path: root/OpenKeychain/src/test/java/org/sufficientlysecure/keychain/pgp/PgpEncryptDecryptTest.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'OpenKeychain/src/test/java/org/sufficientlysecure/keychain/pgp/PgpEncryptDecryptTest.java')
1 files changed, 587 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/test/java/org/sufficientlysecure/keychain/pgp/PgpEncryptDecryptTest.java b/OpenKeychain/src/test/java/org/sufficientlysecure/keychain/pgp/PgpEncryptDecryptTest.java
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/OpenKeychain/src/test/java/org/sufficientlysecure/keychain/pgp/PgpEncryptDecryptTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Vincent Breitmoser <v.breitmoser@mugenguild.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+package org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.pgp;
+import org.junit.Assert;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
+import org.openintents.openpgp.OpenPgpMetadata;
+import org.openintents.openpgp.OpenPgpSignatureResult;
+import org.robolectric.*;
+import org.robolectric.annotation.Config;
+import org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowLog;
+import org.spongycastle.bcpg.sig.KeyFlags;
+import org.spongycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;
+import org.spongycastle.openpgp.PGPEncryptedData;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.BuildConfig;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.operations.results.OperationResult.LogType;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.operations.results.PgpEditKeyResult;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.operations.results.PgpSignEncryptResult;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.provider.KeychainContract.KeyRingData;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.provider.ProviderHelper;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.SaveKeyringParcel;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.SaveKeyringParcel.Algorithm;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.operations.results.DecryptVerifyResult;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.SaveKeyringParcel.ChangeUnlockParcel;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.input.CryptoInputParcel;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.service.input.RequiredInputParcel.RequiredInputType;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.support.KeyringTestingHelper;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.util.InputData;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.util.Passphrase;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.util.ProgressScaler;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.keychain.util.TestingUtils;
+import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
+import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
+import java.io.PrintStream;
+import java.security.Security;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+@Config(constants = BuildConfig.class, sdk = 21, manifest = "src/main/AndroidManifest.xml")
+public class PgpEncryptDecryptTest {
+ static Passphrase mPassphrase = TestingUtils.genPassphrase(true);
+ static UncachedKeyRing mStaticRing1, mStaticRing2;
+ static Passphrase mKeyPhrase1 = TestingUtils.genPassphrase(true);
+ static Passphrase mKeyPhrase2 = TestingUtils.genPassphrase(true);
+ static PrintStream oldShadowStream;
+ @BeforeClass
+ public static void setUpOnce() throws Exception {
+ Security.insertProviderAt(new BouncyCastleProvider(), 1);
+ oldShadowStream = ShadowLog.stream;
+ // ShadowLog.stream = System.out;
+ PgpKeyOperation op = new PgpKeyOperation(null);
+ {
+ SaveKeyringParcel parcel = new SaveKeyringParcel();
+ parcel.mAddSubKeys.add(new SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyAdd(
+ Algorithm.RSA, 1024, null, KeyFlags.CERTIFY_OTHER, 0L));
+ parcel.mAddSubKeys.add(new SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyAdd(
+ Algorithm.DSA, 1024, null, KeyFlags.SIGN_DATA, 0L));
+ parcel.mAddSubKeys.add(new SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyAdd(
+ Algorithm.ELGAMAL, 1024, null, KeyFlags.ENCRYPT_COMMS, 0L));
+ parcel.mAddUserIds.add("bloom");
+ parcel.mNewUnlock = new ChangeUnlockParcel(mKeyPhrase1);
+ PgpEditKeyResult result = op.createSecretKeyRing(parcel);
