path: root/release
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'release')
4 files changed, 251 insertions, 266 deletions
diff --git a/release/ci.py b/release/ci.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..5d9678de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release/ci.py
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import contextlib
+import os
+import platform
+import re
+import sys
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import tarfile
+import zipfile
+from os.path import join, abspath, dirname, exists, basename
+import click
+# https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide.html#windows-notes
+# scripts and executables on Windows go in ENV\Scripts\ instead of ENV/bin/
+if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ VENV_BIN = "Scripts"
+ # PyInstaller < 3.2 does not handle Python 3.5's ucrt correctly.
+ "-p", r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Redist\ucrt\DLLs\x86",
+ ]
+ VENV_BIN = "bin"
+# ZipFile and tarfile have slightly different APIs. Fix that.
+if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ def Archive(name):
+ a = zipfile.ZipFile(name, "w")
+ a.add = a.write
+ return a
+ def Archive(name):
+ return tarfile.open(name, "w:gz")
+ "Darwin": "osx",
+ "Windows": "windows",
+ "Linux": "linux",
+}.get(platform.system(), platform.system())
+ROOT_DIR = abspath(join(dirname(__file__), ".."))
+RELEASE_DIR = join(ROOT_DIR, "release")
+BUILD_DIR = join(RELEASE_DIR, "build")
+DIST_DIR = join(RELEASE_DIR, "dist")
+# PyInstaller 3.2 does not bundle pydivert's Windivert binaries
+PYINSTALLER_TEMP = join(BUILD_DIR, "pyinstaller")
+VENV_DIR = join(BUILD_DIR, "venv")
+# Project Configuration
+SNAPSHOT_BRANCHES = ["master", "updocs"]
+VERSION_FILE = join(ROOT_DIR, "mitmproxy", "version.py")
+ "mitmproxy": ["mitmproxy", "mitmdump", "mitmweb"],
+ "pathod": ["pathoc", "pathod"]
+if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ BDISTS["mitmproxy"].remove("mitmproxy")
+TOOLS = [
+ tool
+ for tools in sorted(BDISTS.values())
+ for tool in tools
+if os.environ.get("TRAVIS_TAG", None):
+ VERSION = os.environ["TRAVIS_TAG"]
+elif os.environ.get("TRAVIS_BRANCH", None) in SNAPSHOT_BRANCHES:
+ VERSION = os.environ["TRAVIS_BRANCH"]
+ print("Branch %s is not buildabranch - exiting." % os.environ.get("TRAVIS_BRANCH", None))
+ sys.exit(0)
+def set_version(dev: bool) -> None:
+ """
+ Update version information in mitmproxy's version.py to either include hardcoded information or not.
+ """
+ version = get_version(dev, dev)
+ with open(VERSION_FILE, "r") as f:
+ content = f.read()
+ content = re.sub(r'^VERSION = ".+?"', 'VERSION = "{}"'.format(version), content, flags=re.M)
+ with open(VERSION_FILE, "w") as f:
+ f.write(content)
+def archive_name(bdist: str) -> str:
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ ext = "zip"
+ else:
+ ext = "tar.gz"
+ return "{project}-{version}-{platform}.{ext}".format(
+ project=bdist,
+ version=VERSION,
+ platform=PLATFORM_TAG,
+ ext=ext
+ )
+def wheel_name() -> str:
+ return "mitmproxy-{version}-py3-none-any.whl".format(version=VERSION)
+def installer_name() -> str:
+ ext = {
+ "Windows": "exe",
+ "Darwin": "dmg",
+ "Linux": "run"
+ }[platform.system()]
+ return "mitmproxy-{version}-{platform}-installer.{ext}".format(
+ version=VERSION,
+ platform=PLATFORM_TAG,
+ ext=ext,
+ )
+def chdir(path: str):
+ old_dir = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(path)
+ yield
+ os.chdir(old_dir)
+def cli():
+ """
+ mitmproxy build tool
+ """
+ pass
+def info():
+ print("Version: %s" % VERSION)
+def make_wheel():
+ """
+ Build a Python wheel
+ """
+ set_version(True)
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_call([
+ "tox", "-e", "wheel",
+ ], env={
+ **os.environ,
+ })
+ finally:
+ set_version(False)
+def build():
+ """
+ Build a binary distribution
+ """
+ if exists(PYINSTALLER_TEMP):
+ shutil.rmtree(PYINSTALLER_TEMP)
+ if exists(PYINSTALLER_DIST):
+ shutil.rmtree(PYINSTALLER_DIST)
+ os.makedirs(DIST_DIR, exist_ok=True)
+ for bdist, tools in sorted(BDISTS.items()):
+ with Archive(join(DIST_DIR, archive_name(bdist))) as archive:
+ for tool in tools:
+ # We can't have a folder and a file with the same name.
