path: root/src/com/jcraft/jcterm/Emulator.java
diff options
authorKenny Root <kenny@the-b.org>2007-11-21 05:32:39 +0000
committerKenny Root <kenny@the-b.org>2007-11-21 05:32:39 +0000
commitd6764b7763e7857273b65048b4eb37a3c65efade (patch)
tree4e84d4d9327d8a8de685fd0f181208c82e1cb9ad /src/com/jcraft/jcterm/Emulator.java
parent4d94be3c05a341c18396f45945d86d61ca86dec4 (diff)
Merging back in the jcterm branch
Diffstat (limited to 'src/com/jcraft/jcterm/Emulator.java')
1 files changed, 416 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/com/jcraft/jcterm/Emulator.java b/src/com/jcraft/jcterm/Emulator.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7723738
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/com/jcraft/jcterm/Emulator.java
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+/* -*-mode:java; c-basic-offset:2; -*- */
+/* JCTerm
+ * Copyright (C) 2002,2007 ymnk, JCraft,Inc.
+ *
+ * Written by: ymnk<ymnk@jcaft.com>
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ */
+package com.jcraft.jcterm;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.io.IOException;
+public abstract class Emulator{
+ Term term=null;
+ InputStream in=null;
+ public Emulator(Term term, InputStream in){
+ this.term=term;
+ this.in=in;
+ }
+ public abstract void start();
+ public abstract byte[] getCodeENTER();
+ public abstract byte[] getCodeUP();
+ public abstract byte[] getCodeDOWN();
+ public abstract byte[] getCodeRIGHT();
+ public abstract byte[] getCodeLEFT();
+ public abstract byte[] getCodeF1();
+ public abstract byte[] getCodeF2();
+ public abstract byte[] getCodeF3();
+ public abstract byte[] getCodeF4();
+ public abstract byte[] getCodeF5();
+ public abstract byte[] getCodeF6();
+ public abstract byte[] getCodeF7();
+ public abstract byte[] getCodeF8();
+ public abstract byte[] getCodeF9();
+ public abstract byte[] getCodeF10();
+ public abstract byte[] getCodeTAB();
+ public void reset(){
+ term_width=term.getColumnCount();
+ term_height=term.getRowCount();
+ char_width=term.getCharWidth();
+ char_height=term.getCharHeight();
+ region_y1=1;
+ region_y2=term_height;
+ }
+ byte[] buf=new byte[1024];
+ int bufs=0;
+ int buflen=0;
+ byte getChar() throws java.io.IOException{
+ if(buflen==0){
+ fillBuf();
+ }
+ buflen--;
+ // System.out.println("getChar: "+new Character((char)buf[bufs])+"["+Integer.toHexString(buf[bufs]&0xff)+"]");
+ return buf[bufs++];
+ }
+ void fillBuf() throws java.io.IOException{
+ buflen=bufs=0;
+ buflen=in.read(buf, bufs, buf.length-bufs);
+ /*
+ System.out.println("fillBuf: ");
+ for(int i=0; i<buflen; i++){
+ byte b=buf[i];
+ System.out.print(new Character((char)b)+"["+Integer.toHexString(b&0xff)+"], ");
+ }
+ System.out.println("");
+ */
+ if(buflen<=0){
+ buflen=0;
+ throw new IOException("fillBuf");
+ }
+ }
+ void pushChar(byte foo) throws java.io.IOException{
+ //System.out.println("pushChar: "+new Character((char)foo)+"["+Integer.toHexString(foo&0xff)+"]");
+ buflen++;
+ buf[--bufs]=foo;
+ }
+ int getASCII(int len) throws java.io.IOException{
+ //System.out.println("bufs="+bufs+", buflen="+buflen+", len="+len);
+ if(buflen==0){
+ fillBuf();
+ }
+ if(len>buflen)
+ len=buflen;
+ int foo=len;
+ byte tmp;
+ while(len>0){
+ tmp=buf[bufs++];
+ if(0x20<=tmp&&tmp<=0x7f){
+ buflen--;
+ len--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ bufs--;
+ break;
+ }
+ //System.out.println(" return "+(foo-len));
+ return foo-len;
+ }
+ protected int term_width=80;
+ protected int term_height=24;
+ protected int x=0;
+ protected int y=0;
+ protected int char_width;
+ protected int char_height;
+ private int region_y2;
+ private int region_y1;
+ protected int tab=8;
+ // Reverse scroll
+ protected void scroll_reverse(){
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ term.scroll_area(0, (region_y1-1)*char_height, term_width*char_width,
+ (region_y2-region_y1)*char_height, 0, char_height);
+ term.clear_area(x, y-char_height, term_width*char_width, y);
+ term.redraw(0, 0, term_width*char_width, term_height*char_height
+ -char_height);
+ //term.setCursor(x, y);
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ }
+ // Normal scroll one line
+ protected void scroll_forward(){
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ term.scroll_area(0, (region_y1-1)*char_height, term_width*char_width,
+ (region_y2-region_y1+1)*char_height, 0, -char_height);
+ term.clear_area(0, region_y2*char_height-char_height,
+ term_width*char_width, region_y2*char_height);
+ term.redraw(0, (region_y1-1)*char_height, term_width*char_width, (region_y2
+ -region_y1+1)
+ *char_height);
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ }
+ // Save cursor position
+ protected void save_cursor(){
+ // TODO
+ //System.out.println("save current cursor position");
+ }
+ // Enable alternate character set
+ protected void ena_acs(){
+ // TODO
+ //System.out.println("enable alterate char set");
+ }
+ protected void exit_alt_charset_mode(){
+ // TODO
+ //System.out.println("end alternate character set (P)");
+ }
+ protected void enter_alt_charset_mode(){
+ // TODO
+ //System.out.println("start alternate character set (P)");
+ }
+ protected void reset_2string(){
+ // TODO
+ // rs2(reset string)
+ }
+ protected void exit_attribute_mode(){
+ // TODO
+ //System.out.println("turn off all attributes");
+ term.resetAllAttributes();
