path: root/boiler-monster/original-pic-4.2.5/ds1820.asm
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Diffstat (limited to 'boiler-monster/original-pic-4.2.5/ds1820.asm')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/boiler-monster/original-pic-4.2.5/ds1820.asm b/boiler-monster/original-pic-4.2.5/ds1820.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9b06c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boiler-monster/original-pic-4.2.5/ds1820.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+ title "Outside sensor"
+ list p=16F88, b=8, r=dec
+#include ""
+ errorlevel -302, -306
+#define IOPORT PORTA,7 ;I/O port used for 1-wire line
+;1-wire ROM commands
+#define READROM 0x33
+#define SKIPROM 0xCC
+;1-wire FUNCTION commands
+#define CONVERTT 0x44
+;1-wire family codes for supported temperature sensors
+#define DS_FAM_DS18S20 0x10
+#define DS_FAM_DS18B20 0x28
+;Return codes, controlling when to perform the next step
+#define DONE 0 ;Next step after one second
+#define CONTINUE 1 ;Next step as soon as possible
+ extern float1, float2, flags, temp, StoreOutTemp
+sensorstage res 1
+#define ds18b20 sensorstage,7
+#define restart sensorstage,6
+lsbstorage res 1
+#define OutsideTemp flags,0 ;Keep in sync with gateway.asm
+#define OutsideInvalid flags,1 ;Keep in sync with gateway.asm
+ global Temperature
+Temperature CODE
+Temperature skpz ;Zero bit indicates no message in prog
+ goto Restart ;Sequence interrupted by OT message
+ btfsc restart
+ clrf sensorstage
+ ;Split up the temperature measurement into several short steps,
+ ;each less than 1ms. That way the main loop is allowed to run
+ ;frequently enough for it to be able to do all the necessary
+ ;processing in time, like clearing out the serial receive
+ ;register.
+ movlw high StageTable
+ movwf PCLATH
+ movfw sensorstage
+ andlw b'11111'
+ addlw low StageTable
+ skpnc
+ incf PCLATH,F
+ incf sensorstage,F ;Determine next step of the process
+ movwf PCL ;Jump to the current step
+StageTable goto PresencePulse ;Step 0 - Transmit a reset pulse
+ goto SkipRom ;Step 1 - Address all devices on the bus
+ goto Measure ;Step 2 - Start a measurement
+ retlw DONE ;Step 3 - Allow time for measurement
+ goto PresencePulse ;Step 4 - Transmit a reset pulse
+ goto ReadRom ;Step 5 - Send Read ROM command
+ goto ReadFamily ;Step 6 - Read device family code
+ goto PresencePulse ;Step 7 - Transmit a reset pulse
+ goto SkipRom ;Step 8 - Address all devices
+ goto ReadCommand ;Step 9 - Send Read Scratchpad command
+ goto ReadLSB ;Step 10 - Read temperature value, LSB
+ goto ReadMSB ;Step 11 - Read temperature value, MSB
+ goto Restart ;Step 12 - Start over (never reached)
+PresencePulse bcf IOPORT ;Prepare the output latch
+ bsf STATUS,RP0
+ bcf IOPORT ;Drive the output port low
+ call Delay480 ;Wait for the minimum reset duration
+ bsf STATUS,RP0
+ bsf IOPORT ;Release the I/O port
+ bcf STATUS,RP0
+ call Delay60 ;Allow the device time to respond
+ btfsc IOPORT ;Check the 1-wire line
+ goto NoDevice
+ call Delay240 ;Wait for the presence pulse to end
+ retlw CONTINUE
+NoDevice bsf OutsideInvalid ;Outside temperature is not valid
+ goto Restart ;Start the sequence from the top
+Measure movlw CONVERTT ;Initiate temperature conversion
+ call WriteByte ;Send the command on the 1-wire bus
+ retlw DONE ;Give devices time to do the conversion
+ReadFamily call ReadByte ;Read family code from the 1-wire bus
+ movfw temp
+ sublw DS_FAM_DS18S20 ;Check if the sensor is a DS18S20
+ skpnz
+ retlw CONTINUE ;Found a DS18S20
+ movfw temp
+ sublw DS_FAM_DS18B20 ;Check if the sensor is a DS18B20
+ skpz
+ goto NoDevice ;Not a supported temperature sensor
+ bsf ds18b20 ;Found a DS18B20
+ retlw CONTINUE
+ReadCommand movlw READSCRATCHPAD ;The scratchpad contains the temerature