+ Assert.assertTrue("initial test key creation must succeed", result.success());
+ Assert.assertNotNull("initial test key creation must succeed", result.getRing());
+ mStaticRing1 = result.getRing();
+ }
+ {
+ SaveKeyringParcel parcel = new SaveKeyringParcel();
+ parcel.mAddSubKeys.add(new SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyAdd(
+ Algorithm.RSA, 1024, null, KeyFlags.CERTIFY_OTHER, 0L));
+ parcel.mAddSubKeys.add(new SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyAdd(
+ Algorithm.DSA, 1024, null, KeyFlags.SIGN_DATA, 0L));
+ parcel.mAddSubKeys.add(new SaveKeyringParcel.SubkeyAdd(
+ Algorithm.ELGAMAL, 1024, null, KeyFlags.ENCRYPT_COMMS, 0L));
+ parcel.mAddUserIds.add("belle");
+ parcel.mNewUnlock = new ChangeUnlockParcel(mKeyPhrase2);
+ PgpEditKeyResult result = op.createSecretKeyRing(parcel);
+ Assert.assertTrue("initial test key creation must succeed", result.success());
+ Assert.assertNotNull("initial test key creation must succeed", result.getRing());
+ mStaticRing2 = result.getRing();
+ }
+ }
+ @Before
+ public void setUp() {
+ ProviderHelper providerHelper = new ProviderHelper(RuntimeEnvironment.application);
+ // don't log verbosely here, we're not here to test imports
+ ShadowLog.stream = oldShadowStream;
+ providerHelper.saveSecretKeyRing(mStaticRing1, new ProgressScaler());
+ providerHelper.saveSecretKeyRing(mStaticRing2, new ProgressScaler());
+ // ok NOW log verbosely!
+ ShadowLog.stream = System.out;
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testSymmetricEncryptDecrypt() {
+ String plaintext = "dies ist ein plaintext ☭" + TestingUtils.genPassphrase(true);
+ byte[] ciphertext;
+ { // encrypt data with a given passphrase
+ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(plaintext.getBytes());
+ PgpSignEncryptOperation op = new PgpSignEncryptOperation(RuntimeEnvironment.application,
+ new ProviderHelper(RuntimeEnvironment.application), null);
+ InputData data = new InputData(in, in.available());
+ PgpSignEncryptInputParcel b = new PgpSignEncryptInputParcel();
+ b.setSymmetricPassphrase(mPassphrase);
+ b.setSymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm(PGPEncryptedData.AES_128);
+ PgpSignEncryptResult result = op.execute(b, new CryptoInputParcel(), data, out);
+ Assert.assertTrue("encryption must succeed", result.success());
+ ciphertext = out.toByteArray();
+ }
+ { // decryption with same passphrase should yield the same result
+ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(ciphertext);
+ InputData data = new InputData(in, in.available());
+ PgpDecryptVerify op = new PgpDecryptVerify(RuntimeEnvironment.application,
+ new ProviderHelper(RuntimeEnvironment.application), null);
+ PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel input = new PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel();
+ input.setAllowSymmetricDecryption(true);
+ DecryptVerifyResult result = op.execute(
+ input, new CryptoInputParcel(mPassphrase), data, out);
+ Assert.assertTrue("decryption must succeed", result.success());
+ Assert.assertArrayEquals("decrypted ciphertext should equal plaintext",
+ out.toByteArray(), plaintext.getBytes());
+ Assert.assertNull("signature should be an error", result.getSignatureResult());
+ OpenPgpMetadata metadata = result.getDecryptMetadata();
+ Assert.assertEquals("filesize must be correct",
+ out.toByteArray().length, metadata.getOriginalSize());
+ }
+ { // decryption with a bad passphrase should fail
+ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(ciphertext);
+ InputData data = new InputData(in, in.available());
+ PgpDecryptVerify op = new PgpDecryptVerify(RuntimeEnvironment.application,
+ new ProviderHelper(RuntimeEnvironment.application), null);
+ PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel input = new PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel();
+ input.setAllowSymmetricDecryption(true);
+ DecryptVerifyResult result = op.execute(input,
+ new CryptoInputParcel(new Passphrase(new String(mPassphrase.getCharArray()) + "x")),
+ data, out);
+ Assert.assertFalse("decryption must fail", result.success());
+ Assert.assertEquals("decrypted plaintext should be empty", 0, out.size());
+ Assert.assertNull("signature should be an error", result.getSignatureResult());
+ }
+ { // decryption with an unset passphrase should fail
+ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(ciphertext);
+ InputData data = new InputData(in, in.available());
+ PgpDecryptVerify op = new PgpDecryptVerify(RuntimeEnvironment.application,
+ new ProviderHelper(RuntimeEnvironment.application), null);
+ PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel input = new PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel();
+ input.setAllowSymmetricDecryption(true);
+ DecryptVerifyResult result = op.execute(input,
+ new CryptoInputParcel(), data, out);
+ Assert.assertFalse("decryption must fail", result.success());
+ Assert.assertEquals("decrypted plaintext should be empty", 0, out.size());
+ Assert.assertNull("signature should be an error", result.getSignatureResult());
+ }
+ { // decryption if symmetric decryption isn't allowed should fail
+ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(ciphertext);
+ InputData data = new InputData(in, in.available());
+ PgpDecryptVerify op = new PgpDecryptVerify(RuntimeEnvironment.application,
+ new ProviderHelper(RuntimeEnvironment.application), null);
+ PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel input = new PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel();
+ input.setAllowSymmetricDecryption(false);
+ DecryptVerifyResult result = op.execute(input,
+ new CryptoInputParcel(), data, out);
+ Assert.assertFalse("decryption must fail", result.success());
+ Assert.assertEquals("decrypted plaintext should be empty", 0, out.size());
+ Assert.assertNull("signature should be an error", result.getSignatureResult());
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testAsymmetricEncryptDecrypt() {
+ String plaintext = "dies ist ein plaintext ☭" + TestingUtils.genPassphrase(true);
+ byte[] ciphertext;
+ { // encrypt data with key
+ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(plaintext.getBytes());
+ PgpSignEncryptOperation op = new PgpSignEncryptOperation(RuntimeEnvironment.application,
+ new ProviderHelper(RuntimeEnvironment.application), null);
+ InputData data = new InputData(in, in.available());
+ PgpSignEncryptInputParcel input = new PgpSignEncryptInputParcel();
+ input.setEncryptionMasterKeyIds(new long[] { mStaticRing1.getMasterKeyId() });
+ input.setSymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm(PGPEncryptedData.AES_128);
+ PgpSignEncryptResult result = op.execute(input, new CryptoInputParcel(), data, out);
+ Assert.assertTrue("encryption must succeed", result.success());
+ ciphertext = out.toByteArray();
+ }
+ { // decryption with provided passphrase should yield the same result
+ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(ciphertext);
+ InputData data = new InputData(in, in.available());
+ PgpDecryptVerify op = operationWithFakePassphraseCache(null, null, null);
+ PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel input = new PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel();
+ DecryptVerifyResult result = op.execute(input, new CryptoInputParcel(mKeyPhrase1), data, out);
+ Assert.assertTrue("decryption with provided passphrase must succeed", result.success());
+ Assert.assertArrayEquals("decrypted ciphertext with provided passphrase should equal plaintext",
+ out.toByteArray(), plaintext.getBytes());
+ Assert.assertNull("signature be empty", result.getSignatureResult());
+ OpenPgpMetadata metadata = result.getDecryptMetadata();
+ Assert.assertEquals("filesize must be correct",
+ out.toByteArray().length, metadata.getOriginalSize());
+ }
+ { // decryption with passphrase cached should succeed
+ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(ciphertext);
+ InputData data = new InputData(in, in.available());
+ PgpDecryptVerify op = operationWithFakePassphraseCache(
+ mKeyPhrase1, mStaticRing1.getMasterKeyId(), null);
+ PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel input = new PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel();
+ DecryptVerifyResult result = op.execute(input, new CryptoInputParcel(), data, out);
+ Assert.assertTrue("decryption with cached passphrase must succeed", result.success());
+ Assert.assertArrayEquals("decrypted ciphertext with cached passphrase should equal plaintext",
+ out.toByteArray(), plaintext.getBytes());
+ Assert.assertNull("signature should be empty", result.getSignatureResult());
+ }