+ }
+ protected void exit_standout_mode(){
+ term.resetAllAttributes();
+ }
+ protected void exit_underline_mode(){
+ // TODO
+ }
+ protected void enter_bold_mode(){
+ term.setBold();
+ }
+ protected void enter_underline_mode(){
+ term.setUnderline();
+ }
+ protected void enter_reverse_mode(){
+ term.setReverse();
+ }
+ protected void change_scroll_region(int y1, int y2){
+ region_y1=y1;
+ region_y2=y2;
+ }
+ protected void cursor_address(int r, int c){
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ x=(c-1)*char_width;
+ y=r*char_height;
+ //System.out.println("setCourosr: "+x+" "+y);
+ term.setCursor(x, y);
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ }
+ protected void parm_down_cursor(int lines){
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ y+=(lines)*char_height;
+ term.setCursor(x, y);
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ }
+ protected void parm_left_cursor(int chars){
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ x-=(chars)*char_width;
+ term.setCursor(x, y);
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ }
+ protected void parm_right_cursor(int chars){
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ x+=(chars)*char_width;
+ term.setCursor(x, y);
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ }
+ protected void clr_eol(){
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ term.clear_area(x, y-char_height, term_width*char_width, y);
+ term.redraw(x, y-char_height, (term_width)*char_width-x, char_height);
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ }
+ protected void clr_bol(){
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ term.clear_area(0, y-char_height, x, y);
+ term.redraw(0, y-char_height, x, char_height);
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ }
+ protected void clr_eos(){
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ term.clear_area(x, y-char_height, term_width*char_width, term_height
+ *char_height);
+ term.redraw(x, y-char_height, term_width*char_width-x, term_height
+ *char_height-y+char_height);
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ }
+ protected void parm_up_cursor(int lines){
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ // x=0;
+ // y-=char_height;
+ y-=(lines)*char_height;
+ term.setCursor(x, y);
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ }
+ protected void bell(){
+ term.beep();
+ }
+ protected void tab(){
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ x=(((x/char_width)/tab+1)*tab*char_width);
+ if(x>=term_width*char_width){
+ x=0;
+ y+=char_height;
+ }
+ term.setCursor(x, y);
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ }
+ protected void carriage_return(){
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ x=0;
+ term.setCursor(x, y);
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ }
+ protected void cursor_left(){
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ x-=char_width;
+ if(x<0){
+ y-=char_height;
+ x=term_width*char_width-char_width;
+ }
+ term.setCursor(x, y);
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ }
+ protected void cursor_down(){
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ y+=char_height;
+ term.setCursor(x, y);
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ check_region();
+ }
+ private byte[] b2=new byte[2];
+ private byte[] b1=new byte[1];
+ protected void draw_text() throws java.io.IOException{
+ int rx;
+ int ry;
+ int w;
+ int h;
+ check_region();
+ rx=x;
+ ry=y;
+ byte b=getChar();
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ //System.out.print(new Character((char)b)+"["+Integer.toHexString(b&0xff)+"]");
+ if((b&0x80)!=0){
+ term.clear_area(x, y-char_height, x+char_width*2, y);
+ b2[0]=b;
+ b2[1]=getChar();
+ term.drawString(new String(b2, 0, 2, "EUC-JP"), x, y);
+ x+=char_width;
+ x+=char_width;
+ w=char_width*2;
+ h=char_height;
+ }
+ else{
+ pushChar(b);
+ int foo=getASCII(term_width-(x/char_width));
+ if(foo!=0){
+ //System.out.println("foo="+foo+" "+x+", "+(y-char_height)+" "+(x+foo*char_width)+" "+y+" "+buf+" "+bufs+" "+b+" "+buf[bufs-foo]);
+ //System.out.println("foo="+foo+" ["+new String(buf, bufs-foo, foo));
+ term.clear_area(x, y-char_height, x+foo*char_width, y);
+ term.drawBytes(buf, bufs-foo, foo, x, y);
+ }
+ else{
+ foo=1;
+ term.clear_area(x, y-char_height, x+foo*char_width, y);
+ b1[0]=getChar();
+ term.drawBytes(b1, 0, foo, x, y);
+ //System.out.print("["+Integer.toHexString(bar[0]&0xff)+"]");
+ }
+ x+=(char_width*foo);
+ w=char_width*foo;
+ h=char_height;
+ }
+ term.redraw(rx, ry-char_height, w, h);
+ term.setCursor(x, y);
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ }
+ private void check_region(){
+ if(x>=term_width*char_width){
+ //System.out.println("!! "+new Character((char)b)+"["+Integer.toHexString(b&0xff)+"]");
+ x=0;
+ y+=char_height;
+ //System.out.println("@1: ry="+ry);
+ }
+ if(y>region_y2*char_height){
+ while(y>region_y2*char_height){
+ y-=char_height;
+ }
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ term.scroll_area(0, region_y1*char_height, term_width*char_width,
+ (region_y2-region_y1)*char_height, 0, -char_height);
+ term.clear_area(0, y-char_height, term_width*char_width, y);
+ term.redraw(0, 0, term_width*char_width, region_y2*char_height);
+ term.setCursor(x, y);
+ term.draw_cursor();
+ }
+ }