+ if tool == "mitmproxy":
+ tool = "mitmproxy_main"
+ # This is PyInstaller, so it messes up paths.
+ # We need to make sure that we are in the spec folder.
+ with chdir(PYINSTALLER_SPEC):
+ print("Building %s binary..." % tool)
+ excludes = []
+ if tool != "mitmweb":
+ excludes.append("mitmproxy.tools.web")
+ if tool != "mitmproxy_main":
+ excludes.append("mitmproxy.tools.console")
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ [
+ "pyinstaller",
+ "--clean",
+ "--workpath", PYINSTALLER_TEMP,
+ "--distpath", PYINSTALLER_DIST,
+ "--additional-hooks-dir", PYINSTALLER_HOOKS,
+ "--onefile",
+ "--console",
+ "--icon", "icon.ico",
+ # This is PyInstaller, so setting a
+ # different log level obviously breaks it :-)
+ # "--log-level", "WARN",
+ ]
+ + [x for e in excludes for x in ["--exclude-module", e]]
+ + [tool]
+ )
+ # Delete the spec file - we're good without.
+ os.remove("{}.spec".format(tool))
+ # Test if it works at all O:-)
+ executable = join(PYINSTALLER_DIST, tool)
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ executable += ".exe"
+ # Remove _main suffix from mitmproxy executable
+ if "_main" in executable:
+ shutil.move(
+ executable,
+ executable.replace("_main", "")
+ )
+ executable = executable.replace("_main", "")
+ print("> %s --version" % executable)
+ print(subprocess.check_output([executable, "--version"]).decode())
+ archive.add(executable, basename(executable))
+ print("Packed {}.".format(archive_name(bdist)))
+def upload():
+ """
+ Upload snapshot to snapshot server
+ """
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ [
+ "aws", "s3", "cp",
+ "--acl", "public-read",
+ DIST_DIR + "/",
+ "s3://snapshots.mitmproxy.org/%s/" % VERSION,
+ "--recursive",
+ ]
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ cli()
diff --git a/release/known_hosts.enc b/release/known_hosts.enc
deleted file mode 100644
index 585ee678..00000000
--- a/release/known_hosts.enc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-gAAAAABaTif138dCP2-G3sAJxqh5icnwM0Zy7qh4HFCxeKQBMiVDr4nJyf9T82U677M_QKWRJmp_PsbnrshHXPylq0FuHwak7Yx7kdiLue6d85VQ7_kkMs-MlPM7_Xn54_zyuj1c0b3TVAuix2xHfFLdSd_mCxygFukLzf47OyYbno7lMY_-q0HZfVPz3PBZdk95wDcbYprmgEkVJZd64Tu_LG1JDDiz56LlqADMA4znMcSAoRmbVtHu-II09HMcX3TkmcqJsNv-IVHMs4fxW_DFsq9w5ARggL6ANMfhnFQPyMtgVHjGLkSjOMRshLkQUBVYx8yWEGaQOkP0doVtDS3fZ-MKc6OJC_NSs6gkm1rswjVsQsmgZGPIqjcVf9oCbFYcw0m-JrfB1irdsLoGzpfJaSGxveC7XqOd9ArBpCHFPVO-6ilu-E1