diff options
authorroot <root@lamia.panaceas.james.local>2015-07-21 08:33:53 +0100
committerroot <root@lamia.panaceas.james.local>2015-07-21 08:33:53 +0100
commit0a8e1c08e10d53f58d9e67d5bca09b8ae6a16c39 (patch)
14 files changed, 4787 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/polycom_xmit/Makefile b/polycom_xmit/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b4f0f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polycom_xmit/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+OPT=-Os -g -O2
+WARN=-Wpointer-arith -Wundef -Werror
+GCCFLAGS=-fno-inline-functions -nostdlib -mlongcalls -mtext-section-literals -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections
+#BAUD=-b 921600
+#BAUD=-b 460800
+#BAUD=-b 200000
+ write_flash 0x00000 ../bin/eagle.flash.bin 0x40000 ../bin/eagle.irom0text.bin || exit 1
+SRC=main.c webserver.c util.c reset.c wifi.c uart.c upgrade.c
+default: user0.bin
+ sympathy -b 115200 -d ${PORT} -t -L log
+flash.stamp: user0.bin
+ ${EPSTOOL} ${BAUD} --port ${PORT} write_flash 0x00000 user0.bin 0x40000 user0/
+ touch $@
+ sympathy -b 115200 -d ${PORT} -t -L log
+flash1.stamp: user1.bin ${BLANK_BIN} ${BOOT_BIN}
+ ${EPSTOOL} ${BAUD} --port ${PORT} write_flash 0x00000 "${BOOT_BIN}" 0x01000 user1.bin 0x7c000 ${BLANK_BIN}
+ touch $@
+put: put.stamp
+put.stamp: user1.bin user2.bin
+ scp user1.bin user2.bin global:/var/www/esp8266/
+ /bin/rm -f ${OBJ} ${PROG0} ${PROG1} ${PROG2} out.stamp flash.stamp put.stamp user0.bin user1.bin user2.bin flash1.stamp *~
+ /bin/rm -rf user0 user1 user2
+ echo -n > prototypes.h
+ cproto -v -E "${CC} -E" ${CPPFLAGS} ${SRC} > prototypes.h.tmp
+ mv -f prototypes.h.tmp prototypes.h
+ indent -i2 -ts0 ${SRC}
+ifeq ($(BOOT), new)
+ boot = new
+ ifeq ($(BOOT), old)
+ boot = old
+ else
+ boot = none
+ endif
+ifeq ($(SPI_SPEED), 26.7)
+ freqdiv = 1
+ ifeq ($(SPI_SPEED), 20)
+ freqdiv = 2
+ else
+ ifeq ($(SPI_SPEED), 80)
+ freqdiv = 15
+ else
+ freqdiv = 0
+ endif
+ endif
+ifeq ($(SPI_MODE), QOUT)
+ mode = 1
+ ifeq ($(SPI_MODE), DIO)
+ mode = 2
+ else
+ ifeq ($(SPI_MODE), DOUT)
+ mode = 3
+ else
+ mode = 0
+ endif
+ endif
+addr0 = 0x01000
+addr1 = 0x01000
+ifeq ($(SPI_SIZE_MAP), 1)
+ size_map = 1
+ flash = 256
+ ifeq ($(SPI_SIZE_MAP), 2)
+ size_map = 2
+ flash = 1024
+ addr2 = 0x81000
+ else
+ ifeq ($(SPI_SIZE_MAP), 3)
+ size_map = 3
+ flash = 2048
+ addr2 = 0x81000
+ else
+ ifeq ($(SPI_SIZE_MAP), 4)
+ size_map = 4
+ flash = 4096
+ addr2 = 0x81000
+ else
+ ifeq ($(SPI_SIZE_MAP), 5)
+ size_map = 5
+ flash = 2048
+ addr2 = 0x101000
+ else
+ ifeq ($(SPI_SIZE_MAP), 6)
+ size_map = 6
+ flash = 4096
+ addr2 = 0x101000
+ else
+ size_map = 0
+ flash = 512
+ addr2 = 0x41000
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+flash_b=$(shell echo $(flash) \* 1024 | bc )
+hflash_b=$(shell echo $(flash) \* 512 | bc )
+LD_FILE1 = i-dont-exist
+LD_FILE2 = i-dont-exist
+ifneq ($(boot), none)
+ ifeq ($(size_map), 6)
+ LD_FILE1 = $(LDDIR)/$(boot).2048.ld
+ LD_FILE2 = $(LDDIR)/$(boot).2048.ld
+ else
+ ifeq ($(size_map), 5)
+ LD_FILE1 = $(LDDIR)/$(boot).2048.ld
+ LD_FILE2 = $(LDDIR)/$(boot).2048.ld
+ else
+ ifeq ($(size_map), 4)
+ LD_FILE1 = $(LDDIR)/$(boot).1024.app1.ld
+ LD_FILE2 = $(LDDIR)/$(boot).1024.app2.ld
+ else
+ ifeq ($(size_map), 3)
+ LD_FILE1 = $(LDDIR)/$(boot).1024.app1.ld
+ LD_FILE2 = $(LDDIR)/$(boot).1024.app2.ld
+ else
+ ifeq ($(size_map), 2)
+ LD_FILE1 = $(LDDIR)/$(boot).1024.app1.ld
+ LD_FILE2 = $(LDDIR)/$(boot).1024.app2.ld
+ else
+ ifeq ($(size_map), 0)
+ LD_FILE1 = $(LDDIR)/$(boot).512.app1.ld
+ LD_FILE2 = $(LDDIR)/$(boot).512.app2.ld
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ rm -rf user0
+ mkdir -p user0
+ $(OBJDUMP) -x -s $< > user0/eagle.dump
+ $(OBJDUMP) -S $< > user0/eagle.S
+ $(OBJCOPY) --only-section .text -O binary $< user0/
+ $(OBJCOPY) --only-section .data -O binary $< user0/
+ $(OBJCOPY) --only-section .rodata -O binary $< user0/
+ $(OBJCOPY) --only-section .irom0.text -O binary $< user0/
+ (cd user0 && ${GENAPPBIN} ../$< 0 $(mode) $(freqdiv) $(size_map) )
+ cp user0/ user0.bin
+ @echo "** user0.bin uses $$(stat -c '%s' $@) bytes of" $(flash_b) "available"0
+ if [ $$(stat -c '%s' $@) -gt $$(( $(flash_b) )) ]; then echo "$@ too big!"; false; fi
+ rm -rf user1
+ mkdir -p user1
+ $(OBJDUMP) -x -s $< > user1/eagle.dump
+ $(OBJDUMP) -S $< > user1/eagle.S
+ $(OBJCOPY) --only-section .text -O binary $< user1/
+ $(OBJCOPY) --only-section .data -O binary $< user1/
+ $(OBJCOPY) --only-section .rodata -O binary $< user1/
+ $(OBJCOPY) --only-section .irom0.text -O binary $< user1/
+ (cd user1 && ${GENAPPBIN} ../$< 1 $(mode) $(freqdiv) $(size_map) )
+ cp user1/ user1.bin
+ @echo "** user1.bin uses $$(stat -c '%s' $@) bytes of" $(hflash_b) "available"0
+ if [ $$(stat -c '%s' $@) -gt $$(( $(hflash_b) )) ]; then echo "$@ too big!"; false; fi
+ rm -rf user2
+ mkdir -p user2
+ $(OBJDUMP) -x -s $< > user2/eagle.dump
+ $(OBJDUMP) -S $< > user2/eagle.S
+ $(OBJCOPY) --only-section .text -O binary $< user2/
+ $(OBJCOPY) --only-section .data -O binary $< user2/
+ $(OBJCOPY) --only-section .rodata -O binary $< user2/
+ $(OBJCOPY) --only-section .irom0.text -O binary $< user2/
+ (cd user2 && ${GENAPPBIN} ../$< 2 $(mode) $(freqdiv) $(size_map) )
+ cp user2/ user2.bin
+ if [ $$(stat -c '%s' $@) -gt $$(( $(hflash_b) )) ]; then echo "$@ too big!"; false; fi
+LDFLAGS= -nostdlib -Wl,--no-check-sections -u call_user_start -Wl,-static -Wl,-EL
+LIBS=-Wl,--start-group -lc -lgcc -lhal -lphy -lpp -lnet80211 -llwip -lwpa -lmain -ljson -lupgrade -lssl -lpwm -lsmartconfig ${OBJ} -Wl,--end-group
+ ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} -c -o $@ $<
+${PROG0}: ${OBJ} ${LD_FILE0}
+ ${CC} -o ${PROG0} -T${LD_FILE0} ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} ${LIBS}
+${PROG1}: ${OBJ} ${LD_FILE1}
+ ${CC} -o ${PROG1} -T${LD_FILE1} ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} ${LIBS}
+${PROG2}: ${OBJ} ${LD_FILE2}
+ ${CC} -o ${PROG2} -T${LD_FILE2} ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} ${LIBS}
diff --git a/polycom_xmit/dummy/user_config.h b/polycom_xmit/dummy/user_config.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polycom_xmit/dummy/user_config.h
diff --git a/polycom_xmit/main.c b/polycom_xmit/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8da962a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polycom_xmit/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#include "project.h"
+user_rf_pre_init (void)
+user_init (void)
+ uart_init ();
+ os_printf ("SDK version:%s\n", system_get_sdk_version ());
+ os_printf ("Hello world\n");
+ reset_init ();
+ wifi_init ();
+#if 0
+ /*Initialization of the peripheral drivers */
+ /*For light demo , it is user_light_init(); */
+ /* Also check whether assigned ip addr by the router.If so, connect to ESP-server */
+ user_esp_platform_init ();
+ /*Establish a udp socket to receive local device detect info. */
+ /*Listen to the port 1025, as well as udp broadcast.
+ /*If receive a string of device_find_request, it rely its IP address and MAC. */
+ user_devicefind_init ();
+ /*Establish a TCP server for http(with JSON) POST or GET command to communicate with the device. */
+ /*You can find the command in "2B-SDK-Espressif IoT Demo.pdf" to see the details. */
+ /*the JSON command for curl is like: */
+ /*3 Channel mode: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "{\"period\":1000,\"rgb\":{\"red\":16000,\"green\":16000,\"blue\":16000}}" */
+ /*5 Channel mode: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "{\"period\":1000,\"rgb\":{\"red\":16000,\"green\":16000,\"blue\":16000,\"cwhite\":3000,\"wwhite\",3000}}" */
+ webserver_init ();
diff --git a/polycom_xmit/platform.c b/polycom_xmit/platform.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff275dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polycom_xmit/platform.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1498 @@
+#include "project.h"
+ os_sprintf(iot_version,"%s%d.%d.%dt%d(%s)",VERSION_TYPE,IOT_VERSION_MAJOR,\
+ os_printf("IOT VERSION = %s\n",iot_version);
+ system_param_load(ESP_PARAM_START_SEC, 0, &esp_param, sizeof(esp_param));
+ struct rst_info *rtc_info = system_get_rst_info();
+ os_printf("reset reason: %x\n", rtc_info->reason);
+ if (rtc_info->reason == REASON_WDT_RST ||
+ rtc_info->reason == REASON_EXCEPTION_RST ||
+ rtc_info->reason == REASON_SOFT_WDT_RST) {
+ if (rtc_info->reason == REASON_EXCEPTION_RST) {
+ os_printf("Fatal exception (%d):\n", rtc_info->exccause);
+ }
+ os_printf("epc1=0x%08x, epc2=0x%08x, epc3=0x%08x, excvaddr=0x%08x, depc=0x%08x\n",
+ rtc_info->epc1, rtc_info->epc2, rtc_info->epc3, rtc_info->excvaddr, rtc_info->depc);
+ }
+ /***add by tzx for saving ip_info to avoid dhcp_client start****/
+ struct dhcp_client_info dhcp_info;
+ struct ip_info sta_info;
+ system_rtc_mem_read(64,&dhcp_info,sizeof(struct dhcp_client_info));
+ if(dhcp_info.flag == 0x01 ) {
+ if (true == wifi_station_dhcpc_status())
+ {
+ wifi_station_dhcpc_stop();
+ }
+ sta_info.ip = dhcp_info.ip_addr;
+ =;
+ sta_info.netmask = dhcp_info.netmask;
+ if ( true != wifi_set_ip_info(STATION_IF,&sta_info)) {
+ os_printf("set default ip wrong\n");
+ }
+ }
+ os_memset(&dhcp_info,0,sizeof(struct dhcp_client_info));
+ system_rtc_mem_write(64,&dhcp_info,sizeof(struct rst_info));
+ wifi_station_ap_number_set(AP_CACHE_NUMBER);
+#if 0
+ {
+ char sofap_mac[6] = {0x16, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0xab};
+ char sta_mac[6] = {0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0xab};
+ struct ip_info info;
+ wifi_set_macaddr(SOFTAP_IF, sofap_mac);
+ wifi_set_macaddr(STATION_IF, sta_mac);
+ IP4_ADDR(&info.ip, 192, 168, 3, 200);
+ IP4_ADDR(&, 192, 168, 3, 1);
+ IP4_ADDR(&info.netmask, 255, 255, 255, 0);
+ wifi_set_ip_info(STATION_IF, &info);
+ IP4_ADDR(&info.ip, 10, 10, 10, 1);
+ IP4_ADDR(&, 10, 10, 10, 1);
+ IP4_ADDR(&info.netmask, 255, 255, 255, 0);
+ wifi_set_ip_info(SOFTAP_IF, &info);
+ }
+ if (esp_param.activeflag != 1) {
+ struct softap_config config;
+ char password[33];
+ char macaddr[6];
+ wifi_softap_get_config(&config);
+ wifi_get_macaddr(SOFTAP_IF, macaddr);
+ os_memset(config.password, 0, sizeof(config.password));
+ os_sprintf(password, MACSTR "_%s", MAC2STR(macaddr), PASSWORD);
+ os_memcpy(config.password, password, os_strlen(password));
+ config.authmode = AUTH_WPA_WPA2_PSK;
+ wifi_softap_set_config(&config);
+ wifi_set_opmode(STATIONAP_MODE);
+ }
+ user_plug_init();
+ user_light_init();
+ user_sensor_init(esp_param.activeflag);
+ if (wifi_get_opmode() != SOFTAP_MODE) {
+ os_timer_disarm(&client_timer);
+ os_timer_setfn(&client_timer, (os_timer_func_t *)user_esp_platform_check_ip, 1);
+ os_timer_arm(&client_timer, 100, 0);
+ }
+#if 0
+ * Copyright 2013-2014 Espressif Systems (Wuxi)
+ *
+ * FileName: esp_platform.c
+ *
+ * Description: The client mode configration.
+ * Check your hardware connection with the host while use this mode.
+ *
+ * Modification history:
+ * 2014/5/09, v1.0 create this file.
