path: root/res/values-fr/strings.xml
diff options
authorKenny Root <kenny@the-b.org>2009-06-04 12:06:46 +0000
committerKenny Root <kenny@the-b.org>2009-06-04 12:06:46 +0000
commitca14e9c01156ef9382691f2a431868ab5809c972 (patch)
treebdedc7ffb9f6b8ee964518fd13d51a197e5a6948 /res/values-fr/strings.xml
parent5b0080ba2d8715518e55d151e6ba3f27adbc9fa4 (diff)
Update translations; add Chinese (Traditional)
git-svn-id: https://connectbot.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/connectbot@269 df292f66-193f-0410-a5fc-6d59da041ff2
Diffstat (limited to 'res/values-fr/strings.xml')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-fr/strings.xml b/res/values-fr/strings.xml
index a28c3ad..0311896 100644
--- a/res/values-fr/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-fr/strings.xml
@@ -15,43 +15,43 @@
<string name="title_help">Aide</string>
<string name="resolve_connect">Connexion</string>
- <string name="resolve_entropy">Gather Entropy</string>
+ <string name="resolve_entropy">Génération d'aléatoire</string>
<string name="menu_insert">Ajouter un serveur</string>
<string name="menu_delete">Supprimmer le serveur</string>
<string name="menu_preferences">Préférences</string>
- <string name="help_intro">Please select a topic below for more information on a particular subject.</string>
+ <string name="help_intro">Sélectionnez un sujet ci-dessous pour plus d'informations.</string>
<string name="help_about">À propos de ConnectBot</string>
<string name="help_keyboard">Clavier</string>
<string name="pubkey_generate">Générer</string>
<string name="pubkey_import">Importer</string>
<string name="pubkey_delete">Supprimer la clé</string>
- <string name="pubkey_gather_entropy">Gathering Entropy</string>
- <string name="pubkey_touch_prompt">Touch this box to gather randomness: %1$d%% done</string>
- <string name="pubkey_touch_hint">In order to assure randomness during the key generation, move your finger randomly over the box below.</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_gather_entropy">Génération d'aléatoire</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_touch_prompt">Touchez cette boîte pour récupérer un nombre aléatoire : %1$d%% fait</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_touch_hint">Afin d'assurer la qualité des nombres aléatoires utilisés pendant la génération de la clé, merci de bouger votre doigt de façon aléatoire sur la boîte ci-dessous.</string>
<string name="pubkey_generating">Génération de la paire de clés en cours...</string>
<string name="pubkey_copy_private">Copier la clé privée</string>
<string name="pubkey_copy_public">Copier la clé publique</string>
- <string name="pubkey_list_empty">Tap "Menu" to create\nor import key pairs.</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_list_empty">Cliquer sur le "Menu" pour créer\nou importer des paires de clés.</string>
<string name="pubkey_unknown_format">Format inconnu</string>
<string name="pubkey_change_password">Changer le mot de passe</string>
<string name="pubkey_list_pick">Récupérer depuis /sdcard</string>
- <string name="pubkey_import_parse_problem">Problem parsing imported private key</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_import_parse_problem">Problème lors de l'import de la clé privée</string>
<string name="pubkey_unlock">Déverrouiller la clé</string>
- <string name="pubkey_failed_add">Bad password for key '%1$s'. Authentication failed.</string>
- <string name="pubkey_memory_load">Charger en mémoire</string>
- <string name="pubkey_memory_unload">Unload from memory</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_failed_add">Mot de passe incorrect pour la clef '%1$s'. Authentification incorrecte.</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_memory_load">Chargée en mémoire</string>
+ <string name="pubkey_memory_unload">Effacée de la mémoire</string>
<string name="pubkey_load_on_start">Charger la clé au démarrage</string>
- <string name="portforward_list_empty">Tap "Menu" to create\nport forwards.</string>
- <string name="portforward_edit">Edit port forward</string>
- <string name="portforward_delete">Delete port forward</string>