+ { // decryption with no passphrase provided should return status pending
+ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(ciphertext);
+ InputData data = new InputData(in, in.available());
+ PgpDecryptVerify op = operationWithFakePassphraseCache(
+ null, mStaticRing1.getMasterKeyId(), null);
+ PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel input = new PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel();
+ DecryptVerifyResult result = op.execute(input, new CryptoInputParcel(), data, out);
+ Assert.assertFalse("decryption with no passphrase must return pending", result.success());
+ Assert.assertTrue("decryption with no passphrase should return pending", result.isPending());
+ Assert.assertEquals("decryption with no passphrase should return pending passphrase",
+ RequiredInputType.PASSPHRASE, result.getRequiredInputParcel().mType);
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testMultiAsymmetricEncryptDecrypt() {
+ String plaintext = "dies ist ein plaintext ☭" + TestingUtils.genPassphrase(true);
+ byte[] ciphertext;
+ { // encrypt data with a given passphrase
+ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(plaintext.getBytes());
+ PgpSignEncryptOperation op = new PgpSignEncryptOperation(RuntimeEnvironment.application,
+ new ProviderHelper(RuntimeEnvironment.application), null);
+ InputData data = new InputData(in, in.available());
+ PgpSignEncryptInputParcel b = new PgpSignEncryptInputParcel();
+ b.setEncryptionMasterKeyIds(new long[] {
+ mStaticRing1.getMasterKeyId(),
+ mStaticRing2.getMasterKeyId()
+ });
+ b.setSymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm(PGPEncryptedData.AES_128);
+ PgpSignEncryptResult result = op.execute(b, new CryptoInputParcel(), data, out);
+ Assert.assertTrue("encryption must succeed", result.success());
+ ciphertext = out.toByteArray();
+ }
+ { // decryption with passphrase cached should succeed for the first key
+ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(ciphertext);
+ InputData data = new InputData(in, in.available());
+ PgpDecryptVerify op = operationWithFakePassphraseCache(
+ mKeyPhrase1, mStaticRing1.getMasterKeyId(), null);
+ PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel input = new PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel();
+ DecryptVerifyResult result = op.execute(input, new CryptoInputParcel(), data, out);
+ Assert.assertTrue("decryption with cached passphrase must succeed for the first key", result.success());
+ Assert.assertArrayEquals("decrypted ciphertext with cached passphrase should equal plaintext",
+ out.toByteArray(), plaintext.getBytes());
+ Assert.assertNull("signature should be empty", result.getSignatureResult());
+ OpenPgpMetadata metadata = result.getDecryptMetadata();
+ Assert.assertEquals("filesize must be correct",
+ out.toByteArray().length, metadata.getOriginalSize());
+ }
+ { // decryption should succeed if key is allowed
+ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(ciphertext);
+ InputData data = new InputData(in, in.available());
+ // allow only the second to decrypt
+ HashSet<Long> allowed = new HashSet<>();
+ allowed.add(mStaticRing2.getMasterKeyId());
+ // provide passphrase for the second, and check that the first is never asked for!
+ PgpDecryptVerify op = operationWithFakePassphraseCache(
+ mKeyPhrase2, mStaticRing2.getMasterKeyId(), null);
+ PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel input = new PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel();
+ input.setAllowedKeyIds(allowed);
+ DecryptVerifyResult result = op.execute(input, new CryptoInputParcel(), data, out);
+ Assert.assertTrue("decryption with cached passphrase must succeed for allowed key", result.success());
+ Assert.assertArrayEquals("decrypted ciphertext with cached passphrase should equal plaintext",
+ out.toByteArray(), plaintext.getBytes());
+ Assert.assertTrue("other key was skipped", result.getLog().containsType(LogType.MSG_DC_ASKIP_NOT_ALLOWED));
+ Assert.assertNull("signature should be empty", result.getSignatureResult());
+ }
+ { // decryption should fail if no key is allowed
+ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(ciphertext);
+ InputData data = new InputData(in, in.available());
+ // provide passphrase for the second, and check that the first is never asked for!
