path: root/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-tr
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-<p><a href="http://www.openkeychain.org">http://www.openkeychain.org</a></p>
-<p><a href="http://www.openkeychain.org">OpenKeychain</a> Android için bir OpenPGP implementasyonudur.</p>
-<p>Lisans: GPLv3+</p>
-<li>Dominik Schürmann (Sorumlu)</li>
-<li>Art O Cathain</li>
-<li>Ash Hughes</li>
-<li>Brian C. Barnes</li>
-<li>Bahtiar 'kalkin' Gadimov</li>
-<li>Daniel Albert</li>
-<li>Daniel Hammann</li>
-<li>Daniel Haß</li>
-<li>Greg Witczak</li>
-<li>Markus Doits</li>
-<li>Miroojin Bakshi</li>
-<li>Nikhil Peter Raj</li>
-<li>Paul Sarbinowski</li>
-<li>Signe Rüsch</li>
-<li>Sreeram Boyapati</li>
-<li>Thialfihar (APG 1.x)</li>
-<li>Tim Bray</li>
-<li>Vincent Breitmoser</li>
-<a href="http://rtyley.github.com/spongycastle/">SpongyCastle</a> (MIT X11 Lisans)</li>
-<a href="https://github.com/SafeSlingerProject/exchange-android">SafeSlinger Takas kütüphanesi</a> (MIT Lisans)</li>
-<a href="http://developer.android.com/tools/support-library/index.html">Android Support Libraries</a> (Apache License v2)</li>
-<a href="https://github.com/timbray/KeybaseLib">KeybaseLib</a> (Apache Lisans v2)</li>
-<a href="https://github.com/splitwise/TokenAutoComplete">TokenAutoComplete</a> (Apache Lisans v2)</li>
-<a href="https://github.com/rtreffer/minidns">MiniDNS</a> (Apache Lisans v2)</li>
-<a href="https://github.com/emilsjolander/StickyListHeaders">StickyListHeaders</a> (Apache Lisans v2)</li>
-<a href="https://github.com/zxing/zxing">ZXing</a> (Apache License v2)</li>
-<a href="https://github.com/journeyapps/zxing-android-embedded">ZXing Android Minimal</a> (Apache License v2)</li>
-<a href="https://github.com/jpardogo/PagerSlidingTabStrip">PagerSlidingTabStrip (Material Design)</a> (Apache License v2)</li>
-<a href="https://github.com/neokree/MaterialNavigationDrawer">MaterialNavigationDrawer</a> (Apache License v2)</li>
-<a href="https://github.com/nispok/snackbar">Snackbar</a> (MIT License)</li>
-<a href="https://github.com/futuresimple/android-floating-action-button">FloatingActionButton</a> (Apache License v2)</li>
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-<li>Fix key export to files (now for real)</li>
-<li>Fix key export to files (they were written partially)</li>
-<li>Fix crash on Android 2.3</li>
-<li>Fix crash on Android 5</li>
-<li>New certify screen</li>
-<li>Secure Exchange directly from key list (SafeSlinger library)</li>
-<li>New QR Code program flow</li>
-<li>Redesigned decrypt screen</li>
-<li>New icon usage and colors</li>
-<li>Fix import of secret keys from Symantec Encryption Desktop</li>
-<li>Subkey IDs on Yubikeys are now checked correctly</li>
-<li>Büyük anahtar içe alımlarında iyileştirme </li>
-<li>Alt anahtar seçimleri geliştirildi</li>
-<li>Yubikey imza oluşturma ve şifre çözme için tam destek</li>
-<li>Propose installable compatible apps in apps list</li>
-<li>Şifre çözme ekranları için yeni dizayn</li>
-<li>Many fixes for key import, also fixes stripped keys</li>
-<li>Honor and display key authenticate flags</li>
-<li>Özel anahtarlar üretmek için kullanıcı arayüzü</li>
-<li>Fixing user id revocation certificates</li>
-<li>New cloud search (searches over traditional keyservers and keybase.io)</li>
-<li>Support for stripping keys inside OpenKeychain</li>
-<li>Fix keys broken in 2.9.1</li>
-<li>Yubikey şifre çözme şimdi API aracılığıyla çalışıyor</li>
-<li>Şifreleme ekranı iki kısma bölündü</li>
-<li>Fix key flags handling (now supporting Mailvelope 0.7 keys)</li>
-<li>Improved passphrase handling</li>
-<li>SafeSlinger aracılığıyla anahtar paylaşımı</li>
-<li>Yubikey: preference to allow other PINs, currently only signing via the OpenPGP API works, not inside of OpenKeychain</li>
