simul/simul-vhdl_simul.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ae5a8c1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/simul/simul-vhdl_simul.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1992 @@
+-- Simulation of VHDL
+-- Copyright (C) 2022 Tristan Gingold
+-- This file is part of GHDL.
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+-- (at your option) any later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- GNU General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
+with System;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with Simple_IO;
+with Utils_IO;
+with Vhdl.Errors;
+with Vhdl.Sem_Inst;
+with Vhdl.Canon;
+with Elab.Vhdl_Objtypes; use Elab.Vhdl_Objtypes;
+with Elab.Vhdl_Values; use Elab.Vhdl_Values;
+with Elab.Vhdl_Decls;
+with Elab.Debugger;
+with Trans_Analyzes;
+with Synth.Errors;
+with Synth.Vhdl_Stmts; use Synth.Vhdl_Stmts;
+with Synth.Vhdl_Expr;
+with Synth.Vhdl_Oper;
+with Synth.Vhdl_Static_Proc;
+with Synth.Flags;
+with Synth.Ieee.Std_Logic_1164; use Synth.Ieee.Std_Logic_1164;
+with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
+with Grt.Signals; use Grt.Signals;
+with Grt.Options;
+with Grt.Stdio;
+with Grt.Processes;
+with Grt.Main;
+with Grt.Errors;
+with Grt.Lib;
+with Grt.Analog_Solver;
+package body Simul.Vhdl_Simul is
+ function To_Instance_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (System.Address, Grt.Processes.Instance_Acc);
+ procedure Process_Executer (Self : Grt.Processes.Instance_Acc);
+ pragma Convention (C, Process_Executer);
+ type Ghdl_Signal_Ptr_Ptr is access all Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ function To_Ghdl_Signal_Ptr_Ptr is
+ new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Memory_Ptr, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr_Ptr);
+ Sig_Size : constant Size_Type := Ghdl_Signal_Ptr'Size / 8;
+ subtype F64_C_Arr_Ptr is Grt.Analog_Solver.F64_C_Arr_Ptr;
+ procedure Residues (T : Ghdl_F64;
+ Y : F64_C_Arr_Ptr;
+ Yp : F64_C_Arr_Ptr;
+ Res : F64_C_Arr_Ptr);
+ pragma Export (C, Residues, "grt__analog_solver__residues");
+ procedure Set_Quantities_Values (Y : F64_C_Arr_Ptr; Yp: F64_C_Arr_Ptr);
+ pragma Export (C, Set_Quantities_Values, "grt__analog_solver__set_values");
+ function Sig_Index (Base : Memory_Ptr; Idx : Uns32) return Memory_Ptr is
+ begin
+ return Base + Size_Type (Idx) * Sig_Size;
+ end Sig_Index;
+ procedure Write_Sig (Mem : Memory_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr) is
+ begin
+ To_Ghdl_Signal_Ptr_Ptr (Mem).all := Val;
+ end Write_Sig;
+ function Read_Sig (Mem : Memory_Ptr) return Ghdl_Signal_Ptr is
+ begin
+ return To_Ghdl_Signal_Ptr_Ptr (Mem).all;
+ end Read_Sig;
+ function Exec_Sig_Sig (Val : Value_Acc) return Memory_Ptr
+ is
+ E : Signal_Entry renames Signals_Table.Table (Val.S);
+ begin
+ return E.Sig;
+ end Exec_Sig_Sig;
+ function Hook_Signal_Expr (Val : Valtyp) return Valtyp is
+ begin
+ if Val.Val.Kind = Value_Alias then
+ declare
+ E : Signal_Entry renames Signals_Table.Table (Val.Val.A_Obj.S);
+ begin
+ return Create_Value_Memtyp
+ ((Val.Typ, E.Val + Val.Val.A_Off.Mem_Off));
+ end;
+ else
+ declare
+ E : Signal_Entry renames Signals_Table.Table (Val.Val.S);
+ begin
+ return Create_Value_Memtyp ((E.Typ, E.Val));
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Hook_Signal_Expr;
+ function Hook_Quantity_Expr (Val : Valtyp) return Valtyp is
+ begin
+ if Val.Val.Kind = Value_Alias then
+ declare
+ E : Quantity_Entry renames Quantity_Table.Table (Val.Val.A_Obj.Q);
+ begin
+ return Create_Value_Memtyp
+ ((Val.Typ, E.Val + Val.Val.A_Off.Mem_Off));
+ end;
+ else
+ declare
+ E : Quantity_Entry renames Quantity_Table.Table (Val.Val.Q);
+ begin
+ return Create_Value_Memtyp ((E.Typ, E.Val));
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Hook_Quantity_Expr;
+ procedure Disp_Iir_Location (N : Iir)
+ is
+ use Simple_IO;
+ begin
+ if N = Null_Iir then
+ Put_Err ("??:??:??");
+ else
+ Put_Err (Vhdl.Errors.Disp_Location (N));
+ end if;
+ Put_Err (": ");
+ end Disp_Iir_Location;
+ procedure Error_Msg_Exec (Loc : Iir; Msg : String)
+ is
+ use Simple_IO;
+ begin
+ Disp_Iir_Location (Loc);
+ Put_Line_Err (Msg);
+ Grt.Errors.Fatal_Error;
+ end Error_Msg_Exec;
+ procedure Start_Assign_Value_To_Signal (Target: Memtyp;
+ Rej : Std_Time;
+ After : Std_Time;
+ Val : Memtyp) is
+ begin
+ case Target.Typ.Kind is
+ when Type_Logic
+ | Type_Bit =>
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_E8
+ (Read_Sig (Target.Mem), Rej, Read_U8 (Val), After);
+ when Type_Discrete =>
+ if Target.Typ.Sz = 1 then
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_E8
+ (Read_Sig (Target.Mem), Rej, Read_U8 (Val), After);
+ elsif Target.Typ.Sz = 4 then
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I32
+ (Read_Sig (Target.Mem), Rej, Read_I32 (Val.Mem), After);
+ elsif Target.Typ.Sz = 8 then
+ Ghdl_Signal_Start_Assign_I64
+ (Read_Sig (Target.Mem), Rej, Read_I64 (Val.Mem), After);
+ else
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ when Type_Vector
+ | Type_Array =>
+ declare
+ Len : constant Uns32 := Target.Typ.Abound.Len;
+ El : constant Type_Acc := Target.Typ.Arr_El;
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (Val.Typ.Abound.Len = Len);
+ for I in 1 .. Len loop
+ Start_Assign_Value_To_Signal
+ ((El, Sig_Index (Target.Mem, (Len - I) * El.W)),
+ Rej, After,
+ (Val.Typ.Arr_El, Val.Mem + Size_Type (I - 1) * El.Sz));
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Type_Record =>
+ for I in Val.Typ.Rec.E'Range loop
+ declare
+ E : Rec_El_Type renames Val.Typ.Rec.E (I);
+ begin
+ Start_Assign_Value_To_Signal
+ ((E.Typ, Sig_Index (Target.Mem, E.Offs.Net_Off)),
+ Rej, After,
+ (E.Typ, Val.Mem + E.Offs.Mem_Off));
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Start_Assign_Value_To_Signal;
+ procedure Add_Source (Typ : Type_Acc; Sig : Memory_Ptr; Val : Memory_Ptr) is
+ begin
+ case Typ.Kind is
+ when Type_Logic
+ | Type_Bit =>
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Add_Port_Driver_E8
+ (Read_Sig (Sig), Read_U8 (Val));
+ when Type_Discrete =>
+ if Typ.Sz = 1 then
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Add_Port_Driver_E8
+ (Read_Sig (Sig), Read_U8 (Val));
+ elsif Typ.Sz = 4 then
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Add_Port_Driver_I32
+ (Read_Sig (Sig), Read_I32 (Val));
+ elsif Typ.Sz = 8 then
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Add_Port_Driver_I64
+ (Read_Sig (Sig), Read_I64 (Val));
+ else
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ when Type_Vector
+ | Type_Array =>
+ declare
+ Len : constant Uns32 := Typ.Abound.Len;
+ begin
+ for I in 1 .. Len loop
+ Add_Source (Typ.Arr_El,
+ Sig_Index (Sig, (Len - I) * Typ.Arr_El.W),
+ Val + Size_Type (I - 1) * Typ.Arr_El.Sz);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Type_Record =>
+ for I in Typ.Rec.E'Range loop
+ Add_Source (Typ.Rec.E (I).Typ,
+ Sig_Index (Sig, Typ.Rec.E (I).Offs.Net_Off),
+ Val + Typ.Rec.E (I).Offs.Mem_Off);
+ end loop;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Add_Source;
+ procedure Create_Process_Drivers (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Proc : Node;
+ Driver_List : Iir_List)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Proc);
+ It : List_Iterator;
+ El: Iir;
+ Info : Target_Info;
+ begin
+ -- Some processes have no driver list (assertion).
