path: root/org_apg/src/org/thialfihar/android/apg/deprecated/Database.java
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'org_apg/src/org/thialfihar/android/apg/deprecated/Database.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 617 deletions
diff --git a/org_apg/src/org/thialfihar/android/apg/deprecated/Database.java b/org_apg/src/org/thialfihar/android/apg/deprecated/Database.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a117ea26b..000000000
--- a/org_apg/src/org/thialfihar/android/apg/deprecated/Database.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,617 +0,0 @@
-// * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// * You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// *
-// * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// *
-// * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// * limitations under the License.
-// */
-//package org.thialfihar.android.apg.deprecated;
-//import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPException;
-//import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPPublicKey;
-//import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPPublicKeyRing;
-//import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPSecretKey;
-//import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPSecretKeyRing;
-//import org.thialfihar.android.apg.Id;
-//import org.thialfihar.android.apg.helper.PGPHelper;
-//import org.thialfihar.android.apg.util.IterableIterator;
-//import android.content.ContentValues;
-//import android.content.Context;
-//import android.database.Cursor;
-//import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
-//import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper;
-//import org.thialfihar.android.apg.util.Log;
-//import java.io.IOException;
-//import java.util.Date;
-//import java.util.HashMap;
-//import java.util.Vector;
-//public class Database extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
-// public static class GeneralException extends Exception {
-// static final long serialVersionUID = 0xf812773343L;
-// public GeneralException(String message) {
-// super(message);
-// }
-// }
-// private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "apg";
-// private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 2;
-// public static final String AUTHORITY = "org.thialfihar.android.apg.database";
-// public static HashMap<String, String> sKeyRingsProjection;
-// public static HashMap<String, String> sKeysProjection;
-// public static HashMap<String, String> sUserIdsProjection;
-// private SQLiteDatabase mDb = null;
-// private int mStatus = 0;
-// static {
-// sKeyRingsProjection = new HashMap<String, String>();
-// sKeyRingsProjection.put(KeyRings._ID, KeyRings._ID);
-// sKeyRingsProjection.put(KeyRings.MASTER_KEY_ID, KeyRings.MASTER_KEY_ID);
-// sKeyRingsProjection.put(KeyRings.TYPE, KeyRings.TYPE);
-// sKeyRingsProjection.put(KeyRings.WHO_ID, KeyRings.WHO_ID);
-// sKeyRingsProjection.put(KeyRings.KEY_RING_DATA, KeyRings.KEY_RING_DATA);
-// sKeysProjection = new HashMap<String, String>();
-// sKeysProjection.put(Keys._ID, Keys._ID);
-// sKeysProjection.put(Keys.KEY_ID, Keys.KEY_ID);
-// sKeysProjection.put(Keys.TYPE, Keys.TYPE);
-// sKeysProjection.put(Keys.IS_MASTER_KEY, Keys.IS_MASTER_KEY);
-// sKeysProjection.put(Keys.ALGORITHM, Keys.ALGORITHM);
-// sKeysProjection.put(Keys.KEY_SIZE, Keys.KEY_SIZE);
-// sKeysProjection.put(Keys.CAN_SIGN, Keys.CAN_SIGN);
