path: root/res/values-id/strings.xml
diff options
authorKenny Root <kenny@the-b.org>2009-06-05 14:59:18 +0000
committerKenny Root <kenny@the-b.org>2009-06-05 14:59:18 +0000
commit63663ba73f96dd9f23e3268c6236e55a62285eb5 (patch)
treee8b85b346f7a72d5b4e721629e0b043529df640e /res/values-id/strings.xml
parentca14e9c01156ef9382691f2a431868ab5809c972 (diff)
Adding Indonesian translation. Minor spelling fixes in other translations.
git-svn-id: https://connectbot.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/connectbot@270 df292f66-193f-0410-a5fc-6d59da041ff2
Diffstat (limited to 'res/values-id/strings.xml')
1 files changed, 368 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-id/strings.xml b/res/values-id/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8422368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/values-id/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ <string name="app_name">ConnectBot</string>
+ <string name="app_desc">Sederhana, kuat, klien kode terbuka SSH</string>
+ <!-- Window title for the Host List -->
+ <string name="title_hosts_list">Host</string>
+ <!-- Window title for the Pubkeys List -->
+ <string name="title_pubkey_list">Kunci Publik</string>
+ <!-- Window title for the Port Forwards List -->
+ <string name="title_port_forwards_list">Port forwards</string>
+ <!-- Window title when editing host details -->
+ <string name="title_host_editor">Ubah Host</string>
+ <!-- Window title for Help index -->
+ <string name="title_help">Bantuan</string>
+ <string name="resolve_connect">Hubungi</string>
+ <string name="resolve_entropy">Kumpulkan entropy</string>
+ <string name="menu_insert">Tambahkan host</string>
+ <string name="menu_delete">Hapus Host</string>
+ <string name="menu_preferences">Kesukaan</string>
+ <string name="help_intro">Mohon pilih sebuah topik dibawah untuk informasi lebih lanjut di subjek tertentu.</string>
+ <string name="help_about">Mengenai ConnectBot</string>
+ <string name="help_keyboard">Papan Ketik</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_generate">Buat</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_import">Impor</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_delete">Tombol Hapus</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_gather_entropy">Kumpulkan Entropy</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_touch_prompt">Sentuh boks ini untuk mengumpulkan ke tidak tentuan: %1$d%% selesai</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_touch_hint">Untuk menyakinkan ketidak tentuan selama pembuatan kunci, gerakan tangan anda secara tidak menentu diatas kotak dibawah.</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_generating">Membuat pasangan kunci</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_copy_private">Menyalin kunci pribadi</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_copy_public">Salin kunci publik</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_list_empty">Sentuh "Menu" untuk membuat/atau mengimpor pasangan kunci</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_unknown_format">Format tidak diketahui</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_change_password">Ubah kata sandi</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_list_pick">Ambil dari /sdcard</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_import_parse_problem">Masalah dalam mengambil kunci pribadi yang terimpor</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_unlock">Buka kunci</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_failed_add">Kata sandi buruk untuk kunci '%1$s'. Authentifikasi gagal.</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_memory_load">Muat ke memori</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_memory_unload">Hapus dari memori</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_load_on_start">Muat kunci pada waktu memulai</string>
+ <string name="portforward_list_empty">Sentu "Menu" untuk membuat\nport forwards.</string>
+ <string name="portforward_edit">Ubah port forward</string>
+ <string name="portforward_delete">Hapus port forward</string>
+ <string name="prompt_nickname">Nama panggilan:</string>
+ <!-- An example string that could be used as a nickname for a pubkey. -->
+ <string name="prompt_nickname_hint_pubkey">Kunci kerja saya</string>
+ <!-- The source TCP port for port forwards. -->
+ <string name="prompt_source_port">Port sumber</string>
+ <!-- The "host:port" combination used for port forward destinations. -->