+#include "ets_sys.h"
+#include "os_type.h"
+#include "mem.h"
+#include "osapi.h"
+#include "user_interface.h"
+#include "espconn.h"
+#include "esp_platform.h"
+#include "iot_version.h"
+#include "upgrade.h"
+#define ESP_DEBUG
+#ifdef ESP_DEBUG
+#define ESP_DBG os_printf
+#define ESP_DBG
+#define ACTIVE_FRAME "{\"nonce\": %d,\"path\": \"/v1/device/activate/\", \"method\": \"POST\", \"body\": {\"encrypt_method\": \"PLAIN\", \"token\": \"%s\", \"bssid\": \""MACSTR"\",\"rom_version\":\"%s\"}, \"meta\": {\"Authorization\": \"token %s\"}}\n"
+#include "plug.h"
+#define RESPONSE_FRAME "{\"status\": 200, \"datapoint\": {\"x\": %d}, \"nonce\": %d, \"deliver_to_device\": true}\n"
+#define FIRST_FRAME "{\"nonce\": %d, \"path\": \"/v1/device/identify\", \"method\": \"GET\",\"meta\": {\"Authorization\": \"token %s\"}}\n"
+#include "light.h"
+#define RESPONSE_FRAME "{\"status\": 200,\"nonce\": %d, \"datapoint\": {\"x\": %d,\"y\": %d,\"z\": %d,\"k\": %d,\"l\": %d},\"deliver_to_device\":true}\n"
+#define FIRST_FRAME "{\"nonce\": %d, \"path\": \"/v1/device/identify\", \"method\": \"GET\",\"meta\": {\"Authorization\": \"token %s\"}}\n"
+#include "sensor.h"
+#define UPLOAD_FRAME "{\"nonce\": %d, \"path\": \"/v1/datastreams/tem_hum/datapoint/\", \"method\": \"POST\", \
+\"body\": {\"datapoint\": {\"x\": %s%d.%02d,\"y\": %d.%02d}}, \"meta\": {\"Authorization\": \"token %s\"}}\n"
+#define UPLOAD_FRAME "{\"nonce\": %d, \"path\": \"/v1/datastreams/flammable_gas/datapoint/\", \"method\": \"POST\", \
+\"body\": {\"datapoint\": {\"x\": %d.%03d}}, \"meta\": {\"Authorization\": \"token %s\"}}\n"
+LOCAL uint32 count = 0;
+#define UPGRADE_FRAME "{\"path\": \"/v1/messages/\", \"method\": \"POST\", \"meta\": {\"Authorization\": \"token %s\"},\
+#define BEACON_FRAME "{\"path\": \"/v1/ping/\", \"method\": \"POST\",\"meta\": {\"Authorization\": \"token %s\"}}\n"
+#define RPC_RESPONSE_FRAME "{\"status\": 200, \"nonce\": %d, \"deliver_to_device\": true}\n"
+#define TIMER_FRAME "{\"body\": {}, \"get\":{\"is_humanize_format_simple\":\"true\"},\"meta\": {\"Authorization\": \"Token %s\"},\"path\": \"/v1/device/timers/\",\"post\":{},\"method\": \"GET\"}\n"
+#define pheadbuffer "Connection: keep-alive\r\n\
+Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n\
+User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/30.0.1599.101 Safari/537.36 \r\n\
+Accept: */*\r\n\
+Authorization: token %s\r\n\
+Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch\r\n\
+Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.8\r\n\r\n"
+LOCAL uint8 ping_status;
+LOCAL os_timer_t beacon_timer;
+#ifdef USE_DNS
+ip_addr_t esp_server_ip;
+LOCAL struct espconn user_conn;
+LOCAL struct _esp_tcp user_tcp;
+LOCAL os_timer_t client_timer;
+ struct esp_platform_saved_param esp_param;
+LOCAL uint8 device_status;
+LOCAL uint8 device_recon_count = 0;
+LOCAL uint32 active_nonce = 0;
+LOCAL uint8 iot_version[20] = {0};
+struct rst_info rtc_info;
+void user_esp_platform_check_ip(uint8 reset_flag);
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_get_token
+ * Description : get the espressif's device token
+ * Parameters : token -- the parame point which write the flash
+ * Returns : none
+user_esp_platform_get_token(uint8_t *token)
+ if (token == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ os_memcpy(token, esp_param.token, sizeof(esp_param.token));
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_set_token
+ * Description : save the token for the espressif's device
+ * Parameters : token -- the parame point which write the flash
+ * Returns : none
+user_esp_platform_set_token(uint8_t *token)
+ if (token == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ esp_param.activeflag = 0;
+ os_memcpy(esp_param.token, token, os_strlen(token));
+ system_param_save_with_protect(ESP_PARAM_START_SEC, &esp_param, sizeof(esp_param));
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_set_active
+ * Description : set active flag
+ * Parameters : activeflag -- 0 or 1
+ * Returns : none
+user_esp_platform_set_active(uint8 activeflag)
+ esp_param.activeflag = activeflag;
+ system_param_save_with_protect(ESP_PARAM_START_SEC, &esp_param, sizeof(esp_param));
+user_esp_platform_set_connect_status(uint8 status)
+ device_status = status;
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_get_connect_status
+ * Description : get each connection step's status
+ * Parameters : none
+ * Returns : status
+ uint8 status = wifi_station_get_connect_status();
+ if (status == STATION_GOT_IP) {
+ status = (device_status == 0) ? DEVICE_CONNECTING : device_status;
+ }
+ ESP_DBG("status %d\n", status);
+ return status;
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_parse_nonce
+ * Description : parse the device nonce
+ * Parameters : pbuffer -- the recivce data point
+ * Returns : the nonce
+user_esp_platform_parse_nonce(char *pbuffer)
+ char *pstr = NULL;
+ char *pparse = NULL;
+ char noncestr[11] = {0};
+ int nonce = 0;
+ pstr = (char *)os_strstr(pbuffer, "\"nonce\": ");
+ if (pstr != NULL) {
+ pstr += 9;
+ pparse = (char *)os_strstr(pstr, ",");
+ if (pparse != NULL) {
+ os_memcpy(noncestr, pstr, pparse - pstr);
+ } else {
+ pparse = (char *)os_strstr(pstr, "}");
+ if (pparse != NULL) {
+ os_memcpy(noncestr, pstr, pparse - pstr);
+ } else {
+ pparse = (char *)os_strstr(pstr, "]");
+ if (pparse != NULL) {
+ os_memcpy(noncestr, pstr, pparse - pstr);
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nonce = atoi(noncestr);
+ }
+ return nonce;
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_get_info
+ * Description : get and update the espressif's device status
+ * Parameters : pespconn -- the espconn used to connect with host
+ * pbuffer -- prossing the data point
+ * Returns : none
+user_esp_platform_get_info(struct espconn *pconn, uint8 *pbuffer)
+ char *pbuf = NULL;
+ int nonce = 0;
+ pbuf = (char *)os_zalloc(packet_size);
+ nonce = user_esp_platform_parse_nonce(pbuffer);
+ if (pbuf != NULL) {
+ os_sprintf(pbuf, RESPONSE_FRAME, user_plug_get_status(), nonce);
+ uint32 white_val;
+ white_val = (PWM_CHANNEL>LIGHT_COLD_WHITE?user_light_get_duty(LIGHT_COLD_WHITE):0);
+ os_sprintf(pbuf, RESPONSE_FRAME, nonce, user_light_get_period(),
+ user_light_get_duty(LIGHT_RED), user_light_get_duty(LIGHT_GREEN),
+ user_light_get_duty(LIGHT_BLUE),white_val );//50);
+ ESP_DBG("%s\n", pbuf);
+ espconn_secure_sent(pconn, pbuf, os_strlen(pbuf));
+ espconn_sent(pconn, pbuf, os_strlen(pbuf));
+ os_free(pbuf);
+ pbuf = NULL;
+ }
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_set_info
+ * Description : prossing the data and controling the espressif's device
+ * Parameters : pespconn -- the espconn used to connect with host
+ * pbuffer -- prossing the data point
+ * Returns : none
+user_esp_platform_set_info(struct espconn *pconn, uint8 *pbuffer)
+ char *pstr = NULL;
+ pstr = (char *)os_strstr(pbuffer, "plug-status");
+ if (pstr != NULL) {
+ pstr = (char *)os_strstr(pbuffer, "body");
+ if (pstr != NULL) {
+ if (os_strncmp(pstr + 27, "1", 1) == 0) {
+ user_plug_set_status(0x01);
+ } else if (os_strncmp(pstr + 27, "0", 1) == 0) {
+ user_plug_set_status(0x00);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ char *pstr = NULL;
+ char *pdata = NULL;
+ char *pbuf = NULL;
+ char recvbuf[10];
+ uint16 length = 0;
+ uint32 data = 0;
+ static uint32 rr,gg,bb,cw,ww,period;
+ ww=0;
+ cw=0;
+ extern uint8 light_sleep_flg;
+ pstr = (char *)os_strstr(pbuffer, "\"path\": \"/v1/datastreams/light/datapoint/\"");
+ if (pstr != NULL) {
+ pstr = (char *)os_strstr(pbuffer, "{\"datapoint\": ");
+ if (pstr != NULL) {
+ pbuf = (char *)os_strstr(pbuffer, "}}");
+ length = pbuf - pstr;
+ length += 2;
+ pdata = (char *)os_zalloc(length + 1);
+ os_memcpy(pdata, pstr, length);
+ pstr = (char *)os_strchr(pdata, 'x');
+ if (pstr != NULL) {
+ pstr += 4;
+ pbuf = (char *)os_strchr(pstr, ',');
+ if (pbuf != NULL) {
+ length = pbuf - pstr;
+ os_memset(recvbuf, 0, 10);
+ os_memcpy(recvbuf, pstr, length);
+ data = atoi(recvbuf);
+ period = data;
+ //user_light_set_period(data);
+ }
+ }
+ pstr = (char *)os_strchr(pdata, 'y');
+ if (pstr != NULL) {
+ pstr += 4;
+ pbuf = (char *)os_strchr(pstr, ',');
+ if (pbuf != NULL) {
+ length = pbuf - pstr;
+ os_memset(recvbuf, 0, 10);
+ os_memcpy(recvbuf, pstr, length);
+ data = atoi(recvbuf);
+ rr=data;
+ os_printf("r: %d\r\n",rr);
+ //user_light_set_duty(data, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ pstr = (char *)os_strchr(pdata, 'z');
+ if (pstr != NULL) {
+ pstr += 4;
+ pbuf = (char *)os_strchr(pstr, ',');
+ if (pbuf != NULL) {
+ length = pbuf - pstr;
+ os_memset(recvbuf, 0, 10);
+ os_memcpy(recvbuf, pstr, length);
+ data = atoi(recvbuf);
+ gg=data;
+ os_printf("g: %d\r\n",gg);
+ //user_light_set_duty(data, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ pstr = (char *)os_strchr(pdata, 'k');
+ if (pstr != NULL) {
+ pstr += 4;;
+ pbuf = (char *)os_strchr(pstr, ',');
+ if (pbuf != NULL) {
+ length = pbuf - pstr;
+ os_memset(recvbuf, 0, 10);
+ os_memcpy(recvbuf, pstr, length);
+ data = atoi(recvbuf);
+ bb=data;
+ os_printf("b: %d\r\n",bb);
+ //user_light_set_duty(data, 2);
+ }
+ }
+ pstr = (char *)os_strchr(pdata, 'l');
+ if (pstr != NULL) {
+ pstr += 4;;
+ pbuf = (char *)os_strchr(pstr, ',');
+ if (pbuf != NULL) {
+ length = pbuf - pstr;
+ os_memset(recvbuf, 0, 10);
+ os_memcpy(recvbuf, pstr, length);
+ data = atoi(recvbuf);
+ cw=data;
+ ww=data;
+ os_printf("cw: %d\r\n",cw);
+ os_printf("ww:%d\r\n",ww); //chg
+ //user_light_set_duty(data, 2);
+ }
+ }
+ os_free(pdata);
+ }
+ }
+ if((rr|gg|bb|cw|ww) == 0){
+ if(light_sleep_flg==0){
+ }
+ }else{
+ if(light_sleep_flg==1){
+ os_printf("modem sleep en\r\n");
+ wifi_set_sleep_type(MODEM_SLEEP_T);
+ light_sleep_flg =0;
+ }
+ }
+ light_set_aim(rr,gg,bb,cw,ww,period);
+ //user_light_restart();
+ user_esp_platform_get_info(pconn, pbuffer);
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_reconnect
+ * Description : reconnect with host after get ip
+ * Parameters : pespconn -- the espconn used to reconnect with host
+ * Returns : none
+user_esp_platform_reconnect(struct espconn *pespconn)
+ ESP_DBG("user_esp_platform_reconnect\n");
+ user_esp_platform_check_ip(0);
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_discon_cb
+ * Description : disconnect successfully with the host
+ * Parameters : arg -- Additional argument to pass to the callback function
+ * Returns : none
+user_esp_platform_discon_cb(void *arg)
+ struct espconn *pespconn = arg;
+ struct ip_info ipconfig;
+ struct dhcp_client_info dhcp_info;
+ ESP_DBG("user_esp_platform_discon_cb\n");
+ os_timer_disarm(&beacon_timer);
+ if (pespconn == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ pespconn->proto.tcp->local_port = espconn_port();
+ user_link_led_output(1);
+ if (wifi_get_opmode() == STATION_MODE) {
+ /***add by tzx for saving ip_info to avoid dhcp_client start****/
+ wifi_get_ip_info(STATION_IF, &ipconfig);
+ dhcp_info.ip_addr = ipconfig.ip;
+ dhcp_info.netmask = ipconfig.netmask;
+ = ;
+ dhcp_info.flag = 0x01;
+ os_printf("dhcp_info.ip_addr = %d\n",dhcp_info.ip_addr);
+ system_rtc_mem_write(64,&dhcp_info,sizeof(struct dhcp_client_info));
+ user_sensor_deep_sleep_enter();
+ } else {
+ os_timer_disarm(&client_timer);
+ os_timer_setfn(&client_timer, (os_timer_func_t *)user_esp_platform_reconnect, pespconn);
+ os_timer_arm(&client_timer, SENSOR_DEEP_SLEEP_TIME / 1000, 0);
+ }
+ os_timer_disarm(&client_timer);
+ os_timer_setfn(&client_timer, (os_timer_func_t *)user_esp_platform_reconnect, pespconn);
+ os_timer_arm(&client_timer, 1000, 0);
+ user_esp_platform_reconnect(pespconn);
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_discon
+ * Description : A new incoming connection has been disconnected.
+ * Parameters : espconn -- the espconn used to disconnect with host
+ * Returns : none
+user_esp_platform_discon(struct espconn *pespconn)
+ ESP_DBG("user_esp_platform_discon\n");
+ user_link_led_output(1);
+ espconn_secure_disconnect(pespconn);
+ espconn_disconnect(pespconn);
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_sent_cb
+ * Description : Data has been sent successfully and acknowledged by the remote host.