+ <string name="portforward_list_empty">Appuyez sur "Menu" pour créer\ndes redirections de port.</string>
+ <string name="portforward_edit">Editez la redirection de port</string>
+ <string name="portforward_delete">Effacez la redirection de port</string>
<string name="prompt_nickname">Pseudo</string>
<!-- An example string that could be used as a nickname for a pubkey. -->
- <string name="prompt_nickname_hint_pubkey">ma clé professionnelle</string>
+ <string name="prompt_nickname_hint_pubkey">Ma clé de travail</string>
<!-- The source TCP port for port forwards. -->
<string name="prompt_source_port">Port source:</string>
<!-- The "host:port" combination used for port forward destinations. -->
@@ -70,31 +70,31 @@
<string name="prompt_pubkey_password">Mot de passe pour la clé '%1$s'</string>
<!-- The header of the warning a user gets when the host key has changed. Note that this can be a very serious attack, so we try to be as "loud" to the user as possible. -->
- <string name="host_verification_failure_warning_header">WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!</string>
+ <string name="host_verification_failure_warning_header">ATTENTION : L'IDENTIFICATION DE L'HOTE DISTANT A CHANGEE !</string>
<!-- The body of the warning a user gets when the host key has changed. Note that this can be a very serious attack, so we try to be as "loud" to the user as possible. -->
- <string name="host_verification_failure_warning">IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOMEONE IS DOING SOMETHING NASTY!\nSomeone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!\nIt is also possible that the host key has just been changed.</string>
+ <string name="host_verification_failure_warning">IL EST POSSIBLE QUE QUELQU'UN FASSE QUELQUE CHOSE DE NUISIBLE !\nQuelqu'un pourrait vous écouter en ce moment (attaque de l'homme du milieu) !\nIl est aussi possible que la clé du serveur ait juste changée.</string>
<!-- Prompt user gets when the remote host has disconnected unexpectedly. -->
- <string name="prompt_host_disconnected">Host has disconnected.\nClose session?</string>
+ <string name="prompt_host_disconnected">L'hôte s'est deconnecté.\nFermer la session?</string>
<!-- Prompt user must answer yes or no to when the remote host fails verification of encryption fingerprint -->
- <string name="prompt_continue_connecting">Are you sure you want\nto continue connecting?</string>
+ <string name="prompt_continue_connecting">Etes-vous sur de vouloir\ncontinuer à vous connecter ?</string>
<!-- Sent to user when the remote public encryption key fingerprint doesn't match the local database -->
<string name="host_authenticity_warning">L'autenthicité du serveur '%1$s' ne peut être établie.</string>
<!-- First field is encryption algorithm. Second is the actual fingerprint in hex digits -->
- <string name="host_fingerprint">Host %1$s key fingerprint is %2$s</string>
+ <string name="host_fingerprint">L'empreinte de la clé du serveur %1$s est %2$s</string>
<string name="alert_passwords_do_not_match_msg">Les mots de passe diffèrent!</string>
<string name="alert_wrong_password_msg">Mauvais mot de passe</string>
- <string name="alert_key_corrupted_msg">Private key appears corrupt!</string>
- <string name="alert_sdcard_absent">SD card is not inserted!</string>
+ <string name="alert_key_corrupted_msg">La clé privée semble corrompue!</string>
+ <string name="alert_sdcard_absent">Pas de carte SD dans le lecteur !</string>
<!-- Add a new item (e.g., host or pubkey) to the list. -->
<string name="button_add">Ajouter</string>
<!-- Change an existing item's (e.g., host or pubkey) details. -->
<string name="button_change">Changer</string>
<!-- Button that begins the generation of a public key pair. -->
- <string name="button_generate">Generate Key</string>
+ <string name="button_generate">Générer clé</string>
<!-- Button that resizes the screen to the user-specified dimensions. -->
<string name="button_resize">Redimensionner</string>
@@ -106,58 +106,58 @@
Updating is update by the ant task "update-version" in build.xml
Do not translate.