+ It := List_Iterate_Safe (Driver_List);
+ while Is_Valid (It) loop
+ El := Get_Element (It);
+ -- Mark (Marker, Expr_Pool);
+ Info := Synth_Target (Inst, El);
+ declare
+ E : Signal_Entry renames Signals_Table.Table (Info.Obj.Val.S);
+ begin
+ Add_Source (Info.Targ_Type,
+ Sig_Index (E.Sig, Info.Off.Net_Off),
+ E.Val + Info.Off.Mem_Off);
+ end;
+ -- Release (Marker, Expr_Pool);
+ Next (It);
+ end loop;
+ end Create_Process_Drivers;
+ procedure Create_Process_Drivers (Proc : Process_Index_Type)
+ is
+ Drv : Driver_Index_Type;
+ begin
+ Drv := Processes_Table.Table (Proc).Drivers;
+ while Drv /= No_Driver_Index loop
+ declare
+ D : Driver_Entry renames Drivers_Table.Table (Drv);
+ S : Signal_Entry renames Signals_Table.Table (D.Sig);
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (D.Off = No_Value_Offsets);
+ Add_Source (S.Typ, S.Sig, S.Val);
+ Drv := D.Prev_Proc;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ end Create_Process_Drivers;
+ function Exec_Event_Attribute (Sig : Memtyp) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ case Sig.Typ.Kind is
+ when Type_Logic
+ | Type_Bit
+ | Type_Discrete =>
+ return Read_Sig (Sig.Mem).Event;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ return False;
+ end case;
+ end Exec_Event_Attribute;
+ function Exec_Event_Attribute (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Expr : Node) return Valtyp
+ is
+ Res : Valtyp;
+ Pfx : Target_Info;
+ E : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Pfx := Synth_Target (Inst, Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ pragma Assert (Pfx.Kind = Target_Simple);
+ -- TODO: alias.
+ pragma Assert (Pfx.Obj.Val /= null
+ and then Pfx.Obj.Val.Kind = Value_Signal);
+ E := Exec_Event_Attribute
+ ((Pfx.Targ_Type,
+ Sig_Index (Signals_Table.Table (Pfx.Obj.Val.S).Sig,
+ Pfx.Off.Net_Off)));
+ Res := Create_Value_Memory (Boolean_Type);
+ Write_U8 (Res.Val.Mem, Boolean'Pos (E));
+ return Res;
+ end Exec_Event_Attribute;
+ function Exec_Dot_Attribute (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Expr : Node) return Valtyp
+ is
+ Pfx : Target_Info;
+ begin
+ Pfx := Synth_Target (Inst, Expr);
+ pragma Assert (Pfx.Kind = Target_Simple);
+ -- TODO: alias.
+ pragma Assert (Pfx.Obj.Val /= null
+ and then Pfx.Obj.Val.Kind = Value_Quantity);
+ return Hook_Quantity_Expr (Pfx.Obj);
+ end Exec_Dot_Attribute;
+ procedure Execute_Sequential_Statements (Process : Process_State_Acc);
+ function Execute_Condition (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Cond : Node) return Boolean
+ is
+ Cond_Val : Valtyp;
+ begin
+ if Cond = Null_Node then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ Cond_Val := Synth.Vhdl_Expr.Synth_Expression (Inst, Cond);
+ return Read_Discrete (Cond_Val) = 1;
+ end Execute_Condition;
+ function Get_Suspend_State_Var (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc) return Memory_Ptr
+ is
+ Src : Node;
+ Var : Node;
+ State_Mem : Memory_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Src := Get_Source_Scope (Inst);
+ Var := Get_Declaration_Chain (Src);
+ pragma Assert (Var /= Null_Node);
+ pragma Assert (Get_Kind (Var) = Iir_Kind_Suspend_State_Declaration);
+ State_Mem := Get_Value (Inst, Var).Val.Mem;
+ return State_Mem;
+ end Get_Suspend_State_Var;
+ -- Return the statement STMT corresponding to the current state from INST.
+ procedure Get_Suspend_State_Statement
+ (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Stmt : out Node; Resume : out Boolean)
+ is
+ Src : Node;
+ Var : Node;
+ State_Mem : Memory_Ptr;
+ State : Int32;
+ begin
+ State_Mem := Get_Suspend_State_Var (Inst);
+ State := Int32 (Read_I32 (State_Mem));
+ Src := Get_Source_Scope (Inst);
+ if State = 0 then
+ Stmt := Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Src);
+ Resume := False;
+ else
+ Var := Get_Declaration_Chain (Src);
+ Stmt := Get_Suspend_State_Chain (Var);
+ loop
+ pragma Assert (Stmt /= Null_Node);
+ exit when Get_Suspend_State_Index (Stmt) = State;
+ Stmt := Get_Suspend_State_Chain (Stmt);
+ end loop;
+ Resume := True;
+ end if;
+ end Get_Suspend_State_Statement;
+ procedure Finish_Procedure_Call (Process : Process_State_Acc;
+ Bod : Node;
+ Stmt : out Node)
+ is
+ Imp : constant Node := Get_Subprogram_Specification (Bod);
+ Caller_Inst : constant Synth_Instance_Acc :=
+ Get_Caller_Instance (Process.Instance);
+ Resume : Boolean;
+ begin
+ if not Get_Suspend_Flag (Bod) then
+ Process.Instance := Caller_Inst;
+ -- TODO: free old inst.
+ Stmt := Null_Node;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Get_Suspend_State_Statement (Caller_Inst, Stmt, Resume);
+ pragma Assert (Resume);
+ -- Skip the resume statement.
+ Stmt := Get_Chain (Stmt);
+ pragma Assert (Get_Kind (Stmt) = Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement);
+ Synth_Subprogram_Back_Association
+ (Process.Instance, Caller_Inst,
+ Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Imp),
+ Get_Parameter_Association_Chain
+ (Get_Procedure_Call (Stmt)));
+ Process.Instance := Caller_Inst;
+ -- TODO: free old inst.
+ end Finish_Procedure_Call;
+ procedure Next_Parent_Statement (Process : Process_State_Acc;
+ First_Parent : Node;
+ Stmt : out Node)
+ is
+ N_Stmt : Node;
+ Parent : Node;
+ begin
+ Parent := First_Parent;
+ loop
+ case Get_Kind (Parent) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
+ Stmt := Null_Node;
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
+ Stmt := Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Parent);
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_If_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Case_Statement =>
+ Stmt := Parent;
+ when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Param : constant Node :=
+ Get_Parameter_Specification (Parent);
+ Val : Valtyp;
+ begin
+ -- Update index
+ Val := Get_Value (Process.Instance, Param);
+ Update_Index (Val.Typ.Drange, Val);
+ -- Test.
+ if Elab.Vhdl_Objtypes.In_Range (Val.Typ.Drange,
+ Read_Discrete (Val))
+ then
+ Stmt := Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Parent);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- End of loop.
+ Synth.Vhdl_Stmts.Finish_For_Loop_Statement
+ (Process.Instance, Parent);
+ Stmt := Parent;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement =>
+ if Execute_Condition (Process.Instance, Get_Condition (Parent))
+ then
+ Stmt := Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Parent);
+ return;
+ else
+ Stmt := Parent;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ Finish_Procedure_Call (Process, Parent, Stmt);
+ exit when Stmt = Null_Node;
+ when others =>
+ Vhdl.Errors.Error_Kind ("next_statement", Parent);
+ end case;
+ N_Stmt := Get_Chain (Stmt);
+ if N_Stmt /= Null_Node then
+ Stmt := N_Stmt;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Parent := Get_Parent (Stmt);
+ end loop;
+ end Next_Parent_Statement;
+ procedure Next_Statement (Process : Process_State_Acc;
+ Stmt : in out Node)
+ is
+ N_Stmt : Node;
+ begin
+ N_Stmt := Get_Chain (Stmt);
+ if N_Stmt /= Null_Node then
+ Stmt := N_Stmt;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Next_Parent_Statement (Process, Get_Parent (Stmt), Stmt);
+ end Next_Statement;
+ procedure Add_Wait_Sensitivity (Typ : Type_Acc; Sig : Memory_Ptr) is
+ begin
+ case Typ.Kind is
+ when Type_Logic
+ | Type_Bit
+ | Type_Discrete =>
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Add_Sensitivity (Read_Sig (Sig));
+ when Type_Vector
+ | Type_Array =>
+ declare
+ Len : constant Uns32 := Typ.Abound.Len;
+ begin
+ for I in 1 .. Len loop
+ Add_Wait_Sensitivity
+ (Typ.Arr_El, Sig_Index (Sig, (Len - I) * Typ.Arr_El.W));
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Type_Record =>
+ for I in Typ.Rec.E'Range loop
+ Add_Wait_Sensitivity
+ (Typ.Rec.E (I).Typ,
+ Sig_Index (Sig, Typ.Rec.E (I).Offs.Net_Off));
+ end loop;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Add_Wait_Sensitivity;
+ procedure Execute_Wait_Statement (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Stmt : Node)
+ is
+ Expr : Node;
+ List : Node_List;
+ Val : Valtyp;
+ Timeout : Int64;
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 8.1
+ -- The execution of a wait statement causes the time expression to
+ -- be evaluated to determine the timeout interval.