+ <string name="prompt_destination">Tujuan:</string>
+ <string name="prompt_old_password">Kata sandi sebelumnya:</string>
+ <string name="prompt_password">Kata sandi:</string>
+ <!-- Added after a "Password:" prompt to indicate user needs to confirm entry. -->
+ <string name="prompt_again">(sekali lagi)</string>
+ <!-- Label for the user to select port forward type. -->
+ <string name="prompt_type">Ketik:</string>
+ <string name="prompt_password_can_be_blank">Catatan: kata sandi tidak boleh kosong</string>
+ <!-- Prompt for the size of the private key in bits. -->
+ <string name="prompt_bits">Bits:</string>
+ <!-- Prompt for the password to unlock a certain pubkey. -->
+ <string name="prompt_pubkey_password">Kata sandi untuk kunci '%1$s'</string>
+ <!-- The header of the warning a user gets when the host key has changed. Note that this can be a very serious attack, so we try to be as "loud" to the user as possible. -->
+ <string name="host_verification_failure_warning_header">PERINGATAN: IDENTIFIKASI REMOTE HOST TELAH BERUBAH!</string>
+ <!-- The body of the warning a user gets when the host key has changed. Note that this can be a very serious attack, so we try to be as "loud" to the user as possible. -->
+ <string name="host_verification_failure_warning">INI MEMUNGKINKAN BAHWA SESEORANG TELAH MELAKUKAN PERBUATAN KOTOR!\nSeseorang dapat saja melakukan penyadapan kepada anda saay ini (serangan orang-di-tengah)!\nlt ini juga memungkinkan jika kunci host telah berubah.</string>
+ <!-- Prompt user gets when the remote host has disconnected unexpectedly. -->
+ <string name="prompt_host_disconnected">Host telah terputus.\nTutup sesi ini?</string>
+ <!-- Prompt user must answer yes or no to when the remote host fails verification of encryption fingerprint -->
+ <string name="prompt_continue_connecting">Apakah anda yakin anda ingin\n melanjutkan untuk menghubungi?</string>
+ <!-- Sent to user when the remote public encryption key fingerprint doesn't match the local database -->
+ <string name="host_authenticity_warning">Authentifikasi dari host '%1$s' tidak dapat dibuat.</string>
+ <!-- First field is encryption algorithm. Second is the actual fingerprint in hex digits -->
+ <string name="host_fingerprint">Host %1$s tanda tangan kunci adalah %2$s</string>
+ <string name="alert_passwords_do_not_match_msg">Kata sandi tidak cocok!</string>
+ <string name="alert_wrong_password_msg">Kata sandi salah!</string>
+ <string name="alert_key_corrupted_msg">Tombol kunci telah terkorupsi!</string>
+ <string name="alert_sdcard_absent">SD card belum dimasukan!</string>
+ <!-- Add a new item (e.g., host or pubkey) to the list. -->
+ <string name="button_add">Tambahkan</string>
+ <!-- Change an existing item's (e.g., host or pubkey) details. -->
+ <string name="button_change">Ubah</string>
+ <!-- Button that begins the generation of a public key pair. -->
+ <string name="button_generate">Buat Kunci</string>
+ <!-- Button that resizes the screen to the user-specified dimensions. -->
+ <string name="button_resize">Ubah ukuran</string>
+ <string name="alert_disconnect_msg">Koneksi Hilang</string>
+ <string name="msg_copyright">Hak Cipta © 2007-2008 Kenny Root http://the-b.org/, Jeffrey Sharkey http://jsharkey.org/</string>
+ Updating is update by the ant task "update-version" in build.xml
+ Do not translate.
+ -->
+ <string name="msg_version">ConnectBot (salinan yang bekerja)</string>
+ <!-- The category title for terminal emulation preferences. -->
+ <string name="pref_emulation_category">Terminal Emulasi</string>
+ <!-- Name for the emulation terminal type preference. -->
+ <string name="pref_emulation_title">Mode Emulasi</string>
+ <!-- Description of the emulation terminal type preference. -->
+ <string name="pref_emulation_summary">Mode emulasi terminal yang digunakan untuk koneksi PTY</string>
+ <!-- Name for the scrollback size preference -->
+ <string name="pref_scrollback_title">Ukuran Scrollback</string>
+ <!-- Description of the scrollback size preference -->
+ <string name="pref_scrollback_summary">Ukuran dari penyangga scrollback untuk menjaga memori disetiap konsol</string>
+ <!-- The category title for user interface preferences -->
+ <string name="pref_ui_category">Antarmuka pengguna</string>
+ <!-- Name for the rotation mode preference -->
+ <string name="pref_rotation_title">Mode rotasi</string>
+ <!-- Summary for the rotation mode preference -->
+ <string name="pref_rotation_summary">Bagaimana mengubah rotasi ketika papan ketik menyembul masuk/keluar</string>