+ * Parameters : arg -- Additional argument to pass to the callback function
+ * Returns : none
+user_esp_platform_sent_cb(void *arg)
+ struct espconn *pespconn = arg;
+ ESP_DBG("user_esp_platform_sent_cb\n");
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_sent
+ * Description : Processing the application data and sending it to the host
+ * Parameters : pespconn -- the espconn used to connetion with the host
+ * Returns : none
+user_esp_platform_sent(struct espconn *pespconn)
+ uint8 devkey[token_size] = {0};
+ uint32 nonce;
+ char *pbuf = (char *)os_zalloc(packet_size);
+ os_memcpy(devkey, esp_param.devkey, 40);
+ if (esp_param.activeflag == 0xFF) {
+ esp_param.activeflag = 0;
+ }
+ if (pbuf != NULL) {
+ if (esp_param.activeflag == 0) {
+ uint8 token[token_size] = {0};
+ uint8 bssid[6];
+ active_nonce = os_random();
+ os_memcpy(token, esp_param.token, 40);
+ wifi_get_macaddr(STATION_IF, bssid);
+ os_sprintf(pbuf, ACTIVE_FRAME, active_nonce, token, MAC2STR(bssid),iot_version, devkey);
+ }
+ else {
+#if 0
+ uint16 tp, rh;
+ uint8 data[4];
+ if (user_mvh3004_read_th(data)) {
+ rh = data[0] << 8 | data[1];
+ tp = data[2] << 8 | data[3];
+ }
+ uint16 tp, rh;
+ uint8 *data;
+ uint32 tp_t, rh_t;
+ data = (uint8 *)user_mvh3004_get_poweron_th();
+ rh = data[0] << 8 | data[1];
+ tp = data[2] << 8 | data[3];
+ tp_t = (tp >> 2) * 165 * 100 / (16384 - 1);
+ rh_t = (rh & 0x3fff) * 100 * 100 / (16384 - 1);
+ if (tp_t >= 4000) {
+ os_sprintf(pbuf, UPLOAD_FRAME, count, "", tp_t / 100 - 40, tp_t % 100, rh_t / 100, rh_t % 100, devkey);
+ } else {
+ tp_t = 4000 - tp_t;
+ os_sprintf(pbuf, UPLOAD_FRAME, count, "-", tp_t / 100, tp_t % 100, rh_t / 100, rh_t % 100, devkey);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ uint32 adc_value = system_adc_read();
+ os_sprintf(pbuf, UPLOAD_FRAME, count, adc_value / 1024, adc_value * 1000 / 1024, devkey);
+ }
+ else {
+ nonce = os_random();
+ os_sprintf(pbuf, FIRST_FRAME, nonce , devkey);
+ }
+ ESP_DBG("%s\n", pbuf);
+ espconn_secure_sent(pespconn, pbuf, os_strlen(pbuf));
+ espconn_sent(pespconn, pbuf, os_strlen(pbuf));
+ os_free(pbuf);
+ }
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_sent_beacon
+ * Description : sent beacon frame for connection with the host is activate
+ * Parameters : pespconn -- the espconn used to connetion with the host
+ * Returns : none
+user_esp_platform_sent_beacon(struct espconn *pespconn)
+ if (pespconn == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pespconn->state == ESPCONN_CONNECT) {
+ if (esp_param.activeflag == 0) {
+ ESP_DBG("please check device is activated.\n");
+ user_esp_platform_sent(pespconn);
+ } else {
+ uint8 devkey[token_size] = {0};
+ os_memcpy(devkey, esp_param.devkey, 40);
+ ESP_DBG("user_esp_platform_sent_beacon %u\n", system_get_time());
+ if (ping_status == 0) {
+ ESP_DBG("user_esp_platform_sent_beacon sent fail!\n");
+ user_esp_platform_discon(pespconn);
+ } else {
+ char *pbuf = (char *)os_zalloc(packet_size);
+ if (pbuf != NULL) {
+ os_sprintf(pbuf, BEACON_FRAME, devkey);
+ espconn_secure_sent(pespconn, pbuf, os_strlen(pbuf));
+ espconn_sent(pespconn, pbuf, os_strlen(pbuf));
+ ping_status = 0;
+ os_timer_arm(&beacon_timer, BEACON_TIME, 0);
+ os_free(pbuf);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ ESP_DBG("user_esp_platform_sent_beacon sent fail!\n");
+ user_esp_platform_discon(pespconn);
+ }
+ * FunctionName : user_platform_rpc_set_rsp
+ * Description : response the message to server to show setting info is received
+ * Parameters : pespconn -- the espconn used to connetion with the host
+ * nonce -- mark the message received from server
+ * Returns : none
+user_platform_rpc_set_rsp(struct espconn *pespconn, int nonce)
+ char *pbuf = (char *)os_zalloc(packet_size);
+ if (pespconn == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ os_sprintf(pbuf, RPC_RESPONSE_FRAME, nonce);
+ ESP_DBG("%s\n", pbuf);
+ espconn_secure_sent(pespconn, pbuf, os_strlen(pbuf));
+ espconn_sent(pespconn, pbuf, os_strlen(pbuf));
+ os_free(pbuf);
+ * FunctionName : user_platform_timer_get
+ * Description : get the timers from server
+ * Parameters : pespconn -- the espconn used to connetion with the host
+ * Returns : none
+user_platform_timer_get(struct espconn *pespconn)
+ uint8 devkey[token_size] = {0};
+ char *pbuf = (char *)os_zalloc(packet_size);
+ os_memcpy(devkey, esp_param.devkey, 40);
+ if (pespconn == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ os_sprintf(pbuf, TIMER_FRAME, devkey);
+ ESP_DBG("%s\n", pbuf);
+ espconn_secure_sent(pespconn, pbuf, os_strlen(pbuf));
+ espconn_sent(pespconn, pbuf, os_strlen(pbuf));
+ os_free(pbuf);
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_upgrade_cb
+ * Description : Processing the downloaded data from the server
+ * Parameters : pespconn -- the espconn used to connetion with the host
+ * Returns : none
+user_esp_platform_upgrade_rsp(void *arg)
+ struct upgrade_server_info *server = arg;
+ struct espconn *pespconn = server->pespconn;
+ uint8 devkey[41] = {0};
+ uint8 *pbuf = NULL;
+ char *action = NULL;
+ os_memcpy(devkey, esp_param.devkey, 40);
+ pbuf = (char *)os_zalloc(packet_size);
+ if (server->upgrade_flag == true) {
+ ESP_DBG("user_esp_platform_upgarde_successfully\n");
+ action = "device_upgrade_success";
+ os_sprintf(pbuf, UPGRADE_FRAME, devkey, action, server->pre_version, server->upgrade_version);
+ ESP_DBG("%s\n",pbuf);
+ espconn_secure_sent(pespconn, pbuf, os_strlen(pbuf));
+ espconn_sent(pespconn, pbuf, os_strlen(pbuf));
+ if (pbuf != NULL) {
+ os_free(pbuf);
+ pbuf = NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ESP_DBG("user_esp_platform_upgrade_failed\n");
+ action = "device_upgrade_failed";
+ os_sprintf(pbuf, UPGRADE_FRAME, devkey, action,server->pre_version, server->upgrade_version);
+ ESP_DBG("%s\n",pbuf);
+ espconn_secure_sent(pespconn, pbuf, os_strlen(pbuf));
+ espconn_sent(pespconn, pbuf, os_strlen(pbuf));
+ if (pbuf != NULL) {
+ os_free(pbuf);
+ pbuf = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ os_free(server->url);
+ server->url = NULL;
+ os_free(server);
+ server = NULL;
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_upgrade_begin
+ * Description : Processing the received data from the server
+ * Parameters : pespconn -- the espconn used to connetion with the host
+ * server -- upgrade param
+ * Returns : none
+user_esp_platform_upgrade_begin(struct espconn *pespconn, struct upgrade_server_info *server)
+ uint8 user_bin[9] = {0};
+ uint8 devkey[41] = {0};
+ server->pespconn = pespconn;
+ os_memcpy(devkey, esp_param.devkey, 40);
+ os_memcpy(server->ip, pespconn->proto.tcp->remote_ip, 4);
+ server->port = 443;
+ server->port = 80;
+ server->check_cb = user_esp_platform_upgrade_rsp;
+ server->check_times = 120000;
+ if (server->url == NULL) {
+ server->url = (uint8 *)os_zalloc(512);
+ }
+ if (system_upgrade_userbin_check() == UPGRADE_FW_BIN1) {
+ os_memcpy(user_bin, "user2.bin", 10);
+ } else if (system_upgrade_userbin_check() == UPGRADE_FW_BIN2) {
+ os_memcpy(user_bin, "user1.bin", 10);
+ }
+ os_sprintf(server->url, "GET /v1/device/rom/?action=download_rom&version=%s&filename=%s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: "IPSTR":%d\r\n"pheadbuffer"",
+ server->upgrade_version, user_bin, IP2STR(server->ip),
+ server->port, devkey);
+ ESP_DBG("%s\n",server->url);
+ if (system_upgrade_start_ssl(server) == false) {
+ if (system_upgrade_start(server) == false) {
+ ESP_DBG("upgrade is already started\n");
+ }
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_recv_cb
+ * Description : Processing the received data from the server
+ * Parameters : arg -- Additional argument to pass to the callback function
+ * pusrdata -- The received data (or NULL when the connection has been closed!)
+ * length -- The length of received data
+ * Returns : none
+user_esp_platform_recv_cb(void *arg, char *pusrdata, unsigned short length)
+ char *pstr = NULL;
+ LOCAL char pbuffer[1024 * 2] = {0};
+ struct espconn *pespconn = arg;
+ ESP_DBG("user_esp_platform_recv_cb %s\n", pusrdata);
+ os_timer_disarm(&beacon_timer);
+ if (length == 1460) {
+ os_memcpy(pbuffer, pusrdata, length);
+ } else {
+ struct espconn *pespconn = (struct espconn *)arg;
+ os_memcpy(pbuffer + os_strlen(pbuffer), pusrdata, length);
+ if ((pstr = (char *)os_strstr(pbuffer, "\"activate_status\": ")) != NULL &&
+ user_esp_platform_parse_nonce(pbuffer) == active_nonce) {
+ if (os_strncmp(pstr + 19, "1", 1) == 0) {
+ ESP_DBG("device activates successful.\n");
+ device_status = DEVICE_ACTIVE_DONE;
+ esp_param.activeflag = 1;
+ system_param_save_with_protect(ESP_PARAM_START_SEC, &esp_param, sizeof(esp_param));
+ user_esp_platform_sent(pespconn);
+ system_restart();
+ }
+ } else {
+ ESP_DBG("device activates failed.\n");
+ device_status = DEVICE_ACTIVE_FAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((pstr = (char *)os_strstr(pbuffer, "\"action\": \"sys_upgrade\"")) != NULL) {
+ if ((pstr = (char *)os_strstr(pbuffer, "\"version\":")) != NULL) {
+ struct upgrade_server_info *server = NULL;
+ int nonce = user_esp_platform_parse_nonce(pbuffer);
+ user_platform_rpc_set_rsp(pespconn, nonce);
+ server = (struct upgrade_server_info *)os_zalloc(sizeof(struct upgrade_server_info));
+ os_memcpy(server->upgrade_version, pstr + 12, 16);
+ server->upgrade_version[15] = '\0';
+ os_sprintf(server->pre_version,"%s%d.%d.%dt%d(%s)",VERSION_TYPE,IOT_VERSION_MAJOR,\
+ user_esp_platform_upgrade_begin(pespconn, server);
+ }
+ } else if ((pstr = (char *)os_strstr(pbuffer, "\"action\": \"sys_reboot\"")) != NULL) {
+ os_timer_disarm(&client_timer);
+ os_timer_setfn(&client_timer, (os_timer_func_t *)system_upgrade_reboot, NULL);
+ os_timer_arm(&client_timer, 1000, 0);
+ } else if ((pstr = (char *)os_strstr(pbuffer, "/v1/device/timers/")) != NULL) {
+ int nonce = user_esp_platform_parse_nonce(pbuffer);
+ user_platform_rpc_set_rsp(pespconn, nonce);
+ os_timer_disarm(&client_timer);
+ os_timer_setfn(&client_timer, (os_timer_func_t *)user_platform_timer_get, pespconn);
+ os_timer_arm(&client_timer, 2000, 0);
+ } else if ((pstr = (char *)os_strstr(pbuffer, "\"method\": ")) != NULL) {
+ if (os_strncmp(pstr + 11, "GET", 3) == 0) {
+ user_esp_platform_get_info(pespconn, pbuffer);
+ } else if (os_strncmp(pstr + 11, "POST", 4) == 0) {
+ user_esp_platform_set_info(pespconn, pbuffer);
+ }
+ } else if ((pstr = (char *)os_strstr(pbuffer, "ping success")) != NULL) {
+ ESP_DBG("ping success\n");
+ ping_status = 1;
+ } else if ((pstr = (char *)os_strstr(pbuffer, "send message success")) != NULL) {
+ } else if ((pstr = (char *)os_strstr(pbuffer, "timers")) != NULL) {
+ user_platform_timer_start(pusrdata , pespconn);
+ }
+ else if ((pstr = (char *)os_strstr(pbuffer, "\"status\":")) != NULL) {
+ if (os_strncmp(pstr + 10, "200", 3) != 0) {
+ ESP_DBG("message upload failed.\n");
+ } else {
+ count++;
+ ESP_DBG("message upload sucessful.\n");
+ }
+ os_timer_disarm(&client_timer);
+ os_timer_setfn(&client_timer, (os_timer_func_t *)user_esp_platform_discon, pespconn);
+ os_timer_arm(&client_timer, 10, 0);
+ }
+ else if ((pstr = (char *)os_strstr(pbuffer, "device")) != NULL) {
+ user_platform_timer_get(pespconn);
+ }
+ os_memset(pbuffer, 0, sizeof(pbuffer));
+ }
+ os_timer_arm(&beacon_timer, BEACON_TIME, 0);
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_ap_change
+ * Description : add the user interface for changing to next ap ID.
+ * Parameters :
+ * Returns : none
+ uint8 current_id;
+ uint8 i = 0;
+ ESP_DBG("user_esp_platform_ap_is_changing\n");
+ current_id = wifi_station_get_current_ap_id();
+ ESP_DBG("current ap id =%d\n", current_id);
+ if (current_id == AP_CACHE_NUMBER - 1) {
+ i = 0;
+ } else {
+ i = current_id + 1;
+ }
+ while (wifi_station_ap_change(i) != true) {
+ i++;
+ if (i == AP_CACHE_NUMBER - 1) {
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* just need to re-check ip while change AP */
+ device_recon_count = 0;
+ os_timer_disarm(&client_timer);
+ os_timer_setfn(&client_timer, (os_timer_func_t *)user_esp_platform_check_ip, NULL);
+ os_timer_arm(&client_timer, 100, 0);
+ if (wifi_get_opmode() == STATION_MODE) {
+ wifi_set_opmode(STATIONAP_MODE);
+ }
+ /* delay 5s to change AP */
+ os_timer_disarm(&client_timer);
+ os_timer_setfn(&client_timer, (os_timer_func_t *)user_esp_platform_ap_change, NULL);
+ os_timer_arm(&client_timer, 5000, 0);
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_recon_cb
+ * Description : The connection had an error and is already deallocated.
+ * Parameters : arg -- Additional argument to pass to the callback function
+ * Returns : none
+user_esp_platform_recon_cb(void *arg, sint8 err)
+ struct espconn *pespconn = (struct espconn *)arg;
+ ESP_DBG("user_esp_platform_recon_cb\n");
+ os_timer_disarm(&beacon_timer);
+ user_link_led_output(1);
+ if (++device_recon_count == 5) {
+ if (user_esp_platform_reset_mode()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wifi_get_opmode() == STATION_MODE) {
+ user_esp_platform_reset_mode();
+ //user_sensor_deep_sleep_enter();
+ } else {
+ os_timer_disarm(&client_timer);
+ os_timer_setfn(&client_timer, (os_timer_func_t *)user_esp_platform_reconnect, pespconn);
+ os_timer_arm(&client_timer, 1000, 0);
+ }
+ os_timer_disarm(&client_timer);
+ os_timer_setfn(&client_timer, (os_timer_func_t *)user_esp_platform_reconnect, pespconn);
+ os_timer_arm(&client_timer, 1000, 0);
+ os_timer_disarm(&client_timer);
+ os_timer_setfn(&client_timer, (os_timer_func_t *)user_esp_platform_reconnect, pespconn);
+ os_timer_arm(&client_timer, 1000, 0);
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_connect_cb
+ * Description : A new incoming connection has been connected.
+ * Parameters : arg -- Additional argument to pass to the callback function
+ * Returns : none
+user_esp_platform_connect_cb(void *arg)
+ struct espconn *pespconn = arg;
+ ESP_DBG("user_esp_platform_connect_cb\n");
+ if (wifi_get_opmode() == STATIONAP_MODE ) {
+ wifi_set_opmode(STATION_MODE);
+ }
+ user_link_led_timer_done();
+ device_recon_count = 0;
+ espconn_regist_recvcb(pespconn, user_esp_platform_recv_cb);
+ espconn_regist_sentcb(pespconn, user_esp_platform_sent_cb);
+ user_esp_platform_sent(pespconn);
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_connect
+ * Description : The function given as the connect with the host
+ * Parameters : espconn -- the espconn used to connect the connection
+ * Returns : none
+user_esp_platform_connect(struct espconn *pespconn)
+ ESP_DBG("user_esp_platform_connect\n");
+ espconn_secure_connect(pespconn);
+ espconn_connect(pespconn);
+#ifdef USE_DNS
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_dns_found
+ * Description : dns found callback
+ * Parameters : name -- pointer to the name that was looked up.
+ * ipaddr -- pointer to an ip_addr_t containing the IP address of
+ * the hostname, or NULL if the name could not be found (or on any
+ * other error).