+ Expr := Get_Timeout_Clause (Stmt);
+ if Expr /= Null_Node then
+ Val := Synth.Vhdl_Expr.Synth_Expression (Inst, Expr);
+ Timeout := Read_Discrete (Val);
+ if Timeout < 0 then
+ Error_Msg_Exec (Stmt, "negative timeout value");
+ end if;
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Set_Timeout
+ (Std_Time (Timeout), null, 0);
+ end if;
+ List := Get_Sensitivity_List (Stmt);
+ Expr := Get_Condition_Clause (Stmt);
+ if Expr /= Null_Node and then List = Null_Iir_List then
+ List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Vhdl.Canon.Canon_Extract_Sensitivity_Expression (Expr, List);
+ Set_Sensitivity_List (Stmt, List);
+ Set_Is_Ref (Stmt, True);
+ end if;
+ if List /= Null_Iir_List then
+ declare
+ It : List_Iterator;
+ El : Node;
+ Info : Target_Info;
+ Sig : Memory_Ptr;
+ begin
+ It := List_Iterate (List);
+ while Is_Valid (It) loop
+ El := Get_Element (It);
+ Info := Synth_Target (Inst, El);
+ Sig := Signals_Table.Table (Info.Obj.Val.S).Sig;
+ Add_Wait_Sensitivity
+ (Info.Targ_Type, Sig_Index (Sig, Info.Off.Net_Off));
+ Next (It);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 8.1
+ -- It also causes the execution of the corresponding process
+ -- statement to be suspended.
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Suspend;
+ end Execute_Wait_Statement;
+ function Resume_Wait_Statement (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Stmt : Node) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 8.1
+ -- The suspended process will resume, at the latest, immediately
+ -- after the timeout interval has expired.
+ if not Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Timed_Out then
+ -- Compute the condition clause only if the timeout has not
+ -- expired.
+ -- LRM93 8.1
+ -- If such an event occurs, the condition in the condition clause
+ -- is evaluated.
+ --
+ -- if no condition clause appears, the condition clause until true
+ -- is assumed.
+ if not Execute_Condition (Inst, Get_Condition_Clause (Stmt)) then
+ -- LRM93 8.1
+ -- If the value of the condition is FALSE, the process will
+ -- re-suspend.
+ -- Such re-suspension does not involve the recalculation of
+ -- the timeout interval.
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Suspend;
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- LRM93 8.1
+ -- If the value of the condition is TRUE, the process will resume.
+ -- next statement.
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Process_Wait_Close;
+ return False;
+ end Resume_Wait_Statement;
+ procedure Execute_Procedure_Call_Statement (Process : Process_State_Acc;
+ Stmt : Node;
+ Next_Stmt : out Node)
+ is
+ use Vhdl.Errors;
+ Inst : constant Synth_Instance_Acc := Process.Instance;
+ Call : constant Node := Get_Procedure_Call (Stmt);
+ Imp : constant Node := Get_Implementation (Call);
+ Assoc_Chain : constant Node := Get_Parameter_Association_Chain (Call);
+ Area_Mark : Areapools.Mark_Type;
+ Sub_Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ begin
+ Areapools.Mark (Area_Mark, Instance_Pool.all);
+ if Get_Implicit_Definition (Imp) /= Iir_Predefined_None then
+ declare
+ Inter_Chain : constant Node :=
+ Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Imp);
+ begin
+ Sub_Inst := Synth_Subprogram_Call_Instance (Inst, Imp, Imp);
+ Synth_Subprogram_Association
+ (Sub_Inst, Inst, Inter_Chain, Assoc_Chain);
+ Synth.Vhdl_Static_Proc.Synth_Static_Procedure
+ (Sub_Inst, Imp, Call);
+ Synth_Subprogram_Back_Association
+ (Sub_Inst, Inst, Inter_Chain, Assoc_Chain);
+ Next_Stmt := Null_Node;
+ end;
+ else
+ declare
+ Bod : constant Node :=
+ Vhdl.Sem_Inst.Get_Subprogram_Body_Origin (Imp);
+ Inter_Chain : constant Node :=
+ Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Imp);
+ begin
+ if Get_Foreign_Flag (Imp) then
+ Synth.Errors.Error_Msg_Synth
+ (+Stmt, "call to foreign %n is not supported", +Imp);
+ Next_Stmt := Null_Node;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Sub_Inst := Synth_Subprogram_Call_Instance (Inst, Imp, Bod);
+ -- Note: in fact the uninstantiated scope is the instantiated
+ -- one!
+ Set_Uninstantiated_Scope (Sub_Inst, Imp);
+ Synth_Subprogram_Association
+ (Sub_Inst, Inst, Inter_Chain, Assoc_Chain);
+ Process.Instance := Sub_Inst;
+ Elab.Vhdl_Decls.Elab_Declarations
+ (Sub_Inst, Get_Declaration_Chain (Bod), True);
+ if Get_Suspend_Flag (Bod) then
+ Next_Stmt := Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Bod);
+ return;
+ -- TODO: end of call.
+ else
+ Execute_Sequential_Statements (Process);
+ Synth_Subprogram_Back_Association
+ (Sub_Inst, Inst, Inter_Chain, Assoc_Chain);
+ Next_Stmt := Null_Node;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ if Elab.Debugger.Flag_Need_Debug then
+ Elab.Debugger.Debug_Leave (Sub_Inst);
+ end if;
+ Free_Elab_Instance (Sub_Inst);
+ Areapools.Release (Area_Mark, Instance_Pool.all);
+ end Execute_Procedure_Call_Statement;
+ procedure Execute_Signal_Assignment (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Target : Target_Info;
+ Val : Valtyp;
+ Loc : Node);
+ procedure Execute_Aggregate_Signal_Assignment is
+ new Assign_Aggregate (Execute_Signal_Assignment);
+ procedure Execute_Signal_Assignment (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Target : Target_Info;
+ Val : Valtyp;
+ Loc : Node)
+ is
+ use Synth.Vhdl_Expr;
+ V : Valtyp;
+ Sig : Memtyp;
+ begin
+ V := Synth_Subtype_Conversion (Inst, Val, Target.Targ_Type, False, Loc);
+ pragma Unreferenced (Val);
+ case Target.Kind is
+ when Target_Aggregate =>
+ Execute_Aggregate_Signal_Assignment
+ (Inst, Target.Aggr, Target.Targ_Type, V, Loc);
+ when Target_Simple =>
+ declare
+ E : Signal_Entry renames Signals_Table.Table (Target.Obj.Val.S);
+ begin
+ Sig := (Target.Targ_Type,
+ Sig_Index (E.Sig, Target.Off.Net_Off));
+ end;
+ Start_Assign_Value_To_Signal (Sig, 0, 0, Get_Value_Memtyp (V));
+ when Target_Memory =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Execute_Signal_Assignment;
+ procedure Execute_Waveform_Assignment (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Target : Target_Info;
+ Waveform : Node)
+ is
+ use Synth.Vhdl_Expr;
+ Wf : Node;
+ Val : Valtyp;
+ begin
+ Wf := Waveform;
+ Val := Synth_Expression_With_Type
+ (Inst, Get_We_Value (Wf), Target.Targ_Type);
+ Execute_Signal_Assignment (Inst, Target, Val, Wf);
+ Wf := Get_Chain (Wf);
+ if Wf /= Null_Node then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Execute_Waveform_Assignment;
+ procedure Execute_Simple_Signal_Assignment (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Stmt : Node)
+ is
+ use Synth.Vhdl_Expr;
+ Target : constant Node := Get_Target (Stmt);
+ Info : Target_Info;
+ begin
+ Info := Synth_Target (Inst, Target);
+ Execute_Waveform_Assignment (Inst, Info, Get_Waveform_Chain (Stmt));
+ end Execute_Simple_Signal_Assignment;
+ procedure Execute_Conditional_Signal_Assignment (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Stmt : Node)
+ is
+ use Synth.Vhdl_Expr;
+ Target : constant Node := Get_Target (Stmt);
+ Cw : Node;
+ Cond : Node;
+ Info : Target_Info;
+ begin
+ Info := Synth_Target (Inst, Target);
+ Cw := Get_Conditional_Waveform_Chain (Stmt);
+ while Cw /= Null_Node loop
+ Cond := Get_Condition (Cw);
+ if Cond = Null_Node
+ or else Execute_Condition (Inst, Cond)
+ then
+ Execute_Waveform_Assignment
+ (Inst, Info, Get_Waveform_Chain (Cw));
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ Cw := Get_Chain (Cw);
+ end loop;
+ end Execute_Conditional_Signal_Assignment;
+ procedure Execute_Selected_Signal_Assignment (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Stmt : Node)
+ is
+ use Synth.Vhdl_Expr;
+ Target : constant Node := Get_Target (Stmt);
+ Sel : Memtyp;
+ Sw : Node;
+ Wf : Node;
+ Info : Target_Info;
+ Eq : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Info := Synth_Target (Inst, Target);
+ Sel := Get_Memtyp (Synth_Expression (Inst, Get_Expression (Stmt)));
+ Sw := Get_Selected_Waveform_Chain (Stmt);