+ <!-- Name for the full screen preference -->
+ <string name="pref_fullscreen_title">Layar penuh</string>
+ <!-- Summary for the full screen preference -->
+ <string name="pref_fullscreen_summary">Sembunyikan bar status ketika dalam konsol</string>
+ <!-- Name for the memorize keys preference -->
+ <string name="pref_memkeys_title">Ingat kunci dalam memori</string>
+ <!-- Summary for the memorize keys preference -->
+ <string name="pref_memkeys_summary">Jaga kunci tidak terkunci dalam memori ketika backend service berakhir</string>
+ <!-- Name for the update check preference -->
+ <string name="pref_update_title">Perbarui pemeriksaan</string>
+ <!-- Summary for the update check preference -->
+ <string name="pref_update_summary">Set frekuensi maksimal untuk memeriksa untuk memperbarui ConnectBot</string>
+ <!-- Name for the keyboard shortcuts preference -->
+ <string name="pref_keymode_title">Direktori jalan pintas</string>
+ <!-- Summary for the keyboard shortcuts preference -->
+ <string name="pref_keymode_summary">Pilih bagaimana menggunakan Alt untuk '/' dan Shift untuk Tab</string>
+ <!-- Name for the camera shortcut usage preference -->
+ <string name="pref_camera_title">Jalan pintas kamera</string>
+ <!-- Summary for the camera shortcut usage preference -->
+ <string name="pref_camera_summary">Pilih jalan pintas mana untuk menyalakan ketika tombol kamera ditekan</string>
+ <!-- Name for the keep screen on preference -->
+ <string name="pref_keepalive_title">Jaga layar terjaga</string>
+ <!-- Summary for the camera shortcut usage preference -->
+ <string name="pref_keepalive_summary">Jaga layar dari padam ketika bekerja dalam sebuah konsol</string>
+ <!-- Name for the Wi-Fi lock preference -->
+ <string name="pref_wifilock_title">Jaga Wi-Fi aktif</string>
+ <!-- Summary for the Wi-Fi lock preference -->
+ <string name="pref_wifilock_summary">Jaga Wi-Fi supaya tidak padam ketika sesi aktif</string>
+ <!-- Name for the haptic feedback (bumpy arrow) preference -->
+ <string name="pref_bumpyarrows_title">Panah belok</string>
+ <!-- Summary for the haptic feedback (bumpy arrow) preference -->
+ <string name="pref_bumpyarrows_summary">Bergetar ketika mengirim tombol panah dari trackball; berguna untuk koneksi lambat</string>
+ <!-- Category title for the Terminal Bell preferences -->
+ <string name="pref_bell_category">Terminal bell</string>
+ <!-- Checkbox preference title for the audible terminal bell feature -->
+ <string name="pref_bell_title">Audible bell</string>
+ <!-- Title for the slider preference to set the volume -->
+ <string name="pref_bell_volume_title">Bell volume</string>
+ <!-- Checkbox preference title for the vibrate on terminal bell feature -->
+ <string name="pref_bell_vibrate_title">Vibrate on bell</string>
+ <!-- Checkbox preference title for the receive notifications on terminal bell feature -->
+ <string name="pref_bell_notification_title">Background notifications</string>
+ <!-- Brief summary of the feature that is enabled when the checkbox preference for the receive notifications on terminal bell feature is checked -->
+ <string name="pref_bell_notification_summary">Send notification when a terminal running in the background sounds a bell.</string>
+ <!-- Preference selection to indicate use of right side of keyboard for special shortcuts. -->
+ <string name="list_keymode_right">Gunakan tombol sisi kanan</string>
+ <!-- Preference selection to indicate use of left side of keyboard for special shortcuts. -->
+ <string name="list_keymode_left">Gunakan tombol sisi-kiri</string>
+ <!-- Preference selection to indicate never to use special shortcut keys. -->
+ <string name="list_keymode_none">Tidak aktif</string>
+ <!-- Preference to not use pubkeys to authenticate to this host. -->
+ <string name="list_pubkeyids_none">Jangan gunakan tombol</string>
+ <!-- Preference to use any pubkey to authenticate to this host. -->
+ <string name="list_pubkeyids_any">Gunakan tombol apapun yang tidak terkunci</string>
+ <!-- Frequency for which to check for program updates. -->
+ <string name="list_update_daily">Setiap hari</string>
+ <!-- Frequency for which to check for program updates. -->
+ <string name="list_update_weekly">Setiap minggu</string>
+ <!-- Frequency for which to check for program updates. -->
+ <string name="list_update_never">Tidak pernah</string>
+ <!-- Host nickname field preference title -->
+ <string name="hostpref_nickname_title">Nama panggilan</string>
+ <!-- Host color category preference title -->