+ * callback_arg -- a user-specified callback argument passed to
+ * dns_gethostbyname
+ * Returns : none
+user_esp_platform_dns_found(const char *name, ip_addr_t *ipaddr, void *arg)
+ struct espconn *pespconn = (struct espconn *)arg;
+ if (ipaddr == NULL) {
+ ESP_DBG("user_esp_platform_dns_found NULL\n");
+ if (++device_recon_count == 5) {
+ user_esp_platform_reset_mode();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ ESP_DBG("user_esp_platform_dns_found %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
+ *((uint8 *)&ipaddr->addr), *((uint8 *)&ipaddr->addr + 1),
+ *((uint8 *)&ipaddr->addr + 2), *((uint8 *)&ipaddr->addr + 3));
+ if (esp_server_ip.addr == 0 && ipaddr->addr != 0) {
+ os_timer_disarm(&client_timer);
+ esp_server_ip.addr = ipaddr->addr;
+ os_memcpy(pespconn->proto.tcp->remote_ip, &ipaddr->addr, 4);
+ pespconn->proto.tcp->local_port = espconn_port();
+ pespconn->proto.tcp->remote_port = 8443;
+ pespconn->proto.tcp->remote_port = 8000;
+ ping_status = 1;
+ espconn_regist_connectcb(pespconn, user_esp_platform_connect_cb);
+ espconn_regist_disconcb(pespconn, user_esp_platform_discon_cb);
+ espconn_regist_reconcb(pespconn, user_esp_platform_recon_cb);
+ user_esp_platform_connect(pespconn);
+ }
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_dns_check_cb
+ * Description : 1s time callback to check dns found
+ * Parameters : arg -- Additional argument to pass to the callback function
+ * Returns : none
+user_esp_platform_dns_check_cb(void *arg)
+ struct espconn *pespconn = arg;
+ ESP_DBG("user_esp_platform_dns_check_cb\n");
+ espconn_gethostbyname(pespconn, ESP_DOMAIN, &esp_server_ip, user_esp_platform_dns_found);
+ os_timer_arm(&client_timer, 1000, 0);
+user_esp_platform_start_dns(struct espconn *pespconn)
+ esp_server_ip.addr = 0;
+ espconn_gethostbyname(pespconn, ESP_DOMAIN, &esp_server_ip, user_esp_platform_dns_found);
+ os_timer_disarm(&client_timer);
+ os_timer_setfn(&client_timer, (os_timer_func_t *)user_esp_platform_dns_check_cb, pespconn);
+ os_timer_arm(&client_timer, 1000, 0);
+void user_mdns_conf()
+struct ip_info ipconfig;
+wifi_get_ip_info(STATION_IF, &ipconfig);
+struct mdns_info *info = (struct mdns_info *)os_zalloc(sizeof(struct mdns_info));
+info->host_name = "espressif_light_demo";
+info->ipAddr= ipconfig.ip.addr; //sation ip
+info->server_name = "espLight";
+info->server_port = 80;
+info->txt_data[0] = "version = 1.0.1";
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_check_ip
+ * Description : espconn struct parame init when get ip addr
+ * Parameters : none
+ * Returns : none
+user_esp_platform_check_ip(uint8 reset_flag)
+ struct ip_info ipconfig;
+ os_timer_disarm(&client_timer);
+ wifi_get_ip_info(STATION_IF, &ipconfig);
+ if (wifi_station_get_connect_status() == STATION_GOT_IP && ipconfig.ip.addr != 0) {
+ user_link_led_timer_init();
+ user_mdns_conf();
+ user_conn.proto.tcp = &user_tcp;
+ user_conn.type = ESPCONN_TCP;
+ user_conn.state = ESPCONN_NONE;
+ device_status = DEVICE_CONNECTING;
+ if (reset_flag) {
+ device_recon_count = 0;
+ }
+ os_timer_disarm(&beacon_timer);
+ os_timer_setfn(&beacon_timer, (os_timer_func_t *)user_esp_platform_sent_beacon, &user_conn);
+#ifdef USE_DNS
+ user_esp_platform_start_dns(&user_conn);
+ const char esp_server_ip[4] = {114, 215, 177, 97};
+ os_memcpy(user_conn.proto.tcp->remote_ip, esp_server_ip, 4);
+ user_conn.proto.tcp->local_port = espconn_port();
+ user_conn.proto.tcp->remote_port = 8443;
+ user_conn.proto.tcp->remote_port = 8000;
+ espconn_regist_connectcb(&user_conn, user_esp_platform_connect_cb);
+ espconn_regist_reconcb(&user_conn, user_esp_platform_recon_cb);
+ user_esp_platform_connect(&user_conn);
+ } else {
+ /* if there are wrong while connecting to some AP, then reset mode */
+ if ((wifi_station_get_connect_status() == STATION_WRONG_PASSWORD ||
+ wifi_station_get_connect_status() == STATION_NO_AP_FOUND ||
+ wifi_station_get_connect_status() == STATION_CONNECT_FAIL)) {
+ user_esp_platform_reset_mode();
+ } else {
+ os_timer_setfn(&client_timer, (os_timer_func_t *)user_esp_platform_check_ip, NULL);
+ os_timer_arm(&client_timer, 100, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ * FunctionName : user_esp_platform_init
+ * Description : device parame init based on espressif platform
+ * Parameters : none
+ * Returns : none
+ os_sprintf(iot_version,"%s%d.%d.%dt%d(%s)",VERSION_TYPE,IOT_VERSION_MAJOR,\
+ os_printf("IOT VERSION = %s\n",iot_version);
+ system_param_load(ESP_PARAM_START_SEC, 0, &esp_param, sizeof(esp_param));
+ struct rst_info *rtc_info = system_get_rst_info();
+ os_printf("reset reason: %x\n", rtc_info->reason);
+ if (rtc_info->reason == REASON_WDT_RST ||
+ rtc_info->reason == REASON_EXCEPTION_RST ||
+ rtc_info->reason == REASON_SOFT_WDT_RST) {
+ if (rtc_info->reason == REASON_EXCEPTION_RST) {
+ os_printf("Fatal exception (%d):\n", rtc_info->exccause);
+ }
+ os_printf("epc1=0x%08x, epc2=0x%08x, epc3=0x%08x, excvaddr=0x%08x, depc=0x%08x\n",
+ rtc_info->epc1, rtc_info->epc2, rtc_info->epc3, rtc_info->excvaddr, rtc_info->depc);
+ }
+ /***add by tzx for saving ip_info to avoid dhcp_client start****/
+ struct dhcp_client_info dhcp_info;
+ struct ip_info sta_info;
+ system_rtc_mem_read(64,&dhcp_info,sizeof(struct dhcp_client_info));
+ if(dhcp_info.flag == 0x01 ) {
+ if (true == wifi_station_dhcpc_status())
+ {
+ wifi_station_dhcpc_stop();
+ }
+ sta_info.ip = dhcp_info.ip_addr;
+ =;
+ sta_info.netmask = dhcp_info.netmask;
+ if ( true != wifi_set_ip_info(STATION_IF,&sta_info)) {
+ os_printf("set default ip wrong\n");
+ }
+ }
+ os_memset(&dhcp_info,0,sizeof(struct dhcp_client_info));
+ system_rtc_mem_write(64,&dhcp_info,sizeof(struct rst_info));
+ wifi_station_ap_number_set(AP_CACHE_NUMBER);
+#if 0
+ {
+ char sofap_mac[6] = {0x16, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0xab};
+ char sta_mac[6] = {0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0xab};
+ struct ip_info info;
+ wifi_set_macaddr(SOFTAP_IF, sofap_mac);
+ wifi_set_macaddr(STATION_IF, sta_mac);
+ IP4_ADDR(&info.ip, 192, 168, 3, 200);
+ IP4_ADDR(&, 192, 168, 3, 1);
+ IP4_ADDR(&info.netmask, 255, 255, 255, 0);
+ wifi_set_ip_info(STATION_IF, &info);
+ IP4_ADDR(&info.ip, 10, 10, 10, 1);
+ IP4_ADDR(&, 10, 10, 10, 1);
+ IP4_ADDR(&info.netmask, 255, 255, 255, 0);
+ wifi_set_ip_info(SOFTAP_IF, &info);
+ }
+ if (esp_param.activeflag != 1) {
+ struct softap_config config;
+ char password[33];
+ char macaddr[6];
+ wifi_softap_get_config(&config);
+ wifi_get_macaddr(SOFTAP_IF, macaddr);
+ os_memset(config.password, 0, sizeof(config.password));
+ os_sprintf(password, MACSTR "_%s", MAC2STR(macaddr), PASSWORD);
+ os_memcpy(config.password, password, os_strlen(password));
+ config.authmode = AUTH_WPA_WPA2_PSK;
+ wifi_softap_set_config(&config);
+ wifi_set_opmode(STATIONAP_MODE);
+ }
+ user_plug_init();
+ user_light_init();
+ user_sensor_init(esp_param.activeflag);
+ if (wifi_get_opmode() != SOFTAP_MODE) {
+ os_timer_disarm(&client_timer);
+ os_timer_setfn(&client_timer, (os_timer_func_t *)user_esp_platform_check_ip, 1);
+ os_timer_arm(&client_timer, 100, 0);
+ }
diff --git a/polycom_xmit/project.h b/polycom_xmit/project.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f010b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polycom_xmit/project.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#ifndef __PROJECT_H__
+#define __PROJECT_H__
+#define USE_US_TIMER
+#if 1
+#define ESP_DBG os_printf
+#define ESP_DBG
+#include <ets_sys.h>
+#include <os_type.h>
+#include <mem.h>
+#include <osapi.h>
+#include <user_interface.h>
+#include <espconn.h>
+#include <upgrade.h>
+#include "uart_register.h"
+#define ESP_DOMAIN ""
+#define SOFTAP_PSK "fishsoup"
+#define BEACON_TIMEOUT 150000000
+#define BEACON_TIME 50000
+#define AP_CACHE 1
+#define AP_CACHE_NUMBER 5
+#undef HTTPS
+#define FOO do { os_printf("%s:%d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); } while (0)
diff --git a/polycom_xmit/prototypes.h b/polycom_xmit/prototypes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc4d28d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polycom_xmit/prototypes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+/* main.c */
+void user_rf_pre_init(void);
+void user_init(void);
+/* webserver.c */
+void webserver_init(void);
+/* util.c */
+char *bounded_strstr(char *haystack, uint32_t len, char *needle);
+bool util_isspace(char c);
+/* reset.c */
+void reset_init(void);
+/* wifi.c */
+void wifi_init(void);
+/* uart.c */
+STATUS uart0_tx_one_char(uint8 TxChar);
+void uart_init(void);
+/* upgrade.c */
+void upgrade(void);
diff --git a/polycom_xmit/reset.c b/polycom_xmit/reset.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0068d07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polycom_xmit/reset.c
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#include "project.h"
+reset_init (void)
+ struct rst_info *rtc_info = system_get_rst_info ();
+ os_printf ("reset reason: %x\n", rtc_info->reason);
+ if (rtc_info->reason == REASON_WDT_RST
+ || rtc_info->reason == REASON_EXCEPTION_RST
+ || rtc_info->reason == REASON_SOFT_WDT_RST)
+ {
+ if (rtc_info->reason == REASON_EXCEPTION_RST)
+ {
+ os_printf ("Fatal exception (%d):\n", rtc_info->exccause);
+ }
+ os_printf
+ ("epc1=0x%08x, epc2=0x%08x, epc3=0x%08x, excvaddr=0x%08x, depc=0x%08x\n",
+ rtc_info->epc1, rtc_info->epc2, rtc_info->epc3, rtc_info->excvaddr,
+ rtc_info->depc);
+ }
diff --git a/polycom_xmit/uart.c b/polycom_xmit/uart.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d7b5d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polycom_xmit/uart.c
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#include "project.h"
+uart0_config (uint32_t baud)
+// ETS_UART_INTR_ATTACH(uart0_rx_intr_handler, &(UartDev.rcv_buff));
+ uart_div_modify (UART0, UART_CLK_FREQ / baud);
+ //enable rx_interrupt
+uart0_tx_one_char (uint8 TxChar)
+ while (true)
+ {
+ uint32 fifo_cnt =
+ if ((fifo_cnt >> UART_TXFIFO_CNT_S & UART_TXFIFO_CNT) < 126)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return OK;
+uart_init (void)
+ uart0_config (115200);
diff --git a/polycom_xmit/uart_register.h b/polycom_xmit/uart_register.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98def20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polycom_xmit/uart_register.h
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ * File : uart_register.h
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2016, Espressif Systems
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 - 2011 Espressif System
+ *
+ */
+#define UART0 0
+#define UART1 1
+#define REG_UART_BASE(i) (0x60000000 + (i)*0xf00)
+//version value:32'h062000
+#define UART_FIFO(i) (REG_UART_BASE(i) + 0x0)
+#define UART_RXFIFO_RD_BYTE 0x000000FF
+#define UART_INT_RAW(i) (REG_UART_BASE(i) + 0x4)
+#define UART_BRK_DET_INT_RAW (BIT(7))
+#define UART_CTS_CHG_INT_RAW (BIT(6))
+#define UART_DSR_CHG_INT_RAW (BIT(5))
+#define UART_FRM_ERR_INT_RAW (BIT(3))
+#define UART_INT_ST(i) (REG_UART_BASE(i) + 0x8)
+#define UART_BRK_DET_INT_ST (BIT(7))
+#define UART_CTS_CHG_INT_ST (BIT(6))
+#define UART_DSR_CHG_INT_ST (BIT(5))
+#define UART_FRM_ERR_INT_ST (BIT(3))
+#define UART_INT_ENA(i) (REG_UART_BASE(i) + 0xC)
+#define UART_BRK_DET_INT_ENA (BIT(7))
+#define UART_CTS_CHG_INT_ENA (BIT(6))
+#define UART_DSR_CHG_INT_ENA (BIT(5))
+#define UART_FRM_ERR_INT_ENA (BIT(3))
+#define UART_INT_CLR(i) (REG_UART_BASE(i) + 0x10)
+#define UART_BRK_DET_INT_CLR (BIT(7))
+#define UART_CTS_CHG_INT_CLR (BIT(6))
+#define UART_DSR_CHG_INT_CLR (BIT(5))
+#define UART_FRM_ERR_INT_CLR (BIT(3))
+#define UART_CLKDIV(i) (REG_UART_BASE(i) + 0x14)
+#define UART_CLKDIV_S 0
+#define UART_AUTOBAUD(i) (REG_UART_BASE(i) + 0x18)
+#define UART_GLITCH_FILT 0x000000FF
+#define UART_AUTOBAUD_EN (BIT(0))
+#define UART_STATUS(i) (REG_UART_BASE(i) + 0x1C)
+#define UART_TXD (BIT(31))
+#define UART_RTSN (BIT(30))
+#define UART_DTRN (BIT(29))
+#define UART_TXFIFO_CNT 0x000000FF
+#define UART_TXFIFO_CNT_S 16
+#define UART_RXD (BIT(15))
+#define UART_CTSN (BIT(14))
+#define UART_DSRN (BIT(13))
+#define UART_RXFIFO_CNT 0x000000FF
+#define UART_RXFIFO_CNT_S 0
+#define UART_CONF0(i) (REG_UART_BASE(i) + 0x20)
+#define UART_DTR_INV (BIT(24))
+#define UART_RTS_INV (BIT(23))
+#define UART_TXD_INV (BIT(22))
+#define UART_DSR_INV (BIT(21))