+ while Sw /= Null_Node loop
+ if not Get_Same_Alternative_Flag (Sw) then
+ Wf := Get_Associated_Chain (Sw);
+ else
+ pragma Assert (Get_Associated_Chain (Sw) = Null_Node);
+ null;
+ end if;
+ case Iir_Kinds_Choice (Get_Kind (Sw)) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Expression =>
+ declare
+ Ch : Valtyp;
+ begin
+ Ch := Synth_Expression (Inst, Get_Choice_Expression (Sw));
+ Eq := Is_Equal (Sel, Get_Memtyp (Ch));
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Choice_By_Others =>
+ Eq := True;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ if Eq then
+ Execute_Waveform_Assignment (Inst, Info, Wf);
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ Sw := Get_Chain (Sw);
+ end loop;
+ end Execute_Selected_Signal_Assignment;
+ procedure Execute_Sequential_Statements (Process : Process_State_Acc)
+ is
+ Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Src : Node;
+ Stmt : Node;
+ Resume : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Inst := Process.Instance;
+ Src := Get_Source_Scope (Inst);
+ if Get_Kind (Src) = Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ or else (Get_Kind (Src) = Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
+ and then not Get_Suspend_Flag (Src))
+ then
+ Stmt := Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Src);
+ Resume := True;
+ else
+ Get_Suspend_State_Statement (Inst, Stmt, Resume);
+ end if;
+ loop
+ Inst := Process.Instance;
+ if Elab.Debugger.Flag_Need_Debug then
+ Elab.Debugger.Debug_Break (Inst, Stmt);
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Stmt) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Null_Statement =>
+ Next_Statement (Process, Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Val : Valtyp;
+ begin
+ Synth.Vhdl_Stmts.Init_For_Loop_Statement (Inst, Stmt, Val);
+ if Elab.Vhdl_Objtypes.In_Range (Val.Typ.Drange,
+ Read_Discrete (Val))
+ then
+ Stmt := Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Stmt);
+ else
+ Synth.Vhdl_Stmts.Finish_For_Loop_Statement (Inst, Stmt);
+ Next_Statement (Process, Stmt);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement =>
+ if Execute_Condition (Inst, Get_Condition (Stmt)) then
+ Stmt := Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Stmt);
+ else
+ Next_Statement (Process, Stmt);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Exit_Statement =>
+ if Execute_Condition (Inst, Get_Condition (Stmt)) then
+ declare
+ Label : constant Node := Get_Loop_Label (Stmt);
+ begin
+ loop
+ Stmt := Get_Parent (Stmt);
+ case Get_Kind (Stmt) is
+ when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
+ -- Need to finalize for-loop statements.
+ Synth.Vhdl_Stmts.Finish_For_Loop_Statement
+ (Inst, Stmt);
+ exit when Label = Null_Node
+ or else Label = Stmt;
+ when Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement =>
+ exit when Label = Null_Node
+ or else Label = Stmt;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ Next_Statement (Process, Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Next_Statement =>
+ if Execute_Condition (Inst, Get_Condition (Stmt)) then
+ declare
+ Label : constant Node := Get_Loop_Label (Stmt);
+ begin
+ loop
+ Stmt := Get_Parent (Stmt);
+ case Get_Kind (Stmt) is
+ when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
+ -- Need to finalize for-loop statements.
+ if Label = Null_Node or else Label = Stmt
+ then
+ Next_Parent_Statement (Process, Stmt, Stmt);
+ exit;
+ else
+ Synth.Vhdl_Stmts.Finish_For_Loop_Statement
+ (Inst, Stmt);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement =>
+ if Label = Null_Node or else Label = Stmt
+ then
+ Next_Parent_Statement (Process, Stmt, Stmt);
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ else
+ Next_Statement (Process, Stmt);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Return_Statement =>
+ pragma Assert (Get_Expression (Stmt) = Null_Node);
+ loop
+ Stmt := Get_Parent (Stmt);
+ case Get_Kind (Stmt) is
+ when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
+ -- Need to finalize for-loop statements.
+ Synth.Vhdl_Stmts.Finish_For_Loop_Statement
+ (Inst, Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ exit;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ Finish_Procedure_Call (Process, Stmt, Stmt);
+ -- For a non-suspend procedure, return now to the caller.
+ exit when Stmt = Null_Node;
+ Next_Statement (Process, Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_If_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Els : Node;
+ begin
+ Els := Stmt;
+ loop
+ if Execute_Condition (Inst, Get_Condition (Els)) then
+ Stmt := Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Els);
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ Els := Get_Else_Clause (Els);
+ if Els = Null_Node then
+ Next_Statement (Process, Stmt);
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Case_Statement =>
+ declare
+ use Synth.Vhdl_Expr;
+ Expr : constant Node := Get_Expression (Stmt);
+ Sel : Valtyp;
+ begin
+ Sel := Synth_Expression_With_Basetype (Inst, Expr);
+ Stmt := Synth.Vhdl_Stmts.Execute_Static_Case_Statement
+ (Inst, Stmt, Sel);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Assertion_Statement =>
+ Synth.Vhdl_Stmts.Execute_Assertion_Statement (Inst, Stmt);
+ Next_Statement (Process, Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Report_Statement =>
+ Synth.Vhdl_Stmts.Execute_Report_Statement (Inst, Stmt);
+ Next_Statement (Process, Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Assignment_Statement =>
+ Synth.Vhdl_Stmts.Synth_Variable_Assignment (Inst, Stmt);
+ Next_Statement (Process, Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Conditional_Variable_Assignment_Statement =>
+ Synth.Vhdl_Stmts.Synth_Conditional_Variable_Assignment
+ (Inst, Stmt);
+ Next_Statement (Process, Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Signal_Assignment_Statement =>
+ Execute_Simple_Signal_Assignment (Inst, Stmt);
+ Next_Statement (Process, Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Conditional_Signal_Assignment_Statement =>
+ Execute_Conditional_Signal_Assignment (Inst, Stmt);
+ Next_Statement (Process, Stmt);
+ when Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement =>
+ -- The suspend state is executed instead.
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement =>
+ -- Call of a procedure without suspend state.
+ declare
+ Next_Stmt : Node;
+ begin
+ Execute_Procedure_Call_Statement (Process, Stmt, Next_Stmt);
+ pragma Assert (Next_Stmt = Null_Node);
+ Next_Statement (Process, Stmt);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Suspend_State_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Stmt2 : constant Node := Get_Chain (Stmt);
+ Next_Stmt : Node;
+ State : Int32;
+ State_Mem : Memory_Ptr;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Stmt2) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Wait_Statement =>
+ if Resume then
+ Resume := Resume_Wait_Statement
+ (Process.Instance, Stmt2);
+ else
+ Execute_Wait_Statement (Process.Instance, Stmt2);
+ Resume := True;
+ end if;
+ if Resume then
+ -- Will resume, so first stop!
+ State_Mem := Get_Suspend_State_Var (Inst);
+ State := Get_Suspend_State_Index (Stmt);
+ Write_I32 (State_Mem, Ghdl_I32 (State));
+ exit;
+ else
+ -- Continue execution
+ Stmt := Stmt2;
+ Next_Statement (Process, Stmt);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Call_Statement =>
+ if Resume then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Execute_Procedure_Call_Statement
+ (Process, Stmt2, Next_Stmt);
+ if Next_Stmt /= Null_Node then
+ -- User procedure.
+ -- Save current state.
+ State_Mem := Get_Suspend_State_Var (Inst);
+ State := Get_Suspend_State_Index (Stmt);
+ Write_I32 (State_Mem, Ghdl_I32 (State));
+ -- Start to execute the user procedure.
+ Inst := Process.Instance;
+ Stmt := Next_Stmt;
+ else
+ -- Implicit procedure, was already executed.