+ <string name="hostpref_color_title">Kategori warna</string>
+ <!-- Host pubkey usage preference title -->
+ <string name="hostpref_pubkeyid_title">Gunakan otentifikasi pubkey</string>
+ <!-- Host post-login automation preference title -->
+ <string name="hostpref_postlogin_title">otomasi setelah login</string>
+ <!-- Host post-login automation preference summary -->
+ <string name="hostpref_postlogin_summary">Perintah yang dijalankan diremote server sekali terotentifikasi</string>
+ <!-- Host compression preference title -->
+ <string name="hostpref_compression_title">Kompresi</string>
+ <!-- Summary for compression preference -->
+ <string name="hostpref_compression_summary">Ini mungkin akan membantu dengan jaringan lambat</string>
+ <!-- Setting for whether we want a session to start up when we connect to a host -->
+ <string name="hostpref_wantsession_title">Jalankan sesi shell</string>
+ <!-- Summary for field asking whether a shell session should be started up upon connection or not -->
+ <string name="hostpref_wantsession_summary">Non-aktifkan kesukaan ini hanya untuk port forwards</string>
+ <!-- Host character encoding preference title -->
+ <string name="hostpref_encoding_title">Pengkodean</string>
+ <!-- Host character encoding preference summary -->
+ <string name="hostpref_encoding_summary">Karakter pengkodean untuk host</string>
+ <!-- Host preference category title for connection settings -->
+ <string name="hostpref_connection_category">Konfigurasi koneksi</string>
+ <!-- Username field title for host editor preference -->
+ <string name="hostpref_username_title">Nama pengguna</string>
+ <!-- Hostname field title for host editor preference -->
+ <string name="hostpref_hostname_title">Host</string>
+ <!-- Port field title for host editor preference -->
+ <string name="hostpref_port_title">Port</string>
+ <!-- Displayed to indicate a host has never been connected to. -->
+ <string name="bind_never">Tidak pernah terhubung</string>
+ <!-- The time that has elapsed since a host was connected to when it has been less than an hour. -->
+ <string name="bind_minutes">%1$s menit yang lalu</string>
+ <!-- The time that has elapsed since a host was connected to when it has been less than a day. -->
+ <string name="bind_hours">%1$s jam yang lalu</string>
+ <!-- The time that has elapsed since a host was connected to when it has been a day or more. -->
+ <string name="bind_days">%1$s hari yang lalu</string>
+ <!-- Message given when user copies from the terminal. -->
+ <string name="console_copy_done">Tersalin %1$d bytes ke papan klip</string>
+ <!-- Instructions for how to copy from the terminal. The \n entries are to split lines to improve readability and prevent wrapping off the screen. -->
+ <string name="console_copy_start">Sentuh dan tarik\natau gunakan tombol panah\nuntuk memilih daerah untuk disalin</string>
+ <!-- Button to close the disconnected terminal window. -->
+ <string name="console_menu_close">Tutup</string>
+ <!-- Button to begin copying from the terminal to the clipboard. -->
+ <string name="console_menu_copy">Salin</string>
+ <!-- Button to paste from the clipboard to the terminal. -->
+ <string name="console_menu_paste">Tempel</string>
+ <!-- Button that brings user to the Port Forwards List. -->
+ <string name="console_menu_portforwards">Port Forwards</string>
+ <!-- Button that brings user to the terminal resizing dialog where they can force a size. -->
+ <string name="console_menu_resize">Paksa ukuran</string>
+ <!-- Selection for a "local" port forward. E.g., connections to a port listening locally is forwarded to the remote end's listening port. -->
+ <string name="portforward_local">Lokal</string>
+ <!-- Selection for a "remote" port forward. E.g., connections to a port listening remotely is forwarded to the local end's listening port. -->
+ <string name="portforward_remote">Remote</string>
+ <!-- Selection for a "dynamic" port forward. E.g., connections to a port listening locally is forwarded based on the SOCKS protocol to an arbitrary remote host and port. -->
+ <string name="portforward_dynamic">Dinamis (SOCKS)</string>
+ <!-- Button that commits the port forward to be made from the Port Forward Creation dialog. -->
+ <string name="portforward_pos">Buat port forward</string>
+ <string name="portforward_done">Sukses membuat port forward</string>
+ <string name="portforward_problem">Masalah membuat port forward, mungkin anda menggunakan port dibawah 1024 atau port telah digunakan?</string>