+#define UART_CTS_INV (BIT(20))
+#define UART_RXD_INV (BIT(19))
+#define UART_TXFIFO_RST (BIT(18))
+#define UART_RXFIFO_RST (BIT(17))
+#define UART_IRDA_EN (BIT(16))
+#define UART_TX_FLOW_EN (BIT(15))
+#define UART_LOOPBACK (BIT(14))
+#define UART_IRDA_RX_INV (BIT(13))
+#define UART_IRDA_TX_INV (BIT(12))
+#define UART_IRDA_WCTL (BIT(11))
+#define UART_IRDA_TX_EN (BIT(10))
+#define UART_IRDA_DPLX (BIT(9))
+#define UART_TXD_BRK (BIT(8))
+#define UART_SW_DTR (BIT(7))
+#define UART_SW_RTS (BIT(6))
+#define UART_STOP_BIT_NUM 0x00000003
+#define UART_STOP_BIT_NUM_S 4
+#define UART_BIT_NUM 0x00000003
+#define UART_BIT_NUM_S 2
+#define UART_PARITY_EN (BIT(1))
+#define UART_PARITY_EN_M 0x00000001
+#define UART_PARITY_EN_S 1
+#define UART_PARITY (BIT(0))
+#define UART_PARITY_M 0x00000001
+#define UART_PARITY_S 0
+#define UART_CONF1(i) (REG_UART_BASE(i) + 0x24)
+#define UART_RX_TOUT_EN (BIT(31))
+#define UART_RX_TOUT_THRHD 0x0000007F
+#define UART_RX_TOUT_THRHD_S 24
+#define UART_RX_FLOW_EN (BIT(23))
+#define UART_RX_FLOW_THRHD 0x0000007F
+#define UART_RX_FLOW_THRHD_S 16
+#define UART_TXFIFO_EMPTY_THRHD 0x0000007F
+#define UART_RXFIFO_FULL_THRHD 0x0000007F
+#define UART_LOWPULSE(i) (REG_UART_BASE(i) + 0x28)
+#define UART_HIGHPULSE(i) (REG_UART_BASE(i) + 0x2C)
+#define UART_PULSE_NUM(i) (REG_UART_BASE(i) + 0x30)
+#define UART_PULSE_NUM_CNT 0x0003FF
+#define UART_DATE(i) (REG_UART_BASE(i) + 0x78)
+#define UART_ID(i) (REG_UART_BASE(i) + 0x7C)
diff --git a/polycom_xmit/upgrade.c b/polycom_xmit/upgrade.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bf0c99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polycom_xmit/upgrade.c
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+#include "project.h"
+#define pheadbuffer "Connection: keep-alive\r\n\
+Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n\
+User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/30.0.1599.101 Safari/537.36 \r\n\
+Accept: */*\r\n\
+static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
+upgrade_check_cb (void *arg)
+ struct upgrade_server_info *server = arg;
+ if (server->upgrade_flag == true)
+ {
+ os_printf ("upgrade finished sucesfully\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os_printf ("upgrade finished un-sucessfully\n");
+ }
+ os_free (server->url);
+ server->url = NULL;
+ os_free (server);
+ server = NULL;
+upgrade (void)
+ struct upgrade_server_info *server = NULL;
+ char user_bin[10];
+ server = (struct upgrade_server_info *) os_zalloc (sizeof (*server));
+ if (!server)
+ return;
+ server->ip[0] = 82;
+ server->ip[1] = 68;
+ server->ip[2] = 70;
+ server->ip[3] = 173;
+ server->port = 80;
+ server->check_cb = upgrade_check_cb;
+ server->check_times = 120000;
+ server->url = (uint8 *) os_zalloc (512);
+ if (system_upgrade_userbin_check () == UPGRADE_FW_BIN1)
+ {
+ os_strcpy (user_bin, "user2.bin");
+ }
+ else if (system_upgrade_userbin_check () == UPGRADE_FW_BIN2)
+ {
+ os_strcpy (user_bin, "user1.bin");
+ }
+ os_sprintf (server->url,
+ "GET /esp8266/%s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " IPSTR ":%d\r\n" pheadbuffer
+ "", user_bin, IP2STR (server->ip), server->port);
+#if 0
+ if (system_upgrade_start_ssl (server) == false)
+ if (system_upgrade_start (server) == false)
+ {
+ os_printf ("Upgrade start failed\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os_printf ("Upgrade start ok\n");
+ }
diff --git a/polycom_xmit/util.c b/polycom_xmit/util.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d637174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polycom_xmit/util.c
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#include "project.h"
+bounded_strstr (char *haystack, uint32_t len, char *needle)
+ char *end = haystack + len;
+ char *hptr, *nptr;
+ if (!*needle)
+ return NULL;
+ for (; (*haystack) && (haystack < end); ++haystack)
+ {
+ hptr = haystack;
+ nptr = needle;
+ while ((*hptr) == (*nptr))
+ {
+ nptr++;
+ hptr++;
+ if (!*nptr)
+ return haystack;
+ if (hptr >= end)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+util_isspace (char c)
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case ' ':
+ case '\r':
+ case '\t':
+ case '\n':
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
diff --git a/polycom_xmit/webserver.c b/polycom_xmit/webserver.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5efc7cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polycom_xmit/webserver.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2464 @@
+#include "project.h"
+#define URL_SIZE 256
+#define TYPE_UNKNOWN 0
+#define TYPE_GET 1
+#define TYPE_POST 2
+#define MAX_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE 1024
+typedef struct http_state_struct
+ bool header_parsed_ok;
+ bool error;
+ bool overflow;
+ uint8_t type;
+ uint32_t bytes_recvd;
+ uint32_t header_length;
+ uint32_t content_length;
+ uint32_t expected_length;
+ char url[URL_SIZE];
+ char *recv_buffer;
+ uint32_t recv_buffer_len;
+ uint32_t recv_buffer_size;
+} http_state;
+static http_state static_state = { 0 };
+#define LENGTH_ERR ((uint32_t) -1)
+static bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
+webserver_get_header (char *buf, uint32_t length, char *match, char *ret,
+ uint32_t ret_len)
+ uint32_t match_len = os_strlen (match);
+ char *line_ptr;
+ char *eol_ptr;
+ uint32_t line_length;
+ line_ptr = (char *) bounded_strstr (buf, length, match);
+ if (!line_ptr)
+ return false;
+ line_length = (buf + length) - line_ptr;
+ if (line_length <= match_len)
+ return false;
+ line_ptr += match_len;
+ line_length -= match_len;
+ eol_ptr = (char *) bounded_strstr (line_ptr, line_length, "\r\n");
+ if (!eol_ptr)
+ return false;
+ line_length = eol_ptr - line_ptr;
+ if (line_length >= ret_len)
+ return false;
+ os_memcpy (ret, line_ptr, ret_len);
+ ret[ret_len] = 0;
+ return true;
+static bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
+webserver_parse_request (http_state * s, char *buf)
+ char *ptr = buf;
+ char *eol_ptr;
+ uint32_t line_length;
+ eol_ptr = (char *) bounded_strstr (buf, s->header_length, "\r\n");
+ if (!eol_ptr)
+ return false;
+ line_length = eol_ptr - buf;
+ if (line_length < 5)
+ return false;
+ if (!strncmp (ptr, "GET ", 4))
+ {
+ s->type = TYPE_GET;
+ ptr += 4;
+ line_length -= 4;
+ }
+ else if (!strncmp (ptr, "POST ", 5))
+ {
+ s->type = TYPE_POST;
+ ptr += 5;
+ line_length -= 5;
+ }
+ while (util_isspace (*ptr))
+ {
+ ptr++;
+ line_length--;
+ if (!line_length)
+ return false;
+ }
+ eol_ptr = ptr;
+ /*Skip the protocol version */
+ while (!util_isspace (*eol_ptr))
+ {
+ eol_ptr++;
+ line_length--;
+ if (!line_length)
+ return false;
+ }
+ line_length = eol_ptr - ptr;
+ if (line_length >= URL_SIZE)
+ return false;
+ os_memcpy (s->url, ptr, line_length);
+ s->url[line_length] = 0;
+ return true;
+static bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
+webserver_parse_header (http_state * s, char *buf, uint32_t length)
+ char *eoh_ptr;
+ char tmp_buf[256];
+ char *ptr;
+ s->header_parsed_ok = false;
+ if (s->error)
+ return false;
+ eoh_ptr = (char *) bounded_strstr (buf, length, "\r\n\r\n");
+ if (!eoh_ptr)
+ return false;
+ eoh_ptr += 4;
+ s->header_length = eoh_ptr - buf;
+ if (!webserver_get_header
+ (buf, s->header_length, "Content-Length: ", tmp_buf, sizeof (tmp_buf)))
+ {
+ s->content_length = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s->content_length = atoi (tmp_buf);
+ if (s->content_length <= 0)
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!webserver_parse_request (s, buf))
+ {
+ s->error++;
+ return false;
+ }
+ s->header_parsed_ok = true;
+ s->expected_length = s->content_length + s->header_length;
+ os_printf ("wph:url:%s\n", s->url);
+ os_printf ("wph:head:%u,data:%u,tot:%u\n", s->header_length,
+ s->content_length, s->content_length + s->header_length);
+ return true;
+static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
+webserver_state_reset (http_state * s)
+ os_printf ("wsr:\n");
+ if (s->recv_buffer)
+ os_free (s->recv_buffer);
+ memset (s, 0, sizeof (*s));
+static bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
+webserver_append_data (http_state * s, char *data, uint32_t len)
+ uint32_t space;
+ s->bytes_recvd += len;
+ if (s->error)
+ return false;
+ if (!s->recv_buffer)
+ {
+ if (s->recv_buffer_size)
+ {
+ if (s->recv_buffer_size > MAX_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE)
+ s->recv_buffer_size = MAX_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ s->recv_buffer_size = MAX_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE;
+ }
+ s->recv_buffer_len = 0;
+ s->recv_buffer = (char *) os_zalloc (s->recv_buffer_size);
+ if (!s->recv_buffer)
+ {
+ s->error++;
+ return false;
+ }
+ os_printf ("wad:bs:%u,len:%u,add:%u\n", s->recv_buffer_size,
+ s->recv_buffer_len, len);
+ }
+ space = s->recv_buffer_size - s->recv_buffer_len;
+ if (len > space)
+ {
+ s->overflow++;
+ space = len;
+ }
+ os_memcpy (s->recv_buffer, data, space);
+ s->recv_buffer_len += space;
+ return true;
+static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
+webserver_header (http_state * s)
+static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
+webserver_req (http_state * s)
+ os_printf ("Webserver req: %s\n", s->url);
+ if (os_strstr (s->url, "upgrade"))
+ {
+ os_printf ("Upgrading\n");
+ upgrade ();
+ }
+ if (os_strstr (s->url, "reboot"))
+ {
+ os_printf ("Rebooting\n");
+ //system_upgrade_reboot();
+ //xtbsp_board_reset();
+ //
+ char *c = NULL;
+ os_printf ("%d", *c);
+ }
+static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
+webserver_recv (void *arg, char *pusrdata, unsigned short data_len)
+ struct espconn *ptrespconn = arg;
+ uint32_t len;
+ http_state *s = &static_state;
+#if 0
+ if (doing_upgrade)
+ {
+ upgrade_recv (ptrespconn, pusrdata, data_len);
+ free_recvbuffer ();
+ return;
+ }
+ os_printf ("len:%u\n", data_len);
+ if (!s->header_parsed_ok)
+ {
+ if (!s->recv_buffer)
+ {
+ if (webserver_parse_header (s, pusrdata, data_len))
+ {
+ webserver_header (s);
+ s->recv_buffer_size = s->expected_length;
+ }
+ webserver_append_data (s, pusrdata, data_len);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ webserver_append_data (s, pusrdata, data_len);
+ webserver_parse_header (s, s->recv_buffer, s->recv_buffer_len);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ webserver_append_data (s, pusrdata, data_len);
+ }
+ if (s->error)
+ return;
+ if (s->bytes_recvd != s->expected_length)
+ return;
+ webserver_req (s);
+static ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR void
+webserver_recon (void *arg, sint8 err)
+ struct espconn *pesp_conn = arg;
+ os_printf ("webserver's %d.%d.%d.%d:%d err %d reconnect\n",
+ pesp_conn->proto.tcp->remote_ip[0],
+ pesp_conn->proto.tcp->remote_ip[1],
+ pesp_conn->proto.tcp->remote_ip[2],
+ pesp_conn->proto.tcp->remote_ip[3],
+ pesp_conn->proto.tcp->remote_port, err);
+static ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR void
+webserver_discon (void *arg)
+ struct espconn *pesp_conn = arg;
+ os_printf ("webserver's %d.%d.%d.%d:%d disconnect\n",
+ pesp_conn->proto.tcp->remote_ip[0],
+ pesp_conn->proto.tcp->remote_ip[1],
+ pesp_conn->proto.tcp->remote_ip[2],
+ pesp_conn->proto.tcp->remote_ip[3],
+ pesp_conn->proto.tcp->remote_port);
+static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
+webserver_listen (void *arg)
+ struct espconn *pesp_conn = arg;
+ webserver_state_reset (&static_state);
+ espconn_regist_recvcb (pesp_conn, webserver_recv);
+ espconn_regist_reconcb (pesp_conn, webserver_recon);
+ espconn_regist_disconcb (pesp_conn, webserver_discon);
+webserver_init (void)
+ static struct espconn esp_conn;
+ static esp_tcp esptcp;
+ esp_conn.type = ESPCONN_TCP;
+ esp_conn.state = ESPCONN_NONE;
+ esp_conn.proto.tcp = &esptcp;
+#ifdef HTTPS
+ esp_conn.proto.tcp->local_port = 443;
+ esp_conn.proto.tcp->local_port = 80;
+ espconn_regist_connectcb (&esp_conn, webserver_listen);
+#ifdef HTTPS
+ espconn_secure_accept (&esp_conn);
+ espconn_accept (&esp_conn);
+#if 0
+ * Copyright 2013-2014 Espressif Systems (Wuxi)
+ *
+ * FileName: webserver.c
+ *
+ * Description: The web server mode configration.
+ * Check your hardware connection with the host while use this mode.
+ * Modification history:
+ * 2014/3/12, v1.0 create this file.