+ PgpDecryptVerify op = operationWithFakePassphraseCache(
+ mKeyPhrase2, mStaticRing2.getMasterKeyId(), null);
+ PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel input = new PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel();
+ input.setAllowedKeyIds(new HashSet<Long>());
+ DecryptVerifyResult result = op.execute(input, new CryptoInputParcel(), data, out);
+ Assert.assertFalse("decryption must fail if no key allowed", result.success());
+ Assert.assertEquals("decryption must fail with key disllowed status",
+ DecryptVerifyResult.RESULT_KEY_DISALLOWED, result.getResult());
+ }
+ { // decryption with passphrase cached should succeed for the other key if first is gone
+ // delete first key from database
+ new ProviderHelper(RuntimeEnvironment.application).getContentResolver().delete(
+ KeyRingData.buildPublicKeyRingUri(mStaticRing1.getMasterKeyId()), null, null
+ );
+ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(ciphertext);
+ InputData data = new InputData(in, in.available());
+ PgpDecryptVerify op = operationWithFakePassphraseCache(
+ mKeyPhrase2, mStaticRing2.getMasterKeyId(), null);
+ PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel input = new PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel();
+ DecryptVerifyResult result = op.execute(input, new CryptoInputParcel(), data, out);
+ Assert.assertTrue("decryption with cached passphrase must succeed", result.success());
+ Assert.assertArrayEquals("decrypted ciphertext with cached passphrase should equal plaintext",
+ out.toByteArray(), plaintext.getBytes());
+ Assert.assertNull("signature should be empty", result.getSignatureResult());
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testMultiAsymmetricSignEncryptDecryptVerify() {
+ String plaintext = "dies ist ein plaintext ☭" + TestingUtils.genPassphrase(true);
+ byte[] ciphertext;
+ { // encrypt data with a given passphrase
+ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(plaintext.getBytes());
+ PgpSignEncryptOperation op = new PgpSignEncryptOperation(RuntimeEnvironment.application,
+ new ProviderHelper(RuntimeEnvironment.application), null);
+ InputData data = new InputData(in, in.available());
+ PgpSignEncryptInputParcel b = new PgpSignEncryptInputParcel();
+ b.setEncryptionMasterKeyIds(new long[] {
+ mStaticRing1.getMasterKeyId(),
+ mStaticRing2.getMasterKeyId()
+ });
+ b.setSignatureMasterKeyId(mStaticRing1.getMasterKeyId());
+ b.setSignatureSubKeyId(KeyringTestingHelper.getSubkeyId(mStaticRing1, 1));
+ b.setSymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm(PGPEncryptedData.AES_128);
+ PgpSignEncryptResult result = op.execute(b, new CryptoInputParcel(mKeyPhrase1), data, out);
+ Assert.assertTrue("encryption must succeed", result.success());
+ ciphertext = out.toByteArray();
+ }
+ { // decryption with passphrase cached should succeed for the first key
+ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(ciphertext);
+ InputData data = new InputData(in, in.available());
+ PgpDecryptVerify op = operationWithFakePassphraseCache(
+ mKeyPhrase1, mStaticRing1.getMasterKeyId(), null);
+ PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel input = new PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel();
+ DecryptVerifyResult result = op.execute(input, new CryptoInputParcel(), data, out);
+ Assert.assertTrue("decryption with cached passphrase must succeed for the first key", result.success());
+ Assert.assertArrayEquals("decrypted ciphertext with cached passphrase should equal plaintext",
+ out.toByteArray(), plaintext.getBytes());
+ Assert.assertEquals("signature should be verified and certified",
+ OpenPgpSignatureResult.SIGNATURE_SUCCESS_CERTIFIED, result.getSignatureResult().getStatus());
+ OpenPgpMetadata metadata = result.getDecryptMetadata();
+ Assert.assertEquals("filesize must be correct",
+ out.toByteArray().length, metadata.getOriginalSize());
+ }
+ { // decryption with passphrase cached should succeed for the other key if first is gone
+ // delete first key from database