qZelvL0HiplrFvJCMEev1U2YvznC1BWKpy81vJfH--64QKZ35yQBHMV_VoH-wi80EfWtz4ISvCMQWdjRAvhLHKHSYYhUSIgBZvCCQcPySdFpbDtwsQnzIqC8MQKG787w1FiYAwzdIHTWZuanENaPMALo0t0GgMSqPV4UUyw7dto8XSMqoUXOCuZNYjunVh7AzAKS7oMUYjDs38o92sWh5sZUpPfv2WYIiecTiQw4uPae7PdSwMhkI3WIOsSb8LURnG484vvgFc2jMpQThw-BHJx7tGYC0yFLouRH2O7m9x6xgiCiVA_u_BdOj_2PFufvOCaB9wno5Vo7C1hUERGWqoBZH0htBqxYci27hh8GFwkvj6OjFUyV_kk920cBYBDG4jS4bTrTzn_znJ9TNw2XkP98nA8cwlRYhDQG9FypJG0WwYkft3TVLSQ3Hq7t0nhvhSZvXts-3LR4S0_Hm0QgFUpUc-VHViinwK8_vQH3ZjvVlEWiXnzPdpAujjX_tQXsi13UE1Zp90wGeLrmdxGXq2K76Shytu8IwTcLNZ7m0jh8KmmfNwn6oZv-czqNmC4hh0OqRDFBrv3nnjDg2Vw74uKSZmXgtZlF_Zj9hPqxVWzj7lJUcyRqABBFbBH6lTSWPHLrzQ4eTex5dnOkXC8c3hRYDUt06xUkmDqaLK0rGFcfNXawZj1YqpUJW0qaNgbtBZRsSs92kblkETxCzcwxOfupmAhWdSkmCoxt019crodz3heREcyN2xcD9qHvdY49_FD3l3U6UhrWvmkDkzyLMd7VmRPWqlW0lkzrwav8e92leIq-xKFcvbnWgSdSCWWbXvIVJKcQ6hML3jX4oY7SoBs33U1Q0HfC7SuS5lqTASuRIOVCfIGeFfRwlIfEszbWg_WDoUjR6StaVq9tbtIC3mimWND82Z9r1NfUNxr8kFYIpH_6hbxhcW26HNBKr4wLxWFFE9l1QZORPM3s6z-lT4LzUPCkFExd_eYFx3X6yUJ3cHZhkQQzCLQqG7jQqvcMwDIfM-MXkJnttLfpBq0yiq0-mc-SEas5uy27iSJgbXnsV7G3YiKEelKW_uWP2bw-rQGG_AXMGNGF2A_aREsvGrEqPnyeHAxfS1bBcnqslpIzEwr9vyyJ5v_bxfHFQC4bwYMUvPGkjHVFc0Wrk7ss9P5Kd1bzh46H7OfroUbocmYBmHMMWEg-LvsG0RZil3KWh_CSyIIPETkDjuC3W7teT-wZK0zbTEaKCuz99Dg-tjzT6fP25ipoI70cX5R3KPwrLP3XNODRTsg_Jh7IpaXo9O3o8yLV9R6_rST_1KKJwzR2MMIXIvKaJQD9w2DZIaYx3tcVsXGCDnU4Tw2hhdB5wMCl3vHx83UHfjLxnc1tJ6ObpQUjwHM1SgHK8wLW409SVHphBbSjSilX5mIaR1S1SOTK53iFj5z6asZHY9JgDj11rng1uLKeirbrNZDnUme3NNYU-HX8Ret6oOesn3374uIHux1giqgR8VsPdkcMhvunx2oTP9R2fRBTSQ8sKNqDznRC8_qlQaRC94RnWO6VRNXVBT24cXq7HTepNp4f02UvUqQRyaIUmyn2S02mjLFECDm1iMxRhuacCKbI-WSKwJcm-7p39_Uh7m_nTl2VTseeQ-3NS6i-BiGmCHt3iDxR1Fkm31b50kWW3jCe6fcwMDeu3I_8mkQs_7mCFUjSDbvFUr2Y45a5guRlw63_KUW_mNN9td9hk8POWfxWEGhcZ9eRXh_eEdEaYZmviZdHi0I8pV52CqiEO-ZrnMw-w4rSpUQeRn9oKwp3GgB9j51RNlLqK9LTp-jfSGGi5GM-ab9sPgFCJLQ-HvHdGu0tQsF2wTD3qbJwNqapx28yNVfY6e8F2jOWjmP-zzFez8VNXcfoS--Ji_zI-VqsDx-cfz3DccWEjL6vjQOvaQTRwzhI7 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/release/rtool.pem b/release/rtool.pem
deleted file mode 100644
index 097dff1a..00000000
--- a/release/rtool.pem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
-DEK-Info: AES-128-CBC,7A4E07094E1AC0B74BB3D172A73A62DB
------END PUBLIC KEY----- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/release/rtool.py b/release/rtool.py
index 25f37e61..0eda7e6c 100755
--- a/release/rtool.py
+++ b/release/rtool.py