+ -- Continue execution
+ Stmt := Stmt2;
+ Next_Statement (Process, Stmt);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Vhdl.Errors.Error_Kind ("execute_sequential_statements", Stmt);
+ end case;
+ exit when Stmt = Null_Node;
+ end loop;
+ end Execute_Sequential_Statements;
+ procedure Execute_Expression_Association (Proc_Idx : Process_Index_Type)
+ is
+ use Synth.Vhdl_Expr;
+ Proc : Proc_Record_Type renames Processes_Table.Table (Proc_Idx);
+ Drv : Driver_Entry renames Drivers_Table.Table (Proc.Drivers);
+ Sig : Signal_Entry renames Signals_Table.Table (Drv.Sig);
+ Val : Valtyp;
+ begin
+ Val := Synth_Expression_With_Type
+ (Proc.Inst, Get_Actual (Proc.Proc), Drv.Typ);
+ Start_Assign_Value_To_Signal
+ ((Drv.Typ, Sig.Sig), 0, 0, Get_Value_Memtyp (Val));
+ end Execute_Expression_Association;
+ procedure Process_Executer (Self : Grt.Processes.Instance_Acc)
+ is
+ use Simple_IO;
+ function To_Process_State_Acc is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Grt.Processes.Instance_Acc, Process_State_Acc);
+ Process : Process_State_Acc renames
+ To_Process_State_Acc (Self);
+ begin
+ -- For debugger
+ Current_Process := Process;
+-- Instance_Pool := Process.Pool'Access;
+ if Synth.Flags.Flag_Trace_Statements then
+ Put (" run process: ");
+-- Disp_Instance_Name (Process.Top_Instance);
+ Put_Line (" (" & Vhdl.Errors.Disp_Location (Process.Proc) & ")");
+ end if;
+-- Execute_Sequential_Statements (Process);
+ -- Sanity checks.
+-- if not Is_Empty (Expr_Pool) then
+-- raise Internal_Error;
+-- end if;
+ case Get_Kind (Process.Proc) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
+-- if Process.Instance.In_Wait_Flag then
+-- raise Internal_Error;
+-- end if;
+ Execute_Sequential_Statements (Process);
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
+ Execute_Sequential_Statements (Process);
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement =>
+ if Elab.Debugger.Flag_Need_Debug then
+ Elab.Debugger.Debug_Break (Process.Instance, Process.Proc);
+ end if;
+ Synth.Vhdl_Stmts.Execute_Assertion_Statement
+ (Process.Instance, Process.Proc);
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Simple_Signal_Assignment =>
+ if Elab.Debugger.Flag_Need_Debug then
+ Elab.Debugger.Debug_Break (Process.Instance, Process.Proc);
+ end if;
+ Execute_Simple_Signal_Assignment (Process.Instance, Process.Proc);
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment =>
+ if Elab.Debugger.Flag_Need_Debug then
+ Elab.Debugger.Debug_Break (Process.Instance, Process.Proc);
+ end if;
+ Execute_Conditional_Signal_Assignment
+ (Process.Instance, Process.Proc);
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment =>
+ if Elab.Debugger.Flag_Need_Debug then
+ Elab.Debugger.Debug_Break (Process.Instance, Process.Proc);
+ end if;
+ Execute_Selected_Signal_Assignment
+ (Process.Instance, Process.Proc);
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
+ if Elab.Debugger.Flag_Need_Debug then
+ Elab.Debugger.Debug_Break (Process.Instance, Process.Proc);
+ end if;
+ Execute_Expression_Association (Process.Idx);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+-- Instance_Pool := null;
+ Current_Process := null;
+ end Process_Executer;
+ procedure Add_Sensitivity (Typ : Type_Acc; Sig : Memory_Ptr) is
+ begin
+ case Typ.Kind is
+ when Type_Logic
+ | Type_Bit
+ | Type_Discrete =>
+ Grt.Processes.Ghdl_Process_Add_Sensitivity (Read_Sig (Sig));
+ when Type_Vector
+ | Type_Array =>
+ declare
+ Len : constant Uns32 := Typ.Abound.Len;
+ begin
+ for I in 1 .. Len loop
+ Add_Sensitivity
+ (Typ.Arr_El, Sig_Index (Sig, (Len - I) * Typ.Arr_El.W));
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Type_Record =>
+ for I in Typ.Rec.E'Range loop
+ Add_Sensitivity (Typ.Rec.E (I).Typ,
+ Sig_Index (Sig, Typ.Rec.E (I).Offs.Net_Off));
+ end loop;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Add_Sensitivity;
+ procedure Register_Sensitivity (Proc_Idx : Process_Index_Type)
+ is
+ Sens : Sensitivity_Index_Type;
+ begin
+ Sens := Processes_Table.Table (Proc_Idx).Sensitivity;
+ while Sens /= No_Sensitivity_Index loop
+ declare
+ S : Sensitivity_Entry renames Sensitivity_Table.Table (Sens);
+ Base : constant Memory_Ptr := Signals_Table.Table (S.Sig).Sig;
+ begin
+ Add_Sensitivity (S.Typ, Sig_Index (Base, S.Off.Net_Off));
+ Sens := S.Prev_Proc;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ end Register_Sensitivity;
+ function To_Address is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Process_State_Acc, System.Address);
+ procedure Create_Process_Sensitized (Proc : Process_State_Acc)
+ is
+ use Grt.Processes;
+ Instance_Grt : Grt.Processes.Instance_Acc;
+ begin
+ Instance_Grt := To_Instance_Acc (Proc.all'Address);
+ if Get_Postponed_Flag (Proc.Proc) then
+ Ghdl_Postponed_Sensitized_Process_Register
+ (Instance_Grt,
+ Process_Executer'Access,
+ null, To_Address (Proc));
+ else
+ Ghdl_Sensitized_Process_Register
+ (Instance_Grt,
+ Process_Executer'Access,
+ null, To_Address (Proc));
+ end if;
+ end Create_Process_Sensitized;
+ procedure Create_Processes
+ is
+ use Grt.Processes;
+ Proc : Node;
+ Instance : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Instance_Grt : Grt.Processes.Instance_Acc;
+ Instance_Addr : System.Address;
+ begin
+ Processes_State := new Process_State_Array (1 .. Processes_Table.Last);
+ for I in Processes_Table.First .. Processes_Table.Last loop
+ Instance := Processes_Table.Table (I).Inst;
+ Proc := Processes_Table.Table (I).Proc;
+-- Instance_Pool := Processes_State (I).Pool'Access;
+-- Instance.Stmt := Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Proc);
+ Processes_State (I).Top_Instance := Instance;
+ Processes_State (I).Proc := Proc;
+ Processes_State (I).Idx := I;
+ Processes_State (I).Instance := Instance;
+ Current_Process := Processes_State (I)'Access;
+ Instance_Addr := Processes_State (I)'Address;
+ Instance_Grt := To_Instance_Acc (Instance_Addr);
+ case Get_Kind (Proc) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Assertion_Statement =>
+ Create_Process_Sensitized (Current_Process);
+ Register_Sensitivity (I);
+ when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Simple_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Conditional_Signal_Assignment
+ | Iir_Kind_Concurrent_Selected_Signal_Assignment =>
+ declare
+ Driver_List: Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Driver_List := Trans_Analyzes.Extract_Drivers (Proc);
+ Create_Process_Sensitized (Current_Process);
+ Register_Sensitivity (I);
+ Create_Process_Drivers (Instance, Proc, Driver_List);
+ Trans_Analyzes.Free_Drivers_List (Driver_List);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression =>
+ Ghdl_Sensitized_Process_Register
+ (Instance_Grt,
+ Process_Executer'Access,
+ null, Instance_Addr);
+ Register_Sensitivity (I);
+ Create_Process_Drivers (I);
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
+ declare
+ Driver_List: Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Driver_List := Trans_Analyzes.Extract_Drivers (Proc);
+ if Get_Postponed_Flag (Proc) then
+ Ghdl_Postponed_Process_Register
+ (Instance_Grt,
+ Process_Executer'Access,
+ null, Instance_Addr);
+ else
+ Ghdl_Process_Register
+ (Instance_Grt,
+ Process_Executer'Access,
+ null, Instance_Addr);
+ end if;
+ Create_Process_Drivers (Instance, Proc, Driver_List);
+ Trans_Analyzes.Free_Drivers_List (Driver_List);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Vhdl.Errors.Error_Kind ("create_processes", Proc);
+ end case;
+ -- LRM93 12.4.4 Other Concurrent Statements
+ -- All other concurrent statements are either process
+ -- statements or are statements for which there is an
+ -- equivalent process statement.
+ -- Elaboration of a process statement proceeds as follows:
+ -- 1. The process declarative part is elaborated.
+-- Elaborate_Declarative_Part
+-- (Instance, Get_Declaration_Chain (Proc));
+ -- 2. The drivers required by the process statement
+ -- are created.
+ -- 3. The initial transaction defined by the default value
+ -- associated with each scalar signal driven by the
+ -- process statement is inserted into the corresponding
+ -- driver.
+ -- FIXME: do it for drivers in called subprograms too.
+-- Elaborate_Drivers (Instance, Proc);
+-- if not Is_Empty (Expr_Pool) then
+-- raise Internal_Error;
+-- end if;
+ -- Elaboration of all concurrent signal assignment
+ -- statements and concurrent assertion statements consists
+ -- of the construction of the equivalent process statement
+ -- followed by the elaboration of the equivalent process
+ -- statement.
