path: root/web/src/vendor/benchmark/README.md
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-# Benchmark.js <sup>v1.0.0</sup>
-A [robust](http://calendar.perfplanet.com/2010/bulletproof-javascript-benchmarks/ "Bulletproof JavaScript benchmarks") benchmarking library that works on nearly all JavaScript platforms<sup><a name="fnref1" href="#fn1">1</a></sup>, supports high-resolution timers, and returns statistically significant results. As seen on [jsPerf](http://jsperf.com/).
-## Download
- * [Development source](https://raw.github.com/bestiejs/benchmark.js/v1.0.0/benchmark.js)
-## Dive in
-We’ve got [API docs](http://benchmarkjs.com/docs) and [unit tests](http://benchmarkjs.com/tests).
-For a list of upcoming features, check out our [roadmap](https://github.com/bestiejs/benchmark.js/wiki/Roadmap).
-## Support
-Benchmark.js has been tested in at least Adobe AIR 3.1, Chrome 5-21, Firefox 1.5-13, IE 6-9, Opera 9.25-12.01, Safari 3-6, Node.js 0.8.6, Narwhal 0.3.2, RingoJS 0.8, and Rhino 1.7RC5.
-## Installation and usage
-In a browser or Adobe AIR:
-<script src="benchmark.js"></script>
-Optionally, expose Java’s nanosecond timer by adding the `nano` applet to the `<body>`:
-<applet code="nano" archive="nano.jar"></applet>
-Or enable Chrome’s microsecond timer by using the [command line switch](http://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/#enable-benchmarking):
- --enable-benchmarking
-Via [npm](http://npmjs.org/):
-npm install benchmark
-In [Node.js](http://nodejs.org/) and [RingoJS v0.8.0+](http://ringojs.org/):
-var Benchmark = require('benchmark');
-Optionally, use the [microtime module](https://github.com/wadey/node-microtime) by Wade Simmons:
-npm install microtime
-In [RingoJS v0.7.0-](http://ringojs.org/):
-var Benchmark = require('benchmark').Benchmark;
-In [Rhino](http://www.mozilla.org/rhino/):
-In an AMD loader like [RequireJS](http://requirejs.org/):
- 'paths': {
- 'benchmark': 'path/to/benchmark'
- }
-['benchmark'], function(Benchmark) {
- console.log(Benchmark.version);
-// or with platform.js
-// https://github.com/bestiejs/platform.js
- 'paths': {
- 'benchmark': 'path/to/benchmark',
- 'platform': 'path/to/platform'
- }
-['benchmark', 'platform'], function(Benchmark, platform) {
- Benchmark.platform = platform;
- console.log(Benchmark.platform.name);
-Usage example:
-var suite = new Benchmark.Suite;
-// add tests
-suite.add('RegExp#test', function() {
- /o/.test('Hello World!');
-.add('String#indexOf', function() {
- 'Hello World!'.indexOf('o') > -1;
-// add listeners
-.on('cycle', function(event) {
- console.log(String(event.target));
-.on('complete', function() {
- console.log('Fastest is ' + this.filter('fastest').pluck('name'));
-// run async
-.run({ 'async': true });
-// logs:
-// > RegExp#test x 4,161,532 +-0.99% (59 cycles)
-// > String#indexOf x 6,139,623 +-1.00% (131 cycles)
-// > Fastest is String#indexOf
-## BestieJS
-Benchmark.js is part of the BestieJS *"Best in Class"* module collection. This means we promote solid browser/environment support, ES5 precedents, unit testing, and plenty of documentation.
-## Authors
-* [Mathias Bynens](http://mathiasbynens.be/)
- [![twitter/mathias](http://gravatar.com/avatar/24e08a9ea84deb17ae121074d0f17125?s=70)](https://twitter.com/mathias "Follow @mathias on Twitter")
-* [John-David Dalton](http://allyoucanleet.com/)
- [![twitter/jdalton](http://gravatar.com/avatar/299a3d891ff1920b69c364d061007043?s=70)](https://twitter.com/jdalton "Follow @jdalton on Twitter")
-## Contributors
-* [Kit Cambridge](http://kitcambridge.github.com/)
- [![twitter/kitcambridge](http://gravatar.com/avatar/6662a1d02f351b5ef2f8b4d815804661?s=70)](https://twitter.com/kitcambridge "Follow @kitcambridge on Twitter")