-// sKeysProjection.put(Keys.CAN_ENCRYPT, Keys.CAN_ENCRYPT);
-// sKeysProjection.put(Keys.IS_REVOKED, Keys.IS_REVOKED);
-// sKeysProjection.put(Keys.CREATION, Keys.CREATION);
-// sKeysProjection.put(Keys.EXPIRY, Keys.EXPIRY);
-// sKeysProjection.put(Keys.KEY_DATA, Keys.KEY_DATA);
-// sKeysProjection.put(Keys.RANK, Keys.RANK);
-// sUserIdsProjection = new HashMap<String, String>();
-// sUserIdsProjection.put(UserIds._ID, UserIds._ID);
-// sUserIdsProjection.put(UserIds.KEY_ID, UserIds.KEY_ID);
-// sUserIdsProjection.put(UserIds.USER_ID, UserIds.USER_ID);
-// sUserIdsProjection.put(UserIds.RANK, UserIds.RANK);
-// }
-// public Database(Context context) {
-// super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
-// // force upgrade to test things
-// //onUpgrade(getWritableDatabase(), 1, 2);
-// mDb = getWritableDatabase();
-// }
-// @Override
-// protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
-// mDb.close();
-// super.finalize();
-// }
-// @Override
-// public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
-// db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + KeyRings.TABLE_NAME + " (" +
-// KeyRings._ID + " " + KeyRings._ID_type + "," +
-// KeyRings.MASTER_KEY_ID + " " + KeyRings.MASTER_KEY_ID_type + ", " +
-// KeyRings.TYPE + " " + KeyRings.TYPE_type + ", " +
-// KeyRings.WHO_ID + " " + KeyRings.WHO_ID_type + ", " +
-// KeyRings.KEY_RING_DATA + " " + KeyRings.KEY_RING_DATA_type + ");");
-// db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + Keys.TABLE_NAME + " (" +
-// Keys._ID + " " + Keys._ID_type + "," +
-// Keys.KEY_ID + " " + Keys.KEY_ID_type + ", " +
-// Keys.TYPE + " " + Keys.TYPE_type + ", " +
-// Keys.IS_MASTER_KEY + " " + Keys.IS_MASTER_KEY_type + ", " +
-// Keys.ALGORITHM + " " + Keys.ALGORITHM_type + ", " +
-// Keys.KEY_SIZE + " " + Keys.KEY_SIZE_type + ", " +
-// Keys.CAN_SIGN + " " + Keys.CAN_SIGN_type + ", " +
-// Keys.CAN_ENCRYPT + " " + Keys.CAN_ENCRYPT_type + ", " +
-// Keys.IS_REVOKED + " " + Keys.IS_REVOKED_type + ", " +
-// Keys.CREATION + " " + Keys.CREATION_type + ", " +
-// Keys.EXPIRY + " " + Keys.EXPIRY_type + ", " +
-// Keys.KEY_RING_ID + " " + Keys.KEY_RING_ID_type + ", " +
-// Keys.KEY_DATA + " " + Keys.KEY_DATA_type +
-// Keys.RANK + " " + Keys.RANK_type + ");");
-// db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + UserIds.TABLE_NAME + " (" +
-// UserIds._ID + " " + UserIds._ID_type + "," +
-// UserIds.KEY_ID + " " + UserIds.KEY_ID_type + "," +
-// UserIds.USER_ID + " " + UserIds.USER_ID_type + "," +
-// UserIds.RANK + " " + UserIds.RANK_type + ");");
-// }
-// @Override
-// public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
-// mDb = db;
-// for (int version = oldVersion; version < newVersion; ++version) {
-// switch (version) {
-// case 1: { // upgrade 1 to 2
-// db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + KeyRings.TABLE_NAME + ";");
-// db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + Keys.TABLE_NAME + ";");
-// db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + UserIds.TABLE_NAME + ";");
-// db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + KeyRings.TABLE_NAME + " (" +
-// KeyRings._ID + " " + KeyRings._ID_type + "," +
-// KeyRings.MASTER_KEY_ID + " " + KeyRings.MASTER_KEY_ID_type + ", " +
-// KeyRings.TYPE + " " + KeyRings.TYPE_type + ", " +
-// KeyRings.WHO_ID + " " + KeyRings.WHO_ID_type + ", " +
-// KeyRings.KEY_RING_DATA + " " + KeyRings.KEY_RING_DATA_type + ");");