+ -- [GHDL: this is done by canonicalize. ]
+ -- FIXME: check passive statements,
+ -- check no wait statement in sensitized processes.
+-- Instance_Pool := null;
+ end loop;
+-- if Trace_Simulation then
+-- Disp_Signals_Value;
+-- end if;
+ end Create_Processes;
+ type Resolv_Instance_Type is record
+ Func : Iir;
+ Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Sig : Memory_Ptr;
+ end record;
+ type Resolv_Instance_Acc is access Resolv_Instance_Type;
+ -- The resolution procedure for GRT.
+ procedure Resolution_Proc (Instance_Addr : System.Address;
+ Val : System.Address;
+ Bool_Vec : System.Address;
+ Vec_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Nbr_Drv : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Nbr_Ports : Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ pragma Convention (C, Resolution_Proc);
+ procedure Resolution_Proc (Instance_Addr : System.Address;
+ Val : System.Address;
+ Bool_Vec : System.Address;
+ Vec_Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Nbr_Drv : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Nbr_Ports : Ghdl_Index_Type) is
+ begin
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end Resolution_Proc;
+ -- Create a new signal, using DEFAULT as initial value.
+ -- Set its number.
+ procedure Create_User_Signal (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc;
+ Mode : Mode_Signal_Type;
+ Signal: Node;
+ Typ : Type_Acc;
+ Sig : Memory_Ptr;
+ Val : Memory_Ptr)
+ is
+-- use Grt.Signals;
+ procedure Create_Signal (Val : Memory_Ptr;
+ Sig : Memory_Ptr;
+ Sig_Type: Iir;
+ Typ : Type_Acc;
+ Already_Resolved : Boolean)
+ is
+ Sub_Resolved : Boolean := Already_Resolved;
+ Resolv_Func : Iir;
+ Resolv_Instance : Resolv_Instance_Acc;
+ S : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ begin
+ if not Already_Resolved
+ and then Get_Kind (Sig_Type) in Iir_Kinds_Subtype_Definition
+ then
+ Resolv_Func := Get_Resolution_Indication (Sig_Type);
+ else
+ Resolv_Func := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if False and Resolv_Func /= Null_Iir then
+ Sub_Resolved := True;
+ Resolv_Instance := new Resolv_Instance_Type'
+ (Func => Get_Named_Entity (Resolv_Func),
+ Inst => Inst,
+ Sig => Sig);
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Create_Resolution
+ (Resolution_Proc'Access,
+ Resolv_Instance.all'Address,
+ System.Null_Address,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type (Typ.W));
+ end if;
+ case Typ.Kind is
+ when Type_Bit =>
+ S := Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Signal_B1
+ (To_Ghdl_Value_Ptr (To_Address (Val)),
+ null, System.Null_Address);
+ Write_Sig (Sig, S);
+ when Type_Logic =>
+ S := Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Signal_E8
+ (To_Ghdl_Value_Ptr (To_Address (Val)),
+ null, System.Null_Address);
+ Write_Sig (Sig, S);
+ when Type_Float =>
+ S := Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Signal_F64
+ (To_Ghdl_Value_Ptr (To_Address (Val)),
+ null, System.Null_Address);
+ Write_Sig (Sig, S);
+ when Type_Discrete =>
+ if Typ.Sz = 1 then
+ S := Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Signal_E8
+ (To_Ghdl_Value_Ptr (To_Address (Val)),
+ null, System.Null_Address);
+ elsif Typ.Sz = 4 then
+ S := Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Signal_I32
+ (To_Ghdl_Value_Ptr (To_Address (Val)),
+ null, System.Null_Address);
+ elsif Typ.Sz = 8 then
+ S := Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Create_Signal_I64
+ (To_Ghdl_Value_Ptr (To_Address (Val)),
+ null, System.Null_Address);
+ else
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Write_Sig (Sig, S);
+ when Type_Vector
+ | Type_Array =>
+ declare
+ Len : constant Uns32 := Typ.Abound.Len;
+ El_Type : Node;
+ begin
+ if Typ.Alast then
+ El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Sig_Type);
+ else
+ El_Type := Sig_Type;
+ end if;
+ for I in 1 .. Len loop
+ Create_Signal (Val + Size_Type (I - 1) * Typ.Arr_El.Sz,
+ Sig_Index (Sig, (Len - I) * Typ.Arr_El.W),
+ El_Type, Typ.Arr_El, Already_Resolved);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Type_Record =>
+ declare
+ List : constant Iir_Flist := Get_Elements_Declaration_List
+ (Sig_Type);
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration;
+ begin
+ for I in Typ.Rec.E'Range loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, Natural (I - 1));
+ Create_Signal
+ (Val + Typ.Rec.E (I).Offs.Mem_Off,
+ Sig_Index (Sig, Typ.Rec.E (I).Offs.Net_Off),
+ Get_Type (El), Typ.Rec.E (I).Typ,
+ Sub_Resolved);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when Type_Slice
+ | Type_Access
+ | Type_Unbounded_Vector
+ | Type_Unbounded_Array
+ | Type_Unbounded_Record
+ | Type_File
+ | Type_Protected =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Create_Signal;
+ Sig_Type: constant Iir := Get_Type (Signal);
+ Kind : Kind_Signal_Type;
+ type Iir_Kind_To_Kind_Signal_Type is
+ array (Iir_Signal_Kind) of Kind_Signal_Type;
+ Iir_Kind_To_Kind_Signal : constant Iir_Kind_To_Kind_Signal_Type :=
+ (Iir_Register_Kind => Kind_Signal_Register,
+ Iir_Bus_Kind => Kind_Signal_Bus);
+ begin
+ if Get_Guarded_Signal_Flag (Signal) then
+ Kind := Iir_Kind_To_Kind_Signal (Get_Signal_Kind (Signal));
+ else
+ Kind := Kind_Signal_No;
+ end if;
+ Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Set_Mode (Mode, Kind, True);
+ Create_Signal (Val, Sig, Sig_Type, Typ, False);
+ end Create_User_Signal;
+ function Alloc_Signal_Memory (Vtype : Type_Acc) return Memory_Ptr
+ is
+ function To_Memory_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (System.Address, Memory_Ptr);
+ M : System.Address;
+ begin
+ Areapools.Allocate (Current_Pool.all,
+ M, Sig_Size * Size_Type (Vtype.W), Sig_Size);
+ return To_Memory_Ptr (M);
+ end Alloc_Signal_Memory;
+ procedure Create_Signal (E : in out Signal_Entry) is
+ begin
+ E.Sig := Alloc_Signal_Memory (E.Typ);
+ case E.Kind is
+ when Mode_Guard =>
+ -- Create_Guard_Signal (E.Instance, E.Sig, E.Val, E.Decl);
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Mode_Stable | Mode_Quiet | Mode_Transaction =>
+ -- Create_Implicit_Signal
+ -- (E.Sig, E.Val, E.Time, E.Prefix, E.Kind);
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Mode_Delayed =>
+ -- Create_Delayed_Signal (E.Sig, E.Val, E.Prefix, E.Time);
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Mode_Above =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Mode_Signal_User =>
+ Create_User_Signal (E.Inst, E.Kind, E.Decl, E.Typ, E.Sig, E.Val);
+ when Mode_Conv_In | Mode_Conv_Out | Mode_End =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Create_Signal;
+ procedure Create_Signals is
+ begin
+ for I in Signals_Table.First .. Signals_Table.Last loop
+ declare
+ E : Signal_Entry renames Signals_Table.Table (I);
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (E.Sig = null);
+ if E.Collapsed_By /= No_Signal_Index then
+ E.Sig := Signals_Table.Table (E.Collapsed_By).Sig;
+ -- TODO: keep val ?
+ E.Val := Signals_Table.Table (E.Collapsed_By).Val;
+ else
+ Create_Signal (E);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ end Create_Signals;
+ -- Compute solver variables, allocate memory for quantities.
+ procedure Create_Quantities
+ is
+ use Grt.Analog_Solver;
+ Num : Natural;
+ Vec : F64_C_Arr_Ptr;
+ begin
+ -- Compute number of scalar quantities.
+ Num := 0;
+ for I in Quantity_Table.First .. Quantity_Table.Last loop
+ declare
+ Q : Quantity_Entry renames Quantity_Table.Table (I);
+ Def : Node;
+ Pfx_Info : Target_Info;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Q.Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Free_Quantity_Declaration =>
+ -- For a free or branch quantity:
+ -- * if it is the actual of a OUT formal, then use the
+ -- variable from the formal.
+ -- TODO: handle OUT associations.