+#include "ets_sys.h"
+#include "os_type.h"
+#include "osapi.h"
+#include "mem.h"
+#include "user_interface.h"
+#include "iot_version.h"
+#include "espconn.h"
+#include "json.h"
+#include "webserver.h"
+#include "upgrade.h"
+#include "esp_platform.h"
+#include "light.h"
+static struct station_config *sta_conf;
+static struct softap_config *ap_conf;
+//static struct secrty_server_info *sec_server;
+//static struct upgrade_server_info *server;
+//struct lewei_login_info *login_info;
+static scaninfo *pscaninfo;
+extern u16 scannum;
+static uint32 PostCmdNeeRsp = 1;
+uint8 upgrade_lock = 0;
+static os_timer_t app_upgrade_10s;
+static os_timer_t upgrade_check_timer;
+ * FunctionName : device_get
+ * Description : set up the device information parmer as a JSON format
+ * Parameters : js_ctx -- A pointer to a JSON set up
+ * Returns : result
+device_get (struct jsontree_context *js_ctx)
+ const char *path = jsontree_path_name (js_ctx, js_ctx->depth - 1);
+ if (os_strncmp (path, "manufacture", 11) == 0)
+ {
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, "Espressif Systems");
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "product", 7) == 0)
+ {
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, "Humiture");
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, "Flammable Gas");
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, "Plug");
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, "Light");
+ }
+ return 0;
+static struct jsontree_callback device_callback =
+ * FunctionName : userbin_get
+ * Description : get up the user bin paramer as a JSON format
+ * Parameters : js_ctx -- A pointer to a JSON set up
+ * Returns : result
+userbin_get (struct jsontree_context *js_ctx)
+ const char *path = jsontree_path_name (js_ctx, js_ctx->depth - 1);
+ char string[32];
+ if (os_strncmp (path, "status", 8) == 0)
+ {
+ os_sprintf (string, "200");
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "user_bin", 8) == 0)
+ {
+ if (system_upgrade_userbin_check () == 0x00)
+ {
+ os_sprintf (string, "user1.bin");
+ }
+ else if (system_upgrade_userbin_check () == 0x01)
+ {
+ os_sprintf (string, "user2.bin");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, string);
+ return 0;
+static struct jsontree_callback userbin_callback =
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (userbin_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("status", &userbin_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("user_bin", &userbin_callback));
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (userinfo_tree, JSONTREE_PAIR ("user_info", &userbin_tree));
+ * FunctionName : version_get
+ * Description : set up the device version paramer as a JSON format
+ * Parameters : js_ctx -- A pointer to a JSON set up
+ * Returns : result
+version_get (struct jsontree_context *js_ctx)
+ const char *path = jsontree_path_name (js_ctx, js_ctx->depth - 1);
+ char string[32];
+ if (os_strncmp (path, "hardware", 8) == 0)
+ {
+ os_sprintf (string, "0.3");
+ os_sprintf (string, "0.1");
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "sdk_version", 11) == 0)
+ {
+ os_sprintf (string, "%s", system_get_sdk_version ());
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "iot_version", 11) == 0)
+ {
+ os_sprintf (string, "%s%d.%d.%dt%d(%s)", VERSION_TYPE,
+ device_type, UPGRADE_FALG);
+ }
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, string);
+ return 0;
+static struct jsontree_callback version_callback =
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (device_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("product", &device_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("manufacturer", &device_callback));
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (version_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("hardware", &version_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("sdk_version", &version_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("iot_version", &version_callback),);
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (info_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("Version", &version_tree),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("Device", &device_tree));
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (INFOTree, JSONTREE_PAIR ("info", &info_tree));
+connect_status_get (struct jsontree_context *js_ctx)
+ const char *path = jsontree_path_name (js_ctx, js_ctx->depth - 1);
+ if (os_strncmp (path, "status", 8) == 0)
+ {
+ jsontree_write_int (js_ctx, user_esp_platform_get_connect_status ());
+ }
+ return 0;
+static struct jsontree_callback connect_status_callback =
+JSONTREE_CALLBACK (connect_status_get, NULL);
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (status_sub_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("status", &connect_status_callback));
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (connect_status_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("Status", &status_sub_tree));
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (con_status_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("info", &connect_status_tree));
+ * FunctionName : status_get
+ * Description : set up the device status as a JSON format
+ * Parameters : js_ctx -- A pointer to a JSON set up
+ * Returns : result
+status_get (struct jsontree_context *js_ctx)
+ if (user_plug_get_status () == 1)
+ {
+ jsontree_write_int (js_ctx, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ jsontree_write_int (js_ctx, 0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * FunctionName : status_set
+ * Description : parse the device status parmer as a JSON format
+ * Parameters : js_ctx -- A pointer to a JSON set up
+ * parser -- A pointer to a JSON parser state
+ * Returns : result
+status_set (struct jsontree_context *js_ctx, struct jsonparse_state *parser)
+ int type;
+ while ((type = jsonparse_next (parser)) != 0)
+ {
+ if (type == JSON_TYPE_PAIR_NAME)
+ {
+ if (jsonparse_strcmp_value (parser, "status") == 0)
+ {
+ uint8 status;
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ status = jsonparse_get_value_as_int (parser);
+ user_plug_set_status (status);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static struct jsontree_callback status_callback =
+JSONTREE_CALLBACK (status_get, status_set);
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (status_tree, JSONTREE_PAIR ("status", &status_callback));
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (response_tree, JSONTREE_PAIR ("Response", &status_tree));
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (StatusTree, JSONTREE_PAIR ("switch", &response_tree));
+light_status_get (struct jsontree_context *js_ctx)
+ const char *path = jsontree_path_name (js_ctx, js_ctx->depth - 1);
+ if (os_strncmp (path, "red", 3) == 0)
+ {
+ jsontree_write_int (js_ctx, user_light_get_duty (LIGHT_RED));
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "green", 5) == 0)
+ {
+ jsontree_write_int (js_ctx, user_light_get_duty (LIGHT_GREEN));
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "blue", 4) == 0)
+ {
+ jsontree_write_int (js_ctx, user_light_get_duty (LIGHT_BLUE));
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "wwhite", 6) == 0)
+ {
+ {
+ jsontree_write_int (js_ctx, user_light_get_duty (LIGHT_WARM_WHITE));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ jsontree_write_int (js_ctx, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "cwhite", 6) == 0)
+ {
+ {
+ jsontree_write_int (js_ctx, user_light_get_duty (LIGHT_COLD_WHITE));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ jsontree_write_int (js_ctx, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "period", 6) == 0)
+ {
+ jsontree_write_int (js_ctx, user_light_get_period ());
+ }
+ return 0;
+light_status_set (struct jsontree_context *js_ctx,
+ struct jsonparse_state *parser)
+ int type;
+ static uint32 r, g, b, cw, ww, period;
+ period = 1000;
+ cw = 0;
+ ww = 0;
+ extern uint8 light_sleep_flg;
+ while ((type = jsonparse_next (parser)) != 0)
+ {
+ if (type == JSON_TYPE_PAIR_NAME)
+ {
+ if (jsonparse_strcmp_value (parser, "red") == 0)
+ {
+ uint32 status;
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ status = jsonparse_get_value_as_int (parser);
+ r = status;
+ os_printf ("R: %d \n", status);
+ //user_light_set_duty(status, LIGHT_RED);
+ //light_set_aim_r( r);
+ }
+ else if (jsonparse_strcmp_value (parser, "green") == 0)
+ {
+ uint32 status;
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ status = jsonparse_get_value_as_int (parser);
+ g = status;
+ os_printf ("G: %d \n", status);
+ //user_light_set_duty(status, LIGHT_GREEN);
+ //light_set_aim_g( g);
+ }
+ else if (jsonparse_strcmp_value (parser, "blue") == 0)
+ {
+ uint32 status;
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ status = jsonparse_get_value_as_int (parser);
+ b = status;
+ os_printf ("B: %d \n", status);
+ //user_light_set_duty(status, LIGHT_BLUE);
+ //set_aim_b( b);
+ }
+ else if (jsonparse_strcmp_value (parser, "cwhite") == 0)
+ {
+ uint32 status;
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ status = jsonparse_get_value_as_int (parser);
+ cw = status;
+ os_printf ("CW: %d \n", status);
+ //user_light_set_duty(status, LIGHT_BLUE);
+ //set_aim_b( b);
+ }
+ else if (jsonparse_strcmp_value (parser, "wwhite") == 0)
+ {
+ uint32 status;
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ status = jsonparse_get_value_as_int (parser);
+ ww = status;
+ os_printf ("WW: %d \n", status);
+ //user_light_set_duty(status, LIGHT_BLUE);
+ //set_aim_b( b);
+ }
+ else if (jsonparse_strcmp_value (parser, "period") == 0)
+ {
+ uint32 status;
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ status = jsonparse_get_value_as_int (parser);
+ os_printf ("PERIOD: %d \n", status);
+ period = status;
+ //user_light_set_period(status);
+ }
+ else if (jsonparse_strcmp_value (parser, "response") == 0)
+ {
+ uint32 status;
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ status = jsonparse_get_value_as_int (parser);
+ os_printf ("rspneed: %d \n", status);
+ PostCmdNeeRsp = status;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((r | g | b | ww | cw) == 0)
+ {
+ if (light_sleep_flg == 0)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (light_sleep_flg == 1)
+ {
+ os_printf ("modem sleep en\r\n");
+ wifi_set_sleep_type (MODEM_SLEEP_T);
+ light_sleep_flg = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ light_set_aim (r, g, b, cw, ww, period);
+ return 0;
+static struct jsontree_callback light_callback =
+JSONTREE_CALLBACK (light_status_get, light_status_set);
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("red", &light_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("green", &light_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("blue", &light_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("cwhite", &light_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("wwhite", &light_callback),);
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("period", &light_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("rgb", &rgb_tree));
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (PwmTree, JSONTREE_PAIR ("light", &sta_tree));
+ * FunctionName : wifi_station_get
+ * Description : set up the station paramer as a JSON format
+ * Parameters : js_ctx -- A pointer to a JSON set up
+ * Returns : result
+wifi_station_get (struct jsontree_context *js_ctx)
+ const char *path = jsontree_path_name (js_ctx, js_ctx->depth - 1);
+ struct ip_info ipconfig;
+ uint8 buf[20];
+ os_bzero (buf, sizeof (buf));
+ wifi_station_get_config (sta_conf);
+ wifi_get_ip_info (STATION_IF, &ipconfig);
+ if (os_strncmp (path, "ssid", 4) == 0)
+ {
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, sta_conf->ssid);
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "password", 8) == 0)
+ {
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, sta_conf->password);
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "ip", 2) == 0)
+ {
+ os_sprintf (buf, IPSTR, IP2STR (&ipconfig.ip));
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, buf);
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "mask", 4) == 0)
+ {
+ os_sprintf (buf, IPSTR, IP2STR (&ipconfig.netmask));
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, buf);
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "gw", 2) == 0)
+ {
+ os_sprintf (buf, IPSTR, IP2STR (&;
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, buf);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * FunctionName : wifi_station_set
+ * Description : parse the station parmer as a JSON format
+ * Parameters : js_ctx -- A pointer to a JSON set up
+ * parser -- A pointer to a JSON parser state
+ * Returns : result
+wifi_station_set (struct jsontree_context *js_ctx,
+ struct jsonparse_state *parser)
+ int type;
+ uint8 station_tree;
+ while ((type = jsonparse_next (parser)) != 0)
+ {
+ if (type == JSON_TYPE_PAIR_NAME)
+ {
+ char buffer[64];
+ os_bzero (buffer, 64);
+ if (jsonparse_strcmp_value (parser, "Station") == 0)
+ {
+ station_tree = 1;
+ }
+ else if (jsonparse_strcmp_value (parser, "Softap") == 0)
+ {
+ station_tree = 0;
+ }
+ if (station_tree)
+ {
+ if (jsonparse_strcmp_value (parser, "ssid") == 0)
+ {
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ jsonparse_copy_value (parser, buffer, sizeof (buffer));
+ os_memcpy (sta_conf->ssid, buffer, os_strlen (buffer));
+ }
+ else if (jsonparse_strcmp_value (parser, "password") == 0)
+ {
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ jsonparse_copy_value (parser, buffer, sizeof (buffer));
+ os_memcpy (sta_conf->password, buffer, os_strlen (buffer));
+ }
+ else if (jsonparse_strcmp_value (parser, "token") == 0)
+ {
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ jsonparse_copy_value (parser, buffer, sizeof (buffer));
+ user_esp_platform_set_token (buffer);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static struct jsontree_callback wifi_station_callback =
+JSONTREE_CALLBACK (wifi_station_get, wifi_station_set);
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (get_station_config_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("ssid", &wifi_station_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("password", &wifi_station_callback));
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (set_station_config_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("ssid", &wifi_station_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("password", &wifi_station_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("token", &wifi_station_callback));
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("ip", &wifi_station_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("mask", &wifi_station_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("gw", &wifi_station_callback));
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (get_station_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("Connect_Station", &get_station_config_tree),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("Ipinfo_Station", &ip_tree));
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (set_station_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("Connect_Station", &set_station_config_tree));
+// JSONTREE_PAIR("Station", &get_station_tree));
+// JSONTREE_PAIR("station", &set_station_tree));
+ * FunctionName : wifi_softap_get
+ * Description : set up the softap paramer as a JSON format
+ * Parameters : js_ctx -- A pointer to a JSON set up
+ * Returns : result
+wifi_softap_get (struct jsontree_context *js_ctx)
+ const char *path = jsontree_path_name (js_ctx, js_ctx->depth - 1);
+ struct ip_info ipconfig;
+ uint8 buf[20];
+ os_bzero (buf, sizeof (buf));
+ wifi_softap_get_config (ap_conf);
+ wifi_get_ip_info (SOFTAP_IF, &ipconfig);
+ if (os_strncmp (path, "ssid", 4) == 0)
+ {
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, ap_conf->ssid);
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "password", 8) == 0)
+ {
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, ap_conf->password);
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "channel", 7) == 0)
+ {
+ jsontree_write_int (js_ctx, ap_conf->channel);
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "authmode", 8) == 0)
+ {
+ switch (ap_conf->authmode)
+ {
+ case AUTH_OPEN:
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, "OPEN");
+ break;
+ case AUTH_WEP:
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, "WEP");
+ break;
+ case AUTH_WPA_PSK:
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, "WPAPSK");
+ break;
+ case AUTH_WPA2_PSK:
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, "WPA2PSK");
+ break;
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, "WPAPSK/WPA2PSK");
+ break;
+ default:
+ jsontree_write_int (js_ctx, ap_conf->authmode);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "ip", 2) == 0)
+ {
+ os_sprintf (buf, IPSTR, IP2STR (&ipconfig.ip));
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, buf);
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "mask", 4) == 0)
+ {
+ os_sprintf (buf, IPSTR, IP2STR (&ipconfig.netmask));
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, buf);
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "gw", 2) == 0)
+ {
+ os_sprintf (buf, IPSTR, IP2STR (&;
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, buf);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * FunctionName : wifi_softap_set
+ * Description : parse the softap parmer as a JSON format
+ * Parameters : js_ctx -- A pointer to a JSON set up
+ * parser -- A pointer to a JSON parser state
+ * Returns : result
+wifi_softap_set (struct jsontree_context *js_ctx,
+ struct jsonparse_state *parser)
+ int type;
+ uint8 softap_tree;
+ while ((type = jsonparse_next (parser)) != 0)
+ {
+ if (type == JSON_TYPE_PAIR_NAME)
+ {
+ char buffer[64];
+ os_bzero (buffer, 64);
+ if (jsonparse_strcmp_value (parser, "Station") == 0)
+ {
+ softap_tree = 0;
+ }
+ else if (jsonparse_strcmp_value (parser, "Softap") == 0)
+ {
+ softap_tree = 1;
+ }
+ if (softap_tree)
+ {
+ if (jsonparse_strcmp_value (parser, "authmode") == 0)
+ {
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ jsonparse_copy_value (parser, buffer, sizeof (buffer));
+ // other mode will be supported later...