-// db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + Keys.TABLE_NAME + " (" +
-// Keys._ID + " " + Keys._ID_type + "," +
-// Keys.KEY_ID + " " + Keys.KEY_ID_type + ", " +
-// Keys.TYPE + " " + Keys.TYPE_type + ", " +
-// Keys.IS_MASTER_KEY + " " + Keys.IS_MASTER_KEY_type + ", " +
-// Keys.ALGORITHM + " " + Keys.ALGORITHM_type + ", " +
-// Keys.KEY_SIZE + " " + Keys.KEY_SIZE_type + ", " +
-// Keys.CAN_SIGN + " " + Keys.CAN_SIGN_type + ", " +
-// Keys.CAN_ENCRYPT + " " + Keys.CAN_ENCRYPT_type + ", " +
-// Keys.IS_REVOKED + " " + Keys.IS_REVOKED_type + ", " +
-// Keys.CREATION + " " + Keys.CREATION_type + ", " +
-// Keys.EXPIRY + " " + Keys.EXPIRY_type + ", " +
-// Keys.KEY_RING_ID + " " + Keys.KEY_RING_ID_type + ", " +
-// Keys.KEY_DATA + " " + Keys.KEY_DATA_type +
-// Keys.RANK + " " + Keys.RANK_type + ");");
-// db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + UserIds.TABLE_NAME + " (" +
-// UserIds._ID + " " + UserIds._ID_type + "," +
-// UserIds.KEY_ID + " " + UserIds.KEY_ID_type + "," +
-// UserIds.USER_ID + " " + UserIds.USER_ID_type + "," +
-// UserIds.RANK + " " + UserIds.RANK_type + ");");
-// Cursor cursor = db.query("public_keys", new String[] { "c_key_data" },
-// null, null, null, null, null);
-// if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) {
-// do {
-// byte[] data = cursor.getBlob(0);
-// try {
-// PGPPublicKeyRing keyRing = new PGPPublicKeyRing(data);
-// saveKeyRing(keyRing);
-// } catch (IOException e) {
-// Log.e("apg.db.upgrade", "key import failed: " + e);
-// } catch (GeneralException e) {
-// Log.e("apg.db.upgrade", "key import failed: " + e);
-// }
-// } while (cursor.moveToNext());
-// }
-// if (cursor != null) {
-// cursor.close();
-// }
-// cursor = db.query("secret_keys", new String[]{ "c_key_data" },
-// null, null, null, null, null);
-// if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) {
-// do {
-// byte[] data = cursor.getBlob(0);
-// try {
-// PGPSecretKeyRing keyRing = new PGPSecretKeyRing(data);
-// saveKeyRing(keyRing);
-// } catch (IOException e) {
-// Log.e("apg.db.upgrade", "key import failed: " + e);
-// } catch (PGPException e) {
-// Log.e("apg.db.upgrade", "key import failed: " + e);
-// } catch (GeneralException e) {
-// Log.e("apg.db.upgrade", "key import failed: " + e);
-// }
-// } while (cursor.moveToNext());
-// }
-// if (cursor != null) {
-// cursor.close();
-// }
-// db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public_keys;");
-// db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS secret_keys;");
-// break;
-// }
-// default: {
-// break;
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// mDb = null;
-// }
-// public int saveKeyRing(PGPPublicKeyRing keyRing) throws IOException, GeneralException {
-// mDb.beginTransaction();
-// ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
-// PGPPublicKey masterKey = keyRing.getPublicKey();
-// long masterKeyId = masterKey.getKeyID();
-// values.put(KeyRings.MASTER_KEY_ID, masterKeyId);
-// values.put(KeyRings.TYPE, Id.database.type_public);
-// values.put(KeyRings.KEY_RING_DATA, keyRing.getEncoded());
-// long rowId = insertOrUpdateKeyRing(values);
-// int returnValue = mStatus;
-// if (rowId == -1) {
-// throw new GeneralException("saving public key ring " + masterKeyId + " failed");
-// }
-// Vector<Integer> seenIds = new Vector<Integer>();
-// int rank = 0;
-// for (PGPPublicKey key : new IterableIterator<PGPPublicKey>(keyRing.getPublicKeys())) {
-// seenIds.add(saveKey(rowId, key, rank));