+ goto WriteByte ;Send the command on the 1-wire bus
+ReadLSB call ReadByte ;Read the first scratchpad byte
+ movfw temp
+ movwf lsbstorage ;Save the byte for later use
+ retlw CONTINUE
+ReadMSB call ReadByte ;Read the second scratchpad byte
+ btfsc ds18b20 ;Check which sensor type was found
+ goto HighPrecision ;A DS18B20 stores the value differently
+ rrf temp,W ;Sign of the temperature value
+ rrf lsbstorage,W ;Determine the full degrees
+ movwf float1
+ clrf float2
+ rrf float2,F ;Determine the half degrees
+ goto Success
+HighPrecision swapf lsbstorage,W ;Get the 1/16 degrees in the high nibble
+ andlw b'11110000'
+ movwf float2 ;Store as outside temperture low byte
+ swapf temp,W ;Get the upper nibble of the degrees
+ andlw b'11110000'
+ movwf temp ;Save for later use
+ swapf lsbstorage,W
+ andlw b'1111' ;Get the lower nibble of the degrees
+ iorwf temp,W ;Combine with the saved upper nibble
+ movwf float1 ;Store as outside temperature high byte
+Success bsf OutsideTemp ;Temperature measurement completed
+ bsf OutsideInvalid ;Invalid until validity is checked
+ xorlw 85 ;Test against powerup value
+ skpnz
+ goto Restart ;Not a valid measurement
+ lcall StoreOutTemp ;Store the measurement
+ retlw CONTINUE
+Restart bsf restart ;Don't clear sensorstage for debugging
+ retlw DONE
+Delay480 call Delay240 ;480 = 2 * 240
+Delay240 movlw 240 - 8 ;Value for 240uS delay (compensated)
+ goto Delay ;Wait for the specified amount of time
+Delay60 movlw 60 - 6 ;Value for 60uS delay (compensated)
+Delay bsf STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 1
+ bcf PIE1,TMR2IE ;Disable interrupt from timer 2
+ subwf PR2,W ;Calculate the start value
+ bcf STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 0
+ addlw 10 ;Overhead for starting and stopping
+ movwf TMR2 ;Load the timer
+ bsf T2CON,TMR2ON ;Start timer 2
+WaitTimer2 btfss PIR1,TMR2IF ;Check if timer 2 expired
+ goto WaitTimer2 ;Wait some more
+ bcf T2CON,TMR2ON ;Stop timer 2
+ bcf PIR1,TMR2IF ;Prevent unwanted interrupt
+ return
+Delay15 call Delay5 ;15 = 3 * 5
+Delay10 call Delay5 ;10 = 2 * 5
+Delay5 nop ;Wait 1 us
+ return ;Subroutine Call + Return = 2us + 2us
+ReadByte call ReadNibble ;Read 4 bits from 1-wire bus
+ReadNibble call ReadBit ;Read 1 bit from 1-wire bus
+ call ReadBit ;Read 1 bit from 1-wire bus
+ call ReadBit ;Read 1 bit from 1-wire bus
+ReadBit bcf IOPORT ;Prepare output latch
+ bsf STATUS,RP0 ;TRIS register is in Bank 1
+ bcf IOPORT ;Drive the 1-wire line low
+ clrc ;Prepare carry while waiting
+ bsf IOPORT ;Release the 1-wire bus
+ bcf STATUS,RP0 ;Back to bank 0
+ call Delay10 ;Allow device time to write the bit
+ btfsc IOPORT ;Read the 1-wire bus
+ setc ;Device wrote a "1"
+ rrf temp,F ;Shift bit into the result varaible
+ movlw 45 ;Maximum time a device drives the bus
+ call Delay ;Wait for the device to release the bus
+ return
+ReadRom movlw READROM ;Command to read a device's ROM code
+ goto WriteByte ;Send the command on the 1-wire bus
+SkipRom movlw SKIPROM ;Address all devices on the 1-wire bus
+WriteByte movwf temp ;Temporarily store the 1-wire command
+ call WriteNibble ;Write 4 bits to the 1-wire bus
+WriteNibble call WriteBit ;Write 1 bit to the 1-wire bus
+ call WriteBit ;Write 1 bit to the 1-wire bus
+ call WriteBit ;Write 1 bit to the 1-wire bus
+WriteBit rrf temp,F ;Set carry to least significant bit
+WriteSlot bcf IOPORT ;Prepare the output latch
+ bsf STATUS,RP0
+ bcf IOPORT ;Drive the 1-wire line low
+ skpnc ;Carry contains the bit to send
+ bsf IOPORT ;Release the 1-wire line
+ movlw 60 - 10 ;Value for 60uS delay (compensated)
+ call Delay ;Bit duration
+ bsf STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 1
+ bsf IOPORT ;Float the 1-wire line, if necessary
+ bcf STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 0
+ retlw CONTINUE
+ end