+ if (os_strcmp (buffer, "OPEN") == 0)
+ {
+ ap_conf->authmode = AUTH_OPEN;
+ }
+ else if (os_strcmp (buffer, "WPAPSK") == 0)
+ {
+ ap_conf->authmode = AUTH_WPA_PSK;
+ os_printf ("%d %s\n", ap_conf->authmode, buffer);
+ }
+ else if (os_strcmp (buffer, "WPA2PSK") == 0)
+ {
+ ap_conf->authmode = AUTH_WPA2_PSK;
+ }
+ else if (os_strcmp (buffer, "WPAPSK/WPA2PSK") == 0)
+ {
+ ap_conf->authmode = AUTH_WPA_WPA2_PSK;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ap_conf->authmode = AUTH_OPEN;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (jsonparse_strcmp_value (parser, "channel") == 0)
+ {
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ ap_conf->channel = jsonparse_get_value_as_int (parser);
+ }
+ else if (jsonparse_strcmp_value (parser, "ssid") == 0)
+ {
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ jsonparse_copy_value (parser, buffer, sizeof (buffer));
+ os_memcpy (ap_conf->ssid, buffer, os_strlen (buffer));
+ }
+ else if (jsonparse_strcmp_value (parser, "password") == 0)
+ {
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ jsonparse_next (parser);
+ jsonparse_copy_value (parser, buffer, sizeof (buffer));
+ os_memcpy (ap_conf->password, buffer, os_strlen (buffer));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static struct jsontree_callback wifi_softap_callback =
+JSONTREE_CALLBACK (wifi_softap_get, wifi_softap_set);
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (softap_config_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("authmode", &wifi_softap_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("channel", &wifi_softap_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("ssid", &wifi_softap_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("password", &wifi_softap_callback));
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (softap_ip_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("ip", &wifi_softap_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("mask", &wifi_softap_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("gw", &wifi_softap_callback));
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (get_softap_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("Connect_Softap", &softap_config_tree),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("Ipinfo_Softap", &softap_ip_tree));
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (set_softap_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("Ipinfo_Softap", &softap_config_tree));
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (get_wifi_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("Station", &get_station_tree),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("Softap", &get_softap_tree));
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (set_wifi_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("Station", &set_station_tree),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("Softap", &set_softap_tree));
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (wifi_response_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("Response", &get_wifi_tree));
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (wifi_request_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("Request", &set_wifi_tree));
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (wifi_info_tree, JSONTREE_PAIR ("wifi", &wifi_response_tree));
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (wifi_req_tree, JSONTREE_PAIR ("wifi", &wifi_request_tree));
+ * FunctionName : scan_get
+ * Description : set up the scan data as a JSON format
+ * Parameters : js_ctx -- A pointer to a JSON set up
+ * Returns : result
+scan_get (struct jsontree_context *js_ctx)
+ const char *path = jsontree_path_name (js_ctx, js_ctx->depth - 1);
+ // STAILQ_HEAD(, bss_info) *pbss = scanarg;
+ static struct bss_info *bss;
+ if (os_strncmp (path, "TotalPage", 9) == 0)
+ {
+ jsontree_write_int (js_ctx, pscaninfo->totalpage);
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "PageNum", 7) == 0)
+ {
+ jsontree_write_int (js_ctx, pscaninfo->pagenum);
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "bssid", 5) == 0)
+ {
+ bss = STAILQ_FIRST (pscaninfo->pbss);
+ u8 buffer[32];
+ //if (bss != NULL){
+ os_memset (buffer, 0, sizeof (buffer));
+ os_sprintf (buffer, MACSTR, MAC2STR (bss->bssid));
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, buffer);
+ //}
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "ssid", 4) == 0)
+ {
+ //if (bss != NULL)
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, bss->ssid);
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "rssi", 4) == 0)
+ {
+ //if (bss != NULL)
+ jsontree_write_int (js_ctx, -(bss->rssi));
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "channel", 7) == 0)
+ {
+ //if (bss != NULL)
+ jsontree_write_int (js_ctx, bss->channel);
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (path, "authmode", 8) == 0)
+ {
+ //if (bss != NULL){
+ switch (bss->authmode)
+ {
+ case AUTH_OPEN:
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, "OPEN");
+ break;
+ case AUTH_WEP:
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, "WEP");
+ break;
+ case AUTH_WPA_PSK:
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, "WPAPSK");
+ break;
+ case AUTH_WPA2_PSK:
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, "WPA2PSK");
+ break;
+ jsontree_write_string (js_ctx, "WPAPSK/WPA2PSK");
+ break;
+ default:
+ jsontree_write_int (js_ctx, bss->authmode);
+ break;
+ }
+ STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD (pscaninfo->pbss, next);
+ os_free (bss);
+ //}
+ }
+ return 0;
+static struct jsontree_callback scan_callback =
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (scaninfo_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("bssid", &scan_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("ssid", &scan_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("rssi", &scan_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("channel", &scan_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("authmode", &scan_callback));
+JSONTREE_ARRAY (scanrslt_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR_ARRAY (&scaninfo_tree),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR_ARRAY (&scaninfo_tree),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR_ARRAY (&scaninfo_tree),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR_ARRAY (&scaninfo_tree),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR_ARRAY (&scaninfo_tree),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR_ARRAY (&scaninfo_tree),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR_ARRAY (&scaninfo_tree),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR_ARRAY (&scaninfo_tree));
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("TotalPage", &scan_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("PageNum", &scan_callback),
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("ScanResult", &scanrslt_tree));
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (scanres_tree, JSONTREE_PAIR ("Response", &scantree));
+JSONTREE_OBJECT (scan_tree, JSONTREE_PAIR ("scan", &scanres_tree));
+ * FunctionName : parse_url
+ * Description : parse the received data from the server
+ * Parameters : precv -- the received data
+ * purl_frame -- the result of parsing the url
+ * Returns : none
+static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
+parse_url (char *precv, URL_Frame * purl_frame)
+ char *str = NULL;
+ uint8 length = 0;
+ char *pbuffer = NULL;
+ char *pbufer = NULL;
+ if (purl_frame == NULL || precv == NULL)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ pbuffer = (char *) os_strstr (precv, "Host:");
+ if (pbuffer != NULL)
+ {
+ length = pbuffer - precv;
+ pbufer = (char *) os_zalloc (length + 1);
+ pbuffer = pbufer;
+ os_memcpy (pbuffer, precv, length);
+ os_memset (purl_frame->pSelect, 0, URLSize);
+ os_memset (purl_frame->pCommand, 0, URLSize);
+ os_memset (purl_frame->pFilename, 0, URLSize);
+ if (os_strncmp (pbuffer, "GET ", 4) == 0)
+ {
+ purl_frame->Type = GET;
+ pbuffer += 4;
+ }
+ else if (os_strncmp (pbuffer, "POST ", 5) == 0)
+ {
+ purl_frame->Type = POST;
+ pbuffer += 5;
+ }
+ pbuffer++;
+ str = (char *) os_strstr (pbuffer, "?");
+ if (str != NULL)
+ {
+ length = str - pbuffer;
+ os_memcpy (purl_frame->pSelect, pbuffer, length);
+ str++;
+ pbuffer = (char *) os_strstr (str, "=");
+ if (pbuffer != NULL)
+ {
+ length = pbuffer - str;
+ os_memcpy (purl_frame->pCommand, str, length);
+ pbuffer++;
+ str = (char *) os_strstr (pbuffer, "&");
+ if (str != NULL)
+ {
+ length = str - pbuffer;
+ os_memcpy (purl_frame->pFilename, pbuffer, length);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ str = (char *) os_strstr (pbuffer, " HTTP");
+ if (str != NULL)
+ {
+ length = str - pbuffer;
+ os_memcpy (purl_frame->pFilename, pbuffer, length);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ os_free (pbufer);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+static char *precvbuffer;
+static uint32 dat_sumlength = 0;
+static bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
+save_data (char *precv, uint16 length)
+ bool flag = false;
+ char length_buf[10] = { 0 };
+ char *ptemp = NULL;
+ char *pdata = NULL;
+ uint16 headlength = 0;
+ static uint32 totallength = 0;
+ ptemp = (char *) os_strstr (precv, "\r\n\r\n");
+ if (ptemp != NULL)
+ {
+ length -= ptemp - precv;
+ length -= 4;
+ totallength += length;
+ headlength = ptemp - precv + 4;
+ pdata = (char *) os_strstr (precv, "Content-Length: ");
+ if (pdata != NULL)
+ {
+ pdata += 16;
+ precvbuffer = (char *) os_strstr (pdata, "\r\n");
+ if (precvbuffer != NULL)
+ {
+ os_memcpy (length_buf, pdata, precvbuffer - pdata);
+ dat_sumlength = atoi (length_buf);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (totallength != 0x00)
+ {
+ totallength = 0;
+ dat_sumlength = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((dat_sumlength + headlength) >= 1024)
+ {
+ precvbuffer = (char *) os_zalloc (headlength + 1);
+ os_memcpy (precvbuffer, precv, headlength + 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ precvbuffer = (char *) os_zalloc (dat_sumlength + headlength + 1);
+ os_memcpy (precvbuffer, precv, os_strlen (precv));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (precvbuffer != NULL)
+ {
+ totallength += length;
+ os_memcpy (precvbuffer + os_strlen (precvbuffer), precv, length);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ totallength = 0;
+ dat_sumlength = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (totallength == dat_sumlength)
+ {
+ totallength = 0;
+ dat_sumlength = 0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+static bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
+check_data (char *precv, uint16 length)
+ //bool flag = true;
+ char length_buf[10] = { 0 };
+ char *ptemp = NULL;
+ char *pdata = NULL;
+ char *tmp_precvbuffer;
+ uint16 tmp_length = length;
+ uint32 tmp_totallength = 0;
+ ptemp = (char *) os_strstr (precv, "\r\n\r\n");
+ if (ptemp != NULL)
+ {
+ tmp_length -= ptemp - precv;
+ tmp_length -= 4;
+ tmp_totallength += tmp_length;
+ pdata = (char *) os_strstr (precv, "Content-Length: ");
+ if (pdata != NULL)
+ {
+ pdata += 16;
+ tmp_precvbuffer = (char *) os_strstr (pdata, "\r\n");
+ if (tmp_precvbuffer != NULL)
+ {
+ os_memcpy (length_buf, pdata, tmp_precvbuffer - pdata);
+ dat_sumlength = atoi (length_buf);
+ os_printf ("A_dat:%u,tot:%u,lenght:%u\n", dat_sumlength,
+ tmp_totallength, tmp_length);
+ if (dat_sumlength != tmp_totallength)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+static os_timer_t *restart_10ms;
+static rst_parm *rstparm;
+ * FunctionName : restart_10ms_cb
+ * Description : system restart or wifi reconnected after a certain time.
+ * Parameters : arg -- Additional argument to pass to the function
+ * Returns : none
+static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
+restart_10ms_cb (void *arg)
+ if (rstparm != NULL && rstparm->pespconn != NULL)
+ {
+ switch (rstparm->parmtype)
+ {
+ case WIFI:
+ //if (rstparm->pespconn->state == ESPCONN_CLOSE) {
+ if (sta_conf->ssid[0] != 0x00)
+ {
+ wifi_station_set_config (sta_conf);
+ wifi_station_disconnect ();
+ wifi_station_connect ();
+ user_esp_platform_check_ip (1);
+ }
+ if (ap_conf->ssid[0] != 0x00)
+ {
+ wifi_softap_set_config (ap_conf);
+ system_restart ();
+ }
+ os_free (ap_conf);
+ ap_conf = NULL;
+ os_free (sta_conf);
+ sta_conf = NULL;
+ os_free (rstparm);
+ rstparm = NULL;
+ os_free (restart_10ms);
+ restart_10ms = NULL;
+ //} else {
+ // os_timer_arm(restart_10ms, 10, 0);
+ //}
+ break;
+ case DEEP_SLEEP:
+ case REBOOT:
+ if (rstparm->pespconn->state == ESPCONN_CLOSE)
+ {
+ wifi_set_opmode (STATION_MODE);
+ if (rstparm->parmtype == DEEP_SLEEP)
+ {
+ system_deep_sleep (SENSOR_DEEP_SLEEP_TIME);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os_timer_arm (restart_10ms, 10, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ * FunctionName : data_send
+ * Description : processing the data as http format and send to the client or server
+ * Parameters : arg -- argument to set for client or server
+ * responseOK -- true or false
+ * psend -- The send data
+ * Returns :
+static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
+data_send (void *arg, bool responseOK, char *psend)
+ uint16 length = 0;
+ char *pbuf = NULL;
+ char httphead[256];
+ struct espconn *ptrespconn = arg;
+ os_memset (httphead, 0, 256);
+ if (responseOK)
+ {
+ os_sprintf (httphead,
+ "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nServer: lwIP/1.4.0\r\n",
+ psend ? os_strlen (psend) : 0);
+ if (psend)
+ {
+ os_sprintf (httphead + os_strlen (httphead),
+ "Content-type: application/json\r\nExpires: Fri, 10 Apr 2008 14:00:00 GMT\r\nPragma: no-cache\r\n\r\n");
+ length = os_strlen (httphead) + os_strlen (psend);
+ pbuf = (char *) os_zalloc (length + 1);
+ os_memcpy (pbuf, httphead, os_strlen (httphead));
+ os_memcpy (pbuf + os_strlen (httphead), psend, os_strlen (psend));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os_sprintf (httphead + os_strlen (httphead), "\n");
+ length = os_strlen (httphead);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os_sprintf (httphead, "HTTP/1.0 400 BadRequest\r\n\
+Content-Length: 0\r\nServer: lwIP/1.4.0\r\n\n");
+ length = os_strlen (httphead);
+ }
+ if (psend)
+ {
+ espconn_secure_sent (ptrespconn, pbuf, length);
+ espconn_sent (ptrespconn, pbuf, length);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ espconn_secure_sent (ptrespconn, httphead, length);
+ espconn_sent (ptrespconn, httphead, length);
+ }
+ if (pbuf)
+ {
+ os_free (pbuf);
+ pbuf = NULL;
+ }
+ * FunctionName : json_send
+ * Description : processing the data as json format and send to the client or server
+ * Parameters : arg -- argument to set for client or server
+ * ParmType -- json format type
+ * Returns : none
+static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
+json_send (void *arg, ParmType ParmType)
+ char *pbuf = NULL;
+ pbuf = (char *) os_zalloc (jsonSize);
+ struct espconn *ptrespconn = arg;
+ switch (ParmType)
+ {
+ json_ws_send ((struct jsontree_value *) &PwmTree, "light", pbuf);
+ break;
+ json_ws_send ((struct jsontree_value *) &StatusTree, "switch", pbuf);
+ break;
+ json_ws_send ((struct jsontree_value *) &INFOTree, "info", pbuf);
+ break;
+ case WIFI:
+ json_ws_send ((struct jsontree_value *) &wifi_info_tree, "wifi", pbuf);
+ break;
+ json_ws_send ((struct jsontree_value *) &con_status_tree, "info", pbuf);
+ break;
+ case USER_BIN:
+ json_ws_send ((struct jsontree_value *) &userinfo_tree, "user_info",
+ pbuf);
+ break;
+ case SCAN:
+ {
+ u8 i = 0;
+ u8 scancount = 0;
+ struct bss_info *bss = NULL;
+ bss = STAILQ_FIRST (pscaninfo->pbss);
+ if (bss == NULL)
+ {
+ os_free (pscaninfo);
+ pscaninfo = NULL;
+ os_sprintf (pbuf, "{\n\"successful\": false,\n\"data\": null\n}");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ if (pscaninfo->page_sn == pscaninfo->pagenum)
+ {
+ pscaninfo->page_sn = 0;
+ os_sprintf (pbuf,
+ "{\n\"successful\": false,\n\"meessage\": \"repeated page\"\n}");
+ break;
+ }
+ scancount = scannum - (pscaninfo->pagenum - 1) * 8;
+ if (scancount >= 8)
+ {
+ pscaninfo->data_cnt += 8;
+ pscaninfo->page_sn = pscaninfo->pagenum;
+ if (pscaninfo->data_cnt > scannum)
+ {
+ pscaninfo->data_cnt -= 8;
+ os_sprintf (pbuf,
+ "{\n\"successful\": false,\n\"meessage\": \"error page\"\n}");
+ break;
+ }
+ json_ws_send ((struct jsontree_value *) &scan_tree,
+ "scan", pbuf);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pscaninfo->data_cnt += scancount;
+ pscaninfo->page_sn = pscaninfo->pagenum;
+ if (pscaninfo->data_cnt > scannum)
+ {
+ pscaninfo->data_cnt -= scancount;
+ os_sprintf (pbuf,
+ "{\n\"successful\": false,\n\"meessage\": \"error page\"\n}");
+ break;
+ }
+ char *ptrscanbuf = (char *) os_zalloc (jsonSize);
+ char *pscanbuf = ptrscanbuf;
+ os_sprintf (pscanbuf, ",\n\"ScanResult\": [\n");
+ pscanbuf += os_strlen (pscanbuf);
+ for (i = 0; i < scancount; i++)
+ {
+ JSONTREE_OBJECT (page_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("page",
+ &scaninfo_tree));
+ json_ws_send ((struct jsontree_value *) &page_tree,
+ "page", pscanbuf);
+ os_sprintf (pscanbuf + os_strlen (pscanbuf), ",\n");
+ pscanbuf += os_strlen (pscanbuf);
+ }
+ os_sprintf (pscanbuf - 2, "]\n");
+ JSONTREE_OBJECT (scantree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("TotalPage",
+ &scan_callback),
+ &scan_callback));
+ JSONTREE_OBJECT (scanres_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("Response", &scantree));
+ JSONTREE_OBJECT (scan_tree,
+ JSONTREE_PAIR ("scan", &scanres_tree));
+ json_ws_send ((struct jsontree_value *) &scan_tree,
+ "scan", pbuf);
+ os_memcpy (pbuf + os_strlen (pbuf) - 4, ptrscanbuf,
+ os_strlen (ptrscanbuf));
+ os_sprintf (pbuf + os_strlen (pbuf), "}\n}");
+ os_free (ptrscanbuf);
+ }
+ }
+ while (0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ data_send (ptrespconn, true, pbuf);
+ os_free (pbuf);
+ pbuf = NULL;
+ * FunctionName : response_send
+ * Description : processing the send result
+ * Parameters : arg -- argument to set for client or server
+ * responseOK -- true or false
+ * Returns : none
+static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
+response_send (void *arg, bool responseOK)
+ struct espconn *ptrespconn = arg;
+ data_send (ptrespconn, responseOK, NULL);
+ * FunctionName : json_scan_cb
+ * Description : processing the scan result
+ * Parameters : arg -- Additional argument to pass to the callback function
+ * status -- scan status
+ * Returns : none
+static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
+json_scan_cb (void *arg, STATUS status)
+ pscaninfo->pbss = arg;
+ if (scannum % 8 == 0)
+ {
+ pscaninfo->totalpage = scannum / 8;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pscaninfo->totalpage = scannum / 8 + 1;
+ }
+ JSONTREE_OBJECT (totaltree, JSONTREE_PAIR ("TotalPage", &scan_callback));
+ JSONTREE_OBJECT (totalres_tree, JSONTREE_PAIR ("Response", &totaltree));
+ JSONTREE_OBJECT (total_tree, JSONTREE_PAIR ("total", &totalres_tree));
+ char *pbuf = NULL;
+ pbuf = (char *) os_zalloc (jsonSize);
+ json_ws_send ((struct jsontree_value *) &total_tree, "total", pbuf);
+ data_send (pscaninfo->pespconn, true, pbuf);
+ os_free (pbuf);
+upgrade_check_func (void *arg)
+ struct espconn *ptrespconn = arg;
+ os_timer_disarm (&upgrade_check_timer);
+ if (system_upgrade_flag_check () == UPGRADE_FLAG_START)
+ {
+ response_send (ptrespconn, false);
+ system_upgrade_deinit ();
+ system_upgrade_flag_set (UPGRADE_FLAG_IDLE);
+ upgrade_lock = 0;
+ os_printf ("local upgrade failed\n");
+ }
+ else if (system_upgrade_flag_check () == UPGRADE_FLAG_FINISH)
+ {
+ os_printf ("local upgrade success\n");
+ response_send (ptrespconn, true);
+ upgrade_lock = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ * FunctionName : upgrade_deinit
+ * Description : disconnect the connection with the host
+ * Parameters : bin -- server number
+ * Returns : none
+void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR static
+local_upgrade_deinit (void)
+ if (system_upgrade_flag_check () != UPGRADE_FLAG_START)
+ {
+ os_printf ("system upgrade deinit\n");
+ system_upgrade_deinit ();
+ }
+ * FunctionName : upgrade_download
+ * Description : Processing the upgrade data from the host
+ * Parameters : bin -- server number
+ * pusrdata -- The upgrade data (or NULL when the connection has been closed!)