+ new ProviderHelper(RuntimeEnvironment.application).getContentResolver().delete(
+ KeyRingData.buildPublicKeyRingUri(mStaticRing1.getMasterKeyId()), null, null
+ );
+ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(ciphertext);
+ InputData data = new InputData(in, in.available());
+ PgpDecryptVerify op = operationWithFakePassphraseCache(
+ mKeyPhrase2, mStaticRing2.getMasterKeyId(), null);
+ PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel input = new PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel();
+ DecryptVerifyResult result = op.execute(input, new CryptoInputParcel(), data, out);
+ Assert.assertTrue("decryption with cached passphrase must succeed", result.success());
+ Assert.assertArrayEquals("decrypted ciphertext with cached passphrase should equal plaintext",
+ out.toByteArray(), plaintext.getBytes());
+ Assert.assertEquals("signature key should be missing",
+ OpenPgpSignatureResult.SIGNATURE_KEY_MISSING,
+ result.getSignatureResult().getStatus());
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testForeignEncoding() throws Exception {
+ String plaintext = "ウィキペディア";
+ byte[] plaindata = plaintext.getBytes("iso-2022-jp");
+ { // some quick sanity checks
+ Assert.assertEquals(plaintext, new String(plaindata, "iso-2022-jp"));
+ Assert.assertNotEquals(plaintext, new String(plaindata, "utf-8"));
+ }
+ byte[] ciphertext;
+ { // encrypt data with a given passphrase
+ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(plaindata);
+ PgpSignEncryptOperation op = new PgpSignEncryptOperation(RuntimeEnvironment.application,
+ new ProviderHelper(RuntimeEnvironment.application), null);
+ InputData data = new InputData(in, in.available());
+ PgpSignEncryptInputParcel b = new PgpSignEncryptInputParcel();
+ b.setEncryptionMasterKeyIds(new long[] { mStaticRing1.getMasterKeyId() });
+ b.setSymmetricEncryptionAlgorithm(PGPEncryptedData.AES_128);
+ // this only works with ascii armored output!
+ b.setEnableAsciiArmorOutput(true);
+ b.setCharset("iso-2022-jp");
+ PgpSignEncryptResult result = op.execute(b, new CryptoInputParcel(), data, out);
+ Assert.assertTrue("encryption must succeed", result.success());
+ ciphertext = out.toByteArray();
+ }
+ { // decryption with provided passphrase should yield the same result
+ ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(ciphertext);
+ InputData data = new InputData(in, in.available());
+ PgpDecryptVerify op = operationWithFakePassphraseCache(null, null, null);
+ PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel input = new PgpDecryptVerifyInputParcel();
+ DecryptVerifyResult result = op.execute(input, new CryptoInputParcel(mKeyPhrase1), data, out);
+ Assert.assertTrue("decryption with provided passphrase must succeed", result.success());
+ Assert.assertArrayEquals("decrypted ciphertext should equal plaintext bytes",
+ out.toByteArray(), plaindata);
+ Assert.assertEquals("charset should be read correctly",
+ "iso-2022-jp", result.getCharset());
+ Assert.assertEquals("decrypted ciphertext should equal plaintext",
+ new String(out.toByteArray(), result.getCharset()), plaintext);
+ Assert.assertNull("signature be empty", result.getSignatureResult());
+ }
+ }
+ private PgpDecryptVerify operationWithFakePassphraseCache(
+ final Passphrase passphrase, final Long checkMasterKeyId, final Long checkSubKeyId) {
+ return new PgpDecryptVerify(RuntimeEnvironment.application,
+ new ProviderHelper(RuntimeEnvironment.application), null) {
+ @Override
+ public Passphrase getCachedPassphrase(long masterKeyId, long subKeyId)
+ throws NoSecretKeyException {
+ if (checkMasterKeyId != null) {
+ Assert.assertEquals("requested passphrase should be for expected master key id",
+ (long) checkMasterKeyId, masterKeyId);
+ }
+ if (checkSubKeyId != null) {
+ Assert.assertEquals("requested passphrase should be for expected sub key id",
+ (long) checkSubKeyId, subKeyId);
+ }
+ if (passphrase == null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return passphrase;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file