-// ++rank;
-// }
-// String seenIdsStr = "";
-// for (Integer id : seenIds) {
-// if (seenIdsStr.length() > 0) {
-// seenIdsStr += ",";
-// }
-// seenIdsStr += id;
-// }
-// mDb.delete(Keys.TABLE_NAME,
-// Keys.KEY_RING_ID + " = ? AND " +
-// Keys._ID + " NOT IN (" + seenIdsStr + ")",
-// new String[] { "" + rowId });
-// mDb.setTransactionSuccessful();
-// mDb.endTransaction();
-// return returnValue;
-// }
-// public int saveKeyRing(PGPSecretKeyRing keyRing) throws IOException, GeneralException {
-// mDb.beginTransaction();
-// ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
-// PGPSecretKey masterKey = keyRing.getSecretKey();
-// long masterKeyId = masterKey.getKeyID();
-// values.put(KeyRings.MASTER_KEY_ID, masterKeyId);
-// values.put(KeyRings.TYPE, Id.database.type_secret);
-// values.put(KeyRings.KEY_RING_DATA, keyRing.getEncoded());
-// long rowId = insertOrUpdateKeyRing(values);
-// int returnValue = mStatus;
-// if (rowId == -1) {
-// throw new GeneralException("saving secret key ring " + masterKeyId + " failed");
-// }
-// Vector<Integer> seenIds = new Vector<Integer>();
-// int rank = 0;
-// for (PGPSecretKey key : new IterableIterator<PGPSecretKey>(keyRing.getSecretKeys())) {
-// seenIds.add(saveKey(rowId, key, rank));
-// ++rank;
-// }
-// String seenIdsStr = "";
-// for (Integer id : seenIds) {
-// if (seenIdsStr.length() > 0) {
-// seenIdsStr += ",";
-// }
-// seenIdsStr += id;
-// }
-// mDb.delete(Keys.TABLE_NAME,
-// Keys.KEY_RING_ID + " = ? AND " +
-// Keys._ID + " NOT IN (" + seenIdsStr + ")",
-// new String[] { "" + rowId });
-// mDb.setTransactionSuccessful();
-// mDb.endTransaction();
-// return returnValue;
-// }
-// private int saveKey(long keyRingId, PGPPublicKey key, int rank)
-// throws IOException, GeneralException {
-// ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
-// values.put(Keys.KEY_ID, key.getKeyID());
-// values.put(Keys.TYPE, Id.database.type_public);
-// values.put(Keys.IS_MASTER_KEY, key.isMasterKey());
-// values.put(Keys.ALGORITHM, key.getAlgorithm());
-// values.put(Keys.KEY_SIZE, key.getBitStrength());
-// values.put(Keys.CAN_SIGN, PGPHelper.isSigningKey(key));
-// values.put(Keys.CAN_ENCRYPT, PGPHelper.isEncryptionKey(key));
-// values.put(Keys.IS_REVOKED, key.isRevoked());
-// values.put(Keys.CREATION, PGPHelper.getCreationDate(key).getTime() / 1000);
-// Date expiryDate = PGPHelper.getExpiryDate(key);
-// if (expiryDate != null) {
-// values.put(Keys.EXPIRY, expiryDate.getTime() / 1000);
-// }
-// values.put(Keys.KEY_RING_ID, keyRingId);
-// values.put(Keys.KEY_DATA, key.getEncoded());
-// values.put(Keys.RANK, rank);
-// long rowId = insertOrUpdateKey(values);
-// if (rowId == -1) {
-// throw new GeneralException("saving public key " + key.getKeyID() + " failed");
-// }
-// Vector<Integer> seenIds = new Vector<Integer>();
-// int userIdRank = 0;
-// for (String userId : new IterableIterator<String>(key.getUserIDs())) {
-// seenIds.add(saveUserId(rowId, userId, userIdRank));
-// ++userIdRank;
-// }
-// String seenIdsStr = "";
-// for (Integer id : seenIds) {
-// if (seenIdsStr.length() > 0) {
-// seenIdsStr += ",";
-// }
-// seenIdsStr += id;
-// }
-// mDb.delete(UserIds.TABLE_NAME,
-// UserIds.KEY_ID + " = ? AND " +
-// UserIds._ID + " NOT IN (" + seenIdsStr + ")",
-// new String[] { "" + rowId });
-// return (int)rowId;
-// }
-// private int saveKey(long keyRingId, PGPSecretKey key, int rank)
-// throws IOException, GeneralException {
-// ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
-// values.put(Keys.KEY_ID, key.getPublicKey().getKeyID());
-// values.put(Keys.TYPE, Id.database.type_secret);
-// values.put(Keys.IS_MASTER_KEY, key.isMasterKey());
-// values.put(Keys.ALGORITHM, key.getPublicKey().getAlgorithm());
-// values.put(Keys.KEY_SIZE, key.getPublicKey().getBitStrength());
-// values.put(Keys.CAN_SIGN, PGPHelper.isSigningKey(key));
-// values.put(Keys.CAN_ENCRYPT, PGPHelper.isEncryptionKey(key));
-// values.put(Keys.IS_REVOKED, key.getPublicKey().isRevoked());
-// values.put(Keys.CREATION, PGPHelper.getCreationDate(key).getTime() / 1000);
-// Date expiryDate = PGPHelper.getExpiryDate(key);
-// if (expiryDate != null) {
-// values.put(Keys.EXPIRY, expiryDate.getTime() / 1000);
-// }
-// values.put(Keys.KEY_RING_ID, keyRingId);
-// values.put(Keys.KEY_DATA, key.getEncoded());
-// values.put(Keys.RANK, rank);
-// long rowId = insertOrUpdateKey(values);
-// if (rowId == -1) {
-// throw new GeneralException("saving secret key " + key.getPublicKey().getKeyID() + " failed");
-// }
-// Vector<Integer> seenIds = new Vector<Integer>();
-// int userIdRank = 0;
-// for (String userId : new IterableIterator<String>(key.getUserIDs())) {
-// seenIds.add(saveUserId(rowId, userId, userIdRank));
-// ++userIdRank;
-// }
-// String seenIdsStr = "";
-// for (Integer id : seenIds) {
-// if (seenIdsStr.length() > 0) {
-// seenIdsStr += ",";
-// }
-// seenIdsStr += id;
-// }
-// mDb.delete(UserIds.TABLE_NAME,
-// UserIds.KEY_ID + " = ? AND " +
-// UserIds._ID + " NOT IN (" + seenIdsStr + ")",
-// new String[] { "" + rowId });
-// return (int)rowId;
-// }
-// private int saveUserId(long keyId, String userId, int rank) throws GeneralException {
-// ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
-// values.put(UserIds.KEY_ID, keyId);
-// values.put(UserIds.USER_ID, userId);
-// values.put(UserIds.RANK, rank);
-// long rowId = insertOrUpdateUserId(values);
-// if (rowId == -1) {
-// throw new GeneralException("saving user id " + userId + " failed");
-// }
-// return (int)rowId;
-// }
-// private long insertOrUpdateKeyRing(ContentValues values) {
-// Cursor c = mDb.query(KeyRings.TABLE_NAME, new String[] { KeyRings._ID },
-// KeyRings.MASTER_KEY_ID + " = ? AND " + KeyRings.TYPE + " = ?",
-// new String[] {
-// values.getAsString(KeyRings.MASTER_KEY_ID),
-// values.getAsString(KeyRings.TYPE),
-// },
-// null, null, null);
-// long rowId = -1;
-// if (c != null && c.moveToFirst()) {
-// rowId = c.getLong(0);
-// mDb.update(KeyRings.TABLE_NAME, values,
-// KeyRings._ID + " = ?", new String[] { "" + rowId });
-// mStatus = Id.return_value.updated;
-// } else {
-// rowId = mDb.insert(KeyRings.TABLE_NAME, KeyRings.WHO_ID, values);
-// mStatus = Id.return_value.ok;
-// }
-// if (c != null) {
-// c.close();
-// }
-// return rowId;
-// }
-// private long insertOrUpdateKey(ContentValues values) {
-// Cursor c = mDb.query(Keys.TABLE_NAME, new String[] { Keys._ID },
-// Keys.KEY_ID + " = ? AND " + Keys.TYPE + " = ?",
-// new String[] {
-// values.getAsString(Keys.KEY_ID),
-// values.getAsString(Keys.TYPE),
-// },
-// null, null, null);
-// long rowId = -1;
-// if (c != null && c.moveToFirst()) {
-// rowId = c.getLong(0);
-// mDb.update(Keys.TABLE_NAME, values,
-// Keys._ID + " = ?", new String[] { "" + rowId });
-// } else {
-// rowId = mDb.insert(Keys.TABLE_NAME, Keys.KEY_DATA, values);
-// }
-// if (c != null) {
-// c.close();
-// }
-// return rowId;
-// }