-<li>Fix usage of stripped keys</li>
-<li>SHA256 as default for compatibility</li>
-<li>Intent API has changed, see https://github.com/open-keychain/open-keychain/wiki/Intent-API</li>
-<li>OpenPGP API now handles revoked/expired keys and returns all user ids</li>
-<li>Fixing crashes introduced in v2.8</li>
-<li>Experimental ECC support</li>
-<li>Experimental Yubikey support (signing-only with imported keys)</li>
-<li>So many bugs have been fixed in this release that we focus on the main new features</li>
-<li>Key edit: awesome new design, key revocation</li>
-<li>Key import: awesome new design, secure keyserver connections via hkps, keyserver resolving via DNS SRV records</li>
-<li>New first time screen</li>
-<li>New key creation screen: autocompletion of name and email based on your personal Android accounts</li>
-<li>File encryption: awesome new design, support for encrypting multiple files</li>
-<li>New icons to show status of key (by Brennan Novak)</li>
-<li>Important bug fix: Importing of large key collections from a file is now possible</li>
-<li>Notification showing cached passphrases</li>
-<li>Keys are connected to Android's contacts</li>
-<p>This release wouldn't be possible without the work of Vincent Breitmoser (GSoC 2014), mar-v-in (GSoC 2014), Daniel Albert, Art O Cathain, Daniel Haß, Tim Bray, Thialfihar</p>
-<li>Purple! (Dominik, Vincent)</li>
-<li>New key view design (Dominik, Vincent)</li>
-<li>New flat Android buttons (Dominik, Vincent)</li>
-<li>API fixes (Dominik)</li>
-<li>Keybase.io import (Tim Bray)</li>
-<li>Some fixes for regression bugs</li>
-<li>Key certifications (thanks to Vincent Breitmoser)</li>
-<li>Support for GnuPG partial secret keys (thanks to Vincent Breitmoser)</li>
-<li>New design for signature verification</li>
-<li>Custom key length (thanks to Greg Witczak)</li>
-<li>Fix share-functionality from other apps</li>
-<li>Fix decryption of symmetric OpenPGP messages/files</li>
-<li>Refactored key edit screen (thanks to Ash Hughes)</li>
-<li>New modern design for encrypt/decrypt screens</li>
-<li>OpenPGP API version 3 (multiple api accounts, internal fixes, key lookup)</li>
-<p>Thanks to all applicants of Google Summer of Code 2014 who made this release feature rich and bug free!
-Besides several small patches, a notable number of patches are made by the following people (in alphabetical order):
-Daniel Hammann, Daniel Haß, Greg Witczak, Miroojin Bakshi, Nikhil Peter Raj, Paul Sarbinowski, Sreeram Boyapati, Vincent Breitmoser.</p>
-<li>New unified key list</li>
-<li>Colorized key fingerprint</li>
-<li>Support for keyserver ports</li>
-<li>Deactivate possibility to generate weak keys</li>
-<li>Much more internal work on the API</li>
-<li>Certify user ids</li>
-<li>Keyserver query based on machine-readable output</li>
-<li>Lock navigation drawer on tablets</li>
-<li>Suggestions for emails on creation of keys</li>
-<li>Search in public key lists</li>
-<li>And much more improvements and fixes…</li>
-<li>Eski sürümden güncellenirken çökmeler düzeltildi</li>
-<li>Remove unnecessary export of public keys when exporting secret key (thanks to Ash Hughes)</li>
-<li>Fix setting expiry dates on keys (thanks to Ash Hughes)</li>
-<li>More internal fixes when editing keys (thanks to Ash Hughes)</li>
-<li>Querying keyservers directly from the import screen</li>
-<li>Fix layout and dialog style on Android 2.2-3.0</li>
-<li>Fix crash on keys with empty user ids</li>
-<li>Fix crash and empty lists when coming back from signing screen</li>
-<li>Bouncy Castle (cryptography library) updated from 1.47 to 1.50 and build from source</li>
-<li>Fix upload of key from signing screen</li>
-<li>New design with navigation drawer</li>