@@ -8,14 +8,12 @@ import platform
import re
import runpy
import shlex
-import shutil
import subprocess
import tarfile
import zipfile
-from os.path import join, abspath, dirname, exists, basename
+from os.path import join, abspath, dirname
import click
-import cryptography.fernet
import pysftp
# https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide.html#windows-notes
@@ -86,18 +84,6 @@ def get_version(dev: bool = False, build: bool = False) -> str:
return x["get_version"](dev, build, True)
-def set_version(dev: bool) -> None:
- """
- Update version information in mitmproxy's version.py to either include hardcoded information or not.
- """
- version = get_version(dev, dev)
- with open(VERSION_FILE, "r") as f:
- content = f.read()
- content = re.sub(r'^VERSION = ".+?"', 'VERSION = "{}"'.format(version), content, flags=re.M)
- with open(VERSION_FILE, "w") as f:
- f.write(content)
def archive_name(bdist: str) -> str:
if platform.system() == "Windows":
ext = "zip"
@@ -146,24 +132,6 @@ def cli():
-@click.argument('infile', type=click.File('rb'))
-@click.argument('outfile', type=click.File('wb'))
-@click.argument('key', envvar='RTOOL_KEY')
-def encrypt(infile, outfile, key):
- f = cryptography.fernet.Fernet(key.encode())
- outfile.write(f.encrypt(infile.read()))
-@click.argument('infile', type=click.File('rb'))
-@click.argument('outfile', type=click.File('wb'))
-@click.argument('key', envvar='RTOOL_KEY')
-def decrypt(infile, outfile, key):
- f = cryptography.fernet.Fernet(key.encode())
- outfile.write(f.decrypt(infile.read()))
def contributors():
@@ -176,97 +144,6 @@ def contributors():
-def make_wheel():
- """
- Build a Python wheel
- """
- set_version(True)
- try:
- subprocess.check_call([
- "tox", "-e", "wheel",
- ], env={
- **os.environ,
- "VERSION": get_version(True),
- })
- finally:
- set_version(False)
-def make_bdist():
- """
- Build a binary distribution
- """
- if exists(PYINSTALLER_TEMP):
- shutil.rmtree(PYINSTALLER_TEMP)
- if exists(PYINSTALLER_DIST):
- shutil.rmtree(PYINSTALLER_DIST)
- os.makedirs(DIST_DIR, exist_ok=True)
- for bdist, tools in sorted(BDISTS.items()):
- with Archive(join(DIST_DIR, archive_name(bdist))) as archive:
- for tool in tools:
- # We can't have a folder and a file with the same name.
- if tool == "mitmproxy":
- tool = "mitmproxy_main"
- # This is PyInstaller, so it messes up paths.
- # We need to make sure that we are in the spec folder.