-// private long insertOrUpdateUserId(ContentValues values) {
-// Cursor c = mDb.query(UserIds.TABLE_NAME, new String[] { UserIds._ID },
-// UserIds.KEY_ID + " = ? AND " + UserIds.USER_ID + " = ?",
-// new String[] {
-// values.getAsString(UserIds.KEY_ID),
-// values.getAsString(UserIds.USER_ID),
-// },
-// null, null, null);
-// long rowId = -1;
-// if (c != null && c.moveToFirst()) {
-// rowId = c.getLong(0);
-// mDb.update(UserIds.TABLE_NAME, values,
-// UserIds._ID + " = ?", new String[] { "" + rowId });
-// } else {
-// rowId = mDb.insert(UserIds.TABLE_NAME, UserIds.USER_ID, values);
-// }
-// if (c != null) {
-// c.close();
-// }
-// return rowId;
-// }
-// public Object getKeyRing(int keyRingId) {
-// Cursor c = mDb.query(KeyRings.TABLE_NAME,
-// new String[] { KeyRings.KEY_RING_DATA, KeyRings.TYPE },
-// KeyRings._ID + " = ?",
-// new String[] {
-// "" + keyRingId,
-// },
-// null, null, null);
-// byte[] data = null;
-// Object keyRing = null;
-// if (c != null && c.moveToFirst()) {
-// data = c.getBlob(0);
-// if (data != null) {
-// try {
-// if (c.getInt(1) == Id.database.type_public) {
-// keyRing = new PGPPublicKeyRing(data);
-// } else {
-// keyRing = new PGPSecretKeyRing(data);
-// }
-// } catch (IOException e) {
-// // can't load it, then
-// } catch (PGPException e) {
-// // can't load it, then
-// }
-// }
-// }
-// if (c != null) {
-// c.close();
-// }
-// return keyRing;
-// }
-// public byte[] getKeyRingDataFromKeyId(int type, long keyId) {
-// Cursor c = mDb.query(Keys.TABLE_NAME + " INNER JOIN " + KeyRings.TABLE_NAME + " ON (" +
-// KeyRings.TABLE_NAME + "." + KeyRings._ID + " = " +
-// Keys.TABLE_NAME + "." + Keys.KEY_RING_ID + ")",
-// new String[] { KeyRings.TABLE_NAME + "." + KeyRings.KEY_RING_DATA },
-// Keys.TABLE_NAME + "." + Keys.KEY_ID + " = ? AND " +
-// KeyRings.TABLE_NAME + "." + KeyRings.TYPE + " = ?",
-// new String[] {
-// "" + keyId,
-// "" + type,
-// },
-// null, null, null);
-// byte[] data = null;
-// if (c != null && c.moveToFirst()) {
-// data = c.getBlob(0);
-// }
-// if (c != null) {
-// c.close();
-// }
-// return data;
-// }
-// public byte[] getKeyDataFromKeyId(int type, long keyId) {
-// Cursor c = mDb.query(Keys.TABLE_NAME, new String[] { Keys.KEY_DATA },
-// Keys.KEY_ID + " = ? AND " + Keys.TYPE + " = ?",
-// new String[] {
-// "" + keyId,
-// "" + type,
-// },
-// null, null, null);
-// byte[] data = null;
-// if (c != null && c.moveToFirst()) {
-// data = c.getBlob(0);
-// }
-// if (c != null) {
-// c.close();
-// }
-// return data;
-// }
-//// public void deleteKeyRing(int keyRingId) {
-//// mDb.beginTransaction();
-//// mDb.delete(KeyRings.TABLE_NAME,
-//// KeyRings._ID + " = ?", new String[] { "" + keyRingId });
-//// Cursor c = mDb.query(Keys.TABLE_NAME, new String[] { Keys._ID },
-//// Keys.KEY_RING_ID + " = ?",
-//// new String[] {
-//// "" + keyRingId,
-//// },
-//// null, null, null);
-//// if (c != null && c.moveToFirst()) {
-//// do {
-//// int keyId = c.getInt(0);
-//// deleteKey(keyId);
-//// } while (c.moveToNext());
-//// }
-//// if (c != null) {
-//// c.close();
-//// }
-//// mDb.setTransactionSuccessful();
-//// mDb.endTransaction();
-//// }
-//// private void deleteKey(int keyId) {
-//// mDb.delete(Keys.TABLE_NAME,
-//// Keys._ID + " = ?", new String[] { "" + keyId });
-//// mDb.delete(UserIds.TABLE_NAME,
-//// UserIds.KEY_ID + " = ?", new String[] { "" + keyId });
-//// }
-//// public SQLiteDatabase db() {
-//// return mDb;
-//// }