-<li>New public key list design</li>
-<li>New public key view</li>
-<li>Anahtar içe aktarmada hata düzeltmeleri</li>
-<li>Key cross-certification (thanks to Ash Hughes)</li>
-<li>Handle UTF-8 passwords properly (thanks to Ash Hughes)</li>
-<li>Yeni dillerle birlikte ilk sürüm (Transifex'teki katkı yapan herkese teşekkürler)</li>
-<li>Anahtarları QR Kodları ile paylaşma düzeltildi ve geliştirildi</li>
-<li>API için paket imza doğrulaması</li>
-<li>API güncellemeleri, K-9 Mail entegrasyonuna hazırlık</li>
-<li>Birçok hata düzeltmesi</li>
-<li>Geliştiriciler için yeni API</li>
-<li>Google tarafından PRNG hata düzeltmesi</li>
-<li>Tamamen yeniden dizayn edildi</li>
-<li>Genel anahtarları QR kodları ve NFC ile paylaşabilme</li>
-<li>İmza anahtarları</li>
-<li>Anahtarları sunucuya yükleme</li>
-<li>İçe aktarma sorunlarına düzeltme</li>
-<li>New AIDL API</li>
-<li>Temel keyserver desteği</li>
-<li>More choices for passphrase cache: 1, 2, 4, 8, hours</li>
-<li>Çeviriler: Norveççe (Sander Danielsen'e teşekkürler), Çince (Zhang Fredrick'e teşekkürler)</li>
-<li>Hata Düzeltmeleri</li>
-<li>Fixed problem with signature verification of texts with trailing newline</li>
-<li>More options for passphrase cache time to live (20, 40, 60 mins)</li>
-<li>Froyo üzerinde hesap eklerken çökme düzeltildi</li>
-<li>Güvenli dosya silme</li>
-<li>İçe aktarmadan sonra anahtar silme seçeneği</li>
-<li>Stream encryption/decryption (gallery, etc.)</li>
-<li>New options (language, force v3 signatures)</li>
-<li>Arayüz değişiklikleri</li>
-<li>Hata Düzeltmeleri</li>
-<li>Almanca ve İtalyanca çeviri</li>
-<li>Much smaller package, due to reduced BC sources</li>
-<li>New preferences GUI</li>
-<li>Layout adjustment for localization</li>
-<li>İmza hata düzetmesi</li>
-<li>Fixed another crash caused by some SDK bug with query builder</li>
-<li>Fixed crashes during encryption/signing and possibly key export</li>
-<li>Filtrelenebilir anahtar listeleri</li>
-<li>Smarter pre-selection of encryption keys</li>
-<li>New Intent handling for VIEW and SEND, allows files to be encrypted/decrypted out of file managers</li>
-<li>Fixes and additional features (key preselection) for K-9 Mail, new beta build available</li>
-<li>GMail account listing was broken in 1.0.0, fixed again</li>
-<li>K-9 Mail integration, APG supporting beta build of K-9 Mail</li>
-<li>Support of more file managers (including ASTRO)</li>
-<li>Slovence çeviri</li>
-<li>Yeni veritabanı, daha hızlı, daha az hafıza kullanımı</li>
-<li>Defined Intents and content provider for other apps</li>
-<li>Hata Düzeltmeleri</li>
diff --git a/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-tr/help_start.html b/OpenKeychain/src/main/res/raw-tr/help_start.html
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-<h2>How do I activate OpenKeychain in K-9 Mail?</h2>
-<p>To use OpenKeychain with K-9 Mail, you want to follow these steps:</p>
-<li>Open K-9 Mail and long-tap on the account you want to use OpenKeychain with.</li>
- <li>Select "Account settings" and scroll to the very bottom and click "Cryptography".</li>
- <li>Click on "OpenPGP Provider" and select OpenKeychain from the list.</li>
-<h2>OpenKeychain'de bir bug buldum!</h2>
-<p>Lütfen bulduğunuz hataları <a href="https://github.com/openpgp-keychain/openpgp-keychain/issues">OpenKeychain sorun izleyici</a> kullanarak rapor edin.</p>
-<p>OpenKeychain'i geliştirmede bize kod yardımı yapmak istiyorsan <a href="https://github.com/openpgp-keychain/openpgp-keychain#contribute-code">Github üzerindeki küçük kılavuzumuzu</a> takip et.</p>
-<p>OpenKeychain'in tercüme edilmesine yardım et! Herkes katılabilir: <a href="https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/openpgp-keychain/">OpenKeychain on Transifex</a>.</p>