+ pragma Assert (Q.Typ.Kind = Type_Float); -- TODO
+ Q.Idx := Scalar_Quantities_Table.Last + 1;
+ Scalar_Quantities_Table.Append
+ ((Idx => Num,
+ Deriv => No_Scalar_Quantity,
+ Integ => No_Scalar_Quantity));
+ Num := Num + Natural (Q.Typ.W);
+ Def := Get_Default_Value (Q.Decl);
+ if Def /= Null_Node then
+ -- TODO
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Q.Val := Alloc_Memory (Q.Typ);
+ Write_Fp64 (Q.Val, 0.0);
+ when Iir_Kind_Dot_Attribute =>
+ Pfx_Info := Synth_Target (Q.Inst, Get_Prefix (Q.Decl));
+ pragma Assert (Pfx_Info.Kind = Target_Simple);
+ pragma Assert (Pfx_Info.Off = (0, 0));
+ pragma Assert (Pfx_Info.Targ_Type.Kind = Type_Float);
+ declare
+ Pfx : constant Scalar_Quantity_Index :=
+ Quantity_Table.Table (Pfx_Info.Obj.Val.Q).Idx;
+ Pfx_Ent : Scalar_Quantity_Record renames
+ Scalar_Quantities_Table.Table (Pfx);
+ begin
+ if Pfx_Ent.Deriv /= No_Scalar_Quantity then
+ -- There is already a 'Dot, reuse it and done.
+ Q.Idx := Pfx_Ent.Deriv;
+ else
+ -- Create a 'Dot.
+ Pfx_Ent.Deriv := Scalar_Quantities_Table.Last + 1;
+ Q.Idx := Pfx_Ent.Deriv;
+ Scalar_Quantities_Table.Append
+ ((Idx => Num,
+ Deriv => No_Scalar_Quantity,
+ Integ => Pfx));
+ Num := Num + 1;
+ Augmentations_Set.Append
+ ((Kind => Aug_Dot, Q => Q.Idx));
+ end if;
+ Q.Val := Alloc_Memory (Q.Typ);
+ Write_Fp64 (Q.Val, 0.0);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Vhdl.Errors.Error_Kind ("create_quantities", Q.Decl);
+ end case;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ -- TODO: also for the reference quantity of terminals.
+ Nbr_Solver_Variables := Num;
+ if Num = 0 then
+ -- No AMS
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- AMS simulation.
+ Grt.Processes.Flag_AMS := True;
+ --
+ -- For 'Dot:
+ -- * if the prefix is a quantity, use its corresponding prime.
+ -- * if the prefix is 'Dot, create an intermediate variable.
+ -- Initialize solver.
+ Grt.Analog_Solver.Init (Ghdl_I32 (Num));
+ -- LRM 1076.1-2007 12.6.4 Simulation cycle
+ -- The value of each implicit quantity of the form ... Q'Dot ... is
+ -- set to 0.0
+ Vec := Grt.Analog_Solver.Get_Init_Der_Ptr;
+ for I in 0 .. Num - 1 loop
+ Vec (I) := 0.0;
+ end loop;
+ -- Set initial values.
+ Vec := Grt.Analog_Solver.Get_Init_Val_Ptr;
+ for I in Quantity_Table.First .. Quantity_Table.Last loop
+ declare
+ Q : Quantity_Entry renames Quantity_Table.Table (I);
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (Q.Typ.Kind = Type_Float); -- TODO
+ Vec (Scalar_Quantities_Table.Table (Q.Idx).Idx) :=
+ Ghdl_F64 (Read_Fp64 (Q.Val));
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ end Create_Quantities;
+ function Exec_Bit_Edge (Param : Valtyp; Res_Typ : Type_Acc; Val : Ghdl_U8)
+ return Memtyp
+ is
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Res : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Sig := Read_Sig (Sig_Index (Exec_Sig_Sig (Param.Val.A_Obj),
+ Param.Val.A_Off.Net_Off));
+ Res := Sig.Event and then Sig.Value_Ptr.E8 = Val;
+ return Create_Memory_U8 (Boolean'Pos (Res), Res_Typ);
+ end Exec_Bit_Edge;
+ function Exec_Bit_Rising_Edge (Param : Valtyp; Res_Typ : Type_Acc)
+ return Memtyp is
+ begin
+ return Exec_Bit_Edge (Param, Res_Typ, 1);
+ end Exec_Bit_Rising_Edge;
+ function Exec_Bit_Falling_Edge (Param : Valtyp; Res_Typ : Type_Acc)
+ return Memtyp is
+ begin
+ return Exec_Bit_Edge (Param, Res_Typ, 0);
+ end Exec_Bit_Falling_Edge;
+ function Exec_Std_Edge (Param : Valtyp;
+ Res_Typ : Type_Acc;
+ Prev : Std_Ulogic;
+ Curr : Std_Ulogic) return Memtyp
+ is
+ Sig : Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ Res : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Sig := Read_Sig (Sig_Index (Exec_Sig_Sig (Param.Val.A_Obj),
+ Param.Val.A_Off.Net_Off));
+ Res := Sig.Event
+ and then To_X01 (Std_Ulogic'Val (Sig.Value_Ptr.E8)) = Curr
+ and then To_X01 (Std_Ulogic'Val (Sig.Last_Value.E8)) = Prev;
+ return Create_Memory_U8 (Boolean'Pos (Res), Res_Typ);
+ end Exec_Std_Edge;
+ function Exec_Std_Rising_Edge (Param : Valtyp; Res_Typ : Type_Acc)
+ return Memtyp is
+ begin
+ return Exec_Std_Edge (Param, Res_Typ, '0', '1');
+ end Exec_Std_Rising_Edge;
+ function Exec_Std_Falling_Edge (Param : Valtyp; Res_Typ : Type_Acc)
+ return Memtyp is
+ begin
+ return Exec_Std_Edge (Param, Res_Typ, '1', '0');
+ end Exec_Std_Falling_Edge;
+ procedure Exec_Finish (Inst : Synth_Instance_Acc; Imp : Node)
+ is
+ use Grt.Lib;
+ Inter : constant Node := Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Imp);
+ Param : Valtyp;
+ Status : Int64;
+ begin
+ if Inter /= Null_Node then
+ Param := Get_Value (Inst, Inter);
+ Status := Read_Discrete (Param);
+ Ghdl_Control_Simulation (False, True, Std_Integer (Status));
+ else
+ Ghdl_Control_Simulation (False, False, 0);
+ end if;
+ end Exec_Finish;
+ procedure Set_Quantities_Values (Y : F64_C_Arr_Ptr; Yp: F64_C_Arr_Ptr)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Yp);
+ begin
+ for I in Quantity_Table.First .. Quantity_Table.Last loop
+ declare
+ Q : Quantity_Entry renames Quantity_Table.Table (I);
+ Idx : Natural;
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (Q.Typ.Kind = Type_Float);
+ Idx := Scalar_Quantities_Table.Table (Q.Idx).Idx;
+ Write_Fp64 (Q.Val, Fp64 (Y (Idx)));
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ end Set_Quantities_Values;
+ procedure Residues (T : Ghdl_F64;
+ Y : F64_C_Arr_Ptr;
+ Yp : F64_C_Arr_Ptr;
+ Res : F64_C_Arr_Ptr)
+ is
+ Num : Natural;
+ L, R : Valtyp;
+ Prev_Time : Ghdl_F64;
+ begin
+ Set_Quantities_Values (Y, Yp);
+ -- Apply time.
+ -- TODO: physical time too.
+ Prev_Time := Current_Time_AMS;
+ Current_Time_AMS := T;
+ Num := 0;
+ for I in Simultaneous_Table.First .. Simultaneous_Table.Last loop
+ declare
+ S : Simultaneous_Record renames Simultaneous_Table.Table (I);
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (S.Stmt) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Simultaneous_Statement =>
+ L := Synth.Vhdl_Expr.Synth_Expression
+ (S.Inst, Get_Simultaneous_Left (S.Stmt));
+ R := Synth.Vhdl_Expr.Synth_Expression
+ (S.Inst, Get_Simultaneous_Right (S.Stmt));
+ pragma Assert (R.Typ.Kind = Type_Float);
+ pragma Assert (L.Typ.Kind = Type_Float);
+ Res (Num) := Ghdl_F64
+ (Read_Fp64 (L.Val.Mem) - Read_Fp64 (R.Val.Mem));
+ Num := Num + 1;
+ when others =>
+ Vhdl.Errors.Error_Kind ("residues", S.Stmt);
+ end case;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ for I in Augmentations_Set.First .. Augmentations_Set.Last loop
+ declare
+ A : Augmentation_Entry renames Augmentations_Set.Table (I);
+ begin
+ case A.Kind is
+ when Aug_Dot =>
+ declare
+ Q : Scalar_Quantity_Record renames
+ Scalar_Quantities_Table.Table (A.Q);
+ pragma Assert (Q.Integ /= No_Scalar_Quantity);
+ Qi : Scalar_Quantity_Record renames
+ Scalar_Quantities_Table.Table (Q.Integ);
+ begin
+ Res (Num) := Y (Q.Idx) - Yp (Qi.Idx);
+ Num := Num + 1;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ pragma Assert (Nbr_Solver_Variables = Num);
+ if Trace_Residues then
+ declare
+ use Simple_IO;
+ use Utils_IO;
+ begin
+ Put ("Residues at ");
+ Put_Fp64 (Fp64 (Current_Time_AMS));
+ New_Line;
+ for I in 0 .. Num -1 loop
+ Put ("Y");
+ Put_Uns32 (Uns32 (I));
+ Put ("=");
+ Put_Fp64 (Fp64 (Y (I)));
+ Put (", Yp(");
+ Put_Uns32 (Uns32 (I));
+ Put (")=");
+ Put_Fp64 (Fp64 (Yp (I)));
+ Put (", R(");
+ Put_Uns32 (Uns32 (I));
+ Put (")=");
+ Put_Fp64 (Fp64 (Res (I)));
+ New_Line;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ Current_Time_AMS := Prev_Time;
+ end Residues;
+ procedure Runtime_Elaborate is
+ begin
+-- if Disp_Stats then
+-- Disp_Design_Stats;
+-- end if;
+ -- There is no inputs.