- <string name="msg_version">ConnectBot (working copy)</string>
+ <string name="msg_version">ConnectBot (copie de travail)</string>
<!-- The category title for terminal emulation preferences. -->
- <string name="pref_emulation_category">Terminal emulation</string>
+ <string name="pref_emulation_category">Emulation du mode terminal</string>
<!-- Name for the emulation terminal type preference. -->
- <string name="pref_emulation_title">Emulation mode</string>
+ <string name="pref_emulation_title">Mode d'emulation</string>
<!-- Description of the emulation terminal type preference. -->
- <string name="pref_emulation_summary">Terminal emulation mode to use for PTY connections</string>
+ <string name="pref_emulation_summary">Mode d'emulation du terminal à utiliser pour les connexions PTY</string>
<!-- Name for the scrollback size preference -->
- <string name="pref_scrollback_title">Scrollback size</string>
+ <string name="pref_scrollback_title">Taille de la mémoire de parcours arrière</string>
<!-- Description of the scrollback size preference -->
- <string name="pref_scrollback_summary">Size of scrollback buffer to keep in memory for each console</string>
+ <string name="pref_scrollback_summary">Taille de la mémoire de parcours arrière à garder en mémoire pour chaque console</string>
<!-- The category title for user interface preferences -->
- <string name="pref_ui_category">User interface</string>
+ <string name="pref_ui_category">Interface utilisateur</string>
<!-- Name for the rotation mode preference -->
- <string name="pref_rotation_title">Rotation mode</string>
+ <string name="pref_rotation_title">Mode de rotation</string>
<!-- Summary for the rotation mode preference -->
- <string name="pref_rotation_summary">How to change rotation when keyboard popped in/out</string>
+ <string name="pref_rotation_summary">Comment changer l'orientation de l'écran quand le clavier est deplié ou non</string>
<!-- Name for the full screen preference -->
<string name="pref_fullscreen_title">Plein écran</string>
<!-- Summary for the full screen preference -->
- <string name="pref_fullscreen_summary">Hide status bar while in console</string>
+ <string name="pref_fullscreen_summary">Cacher la barre de status lorsque la console est active</string>
<!-- Name for the memorize keys preference -->
- <string name="pref_memkeys_title">Remember keys in memory</string>
+ <string name="pref_memkeys_title">Garder les clés en mémoire</string>
<!-- Summary for the memorize keys preference -->
- <string name="pref_memkeys_summary">Keep unlocked keys in memory until backend service is terminated</string>
+ <string name="pref_memkeys_summary">Garder les clés débloquées en mémoire tant que le service tourne en arrière plan</string>
<!-- Name for the update check preference -->
- <string name="pref_update_title">Update check</string>
+ <string name="pref_update_title">Vérifier les mises à jour</string>
<!-- Summary for the update check preference -->
- <string name="pref_update_summary">Set the maximum frequency to check for ConnectBot updates</string>
+ <string name="pref_update_summary">Régler la fréquence de vérification pour les mise à jour de ConnectBot</string>
<!-- Name for the keyboard shortcuts preference -->
- <string name="pref_keymode_title">Directory shortcuts</string>
+ <string name="pref_keymode_title">Raccourcis de navigation</string>
<!-- Summary for the keyboard shortcuts preference -->
- <string name="pref_keymode_summary">Select how to use Alt for '/' and Shift for Tab</string>
+ <string name="pref_keymode_summary">Définir quel couple de touche Alt et Shift utiliser pour '/' et Tab</string>
<!-- Name for the camera shortcut usage preference -->
- <string name="pref_camera_title">Camera shortcut</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_title">Raccourci du bouton Camera</string>
<!-- Summary for the camera shortcut usage preference -->