- with chdir(PYINSTALLER_SPEC):
- print("Building %s binary..." % tool)
- excludes = []
- if tool != "mitmweb":
- excludes.append("mitmproxy.tools.web")
- if tool != "mitmproxy_main":
- excludes.append("mitmproxy.tools.console")
- # Overwrite mitmproxy/version.py to include commit info
- set_version(True)
- try:
- subprocess.check_call(
- [
- "pyinstaller",
- "--clean",
- "--workpath", PYINSTALLER_TEMP,
- "--distpath", PYINSTALLER_DIST,
- "--additional-hooks-dir", PYINSTALLER_HOOKS,
- "--onefile",
- "--console",
- "--icon", "icon.ico",
- # This is PyInstaller, so setting a
- # different log level obviously breaks it :-)
- # "--log-level", "WARN",
- ]
- + [x for e in excludes for x in ["--exclude-module", e]]
- + [tool]
- )
- finally:
- set_version(False)
- # Delete the spec file - we're good without.
- os.remove("{}.spec".format(tool))
- # Test if it works at all O:-)
- executable = join(PYINSTALLER_DIST, tool)
- if platform.system() == "Windows":
- executable += ".exe"
- # Remove _main suffix from mitmproxy executable
- if "_main" in executable:
- shutil.move(
- executable,
- executable.replace("_main", "")
- )
- executable = executable.replace("_main", "")
- print("> %s --version" % executable)
- print(subprocess.check_output([executable, "--version"]).decode())
- archive.add(executable, basename(executable))
- print("Packed {}.".format(archive_name(bdist)))
@click.option('--username', prompt=True)
@@ -305,78 +182,5 @@ def homebrew_pr():
-@click.option("--host", envvar="SNAPSHOT_HOST", prompt=True)
-@click.option("--port", envvar="SNAPSHOT_PORT", type=int, default=22)
-@click.option("--user", envvar="SNAPSHOT_USER", prompt=True)
-@click.option("--private-key", default=join(RELEASE_DIR, "rtool.pem"))
-@click.option("--private-key-password", envvar="SNAPSHOT_PASS", prompt=True, hide_input=True)
-@click.option("--wheel/--no-wheel", default=False)
-@click.option("--bdist/--no-bdist", default=False)
-@click.option("--installer/--no-installer", default=False)
-def upload_snapshot(host, port, user, private_key, private_key_password, wheel, bdist, installer):
- """
- Upload snapshot to snapshot server
- """
- cnopts = pysftp.CnOpts(
- knownhosts=join(RELEASE_DIR, 'known_hosts')
- )
- with pysftp.Connection(host=host,
- port=port,
- username=user,
- private_key=private_key,
- private_key_pass=private_key_password,
- cnopts=cnopts) as sftp:
- dir_name = "snapshots/v{}".format(get_version())
- sftp.makedirs(dir_name)
- with sftp.cd(dir_name):
- files = []
- if wheel:
- files.append(wheel_name())
- if bdist:
- for bdist in sorted(BDISTS.keys()):
- files.append(archive_name(bdist))
- if installer:
- files.append(installer_name())
- for f in files:
- local_path = join(DIST_DIR, f)
- remote_filename = re.sub(
- r"{version}(\.dev\d+(-0x[0-9a-f]+)?)?".format(version=get_version()),
- get_version(True, True),
- f
- )
- symlink_path = "../{}".format(f.replace(get_version(), "latest"))
- # Upload new version
- print("Uploading {} as {}...".format(f, remote_filename))
- with click.progressbar(length=os.stat(local_path).st_size) as bar:
- # We hide the file during upload
- sftp.put(
- local_path,
- "." + remote_filename,
- callback=lambda done, total: bar.update(done - bar.pos)
- )
- # Delete old versions
- old_version = f.replace(get_version(), "*")
- for f_old in sftp.listdir():
- if fnmatch.fnmatch(f_old, old_version):
- print("Removing {}...".format(f_old))
- sftp.remove(f_old)
- # Show new version
- sftp.rename("." + remote_filename, remote_filename)
- # update symlink for the latest release
- if sftp.lexists(symlink_path):
- print("Removing {}...".format(symlink_path))
- sftp.remove(symlink_path)
- if f != wheel_name():
- # "latest" isn't a proper wheel version, so this could not be installed.
- # https://github.com/mitmproxy/mitmproxy/issues/1065
- sftp.symlink("v{}/{}".format(get_version(), remote_filename), symlink_path)
if __name__ == "__main__":