+ -- All the simulation is done via time, so it must be displayed.
+ Disp_Time_Before_Values := True;
+ Create_Signals;
+ -- Create_Connects;
+ -- Create_Disconnections;
+ Create_Processes;
+ -- Create_PSL;
+ Create_Quantities;
+ -- Allow Synth_Expression to handle signals.
+ Synth.Vhdl_Expr.Hook_Signal_Expr := Hook_Signal_Expr'Access;
+ Synth.Vhdl_Expr.Hook_Event_Attribute := Exec_Event_Attribute'Access;
+ Synth.Vhdl_Oper.Hook_Bit_Rising_Edge := Exec_Bit_Rising_Edge'Access;
+ Synth.Vhdl_Oper.Hook_Bit_Falling_Edge := Exec_Bit_Falling_Edge'Access;
+ Synth.Vhdl_Oper.Hook_Std_Rising_Edge := Exec_Std_Rising_Edge'Access;
+ Synth.Vhdl_Oper.Hook_Std_Falling_Edge := Exec_Std_Falling_Edge'Access;
+ Synth.Vhdl_Expr.Hook_Quantity_Expr := Hook_Quantity_Expr'Access;
+ Synth.Vhdl_Expr.Hook_Dot_Attribute := Exec_Dot_Attribute'Access;
+ Synth.Vhdl_Static_Proc.Hook_Finish := Exec_Finish'Access;
+ -- if Flag_Interractive then
+ -- Debug (Reason_Elab);
+ -- end if;
+ end Runtime_Elaborate;
+ procedure Ghdl_Elaborate;
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Elaborate, "__ghdl_ELABORATE");
+ procedure Ghdl_Elaborate is
+ begin
+ Runtime_Elaborate;
+ end Ghdl_Elaborate;
+ Ghdl_Progname : constant String := "ghdl" & ASCII.Nul;
+ procedure Simulation
+ is
+ Ok : C_Boolean;
+ Status : Integer;
+ begin
+ Break_Time := Std_Time'Last;
+ Grt.Options.Progname := To_Ghdl_C_String (Ghdl_Progname'Address);
+ Grt.Errors.Set_Error_Stream (Grt.Stdio.stdout);
+-- Grt.Errors.Error_Hook := Debug_Error'Access;
+-- if Flag_Interractive then
+-- Debug (Reason_Start);
+-- end if;
+ Ok := Grt.Main.Run_Elab;
+ if not Ok then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Synth.Flags.Severity_Level := Grt.Options.Severity_Level;
+ if Flag_Interractive then
+ Elab.Debugger.Debug_Elab (Vhdl_Elab.Top_Instance);
+ end if;
+ Status := Grt.Main.Run_Through_Longjump
+ (Grt.Processes.Simulation_Init'Access);
+ if Status = 0 then
+ if Grt.Processes.Flag_AMS then
+ Grt.Analog_Solver.Start;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ if Break_Time < Grt.Processes.Next_Time then
+ Grt.Processes.Next_Time := Break_Time;
+ end if;
+ Status := Grt.Main.Run_Through_Longjump
+ (Grt.Processes.Simulation_Cycle'Access);
+ exit when Status < 0
+ or Status = Grt.Errors.Run_Stop
+ or Status = Grt.Errors.Run_Finished;
+ if Current_Time >= Break_Time
+ and then Break_Time /= Std_Time'Last
+ then
+ -- No not break anymore on time,
+ Break_Time := Std_Time'Last;
+ Elab.Debugger.Debug_Time;
+ end if;
+ exit when Grt.Processes.Has_Simulation_Timeout;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Grt.Processes.Simulation_Finish;
+ Grt.Main.Run_Finish (Status);
+ exception
+-- when Debugger_Quit =>
+-- null;
+ when Simulation_Finished =>
+ null;
+ end Simulation;
+end Simul.Vhdl_Simul;
diff --git a/src/simul/simul-vhdl_simul.ads b/src/simul/simul-vhdl_simul.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..05d4af757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/simul/simul-vhdl_simul.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+-- Simulation of VHDL
+-- Copyright (C) 2022 Tristan Gingold
+-- This file is part of GHDL.
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+-- (at your option) any later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- GNU General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
+with Types; use Types;
+with Tables;
+with Areapools; use Areapools;
+with Vhdl.Nodes; use Vhdl.Nodes;
+with Grt.Vhdl_Types; use Grt.Vhdl_Types;
+with Elab.Memtype; use Elab.Memtype;
+with Elab.Vhdl_Context; use Elab.Vhdl_Context;
+with Simul.Vhdl_Elab; use Simul.Vhdl_Elab;
+with Grt.Signals;
+package Simul.Vhdl_Simul is
+ Break_Time : Std_Time;
+ Trace_Simulation : Boolean := False;
+ Flag_Interractive : Boolean := False;
+ Trace_Residues : Boolean := False;
+ -- State associed with each process.
+ type Process_State_Type is record
+ -- The process instance.
+ Top_Instance : Synth_Instance_Acc := null;
+ Proc : Node := Null_Node;
+ Idx : Process_Index_Type;
+ -- Memory pool to allocate objects from.
+ Pool : aliased Areapool;
+ -- The stack of the process.
+ Instance : Synth_Instance_Acc := null;
+ end record;
+ type Process_State_Acc is access all Process_State_Type;
+ type Process_State_Array is
+ array (Process_Index_Type range <>) of aliased Process_State_Type;
+ type Process_State_Array_Acc is access Process_State_Array;
+ -- Array containing all processes.
+ Processes_State: Process_State_Array_Acc;
+ Current_Process: Process_State_Acc;
+ -- If true, disp current time in assert message.
+ Disp_Time_Before_Values: Boolean := False;
+ Simulation_Finished : exception;
+ procedure Simulation;
+ -- Low level functions, for debugger.
+ function Sig_Index (Base : Memory_Ptr; Idx : Uns32) return Memory_Ptr;
+ function Read_Sig (Mem : Memory_Ptr) return Grt.Signals.Ghdl_Signal_Ptr;
+ -- Tables visible to the debugger.
+ type Scalar_Quantity_Record is record
+ -- Index in Y or Yp vector.
+ Idx : Natural;
+ -- If there is a 'Dot, the corresponding entry.
+ Deriv : Scalar_Quantity_Index;
+ -- If there is a 'Integ, the corresponding entry.
+ Integ : Scalar_Quantity_Index;
+ end record;
+ package Scalar_Quantities_Table is new Tables
+ (Table_Component_Type => Scalar_Quantity_Record,
+ Table_Index_Type => Scalar_Quantity_Index,
+ Table_Low_Bound => No_Scalar_Quantity + 1,
+ Table_Initial => 128);
+ type Augmentation_Kind is
+ (
+ Aug_Noise,
+ Aug_Spectrum,
+ Aug_Dot,
+ Aug_Integ,
+ Aug_Delayed
+ );
+ pragma Unreferenced (Aug_Spectrum, Aug_Integ, Aug_Delayed);
+ type Augmentation_Entry (Kind : Augmentation_Kind := Aug_Noise) is record
+ Q : Scalar_Quantity_Index;
+ end record;
+ package Augmentations_Set is new Tables
+ (Table_Component_Type => Augmentation_Entry,
+ Table_Index_Type => Natural,
+ Table_Low_Bound => 1,
+ Table_Initial => 64);
+ Nbr_Solver_Variables : Natural := 0;
+end Simul.Vhdl_Simul;
diff --git a/src/simul/simul.ads b/src/simul/simul.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..797876405
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/simul/simul.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+-- Simulation
+-- Copyright (C) 2022 Tristan Gingold
+-- This file is part of GHDL.
+-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+-- (at your option) any later version.
+-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+-- GNU General Public License for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with this program. If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
+package Simul is
+end Simul;