- <string name="pref_camera_summary">Select which shortcut to trigger when the camera button is pushed</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_summary">Sélectionnez le raccourci à exécuter quand le bouton camera est pressé</string>
<!-- Name for the keep screen on preference -->
- <string name="pref_keepalive_title">Keep screen awake</string>
+ <string name="pref_keepalive_title">Garder l'écran allumé</string>
<!-- Summary for the camera shortcut usage preference -->
- <string name="pref_keepalive_summary">Prevent the screen from turning off when working in a console</string>
+ <string name="pref_keepalive_summary">Empêcher la mise en veille de l'écran pendant une session console</string>
<!-- Name for the Wi-Fi lock preference -->
<string name="pref_wifilock_title">Garder le Wi-Fi actif</string>
@@ -165,16 +165,33 @@
<string name="pref_wifilock_summary">Empêcher la désactivation du Wi-Fi quand une session est active</string>
<!-- Name for the haptic feedback (bumpy arrow) preference -->
- <string name="pref_bumpyarrows_title">Bumpy arrows</string>
+ <string name="pref_bumpyarrows_title">Flêches vibrantes</string>
<!-- Summary for the haptic feedback (bumpy arrow) preference -->
- <string name="pref_bumpyarrows_summary">Vibrer lors de l'envoi d'une touche directionnelle à partir du trackball</string>
+ <string name="pref_bumpyarrows_summary">Vibrer lors de l'envoi d'une touche directionnelle à partir du trackball ; intéressant pour les connexions lentes</string>
+ <!-- Category title for the Terminal Bell preferences -->
+ <string name="pref_bell_category">Cloche du terminal</string>
+ <!-- Checkbox preference title for the audible terminal bell feature -->
+ <string name="pref_bell_title">Audible bell</string>
+ <!-- Title for the slider preference to set the volume -->
+ <string name="pref_bell_volume_title">Bell volume</string>
+ <!-- Checkbox preference title for the vibrate on terminal bell feature -->
+ <string name="pref_bell_vibrate_title">Vibrate on bell</string>
+ <!-- Checkbox preference title for the receive notifications on terminal bell feature -->
+ <string name="pref_bell_notification_title">Background notifications</string>
+ <!-- Brief summary of the feature that is enabled when the checkbox preference for the receive notifications on terminal bell feature is checked -->
+ <string name="pref_bell_notification_summary">Send notification when a terminal running in the background sounds a bell.</string>
<!-- Preference selection to indicate use of right side of keyboard for special shortcuts. -->
<string name="list_keymode_right">Use right-side keys</string>
<!-- Preference selection to indicate use of left side of keyboard for special shortcuts. -->
<string name="list_keymode_left">Use left-side keys</string>
<!-- Preference selection to indicate never to use special shortcut keys. -->
- <string name="list_keymode_none">Disable</string>
+ <string name="list_keymode_none">Désactiver</string>
<!-- Preference to not use pubkeys to authenticate to this host. -->
<string name="list_pubkeyids_none">Do not use keys</string>
@@ -218,7 +235,7 @@
<string name="hostpref_encoding_summary">Character encoding for the host</string>
<!-- Host preference category title for connection settings -->
- <string name="hostpref_connection_category">Connection settings</string>
+ <string name="hostpref_connection_category">Paramètre de connexion</string>
<!-- Username field title for host editor preference -->
<string name="hostpref_username_title">Nom d'utilisateur</string>
@@ -334,6 +351,9 @@
<string name="local_shell_unavailable">Failure! Local shell is unavailable on this phone.</string>
+ <!-- Text sent to the user to alert them that a Terminal Bell is received in a background session -->
+ <string name="notification_text">%1$s wants your attention.</string>
<!-- Dialog title when a new version of ConnectBot is detected. -->
<string name="upgrade">Nouvelle version</string>
<!-- Button selection to upgrade to the latest ConnectBot when one is available. -->