+ * length -- The length of upgrade data
+ * Returns : none
+static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
+local_upgrade_download (void *arg, char *pusrdata, unsigned short length)
+ char *ptr = NULL;
+ char *ptmp2 = NULL;
+ char lengthbuffer[32];
+ static uint32 totallength = 0;
+ static uint32 sumlength = 0;
+ char A_buf[2] = { 0xE9, 0x03 };
+ char B_buf[2] = { 0xEA, 0x04 };
+ struct espconn *pespconn = arg;
+ if (totallength == 0
+ && (ptr = (char *) os_strstr (pusrdata, "\r\n\r\n")) != NULL
+ && (ptr = (char *) os_strstr (pusrdata, "Content-Length")) != NULL)
+ {
+ ptr = (char *) os_strstr (pusrdata, "Content-Length: ");
+ if (ptr != NULL)
+ {
+ ptr += 16;
+ ptmp2 = (char *) os_strstr (ptr, "\r\n");
+ if (ptmp2 != NULL)
+ {
+ os_memset (lengthbuffer, 0, sizeof (lengthbuffer));
+ os_memcpy (lengthbuffer, ptr, ptmp2 - ptr);
+ sumlength = atoi (lengthbuffer);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os_printf ("sumlength failed\n");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os_printf ("Content-Length: failed\n");
+ }
+ if (sumlength != 0)
+ {
+ system_upgrade_erase_flash (sumlength);
+ }
+ ptr = (char *) os_strstr (pusrdata, "\r\n\r\n");
+ length -= ptr - pusrdata;
+ length -= 4;
+ totallength += length;
+ os_printf ("upgrade file download start.\n");
+ system_upgrade (ptr + 4, length);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ totallength += length;
+ system_upgrade (pusrdata, length);
+ }
+ if (totallength == sumlength)
+ {
+ os_printf ("upgrade file download finished.\n");
+ system_upgrade_flag_set (UPGRADE_FLAG_FINISH);
+ totallength = 0;
+ sumlength = 0;
+ upgrade_check_func (pespconn);
+ os_timer_disarm (&app_upgrade_10s);
+ os_timer_setfn (&app_upgrade_10s,
+ (os_timer_func_t *) local_upgrade_deinit, NULL);
+ os_timer_arm (&app_upgrade_10s, 10, 0);
+ }
+ * FunctionName : webserver_recv
+ * Description : Processing the received data from the server
+ * Parameters : arg -- Additional argument to pass to the callback function
+ * pusrdata -- The received data (or NULL when the connection has been closed!)
+ * length -- The length of received data
+ * Returns : none
+static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
+webserver_recv (void *arg, char *pusrdata, unsigned short length)
+ URL_Frame *pURL_Frame = NULL;
+ char *pParseBuffer = NULL;
+ bool parse_flag = false;
+ struct espconn *ptrespconn = arg;
+ if (upgrade_lock == 0)
+ {
+ os_printf ("len:%u\n", length);
+ if (check_data (pusrdata, length) == false)
+ {
+ os_printf ("goto\n");
+ goto _temp_exit;
+ }
+ parse_flag = save_data (pusrdata, length);
+ if (parse_flag == false)
+ {
+ response_send (ptrespconn, false);
+ }
+// os_printf(precvbuffer);
+ pURL_Frame = (URL_Frame *) os_zalloc (sizeof (URL_Frame));
+ parse_url (precvbuffer, pURL_Frame);
+ switch (pURL_Frame->Type)
+ {
+ case GET:
+ os_printf ("We have a GET request.\n");
+ if (os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pSelect, "client") == 0 &&
+ os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pCommand, "command") == 0)
+ {
+ if (os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pFilename, "info") == 0)
+ {
+ json_send (ptrespconn, INFOMATION);
+ }
+ if (os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pFilename, "status") == 0)
+ {
+ json_send (ptrespconn, CONNECT_STATUS);
+ }
+ else if (os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pFilename, "scan") == 0)
+ {
+ char *strstr = NULL;
+ strstr = (char *) os_strstr (pusrdata, "&");
+ if (strstr == NULL)
+ {
+ if (pscaninfo == NULL)
+ {
+ pscaninfo =
+ (scaninfo *) os_zalloc (sizeof (scaninfo));
+ }
+ pscaninfo->pespconn = ptrespconn;
+ pscaninfo->pagenum = 0;
+ pscaninfo->page_sn = 0;
+ pscaninfo->data_cnt = 0;
+ wifi_station_scan (NULL, json_scan_cb);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strstr++;
+ if (os_strncmp (strstr, "page", 4) == 0)
+ {
+ if (pscaninfo != NULL)
+ {
+ pscaninfo->pagenum = *(strstr + 5);
+ pscaninfo->pagenum -= 0x30;
+ if (pscaninfo->pagenum > pscaninfo->totalpage
+ || pscaninfo->pagenum == 0)
+ {
+ response_send (ptrespconn, false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ json_send (ptrespconn, SCAN);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ response_send (ptrespconn, false);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ response_send (ptrespconn, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ response_send (ptrespconn, false);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pSelect, "config") == 0 &&
+ os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pCommand, "command") == 0)
+ {
+ if (os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pFilename, "wifi") == 0)
+ {
+ ap_conf =
+ (struct softap_config *)
+ os_zalloc (sizeof (struct softap_config));
+ sta_conf =
+ (struct station_config *)
+ os_zalloc (sizeof (struct station_config));
+ json_send (ptrespconn, WIFI);
+ os_free (sta_conf);
+ os_free (ap_conf);
+ sta_conf = NULL;
+ ap_conf = NULL;
+ }
+ else if (os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pFilename, "switch") == 0)
+ {
+ json_send (ptrespconn, SWITCH_STATUS);
+ }
+ else if (os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pFilename, "light") == 0)
+ {
+ json_send (ptrespconn, LIGHT_STATUS);
+ }
+ else if (os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pFilename, "reboot") == 0)
+ {
+ json_send (ptrespconn, REBOOT);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ response_send (ptrespconn, false);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pSelect, "upgrade") == 0 &&
+ os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pCommand, "command") == 0)
+ {
+ if (os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pFilename, "getuser") == 0)
+ {
+ json_send (ptrespconn, USER_BIN);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ response_send (ptrespconn, false);
+ }
+ break;
+ case POST:
+ os_printf ("We have a POST request.\n");
+ pParseBuffer = (char *) os_strstr (precvbuffer, "\r\n\r\n");
+ if (pParseBuffer == NULL)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ pParseBuffer += 4;
+ if (os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pSelect, "config") == 0 &&
+ os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pCommand, "command") == 0)
+ {
+ if (os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pFilename, "sleep") == 0)
+ {
+ if (os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pFilename, "reboot") == 0)
+ {
+ if (pParseBuffer != NULL)
+ {
+ if (restart_10ms != NULL)
+ {
+ os_timer_disarm (restart_10ms);
+ }
+ if (rstparm == NULL)
+ {
+ rstparm =
+ (rst_parm *) os_zalloc (sizeof (rst_parm));
+ }
+ rstparm->pespconn = ptrespconn;
+ rstparm->parmtype = DEEP_SLEEP;
+ rstparm->parmtype = REBOOT;
+ if (restart_10ms == NULL)
+ {
+ restart_10ms =
+ (os_timer_t *) os_malloc (sizeof (os_timer_t));
+ }
+ os_timer_setfn (restart_10ms,
+ (os_timer_func_t *) restart_10ms_cb,
+ NULL);
+ os_timer_arm (restart_10ms, 10, 0); // delay 10ms, then do
+ response_send (ptrespconn, true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ response_send (ptrespconn, false);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pFilename, "wifi") == 0)
+ {
+ if (pParseBuffer != NULL)
+ {
+ struct jsontree_context js;
+ user_esp_platform_set_connect_status
+ if (restart_10ms != NULL)
+ {
+ os_timer_disarm (restart_10ms);
+ }
+ if (ap_conf == NULL)
+ {
+ ap_conf =
+ (struct softap_config *)
+ os_zalloc (sizeof (struct softap_config));
+ }
+ if (sta_conf == NULL)
+ {
+ sta_conf =
+ (struct station_config *)
+ os_zalloc (sizeof (struct station_config));
+ }
+ jsontree_setup (&js,
+ (struct jsontree_value *)
+ &wifi_req_tree, json_putchar);
+ json_parse (&js, pParseBuffer);
+ if (rstparm == NULL)
+ {
+ rstparm =
+ (rst_parm *) os_zalloc (sizeof (rst_parm));
+ }
+ rstparm->pespconn = ptrespconn;
+ rstparm->parmtype = WIFI;
+ if (sta_conf->ssid[0] != 0x00
+ || ap_conf->ssid[0] != 0x00)
+ {
+ ap_conf->ssid_hidden = 0;
+ ap_conf->max_connection = 4;
+ if (restart_10ms == NULL)
+ {
+ restart_10ms =
+ (os_timer_t *)
+ os_malloc (sizeof (os_timer_t));
+ }
+ os_timer_disarm (restart_10ms);
+ os_timer_setfn (restart_10ms,
+ (os_timer_func_t *) restart_10ms_cb,
+ NULL);
+ os_timer_arm (restart_10ms, 10, 0); // delay 10ms, then do
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os_free (ap_conf);
+ os_free (sta_conf);
+ os_free (rstparm);
+ sta_conf = NULL;
+ ap_conf = NULL;
+ rstparm = NULL;
+ }
+ response_send (ptrespconn, true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ response_send (ptrespconn, false);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pFilename, "switch") == 0)
+ {
+ if (pParseBuffer != NULL)
+ {
+ struct jsontree_context js;
+ jsontree_setup (&js,
+ (struct jsontree_value *) &StatusTree,
+ json_putchar);
+ json_parse (&js, pParseBuffer);
+ response_send (ptrespconn, true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ response_send (ptrespconn, false);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pFilename, "light") == 0)
+ {
+ if (pParseBuffer != NULL)
+ {
+ struct jsontree_context js;
+ jsontree_setup (&js, (struct jsontree_value *) &PwmTree,
+ json_putchar);
+ json_parse (&js, pParseBuffer);
+ os_printf ("rsp1:%u\n", PostCmdNeeRsp);
+ if (PostCmdNeeRsp == 0)
+ PostCmdNeeRsp = 1;
+ else
+ response_send (ptrespconn, true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ response_send (ptrespconn, false);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pFilename, "reset") == 0)
+ {
+ response_send (ptrespconn, true);
+ extern struct esp_platform_saved_param esp_param;
+ esp_param.activeflag = 0;
+ system_param_save_with_protect (ESP_PARAM_START_SEC,
+ &esp_param,
+ sizeof (esp_param));
+ system_restore ();
+ system_restart ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ response_send (ptrespconn, false);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pSelect, "upgrade") == 0 &&
+ os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pCommand, "command") == 0)
+ {
+ if (os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pFilename, "start") == 0)
+ {
+ response_send (ptrespconn, true);
+ os_printf ("local upgrade start\n");
+ upgrade_lock = 1;
+ system_upgrade_init ();
+ system_upgrade_flag_set (UPGRADE_FLAG_START);
+ os_timer_disarm (&upgrade_check_timer);
+ os_timer_setfn (&upgrade_check_timer,
+ (os_timer_func_t *) upgrade_check_func,
+ NULL);
+ os_timer_arm (&upgrade_check_timer, 120000, 0);
+ }
+ else if (os_strcmp (pURL_Frame->pFilename, "reset") == 0)
+ {
+ response_send (ptrespconn, true);
+ os_printf ("local upgrade restart\n");
+ system_upgrade_reboot ();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ response_send (ptrespconn, false);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ response_send (ptrespconn, false);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (precvbuffer != NULL)
+ {
+ os_free (precvbuffer);
+ precvbuffer = NULL;
+ }
+ os_free (pURL_Frame);
+ pURL_Frame = NULL;
+ _temp_exit:
+ ;
+ }
+ else if (upgrade_lock == 1)
+ {
+ local_upgrade_download (ptrespconn, pusrdata, length);
+ if (precvbuffer != NULL)
+ {
+ os_free (precvbuffer);
+ precvbuffer = NULL;
+ }
+ os_free (pURL_Frame);
+ pURL_Frame = NULL;
+ }
+ * FunctionName : webserver_recon
+ * Description : the connection has been err, reconnection
+ * Parameters : arg -- Additional argument to pass to the callback function
+ * Returns : none
+static ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR void
+webserver_recon (void *arg, sint8 err)
+ struct espconn *pesp_conn = arg;
+ os_printf ("webserver's %d.%d.%d.%d:%d err %d reconnect\n",
+ pesp_conn->proto.tcp->remote_ip[0],
+ pesp_conn->proto.tcp->remote_ip[1],
+ pesp_conn->proto.tcp->remote_ip[2],
+ pesp_conn->proto.tcp->remote_ip[3],
+ pesp_conn->proto.tcp->remote_port, err);
+ * FunctionName : webserver_recon
+ * Description : the connection has been err, reconnection
+ * Parameters : arg -- Additional argument to pass to the callback function
+ * Returns : none
+static ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR void
+webserver_discon (void *arg)
+ struct espconn *pesp_conn = arg;
+ os_printf ("webserver's %d.%d.%d.%d:%d disconnect\n",
+ pesp_conn->proto.tcp->remote_ip[0],
+ pesp_conn->proto.tcp->remote_ip[1],
+ pesp_conn->proto.tcp->remote_ip[2],
+ pesp_conn->proto.tcp->remote_ip[3],
+ pesp_conn->proto.tcp->remote_port);
+ * FunctionName : user_accept_listen
+ * Description : server listened a connection successfully
+ * Parameters : arg -- Additional argument to pass to the callback function
+ * Returns : none
+static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR
+webserver_listen (void *arg)
+ struct espconn *pesp_conn = arg;
+ espconn_regist_recvcb (pesp_conn, webserver_recv);
+ espconn_regist_reconcb (pesp_conn, webserver_recon);
+ espconn_regist_disconcb (pesp_conn, webserver_discon);
+ * FunctionName : user_webserver_init
+ * Description : parameter initialize as a server
+ * Parameters : port -- server port
+ * Returns : none
diff --git a/polycom_xmit/webserver.h b/polycom_xmit/webserver.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3db88fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polycom_xmit/webserver.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#ifndef __USER_WEBSERVER_H__
+#define __USER_WEBSERVER_H__
+#define SERVER_PORT 80
+#define SERVER_SSL_PORT 443
+#define URLSize 10
+typedef enum Result_Resp {
+ RespFail = 0,
+ RespSuc,
+} Result_Resp;
+typedef enum ProtocolType {
+ GET = 0,
+} ProtocolType;
+typedef enum _ParmType {
+} ParmType;
+typedef struct URL_Frame {
+ enum ProtocolType Type;
+ char pSelect[URLSize];
+ char pCommand[URLSize];
+ char pFilename[URLSize];
+} URL_Frame;
+typedef struct _rst_parm {
+ ParmType parmtype;
+ struct espconn *pespconn;
+} rst_parm;
+void user_webserver_init(uint32 port);
diff --git a/polycom_xmit/wifi.c b/polycom_xmit/wifi.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c094355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polycom_xmit/wifi.c
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#include "project.h"
+wifi_init (void)
+ struct station_config config = { 0 };
+ os_strcpy (config.ssid, "haddock-bg");
+ os_strcpy (config.password, "fishsoup");
+ wifi_station_set_config_current (&config);
+ wifi_set_opmode_current (STATION_MODE);
+ wifi_station_set_reconnect_policy (true);
+ //wifi_station_connect();
+ //wifi_station_dhcpc_start ();