+ <string name="portforward_menu_add">Tambahkan port forward</string>
+ <!-- The string to present in the quick-connect box to hint the user to the format for connecting to hosts. -->
+ <string name="hint_userhost">pengguna@namahost</string>
+ <string name="list_format_error">Gunakan format 'namapengguna@namahost:port'</string>
+ <string name="list_menu_pubkeys">Pelihara Pubkeys</string>
+ <!-- Selection choice to sort hosts by color. -->
+ <string name="list_menu_sortcolor">Urutkan berdasarkan warna</string>
+ <!-- Selection choice to sort hosts by nickname. -->
+ <string name="list_menu_sortname">Urutkan berdasarkan nama</string>
+ <string name="list_menu_settings">Konfigurasi</string>
+ <string name="list_host_disconnect">Putus koneksi</string>
+ <string name="list_host_edit">Ubah host</string>
+ <string name="list_host_portforwards">Ubah port forwards</string>
+ <string name="list_host_delete">Hapus host</string>
+ <string name="list_host_empty">Gunakan kotak cepat-hubungi\ndibawah untuk menghubungi sebuah host.</string>
+ <!-- Default screen rotation preference selection -->
+ <string name="list_rotation_default">Baku</string>
+ <string name="list_rotation_land">Paksa landscape</string>
+ <string name="list_rotation_port">Paksa portrait</string>
+ <!-- Selection to indicate the rotation should be selected automatically based on the tilt sensor. -->
+ <string name="list_rotation_auto">Otomatis</string>
+ <!-- Selection to indicate pressing the Camera button should send "Ctrl+A then Space". -->
+ <string name="list_camera_ctrlaspace">Ctrl+A kemudian spasi</string>
+ <!-- Selection to indicate pressing the Camera button should send "Ctrl+A". -->
+ <string name="list_camera_ctrla">Ctrl+A</string>
+ <!-- Selection to indicate pressing the Camera button should send the "Esc" key. -->
+ <string name="list_camera_esc">Esc</string>
+ <!-- Selection to indicate pressing the Camera button should send nothing at all. -->
+ <string name="list_camera_none">Kosong</string>
+ <string name="delete_message">Apakah anda yakin ingin menghapus %1$s?</string>
+ <string name="delete_pos">Ya, hapus</string>
+ <string name="delete_neg">Batal</string>
+ <!-- Button to agree to license terms. -->
+ <string name="wizard_agree">Setuju</string>
+ <!-- Button to go to the next page in the first time start-up wizard. -->
+ <string name="wizard_next">Selanjutnya</string>
+ <!-- Button to go to the previous page in the first time start-up wizard. -->
+ <string name="wizard_back">Sebelumnya</string>
+ <string name="terminal_no_hosts_connected">Tidak ada host yang saat ini terhubung</string>
+ <string name="terminal_failed">Verifikasi kunci host gagal.</string>
+ <string name="terminal_auth">Mencoba untuk mengotentifikasi</string>
+ <string name="terminal_auth_pass">Mencoba otentifikasi 'kata sandi'</string>
+ <string name="terminal_auth_pass_hint">Kata sandi</string>
+ <string name="terminal_auth_pass_fail">Metoda otentifikasi 'kata sandi' gagal</string>
+ <string name="terminal_auth_pubkey_any">Mencoba otentifikasi 'kunci publik' dengan kunci publik apapun dalam memori</string>
+ <string name="terminal_auth_pubkey_invalid">Kunci publik yang dipilih tidak valid, coba pilih kembali tombol dalam pengubah host</string>
+ <string name="terminal_auth_pubkey_specific">Mencoba otentifikasi 'kunci publik' dengan kunci publik spesifik</string>
+ <string name="terminal_auth_ki">Mencoba otentifikasi 'papan ketik interaktif'</string>
+ <string name="terminal_auth_ki_fail">Metode otentifikasi 'papan ketik interaktif' gagal</string>
+ <string name="terminal_auth_fail">[Host anda tidak mendukung otentifikasi 'kata sandi' atau 'papan ketik interaktif'.]</string>
+ <string name="local_shell_unavailable">Gagal! Shell lokal tidak tersedia di telepon ini.</string>
+ <!-- Text sent to the user to alert them that a Terminal Bell is received in a background session -->
+ <string name="notification_text">%1$s wants your attention.</string>
+ <!-- Dialog title when a new version of ConnectBot is detected. -->
+ <string name="upgrade">Versi baru</string>
+ <!-- Button selection to upgrade to the latest ConnectBot when one is available. -->
+ <string name="upgrade_pos">Ya, perbarui</string>
+ <!-- Button selection to skip upgrading to the latest ConnectBot when one is available. -->
+ <string name="upgrade_neg">Jangan sekarang</string>
+ <string name="color_red">merah</string>
+ <string name="color_green">hijau</string>
+ <string name="color_blue">biru</string>
+ <string name="color_gray">abu-abu</string>