path: root/OpenKeychain/src/main/java/org/sufficientlysecure/keychain/ui/dialog/AddEditKeyserverDialogFragment.java
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Use cert pinning only if availableDominik Schürmann2016-04-091-2/+2
* Okhttp3 cleanups, docs, and fix timeouts for default clientDominik Schürmann2016-04-091-1/+1
* okhttp3Michal Kepkowski2016-03-141-10/+5
* Keyservers: Dont follow redirects, pin pgp.mit.edu, check for pinned cert on ...Dominik Schürmann2015-09-201-15/+65
* updated OrbotHelper with silent startAdithya Abraham Philip2015-08-061-4/+15
* Use support.v7.app.AlertDialogDominik Schürmann2015-07-131-1/+1
* added proxy support to OperationHelperAdithya Abraham Philip2015-07-031-11/+3
* Rename package back to orbot because these are orbot utilsDominik Schürmann2015-07-031-1/+1
* Cleanup tor codeDominik Schürmann2015-07-031-2/+14
* ensuring code style is preservedAdithya Abraham Philip2015-07-031-2/+1
* added proxy support to keyserver verificationAdithya Abraham Philip2015-07-031-1/+1
* added placeholder proxy to AddKeyServerAdithya Abraham Philip2015-07-031-5/+22
* reworked keyserver preferences with recyclerviewAdithya Abraham Philip2015-07-021-0/+372